#''an ode to the generation that missed the train of happiness''
martinmynster · 2 years
how can you misinterpret a piece of media so badly have you no empathy have we not suffered enough at the hands of others that we must endure it as well from our own people what is wrong with you
#fuck english depuis que j'ai lu ce commentaire hier il me tourne en boucle en tête#une interprétation complètement différente de la mienne mais l'une comme l'autre à des années lumière de cette ignominie#je peux comprendre détester Mol c'est une chose de comprendre son trauma et une autre de pardonner toutes ces actions et les millions de#façons dont elle a et continu de blesser son fils#mais d'avoir de la rancœur pour Inthawut ?? please get a heart and go do some self reflection#how can you celebrate Wang leaving him to ''rot'' in his cave im sorry im going insane what even is this wording do you hear yourself????#ah yeah so the comment i read was something along the line of#''it is a tragedy. the reality that sometimes you have to leave behind some good people in order to move on in life yourself.''#and it breaks my fucking heart to think of all the ones that will not finish the journey with us#and it's the same sentiment the director of your name engraved herein wanted to depict in a way#''an ode to the generation that missed the train of happiness''#paraphrasing but the idea is there#In being isn't old. he still got time and where i interpreted it as something hopeful it can also be something miserable#the knowledge that for the remaining of his life he will not break free of the cage he built for himself#some us are too broken and there's nothing you can do about it if you want to have a shot at happiness yourself#it's the tragedy of witnessing and accepting that all you can do is remember#180 degrees
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synergysilhouette · 9 months
I swear, they approached Disney's 100th anniversary film all wrong.
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The best part about "Wish" were the easter eggs, and even those were hit-or-miss. The plot didn't scream fairy tale or Disney--and neither did the music; if I never knew this film was a Disney film, I'd say it was a company's first attempt at an animated film. As a first attempt, it's not bad, but as Disney's 62nd film and an ode to 100 years of business....I was heavily disappointed.
I've made posts about how this could've been another epic Disney film, but for this post, I wanna try another angle, with two different ways Disney could've approached this celebratory film.
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Option 1: A parody. Looking at "Enchanted", AKA one of Disney's best live-action films, the movie makes fun of classic Disney tropes as well as paying homage to renaissance-era films, which at the time this movie came out, was Walt Disney Animation Studio's biggest successful period. A film about a naive animated soon-to-be princess who is banished to the real world discovers what she wants out of life, all while charming those around her. I'm not saying "Wish" needed to include the real world aspect, but having a parody about a princess (or prince) who comes off very early-Disney while still feeling modern and giving us Disney-esque tropes and a fun story would've been a great vibe. Imagine if Asha is naive and easily taken advantage of by King Magnifico, who teaches her magic and manipulates her into harming others, seeing her youth as a weakness ("Well, you're young. You don't know anything, really."). Imagine the story actually having her BE a fairy godmother, albeit in training, and she has to learn the price and limitations of wishes (very "Cinderella"-esque) and learning when to help and when not to help others. It'd be mature and magical at the same time! Plus I imagine Magnifico being a cross between Narissa and Gaston. Amaya would probably be non-existant or an admirer Magnifico uses.
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Option 2: A cutting, modern take on a classic. While I'd rather have "Kingdom of the Sun," "The Emperor's New Groove" is a funny and irreverent story about a selfish Inca Emperor who's turned into a llama by his power-hungry advisor and must return to the palace while learning to care about others along the way. Kuzco, in contrast to most Disney protagonists (or most protagonists in kids/family films in general) starts off petty, untrustworthy, and self-centered, but these qualities also give way to cleverness and humor, something that most Disney heroes lack due to either their innocence, kindess, or seriousness. Kuzco continually comments on things around him with quips and remarks that go unnoticed by the general populace (thanks to breaking the 4th wall), and it got me thinking, what if Asha was like this--or better yet, Magnifico? What if Magnifico wasn't a villain per se, but a selfish and mean king who continually had pessimistic comments to make about this fantasy-esque kingdom he created and his airheaded inhabitants. Their growing dependence on him--as well as their happy-go-lucky attitudes make him constantly patronize and devalue them, and his attitude accidentally causes destruction for the kingdom. When Asha challenges his perspective and goes on an adventure to bring back his love for others (trauma does run deep for him), he learns that everyone has a wish worth granting, and that he shouldn't be so quick to look down on others because they still have the joy and innocence he lost. Plus the people of Rosas learn not to take advantage of others and appreciate the things they have. Magnifico being like a cross between Yzma and Kuzco would be a sight to behold, while Asha takes on more of a wise Pocahontas-type role.
I can't be the only one who thinks this was a better approach to "Wish" if they didn't want to do a typical epic film.
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mcyt-amber-tftsmp · 3 years
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 #𝟐
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Ran will most definitely read books with you. he mostly likes to read books during his free time and would sometimes read it with you cause both of you love reading together in general.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Ran loves your optimistic personality along with your laugh. He finds it very contagious cause it also seems to make him smile when he sees you laughing or smiling and it just helps him throughout his bad days.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
If you're feeling down, Ran would try and make you feel better even though he's not really the best at doing it but you either way feel better.
None of you have panic attacks so that's actually a good thing.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Ran's not really the one to think too much of their future and just hopes that they would be happy with each other as long as they are with each other.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Ran is pretty much the passive one along with you as well. It actually makes both your relationships pretty smooth and good.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Both of you wouldn't really fight. You guys are in a well and healthy relationship and sure you both do make mistakes but it's nothing too bad.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Ran is happy that you;re always there for him when he needs it. He's really grateful to have you with him and someone who accepts who he is and doesn't hate him for who he is. You're the reason he smiles most of the time.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He's not really the one to hide and would tell everything to you but there are things he doesn't wnat you to worry about him but he knows how upset you get when he doesn't tell you whatever is bothering him so he tells you anyways.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Ran's personality may have slightly changed because of you. He's way more happier than usual when you first met him cause back then he didn't smile much and was pretty closed off.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Ran is the type of person who doesn't really show much jealousy around but he will eye the person who's flirting with you in a threatening way so they get the message and as if his height wasn't already intimidating enough.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
In your opinion, yes Ran is a good kisser. The first kiss you two shared was short but it was full of love and gentle.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Ran would most definitely take you out to your favorite place and confess his feelings for you, which you accept. He's not much of a romantic guy but it's the thought that counts.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Both you and Ran are just teenagers so he hasn't really thought of the while marriage thing just yet but if he did, he would most likely take you to your favorite spot and propose there to you.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Ran would mostly call you 'Angel' cause you're like an Angel to him and no one can say otherwise.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When he knows that he's in love, his face flushes with a green hue as he feels butterflies in his stomach. At first he thought that he came up with something but he later learned that he wa sin love and Jackie and Watson basically noticed it.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Ran isn't the one for PDA and it's the same for you. Both of you prefer to hold hands or cuddle at home cause it's much more peaceful than the outside.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Ran normally can't look at someone too long in the eyes or just make eye contact with them cause it makes him irk up and slightly annoyed since he's an enderman hybrid but it doesn't bother him if you look him in the eye or when he does that with you.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Ran isn't much of the romantic type but he tries. he would mostly hold you or cuddle you which would always make you happy. You wouldn't call it cliche or anything considering you love it either way.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Ran believes tat you can achieve your goal as a fighter once you get the hang of things. He does train with you nearly everyday so you can get even better than the last time he saw you fighting at the arena. He saw you were strong but not strong against him but he didn't care if you lost or not.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Ran just does what he normally does and doesn't really know what else to do but he does like spending time and reading books with you and takes small walks at night in the park.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Ran knows you a lot more than you think considering he would sometimes see you over working yourself and would tell you to rest cause it's not good for you. Both of you are pretty much empathetic towards each other.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it's worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Both you and Ran do have other things to do in life but you guys both know that your relationship is important too. It's worth in comparison to many things in their life.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
When he sees that you have fallen asleep on the couch as you were waiting for him to come back, he would smile and gentle pick you up and lay you down on both your shared bed and put a blanket over you and give you a small kiss on the forehead so you can sleep more better.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Ran is pretty affectionate even when he thinks he's not considering he would give you lots of cuddles and small kisses when he just feels clingy towards you or just wants to give you affection and all.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
Both od you will be missing each other a lot more than you both think cause it will be hard but you both can handle it even if it takes too long for one of you to come back.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Ran is willing to go to great lengths for both of your relationship but he's not sure what he wants to do but it will come to him eventually.
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pennysword · 4 years
An Ode to My Hero Academia
Okay, like every anime fan, I've fallen into the My Hero Academia hole and can't get up... and that's not a bad thing.
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I'll be the first to admit that I wasn't on the fanwagon when My Hero Academia landed on American shores in 2016. I was two years out of college and the only thing I cared about was finding a nine-to-five that paid my bills and kept my mom from telling me to do something with my life. I was also deep in the pit of post college depression, wherein I'd moved away from all my friends and thought myself too socially awkward and weird to be able to make new ones. That's something a lot of us deal with, I think, especially when we're forced out of our comfort zones.
I am a shojo romantic at heart. Most shonen don't really hook me emotionally the way shojos do. And if it does hook me, it's set in a world so fantastical and so bizarre that my interest wanes before long and I would forget the plot all together. When I did delve back into manga or anime (decreasingly so once I got my first adult job at twenty-three), I wanted to wrap myself in the blanket of the tropes that were comfortable to me: a wallflower female lead with surprising feistiness and sense of justice, a beautiful male lead like prince from a fairy tale, a second lead who would do anything for your affection. These stories were mostly set in the real world, even if they didn't make sense sometimes, I could make excuses because I loved the idea of shojo so much more than disliking the flaws.
While a lot of my friends watch anime religiously, I'm more of a casual fan (which is really a nightmare to otakus, who expect you to know every single canon, fanon, and side canon that has ever existed). I remember my first encounter with the show was equally as casual. My friend explained to me it's general concept while waiting in line for my badge at ACEN 2017. “It's about superheroes! There's this girl who is literally a frog! An ostentatious personification of America! When people cosplay this other character they wear a green zentai suit because she's supposed to be invisible and that's funny!”
Fresh off the tails of One Punch Man, which came out in 2015, I thought it was the same concept and I rolled my eyes. I knew that anime followed trends, like most things in the world: one year psychic-mecha anime was what everyone wanted to do and the next, post apocalyptic themes were all the rage. So I thought My Hero Academia was just another One Punch Man, a self-referential, satirical comedy about heroes who knew how ridiculous their own genre was. I'd seen it once and wasn't really interested in seeing it again.
My second encounter with My Hero was a bit more personal. It was 2019 and I was taking my eight-year-old cousin to her first anime convention ever. Her family has always been a little more conservative, being Jehovah's Witnesses and living in one of the most right wing cities in Mid Michigan... and I was thrilled when she confessed to me that she enjoyed shonen-ai, that her mom had bought her a complete set of Sailor Moon manga, and that she wanted to borrow my own personal manga collection for reading. There was only a four month turn around, but I made her a janky cosplay and drove her to Kalamazoo for one day of their local convention, Dokidokon, wherein she pointed out someone cosplaying her favorite character, Shoto Todoroki from My Hero Academia.
At this point I had the base knowledge that my friend had given me at ACEN two years prior, but I just couldn't follow what my cousin was saying. After she shyly asked for a picture with the cosplayer, she explained to me why she shipped this character with that character and why that other character was a jerk... I couldn't understand any of it. And I realized that I had missed something much more important than hopping on the fanwagon of one of the greatest anime of its time... I'd missed an opportunity to connect further with my little cousin, someone who was just beginning to sprout seeds of her own ideas and her own interests, separate from her religiously zealous mother and her perpetually aloof father. I had missed a chance to truly enjoy her happiness, to witness her excitement when she saw her favorite characters pop out of the television screen and manifest themselves before her, alive and in the flesh... and just as heroic as their two dimensional counterparts.
That fall, I watched the first episode of My Hero Academia on my morning elliptical workout and my life was changed.
I mentioned before that one of the reasons I have a difficult time connecting with the shonen genre is the fantastical worlds that I cannot relate to. For instance, I can apply logic to the world of Naruto in my head, but it never seems real like it could be real to me. I always find myself questioning social structure, in-world history, and the story's depiction of the human condition. There's always a nagging voice in my head that refutes all of these pretend worlds in shonen... but My Hero is set in a world not unlike our own. In fact, aside from his green hair, the main character seemed like someone I might have known in middle school: a small, meek nerd type who is always scribbling something in his journal, always knew more than he was letting on... someone you wanted as a friend, whether you realized it or not. Izuku Midoriya as a character is as close to the shojo trope of a wallflower main lead as you could get. When we meet him, he's quirkless and is often bullied for by his childhood frienemy, Katsuki Bakugou. He's kinda squirrely, kinda spazzy, but feels like a grounded character because his golden heart is his most defining attribute. Midoriya has no illusions about what he is. He knows he's weak. He knows that people look down on him. But he is just… good. His goodness is infallible and his goodness rings true in everything he does, including when he risks his life to save said bully in episode two.
Conversely, while Midoriya is full of impressionistic verve, Bakugou turns the tables on the typical second lead shonen stereotype because he's not some edgelord that wants revenge for his slaughtered family. He actually has both parents at home and lives in a nice house and neighborhood. He doesn't have some kind of revenge fantasy playing in his head on his journey to become the best hero... he's just a fucking dick. A dick with a chip on his shoulder because his whole life people have told him that he's the better than his peers... and when Midoriya proves to Bakugou that natural talent isn't everything, he must grapple with the idea that world wasn't everything he thought it was.
Midoriya doesn't automatically become a cool kid after attaining his quirk from his idol, All Might, either. He doesn't stop being socially awkward. Midoriya still nerds out when it comes to All Might and he still takes copious notes on every hero he encounters, his classmates or otherwise. Midoriya has a goal but he doesn't have a grand plan. There's no shortcut to the end, only day after day of hard work and determination and figuring shit out on his own. Since he is the protagonist, we see the reasoning behind everything he does and this fact grounds the world of My Hero Academia for me. We see Midoriya fail and win and fail again, but we never stop rooting for him because we know he is smarter and more capable than his awkwardness allows him to show the world.
We follow Midoriya during some of the darkest times of his life, including when he learns that he would never develop a quirk. What hurt him more than the doctor delivering this news was his mother's fervent apologies rather than words of encouragement. Because even without a quirk, Midoriya could have done anything he wanted to, had he had the support of his family. In shonen anime the parents are usually convenient plot devices or they are dead. In My Hero, though, Midoriya has a close and communicative relationship with his mother. One of the more powerful scenes involving Inko Midoriya is when she refuses to let Midoriya go back to his dream school despite his protests. She explains that, first and foremost, she is his mother and her duty is to keep him safe. When I see this scene I always choke up because this is how humans act and I don't think I've seen it in another shonen before. I hear the common argument, “Well, he's training to become a hero. He's gonna get hurt.” as a justification of why Inko should be fine with Midoriya's broken bones. And while logistically that may be true, we know that most parents wouldn't feel that way. It makes sense as a narrative, given what we know about Midoriya and Inko's relationship.
Something I also love about this series is that every character has a fail stop, a logical reason why they aren't as OP as possible: if Todoroki uses his right side too much he gets frostbite and if he abuses his left he gets burned. If Ururaka overexerts her Zero Gravity, she gets motion sickness. Even All Might, Midoriya's mentor and the strongest hero in the world™, cannot be in his hero form for more than three hours a day. Every character must learn to recognize and live with their shortcomings, because even heroes need to find their place in the universe... and rely on those who fill the empty spaces around them. Because this show, despite it's taglines and ultimate moves, thrives on the logic of balance, of give and take accepting that no one can go at it completely alone, I realized that it was nothing like the aforementioned anime. It was so much more.
Like my friend told me three years ago, on a surface My Hero Academia is about superheroes. It's about capes and costumes and training montages and redemption arcs and all the things that we nerds love... But beneath the surface, My Hero Academia is about recognizing your own power. Izuku Midoriya isn't a hero because he inherited All Might's quirk. He's a hero because, to the very marrow in his bones, he does what is right. Izuku strives to be better than his own self doubt and the world telling him he's not good enough, even though most times he ends up crying his eyes out. He embodies the will to succeed that we all have within us when we find our passions, whether it be beginning your fitness journey with some anime on the elliptical, bagging that nine-to-five job, or something more substantial, like training, despite the odds, to become a hero who saves people with a smile on his face.
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swseats · 5 years
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The time is approaching for my youngest to be on his way to college. While he seems to be handling the looming prospect of his moving 2,286 miles away (yes I know the exact number - Don’t @ me) to attend his HBCU of his choice, I on the other hand am a bit more freaked out. You see, I am the one that has to keep all the little parts and pieces of this cross country trek together. The travel, the baggage, the place to stay when we get there.  If my hair wasn’t completely grey before the trip, It most assuredly will be when I return. 
Travel stresses me out. Voyaging to a new place and experiencing a locale I’m not familiar with is enjoyable. It’s just getting there that makes me tense. Navigating all the planes, trains, and automobiles that can be involved with a trip is daunting to my brain. Too many opportunities to miss connections or lose bags. And traveling these days is quite different than when I first went to college. 
I grew up during a time when travel meant you dressed for the occasion. Slacks, coat, sport shirt, decent shoes. Matching luggage. There was a thrill to walking through the airport with your baggage that said, “I have somewhere to go” in that very grown-up way. And there were fewer moving parts, as I recall. Now it’s folks in sweats and flip flops, looking like they just rolled out of bed -- I can be a real *old trout* from time to time. Long lines at security with metal detectors, *targeted* pat downs and “Powder Restrictions”. All of that being said, I need to find a way to make this trip as smooth and stress free as possible. Because when I think about it - calmly, taking deep breaths, I can focus on what's important. This is not really my trip, but actually my son’s. This is really the start of his adventure.
This will be his “Going To College” story. His start on a journey that begins with a first flight and him experiencing places he’s not been to before -- even if they are initially the insides of airports. The two of us traveling across country together will either bring us closer or make #2 truly happy when the old man leaves the dorm and heads back home. Either way I think that we’ll have tales to tell. And If we’re fortunate they will be good ones. Wish me luck.
It is always sad when someone leaves home, unless they are simply going around the corner and will return in a few minutes with ice-cream sandwiches.  ― Lemony Snicket
If you’re new here, ECLECTICLE Is my “Eclectic Listicle” of the recent things that have been happening in my world. It is a regularly occurring place to toss out items of interest and information. My hope is that you will enjoy it and find something useful. So, let’s get going. 
I want more PoC pickles, damn it. -Leena Trivedi-Grenier
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What I’m eating:
4505 Burgers and BBQ 3506 Macarthur Blvd., Oakland, CA 94619 
Burgers and BBQ and Sides, OH MY! @4505bbq for their GO was definitely worth the wait!
The neighborhood has been waiting months -- and we waited in line for the goodness. And we were not disappointed!
The #1 with #pork shoulder may be my new favorite, but I'll have to come back, just to be sure. 😉 
#SWSeats #EatLocal #laureldistrict #oaklandloveit #KeepItOakland 
#BBQ #burgers
What I’m reading:
Who doesn't love a good pickle? As long as it's not sweet, I'm a fan of pickles ranging from cucumbers to dilly beans to chow chow. I will say however that pickled peaches are quite tasty and should be a thing. Check out this article (With recipes!) from SF Chronicle columnist Leena Trivedi-Grenier .  A world tour of pickles in the Bay Area and how to make them 
I have memories of my eldest and my husband making trips to play in this iconic structure. Glad to see that new generations of kids will get to enjoy this! Lake Merritt Monster Restored To Glory
The description of this Appalachian restaurant makes me want to make a special trip to this special place.  Benne Flies High On Eagle - Asheville, North Carolina
Alexander Hardy pens this article in Food and Wine shows just how serious rice can be! How I Got Over Myself and Learned to Make Rice
Priya Krishna's ode to the joys of the humble fruit and how showing you care can be as simple as slicing strawberries for dessert. If I’m Cutting Fresh Fruit for Dessert, I Probably Love You
What I’m watching:
The story behind Annalakshmi is not only inspiring, but also makes you look at the actual basis behind food and hospitality. A Meal To Pay As You Wish
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quackspot · 5 years
imagine someone just going 1-200 and you have to answer 200 questions for a stranger
well u better strap up becuase im about to do it
200: My crush’s name is: i dunno who do u think my crush’s name is199: I was born in: a year which is 2004198: I am really: a homo sapien197: My cellphone company is:  i think its samsung196: My eye color is: brown195: My shoe size is: 9 or 9.5 i think just 9194: My ring size is: WAIT RINGS HAD SIZES????? i dunno193: My height is: 5′4 ISH but i just say 5′4 because im actually really sensitive about my height and the less than an inch that brings me to 5′4 makes me somewhat happier with myself192: I am allergic to: maybe dustmites 191: My 1st car was: not yet190: My 1st job was: NOT YET189: Last book you read: technically a book called Dad Jokes theyre really funny jokes but if you mean story with plot then probably Grand & Humble unless if you include everything then yesterday i peeked in some books188: My bed is: a bed which i sleep in and that’s pretty much it actually i havent really made my bed in a while 187: My pet: jax and nibsy r the family pets jax is a shih-poo shihtzu poodle mix and nibsy is a cat186: My best friend: my brother185: My favorite shampoo is: shampoo184: Xbox or ps3: hard choice there’s xbox overall and little big planet this is actually a very hard choice lksiiro3jedsklmf,gsda little big planet is great........................183: Piggy banks are: piggy banks. theyre great182: In my pockets: I DONT HAVE POCKETS IM A WOMAN181: On my calendar: whats a calendar lol!!!!180: Marriage is: marriage 179: Spongebob can: dodod od odo dodooo178: My mom: IS GREAT i lov her shes a good mom177: The last three songs I bought were? i dont buy songs i listen to them176: Last YouTube video watched: i mean im listening to boyfriend big time rush on youtube right now but if you mean actual watching its snufkin saying “hi moomin” to moomin a quick 6 second clip175: How many cousins do you have? i duno174: Do you have any siblings? yeah173: Are your parents divorced? yeah172: Are you taller than your mom? probably not :(171: Do you play an instrument? i play the trumpet i did it today and it was really boring i dont want to go to any more graduations not even my own170: What did you do yesterday? things[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: not really but somewhat and i like it because its a fun little thing to put in fiction 168: Luck: yea im very lucky167: Fate: its my destiny to die someday . . .. .  in the futuuuuuuuuuuure
166: Yourself: as far as im aware no165: Aliens: yeah probably164: Heaven: i know it probably isnt real but i cant help believing163: Hell:i know it probably isnt real but i cant help believing162: God: only to blame them for stuff161: Horoscopes: yea theyre fun to read160: Soul mates: ehehehehehhe fun in fanfiction and would greatly b ok with it irl159: Ghosts: who else would hold my hand at night...... not even a ghost :) (but yea i do believe in them when i grow up i wana be a ghost)158: Gay Marriage: why wouldnt i believe in gay marriage 157: War: what is it good for156: Orbs: borb155: Magic: i like magic so i will believe in it [ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: yes153: Drunk or High: probably high i guess152: Phone or Online: ONLINE151: Red heads or Black haired: black haired 150: Blondes or Brunettes: BRUNETTES dude blondes r ok but i personally like darker hair149: Hot or cold: hot148: Summer or winter: SUMMER I HATE WINTER SO FUCKIGNT OASJKU*($@IRWJKOSDIUOKLJEZUDIFLK:LDSK:LKF:LJIODSKZVDJFKL mostly becuase i hate being cold and i hate snow becuase i have to shovel snow and its so cold147: Autumn or Spring: either one 146: Chocolate or vanilla: choc o late145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: apples143: Curly or Straight hair: curly but i guess straight is ok142: McDonalds or Burger King: burbger king good milkshakese141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: idk uhh milk chocolate140: Mac or PC: pc139: Flip flops or high heals: neither......138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: ugly and rich i can just buy surgeries to make me prettier lmao137: Coke or Pepsi: coke136: Hillary or Obama: i dont wanna answer this :(((((( i dont like being bullied135: Burried or cremated: cremated babye put me in the flames ;3c134: Singing or Dancing: i like singing i like dancing i like trains 133: Coach or Chanel: what132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who are these people131: Small town or Big city: im just a mere small town babye ;3c big cities sound scary 130: Wal-Mart or Target: target has the good cheeseballs129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: i only know adam sandler128: Manicure or Pedicure: i dont do my nails 127: East Coast or West Coast: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh both are coasts126: Your Birthday or Christmas: birthday i get more gifts then uwu125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: disney because idk what six flags is isnt it a restaurant or something123: Yankees or Red Sox: a baseball bat [ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: what is it good for!121: George Bush: idk 120: Gay Marriage: yeah gay rights119: The presidential election: im not that into politics so i dont understand the elections and i dont think their fair since i get all my facts from adam ruins everything this isnt even a joke118: Abortion: pro choice i dont giv a crap about some lifeless baby. its only alive if it can properly move its arms or cry or feel.117: MySpace: haha dead116: Reality TV: idk 115: Parents: theyre parents 114: Back stabbers: ow my back113: Ebay: website.... money112: Facebook: lizard man111: Work: what110: My Neighbors: idk who they are but my old neighbor was one of my best friends i should talk to him this summer109: Gas Prices: probably too high108: Designer Clothes: clothes107: College: something i dont plan on going to any time soon106: Sports: something i dont plan on doing any time soon105: My family: a family104: The future: spooky. very scary. idk what my job will be[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: idk (update it was today)102: Last time you ate: 4:13 ish i made ramne101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: i duno100: Cried in front of someone: today i suppose i almost cried???? maybe my dentist appointment a few weeks ago??99: Went to a movie theater: lego movie 2 i think98: Took a vacation: 6th grade im in 9th grade now its been like 3 years97: Swam in a pool: over 1 year i dont go to the pool anymore96: Changed a diaper: NEVER AND I NEVER PLAN ON IT95: Got my nails done: i duno94: Went to a wedding: i also dunno its been too long93: Broke a bone: not that i can recal92: Got a peircing: never and never will91: Broke the law: i duno90: Texted: just now i told my mommy to pick me up it wasl ike 1 hour ago[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: me88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my momy and nibsy and jax and probably zach but he’d already move out by the time i leave87: The last movie I saw: i dont remember probably lego movie 2 or osmething on tv86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: next year drama club85: The thing im not looking forward to: dying?????? idk man 84: People call me: moto moto (not really idk what they call me)83: The most difficult thing to do is: the most difficult thing82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never though i probs will someday81: My zodiac sign is: aquarius sun leo moon aries rising80: The first person i talked to today was: probably kiley79: First time you had a crush: kindergarten i think78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: myself77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: idk76: Right now I am talking to: nobody 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: *has a crisis over my future plans as i do not know*74: I have/will get a job: im gona work at target or burger king next year maybe it depends on if they like me73: Tomorrow: 5/20..............72: Today: today71: Next Summer: in a theater near u70: Next Weekend: my first summer weekend 69: I have these pets: I ALREAD YSAID WHAT PETS I HAVE I LOVE NIBSY WITH ALL MY HEART and jax with some extra parts of my heart68: The worst sound in the world: a sound67: The person that makes me cry the most is: me66: People that make you happy: me65: Last time I cried: ealier today64: My friends are: online63: My computer is: on62: My School: is a school61: My Car: nonexistent 60: I lose all respect for people who: are really mean and seem to hate people for being happy. people who make jokes that make me uncomfortable. i generally avoid them.59: The movie I cried at was: all of them58: Your hair color is: brown57: TV shows you watch: idk56: Favorite web site: idk probs youtube55: Your dream vacation: nowhere 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: A FEW WEEKS AGO I GOT STITCHES IN MY MOUTH AND IT REALLY HURT UGHGTUERIJOKFLDc53: How do you like your steak cooked: edible52: My room is: a room51: My favorite celebrity is: myslef..... just kidding idk any celebs 50: Where would you like to be: where i am 49: Do you want children: no 48: Ever been in love: hoo ha hoo ha i duno how love feels exactly47: Who’s your best friend: MY BROTHER46: More guy friends or girl friends: guys i think 99% of my friends are my brothers friends so45: One thing that makes you feel great is: being happy44: One person that you wish you could see right now: nobody right now but sometimes kiley43: Do you have a 5 year plan: 5 years??? haha no i only plan on using savings accounts to make a bit more money and MAYBE moving to kiley but idk for sure since i like my parents and my brother and my parents plan on driving around in an rv but idk man moving to another state would be HARD and im kinda lazy and i’d have to get a whole new driver’s license 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no41: Have you pre-named your children: lmao all my ideas are jokes40: Last person I got mad at: probably myslef39: I would like to move to: my bed???????38: I wish I was a professional: personer. talker. socialer. [ My Favorites ]37: Candy: probably snickers or a salted nut roll36: Vehicle: big car. tahoe shape. tahoe size. idk. something like a tahoe thats my only reference35: President: I Don’t Care34: State visited: probably florida its the only one of 3 states i’ve been to33: Cellphone provider: what32: Athlete: WHAT31: Actor: idk 30: Actress: idk29: Singer: not me? me? idk28: Band: taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally hall??? ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? I DONT KNOWIJ DSKJZLFKSJKLDSHDLfjklskl;fdkl;sfk;laf 27: Clothing store: i legit have like no faves god this is the hardest part26: Grocery store: target probably25: TV show: maybe the simpsons???24: Movie: idk ive seen a lot of movies23: Website: one of them22: Animal: one of them21: Theme park: universal studios20: Holiday: none of them theyre all ok but ??? meh19: Sport to watch: none.18: Sport to play: idk i dont like being competitive but??????? gym class is a fun sport! :)17: Magazine: none of them16: Book: one of them15: Day of the week: wednesday sounds like a good day. maybe sundays. 14: Beach: what13: Concert attended: frankly the only concerts i’ve been to are my own12: Thing to cook: probably ramen11: Food: cheeseballs??????? burger king milkshake, a drink?10: Restaurant: buuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrger kiiiiiiiiiiing?9: Radio station: 101.9 kelo eff emmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm8: Yankee candle scent: what7: Perfume: what6: Flower: what5: Color: red or purple4: Talk show host: wha
3: Comedian: i duno2: Dog breed: one of them1: Did you answer all these truthfully?  yeah i tried but i kinda gave up slightly after i came back from a graduation party though i also kind of gave up from the start so
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yukiwrites · 6 years
Their Clumsy Dance
Thank you so much for commissioning me again, @arod7293​! This got so big, but I hope you like it either way ;D
Summary: Years after the war, the rebuilding was finally over. Valla, Nohr and Hoshido decide to hold a festival in commemoration to that and, of course, Azura is the main performer. But her partner isn’t Felicia. Takes place between Clumsy Family Time and A Clumsily Perfect Wife.
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Felicia had started to get used to work again -- mostly by courtesy of her loving wife, who always welcomed her back with open arms and a warm kiss. It seemed that being away from work for almost one year made her a bit rusty in some areas, but nothing that a good scolding from Jakob and a kind embrace from her wife couldn't cure.
Soon, a month passed, though not less eventful.
The war between Hoshido and Nohr, as well as Valla, had been over for years, and their rulers could finally focus their attention away from rebuilding. All three kingdoms could barely remember the scars of war, and that called for a celebration between all of them.
Queen Corrin of Valla, King Xander of Nohr and King Ryoma of Hoshido busied themselves with meetings and peace accords so as to hold an international event, composed with their combined cultures and strengths.
The event would take place nowhere other than in Cyrkensia, the capital of the Grand Duchy that had been destroyed during the war. The event would serve not only as a grand opening of the renovated theatre (its reconstruction funded by all three kingdoms) but as a multi-cultural festival.
Representatives of each kingdom would perform a wide variety of spectacles over the course of three days: dance numbers, singing contests, food stalls, folk tales and dancing among others would be showcased throughout the city.
The first day would be Hoshido's, with the presence of its royal family at the end for a musical performance. Nohr would take the second day, and each nohrian royal would make a speech regarding this or that cultural trait, ending with an ode for their late possessed King.
Valla would close the event with the third day, and no one other than Azura could perform the closing ceremony dance, though, of course, Corrin, Xander and Ryoma left the decision for herself only to take.
"Will you not perform with me, sweet Felicia? I would be thrilled to dance our choreography with you to the world!" The princess asked as they rehearsed their personal steps, the same ones Azura taught Felicia long before they married.
Surprised, the maid missed her step, blushing furiously. "I-Wha? Me, Azura? I can't, no way! I don't think I can perform in front of everyone..." She fell on her wife's arms, quickly pulling away to hide her face in embarrassment. In truth, she still didn't feel compatible with her perfect wife, and to shame her in public by tripping? The horror! "B-besides, I'll be working during the event anyway, s-so..."
Azura smiled softly, lifting her wife's chin with one hand, slowly pulling down Felicia's with the other. "I thought you'd say that, and I'll respect your decision, my love." She pressed their foreheads together. "Although, I'll still think it'll be a shame."
"I-I'm sorry..."
"Oh, Felicia, don't be!" Azura cupped her wife's cheeks with both hands. "I simply want to scream, nay, dance to the world about our love! But I understand that the stage is not where you like to be."
Felicia bit her lower lip, her heart in a conflict of feelings -- it felt so very much loved, but so ashamed for not being able to stand proudly beside her wife. "T-thank you, dear. I'll do my best in everything else, though!" She puffed her chest, stealing a giggle out of her wife.
"Haha, truly? Every little thing?" She raised one eyebrow, kissing the maid's cheeks, trailing down so their lips could meet.
Surprised, Felicia widened her eyes and blushed deeply, her body receiving the lustful signals Azura was sending. "Mmph... I... I mean e-everything..." She said between kisses, her hands inadvertently gripping her wife's waist.
"Oh, Felicia... You are so adorable." Azura said before once again diving into her wife's lips, deeply kissing her.
Nothing could stand between them.
Over the course of the days, as the meetings got busier and busier, Felicia actually saw more of Azura during her own work, though that also meant that they had to leave the twins under the care of the royal wet nurse.
Both of them would come back with exhausted smiles, though simply looking at their little bundles of sunshine took away all their worries.
However, Azura and Felicia's time together was about to be cut short.
After most arrangements were finished, it was decided that Azura would perform a Pas de Deux with a male dancer from Cyrkensia.
The princess didn't think too much to it -- after all, it wasn't uncommon for dancers and singers to perform in duos or even in groups. And Azura had been getting a lot of one-on-one practice due to her usual dances with her wife, after all.
It was still a bummer that her partner wasn't going to be her wife, but she was looking forward to the rehearsals nevertheless.
Once Felicia heard about the arrangement, she felt mixed feelings once again.
"I'm happy they picked the best dancer for you! You two will look great onstage, dear!" The maid smiled, feeling bad about the ugly feelings she locked inside.
She wanted to dance with Azura, she wanted to step on that stage and tell everyone to get away from her wife! Azura had chosen her and her alone!
But... being possessive was such an ugly thing. What if Azura discovered the dark thoughts festering inside Felicia's mind and decided to leave her? What if she started thinking that Felicia was a creep for wanting to gaze upon her wife only? To not let anyone else touch her lean waist or to breathe close to her ear?
Dancing involved all of that! She was so very jealous already!
An unknown man would touch her wife, lean his body against hers and even... rub himself on her! Oh gods, that made Felicia feel so awful it was a surprise she could still smile as Azura commented on the steps she was thinking for the performance.
Felicia tried her best to listen, to share her wife's excitement, but... all she could think of were the hours that random man would spend touching her wife and that made her skin crawl.
She wanted to ask to be introduced to him as Azura's rightful wife and mother of her children, but she was afraid that even mentioning it could tip Azura off. The princess has always been much more attentive and observant than Felicia, after all.
A warm brush of Azura's fingers on her wife's made Felicia snap out of it, suddenly opening her eyes. "Are you feeling unwell, my love? You've been squeezing your eyes really hard for a few moments..."
Panicking, Felicia turned around, burying herself under the bed sheets. "I-uh, I think I'm more tired than usual today, haha... Jakob was strict with me as always..."
Not buying it, Azura narrowed her eyes to the large bump her wife made herself into. She then touched Felicia's shoulder. "Would you like to come with me to the dancing room tomorrow? I will be introduced to Ka'lik and I would dearly love you to be there with me."
Felicia squeezed her eyes even more. Were her thoughts THAT transparent?! "C-can I really?" She slowly lowered the cover from her face, pouting slightly.
Azura had to place one hand over her cheeks to contemplate her wife's adorableness before clearing her throat. "Of course you can, silly! You will be gone just for a moment, so I'm sure Corrin won't mind."
Embarrassed with herself, Felicia once again turned her back to Azura, almost hugging her knees. "Thank you, Azura..." She bit her lower lip. "G-good night."
Azura sighed and kissed the general area her wife's head was. "Good night, sweet wife."
The following morning, the princess was much more touchy-feely than usual, making Felicia's ugly feelings slowly melt away before they left their room.
They held hands as they walked through the corridors, a silly sense of pride filling the maid's chest. She knew that it was a petty feeling -- to raise her chin high to a random stranger and show him that SHE was Azura's chosen one, but she couldn't help it. She was already insecure as it was, let alone when confronted with the reality that her wife was someone so wonderful and desirable by many people. People better than Felicia.
The maid slightly squeezed her wife's hand, her thoughts once again turning dark.
Noticing that, Azura opened her mouth to speak, but someone at the end of the corridor spotted them.
"Ah, Lady Azura! Well met!" Jakob bowed beside the open door he waited by. "And Felicia? Aren't you supposed to be by Lady Corrin? Surely our master needs her aide."
"Please, Jakob. I simply wanted to bring my wife to meet my new dancing partner." Azura lifted a peaceful hand to aplacate the butler's mood. "Is he inside?" She peeked through the open door.
"Indeed he is. And eager to meet the distinguished dancing princess, as he so painfully told me over and over." The butler groaned, taking a step back so the couple could enter.
The man they found inside was nothing like the soldiers they were used to, though his body was no less impressive.
Shirtless, he was practicing a few rotating jumps, his well toned body responding perfectly to all the bold movements he tried. He wore a light blue pair of pants -- the color of Azura's hair to boot! -- which matched quite well with his bright blonde hair and soft blue eyes.
Felicia scrutinized the man the very moment she went inside, pressing her lips into a thin line.
"Oh!" He noticed the duo through the mirror and turned around with a bright smile. "Lady Azura! I've longed to meet you!" He ran to them, droplets of sweat already visible through his face and body. How long had he been training? It was barely after dawn!
Azura was taken aback with the young man's skill in dancing, her inner performer eager to test their compatibility. "Ka'lik, I've been told?" She took a step forward, her hand slipping out of Felicia's.
Immediately did the maid retract her hand to her own chest, wanting to keep her wife's warmth with her for as long as she could.
But Felicia felt cold, very, very cold. It was as though a dark cloud was hovering over her. She raised her gaze to the two of them and felt her chin tremble.
Look at how well they matched! Her blue hair went well with his eyes, as did his golden hair with her eyes. Their dancer bodies had complementing muscles toned -- his arms were strong enough to keep her strong legs off of the ground for a long time during a performance... And her slender body fit perfectly on his.
"Indeed, my princess. Ka'lik is my name." He took Azura's hand and placed a kiss on it -- the very same hand Felicia held not a heartbeat ago! How could he?
"A pleasure, Ka'lik." The princess nodded in response, taking her hand from his and gesturing to the woman behind her. "As you already know, I am Azura. And this is my wife, Felicia."
"Hah, a maid? Truly you jest, my lady." He snorted, looking down on Felicia.
"I will thank you to never refer to my wife in such manner again, Ka'lik." Azura immediately cut him off, but the deed was done.
Felicia didn't hear anything after what Ka'lik had said.
A maid.
A maid and a princess.
Truly the biggest mismatch in the entire world.
And yet, how could he even talk down on her like that? What sort of awful person judges someone by their profession?!
Felicia had so many words trapped inside her throat it getting hard to breathe.
Ka'lik coughed at Azura's cold response, but immediately regained his composure, smiling disdainfully at Felicia. "Forgive my manners, er... Flitza, was it?"
"It's FELICIA," the maid said with difficulty, her voice barely getting out. Her bangs covering her face, she had to press her lips into a thin line lest she screamed. "It's Felicia... Ka'lik." She managed to lift her gaze to him, picking the unspoken letter of challenge he was throwing at her.
Narrowing her eyes at how poorly the man treated someone with a status lower than his, Azura simply turned her head away from him, towards her wife.
But Felicia turned back. "Lady Corrin is waiting for me, so, um... See you later, Azura..." She said, almost running away from the room, leaving a princess with a helpless extended hand behind.
"I'll treat this as an unfortunate slip of your part, Ka'lik." Azura said, looking at the now empty doorway. "Do not act that way towards my wife ever again, understand?"
Ka'lik gasped, placing one hand over his chest. "F-forgive me, lady Azura! I meant no disrespect, I swear it. I was simply surprised! After all, a fair lady such as yourself could have anyone in the world."
"Indeed. And I have just who I wanted." She turned to him, sending chills under his spine.
"Once again, I beg you find it in your heart to forgive me..." He smiled shyly, scratching the back of his head.
Sighing, the princess tied her hair into a tall ponytail. "We should first check our compatibility, yes?"
"Ohh yeah!" He smirked.
Meanwhile, Felicia couldn't shake away the feeling of disgust directed towards not only Ka'lik, but herself. He judged her for choosing a profession that served people? And Felicia was supposed to let her wife get physically close to him like that?!
"Felicia... you're freezing my tea... and my hand with it." Rhajat cleared her throat.
"I'm sorry." The maid said curtly, not entirely realizing where she was or what she was doing.
"You are still freezing my hand..."
"F-Felicia, snap out of it!" Corrin waved her hands in front of the maid, worried about her wife getting frostbite.
"I-I'm sorry, Lady Corrin, I'll be... over there if you need me." Felicia let go of the cup and left the room, heading to the pantry.
Blinking, both Queens looked from the open door to Rhajat's frozen hand. "A-are you gonna be okay? Do you want me to help?"
"It's fine." Rhajat simply blew her hand and the ice evaporated, heating the cup in the process. "Now, where were we?"
Smiling, Corrin sat back at the tea table, but soon she frowned again. "I wonder what got into Felicia? She never acted that way before..."
I suppose I understand, Rhajat thought to herself, gazing upon her wife's beauty. Feeling unworthy of someone so lovable and bright is part of my daily life, after all. She'll have to learn how to cope with it on her own.
The ugly thoughts spiralled out of control throughout the day, making Felicia feel so awful with herself she didn't realize she was actually doing her job quite well, apart from freezing this or that object.
Once dusk approached, she started to feel even more uneasy: she was to meet her wife again soon and she... was not yet ready. She wouldn't be able to stand looking at her wife and smell that rude man on her. That rude and perfectly matched man for her wife.
Felicia wondered about taking a bit more work to delay her arrival, but she missed her babies terribly, so she decided against it. Squeezing her eyes, she quickly opened the door with a bang, surprising the twins and the wet nurse taking care of them.
"O-oh, Felicia! That gave me a scare." The woman got up. "Do you want me to stay with them while you get changed or can I go?"
Blinking, the maid looked around. "Azura?"
Felicia exhaled deeply, almost crumpling to the ground. "Thank the gods..." She whispered. "It's okay, Nanna, you can go if you want. I'll take care of them."
"Okay, then. Good night and see you tomorrow." Nanna smiled, gathering her things. "Nighty, cuties." She winked to the babies and left.
A not-so-empty room to come back to. The fruit of their love waited for her, and yet she was feeling so awful about everything.
"Aguh..." Linnea cooed uncomfortably, feeling her mother's upsetting thoughts. Shigure kicked his feet.
"Awawa!" Felicia triped to the crib. "Mommy's okay now, see? Haha!" She smiled foolishly, stealing a few laughs from the twins. "It's gonna be okay! Yep!"
Just seeing her children put her mind back at ease.
It was going to be fine.
After a week of constant rehearsing, Azura scarcely came back to their room at the same time as Felicia. They missed each other during the mornings since Felicia worked early, and during the evenings since Azura stayed up until very late.
There was also the matter of the measurements -- Forrest and Oboro joined forces to sew the costumes of the main attractions for all three kingdoms. For some reason Felicia couldn't understand, they also took her measurements, but her wife's absence soon made her forget about it.
The few moments they could be together, Azura spoke about how wonderful their dance was going to be and how many tiny details she had to work with the court mages and orchestra.
Felicia stayed silent most of the time, afraid she would spout hurtful words to someone who was simply having a good time... Her ugly feelings were hers only to deal with.
And yet, the more Azura spoke of Ka'lik, the less important Felicia felt in her wife's life.
It had been over a month since they shared a meal! They barely basked in one another's warmth!
All because Azura was too busy befriending such a shady guy like Ka'lik.
As the grand day approached, Felicia's anxiety skyrocketed.
The hoshidan day had been so very busy, she barely had time to sleep. Her legs and arms hurt from all the walking and heavy lifting; even her head hurt due to her usage of her icy powers (they asked her to use them as a theatrical effect here and there).
The nohrian day was even busier -- being a nohrian herself, she was more aware of where things should be and how they should go. There was also an entire hour dedicated to the Ice Tribe, and although neither her nor Flora were active part of it, they still had to use their powers for demonstration.
Felicia was at her limit.
After finally doing her last chore for the night, she passed by the rehearsing room and saw how swimmingly well Azura and Ka'lik were getting along. He spiralled her over his head, then had her slip through his body towards the floor as they exchanged heated glances and smiled.
A sudden chilly wind covered the both of them, the source none other than Felicia.
"My love? What's the matter? Are you unwell?" Azura quickly let go of Ka'lik and ran to the door. To her threadbare wife, who had a messy hair, messy clothes and was dirty all over.
It was such a busy day.
She was so tired.
She just wanted to be with her beloved, but even that was being taken away from her.
"Felicia?" Azura approached tentatively, slightly touching her wife's shoulder.
But it was immediately slapped away. The maid lifted her angry and teary gaze towards her wife, the male dancer watching everything in the background.
And then she ran.
"Felicia?!" Azura quickly ran after her wife. "My love, what's happened?"
"Don't touch me with that hand that was all over Ka'lik all day! Why are you even running after me? Go back and be with him! He's a much better match for you!" She yelled atop of her lungs, sobbing her frustrations away.
Azura stopped on her tracks, offended. "What was that? Are you letting your jealousy cloud your words, my love? Truly you do not mean that."
Felicia also stopped a few meters away, drying her face as more tears fell. "Of course I mean it! Go back to be with him! You two match so well, anyway."
The princess lifted her chin. "Ka'lik and I are simply coworkers, Felicia. Do not offend me in saying that I feel anything towards him! This is your last chance to take that back."
The maid sniffled, her heart beating as fast as her mind spiralled. "Why should I take back the truth? You should be with someone like him, anyway." After saying that, she kept walking back to her room, the tears streaming down her face.
Azura felt her eyes burn with unshed tears, but lifted her eyes so as not to let them fall. "I see. So that's the kind of woman you thought of me all this time." She turned around, intent on going to sleep in the guest room.
No, no, no! It wasn't!
Oh, how could Felicia be SO dumb like that?!
She just wanted her wife to be with her, to love her! Was that too much to ask? Why did her sullied heart had to say all these hurtful things?!
Sobbing, Felicia went back to running, quickly entering her room.
The twins were crying their lungs out.
"Felicia!" Nanna stuttered, holding Shigure while patting Linnea's belly by the crib. "I don't know what happened, but these two started crying out of sudden! Do you think they have- Felicia?"
The maid sobbed by the door, sliding down to the floor. "It's over, oh gods, it's over now..."
Shigure cried even louder, sobbing so much his little body reddened.
They could feel their mothers' bond wavering and it hurt them almost physically.
Felicia knew that, and it made her cry even more. Were the babies sensing hers and Azura's bond severing? Would they end everything like that? Oh, gods...
Azura barely slept a wink, her heart in a turmoil. Still, she was a professional.
She would perform with a smile on her face.
"Are you alright? I... don't know what happened after you ran after your wife, but it seemed pretty bad..." Ka'lik mentioned as they waited for Oboro and Forrest at the dressing room.
Azura knew that her dress was a dark blue and golden variation of her white vallite dancing dress, which matched with Ka'lik's loose pants and bolero.
"Oh, Ka'lik... She was consumed by jealousy! How could she even think of me as a base woman like that? I never felt anything towards you!"
"Ouch," he joked, placing one hand over his heart, taking a step towards his princess.
"Hah, no offense intended. Forgive me." She shook her head, the lack of sleep and stress taking a toll on her.
"None taken," he looked down at the frail and vulnerable woman before him.
He had held himself back for over a month, but surely now was the best time to strike. Imagine! Ka'lik and Princess Azura, the most successful married dancing couple in all continent!
He had to make her his. "So, are things finished between the two of you, then? If she has such shallow confidence in you, maybe you can look somewhere else for a partner..." He placed one hand over her shoulder, which ignited the first alarm inside Azura's chest.
"Never! I will not allow things to end like this." She took his hand out of her shoulder, turning her back to him. "I suppose I did neglect her all this time... Perhaps I should apologize first. I cannot stand this sour air between us..."
"Nonsense! She's the one who called you a cheater." Once again he touched her shoulder and once again she slipped away from him.
"She does need to apologize, of course. However, so do I. Perhaps, if we had talked it over, this would have never happened..."
"And who guarantees it won't happen again? She's been hostile towards me ever since our first meeting! Isn't she way too possessive for someone who married a dancer?" He took very light steps towards Azura, making her turn away from him at every turn, going towards a table without realizing.
The princess placed one hand over her pounding heart. "Isn't she lovely? I keep telling her she's all I need, and she can't stop putting herself down. I must go see her!" She turned around with conviction, but ran right into Ka'lik's chest instead. "Forgive me, but could you-"
As she tried to walk past him, he blocked her way with one leg, trapping her between him and the table. "Hm? But you're free right now, aren't you? Why don't we have some fun as your wife thinks we do?" He lowered himself to her, and her last alarm ringed inside her chest.
She screamed loudly inside her mind, her entire body rejecting the very idea of being close to that man. He slid one hand over her waist, pulling her towards him.
"Let me go this instant, Ka'lik!" She tried to push his chest away, but his arms were much stronger than her. "Let me go!"
He smiled derisively. "Why now? We're just doing what your wife said we are! Nothing but truth here," he slightly pulled her hair from her back, making her lift her chin.
She could feel his warm breath on hers and felt her stomach turn.
"I told you to let me GO!" She breathed in before quickly and strongly hitting his nose with the carpal bone of her wrist.
"Grh- ouch, that hurt! You broke my nose!" He stumbled backwards, his face swelling as blood flowed through his nostrils. "I was being nice before, but now you made me angry!" He meant to throw himself over her, but as she was about to scream her wife's name, a blast of ice hit him dead in the chest.
"STOP RIGHT THERE, YOU CREEP!" Felicia panted, quickly making another ice blast, making him fly across the room and break a few tables. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY WIFE? I WON'T LET YOU LIVE THIS DOWN!" Possessed by the soldier inside her, Felicia was out for blood.
She stomped inside the room, making another ice blast with her closed fists, but Azura threw herself on Felicia's arms. "Felicia, oh, Felicia!"
"Azura! Are you okay? What did he do to you?!" She quickly held her wife as people started to gather due to the commotion.
"Nothing... Nothing, he didn't DO anything, b-but..." She trembled.
Azura was a trained dancer, a trained soldier, a hardened royal.
But the dark thoughts that creeped inside her mind as Ka'lik touched her waist... Azura for the first time felt the fear of being a woman.
"Oh, Felicia...!" She sobbed in her wife's arms, digging her face into the familiar chest.
The maid squeezed her wife with everything she had, slowly walking backwards to hide behind the countless costumes hanged around the room.
Flora and Kaze had heard almost everything and were the first ones to the scene after Felicia.
"How dare you harm my sister's wife!" Flora roared, freezing Ka'lik's hands behind his back, not wanting to cuff him the usual way.
Kaze followed closely behind, more to Ka'lik's own safety than Flora's.
Hearing the familiar voices all around made Azura calm down, the sobs turning to sniffles.
"Are you okay? He really didn't touch you, right?" Felicia dried her wife's tears with both thumbs.
"Oh, my sweet Felicia! Forgive me for not being more open with you during all this time! If only we had spoken about your feelings towards him, perhaps all of this could have been avoided!"
Felicia immediately felt her eyes itch with tears. "P-please don't apologize, Azura! I'm the one who wants to say I'm sorry! Please don't leave me, please stay with me forever! I was just so jealous and angry and tired and stressed, I took it out on you! And I shouldn't because I- I just love you so much..." She sniffled.
"Oh, Felicia... I love you so very much as well. Thank you for saving me." Azura caressed her wife's face, noticing how unkempt she was. "Did you run here, my love? I-"
Before she could finish the sentence, both of them started hearing faint crying getting closer and closer.
"I recognize these voices..." They said in unison, quickly leaving the room.
"Felicia! How could you run and leave me alone with them? They were crying so much, nothing I did calmed them!" Nanna brought the twins over.
They were restless because of the strong signal Azura inadvertently sent earlier -- Felicia felt dread seep through her bones and quickly ran towards her wife's direction, leaving the twins to feel everything through their bond and cry.
"I-I'm sorry, I had to run-"
"There, there, Mother's here now, darling." Azura picked Linnea up as Nanna handed Shigure to Felicia, both twins' tears immediately stopping.
"How do you two even do that? I spent almost half hour trying to make them stop." Nanna crossed her arms as the wives shared a bashful glance and cooed to their babies.
"What are you gonna do now, Azura? The performance... can't happen now, right?" Felicia nudged Shigure's chubby cheeks, glancing at her wife, who did the same with Linnea.
"I actually have a wonderful idea regarding that."
Back at the changing room, Forrest and Oboro waited for Azura’s arrival. “Actually, the ones who have wonderful ideas about this are us!” They said in unison, each taking a wife’s hand towards opposing corners of the room, hidden behind the hanging clothes.
“Oh?” Azura giggled as she was being led by Forrest. “I was about to suggest-”
“Oh, darling, we know!” The young man winked. “Let’s get you in that dress, hm?”
At the other side of the room, Felicia tripped over her heels. “Awawa, why am I the one getting a dress? I’m just going to watch-”
“Oh, shush, you.” Oboro turned Felicia around and undid her zipper. “Let’s just get on with this, yeah?”
“Sweet Felicia? Is Oboro bullying you?” Azura asked through the room, and although they couldn’t see each other, the acoustic was wonderful in there.
“I-I’m fine!” The maid said, being stripped by Oboro and quickly being turned around to be dressed again.
Giggling, Azura felt giddy.
It was as though that awful experience never happened.
She was preparing a surprise for her beloved wife and was having so much fun by simply listening to her being bashful around Oboro. So cute! She couldn’t wait to go back to her wife’s arms already!
Forrest helped her inside her dress as well as fixed her hair and make-up. He then placed a dark blue veil covering her face, complementing the mysterious air around the princess. “Perfect! Honestly, you’re already so pretty, Lady Azura. I was barely necessary.”
“You flatter me, Forrest. But do tell… why was Felicia taken away as well? I didn’t get to say my idea yet…”
The young prince winked once again. “Why don’t you see for yourself?” He opened the way back to the center of the room.
In there Felicia stood: she wore a dress of similar design to Azura’s, but with a dark purple glow, matching perfectly with her pink hair. Even though she also wore a veil, Azura could see the blush covering Felicia’s entire cheek and nose.
How wonderfully lucky Azura was to have married such a stunning woman. “Felicia…”
“A-Azura…” Felicia stuttered, inadvertently licking her lips. “You’re so beautiful…”
“You are wonderful as well, my love.” Azura walked towards her beloved, taking her hands. “Will you dance with me, my sweet Felicia? Our dance? Let us show the world the power of our bond.”
Trembling, Felicia so very much wanted to yell to the world that Azura was her wife, that they loved each other! “I-I…” She sniffled.
“Hey, no crying! You’re gonna ruin your makeup.” Oboro patted Felicia’s back, making the maid choke and smile.
“Let’s do it! We can do it! Let’s do this!!” She puffed her chest, making Azura laugh.
“I’ll be with you all the time, my love.” The princess whispered, holding her wife’s hand. “Shall we go?”
Felicia gulped. “Y-yes!”
Being onstage really wasn’t what Felicia was used to, but somehow -- somehow being with her wife made all the beseeching eyes fade away. Azura whispered all the steps to Felicia as they went up, but their dance, it ran perfectly, like a river through its course.
Their love overflowed through their steps, the power of their bond so strong it brought tears to the audience’s eyes. Many people who were with their loved ones shared a kiss as the dance ended, feeling such a great atmosphere.
They had a standing ovation as the curtains closed and shared a hug as Felicia jumped around in excitement. “I didn’t mess a single step! We did it!”
“Indeed we did, my love!” Azura smiled, being led back to the dressing room by her beloved.
In there, their friends and family waited -- Nanna stayed back with the twins so they could welcome their mothers right away. And how well they did!
The babies laughed loudly, the strength of their family’s bond so strong they kicked their feets with excitement.
“Thank you so much for looking after them, Nanna.” They said in unison, not realizing how well they synchronized. “We can take them back now.”
They held hands as they pushed the baby carriages, their hearts beating in unison.
Barely were they back at their room, they turned to each other and fell in love all over again. “I love you so much.” They declared, reaching out to one another’s veils.
They exchanged passionate looks before sealing their love with a kiss. They closed eyes to enjoy their wife’s taste and whispered: “Forever.”
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crapfutures · 7 years
Et in Orcadia ego
In a recent post (‘scrap futures’) we mentioned a project we’re doing with Laura Watts from ITU Copenhagen and partners in Scotland that involves building a gravity battery on the small island of Eday in Orkney.
We’ve just returned from that island-to-island journey. It was quite a trip, a proper eye opener. We arrived on Sunday evening with nothing - no tools or materials of any kind - and by Thursday we were running a public demo of a gravity-powered Casio keyboard playing Ode to Joy. Here is a brief (and highly subjective) travelogue and technical account of the process, which was not unlike a 72-hour Scrapheap Challenge, but involving the whole community.
The northward trek
Three of us left Madeira early on the Friday, bidding farewell to sunshine and flower blossoms. The fourth in our party, Mohammed, coming from rural Sweden, met us that night in Inverness. By Saturday morning we had reached Kirkwall, on the Orkney Mainland. Laura arrived on the next flight, and over a lunch of fish and chips we shared our thoughts about the gravity battery, including what sort of scrap we might use to make it - an old motorcycle, a car or tractor, even a crashed Vespa someone had mentioned. There was also the question of what we should do with the energy it released. Previously we had powered a record player; this time we had in mind a lamp, or an old radio playing The Shipping Forecast. None of us had ever been to Eday, an island of ten square miles with a population of just 130 people.
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The wind picked up and the afternoon ferry was cancelled, so we headed over to Stromness on the other side of the Mainland to spend the night in the atmospheric Stromness Hotel. Enrique waxed poetic on the irony of Silicon Valley’s dreams of colonising Mars, when we were stranded ten miles from our destination by a bit of wind. But we made the best of it, and after a full Scottish breakfast with haggis on Sunday morning we drove back to Kirkwall and caught the afternoon ferry. We arrived after dark, windswept and seasalted, and followed the island’s only road to the only year-round accommodation, the hostel, where we met our documentary filmmaker, Aaron Watson. The trip north had taken three days, leaving only three days to build for the demonstration.
Build Day 1
We woke Monday morning to the sound of a large wind turbine spinning fast outside the hostel, telling us the weather conditions. In fact the island grid is powered entirely by renewable energy - Eday’s experimental and community-driven use of renewables, including wind, tidal, and solar, as well as storage in hydrogen fuel cells, is the main reason we were keen to visit. Even the electric heaters in the hostel are powered at certain times by energy overflow from the wind turbine outside. Everyone we met on Eday was extremely well versed in energy generation and storage, including the seven children of the local primary school who spoke knowledgeably about electrolysers and curtailment.
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We met Clive, our local fixer and project partner with Eday Renewable Energy Ltd., after a solid breakfast of porridge and bacon butties. Before we set out to gather scrap materials and tools, he gave us a pep talk of sorts: ‘This may look like chaos. But I assure you the machine will be built, it will be demonstrated, and you will leave happy on the ferry Friday morning.’ In the car he pointed out the island’s landmarks and mentioned some of the people we would likely meet that day. As far as we could tell you were not allowed to have the same name as anyone else on the island - when a second Kate arrived she was renamed Katie, and the second Mike became Mick. This we decided was as good a definition of a small island as any we’d heard. Clive warned us that the community would need some convincing before they got involved. We should expect questions like: What’s in it for Eday?
The first stop of the morning was the Old Church, which had been bought by a woman from London with big plans in the 1980s and has sat derelict ever since. Here we found an old motorcycle, a red Kawasaki, parked in the middle of the church amongst other scrap (a Super 8 camera, a record player, a typewriter). The bike had only 12,000 miles on the odometer, but it was buried under a thick blanket of corrosive pigeon shit, and all of its insides were seized beyond reasonable use. We took a lot of photographs. At the second stop, the New Church a minute down the road, we found a large brass bell salvaged from a sunken steamship. We thought we might use it as a weight for the gravity battery. Permission would have to be sought, Clive said. The third stop was an old mechanic’s back garden, full of rusted cars and a jumble of engine parts. ‘Did he die?’ someone asked. ‘No, just left the island’, Clive replied. James opened the hood of an old BMW and found a live rabbit inside.
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We checked out the building site next, a shed by the pier used mostly for deliveries. It had a forklift and plenty of room - the first real success of the day. We would have to clear out twice a day when the ferry docked, but aside from that it was ours. We agreed it would do very nicely. Our other Eday contact, Andy, who works with Clive, met us at the shed. From there we drove to an old quarry on the far side of the island, a five-minute journey. As we walked around the site, staring up at the sheer sides from the quarry base, someone had an epiphany about making a gravity-powered keyboard. Andy, it turned out, not only knew how to play (he was currently the church organist), he had also been the keyboardist in an eighties band called Freeez, who had a number one single in the US dance charts (‘IOU’). We all agreed that if we could get hold of a scrap keyboard the issue of what to do with the energy released by the gravity battery was solved.
After lunch at the hostel we met some people from the community in a building next to the island shop. The key moment in this meeting was the suggestion that Mick, who was spotted leaving the shop outside, had an old motorcycle in his barn; someone ran out to talk to Mick and he kindly agreed to let us follow him home. He was a large man in a CCCP shirt, who told us in a Liverpool accent to mind the ducks and sheep. He opened the barn and dragged out an old dirt bike, its wheels clogged with hay; he used an axe to free up the front wheel, and four of us rolled it up the driveway in the rain and waited as someone found a van to bring it back to the pier shed. We were cold and wet, and the light was fading on our first day, but we had a motorcycle and a rough plan. We ate a hearty dinner at Roadside, the island’s former pub turned occasional restaurant (actually just a dining room in a private house), and then returned to the hostel to drink whisky and sleep.
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Build Day 2
We arrived at the shed Tuesday morning at 9.05am to find several islanders already waiting in boilersuits, ready to work. We introduced ourselves, made some tea, and set up to start cutting into the bike, while Clive got on the phone to order a new chain from the Mainland - the only part the bike was missing. We quickly sourced some necessary tools from generous community members, including an angle grinder (Aaron the filmmaker’s favourite, because it made a photogenic shower of sparks), a lathe, and a socket set, and got to work. By lunch the bike was stripped, leaving only the parts necessary for the gravity battery - the frame, engine, and rear axle. In the afternoon two of us went to the school to give a workshop while the others stayed back at the shed. The wind blew and the rain poured down. Countless cups of tea were consumed. Soon the day was over, the children went home, the shed was locked up, and at the hostel Mohammed made his special dhal. It was Halloween night on a remote Scottish island, so obviously we watched The Wicker Man. More whisky was consumed.
Build Day 3
The challenge now was how to get the gravity battery over the fence and down into the quarry, our chosen site for Thursday’s demo. We noticed a large tractor - who did it belong to? Could somebody drive it there? Health and safety was still a headache that Andy was dealing with, negotiating with the property owners in England and the insurance company. It was blowing a gale all the previous night and all morning; the rain beat down on the corrugated iron roof of the shed, making it hard to hear anyone speak.
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On the positive side, people from the community were beginning to get excited about working together on this strange and unexpected project. Old habits were shifting as people from different parts of the island who rarely spoke to each other met and pitched in as a team. Hamish and Mel, native Orcadians, came to join in and brought their son Robbie, an apprentice engineer. An old Casio keyboard was found, and after some minor tinkering was brought back to life. The chain arrived by afternoon ferry. Calculations were underway for rigging a pulley over the quarry edge. More people showed up, to work or to watch. Clive told us stories of moving to London in the late sixties, working in Carnaby Street, seeing the Stones in Hyde Park. ‘What brought you up to Eday?’ we asked. ‘Cheap innit’, he said with a smile. We met other southerners who said the same thing. But their attachment to the place had obviously gone very deep.
On Wednesday afternoon we went to use the lathe in the shed of a friendly guy named Mike, another Englishman and ex-submariner who lived in the old schoolhouse. Mike left a note in the shed telling us what to do if a blackbird showed up at the door - he had trained the bird to come in and ask for food when it was hungry. Sure enough the bird showed up, looking at us expectantly until we passed it some raisins and a biscuit. When we finished our machining Mike invited us into the main house. In what turned out to be one of the highlights of our week in Eday, Mike showed us not only a display he’d made on the history of the school, but also - leading us through a hole in the wall - no less than a full-sized model of the inside of a submarine, complete with salvaged periscope, control panels, and torpedo launchers. We walked through room after room, through sleeping quarters with life-sized mannequin sailors, until we reached the end and emerged back into the schoolhouse. We shook hands with Mike, somewhat unsettled by what we’d just seen, and returned to the pier shed.
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That night at dinner we discussed our visit to Eday as a three-act play. The first two acts, we decided, had established the principal characters and their relationship to the world they lived in. The inciting incident of Act One was our arrival on the island, with a mad plan to build a gravity battery from scrap. The rising action of Act Two was the first three days of building, where we pitched in with the community to make the thing we’d set out to make - the spectre of public humiliation creating tension and driving us forward. The character arcs of ourselves and everyone in the community developed under this pressure; Andy and Clive even told us that relationships between community members had been altered - for the good - by our presence. People who hadn’t spoken to each other in years exchanged words; old feuds were put to rest or laid aside. For our part we gained insights about ourselves, our roles, and the nature of our work.
Every story needs a climax, and it usually involves collectively overcoming a crisis. So it was not unexpected that we should receive a phone call at dinner that night, the night before the public demo, telling us that the absentee landowner would not allow access to our chosen site, the quarry, without insurance - and negotiations with the insurance company had reached an impasse. Andy was trying his best to provide evidence of due diligence to both parties; but insurance is about predictability, and is naturally risk-averse. Testing a gravity battery made from scrap in an abandoned quarry with children present is not an ideal scenario from the insurer’s perspective. How could we bridge the gap between health and safety, on one hand, and daring innovation and experimentation, on the other? How could we achieve a satisfying resolution and leave happy, as Clive promised, on Friday morning?
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Demo Day
Andy, as we mentioned above, was a professional musician in his previous life - he had played on Top of the Pops and The Old Grey Whistle Test. So when he sat down to rehearse for the demo on Thursday morning, perched on a wooden crate in shorts and hiking boots and a down jacket, tapping at the keys of a salvaged Casio, the other islanders laughed and jibed goodnaturedly: ‘You’ve come a long way, Andy!’ The crisis at the quarry had been overcome, or rather bypassed completely, by ten o’clock: just as the insurance problem was solved, we decided it would be easier to stage the demo at the pier near the shed, so that no major moving of equipment would be involved. Now momentum was gathering towards the final event and resolution.
The demo was scheduled for after lunch. Word spread and by late morning a small crowd started to gather. We were busy with small jobs: like untangling rope for the pulley to suspend the mass, a 25-litre water container, from a long metal pole extending off the fork of a tractor Hamish had driven over from his farm. The motorcycle chassis that formed the heart of the machine was strapped to a wooden pallet. We only had to figure out how to lift the weight into the air - in Madeira we had used a solar panel, but that was not an option in Orkney. Various attempts were made, including hooking up the battery from Mike’s car, but with no success.
The school bus pulled into the parking lot in front of the pier shed and the children got out. They lined up in front of the crowd and showed drawings of the gravity batteries they had designed earlier in the week. One child broke down under the pressure and sobbed loudly, but eventually held up his drawing between shaking hands. The weather was calm and dry. We handed out Madeiran sweets to the kids, who wore reflective vests for safety. Everyone stood facing us in a semicircle and waited for the show to begin. At the last moment a solution was found: James improvised an attachment to a rechargeable electric drill and used it to drive a super low-gear winch, slowly raising the water container. It seemed a bit of a cheat - though in fact it wasn’t, since the island’s grid is powered by renewables - but the mass was now suspended, the energy was stored until needed, and that was the main point. We called for everyone’s attention; released the mass; wires were connected and the keyboard came to life. Andy played ‘Ode to Joy’, followed by ‘The Flintstones’ for the children. The performance lasted several minutes, then the keyboard fell silent at the instant the water container touched the ground. The crowd went wild. We did it again, and then again - the last time letting the kids take turns banging out some noise. It was a success. We cleaned up as dusk fell.
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That evening there was a gathering at the community centre. Andy led a discussion with ourselves and some of the islanders, including Hamish and Mel and their children, ‘Submarine’ Mike, Ivan and his son Jordan, and many others, that felt productive. It verged at times on emotional, as people discussed past achievements like the installation of the massive community-owned wind turbine, along with possible futures of the community and the island itself. We tried to impress the point that, given enough time and ideal conditions, their energy storage solution (or ‘Newton Machine’) would not be a gravity battery - which was something we had created out of the particular materials and terrain of Madeira - but rather a bespoke solution for Eday, built not from Madeiran sucata but from Orcadian bruck, taking advantage of local conditions, like a flow battery made with seawater. But we had three days to produce something spectacular with the community, so we decided to make an Eday version of a gravity battery - and according to those terms, we succeeded. As we sat around talking into the night, surrounded by absolute darkness except for the lights of neighbouring islands and the hostel in the distance, we also agreed that the machine we built was, in some real sense, a social machine.
We hoped that our strange event on Eday, our intervention of sorts, had made an impact on the community. We received a positive sign from Andy the day after we returned, in the form of a message that read: ‘I'm about to order my very first angle grinder, just so I can make my own sparks, just for the sheer fun of it.’ He said he’d been inspired to ‘have a go’. Between Andy’s words (and music), Clive’s stories, Mike’s submarine, Mick’s motorcycle, Ivan’s joyful exclamations of ‘happy days!’, the schoolchildren’s imaginative designs, and Hamish’s son Robbie melting aluminium in a kitchen pot with a blowtorch to cast parts for the gravity battery, we concluded that some good had come of the trip. Still ahead, Laura will write up our experiences on Eday from an ethnographer’s perspective, and Aaron will make a short film to present at our exhibition in Barcelona early next year. The gravity battery itself, meanwhile, remains on the island - being too heavy to transport - and will hopefully power Andy’s reconfigured Casio keyboard through the winter months.
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Julian Hanna and James Auger.
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Don’t mind me
So yeah I’m not the one to post my own stuff, I usually just reblog and like. Also I would like to warn you that this is a pure rant of my fed up self, but I don’t want to write it on my motherlanguage because my country’s tags are full of things that have a connection to depression and suicide and yeah well I don’t want that. So sorry beacuse of the errors but probably no one will read this.
I wanted to do this for a long time. Honestly, I thought I was doing quite well in high school, like I had friends my grades were not bad either and we could say that I was happy. But I came to a realization that I am kind of empty. I don’t know how to describe it. This year, I had other stuff beside studying, ‘cuz I get pretty lazy if I’m bored. (piano classes and countinouing fencing, plus I take korean lessons once a week)  And I always feel like I’m not good enough. I do average, but I’m not satisfied. I want to be the best. I know it sounds childish but my maximalism takes the fun out of everything, For example, today I almost beat the guy who won against me since like the beginning of this school year. (10point for him 9 for me) So the normal reaction should be that I’m happy, but my mind then tells me “It was only 1 point, you should be asamed that you weren’t the one with the final win) and from that I was in a bad mood. When I’m with my coach I do everything right, he always says that I’m good, and I simply don’t believe it. Because that level should be average for me and expected. And that’s the case with everything in my life. My studies mostly. I can’t accept defeat and I can’t deal with it either. And for me even a C is a defeat, but in my midyear grades even one or two Bs are. My best friend is not even my best friend. Like, I feel like she always tries to top me. And I can be competitve if I have my motiviaton but I don’t want competition in my friendships nor relationships. She has her boyfriend for more than one and half a year now, and I didn’t even have a normal conversation with him in person, the longest was like 6 sentences on Messenger. I never even met him properly, I only said hi to them when I walked past them. And she has no problem with this. I’m fine with it, but when I asked her what’s the reason for it she always said some stupid one with pure sarcasm and brought up another topic. She always ask why I don’t tell her about my life nowadays but she barely said something about hers. ever. She only texts me when she needs something. When I write to her she replies like half a day later. /now she left me on read when I asked her what’s the problem beacuse she’currently absent from school/ So yeah, I feel alone as fuck, I have some buddies but they are not considering me a close friend. Currently I only have one close friend, she listens to me, and she actually writes back. My best friend and I are very similar,and in other aspects we are like the ground and the sky maybe that’s the problem. But I hate it when she makes fun of my non-existent love life. She knows I kinda want one, (I’m a horribly hopeless romantic in my opinion) and she says things like “ I just don’t get it why don’t you just get a boyfriend” or “You don’t miss out on anything except a boyfriend makes your life so much better” and my personal fav “ OMG I miss being single” ( she doesn’t, she wants to marry that kid) And I always feel like she doesn’t take me seriously when I tell her about a guy I like and things like that. (these are just a few examples of the things what she does) And know the best part... my crush. So I think I kinda crave the caring, or idk how to say it, but I can state that I fall for people quickly in general. And after that I’m invested in them as fuck... ( i don’t even know if this is healthy)  My last crush was a boy from the same school and the same town, we travel with the same bus. we started talking in late november of my freshman year, and I think we kinda liked each other. I always anticipated if he sits next to me, and he liked listening to music too, so if one of us did not feel like talking, we simply just listened to music and slept next to each other, and wake the other up when we arrived. This year he was a junior and they had the student campaign our school holds every year. And when they were doing the choreography, boys started to hand out flowers. He started to walk straight to me, handed a flower to the side on the go and when he arrived in front od me, my friend started to say “please give me the flower” ( she has a tendency to hord things for herself on campaign week) and he just stared at her, looked at me and his arm got around her and handed me the flower with a smile. the day before I didn’t know how to thank him for the shirt he gave me so I just hugged him, and at the beginning of the week I wore high heels (not used to them) and he escorted me to the school ( lot of stairs) Back to the point, the next day he commented on the situation saying he thought it was obvious for who the flower was meant for. (sorry, this sentence fucked up my mind and I just could not translate it properly) Aaaaaand that’s the busride where I met a new girl. Short summary the girl became his gf and after that he did not speak to me for a good month or so. Now he sits next to me, but at the gf’s stop he gets off the bus and goes with her with the next bus. (this stuff fucked up my emotions for like, two weeks, also there are more stuff to it) Now I have a slight crush on my fencing partner. Like, we go to the same training. And he’s goofy,makes other people laugh and  is basically my ideal type since I was a little girl. I don’t know if he likes me or not. He gives off vibes like that, but still than the little voice in my mind says “ U ugly, and he’s nice with everyone anyways, stop thinking you have a chance with him” Still, he’s the only one I believed when he said I’m a good fencer. He always makes me smile, and even if I see him for like 5 seconds, he makes my day. This is a lot to read, If you read thorugh all of it, I love you. It was good to write this all down. I talked about it, but felt like no one listened. Anyway, if you have something to say about this, or just something that happened to you, my inbox is open. But this just had to be done. Have a good morning/day/evening wherever you are <3
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sowhatisthisfor · 7 years
Movies 2018
 List of films I watched in 2018 from best to worst.
Updated soon after I’ve seen them.
A Ghost Story [David Lowery, 2017, United States] No film has made me feel this melancholic ever. This is a film so profound, it examines existence in the simplest yet most esoteric way possible. It surely goes straight to the top of my all-time favourite list. 10/10
Burning (Boening) [Chang-dong Lee, 2018, South Korea] Shows the interrelation of hunger and class, the truths and the unknowns. Of how desires could either free you or cage you in unhappiness and despair. A mystery of misery that parallels its political viewpoint. 10/10
Roma [Alfonso Cuaron, 2018, Mexico] Its technical expertise in every element of every frame and composition is overwhelming. It's a movie about contrasts and how each opposite gives life balance, told with such authenticity, it's luxurious cinematic experience. 10/10
Women of the Weeping River [Dayoc, 2016, Philippines] A film about a generational blood feud, and also a metaphoric portrayal of the unending armed conflicts in Mindanao where the vulnerable is the most at risk, and the strong isn’t really unbreakable. 10/10
Kung Paano Hinihintay Ang Dapithapon [Carlo Catu, 2018, Philippines] a small film that tackles layers after layers of things too close to heart. Sincere and profound, definitely my favourite. 10/10  
Loveless (Nelyubov) [Andrey Zvyagintsev, 2018, Russia] cold and chilling in all aspect from start to end. It has such great observation of the recognizable societal apathy. 10/10
Beats Per Minute (BPM) [Robin Campillo, 2017, France] Goosebumps. This is a film clear of its objective, it is exhilarating and exhausting in the good kind of way. 10/10
Cold War (Zimna Wojna) [Pawel Pawlikowski, 2018, Poland] Makes something despairing so beautiful with its artful composition, rightly-paced narrative transition, and cold but affecting character treatment. 10/10
Faces Places [JR, Agnès Varda, 2018, France] Wow. This is the film to watch when your soul is dying for art. Tears, I can't help them from falling. 10/10
Sid & Aya [Irene Villamor, 2018, Philippines] It’s too beautiful, I’m crying halfway through the film for how beautiful it is. You can watch this film without audio and understand it by its lighting, it’s that amazing. 10/10
Arrhythmia (Aritmiya) [Boris Khlebnikov, 2017, Russia] For a movie with characters of increasingly tenuous emotional bond, this is teeming with sensitivity and sensibility. It has so much love, neutrality, and longing, yet so cold and fleeting. Definitely, an emotional rollercoaster of my liking. 10/10
Shoplifters [Hirokazu Kore-eda, 2018, Japan] a film that questions if blood is thicker than the ties that bind us. Here’s Kore-eda capturing our hearts again with his gently-observed humanism. 10/10
Gusto Kita With All My Hypothalamus [Dwein Baltazar, 2018, Philippines] a genius anti-romance that plays along the lines of loving the thought of being in love and making yourself believe in your own ethereality. I love it. 10/10
Balangiga: Howling Wilderness [Khavn, 2017, Philippines] Disheartening and provocative in all its hypnagogia. 10/10
A Star is Born [Bardley Cooper, 2018, United States] If only for its music and its astounding performances, I'm already sold. 10/10
Oda sa Wala [Dwein Baltazar, 2018, Philippines] Is an ode to nothing, to the unseen, to the nobody, to the dead that's more alive than the living and to the living that's more dead than those who died. Baltazar has this gilt-edged technique that leaves its audience wretched yet buoyant. 10/10
The Shape of Water [Guillermo del Toro, 2017, United States] Elegant in its visuals, storytelling, and performances. It is del Toro’s best yet. 10/10
The Guilty (Den Skyldige) [Gustav Möller, 2018, Denmark] Is clever in its minimalism. A fast-paced action thriller and a psychological suspense, all shot entirely between four walls. 9.5/10
Hereditary [Ari Aster, 2018, United States] Unsettling down to the core with a convincing cast and a powerful storytelling. 9.5/10 
Batch 81 [Mike de Leon, 1982, Philippines] In its subversiveness and its sardonic undertone is a remarkable spectacle of expertise, bravery, esoterica, and dynamism. 9.5/10 
Dogman [Matteo Garrone, 2018, Italy] Examines a man's need to be recognized as a chihuahua in a shepherd's world. 9.5/10
BuyBust [Erik Matti, 2018, Philippines] a spectacular display of astounding filmmaking where every element is designed and choreographed fittingly well. Entertaining yet harrowing from start to finish, it's the kind of film that stays. 9.5/10 
God’s Own Country [Francis Lee, 2017, United Kingdom] Features a kind of romance with such carefully-observed realism. It was very well portrayed. Very well. 9/10
Sunday's Illness (La Enfermedad del Doming) [Ramon Salazar, 2018, Spain] Scene after scene of mesmerizing mystery and such powerful attention to detail. 9/10 
Annihilation [Alex Garland, 2018, United States] Though at times flawed, it ended with such thought-provoking, ambitious, and lasting impact. 9/10 
Captain America: Civil War [Joe Russo, Anthony Russo, 2016, United States] it’s hard to point out which part of the film I didn’t like, that’s if I hated anything. 9/10 
The Florida Project [Sean Baker, 2017, United States] Kids, no matter the social class, are still just kids in search for adventure, friendship, and love. This movie doesn't feel like a movie at all, it's brilliant. 9/10
Signal Rock [Chito Rono, 2018, Philippines] Very raw and phenomenal. Each character formidably plays an important role in characterizing a small town of heartwarming spirit. If not for its distracting bad CGI which I think is unnecessary, I’d give it a perfect 10. 9/10
Beti [P. Sheshadri, 2017, India] manages to oppose patriarchy in Indian culture in such an innocent yet intelligible perspective. 9/10 
Train to Busan [Yeon Sang-ho, 2016, South Korea] When everyone's becoming a monster, humanity is the way to survive. Fast-paced. Thrilling. Heartfelt. I honestly feel like Train to Busan lacks a stronger female character, but it's interestingly very human that I'm completely captured by it. 9/10
ML [Benedict Mique, 2018, Philippines] teeming with ingenuity and masteful filmmaking, it’s a suspense too relevant for anyone to miss. 9/10
Liway [Kip Oebanda, 2018, Philippines] Is at most powerful when it exposes the correlation of facts and fiction. Doesn’t hit you right away but when it does, it hits hard. It hits still. 9/10
Sicilian Ghost Story [Fabio Grassadonia, Antonio Piazza, 2017, Italy, France, Switzerland] Cinematic and poetic. Beautiful in all its mythological symbolism. 9/10
Get Out [Jordan Peele, 2017, United States] a satire of utmost significance, it lives. 9/10
Si Chedeng at Si Apple [Rae Red, Fatrick Tabada, 2017, Philippines] Hilarious with punchlines, intelligent with comebacks. This is comedy with brain, soul, and heart. 9/10 
Happy as Lazzaro (Lazzaro Felice) [Alice Rohrwacher, 2018, Italy] a charming small film with a subtext of such vivid social allegory. 9/10
I am Not a Witch [Rungano Nyoni, 2018, United Kingdom] For a debut film, this is quite a remarkable take on exploitation, abuse, and misogyny. 9/10
A Quiet Place [John Krasinski, 2018, United States] For a film that’s supposed to be silent, I find it quite overscored. Still a good watch though. 9/10
Ang Panahon ng Halimaw [Lav Diaz, 2018, Philippines] Sarcasm at its best. Quite fun. 9/10
L'amant Double [Francois Ozon, 2018, France] Wild and mindblowing, a film of endless curiosity. 9/10
Seklusyon [Erik Matti, 2016, Philippines] a thought-provoking jewel on the corruption of divinity and an examination of people’s inner evils. 9/10
BlackKKansman [Spike Lee, 2018, United States] Although satirically exaggerated, this film is teeming with entertainment and importance. 8.5/10 
In This Corner of the World [Sunao Katabuchi, 2017, Japan] It stays. Films like this, they always do. 8.5/10
Euthanizer (Armomurhaaja} [Teemu Nikki, 2018, Finland] An examination of how suffering is commensurate with cruelty. For something so bleak, it is surprisingly a good exemplification of moral values. 8/10
Padman [R. Balki, 2018, India] Speaks volumes in a humorous way. Something enlightening and empowering, I love it. 8/10
Gutland [Govinda Van Maele, 2017, Luxembourg] For a debut feature, Van Maele is a master of slow-burn tension. 8/10
The Square [Ruben Ostland, 2017, Sweden, Denmark] An ironic and satiric take on elitism, privilege, and humanity. 8/10
A Prayer Before Dawn [Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire, 2018, France, Thailand] For something that feels hesitant in showing violence, this is already quite a tough watch. 8/10
We Need to Talk About Kevin [Lynn Ramsey, 2012, United States]
A Taxi Driver [Hun Jang, 2017, South Korea] an entertaining yet affecting tribute to nameless heroes. 8/10
Memoir of War (La Douleur) [Emmanuel Finkiel, 2017, France] Sadly, its visual choices, experimental scoring, and drawn out structure don't match Marguerite Duras's poetic writing. 8/10
The Wound (Inxeba) [John Trengove, 2017, South Africa] More than the physical wound from a boy's transition to manhood, this movie tackles a deeper kind of pain, the kind that scars forever. 8/10
Pan de Salawal [Che Espiritu, 2018, Philippines] a hard-hitting reminder that the most painful challenges people overcome are also the most rewarding. Don’t be afraid to feel them all. 8/10
The Great Buddha+ [Hsin-yao Huang, 2018, Taiwan] Not sure if saying "this is my kind of humour" is something I should be proud of but damn this film is hilarious! Oh and really clever too. 8/10 
Leave No Trace [Debra Ganik, 2018, United States] a small film of massive authenticity and warm touch. It will leave a trace. 8/10
Manila by Night [Ishmael Bernal, 1980, Philippines] a classic representation of the realities of how Manila is a witness to the city's moral lethargy. 8/10 
Coco [Lee Unkrich, 2017, United States] Understands what La La Land doesn’t – relationships shouldn’t suffer when achieving our dreams. 8/10
Don’t Breathe [Fede Alvarez, 2016, United States] Alvarez has some serious skills to make this suspenseful with only a blind villain inside a small house. 8/10  
The Other Side of the Wind [Orson Welles, 2018, United States] Not for a Welles beginner but is surely a completist's delight. 7.5/10
Felicite [Alain Gomis, 2017, Senegal, Congo, France] With such lyrical tone, its narrative was thinly sketched that some of its elements don't match. 7.5/10
Malila: The Farewell Flower [Anucha Boonyawatana, 2018, Thailand] A beguiling narration of existentialism, redemption, and the philosophy of Buddhism. All told in such calming gaze, it's actually hypnotic. 7.5/10 
Revenge [Coralie Fargeat, 2018, France] Caution: explicit cursing while watching and cheering to this. 7.5/10 
Aria [Carlo Catu, 2018, Philippines] Could have gone deeper and darker to make a more harrowing but lasting impact. It borders on the safe side, but still able to tell something important. 7.5/10
Billie & Emma [Samantha Lee, 2018, Philippines] There's magic in its production design and an amusing chemistry that would remind you of what it's like to fall in love the first time. It is everyone's teenage romance, the kind that buries heteronormativity. 7.5/10
Of Love & Law [Hikaru Toda, 2017, Japan] Questions the intricacies of Japanese culture through a collection of simple yet meaningful moments. 7.5/10 
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom [JA Bayona, 2018, United States]
Saving Sally [Avid Liongoren, 2016, Philippines] Is the freshest and has the most creative visual style I’ve seen in a long long time. I want more of it. 7,5/10 
One Week Friends [Masanori Murakami, 2017, Japan]  There’s a good reason for my sunken eyes right now, right? 7.5/10 
Room 8 [James Griffiths, 2013, United States] Unique and smart. Too amazed, I had to share it with everyone. 7.5/10
Isle of Dogs [Wes Anderson, 2018, United States] A quirky imagination of a simple narrative, told in a hyper-stylized artistry. 7.5/10
Black Panther [Ryan Coogler, 2018, United States]
Hintayan ng Langit [Villegas, 2018] I'm not completely sold on a couple of its elements but boy, Gina Pareño is a gem. A sparkling one.  7.5/10  
Avengers: Infinity War [Anthony and Joe Russo, 2018, United States]
The Invitation [Karyn Kusama, 2016, United States] I know a psychological thriller like this is effective when I find myself so uncomfortable, wanting to leave, cautious of being brainwashed. 7.5/10
Ready Player One [Steven Spielberg, 2018, United States] Too amusing to the point of apathy. Still entertaining though. 7.5/10
Disobedience [Sebastian Lelio, 2018, Ireland] Depicts the beauty of internal turmoils and hidden desires, it’s gripping. 7.5/10
Apostasy [Daniel Kokotajlo, 2017, United Kingdom] the more it rolls, the more I loathe religion. 7.5/10 
Wonder Woman [Patty Jenkins, 2017, United States] More than it being a feminist is it being human and that I think is more important. 7.5/10 
Meet Me in St Gallen [Irene Villamor, 2018, Philippines]
Never Not Love You [Antoinette Jadaone, 2018, Philippines] Beautifully and realistically written. It’s just really hard for me to like Reid’s character. 7/10 
Eight Grade [Bo Burnham, 2018, United States] One of the most important and most natural teen movies of the year. 7/10
Cam [Daniel Goldhaber, 2018, United States] Pushing its flaws aside, this is actually quite an accomplished thriller of a possible near future. It didn't end with an impactful resolution though. 7/10
The Miseducation of Cameron Post [Desiree Akhavan, 2018, United States] Provocatively presents how emotionally abusing conversion therapy could be. 7/10
Crazy Rich Asians [Jon Chu, 2018, United States] Important and feel-good, but that's just it for me. 7/10
Distance [Perci Intalan, 2018, Philippines] a tender family drama with powerful performances of characters who choose to love no matter how wrong or right. 7/10 
Showroom [Fernando Molnar, 2014, Argentina] is a showroom of how beautiful and luxurious an artificial world could be. 7/10 
Contagion [Steven Soderbergh, 2011, United States] Believable but somehow lacking in its scare tactic. 7/10 
Zodiac [David Fincher, 2007, United States] Intelligent drama, boring thriller. Not a fan. 7/10
The Greatest Showman [Michael Gracey, 2018, United States]
Smaller and Smaller Circles [Raya Martin, 2017, Philippines] Suspense done right but there's something about its exchanges that seems unnatural. 7/10 
Pop Aye [Kirsten Tan, 2018, Thailand, Singapore] Is as slow but as heavy as its lead. 7/10
The Day After Valentine’s [Jason Paul Laxamana, 2018, Philippines] Brilliant in its canny use of language to illustrate people's tendency to miscommunicate emotions. 7/10 
Thoroughbreds [Cory Finley, 2018, United States] The kind of film that doesn't lead to what you think. It's black comedy of my liking. 7/10
Nearest and Dearest [Kseniya Zueva, 2017, Russia] displays the weakening social and moral values in contemporary Russian society. 6.5/10 
Hearts Beat Loud [Brett Haley, 2018, United States] Magical in its little ways. 6.5/10
Me Casé Con Un Boludo [Juan Taratuto, 2016, Argentina] Nothing much in here but laughter after laughter. 6.5/10
Delinquent [Kieran Valla, 2016, United States] a small-town thriller with a set location that breathes on its own. 6.5/10
Ang Babaeng Allergic sa Wifi [Jun Lana, 2018, Philippines] I thought it was just a cutesy take on appreciating moments and living life in the present, but heck no, prepare to find your tears falling. 6.5/10
Bakwit Boys [Jason Paul Laxamana, 2018, Philippines] a warm and light-hearted family drama with beautiful original songs to brag about. 6.5/10
Musmos Na Sumibol sa Gubat ng Digma [Iar Arondaing, 2018, Philippines] At times, it feels like it's trying too hard both to make a point and to sound subtle to a point that it feels a bit disconnected. 6.5 /10 
What If It Works [Romi Trower, 2018, Australia] Delightfully charming amidst the chaos of mental disorders. Works quite well. 6.5 /10
Eternity Between Seconds [Jan Alec Figuracion, 2018, Philippines] There’s comfort somewhere between the discomforts of bad acting here. 6.5 /10
Love, Simon [Greg Berlanti. 2018, United States] It’s a very familiar coming-of-age romance, but that familiarity is what made it stand out. 6.5 /10
Blockers [Kay Cannon, 2018, United States] Definitely my kind of humour. The sarcastic wit is overflowing. 6.5 /10
Alex Strangelove [CraigJohnson, 2018, United States] Nothing too new but isn't short of likeable. 6.5/10
Lobster Cop [Li Xinyun, 2018, China] Hilarious. I’d like it to be more brutal with its action scenes but it’s already otherwise quite entertaining. 6.5/10
Ant-man and the Wasp [Peyton Reed, 2018, United States] Funny as always, but I'm in love with Paul Rudd so I must be biased. 6.5/10
Kuya Wes [James Mayo, 2018, Philippines] explores the fundamental need of being appreciated in a light yet stinging narrative. I don't like a number of things, but the soundtrack works well, it's satiating. 6.5/10 
To All the Boys I've Loved Before [Susan Johnson, 2018, United States] There's substance in its shallowness, it's charming. 6.5/10
The Snow White Murder Case [Yoshihiro Nakamura, 2014, Japan] It’s a little too long to keep it entirely interesting. 6.5/10
Cardinals [Grayson Moore, Aidan Shipley, 2018, Canada] It was burning slowly until it was shot to the head. Could have been more painful if not for its loose ending. 6.5/10
Unli Life [Miko Livelo, 2018, Philippines] Not a fan of its comedic banters but I find its rare seriousness quite a gem. 6.5/10
The Cured [David Freyne, 2018, United Kingdom]
Sympathy for Mr Vengeance [Park Chan-wook, 2002, South Korea]
Berlin Syndrome [Cate Shortland, 2017, Australia, Germany] Cold and riveting with a third act that would push you to the edge. 6.5/10 
Wonder [Stephen Chbosky, 2018, United States]
12 Strong [Nicolai Fuglsig, 2018, United States] All that technical expertise and still end up saying nothing. 6/10
Goodbye, Grandpa [Yukihiro Morigaki, 2017, Japan] depicts the kind of mourning we tend to overlook and is only intensified by the bonding of family. 6/10 
Deadpool 2 [David Leitch, 2018, United States] Started off fun, ended up exhausting. 6/10
Bird Box [Susanne Bier, 2018, United States] a film with no emotional connection, no proper climax, and therefore no sensical resolution. 6/10
Madilim Ang Gabi [Adolf Alix, 2018, Philippines] seems like a show-off of stars after stars after stars playing bit roles to the point that it already feels unauthentic. 6/10 
Call Her Ganda [PJ Raval, 2018, Canada, Philippines] I'm not convinced of its storytelling, still an important one to watch though. 6/10 
A Million Happy Nows [Albert Alarr, 2017, United States] Despite the smallness of this film, it actually hits big. 6/10 
Bomba [Ralston Jover, 2017, Philippines] is brave in its defiance, bold in its commentary but it somehow failed to deliver. 6/10
Oceans 8 [Gary Ross, 2018, United States] Slow and mediocre, quite a waste of powerhouse cast. 6/10
Koxa [Ekrem Engizek, 2018, Turkey, Germany] Uninteresting for the kind of fact it exposes. 6/10
2 Cool 2 be Forgotten [Petersen Vargas, 2017, Philippines]
Beastmode [Manuel Mesina III, 2018, Philippines] ingenious and inventive but it’s not the kind I enjoy. 6/10 
Dedma Walking [Julius Alfonso, 2017, Philippines]
Can We Still Be Friends [Prime Cruz, 2017, Philippines]
The Belko Experiment [Greg McLean, 2017, United States] The experiment and the film are both pointless, but pointless sometimes is entertaining. 6/10
Hooked [Max Emerson, 2018, United States]
Sierra Burgess is a Loser [Ian Samuels, 2018, United States] I was enjoying it until its last act which felt rushed and unnatural. 5/10
Skyscraper [Rawson Marshall Thurber, 2018, United States] Plot after plot of action-packed impossibilities. 5/10
Glorious [Connie Macatuno, 2018, Philippines] Watching it is like riding a taxi cab with a clutch driver, it’s making me dizzy. 5/10
Rampage [Brad Peyton, 2018, United States] Feels like a bargain with nothing much to offer but cool CGI. 5/10
Je Ne Suis Pas Un Homme Facile [Eleonore Pourriat, 2018, France]  
Mga Mister Ni Rosario [Alpha Habon, 2018, Philippines] Entertaining but also miserably problematic. 5/10
Carrie [Kimberly Peirce, 2014, United States] Is quite an urban myth version of a school shooting. 5/10
Rough Night [Lucia Aniello, 2017, United States] Watched it on a plane, not sure if it's as fun if landed. 5/10
Bomba [Rolston Jover, 2017, Philippines] is brave in its defiance, bold in its commentary but it somehow failed to deliver. 5/10 
Avengers: Age of Ultron [Joss Whedon, 2015, United States] Boring with a capital B. 5/10
The Meg [Jon Turteltaub, 2018, United States] Mediocre. Very mediocre. 5/10
Final Score [Scott Mann, 2018, United States] It has potential but didn't quite scored a goal. 5/10
Uncle Drew [Charles Stone III, 2018, United States] I can't force myself to get comfortable watching this. 5/10
A Piece of Paradise [Patrick Alcedo, 2017, Canada, Philippines] It’s okay but there’s nothing much in there. 5/10
Happy Death Day [Christopher Landon, 2018, United States]
The Flu [Kim Sung-soo, 2013, South Korea] Stupid but fun. It's the kind of silly you enjoy. 5/10
Ali and Nino [Asif Kapadia, 2017, Azerbaijan, Georgia] Badly-acted, badly-designed production. Offers nothing much of excitement. 4/10 
Unexpectedly Yours [Cathy Garcia-Molina, Philippines, 2017] Fun at times. Corny at most. 4/10 
Forget About Nick [Margarethe von Trotta, 2017, Germany] is as if made as an example of movies that failed the Bechdel test from supposed to be feminist directors. 4/10 
I Love You, Hater [Giselle Andres, 2018, Philippines] I find its main plot gender insensitive so it’s a nope nope for me. 4/10
The Mumbai Siege: 4 Days of Terror (One Less God) [Lliam Worthington, 2018, Australia, India] That’s an annoying take on a siege that marked world history. 4/10
Life is What You Make It [Jhett Tolentino, 2018, United States, Philippines] For some reasons, I’m not sold on how it tries to inspire. 4/10 
We Will Not Die Tonight [Richard Somes, 2018, Philippines] If you're looking for brutal action and relentless stabbing where blood and sweat are like fireworks, go see it. If you're looking for sense or better fight choreographies, go somewhere else. 3/10 
Bleeding Steel [Leo Zhang, 2018, Hong Kong] Feels like switching between channels. 3/10
Citizen Jake [Mike de Leon, 2018, Philippines] Is like a collection of everything de Leon wants to try. Not effective at that. 3/10
On Again Off Again [Arsalan Shirazi, 2017, Canada, India] Undesirable characters in undesirable performances. 3/10
Jigsaw [Spirieg brothers, 2017, United States]
Tomb Raider [Roar Uthaug, 2018, United States] Impossible but fun. 3/10
Insidious (The Last Key) [Adam Robitel, 2018, United States] 
Pitch Perfect 3: Last Call Pitches [Trish Sie, 2018, United States] The worst of them all pitches. 3/10
When We First Met [Ari Sandel, 2018, United States]
Attack on Titan: Part 1 [Shinji Higuchi, 2015, Japan] Lacks character development, lacks plot continuity, it’s the movie adaptation disappointment of the decade. 3/10
Alright Now [Jamie Adams, 2018, United States] is said to be a feel-good movie but more like a feel-regretful for the time wasted watching this. 3/10
Hostel [Eli Roth, 2006, United States] Nothing here is pleasing. Not its concept, not its execution, and not even its gore. Down to the trash bin. 3/10
One More Chance [Cathy Garcia-Molina, 2007, Philippines] I’m sorry, I really can’t stand this movie. 3/10
Slumber [Jonathan Hopkins, 2018, United States] Is a snoozefest as simple as that. 3/10
In Un Giorno La Fine (The End?) [Daniele Misischia, 2018, Italy] Is funny in a bad way. 3/10
Peter Rabbit [Will Gluck, 2018, United States] RBF the entire freaking time. 3/10
You, Me and Him [ Daisy Aitkens, 2018, United Kingdom] Just one of those films that pass you by. 3/10
The Dawnseeker [Justin Price, 2018, United States] With that kind of premise, I honestly wanted it to be at least a decent watch. It isn’t. 2/10
Mara [Clive Tonge, 2018, United States] Generic. Mediocre. Forgettable. 2/10
Office Uprising [Lin Oeding, 2018, United States] Dumb. 2/10
School Service [Louie Ignacio, 2018, Phiippines] the intention is there but the concept isn’t concrete enough to be decently executed. 2/10 
The Strangers: Prey at Night [Johannes Roberts, 2018, United States] What a freaking stupid family that was. I could go on and on and on with my disgust towards this movie, but the bacon is cooked and bacon is more important. 1/10
The Matchmaker's Playbook [Tosca Musk, 2018, United States] a misogynist piece of bullcrap. 1/10
The Do-Over [Steven Brill, 2016, United States] Wow. That was boring. 1/10
Aswang [Michael Laurin, 2018, United States] a film perfect for when you can’t sleep. 1/10
The Lookout [Afi Africa, 2018, Philippines] is a joke after joke after joke, so unfunny, it deserves a laugh. 1/10 
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woodsbane · 7 years
so ive been tagged in a lot of things but havent been able to do them over mobile so im going to knock them all out rn (and im not tagging anyone specifically but if you want to do any of these feel free to say i did)
tagged by @chairmanmeow-and-church
describe youre writing in one sentence: 
“She tries to write the worlds of magic formed in her head, but only they are only at face value on paper.”
I was tagged by @lesdemonium
how old are you? I’m 18 current job/dream job? My current job is being a cashier at a fast food place but my dream job is to be in a band and to make people happy with music what are you talented at? uh idk. Being nice to rude people? lifting weights?  what is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved)?finishing at least one story of mine and to find a job that I love what is your aesthetic? windows down on a sunny day listening to some 70′s song do you collect anything? Business cards and physical memories what is a topic you’re always up to talk about? anything really.  what’s a pet peeve of yours? people dragging their feet and being rude to customers, also not using blinkers/turn signals good advice to give? Learn the beauty of nature and the world bc if you get to cynical over human problems then there is nothing to live for.  recommend three songs? ptx- sing, sun kil moon- alesund, muse- panic station
I was tagged by @mbanewood 
 Last movie you watched: In Theaters: gotg 2 but other than that sky high
Last song you listened to: cell block tango miscast
Last book you read: technically frankenstein but im going to say brave new world

Last thing you ate: pizza

If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be: FRANCE

When would you time travel to:  Well firs off I would go to the library of alexandria and try to get as much knowledge as possible, then go to the 60s/70s/80s for the concerts

First thing you would do with lottery money: Buy a house for my mom and trave

Fictional character you would want to hang with: oh god merlin and then maybe reid and AND SIMON

What was the last fandom you joined: Shadowhunters
Time right now: 10:52 pm
I was tagged by @warlocksrune @softshadowmoon @magnusimon @magnusbanewoods
Rules: bold what’s true
i’m in high school i am in college/university i’ve graduated college/university i like my job i’ve worked a job i’ve hated i’ve never had a job i am shorter than 5’5″ i wear glasses (or contacts) i have a tattoo i have more than one tattoo i don’t have tattoos but i want some i’m vegetarian i have allergies i’m self-conscious about my body (sometimes!) i’m sarcastic when annoyed i’m shy i’ve been called over-emotional i have a strange sense of humour i’m an atheist i have red hair i have blonde hair i dye my hair regularly i wear a piece of jewelry at all times i am an only child i have more than three siblings i have a niece i have a nephew i’ve failed a class i couldn’t choose a favorite song i can speak two or more languages i’ve hugged someone in the last 24 hours i’ve kissed someone in the last 24 hours i have a best friend i’ve known my best friend for more than 10 years i have met a friend from the internet i’ve kissed someone of the same sex i’m in/have been in a long distance relationship i’ve had a one night stand i’ve been dumped more than i’ve dumped someone i’ve cheated on someone i’ve met someone famous i’ve been out of my home country i’ve broken a bone i’ve spent more than six hours straight online i’ve done volunteer work i’ve won a prize at school i have friends who are married i have friends who have children of their own i have been in a wedding party i’ve ridden in a limousine i am a morning person i am a night owl i like anime i like disney movies i like comedies more than action films i like action films more than comedies i always order dessert i hate fast food i can’t cook i enjoy puns i enjoy being alone i read for pleasure i don’t play video games i believe in ghosts i believe in aliens i enjoy conspiracy theories i’ve been somewhere considered ‘haunted’ i’ve stayed up all night for no reason i’ve had a skype call with more than four people i can’t keep secrets i’m good with children i’ve cheated on a test i’ve watched an entire season of something in one day i am wearing something green right now i am wearing something yellow right now i am wearing something purple right now i’ve never tried alcohol i’ve had alcohol while underage i’ve played a drinking game i’m scared of snakes i’m scared of heights i’m scared of clowns i’m scared of spiders i collect stamps i collect comic books i keep old bus/train tickets i have more than three keyrings on my keys i don’t know the words to my national anthem i’ve been to a professional sports game i’ve had my hair cut in the past month i’ve cosplayed i can’t swallow pills i miss someone right now
I was tagged by @mbanewood
name/nicknames: none
gender: female
height: 5″3′
hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
favorite color: burgundy or wine 
time: 11:26 pm
last things i googled: the eagles movie with channing tatum
fictional character you’d like as a sibling: honestly have no idea
number of blankets i sleep with: 1
favorite band/artists: one cannot sacrifice for the manny
dream vacation: ITTAAALLLLLYYY and france and europe in general
when did i make this blog: Well I had a blog since 2012 but i accidentally deleted it this one is new
how many blogs do i follow: 280 something
what do i post about: whatever i want tbh
do you get asks on a regular basis: ummmmm
aesthetics: watercolors, nature, sunlight, stars, all music, and that feeling of ‘home’
I was tagged by @jacelghtwood
Rules: write your url in song titles (pick each song/band once!) and tag ten others.
What do I know? ed sheeran
On my way home- ptx
Ode to sleep- 21p
Dancing queen- ABBA
Slow ride- foghat
Bliss- Muse
Alesund- sun kil moon
Naughty girl- beyonce
Escape (the pina colada song)
I was tagged by @my-nameless-bliss
Rules: List 5 OTPs from 5 different fandoms and tag people to pass it on.
1. Magnus/Alec
2. Merlin/Arthur
I was tagged by @chairmanmeow-and-church and others
COUNTRIES I’VE LIVED IN → America FAVORITE FANDOM → Shadowhunters and STEREK and many many others LANGUAGES YOU SPEAK → English, very little french FAVORITE FILM OF 2015/ OF 2016 →oh good god I watch too many
LAST ARTICLY FANFIC YOU READ → Dream of Mistletoe by katherynefromphilly SHUFFLE YOUR MUSIC LIBRARY AND PUT YOUR FIRST THREE SONGS HERE → all day and all of the night- the kinks
the devil went down to georgia- charlie daniels band
marionettes- the zolas
LAST THING YOU BOUGHT ONLINE → a tailight for my car ANY PHOBIAS OR FEARS? → being alone/ not doing something that I love (career) HOW WOULD YOUR FRIENDS DESCRIBE YOU? → chill HOW WOULD YOUR ENEMIES DESCRIBE YOU? → what enemies WHO WOULD YOU TAKE A BULLET FOR? → If I ever have kids… IF YOU HAD MONEY TO SPARE WHAT WOULD YOU BUY FIRST? → food tbh, or a tattoo
I think that about wraps it up!! there were some others but those are the ones I have already done in the past
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jukeboxbutton · 8 years
Chapter Twenty-Eight
A Conflicted New Home
Previous Chapter
Ship: Kylo Ren x Reader
Rating: M
Today was the day.
The entire resistance base was full of jovial commotion in preparation for the return of Master Luke and his newest apprentice. You huffed, wrapping your arms around your abdomen as you continued to walk across the base to your office, watching people animatedly conversing with one another. 
However, it was starting to get dark and Master Luke had yet to make his homecoming. 
Once you reached your office, you sat down at your small desk, ruffling through some paperwork on patients that have come and gone from the base, whether for a short period of time off on a mission or permanently. You frowned, closing a folder of a resistance officer who had recently perished on a mission. 
The war was still real, despite the destruction of Starkiller Base. They could rebuild, and of course, everyone knew they would. 
You thought about how everyone probably assumed Kylo Ren had perished. But you knew differently, and you couldn’t help but feel your nerves twinge at your dismal secret. He was still alive somewhere. Back on that planet so far away under the control of the Admiral and Snoke. 
You frowned, thinking of how he had once been your patient. How you had come so close to a breakthrough with him. 
He knew deep down that this was not the path for him. He knew that all this smoke and mirrors that Snoke put on were just something to mesmerize him with power. They had taken advantage of him as a young child, leading him to believe that his powers were to be used for something other than what his family had yielded them for. 
He could’ve changed, you thought. He could’ve changed if your home hadn’t been destroyed. 
Your home, you mused. Home was not a place anymore. Home was a person. A person you were conflicted within yourself on whether or not you should still love.
You absentmindedly rubbed your belly.
Your door swung open, startling you out of your seat. 
“Master Luke is here!” Kavis’s face poked in, exasperated with boyhood glee. He grinned, his lanky figure hidden behind your heavy door. “Come meet him!” 
You held your chest, your heart pounding from the sudden interruption of your quiet moment. You quickly shoved the papers back in the drawer without another look and followed Kavis out the door. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * 
A large group of resistance workers huddled together in the center of the base, the smell of a newly landed aircraft fresh in the atmosphere as you watched grown men jump to see above the crowd. 
You smiled, never seeing people you’ve counseled for depression so gleeful over a legend once thought of to be lost forever and was now standing in their presence. 
The crowd parted and from a distance, you saw Master Luke. His beard covered most of his face as he pulled his hood back and descended from his aircraft carefully. He looked so much older than you had anticipated. His long hair and beard completely covered in gray hairs, showing his age like the wrinkles on his forehead or the crinkles at the corner of his eyes that were reminiscent of a time of peace.
The crowd greeted him with pleasantries, waving and attempting to shake his hand as his made his way over to the General - over to his sister. Behind him descended the scavenger that Ren had captured, her muscles much more toned and prominent than they had been the previous time your eyes had landed on her mistakenly. 
You crossed your arms over your belly and leaned against a pole, watching the scene unfold before you as Master Luke gave a long awaited embrace to his twin sister, Leia. From where you were standing, it seemed the General had a twinkle in her eye that had nothing to do with the setting sun shining in her direction. She smiled at her brother and touched his beard, telling him something that you mused must have been about its length. 
Finally, a hug was given to the scavenger - you bit your tongue calling her that. She wasn’t a scavenger anymore. You realized you had picked up Ren’s habit of degrading her before you even knew her. You smiled as Leia greeted her with a hug, her body language giving away that they had met once before. 
You heard Leia introduce the new apprentice to an officer beside her. You watched the words fall from her lips - ‘Rey’. 
So the scavenger had a name now. 
You felt yourself yawning, covering your mouth as your eyes squinted with sleep. When you looked back over to the crowd, Rey was staring at you. Her eyes locked with yours and you quickly looked away. 
“Long day, Miss [y/l/n]?” someone asked beside you.
You nodded your head, rubbing your belly as you looked back over. Rey had turned her head back to Master Luke and General Leia.
“I should probably head to bed,” you said aloud, whether to the girl next to you or yourself, you weren’t sure. Slowly, you turned around and headed back to your quarters without looking back. 
* * * * * * * * * * 
You woke up feeling dehydrated. Being pregnant caused you to constantly feel both thirst and incessant need to use the restroom. Looking over at the clock you noticed it was only a little past one in the morning. You sighed to yourself, creeping out of bed to use the bathroom. 
You went to grab a glass of water, you noticed the tap was off. Again, you sighed to yourself, weighing the benefits of walking down the hall to the small community kitchen to grab some water. 
Finally, you mustered up the strength to take a stroll. You wrapped yourself in your heavy bathrobe and shuffled your feet down to the community kitchen area. It smelled like leftover food that made your stomach churn unpleasantly. 
You drank an entire large bottle of water and sat yourself down, gasping with refreshment as you put it down. You were sure the baby would wake you later with a satisfied kick, or to relieve yourself after such a large drink. Suddenly the light switched on behind you. 
You jumped and turned around, finding yourself before the new Jedi apprentice. Her somewhat celebrity status caused you to quickly look away as if you weren’t really there, trying to get the message across that it was much too late to talk. 
You watched as Rey grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and took a swig as you stood up to make your way back to your quarters.  
“Tap is out,” she spoke suddenly. 
You stopped, irritated that you hadn’t made it away before she spoke to you. 
“Indeed,” you replied. “I wonder why?”
“Have no idea,” she replied. 
You turned around, looking at her up close for the first time as she took another swig of water. Her skin was smooth, full of youth and dusted in freckles. She exhaled, smiling at you. 
“How far along are you?” she asked, gesturing to your ever growing stomach. 
You absentmindedly held it, “About six months.”
“Do you know if its a boy or a girl?” she asked, smiling a big grin. She seemed to leech off your pregnancy happiness, or what was supposed to be your happiness. 
“It's a boy,” you whispered. 
She grinned at you from the top of her water bottle, her smile radiant. 
“I’m happy for you and your -”
“It’s just me,” you interrupted her suddenly. You felt shame wash over you, but the bitterness that you had to do this alone had surfaced to the top of your emotions before you could even stop it. 
“Well, that’s okay. You seem like a capable woman,” she offered, not missing a beat. You shifted your weight on your feet awkwardly, feeling your cheeks burn and cursing yourself for coming down here for something as trivial as a glass of water. 
“I’m Rey, by the way,” she offered her hand. 
“I know,” you replied. Realizing you sounded rude, you gave her a smile. 
“I’m [y/n],” you took her hand, her grip much stronger than yours. A mere human, not a Jedi in training. 
“Nice to meet you,” she smiled. You stood there in discomfort, shifting your weight on your heels. 
“I should be getting back to sleep now. This pregnancy is fatiguing, you know,” you finally said, grabbing another bottle of water from the refrigerator. She shifted her eyes to your stomach again, this time looking as though she were trying to figure out something. 
“Nice to meet you, again,” you offered. 
“Same to you.” 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Something felt was off, and you couldn’t quite put your finger on what it was. You could feel it in the air, but perhaps it was just the excitement wearing off from yesterday's festivities. Or perhaps it was the rain that had been coming down since early that morning. 
You dressed for the day and made your way to your office, taking note of how everyone seemed to just fall back into the same repetitive motions of day to day life on the base. 
You racked your brain, trying to remember what patients you were seeing today and if you could possibly cancel them. You hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. After your brief meeting with Rey, you just couldn’t seem to fall back asleep. You tossed, thinking of how you had blurted out that you were going to be a single mother. Or how awkward you had been, not knowing what to say to someone like her. 
You had seen her in such a weak state, captured by the First Order and tortured by Ren for information on the man who had trained her to be the strong woman she is today. 
You sighed, frowning. 
You heard voices from General Leia’s office at the end of your hallway as you fiddled with your key to open your office door. You glanced over, the door was cracked open and you couldn’t help but think that it was an accident by the tone of their voices behind it. 
You took a few steps closer, finding yourself intrigued by the conversation. 
“This will work just fine, Rey,” you heard the General say, “Wonderful work. I appreciate your input on this monumental experiment we have going on here.”
“Of course, General,” Rey replied humbly, “It is my pleasure.”
“You may return to Luke, he is waiting for you for a sparring session, I believe.” 
“Of course,” Rey replied. 
Nothing interesting, you mused, walking back to your door. 
Then, suddenly, 
“General, I have a rather odd question,” you heard Rey’s voice say, her voice hush. You leaned closer, taking a few steps towards the door, obviously eavesdropping at this point. 
“Yes?” the General responded, sounding distracted with something. Perhaps a battle plan for the next operation. 
“There is a woman on base, who is pregnant-”
“Ah, Miss [y/l/n]?” 
“I’m unsure of her surname, she informed me her name was [y/n].”
“Yes, what about her?”
There was a pause and you felt your face begin to burn as you held your breath.
“Where did she come from?” Rey finally asked.
The General hesitated, “Your guess is as good as mine.” 
“But aren’t there background checks to work on base? What is her specialization?” 
“Counseling,” she replied, “psychological counseling for those on base.”  
“And her background?” 
“She provided information on her previous work, with a 6-month gap in her recent work history. A fighter pilot, Aerena Drayen was wounded and placed next to her on in a hospital on Lothel, a remote farm planet in the Northern sector that her fighter had landed on. Drayen said she felt sorry for her and once she heard what her specialization was, she offered to have her come live here. Other than that, there isn’t much I know about Miss [y/l/n]. Why do you ask?”
“Curious,” Rey replied, trying to sound nonchalant. 
“Come now, Rey. What is the real reason?”
Rey paused again, starting and stopping her reply a few times.
“I sense something in her,” she said. “Since I’ve been training, I’ve been able to be more in tune with the Force within me. I am able to harness it and control it. Sense it, yes?” 
“Rey, are you implying that you sense the Force within her?” 
“Perhaps,” Rey replied. “Perhaps that is it. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. But then again, I am new to -”
You quickly backed away, not wanting to hear any more. You felt your hands shaking as you walked back to your office, wiping your sweaty palms against your skirt. You slammed the door and quickly sat down behind your desk, unsure of what to think of what you just heard. 
You decided to ignore it. What could come of it? The General asking you some questions that you would not have answers to. Or questions you would have answers to and wouldn’t be able to tell her. 
You scribbled some notes down from yesterday, trying to distract your mind. 
A half hour passed. 
And then another. 
Finally, it was time for your first patient to arrive. You waited calmly, trying to push away what Rey had told the General. It kept gnawing at you, thinking of the small baby boy inside your womb. Thinking of how it harnessed powers beyond your strength and knowledge. 
Ten minutes passed.
What if he became like Ren? 
Another ten minutes passed. 
What if you had contributed to the dark side of the Galactic war by giving birth to this baby? 
Five minutes passed.
What if he joined his father?
The ground suddenly shook beneath you and you quickly stood up. Your ears picked up the sounds of something crashing. You walked out of your office, thinking perhaps it was a misfire of a friendly aircraft. 
Others poked their heads out of their offices, asking what the noise with surprising calmness as you responded with no more knowledge than what they already had. You began walking and when you reached the end of the hallway, pushing the door open, something stopped you. 
It felt like something had taken the wind out of your lungs. You paused, holding your chest as a sense of determination that wasn’t your own washed over you. You stood up straight, breathing in a deep breath as your hand dropped to your belly.
You reached around, dipping your hand into your pencil skirt pocket. The small piece of metal Papa had given you there. You took it out and looked down at it, something you weren’t quite sure you knew why you were doing. You thought of how Ren had pressed it into your palm that night, a memory you hadn’t really thought of in quite some time. 
You looked up, a force drawing you towards the commotion in the pouring rain. Your hair immediately matted to your forehead, your regular bun a sad sight as it drooped under the weight of water it held. In your palm, you clenched your stupid piece of metal that you wished meant nothing to you before pushing it back in your pocket.
You persisted through the rain as the ground shook again. You were beginning to think that this wasn’t such a calm situation as men ran passed you in full fighter pilot armor. The sounds of blasters rang in your ears and you couldn’t help but feel the urge to turn back, but you persisted. 
Emotions were drowning you and you couldn’t figure out why. Were they your own? You had no reason to feel angry, yet you were. You had no reason to feel guilt, yet you were. 
The noises of blasters were getting closer and you felt your own fear engulf you. Finally, the scene before you unfolded as a crater in the earth where the center of the base used to be. Debris of A-Wings and Y-Wings and the hanger sat in the crater, the men that were remaining wielding their blasters at the Stormtroopers.  
You hid behind a piece of metal that once held up the hanger. You watched men storm pass you, jumping down into the pit to fight for their base. 
A-Wings and TIE fighters dueled with each other in the sky. Men shouted orders at each other, yelling orders not to fall back - to persist. You began to back away, your clothes sticking to your body as you pushed your hair out of your face. 
How could this have happened? And so quickly? Without notice? 
How could the General not know?
Then you realized: they were here for Luke and Rey. 
The last Jedi. 
Your eyes landed on a black ship that stood proudly among the remnants of the mighty Resistance. More Stormtroopers exited. 
That feeling of the breath in your lungs leaving you happened again. You shut your eyes, gripping your chest. 
Suddenly, the unmistakable sounds of a light saber triggering on filled your ears. Carefully, you opened your eyes, feeling yourself begin to shake at the realization. 
And then your eyes landed on Ren. 
Just a mere cloaked figure standing at the head of the Knights of Ren.
A/N: Wow, that was a long break. My bad. 
Sorry for the drama. Hope it wasn’t too cheesy because I hate cheesy. This has been the idea that has been brewing in my mind for months now. 
Enjoy :) <3 And thank you!
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prejul · 8 years
hi, so here is what i figured out about th mv so far, correct me if im wrong, let me know more, i just had to vent it out hgjkhkj
mv points: 1. 0:07-0:15 kookie blue lips as if cold/frozen, alone 2. kookie standing near a ruined carousel, resembles forgotten/dead youth 3. 0:16-0:22 jimin blue lips by beach, very pale, like he froze, holding white pair of shoes 4. 0:28 rapmon entering a place looks lively and lit, yoonseok talking at the back, car with turned on lights, sign No vacancy is fully lit - no vacancy(2012): a movie about 7 kids staying at a sideroad motel and they wake up to something terrible 5. 0:31 kookie entering a place looks dead and dark and still, No vacancy sign "no" is blinking, he looks lost, like he missed a meeting, like he was left behind 6. 0:33 rapmon leaning head on happy v, jimin/hobi sitting on the other side of the curtain, suga/kookie standing behind rapmon. related to vmon being arrested? 7. 0:34 kookie leaning on sleeping rapmon with a fan-given crown, they look like after a party 8. 0:34 view of jin fixing jimin's ears through an aquarium, hobi's legs behind jimin, suga sitting on the bed behind jin, hobi lying next to him 9. 0:35 related to 7. v, jimin, hobi suga and jin are on the same bed, hobi lying on suga and jin, place looks like after the party, jimin wearing a hat similar to v 10. 0:35 sope toilet scene, suga brushing teeth, hobi near sink, V in the reflection of the mirror 11. 0:36 hobi on top of a train that is moving. wearing same outfit as 6? 12. 0:38 walking, jimin is leading 13. 0:40 solo jimin walk, tree in background, he then looks shocked/surprised 14. 0:42 related to 11. rapmon in a narrow train path? 15. 0:42 related to 5. kookie in the dark, afterparty where they had fun, sofa where he sat with rapmon at 7. lighting a match. related to previous connection with suga+fire since i need u era started. burning piano, burning himself in the hotel alone 16. 0:44 rapperline shot with the big bright happy sign at the back 17. 0:44 related to 12-13 and 3. the white shoes are hung on the tree jimin walked to. shoes hanging on tree means someone died. jimin's shoes are blue not white 18. 0:45 jin makes cage shape/picture shape with his fingers. v's cage teaser? jin's general connection with camera from all of i need u era? window/door from his awake teaser? focus on something? 19. 0:46 run through a dirty alley, kookie at the front? or jin in front? 20. 0:46 related to 16. jimin gestures to follow him. probably to everyone else who walked behind him at 12 21. 0:46 related to 14. kookie blows the match off. 22. 0:49 jimin at the beach alone walking away contradicts "you never walk alone"
extra points: - bus station "owl service" every station is a song/album/era - bus station means going away from something, to leave. leaving youth behind? leaving omelas. - confetti at photoshoot = utopia, party, but rotten background - jimin's role seems like hes a sort of ghost? - jimin leaving the utopia alone because of the sacrifice child? - save me was filmed near a beach before boy meets evil - boy meets evil is filmed in a basement, under the city? omelas? - suga brushing teeth related to paint on his hand in photoshoot? because he is closest to the actual reality? brushing teeth is realistic compared to the euphoria, the rotten background in the photoshoot had paint on it - rapmon or jin are the child? or kookie or jhope? - in wings jin the only one without shoes (https://gyazo.com/8cb5646ba679211b8a15c9b676ce116a), white shoes hanging from tree. but its a different type of shoes. - "passing by the edge of the cold winter, until the spring time comes again, until the flowers blossom. please stay, please stay there a little longer" - ^talking about the dead person who's shoes were hung? talking about the group saving the child under the city? talking about jin's connection with flowers and spring? the flower of his life in i need u era and awake?
books related to i need u era+wings+ynwa: - "owl service" - "the ones who walk away from omelas" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ones_Who_Walk_Away_from_Omelas http://shortstories.about.com/od/ContemporaryStories/fl/Analysis-of-The-Ones-Who-Walk-Away-from-Omelas-by-Ursula-K-Le-Guin.htm https://gyazo.com/a64cb9197cb48bcef7aeb8fda8e5f7ef https://gyazo.com/4134851cec38f4065b0ce64ece2e936e - "demian" http://peachisoda.blogspot.co.il/2016/09/review-important-scenes-of-wings-demian.html
im tagging people who seemed interested in it: @jinmini , @jiminrolls , @become-the-story , @ask-bts-stuff , @sweaterpawsjimin , @tinyheartii and there are more im sure but enjoy lgjkhjk
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haribokart · 6 years
Haribokart’s Rock Band song list .38 Special - Caught Up In You 3 Doors Down - Here Without You, It’s Not My Time, Kryptonite, When You're Young, When I'm Gone 30 Seconds to Mars - Attack, Closer To The Edge, The Kill, Kings and Queens, This Is War 311 - Amber, Down 4 Non-Blondes - What’s Up? 5 Seconds Of Summer - She Looks So Perfect The 88 - Sons and Daughters A-Ha - Take On Me Abnormality - Visions AC/DC - Back in Black (Live), Dirty Deeds Done Cheap (Live), Fire Your Guns (Live), For Those About To Rock (Live), Heatseeker (Live), Hell Ain’t A Bad Place To Be (Live), Hells Bells (Live), High Voltage (Live), Highway To Hell (Live), The Jack (Live), Jailbreak (Live), Let There Be Rock (Live), Moneytalks (Live), Shoot To Thrill (Live), T.N.T (Live), Thunderstruck (Live), Whole Lotta Rosie (Live), You Shook Me All Night Long (Live) Ace of Base - The Sign The Acro-Brats – Day Late Dollar Short, Hair Trigger Aerosmith - Cryin, Dream On (Live), Dude Looks Like A Lady, I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing, Sweet Emotion, Toys In The Attic, Train Kept Rollin, Walk This Way AFI - Girl’s Not Grey, Miss Murder Alabama Shakes - Don't Wanna Fight Alanis Morissette - Head Over Feet, Ironic, You Oughta Know Alice Cooper - Poison, School's Out (Live) Alice In Chains - Man In The Box Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal All American Rejects - Dirty Little Secret, Gives You Hell, Move Along, Swing Swing All Time Low - Weightless The Allman Brothers Band - Jessica, Ramblin’ Man Alphabeat - Fascination Amy Winehouse - Rehab Anarchy Club - Blood Doll, Collide, Get Clean Andy Grammar - Honey I’m Good Angels & Airwaves - It Hurts Animal Flag - Sink Anthrax - Caught in a Mosh Arctic Horror - Black Seas Arctic Monkeys - Arabella, R U Mine? Assuming We Survive - Open Water At The Drive In - One Armed Scissor Authority Zero - No Regrets The Automatic - Monster Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife, Almost Easy, Beast and the Harlot, Hail To The King Average White Band - Pick Up The Pieces Avicii - Wake Me Up Avril Lavigne - Complicated, My Happy Ending B-52's - Rock Lobster, Love Shack, Roam Bad Company - Shooting Star Bang Camaro - Blood Red Rock, Night Lies, Pleasure Bang on a Can All-Stars – Shadowbang (Head) The Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian Barely March - Thinking Emoji Barenaked Ladies - One Week Bastille - Pompeii The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations (Live) Bearstronaut - Shadow Beastie Boys - Make Some Noise, Sabotage, So What’cha Want Beck - Dreams, E-Pro Bee Gees - Jive Talkin, Night Fever, Staying Alive, Tragedy, You Should Be Dancing Belinda Carlisle - Heaven Is A Place On Earth Benjamin Booker - Violent Shiver Bent Knee - These Hands The Bergamot - Forgot About Tomorrow Between the Buried and Me - Prequel To The Sequel Big & Rich - Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) Big Country - In A Big Country Bikini Kill - Rebel Girl Billy Idol - Mony Mony, Rebel Yell, White Wedding Billy Joel - It's Still Rock And Roll To Me, My Life, Only The Good Die Young, Piano Man, She’s Always A Woman, Uptown Girl, We Didn’t Start The Fire Billy Squier - Lonely Is The Night Black Beach - No Place For Me ThevBlack Cheers - (You’re) Breakin’ Up The Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling The Black Keys - Fever, Gold On The Ceiling, Howlin' For You, Lonely Boy Blind Melon - No Rain Blink-182 - Adam's Song, Aliens Exist, All The Small Things, Down, Feeling This, First Date, I Miss You, The Rock Show, What’s My Age Again Blondie - Call Me, Hanging On The Telephone, Heart of Glass, One Way Or Another, Rapture Blue Oyster Cult - Don’t Fear The Reaper Blue Swede - Hooked On A Feeling Blur - Beetlebum, Song 2, There's No Other Way BoB ft. Hayley Williams - Airplanes Bob Dylan - Tangled Up In Blue Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved, Get Up Stand Up, I Shot The Sheriff, Is This Love, Jamming, No Woman No Cry, One Love Bon Jovi - Bad Medicine, Blaze Of Glory, It's My Life, Livin On A Prayer, Wanted Dead Or Alive, You Give Love A Bad Name Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse Of The Heart Boston - Foreplay/Long Time, More Than A Feeling, Peace Of Mind The Both - Milwaukee Boys Like Girls – The Great Escape, Thunder Brad Paisley - Start A Band Brandi Carlile - Mainstream Kid Breaking Wheel - Shoulder To The Plow Bring Me the Horizon - Happy Song, Throne The Bronx - False Alarm Bruno Mars - 24K Magic, Grenade, Just The Way You Are, Locked Out Of Heaven, Marry You, Treasure Bryan Adams - Summer Of 69 Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth Bush - Comedown Busted - Thunderbirds Are Go! Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love BØRNS - Electric Love The Cab - Bounce Caesers - Jerk It Out Cake - I Will Survive, Short Skirt/Long Jacket Capital Cities - Safe and Sound Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting Carly Ray Jepsen - Call Me Maybe Carrie Underwood - All American Girl, Before He Cheats, Blown Away, Cowboy Casanova, Good Girl The Cars - Just What I Needed The Chainsmokers - Closer (ft. Halsey) Charlie Puth - Attention Cheap Trick - Hello There, I Want You to Want Me (Live) Chely Wright - Single White Female The Chemical Brothers - Let Forever Be The Chevelles - Get It On Chicago - 25 or 6 to 4, If You Leave Me Now Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode Chumbawumba - Tubthumping The Clash - I Fought The Law, London Calling, Rock The Casbah, Should I Stay Or Should I Go Cobra Starship - You Make Me Feel The Cocktail Slippers - Give It To Me Cohered And Cambria - Welcome Home Cold War Kids - First Coldplay - A Sky Full Of Stars, Adventure Of A Lifetime, Clocks, Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall, Fix You, Hymn For The Weekend, The Scientist, Viva La Vida, Yellow The Coral - Dreaming Of You Counting Crows - Accidentally In Love, Mr Jones The Cranberries - Dreams, Linger, Ode To My Family, Zombie Creaturos - History Repeats Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising, Fortunate Son, I Heard It Through the Grapevine Crooked X - Nightmare The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary Culture Club - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me, Karma Chameleon The Cure - Friday I’m In Love, Just Like Heaven Cutting Crew - I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun, Time After Time Daft Punk - Get Lucky Dance for the Dying – Thug Love Dark Wheels - V-Bomb The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love Dashboard Confessional - Hands Down Daughtry - It's Not Over David Bowie - Fame, Heroes, Lets Dance, Modern Love, Space Oddity, Suffragette City, Ziggy Stardust Dead Sara - Mona Lisa Dealership - Database Corrupted Death Of The Cool - Can’t Let Go Deep Blue Something - Breakfast At Tiffanies Deep Purple - Highway Star, Smoke On The Water Def Leppard - Foolin, Photograph, Pour Some Sugar On Me (Live) Deftones - My Own Summer Del Amitri - Roll To Me Demi Lovato - Sorry Not Sorry Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus Devo - Girl U Want, Uncontrollable Urge, Whip It Dexys Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen Dinosaur Jr - Feel The Pain Dio - Rainbow in the Dark Dire Straights - Walk Of Life Disturbed - Down With The Sickness, Indestructable, Prayer, The Sound Of Silence DNCE - Cake By The Ocean Dolly Spartans - I Hear the Dead Don McClean - American Pie The Donnas - New Kid In School The Doobie Brothers - China Grove, Listen To The Music, Long Train Runnin The Doors - Break On Through, Light My Fire, People Are Strange, Riders On The Storm, Touch Me Dover - King George Dream Theatre - Metropolis Part 1, Panic Attack Duck & Cover - Knock Em Down Duran Duran - Girls On Film, Hungry Like The Wolf, Rio, The Reflex Dutch ReBelle - RudeBoys Eagle-Eye Cherry - Save Tonight Earth, Wind & Fire - September Echo and the Bunnymen - The Killing Moon Ed Sheeran - Shape of You, Sing Eddie Japan - Albert The Eiffels - Body Like That Electric Six - Gay Bar Elle King - Ex’s & Oh’s Ellie Goulding - On My Mind Elton John - The Bitch is Back, Crocodile Rock, Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me, I’m Still Standing, Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting Elvis Costello - Pump It Up Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds EMF - Unbelievable Endereverafter - I Wanna Be Your Man Erasure - A Little Respect Eric Cartman - Lady Gaga's Poker Face Europe - The Final Countdown Evanescence - Bring Me To Life, Call Me When You’re Sober, Everybody's Fool, Going Under, Weight Of The World Everlife - Real Wild Child Extreme - More Than Words Faith No More - Epic, Midlife Crisis Fall Out Boy - A Little Less Sixteen Candles, Centuries, Dance Dance, Dead On Arrival, Irresistible, I Don’t Care, My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark, Sugar We're Going Down, This Ain’t A Scene It’s An Arms Race, Thnks Fr Th Mmrs Filter - Hey man nice shot Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi battles The Pink Robots Fleetwood Mac - Don’t Stop, Dreams, Gold Dust Woman, Go Your Own Way, Landslide, Rhiannon, You Make Loving Fun Flobots - Handlebars Florence and the Machine - Dog Days Are Over Flyleaf - I’m So Sick Fly by Midnight - Vinyl Foghat - Slow Ride Foo Fighters - All My Life, Best Of You, Breakout, DOA, Everlong, Learn To Fly, Monkey Wrench, My Hero, The Feast And The Famine, The Pretender, Times Like These Foreigner - Cold As Ice, Feels Like The First Time, I Want To Know What Love Is, Waiting For A Girl Like You Foster the People – Don't Stop (Color on the Walls), Helena Beat, Pumped Up Kicks Frank Turner - I Still Believe Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax Franz Ferdinand - Do You Want To, Take Me Out Fratelies - Creeping up the Backstairs, Henrietta Free - All Right Now Freezepop – Brainpower, Doppelgänger Fun. - Some Nights, We Are Young Garbage - I Think I’m Paranoid, Stupid Girl, Why do you Love Me Gary Clark Jr - Ain’t Messin ‘Round Gavin DeGraw - I Don’t Want to Be Generation X - Dancing with Myself George Thorogood - Bad To The Bone The Ghost Hounds - Ashes to Fire Gin Blossoms - Follow You Down, Hey Jealousy Glados - Still Alive Go-Go’s - Our Lips Are Sealed, We Got The Beat Goddamn Draculas - Bethany Golden Earring - Radar Love Goo Goo Dolls - Iris Good Charlotte - The Anthem, Girls & Boys, Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood, Feel Good Inc The Grateful Dead - Alabama Getaway Graveyard BBQ – Cheat on the Church Green Day - 21st Century Breakdown, 21 Guns, American Eulogy, American Idiot, Are We The Waiting/St Jimmy, Basket Case, Before The Lobotomy, Boulevard Of Broken Dreams, Brain Stew/Jaded, Burnout, Christian's Inferno, Chump, Coming Clean, East Jesus Nowhere, Emenius Sleepus, Extraordinary Girl, F.O.D, Geek Stink Breath, Give Me Novacaine/She’s A Rebel, Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life), Having A Blast, Hitching A Ride, Holiday, Homecoming, Horseshoes And Handgrenades, In The End, Jesus Of Suburbia, Know Your Enemy, Last Night On Earth, Last of the American Girls, Letterbomb, Longview, Minority, Murder City, Nice Guys Finish Last, Peacemaker, Pulling Teeth, Restless Heart Syndrome, Sassafras Roots, See The Light, She, Song Of The Century, The Static Age, Viva La Gloria, Wake Me Up When September Ends, Warning, Welcome To Paradise, Whatsername, When I Come Around, !Viva La Gloria! Grouplove - Tongue Tied The Guess Who - American Woman Guns N Roses - Shackler’s Revenge Gym Class Heroes - Stereo Hearts H.I.M. - Killing Loneliness Hailstorm - I Miss The Misery Hall and Oates - I Can't Go For That, Maneater, You Make My Dreams Heart - Alone, Barracuda, Kick It Out Heaven’s Basement - I Am Electric The Hives - Main Offender, Tick Tick Boom Hole - Celebrity Skin Hollywood Undead - Young Honest Bob - I Get By, Soy Bomb Hoobastank – Crawling In The Dark Hot Chelle Rae - Tonight Tonight Hozier- Take Me To Church Huey Lewis and the News - The Power of Love The Human League - Don’t You Want Me HUNNY - Shy Hypernova - Viva La Resistance Ida Maria - Oh My God Iggy Pop - Lust For Life, The Passenger Imagine Dragons - I Bet My Life, Radioactive, Thunder In The Valley Below - Bloodhands Incubus - Dig, Drive Interpol - PDA INXS - Need You Tonight The Isley Brothers - Shout The J.Gelis Band - Centrefold Jack White - Lazaretto The Jackson 5 - ABC, I Want You Back The Jam - Going Underground, Town Called Malice James Brown - Get Up, I Got You, Super Bad Pts. 1 & 2 Jane's Addiction - Been caught Stealing, Mountain Song Janis Joplin - Piece of my Heart Jason Derulo - Want To Want Me Jason Mraz - I'm Yours Jeff Allen - Recession Jeff Williams ft Casey Lee Williams - This Will Be The Day Jefferson Airplane - Somebody To Love Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl Jethro Tull - Aqualung Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower, Crosstown Traffic, Foxey Lady, Fire Jimmy Eat World - The Middle, Pain, Sweetness Joan Jett - Bad Reputation, I Love Rock N' Roll Jocelyn & Chris Arndt - Shame Joe Jackson - Is she really going out with him? John & Yoko - Happy Xmas John Lennon - How Do You Sleep?, Imagine, Jealous Guy Johnny Blazes And The Pretty Boys - Cold Clear Light Johnny Cash - I Walk the Line, Ring of Fire Josh Turner - Would You Go With Me Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart Juanes - Me Enamora Judas Priest - Halls Of Valhalla, Painkiller, You’ve Got Another Thing Coming Juli - Perfekte Welle Julie Rhodes - Hurry Up (& Wait For You) Justin Bieber - Boyfriend, Love Yourself, Sorry, What Do You Mean? Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot, Ruby Kansas - Carry On Wayward Son Kasabian - Club Foot, Shoot The Runner Katrina And The Waves - Walking On Sunshine Kelly Clarkson - Heartbeat Song, Miss Independent, Stronger Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone, Footloose The Killers - All These Things That I've Done, Mr Brightside, Smile Like You Mean It, Somebody Told Me, When You Were Young Kings of Leon - Crawl, Molly’s Chambers, Sex On Fire, Use Somebody Kiss - Detroit Rock City The Knack - My Sharona The Konks - 29 Fingers The Kooks - Naive Kool and the Gang - Celebration, Jungle Boogie Korn - Word Up KSM - Distracted KT Tunstell - Suddenly I See Kutless - The Feeling L7 - Pretend We’re Dead La Roux - Bulletproof Lacuna Coil - Our Truth Lady Antebellum - Lookin For A Good Time, Need You Now, Perfect Day Lady Gaga - Applause, Bad Romance, Born This Way, Edge of Glory, Just Dance, Lovegame, Monster, Paparazzi, Poker Face Laura Bell Bundy - Rebound LEN - Steal My Sunshine The Len Price 3 - If I ain’t got You Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way Lesley Roy - I’m Gone, I’m Going The Libyans - Welcome To The Neighbourhood Lightning Bolt - Dream Genie Lights Resolve - Dreaming Of Love Limp Bizkit - My Way Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit, Crawling, In The End, Numb, One Step Closer, Somewhere I Belong, What I’ve Done Lit - My Own Worst Enemy Little Big Town - Little White Church Little Fish - Am I Crazy Littlefoot - Casablanca Live - All Over You Liz Phair - Rock Me LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem Lorde - Royals Lostprophets - Rooftops Lucinda Williams - Can’t Let Go Lucius - Turn It Around Lush - De-Luxe Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird, Simple Man, Sweet Home Alabama (Live), That Smell, Tuesday's Gone Macklemore - Can’t Hold Us MAGIC! - Rude The Main Drag – A Jagged Gorgeous Winter, How We’d Look on Paper Mana - Oye Mi Amor Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People Mark Ronson Ft. Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk Maroon 5 - Little Of Your Time, Makes Me Wonder, Misery, Moves Like Jagger, One More Night, This Love, Wake Up Call, Won’t Go Home Without You Mastodon - Colony Of Birchmen Maximo Park - Girls Who Play Guitars Megadeath - Peace Sells Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass Men at Work - Down Under Metric - Combat Baby MGMT - Kids Michael Christmas - Cross That Line The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - The Impression That I Get, Where’d You Go? Miley Cyrus - 7 Things, Can’t Be Tamed, Fly On The Wall, See You Again, Start All Over Miranda Cosgrove - Headphones On Miranda Lambert - Gunpowder and Lead Modest Mouse - Float On Molly Hatchet - Flirting With Disaster The Monkees - Last Train To Clarksville Montell Jordan - This Is How We Do It Morrissey - Irish Blood English Heart The Mother Hips - Time We Had Motley Crue - Saints of Los Angeles Motorhead - Ace Of Spades Mountain - Mississippi Queen Mr Big - To Be With You The Muffs - Kids In America, Outer Space Mumford & Sons - I Will Wait, The Wolf Muse - Hysteria My Chemical Romance - Famous Last Words, I’m Not Okay (I Promise), Sing, Teenagers, Welcome To The Black Parade Naked Eyes - Always Something There to Remind Me Natalie Imbruglia - Torn Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten Nazareth - Love Hurts The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather Neko Case - People Got A Lotta Nerve Nemes - Black Streak Neon Trees - 1983, Animal, Everybody Talks, Sins Of My Youth New Order - Blue Monday Newfane - I Recognise The New Pornographers - Electric Version Nickelback - How You Remind Me, Photograph, Rockstar, Someday Nicki Minaj - Starships Night Ranger - Sister Christian Nightmare Air - Who’s Your Lover Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds, The Perfect Drug Nirvana - Come As You Are (Live), Drain You, In Bloom, Smells Like Teen Spirit, Something In The Way No Doubt - Don’t Speak, Hella Good, Hey Baby, It’s My Life, Just A Girl, Underneath It All No Small Children - Radio Norman Greenbaum - Spirit In The Sky Oasis - Champagne Supernova, Don’t Look Back In Anger, Live Forever, Rock 'n' Roll Star, Supersonic (Live), Wonderwall Of Monsters And Men - Little Talks The Offspring - All I Want, Come Out And Play, Days Go By, Gone Away, Pretty Fly For A White Guy, Self Esteem, The Kids Aren’t Alright Oh Honey - Sugar, You Ok Go - Here It Goes Again, Shooting The Moon OMI - Cheerleader One Direction - Best Song Ever, Drag Me Down, Story of My Life, What Makes You Beautiful One Night Only - Just For Tonight Onerepublic - Counting Stars, Stop And Stare Opiate for the Masses - Burn You Down Orianthi - According To You Otis Redding - Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay The Outfield - Your Love Outkast - Hey Ya! The Outlaws - Green Grass And High Tides Owl City - Fireflies Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train, Miracle Man P!nk - Funhouse, Get The Party Started, Please Don’t Leave Me, Raise Your Glass, So What, Sober, Who Knew P.O.D. - Alive, Youth of the Nation Panic At The Disco - I Write Sins Not Tragedies, Nine In The Afternoon, She's a Handsome Woman Papa Roach - Last Resort, Time Is Running Out Paramore - Ain’t It Fun, Brick By Boring Brick, CrushCrushCrush, Ignorance, Misery Business, Pressure, Still Into You, The Only Exception, That’s What You Get Parlour Bells - Never Let ‘Em Hold Ya Back Parks - Sweater Weather Party Bois - True Confessional Pat Benatar - Fire and Ice, Heartbreaker, Hit Me With Your Best Shot, Invincible, Love Is A Battlefield, Promises In The Dark, Shadows of the Night, We Belong Paul McCartney - Band On The Run, Jet (Live), Maybe I’m Amazed Pearl Jam - Alive Permaband - Killing is just a means, Wrecking Machine Peter Cetera - Glory of Love Petty Morals - Mean Girls Pharrell Williams - Happy Pheonix - Lasso Phish - Llama, Wilson (Live) Pixies - Monkey Gone to Heaven, Wave Of Mutilation, Where Is My Mind? Poison - Every Rose Has It’s Thorn, Nothin' but a Good Time The Police - Don't Stand So Close To Me, Every Breath You Take, Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, Message In A Bottle, Next To You, Roxanne, Walking On The Moon Poni Hoax - Antibodies Portugal. The Man - Feel It Still Preachervan - Love That Hurts Presidents Of The United States Of America - Lump The Pretenders - Brass In Pocket Pretty Girls Make Graves - Something Bigger, Something Brighter The Pretty Reckless - Follow Me Down, Heaven Knows The Primitives - Crash Primus - Jerry Was A Race Car Driver Procol Harum - A Whiter Shade of Pale The Protomen - Light Up The Night Puddle of Mud - Blurry, Control, She Hates Me Queen - Another One Bites The Dust, Bicycle Race, Bohemian Rhapsody, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Don't Stop Me Now, Fat Bottomed Girls, Hammer to Fall, I Want It All, I Want To Break Free, Killer Queen, One Vision, Play the Game, Radio Ga Ga, Somebody To Love, The Show Must Go On, Under Pressure, We Are The Champions, We Will Rock You, You're My Best Friend Queens Of The Stone Age - Go With The Flow, My God Is The Sun, No One Knows, 3’s & 7’s, In My Head Ram Jam - Black Betty R.E.M - It’s The End Of The World As We Know It, Losing My Religion, Man On The Moon, Orange Crush, The One I Love The Raconteurs - Steady As She Goes Radiohead - Creep, Karma Police Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name Of, Testify Rammstein - Du Hast Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop, I Wanna Be Sedated Rascal Flatts - Life Is A Highway, Me and my Gang, Summer Nights Ratt - Round And Round The Raveonettes - Last Dance Ray Parker Jr - Ghostbusters Razorlight - Stumble And Fall The Red Chord - Hour Of Rats Red Hot Chilli Peppers - By The Way, Californication, Dani California, Give It Away, Scar Tissue, Snow ((Hey Oh)), Under The Bridge, REO Speedwagon - Keep On Loving You The Replacements - Alex Chilton Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up Rick Derringer - Rock And Roll Hooch Koo Rick James - Super Freak Rilo Kiley - Portions for Foxes Rise Against - Give It All Riverboat Gamblers - Don't Bury Me Robert Palmer - Bad Case of Loving You Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter Roxette - The Look Roy Orbison - Only The Lonely, Pretty Woman, You Got It Ruby Rose Fox - Pain Killer, Sky Diver Rufus - Tell Me Something Good Rupert Holmes - Escape (The Pina Colada song) Rush - A Passage To Bangkok, The Trees, Tom Sawyer Saint Raymond - Young Blood Santana - Smooth Sara Evans - Suds In The Bucket Savage Garden - I want you Save Ferris - Come On Eileen Scandal - The Warrior Scorpions - No One Like You Seether - Fake It Semi-Precious Weapons - Magnetic Baby Semisonic - Closing Time Shaimus - Like A Fool Shania Twain - Any Man Of Mine, Party For Two, That Don’t Impress Me Much Shawn Mendes - Stitches, Treat You Better Sheryl Crow - All I Wanna Do Ships Have Sailed - Let’s Just Dance Sia - Chandelier, Cheap Thrills (ft. Sean Paul), The Greatest (ft. Kendrick Lamar) Silvergun Pickups - Lazy Eye Simon & Garfunkel - The Sounds Of Silence Simple Minds - Don’t You (Forget About Me) Sister Sledge - We Are Family Siouxsie And The Banshees - Cities In Dust Skillit - Feel Invincible Slipknot - Before I Forget Slydigs - Light The Fuse Smash Mouth - All Star, Can't Get Enough Of You Baby, Walking On The Sun, Why Can't We Be Friends? Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock, Today, Zero The Smiths - Stop Me, This Charming Man Snoop Dogg - Beautiful, Drop It Like It's Hot, Who Am I - What’s My Name, Sensual Seduction, Tha Shiznit Snow Patrol - Take Back The City Social Distortion - I Was Wrong Soft Cell - Tainted Love Sonic Youth - Teen Age Riot Soul Remnants - Dead Black Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun, Superunknown The Sounds - Living In America Spacehog - In The Meantime Speck - Conventional Lover Spin Doctors - Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong, Two Princes Spinal Tap - Short And Sweet Spirit Kid - To My Romeo Squeeze - Cool For Cats, Tempted St. Vincent - Birth In Reverse Staind - It's Been A While, So Far Away Stan Bush - The Touch Starship - We Built This City Steely Dan - Bodhisattva Stephen And The Colberts - Charlene The Sterns - Supreme Girl Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel - Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me) Steve Miller Band - Fly Like An Eagle, The Joker, Rock’n Me, Space Cowboy Steve Pardo - Super Beat Sports Big Baos Battle Stevie Nicks - Edge Of Seventeen, Stand Back Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground, I Wish, Living For The City, Sir Duke, Superstition STL GLD - Good Stone Temple Pilots - Plush, Vaseline The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog The Strokes - Reptillia Sublime - Santeria, What I Got, Wrong Way Sugar Ray - Every Morning Sugarland - Settlin Sum 41 - Fat Lip, In Too Deep Supergrass - Grace, Sun Hits The Sky Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger Sweet - Ballroom Blitz Swingin' Utters - This Bastard's Life Symbion Project – Exploited & Exposed System of a Down - Aerials, Chop Suey, Spiders T-Rex - 20th Century Boy, Children Of The Revolution, Ride A White Swan Talking Heads - Burning Down The House, Psycho Killer Taking Back Sunday - Liar, Makedamnsure, What It Feels Like To Be A Ghost Tears for Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World, Head over Heels, Shout Tegan and Sarah - The Con Tenacious D - Master Exploder, Rise Of The Fenix, Tribute Testament - Souls Of Black That Handsome Devil - Rob The Prez-O-Dent Them Crooked Vultures - Dead End Friends Thenewno2 - Crazy Tuesday Thin Lizzy - The Boys Are Back in Town (Live), Jailbreak (Live) Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You, Never Too Late Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life Tickle Me Pink - The Time Is Wrong Tigerman WOAH - Alone Time Tijuana Sweetheart - Pistol Whipped, Seven tiLLie - Save Yourself Timmy & The Lords Of The Underworld - Timmy & The Lords Of The Underworld Tokio Hotel - Humanoid Tom Petty - Free Fallin Tommy Tutone - 867-5309/Jenny Toto - Africa, Hold The Line, Rosanna Train - Drops of Jupiter Travis McCoy - Billionaire Tribe - Outside Twenty One Pilots - Heathens, Ride, Stressed Out Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock, We're Not Gonna Take It U2 - Cedarwood Road, Desire, I Will Follow, One, Pride (In The Name Of Love), Vertigo UB40 - Red Red Wine Underoath - Desperate Times Vampire Weekend - A-Punk Van Halen - Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love, Panama Van Morrison - Brown Eyed Girl Vance Joy - Riptide Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby The Vapors - Turning Japanese Vesuvius - Promised Land The Vines - Get Free Walk The Moon - Different Colours, Shut Up and Dance WAR - Low Rider The Warning - Free Falling, Survive The Warning Shots - Closer Closer Warrant - Cherry Pie Warren Zevon - Werewolves Of London We Are the Fallen - Bury Me Alive We The Kings - Check Yes Juliet The Weeknd - Can’t Feel My Face, The Hills, Starboy Weezer - A Little Respect, Beverly Hills, Buddy Holly, El Scorcho, Hash Pipe, Island in the Sun, King of The World, My Name Is Jonas, Say It Ain’t So, (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To When Particles Collide - Constant Disaster White Denim - At Night In Dreams The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army, The Hardest Button To Button Whitesnake - Here I Go Again Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody Wild Cherry - Play That Funky Music Wilson Phillips - Hold On The Who - Baba O’riley, Behind Blue Eyes, I Can See For Miles, My Generation (Live), Pinball Wizard, The Seeker, Who Are You, Won’t Get Fooled Again Willie Nelson - On the Road Again Wolfmother - Woman Worshipper - Black Corridor X - Los Angeles X Ambassadors - Renegades X Japan - I.V Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart, Roundabout Young the Giant - My Body The Zombies - She’s Not There The Zutons - Valerie
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percontaion-points · 6 years
Misc Fanfictions (6/4/18)
These are fics with less than five stories in each category. Use ctrl+F to look for whichever category that you want. Categories are as follows: Scorpion, Ace Attorney, Avatar: TLA/LOK, Avengers, Agent Carter, Beauty and the Beast, Bob's Burgers, Dead Like Me, Disney's The Little Mermaid, Doctor Who, Fruits Basket, FullMetal Alchemist, Guardians of the Galaxy, Hannibal, Hellsing, Hey Arnold!, How to Train Your Dragon, Howl's Moving Castle, Jupiter Ascending, Labyrinth, The Librarians, Moana, Mulan, Pirates of the Caribbean, Pokemon, Shall We Date: Wizardess Heart, Sherlock, Sky High, Stargate: SG1/Atlantis/Universe, Stranger Things, Teen Titans, Torchwood, Twilight, What's Your Number New stories are marked with [NEW] before them.
Just Like High School by Browneyesparker Description: It was like high school all over again. He would pull on her proverbial braids and say things just to get her attention. Toby/Quinn. Words: 1087 Timeline: Normal/none Pairing: Toby/Happy Minor: Paige/Walter Rating: Teen and up Warnings: You will literally die from fluff overload
Highly Educated & Informed Conclusions by MyseryLuvsCompany Description: Paige hasn't been well as of late and in true genius style, the boys immediately jump to the wrong conclusion. Words: 1298 Timeline: None/normal Pairing: Paige/Walter Rating: General audiences Warnings: Just some goofy genius antics
Modus Operandi by shirasade Description: Sex, if not aimed at procreation, was simple physical release, and Walter never understood why the rest of the world appeared to constantly obsess over it. Words: 1085 Timeline: None/normal Pairing: Toby/Walter, with minor mentions of Walter/Paige and Toby/Happy Rating: Teen, but should probably be Mature Warnings: Mild sex scenes
Baseline of Attraction by ChaoticByDesign Description: Paige hadn't expected or been prepared for the feelings that Walter stirred within her heart. There were days when his smug arrogance made her want to throttle him and his 197 IQ, but then there were those unexpected moments when he would do or say something that proved his emotional quotient wasn't as low as he claimed. -----OoO----- Paige was brave, compassionate and completely un-intimidated by the genius minds that surrounded her. She was, in a word, extraordinary, and every day that passed made it harder and harder for Walter to ignore the way his heart clenched every time she smiled at him. Words: 2142 Timeline: Normal Pairing: Paige/Walter Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Just some random fluff
Ace Attorney
Where We Feast by Pyrasaur Description: They'd both made it this far, so how bad could things be? Godot/Maya, spoilers for T&T Words: 1671 Timeline: Post Trials and Tribulations Pairing: Diego/Maya Rating: M Warnings: Some sex
Avatar: TLA/LOK
First by Lord Death's Paramour Description: She nearly always understood him, but it seemed that she could never quite see the "I love you" in his eyes. Words: 3550 Timeline: It starts up probably before Aang woke up in the ice, and goes past Jet's death Pairing: Smellerbee/Longshot Rating: Mature Warnings: Some sex, but not overly graphic
Prince Zuko: An Owner's Guide & Maintenance Manual by whirleeQ Description: Congratulations! Now that you've become the owner of a dead sexy firebender, this guide will teach you all you need to know about your PRINCE ZUKO. Non-Fic,Parody Words: ??? Timeline: Season 1 only Pairing: Um... I guess one might say you/Zuko... it makes sense when you read it Rating: N/A Warnings: There's some mentions of nakkey time with your PRINCE ZUKO and stuff like that, but it's pretty safe to read, I think
Mr. & Mrs. Barton (Or: Why Natasha Sends Jennifer Aniston an Annual Apologetic Fruit Basket) by shellybelle Description: Five years before they meet as Hawkeye and the Black Widow, they meet as Clint and Natasha. There is a romance, a marriage, and then, predictably, everything goes absolutely to hell, and Clint still thinks they should be getting royalty money from the DVD sales of Mr. & Mrs. Smith. (Or: boy meets girl. Boy and girl fall in love. Boy and girl get married. Boy and girl neglect to do background checks.) Words: 13630 Timeline: AU; Mr. and Mrs. Smith AU Pairing: Clint/Natasha Rating: Explicit Warnings: Violence, sex
Agent Carter
Too Soon by ohmyohpioneer Description: Daniel Sousa knows exactly how many vacation days Peggy has remaining. Words: 1606 Timeline: Starts in the middle of season 2, and then goes past beyond where Peggy was hurt and diverges from canon and tiny bit. Pairing: Peggy/Daniel Sousa Rating: T+ Warnings: Implications of sex, but it's rated T for a reason...
Beauty and the Beast The Reddest Rose by FizzyLemon Description: Belle stared up at the figure in horror, falling back over a broken marble bench. She'd meant to be brave. She'd meant to not cry. Yet tears streamed down her cheeks and tremors took her body. She'd done this for her father. The minute he crawled in through the front door coughing and retching with fear, she knew she'd be giving something up. Words: 26,796 Timeline: It's like a mishmash of all different variations of the Beauty and the Beast story, including the one where Belle has a bunch of shitty sisters, Cupid and Psyche, and the Disney version. Pairing: Belle/Beast (Adam) Rating: M Warnings: There's some sex, but the violence is what I really need to warn about.
Bob's Burgers
Make You Better by weatheredlaw
Being a teenager is fucking hard sometimes.
Future where Tina's older
Some mild slut-shaming and name calling
girl, you just don't realize by agreaterlove Description: The girl lets her arms fall to her sides and says, "I'm going to inevitably fall in love with one of you." She pauses. "And I pick Jimmy Jr." Zeke's hungry, so he's not really paying attention, but Jimmy Jr's eyebrows immediately shoot up and he exclaims, "I'm sorry, but--who are you?" (basically the growth of tina and zeke's relationship) Words: 5620 Timeline: It starts before the beginning of Bob's Burgers, and goes until Tina and Zeke are in their senior year of high school Pairing: Tina/Zeke Rating: Teen Warnings: Tina-related awkwardness
Dead Like Me
Addicted by Emania
[One Shot] Mason has always been an addict, that isn't going to change...but some addictions just might kill him. Angst. [MasonGeorge] Cross posted under user id803999
George/Mason (onesided?)
Drug use, mild voyurism
Disney's The Little Mermaid
A Fish out of Water by enigmawing
Perhaps a missing chapter from one of our favorite movies about a certain little mermaid. Rated M for a small amount of sexual selfexploration.
Graphic female masturbation, minor mentions of penatrative sex
Doctor Who
A Book Before Bedtime by Random-Battlecry
The Doctor reads a bedtime story. Rose is easily amused. Warning for gratuitous corruption of Dr. Seuss. Oneshot. 9Rose.
Sometime during 2005 series 1 reboot, I guess
Fluff overload
I'm Sorry by OneWhoSitsWithTheTurtles Description: When Rose finally tells the Doctor how she feels, he gets scared and tells her it can never be. Will he be able to turn back the clock and tell her how he feels? [relatively long songfic] 9Rose Words: 2101 Timeline: I don't know Pairing: Rose/Nine Rating: K Warnings: Some angst, you might cry if you cry easily, fluff
Ode to a Throwaway Line by LilacFree Description: Based on a bit of dialogue from the 9th Doctor's first story: 'Rose' and depicts other things going on in London the night of the Auton attack. Words: 289 Timeline: Set during the very first episode of the 2005 reboot Pairing: None Rating: Mature Warnings: It's goofy and a little bit on the mature side, but it makes sense when you read it
Rose Tyler's History of Sex Description: At eight, Rose Tyler learns about sex. It all sounds very peculiar. [DoctorRose, RoseMickey, Others] Words: 3931 Timeline: Goes from the time that Rose is 8 until she dies of old age Pairing: Rose/9 and 10, Rose/Micky, Rose/several OMCs Rating: Mature Warnings: Obviously a lot of talk about sex, but the physical act isn't very graphic at all It's a bit of a tearjerker at the end
Fruits Basket
A Battle Lost by Mizaya
Kyoru. 'It was a weakness, letting her into his heart so firmly that he found himself dreaming of being with her forever.' Three-part fic with lime ending. COMPLETE
Lord knows; don't ask me this
Mildly graphic sex scenes
Home Schooling by gretel_chan Description: Shigure gives Tohru some lessons. . . PWP,M/F Words: ??? Timeline: I don't know/Normal? Pairing: Shigure/Tohru Rating: N/A Warnings: Graphic sex
FullMetal Alchemist
Riza Hawkeye, Cock Inspector by Anne Packrat
Not quite as bad as it sounds. Though I'm still going to hell for writing it. Riza Hawkeye vs. Roy Mustang in a bad hardboiled detective story. Rated for really bad double entendres, sexual language and situations, and excessive abuse of a single joke.
I think this counts as an AU?
Um, I'm going to put Riza/Roy and just go...
It makes sense when you read it until the end
Paperwork by Anne Packrat Description: Roy Mustang will jump at anything that gets him out of paperwork. Unfortunately, this time Riza Hawkeye is that distraction! Rated for sexual language and scenes. Royai. Roy Riza Words: 903 Timeline: Normal Pairing: Riza/Roy Rating: Mature Warnings: Slightly sexual but nothing very graphic
Guardians of the Galaxy
I Am Groot by sherlocksmyth
EXTREMELY NSFW fic told from the perspective of Groot.
(Follow me on Tumblr -> marvelcolm.tumblr.com
Twitter: @marvelcolm)
It makes sense when you read it
CLICK HERE FOR F R E E S L U T S by headbuttingbears
Will stared at the screen, his face blank.
"Throwback Thursday is a popular theme on the internet," Frederick said, grin audible. "These are from, what? Twenty years ago? How old is… Hot Cops 8: Bareback to the Academy?"
It says that it takes place in season 1
Gay oral sex, mentions of masturbation, porn consumption
Needing and Wanting by little-boo
Walter and Seras spend some time together as she can’t sleep. One shot.
Mild sex scenes. There used to be the full, very graphic, version up on aff.net, but I can no longer find it
Day's Eyes and Moon Pennies by DreadNot Description: Yes, a Valentine's Day fic. Walter and Seras study Victorian flower language. Words: 1,132 Timeline: None/Normal Pairing: Seras/Walter Rating: K+ Warnings: Just some sweet fluff
Valentine's Day Blunder by kelles Description: This is my first attempt at humor. Pip wants to give Seras the perfect gift for Valentine's Day and seeks Walter advice. But, the advice was not the best. One shot, PxS. Words: 922 Timeline: Normal/none Pairing: Seras/Pip Rating: K+ Warnings: Sexy lingerie, but it's not worn, so I'd say that it's exceptionally safe
Eternal Rose by TeaRoses Description: Walter muses on his feelings for Seras Victoria (W x S). Very short. Spoilers. Words: 841 Timeline: Normal/None Pairing: Onesided Walter/Seras Rating: K+ Warnings: Just angsty fluff
Hey Arnold!
Second Helpings by AibouFTW Description: This can’t be happening. But, sure enough it is. Those emerald eyes, that kind smile, that football-shaped head…Yeah, there’s no mistaking it. He’s here. Fuck. Words: 18,743 Timeline: They're all like... in their 20's or something, IDK Pairing: Helga/Arnold, mentions of Phoebe/Gerald and Rhonda/Curly Rating: Explicit Warnings: Sex. Hella awkward, too
How to Train Your Dragon
Enough by astrxd
[Cross posted on my tumblr!] Life on Berk is just beginning to pick back up after Drago's defeat, and everybody has been coping with major changes. When Astrid takes a liking to a particular song (one that sparks many, many memories for Hiccup), the young chief reacts.
Post second movie
Astrid/Hiccup, minor mentions of Stoick/Valka
Not rated, but it's pretty clean
You might cry a little bit
Viking #2 by neurosis (bigspoonnoya) Description: Normally, Astrid didn’t begrudge the opinions of strangers (or she at least preferred to seem as though she didn’t), but when the whole archipelago is hunting you down because they’re mistakenly convinced you’re dating the Pride of Berk, Hope and Heir of the Hooligan Tribe, Dragon Master et al—that’s annoying. And mortifying. Mainly mortifying. Words: 59856 Timeline: Post the first movie Pairing: Astrid/Hiccup Rating: Mature Warnings: Some sex, some violence
Summer Goes by Barkour Description: Summer goes, but Astrid stays. That must stand for something. (Or: Hiccup and Astrid make out and discuss feelings in a meadow.) Words: 5555 Timeline: Post second movie Pairing: Astric/Hiccup Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic oral sex
Seize My Heart by oh_you_pretty_things Description: He was so persistent and his tenacity annoyed her. He was so clever and his innovation annoyed her. He wore his emotions on his face so openly and that annoyed her. But what annoyed her more than anything was how much she noticed him. A series of short vignettes about Astrid and Hiccup. HTTYD2 spoilers. Words: 51,459 Timeline: It starts off when Astrid and Hiccup are pretty young, and then goes way past the second movie Pairing: Hiccup/Astrid Rating: M Warnings: Sex, miscarriage, violence, brief mentions of torture, PTSD You will probably cry.
Howl's Moving Castle
As Others See by JediShampoo
A magical misfire ends with the wrong Howls in the wrong worlds. HMC movie crossover with HMC book. Romance, light humor, light angst. Warning for adult scenes. Complete.
It's a crossover between the book and the movie; both post their respective endings (but the book timeline is before the sequel)
Book Howell/Book Sophie, Movie Howl/Movie Sophie, Movie Howl/Book Sophie, Book Howell/Movie Sophie
Some mild sex scenes
Jupiter Ascending
out of the woods by encroix
A girl wanders into the woods, and is led off the path by a wolf who devours her.
A girl wanders into the woods. A girl falls off the path. A girl finds a wolf.
This is not the same story.
Post movie
An After Dark Fairy Tale by Mrs. Pepperpot
Sarah Williams never believed her experience in the Labyrinth was anything more than a dream. Nine years later, she's a struggling actress in desperate need of a job. What's to become of her when she falls into the Midnight Prince's grasp?
9 years after the movie
Mildly graphic sex that's a little on the dubious side, human and sex trafficking
A Carnival of Dreams by PaintedGlass Description: He's held control of her dreams for so long; it can only be a matter of time before he comes to claim her. Words: 74225 Timeline: 6 years after the movie Pairing: Sarah/Jareth Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic sex, lots of angst, hella long
Redefine by Woubazoid Description:They know how to play games. It's once the pieces are put away and the game is over that they're not sure what to do. Ten years after the end of Labyrinth. Words: 30428 Timeline: Ten years after the movie Pairing: Sarah/Jareth Rating: Mature Warnings: Mildly graphic sex, it's pretty long and crammed into one chapter
Mad World by Annissa Description: Later, Jareth would look back on the moment just before her sudden and unexpected arrival to reassure himself that he hadn’t made any wishes. Wishes always demand payment, and some wishes have far higher prices than others. Words: 98,809 Timeline: It's ~3 years after the movie? And then it just goes wild for a long time Pairing: Sarah/Jareth Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic sex Some implied child molestation and various child abuse, but it all feeds back into the "The gobling king takes children away from shitty situations". (But the story totally could have gone on without them, though, so I feel like it's just sort of shitty... Whatever.)
The Librarians
Summer of Fluff by angellwings, Imagination_Parade, justlook3
A collection of short, unrelated one-shots written from prompts sent to us on the JassandraTrash Tumblr blog as part of our Summer Fluffathon Celebration
They're all sort of all over the place...
Just a bunch of fluff. Some brief mentions of characters having had sex, but the actual sex is always off screen.
And the Global Phenomenon by Imagination_Parade Description: Some of the Librarians have gotten swept up in the Pokemon Go craze that's currently sweeping the globe...while others are left wondering what the heck has come over the team. A fun little team fic that you'll probably be able to relate to, whether you play the game or not! Words: 1699 Timeline: Obviously right after Pokemon Go came out... Pairing: None Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Mayhem and job ignoring because of Pokemon
Under the Mistletoe by Imagination_Parade Description: The Library knows what's going on between Stone and Cassandra. He sees all the looks, the smiles, the gentle flirting. Now, Christmas is approaching, and before the festive season is over, the Library's going to make sure those two end up under the mistletoe every time the opportunity presents itself. Maybe all they need is a gentle nudge in the right direction. Words: 3171 Timeline: Post that one episode with Jake's dad Pairing: Jake/Cassandra Rating: General Warnings: Just some holiday fluff; nothing more!
Totally Worth It by BadOctopus Description: "Do you really think I came all the way here, and stole you from your island on the night before your wedding, because I feel sorry for you?" Timeline: Post Movie Pairing: Maui/Moana Rating: Teen Warnings: A lot of awkward fluff and some makeouts
Smitten by NRGburst Description: “I am a demigod, okay? Stop that! I will smite you! You want to get… smote? Smoten?” Timeline: Post movie Pairing: Maui/Moana Rating: Mature Warnings: Masturbation, although the actual sex is rather glossed over and it's a little disapointing.
By Skies and Sea by Islenthatur Description: She prayed to the god's for Maui to find that love he desired, to fine anyone who would forever be by his side so he didn't have to suffer the frailty of mortality to an endless sky of immortality. It just took a while for her to realise they already did. Timeline: Post movie Pairing: Maui/Moana Rating: Teen Warnings: Just some mildly angsty fluff
Sweet Water by wendybyrd
Chasing Madame Cloud Splendor by Illyana Lian-hua Wendybyrd
Mulan, Shang, a river by moonlight..... Those who would see this as profane look away! Hide your eyes, for yes! I have brought sex into the story. (By popular request, a continuation of Wendybrd's "Sweet Water." Take note of the rating, this is our evocative version of Mulan.)
4,917 (28,200)
The first part happens just before Shang tries to send “Ping” home, and the sequel spans across the rest of the movie, and then some
Mulan (Ping)/Shang
Graphic sex, some homosexuality until Shang realizes that Ping is actually Mulan
Pirates of the Caribbean
The Kiss by Lost and Found Puppy
It was worth it. Bugger, was it worth it. JackElizabeth, shortshort
Second movie (I think?)
Um... fluffy Jack thoughts about Liz?
Growth by thatonewriterchick
Guzma’s done a lot of growing in the decade since reemerging from the wormhole. But he’s still fighting to get and keep things he feels he doesn’t really deserve.
Ten years after the end of Sun/Moon
Guzma/Moon, mentions of Gladion/Moon
Sex, mentions of physical child abuse
1NEW1 Healing by irinokat Description: Seeing Guzma back with his parents is a bit more painful than you might realize at first. Words: 78,561 Timeline: It's a few months after the end of Sun/Moon Pairing: Guzma/You (female reader) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Sex, physical/domestic abuse
1NEW1 Not Safe For Work by filthy_rat Description: It's been a year and a half since Team Skull was actually a thing, and ex-boss Guzma is trying his best to be a better person. He's gotten a job at the local Pokecenter cafe, catering to demanding customers day in and day out to pay the rent on a crappy trailer he shares with his golisopod. He meets Crysta a few months after Team Skull disbands, and the two become fast friends. When he leaves his hoodie, the only thing he's kept from those days, at her apartment during a party, she decides to keep it... Just for a little bit. Words: 9007 Timeline: A year and a half post game, I guess? Pairing: Guzma/OC Rating: Mature Warnings: Sex. There's also a mildly NSFW picture about halfway into the story, so... take warning
Shall We Date: Wizardess Heart
What's Mine Is Yours by caustickitty
In which we discover that Elias and Klaus are good at sharing... at least when it comes to MC.
A warning: I didn’t tag this with incest, because there isn’t any physical contact or attraction between Klaus and Elias. There is more of a voyeurism kink to this story than anything else. But it’s still a story about group sex with two brothers, so… yeah, if that kind of thing bothers you, you should probably skip this.
I'm not quite sure, but sometime after she's accepted, although it's probably during her Klaus route.
Klaus/MC/Elias threesome
Graphic sex and some mild language
Three-Quarters Curiosity by Tallulah99
Curiosity has always been the driving force in the life of Sherlock Holmes. Tonight it drives him to embark on a potential experiment that means working with volatile elements and potentially explosive results...and Molly Hooper. Written for the '50 Reasons to Have (Sherlolly) Sex' meme on tumblr. Sherlolly. Rated M for a reason. Incredible cover art byFlavialikestodraw.
Don't ask me this/Normal?
Graphic Sex
Sky High
Honestly by pandacowhipster
“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this."
“I wouldn’t call you stalking me at work every time you get stood up ‘meeting’, but I agree, please stop.”
Post high school
There was some mild mentions of sex, but you have to squint to see it
And kissing. There's some kissing, too
When we were strangers (or five ways Layla and Warren never met) Description: Five ways Layla and Warren never met Words: 5110 Timeline: All AUs Pairing: Warren/Layla, some mentions of Layla/Wil and Warren/random girl Rating: General audiences Warnings: There was some mild mentions of sex/one night stands, but it was really minor
Stargate: SG1/Atlantis/Universe
The Cat by Kuna Yashmaa
This is an old Wraith–related story. I’m just resubmitting it.
Um... none?
The ending is mildly depressing
Stranger Things
The Time After The First Time by apollos Description: This is a love like no other. The first time Nancy and Jonathan have sex after the gate closes and all the emotions and realizations that come along with it. Words: 5841 Timeline: Post Season 2 Pairing: Johnathan/Nancy Rating: Mature Warnings: Sex
Teen Titans
Badedas by Salmon Pink
Starfire wants to learn of Earth customs, and she wants to experience everything, and she wants to experience EVERYTHING. Starfire x Raven
Main: Starfire/Raven (onesided)
Minor mentions of: Starfire/Nightwing
Female masturbation
It's All Tamaranean to Me by Takashi Miike Description: One shot: Robin and Starfire, at last, have time to become intimate. Warning: graphic sexual content. First posted fic. Review please. Words: 3119 Timeline: Normal? Pairing: Robin/Starfire Rating: Mature Warnings: Pretty graphic sex ...I'm not quite sure that I can properly describe what happens at the end, but just read it, okay?
In Heat by samstjames
I don't know
Graphic Sex
If Bella Were Sane by The One Called Demetra
The events of Twilight, had Bella been the only sane woman in the Twilight universe. Diarystyle. T because normal teenagers don't say 'Holy crow' when they swear.
It spans the entire Twilight series
Bella/Mike, Bella/Jacob, one-sided Bella/Edward
Mostly just some swearing and Edward being creepy as fuck, but there is some talk of rape at the end (it makes sense when you read it)
What's Your Number?
be the change by torigates Description: Colin lived in his apartment for almost four years before he ever said more than a “Hello,” or “Good morning,” to the girl in 6C, Allison Darling. Words: 6148 Timeline: Before and during the movie, and a tiny little bit after it Pairing: Ally/Colin Rating: Explicit Warnings: Sex, but it's about in line with the movie, with the exception of an oral scene
0 notes