#'billie lurk wanted to be a pirate-'
no-light-left-on · 2 months
every dishonored game (with the exception of DotO) ends with the Outsider narrating what came after, when the story came to a close, and it does give the game the quality of one - a story recounted to you, in detail, by a master storyteller that explains what came after, what fate the characters you grew to love in the tale met, before it all fades to nothing. and it conjures ideas of human Outsider relaying strange stories like this to others, those of the plague and of the coup, tales of the Knife of Dunwall, or the tales of the witch-Empress before she became an Empress at all. maybe even presents the idea of the third game being, at the end of it all, a retelling of what human Outsider lived through, but now he is a little older, a little less otherworldly.
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I feel as though I will get to or motivate myself to finish my little series of the crossover I made. So here are some things that would've happened
- Bonnet asking Ironbeard if he's a good captain. Ironbeard lies that he is so that he won't ask him again. Bonnet having an underlying feeling that he was indeed lying.
- ePiC fight scene between Octavia and Sao. Sao wins.
- Fleance trying to flirt with BEN and BEN ends up hurting his feelings with his sass.
- Cletus and Erik playful bantering with each other and might end up being possible frenemies.
- Bonnet and Haggis fist fighting
- Bonnet deciding to let Haggis live after beating the heck out of him. Lol he shouldn't have done that.
- Davy Jones cameo
- Billy and Islay knowing each other from being apart of an old crew, where they were once friends. Sorta implication they liked each other then but Islay was too emotionally closed off to start a relationship.
- Baozhai trying not to be a creep towards Flint so that he could actually like her back
- Flint slowly liking Baozhai as a friend.
- Baozhai and Flint sharing cute moments together
- Flint denying he's in love with Baozhai, even though he kinda is.
- Baozhai sharing her past with Flint. Flint kinda gets uncomfortable after she carefully describes how she murdered two families that ruined her life and mental state.
- Flint sharing a bit of his own past with Baozhai.
- Islay slowly letting herself open up emotionally.
- Islay and Billy having some of their own romantic plot line going on. Baozhai poking fun at Islay.
- "awww did someone get bit by the love bug or are you feeling all of that on your own? 😏" - Baozhai
- "oh shut up!" Islay
- The squad coming across an abandoned village. They see skeletal remains of the villagers that once lives there. Sends chills down some of their spines.
- A large beast attacking the four. Billy gets pretty messed up when trying to fight it. Islay and Flint trying their best to kill the beast. Baozhai is the one to slaughter it if it weren't for the help of her friends.
- Islay patching up Billy and they end up sharing a rather tender moment with each other.
- Baozhai having a mental breakdown about how she hates being insane and wishes she wouldn't have thoughts about wanting to hurt other people. How she misses thinking like a regular person. Flint trying his best to comfort her. It works and she's all okay again.
- Flint and Baozhai cuddling together ლ(◕ω◕ლ)
- Flint worrying he's getting too attached to Baozhai.
- Islay and Billy getting caught making out lmao
- Bonnet sharing with Leonid that he was once apart of a war. After he left said war, he made a promise to himself he wouldn't kill another man ever again. Makes it clear why he couldn't bring himself to kill Haggis in the first place.
- Leonid suggesting he may or may have not been apart of the Russian mafia.
- Erik getting revenge against Leonid for kicking his ass by cutting off his hand.
- Noëmie having to solve puzzle with Sao while they're stuck in some sort of death trap that's causing the room to get smaller. They survive and both swear to never speak of helping each other.
- Baozhai and Flint weirdly acting like a couple. You know like hugging, semi flirting, and laughing
- Archie after spying on Flint and Baozhai, finds out that they're getting too close with each other. He doesn't know what to think so he tells someone about what he saw. Archie telling Cletus about what he saw. Cletus then telling Noëmie, Noëmie then telling Fleance, Fleance than telling Leonid, Leonid telling Ironbeard, and Ironbeard telling Bonnet. It comes off as a rumor which Bonnet doesn't care too much about. He thinks Baozhai isn't truly in love with him and that its just a short-lived crush.
- Haggis on the other hand, hearing through the grapevine goes: >:O
- "One of MY crewmates was caught flirtin' with one of Bonnet's BASTARD crewmates??? Oh I'm gonna teach that boy a lesson alright >:(("
- Baozhai acting less insane and bloodthirsty.
- Her obsessive thoughts of wanting to be with Flint actually turn healthy.
- Baozhai and Flint sharing a tender moment underneath the stars.
- "I know this is going to sound weird but.. when I'm around you.. I feel sane." Which means a LOT coming from Baozhai.
- Baozhai and Flint damn near kissing only to be interrupted by Islay and Billy walking in on them.
- Islay sharing a story about how she was almost killed by Warden.
- Baozhai sharing some of her own stories and pieces about her own personal life.
- Baozhai daydreaming about being married to Flint and sailing the eitherium.
- Flint knowing he's too far in with Baozhai and doesn't know wether to back out or not. Tries to get advice from Billy but he's unfortunately stuck in same situation except it's with Islay.
- They all arrive to the cave that holds the lost treasure of the Paititi. Just as they do, so does everyone else. There's plenty of treasure but not nearly enough for two pirate crews to share it. Everyone starts fighting. Again. For like the third time.
- Bonnet getting his ass beat by Haggis again and this time Haggis almost kills him instead.
- Flint and Baozhai fight even though they don't really want to.
- Baozhai doesn't want to hurt Flint, causing her to confess that she loves him. Everyone gasps in pretty surprised and stop fighting. Flint already knew because it was damn obvious from the start.
- Flint doesn't know what to do. Does he choose a girl he's been with for a few days or possibly getting his ass beaten to death by his captain. As much as he would like to be with her, he knows he can't.
- He ends up stabbing Baozhai in the chest. It doesn't kill her but it's symbolic of him breaking her heart. (I like symbolism ok aksskskkw)
- Haggis's crew wins and take all the treasure for themselves. Bonnet's crew get beat the fuck up and head back to the ship to get their wounds patched up.
- so basically Haggis: 2 Bonnet: 1
- Octavia manages to fix everyone up then save the lives of Baozhai and Bonnet. even her own. (Goddamn she's a great doctor someone give her an award..)
- Baozhai doesn't talk or interact with anyone for a few days. She's very emotionless and empty from what happened.
- "Christ, she's never been this way before. You think she'll be okay?" - Cletus
- "Who knows. That heart break sure must've messed her up real bad, poor thing.." - Noëmie.
- "Well, it was the first time she's ever been in love before. And I guess this makes it her first heartbreak as well." - Octavia
- Bonnet now laying in his bed must of the time because of how fucked up he got by Haggis. Although he does try to be a leader for his crew. Even if it hurts for him to stand up.
- Meanwhile...
- Haggis chuckling and patting Flint on the back. Essentially congratulating him for manipulating that "little harlot" aka Baozhai to get to the treasure.
- Flint getting drunk off his ass to get rid of his guilt for betraying Baozhai.
- Billy not knowing what's the future of his and Islay's relationship going to be.
- When Bonnet about to go to sleep, the twins tell him an eerie prediction.
- "Don't you think an iron plate would go well with your slumber..?" - Liliana
"Yes, to protect oneself from the demons that lurk in the shadows of your room or in your mind?" - Lenny
"It certainly would, especially when the clock hits at twelve." - Liliana.
- "uh.. no..?" - Bonnet
- "You'll bring a dark omen upon this eitherium if you don't." - Lilliana and Lenny.
- Bonnet slowly enters his room, paying no mind to what the twins told him. He never truly believed in their predictions...
- when the clock struck twelve at night, Baozhai entered his room and stabbed him to death.
- In the morning, none of crewmates couldn't find their captain. He wasn't anywhere on the ship or in his office. It wasn't until Baozhai told them of his fate, all while she laughs her ass off with her back turned to them.
- Fleance immediately wants to have Baozhai killed or thrown overboard for betraying their captain. In response, Baozhai punches him and stabs him in the shoulder with a dagger. She holds the same dagger against his neck.
- Fleance ends up getting to have a good look at her face. It's covered in many scars and damn near mutilated.
- Baozhai tells Fleance to never disrespect their captain again or he'll be the one thrown overboard.
- She tells everyone that she's had enough of this crew getting their asses kicked and that things are going to start changing now that she's in charge.
- How they'll overthrow the monarchy and make the eitherium a better place for all..
- Baozhai then demands them to get back to their stations as she walks back to her new office.
- Stunned with this revelation, the crew do as their told to not upset their new captain.
- At night, Islay is on the deck trying to smoke her pipe then Baozhai comes to join her.
- "Islay, just the person I wanted to see. Mind if I smoke with you?" - Baozhai, pulling out a cigarette
- "Um, sure." Islay says uncomfortably.
- "You know I didn't really except for myself to take over the role of captain. It just sort of happened."
- "You stabbing Bonnet to death just sorta happened..?"
- "Yes! It did. After feeling empty for so long, I couldn't help but feel a strange combination of rage and bloodthirst take over that night. I just had to put my hands on something. Anything. And watch the life drain from it's eyes. It could've been Noëmie, Leonid, or even you. Heh, yet I went with Bonnet.. He was a weak link of the crew anyway."
- "I mean I guess he was.."
- "... I just wanted to tell you something."
- "What is it?"
- "You were right. About everything."
- "... About what-"
- "Love. It is truly a terrible thing. First you feel that high of dopamine and the butterflies fluttering around in your stomach then the next.. the guy you like breaks your heart. Quite literally."
- "Bao, I know what I said but don't take that it first awful experience-"
- "First? Heh, you really think I'm going to go through that again???"
- "No, I'm just saying that-"
- it's takes a moment for a Baozhai to calm down but when she does. She laughs for moment before telling Islay goodnight and heading off to sleep.
- Islay was a little shaken up by that. She tries to smoke her pipe to calm down then she sees the twins.
- "This is only the beginning of her madness..." - Liliana and Lenny
- "..."
- "Fuck my life." - Islay
So yeah that's what happens! Pretty sad but I wanted to keep that rivalry of Baozhai and Flint lmao. I wanted to write this stuff out but I never go the energy to do so. I didn't want to leave the series on a cliffhanger so I made this instead. I'm sorry that I couldn't finish it. But maybe I'll end up having the motivation to do so. Someday.
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ericsonclan · 3 years
Embroider My Heart
Summary: Prisha works on her gift for Violet while the rest of the Ericson pirates all take time to relax, taking a break from traveling the seas.
Word Count: 2514
Read on AO3:
“You’re going to what?” Brody looked up from her spot by the mast.
“Violet and I are gonna show off our ankles to fuck with the guards,” Mitch smiled proudly towards his love. Brody blinked in disbelief. True it had been ages since that incident happened with Violet, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to let them get tossed in jail.
“Violet, I’m going into town with you instead of Mitch,” Brody rose up from her spot and stretched out her arms.
“Okay,” Violet gave a shrug as she readjusted her eyepatch.
“What?!?” Mitch looked over at Brody with big eyes. “But-” He paused when Brody leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek.
“You can go into port next time, okay?”
Mitch blushed a bit, looking away as he nodded. “Okay, just be careful,” He reached out and held Brody’s hand.
The auburn pirate smiled and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “I will,” Brody captured Mitch’s lips in a kiss that made the pirate’s heart practically melt from happiness. She pulled back and slowly let go of her love’s hand before going to her friend who was busy talking with Prisha.
“We’ll be back by sunset,” Violet told Prisha who gave a short nod as she rubbed a circle on top of Violet’s hand.
“Alright, I’ll look forward to it,” Prisha smiled lovingly at her wife. Violet returned the smile and got on her tiptoes to steal a quick kiss from Prisha. That made the taller pirate blush and she gave another kiss to Violet before looking over at Brody. “Seems my time is up.”
“We’ll be back before you know it,” Brody looked over with a kind expression and Prisha gave a nod before kissing Violet’s hand.
“I’ll see you later,” Violet could feel her face growing warm at the romantic gesture Prisha had made.
With that the pair of friends were off, talking happily as they strolled down the dock. Small parts of their conversation could be heard as they traveled off of Ol’ Kickass. It was clear that both were excited to check out the shops and spend some time together.
Prisha watched them for a moment then spun around quickly and headed below decks. She quietly snuck into the sleeping quarters and made her way to her hammock. She paused for a second when Aasim shifted in his hammock before feeling Ruby’s arm around him and settling once more.
Prisha let out a soft sigh of relief that she hadn’t woken up the couple. She knew how hard those two had been working since the last encounter they’d had on the sea. They deserved all the time together that they desired and the peace that came with it.
Her hand lifted up the small chest under her hammock and the pirate began to rummage around for a few items. When she had found the first one she set it down before working to find the others. After a few minutes she had gotten all she needed: A black eyepatch with the beginnings of a design on it along with some different colored thread and a needle. Prisha struggled for a moment to balance all the items in her one hand then began to make her way above deck.
As soon as she had reached the upper deck of Ol’ Kickass Prisha could see that everyone was enjoying the time off the rocky waves of the seven seas to their fullest. Mitch was having a sparring match with AJ while Omar sat off to the side watching and commenting on it as he peeled some potatoes. Sophie was busy moving around amongst the rigging before she paused, hooking her legs into the ropes and dangling upside down. She said something to Marlon who laughed and moved closer to the redhead. With a playful smile Sophie leaned forward and cupped her love’s face, pulling him into a soft kiss before moving back and beginning to climb up to the crow’s nest. Her leather braces shone in the sun as she swung this way and that towards the tippy top of the ship.
Allison was still on watch duty in the crow’s nest. Her stoic expression remained the same until she raised an eyebrow as Sophie appeared beside her. The two pirates discussed something for a moment when suddenly Prisha’s attention was pulled away by an energetic voice.
“Prisha!” Willy ran forward and gave a bright smile. “Is it embroidery time?” He froze for a second, his eyes glancing around this way and that.
“It’s fine, Willy. Violet went into town with Brody.” Prisha’s words made Willy’s shoulders relax.
“Whew, that's good. I’d hate if I ruined the surprise,” Willy let out a sigh of relief then looked back at his friend. “So, ready to get started?”
“Sure,” Prisha walked alongside the teen and they soon found a spot to begin the work. Willy diligently held the thread for Prisha as she figured out how much more blue she needed for the wave part of the embroidery. Once she was certain she gave a nod and Willy cut the thread before holding the needle for her. Prisha stuck the end of the thread in her mouth and studied the eye of the needle carefully as she navigated the string through it. After a moment that was done and Willy switched jobs with Prisha as he tied the ends of thread together. When that was all done, Prisha began to work on the eyepatch. It had been a spur of the moment idea for a gift one time when she had gone into town with Clementine. Her good friend had suggested that she go for it when she saw how excited Prisha was at the idea of a handmade gift for Violet. So Prisha had gone for it and now she was getting closer to finishing the design.
It was thanks to Willy and his willingness to help that she was able to even do this. She glanced over at the teen and reminded herself to thank him for all his hard work when this was done. Her eyes studied Willy’s for a moment and followed their gaze up to the crow’s nest. Allison was still up there, her dark eyes looking off towards the port town below.
“You seem rather fond of Allison,” Prisha’s statement of observation made Willy look over towards her.
“Yeah, she’s super badass,” Willy gave a toothy smile then looked back at the girl. “Allie seems like she’s really starting to fit in.”
“She does, doesn’t she,” Prisha nodded and began another stitch before looking up at the topic of their conversation. The first few months with Allison hadn’t been the easiest. It was clear that the slaver ship that she had been a part of had scarred her deeper than her skin. Even though she had been deeply hurt she had a soft kindness to her. It was a slow process to get to it, but the Ericson pirates had successfully found it.
Prisha resumed her embroidery and continued to make the decorative waves. She had grown fond of Allison too. It seemed like she clicked with Prisha and Violet rather well even if she still had her prickly edges. Prisha’s mind continued to focus on that until she needed to switch to another thread color for the next part of the eyepatch. As she worked to rethread the needle, a new voice appeared and began to sing a tune.
“Theeeeere once was a ship that put to sea. The name of the ship was the Billy of Tea!” The voice belonged to the captain. Louis spun around on his feet and gave a wink to Clementine who laughed as she watched him continue. “The winds blew up, her bow dipped down. O blow, my bully boys, blow. Soon may the Wellerman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguin’ is done we’ll take our leave and go.” Louis sang to his heart’s content, clearly happy to finally have a more upbeat sea shanty in his repertoire.
He moved forward and tried to get his love to join in dancing, but Clementine waved a hand and motioned to her peg leg. Louis gave a smile and nodded before spinning around and spotting his best friend. Jogging over, the captain grabbed Marlon and soon the pair were singing the sea shanty together.
“She had not been two weeks from hire when down on her a right whale bore. The captain called all hands and swore he’d take that whale in tow.” The two pirates sang together in relative harmony. “Soon may the Wellerman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguin’ is done we’ll take our leave and go.” Marlon and Louis laughed as they continued to sing, the duo kicking their feet and locking their arms together as they danced around. Clementine laughed and clapped her hands in time to the beat of the shanty. After a few minutes the song was done and Louis went over to give Clementine a quick kiss on the cheek before he started up another shanty with Marlon.
Prisha smiled and shook her head before returning to her own work. She had to focus if she wanted it all done with time to spare before Violet got back with Brody. So the pirate continued to work on the gift for her love.
After some time she finished the second huge part of the embroidery design. Willy looked on in awe and gave a compliment or two here and there before moving to help thread the needle one last time. Prisha’s hand moved delicately as she worked on the last section of the eyepatch. All of her focus remained on the task at hand and after many painstaking details she had finished. Prisha let out a shaky breath and let Willy cut the thread as she leaned her head back.
“It’s so cool, Prisha!” Willy held up the eyepatch that had the rolling waves of the seven seas embroidered upon it. An orange sea creature lurked ominously within the waves. On top of the largest wave was a small ship hoping to overcome the impossible obstacle before it. “Violet is gonna think it's the coolest shit ever!” Willy looked over to his side with a smile. “Right, Allie?”
Prisha glanced up and saw that the newest member of the pirates was standing beside Willy. She stared at the eyepatch intently then gave a short nod. “It’s cool,” Allison had a faint smile on her face that soon disappeared as she looked towards the sea for a second. “Willy, wanna spar?” Willy’s eyes grew large at those words and he jumped up to his feet. “Yeah! That sounds so awesome! Is that okay, Prisha?”
“Yes, the eyepatch is done so you two should have fun,”
Prisha’s confirmation made the smile reappear on Allison’s face for a split second before she turned and began to walk away. Willy gave a final wave then ran after the girl. Prisha watched them for a few minutes as Willy picked up a wooden training dagger and held it out before him as he said some sort of confident boast. Allison shook her head then held out her training sword, her form and the way she held the blade unique to her.
Prisha placed down the embroidery supplies and watched the teens spar. It was fairly evenly matched at first but soon Willy’s overexcitement was his undoing and Allison’s patience had paid off as she disarmed him. It didn’t seem to faze Willy though as he hopped up and asked for another match. Allison agreed; after a few more matches the pair was tired and they ventured back near where Prisha was. Willy waved goodbye to Allison before jogging off to help Mitch. Leaving only Allison and Prisha. The teen silently sat beside Prisha before picking up the thread and studying it.
“Do you care to learn embroidery?” Prisha looked over at Allison who simply shook her head.
“I’d rather find some rocks,”
Prisha nodded. “I’ve noticed that you’ve got quite the collection.”
“They’re cool and make a good weapon,” Allison stated simply then looked over at the shore where a nearby cave stood.
“If you’d like, Violet and I could walk with you to search for some new rocks for your collection.” Prisha caught sight of the soft smile on Allison's face before she gave a short shrug.
“Okay,” Allison glanced up towards the docks “They’re back.”
Prisha’s eyes shot up and her face lit with joy when she saw Violet make her way onto the deck with Brody. The pirate immediately got up to her feet and grabbed the eyepatch before making her way over. Mitch was already there and had tackled Brody with a hug. He always seemed a bit clingier whenever his wife was gone, even if it was for a short amount of time. Brody laughed and soon the two were making their way across the deck so she could show him what she had gotten at the shops. Violet watched for a moment when she heard a voice.
“Violet,” Prisha stopped in front of Violet, her hand tucked behind her back.
“Hey, Prisha,” Violet looked up at her wife with a soft expression. “I got something for you.” Violet held out her hand which held an oak hourglass with small, intricate designs on the pillars around the glass.
Prisha’s eyes sparkled in curiosity as she stared at the hourglass. “Violet, it’s beautiful,” Her hand moved forward to grab it when she remembered she had a gift of her own. “I actually have a gift for you too.” That made the blonde pirate’s eyebrows raise as she looked at her love. Prisha moved her hand from behind her back and revealed the embroidered eyepatch. Violet’s eyes widened in surprise. “Holy shit,” She placed down the hourglass beside Prisha then took the eyepatch. Silently she switched out her standard black eyepatch and began to tie the new one in its place. “So how does it look?” Violet gave a small smile up to her wife. Prisha’s heart did a little flip in her chest.
“Like the most fearsome pirate in all the Seven Seas,”
Prisha’s words made Violet look away and awkwardly rub the back of her neck. “I doubt it,”
“I know it,” Her encouragement made the blonde look up back at her. The taller pirate gently took her love’s hands into her own and placed a kiss on them. Violet blushed and smiled shyly up at Prisha.
“If anyone can help out, I could use some help for dinner,” Omar’s voice rang out from below decks.
“We should probably help,” Prisha looked over at the staircase then back at Violet.
“Yeah,” Violet knelt down and grabbed the hourglass before using her free hand to hold Prisha’s as the two walked towards the staircase and continued forth to help with supper, the perfect close to a pleasant day.
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pokemoncoloursplash · 4 years
I got one! Favorite fictional character(s) :3c
For Pokemon, Ball Guy. Dude’s just the best.
Outside of Pokemon, probably Carol Danvers or the Major General from Pirates of Penzance.
- Dragonis
Pokemon? Iris, from original B/W. Not pokemon? Probably Scorpia from SPOP. - Mod Paragon.
From Pokemon? Erika, Cheryl, or Cynthia.
From other things? Fukua from Skullgirls, Bayonetta, Yukako Yamagishi from Jojo, Yuuka Kazami from Touhou, Nancy from Oliver Twist, The Cheshire Cat, the eponymous Carmen from Bizet’s Carmen, Carmen Sandiego, Morticia Addams, King Jazan of Qasala... I’m very indecisive, when it comes down to it. -Vice
Cynthia is my fave pokemon character, and I have a long list of faves...
Vincent and Aerith from Final Fantasy 7, Hatsune Miku, Spinel and Blue Diamond from SU, Sayaka and Madoka from Madoka Magica, and Mika and Atra from Gundam. I've probably missed a bunch but oh well lol - Decima
Pokemon? I know he's kinda obscure but Miror B. From Pokemon Coliseum/XD: Gale of Darkness mainly because of his pokeball afro. I also like Ilima and Blanche because they look kinda androgynous and I want to emulate that lmao. (I don't watch/ haven't played a whole lot of pokemon so I don't have a whole lot.)
Non pokemon is going to be kinda tough because I have a lot but I've already word saladed on this post enough so I'll try to keep it short, Toph from Avatar the Last Airbender, Billie Lurk from the Dishonored series, i love Red and her sword from Transistor, Rukey, Jodariel, and Pamitha (I think her name was) from Pyre, Tuca and Bertie from....well....., and Narancia from Jjba
Sorry again about word salad, head full -Gale
In Pokemon the only one I can thibk of rn is Guzma and Gordie
In other medias tho its pretty flexible and the list would b too long ywy - mod Shay
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silverflintdaily · 5 years
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Please read all the summaries below the cut and fill out the form with your top 5 picks.  If you have questions about some of these fics before signing up and want us to follow up with the authors, please send us an ask or shoot Mel an email.  SUBMIT CLAIMS BY APRIL 25  - artist claim form here
1. running is a victory Skeleton Island holds the greatest and most ancient treasure the world’s ever known—not that anyone’s ever actually seen it before. Captain Flint and his crew sail through treacherous seas full of English ships, freak storms, and at least one large monster lurking in the deep, desperate to find the island and obtain the Urca gold. That all seems simple compared to dealing with the charming yet duplicitous John Silver and the alleged Urca curse. [Black Sails meets Pirates of the Caribbean!] 2. A Ship is a Republic Flint and Silver train relentlessly on the cliffs of Maroon Island. Silver begins to realise how much he enjoys obeying Flint's instructions. Swordplay gives way to foreplay. 3. Elijah's Violin "A mage, a sorcerer, and a warlock walk into my bar,” says a woman behind the counter. “Have you heard this one before?”
The city of Venice is in turmoil: someone has been turning people to stone. Years after the events that landed them both in hot water and separated them, Flint and Silver are thrown together to solve a dangerous magical mystery. They are joined on their mission by Thomas (who may or may not have a pet Hellhound). The three magicians must work together (and try not to kill each other) before the Carnival of Venice devours them as well. 4. title tbd Or, James Flint, state park employee and firebrand, discovers that someone who broke his heart is back in his life, and that someone is miserable. That this someone is miserable makes James Flint very happy! Except for how it really does not make him happy, whoops. Modern au, angst, slow burn, mutual pining, happy ending. 5.  Don't Say I Didn't Warn Ya John's a drag king, making friends with Thomas and his drag queen troupe. They all perform at the bar that Flint and Gates own and run together - The Frigate.
Trans!Silver, Poly!Flint. ships: silverflint, established flintgates & flinthamilton, possible eventual silverflinthamilton (if I have it in me to write that far) 6.  call to war When the Maroon Queen gets a letter from Woodes Rogers indicating that Madi is alive, she makes the executive decision to have Flint rescue her without telling Silver. When Flint does find Madi, she tells him not to tell Silver she is alive--so that he will want to continue to fight the war he so desperately hates, all so Madi's "death" wasn't for nothing. Against his own judgment, Flint agrees, leading to a series of events that spiral out of control, bringing Flint and Silver closer together, even as Flint is wracked with guilt over his deceit. A s4 canon divergence, heavily focused on Madi, Flint and Silver, as well as the Maroons.
7.  the life that we chose All of Silver's schemes and machinations screech to a halt when he locks eyes with Captain Flint across the deck of the Walrus and the world explodes into color. Flint's cold and indifferent behavior towards him in the weeks that follow makes no sense until he learns that the captain first saw colors ten years ago, in London.
(Flint's been able to see color since he first met Thomas, it's true, but - has Billy always had blue eyes? Was the spine on that book always such a deep green?)
note for artist claims: silverflint au where when you meet your soulmate you can see color. thomas and silver are both flint's soulmate: he saw most colors when he met thomas, but once he meets silver he can finally see the full spectrum. of course he doesn't realize this because ANGST 8. To Be Rid of Temptation “What would you suggest we do instead, then?”
Maybe it was the way he said it, the way Flint was sitting with his knees sprawled out, or the secrets he guarded so closely; Silver didn’t know what it was, but somebody’s Devil took ahold of his tongue then and he said, “I think we should fuck.”
Set around the start of season 3, *spoilers* they do fuck. 9. Chasing Sea Foam Once upon a time, there was a pirate Captain whose moods controlled the seas and whose grief over his missing Lord drove him to wreak havoc in the West Indies.
Once upon a time, there was a merperson who saved the pirate Captain from drowning and who longed to be a part of his world. One day he was faced with a terrible decision: to see his Captain bring death and destruction onto the world and himself, or to stop him and reunite him with his missing Lord. The merperson made his choice and disappeared into the sea.
Years after his Happily Ever After, Flint sets out to find answers about Silver guided only by tall tales and a longing in his heart.
supernatural AU (not a Supernatural the show AU, it just has supernatural elements), features Flint/Thomas and Silver/Flint/Thomas as secondary ships, and past Silver/Madi)
10.  the long waves crawl Nassau sang with magic in a way that Silver hadn’t felt since his childhood, not unlike the hazy memories of a tiny house crowded with herbs and all sorts of books that smelled of cedar smoke and sage.
Only here he was not hidden, nor was he safe. He darted through the streets, avoiding the hungry looks that other magic users gave him. Felt their eyes on his skin and knew they could smell the magic in his blood.
In which Silver is a witch, and in an already complicated world magic is a dangerous thing. 11. Fire Light Silver is a new University professor who starts his job by stealing research out from under Flint’s nose. To get access to the research, Flint steals Silver.
12. Birds Of A Feather A Black Sails/Pride and Prejudice crossover, featuring John Silver as a victim of Mrs Bennet's match making escapades and James McGraw as a lieutenant on sick leave who just wants some peace and quiet.
13. the whole estate of mortal man Silver has a limited memory, an unlimited lifespan, and a need for human souls. He spends four seasons trying to buy Flint's.
14. "On the Banks of the Lethe" Waking after a head injury with no memory of the past two years, Flint finds himself a stranger in a strange land. Faced with the politics of a war he doesn’t remember, and a Walrus crew he hardly recognizes, Flint must reconcile what he knows with what has transpired: Gates’ betrayal; the discovery of the Urca gold; the aftermath of Charles Town. All preceded by the rise of a quartermaster he doesn’t trust—a quartermaster he only knows to be a liar and a thief. Uncertain of his newfound loyalties, Flint suddenly finds himself standing in the shadow of a monster of his own inadvertent making: Long John Silver, Nassau’s newly christened Pirate King.
Amnesia!fic. Set right before Season 4. Angst. Confusion. Gross abuse of tropes. Stupid men in love (even if one doesn’t quite remember). AKA: What if Season 1 James Flint met Season 4 John Silver.
15. a beautiful, sinuous thing; a terrible, treacherous thing Driven by grief, James Flint leaves the city behind to become the caretaker of a lighthouse in a small coastal town. But despite his desire for solitude, he finds himself drawn to a man who seems to have simply strolled out of the sea one day. Silver expects the new lighthouse keeper on his shores to be easy prey - quiet, isolated, sad. But he may have more on his hands than he expected. Modern fantasy au influenced by works like Daisy Johnson's Fen and Victor LaValle's The Changeling 16. The Return of John Silver Seven months after leaving Savannah and the war behind, Flint and Thomas are doing their best to leave the past where it belongs. But the past is never quite past. When the arrival of a wounded pirate on their doorstep threatens to shake what little foundation they've managed to build together, Flint finds himself at a familiar crossroads. Does he allow himself to admit that John Silver belongs in his life, (and in Thomas's) or will he continue to deny the truth even to himself? 17. gonna need a bigger boat The not-quite-Jaws AU where Flint is a perpetually irritated sea captain, hired by a perpetually irritating quasi-con man Silver, both to hunt a shark that has supposedly killed seven people in the last few months. Only they stumble upon a crime in action, end up trapped on a small boat in the middle of an ocean, and they figure out that they're going to have to work together to stay alive and collect that shark bounty somehow. (Featuring the use of thinly veiled shark metaphors, shark fun facts, and two people who cannot believe that their relationship is hurtling towards - something). 18. Loose Lips Sink Ships Rewrite of Black Sails S4. Billy Bones tries to kill Silver, fails, and Silver starts his revenge quest. Woodes Rogers is dead, Nassau is in chaos, and Silver finds his whole world changed. Mostly silverflint and it does become silverflintham. Happy ending! Very, very violent beginning.
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faiakishi · 5 years
As much as I’d LOVE a Dishonored 3 featuring the (artist formerly known as the) Outsider, trained in combat by Billie Lurk and generally being a very sassy protagonist, I would absolutely kill for a prequel-ish game where you get to play as Daud’s badass witch-pirate mom.
I mean, this woman canonically was kidnapped and held as a prisoner on a pirate ship, (along with all the abuse that entails) and it retaliation she fucking murdered the captain, Daud’s father, and went “my boat now, fuckers.” And everyone went the fuck along with it. Because you didn’t fuck with this woman.
I want a game where you play as her in the days following Daud’s kidnapping, getting Marked by the Outsider to aid her in her quest of ‘find my son, kill every asshole that ever laid a hand on his precious head, and kick his ass for not listening to me when I said don’t go off with strangers.’
Vera Moray could be an ally, before she went totally off the rails. She might seek help from the Eyeless cult, maybe training some of them in witchcraft, before noping out. Her travels could take her to Dunwall, following whispers and rumors of her son and not realizing at first (because Daud is a dramatic ass and likely made up the name Dunwall knows him by) that the fearsome Knife of Dunwall is him.
Bonus points if it ends after the plague, after Daud’s left the city and she’s missed him once again. She boards a ship called the Dreadful Wale to take her home, and spends her evenings smoking cigars with Captain Meagan Foster. 
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CONDUCTOR: Ah, good evening, Traveler. And welcome… to The Penumbra. Take your seat, please, take your seat.
The Penumbra Express is en route to stops beyond the hills of nowhere, past the trails of travelers before and toward the tales that lurk beyond. So take your seat, treat yourself to a refreshment from our cart, and enjoy the ride.
You appear confused, dear Traveler. But there’s no need to be. The Penumbra has always taken precisely the shape it needs to guide us through these foggy lands to the stories deep within. And so here you are upon this trolley, heading out into the misty night with only me to guide you, until the tracks lead us… where?
The junction lies just ahead, Traveler. If you’ll allow me just a moment.
(CHUCKLES) Well, next stop? Hyperion City.
Detective Steel is in a slump, and it’s going to take a good case to get him out of it. Full of robberies, gunshots, goons, car chases, poisons, intrigue, and… well, kittens.
Our next stop:
Juno Steel and the Kitty-Cat Caper.
VOICE: Hyperion City. They call it ‘The City of First Light.’ The place where hope first broke for a life off Earth. There are places in this galaxy where people still see Hyperion this way: as hope, as a home away from home.
But those of us who live here, we know better, don’t we? To us, Hyperion City means dark alleys and blinding billboards; knives in the shadows and thieves in tall towers; thugs who wear ski masks and thugs who wear badges. Hope, the cruelest of this city’s many, many jokes, is just that: the promise to all outside that this is a place of hope, all while it turns a cold blade on those who live here. It’s enough to make you want to give up, isn’t it? It’s enough at times to make you want to crumple, to let the cruel world trample you once and for all. And yet… we do not.
JUNO: Turn it off!
VOICE (FROM TV): This is a city where criminals see every sunset as an opportunity. Where asking the police for help only invites more crooks into your home. It is insanity to stay. And yet… we stay.
This is what I thought to myself early this morning as I looked out the window of my apartment on the dark city below. And I thought of all the pain down there. I thought how just by leaving my apartment, I would be rolling the dice on my life. And I thought: why bother? And just then, as I was at my lowest, the sun began to rise.
JUNO: Rita, I told you to turn that damn thing off.
TV VOICE: You just saw it, didn’t you? Sunrise over Hyperion City. Pink over the Iris Building; the burning orange behind the floating mansions; the faraway flame that burns away the neon, the casinos, the criminals, the fear. Every citizen of this city can summon an image of that sunrise. It’s the reason we don’t leave, because that sunrise, like this city, is ours. And not even the most cunning thief can take that from us.
JUNO: Rita!
TV VOICE: The thieves will never take away our sunrise, and they will never take away our city. They can scare us, they can rob us, they can kill us – but Hyperion City is our city, and we will take it back again.
So join me. Vote Ramses O’Flaherty for Mayor of Hyperion City, and we will take our city back from the criminals who have claimed it for their—
RITA: Mista Steel, I was watchin’ that!
JUNO: Yeah, I heard. From across the office. I thought you were too smart to fall for commercials, Rita.
RITA: That wasn’t a commercial, boss. That was a speech by—
JUNO: Someone trying to sell you an empty promise. Keep it off!
RITA: But if I keep it off, how am I gonna tell when the North Star movie marathon comes on again?
JUNO: Movie marathon?!
RITA: Yeah, Mista Steel! They put the whole series of the Andromeda movies together all in a row, and it just got to the part where Andromeda figures out Orion’s magic belt’s got magnet powers and her chainmail’s useless!
JUNO: Rita?
RITA: The whole marathon is perfect, Mista Steel, perfect! An’ it was goin’ so well until that stupid breakin’ bulletin about Ramses O’Flaherty, who’s really very handsome, but—
JUNO: Rita!
RITA: Yeah, boss?
JUNO: Would you mind telling me why, exactly, I should pay you to watch a bunch of dumb movies?!
RITA: They ain’t dumb! And it ain’t like I got anything else to do, Mista Steel.
JUNO: Alright. Last straw!
RITA: Mista Steel? What do you think you’re doin’?
JUNO: (STRAINING) Taking your monitor. Maybe now you’ll get some work done.
RITA: Mista Steel?!
No! You can’t just do that!!
This is inhumane, Mista Steel! I tell ya, it violates my rights!!
JUNO: Get back to work.
RITA: Doing what, exactly? Mista Steel, you know we ain’t had a case in weeks! This ain’t fair, boss. It ain’t fair! Just ‘cause you turned down every case that comes through the door—
JUNO: Because I do what?!
RITA: It’s true, boss. We’ve had three cases come in just this past week and you turned down every one of ‘em.
JUNO: And you think that’s my fault? That Milton guy was nuts and… everybody knows Paulina Banner’s broke.
RITA: But, what about the… the–the–the jewelry store that got robbed over in Elysium Square?
And last week, and the week before that. Boss, you’ve been different ever since your eye blew up. Real different.
JUNO: Knock it off, Rita.
RITA: You’re cranky all the time. I mean, you were always cranky, but this is different! And it was okay to start, you just showed up with an eyepatch one day and after I was so worried about you ‘cause you disappeared, but you said it was okay. So I thought, okay, maybe we can dress up and buy a little beaked monkey like all the pirates get in the movies.
JUNO: Stop.
RITA: But then you did a few cases, and okay, so they didn't go so good, but it ain’t like anyone’s head got crushed or nothin’, not like in this movie I saw last week – it was real scary, boss – I don’t remember where this story was goin’ but my point is you got mean, Mista Steel, and now look at the monitor’s in a billion pieces on the floor and I want my old boss back!
JUNO: Rita… (SIGHS) It’s just a dry spell. That’s all.
RITA: That’s the problem, boss. You always get like this when you don’t have a case.
JUNO: I… yeah, sure. I guess.
RITA: (HMPH OF RELIEF) Well, I’m glad you see the error of your ways. Now, go take a little nap in your office and I’ll call you just as soon as the next case comes through the door.
JUNO: I don’t need a nap. This is just a dry spell, Rita. A dry spell! Every business has one, and even when it’s dry as jerky in the desert on goddamn Venus, every secretary in those businesses finds something to do.
RITA: Yeah, yeah, I’m real sure, boss, have a nice nap.
JUNO: Hmph. A nap.
JUNO (NARRATOR): There’s an old song about Hyperion City that says it’s the place where fantasies come to life. And even if that song was paid for by the Hyperion Tourism Department, it’s got a half a ring of truth to it.
The fantasy’s not just on the streams here, either. The movies about chainmail warriors and evil wizards with magic belts. Magicians and monsters walk these streets. If you look, you’ll see lawyers who can make murder charges vanish into thin air. Criminals who can kill from the shadows and disappear in a puff of smoke. Politicians who promise to conjure a past that never was. And if you’re really lucky, you might even see a cyclops who thinks he’s a detective.
(SIGHS) My name’s Juno Steel. I’m a private eye, or… I was. Until recently. These days I’m a myth I never thought I’d live long enough to be: a has-been.
RITA: (THROUGH THE DOOR) Mista Steel, I better hear snorin’ in there.
JUNO (NARRATOR): The last half-year’s been rough on the Steel Detective Agency. After I came out of the whole Miasma mess having lost an eye and… an opportunity, I was ready to jump right back into business, give the city the scrubbing it needed. And then I took my first case.
I was on the trail of a murderer and it came down to a rooftop getaway. Standard procedure. The culprit was just ahead of me, I had my blaster in my hand and a clear shot. I took aim… and…
JUNO (NARRATOR): He got away.
And, seeing as my aim is one of the only skills keeping me in this business, that really seemed like a sign to me. The beginning of the end for Juno Steel, private eye.
Who the hell was I kidding? Who was I trying to fool?
JUNO: Hey, Rita. Cancel that order for a new case, I’m feeling… under the weather today.
But Mista Steel, you can’t! You gotta take a new case. You gotta help people.
JUNO: They don’t want the kind of help they’d get from me, Rita. I haven’t done anything good for anybody in months.
RITA: Of course you have. You got Mick outta all that trouble with the shark.
JUNO: It was a loan shark, Rita; I paid him.
RITA: Well… you got Cassandra Kanagawa off Mars, didn’t you?
JUNO: That was you.
RITA: Well, it was your idea. And… and… hey! Uh, because of you, Billie Navarro is dead!
JUNO: That supposed to make me feel better?
RITA: She was a real mean lady, Mista Steel. I’m sure it makes someone feel better.
JUNO: Right.
(SIGHS) Close up the office for today. I’ll let you know in the morning whether to bother opening again.
RITA: Well… what if it’s an emergency, boss? What if someone comes in here and you gotta save the day?
JUNO: Ha! Alright, you know what? Fine, if someone comes through that door shouting about how it’s a life or death situation and I’m the only one who can help, I’ll take the case. But don’t hold your breath, Rita. Because there is nobody in this town stupid enough to—
VOICE 3: Is this the office of Juno Steel, Private Investigator?
JUNO: Used to be. Who—
RITA: Of course it is! And how can we help you?
VOICE 3: Oh, thank heavens! I was so worried that I’d come up all this way… a-and when she’s still at home in that… state! Detective Steel, you’re the only one who can help me. It’s a life or death situation.
JUNO: It’s a– what did you just…
RITA: (TRYING NOT TO LAUGH) I’m sorry ma’am, could you just repeat that last part just one more time, please?
VOICE 3: There’s no time! You have to come with me. Now!
JUNO: Hey! L-let go of me.
RITA: Looks like Juno Steel Investigations is back open for business, eh, boss? Have fun on your case, keep in touch. I’ll be in your office and just if you’re gonna call, try to do it during the commercials, okay?
JUNO: Dammit, Rita!
VOICE 3: Quickly, detective. Quickly!
JUNO (NARRATOR): The lady dragged me to her apartment in no time. She only lived a few blocks south and, based on how fast she was talking and walking, she was either full of panic or neo-methamphetamine.
VOICE 3: In here, in here! You have to help, detective.
Pippa, she’s just not right, and you have to help her, have to find who did this to her before—
JUNO: Woah, woah, woah. Slow down. You call an ambulance yet?
VOICE 3: Well, they’d be no help at all.
JUNO: What? Uh… nevermind. How about the cops?
VOICE 3: Of course not! They’re too far away. That’s why I came to you, detective. You’re the closest P.I. to my apartment.
JUNO: Glowing! You should put that in the review when this is over. All right, all right, bring me to… Pippa.
VOICE 3: Someone must have done this to her, detective. She was fine just this morning. Then I got home from the office and she was in this horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible state!
JUNO: Sounds horrible. Who is she, anyway? Wife? Girlfriend?
VOICE 3: Detective!
VOICE 3: I am not going to stand here and let you slander my sweet Pippa. She is certainly nobody’s girlfriend – I wouldn’t let her be so fast and loose. She’s a good little kitty.
JUNO: Good little… what?
VOICE 3: There, you see? There’s something not… right about her.
Oh, it’s wrong, wrong, all wrong. Pippa, my sweet, what’ve they done to you? What’ve they done?!
JUNO: Pippa’s… a cat. And you’re… a nut.
VOICE 3: My name’s Maia King, Detective Steel. Someone’s done something to my poor little kitty and I will pay you handsomely to bring the full force of the law down upon them.
JUNO (NARRATOR): I looked between the two of them. Cat to owner, and back again. Now it didn’t look like there was anything wrong with the cat. It was even a pretty one… as far as cats went; with fur in black and white splotches, the stinger on its tail tastefully filed down, and all six of its compound eyes were glittering like thousand-sided emeralds. The only thing that looked wrong with the cat was its owner.
JUNO: So… you keep saying your cat—
JUNO: Your… Pippa. You keep saying something’s wrong with her. She looks alright to me.
KING: Well, she isn’t. She’s been off since the moment I came home.
JUNO: Off? As in, acting funny? How so?
KING: Well, Pippa loves Tuna Brick, first of all. A-and, here, I’ll show you.
JUNO (NARRATOR): She opened her fridge, and lined on every shelf sat plate after plate of gelatinous aquatic protein substitute: Tuna Brick. She set the plate on the floor, the cat walked over, and ate it.
KING: See? See?!
JUNO: It… looks like she still likes Tuna Brick.
KING: Exactly! She likes Tuna Brick; she does not love Tuna Brick. Pippa loves Tuna Brick.
JUNO: Yeah, I got pretty strong feelings about it, too.
KING: And it isn’t just the Tuna Brick. Her meow has been different, pained, in some way.
So, did you make the deduction yet?
JUNO: Excuse me?
KING: What’s wrong with Pippa? It’s as plain as the eyepatch on your face, detective.
JUNO: It… is?
KING: Of course it is. Pippa is cursed, detective. Cursed!
JUNO: I… yeah, there’s no way I heard that right.
KING: Someone has come in here and cursed my sweet little kitten. Bewitched her! Cast a terrible spell.
JUNO: A terrible smell is right. Those bricks stink. You mind if I open the window a minute?
KING: The windows have always stuck. Just open the door to the balcony.
Zoological law is admittedly not my area of legal expertise.
JUNO: You don’t say. Hang on.
KING: But I would assume that it is still illegal to cast curses on others’ pets, yes? Yes? We can’t have fallen that far as a society, even here. If we allow curses, we might as well return to the Dark Ages.
JUNO: Has anything else strange happened in your apartment recently?
JUNO: Nothing out of place, nothing… missing?
KING: No. …Why do you ask?
JUNO: I got good news and I got bad news, Ms. King. Good news is I think I know what’s wrong with your cat. I mean… Pippa. She’s been spooked.
KING: Yes! That’s exactly what I’ve been saying, spooked. A-a dark spirit, conjured by some nefarious—
JUNO: No, no, not cursed. Spooked as in scared; because, here’s my bad news: somebody broke into your apartment!
KING: Somebody… what?
JUNO: This backdoor, you’ve got an analog lock on it. We’re talking brass key, not card key.
KING: My landlord says it’s more secure. Hackers—
JUNO: Well, your landlord’s full of it. Burglars figured out the analog lock thousands of years ago. You stick in the right kind of tool, give it a good whack, and the door swings right open. See, look at these shiny little nicks around your keyhole, that’s where your perp hit it.
KING: That’s very impressive, Detective Steel.
JUNO: Yeah, it ain’t bad.
You’re absolutely sure nothing was taken?
KING: I don’t have anything to take. I keep all of my papers and valuables at the office, but—
JUNO: They must have taken something. Job like this, they had to be casing the apartment for weeks ahead of time.
KING: But, detective, I think you may have forgotten—
JUNO: Don’t worry yourself about it, Ms. King. I’ll find your burglar in no time.
I’ll just take a look around the apartment, see if they left anything behind.
KING: Detective Steel, I think you may have lost track of what’s important here.
JUNO: Oh, wow. Thanks for reminding me. Uh, for all of the payment stuff you’re going to have to call my office, just make sure you turn the volume down on your comms first, or else—
KING: Pippa, detective! You’ve forgotten about Pippa!
JUNO: About who?
The cat! Oh, I figured out the cat. It’s scared because someone broke into your apartment.
KING: Something is wrong, detective! I’ve seen Pippa scared and she’s nothing like this. She has been cursed. The Tuna Brick does not lie, detective. The Tuna Brick is absolute!
JUNO: O-kay… I think I see your point, Ms. King.
KING: There. That wasn’t so difficult, was it, detective?
JUNO: I wouldn’t call it easy, either. Well, I think I’ve got everything I need, Ms. King. I’ll just show myself out.
KING: You’ve gathered all your clues? Really?
JUNO: Really.
KING: But… but what about Pippa? Won’t you need to– to show her to an expert of some sort?
JUNO: Hey, that’s not a bad idea, at all. I’ll just take a picture of kitty-kitty over here—
—and I’ll be on my way.
KING: When can I call you again, detective? I have to know as soon as possible when this nightmare will end.
JUNO: (MUMBLING) Lady, I’ve been thinking that ever since I walked in here.
KING: What was that?
JUNO: I said, let me call you, Ms. King. I’ll let you know as soon as I find a lead.
KING: Then let me give you my number—
JUNO: No need, no need, Ms. King. I’ll just, uhh, deduce it. I’m a detective, remember? That’s what I do.
KING: Ah! Very impressive. Well, if you need me, I’m always in the apartment between four and six in the afternoon. The legal office has me on call then. But I’m so glad you came. I just know Pippa’s in good hands.
JUNO: That makes one of us. Buh-bye, Ms. King.
KING: Oh, detective, I just have six more things to mention—
JUNO: Glad that’s over.
JUNO (NARRATOR): Well, so much for that case. But that’s how it goes in Hyperion City. The universe dangles hope out in front of you and yanks it away right when your mouth starts to water. Maybe it is too late. Maybe the last case at Juno Steel Investigations really is the— (GRUNT OF SURPRISE)
JUNO: The hell?
JUNO (NARRATOR): It was that damn cat again.
Emerald eyes, white and black splotches, the little tag on its collar said ‘Pippa’. I looked up at Maia King’s balcony and I saw her there, staring out over the city. And she was holding her cat.
The same goddamn cat.
JUNO: You’re– but you’re– up… there.
JUNO (NARRATOR): And then it clicked. There was a good reason King’s cat was acting funny, and it wasn’t because of some goddamn wizard, either. Her cat wasn’t acting like her cat because it wasn’t her cat. Someone had switched it.
JUNO: Here… kitty. Here, kitty-kitty.
JUNO (NARRATOR): I reached out to grab the cat, and it reached back… with a fistful of knives.
JUNO: Ow! Hey, goddamn it, get back here!
JUNO (NARRATOR): I’ve been in a lot of foot chases, but tailing a cat through a busy street?
JUNO: Watch it, buddy, can’t you see I’m workin’?
JUNO (NARRATOR): That was a new one. Criminals could learn a thing or two from the cat, too. She really knew how to get away. Over fences, up fire escapes, through apartments.
JUNO: Excuse me! Coming through! Send the bill to Juno Steel Investigations, all expenses paid!
JUNO (NARRATOR): That damn cat did not know how to let up.
I ran out of wind at the intersection of McCoy and Bautista, just in time to avoid being splattered by a hoverhaul going about fifty over the speed limit. The cat ran out of wind on the other side of the same intersection.
JUNO: (PANTING) Listen, kitty, you stay right there, you got me? Don’t move a muscle, you little—
What are you looking at, buddy? You never seen a lady scold a cat before?
JUNO (NARRATOR): I needed to grab the cat before it took off again, but cars were shooting by fast enough to turn me into a pink mist and a difficult conversation with someone’s mechanic. So, I was stuck. And that meant I could only watch the whole case go to hell.
It all happened in a few seconds. First, the car pulled up.
It was an electric blue pod with a jagged slash of yellow paint on each side. Everything about it screamed drug-dealer’s first sports rocket. Then, the door opened.
VOICE 4: Finally! Snap the cat’s scrawny neck and let’s go!
VOICE 5: Oh, have a heart, boss. It’s so cute—
VOICE 4: Then just shut up and get it in the car. And don’t let go of it this time!
JUNO (NARRATOR): Two huge hands reached out, scooped up the cat, and slammed the door.
And then the car started shooting away, but not before the driver got a good look at me.
For a second I thought someone let a piranha drive that getaway car. A few jagged teeth poked up from a jaw that jutted out nearly past her nose. Her skin was a web of cuts and scars, and one of her ears was gone completely. Just a flat plane and hole for sound to pour in.
She locked her two vicious little eyes on me. She looked like she had an unmarked grave with my name on it. Then the car pulled away, and took off.
JUNO: Hey, get back here!
Gimme back that cat! (GROANS)
RITA (FROM COMMS): Hi, boss! Havin’ fun?
JUNO: Do I sound like I’m having fun?
JUNO: Knock it off. I got a new one for you today. You ever hear of someone breaking into an apartment just to switch out a cat for one that’s exactly the same?
RITA (FROM COMMS): Of course I have! It’s just like that movie I saw. The one– called… no, I mean, uh, the stream– the series—
No, Mista Steel. I ain’t never heard of that before. Not even in the movies.
JUNO: Yeah, it’s a first for me, too. It’s the only thing the burglar took, too – but why the hell would you steal something just to replace it with an exact copy of the thing you stole? Unless, it isn’t an exact copy. Unless it just looks like an exact copy.
RITA (FROM COMMS): Yeah! That’s it! Yes, you go. Go! Get ‘em, go! Go, get ‘em!
JUNO: Hey, thanks Rita. I thought I was onto something there, too.
RITA (FROM COMMS): What? Oh, sorry boss. I wasn’t paying attention. Andromeda just used her chain whip and got Aries by his big, dumb horns, and now she’s beatin’ the stuffing—
JUNO: I told you to turn off that stupid—
(SIGHS) Look, can you do some research for me while you watch that stream?
RITA (FROM COMMS): You betcha, boss.
JUNO: Good. I’m sending you a picture of the client’s cat. There are some breeds out there that go for millions of creds. I want you to tell me what this one’s worth.
RITA (FROM COMMS): Aaaawww! I think it’s worth millions of kisses. Those sweet wittle—
JUNO: Second, I got a quick calculation for you to run. Punch in the numbers and tell me what the odds are that there are two cats in the same city – no, on the same planet that are so similar that their own, weirdo owner can’t tell them apart.
RITA (FROM COMMS): Carry the 1, divide by x, solve for – how weird are we talkin’?
JUNO: The weirdest.
RITA (FROM COMMS): All right, that’s ten thousand and five– woah!
JUNO: Got it?
RITA (FROM COMMS): Uh, it’s one out of a number so big that smoke started comin’ out of the computer. Hang on, boss. I– I gotta deal with this.
JUNO: So the two cats can’t naturally be the same. Which means… Rita, I need the address of every designer pet service in town.
RITA (FROM COMMS): A little busy, Mista Steel!
JUNO: Now!
RITA (FROM COMMS): Oh, all right, all right!
There, I sent ‘em to you. Now, go boss. Go! Your good mood’s causin’ me a whole lot of trouble.
JUNO: Now you know how I feel. Bye Rita, I’ll call you soon.
RITA (FROM COMMS): Better not, Mista Steel or I swear—
JUNO (NARRATOR): It took me a while to think of the custom pets angle because I don’t bum around antique shops much. The pets-to-your-specifications business hasn’t been big for almost a century. You’d have more luck trying to find someone that could fix grandpa’s busted old hydrogen smart car.
As it turns out, there was only one designer pet service in Hyperion City, and it was just a few blocks away. The place had a big, sturdy gate with a keypad and intercoms out in front. Looked more like the front door to a fortress than a mom-and-pop pet store.
COMPUTERIZED VOICE: Good afternoon, visitor. Welcome to Pets By Design. Please enter password.
JUNO: Password? Huh. Well, let’s see what this button does.
VOICE 6 (FROM INTERCOM): Hello? Yes, hello? Who is this? What do you want?
JUNO: The password, mainly. I’ve got all these creds weighing down my pocket and I’m hoping to trade them for something a little lighter. You got any cats in there?
VOICE 6 (FROM INTERCOM): Ohhh, no, no. We don’t give out the password to customers. Security risk, you see. I–I’ll just buzz you in.
Come in! Quickly, quickly! I’m on the second floor, I’ll see you in a moment.
JUNO (NARRATOR): When the old man said quickly, he meant quickly. Damn gate almost tore my coat off.
My first impression when I stepped through the door of Pets By Design was the stink. If the smell was any indicator, the primary ingredients to reconstituted cat were cumin, garlic and… old carpet.
JUNO: Hello?
…Anybody in here?
VOICE 6: Hello, young man!
JUNO: (YELPS) Trying to give me a heart attack?!
VOICE 6: No, I’m trying to give you some tea. Treat the customer right and things will be bright! That’s what mother always used to say. Have I said that already?
JUNO: …No.
VOICE 6: Oh, don’t be polite. I’m sure I have. My memory is just gone entirely. Well, take a seat; just remember what I said about the chair full of nails.
JUNO: Full of– you know, I think I’ll stand.
VOICE 6: Suit yourself. Tea will be ready in just a moment.
JUNO (NARRATOR): The old man dragged himself over to a set of glass tubes snaking up around the door, drips of brown syrup crawling along them. I had no idea what the hell it was, but it did not look like tea. The guy wasn’t gonna introduce himself, probably thought he already had, but the name on his desk said Doctor Lyle Monrovian, NPhD.
JUNO: What’s the N in NPhD stand for, if you don’t mind my asking?
MONROVIAN: Your tea. Old fashioned, I’ll have you know. Just like mother used to make. No need to i-improve on perfection, is there?
JUNO: I don’t have time for tea, doc. Just a few questions. Just how accurately can you build a pet here? Like, down to every hair?
MONROVIAN: I’m going to stop you right there, young man. We don’t build them, per se, we sculpt. A builder takes little pieces and puts them all together into something bigger. If I were taking hydrogen and carbon and arranging them into an animal, well— (LAUGHS) —th-th-that would be something. But a sculptor takes a complete form that already exists and reshapes it.
JUNO: So, you take a lot of hydrogen and carbon and reshape them into cats? Sounds easy, gimme half an hour and I can get you some water and a block of tofu.
MONROVIAN: No, no, you’ve gotten it all wrong. If you want to make a cat, you must give me a cat. I can then reshape it, mold its skeletal structure, replace its fur, rewire its nerve endings, to create the precise visual approximation of the animal you want. But in the end, it’s still the cat you started with, only a different shape.
JUNO: That sounds… painful.
MONROVIAN: Oh, it is. Incredibly.
Have you ever heard a goldfish scream before, young man?
JUNO: Maybe some other time. I’m looking for a friend who used one of these shops recently. Anybody come by lately with a bright blue car, yellow stripes down the sides?
MONROVIAN: No, that doesn’t sound familiar.
JUNO: Maybe you’ve met my friend then – real skin problem, got one ear? We make a hell of a pair.
MONROVIAN: No, no, I don’t think so. I would remember having a customer like that. Or… any customers, actually.
JUNO: Maybe a picture will jog your memory.
MONROVIAN: My, what a beautiful cat! Is she yours?
JUNO: She’s my problem, anyway. Make any cats like this one?
MONROVIAN: I don’t recall, hmm, but I do keep records. Sit, drink your tea. I’ll just bring this into the back room and run it through our systems.
JUNO: Thanks.
JUNO (NARRATOR): This is the part of the case where, typically, I start poking my nose where it’s not wanted. Except, in a room like this, full of antiques, and rusty lab equipment, and creaky, plastic furniture, I didn’t know where that was. So, I looked out the window instead. And that’s when I saw the car.
Blue paint, yellow stripes and that stupid cat in the back pawing at the window. The piranha from before leaned out, pressed a few buttons on the password pad… and the gate started to open. I ran for the door—
—but it was locked.
JUNO: Dammit!
MONROVIAN: (DISTANT) Well, that scan will take just a few minutes.
(GETTING CLOSER) Take a seat, young man. Tell me all about this cat you’re hoping to replace and… have some tea! Right… now! Please!
JUNO (NARRATOR): I didn’t wanna know what was in the tea, but I knew what was in the stairwell: the piranha and her big friend with the big hands.
The old man was lying to me. He knew these people. Well enough to give them the password to the gate, even. He must’ve called them as soon as he buzzed me in… and then told them to floor it when I asked about the cat.
MONROVIAN: Y-young man, a-are you alright?
Well, I-I wonder who that could be. Let me just get the, uh—
JUNO: Hey! Doc, real quick, I got a hell of a headache, you mind taking a look?
MONROVIAN: Oh-oh, well, I’m not really that sort of doctor…
P-perhaps, just after I get that door.
JUNO: It’ll just take a sec, would you mind? It’s kind of an emergency – I got punched real hard on the side of the head yesterday – at least I think I did, not totally sure, if I’m being honest.
MONROVIAN: W-wouldn’t you remember something like that?
JUNO: Yeah, weird, right? That can’t be good. Just a quick peek, doc, couldn’t hurt.
MONROVIAN: Well, alright. Lean in close; quickly, now.
Hm, I don’t see any—
JUNO: Ha, would you look at that. I was wrong, you’re the one who got punched in the head.
VOICE 4 [PIRANHA]: (THROUGH THE DOOR) Alright, I’ve had it.
Bosco, bust through that door.
JUNO (NARRATOR): And, that’s my cue.
I ran into the old man’s back room and locked the door behind me. Then, shoved the filing cabinet in front of it for good measure.
But it could only delay the inevitable.
VOICE 5 [BOSCO]: (THROUGH THE DOOR) We’re in, boss.
PIRANHA: (THROUGH THE DOOR) Yeah, Bosco, I was there. Where’d that P.I. creep go?
JUNO (NARRATOR): The back room was big, but there were no doors and no windows. Just some shelves, some filing cabinets, and a computer terminal.
PIRANHA: (THROUGH THE DOOR) Wake Monrovian up. I’ll check the back room.
JUNO (NARRATOR): I was cornered. No way out. The people after me wanted to kill me over a stupid cat, and they seemed like they could probably do it, too.
Boy, I forgot how much I love this job.
PIRANHA: (THROUGH THE DOOR) You in there, P.I.? You made a real mess of things, you know. Come out quiet-like, and maybe I’ll only bite off one of your thumbs before we put a laser through your head, see?
JUNO (NARRATOR): Because that’s what being a P.I.’s all about. Sign up for a losing battle… then win it.
PIRANHA: I’ll kill you, P.I. You die today.
JUNO (NARRATOR): So you better watch out, piranha face, because Juno Steel’s back in action.
CONDUCTOR: If you’ve enjoyed this tale, please consider donating to The Penumbra on Patreon. Our artists work tirelessly to bring you these stories, and if you have the means, we hope you will support our efforts. Every dollar helps. You can find that page at patreon.com/thepenumbrapodcast. If you support us on Patreon at the $10 level or higher, you’ll receive access to commentary tracks like this one, from actors Noah Simes, Kate Jones, and co-creator Sophie Kaner:
KATE: …He had a whole adventure, um, that was, uh, you know, I’m sure, very hard for him, but also… um, also, Rita. (LAUGHS)
SOPHIE: Well, he was terrible to her!
KATE: No, he was, he… what did he– he left her a phone message, that was just like—
SOPHIE: This very traumatic—
KATE: Close up shop – bye!
SOPHIE: I might never see you again. Sell all my belongings.
KATE: Yeah, um and… like, you know, besides Franny, Juno’s, like, Rita’s best friend. (LAUGHS)
SOPHIE: Absolutely.
KATE: (WHISPERING) Um, and Franny doesn’t exist, also.
NOAH: This is not canon. Let me repeat.
KATE: (LAUGHS) This is my personal…
NOAH: This is not canon…
CONDUCTOR: You can also support The Penumbra by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter @thepenumbrapod, following us on Tumblr @thepenumbrapodcast, telling your friends about us, telling your friends to tell their friends about us, and especially by rating and reviewing our podcast on iTunes. Every rating, comment, and kind word spreads our stories further and inspires us to keep creating more and better tales to come.
We would like to give special thanks to all who support us on Patreon, but especially to Jaimie Gunter, Eliza Gray, The Princess and The Scrivener, Hannah Tsim, Elizabeth Miller, and Angel Acevedo for their incredibly generous contributions per episode. Thank you.
This tale, Juno Steel and the Kitty-Cat Caper, was told by the following people: Joshua Ilon as Juno Steel, Kate Jones as Rita, Kristie Norris as Maia King, Noah Simes as Dr. Monrovian, and Matthew Zahnzinger as Ramses O’Flaherty.
On staff at The Penumbra: Kevin Vibert is our lead writer and recording engineer. Sophie Kaner is our director and sound designer. Noah Simes is our production manager. Alice Chung is our designer and financial manager. Grahame Turner is our script editor. Original music by Ryan Vibert. Promotional art by Mikaela Buckley.
The Penumbra is created and produced by Sophie Kaner and Kevin Vibert.
I’m afraid this is the end of the line for today, dear Traveler. We hope you will ride with The Penumbra again soon.
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grotesquegabby · 6 years
Pirate au~ uwu finally they have all reached their destination
@post-itpenny Maggie is involved uwu
Lennie just wasn’t himself after losing his brother. The promise that he could come back was......heart wrenching. The hope that his brother truly could actually come back made him anxious. What if it wasn’t true, then the journey would have been for naught. Coraline had helped him greatly in this time. If he was honest with himself he didn’t know where he’d be or what he would have done. Suddenly someone called out. Lennie’s head shot up, it was the warning bell. A thick mist had suddenly appeared. The ships had to sail through dangerous territory to get to their destination. Everyone aboard their ships were quiet, the only sound around them was the lapping of the water against the ships. No birds, nothing. Not a sound from the crew. 
Cecilio who was in charge of Billy’s ship for now. He was cautious constantly trying to get a good look into the mist. The fact he could not see made him nervous, he had forgotten about this area. Wishing now that he could have warned everyone
On the Serpente Rosso something knocked into the ship. Steller glared, “What was that?”  Cecilio heard him on The Black Death and tried to tell him to shush. Steller glared at him, and huffed quietly. Going along with what the older man told him. Suddenly The Black Death rocked almost hitting the  Serpente Rosso. Crews on both ships braced themselves. Cecilio motioned for everyone to stay as quiet as possible. But Roger cursed out loud, and that’s when the thing beneath the ships made itself known. Tendrils burst forth from the sea and wrapped themselves around the ships. “Where the hell did you take us you old fool!” shouted Roger. Cecilio cursed under his breath and pulled out his sword, “Why couldn’t you keep your mouth shut?!” He stabbed into the things keeping the ship in place. The crews on both started to fight whatever came their way. Though few were grabbed and pulled over board, no way to save them. 
Just as things were getting worse, both Maggie and Coraline came on deck.  Claws rose from the water and grabbed onto the Serpente Rosso. Scraping against the wood. “What is that?” asked Coraline. “Trouble!” shouted Roger as he stabbed into one of the tendrils keeping their ship in place. She drew her sword and told Lily to stay below deck. Maggie did the same and joined in. By this time everyone was battling the sea creature. Lennie was keeping the tendrils back away from himself along with whoever had their back turned. That is till he was grabbed. Lennie dropped his sword in shock as he was thrown into the air and grabbed once again. “Let Go!” He shouted in frustration, only then to be...dropped on deck. Including with everyone else who had been grabbed. He was confused just as everyone as it unwrapped itself from the ship and let go. “um....” Everyone cautiously keeping their swords withdrawn ready to fight. It was a full ten minutes before everyone was settled and calm again. “It’s....safe to continue.” announced Cecilio. “How can you be so sure?” called Steller. “Because I just know.” Cecilio stated. Which of course Steller did not like. They sailed on through the mist. 
It felt like hours before Maggie noticed a landmass in the distance. She called out letting everyone know so they were prepared. It took quite a while for them but all the ships were anchored and everyone headed to the island. “Alright...” started Cecilio, “I want you all to be respectful. Though I shouldn’t really have to tell you that.” “Uh....why are you telling us then?” asked Roger. ‘as a precaution.” Cecilio stated. First the long boat ride now the long hike. “When will it Eeeennnd!” someone shouted. Cecilio just glared at them before continuing the long trek. “We will be at the temple soon.” called out Cecilio. “Temple?” asked Maggie, “Why are we heading to a temple?” “Well that’s where we are going to bring back William.” replied Cecilio. Maggie was confused at first, “oh wait Billy.” Cecilio chuckled, “Yes Bill, he never goes by William and I don’t know why.”
It was a couple hours before they finally made it to the large stone temple. “Woah...” Bella looked up in amazement as they climbed the steps, “this place...” Inside was marble and a large pool of water in the center of the room. A statue seeming to stare into it. A large hole in the ceiling with the full moon shining straight down into the pool. “Perfect, we came at the right time.” said Cecilio. He motioned for Billy’s crew to set him down gently,“Now we just need to call her.” Lennie gulped nervously, would this be it. Would he get his brother back? Or would he just be disappointed? Coraline grabbed Lennie’s hand to help him calm down. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze and smiled up at her. 
Cecilio pulled something from his pocket and dropped it into the pool of water. “Now we wait.” “wait for what?” asked James, he had been silent most of the trip. But being nervous about what was happening now. He had to speak up. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure of your company again Blueblood.” Everyone turned, beneath the statue sat a woman. With long flowing white hair. A dress as pale as the moon. Cecilio bowed, “I missed you of course~” most of the others did as Cecilio did. While some stared in confusion. “don’t tease me, you know I’m always around.” She chuckled lightly, “Now...are you going to introduce me?” Cecilio stood up, “oh yes, everyone. This is Calliope or....as some call her Luna,Selene, Artemis, um...” “I am the Moon Goddess. You could have just said that Cecilio.” Calliope stood up. He rubbed the back of his head, “I know but uh...heh.” “Now I know you didn’t come for a social visit, especially with all these people. and a dead body.” She looked down, “So...what do you want?” “I uh,....well...my son.” Cecilio started now he was nervous. Coraline squeezed Lennie’s hand and motioned to Calliope. Lennie got the message and thanked her, “M-..ma’am.” Calliope looked at him, “oh my child you don’t have to call me ma’am. It makes me feel so old. Please call me Calliope.” 
Lennie nodded with a nervous gulp. “I was told there was a ...a..way to bring my b-brother back. Is that true?” Calliope gave Cecilio a stern look and he laughed nervously. “yes but....It’s not always a garauntee. It depends on the condition of the body.” She explained. Lennie frowned, “He’s missing his heart.” “I see....” She glared at Cecilio, “I shouldn’t.....but..I owe you One favor for what you did for me last time.” Lily asked, “What happened last time?” Cecilio chuckled, “ah well that’s a story for another day.” “Alright well I will need some of you to help me. Please bring him into the water.” Calliope said as she stepped into the pool. Cecilio and Lennie helped grab onto Billy. Despite everything Steller and Roger helped them get Billy into the water. Once they did they stepped away, “Alright, and if I remember correctly. This is one of your children, that you had with that ......thing you called a wife.” 
Cecilio sighed, “Yes....Can we move on from my bad decision and focus on the good one floating in the water.” Calliope had a smug look on her face, “alright~, I was just saying because of that. He will have a better chance. Now I need complete silence.” She closed her eyes. Everything was still and quiet, just like it was when they had sailed through the mist. But this time it wasn’t eerie, it was peaceful. The light from the moon above seemed to glow brighter, the shadows in the room vanishing as it engulfed the room. Everyone had to cover their eyes. It stopped as soon as it started though. A gasp and a splash was heard. Lennie smiled and had to be stopped before leaping into the pool.
Billy stood there alive and breathing. Calliope held onto him to calm him down, “Shhh, you’re safe. i need you to take in deep breathes. It’s going to be hard to adjust without a heart.” His hair had turned white and he was gasping for air. The hold in his chest now healed and a scar left in its place. Once Calliope let him go, she helped him out of the pool. Billy was back. Lennie and Billy both hugged, now reunited. “Little Ama is going to be so thrilled.” said Lennie. “YOU jerk!” Billy looked up to see Maggie coming at him angry. “What did I do?” “You go and tell me how you feel! Then die! I just....You...” Maggie was in tears. Billy sighed with a smile and held her face, pulling her in for a kiss, “I’m back now aren’t I?” she nodded and he kissed her again. 
Lennie felt happier, he was in tears and didn’t even know it. He went over to Coraline and thanked her for helping him. Along with her brothers and even James. 
It seemed they could all go home now and live happy lives.
But trouble lurks around every corner.
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I was tagged by my buddy @themisanthropiclycanthrope :) This is gonna be so hard. I can never choose one favourite so there will most likely be another favourite amongst that series/fandom.
The Musketeers - Porthos (My loving, caring teddy bear!)
Shadowhunters - Magnus Bane (That glittery, gay, sassy warlock is the star of the show/book. Oh and malec ;) )
Merlin - Lancelot (Has the bravest and most loyal soul in the world)
Kingsman - Agent Galahad (His love for Mr. Pickle, being fucking awesome and I mean, Colin Firth. How can you not love him?)
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Dorian Pavus (Gay. Sassy. Hot. No more questions needed)
Assassin's Creed - Edward Kenway (A pirate assassin. What more do you want?)
Dishonored - Daud (Badass assassin with an equally badass student, Billy Lurk. [I have a thematic love for assassins, as you can see])
Bioshock - Booker DeWitt (The poor man just wants his daughter back D: And his character development is great)
Hamilton - Marquis de Lafayette (RAP MASTER. SPEED DEMON)
Rick and Morty - Rick Sanchez (He's so fucked up but an amazing genius at the same time)
Fargo (Tv Series) - Mr. Wrench [Also gonna add a #11] (A broken-hearted Deaf hitman who needs all the hugs and love)
I tag @snowglory @i-own-loki @loveel-who @canadiangarrison @naniemmanel
[i don't have enough friends to tag]
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alexilulu · 7 years
10 Games I Played in 2017, Roughly Ranked
This is wildly long lol so have fun, idiots
#10: DESTINY 2
This is sort of awkward. Destiny 1 was a game I enjoyed with small reservations; it was obvious how hampered they were by their own backend in creating new content and design spaces to explore, prior to The Taken King. Even then, it had shining moments of joy for me. I adored the goofy dead ghost hunting like halo 2/3 skullfinding, using every trick at your dispoaal to find another morsel of insane, well-crafted tidbits of lore for this world that the game itself rarely even touched on, let alone explored. Destiny 2 was supposed to be the "we listened and we're fixing it" for that game, and a needed jump to a new backend that would free them to create the things they dreamed of.
The grimoire was removed wholesale, those bits of lore still true presumably but inaccessible in the game again. Instead of finding ghosts, you examine objects in the world, getting a 2-sentence Nolan North quip that usually is more funny than it is educational about this sprawling world they created. And it doesn't save that anywhere. We actually moved backwards in term of the lore's accessibility to the player, somehow. The game itself is still Destiny, helmet popping and aiming down sights and kicking balls around the tower, and it's storyline was ambitious in a way the original was not, actually making you feel at least a little weak for about 10 minutes before you're back to killing Fallen and then doing donuts on your Sparrow on top of their corpse. The game treats itself as both too serious and totally unserious in the same breath, a monologue of serious consequences punctuated by Cayde cradling a chicken and petting it gently. It's good, but it remains to see if it'll reach the same comfortable spot Destiny 1 got to by the end of it's lifespan.
9: NIOH Here's where I admit that some of these games I've played, in that I played it for a few hours and haven't had time to return to it. I have it on good faith that Nioh is an incredible game, and from the bits I've touched I know that to be at least probably true. I've heard it described more as a Diablo-esque loot-game pretending to be a Dark Souls ball-busting difficulty monster than vice versa. It's something I'm hoping to come back to, and if I'd been able to spend more time with, I likely would have put much further up the list.
8: Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Another game I fuckin' haven't had time to complete, Death of the Outsider is the thing I and several friends have wanted for years; Billie Lurk fucking shit up. And her powerset rules. I'm only like 2 missions in, but I'm looking forward to finishing the rest sometime before Christmas, hopefully. Dishonored 2 was definitely a game I was thrilled to play, and I know this will be more of the same.
7: Resident Evil 7 What could be better than the creeping horror of a deranged family out in the Louisiana Bayou? Resident Evil 7 was honestly so unbelievably effective at learning from the last 5+ years of immersive horror games while still, at it's heart, being a goofy Resident Evil game under that. That style clashes at times; The moment when you go outside to the courtyard of the mansion and find a double-keycard locked door when the most advanced thing in the whole house before now has been the goofy projector-doors that hearken back to the ancient history of the series. I think it sticks it's landing well, with a good lategame twist and plenty of goofy superscience in between. I've been meaning to go back to it for the Chris Redfield DLC, but I don't know if I actually want to, to be honest. That game was a fun ride, and they did their best to add the usual replay stuff like a NG+ gun and such, but I think I'm okay leaving it where I left it, on good terms.
6: Tacoma I bought the hoodie that came with a LUNAR TRANSFER STATION TACOMA patch Fullbright sold long before that game had it's transformation following feedback from beta testers, and I never stopped looking forward to it coming out. Gone Home was like a...I won't say formative, because it isn't true, but it was definitive for me. A story about two girls falling in love together doesn't come around that often, and the attention to the setting and feel of being in this old, deeply lived in house. Tacoma shows that same love of character and place in spades, giving you an even more intimate look at the world the crew of the Tacoma lived in together. I honestly lost it when I noticed during a scene that next door, their cat was asleep on the shelf above the laundry machine. Just the smallest details and love shown for everyone involved broke my heart and put it back together in a different shape. A vision of a world utterly fucked by corporatist greed such that they are essentially their own extragovernmental entities, and people live on anyway, just being people. It's so sad, but still sort of hopeful? Even if the world is garbage, people will keep on living as best as they can. It's very millennial of myself to find solace in that idea, honestly, but that's this game for you, one crafted based on the excesses of the last decade spiraling out of control.
5: Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood In any other year, this game would be #1. You're gonna hear me say that a few more times here before we're done. Final Fantasy 14 has been a constant in my life for the last 3 years, delivering again and again the sort of joy that only comes from a game lovingly made by people dedicated to their own love of the genre, the setting and their playerbase. That's the only way I can describe it, lovingly crafted. Naoki Yoshida loves this game, and so does his team, and every inch of that game radiates this. The storyline itself is a little meandering, jumping from a failed revolution to formenting a successful one, to returning triumphant with new armies and allies at your back. Everyone in that game is, again, a joy to be around. It has a somewhat similar roadtrip feel to Heavensward, but never treads the same ground in the same way. It's more like...taking your friend abroad to another country, while Heavensward was a road trip across a state that stops and starts in fits and spurts. I don't know if this expansion will hold my attention in the same way that Heavensward did, or that A Realm Reborn did. I don't know if I have that part of myself that's willing to ride with an MMO across the lifetime of it's expansion this time. I want to support this game, and the people who make it, and my friends who do still ride with it. But this might be my last expansion.
4: Tales of Berseria If this came out any other year, it might be my game of the year. You'll hear that 2 more times before we're done. I've never been a Tales person. I know people who are, and I understand the mystique, but I never Understood it until repeated praise (and some very cute lesbian ship art) forced my hand into buying it. I don't know if I'm gonna be ok when I finish it. The game is very baldly about doing bad things. The protagonist is a demon on a blatantly self-destructive revenge quest against the self-appointed savior of the world, aided by a demon swordsman who wants to kill his brother, a witch with existentially depressed ennui, a boy who barely knows who he is, a pirate cursed to bring ruin to those around him, and a pure maiden with a tragic backstory trying to do good in the world who has fallen in with them through a series of missteps so comic they're mostly just sad. Together, this totally uncohesive group of misfits abandoned by the world, rejecting it and destroying everything that stands in their way. It crushes my heart on the regular. This is definitely a 60+ hour JRPG because I just got to hour 20 and there's absolutely still so much left to go. They've introed villain after villain, placing the shotgun on the mantelpiece for Velvet to mangle herself with just to kill them in the blast. This game breaks my heart. The world it's in is awful, every party member has been utterly ruined by some facet of it that happened to conflict with a totally normal thing they wanted. They're the devil's rejects. And I love every single one of them.
3: Butterfly Soup Remember all the praise I gave Gone Home back there? This game is like that for me this year. You can just make a game about some queer girls playing baseball and being in love, and I'll love it with all my heart. It's not hard for me to peg why I love it; Akarsha is like a fucking mirror pointed directly at my face with a moustache painted on it, Diya's anxiety and gay panic is so deeply relatable that I very nearly cried the first time she said the word Lesbian to herself and immediately tried to convince herself she's not gay. Brianna Lei's depiction of young, messy, goofy girls living with all the problems that happen to kids their age; insane parents, abuse, self-discovery, a lot of bad jokes and getting all too real at a moment's notice. I honestly cannot wait to see what else she can bring to the table.
1 (TIE): NieR: Automata If this game came out any other year, it would be #1 without effort. The original NieR did something at just the right time, with just the right amount of feeling. A rejection of the trend of father figures rescuing their child and getting the good ending, NieR was a quest to protect a girl to the detriment of everyone around the protagonist, including the girl herself. The final ending of that game ends with you erasing yourself from the world so that you never existed, to save someone who deserves to live and would have if not for you. NieR's destructive quest to protect his daughter literally destroys the world around him, disrupting millennia of careful planning and manipulation by people far smarter than him. All because they took his daughter. Damn the world, he wanted what was his. NieR: Automata follows another 10,000 years after that, in the same world, scarred by a war that broke out centuries ago. The game frequently lies to both you the player and you the protagonist, but the protagonist already knows better, and simply doesn't let on. The game focuses, instead, on the ways that something built by humans craves to become like its long-gone masters. Androids are built to be physically ideal, sexy and at times loving to one another, because that's what humans did. It's unclear if they chose this for themselves or if humans did it to them (and obviously Yoko Taro chose for them to be like this, human choice or no), but it's how they live. The machines they fight do the same, playing a phone game across millennia of what humanity was, trying to fill the holes in their life with gender binaries, sexual intercourse, children and family and love. What separates them from us? Are we any different? Do we deserve to be different? Do they? I don't know how to talk about this game coherently. There's so much there. People recently have been talking about it again, as lists like these come up, and so many bad takes are floating around that it crushes my heart. 2B's sexy, so the game is horny. It's bad because you have to replay it 5 times (no, wrong, bad). It's bad because 9S is a softboy and 2B could have been a lesbian with any of the women throwing themselves at her (come on, dude, at least try). I'm not gonna try to rebut any of these, because the game itself doesn't need my defense. It stands on its own. It's the best game I've played in the last 5 years, in all likelihood. It's definitely my favorite of the last decade.
1 (TIE): Persona 5 If this game came out on any other year, it would be #1 with a bullet. This game had an insanely tortured development cycle. Pushed back again, then again, then again. Remember that February 2012 graphic that used to go around, and likely will right around Valentine's Day? Characters were revamped, removed, redesigned 5 times in the case of Haru (who started out as a boy, somehow). But it's exactly the game I needed in 2017. I was a transplant in Texas in 2004, going into high school in a new state where we knew no-one and nobody. I was quiet, spending most of my time outside class reading the 6th Dark Tower novel, Song of Susannah, a 2 inch thich hardcover beast. Because it's high school, rumors started about whatever they thought I was because I was quiet and wore a hoodie to school regardless of the weather, hiding guns or knives or what have you. Akira's experience touched me, in ways I never thought I would be a decade after graduating. Shit, everyone touched me in some way. Yusuke's quiet acceptance of the abuse and labels applied to him by his teacher and his fellow students. Futaba's isolation in the wake of her mother's death hit me in the heart; I dropped out of college when my own mother had a spinal cord fusion in her lumbar spine that ruined her life, left her with 10% her previous mobility. I mourned for years. Haru's quiet demeanor and the immediate, effusive joy she displayed whenever she could be with her friends, no matter the context. Ryuji's bristling rage at authority that ridicules him. Even the side cast struck me in ways Persona 4 and 3 never did. Kawakami's tiredness with the world, her exploitation she brushes off as a fact of life. Takemi's cool acceptance of being forced from the job of her dreams into treating bruises and being blackballed by the world she worked to survive in. Sojiro's struggles with cruel family that would destroy the daughter he loves as his own. Persona 5 is a game about the ways that society is designed to strike down the odd man out, casting them aside as worthless or ridiculous. The simple girl run into a cult, the daughter of a model forced into a role she never asked for, the typecast and the downtrodden, who deserve so much better than the world they've been given. This is a deeply flawed game. Within hours of Ryuji standing side by side with Ann to defend her from the casual sexism of Kamoshida or any other number of aggressions, he becomes a slavering hound doing the same thing to his best friend. The writing, when it's not inconsistent, simply isn't there; Haru's final and rather grand entrance peters off into maybe a dozen lines she has in the main story following her introduction. 6+ years in development can do some bad stuff to a game. But I love it, despite all of that. I can see what this game could have been, with a less tortured development, with a director who didn't ask the character design to make all of the female confidants "cuter". With a more focused vision, a clearer goal, and a better route there. All of that said, I still love my satanic crime ring. And I probably always will.
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chocochipbiscuit · 7 years
Fic Rec Friday: Dishonored
The Sight of Salt Water Unbounded (Billie Lurk/Cecelia) by NeverWinterThistle - 14k words of lesbian pirate adventures! Plus some past Billie/Delilah, and this is just everything I ever wanted. Cecelia getting to grow into quiet competence, no one yelling at her or treating her as disposable? Seeing Billie stepping away from her old life and considering what she wants to do without either Daud or Delilah watching over her shoulder? Lizzy Stride popping in with those wicked teeth and that foul mouth? I am a happy Choco, yes I am.
A Letter to Her Imperial Majesty Emily Kaldwin, From Her Lover (Emily/Wyman) by ialpiriel - because who doesn’t want 588 words of epistolary smut? ;) Featuring nonbinary Wyman, clever use of the medium, and a lot of chuckles as well as delighted fanning. The most elegant of erotic correspondence between lovers!
heliotropism (Corvo/Jessamine) by cosmoscorpse- 3.3k words of Corvo in Coldridge (so mind the tags, there’s pain and torture) and nonlinear storytelling, flashing back to how his whole world revolved around Jessamine and the way love saves and sustains even in the worst places. It’s gorgeous and hurtful and resonates deep within me, aaah.
You Don’t Wanna See These Guys (Without Their Masks On) (Waverly Boyle) by NoHolds - 2k words of fix-it for the low chaos ending to Lady Boyle’s Last Party. Corvo gives her a knife and a chance, and Waverly takes the rest and makes her own life. (by which I mean meets a nice young lady and has a happy, simple life for the rest of her days)
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riisinaakka-draws · 7 years
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It has only been a little over a year since I started watching the show and joined the Black Sails fandom. I posted my first fanart exactly one year ago and it was the one above. Thus far I have drawn over 100 of them. I tried different mediums and styles, both for practice and for capturing the essence of the things I wanted to share. Some of them are great, some are silly, some are a bit out of character or not so good in other ways and some ended up surprising me in many ways. All are nonetheless very precious to me.
Under the read more there's a list of all my doodles thus far. Most of them feature Flint, Silver or both of them (there will be more of the other characters in the future, no worries). I have to admit I laughed quite a lot while going through these again. This is a really long post.
This is a list to show what sort of things there are and also for my own amusement and archiving purposes. The list is in chronological order, from first to the latest.
I tried to make this as concise as possible, but the tag/navigation page is here if you want to find something specific or don’t want to go through all this:
- Flint takes care of Silver's leg in the darkness of the captain's cabin.
- Some quick doodles of Flint, ballpoint pen
- Sharkdate cuties (really scrappy doodles of Silver gazing at munching Flint)
- Progress. A continuation to previous pic. Silver holding a cup, covered in blood and looking affectionally at Flint. Here’s a giffed version.
- Silver and Flint go for a night walk in winter and Flint finds the streetlights amusing. Modern Au, beanies and the BS logo
- “See any treasures, Capt'n?” Billy to Flint who is looking at something “shiny” with his spyglass.
- What if Silver stole that certain ponytail and made it into "a rabbit's foot"? And what if Flint had a medallion with pictures of the Hamiltons and later a lock of dark curls... I returned to this idea several times after this, lol. (still secretly wishing that anyone would write a ficlet about this).
- Overload of Blackbeard - several doodles of different adaptations of BB
- Shark hunting. Flint has the shark on his lap and Silver stands in front of him. Composition inspired by that infamous Wolwerine and Nightcrawler cover.
- A gif of Blackbeard with flowers in his beard (I share a birthday with Ray Stevenson, that's why).
- a quick sketch of displeased Jack
- The Red Lollipop. Flint eating candy which is distracting to Silver, inspired by this awesome post (x). Silver steals the sweets and peels some potatoes. Bonus: Randall and Betsy the Cat.
- Draw me like one of your quatermasters... Flint doodles sleeping Silver in the Captain's log.
- Random sketches of Silver and Flint. Learning to draw their faces
- Flint with a horrible mustache and Silver with a long braided beard. (I should redraw this someday..)
- Flint takes Silver for a ride (modern Au with motorcycles). The Walrus gang follows "the flagship"
- Black Sails moomin AU, part I (I had so much fun with these).
The domestic modern beach au serie with 15+ doodles, various characters, inspired by this hilarious post (x). - Jack takes pictures of everything and Vane ends up buried in the sand - Silver puts some lotion on Flint (Billy tosses people up in the background) - Max and Anne Bonny enjoying each other's company - Rogers is going to get hit by a beach ball "accidentally". Anne, Max, Vane and Jack in the background - Ben Gunn shows his ship kite to Billy Bones - Vane and Flint swim butterfly. Silver (*.*) - Vane flips his hair like a merman, Eleanor is drinking and enjoying the view. - Mr Scott and Mr Gates enjoy their drinks at the bar while others fight in the water. Max and Eleanor gossip together. Anne and Jack hold hands like otters on swim rings. - Silver and Flint sleeping on the sun, Flint has a book on his face - The Ranger Crew swimming. Jack is slathered in sun lotion, Anne waits for him and Vane makes a joke. + Mysterious swimming trunks. - Silver is the sneakiest shit and likes to creep underwater and drag people down by their legs. - Silver and Flint eating ice cream + some early sketches in a gif - the Fucking Warship (minivan) rides to sunset, Vane is forgotten in the sand but do not worry...
- Silver and Flint sing the song "Dynamic Duet" from Starkids' Holy musical B@tman!
- Nooooooooo! Flint shaves his head, Silver doesn't take it well.
- Silver's character development. From little shit to actual scary fuck
- A HUG. (silverflint, done before s4. I really needed a hug)
- Bloodthirsty Bunny & Squinting Squirrel, (furries, i am so sorry)
- Flint brings water to Silver, a scene from the show. <3
- Sweetness of touch. Flint gets his hair/head touched by his loved ones.
The Walrus crew acquires some chicken. A lot of them. And a parrot. - Billy and Joji are tending them - people playing board games and ignoring the chickens - a coc- I mean a rooster between Silver's legs - Silver holding some chickens and Flint meeting "the Captain Flint"
- Flint gets his ginger crown back...sort of
Chickens, part II. Flint sends his regards. Teach has taken Anne and Jack to fishing and they get a surprise "gift" from the Walrus.
Fanart about Silverfin, a thrilling and unbeliavably funny (nsfw) silverflint fic by @jadedbirch and @zoinomiko (can’t tag u for some reason..).
Go read it :D I made some (sfw) fanart inspired by it (spoilers). - a comic of the tragic night - reunion and crowns (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
- (a recap, not really a tutorial) about some of my messy work methods.
- Anne Bonny, without her hat, ready to kick your ass, season 3
- A portait of Max
- Every fashionable pirate captain needs a hat! Silver buys some silly pirate hats. Inspired by @vowel-in-thug​'s fic (part V, nsfw) and the CBeebies Bedtime Story etc.
- "Support". Silver and Flint approaching the Maroon camp.
- A portrait of Long John Silver on his way of becoming the legend
- Swords and time. James McGraw - Captain Flint. Sword placement comparison, gif experiments etc. (I really like this one)
- A canary. Flint finds a sad-looking caged bird aboard a merchant ship and then reads books to it in his cot. Inspired by @old-long-john​'s sweet and beautiful fic (x). Also thanks to @captain-flint​ for spotting the bird cage in s1.
Inktober 2016, 20+ doodles, various characters - Silver, a sad little face doodle - A bringer of death and destruction (Flint as an angel of sorts). Quick doodle with a brush - Silver and Flint. A little doodle with an ink-dipped cotton swap - "Hungry", Silver and Flint find the whale and prepare to hunt sharks. - "SAD?" NOT TODAY! There's always Silver Lining. Silly and shitty puns. - "Hidden", The treasure has been buried. - "LOST", Silver and Flint look for a bird on board the Walrus. - "ROCK", Ben Gunn and Billy Bones play rock-paper-scissors. (sorry, still no better doodle of them) - "BROKEN", Benjamin Hornigold misses his chair. - "Lock the door", Flint on the floor of his cabin when they were becalmed ;_; - "TRANSPORT", Anne Bonny takes Jack Rackham to safety on a horse. - Madi, a little sketch - "Dufresne admires his new tattoo" - "TREE", What difference does it make? Captain Naft shares his insight. Froom and Crisp agree. Morley and Randall (+ Betsy the Cat) are not impressed (for obvious reasons...). - "RELAX", A nice afternoon at the seaside with some of the brothel girls - A little sketch of John Silver again, because I cannot resist him. - "Flint has a meeting with Death". - "ESCAPE", Flint has retired and Silver still sails the seas. Occasionally he visits James and steals some of his baked goods (with some help from his crew and birdies). - "FLIGHT", a sketch of a parrot on a napkin - "SQUEEZE", Jack Rackham enjoying his bath - "LITTLE", a little sketch of Max and Anne kissing in little rain, under Anne's huge hat. - "Surprise", Charles Vane lurking in the water - "And then! You won't believe what the.." Hal Gates and Billy Bones spend their free afternoon gossiping and having fun - "Forget-me-not" / "one dozen", Miranda finds some familiar flowers and thinks about Thomas. - "BURN", Thomas, James and Miranda, just eyes. Inspired by the powermetal duet "Wish I Had An Angel"
- Oooh, What does my reflection shoooow ~. (Lovable) Little shit.
- Accidents with the spyglass. Flint acts like an asshole, Billy and Gates are having none of it, Silver is yet to learn.
- Death builds a raft and follows the Walrus.
- Portrait of Eleanor, the Merchant Queen of Nassau
- "long johns and puns". Silver is looking for a new pirate style and Billy offers to help.
- Black Sails Moomin AU - part II
- Silver at the wrecks, light and visual practise
- Eleanor Guthrie and James Flint, looking in / out. visual practise, parallels and contrasts
- My Heart Will Go On, but I'll keep your ponytail and get a parrot for my duets. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
- Muldoon's tattoo ;_;
Some of the following have season 4 spoilers:
- Eleanor does some embroidery (of bees and fuck-yous)
- How Silver gets his new crutch (Israel Hands is handy)
- Flint and the Wanderer above the sea of fog
- Flint's mouth saying FUCK infinitely, a gif experiment
- "That's my wee lad, Gimli." Berringer's locket and asshole Rogers.
- For a moment there was a Hat Trio. Teach, Jack and Anne
- Silver and Madi, canon kiss
- The Spare Ginger. Silver doesn't like Eleanor's plan. Madi and Israel Hands try to comfort him.
- Eleanor Guthrie, a green portrait
- Long John Silver must make a tough choice, while Flint enjoys his capture at Eleanor's expense
- All those extra spyglasses in 4.08. Maybe the answer was Israel Hands' hoarding.
- Fresh air on the balcony of the Walrus. (a drawing of the ship at night). There're celebrations on the deck, Flint and Silver have a private talk.
I find it endearing how this list ends with the balcony one. Like a parallel (ha!) to the first one, where Flint and Silver are having a private moment on board of a ship, although it is a different ship and at a different time. A year ago I had no idea where this all would lead me and how much I would learn and get to experience *pats my past-self in the back awkwardly and fondly*
Looking back at them (doodles) I feel both proud and slightly embarrassed of my enthusiasm. I have never done anything like this for any other fandom. I have never felt so much and had such an urge to engage in this sort of thing.
This show, its creators and crew, this fandom. Just something unbeliavable.  I cannot find the words to say how much I appreciate you all. The brilliancy, the humour, the love in all kinds of forms. I am so glad I stumbled on this show (it was a gif or a fanvid about ep 2.05 that made me aware of this show, btw. I cannot remember it clearly anymore and for a moment I thought Crossbones was a pilot for Black Sails and almost missed everything, but that's a story for another time...)
Know this: I have loved sharing this experience (the show, the fandom) with you and I appreciate everything you have given to me or shared with me. I will treasure this. (I apologize not thanking more people individually, but this post would’ve never reached its end otherwise).
*throws hearts and forehead kisses to the best and inspiring fandom and the greatest show that broke my heart and healed my soul so many times*
All the possibilities and love to you. Thank you <3
(This is not a goodbye, btw. There’s still so much more to come!) (◠‿◠✿)
P.S. All this started as doodles so that’s why I have kept using that word eventhough it doesn’t really apply to many of these anymore...
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