#''And how many men before (good anarchy men)...''
fountainpenguin · 8 months
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"And the women, they all pity me... because I'm married, but not in love! Frozen at the center...?" (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 20 - “Sizzle (Grian, Scar)”
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Grian makes plans to set SnifferMyFeet up on a date, then buys some very special bread. Scar comes home to a wrecked apartment and confronts the gingerbread-loving demon in his closet. Just your average Traffic SMP fanfic- nothing to see here.
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
Status: Dear, bewildered, and awkward
💙  🧡  💚
Grian leaves a very special cloak hanging in the closet of Lounge 3LF specifically for full moon nights. It's black and heavy. Not at all as flamboyant as he'd like, and decorations would certainly make it more fun. The biggest thing that mars the inky blackness is the giant red symbol on the back: a circle with a slash down the center. More red marks, spaced a few centimeters apart, wrap the hems of his sleeves. He's got one on each shoulder too, and it's really not flattering…
… but the stifling, peculiar nature of it is really the whole point. It's a full moon tonight, you know.
Grian wraps it around his shoulders and clicks the silver clasp at the front. The thick cloak is padded (on the off chance anyone nips him with teeth or claws). It's not armor, but he can't use his wings like this. It'd be a massive liability in a fight, but it dulls the color and rustle of his feathers, and it's excellent at diverting the eye of anyone who's out tonight seeking visual or auditory courting cues.
TwoMuchGrian's still fussing with his feathers, scowling in the mirror. Pearl and Jimmy don their black and red cloaks in turn. Martyn, for the first time Grian can remember, struts from the lobby without one. Grian tries not to notice anybody else. He flips up the hood, smothering his hair. He pauses for Two so they can leave together. While waiting, he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror and almost snorts.
Nah, certainly not flattering… but totally effective. I wouldn't flirt with me either tonight.
The lanterns and copper bulbs that glow inside the multiplayer hub stay fluorescently bright all night long. Defining "night" is difficult in the underground, especially with time zones from around the world all dumped in one small perimeter. The Between dimension keeps chugging along anyway.
As Grian leaves the multiplayer zone, stepping out into the bedrock streets, the clock tower chimes to signal 12k ticks. Out there, above ground, the world's officially bathed in pink and orange sunset lighting. So they say, anyway. Hmm… Grian tips back his head, gripping the hood in both hands. He pulls the fabric downward so it digs against his pores.
He breathes.
New Star Station's bustling tonight. The city population ebbs and flows with account activity at the best (and worst) of times, but for now, chattering voices ripple through the air. Happy, friendly people bounce along wherever they want to go.
Pearl brushes past him then, sending one last I'm sorry grimace with her mouth and eyes. Grian nods back to indicate All good. Each moon phase stretches out for four days in Between, and tonight's the second one in the batch. The pull against his fluffing scarlet feathers is much, much stronger now than it was on Monday. It prickles over every shaft and barb.
Since neither he nor Pearl care for random hook-ups, they usually go out for food together or catch a movie on nights like tonight. It depends what's going on with Hermitcraft. Really, Grian doesn't make a habit of jumping online for projects immediately after an exhausting Life series recording session like this one. He usually gets Pearl's second full moon night- Gem and Impulse hang out with her on the third.
But tonight, Pearl has a refugee at her place… and not exactly someone he's thrilled to go looking for. His last encounter with EthoCam (Sorry… Rhetoric) left a less than pleasant aftertaste behind. At that thought, Grian stares down the dimly lit street, letting his eyes fall halfway shut.
I need to warn SnifferMyFeet not to go near him…
Maybe another time. Maybe when it isn't the full moon. Vex posture and flaunt themselves like mad this time of the month. Sniff might bite, and that's really not something he's in the mood for. There's still server clean-up to do on Hermitcraft. He's been meaning to add a nicer bridge design to the dolphin path. Maybe he'll send Scar a whisper in a bit.
He rocks forward, setting a brisk pace down the street. Blaze powder and slime balls are already mixing into magma cream on the bedrock. Two drifts after him without touching the ground. As much faith as Grian likes to put in the 'Not on the market tonight' cloak designs, it's an extra blanket of reassurance (like a knock to the head) knowing his twin's there to watch his back. Two might split off for some flirting later on, but it's nice of him to walk him home.
His comm buzzes, rattling up his arm like a shockwave. Grian looks down.
TwoMuchGrian: are we going to bigb's?
"… No, not tonight. Just back to our place."
Cheery people flit around on feet and wings. Some dress in 'No' cloaks and chat anyway, just excited to catch up while they have the chance. Some hook their arms around those of friends or acquaintances they've got their eye on for the evening. Strangers, maybe (some of them). No love hearts flicker in the cracks and crevices, but the warm eyes and friendly laughs say just as much.
It's an early courting night. It's posture. It's a show. Expect a few fights to break out tomorrow morning as people settle in and get more cherry-choosey, fussing over the partners they want to keep for the next 100 days. The block turns next Wednesday or Thursday. Scar won't even hunt until a couple nights into the full moon. He says souls taste better when they're satisfied on their post-loving time high, and they put up less of a fight.
Loving time. Sure.
So… What's everybody doing if these were never real hook-ups to begin with? No kisses. No nothing. His digital, programmed peers have no need nor desire to reproduce. All these empty courtship tugs they feel beneath the full moon just lead to… nothing.
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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whencyclopedia · 1 month
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Whiskey Rebellion
The Whiskey Rebellion was a violent uprising that occurred in western Pennsylvania in 1794, in opposition to an excise tax on liquor. After anti-tax protestors assaulted federal tax collectors and threatened to march on Pittsburgh, President George Washington (served 1789-1797) raised a federalized militia that swiftly suppressed the insurrection. The incident strengthened the authority of the United States federal government.
Alexander Hamilton had proposed an excise on distilled spirits to fund his ambitious economic program, which was enacted by Congress in 1791. This so-called 'Whiskey Act' proved unpopular, particularly among the small farmers living on the western frontiers of the United States. Liquor was an important commodity in the West, where many farmers operated small stills and used liquor as an informal currency; the new excise tax was something that many of them could not afford. Protests broke out in 1792 and 1793, with much of the rhetoric accusing Hamilton and his nationalist Federalist Party of being aristocrats who sought to use the tax to subjugate the small western farmers and deprive them of their liberties. The Federalists, for their part, accused the protestors of fomenting anarchy and urged President Washington to take decisive action.
The anti-tax protests escalated in the summer of 1794 when protestors attacked the home of a federal tax collector before demonstrating on Braddock's Field outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where they talked of attacking the federal garrison in the city. Washington finally yielded to his Federalist advisors and called up a federalized militia to suppress the rebellion. Led by Hamilton and Virginia governor 'Light-Horse' Henry Lee III, the 12,950-man militia army marched through western Pennsylvania in October 1794, with all opposition melting before it. This show of military force ended the Whiskey Rebellion and proved that under the new Constitution, the federal government was strong enough to enforce adherence to its laws. However, the government's aggressive response unnerved many Anti-Federalists, who feared the growing authority of the national government. This controversy contributed to the rise of the Democratic-Republican Party in opposition to the Federalists, ushering in the birth of political partisanship in the United States.
The Whiskey Act
In the aftermath of the American Revolution (1765-1789), the fledgling United States was saddled with a mountain of debt. The national government owed $54 million in debt, while the states collectively owed an additional $24 million – such had been the "price of liberty", as Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury for the Washington administration, remarked in the opening pages of his Report on Public Credit (Chernow, 297). While other men may have balked in the face of such an overwhelming amount of debt, Hamilton smelled opportunity. In his report, submitted to Congress in January 1790, he recommended consolidating national and state debt into a single sum to be paid off by the federal government; this would have the dual effect of establishing public credit while increasing the legitimacy of the federal government. Although the plan sparked fierce debate and was hotly opposed by Anti-Federalists, it was nevertheless approved by Congress in the summer of 1790.
It was now left for Hamilton to figure out exactly how the federal government was supposed to start paying off such an exorbitant sum. The existing duties on foreign imports, which at the time made up the primary source of income for the federal government, were already as high as Hamilton dared raise them but were still insufficient to fund his ambitious financial program. The only feasible solution was to implement some kind of excise tax on domestically manufactured goods. Although the new United States Constitution granted Congress the power to levy excise taxes, it was abundantly clear that such a move would be unpopular; so soon after the Revolution, many Americans still associated direct taxation with tyranny. Still, Hamilton sorely needed the revenue an excise tax would bring. He believed that a tax on distilled spirits would be less objectionable to the public than a similar tax on other goods; to sway the public to his side, he framed it as a 'sin tax' that would reduce Americans' consumption of hard liquors and had physicians speak out on the harmful effects of alcohol. Despite the skepticism in Congress over Hamilton's so-called 'Whiskey Act', the bill was passed in March 1791.
Hamilton had known that the Whiskey Act would be controversial, but he had not anticipated just how outraged many Americans would be, particularly among the settlers along the country's western frontier. The land to the west of the Appalachian Mountains was still sparsely settled by white settlers; indeed, the largest western settlements still had only a few hundred permanent residents, and the few roads that existed were poorly maintained. As a result, small western farmers, who made a living growing crops like corn, rye, and grain, had difficulty bringing their produce to market. Oftentimes, their goods would spoil before they could get to a settlement large enough to find buyers. To combat this, many farmers distilled their grain into liquor, which was much easier to transport and preserve. The practice became so widespread that by the 1790s, most western farmers operated small stills, and liquor was often used as an informal currency.
Alexander Hamilton
John Trumbull (Public Domain)
The Whiskey Act, therefore, was widely viewed as an attack on the livelihoods of western farmers, many of whom could not afford to pay the tax. Critics likened the tax to the hated Stamp Act of 1765, which had been one of the catalysts for the American Revolution. One pamphleteer accused Hamilton and his Federalist followers of "wishing to imitate the corrupt principles of the court of Great Britain" by introducing such an excise tax (quoted in Chernow, 469). Many saw the Whiskey Act as an attempt by the central government to extend its tendrils of power into the West and force the frontiersmen to feel the authority of Congress. Protestors began to accuse the federal government of being run by "aristocrats" and "moneyed men" who sought to deprive them of their liberties (Wood, 136). This kind of rhetoric brewed fear, which in turn led to instances of violence; as had happened to the British stamp distributors three decades before, federal tax collectors became the targets of unruly mobs, which threatened to beat, whip, or tar and feather them. In August 1792, Colonel John Neville, the federal tax collector in Pennsylvania, was accosted by one such mob which promised to "scalp him, tar and feather him, and finally reduce his house and property to ashes" should he go ahead and collect the whiskey tax (Chernow, 469).
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rhaenin-time · 7 months
I worry that someone will capitalize on HotD by adapting The Anarchy into a historical fiction movie/show.
There's so much potential there: Empress Matilda fighting to be queen regnant in her own right — with her bastard brother (one of the most powerful and respected lords in the kingdom) as her right hand man. Versus not just her cousin, but his queen consort, Queen Matilda. Whom at one point, when Stephen was captured, was leading the cause on her husband's behalf.
That's right, Matilda vs. Matilda. One fighting for her own power, another for her husband's. To be forever compared and contrasted as the good woman and the troublesome one. At one point not only heading their causes against each other, but negotiating with each other when each takes their highest ranking male hostage.
It would be fascinating to explore how these two women were treated differently, are still treated differently.
Even though a Queen Regnant was unheard of, there was also no law against it (sound familiar?) Which meant that she was subjected to misogyny in a lot of insidious, "It's not because she's a woman; it's because she's a BAD woman," kind of ways. People would point to other reasons to obfuscate their true objection. You know, because that's how the patriarchy works.
One of my favourite examples is when Stephen's faction argued that, because her mother spent so much time at a convent as a young woman, that actually made her practically a nun. Which meant she had not been eligible to wed and therefore Matilda was a bastard with no claim to inheritance — even though not only had her father willed the throne to her, but no one objected to the fact that her father had given lands and titles to many of his actual bastards.
Empress Matilda was held to incredibly impossible standards. Not just by the people around her, but by historians. I mean, before her first husband died, she ran the Holy Roman Empire not just as his regent but later as dowager empress to stabilize the transition. She was, for good reason, confident in her abilities and for that, probably the word most associated with her is "haughty." She eventually stepped aside for her own son so her faction could make a truce with Stephen — who would remain king but adopt her son as his heir above his own trueborn sons (a + point for Laenor/Rhaenyra there). And still in her old age, people would come away from interactions with her saying she had tyrant vibes.
So why am I worried?
Because in the name of doing a 'feminist' adaptation, they will absolutely make it the story of two Matildas who were secretly and impossibly best friends when they were younger and all they want is PEACE! Queen Matilda didn't even want the throne dammit! She just went along with her husband like a good woman. She just listened to the Church after that! Empress Matilda didn't want to fight for her throne! It was all her bastard brother, Robert Of Gloucester! He just wanted to be able to rule through his sister!
Women are peaceful creatures! If only men would listen to them! But not too much and they definitely shouldn't demand they be listened to.
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alarrytale · 3 months
I always see a lot of people rightfully criticizing Harry for not speaking up about current issues and using his platform. However, I hardly ever see anyone calling out Louis or even Niall. The last time Louis got any backlash was when he was seen with a Starbucks cup and before that, spotted at a McDonalds. Other than that, no one seems to have the same expectations for him as they do Harry. Fans call him “Comrade Louis”, say he can relate more to the poor man’s struggle, and he even has anarchy tattoos. Yet he never speaks up about anything. Which irks me that it implies he sees those tattoos as more of an aesthetic and “look at my cool tattoos” rather than understanding the meaning. You don’t get to adopt a punk rock aesthetic but not stand behind it, in my opinion. Frankly, the double standard annoys me. Why do you think Harry receives more criticism and hate than Louis in this regard? I would love to see Louis be more engaged and use his platform to spread awareness. Everyone is always talking about how smart he is, how creative and passionate he is, but I don’t see any intellectual proof in recent years. All we get is this laddy lad “chav” image. I hate it. I want to see the kind, caring, and sensitive Louis. Surely there is more to his life than partying, roughhousing, and football with his lad crew (primarily white straight men)? I’m tired of cigarettes and Red Bulls. Give me something more substantial. When is the last time we heard about his writing process? What inspires him? I could go on and on… am I the only one feeling this way?
Hi, anon!
Regarding the different treatment of H and L when it comes to speaking up about social and political issues, i've talked about this before. It's about expectations and the difference in reach and influence. Harry has engaged in different social and political issues before, so his silence now is deafening. Louis hasn't really, so his silence isn't as loud. Since he never does, it isn't expected of him. When L went to McD and Starb. there was a lot of critisism directed towards him and people were tweeting him, trying to educate him. There were also hashtags begging him to speak out on the genocide, as there were for H too. The bar is so fucking low, that when L announced he was going to donate some of the proceeds of his livestream to warchild, people seemed to be placated a bit. Harry hasn't done anything showing his stance since he hung out with BW, so that's what people remember.
I think it depends on who you follow and what you see. I've seen critisism of both of them over not speaking up. It's disappointing that they don't use their platform for good since they are role models. And there's double standards and performative activism shown from both (tpwk and the anarchy tattoo).
I really wish they both would engage more in social and political issues, and show they're on the right side of history. I know why they don't, but it's still disappointing.
About Louis showing different sides of himself. I think his image has gotten too onedimentional and it's such a shame. He's such a multidimentional person, so interesting, with so many contradictions, it's so sad we don’t get to see the full spectrum of who he is. He's so intelligent and a quick thinker, so caring and compassionate. He's so soft and can be very vulnerable at times. It's such a strength. I love those sides of him and i wish we were allowed to see the deeper and more interesting sides of him more. The same goes for H too really. He's also put in a box he doesn’t fit in. He's much more than his image.
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gremlinservant · 21 hours
The grand hall echoes with the ticking of thousands, maybe millions, of golden clocks.  Glowing eyes watch Forzen from every angle, watching from between the gears of the clocks or in the shadows of the entity sitting on the throne.  The hands of the clock reach out for Forzen.  Shadows reach towards the entity crowned in light.  It’s made of darkness, something that has never seen the stars.
Tommy as Forzen knows him is just a man with odd eyes.  He’d called it scleral icterus, but Dr Freeman, the man in the mixology department, said that it wasn’t.
Now, the entity speaks, and truth molds itself to its words.  Time is guided by its hand, raised in punishment.  The gentle hand of it reaches out to Forzen, pulling him closer.  Eyes once yellow now see through any lie told.  Forzen wants to throw up, to tear out his brain, to wipe any memory of it from his mind.  Forzen wants to kneel before it, to worship it, to stand in its presence until Time finds him.  This must be God.  This must be the Devil.
The entity looks humanoid.  The entity bears no resemblance to anything, living or dead.  The entity loves Forzen.  The entity wants him dead.  The entity has no face.  The entity has the most beautiful face Forzen can imagine.
The man’s life melts away in the presence of this deity, this mind-bending entity.  He has no purpose but to serve it.  He’s always served it.  Whatever it desires, the man will do.  Hands that once were brown reach out, begging to touch the entity for even a brief moment.  Hands that shine with gears and liquid gold fall back upon the entity looking upon the man.  The only thing in this void of ticking and watching is the entity and the man.  He sees through the entity’s eyes, how puny his body is.  How pathetic he is, to think such a beautiful thing would ever want him.  How kind the beast is, to desire his slavery.
They’re part of everything.  They can see through Time’s lies, they can see the world as it should be, they can see what never was.  They don’t want to separate from themselves.  They want to get their freedom back.
The man staggers away from the entity.  It peers down at them.  The man is sick.  The man is lovestruck.  The man is running away.  The man stays still.  The man needs to escape.  The man needs to join the entity again.
Doctor Hayden Bubby laughs as the prone man fights, twitching on the ground.
Professor “Coomer” points his gun at Dr Bubby.
Mr Darnold wants to scream at the two.
Officer Benji Reymond watches as anarchy breaks.
The man is dead.  The man holds a gun to the entity.
Forzen won.  Tommy lays in a growing pool of his own ichor.  Yellow tinted eyes look up at Forzen with a mix of disbelief and sorrow.  A burned hand reaches up to touch the hole in his chest, the hand coming away stained with gold.
“...Tommy?”  Forzen rasps out, dropping to his knees.  He tosses his gun aside in favor of holding his friend close.  Forzen feels numb as he watches ichor drip onto the tiles.
“It’s okay, Mr Forzen!”  Tommy smiles weakly, reaching up to pat his friend’s face.  Gold is smeared across Forzen’s cheek where Tommy touched him.  The military man breaks.
“I-I didn’t mean to!  I, I just thought…”  Forzen’s face feels hot as tears drip down to mix with the ichor.  He holds Tommy close, knowing there’s nothing he can do.  He’s seen too many good men and women die to be fooled.
“It’s okay.”  Tommy repeats.  “You didn’t know.  You never knew.”
As Tommy goes limp, Forzen screams.  He screams until his voice cracks, then screams more.  He calls for whoever made fate to kill him too.  He weeps until his voice is lost as well.  There’s no coming back this time.  The entity known as Tommy isn’t coming back.
@inkzectz here's a poorly made tomzen angst fic because I've hit block in the longer, fluffier one
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ravennaortiz · 9 months
Summary: Chapter 6 of Countdown
As always this is an 18+ only story. This story is AU based and not your typical Sons of Anarchy story. Some readers may find some plot lines and changes to some characters to be problematic please read at your discretion. This story also time jumps heavily so keep this in mind as you read!
Warnings: General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing etc, minor age gap, minor smut in later chapters.
Tag List @fleureeee
"Where the fuck is she Jax?" bellowed Clay as he slammed the other man into the wall of the clubhouse. "I don't know. Like I said when we called she was gone when we got up. She must have slipped out" replied Jax as he rubbed his face with his hands. "You, where does her phone say she is?" snapped Clay as he turned from his step son to Juice. "She left her phone" stated Juice as he tossed a phone on the table. "Goddammit" yelled Clay as he slammed his fist onto the table. Should have killed them both when I killed their dad he thought to himself as he tried to get himself calmed.
Jax and Juice watched Clay closely as he stalked to the door and flung it open to where the rest of the club was sitting. "You lot find my step daughter and bring her to me. Force or no force." he growled before slamming the door back and whipping around on the two men in the room. "If I find out. Either of you or the other four trouble makers had something to do with this. I'll make sure you all have a front row seat to the depraved shit the Aryans have planned for her" he stated firmly as he glared at the two men. Jax and Juice simply nodded before leaving.
Juices Room
Juice had been in his room since Jax and him had gotten back from the clubhouse. He lay staring at his ceiling lost in his own thoughts and feelings. A knock drew his attention to his open door. "You good?" asked Half-Sack as he leaned against the door frame casually. Juice shrugged. He honestly had no idea how to answer that. "Jax thinks you'remad at him" stated Half-Sack as he moved into the room and sat in the computer chair.
"I'm not. Just a....stressful day. It was difficult to ....let her .... go through that. To hear ....her scream and just let it happen" replied Juice carefully as he thought back on the morning. Half-Sack nodded as he considered his best friend. "I'm sorry you had to experience that. I cant imagine what it was like." stated Half-Sack. "She wont be gone forever" he added more for himself than Juice. Juice simply nodded before going back to his own thoughts.
Mayans Clubhouse
It was early evening by the time the Mayans pulled into the clubhouse lot. Rocky hadn't made a sound or moved since she had been loaded up. Angel spoke as the two Mayans in the front slipped out of the van. "If we undo your hands can you keep them to yourself and promise not to take off until our presidente speaks to you" inquired Angel thoughtfully. Rocky nodded without looking at him. Coco snorted before getting out, muttering good luck as he shut the door.
Once inside Angel led her to another door where Bishop was sitting. "Have a seat" stated Bishop as he gestured to one of the many chairs around the wooden table. Rocky timidly moved to one of the chairs across from the Mayan and sat eyeing both men wearily. "Angel, why dont you check on your brother while I chat with our guest" stated Bishop. Angel simply nodded before stepping out and closing the door.
The two stared at each other for a couple of silent minutes before Bishop spoke. "I suspect you have questions" stated Bishop. Rocky nodded as Bishop continued to speak. "My name is Bishop. I am the Presidente of the Santo Padre Mayans Charter. Which will be your home for an unknown time" he stated giving Rocky a moment to process his words. "Why?" asked Rocky quietly. "I feel this letter will explain better than I can." replied Bishop as he stood and sat a white envelope in front of her. Rocky carefully took it and opened it.
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frostyreturns · 1 year
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Now I'm not going to say any of this to pick on anyone or to be mean but it needs to be said.
It's exceptionally weird to me when Christians have this attitude, statism and progressivism are the dual cancers infesting the modern church. Ignoring the years and years of anarchist thought and writings on how a society can be organized...and not even going into the non aggression principle or that fact that there is no one answer and that anarchy means people organize or don't organize as they see fit and how they agree to...as Christians the Bible is the source and literally outlines perfect examples of how to build a stateless society.
It sets out not only moral guidelines but also rules for how to settle disputes. You ask where do you expect values to come from in a stateless society...how about this for starters.
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Just as a side note you might want to take note of how many of those commands that every government in the history of the world has violated as a matter of policy on a massive and daily scale. Which God warned us would happen when he advised us not to have government and even added that by demanding government we are rejecting God and equated the government to being another false god.
Samuel 1: "But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” And Samuel prayed to the Lord.  And the Lord said to Samuel, “Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being king over them. According to all the deeds that they have done, from the day I brought them up out of Egypt even to this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are also doing to you. Now then, obey their voice; only you shall solemnly warn them and show them the ways of the king who shall reign over them.”
So not only does the Bible not endorse government God himself warned his people about the reasons government was bad and they are all the same kinds of things anarchists reject the state for. Don't believe me I'll quote it.
"So Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking for a king from him. He said, “These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots. And he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some to plow his ground and to reap his harvest, and to make his implements of war and the equipment of his chariots. He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants. He will take the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants. He will take your male servants and female servants and the best of your young men and your donkeys, and put them to his work. He will take the tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves. And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.”
Now you might be saying he's just talking about the specific king they got at the time not that all kings and all governments are bad. But look at what he's warning them about...is not the current government much much worse? They all do these things to various degrees obviously in modern day it's not donkeys and fields they steal but the principle has remainded the same and practice applies regardless... whether the kings soldiers are horsemen or fighter pilots the concept is the same and earlier he had just finished applying his disapproval of the state in general terms.
So to recap the Bible equates government with slavery, rejection of God and the worshipping of false gods. And yet Christians have the nerve to assert that government is good and ordained and approved of by God.
If we discarded the entirety of the governments laws and just used instead Biblical guidelines for how to organize society you would A.) have an anarchist society where the only authority figure is God and even then following God is your choice if you read the Bible freedom of choice is a major theme. and B.) You would have a much better society than what we have now. A lot of people would be shocked to find out that the guidelines for how to organize a society that the Bible lays out is actually not a theocracy or monarchy it's essentially a stateless society where you look to God (voluntarily) for morals and to settle general disputes amongst yourselves with some basic guidelines for conduct. If you want specific examples there's tons in the old testament most of which would still make for a better society than any current governments laws.
The idea that society decided what murder is...is crazy to me. Murder is murder and it has always been murder since Cain and Abel. It was murder before society, during society and long after society it will still be murder. Society didn't decide what rape is...it's when you have sex with someone against their will. See words have meaning and that meaning comes from our understanding of and the existence of those concepts not from the government. The notion that we can only conceive of what murder and rape is because we have the government is...literally insane and saying those words out loud should be a clue you've been brainwashed at some point. It's not true, it's not Biblical.
The more I think about it the more I research and the more I understand Christianity and the Bible the more I become convinced that not only is it compatible with anarchy, anarchy is the only political system compatible with it.
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non-un-topo · 1 year
oh please please tell us about the next qq fic 🥺🥺🥺
Hello, beloved!!! Thank you for enabling me lmao!!
So I desperately missed writing little queer quartet adventures, but was basically brain dead and fell into a heavy post-fic depression after my last mystery fic. But I've been spinning this idea around in my head for a long time now and will very soon have time to write!! Bits and pieces will likely change, but I can tell you some things so far.
Putting this under a read-more actually because I kind of rambled and I don't want to clog the dash lol
It will take place in India in the mid 1400s. The quartet will have come from Bulgaria, escaping the consequences of a certain mistake that Quynh might have made in battle. Not a small mistake, either. They make it to northeast India and have to stop because by that point they're penniless and starving. Conveniently, there happens to be a noble Hungarian family who has settled there for not-yet-known reasons, managed by the lady of the house, lady Morana, because the lord is off fighting the Ottomans. Anyway, Morana is causing problems with the locals by demanding that they mine for ~~something, ohh~~ even though she hopes she's being a good person by supplying them with jobs and extra food. But whatever she's mining for --- which she has not actually specified --- must be really valuable because she's offering all of the house's gold and riches as a reward to whomever finds it. She has men overseeing the mines who sift through all the resources people find, who might call on anyone at any time if they happen to find the thing. Anyway -- the quartet sees this noble family (and later a very sick population of locals) and think, "hmm. We should con them and redistribute the wealth." Naturally.
Somewhere along this line (I'm still figuring it out) they, or more specifically Yusuf or Quynh, realize the lady might be looking for a fabled substance that can turn iron into gold. That's right: the philosopher's stone. So this is sort of how they try to con her. Yusuf takes on the role/disguise of an alchemist and makes fool's gold, Nico has to pretend to be a leper for a little while. It's a whole thing.
But before all of that, Quynh and Andromache both get jobs working for this family because... food and money are needed, stat. Even though Quynh is morally opposed and grumpy about it, she gets a job as a servant, hoping it will put her closer to the lady of the house so she can learn her secrets (like wtf are you digging the land for, lady). It doesn't quite. Turns out Quynh is hired specifically to assist the lady Morana's daughter, Jana, who is blind. Jana is not helpless like her mother thinks, and she is very smart and well-read. She and Quynh develop a nice little friendship and do anarchy. Andromache is hired as a swordsman to train the eldest child of the noble house, Henrik, who is 16 and acts like it.
I could talk a lot about the OCs because I just spent a few days developing them, but I'll keep it under wraps for now unless anyone wants to know dsfgfd. I just figured the canon characters are probably a lot more interesting.
Andromache will eventually get to beat up the bratty young lord (for a good reason).
Yusuf will put his artist skills to good use, and miiight come across some problems as he pretends to be an alchemist (I mean, lying about the fact that you have THE miraculous alchemical substance has consequences).
In befriending Jana, Quynh may also befriend a Mysterious Character who also works for the household, ohhhh. I was thinking a lot about GoT and HotD lol. Many mysterious spy-like characters there.
And Nicolo will discover some things about medicine that will have lasting benefits. (He might also have to amputate something in order to look like a convincing leper, but he'll get better lol).
I can tell you there will be alchemy (well, not really but you know), lepers, moral issues / grey morality, OCs I am kind of proud of, drama as usual, and very many typical queer quartet shenanigans and jokes.
Anyway uhh yes! There it is... <3 I'm still figuring out the plot and doing my research, but it's definitely cooking. It will also switch POV between the four characters, which I don't think I've done before in one fic yet! I'm aiming for Quynh to be more of the focus though. If this ends up being like 40,000 words and super niche or disorganized, oh well. I'm just happy I have a new idea <3 Thanks again!!
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lya-dustin · 1 year
Someone will remember us
Chapter 85
Gif by @bonniebirddoesgifs
Taglist: @mercedesdecorazon @stargaryenx
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Queen Rhaenyra and Ser Criston Cole died a week before Sunfyre choked on Lady Ida Strong, the last of Lord Lyonel Strong’s daughters, and followed suit.
In the meantime, Tyrstane Truefyre had rose as king, the Shepherd as his rival and Borros Baratheon made quick work of them before the moon was over.
Corlys had not been freed by any of the three kings, although Trystane had given him good food and a better cell hoping to get the Seasnake to bend the knee.
Borros had only come after Viserys’ by-blow had been cruelly executed along with his oh so loyal retainer and arrested every damn lamb following the Shepherd.
“You think her Rhaenyra, but she is all Rhaenys.” Corlys said when Borros came down for a visit. “Better than your new son by a league.”
Poor Cassandra Baratheon, humiliated by her own husband who could not even get it up.
But eight and ten year old Cassie gets a crown, and her father gets to become Hand, who knew Baratheon would want to follow Otto Hightower’s example?
“Your Silver Queen is just a girl like mine or worse, a mad little queen, or so it’s said.” Borros countered and passed him the wineskin.
A gift from Aegon, stolen from Laenor’s prized collection Rhaenyra had kept for the children.
“They called Daenys mad too and look how that turned out.” Corlys pointed out.
In retrospect, revealing Aemma’s ability had given their enemies ammunition, but then again, what did they have except stories the Clubfoot and Rhaenyra’s fool made up?
“So you say, Velaryon. But she is still just a woman, controlled by her husband like you controlled my cousin.” Borros smirked.
To say such a thing was to invite a gruesome death by Corlys’ own hand.
He and Rhaenys were equals in their marriage, something Borros would never believe given he thinks women only exist to serve men.
“Aemma is still your kin, the blood of Jocelyn Baratheon runs through her veins and that of her baby boy. Do you really want to risk the life of your sons, the living and unborn one, for a man who cannot make a wife out of your sweet Cassie?”
Baratheon could not afford to lose his precious sons. Royce had been a miracle in itself and Elenda knew her husband’s sudden good nature depended on this last baby to have a cock between his legs.
Maegor had been cursed to lose any child sired by him, even the bastards sired before he murdered Aenys all died unnaturally young.
“You play well, Seasnake, but unless Laenor’s precious little girl comes with her army, you are going to have to bend your knee to my new son.”
“We could just take the city and be done with it.” Aemma suggests and their council thinks her insane.
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The city had descended into anarchy and many loyalists had been killed during the past moon.
The Greens had taken it back thanks to Borros Baratheon a week ago, and the current strategy was to have them bring Aegon out of hiding and then descend on him with fire and blood.
The Rivermen and Northmen would draw Baratheon and his fresh army out of the city, Aemond and Aemma would fly to the Red Keep and finish his brother once and for all.
If they are lucky, Cassandra will kill him for them.
If they are not, they become kinslayers in truth.
“And when the Usurper’s army closes in on you, your grace, what will you do?” Sabitha asks her as if she were one of her children and not her sovereign.
Criston had left plans that the remaining council had fine-tuned in his memory.
He died with her mother’s name on his lips, or so it was said.
Him holding her as they died together while her baby brother screamed at the horrific sight before him.
The fishermen were knighted for their service, mother cremated by Moondancer and Ser Criston’s bones sent to his parents out of gratitude.
If Lord Baratheon and Lord Dondarrion had something to say against it, they were very welcome to discuss it with them when they meet in battle.
Aegon was safe in Driftmark, with Baela and Vaemond keeping Dragonstone trapped behind a blockade.
Grandfather was languishing in the Black Cells, Aunt Alarra had been smuggled out when Perkin the Flea and his puppet king had taken the Red Keep and rumor had it that Aegon would execute him today if he did not bend the knee.
“I do not like this waiting, Lady Frey, that is all. I just want this to be over once and for all.” The princess acquiesced with a half-meant apology.
“No one does, but we must.”
Morning comes with bad news.
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“If you do not bend the knee, they will kill them.” Baratheon warns.
Driftmark had been taken.
Aegon captured a heavily pregnant Baela and Alyn who remained on the island as a last line of defense.
Vaemond had managed to take little Aeg to Duskendale, but Baela had refused to leave and said Aegon had no dragon to defeat them only to have Aegon’s sailswords kill Moondancer in the air.
“My knees are old and stiff and do not bend easily,” Lord Corlys responded, before setting forth terms of his own.
Terms Aegon would never accept but would buy them all time.
He demanded pardons for himself and all those who had fought against him. Especially his grandchildren and Rhaenyra’s son.
He asked for Meleys’ head to be given to him and displayed in a place of honor in High Tide, for a betrothal between little Aegon and Aegon’s daughter, Jaehaera, and for Prince Aemond to be reinstated as Aegon’s heir.
“The realm has been split asunder,” he said feigning loyalty. “We must needs join it back together.” Lord Baratheon’s daughters did not interest him, but he wanted his family freed at once.
As expected Aegon would refuse and would do so the moment he came into the city, so he could have the pleasure of taking the Seasnake’s head in person.
In the last days of the 130 after conquest, Aegon the Second, more commonly remembered as Aegon the Usurper, returned to the city he lost to retake a throne that was never his on a trading cog called Mouse given as payment to Marilda of Hull for birthing Ser Laenor’s bastards.
It is the last day of the year when two dragons are sighted on the Kingsroad.
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xoteajays · 1 year
Okay! So.. I've recently rewatched High&Low: End Of Sky. Elly's really covered in tattoos, that was noticeable because his character was the one wearing tank tops and sleeveless shirts in this movie. So Elly and Anarchy are definitely covered in tattoos. I know about them so far.
And everyone's hair was freshly dyed too. Rocky's hair was more of a golden blond instead of silvery platinum blond, Cobra's hair was even dyed a slighty darker blond. Same with Takeshi's hair being way more darker than his honey blond hair. P's even brighter vibrant hair before.
I'll excuse Smoky's silvery blue gray hair. Just because they were only trying to make it seem like his hair changed since he was dying, from the toxic chemicals. So I will completely excuse Smoky from this.
My White/Green character. Her natural hair color would probably be a light brownish blonde. Similar to a gold honey color. But she just dyes her hair any colors she wants (platinum blonde, dark brown, colors).
The Daruma Family Base is a gambling business. And, the women, I'd have to be honest.. I don't really know what their job is. Since I've only ever seen them dance in the background. Like Club Heaven women.
That is definitely Hiroto's personality towards most people so that.. I'll never be surprised if he's like that with any friends, and even whoever he's attracted to. Since he is like that with Masaki. It's not surprising.
Hyuga's mean because he is very short compared to everyone else. But yes.. Depending on the type of girl he's in a relationship with, also depends on how his partner would act or react about this comments.
Murayama's a playful tease, not a mean tease like Hyuga would be.
And out of Rude Boys, I would have to say that P and Yu are the more giggly ones since they always giggle about everything. At least Yu is a character who's always like that. Not sure about Smoky and Takeshi.
Exactly! Gun-woo actually mentioned that to Woo-jin when they were eating at that buffet restaurant... That he worked multiple jobs just so he could provide for him and his mother. This sweet boy! And that did include working in restaurants, especially barbeque restaurants too.
And Jin seems the most knowledgeable about meals containing a lot of noodles. Like ramen. Or is it ramyeon? Since Korean says that very differently than other Asian countries. But he cooks so many cuisines with noodles. But, besides that, he really does seem to restaurants or order take out a lot. Based on what we know of his backstory though.
That was my original intention for my romantic ships in Bloodhounds, for any stories for Bloodhounds. Unless, I actually decide to make one more character so they both could be with someone. But I'm selfish.
Yes.. If Gun-woo did train during Woo-jin's healing time then he might have only did basic training, at least until Woo-jin was able to start his training with Gun-woo. But now those boys could also fight men who are three, maybe four, times their size. Including men like In-beom.
Who knows? The show is starting. You will probably learn more about other characters, only if you want to learn about any other characters though. But.. Hopefully the show continues to be a good series too.
See! Yes. I didn't want to say anything. Not that I would spoil you with details like that.. But the chaos does happen after the car accident. I'd have to say Kuryu has to take notes on real hit and run car accidents - because they don't know how to do that right. They know want to do.
Obviously! This is Vincenzo. And this is Jung-ki as Vincenzo. He's just too attractive. When I'm attracted to older men, Jung-ki is that man.
I'm attracted to Asian men.
But yes. Vincenzo quits smoking by the end of the first episode so it's not like you would see him smoking. But, the teenagers, he just beats them anytime he sees any of them attempting to smoke around him.
i’m have a bit more of an appreciation for ice/elly. he’s kinda hot tho. blame the exile videos.
everyone dyed their hair before fighting ranmaru and kuryu gotta look their best ahdhdkfkdl
except smokey. who is horribly dying … :(
hiroto’s like. a lil mean and huffy and pretends often that people annoy him even when he actually likes them. gotta break through that facade to get to the gooey endeared center. god no wonder shizuka likes him, he’s like yui.
hyuga’s the kinda guy to laugh even when his shy gf is pouting and embarrassed. he’s like ‘i’m kidding - i’m kidding!’ but his girl is still upset about it and calls him mean. it doesn’t faze him.
pi and yu would be giggly about it. takeshi’s a little more serious, helps her to her feet, makes sure she’s okay, but he’s still clearly pretty amused.
gun always gets stuck cooking the meat when he and jin go out - not that he seems to mind, but still. he’s always manning that grill. that scene with the trio going to lunch was funny. jin and gun bickering because nobody turned the grill on before gun got back, jin jumping in to tell ju that gun’s an excellent cook and not to tell him when to flip the meat.
jin seems the type to eat a lot of those ramyeon/tteokbokki/rabokki cup things. or he just goes to that spicy pork place a lot. he can cook noodles on a stove but not much else. just basic things. boil eggs, stick noodles in pot. nothing complicated or too difficult.
yea i can see gun only doing basic training since he probably spent most of his time in the hospital with jin, probably worrying that myeong gil’s men might come back and try to finish the job. then jin gets better and they’re somewhere safe and gun goes hard into training.
episode 2! also good! entirely based in the main plot. the cop is pretending to be ha joon’s character’s dead best friend’s cousin and just got hired into the gang. also! the cop’s wife! who is a detective! is ha joon’s character’s childhood friend and first love!! i fucking knew it! i had a hunch from ep1! this man is going to fuck your wife!
i’m only halfway through ep4 because it was getting too close to midnight and i was tired after a crummy night (stepped on a screw in my backyard and got it stuck in my foot, mum laughed at me because only i could find the one random screw in the grass in our whole backyard the one time i go outside. touching grass is dangerous), but the building people are all. so annoying??? like yall are so needy and flipfloppy and kinda rude??? this man just got out of hospital after getting slammed by a truck and you’re accosting him??? can he rest???? fuck off??!? i think they’re the reason i stopped watching the first time because they irritated me.
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So....I wrote this Marvel idea
You know, I think about an hour ago...I was thinking the most...insane thing of...I guess you can say my own take on the Marvel universe. And...I’m going to ramble because it’s strangely insane.
This story idea that basically blends the “Civil War” story from the original comic, the game adaptation in Ultimate Alliance 2, mostly that one, and the movie version. It’s somewhat small scale like the MCU version but...continuing on. Remember, this is my own take on it. Don’t take this too seriously.
Again, like I said at the end, I took way too long to write this. This is very long, it’s late at night. And keep in mind with what I say at the end.
Basically, this story begins with the “Secret War” where Nick Fury led a group of certain superheroes on an unsanctioned attack on Castle Doom in Latveria to kill Doctor Doom. A fair number of superheroes are involved in this “Secret War” but the one noticeable one that didn’t get involved was Spider-Man himself who refused to be involved with any heroes, particularly the Avengers.
A month after the presumed death of Doctor Doom. It turns out he was alive and threatens to go to war with the United States, publicly revealing what had happened in Latveria. Nick Fury goes into hiding after this disclosure of information, resulting in Maria Hill as the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the US government starts to consider the “Superhuman Registration Act” where superheroes are forced to obey the law, revealing their identities and working for the law.
This act is supported by half of the country because of the recent “Super” related incidents. Particularly related to the rise of supervillains in New York City mainly related to Spider-Man’s rogues gallery. With many causing property damage and other similar incidents that relate to the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and the X-Men. This Marvel universe is still pretty young in a sense where these events are now being questioned of what to do instead of later in the timeline.
Even with Tony Stark trying to find a way to get the act to not be passed. Everything changes when the Green Goblin, a villain Spider-Man has fought on certain occasions attacks Washington DC with Titanium Man and others. Particularly when he attacks a UN conference, and during this, finds the real Nick Fury hiding and kills him.
After this, the act is put into motion with Cap going into hiding and Tony having to go after him and any other heroes against it. One of those heroes being Spider-Man himself. Yet instead of arresting the supposedly young hero, Tony offers him a chance to join the registration act in peace.
But instead of accepting the offer, Spider-Man lets it out of how he feels about the Avengers, particularly Stark himself. That he has thought about it, but realized the horrific consequences if he does join. And telling Stark he knows nothing of what it’s like to be him. Pointing out while Stark has his identity revealed to the world, he has it good because he has all the money and protection. But others like himself don’t have that luxury. And maybe some heroes don’t want their lives to be intruded.
Spider-Man openly tells Tony Stark to “Piss off Shell head.” and leaves. Thus, making Spider-Man even more of an illegal vigilante. And during this entire situation, Peter is about to graduate high school. And hoping he can convince Gwen to stay in America before she moves to Europe. With him resulting in revealing his identity to her and explaining why he’s always so late.
The civil war gets worse as heroes start fighting one another and some are trying to still do their own things such as Spider-Man trying to help people. But the Green Goblin begins wreaking havoc among New York City. Turning the city into complete anarchy because of the “Civil War” going on between heroes. The chaos is turning against the heroes, making Tony and Steve rethink about the choices they are making.
During one incident when heroes are fighting, Captain George Stacy attempts to rescue a young boy before he’s crushed by falling debris. But instead of being crushed by the debris, Spider-Man is able to save him, but uses himself as a shield. Captain Stacy falls into a coma and is brought to a hospital. This in turns causes his family to worry.
Soon, the Green Goblin learns who Spider-Man really is. Planning to do something drastic to forever hurt his enemy, the Green Goblin does something that tears apart the Avengers and changes the course of the civil war. In a fight with both the pro and anti-registration teams. The Green Goblin heavily injures all of them, revealing what he’s been trying to do. 
His original goal was to rule organized crime in New York City, and defeating Spider-Man would cement his position. But after years seeing other heroes growing and becoming a problem in the city. His new goal was to tear them apart so he can have all the power, especially with the superhuman registration act acting as a crutch to them. But also, because he’d thought it would be funny to tear apart “Earth’s Mightiest Heroes” and what he does next changes that.
He uses his glider to ram into Captain America from behind and leaves to do something he’s been wanting to do for a long time. With both teams heavily injured, they can’t pursue him. But also, when Steve tries to get back up to chase him, he struggles to keep moving. Steve Rogers, Captain America dies in Sam Wilson’s arms, with Tony witnessing Steve’s final moments.
In one final meeting with Spider-Man, Goblin reveals he knows who he is, thus kidnapping a still awake Gwen and taking her to the Brookyln Bridge. He throws her off, resulting in Spider-Man leaping down and webbing one of her legs to catch her. When she doesn’t wake up, he worries he accidently killed her. Until realizing she’s only fainted and not waking up.
When taking Gwen to the hospital, Spider-Man learns on live television that the Green Goblin had murdered Captain America, and this was before the incident on the bridge. Enraged and having enough of everything that has been happening, Spider-Man manages to find Goblin at surprisingly Norman Osborn’s penthouse, and they fight again. But this time, with Peter nearly losing it, beating the Hell out of the Goblin before it is revealed Norman is the Green Goblin. Horrified by the truth, Norman monologues enough to make sure Peter stays in one spot. But Peter is able to dodge the incoming glider coming from behind him. Resulting in the glider ramming into Norman, killing him. Shocked and confused, Peter doesn’t know what else to do.
In the aftermath, the superhuman registration act is nearly deemed useless after the events of everything that had happened in New York City. Until a suggestion by Tony Stark and Sam Wilson. All anti-registration heroes are pardoned by the president while the act is amended by congress. But making it voluntary instead of forced. This was all done to honor Steve after his death.
After the death of Nick Fury, Tony is made the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. while Maria Hill is made deputy director. And while it will take some time, Sam Wilson becomes the new Captain America in honor of his fallen friend. But also, while he is still furious of what the heroes had done a month ago. Watching the heroes become nearly destroyed by such an event pleases Doom and causes him to stop threatening America with war.
For Peter...things don’t go so well. George Stacy after waking up fully retires as captain and leaves his duties to Lieutenant Barbara. Someone who is harsher than him sadly.
And with Gwen, having gone through what had happened to her and her father. She gets into an argument with Peter. After some arguing, Peter literally screams at Gwen, scaring her, finally losing her temper against her. He realizes what he had just done. Despite she is safe now, Gwen tells him it’s best if they aren’t in a relationship anymore. And she doesn’t want this life. Her family goes to Europe and Peter understands he destroyed his own relationship with Gwen.
And despite everything the Green Goblin had done, Peter did not want his friend’s Harry life to be utterly destroyed if the secret was out that Norman Osborn was the one who caused all the terror in New York City. Spider-Man tells the authorities and Harry that Norman tried helping him, but the Green Goblin had murdered him. Making Norman look like he died a hero.
There’s...still a lot to discuss about this. This is basically a draft idea. Especially when taking certain comics into account. Such as the fact Harry, MJ, Peter and Gwen are all friends here.
And I want to reveal something...
.........this is all meant to be four years before Lunella brings Devil onto Earth and the events of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, the cartoon happens...this is my take on the Marvel universe in that cartoon...yet...just wow...
And Peter is 18 during this whole thing...thus making this happen in 2019...before COVID...
I took way too long to write this.
Edit update to be honest, because while I understand Norman is the most well-known of the Green Goblin’s. He was the first. But I feel like would make this story more tragic is that if Norman as the Green Goblin was already dead in any shape or form. And Harry was the Green Goblin throughout this story. But instead of dying, it ends in a similar way when Norman loses his memory of being the Green Goblin. And despite what the Goblin has done, Peter doesn’t want his friend’s life utterly ruined if his identity as the Green Goblin became public knowledge, and hopefully Harry never remembers being the Goblin again.
Besides, I feel like that is more tragic and hard-hitting with Harry being the one who kills Captain America in this draft story. Because compared to Norman (In 616) who is VERY AWARE of how cold he is despite being driven into insanity. The dude was kind of “Pure evil” in a sense. Harry is more tragic because this is a dude who wanted to use the Green Goblin to become a hero at one point, and actually developed a personality disorder. Along with other things that makes me like him more as the Green Goblin.
And the fact Peter has to live with the lie that Cap’s killer is still alive and well. Along with keeping it a secret from other heroes.
Yet I want this raw and cold line that basically takes this dialogue exchange from Captain America Civil War. I’m finally going to write it.
Spider-Man: Stark, please. He’s my best friend.
Iron Man: I don’t care. He killed my best friend.
If I were to even consider Tony and Steve friends. But I hate that I’ve thought about this crap.
Last edit update when talking about this with another friend. I think it's for the best I don't go with either idea of the Green Goblin being unmasked. But instead the Green Goblin fakes his death after being hit by his glider, his identity is never revealed, and it's a mystery that haunts Peter and other superheroes for many years until the Goblin comes back.
Because to me, the idea of Peter keeping the identity of the Goblin as a secret is too damn much to me. I'd rather go with the idea that maybe he witnessed Steve's death and feels possibly responsible which he shouldn't...I sound stupid saying that. And people wondering or or asking Spider-Man why didn't he take care of the Green Goblin before all of that.
You know what? I'll make this the Green Goblin 's first appearance in the Marvel universe where he basically somewhat broke the Marvel universe by doing the stuff he does during this version of civil war. And this combines my older ideas with this modern one. I can't believe I didn't think of this years ago, but it works...
I'd still gotta get Doctor Octopus/Doc Ock involved in this world.
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yuyu-bi · 1 year
i’m actually so obsessed w the sopranos still my god to the point that i’m actually actively comparing shows to it just bc of how good it is 
this is basically a reason for me to shit on sons of anarchy lmaooo bc for some reason season 5 is such shit? jfc like it really does feel like a filler season even though a lot of significant things happen
i just dont believe jax as a character lmao i dont believe his love for tara i dont believe his “natural” ability of leadership and i def dont believe that he’s going to change the club for the better? he’s just not a likable protagonist and maybe this is the point? either was idk if it’s an acting issue from charlie hunnam (who is a good actor in other things i’ve seen him in but this was an early role for him) or just how the script on this show is bc i just dont believe jax lmao i def feel this season is supposed to represent him adjusting to being the leader of club and a lot of growing pains that involve that but it’s just feels so forced lmao it’s not natural development lmao 
i hate when he tries to act tough to people even though he was the one that fucked it up like w the irish dude only dealing w clay bc jax like roughed up some of his men a few episodes prior in season 4 
this isn’t to say that i like tony as a character i do think he’s well written and developed in the show, but he’s not written as a character to root for if anything it’s quite obvious that he was never meant to be seen as the hero of the story in the sopranos there is no hero is the point similar to sons of anarchy 
season 5 really does seem to have a lot of things happen but in a way that doesn’t progress the plot lmao it’s amazing how much we’ve slowed down w this season compared to other ones it’s just not good 
i do know when clay gets killed off i am going to have a difficult time trying to finish this show lmaooo like i joked around w that before but this is so true now? like lmao 
the sopranos i didn’t have many characters i liked either on the show but what kept me coming back was the dynamics between a lot of the characters that were established throughout the entire show sons of anarchy has that a little w clay and jax and anyone w gemma but it’s just not as developed or if anything they act as if characters who have never shared a scene before are super important to them? (i.e gemma having a breakdown hearing that opie was killed in prison? where is the establishing character moments to show that gemma ever cared about opie lmao)
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Blood Looks Good On You
Pairing: Eddie Kingston x reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 630
Summary: Eddie Kingston is a handsome man, a sexy man. Eddie Kingston covered in blood after the Anarchy in the Arena match is a whole different kind of sexy.
Warnings: Blood
A/N: So I originally wanted this to be longer, but I was having a hard time coming up with an ending so this ended up being really short. I hope y’all enjoy it anyways!
Tagging: @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Gif is not mine. Credit to owner.
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It was finally Double or Nothing. Tensions between Eddie Kingston, Jon Moxley, Santana, Ortiz, and Bryan Danielson and the dreaded Jericho Appreciation Society had been boiling over for what felt like a year, and what better way to settle it than with an Anarchy in the Arena match?
Naturally, Jericho and his buddies brought you into the rivalry during various promos. You didn’t care, but your boyfriend, Eddie was beyond pissed at the things they’d say. You tried telling him to ignore it and that they just want to rile him up, but Eddie is stubborn and goes off his emotions. Speaking of Eddie and his emotions, you — along with all the fans — knew this match would get chaotic and especially bloody given how Eddie feels about JAS, most notably Chris Jericho.
You sat backstage by a monitor watching the Anarchy in the Arena match get underway. You were so nervous about Eddie — and your friends — getting hurt. You couldn’t count how many times you held your breath as Eddie relentlessly went after Chris and Daniel Garcia.
This match was exactly what you thought it would be and more.
You were on the edge of your seat and absentmindedly playing with your fingers as the action continued. You were no stranger to seeing Eddie bloody, but this was different than all those other times. Why? Because seeing that look in his eyes as he marched down the ramp and towards the ring, soaked in blood and carrying that gas can, was beyond hot to you. Sure it’s not everyone’s cup of tea so to speak, and honestly, it never was yours either until you met Eddie. Someway, somehow this man makes everything a lot hotter and sexier than it should be, and you’re definitely not complaining.
You watched as he dumped the contents of the gas can on Jericho. You saw Danielson’s reaction when Eddie went to light it. You, like everyone else, knew Eddie didn’t like Bryan, he had voiced this before. You watched as Mox got between the two men, and Jericho capitalizing on the moment. Before long the match was over, and unfortunately, JAS were victorious. 
You stood by the tunnel and waited as patiently as you could for Eddie to come through. Your breath hitched seeing all the blood that covered Eddie up close. Your eyes met his and gently pulled him to the side. “All that blood looks good on you. It really brings out your eyes.” You told him, your roamed his body before locking on his eyes once again.
Eddie wore an amused smirk, despite how pissed they lost and exhausted he was. “Is that right?” He questioned, that amused smirk never leaving his face. 
Eddie knew full well just what he did to you, and he completely took advantage of it. 
This short little flirtation helped Eddie forget about what happened moments ago in the ring. He was too focused on you to remember.
How about we grab our things and head back to the hotel so I can show you just how good you look?” You send him a wink paired with a suggestive smile as you glide your hands over his shoulders and down his arms, grabbing his hands in yours.
“That’s not gonna happen.” He flat out tells you. Your face falls, but you try to hide the disappointment with a forced smile and a nod. “Doll, we ain’t making it to the hotel.” Eddie whispers in your ear before tugging you towards the locker rooms with a mischievous gleam in eyes.
It took you a minute to process his words. Once they clicked, you were hot on his heels, matching mischievous gleam in your eyes as well. You just knew you were in for a world of fun.
General Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @plentyoffandoms @1dluver13xx @sunshinevirus @wwenhlimagines @crowleysqueenofhell
Eddie Kingston Taglist: @sheinthatfandom
A/N: If you want to be added to the taglist, feel free to ask, message, or let me know in a comment!
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ravewood · 3 years
Please Come Get me
Juice Ortiz Imagine
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The night seemed colder then usual for California. You shouldn’t have stayed at the gym this long. The parking lot was nearly empty but a few cars. The street lamps where barley lighting up the parking lot. 
There was this unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach as you walked to your car. You turned around hoping to find someone in the shadows but no one was there. You rushed getting the door open to your car but out of no where you where slammed against the side of your car. 
“Y/N tell Juice to we don’t like being ignored.” The mad in the hood and mask said as he held a knife to your throat. You breath was stuck at the mention of Juice. 
You broke up almost a year ago. You felt like he was always lying to you and keeping thing from you. You knew  about the Sons of anarchy and Samcro. But you didn’t really know how deep he was in it. 
You where together for over a year and everything about it moved really fast. He was obsessed with you as you where with him. It was almost toxic at some points. But you really loved him and wanted more. But he was the one to break everything off. 
“I haven’t talked with him in a year.” You begged the two masked men. Why now. They gave you a pretty good hit making everything dizzy. You held against the car holding yourself up as they ran away. A big part of you was tempted to call the cops but you didn’t want this to go back to Juice or the club. 
For the next week the incidents kept getting worse. It felt like someone was always falling you around but you couldn’t pinpoint who. There was threatening letter being left at your car and now your house. 
You sighed it wasn’t that late. You made sure to never stay out alone once it got dark. You could hardly sleep anymore. There where still people in the parking lot and at the gym once you left. Only 8 on the dot. 
Once you got in your car you panicked as it wouldn’t start no matter how many times you tried. It wasn’t that late, you could walk home. It would only be a few miles, maybe catch the bus. 
You rushed down the street pulling your hoodie closer to your body. You kept flinching looking behind your shoulder. You knew someone was following you. It was still a far walk ahead of you. 
You heard loud foot steps rushing after you. In the corner of your eyes you saw 2 tall figures dressed in all black.
“Shit” You yelled out as one of them grabbed your wrists pushing you against the brick wall. 
“Where the fuck is Juice.” The guys yelled out shoving you harder against the wall making you cry. 
“I don’t know!” You yelled out feeling blood running down your cheek. Before he could shove you again you ducked and slipped through his legs. You ran as fast as your legs could take you. You weren’t even sure where you where at this point and too scared to turn back to see if they where following you. 
Finally your body gave out as you slipped into a dark alley. Without thinking you brought out your phone calling the only person you knew could help you. Not like you had anyone else. 
“Please pick up.” You mumbled holding on to the phone for your dear life. 
Juice almost missed his phone ringing over the loud music at the shop. He looked over seeing your name flash across it. A sudden rush of adrenaline rushed through his whole body. God he would be lying if he said he didn’t miss you. Everyday he thought about you and calling you. He used alcohol and drugs to keep you from hunting his mind every day and every night. 
Juice knew he had an unhealthy obsession over you. You where his first and only real love. You showed him what love was. You cared for him more then anyone has ever. You took care of him in every way. 
“Hey Y/N” Juice said picking up the phone. His heart dropping as he heard you breathing heavily almost crying. 
“Juice” He heard your sweet voice calling out to him. 
“Baby what’s wrong?” He asked panicked at this point when he heard the dread and fear laced in your usual sweet voice. He missed it so much, he would play videos of you he took just to feel like you where there with him. 
“Someone been following me, Can you please come pick me up. My car wouldn’t start and they cashed me.” You rushed over the phone breaking Juice heart a little bit more. 
“Where are you?” Juice asked grabbing his Cut already making his way to the bike. He didn’t care what was going on with the club or work. He just needed to get to you. 
“I don’t know Juice.” You said crying over the phone. You had no idea what street or what alley you were in. And too scared to come out your hiding stop to find out. 
“Just stay there, I’m coming.” Juice said before hanging up the phone. He grabbed his laptop pulling up your gps that he had on your phone. He knew it was wrong to have a tracker on you without you knowing. But he did it to keep himself sane. 
It didn’t take long for Juice to find you. You where right off main st a few miles from the gym you always went to. 
“Y/n?” Juice asked as he walked down the alley. He finally saw you sitting on the ground shaking. Your eyebrow was split open with dried up blood across your face and in your hair. 
“Oh no baby.” Juice mumbled before picking you up from the floor. Your arms quickly went around him to try and calm yourself. You hated how he still called you baby bringing back emotions you thought you got over.
“I’m sorry, I- I didn’t have anyone else to call.” You said still not being able to look up in his eyes. 
“What happened?” Juice asked looking down at you. His heart ached seeing you like this. This was everything he wanted to protect you from. 
“They’ve been following me for weeks, they said to tell you they don’t like being ignored. I didn’t think it was anything but then they where leaving letters and throwing rocks through my window.” You rushed out still feeling tears in your eyes. 
“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me weeks ago?” Juice said as his jaw clenched. You could see his muscles tighten as he tensed up. 
“I- I didn’t think it was anything. I didn’t wan tot bother you. You know how hard it was to call you? You broke up with me.” You said pulling yourself away from him. 
“Let’s go, I’m taking you to my house until I can figure out whats going on.” Juice said as he pulled you along to his bike. You didn’t have the energy to protest and a little part of you was glad you wouldn’t be alone at your house anymore. You gripped so tightly on to Juice too scared to let go and him not really being there. 
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jilliannotfound · 3 years
prepare for a long ask (i’m sorry)
my brain is very full so hear me out-
dream smp casino/mafia au-
now i was at first thinking Kinoko kingdom (karlnapity) are the owners of the casino cause yk Las Nevadas Quackity but then i remembered “Syndicate” (by Derivakat) which has a jazzy vibe and was like, what if the Syndicate was a mafia ‘family’ that ran a casino and reader is their star performer who starts off every night with a performance of “Syndicate”. reader’s performance is used to kinda establish the Syndicate’s power over the casino and to remind the patrons anything they do will be under the scrutiny of a mafia with literally two of the most renowned mafiosos’ (Philza whose reputation of traveling all over and taking down many a mafia family precedes him and Technoblade who has taken down mafia families singlehandedly) in the city, maybe even the entire country.
the Eggpire is like a rival mafia that is trying to take control over the city so it isn’t uncommon for them to try and infiltrate the Syndicate casino. so i was thinking, what if the people who are Pro-Omlette (but not in the Syndicate so Puffy, Foolish (since it’s not confirmed he’s part of the Syndicate), Awesamdude and Eret) are staff at the casino. they were each like a lone agent after their mafia family split up/they left and decided to join forces with the Syndicate to make sure the Eggpire didn’t gain total control of the city. Maybe Sam is a bodyguard stationed either outside the casino or manning security cameras switching with Puffy, Eret can be like a stage manager/backstage to aid the performers and make sure no one sneaks into the dressing rooms or the light control area backstage and Foolish is like a bartender keeping an eye out on the main floor of the casino for any activity.
Dream was the former head of the well-renowned Dream Team mafia family until the family split. he’s notorious for breaking apart mafia families before disappearing into the night and traveling to a new city. occasionally he’ll hire some aid but they never last long.
Ponk used to be an on-sight medic for the casino in cause of bar fights or performers getting injured on stage but after many rumors (later confirmed to be true) of him being a member of the Eggpire he was fired and not allowed to enter the premise of the casino again.
Kinoko Kingdom was a rival casino/mafia family to the Syndicate’s but they’ve decided to have a truce to make sure Dream and/or the Eggppire don’t take over their city. Their casinos have different vibes with the Syndicate’s being more of a hub for mafia and business activity with jazzy music on the constant and famous for civilized and tame yet very entertaining entertainment whilst Kinoko’s casino is like more of a rowdy type casino, famous for high stake bets, drinks with high alcohol content and lively music and entertainment that can be seen as a bit too glitzy and tacky. Like you go to Syndicate casino for a night of business deals and building yourself up to the top, the type of casino you would bring your boss to, whilst the Kinoko casino is the type of casino you go to let loss and risk it all with cheap entertainment and even cheaper booze. their truce works out because their casinos are so different that competition wouldn’t be worth the cash (and the Syndicate knows they can easily take on the Kinoko mafia in a fight but shhhh)
there’s multiple places a reader character could fight but as a primarily Technoblade simp at heart i had to put reader as a performer in the Syndicate casino-
~🦫Anon (if this title isn’t already taken-)
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕪𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕖
DSMP x Reader (in-game)
Summary: Request
Warnings: None?
A/N: Okay… I have a few important things to say. First of all, this story is not completed. This request is so genuinely good and I have been trying to work on it for far too long and have had very little success. With that being said I still want to publish the small bit of this story that I’m proud of.
Second of all, I would like any other dsmp writers on this platform to feel free to take this request and perhaps do with it what I wasn’t able to. If you write this story, please tag me because I’d love to see what you do with it. You can also use this bit I have written and am sharing to start off your own version of the story (just give proper credit)!
With all of that out of the way, please enjoy!
The Syndicate. One of the highest-end casinos in the country, and certainly the most powerful, being run by two of the best-known mafiosos.
Philza was best known for his travel, being able to track down anyone anywhere and take care of them.
Technoblade was easily the scariest man you could meet. He’d single-handedly taken down more mafia families at the age of 21 than most senior-aged mafiosos could even dream of.
It was rare to see either of the men in the casino, let alone to see them together, so when the pair came through the doors with power in their steps everyone knew something serious was in order.
They took their seats at the bar as Foolish prepared their drinks and Eret directed the casino's attention to the stage.
This performance was a nightly occurrence, the same jazzy tune came from the band's instruments as Y/N emerged from the curtain.
Hey, I'll tell you a little secret of mine
If you promise not to tell, if you have the time
Everyone has gotten you, always on the run
But if you join the Syndicate
Life could get a little more fun
It was the song of the casino, used to remind everyone just how much power it holds.
When all of the horses and all of the men
Won't learn from history, it's all the same in the end
I've told you once and I'll tell you again
The Syndicate is looking for a couple new friends
It reminds the patrons of the casino that no matter what they do, the Syndicate is always watching, studying each of them in hopes of finding some new friends.
Fight for freedom, fight to end the pain
Hey, this is serious, it's not just some little game
'Cause the anarchy's part of me, tyranny bothers me
End it all properly once and for all
They call us the villains 'cause they know we'll take the fall
The members of the Syndicate were a force to be reckoned with, composed of strong fighters and quick thinkers constantly working to take down anyone that dare stand in their way.
The Eggpire was their current concern. Run by a man named BadBoyHalo, the Eggpire was a whole other breed of mafiosos.
They preached about the Egg, whatever the hell that was supposed to be, and always wore a signature red color that made them easy to spot. Sometimes you could even swear there was a red glint in their eyes when talking about it.
After the incident with Ponk, their old medic that got caught up in the red whirlwind, the Syndicate became extra wary of the Eggpire, willing to do just about anything to take them down.
This is exactly why the two most powerful men were sitting together at the Syndicate’s bar with their eyes locked on the stage.
Fight for freedom, fight to end the pain
Hey, this is serious, it's not just some little game
'Cause the anarchy's part of me, tyranny bothers me
End it all properly once and for all
They call us the villains 'cause they know we'll take the fall
When all of the horses and all of the men
Won't learn from history, it's all the same in the end
I've told you once and I'll tell you again
The Syndicate is looking for a couple new friends
Oh, a couple new friends
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh no, no
You'll gain a couple new friends
As the jazzy instrumentals faded out, Eret poked his head out of the curtain on the side of the stage, gesturing for the resident singer to come backstage.
Y/N smiled at the audience and walked through the velvet barrier to be greeted by the deep-voiced brunette.
“Did you see who’s out there tonight?” They asked him.
“That's why I called you, they wanna see you.”
Y/N took a deep breath and headed out onto the main floor.
They’d been part of the Syndicate for most of their life and knew they weren’t in any danger near Techno and Phil, but the anxiety still pounded in their head as they approached the men.
Y/N sat on the stool next to Technoblade and the two turned their stools to face them.
“Lovely performance!” Phil praised
They shot him a kind smile and braced themself for the inevitable harsh news that would follow the attempted small talk.
“We need you to do something.” Techno said bluntly. “You know Las Nevadas?”
“Yeah, of course.”
It was another casino ran by Kinoko Kingdom, another mafia family. They used to be considered one of the biggest threats to the Syndicate because they had quite literally appeared overnight and nobody knew anything. Once the Eggpire popped up though, it was safest to become fast friends with the three men that ran Las Nevadas in hopes of strengthening their forces against the red abomination infecting families all over.
“We had a meeting with Quackity and he’s got a bad feeling about some guests that have been stopping by their area. It’s a shitty casino, we all know that, but he thinks it’s more than just some random troublemakers.”
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ravennaortiz · 26 days
One Year Later
Chapter 19 of Countdown
As always this is an 18+ only story. This story is AU based and not your typical Sons of Anarchy story. Some readers may find some plot lines and changes to some characters to be problematic please read at your discretion. This story also time jumps heavily so keep this in mind as you read!
Warnings: General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing etc, minor age gap.
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Rocky was putting the finishing touches on her makeup in the bathroom when she heard the creak of the bedroom door. When she neither of her Old Men appeared in the doorway she frowned. "Juan? Kip?" she called as she turned to the door. Getting no response she hesitantly made her way to the door and peeked out.
Looking around she saw no one or anything amiss. Besides, no way anyone would get through Juices security system . Nor would they have made it upstairs without one of the guys being on them. Rocky moved to her closet and dug around for her heels. Once she found them she moved to turn back to her bed.
Out of the corer of her eye she saw a shadow move. Before she could process that she felt an arm wrap around her throat. "Last time this happened " started a deep voice before Rocky sprung into action. Letting out a scream of animalistic proportions she swung her stilettos wildly. Making contact with flesh before she was let go. Tumbling to the floor.
"Damn! Chill ya crazy ass out" demanded the voice as Rocky heard laughter from the hallway. Looking behind her she saw Coco rubbing his head while EZ lay on the floor laughing with Juice and Half-Sack smirking in the hallway.
"I warned you she was still spicy" stated Juice with a chuckle as he shook his head.
"Exactly why I said go by yourself. I wasn't about to get my nose broke again" laughed EZ as Coco glared and flipped them off.
"What if I had had a gun Coco? I could have killed you" demanded Rocky as she hopped off the floor. Coco snorted. "Like how you had a gun and shot yourself in the leg?" he inquired smiling at her as the others laughed.
"Fuck you" muttered Rocky with a smile as she made her way over to hug him.
"I think you have enough guys on your roster don't ya think? Cant be greedy" joked Coco making her punch him in the arm. "You are right though" replied Rocky her eyes dancing with mischief making Coco wary. "I only have so many open holes" she added making him close his eyes as EZ made gagging noises.
"Mija" stated Coco as he shook his head. I love you. But clearly you spent way to much time with me and Angel. The way that shit just flows out of your damn mouth" he muttered as he made his way out the door as the others parted trying to hold back laughter.
SONS Clubhouse
Rockys nineteenth birthday was in full swing. Music was pumping while alcohol flowed and guests danced and chatted the night away.
"She looks happy" stated Bishop as he took a seat next to Jax in the back.
"That she is " chuckled Jax as he glanced over to where Rocky sat on both Juice and Half-Sacks laps as she opened gifts. "Was a time I never thought we would make it to this. Thank you for all you did to help us. Also a time I'd have beat both of their asses. Guess times change" he added as he sipped his beer.
"Glad we could help Jax" replied Bishop as he chuckled. "Juice and Half-Sack are good guys. If I had a daughter or sister interested in two of my members I'd pick them" he added making Jax laugh.
"Too Peace and new beginnings" cheered Bishop as he tilted his bottle to Jax. "To peace and new beginnings" replied Jax as he grinned and clinked his bottle with the older mans.
The End
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