#'I've heard of mommy issues but this is ridiculous!'
bogleech · 2 years
idea: bloodborne properly ported to the pc but the final moment has the squid baby turn to the camera and say something like “....CHECK PLEASE!” or “Well THAT escalated!” I think that would just really tie the whole story together you know and like really humanize them with relatable dialog normal people say in real life every day
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kookslastbutton · 1 year
Too Late to Dream ༓ jjk (m)┃ch. V
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✑ Summary: You did it. You married your college professor. You even bought a house together. Against all odds, everything had fallen into place. But after two years of marriage, you begin feeling something was missing. You want a baby but your husband can’t say the same.
Pairing: economics professor!jungkook x fem!artist!reader
AU/Genre: angst, smut, fluff, marriage au, age gap, series
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 3,342
Warnings: 8-year age gap, mentions of professor-student relationship (oc was a Masters student), jk has milk obsession, oc injured, both lonely :(, mommy issues, lots of family drama/in-laws, fighting, pent-up issues/desires, jk has daddy issues, jk being good hubby to oc
Now Playing: Make It Right, Tryna Be, Infinity, It Will Rain, Heaven+
A/N: I've heard the requests and I think it's time to fulfill them–how did they get together?! Yes, it's here and I'm excited to finally share! Also, yes this took up whole chapter so a tiny break from present-day stuff but we'll be back at it next chapter. 💞
<< ch. IV ༓ ch. Vl >> | series masterlist
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Before marrying you, Jungkook had the same routine. He got up, showered, brushed his teeth, put work clothes on, grabbed breakfast, and ran out the door with twenty minutes to spare. Trying to find a parking spot at 7 a.m. at the university was no joke and he had to leave early or some college kid would take the last spot and not think twice.
His night routine was similar. Jungkook finished the day between 5 and 6 pm, slowly regretting he ever agreed to teach evening classes. He’d kick off his shoes, eat dinner, grade some of his student’s papers if needed, brush his teeth again, and went to bed.
It was a constant cycle and with no one around, not even a pet, Jungkook’s life was fairly quiet and systematic. Sometimes his buddies would come over on the weekend for a couple of hours and that surely rocked his world.
But that wouldn’t happen often during the school season due to his ridiculously packed teaching schedule. The most recent person he’d hang around during those months was Taehyung and if he wasn’t free, Jungkook would spend his time at the grocery store–stocking up on milk.
4 years ago
“That was two weeks ago man,” Jungkook says, pushing a cart with five-gallon jugs of milk to his car. He’s on the phone with Taehyung who's reminiscing about the grand opening of the new art exhibit and how “lovely” it was to meet you there.
Jungkook doesn’t need reminding though.
He clearly remembers seeing you there and Taehyung happily making a complete fool of him once he found out who you were. Thankfully you hadn’t seemed to mind too much since you and Taehyung soon moved on to discuss various art theories, masterpieces, and underrepresented artists.
“You didn't have to stay y'know.” If Jungkook didn't know any better he'd think Taehyung was salty. "You could've left at 8 pm like you planned. __ and I would have been fine."
Jungkook winces hearing the man's argument. He did think about going home at 8, but it unsettled him to leave you alone with Taehyung. His colleague was enjoying himself a little too much that night and there’s no telling what he’d do or say when he’s overly comfortable.
Jungkook had to stay until you left.
"Are you kidding me? Leaving you unsupervised would've been the worst idea after all your endless blubbering." Jungkook pops the trunk of his car, stuffing the jugs of milk inside. "God knows what you'd scar __ with."
On the other line, Taehyung smirks through the speaker. "No, that's not it......you weren't going to leave me alone with a woman, an attractive one at that."
Jungkook grabs the last jug of milk, slamming it on the floorboard. "Student, and stop talking about her like that. She's my stu—"
"Say student one more time and I'm going to take all your milk and give it to Yoongi hyung's cats."
"I swear to god, Taehyung, if you touch my milk I'm never going to another art museum or wine tasting with you again." Jungkook is very protective of his dairy products.
"That's okay. I don't need you when __ says she'll be happy to go with me sometime." Smug bastard, Jungkook thinks. There's no way you said that.
"That's bull Taehy—"
"Look she's in her masters and is literally eight years younger than you. It's not that serious so stop acting like she's fresh out of high school. Besides, you said it yourself, she's not a child."
Jungkook grunts, shoving the cart into the others. "She's a young lady who happens to be enrolled in the school. As faculty, we have no business thinking or talking about her outside those terms."
"For fucksake, Kook. You always make things so complicated!" Taehyung's baritone voice cracks through the speaker. "I'm just trying to get you to admit that you're into her some way or another. How many other students have I stayed to talk to and you couldn't give a—"
Just then a loud, high-pitch screech interrupts the call. Jungkook whips his head around immediately. He doesn't spot anything at first but a string of profanities remains audible in the distance.
"Jungkook, are you okay?"
"Yeah, but someones screaming and I can't tell where it's coming from." Jungkook walks around the grocery parking lot, eyes darting left and right. "Oh shit!"
There, near the bus stop, you lay on your side with your right leg stretched out and blood running from your temple. You try getting up but you fall right back down, cursing sharply.
"Taehyung I gotta go, it's __. I don't know what happened but she's laying by the bus stop and I think she needs help!" Jungkook shuts his phone and races to where you lay. He kneels next to you with sheer horror on his face. "__, what happened? What can I do?"
"Damn college boys, Dr. Jeon," you spit, dragging your leg up as far as you can. You reach for your bag which had flung about a foot away when you crashed. "So fucking eager to get off the bus and—oh damn that hurts like a bitch!"
"What hurts?" Jungkook lunges forward to catch your torso from slamming on the hard concrete. "Stay still okay? We need to get you to the hospital."
"I'm all set, but thanks. It'll likely heal in a day."
Jungkook shakes his head and wraps an arm under your back and legs. "Can you put your arms around my neck?"
"Dr. Jeon, I appreciate what you're doing but I don't want to go to the hospital. Please."
You're serious. No trace of bluffing or even simply trying to act tough. You really don't want to go.
"You need to be checked by a doctor sweetheart," Jungkook insists. "Whatever happened has made it so you can't walk. C'mon, my car is nearby and I'll drive you over."
"No, wait!" He feels you push against his chest.
"__. I'm not leaving you without making sure you didn't break a bone or something. I don't want to make things worse but you don't look so hot right now. So please, let me take you." Jungkook lifts you up when you give a barely consenting yes.
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"You sprained your ankle pretty bad hun." Dr. Kim Seokjin draws your attention to the X-ray scan. "Second degree." He points to the visual of your partially torn ligament. "There's going to be a lot of swelling so you're gonna need to stay off your foot for at least 4 weeks."
"Do I have to stay here?" is your first question.
"For the first couple of weeks, we strongly advise—yes." Dr. Kim moves on to the next X-ray scan. "You also cracked a rib which will also take about 4 weeks to heal, or more. Of course you're head has suffered a mild concussion as well but it's very mild thankfully." Dr. Kim catches sight of Jungkook next to you, staring at the scans. "You're wife's going to be okay," he says mid-diagnoses.
"We're not—" you start to say but Dr. Kim continues talking.
"Wife, girlfriend, lover, what have you. The point is, much of what we have here will recover with a month of rest, ice, and elevation." He takes a pen from his pocket and starts jotting down something on paper. "I recommend two weeks here for moderation purposes. If things look good, you finish the healing at home. Still, be careful though, no funny business."
The blank looks on both your faces tell Dr. Kim he wasn't clear enough. "Yah, my filters going to die with you two doe-eyed deer. No funny business means no sex!"
"Oh god!" You outburst, mortified by the thought. Jungkook whips his head to your slack-jawed expression. "Dr. Kim, it's not like that between us."
The older man suddenly zeros in on your professor, eyes narrowing slightly. "What's the matter son? Having trouble getting it up?"
Jungkook jolts in his seat, startled by the crass response. "I—no, what? There's nothing wrong with my—"
"We're not together!" You shout before Jungkook's sentence finishes. "We're friends." Saying that your professor brought you here sounded a little odd for some reason, especially when Dr. Kim was already convinced you two were a thing.
"Mhm sure, heard the same thing from my wife before we went off and eloped." Dr. Kim treads to the door. If he has a dime for how many times he's heard that "we're friends" bs he'd be...well, he's already rich so never mind. "Let's move on to something more productive now, like getting __ settled in a room. The sooner she starts the healing process, the sooner she can be good as new again."
"Thank you Dr. Kim," Jungkook says, slowly standing up to stroll you and your wheelchair out of the room. You didn't like it but the nurses insisted you be in one to keep pressure off your muscles.
"Yeah yeah." Dr. Kim waves him off. "Just remember what I said, no funny business. Especially here at the hospital. You don't know how many times I've heard the nurses catching their patients on top of one another at 2 am in the morning. That better not be you two, whoever you are to each other."
"Yes, doctor." You both reply, thankful of the fact that neither of you are in any position to be looking at each other.
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"Is there any way I can be here for less than two weeks?" Jungkook watches as you plead with the nurse. It worries him that you're still anxious to avoid medical attention.
"I'm afraid not," the nurse says simply. "If you need anything, press the call button and I'll be in as soon as I can."
Once the nurse leaves, Jungkook pulls up a chair next to your bed. "Stupid question but how are you feeling?"
"I'm in an ankle brace, my rib burns, and my head is still dizzy. I'm trapped in the hospital for two weeks and all because a bunch of nineteen-year-old boys couldn't wait to hit up some frat party," you groan, not bearing in mind your tongue. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this Dr. Jeon."
"You didn't drag me into anything __. I'm glad I was there when this happened and I'm even more glad that you're here, getting help." Jungkook clears his throat before continuing. "Even if it isn't ideal for you."
You ignore the subtle pry for information. "Please, Dr. Jeon. You don't have to stay any longer. It's the weekend and I'm sure you have plans."
Jungkook gives a faint smile. "So, you're saying this is none of my business?"
"No, not—not at all. I mean if you want to stay then I guess you can but I don't want you to feel obligated or anything."
"I want to be here," Jungkook says simply. "But you know that's not what I meant. I'd like to know why it bothers you when anyone tries to help you...if I may."
"Just habit," you mumble quickly, averting eye-contact. It's not your professor's job to bear the weight of your problems.
Jungkook nods in reply, pretending you gave a satisfactory explanation. He wishes you'd tell him but if you didn't want to share more then that was your choice —he wasn't going to force you. "I understand." He grabs his phone from his pocket and rests his elbows on his knees. "Are you hungry?"
"Huh?" You look back at him, his question going right over your head.
"I asked if you're hungry. It's about dinner time so I can get you something if you want. I also have a bunch of milk in my trunk that needs to get to a fridge. But I can place the order now and pick it up in my way back here."
"Milk in your trunk?" Is the only words you repeat, dumbfounded. "Like chocolate milk or...?"
"Nah, Whole Milk." Jungkook grins at your scrunched up face. You try to hide it but not very well. "Don't look so disgusted. Milk is good for you."
"Yeah when you're ten years old."
"On the contrary!" You flinch when his voice rises, along with his eyebrows. "Milk has a lot of health benefits as adults. It has thirteen essential nutrients and helps maintain muscle and bone strength. I drink at least two full glasses a day, if not more."
"I'm sorry but that's nasty." You shudder at the thought of drinking milk in your twenties let alone your thirties. "You really enjoy it? The taste?"
"Yup, always have since a baby! Loved it so much that my mother-" You raise an eyebrow to which he abruptly switches topics. "Anyway, do you want me to pick you up something or no?"
You giggle, a little uncomfortable with whatever he was about to disclose to you.
"That's okay, no thanks."
"You sure? Otherwise I'm gonna be eating in front of you." Jungkook knows how this sounds — he's trying to force you to eat. But the truth is, he just doesn't want to eat by himself tonight. He also doesn't want to leave you alone this early, especially when you obviously detest being here, for whatever reason.
"I'm sure," you say. "But...if you want to come back you can. Not like I have anything to do anyway."
"Good then." Pleased, Jungkook opens up his phone contacts. "Give me you're number in case you change your mind while I'm out."
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Over the next couple of weeks, Jungkook continues to stay by your side. He leaves to teach his classes of course and to go home late at night, but he stops by every day—hours at a time.
You keep insisting that he not come so much but he always makes the same excuses. "I just brought food" or "You're on my way home from the university". Sometimes he brings in class notes too.
Due to your current predicament, you're missing a lot of content so Jungkook thinks it best to go over key principles with you and takeaways from his lectures. He says it's his duty as a professor–never minding the fact that many of his other students are in a predicament of their own yet he’s not bothering to do jack for them.
"Look Dr. Jeon, I appreciate what you're doing but you really don't have to. I'll be perfectly alright to catch myself up from the textbook and study guides. You don't have to keep stopping by." You try again but Jungkook keeps his wall just as strong as yours.
"I know I don't have to __. I know that I could leave right now, take all these lecture notes home with me, and not feel guilty about a thing. But I told you I was going to be here and I'm going to keep to that no matter how many times you urge me to leave. I also want you to call me Jungkook outside class but have you allowed for any of those to happen?" Jungkook tosses the folder of notes in his sachel, a loud thump following. "A simple thank you would suffice."
"I am grateful, I really am. But I never asked to be given so much of your time. I feel bad because maybe you're just one of those overly nice people who feel it's their duty to stick around or what not when someone's in trouble. I don't need to be pitied over! Also, you said I could keep calling you the usual, so Dr. Jeon it will remain!" Why you're raising your voice, you don't know but it's happening either way.
"Yeah I did," Jungkook quips, matching your tone. "But after the last, nearly two weeks I think we ought to be on a first-name basis! And I'm in no way pitying you okay? I'm here because I care dammit! I don't want you to be alone and I don't want you to be behind in getting your Masters. So I' try to be be here every day for at least fifteen minutes if not more!"
You don't fully process what he says so you reply to what you remember most. "Why? Why can't I call you Dr. Jeon? It's been that way from the start, twice every week. So why do I need to call you Jungkook all a sudden?!"
"Because it makes me feel younger, you insulted my milk after I first took you to the hospital, we've been eating dinner almost every night since your injury, you told me about your childhood cat named Mr. Muttonbottom, and you just called me by my first name so there are no take backs! Now, if you're done making a fit, do you want bibimbap or jajangmyeon for dinner tonight?!"
What the actual hell? You cease your arguing at once, hearing your professor, or excuse you, Jungkook, all fluffed up. Obviously, you're not the only one high-strung over being stuck in the same routine day in, day out.
"Jajangmyeon...please," you mutter.
"Thank fuck," he swears. Yeah that's new too.
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"Sorry for getting mad earlier." You mumble the words as soon as Jungkook returns with the food. "It just feels odd that you've been here all the time...you're my professor."
Jungkook mauls over your choice of words, stiffening ever so slightly. "Well, I'd like to think we're sorta friends now but alright. Does this actually bother you __? I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, you know that." He places the bag of take-out on the small desk near your bed.
"No, it's doesn't bother me." you just don't know how to react or what to say besides a measly thank you. More so, you don't want to make someone feel responsible for you...you should take care of your own shit without bringing others with you. It's not the best mindset, you're aware, but its the one you have.
"Okay good because to be completely transparent, I'm sorta here for me too. I live my myself, eat by myself, talk to myself....I do most things alone so it's nice having someone else to be around." He's not sure where to set his eyes, so he looks downward, fumbling with the napkins in front of him. "I'm making this awkward, sorry."
Feeling the strange need to offer comfort, you stretch a hand over Jungkook's arm. "I get it. It's nice having someone around too."
You and Jungkook hold each other's gaze for a few seconds more, letting the brief silence do the rest of the talking. Maybe you've been looking at this a little too one-sided.
"How are you feeling today? Any better?" Jungkook cracks open the bowl of Jajangmyeon, handing it to you with a pair of chopsticks.
You take the steamy food and gesture to your ankle which has swollen down a good amount. "Still more healing to be done but it's better."
Jungkook hums in approval. "That's comforting to hear. Dr. Kim going to discharge you soon?"
"Yeah, I think so. A few more days and he said I should be able to rest up at home."
"Really?" He chews on his bottom lip. "Well great, uhm , do you have stuff going on when you get back?"
You think a moment, trying to recollect if you made plans with Na-Rae. "Maybe some but not much. I don't have a ton of people around me right now either...down here I mean."
"Well, do you wanna go out to dinner then?" Jungkook pops the question more causal than expected. It's almost like he planned this or at least has been thinking about it for a bit. "We've been eating together for a while now and I think it might be a nice celebratory thing."
"Are you asking me on a date...Jungkook?" Because it defiantly sounds like he is, as indirect as it may be.
His reply is barely audible but you hear it and for the first time, your professor sounds truly timid. "Uh, well...let's go with "hang out", like friends do."
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A/N: so yeah, thats how they got together 👀😅 anyone surprised? Thinking about a drabble for thier first date now haha. Anyway, next chapter we get back to present day stuff where more drama goes down. Also, adding a chapter bc this flashback took the whole chapter lol. Lmk your thoughts 💞
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no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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Okay, I just finished Wednesday and I have a couple of thoughts. Spoiler free (well, there's a minor one on point 4 and 11), but they're gonna be a little whiny because it's my blog after all
1. That was really good. I was so invested in it even though I wasn't sure I wanted to watch it since I'm so fed up with hetero stuff.
2. The boys are so ugly. They're supposed to be heartthrobs? The only thing throbbing is my fucking head.
3. They're SO weird with Wednesday. "I thought you liked me" why? She gives you literally no special treatment. What is wrong with you? A girl talking to you means she's interested?
4. Wednesday is so fucking adorable when she smiles. I know I just said that the guys are annoying, but her kisses with Tyler in episode 7 are so fucking cute. When she tilts her head to kiss him? Adorable. Her smile after her second kiss with him? JESUS, bro. Her facial expression and eyes make me want to hug her
5. I'm so sick of hetero crap lmao. Enid is right fucking there. They're parallels of each other. But noooo, we gotta have hetero shit.
6. I'm a little annoyed they threw in "who's the lucky guy... Or girl?" I don't understand why shows do that? I can't quite articulate my thoughts, but supergirl also did the same thing with that one guy being like "oh my god you're a lesbian" when he got Kara on the roof. Kara wasn't a lesbian. She wasn't even bi. Wednesday isn't a lesbian or bi. WHY do shows throw that shit in? It's so odd, and it feels like they want inclusivity points, but... You don't get to claim inclusivity while not making your story inclusive? It's not inclusive to insinuate Wednesday likes girls just to then have her NOT like girls 😭.
7. Enid is so fucking adorable. I feel like I've met girls like her before. She's (literally) a puppy. I love her. She deserves better than some ridiculous boy.
8. It should've been gay. I'm kinda sad it's not. I really am SO tired of heterosexuality. It's so boring, and it's gross for me to watch girls making out with boys. Especially when the boys aren't even good characters lmao. At least develop them.
9. It's annoying that I know wenclair is likely never going to be canon. However, it wouldn't be NEARLY as annoying if the network and the actors weren't doing that annoying thing where they pretend like it's TOTALLY there even though the writers have literally no intention of ever pursuing it.
10. All in all a great show I recommend despite the annoying straight shit. Ten out of ten. It was an enthralling mystery show tbh. The last 2 episodes held moments where I questioned if Wednesday was the good guy. Like, that's fucking amazing and I was actually filled with dread and felt a little uncomfortable watching because of what Wednesday was doing.
11. Why has no one brought up that Tyler was groomed? Laurel was doing some weird inappropriate shit with him and I was so shocked to see it because I hadn't heard it talked about. Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough but Christ. That just makes the show darker.
12. Excited for season 2 if there is one.
13. The whole mommy issues thing was SO good. I loved it. It felt realistic. That being said, I love that Wednesday and Morticia's relationship didn't feel abusive. They just felt like different people.
I'll probably write more on this as this show settles. I finished it only 20 minutes ago so 😭
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medschoolash · 6 years
Have you seen the MJ doc? Leaving Neverland? If so, do you believe them? You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I've just seen so many opinions on it and would like your take. Something I personally can't get passed is the 10 year FBI investigation that found no proof. But is that just a blinded fan talking?idk.
No I haven’t seen the MJ documentary yet. I’ve heard different things about it from social media and friends and family but I haven’t gotten around to watching it yet.  I plan to watch it with an open mind but I’m still not quite sure how to feel about MJ. I haven’t known how to feel about him for a long time. I think hardcore MJ stans are interesting because they gloss over a lot of his glaring personal issues as if they were non existent and it’s ridiculous of question him. I mean many of them can’t even admit that he had an issue with his blackness and paint him as the ultimate “pro-black” man like he didn’t marry strictly white woman and didn’t purposely create children with non-black women. So for me as much as I want to believe their hardcore defense of MJ I can’t trust their judgement to not be skewed heavily in his favor no matter what potential evidence might be against him. And ultimately when it comes to a topic like this I’m just not willing to place my entire opinion in the hands of biased individuals. Child sexual abuse is a topic I just will not ever budge on or take lightly. Most children don’t make abuse up unless carefully groomed and prompted to do so, so when they speak I listen with the intention of believing them. Even if those abuse claims involve the biggest pop star to ever walk the planet.
As much as I adored him when it comes to MJ it’s hard to process my thoughts on him into a firm opinion because their are so many conflicting ideas and stories out there. From my understanding it was discovered that one of the children from the original case was prompted to lie by his parents. There is also the fact that he was acquitted of the charges way back then to consider but I still have issues with MJ that I can’t just gloss over and they lend some credibility to the idea that he had an unhealthy fixation on children that very well could have turned sexual in nature. 
Let’s say the accusations are all completely false, based on stories from several young boys at the very least MJ had a very inappropriate fixation and relationship with children as an adult, particularly male children. There had to have been some deep psychological problem that would make an adult man fixate on young boys the way he did and no the “he just really loved children” defense doesn’t fly. He seemed to have a very particular type and age range of child that he wanted to be around. This preference for young emotionally vulnerable boys is alarming to say the least and even the people who have come out to dispel the rumors don’t paint him in a better light.  I recently re read Macauley Culkin’s interview from years ago about testifying on MJs behalf and I believe him when he says that he was never molested by MJ but there are so many red flags and unanswered questions in his interview. He vividly describes being at MJs house constantly, being picked up from hotels, holding phone conversations for HOURS with him, being at his home and spending the night and sharing his bed until he was basically a pre-teen, vacationing with him, etc. What adult behaves this way with children? how does this behavior not make it easy to believe that maybe just maybe MJ did more to other kids than we want to believe? why fixate on children? Something else that struck me about that interview is that his younger brother was also constantly with MJ but he never speaks on his time there or his feelings about the allegations. I find that odd and possibly alarming. 
Many MJ defenders say he was a child in his mind and felt connected to children but why only male children? I have yet to hear about him having close friendships with female children. Also....let’s say he did truly believe in his mind that he was a child, why is it outside the realm of possibility that he felt that exploring sexual acts with children was okay because he too was a child? Children do explore sexuality at very young ages, whether it’s innocent kisses on the play ground, playing “mommy and daddy”, or even simulating sex with each other out of curiosity it happens. If he was so mentally disturbed that he was convinced that he was a child and surrounded himself with children then who’s to say that this exploration never happened like the accusers are saying it did? 
There is also this idea that just because he didn’t molest some children that came to his house it’s impossible that he could have molested the ones accusing him. Unfortunately in my family their is a pedophile, a sick disgusting pedophile that had constant access to several young family members when I was growing up. I was never molested or abused, but several others were. Just because he didn’t chose me doesn’t mean he didn’t chose anyone to abuse. Abusers are strategic and discriminatory. So the idea that “well this person says it never happened and it was always innocent so clearly they are lying” is just a way to gaslight victims and make them believe that their abuse never happened. Also, he could have had 100s of children in and out of his home and if he touched just ONE sexually it doesn’t matter how many others he didn’t touch, one is enough
As far as your feelings on the FBI investigation.... His defenders bring that up a lot but I have to ask what type of proof was the FBI supposed to find during an investigation outside of video evidence and DNA? Clearly MJ wasn’t R Kelly. If he did abuse children he wasn’t recording videos or keeping trophies. If it wasn’t for new video evidence R Kelly would still be walking around a free man because there was no proof of him abusing all those woman besides their testimony and the testimony of other people who could corroborate their accounts of what happened. Most children who are victims of abuse can’t hand over proof of what happened. How do you prove that a child was taken into a room and sexually abused with anything besides video and DNA evidence that can only be collected soon after the crime occurred and if the clothing and bedding wasn’t cleaned or thrown away? What was this FBI investigation supposed to find in the 10 years they “investigated” him to corroborate these stories besides footage or images? Basically what I’m saying is that there being no proof is not a get out of jail free card for MJ when you’re dealing with child sexual abuse. The only proof you’ll ever really get is the testimony of the abused, whether it be them revealing it to the police, family, etc. History has shown that not even VIDEO evidence is enough proof in some cases.
Basically at this point I want to believe that MJ was just a deeply psychologically disturbed person because of his experiences as a child prodigy who dissociated into a child like state to cope, but I see too many red flags to just accept that as fact without challenging because their are too many things that suggest that it could have been more than that. 
I hope this answer was decent enough for you. 
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shipcestuous · 6 years
idk if you've seen it, but there's elements of a mother/son relationship in the new netflix series Maniac. i've not finished it yet and i doubt anything will happen between them, but the things in it are stuff like when she first turns up she kisses him on the lips, she apparently use to sleep in his bed, and she's jealous of his girlfriends etc
I’m so glad you brought this up because I was going to mention it too. I watched Maniac over the weekend and the mother/son relationship was definitely striking.
For those of you who are unfamiliar, Maniac is a limited (10 episode) series that premiered on Netflix last week. It’s about a trial for a drug that is supposed to cure unhappiness, and Justin Theroux’s character James is one of the lead doctors. His mother, Gerta (Sally Fields) is a world-famous therapist and there’s this whole thing about him going into neuroscience because of her profession and his success meaning the elimination of her profession. He obviously has DEEP deep mommy issues, and he and his mother are estranged when the series begins, but he’s forced to ask for her help with his super computer, which was given the ability to feel empathy. (And which was designed after his mother and named after her - GRTA.)
The kiss was insane – it was more than just a peck on the lips – he had heard lipstick smeared all over his mouth and it went on for more than a second. I had to make a gif of it just so you all could get a sense of it.
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James has a love interest colleague and she accuses his mother of being jealous. Also, his mother has some gigolo staying with her who is probably even younger than James. (And James shows him a lot of contempt.)
The way he mentioned that she spent way too much time in his bed definitely sounded suggestive, although earlier he had said that that happened when he was 8 or so, when his dad left, but maybe it went on after that too.
It’s the sort of mother/son dynamic that I like so I shipped it a lot. He just couldn’t even think straight when she was around. It was delightful.
I’m hesitant to call it canon exactly – I think it was more poking fun at psychology and making James a slightly ridiculous character than it was intended to mean that either one of them had lustful feelings towards each other, in spite of all the suggestive things that happened.
I’ll also hijack this ask to make a couple of other comments about Maniac: there’s a relationship between sisters that is a huge part of the story. Emma Stone’s character, Annie, who is in the drug trial, is dealing with the grief of losing her younger sister Ellie. The younger sister is dead from the start but a lot of the narrative involves being inside the characters’ heads so they spend a lot of time interacting. They had a complicated relationship due to Annie’s issues and their family history but you can see by how broken Annie is by Ellie’s death that Ellie was her everything. The other main character is played by Jonah Hill, and he’s schizophrenic and has visions of his brother, Jed. Except it’s not Jed as he is as much as who he wishes Jed was. I found it kind of fascinating. I almost would have watched a whole series unpacking his family’s drama.
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beabee-reads · 3 years
Book Review: Conveniently Convicted by Ivy Asher, Raven Kennedy
Read: 19.07.2021 - 20.07.2021
Warning: Massive spoilers ahead. I'll also be talking/mentioning some questionable behavior/gigantic red flags.
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Let me just start this review by saying: If you're going into this and expecting a serious story, with serious topics taken seriously, you've already failed, and will turn up disappointed even before the ride has ended. If you're only here to find out about what to expect, I'll spare you my ramblings, long story short: Girl get sold off to alpha, evades by landing in jail, MOMMY ISSUES, finds prison guard to fuck, really cringe/boring sex scenes, gets released from jail, the guard was actually the alpha all along, they have sex, she forgives him, WHOOP WHOOP they live happily ever after. So yeah, the book is shallow, immature, childish and CRUDE. The love interest is also a seriously self-centred bastard, who only stands there, and watches when the heroine is being beat up, without stepping in and helping her out.
Now, to my more positive ramblings, because I personally did NOT, go into this with high expectations. I started this book out on a relatively positive note; by listening to Freaking Me Out by Ava Max (which is a *chef's kiss* song by the way). Not to mention, I was avoiding my room, because a wasp had decided to come visit, and I'm the type of graceful host which doesn't want to offend their guest by suggesting where the nearest exit is. So instead, I was the one who vacated the premises. Also, can I just mention how 'Bounce' being the first word I read, had me grinning an excessive amount? Which I'm pretty sure also made my mom and dad start to wonder about my current mental health state.
On Goodreads this book is tagged as a Reverse Harem, which it totally isn't. There's only one love interest, and it stays that way throughout the whole story. It's a shifter romance, and kudos to the author, who decided to write about a mythical creature that I've honestly never heard about before reading this, instead of taking the usual route and writing about werewolves. The heroine, our dear Sinclair, is that type of nutty character with the type of behavior that is absolutely ridiculous. They seem to constantly be on crack, and they NEVER take ANYTHING seriously. I love these types of characters (to an extent), but the consequence is often that it makes my expectations of the story to take a huge nosedive.
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If I'm being completely honest, and this might come off as a little mean, I think it's lazy writing. The character has no personality, other than being weird and quirky. Which is fine, if that's what you like, and again, I DID say this isn't really the best book to take seriously. I would, however, like to see a more severe reaction in the scene where Sinclair finds out that Rook is the Alpha she's been trying to run from the entire time. Like, cmon dude... I'd figure you'd be at least a little bit peeved, considering he LIED to you about WHO he was. If not, then maybe for the fact that he maybe... um, oh I don't know, BOUGHT YOU??
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The kind of stupid behavior/humor and thought process the characters had in this book, made me CACKLE. Again... it's just so stupid, and absolutely wonderful.
I cock my head, looking him up and down. He’s wearing some major stealth clothes, all black, armored, and uber boring. He’s tall and damn scary looking, with a wicked scar down his left cheek. “Cut yourself shaving?”
"Our asses deserve better than these,” I say, holding up one of the plain pairs of underwear that we’re all issued to prove my point. “These are sad, and I’m here to make sure no one has to go through panty shame ever again.”
Gigantic applause right there.
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The first sex scene in the book was... well, it just was. Let's just say I skipped reading through a lot of it, because it started at a level of ridiculousness where it was hilarious, but soon got to a level where it's just depressing, and second-hand embarrassment is going to be your companion for the rest of your stay, while reading this book. Why the chips, man? WHY.
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