#''He's carrying on the feud with Hangman''
whysamwhy123 · 1 year
Then what. Was the point. Of having Swerve beat Hangman ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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orange-catsidy · 1 month
complaining about swerve vs danielson build under the cut
swerve has been carrying this build like crazy and i think the main reason i havent been vibing at all with what danielson's been doing is that he's basically turned into a character that never existed on aew before this.
the danielson that i liked and have interest in is the founder of the bcc, enlightened sadomasochist, flawed, frequently putting his wrestling interests before his personal relationships, here to kick some fucking heads in. he was never the plaid wearing earnest babyface underdog who just wants to do what's right for his family. this whole build, he hasn't been playing the bryan danielson i know, he's been playing daniel bryan.
and obviously lots of people care about daniel bryan. but i never knew him and i don't have an emotional attachment for this character and this build has done nothing to give me one. i just fundamentally don't care about him winning and honestly i don't really think he should. and ofc not everything has to be catered to everyone and there's always gonna be booking that doesnt hit for me but it's just extra frustrating that:
this is the world title feud so it's kinda important and not ignorable
swerve has basically been treated like an afterthought despite doing all the heavy lifting
swerve vs hangman is a much more titillating feud that's been put on the backburner for this
but anyway, we're almost there, the match will be great, i have no doubts about that. maybe danielson will pull a 4d chess sicko move and lose. that would be cool
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flowitch · 3 months
okay i actually do have so many thoughts about dynamite
kyle hesitantly leaving will to follow don was so good and so sad
britt & mercedes is the natural choice for a wembley match, i just hope that britt learned how to wrestle while she was away so mercedes doesn't have to carry her like stat did
I'm glad britt's okay, that shit sounds so awful and scary. her & adam can't catch a break with head injuries
there's an alternate universe out there where britt is a heel and joins the evps and goes by her god given name brittany
hangman's new theme (as far as i can tell from the one time we've heard it) is great and fits him perfectly. the dim yellow lighting is also so perfect for his presentation. i saw someone on twitter say that they should pay for hurt by johnny cash to be his theme for PPVs and i think that'd be so awesome
thank god the cowboy is home. there was a distinct lack of cowboy these past few months
using jeff jarrett's real life investment & babyfaceism in the owen as a way to get hanger more heel heat was fantastic
the crowd doing the swerve's house chants to hanger was so fucked up when you remember they're chanting for the dude that broke into hanger's house and his child's bedroom LMAO that shit was so crazy. he has every right to go batshit after being made the bad guy. babyface swerve & heel hanger ended up being inspired booking
hangmatt i missed you so dearly. the angst is wonderful but i was sad for a moment missing the elite being all together. so much has happened in the past year!
i need kris statlander in ways I'm not allowed to say publicly
stat vs willow was great per usual. honestly if they wanted to run that again at wembley maybe with a stip that'd be awesome
bryan vs pac was great as expected. i did some looking and the only times they've fought 1-on-1 was once in 2007 for roh and once in 2009 for a UK indie promotion
will vs danny was great. usually my dad and i joke that certain people in matches have a -3% chance of winning when we can guess the booking but in this instance i upped danny to a 40%. i feel like he honestly had a shot based on the storyline they're doing with will. even though he didn't win im glad he has a feud now instead of just squashes or run-ins to help other people
it was def time to turn mjf fully heel again. i think his babyface run was great especially during the btybb era but being a heel is his bread and butter so it was def time.
we should all start assuming someone's about to die when they're wearing white. that's how u know the blood is coming
one minute danny is thrusting in will's face and the next he's dead, daddy magic has his eyes ripped out, and mjf is throwing trash at fans while they attempt to fist fight him
I'm so so so excited that the build to all in has started. they have so much time for it i think it's gonna be amazing
mark briscoe declaring for blood & guts made me very happy. he's gonna do some crazy shit. i really wish the acclaimed weren't in it because i cannot stand max caster but sadly that's probably happening. i keep thinking maybe swerve will declare since they hinted it & that's what'll help the bucks convince hanger to join their team. I'm all for them being in forced close proximity and angst happening. god bless
there was a chompy-shaped hole in the heart of this year's shark week episode. i liked him terrorizing commentary last year. speaking of commentary, taz being kicked off commentary should be considered a crime
i think that's all for now
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allelitewrestlings · 4 months
heyyyyyyy! <33
I just want to say first of all that I absolutely love this account! You're the main reason why I fell in love with the Hangman vs Swerve feud and you really helped me stay up-to-date with their storyline because of your amazing gifsets (WHICH I'M OBSESSED WITH)! 💖
And honestly I really wanted to show you love so here's me pouring all of it into your ask box 🤭💞✨
P.S. Did you have a favourite moment during the HangSwerve feud? If so, what was it?
hey! thanks for such a lovely ask 🥰 it's nice to know that our blog has helped others keep up with feuds. and thank you! i (@jonmoxleys) usually make most of the hangman and swerve gifsets. their feud has really inspired me to create and experiment with techniques i haven't used before.
my favourite moments so far have been the blood drinking spot and the ramifications of it; hangman and swerve repeating that they're bound together because of that ("you are with me forever," "he drank my blood and he's gonna carry me with me for the rest of his life,"). and then the little bit in jacksonville back in january when hangman turns to swerve and goes "as much as you found me, swerve... i found you too." i think about these things A Normal Amount™
but yeah. it's been a very fruitful feud and i personally cannot wait to see how it develops once hangman comes back!
hope you keep enjoying aew 😊 thanks for the love! ❤
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phantomtgm · 2 years
Phantom - Chapter Six
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Phantom’s P.O.V
I ran water over my hot burning face, hoping it would wash the nerves away but it didn’t. I could feel myself shaking, I mean the way he kissed me…I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. I had never been kissed like that before and I wanted to do it again but….I couldn’t. 
I mean it was going to be hard walking into class tomorrow and facing him. I wasn’t embarrassed, more like I was afraid he was going to say something to blow off what happened. Why did he kiss me to get that man to stop looking at me? There were other things that could have been done to stop that so why kiss me?
I was so confused. I had too many questions and I probably wasn’t going to get the answers too. 
“Ughhhh!” I belted out loud.
“What am I going to do?” I ran my hands over my face as I walked over to my bed. I needed to get some rest for tomorrow but how was I supposed to do that when the only thing that was on my mind was Maverick?  
Why oh why did it have to be him? 
Sunlight glared through my window, forcing me awake. I groaned, rolling over. I needed to get up before I was late again but then the memory of what happened last night came thundering through my brain and I cringed. 
Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I regretfully rolled out of bed.
I glanced at the time and saw that I had an hour to get ready. Good, I wasn’t going to be late again. I didn’t need a repeat of yesterday.
Walking towards the door of the classroom, I began to get nervous. I felt really fidgety and I didn’t know how to stop it. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest so I inhaled deeply and pushed the door open only to find Phoenix, Bob, Payback, and Fanboy. No signs of Maverick. Or Rooster and Hangman.
“Where is everyone else at?” I asked, stepping in. I could feel myself relax now that I knew Maverick wasn’t here.
“In the air.” Payback said. 
“Already?” I asked, curious. 
“Yo come here, it’s getting juicy!” 
“Payback shut up.” Phoenix managed to laugh as she spewed that out so I walked forward to listen to what they were talking about.  
“What’s going on?” I asked.
“Here, listen.” They both pointed at the radio and at first all I could hear was Coyote “Oh shit.” Then an immediate high pitched tone followed by “That’s a kill.” “Is this what you guys have been listening to for the past five minutes?” 
“Hell yeah. Rooster has been giving Maverick lip all morning. Know anything about that Phantom?” I looked at Coyote and Fanboy who were giving me looks then looked over at Phoenix who just gave a ‘don’t look at me’ face. 
“Now why would I know anything about their…feud they have going on?” I raised a brow. It was kind of odd that they were asking me but I just rolled with the punches. I just shook my head and tuned into the radio. 
I didn’t hear what happened before I walked in here so I listened closely. 
“So Rooster, mind if I ask you a personal question?” Hangman’s voice came through clearly and I rolled my eyes, Phoenix catching that and arching a brow. I just shook my head and continued listening. I so did not want to talk about that with her right now. 
“Would it matter if I did?” Rooster shot back. 
Hangman being Hangman, he carried on. “So what’s the story with you and Maverick? It seems like he’s got you a little rattled.”
Rooster simply said “That’s none of your business.” And without skipping a beat “Now where the hell is he?” 
“Been here the whole time.” Maverick’s cocky voice sounded through and I had to fight back my smirk.  
“Holy shit…” By the sound of Hangman’s voice, Maverick must have done something wild and I wish I was up in the air to see what it was.
“You see me now?” 
Not even a moment passed before Maverick spoke again. “Come on, let’s get it over with.”
“Fight’s on!” Rooster yelled. 
“What is with these two?” Hangman questioned and I raised a brow because I didn’t know either. The only thing I could think of at the moment was that Maverick flew with his father when he died but it seemed a little deeper than that. 
I looked around at everyone and noticed Harvard and Yale had entered the room. I nodded a hello then focused back on the radio. 
“Alright, you put us here. How are you gonna get yourself out?” We could all hear the heavy breathing in his voice and could tell that they were doing something not in regulations. I fought back the laugh as I thought about what they could possibly be doing. 
“You can bail out anytime.” The pride in Rooster’s voice shone like a beacon. 
“How low do you want to go, Rooster?” Maverick’s voice sounded strained and I was beginning to worry. 
What were they doing up there?”
“I can go as long as you sir, and that’s saying something!” Rooster spoke defiantly which didn’t surprise me.
“What’s past is past. For both of us.”
“You’d like to believe that, wouldn’t you?” I stepped closer to the radio because I suspected this was about to blow up badly but a nudge caught my attention and I turned my head to see Phoenix beckoning me to her.
I didn’t want to stop listening to what was going on, not out of being nosy but out of worry for both the men in the sky.
“Phantom!” She called me again so I turned and walked towards her. She was in the back of the classroom while the rest of the guys were by the radio. 
“What’s up?” I turned to look back at the radio and was fidgeting. I didn’t like not knowing what was going on. “Are you okay?”
I furrowed my brows and said “Yeah why?” Watching her face light up in concern was almost comical because I’ve never seen her that way before but I kept that to myself as she opened her mouth to talk. 
“You disappeared the other night and we were just worried about you.” 
I should have known they would have noticed me leaving so I had to think quickly of what to say as an excuse because I did not want to have to explain what actually happened. 
“Oh yeah, I was feeling sick so I decided to go home. I should have told you but it was really bad. I’m really sorry Phoenix.” I apologized and she looked slightly disappointed but I didn’t know what else to say.
I was hoping she would leave it at that but nope. 
She fidgeted with her fingers and said “Are you sure? We saw Maverick sitting with you and noticed you seemed a bit….peeved.”
Man, this girl was perceptive. 
I abruptly turned to look back at where the radio was and noticed everyone had dispersed so my eyes darted back to Phoenix. 
“Ohhh…no he was-” I was interrupted by a door suddenly opening and my name being called. I looked over to see Maverick and Rooster entering the room. Maverick was waving me over and I suddenly got the urge to run. 
I looked back to Phoenix who nodded at me to go so I reluctantly walked over to where Maverick was standing. 
I approached him and being in close proximity to Maverick stirred feelings in me which almost made me unable to speak which was embarrassing as hell. 
“Yeah?” I asked, not the best way to speak to a superior but it was Maverick for God’s sake. He wasn’t going to do anything about it. 
I gathered the courage to look at him and he seemed to be hesitating to speak which I thought was odd. He cleared his throat and said “Before you get into your flight gear, I wanted to talk to you about the other night.” 
Hearing him wanting to talk about what happened made my throat close up and I wanted to crawl out of my skin. I didn’t know what to say. That’s not true, I knew what I wanted to say, it’s just I was scared to see his reaction and I couldn’t have that. That would be the most embarrassing thing that I would ever do. 
“Look-” I immediately cut him off because I was so not having this conversation right now before a flight and especially not in front of my fellow aviators. I could feel eyeballs glued to my back as I spoke so that was a hard no. 
“I can’t do this right now.” 
Maverick’s brow raised.
“I uh-u I’ve got to go.” I abruptly turned to go, externally cringing as I walked off but not before I saw his facial expression. 
Pure confusion. 
Or at least that’s what I thought was behind that expression.
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badbanaynas · 28 days
SINCE IM HERE i wann agive my raw quick match ratings/thoughts!!!
willow / ishii vs kris / stoke: so fun!! i wish we had more intergender fighting , but tony is coward so... 💫💫.5
latter match: LOVE.. i love the wackiness of latter matches, i loveed loved loved lucha in it i love how much they're dragging out the eventual moment lucha eats christiAN. i also liked that pac, yuta, and claudio won, very different and fun! 💫💫💫💫
gauntlet match: this was pretty fun too! was hoping jay white would show up but ALAS... i was really into christian running in for another chance at a belt because he CANNOT be beltless. it was awesome.. i love him.. AND LUCHA....AUGH...i kno there was some disappointment that hangman didn't win but i also think there's this shared idea that hangman is the main character of the show and deserves everything.. like no he dont! he's MEAN! and there's a story being told with him obviously, it wasnt this one. 💫💫
tony vs mariah: this shit was SO GOOD, i dont know why it was SO early in the show tho? they def should have switched slots with the tbs match...anyways it was pretty emotional , the way it PAINED toni to fight mariah.. she still loves her despite it all, and mariah feels nothing.. YES! 💫💫💫💫
jericho vs hook: why do we keep letting jericho have matches in the main show? why don't we zero hour this bitch and eliminate him once and for ALL...? dont get me started on hook.. he's just not good, he has NO juice. there's no reason to want him to win his belt besides the fact that his dad created it. and if its so important to uphold the family legacy then why not.. like make it important? why not have taz be like ' im gonna disown you if you lose this belt again' or something? there's NO stakes and hook suplexes like he's gonna leap out of the ring bc he has NO CONTROL CAUSE HE'S FUCKING 2 PPOUNDS BUT FIGHTS LIKE HE's JUICED. i DID like him throwing the cricket balls tho, that was really funNY. 💫.5
bucks vs ftw vs acclaimed: daddy ass looked SO CUUUTEE ^_^! (NO STARS)
mjf vs ospreay: 90% of this match felt like we were in the middle of a commercial break... why were they on the ground so much. why where they SO WINDED.. very boring, ospreay's ADVERTISEMENT entrance STUNK as well. this whole feud just could have not happened and i think things would have been fine....see in the jericho and hook match i can at least name a moment i thought was fun .. not so much this match, just a whole DUD..glad we got to see danny again tho, i know he WILL SLAY. 💫
britt vs mercedes: i anticipated this one the most cause i wanted to see if mercedes could carry britt to a decent match.. but it seems when you're working with someone as limp as THE DENTIST , it's just impossible. i feel bad for mercedes because she deserves better than to have the DMD thrown onto her lap like that. im glad she retained but i dont think these two will have another feud for a while...TO THE PERFORMANCE CENTER BRITTANY!! 💫 ( all stars are for merecedes)
jack vs darby: UGHH i wanted to love this one but it was just too short! this felt like being edged and then just getting over with the rest.. everything that happened was fun and good but it all just hAPPENED AND THEN ENDED. i dont like darby at all, but it didnt make darby look too good. he wasnt the challenge that he made himself out to be.. i dont blame either men because i truly think they were just rushed for time , because that's what it felt like. i am glad jack retained tho, he deserves it! i rthink the moment where the crowd starts doing his lil emote with him over the pile of glass was beautiful. a nice contrast to where he was last year at this time! im looking forward to who challenges him next, and i hope we see him more on tv now. >_> 💫💫
swerve vs brian: AUGH......SO GOOOD... swerve looked very pretty tonight, i loved his hair cuffs! bryan as always, just knows how to play a crowd he's a sicko that lives off upsetting people and i think thts really great :-)!! im glad bryan won, but i cant help but feel so sad when seeing swerve on the ground like that.. i wish swerve could have retained but i think thats what makes the match really good. you pick someone to root for and you can root for either of them honestly, both are great.. im glad it was bryan he lost the belt to than hangman honestLY...deducting points for no shaka khan tho... 💫💫💫💫
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missathlete31 · 1 year
Nowhere To Run- Chapter 8
Chapter Synopsis- After Rooster and Hangman's fight, a trip to the hospital is needed and Jake and Javy get to talk things out.
Story Synopsis + Link to Other Chapter Here -
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Despite Naomi’s insistence that she was fine, Javy drove the trio straight to the nearest Florida hospital he could find. He pulled right into the emergency bay, ignoring his wife’s glare at the imposition they were creating for any possible ambulances that might need to get through before he turned to the injured blonde in the backseat. “I’m taking her straight in to be seen,” he shared, his tone as cold as his eyes as he looked at his former best friend, “you can park the car.”
“Javy-“ Naomi moved to argue but Jake waved her off. “I got the car” he confirmed, sliding out the left side of the rental’s back seat to move up to the driver’s, “you just help her.”
Javy made no reply, moving to the passenger chair and taking his wife into his arms carefully. Naomi bristled at the treatment, “I can walk” she mumbled but she was paid no attention to as Javy carried her cautiously inside.
Jake watched for a moment, making sure they got in okay before he started the car and drove towards the parking lot. A part of him wanted to just keep driving, taking the vehicle as far as he could if only to protect the people that he seemed to just keep hurting. He was so disgusted with himself, with his actions, his lack of control, his inability to act like a rational adult whenever Bradshaw was around. Fighting with the older man, in his dress whites and at a teammate's wedding no less was embarrassingly stupid and not the calculated and cunning person that Jake had spent so many years training himself to be.
And the scariest part of all? It could have been so much worse. If Naomi hadn't come out, if the others didn't pull the two feuding pilots apart, Jake was confident the fight would still be going on. Bradshaw had infuriated him tonight, bringing up his childhood and his parents' abuse and flinging it like it was his fault. Of course Hangman shot dirty too, implying that Rooster was only in the Top 1% of the Navy because of who he knew instead of his own merit. In reality, Jake knew that the mustached pilot had the talent to back up his own placement but Jake wanted to hurt Bradley, he wanted to get a response, he wanted the fight. All reactions that normally Hangman would try to avoid, yet once again Bradley freaking Bradshaw managed to bring out the worst in him.
He was ashamed.
But Hangman hated himself even more so when he thought about running away now. He hurt his family: Javy, Naomi and their son; the people he loved more than anyone else in the entire world and his solution was to run away? No, Jake shook himself, he would own up to his mistakes, he would apologize and he would be better. If Javy and Naomi pushed him away after all that than he would respect their wishes and leave them but not before. He was not abandoning them at a random hospital because he was scared to show his face to Coyote’s wrath. No, he deserved all the anger he got from the other man, all the harsh words. Hell he couldn’t even blame Javy if the man punched him in the face like Bradshaw did. Jake would take it all without a word of compliant but he wouldn’t leave them, not until he knew what his stupidity and his emotions ruined once again.
Jake parked the car and headed into the emergency room, taking a few seconds to orient himself as the bright lights of the hospital mixed with the clinical smell of antiseptic and bleach. The blonde’s stomach rolled, not for the first time that night but he held strong and proceeded forward, ignoring the reception desk as he noticed Naomi being helped into a wheelchair. He stepped forward, hesitantly, not wanting to overstep but also needing to know the woman was being helped right away. The pregnant woman caught his eye and turned to the nurse at her side, “he needs to be seen too” she motioned up to Hangman, “he’s bleeding.”
The nurse looked up, her blue eyes scrutinizing the battered blonde in front of them. “We will make sure he gets cleaned up honey, but first let’s get you into a room-“
“He will be fine Naomi,” Javy’s tone was set, his hands already moving to steer the wheelchair and his wife through the swinging doors and to an exam room, “can we worry about you for a moment?” The woman didn’t look happy but she didn’t fight, allowing her husband to wheel her around.
When the three disappeared through the doors Jake was finally satisfied enough to go check himself in. He headed back to the desk, a middle aged woman with curly red-hair and glasses typing something on an ipad. Hangman waited until she finished before he cleared his throat, “um excuse me” he murmured softly, not wanting to startle anyone.
The nurse looked up with a concerned gaze, “how can I help you?”
“Uh, I think I need to be checked out” Jake motioned to his face, “I had a bit of an altercation-“
“I’d say” but the nurse didn’t sound unkindly, instead she bustled around the desk for a moment, while she got herself in order. “Take a seat for now” she gestured to the waiting room, “but I’ll have someone out to see you in a bit, and here” she handed over a few bandages, “for your cut.”
Jake nodded in thanks and took the dressing to the gash under his eye. He held in the moan at the slice of pain that radiated from the touch and wasn’t surprised when he saw the white bandage turning red quickly. He sighed, heading to a chair and noticing a few of the others in the waiting room watching him with a weary judgment. He knew he must have been a sight, bleeding and bruised in his Navy dress whites, a member of the armed services looking disgracefully rumpled. The blonde choose to keep his head down, hoping that avoiding eye contact would make this situation even the tiniest bit more bearable.
After only a few short minutes a different nurse called him over and Jake was taken through the same swinging doors that Naomi and Javy did but towards a different room. He was ordered to sit and then put through the works. A flashlight was shown immediately into his eye, his reflexes tested, his neck prodded. He was ordered for a CT scan and then an x-ray for his ribs as the nurse and orderly in his room both paled at the sight of the coloring of his sternum when he was getting undressed and called back for the resident on call. That resident, Doctor Klein, his white coat displayed, looked to be about 40, he aura of command showing he was a trusted and experienced man in the hospital. He ordered blood work with a practiced ease, the other staff jumping straight to it. The older man allowed Jake to explain the events of the night and how each injury was sustained with no comments and minimal questions, making sure to get the whole story first. After the bruised pilot was finished, the salt and peppered haired man ordered a toxicology report; Jake blushing in embarrassment at the thought he not only looked like a fool to the hospital staff but a drunken one as well. Hangman was pleased though when the work came back with only the minimalist amount of alcohol left in his system.
“You’re lucky” Doctor Klein, the medical resident announced slapping a scan of Jake’s skull onto the board behind the bed and lighting it up, “I thought we were looking at an orbital compound fracture but it’s not that severe. You’re going to be bruised for a bit, and it will be painful, but you don’t need surgery and that’s always a win.” He traced a finger along the picture of the bone line under Jake’s right eye, “if you got hit any harder we would be having a very different conversation” the older man warned.
Jake swallowed roughly, even that motion causing pain to his sore face, “so- uh-“ he cleared his throat, “I’m good to fly?”
“I didn’t say that” the doctor warned, crossing his arms sternly and reminding Jake of a disenchanted parent readying for another lecture, “your timetable here is going to be based upon the symptoms you present. It’s still early, the injury only an hour or so old, so it’s harder to gauge what you will be dealing with and what your body can handle. I don’t recommend any cabin pressure for at least a week to play it safe.”
“A week?” Jake couldn’t help his whine; he had been hoping to catch the first flight back to California tomorrow, away from all things Florida and the memories of this wedding nightmare with Bradshaw. Waiting a week to be able to fly put a big wrench in his plan. “But I need to report back to my base” he lied, hoping the doctor might concede to giving him the all clear if he sounded urgent, “I will be considered AWOL if I don’t.”
“I suggest you call your CO then” Doctor Klein replied, not even fazed, “and we will be happy to send over any paperwork you need to explain the situation directly.” He offered a smug look that told Jake he knew exactly what the blonde was trying to pull. “I know it’s frustrating” the resident admitted, softening a bit, “but it’s for the best. Tomorrow you will be feeling this a lot more, and showing it” he pointed to the bruising colors on the blonde’s right side. “May I?” he questioned as he waited for Jake’s consent. When he got it, the doctor moved in closer, taking gentle but practiced hands along the wounded flesh, “bruising and swelling are a given but be on the lookout for any double vision, headaches, nausea or vomiting. Also” he pressed a little harder and Jake couldn’t contain his hiss as a flash of pain shot through the area, “sorry” Klein offered though he kept up his ministrations, “you need to be watching if your eye ball starts to sink-“
“Sink?” Jake felt his brain stutter with the vivid images that came to his mind at the doctor’s caution, “sink where?”
“Sink in” the older man stepped back, offering a small sigh, “you should be okay, like I said it wasn’t a compound fracture, but your eyeball could sink back a little into the socket because of the jarring hit the area sustained. I don’t think it will be the case here but you should be aware.”
Hangman couldn’t get over the absolute terror he would feel if his eyeball was falling back into his head but he mustered up a small nod, “right, okay, well I’ll make sure I pay attention to- for” he corrected, “for that.”
“Also your ribs” the doctor put up another scan, this time the x-ray. “No broken bones or fractures but direct impact to that area is always worrisome. We didn’t notice any internal bleeding but the vicinity is tender and bruised” he looked to the pilot, “you said you’re a fighter pilot right?”
Jake nodded as he swallowed his nerves, “I am Sir.”
“Well then no G’s for at least two weeks.” He raised a hand when Jake looked to immediately argue the diagnosis, “you can’t put that sort of pressure on these ribs, they are too susceptible right now-“
“But you said no fractures” Hangman quarreled, knowing in his heart that he couldn’t handle yet another casualty of this night. Two weeks or not, Jake needed to get back to the skies, if only to clear his own head and get himself back to neutral.
“I know what I said” Klein voice moved to a more authoritarian tone, “but it doesn’t mean you didn’t do any damage. Multiple hits to the sternum is not a joke and flying with pressures like you do is just going to make you get a fracture and then you’re out for months.” He levied the blonde with a serious look, “would you prefer that Lieutenant?”
“No Sir.”
“Good, now your cognitive responses are all sound and like I said before, no internal bleeding. I’m ready to prepare discharge papers, we should be able to get you out of here and resting within the hour, how’s that sound?”
The thought of heading back to the hotel that all the Daggers were staying didn’t exactly sound appealing but Jake knew it was better than being admitted. Plus he also was dying to check on Naomi and the baby. He met the doctor’s gaze and mustered a grateful smile, nowhere near the wattage of his typical Hangman smirk, “I’d appreciate that Sir” he spoke.
“Good” Doctor Klein patted him gently on the shoulder, took the scans from the board and headed from the room. Not a half an hour later, Jake was re-dressed with paperwork for his CO, a copy already scanned and sent to his base in Lemoore. The nurses waved him off, expecting the blonde to leave but instead Jake headed back to the red-head behind the reception counter and waited for her to look up.
“Lieutenant” she greeted, pointing to the butterfly bandage now closing the cut below his eye (Jake was thankful he didn’t need stitches). “That looks better" she offered.
“Yes” Hangman conceded, slowly turning on the charm, “and thank you for your help before with the bandage. I appreciate it.”
“That’s my job” she shared drily, though she looked amused.
“I was hoping you could help me with one more thing, if you didn’t mind.”
She eyed him suspiciously, “Okay.”
“A couple came in before me, Naomi Machado, she’s pregnant and she took a fall-“ because I pushed her, Jake wanted to admit but he knew he needed the nurse on his side for this and saying he hurt a pregnant woman was not the way to do it, “could you tell me if she’s still here?”
The redhead typed on her tablet, looking back up when she found the information she needed, “she was given a room for her examination.”
“I’d imagine you can’t tell me how that examination went right?”
The nurse’s eyes narrowed, “no Sir, I can’t.”
“Can I visit then? If they okay it?”
“I can check” she promised, “take another seat, and I’ll let you know.”
“Thank you Nurse… “ he moved to see if she had a nametag.
“It’s Bradley” the woman shared, not noticing when Jake almost snorted in disbelief at the coincidence, "Sheryl Bradley.”
“Thank you Sheryl” he finally managed, cursing his forever association with all Bradley’s of the world. However this Bradley followed through, arriving not ten minutes later with directions to the exam room that housed the Machados. Hangman hurried down the hall, checking rooms rapidly before he caught a looming figure approaching him.
It was a disheveled Coyote, heading out of a room with a hunch to his shoulder and the sounds of sobs in his throat. The blonde pilot felt his pulse run cold. Javy’s face was blanched from crying, his reddened eyes the only color he seemed to have left as they spilled tear after tear. Jake immediately feared the worse, the devastation building inside of him ready to topple without any more provocation. “J-Javy” he gutted out, his voice ruined, his emotions overflowing, “Javy no, what happened?“ He didn’t think he could ever think clearly again, “the baby… Naomi-“
“She wants to see you” the other man spoke up, wiping his tears from his face with the back of his hand and refusing to meet the blonde’s eye. “She’s in exam room 7.”
“Is she-“
But Coyote repudiated to give him anything more, just nodding towards the direction of his wife. “You shouldn’t keep her waiting” he warned, a taste of cruelty on his lips but he held back at the look of pure devastation on Hangman’s face. “Go Jake” he finally whispered, passing the blonde without even a nudge as he headed in the opposite direction.
It took a few seconds for Jake to gather himself enough to continue walking. His legs were jelly, barely holding his weight but the need to see Naomi, to hear from his biggest advocate this entire night about how he had taken the most precious gift away from her, was too strong to stop him. He deserved this, he deserved to feel like his heart was ripping from his chest, he deserved to hurt like he did to all those around him.
Jake stopped outside the door and took one last breath before knocking three times. When he heard someone call for him to enter, he pushed the door with barely a scrap of strength, petrified at the sight that would greet him.
There in the hospital bed was Naomi, dressed in hospital gown that was pulled up and exposing her belly while a blanket covered her bare legs. A nurse was next to her, checking vitals and machines with no hurry, both women talking calmly and amicably. Compared to how he just saw Javy leave, Jake was undoubtedly confused at the sight, unsure what exactly was going on. Naomi offered him her normal jovial smile, “Jake” she greeted, motioning towards her own face, in mimic of his injuries, “you got checked over” she spoke up, not quite a question. 
Jake ignored her words, staring between Naomi and the nurse trying to figure out what he was missing, "The baby" he all but whispered, "is the baby-"
“Fine” she answered, putting him out of his misery, “the baby is just fine.”
“And you-“
She nodded, “Also fine” the woman shared, “you think you can take a breath now?” she joked at the way he still seemed frozen in the doorway.
“But Coyote” Jake’s mind was still racing, “he was crying-“
“It’s been an emotional night” Naomi conceded, “and I think this last batch of tears was more in relief,” she spoke before lowering her voice in almost a conspiratory whisper, “he just spent the last twenty minutes with his head on my bare stomach, just whispering to the baby. He’s going through a lot, trying to process everything-"
"But you're okay, and the baby is okay?"
She nodded again, patient like a saint as Jake walked himself through the news. The blonde praised his healthy heart because he didn't think he could have handled the roller-coaster of emotions from the night otherwise, "the baby's okay" he repeated again, almost like a mantra, "and so are you."
"We are both okay."
"I didn't kill your baby."
He missed the flinch from both the nurse and Naomi, his face staring down at his traitorous hands instead, the ones that had pushed Naomi not so long ago. "Jake" his friend called, waiting until he met her eye, "you didn't hurt the baby, and you didn't hurt me-"
"I did" he argued back, shaking his head, "I pushed you, intentional or not, and I put you and Javy through all this worry and heartbreak-I mean it" he continued urgently when the other woman looked to interrupt, "Javy is crying out in the hallway right now because of what I put your all through-"
"You're right" Naomi agreed and Hangman was enough of a selfish asshole to admit it hurt to hear her concur so quickly. "He was crying, but it was because of you Jake-"
"I know and I'm so sorry-"
"No" she sighed, "he was crying because he was worried about you too." She watched Jake's confused furrow of his eyebrows and gave a sad smile, "he was scared he pushed you too far away. He was scared you both wouldn't be able to get past this, that the baby would lose his godfather-"
Hangman sniffed back a sob, the tears clinging to his eyelashes as he stubbornly tried to hold them in, "how could you still want me?"
"Because you love this baby as much as we do" Naomi shared softly, urging Jake to come forward but the blonde persistently stayed by the door, almost as though afraid to get too close. "And we love you and we always will. Fights are going to happen, it's inevitable with family but we don't quit on each other because of it, and you're still here despite everything."
"I think that's just because I don't have anywhere else to go-"
"We both know that's not true" she informed him, getting emotional herself, "now come here" she waved him closer, "I want you to meet someone." She gave a nod to the nurse next to her who brought a machine closer to the bed. Using a transducer probe over Naomi's exposed stomach, an image of an almost fully developed baby flickered on the screen. Jake's breath hitched, the sight making the tears finally release as he shuffled closer hesitantly to get an even better look.
The nurse smiled, "there he is again, your strong and healthy little man."
"See" Naomi grinned merrily, keeping a hand on her stomach while she looked over to the blonde, noticing his snuffles, "he's fine Jake, all fine."
"But it could have been so much worse-"
"Yes" she didn't pull any punches, "it could have but it wasn't. Be thankful for that and let your guilt go okay? Please."
"And go talk to Javy-"
Jake shook his head while he wiped at his face stubbornly, “I can’t- he- he has every right to hate me-“
“But he doesn’t Jake" Naomi insisted passionately, 'he really doesn’t. Like I told you before, he was crying in here because of you-“
“Because I almost killed his wife and son-“
“No" she raised her voice a tad to be heard, "because as much as he wants to be mad at you right now, he can’t. He loves you Jake, and he always will. Please, go talk to him. For me" she added putting the final nail in the coffin of their argument and all but ensuring Jake would go find his friend. There was no way he would deny Naomi anything especially after tonight.
So there Hangman went, back out into the cold and sterile hallways to search for Javy Machado. He wasn't quite sure where to look at first; not finding him in the cafeteria or even in the chapel. Jake thought about checking outside, thinking perhaps the man needed some fresh air, until the signs for the nursery caught his eye. Knowing his best friend, and the sentimental bastard the man tried to deny being, Jake headed towards his left, not shocked when he saw the darker skinned man staring through the windows at the new born babies.
Jake stepped closer, clearing his throat a bit not to startle the other man. Javy still jumped though, turning to see the blonde pilot before looking back to his window. Since he wasn't told to leave just yet, Jake decided to push his luck, moving to stand next to his friend and watch the same view. It didn't take a mind-reader to understand why Javy had been drawn to this place after his family's close call, no doubt seeing the latest images of his healthy boy and needing to see his impending future. Just a glance over to his right made Jake flash with a sort of pride for his best friend, Coyote was going to be a great father.
The two men stood in silence for a few seconds longer until finally Javy sighed, "did you get checked out?" he asked quietly.
Jake nodded, "I did."
"Anything broken?"Coyote's mouth twitched, "besides your dignity?"
The blonde looked down, "just a lot of bruises. But I can't fly for two weeks just to be safe."
Coyote looked strangely sympathetic, a grounded pilot always hitting a nerve for other aviators, "That sucks" he shared, his tone warming.
"Tell me about it" Jake scoffed, "and they sent the paperwork to Lemoore to let them know."
"Shit" the man trailed off, the not so comfortable silence rising around them again. Jake tapped his foot waiting to see if Coyote was going to say anything else before he started his long and apologetic spiel that he had prepared to say.
When the other man stayed silent, Jake took a deep breath and turned to face his friend, "Javy" he began, waiting for the man to face him, "I just wanted to say how sorry I am, for everything. What happened tonight..." he shook his head, his words feeling inadequate but Hangman knew he had to try to get it out anyway he could, "it was unacceptable. I can never apologize enough for what I put you and Naomi through- what I put your family through. You guys are the most important people in the world to me and to hurt you, especially like this- I'll never forgive myself and I don't expect either of you to every forgive me either." Coyote continued to stand there, listening to Hangman's words silently, his face betraying no emotions. Jake swallowed roughly, "you were right out there tonight, Rooster brings out the worst in me and I don't really know why, but I can't blame him for all this. I yelled at you to leave me alone tonight when all you were trying to do was help me, when all you ever try to do is help me. I didn't leave when you suggested it. I was too embarrassed that I would cut your night short and ruin the fun just because I couldn't deal with being in the same room as Bradshaw and Maverick. I instigated the last fight, I pushed Rooster's buttons until I knew he would hit me. And I pushed Naomi away, I hurt her. I hurt you and I am so sorry, I don't think I will ever be able to say it enough. I'm sorry."
“I know how sorry you are" the other man whispered, his voice breaking slightly, "And I know” Javy paused, inhaling sharply, “that I’ll forgive you for all of this" he looked at Jake, a tear in his eye, "but just not tonight okay?” he told the blonde, his face crumbling with emotion, “I need tonight to be mad at you. I need tonight to be angry about what you put my wife and my unborn son through. Do you understand?”
“But tomorrow” Javy voice cut out as he became choked up. He shook a shaky finger at Jake, “tomorrow I will forgive you because you are my brother and I love you. And I know how much you love my family.”
“I do" Jake admitted desperately, "I do Javy and I can never apologize enough."
The other man nodded, "tomorrow it's forgiven and forgotten Jake, I'm not letting you carry this over yourself for the rest of your life okay? You got that?"
"But I-"
"You're not the only one at fault for tonight. I could have insisted we leave just as much as you. I saw how uncomfortable you were after the talk with Mav but since you said you were good I let it go-"
The blonde shook his head immediately, "this isn't your fault Javy-"
"I know it's not" the other man shot back, a little of his fire returning, "I'm just saying you're not the only one to blame. I could have made us leave. Rooster could have been less of an ass-" he waved his hand for emphasis, "about everything. He could have stopped goading you constantly, stopped trying to get in your face each time. Fanboy and Harvard and Yale could have kept Rooster inside after your first altercation. I could have been faster out of my chair when I saw Bradshaw leave again instead of rounding up the others. Naomi could have waited and not tried to break up the fight when me and Bob were literally three steps behind her." Coyote watched Hangman shake his head, still ready to argue, "There was blame everywhere Jake" he told the blonde, "and shit man, I'm too tired to feel it anymore. My wife is okay, my son is okay, you're" he motioned to the pilot's bashed face, "kinda okay?" he wagered, "standing at least" he corrected, "so let's just put this behind us."
The blonde's face crumpled but he nodded his assent, afraid to disagree with Coyote anymore, "O-Okay."
Javy released a long breath, his shoulders instantly relaxing as though the burden of his anger was finally leaving him. He patted Jake's shoulder gently, "I'm going to help Naomi get dressed and get her discharge papers and then we can head back to the hotel alright? We will meet you at the entrance-"
"You're going to drive me back?" Jake asked in confusion, "But you said you wouldn't forgive me until tomorrow-"
"That doesn't mean I'm ditching you in some small Florida town" Coyote announced in exasperation, "Your dumbass will get eaten by an alligator or something walking back to the hotel-"
"I told you" and Coyote's voice didn't waver, "you're my brother and I love you. That's applied all these years despite you being an asshole half the time and a dumbass the other. And it will continue to apply for the rest of your life man so just deal with it okay?" At the slight upturn on Jake's face, Javy smiled, "and besides" he looked at his watch, "it's midnight, officially tomorrow. We're good now."
"We're good?" Jake looked at the watch himself, not quite believing what the other man was saying. "But-"
"Come here" Coyote reached over, pulling Jake into his arms and enveloping the man in a hug. Jake felt himself sink into his best friend's embrace, his sobs fumbling out as he tried to hold onto any semblance of composure. "You're better than the man that Bradshaw makes you become," Javy urged, "I need you to see that."
"I know" Hangman snuffled.
"And him and Mav, they don't know shit about you. The people who love you, they are the ones who know the real Jake Seresin, and they are the ones who will always be by your side. No matter what."
"Thank you" Jake sobbed softly, his head buried in Javy's chest despite the pain it caused his face, "I could never thank you enough for everything you do for me- for everything you forgive me for."
Coyote clutched him tighter, his own eyes tearing, "This isn't a one way friendship man, you've been there for me more times than I can count. I'm a better pilot because of you, a better man. I love you Jake, always."
"I love you too man."
"Jeez" Javy pulled away, and though Jake hated losing that warmth, he reluctantly stepped back. Both men wiped at their eyes, before a laugh escaped them both at their emotions. "We're a sight aren't we" Coyote joked with a sniffle, "crying like a bunch of pansy in the hallway."
"Yeah" Jake agreed, though of all the things he was ashamed for this night, crying with his best friend wasn't one of them. If anything, this might have been his proudest moment, as his best friend patted him one more time and headed to collect his wife, the view of a dozen new babies sleeping soundly left behind in his wake.
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fang-revives · 1 year
Feud, Hype, Titantron?
Feud ~ Your favorite rivalries?
Working my way through Jay White vs. David Finlay in NJPW and it does have a ton of compelling history to it, that they built up throughout even their time together as Young Lions! I'll plug KENTA vs. Marufuji in Pro wrestling NOAH again because they are simply the Bestest. And honestly, Kenny Omega vs. Hangman deserves a shoutout. They were the Big Time story when I got into AEW and they carried that through so well.
Hype ~ List some wrestlers you think are overrated and/or underrated?
Overrated: Bryan Danielson (sorry to the girlies I do think he is good! just not as good internationally as he is locally). I think MJF's in-ring work is very overrated, but I get that he's mostly a talker to a lot of people (caveat that I haven't seen most of his recent bromance in-ring with Cole, which I have heard was choice).
Underrated: Sonny Kiss (absolutely criminally :/ ) , Cara Noir (I know he's a weird indie choice but LOOK he's very very good and there is no one doing it like him).
*Titantron ~ Your favorite and/or least favorite wrestling entrances?
Favourites: Katsuyori Shibata, House of Black (THEY KILL IT EVERY TIME), Ricky Starks (such a good theme get it Ricky), Kazuchika Okada (I'm such a mark for the Rainmaker theme)
Least Favourite: Don Callis (but in the good way that I'm worked I suppose), House of Torture (means I have to watch house of torture), Outcasts theme (fuck offfff)
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wrestlezon · 2 years
aew dynamite 9/28/22 liveblog containment zone
i fell asleep so we watched this like hours later
tay melo and anna jay came out and i couldnt tell them apart OMG the pizza guy is here too?? i thought he got cancelled for being an antivaxxer. though i guess jericho wouldnt care about that LMAO wife joke etc etc is that a real pizza dough or a prop. do they make movie prop pizza dough matt menard calling him THE PIZZA GUY is so funny actually WE WANT PIZZA (clap clap clapclapclap) oh no! he's heeling on ring of honor! hes making all the ring of honor fans mad! these guys and their shirtless blazer looks omg. a hat daniel garcia looks SO MISERABLE knocked out pizza guy ooohhhh garcia gonna quitttttt the jasssss man jericho is giving this guy SO many chances danielson is here! why is his shirt half-tucked into his briefs. hello?? theyre dadtalking so hard right now LMFAO daniel garcia leave your uncool dad and join me, your cool dad. we'll have fun training. we'll have fun fighting garcia is actin out!!!!!!!!!!!! throwing pizza!!!!! MATT MENARD!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was your wrestleson……. no….. so mean to him… oooh danielson vs matt menard fight
matt menard vs bryan danielson
man they cleaned off the ring real quick regal gettin his excalibur flirts out bright and early (rice krispie treat..) danielson got the pepperonis (these wrestlers are out there cupping) angelo parker out here barking at danielson to stay away from his domestic life partner i was making a joke but then parker pulled menard out of the ring to cradle his head so cheating!!! claudio is here to even the odds lmao the ring corner dive from angelo oh my god hes just carrying him out of the arena. claudio is pretty funny taz calling regal "reegs" omg
whoa! yuta in the ring with a mic.
support you yuta! you gotta learn to promo by doing it! "ive been hit harder by a lot better men" yuta…….. voice crack. yuta youre so cute im sorry. keep up the good work. i like the contrast between how intrinsically cute he is but also hes out there doing toughguy shit whoa mjf in the baseball jersey? how are those ppl writing that cmjf baseball au feeling about this mjf stop calling yourself DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AUGH lmao yuta being scawy… mjf being like O_O ohhhh yuta vs mjf next week lmao my friends frothing about the gunn club being in mjf's pocket (we want to see a max to max interaction)
lethal's group and darby allin doing a video promo thing lethal vs darby next week or so i guesssss
juice robinson vs jon moxley
biker guy juice robinson. i do think he looks better without the dreads meanwhile, in the distance: mjf whoa, rope tumbles lmfao regal making jokes and making the whole commentary table crack up uh oh moxley back on the bloodletting aughh!!! juice dont put that in your mouth!!! blood!!!!!! lmfao live mjf reaction
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crazy this man is just out here wrestling in jeans threatening the referee!! thats how you know he is a bullet club bad guy moxley wins! gasp!!!! its hangman!! hiiiiiii hangman in the dolly parton shirt love to see it. theyre out here nuzzling. literally Just Kiss oh mjf is yelling from his Luxury Box oh no mjf look out!! its yuta!!!!!!!! (lmao) VIOLENCE my friends are complaining about how a yuta vs mjf has no psychological element to it but i think mjf could use a less psychological feud after the cmjf one. you know, as a palate cleanser.
saraya in da ring with a mic
i dont know this lady. but apparently she retired because of neck stuff a few years ago? ladies night in da ring willow :)c who is this blonde lady i dont recognize her. we got athena and willow and skye blue hey at least theres a group here. who are they rivaling, its it the anti-jade or-- oh… its opposing britt baker britt baker is very good at dissing people on mic which is a good quality for a heel. i will say this the crowd is cheering jamie hayter ;_; literally so mad that jamie didnt split off from britt SO MAD HOW LONG WILL YOU KEEP ME WAITING oh a lumberjack match! thats… hmmm isnt a lumberjack match just cheat city my friends brought up a good point that britt baker would be cheating anyway so this lets the good girl team cheat back lmao taz putting tony on blast for being friends with britt baker OHHHH jamie hayter throwing hands with willow nightingale… please you two have a match toni wins!
ohhh!! backstage with the acclaimed!!
whoa. keith lee is here! lmao "swerve isnt here because is exceptionally disgruntled" i love keith lee. "you got carried" isnt this nerd language. im a huge nerd so i cant tell sometimes. i love keith lee he rules. he really speaks to me
backstage with private party and andrade lmao matt hardy with his hands in his pockets. come back to me baby i'll be good to you
ricky starks doing the mario ground pound on that guy's pelvis lmao
oh yesss!! jamie vs willow match on friday!!!!!
bandido vs jericho
wow bandido is so strong. one arm lifting jericho over his head!! lmao shoutout to the british royal navy i guess?? oh my god he is holding up a full man for over half a minute. strong. i barely know bandido but i have to defend him in the voicechat. the amount of luchador face slander going on. i will not accept this blood on da mask!! this match is pretty tense. i dont think bandido is gonna win but theyre really making me--- oh not the massssskkkkk come onnnnn ok jericho won "im going to destroy every ring of honor competitor… commentator… and even.... ring announcer"
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spoilertv · 1 year
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melissahausen · 2 years
Aew revolution predictions
As always this is who I think WILL win not nessacarily who I WANT to win.
John Silver and Alex Reynolds vs. Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta : Blackpool combat club but I love TDO so much.
2P Mark Briscoe and The Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix) (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. Ari Daivari and The Varsity Athletes (Josh Woods and Tony Nese) (with "Smart" Mark Sterling)
I mean gotta be Mark and the boys come on.
3 Christian Cage vs. "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry: Final Burial match
So not interested in this feud but gotta be Jack.
4 Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Starks: Singles match
The Jericho Appreciation Society are banned from ringside
Ughh another fued that should already have ended weeks ago but we know Christopher is that person so he's gonna win cause he doesn't put anyone over.
5 The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson, and Nick Jackson) (c)
vs. The House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews) Six-man tag team match for the AEW World Trios Championship.
I can't call this match (you'll see that a few times on this lol), I really can't call it , is it the HOBs time? Hell yeah but has it been built up to anyone taking the titles from the boys? No ...
Gonna go with the elite and hope it's wrong lol but I love them both so I'm good for whoever wins.
6 Jamie Hayter (c) vs. Saraya vs. Ruby Soho Three-way match for the AEW Women's World Championship
But I feel there's gonna be shenanigans with Britt and Toni.
7 Jon Moxley vs. "Hangman" Adam Page : Texas Death match.
Okay now I'm gonna be watching this through my fingers, I love them both but it's time for Jon to have a break he's been carrying this company on his back for almost 8 months.
Team hangy .
8 Samoa Joe (c) vs. Wardlow Singles match for the AEW TNT Championship
Wardlowwwwwww he gotta win this feud.
9 The Gunns (Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn) (c) vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster) (with Billy Gunn) vs. Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett (with Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh) vs. Orange Cassidy and Danhausen Four-way tag team match for the AEW World Tag Team Championship:
YO LISTENNNNN , the acclaimed have been so over for a year taking the titles off them was a stupid idea give my boys there belts back!
I'd love to see Danhausen with a belt though...
10 MJF (c) vs. Bryan Danielson 60-minute Iron man match for the AEW World Championship
Honestly I don't know...
Are we getting Tony's usual build up good first defense lose? Or is he actually gonna pull the trigger on max ...
I'll go with Bryan but I'm honestly not sure
Team Blackpool championships club!!
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aaronpullinteeth · 2 years
Following on from my last post about Punk's title reign:
This is how I'd go for the booking of his title reign in terms of challengers (obviously things can change over time but as the landscape looks right now, this is my thought)
1st challenge: Kyle O'Reilly - big win over Darby and he's a fresh face in the title scene, a good one for Punk to just have a good match or two with.
2nd challenge: Adam Cole - Owen winner, Punk a massive Hart fan, it writes itself and Cole always delivers in big matches.
3rd challenge: Bryan Danielson - I mean, who doesn't want to see Punk vs Danielson again. Let's see if they can still go together like they could all those years ago.
4th challenge: Jeff Hardy - The history in the feud these two had would be great to dip into again but with Punk as a good guy, it would be a good way to maybe explore different sides to their dynamic.
5th challenge: Wardlow - Let's go into the fact Wardlow was a huge reason Punk beat MJF putting him in the number 1 spot in the first place.
6th challenge: Samoa Joe - Another round in the CM Punk history world tour. It's his matches with Joe that put him on the map in wrestling in the first place.
7th challenge: Jon Moxley - The man who pretty much took up Punk's crown of outspoken anti hero after Punk left wrestling.
8th challenge: Kenny Omega - I feel Omega would be back by this point and you need to do this match before Punk's title reign ends. In fact you could end it here and it would work... Or...
9th challenge: Eddie Kingston - Here's where I'd take the belt off Punk. Eddie deserves it, man and it would put him in a spot I feel he could carry in such a way we haven't seen in years. Plus they have been building the feud between each other in such cool ways for awhile now, it just feels right.
Obviously you have loads of others who could also step in: Hangman again, Jericho, Darby, elevate Jungle Boy or hell, even Hook or Danhausen but for me... That's the road I'd take in Punk's reign.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
Interim AEW Champion - Who Will It Be? (And Who it Should Be)
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Injuries suck, and sadly injury has knocked on the AEW World Champion's door. Sadly, CM Punk's injury makes him unable to compete until he's healed from surgery, so AEW have a pickle: someone needs to face Tanahashi.
The plan as we can see is to pit Tanahashi against the winner of Moxley (No. 1 ranked) and the winner of Wednesday's battle royale. The winner at Forbidden Door will be the Interim AEW World Champion. AEW has a large roster of potential world champions, but who should be the one to leave Forbidden Door as champion?
Jon Moxley Obviously, the top ranked competitor has the advantage. Not only is he an experienced champion but he already has been feuding with Tanahashi in NJPW, being champion with a crowd too is owed for Moxley.
Wardlow The War Dog is over like rover and number 2 in the rankings, running high on a Goldberg-like push. Putting over the younger powerhouse would certainly be something up AEW's alley, as well as something Punk'd approve of since he claimed Wardlow was who beat him in Chicago.
Bryan Danielson Danielson's two bouts for the AEW World Championship have both been classics, and there was still a lot more untapped with him and Moxley going at it. The Best Professional Wrestler will of course be someone to consider for the world title.
PAC The Bastard hasn't had the most fruitful time in AEW, thanks a lot in part to COVID's travel restrictions but also because the House of Black continue to undo his faction of Death Triangle. But having PAC as world champion would be solid course correction, you cannot doubt his athleticism and talent, let alone his promo skills, and as his heelish tweener role he'd be a great foil for consummate babyface Tanahashi.
Miro God's favourite champion is back, and while people fancied him taking back the TNT title, why not go bigger? Miro proved as TNT champion to be dominant in the ring but able to carry a compelling narrative, people will love to see it.
Malakai Black Malakai Black is coming off strong having defeated Death Triangle, with Julia also recruited the House of Back is established as a powerful and dominant unit, and someone of Black's talents could certainly run as world champion against Tanahashi and a unification feud with Punk.
Adam Cole As winner of the Owen, Adam Cole is definitely someone who can stake a claim. As a champion around the globe, Cole can lead another Undisputed Expedition of Gold to follow up what seems to be the Young Bucks making another claim for the tag titles. You'll get good matches and a charismatic champion, so there's little to go wrong.
'Hangman' Adam Page We must of course consider the one Punk beat as well. Page getting the title back would tell an interesting story given how he lost it after almost falling to darkness. Would a slow heel turn brew from Hangman getting back his prize? And keeping it by any means necessary?
Andrade El Idolo Andrade has recently formed an alliance with RUSH again in hopes of gaining more wins in AEW, people were high on him winning the TNT title but like Miro, why not go further? He's still super talented and charismatic, and while feuding with LIJ would be an ideal Forbidden Door spot for him and RUSH, being world champion may be something more intriguing to El Idolo...so long as it doesn't disrupt his honeymoon of course.
Hiroshi Tanahashi Since a new champion is to be crowned at Forbidden Door we cannot rule out the opponent. What a closer it would be for Forbidden Door for someone to become champion from it? Nobody has yet to do it with AEW's championships at least, so a surprise could be on the card for the Ace of New Japan to take AEW's biggest championship.
KENTA In that same vein though, KENTA was perhaps the first to break through the Forbidden Door between AEW and NJPW, when he attacked Jon Moxley as part of their IWGP US Championship feud but also to help Kenny Omega in his feud with Moxley. The pieces line up well, but also since his initial bout was rejected, KENTA as champion could force Punk's hand with the inevitable dream match and Battle of the GTS.
But it Should Be: MJF While we can all speculate the others to be good champions, for my mind and money the only option can be MJF.
Now granted, this does go with the premise that his promo and removal of the Roster page is a work, but it could also be a spectacular work. Imagine if you would that Shawn Spears seemingly enters the battle royale, and when an over with the crowd winner looks to have won Spears eliminates them, following up that he was never actually in the Battle Royale, but was there to support who was actually in it: MJF. By having him blindside and beat Moxley (perhaps with JAS shenanigans too because this did put a wrench in Blood and Guts plans) we have a perfect situation of Tanahashi the Face and MJF the Heel. But then to have MJF win it would produce ungodly amount of heat, which AEW could use to pose the narrative of MJF holding the AEW World Championship hostage in order to meet his wild and selfish demands; pay rises, giving his allies title shots, keeping the diamond ring, revoking Shawn Dean's wins against him, forbidding anyone he's beaten from challenging for the title. What's more, we could have him think that last point will keep him away from Punk, only for the loophole to be that MJF is actually challenging for Punk's title since he's the interim, but then also win the unification bout.
We can talk all we want about who would make a good champion, but the most compelling story right now would be for the Devil to have his Due.
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wrestlingisfake · 3 years
All Out preview
Here we go with AEW's annual Labor Day weekend show in Hoffman Estates, just like the original All In show three years ago. I have been going to wrestling shows for days, and it all comes down to this!
The show starts at 8pm EDT, streaming on Bleacher Report (in the US and Canada) and Fite.tv for $49.99. A free pre-show will be available at 7pm EDT.
CM Punk vs. Darby Allin - This is CM Punk's first pro wrestling match since January 26, 2014, when he spent 49 minutes in the Royal Rumble working with a staph infection and a possible concussion. The following night he walked out of WWE, leading to seven and a half years of debate about what is next move would/should be. Two weeks ago he debuted with AEW and declared that he wanted to help the younger talent, starting with a match against Allin. Allin, for his part, took some exception to being the first opponent, as if he's just a stepping stone to bigger matches.
The big issue here is seeing how well Punk, 42, has held up after seven years away. I've seen reports that he's looking good in training, but you just don't know until the bell rings. Regardless, I expect the hometown crowd to be very forgiving to Punk, and Allin is good enough to carry the match if he really has to.
I feel like I ought to have more to say about this, but it also feels like everything's been said. I can't believe Punk would lose his first match in. But I can believe that if Punk insisted on doing the job, AEW would let him do that. It'd be unusual for the returning guy to come up short, but New Japan does that sometimes and it can work as a longer build to the first win. Still, it is Chicago (sort of), so my gut says Punk wins to let us feel special.
Kenny Omega vs. Christian Cage - Omega is defending the AEW men's world title. For months, Omega held four different belts, representing championships in AEW, AAA, and Impact Wrestling. But on August 13 Christian defeated Omega for the Impact/TNA world title (and later retired the TNA belt), leaving Kenny more vulnerable than ever. The AAA and Impact titles aren't at stake in this match, so no matter who what happens the winner will be a double champion.
Cage is a great wrestler, but not a great challenger for this match. For months the storytelling pointed towards Hangman Page in this spot, but Page was abruptly written off television so he could take paternity leave. I don't think anybody resents Christian for filling in, but nobody really expects the 47-year-old, recently returned from a seven-year retirement, to win the big one. It's also a rematch of something we already saw a few weeks ago, which isn't a big deal but it's a bit of a talking point when everyone is always dogging WWE for excessive rematches.
The big go-home angle on September 1 was that Omega, the Young Bucks, and their buddies destroyed Christian, the Lucha Bros., and their buddies. After the show went off the air Tony Khan promised that this kind of bullshit interference wouldn't happen in the Bucks-Lucha Bros. cage match. Well, okay, but this match doesn't have a steel cage, so I have a feeling there will be plenty of bullshit interference. And I'm willing to bet that interference gives Omega the win while somewhat protecting Christian.
Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson vs. Penta El 0M & Rey Fenix - The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick) are defending the AEW tag team title. The Lucha Bros. won a four-team tournament to earn this shot. The Bucks have relied on a lot of outside interference from their entourage lately, so to counter that this match will be held inside a steel cage. In AEW, the only way to win a cage match is by pinfall or submission.
I was at All Out 2019 when these teams last met in a crazy ladder match (which feels like a million years ago). Everyone raved about it, and also worried that the Bucks damn near killed themselves. Personally I had a really shitty view of the ring, which made it hard to follow the match. This time I've got a much better view, so I'm looking forward to some good karma.
In theory the Bucks have sworn off doing the dangerous shit from the ladder match, but technically this is a cage match so maybe they'll just do different dangerous shit. Personally I'm more intrigued by seeing them change their game to fit in the confines of the cage, which doesn't lend itself to springboard flips off the ropes. But the cage has places to stand at the top, which will encourage the idea of setting up crazy highspots.
I feel like a title change is possible, but I could just as easily see the Bucks hold the belts for another six months. Santana and Ortiz seem to be next in line for a shot, and honestly I think that would work with either of these teams. But I guess I'll lean towards the Bucks retaining.
Chris Jericho vs. MJF - MJF defeated Jericho on November 7, 2020, to earn entry into Jericho's stable, the Inner Circle. MJF inevitably betrayed Jericho and formed his own stable, the Pinnacle, which beat the Inner Circle on May 5, 2021. Jericho was so determined to get revenge that he accepted MJF's terms to perform five "labors" to earn a rematch, but MJF beat Jericho once again on August 18, 2021. So now MJF is 3-0 against Jericho. (For some reason we're counting the ten-man match on May 5 but not the other one on May 30, which Jericho's team won, but whatever.) To get this final rematch, Jericho has put his career on the line.
Suddenly everything else in this storyline has taken a back seat to the idea that this may really be the end of Chris Jericho's 30-year in-ring career. There are plenty of fans who think Jericho, 50, should hang it up, but now that it might actually happen I think people aren't so sure they're ready for it all to end. The timing for Jericho to tease this is perfect, because he could easily just win and go another couple of years, or he could easily just finish today.
Part of what makes this work so well is MJF. I think everyone recognizes that MJF is going to be a top name in the 2020s, and that Jericho wants to make this guy. So it's like, if Jericho can get retired by anyone he wants, why wouldn't he pick MJF? I think the match will feel a little flat if Jericho comes up short yet again, but if it's the end of his career it suddenly doesn't matter if he's lost too many times, y'know?
Still, something tells me this isn't the end. Something tells me Jericho has more he wants to do. And something tells me, in a few years, we may be wondering if it would have been better if he retired on this show.
Britt Baker vs. Kris Statlander - Baker is defending the AEW women's world title. I expect to like this match but there's not really much to it. Baker was feuding with Red Velvet a while back and then Statlander made the save for Velvet. Baker and her crony Rebel have brought in Jamie Hayter to stack the deck against Statlander and Velvet. I think it's way too soon for Baker to drop the title, and I don't expect Kris to be the one to take it from her. So this is kind of a formality to kill time until Baker vs. Thunder Rosa down the road.
Miro vs. Eddie Kingston - Miro's AEW TNT championship is on the line. Somehow in the past year Miro has gone from Kip Sabian's gamer buddy to a monster heel who thinks God has anointed him to beat the shit out of people. Kingston has gone from a gutless heel to the most beloved guy in AEW. Wrestling is great.
Anyway, I love both of these guys, but I can't just bet that all the wrestlers have a good time. If Eddie's going to win a championship, it really ought to be in New York. I realize Chicago is AEW's favorite and we get all the good shit, but I've had my CM Punk ice cream and I'm maaaaaybeee going to get the Bryan Danielson debut too, so I'm willing to let New York have this one thing. Just this one time.
Jon Moxley vs. Satoshi Kojima - Moxley is the new GCW world champion following a surprise appearance at last night's GCW show; I assume that does not turn this into a title match. Moxley told top contender Nick Gage "you know where to find me," and it's anyone's guess if Gage will show up here to accept that invitation.
Mox is a busy boy making friends everywhere he goes. For a few weeks he was angling for a match with a top New Japan Pro Wrestling star on this show. The leading candidate was Hiroshi Tanahashi, but several other interesting names were discussed by fans and pundits alike. After that buzz, Kojima is a bit of a letdown.
Don't get me wrong, it's cool to get a guy who's held the IWGP heavyweight title, the All Japan Triple Crown, and the NWA world title. Kojima's a legend. But at this stage of his career, he's the guy New Japan sends when the real stars aren't available. Besides which, my cup runneth over when it comes to 50-year-old guys showing up to prove they can wrestle like they're 40. And I don't think anybody really believes Kojima can beat Moxley.
Ideally, this match should end with a video message from a bigger New Japan name calling out Moxley. I'm not confident that will happen. Then again, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if Moxley showed up in NXT UK to pick a fight with WALTER.
Paul Wight vs. QT Marshall - Formerly the Giant in WCW and the Big Show in WWE, Wight debuted with AEW earlier this year as a color commentator. QT and his goons were picking on Wight's broadcast partner Tony Schiavone when Wight intervened, setting up this match.
I was actually kind of into the idea of this until Marshall showed photos of Wight's recent hip surgery. Up to that point, they'd managed to keep me from noticing if Wight could move okay, and I was willing to accept he could do a basic squash match without a problem. But now I just assume he's broken down and he'll need a lot of smoke and mirrors to do even a simple match. Maybe that's the plan, to get me to lower my expectations and be pleasantly surprised. I sure hope it works out.
I'm about 95% sure Wight clobbers QT and just wins handily. There's a chance QT's squad pulls enough shenanigans to get a bullshit win, but I'm not sure what the point would be.
21-woman Casino Battle Royale - This is AEW's funky concept for a gauntlet battle royale. Five women start the match, and then every five minutes another wave of five enters; the 21st entrant gets to come out alone. Eliminations can occur at any time, by exiting the ring over the top rope to the floor. The last woman left after the others have been eliminated is declared the winner, and receives a future title match against the AEW women's champion.
AEW has announced 20 participants: Abadon, Anna Jay, Big Swole, Diamante, Emi Sakura, Hikaru Shida, Jade Cargill, Jamie Hayter, Kiera Hogan, KiLynn King, Leyla Hirsch, Nyla Rose, Penelope Ford, Rebel, Red Velvet, Riho, Skye Blue (a late substitution for Julia Hart), Tay Conti, The Bunny, Thunder Rosa.
The 21st spot has been left open for a surprise. Ruby Soho (formerly Ruby Riott in WWE) is widely expected to join AEW, and this would be a sensible spot for that to happen. But there are other women who could potentially debut here as a swerve.
I always want to pick the surprise entrant to win these things, but they really haven't done all that well in AEW battle royales. I could see them giving the win to, say, Big Swole, and just having Britt Baker beat her a few weeks later on Dynamite. Or Thunder Rosa could win to set up a major program for the next pay-per-view. They have a lot of options, which makes it hard to predict but fun to watch.
Orange Cassidy & Chuck Taylor & Wheeler YUTA & Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy vs. Matt Hardy & Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy & Jack Evans & Angelico - This is booked for the pre-show. Hardy's heel group has been feuding with most of the midcard babyfaces for months. I don't expect this match will blow off the feud, but it'd be nice if it did so we could move on to something else. Orange's team should probably win.
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retro-rezz-the-est · 4 years
Wrestling ask hame: Hangman, Drew, Roman
Feud with: Roman over who has the best hair in WWE
Tag with: Hangman because he could carry all of our matches
Manage: Drew so he can carry me on his shoulders while I talk about how great of a man he is
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bibliothesoph · 5 years
Neverland, The Cunning Spirit of a Pirate (part 11)
It's quiet on the rocky shore of Cannibal Cove and it's the kind of quiet that Penny needs to wrap her mind around everything that happened. The guilt is eating her alive, especially knowing that she dumped that all on Simon without sticking around to help him cope with it. Her plan was to tell at him at some point when things had hit a lull and Simon was bored and had the time to process and deal with all of it, but she can't change things now. He needed to know, anyway. It'll be for the best, or so she tells herself.
What's bothering her the most, though, is that Simon seems to believe that Baz will stay in Neverland forever. She adores Simon and she might be a bit jealous of Baz since Simon hasn't paid her any attention since Baz arrived, but she thought it would be fine because Baz would just be a temporary visitor. He will be a temporary visitor. She knows that. It breaks her heart that Simon doesn't, though. That he's so naive as to think that Baz will leave his life and family behind to fight pirates with Simon for the rest of his life. What worries her most about that part of it is that she's afraid that Simon won't let Baz leave. Or maybe that Baz will tell Simon he wants to go and that Simon will get upset and refuse to return him to London. It scares her, frankly, what Simon is capable of when he's emotional. He's always let his emotions guide him which is fine for a sword fight or for deciding what to do with the day, but it's why he never belonged in London. Because people, normal people, steer clear of Simon when they can. Maybe they sense that his emotions are too great and that his heart is different from their own. Or maybe they feel that hunger in him––the same hunger that drove his father to kill his mother.
No. Penny feels guilty for even thinking that Simon could end up like his father. She brought him to Neverland to shield him from the bad. To protect him from just that. Fairies have some magic. Enough magic for them to be able to channel it into a crystal ball or some suitable, reflective surface and see some of the possibilities of the future. And Penny used that knowledge to find Simon that night and save him from what he could become. She lied to him then. She's lied to him constantly. Because she didn't feel his pain––she saw what his pain could turn him into. And she didn't know him but she wanted to save him from himself.
So she sits on the rocky shore of Cannibal Cove thinking about how she would do anything to get Simon to see that Baz won't stay. And she's so deep in thought that she doesn't realize that Mr. Mage is approaching him, his ridiculous cloth hat in hand. And she barely registers what's happening in time to let out a scream. And Mr. Mage has her trapped in his hat and he's carrying her away from Cannibal Cove and the rocky shoreline and from her thoughts of how she can protect Simon Snow.
When she's released from Mr. Mage's disgusting, foul-smelling hat, she notes that she's in Captain Humdrum's cabins aboard his ship. She's placed onto a table in front of the captain who stares at her with an uncomfortable, forced smile. She wonders what she's doing here. What he wants from her.
"Well, Miss Bunce," he says, still smiling at her. "I've decided to leave the island."
She raises an eyebrow at him. At first, she doesn't want to believe him. She's not foolish enough to believe him without any evidence.
He seems to recognize her suspicion. His tortured, pale blue eyes glisten in the dim candle light and he lets his smile fall. Thankfully. It was unsettling. "Haven't you heard? Simon Snow defeated me yesterday. I think he was just trying to impress his...guest, but nonetheless, he defeated me. He only let me live if I promised to leave forever. And I am nothing if not a man of me word. Right, Mr. Mage?"
Mr. Mage sets down his bottle of rum with a smile. "Uh, yes, cap'n. Always!"
Captain Humdrum nods to him as if this will prove some point for Penny. "And that's why I asked you over here, Miss Bunce. To tell Simon I bear him no ill will. Oh, Snow has his faults to be sure, like bringing that boy to the island, for instance. Dangerous business, that."
Penny huffs in agreement. She realizes, for the first time, that the captain is, technically speaking, an adult. And since he's an adult, surely he knows best. She can't seem to recall who started this silly feud––Simon or the Humdrum––but she's sure it was Simon. An adult would never willingly and senselessly attack a child, right?
"Why, rumor has it that already he has come between you and Simon."
Penny's head falls as she realizes the truth in his words. Baz has come between her and Simon. And of course she wants Simon to be happy, but Baz can't make him happy. Not when he'll just leave live everyone else has left Simon. Everyone except her. She doesn't eve realize she's crying until the Humdrum frowns at her and offers her a handkerchief. She takes it gratefully and uses it to soak up her tears.
"What's this?" he asks, getting to his feet in shock. "Tears? Then it is true!"
She blows her nose and nods solemnly.
The captain turns to Mr. Mage, his long, blonde curls jumping out behind him with the sudden movement. "Oh, Mage. Taking the best years of her life and then...casting her aside like an old glove!"
Penny sobs in agreement. Maybe she shouldn't have listened to Simon when he said the Humdrum was evil. He certainly seems to know the way of things better than Simon does. Maybe, if Simon hadn't been so hot-headed and eager for a fight, the pirates could have lived peacefully on their ship whilst she and Simon lived peacefully under Hangman's Tree. Truth be told, she never really liked the whole thing with the pirates. So much fuss and danger. Simon had nearly died from their battles a few times now, and of course Penny was the one that had to help take care of him.
"Ain't it a fucking shame!" Mr. Mage cries in agreement, taking another sip of the rum to calm him down. Penny wants to ask him for some but she knows it won't go well. One droplet gets her drunk. She tried it, once, with Simon. He'd stolen a bunch of it and they both got themselves proper pissed on it. Penny remembers wondering how the pirates got anything done with that stuff lying around.
"But we mustn't judge Simon too harshly, me dear. It's that Basilton who's to blame."
Penny's eyes widen in shock as she realizes the truth to his words. Without Baz to distract Simon and make him feel like he's finally found what he's looking for, Simon and Penny would be off doing their usual things like playing with Ebb's goats or talking to the mermaids. And Simon wouldn't be heartbroken when Baz decides to leave him to go home.
"Mr, Mage," the captain says, turning to his right hand man again, his hands going to stroke his beard. He looks thoughtful.
More thoughtful than Simon has ever been, for certain.
"We must save the lad from himself. But how?"
Mr. Mage bursts into tears which, surprisingly, makes Penny feel better about the whole ordeal.
"We've so little time," the captain argues to himself, pacing the room. "We sail in the morning."
Penny watches him with intent. Suddenly, the captain stops pacing and points a finger in the air, the smile returning to his face. "Sail! That's it, Mage! We'll shanghai Basilton!"
Mr. Mage looks up at him with confusion on his little, red face. "Shanghai Basilton, Cap'n?" He clearly doesn't understand what that means, but Penny does. And oh, does the thought excite her. Not only will it get Basilton out of the way, but it won't put Simon in the position of having to take him home. They can avoid the awkward conversation all together. Simon will see Baz leaving on Captain Humdrum's ships and he'll realize that all Baz wanted was an adventure, not a friendship, and he'll come running back into Penny's arms and she'll be able to protect him again.
It sounds bloody perfect.
"Take him to sea with us! With him gone, Simon will soon forget this...mad infatuation."
Penny cheers.
The captain takes Mr. Mage's hand and starts dragging him out of the cabin. "Come, Mage. We must leave immediately! Surround Simon's home––"
"But, Cap'n! We don't know where Simon Snow lives!"
The captain stops in his tracks, dropping Mr. Mage's hand. He pulls on his beard again. It reminds Penny of the way Simon tugs on his curls. "Great Scott, you're right!"
Penny flies up to him instantly. "I know! I know where he lives!" she shouts, excited that she can be of use to someone.
"What's that, my dear? You could show us the way?"
Penny nods eagerly and heads over to the map that sits unfurled on his mahogany desk.
"Why, I never thought of that!" he exclaims, rushing over to meet her at the table.
She carefully grabs the quill, dips it into the ink pot, and marks the ship on the map as the starting point. She starts drawing the way to Simon's hideout. She pauses before she makes her way over to the forest that holds Hangman's Tree.
"Well, get on with it!" the captain shouts, his fist banging on the table. He seems to remember himself because he clears his throat. "I mean, continue, me dear."
Penny flies up to him again, shaking her small fist in his face. "You have to swear," she growls, "not to lay a hand on Simon."
"Madam," he says, clearly offended that she would even suggest that he would do such a thing. "Captain Humdrum gives his word not to lay a finger on Simon Snow."
Satisfied with his promise, she goes back to the map and marks a large "X" over Hangman's tree.
"Ah, Hangman's Tree? So that's the entrance to his hideout!"
Penny looks down to admire her handiwork and to think of how Simon will tell her that she was right when this is all over. He'll forgive her, certainly, when he realizes what Baz's true intentions were. Suddenly, the captain's hand comes straight for her. She doesn't react because she honestly wasn't expecting for him to betray her, so he manages to grab her. He squeezes his calloused fingers around her and grins.
"Thank you, me dear. You've been––" he shoves her into an empty lantern, "most helpful!"
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