#'breakfast? Theres nothing special about that' and the I remember that breakfast is a big deal in internet lmao
joshy-tomato · 9 months
RoseGarden - Breakfast
Lets mix it with the Trans!Oscar headcanon (and my own experience with my periods)
Oscar feels awful on his period, particularly in the morning, so Ruby wakes up earlier than usual to make him a big breakfast. If she can take the pain away at least she will try her best to make him feel better.
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inactive02 · 1 year
Loyalty binds chapter 1
a/n: oop, is that me posting. yep it is, im back and alive sadly, i missed yall very much so i decided to work on this heimdall x non binary oc type series. i thought it would've been really cool to finalize it and write it out. this story is pretty much a back story series for my oc, let me know what you think. this is will going on my ao3 as well.
warnings: theres nothing too bad in this first chapter besides hemidall being heimdall.
words: 2k
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Running, that’s all ular ever did, not once did he ever let his fears catch him. If they did, he knew he would be a dead man, the same dream plays like the repeating song of morning birds, the voice of someone calling out his name. Chanting, and chanting until “hey boy! Get up.” his sealed eyes were now open, looking around in a panic before finding the person of this voice. 
Ingmar, the big friendly man who took him in. Raised him like his own. His deep blue eyes and jet black hair with slight grays as he crosses his arms looking down at her, “you know I’m not so positive about being late, plus it’s your first time in Asgard! Don’t want to make your first time a horrible experience, get up and get ready!” Ingmar shouts, The teenager groaned in response, rising from the bed he slept in. Today is a special day for this cute sea boy, Ular. As Ingmar said, it was her first time visiting Asgard, the only time he heard about Asgard was whenever ingamr talked about it. The place sounded like a myth or something that didn’t exist, but it did.
“So, today is finally the day you take me there?” ular teased, in a child-like tone as he hopped around behind Ingmar, heading outside their home to walk up the trail that leads to the wall of Asgard.
“You're getting bratty, kid?” he remarks, looking down at him before standing with his arms crossed. The boy silenced himself in mere seconds of that familiar tone, “huggin!” He barked, raven feathers slowly circling them, Ular’s golden eyes widened in curiosity at what was transpiring in front of him. The birds enclose the two as they are transported. A new life, something new to explore, and Discover is the one thing Ular adores. Fresh things perked her interest in mere seconds.
Once the birds cleared a wonderful sight greeted the little boy, the scenery of the Wooden homes, greenery as far as the eye could see. The lively plaza, shops, and friendly faces around the town. Seeing Ular enjoy the warm and welcoming feeling, Ingmar felt brought a smile to his face, “come on boy! There are lots more to see.” Ingmar shouts, getting the attention of Ular’s ears, he moves quickly catching up to him to follow behind.
In front of him was a tall, wooden, and rather large lodge. Ingmar pushes the two heavy doors open with ease, the slight scrap of wood brought the attention of the people in the room. Ingmar greeted himself with unfamiliar faces Ular doesn’t recognize, There stood a tall woman with long blonde hair and a redhead man with a very bulky body, nearly as big as Ingmar 
“Hey, you two! Remember that little fella I always talked to you all about?” Ingmar lips curved into a bearded smile, “even though he ain’t my son, I still treat him like one” he grinned, revealing the small ular to them. The Leventhion ruffles up his hair, earning a slight whine from Ular.
Thor, the redhead, bent down to look at Ular with a cheeky smile. “You look like a tough boy, I mean you were raised by one” he boasted, eyebrow gesturing towards Ingmar, even though all three of them were gigantic compared to Ular. Surprisingly, he kept his composure.
Sif and Thor were their names, ingmar mentioned them a few times to Ular whenever he asked about Asgard. Saying things like Thor being the god of thunder and sif carrying many scrolls of the nine realms, these two were quite the character. “I hope Asgard is a welcoming place as much as you think it is. You two came in time just for breakfast, come have a seat” Sif stated, giving Ular a soft smile as well, going over to one of the maidens and whispering something to them, marching off to the personal quarters of the lodge. Ular didn’t question much about it, for now, he followed behind Ingmar and takes a seat at the big table, very excited about what was being cooked.
The smell from the kitchen passed by the boy's nose, sweet and meat, is what he smelled, stomach growling, Heavy footsteps brought him out of his hungry daze, and glancing to the source, the maiden guiding a sun kissed-skin colored boy, Blonde but slightly Curly hair draped over his face and wearing a long sleeve silky golden shirt and brown pants. His appearance resembled a prince, the most noticeable detail that stood out was his eyes. His iris shining the color of a deep magenta, Ular’s interest in the new-found friend sparked like a match seeing him, excited that he was meeting someone his age. Someone who he can relate to instead of Ingmar whose way older than him.  After Ular reframed from his thoughts to distract him, the boy sat down in front of him at the table with everyone else, Thor scoffs “you look like helhiem visited you” he laughed, getting the attention of the younger boy with a slight groan of annoyance. 
Ular thought that joke was a bit funny. A chuckle left his chocolate lips, then immediately silenced himself once he felt the male's piercing, magenta gaze on him. “You think that’s funny? How would you think the all father would react knowing you’ve brought an unknown guest, Thor?” He spat back, staring daggers at the poor boy, The other aesir continued to eat his food.
“Get your head out of ya ass, Heimdall. You think he doesn’t know about them.” Thor remarks, chewing on more food, before turning his attention to sif and Ingmar. Leaving the two boys in awkward silence as they eat their breakfast, not once did those hateful eyes leave ulars gaze.
Ular looked between his bowl and the boy, hoping he doesn’t talk, but his wishes aren’t always answered “you're pretty silent for a boy with a loud mind, I’m talking to you!” he stated, waiting for ular to raise his focus from that food. Seconds go by until the caramel teen gave Heimdall his attention.
“Sorry, it’s been a while since I had good food” ular elaborated, a cheeky smile following behind, the blonde hated that smile, how can he smile with those loud thoughts in his head? Heimdall questioned, his thick brows furrowing. 
It annoys him.
Sliding the bowl over to Ular, insisting he can have the rest of his meal, Ular swipes the bowl immediately and continued eating the meal, “what is your name?” Ular asked, chewing his meal. The other male felt quite disgusted by the sound and sight.
“I’m Heimdall, I see you enjoy shrimp stew, it’s my favorite” he replied, a smirk growing on his face watching Ular eat the food. Heimdall admires the sight of such a fragile boy, eating the meal, oblivious to what's in the bowl, hearing the last words the aesir told,  Ular’s expression turned from happiness to disgust in seconds. Maybe he’s going crazy but how did Heimdall know Ular is allergic to seafood, in a quick session Ular tries to get the taste out of his mouth, gulping the nearest water. The sound of Heimdall’s laughter echoes in the background from the show.
Ular finished his mead with a loud gulp to add, before slamming it down, “and that’s how he nearly killed me.” he concludes, his head leaning into his rough palm as he sat at the table with his two close friends, Leif the huldra and the bright redhead larvisa. His two friends indulged in the horrible yet, cute memory ular wanted to tell them about. The taller man remembered the memory like it was yesterday, it was probably the last time he has seen the aesir, purposely avoiding him for many years, but to his dismay Heimdall always found him. Giving him a scare or cry, words of judgment even, whenever ular was caught he wouldn’t hear the end of it from that blonde dog. Years went on, and Ular noticed how he hasn’t seen Heimdall that each year. Which is a good thing, right?
“He’s truly an asshole, straight up!” larvisa comments, kicking her boots up as she sips her mead, the huldra beside her silently drinking their water.
Leif gazes over at ular with a slight tilt of their head, “I'm surprised he hasn’t tried to sabotage you when you were volunteering.” they added, to the already bad look heimdall has for himself. The deity’s mind tried to ponder on that thought but it no longer did once he realized he has many things to do today, ones Sif told him specifically to do
“I’ve forgotten I’m on volunteer today for Sif, she doesn’t like it when I’m late, so I’m heading off!” he exclaims, leaving quickly out the bar. Pushing the bar door open, his soft boots mooch on the grounds of Asgard, speed walking to the great lodge. Some people question, why ular who’s a great being of the many seas is on volunteer duty. Well, he prefers to be on the sidelines knowing there's blood on his hands from his family name, he wants to be the opposite of dangerous. If he’s out all willy-nilly, keeping his hands busy doing many jobs like guarding the sea, helping in the mess hall, maybe even helping with training, or going on important missions for Odin with Ingmar and Thor.
 It makes him feel, human. It may sound like he’s your local housewife, but he’s able to do many things that he’s proud of. Those were the very goals he took seriously to the T as he strides to the great lodge, opening the door with a heavy swing, his vibrant irises already finding Lady sif in seconds. Talking to one of the helpers about the task for the day, the seaman moved over to sif and listens in on the conversation. 
Looming over her for a while before she feels his presence, turning around and receiving a beautiful smile from her. Opening her lips to speak elegantly “I hope you rested well, young man” she charms, earning a cheeky smile from ular out of embarrassment realizing he was a bit late to the party.
“I rested greatly, lady sif” he assured, Sif’s eyes lingering on him for a few seconds before nodding and explaining to him the very task he has today, handing over the wooden basket for collecting the sheets in the back of the great lodge. This wasn’t anything fresh to ular, she was used to doing these tasks every day whenever Sif needs him.
Her walking stopped as finished her orders, and she turned to him again, looking up at Ular “you heard everything I said, right?” She pressures, handing him a wooden basket. Watching Ular nod with haste before she strolled off to deal with her duties, His finger slightly tapped on the wooden material, strolling over to the first place, thrud’s room. Picking up anything that needed to be washed, and doing this slightly with haste, his muscle memory knowing what to get or what to not get. These tasks stray him even further away from his father, it's not a bad thing either, knowing that people mistake him for the son of Cthulhu define him only as that and not his own person, they don’t bleed the same color.
The thought of it drives the man insane because he knows he couldn’t do such a thing nor even try, the result of it is a sigh of irritation leaving his trembling lips trying to cast the thoughts aside. Why, why? is all he could ask himself, this life that was given to him by force was no mistake but held a purpose. 
A purpose he hasn’t quite figured out yet.
The sound of soft scrape of stainless leather and clanging metal plates stood out to Ular’s sensitive ears. It is the hinted of armor that holds no extended use, that was shined and oiled, with grace. The kilt was no foreign sound to him, something so unique that it entered the room; a particular person that wasn’t unfamiliar to him, the kilt shifting with the steps he takes. 
“Wow, you’ve grown to be a maiden! A questionable occupation,” Heimdall cackled, the handsome man standing proud as his gaze combed over the deity. It was hard for ular to hate people, even Heimdall himself isn’t going to break that habit for him.
“Is that your way of asking to get your dirty sheets, Heimdall?” He asked, attention going elsewhere to the task at hand.
Heimdall’s hum slipped to scoff from the response, “reading my mind? As if you could, but since you insist..” 
Walking away from the door frame with a slight shake of his head, Ular followed behind from afar, This interaction feels no different from when they were younger, with Heimdall bashing Ular with his words, maybe even with his hands if they spared. Ular never lets him walk all over him as he does with others.
“Do you have nothing else better to do? Maybe something Odin needs?”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry a bit about that. I simply came to help you organize,” he retorted, stopping at his room door. The aesir’s gaze searches ular's expression for something with a curious eye 
His eyes only found a stiff expression, the deep golden eyes of a man with little patience. Not even being slightly different from before.
“No matter my words, your thoughts think nothing of them?” he questions, a mocking smirk dawning on his lips as his hands graze his own chin.
“Why should I question the words of a dog?”
“Of what?” He snarls, stepping forward with an intimidating posture to suit him. Magenta eyes pierced daggers into golden ones, They know one of them is always ready to talk back to the other with no problem, why should he be scared?
“Heimdall!” The fair old man called, Heimdall’s focus breaking as Odin’s voice shattered the tension between the two.
“Could you come to my study, I want to have a talk with you.” odin commands, stepping away to leave for his study. Ular could notice the movement on his cheeks, the silent biting of his cheek before stomping away from him. Another thing to settle for future preferences, he has all the patients in the world.
But not for Heimdall.
A/N: this took a while to write, i'll try my best to keep up my flow and im gratful you read the first chapter of something very chaotic thats brewing.
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offbranddrpepsi · 2 years
hi!!! it’s my birthday today and i'm a self-indulgent simp so could you do hcs of cypher, chamber, and raze and how they’d celebrate their s/o’s birthday? sfw and nsfw please!! thank you so much!!!!!
Of course i can! happy birth! lots of birthdays this month lmfao
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Cypher is someone who consider birthdays special and tries to learn what traditions you enjoy so he can carry them out
He is incredibly considerate of everyones birthdays, even Chamber's, getting them at least a cupcake or small cake with no information as to who sent it
Would send you a care package of your favorite snacks, lotions, drinks, etc with a simple card that doesn't have his name on it. On top of this would include a bouquet of your favorite flowers or a plushie if you don't favor flowers, if you don't like either then he would give you a scarf or blanket he picked up
if the type to get a photo of him and his s/o, their friends, a group photo of them and the agents etc framed as a gift.
Arranges a pampering day for you, gets one of the other agents to escort you in place of himself or pulls some strings uses blackmail to get you a proper escort.
The days outings would end at a park or a beach at sunset after you are treated to a dinner of your liking, Cypher finally meeting you there since theres less people and he will stand out less
Takes his partner for a nice walk just spending time together before going home
Makes his s/o their favorite dessert, may have spent all day doing this as he isn't fantastic at make sweets/baked goods.
When it comes to the night activities he leaves everything up to his partner
is entirely content spending the night watching Netflix and cuddling, but is also more than fine doing spicy things
Will take what ever role his partner desires, be that topping or subbing
Treats his partner like a god, makes sure he does everything perfectly as they like it and gives them as much pleasure as he can.
Absolutely dotes on them after, has their favorite drink ready and their favorite show/show they are currently watching queued up for after sex snuggles
would give them a bath after if they desired or a massage
Doesn't give his partner many gifts for their birthday but makes the few ones he does give meaningful, will occasionally save his money to get them a bigger gift
Outside of the gift/home made stuff he either barely or doesn't pay for anything, working off of 'favors'
Is one of the reasons everyone remembers his partners bday, he either doesn't shut up when its close or he makes sure every calender has it
Would make sure his partner had the day off from work every year on their birthday
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Chamber doesn't really fuss over his own birthday and typically will just wish people a happy birthday on theirs if he is reminded/told about it
He would be very lowkey about his partners, nothing big or flashy but rather sweet and cozy things
Gets your favorite take out, makes you breakfast as well as dinner if you'd like, makes sure your favorite dessert is already in the fridge/ready when you want it. Doesn't make a big show or big deal about it, just does it with a smile and refuses any thanks from you.
Would like to take you out to some place like a park, garden, or museum to just spend time with you. Could be persuaded to do something more active like a beach day, paint ball, escape room etc. He doesn't mind so long as its with their partner and they are enjoying themselves
Would gift his partner things that probably aren't that expensive so long as they are meaningful, would get them something expensive tho if they wanted it. If they mentioned something they wanted not long prior? its done and in their room neatly on a desk. Expensive plushie they've been saving for? on the bed when they get home. Video game/console thats been hard to find? taken care of and in the living room all set up and installed. If theres something you've mentioned wanting this is the man that gets it on holidays.
Chamber is also someone who would gift you really really sweet things like a custom piece of jewelry with your initials, something fitting for your interests that he designed or made, maybe even him flexing his art skills to draw/paint a portrait of you or something you enjoy/love (like a pet or cute photo you've taken that you like).
Makes the day about his partner but not in an over the top way, very good partner if you like just lowkey birthdays that aren't a big deal
When it comes to steamy bits he is here to please but also entirely okay without the sex
If you want something specific, be that theme toys or an outfit (for him or you) he will do just that and get just that
Makes the sex incredibly passionate, expect this lasting for fucking hours
will probably go as long as you'd let/want him to until he is absolutely exhausted. Man has a lot of stamina so if you manage to drain that he may like it and be a very happy man
Even if he is exhausted he would clean his partner up well, even giving them a nice bath or shower if they desired. If he was the one who got messy he would quickly clean himself up then return to their side.
Has a new set of pajamas set aside for his partner as well as any post sex activities they want, be that cuddles, shows, or playing some video game
Absolutely showers his partner is kisses and affection, absolute simp
If his partner wanted more active day out with friends he would politely sit out but would arrange it and handle stuff after, even footing the bill for any activities they wanted to do. I have the HC while enjoying flashy/lavish shit Chamber would probably sit out unless pushed by his partner just because he wants the day to be about them with absolutely no attention being placed on himself. Man may like being the center of attention but he is respectful as shit when it comes to others special days.
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Raze is the exact opposite of Chamber, she LOVES birthdays and always makes them a big deal unless asked not to
This woman will make sure the entire protocol knows what day it is as well as that they are prepared to celebrate
Plans her partner a surprise party with all their friends as well as any agents who want to show up
would be that annoying person to ask everyone if they were getting her partner a present, wouldn't force them to, but would see whos bringing a gift so she doesn't get a duplicate of it
Gets their favorite cake, either buys it or asks for a favor from Sage/Omen to make it as this woman cannot fucking bake to save her life.
Would take them dancing if they wanted, skateboarding maybe, just something really active that they both enjoy doing
party would be after that so they could hang out then head home unless her partner wanted to go back out
The night is as high energy as the day, this is a woman on a mission to wear her partner the fuck out no matter what that takes
does do the typical things her partner likes though and can go slow if they ask
Sloppy make outs to sex where she is clearly trying to be an over achiever if you catch my drift
Absolutely, if her partner liked her topping/using a strap on, would get a new one for the occasion or just something new in general to try out
Absurdly loud, everyone in the base/your next door neighbor knows exactly whats going down as Raze makes her partner absurdly loud to match her energy
Would be the partner to go to shower with you and end up leading to more spicy times
once everything does eventually calm down she starts pestering her partner about if they enjoyed it and that she will make it even better next year.
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turtle-steverogers · 4 years
I Watched TWS for the Millionth Time So Let’s Over-Analyze This Shit
-TFA theme at the beginning 🥰 (that theme is so fuckin good)
-Sam’s lil jogging route around the Tidal Basin/Mall
-Steve being sassy , just as a general
-Steve’s sadness errands
-Sam relating to Steve on the soldier front and making him feel seen
-Just. Sam Wilson
-The way that Steve’s to-do list in the movie varies from country to country (For instance, the UK list has Sherlock instead of I Love Lucy and The Beatles)
-Also I wanna know Steve’s thai order
-The fact that this whole exchange is happening at 6:39 am
-Natasha drives with all the recklessness of a 16 year old that just got their license
-Stealth Suit Stealth Suit
-Steve deflecting Nat’s date suggestions
-Steve’s aversion for parachutes...reckless endangerment ✨
-Steve speaking/understanding at least a little french
-Tony having designed the Helicarriers to have arc reactor power instead of turbines because “he got a close up look at the turbines” in The Avengers 2012 when he got caught in them
-“This isnt freedom, this is fear” aka the embodiment of Steve’s character
-Steve’s exhibit being in the Air and Space museum even tho he flew a plane once and crashed it
-Bucky’s display having two different birth years (1916 and 1917. the correct one is 1917)
-In the little video of Steve and Bucky, Sebastian Stan was saying “We *are* friends” after the director told them to “act like friends” for that shot
-Steve acknowledging Peggy’s family and therefore acknowledging that their relationship with each other, while still close and special, is not romantic anymore and Peggy telling Steve to move on and start over wtf endgame
-The parallel of Peggy losing her memory as Bucky regains his
-Sam Wilson willing to show vulnerability and not being ashamed of his PTSD and treating Steve like any other attendee and hoping Steve will open up too if he sees that it’s okay to
-Steve’s face after “it was like I was up there just to watch” cuz he gets it and both sam and him had to watch their other half fall
-“What makes you happy?” “I don’t know”
-The Winter Soldier theme is just Bucky’s scream pitched different and made to sound mechanical because Henry Jackman wanted it to sound like a man trapped in a machine
-Why is Steve a lucky bastard that has his own laundry machine
-STEVE’s APARTMENT I HAVE MANY THOUGHTS (i might make a separate post on that)
-The fact that “A Long, Long Time” is playing when he sees Bucky for the first time in the future and the song is about lovers reuniting after the war i’m not saying it’s gay but i am
-He calls Fury “Nick” which really indicates theyre not close in the slightest
-Steve is excellent in adapting under pressure (him immediately catching on and using Fury’s code story: “who else knows about your wife?”)
-Steve is Awful at lying but hes also Excellent at lying
-How tf did Steve get the flash drive in the vending machine without the vending machine dude noticing i-
-“Captain Rogers” “Neighbor >:(“ petty little shit
-Steve’s observation skills are A+++++ as we can see in the elevator scene
-More reckless endangerment like imagine just going through your work day and captain america falls through the ceiling
-Steve stole someones gym clothes after escaping SHIELD. let that sink in
-Natasha has about a billion masks on at all times (“I only act like i know everything, rogers” “the person that programmed this was slightly smarter than me. slightly” “the truth isn’t all things to all people all of the time”) also she’s quite insecure, especially when it comes to being perceived as a good, trustable person
-Meanwhile, Steve’s consistently himself even if it costs him
-Bucky trained Natasha in the Red Room (at least in the comics) so theres a good chance she made the connection between him and Steve and withheld that information
-The honeymoon in New Jersey😭😭
-Steve and Nat both have very different, but entirely valid approaches to situations: Steve’s is that of a tactiction, Nat’s is that of a spy’s. We see this in the scene at Pentagon City Mall
-Steve’s looking for someone with shared life experience and bucky has that
-Bucky killed JFK
-When Zola tells him that his death and life both amount to that of a zero sum, he punches the screen with his bare fist, not his shield, indicating just how much that upset him
-Pierce offers Bucky milk cuz he knows “the asset” can’t refuse or accept offers. He’s taunting him
-Sam drinks orange juice straight from the bottle and also doesnt refrigerate his mustard. There’s also a baseball trophy in his apartment so,,,,, baseball player sam anyone?
-Sam is also a gem who immediately helps out Steve and Nat with no judgement in his tone so they don’t feel ashamed
-Nat straightened her hair somewhere in Sam’s house
-“Cuz thats really not your style, Rogers” “you’re right, it’s not” *rubs sitwell’s arm* “it’s hers”
-Steve and Nat banter Steve and Nat banter
-Sam is just *clenches fist* so cool
-Nat immediately knows where Bucky’s gonna shoot when he lands on the Sam’s car and later she knows how to affectively fight him best because he trained her so she knows his fighting style
-Steve alone saying “Bucky?” was enough to break Bucky’s conditioning the slightest bit
-Sam met Steve like 36 hours ago and he’s already being arrested and made into a government fugitive with him and it won’t be the last time
-Steve is the only one entirely restrained
-“Even when I had nothing I had Bucky”
-Everyone meets Sam and is just like “aight let’s trust him with the highest clearance security information”
-Steve looks super nauseous all through the scene where Rumlow is handcuffing him and later when he says, “he looked right at me, like he didn’t even know me” he sounds sick and choked up
-Steve carries a lot of weight on his shoulders
-Steve’s “Bucky?” after the highway battle and Steve’s “Bucky?” in Bucky’s memory in the Vault Scene being different (in Bucky’s memory, he looks more heartbroken)
-Sebastian’s acting. Just all of it. And the way Bucky just opens his mouth for the mouth guard before he gets wiped....heartbreaking
-Steve realizes an organization that was meant to protect the people has become its own antithesis so hes like “aight. get rid of it” damn that’s the right mindset right there
-In the memory scene after Sarah’s funeral, Steve is so out of it and distressed, that he can’t find his key but Bucky immediately knows exactly where it is and what he’s lookin for
-Bucky was vain as shit and also had money: tailored suit, hair w shit ton of brylcreem in it
-The big breakfast Steve had was at Sam’s house
-The whole scene on the helicarrier between Steve and Bucky is incredible here are some highlights: Steve never backing down from a fight until it’s Bucky he’s fighting, Steve dropping the shield for him, Steve being ready to die if living means he’s living in a world where Bucky’s alive and doesnt remember him
-Their acting in that scene is so genuine and heartbreaking i can’t- i can’t-
-Steve’s got a comm i’m so chances are Nat, Sam and Maria can hear a portion of what’s going down on the helicarriers
-“I’m with ya to the end of the line” is basically “til death do us part” so the equivalent of wedding vows between Bucky and Steve is what ultimately broke Bucky’s conditioning
-When bucky fell, steve didn’t jump after him but when Steve fell, bucky went after him even tho he’s brainwashed. don’t think about steve’s guilt surrounding that. youll only get sad
-Bucky waited until Steve took a breath to leave him
-Sam waited by Steve’s side in the hospital
-In the end credit scene, Bucky and Steve originally were supposed to make eye contact, but the writers didn’t want it established that Bucky remembered Steve until CW
Every time I watch it from here on out, I’m gonna add a lil more as I notice hehehe
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Vampire family hcs to boost my mood
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Our day starts with me waking up early,Yawning and dragging myself to the kitchen, where I see my half asleep sisters just,,, on their phone chatting.
They notice me and greet me with warm smiles,a maid brings me my breakfast and talk softly with my sisters.
Mom joins Us five minutes later, greets us with a kiss and sits to eat with Us.
Im send to school, where I spend most of the day until midday where school ends and then im taken back home.
We eat lunch and I tell my sisters and mom about my day,and they tell me theirs.
Then after eating I take a nap!, And when I wake up I sneak out (mom always knows tho) to see one of my f/os! (Theres this hc that one of my f/os is in the re8 game).
I visit him and talk quietly,hes super happy to see me and we just sort of sit there, talking and cuddling while watching a movie.
After that I go back home to eat supper with my family, my sisters ask abt my f/o Straight up like "👀👀👀👀👀👀".
Then if its not a school day my sisters and I go to Jessicas room (who has the best WiFi connection), And play games,we start super gruesome Like silent hill,mortal kombat, then we move to mystery games, then to Nintendo games.
We end the night playing animal crossing having fun and what not.
In the weekend we wait until night, and play around in the courtyard, its usually snowy so snow fights are a must!
Mom sometimes joins in,its súper fun
We then drink hot coco/tea/coffee and watch a movie, no horror though,I cant stand it, but like more action and comedy, maybe romance.
When dont have school sometimes we go to the village, with our fancy outfits and parasols(even thought sun doesnt affect me they offer me one so I feel included)
We buy trinkets and stuff, maybe some plushies if someone happends to sell them.
And of course I go and visit that f/o of mine!.
Moms always getting me books to read, nice paints and art supplies.
Mom has recently bought me sunflowers for me,and are in the garden.
Each one of Us have a flower that represents Us its nice.
We also decided to adopt some pets.
We all wanted big dogs and cats, Jessica wanted a bird too.
Mom was alright,she wanted a big dog too
So far we got
Missy ( a Manchester terrier)
Luna ( a husky)
Canela (a calico cat)
Ginebra ( a white and grey cat)
Kiki (jessicas birb)
Mira (hollys black cat)
And of course, magnolia got herself a danger noodle named minna
We all love our pets, but mom got a huge dog, im talking the size of a bear ( I think they exist irl but I cant remember the name of the breed)
Moms dog Is named Aleka and we all love her, shes very cuddly and warm, and protective like mom.
I tend to take all of our pets for a walk, Specially on very sunny days.
All of our pets play nice with eachother.
On starry nights we go to one of the towers with snacks and warm drinks and watch the night Sky.
We all love eachother here, vampire or human we are family and nothing can change that!
Tysm for reading
Ok to rb
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themagicaltunaa · 3 years
Answer all the questions
well i have nothing to do so sure
1. What have you eaten today? 
some toast for breakfast, leftovers for lunch, and some cereal for dinner
2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant?
never kissed anyone, don't really care about that
3. What color shoes did you last wear?
light grey sneakers
4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week?
Jeremy did, when I was watching his Alien Isolation stream on monday
5. What is your favorite scent?
I love the smell freshly baked goods
6. What is your favorite season? Why?
I love fall. I just love the aesthetic of the season, and my favorite holiday is during fall. I would love to experience it one day
7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel?
lol nope. I was barely able to do it as a kid. If I tried now i’m pretty sure i’ll break something.
8. What color are your nails?
the regular pink color? I don’t paint my nails
9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be?
aw geez, uhhh idk maybe like a tiny star or something
10. What is something you find romantic?
i dont know romantic things 
11. Are you happy?
12. Is there anything in particular making you happy or sad?
no not really
13. Dogs or Cats?
cats. i like dogs too, but sometimes they’re too much to deal with. i’m more comfortable being with cats
15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library?
15. What is your style?
my style is “im trying”
16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be?
stay up all night to catch up on videos
17. Are you in a relationship or single?
single babeyyyy
18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now?
nothing, because im not attracted to anyone
19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with?
i dont like celebrities
20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what?
i’m pretty sure i’m holding on to a lot of stuff, but I can’t seem to remember anything specific. if this question means metaphorically, the answer still works
21. How did you celebrate last Halloween?
I went to a drive thru haunted house with my 2 friends, and after we got some taco bell and went to the beach to eat our food. we sat there for like 10 minutes before it started to rain on us
22. Have you recently made any big decisions?
nope. I try not to in general , I hate having to make any sort of big decision because I starting stressing 
23. Were you ever in a school play?
I’ve always had stage fright so no
24. What movie would you use to describe your life?
uhhhh, I dont watch enough movies to pick one
25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it? 
oh there’s plenty of things that I've dreamed of doing, but I just can’t do it because of anxiety 
26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…”
I dont like sharing
27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex?
uhhh idk? maybe the whole makeup culture thing? but it’s not like it irritates me I just don’t get it. I can’t really think of a second thing
28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex?
too much to list
29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?
fuck if i know
30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it?
can’t think of anything rn
31. How long was your longest relationship?
never been in one
32. Have you ever been in love?
pretty sure I have not
33. Are you currently in love?
34. Why did your last relationship end?
see question 31
35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it?
not wearing any atm. actually, I just don’t wear jewelry in general
36. When was the last time you cried and why?
I think it was last week? I don’t remember why, it was probably something stupid
37. Name someone pretty.
the anon that sent me this ask
38. What did you receive last Valentines Day?
oh! I got a few gifts from my bestie :)
39. Do you get jealous easily?
40. Have you ever been cheated on?
41. Do you trust your partner/best friend?
42. Ever had detention?
no because I was a good bean in school
43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city?
city. the countryside sounds nice, but just the thought of being out in the middle of nowhere especially at night makes me nervous 
44. What do people call you?
by my name
45. What was the last book you read?
I do not remember. It’s been years since I’ve read a book
46. How big of a nerd/dork are you?
uhhh idk
47. What kind of music do you listen to?
anything that catches my fancy. I don’t really stick to one kind of genre
48. How tall are you?
my doctor said I’m allowed to say i’m 5′2
49. Do you like kids?
they’re alright. I can handle be around them for a bit, but I would never want to have any 
50. Favorite fruits?
watermelon, starfruit, and tangerines
51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
52. What’s your earliest memory?
I was like 3-4, and I was at disney world with my family. I remember seeing a stage show of Bear in the Big Blue house, and I remember walking around ToonTown when it still existed
53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you?
i hope not
54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind it
55. Do you have a collection of anything?
I used to collect seashells as a kid and I still have some of the collection somewhere in my closet. I wanna start a new collection of something but idk what
56. Do you save money or spend it?
i try to save it
57. What would your dream house be like?
something cozy and not too big, with a cat or 2
58. What top 5 things make you the angriest?
its 11pm at the time of answering this, i really can’t think of anything to fill a list rn
59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face?
see the previous question
60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
save the dog. i hate my job anyways so I don’t care
61. 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
I would definitely tell my closest friends, and some of my family members, probably my mom’s side of the family. If I had the money to, I would like to travel to some places that i’ve always wanted to go to. I would have a month to accept that i’m gonna die so i think i would be fine. i’d rather get plenty of time to know i’m dying rather than like last minute. this has been a topic that i’ve been thinking of for a while now, not because I’m like thinking about death or anything, I just need something to kill time with at work
62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
a heart?
63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
aw cmon, I can’t just think of stuff like that on the spot. I don’t even know where I would want to go
64. Do you like the beach?
It’s nice, especially in the early morning when everything is still calm and the beach isn’t packed with people yet
65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special?
no? wtf does someone special mean?
66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it!
Doesn’t everyone have a middle name? But yeah i do and i hate it so im not saying anything
67. Do you talk to yourself?
in my head all the time
68. Describe your hair.
brown, curly, very long because I haven’t cut it in almost a year, it’s very annoying
69. What is the meaning of life.
I wish i knew
70. What is your ideal partner like?
no one
71. Do you want to get married?
72. Do you want to have kids?
 ew no
73. Like or dislike your family?
 they’re bearable
74. Are you Chunky or Slim?
I’m more than chunky, i’m just straight up fat
75. Would you consider yourself smart?
lol no. I’m an absolute dumbass
76. What would you change about your life?
everything if i could
77. Religious or Not?
no not really
78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
I don’t drink so this would never happen
79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
it sure isnt because no one is there
80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?
uhhhh no. I don’t really care tbh
81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?
82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?
i’m not opening the door because no one is there
83. Do you like when people play with your hair?
ehh not really. It’ll just make it frizzy
84. Do you like bubble baths?
85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop?
I need to drive in order for that to happen
86. Have you ever danced in the rain?
no. its not fun getting soaked in the rain
87. Do you trust anyone with your life?
not really? 
88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
why does god allow suffering
89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week)
2. peru
3.disney world only because I have not been to all the parks yet, also i can bug my brother while i’m there
theres a lot more but i’m too tired to fill out the rest of the list
90. How was your day today?
it was fine
91. Play an instrument?
used to play mellophone/french horn in band in high school. after I graduated I haven’t touched an instrument since
92. Describe the what you think of the ocean.
it’s scary
93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
aliens as anything that counts as a living organism not of this world, not green little men from mars nonsense. the universe is too big for only life to be on earth. for ghosts, i’m still iffy about them, but that doesn’t mean i’m gonna start walking around haunted places and call the ghosts a bitch
94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be?
abosolutely not. every day I regret all the decisions i’ve made through my life. does that mean I’m trying to fix said mistakes or try not to do them again? lol no 
95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side?
in my mind i do. I’m too scared of everyone to actually do it
96. When are you vulnerable?
97. How much free time do you have?
doesn’t feel like much. saturday and sunday go by way too fast and i feel like when i go home from work theres just not enough to relax. im tired all the time
98. Do you like to go hiking?
never been
99. Odd or Even Numbers?
100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities?
no because I actually have self preservation. I am also a very big chicken
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mysteryofren · 4 years
So happy together part 3 (Ben Solo x Reader au)
Part 2
Note: Thanks for the likes on the last few chapters!! theres not too much ben in this one just a lot of sappy shit with ya gramps. also starting next chapter im gonna start naming them.
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  A day had passed and you had heard nothing from Ben. You wondered if he was still on campus or if he was just staying with his uncle until it was time to come back. It's not that you cared, it's that something told you to be worried about the guy. He seemed so defensive. You talked to Elaine about it over the phone. She told you not to worry about him, that he was just another rich kid asshole like everyone else at the school. She also took the time to try and lure you to her house for the week. You happily informed her you wouldn't be spending Christmas alone anymore. 
“See i know your grandpa wouldn't leave you hanging,” she said over the phone, “i just wish you would get over it and call your parents to see what they're doing.” 
  Your parents. You did try. They didn't bother to call back, not even send a text back. You didn't have the heart to tell her though. 
“My parents are actually in Russia for some business so it's hard to get a hold of them, but my pop pop did say he's having people over Christmas day, you want me to see if you can come?”
“I don't think my parents will let me. We usually do our gift exchange the day after remember?�� 
“Shit that's right, I forgot. My bad, maybe you can still come over to his house for the exchange.”
“Yeah id love to see him again, besides I haven't seen him since the thing”
  The thing being your grandma's funeral. Mama and pop pop were the idea of what love is. They met young and were together right until her last breath. You were there too. You loved them both to death. They raised you more than your actual parents did so when mama died, you were heartbroken. You stayed with pop pop about 2 weeks after. He drove you to class everyday and picked you up after. You guys spent every moment together for a month after the funeral. The day you said goodbye to her was also the last day you saw your parents. They didn't stay long. Claimed they had a flight. That's when you decided you were done trying to connect with them.
“yeah , i'm sure he misses you. You're basically his other grandchild.” 
You heard someone over the phone call her name. “Hey I've gotta go, dinner time. Talk tomorrow?”
“Of course, have fun. Say hi to mom for me!”
“You know I will! Love you, bye” she shouted as she hung up.
You wondered what it was like eating dinner like a real family.
 A couple days passed and it was finally Christmas eve. You woke up earlier than normal, showered, and got dressed. You played some music while you packed a bag for the night and next day. You looked out your window and saw Ben walking across campus. Probably headed to his uncle's office. You decided to ignore him and kept packing. 20 minutes later you finally get a call from your pop pop telling you he's down stairs waiting. You have a car. You know you could just drive, but you love that he still insists on getting you. You lock your dorm and run downstairs when you run into a wall you were positive was never there before.
  You took a step back and saw the wall was in fact Ben. He turned around and looked at you with an unreadable face. Was he mad? Annoyed? What's with this dude in the first place? He opened his mouth to say something before he shook his head and walked off. After the awkward encounter you skipped out the doors and over to the old truck you were all too familiar with. To put it lightly your family was loaded. Your pop pop especially, but he still found it wasteful to buy a new car when he has one that still works. Even though he's had it since your dad was a kid. 
You threw your bag in the bed and swung the door open. 
“Hello there,” you heard your grandpa say. It was his classic greeting.”I've been looking forward to this since our conversation on the phone.” 
You got in the truck and slid towards him to give him a hug. You always loved his hugs. They were warm and comforting, and made you feel at home. You look at him and notice his hair was a bit longer than when you last saw him. He usually kept it short and simple.
“I missed you so much.” you say as you two separate. 
“We saw each other last month.”
“I know but that's too long to go without seeing you.”
“I know it is my dear, but hurry and get your seat belt on. I've got treats waiting for you at the house.”
You quickly put your buckled up on and looked out the window. That's when you caught another glimpse of Ben. He was walking again, looking at you in the truck. You give him a smile and wave goodbye. He stared at you, as if he was wondering what was wrong with you. Then he looked at the ground and continued walking. That's okay though, it didn't get to you. Almost nothing bothers you when you're with your grandpa.
  The entire ride to his house you guys listened to his old country music. Country wasn't exactly your vibe, but the old CDs in the glove compartments, and his favorite radio station were your entire childhood. You sang along with him as you approached the woods where his house was. Even though they were always business savvy, and spent their time in the city, your grandparents were country folk at heart. They had a condo in the city that they always stayed at from time to time when they had a lot to do in the city, but how for them was the house in the woods. They both took part in designing the whole house. They wanted it to be their perfect home.a place to raise their kids, retire, and take care of their family. It wasn't small, but it wasn't unnecessarily massive like your house was. It was 3 stories, had 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. It had a cute little den for your grandparents when it was just them, a bigger living room for when they had company, and  a beautiful dining room. It had a long elegant table and the whole room was nothing but windows looking out towards the hills and forest. It was your favorite part of the house.
  He pulled into the driveway and stopped the car. He got out of the car and rushed over to open the door for you. You stepped out and grabbed your bag from the bed of the truck while he went to open the house. You stopped for a second to take in your surroundings. You listened to the sounds of the trees moving as the wind blew, you heard the animals calling out to each other. You saw the trees sway above the house, and watched the bird fly back and forth between their nests and the ground. You walked to the front door after your grandpa, and headed upstairs to the guest bedroom. You set your stuff down, dug out some pjs, and changed. After that you stopped by a photo of mama in the hallway. You looked at it remembering how beautiful and angelic she was. After a moment you headed back down stairs to see what was planned for the night. 
“Pjs already? You don't waste a single second young lady.” he said as he pulled out pots and pans,”so here's the plan for tonight. We are going to make a super special pancake breakfast, then we're going to watch movies and bake cookies, then for dinner have ingredients for homemade pizza, and we can do presents after my final surprise.”
“Sounds like the things needed for the best Christmas ever,” you exclaimed, “have you heard from mother or father lately?” 
“Last i spoke to them they were packing for a trip. I do wish they would come spend the holidays with us. Your aunt and cousin are on vacation with your uncle's side of the family, so they won't even be able to come” 
“We don't need 'em anyways,” you say playfully, “cause we're already having a better time than them.”
  The day went by fast. Faster than you would have liked it to. Your cookies came out great, although the last batch was a bit burnt. He had bought all your favorite toppings for the pizza too. You guys spent most of the day watching the movies on the little TV he kept on the kitchen table. You funneled through all the classics before it got dark. 
“Okay so gifts, who's going first?” he asked as you two munched on cookies in the den.
“Let me give you yours first,” you said as you stood up and made your way upstairs.
 You opened your bag and dug to the bottom when a flat gift wrapped in regular brown paper was laying. You grabbed it and held it close as you ran back downstairs. 
 “It's not too big. I hope you don't mind,” you handed it over to him. 
  He tore into it with a big smile and looked down at it. His smile dropped as he gazed in awe at it. You had saved up for 2 months to get this for him. It took a lot of money, but it was worth it. He always had a favorite painting of mama when she was younger. He loved it so much, it was the photo he chose to display at her funeral. She was done up pretty formally. Had her make up, and hair done, and was wearing the most beautiful jewelry you could imagine. I had recreated the painting for him but with me in it. I had gotten every little detail, even down to the small beauty mark under her left eye. 
“ you're even more beautiful than her.” he said as tears welled up in his eyes. You were glad he liked it.
 He placed it down and got up to hug you. You stayed in each others arms and quietly talked about how much you both missed her. After the tear fest was over he pulled an envelope out of his pocket. He sat down and handed it over to you. 
“It's not nearly as good as this was, but it'll have to do.” you gently took the envelope from his hands and opened it. Inside were two plane tickets. You looked at the destination. 
“Yes I asked Luke and he told me when spring break was so I could plan accordingly,” he said as he searched for a place to put the small painting.”You and I will be spending the week in Italy, seeing what the city has to offer. Were going to explore Florence so we can see all the amazing art in the city, the Venice, Rome and finally Milan” 
Italy was always your dream. It was a beautiful country filled with art, fashion, culture, and history. You adored fashion and art above anything else. He chose the perfect gift. After you helped him find a spot for the painting you hugged him tight. Believe it or not as rich as you were you had never been out of the country. You always figured it was something to do later in life. Now you can actually experience it. 
“Now for my final surprise, follow me.” he walked out of the den and towards the dining room. You followed after wondering what was up. As you walked into the dining room you noticed he had added curtains along the giant windows. You could tell it was to hide whatever he had waiting outside for you. He opened the door leading to the backyard and motioned for you to walk out. You slowly walked towards the door and stepped outside. Sitting in the middle of the yard was a large tent with little lanterns sitting outside of it.
“We used to do this all the time when you were a child. I thought it'd be a nice comfort to do it again.” the memories hit you all at once. Every weekend your nanny would drop you off at their house. You, mama, and pop pop would camp out in the backyard. You would all roast marshmallows, while the sound of their old country records played from inside the house. You all would gather the blankets from the house and lay them out in the tent as cushions to protect you from the cold harsh ground. Every morning the sun would shine through the tent waking you up and you would shake your grandparents awake so you could all watch it rise together. 
  You didn't realize that tears were falling down your face until he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, giving you a good squeeze. You wiped the tears from your cheeks and you turned to hug him. The tears continued to fall when it occurred to you. Nobody could ever love you this much. Not as much as they always did. Nobody would do little things like this to make you happy. Mama was already gone. What were you going to do when pop pop was gone too. 
“I love you,” you said sniffling, as you withdraw yourself from the hug, “I love this.” 
He wiped the tears away and looked like he was going to cry himself, “I love you too my dear.”
  You made your way towards the tent and unzipped the opening. It was exactly how you remember it. All the blankets were spread out. He had included pillows too, and you even noticed an old princess pillow you had left here once when you were a kid. You crawled in and felt at home. He crawled in after and sat down with a grunt.
“I suppose my old body isn't what it used to be.” he huffed out as he pulled a blanket over himself. You two stayed up talking. He told you about everything happening at his company. If you were quite honest you still weren't sure what he did for a living. What type of company did he run? It was something to do with weapons of some sort. It didn't matter though, you still listened. He asked about classes, and he even asked about how Elaine was doing. You seized the opportunity to ask if she could come over the day after Christmas to spend time with you guys, and of course he said yes. You also told him about the friendship you apparently had with Hux, even he was shocked by the news of your friendship. The town you lived in was fairly small, there were 4 main families that dominated and worked together. The Skywalker Family, the Hux family, the Palpatines, and your family, the Kenobis. The Hux family was known best for how professional and uptight they were, your father's words not yours. 
It felt like you two had spoken for an eternity before you eventually drifted off.
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lunaarajewel · 4 years
Answering questions because I’m bored again
1. What have you eaten today? breakfast was oats with pb and banana, lunch was a zucchini stew, and then i had oats again for dinner because why not haha ><
2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant? it was sweet, felt a bit bittersweet because i said bye until next time
3. What color shoes did you last wear? black
4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week? Myself
5. What is your favorite scent? Baked goods
6. What is your favorite season? Why? Spring and or early summer, it's so nice to smell all the flowers and to hear the birds again, to feel the warmth from the sun
7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel? I can do a headstand on my forearms and a bad cartwheel xD
8. What color are your nails? currently blank!
9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be? a moooon
10. What is something you find romantic? Hugs from behind when i least expect it
11. Are you happy? Yeah I'm doing really good, which is surprising because i haven't felt like that in a long time
12. Is there anything in particular making you happy or sad? The thing that is making me happy is probably my antidepressants but they have helped me to get hope again.
13. Dogs or Cats? Cats
15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library? Ooooo difficult question because it depends!
15. What is your style? Hmm i'd describe it as a mix of cottagecore, steampunk, astrology, herbalism, witchy stuff
16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be? Travel to japan
17. Are you in a relationship or single? I'm dating but not an official relationship nope
18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now? Their humor, the way they are so relaxed and careless
19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with? Whaat no i wouldn't do that
20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what? Some toxic behaviors/habits a bit!
21. How did you celebrate last Halloween? I listened to dark music a bit extra, watched nightmare before christmas and had some halloween candy
22. Have you recently made any big decisions? I started taking antidepressants!
23. Were you ever in a school play? Yes, when i was younger i was a princess i remember
24. What movie would you use to describe your life? aaa that's difficult, i haven't watched that many movies tbh!
25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it? Learning piano properly, but i've been busy with mental health stuff so i haven't been able to. But I've been planning on taking it more seriously lately
26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…” all of my thoughts without judgement
27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex? (for some, not all) Jealousy, constant focus on showing off to guys
28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex? (for some, not all) Bad at communicating, bad at understanding
29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week? I started taking the steps to honestly change my life for the better
30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it? How I treated my ex, he was actually really kind to me but I wasn't mentally stable so I couldn't communicate well to him. But I hope he's well! I only wish him the best.
31. How long was your longest relationship? a little over a year
32. Have you ever been in love? Oh yeah
33. Are you currently in love? A bit!
34. Why did your last relationship end? I ended it because I wasn't well enough, I needed some time alone to get back to myself.
35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it? A heart necklace i made, handmade bracelet from a market, 3 earrings from hm
36. When was the last time you cried and why? When i first took my antidepressants i burst out crying so its around 3 weeks ago i think
37. Name someone pretty. Uma thurman
38. What did you receive last Valentines Day? Japanese snacks
39. Do you get jealous easily? Nope
40. Have you ever been cheated on? Not that i know of
41. Do you trust your partner/best friend? Yes
42. Ever had detention? hahah yeah because i skipped class to buy piercing jewelry
43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city? hmmm, difficult question. I think i'm that kinda person that likes to switch between the two
44. What do people call you? Luna since it's my name
45. What was the last book you read? "stjärnhimlen" (a book about stars)
46. How big of a nerd/dork are you? well i'm a nerd for moss e.e
47. What kind of music do you listen to? veryyy mixed, metal, rock, indie, alternative rock, jrock, instrumental, kpop, pop, rap
48. How tall are you? 163cm
49. Do you like kids? I don't mind them!
50. Favorite fruits? Banana, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, wild strawberry, persimmon
51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? Sweats
52. What’s your earliest memory? In kindergarten i used to dance to Westlife music
53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you? Nope not that i know of
54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? behind
55. Do you have a collection of anything? Moon stuff
56. Do you save money or spend it? I try to save!
57. What would your dream house be like? Filled with things i've made and antique stuff as well
58. What top 5 things make you the angriest? Aaa i dont know, i try not to focus on those things
59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face? a good meal, plants, good music, animals, finishing something i made
60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? I would help the dog
61. 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? Yeah i'd probably tell the ones closest to me that arent my family. then i'd just make the most of my time, i'd travel to japan for a week, france/germany for a week, a week with my family and last with the ones close to me outside of family. I would probably be a bit scared but i wouldn't try to focus on that fear too much, because well if theres nothing i can do about it then worrying about it will just stop me from enjoying the last of my days
62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. A heart shape ❤️
63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Japan!
64. Do you like the beach? It's okay, not my favorite place
65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special? Yes
66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it! I have two middle names, Ida and Johanna
67. Do you talk to yourself? Yes, because it helps me to understand my own thoughts and situations better
68. Describe your hair. Thin, blonde
69. What is the meaning of life. To enjoy it
70. What is your ideal partner like? Calming, feels like home, a bit spontaneous romantic, supporting, good listener and communicator
71. Do you want to get married? Yeah it would be cute
72. Do you want to have kids? A bit torn on that question, can't say no or yes
73. Like or dislike your family? A bit so so
74. Are you Chunky or Slim? Somewhere in between
75. Would you consider yourself smart? Yes in some ways
76. What would you change about your life? The place I live
77. Religious or Not? Nope
78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? I dont drink so no one!
79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? Nope
80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you? Nope, and my family doesn't say it either
81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? Probably sleeping
82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in? Yes but my mom wouldn't be too happy haha
83. Do you like when people play with your hair? yes it's nice sometimes
84. Do you like bubble baths? Nope, i don't really like baths so much
85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop? Nope
86. Have you ever danced in the rain? Yes, with my old best friend
87. Do you trust anyone with your life? Yes the ones closest to me, not really my family though
88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? I wanna eat haha
89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week) Japan for 3 weeks, France, Germany, LA, Italy, Greece, Thailand, England
90. How was your day today? It was good! I made some stew for the week
91. Play an instrument? A bit of piano, some chords on guitar but thats it
92. Describe the what you think of the ocean. It's okay, if i go i usually prefer a smaller beach with few or no people
93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Aliens but not like in movies, anything that is alive outside of our planet so anything even if it's an ant sized creature it's an alien to me. And as for ghosts i'm open to the idea of it but i haven't really invested much time in that topic!
94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be? Nope, but i believe they will be someday
95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side? Not bitchy but a bit scary maybe
96. When are you vulnerable? When i'm deeply in love
97. How much free time do you have? A lot currently but i'm taking that time to relax
98. Do you like to go hiking? Never been!
99. Odd or Even Numbers? Even
100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities? hmmm, i can't say for sure
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"Don't tell Roger" (Maylor fic)
Part: 4/?
AO3 link - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3  -  Part 4
Roger's bed was really big, way more space than he needed, even if he had company; it was also incredibly comfortable since he made sure to get the coziest sheets and blankets, as well as about a dozen puffy pillows.
To top it all, he had recently bought silky pajamas in Japan, but he rarely wore them, given that he would always end up getting rid of his clothes during the night, he was always more comfortable wearing only his underwear, and sometimes not even that.
So considering how ridiculously planned the comfort of his bed is, its uncommon to find Rog as uneasy in bed as he was tonight. He just could not go to sleep, no matter how tired he undoubtedly was nor how inviting his bed could be.
"Alright what about... 'Hey Bri, I...' I what? I like you? No no no I can't just throw it at him like that... What if I just kiss him? No that's... That's fucking harassment for sure... Ugh," he threw his arms over his face. Rog had been trying to find the "best way" to tell Brian for a few hours now, he was lying in bed trying to sleep, but every time he closed his eyes a new possibility came to mind.
"But if he is mad at me now... Then I should probably approach him and let him speak right?" He had apparently found his "best way" (which unsurprisingly was to just have a normal conversation, and see where it went)
Roger tried his best to block out every related thought, or else he wouldn't get any sleep at all, it was too hard, but he was actually exhausted, so he finally fell asleep around 3:00 am.
The indescribably annoying noise of his analogue alarm clock would often scare Roger, just a little. When he bought his alarm clock, Rog made sure to choose the one with the most annoying sound he could find, because he wanted to make sure there was no chance he'd oversleep; and when he brought it home, he decided to place it a little far from his bed and not on his nightstand, this way he would have to get up to stop the terrible sound. Many missed courses on college got him to develop these little waking up strategies.
8:00 am. He sucked at waking up, he was almost incapable of waking up before noon if he was to do so naturally; and he usually didn't need to worry about it, since the band wouldn't meet at the studio before 4:00 pm, given that they soon realized that being half asleep while crafting musical masterpieces wasn't exactly working, so they had all agreed to take the mornings to themselves; unless of course they had a deadline, a concert coming up, or any kind of important situation that demanded some more of their time. After all, they weren't amateurs anymore, they were rockstars, and music wasn't a hobby anymore, it was a full time job.
Today they were recording a couple of songs, and a concert was coming up soon... So, yes, today was one of those days when they needed to dedicate some extra time to their music, so they decided to meet at the studio around 10:00 am.
For John, 10:00 am is late enough; he's used to waking up at 6:00 am, working out a little, taking a shower, having breakfast with Veronica and chilling for a while, so, naturally, he'd be perfectly awake at 10:00, (but of course, this meant he'd usually be sleepy by 9:30 pm)
Brian too was okay with waking up early, he wasn't particularly eager to it though, since he'd usually stay up late observing constellations as well as the moon and stars movements with his telescope. When he started making some real money, the first thing he bought for himself was a brand new professional telescope, and he didn't waste any opportunity to use it. Still, he was way too used to waking up naturally around 8:00 am, as he had to back when he was in college, so he was often a little tired in the morning.
Freddie was not as much of an early bird as John and Brian but he would manage, he loved waking up late, it reminded him of the days at boarding school and how much he wished he didn't have to wake up at 6:00 am every single day, and now that he was an adult and could choose his own schedule thanks to his dream job, he wasn't gonna miss the chance to fullfil this innocent and too-usual childhood wish.
Roger was the biggest night owl out of the four of them. If he wasn't with Freddie partying, watching a movie, or just talking, he was at home reading until around 2:00 am or even later, watching a movie on his own, or just enjoying the night at home in any way he could imagine; sometimes he'd just lay in bed thinking about life, about things that were bothering him, or about how much he loved his new life; he considered himself very lucky to be where he was, and he never forgot how hard he worked (and still did, possibly more than ever) to get every opportunity he encountered along the way.
When the alarm clock started its hellish performance, Rog was comfortably asleep, cuddled up and surrounded by warm blankets and pillows. His eyes were now suddenly wide open, and he growled as he made his way to the clock. He considered throwing it out the window and going back to bed, but when he thought of the consequences of not showing up he chose otherwise. Slowly running his fingers through his messy blonde hair he made his way over to the bathroom, once there he washed his face and looked at his reflection on the mirror right in the eye. "I gotta do this today," he said loudly enough, as if he was having an actual conversation.
The rehearsal went pretty well, as expected, the boys didn't really need to practice, as they soon noticed, but a few more hours of it never hurt anyone, right?
As a consequence, the recording went smoothly and relaxed, (some teasing and yelling took place, as usual, but nothing dramatic)
It's worth mentioning that poor Brian still kept his act of being not interested in Roger whatsoever, only speaking to him if Roger asked a question directly to him or something like that. Brian realized it was relatively foolish to keep that up, but he was too invested in this plan of maybe getting his friendship with Roger to be back to normal eventually if he managed to convince him that he wasn't and was never attracted to him.
But of course, this doesn't mean he isn't, really.
Brian's crush was as big as ever, he'd stare at Roger when he wasn't looking, and he'd love each time they spoke, treasuring the feeling of being close to him, even if he wasn't about to allow himself to go any closer.
To be perfectly honest, this few weeks had not been easy for Bri; some days he thought it was no big deal and things would be normal soon, but some other days he figured "normal" still meant not being with Roger, not holding him in his arms, not kissing his plump pink lips... Nothing; and yes, of course Rog could eventually forget about this awkwardness, but could Brian ever forget he loved Roger? And, in the meantime, he wasn't only denying himself the delicious company of the man he loved, but also, the company of his best friend; and because all of this Brian had become a bit depressed as he grieved for his impossible love.
Some nights, when it was really late and he couldn't hear a single noise from the street, when the night was at it's darkest, he'd allow himself to cry quietly in his bed, with his face hiding in his pillow and his back to the window, as if he was hiding his face from the moon. He'd cry softly, with low whimpers escaping his throat once in a while; his long fingers would swip the tears away from his flushed cheeks until he eventually fell asleep, once or twice dreaming about Roger and himself being together; and then the next day he'd wash his face, hide his pain, and go make music with Roger again.
At around 8:00 pm the boys were done with their work for the day.
Roger could hear Deaky and Freddie making plans for the four of them to go to dinner together, but he didn't really listened, to be fair, he wasn't interested, all he wanted was to get to Brian.
He spotted him in the back of the room, gathering his stuff and putting the Red Special carefully in it's case, so he nervously and carefully made his way over there.
"Hello Bri," he said in an adorable, playful voice
"Oh, hello," Brian didn't really look up from what he was doing
"How've you been?"
"Oh, you know..." Brian shrugged
"Well, I don't really," Rog laughed nervously "You've been kind of avoiding me." Roger managed to not have this sound like a complaint, but a playful (and obviously anxious) joke
"I have not," Brian blushed since it was exactly what he had been doing "I've just been busy"
"So... There's nothing wrong?" Roger tried to reassure himself "... Between us I mean"
This hit Brian out of nowhere. He wasn't the only one suffering, he'd also ripped himself and his friendship from Roger's life, and he was probably missing him too, this made him feel terribly guilty
"Oh Rog, of course not, how can you think that?" He knew exactly why he thought that
"Well... You've been distant, a-and I get it I mean if you've been busy as you said you were, but, uhm, there's something I kind of really need to tell you, b-but, if this is not a good time I can wait 'till uhm..." He was cut off by Brian
"No, no, it is a good time Rog, what is it you want to talk about?" Brian was suddenly too kind and polite again, because of both his love and the guilt
Roger sighed loudly and sat down next to where Brian was gathering his stuff, and Brian sat next to him.
Roger started to breathe a little faster and his face turned pale
"Rog, are you alright?" Brian was genuinely concerned, this seemed like bad news
"Yeah yeah just... Nervous, and" Roger paused and looked for his cigarettes on his pocket, once he found them he lit a cigarette to calm himself down a little.
Brian's anxiety was growing with every second that passed, was he in trouble?Leaving the band? In a legal issue? Knocked someone up? What?!
"Brian it is hard for me to do this but you have to remember that no matter what you say I'm always gonna be here, and I hope you don't hate me for this but I really can't live like this anymore, I need to get this off my chest and maybe, just maybe, get the chance to have what I've been wanting for ages now"
"Roger what? First of all I could never hate you, that's ridiculous, what is this about?"
"I like you Bri" Roger spat out shyly "actually... I love you"
After a long pause Roger continued
"I'm sorry, I know maybe that's not something you want to hear and..."
He was interrupted by Brian, but he wasn't yelling, or freaking out, or lecturing him... He was kissing him.
Brian pressed his lips against Roger's, and then, immediately shifted to a passionate and needy kiss. Roger was paralized at first, he wasn't processing what was happening, he had never expected this, but when we could calm down a little he kissed Brian back in a no less passionate manner.
Brian was holding Roger's cheek firmly, then moving his hand back to his neck.
Roger had his hand on Brian's lower back and the other hand on his own leg.
Brian eventually backed off a little, just far enough to look at Roger's gorgeous eyes.
"I love you too Rog, I have for a while now"
They started kissing again, softly, slowly, romantically, and they could not even think about anything in the world that mattered aside from each other, this was just so so so perfect for both of them, so unexpected, so blissful...
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maureenbrown · 5 years
very basic timeline of spy au
saphael past
simon gets assigned job by luke and says his goodbye to the sh gang (minus magnus for now?)
he flies over to raphs location and introduces hmself. and they meet and such.
so then its just super lowkey. simon makes contact with base to let them know hes okay
then they have dinner my god already so romantic i hate them
but then raphael leaves to see his lil bro (hes engaged!!) and to cover someones shift at work
he returns back to see simon still working bc “im a night owl” and then falls asleep on simon
simon smiles and gently closes his laptop and goes to sleep too. he drapes a blanket over them first and sets an alarm for raphael
raphael wakes up in the morning and has such a cheesy smile on his face like wth
but he gets up and then makes breakfast for him + simon for when he wakes and leaves
simon wakes up and is like?? what happened?? but sees the food and is like! AWWW
anyways he goes about his day but also gets kinda bored and he isnt sure where the tv remote is so he starts watching on his laptop
raphael walks in to see a nerdy boy crying as he yells “GO GET HIM” at his screen and is like??
simon tells him to come over obv. and raphael just says no and angrily stalks upstairs
and simon is curious. so he goes upstairs and is like what happened
and raphael doesnt say shit bc hes still a stranger
so simon just brings his laptop and he sits next to raphael even tho hes still at a distance they watch some movie
and honestly its so nice. and once again they fall asleep on each other.
anyways this adorable thing keeps continuing until THE FRIENDS come over
and simon is like!! gotta impress them even tho he and raph arent dating yet
but his friends come over for dinner and are all sizing up simon like. is he good enough and who tf is so special they would make raphael smile
they decide they like him. very much.
more just getting to know each other until one day simon is like. i want a tour of the city gimme
so thats what they do bc its raphaels day off or w.e.
and theyre going around and being SUPER cheesy but its fine. its not like raphael cares
theyre getting to know other random facts about each other like fave __ bc simon points to things and is like!!!!!!
then. they find vidia and just cant leave
he sits down and is like. i’ll wait for the parent to come so the baby isnt all alone
and raphael is about to say that no one is going to come this baby was/is abandoned
but he doesnt have the heart so he sits down next to him
is ofc v good with babies. simon is not but its fine
but it gets to be night and no one came but simon is adamant. so they stay ALL FUCKING NIGHT WITH THIS BABY (except for one time when they left to get food)
and again. no one comes so theyre about to leave but then raphael says fuck it and they take the baby with them (they’ll real with the legal stuff later)
and ofc simon is still simon so hes like. we need to name her, and also put up posters JUST in case
they do that. but for naming they are very very argumentative.
raphael says the last name is rose bc they found a rose next to her and she has such a nice rosy face and simon agrees
simon wants to name her something disney related like vidia [bc he saw it recently and it was THE BEST]
raphael is like no?? lets name her something proper.
they still argue but decide to call her vidia SOMETHING rose
w.e. they continue and then it hits simon...soon hes gonna leave
and he realizes he doesnt wanna leave. not raphael or vidia
anyways they keep tiptoeing around this love thing they have
and they keep falling for each other as time goes on
eventually one night vidia is sleeping and theyre just watching some show
and theyre cuddling and raphael just leans down and kisses the top of his head
and simon...doesnt move away
he looks up sure. and they make eye contact and slowly come in closer...theres music playing from the show...their lips meet...
they start a relationship
nothing really changes they just...kiss more
and then raphael is like?? i gotta take you on a proper date FUCK
so they go clubbing bc simon insisted
simon gets rlly drunk and like. hooks up with some guy he thought was raphael but in the morning realizes HE WASNT FUCK
he tries to play it off tho and lie to raphael
“i woke up in a parkng lot” or smth but he lies
he doesnt tell about his hooking up no....someone else does
and raphael gets SO angry
not at the hooking up but the lie and betrayal
he doesnt talk to simon for weeks
they have this weird relationship where they work together for vdia but not together...
it makes simon go crazy and he almost leaves
but he also gets sick of it so he gets raphael to talk
and they kinda make things better. they arent the same but they amend it a bit
then!! they also gotta go to a wedding (raphaels lil bro)
and simon is a p r o he gets the job DONE
he kills valentine and has a dance with raphael so a+ work tbqh
he lets his orginzaiton know. but asks for one more week to stay bc raphael
but then he overhears raphael talking [to camille whos also at the wedding] and learns that raphael is an assassin
but he refuses to believe it. he also goes home tho and the car ride is super awk but he refuses to believe it. or talk about it
when he gets home raphael goes into the shower and simon just. cant let go of the feeling. he goes into raphaels room and goes digging
finds a file. on him
raphael walks in and is like?? the hell are you doing but simon is so angry
he yells he screams he throws things and then he picks up vidia from the little crib and runs. just runs and runs.
he finds a bus stop and gets on it still running. from raphael. from everything.
he makes contact with lydia who get shim to a house
the end
the beginning
simon and vidia are chilling
when like simon gets scared suddenly and orders her to upstairs
its too fuckng late and someone breaks open the door
someone being raphael
vidia gets knocked out and when she comes to shes so ???
and raphael is cryptic like hello child who is my daughter
and vidia is just. not taking it. and is jsut really confused
but then a bomb suddenly goes off and simon thrusts her towards raphael
and they run
she gets knocked out for like the second time that day
when she finally comes to again raphael is bandaging himself up
(she is already bandaged up)
she demands to be let go and is just. no she doesnt know this person she needs to go save her dad
and he gives like a hallow laugh and tells her that there is no saving her dad
hes gone most likely
but vidia is still held in disbelief and just doesnt believe any ofit
in fact she doesnt even know whATS happening and so very slowly he tells her
well about the spying and that he and his father had a disagreement
(he doesnt say shit about camille)
she still is just very adamant on leaving and doesnt believe it (refuses to) and so she still demands to be freed
he frees her and lets her go
she walks around bandaged and so confused/lost as to where she is
she meets a nice lookng girl and asks for directions
the girl offers to how her the way and walks along with her
she asks what vidia is doing all alone and very hesitantly vidia just says that she + her dad got hurt and separated
they walk and the girl says that yeah shes an orphan too and you know. gets more information out of vidia
they get to the house [remains of the house] and just. everything is a mess
and she sees raphael arrogantly standing and is s o angry
and is about to tell him off
but all he does is hand her a file where there are actual pics + documents
and just. a part of vidia knows its makes sense with all the closed doors and whispers
and raphael also gently remains her that he’ll let her keep running if thats what she wants but he’ll still be following her/watching her
and vidia is just. really tired but shes also really curious and she kinda agrees
they go to the hq [aka hotel dumort] and vidia gets her own private room and wanders around for a bit
she gets so lost because everything is so big but finallly finds like. the kitchen and remembers oh shit i gotta eat
she eats
soon enough guess who comes strolling in?? lita
and vidia is so caught off guard and also so annoyed?? LIKE WTH
lita smirks and takes an apple watching her
she briefly explains with a smrik that shes a con artist. she knows how to manipulate and vidia get sso angry its so funny
i need more plot points but basically they train her and she gets to know lita + raphael and she finds out more about her past. and about the other relatives that know about it and is just so !? and then she also goes around stealing and fighting corrupt and fighting her father
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yenni19 · 3 years
Chapter 18
The next few days Sarutobi teaches Mariana to cook, its the day of the gathering and Sarutobi is at Mariana's house overseeing her cooking skills
Sarutobi(tasting her dishes): wow...im impressed...you did very well Mariana...so how are the desserts coming along?
Mariana: i have a cake in the oven and one already finished...do you want to help me decorate it?
Sarutobi: sure let me lend a hand
They finish decorating the cake, suddenly Ms Angelo comes in, she sees Mariana in the kitchen
Sabrina: you know how i feel about....
Sarutobi(greeting her): hi I'm Sarutobi Akamaris....
Sabrina(irritated): I know who you are....mr playboy....your Akamaris lover aren't you?
Sarutobi(irrtiated and calm): no ms Angelo...I'm Akamari's younger brother
Sabrina(scoffs): you two look nothing alike...
Sarutobi(taking out his phone): here let me show you (shows her a picture) this is me Akamari and my father at a picnic four years ago....we are half siblings from different mothers
Sabrina: I knew she was adopted...but i never knew her father was Kawaki Madra....the famous villan of terror who almost destroyed the village twenty years ago
Sarutobi(confused): the famous villan?
Sabrina: oh you must not of known....see I have a cousin living there where your family resides....she had came from there when the fight started and came to stay with us here along with many refugees who fled from the terror of the famous villan....the only one who stopped him was a man named Boruto Uzumaki.....it was said many lost thier lives so thats why your father is in debted to the ninth hokage....he will spend his life helping repair what he destroyed....until he dies....its also to make sure he wont turn on the village ever again
Sarutobi: why didnt he tell me this...why hide it...and from me of all people?
Sabrina: some parents just want to protect thier kids from ever finding out the truth....but its best to come clean and not hide a lie that serious
Mariana: I'm sorry Sarutobi....my mother is a straight forward person....(glaring at her mother) sometimes too honest
Sarutobi: its ok...should we continue to decorate the second cake
Mariana: sure let me help you ok
They finish decorating the second cake....he helps her set up the table and sets up the appatizers and desserts along with the tea and cookies...her mother's guests arrive and are amazed at how beautiful the decorated table along with the food looks
Amara: omg this looks amazing
Evany: its wonderful like a fairy tale
Mara: its different from your other gatherings...who did all this?
Sabrina: my beloved daughter and her new friend Sarutobi
They look in Mariana's and Sarutobi's direction....they wave and exuse themselves.
Sarutobi: well im heading home...
Mariana(gently grabbing his arm): would you like to go with me to the Art Museum Sarutobi?
Sarutobi(smiling): sure...but is it close by?
Mariana: dont worry well be there and back in no time....I promise you'll have fun
Sarutobi: I would love to go....but how would we get there?
Mariana(holding some keys): we'll take my moms car...dont worry I know how to drive
They head into the city, they stop at a big two story building, they get out of the car and head inside
Sarutobi: its bigger than the art gallery we have back home...and looks more artistic
Mariana: yeah my mom owns this place....she's the art director here...I come by when it's moms day off....come on theres a piece I want to show you
They go to the second floor of the Art Gallery, Sarutobi stops in his tracks, he is shocked when he sees the the piece
Sarutobi: is that love...
Mariana(finishing his sentence): love in a moment....its one I cherish most....since my dad dedicated it to my mom....but they are divorced...because my dad cheated on her
Sarutobi: wait....are you saying your dad is the famous Michale Angelo....your his daughter?
Mariana: yeah....but i dont see him anymore...he left us when my mom got the guts to tell him to go to hell....I kind of get it though she felt like she was a stranger to her husband.....while Souske made her feel whole
Sarutobi(shocked): wait...Akamari's dad had an affair.....with your mom?
Mariana(feeling guilty): oh shit....please dont say anything to her....I thought you knew....dont mention the affair to Akamari....please Sarutobi dont say a word to this....I'm no gossip girl....but keep it between me and you!
Sarutobi: ok I get it....but one question....is Samari the product of that affair....because Akamari's sister looks just like her
Mariana: yes she is....but Samari doesn't know because Souske never told her....when my mom found out she was terrified of what my dad would do....when my dad found out he told her to give that child to her father and to act like it never happened....she objected until my father said he will get rid of her and make sure my mother never saw Samari again....so she had no choice but to tell Souske to get lost and that he'll be able to keep his daughter but that this was the last time they would see eachother....Souske was devastated....and so was my mother....they really loved eachother....but at the time my dad owned everything of my mothers.....and she had no one to help her....so she stopped seeing Souske and got enough evidence on my dad to finally divorce him and keep the gallery that was originally my grandparents
Sarutobi: wow....what a rollercoaster...is that why Akamari was put in her grandparents care for two years?
Mariana: yeah...Souske needed to get it together....and Akamari was showing signs of resentment toward her sister and father...so he thought it would be best for her to be close to the Uzumakis and Uchihas so Akamari wouldnt feel left out....I still remember when she came back two years ago....she looked happier and more calmer than before....she even told me she liked this purple eyed boy with purple hair and that this boy was important to her because it reminded her how she was....and made sure he was feeling loved and accepted by those around him....that she thought it was admirable that he actually loved her eventhough they couldn't be together......
Sarutobi(hugging her): thank you Mariana....you just comfirmed what i wanted to hear from her...thank you (asking) do you think i can get a ride home now?
Mariana: sure Sarutobi....lets go back before i get in trouble for delaying too long with my moms car
Sarutobi: you didnt ask did you?
Mariana: No I did not
Mariana takes Sarutobi home, he heads inside the house where Izuke was waiting for him
Izuke(noticing): someone is in a good mood...had fun wherever you were I presume
Sarutobi(smiling): yeah i did....does Akamari come home tommorrow?
Izuke: yes why do you ask?
Sarutobi (smiling): theres a present I've been meaning to give her since her birthday and i know she's gonna love it
Izuke: ok then...wash up im cooking dinner tonight....oh I amlost forgot Omari my younger brother is...
By the time he looked up Sarutobi was already in his room, the next day Sarutobi was awake and downstairs, but to his surprise Akamari was not alone but with a man taller than Sarutobi with red hair and green eyes patiently waiting for his breakfast
Omari: you done yet kitten wiskers...i cant wait to try that omlet you prepared for me
Akamari(cooking): almost (grabs a plate and hands it to Omari) here omlet and baccon strips just how you like it
Omari: thanks I knew I can count on you (notices Sarutobi) hey babe who's the kid with the purple hair?
Akamari (turning around): oh Sarutobi your up...this is Jerico's younger son Omari Myzuki
Sarutobi (irritated as he shakes his hand): hi Sarutobi Madra Akamari's half brother
Omari(smiling): hi Omari Myzuki.....Akamari's love interest....
Akamari (smaking his head): you better cut it out...I would never date an arrogant brat like you...its bad enough you act like we are a couple and I puch you in public.... so should I tell Mariana that you like her....everytime you see her you mumble like an idiot?
Omari (blushing and angry): you better not threaten me I'm more capable of telling her myself
Sarutobi(laughing): you two act more like siblings....it's funny to watch
Suddely theres a knock at the door Sarutobi opens it's Mariana
Sarutobi(smiling): hey Mariana how your morning...mines a bit interesting at the moment
Mariana: can i come in?
Sarutobi(letting her inside): sure you are more than welcome to
She comes inside, when she reaches the kitchen she says her greetings, as soon as Omari sees her he turns red
Omari(having touble speaking): hi....Mariana....you look cute....I mean hello...I mean hello Mariana
Mariana(blushing): hi Omari....good morning...you look well dressed today
Omari: you look beautiful....I mean you look well dressed too....I'm sorry I'm just nervous
Mariana: its ok if you are i get nervous too (to Sarutobi) do you want to go with me to a poetry slam downtown?
Sarutobi: I would like to but...
Mariana: its ok I'll go on my own
Sarutobi(grabbing Omari's arm): but he would love to accompany you
Omari(blushing red and confused): I would...I mean I really would love to be with you....I mean sure I'll accompany you
Mariana(grabbing his hand): ok then lets go Omari...
Omari(red as a tomato): ok...i guess I would love you.....I mean would love to
Suddenly Omari passes out on the floor
Mariana(shocked): Omari.....Omari are you ok...Omari....Omari!
Akamari(suggesting): would you like to stay over today and spend time with Omari Mariana?
Mariana(blushing): ok yeah...i can go to the poetry slam some other time anyway....I really wanted to ask Omari to go with me...because I like him....he has a sense of humor
Akamari: im glad you said that...because he likes you too
Mariana(excited): really....he does....I thought he just got nervous because he wasnt use to talking to girls
Akamari: trust me he talks to girls....but they are not someone special that he likes...and you just witnessed him mumble like an idiot right in front of you
Sarutobi(carrying Omari from the kitchen to the living room): well let me lay him down at the couch (he places him down) so how about breakfast
Mariana: ok that would be great
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kpurereactions · 6 years
On the Second Day of Christmas My Admins gave to me...
Winner Christmas special!
Christmas special day: 2
Group: Winner
Pairing: Mino and Rader
A/N: So this was supposed to be a smut, but I'm not really in a smutty mood (Its hard to feel sexy with a hole in your neck) and even though this actually sucks please don't hate me I'm trying my hardest right now.  Love you all, Kitty.
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You woke up that morning to the feeling soft tissue hitting your forehead, the sound of it crinkling against your head more as Mino picked it back up and hitting your shoulder with it lightly. Its was your first Christmas together, and he insisted you did everything together no matter what happened that day, especially since the two of you met at a mutual friends Christmas eve party. It was a special day for him.
“Babe, the sun isn't even up yet, come back to bed for like another hour please.” You smiled, your eyes still closed a you reached up for his neck. 
“Just open this one and then we can go back to sleep.” he smiled, crawling his body up yours so he could lay on top of you.
“Okay, just this one.” You smiled sitting up softly to place a soft peck on his lips.
You giggle as he sat back, his knees being brought up against his chest, his eyes sparkling with excitement. A small laugh left your lips, you loved how exited ehe got when It came to the small little things he always seemed to be bringing you. 
Like a man would, the wrapping sucked. The green and red tissue held together by a lot of tape made you giggle as you tried to open it with out making a huge mess of it. And to purposely torture him. The moment the tissue was see through enough you brought the package to your face, laughing as you peeped to see Mino un wrapping his robe. 
“Matching christmas Pajamas. I had too.” He giggled letting go of the rose so you could see the green flannel set with little rubber ducks wearing christmas hats on them. 
“You're such a weirdo.” You  said leaning forward to hook a hand around his neck and kiss him gently. “Let me do put these on.” 
He pulled you in for one more kiss before excusing himself to finish the breakfast he had started for the two of you. You couldn't help but laugh at yourself as you buttoned up the last few buttons on your top. You admired how cute you actually looked in the semi oversized Pj’s- He remembered how you loved your sleeping clothes a little on the large side. 
Walking out of the bed room you couldn't help but smile in awe. Even though the two of you had set up the living room with christmas cheer almost two weeks in advance, there was just something about the way soft glow of tree illuminate the still dark room. When you spotted him in the kitchen another smile met your lips. He'd never looked so domestic the entire time you knew him and there was something about the way he was flipping ‘Tree’ shaped pancakes over the stove that made your heart flutter. 
Without warning him your shuffled over to him quietly and wrapped your arms around his waist, your cheek pressing firmly against his back. 
“Happy Christmas.” You said getting him to turn around. A huge smile and laugh left his lips as he took in the sight of you. 
“You look so cute.” He said turning and placing another kiss on your cheek. 
“And your burning the breakfast. Here, lets switch.” You said pressing your forehead to his once before rotating spots. 
He sat in the kitchen with you while you tried to salvage the breakfast he almost ruined. You could tell his excitement was reaching the ultimate high when he lifted Johnny off of the kitchen Island and started rocking the cat back and fourth to what ever christmas music he had turned on. You picked up a small rumble of bacon and walked over to the two and smiled. 
“Oh Jon Jon, is he bothering you?” You asked holding of a small piece of meat to th cat before hand feeding the rest to Mino. 
“No Johnny loves dancing with me.” Mino said burring his face into the cats soft fur. 
“Well breakfast is ready so put him down.” You asides he kissed the cat one last time. 
He helped you plate everything but you could tell that he wanted nothing more to sit front of the tree. So when you asked him if he wanted to eat in the living room a bright spark lit in his eyes as he grabbed your plate and took it to the tree. You grabbed the hot chocolate you decided to make and handed him the one that read ‘Naughty’ on it, smiling as he complained about not getting the nice cup. 
You two sat there slowly munching on breakfast and passing out the gifts you had gotten each other. 
He seemed to truly love everything you had got him. The new earring set, the different clothing items you had seen him eye in store fronts for moths, three thin bracelets with an engraved W on it for all the other Winner boys and a tri piece bff gag gift for him to share with Zico and Bobby.  You loved how excited he got and instantly put the bracelet on so he could send a picture of it to the other boys so they could get just as excited about. A hundred little kisses spread over your face and made you blush and curl up against his side to hide just how red your face had gotten. 
“Okay your turn.” He said reaching under the tree. Instantly your hands moved to wrap around Johnny who had curled up against your lap and nestle his head against your hip so you could easily stroke the length of his body.
Every gift he seemed to hand out to you got better and better with time, but it was the single tear shaped diamond that hung off of a thin gold chain that topped the chart. 
“Mino you shouldn't have done this...” You said taking his hand and looking over to him before turning and asking for his help to put it on.
“We've been together for almost a year, y/n and I have spoiled you with everything but jewelry. Let me slide just this one time.” he said softly, pulling you into his side more so he could take a better look at the little gem. 
You smiled and looked up at him, tucking the hot chocolate further into your chest ad moving your eyes will they rested not he tree in front of the to of you.
“I love you, you know that?” You said shifting again so you could get a better look at him.  “I love you more, did you know that?” He tested,  letting you pull his chin down to you. 
He kissed you gently, his hands moving to help till you were straddling his lap. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist as your noses pressed gently together. 
“I hope we get to spend every christmas morning like this.” He whispered, tucking a loose strand of hair that had fallen out of your pony tail back and out of your face. 
“So theres going be more chistmases?” You teased, wrapping your arms around his neck a little tighter. 
“You don't think they're will be?” He teased back. 
“I don't know. You have room to grow in the gift department.” You joked, holding up the necklace with a playful scowl on your face. “I think next christmas I want a Yacht.” 
He giggle and mocked you sitting you up slightly so he could roll the two of you over and onto the pile of wrapping paper that had scattered across the floor. You giggle as he trie to pull a piece of tape that had gotten stuck in your hair, but you didnt care. Your arms reached up to him one more time to pull him down, a sweet grin touching his lips as he bent further to meet yours. 
He kissed you passionately, but not in a needy, sex driven kind of way. Every time your lips reconnected you could feel the love that was pouring out of hm. Your hand trailed up into his hair, there was nothing wrong with a little morning christmas sex in front of the softly lit fire place. But he had something else in mind. 
Resting on his elbows he sat up quickly, another spark in his eyes as the excitement in his body began to build. You looked up at him with big eyes, he knew you hated it when he started something like that only to not finish.
“I almost forgot I have one more gift for you.” He said kissing your lips, cheek and forehead once before starting to it up. 
“Wait, Mino, we greed no more then four presents each.” you said raising an eyebrow. 
“Well this is more a gift for the both of us then.” He smirked before standing up and jogging towards the laundry room. 
“Minor what are you doing!” You called after him as you moved to rest on your knees. 
Johnny walked up to curl himself next to you as you waited, and thankfully since it seemed to take Mino a good amount of time to get back. You sat there slouched, fingers gently running themselves up the center of Johnny’s face. You were so focused on Johnny that you didnt even notice Mino walk back in with a box he seemed to be struggling to keep closed. 
“Bravo!” He said setting the box down and pulling your eyes away from Johnny. 
“I didnt do anything why are you saying bravo?” you said shifting slightly till you were fully facing him. 
“No, y/n. Meet Bravo.” He said holding his hand out to the box that sat at his feet.
You crawled over to him slowly, not quite sure what the hell could be in the box, but as you got closer you could hear the feint sound of scratching around the bottom of the box. 
“Mino what is this?” You said, your eyes getting wide. He just smiled at you and shrugged. “I swear to god.” You said slowly opening the box.
Sitting there looking to you was the grumpiest little fluffy grey kitten you had ever seen, who's big blue eyes seemed to widen with excitement at the sight of you. You brought your hands to your mouth to cover the gaping that was going on. You looked up to Mino who looked at you with just as much excitement. 
“His name is Bravo. So now we have Johnny and Bravo.” He said explaining. 
“He's perfect thats what he is.” You said placing him on your lap and pulling Mino down with you. 
For the first time you were starting to feel like an actual family with Mino. Johnny and Bravo curled up tightly on either of your laps while you and Mino snuggled close together watching what ever cheesy christmas movie was on the tv at the time. Your lips would occasionally brush every once in a while as the two of you curled harder and harder together. 
The other boys stopped by a little bit later, all of their attention being drifted off to Bravo as they introduced themselves to the kitten and accepted the bracelet you had gotten for all of them. They joined you for a bit longer than you thought they'd stay. Games were played food was eaten and movies were watched as the small group lounged around.
Even though the day was close to perfect your favorite part was when the four of you crawled into bed. Johnny curling up at the foot the bed where he normally slept while Bravo curled his tiny body between you and Mino, and as you laid there face to face with him, his hand once again pushing the loose strands of hair behind your ear. 
“I love you so much, y/n.” He whispered. “Merry Christmas.
“I love you more.” You said turning your head to kiss  the kitten, making Mino scoff before laughing and pulling you in for a long kiss. 
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marilynjackmm · 5 years
TIP! Would you like to enjoy the comfort of enjoying an incredible evening meal with your loved one without having to dress up and leave your room? If so, consider using room service. Even though this will cost a bit more, the convenience and comfort are worth it.
Practically everyone has a story to tell about a bad hotel experience. Nobody wants to repeat a bad experience because hotels are expensive. So here are some great ways to ensure that you will be getting the hotel room that you want, along with a price that is perfect.
TIP! Put your electronics into the room’s safe. Anything of value can be securely locked in the safe, then you won’t have to worry about your valuables while out enjoying yourself for the day.
Consider taking advantage of room service when the urge strikes for a late-night snack with your special someone. Although you will probably have to spend more money to do this, it’s usually worth the cost because you have the luxury of receiving excellent food without having to leave your hotel room.
TIP! Many factors come into play as you choose a hotel. Of course, you must think of cost; however, proximity to attractions is also very important.
When leaving your hotel room, keep any electronics you have secure by putting them in the room’s safe. Place your iPad, GPS and other small electronics in the safe when you are not in your room.
TIP! When you arrive at your hotel, thoroughly inspect your room before unpacking. Is the room clean and free from mildew or mold? Are the facilities operating correctly? Have the staff provided all the necessary soap, shampoo, towels, etc.
Check with any membership programs for deals. Some offer big discounts on hotel rooms. People often forget about these discounts, which can be 10% or more. For extended stays, this can really add up. A stay of 5 days or more could add up to one free hotel night stay!
TIP! Don’t think every hotel is pet-friendly. Even if the website says they are pet-friendly, always call in advance to verify.
Many things must be considered when choosing the right hotel. Your budget comes first, but proximity to attractions is also important. Things like free breakfast can make a big difference for some families. Find a hotel room that includes all of the features that you demand. There’s sure to be one out there.
TIP! Taking a pet on a trip requires some extra responsibility. Find out if the hotel allows pets.
Use hotel search tools online. You will typically find websites that provide deals on certain hotel chains. They will also let you know what people pay on average when they go to that hotel. This lets you figure out if the deal you’re getting is a good one. Finally, by using these websites, you can learn the best places and times to take a vacation.
TIP! If you want a nice massage for you and your loved one, book that as early as possible. Usually, the best massage therapists are booked well in advance at top resorts.
Part of trip planning is knowing what time check-in is at your hotel. Many people show up before check-in time only to find out their room isn’t ready. If you find you will be arriving early, call the hotel in advance and find out if you will be allowed in.
TIP! Check your AAA membership for a hotel discount. You would be surprised where hidden discounts may be lurking.
Remember that hotel chains often provide loyalty programs offering excellent discounts. These are similar to frequent flyer programs. They allow you to accrue points during your hotel stay. They add up to free nights, discounts at hotel restaurants, show tickets, spa deals and a whole lot more.
TIP! If you like running and frequently stay in hotel rooms, be sure and pack up a GPS watch, along with your favorite running clothes. When you wake up and feel like a jog, simply toss on your gear and head out.
Going green is a growing trend so it is no surprise that hotels are going green as well. There are several green hotels around. Some of the newer hotels were built with green standards in mind. Some hotels that aren’t that new will pick out some ways to be more eco-friendly so they can show they care. A good travel agent can help you find hotels that are environmentally friendly.
TIP! Sign up for frequent guest programs at hotels. Many hotels offer membership programs that allow you to earn points for each of your stays.
The cost of your hotel will vary depending on when you make your reservation. Rooms prices are based on their availability. Try booking your hotel room within 24 hours of your stay. In this way, you will get good rates. Empty rooms earn no money, so the hotels often slash the prices.
TIP! If you care quite a bit about your environment, consider taking a “green” vacation. Green hotels can feature specialized recycling programs, may only use recyclable products and use environmentally friendly cleaning supplies.
Make sure you know hotel transfer costs prior to booking a hotel room in order to avoid a large unexpected cost. You don’t want to ruin the deal you are getting on your room by paying for an expensive transfer. Inquire before you book, so you aren’t hit with an unexpected price increase.
TIP! Find out about hotel transfer costs prior to booking a room to avoid hefty fees. Many times, rooms seem to be a good deal, but there are hidden fees for this service.
If you want to ensure happy kids while traveling, call the hotel ahead of time to check that the pools are open and in working order. There is nothing worse than getting to a hotel with kids to find the pool is closed.
TIP! Become a AAA member if you want to make arranging hotel accommodations a bit simpler. AAA members receive excellent discounts on hotels, car rentals and other attractions.
Nobody wants a bad hotel experience. Even a hotel at a cheap price can’t help soothe a horrible experience. Either way, your trip could be ruined. So make sure you follow these tips and get the right hotel for you. Once you find a hotel that you like, you’ll need to locate all of the discounts available online to truly make it a great trip.
Fireworks Sydney
We Do All sorts of Wedding Fireworks Sydney, Outdoor Fireworks Sydney, Fireworks Sydney, Indoor Fireworks Sydney
Wedding Fireworks Sydney
Where Can I Find Indoor Wedding Fireworks Sydney
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rhettsooo · 7 years
Monday, January 16th, 2017 to Tuesday, January 17th, 2017 - Yogyakarta - 5 days until departure The first day of my 5 day itinerary begins and includes: Water Palace Kraton Museum Sambisari Temple Prambanan Temple And then nap before 1am hike up Mt. Merapi for sunrise.. YIKES 9am came early and I met my driver, Richard, who just graduated with a degree in English. He's been driving to pay for school and practice at the same time. He's cool and a super awesome driver. It was an easy going drive, especially compared to Bali where it was congested. We drove down the road where I purchased my far from, but no one was around; it was completely dead. I was taken aback by the night/day change from a trendy hotspot to a couple cars and pedestrians. We arrived at The Palace of Yogyakarta aka Keraton Museum where I was provided a guide as part of my entrance and was introduced to the Sultan's courtyards and monuments and artifacts. The coolest part was the dressing gowns: the traditional clothing had patterns with too much meaning and symbolism than I can remember. Everything from phoenixes to shrimps to big ears. Well, technically the big ears were a headdress. Also, their culture as a rights of passage where a newborn is put in a cage with the nanny and 6 toys. Each toy would symbolize something like engineer, scientist, artist, etc, and if the baby picked, say, the artists one, he/she would grow up to become an artist. Fecking odd to put a kid in a cage...with the nanny... The tour coincidently ended at the start of some music. It was Gamelan, traditional music of the indigenous Indonesians. Much of their instruments were variations of drums, xylophones, gongs, flutes, etc., and did not follow much of a rhythm. It was disjointed and random; the beats were not evenly spaced and felt random most of the time, but sometimes there would by consistency. I had seen something similar in Ubud, but not to this scale and location. There were maybe 24 band members between the ages of 50 and 100— haha. In Ubud there were maybe 15 members and ages 13-18 at a church that I walked by. After the museum tour at the Palace, we drove 5min to the Water Palace aka Plataran Tamansari where the King would bath and pray meditate. It was different from all Indonesian water palaces I had seen because this wasn't available to the public. As the city grew, the borders of the water palace shrank and what was once including an underground temple - officially, back in the day -, now required you to exit the water pool slash bathing area and follow a path to the temple entrance for stair to go down maybe 50 metres... What makes the temple a 'temple' is that there's meditation/praying areas underground. The areas combine in the middle to create one giant centre which has a high ceiling almost reaching the ground. I could see a little bit of sunlight at the top, so there must have been special open framing... Overall a cool temple pool thang— the architecture over all was the most appealing part, I'd say. From there our itinerary placed us at Sambisari Temple which was the most uninspiring temple I've seen. Ever. It was a park basically with a mediocre temple with alright architecture in the centre, but what it especially unique was that the temple was below ground level. Not entirely below ground level like the water temple, but the park had hills going towards each other with the temple in the centre, below ground. I walked around it, through it, and on it in like 30min— time to leave to the main event: Prambanan Temple. Another short drive got us to Prambanan Temple which is known as "the most beautiful temple". and boy did it live up to expectations. What was left of it was maybe 6 or 7 huge temples, the rest of the 75% was destroyed about 100 years ago, so I experienced the remains and renovations post-destruction. I was lucky enough to cross paths with a group of girls training to be tour guides. They came up to me and asked if they could take me a round, which I happily obliged. I learned a lot of cool things.. which I immediately forgot. Each temple had maybe 50 steps to the entrance of a room and in the rooms were statues slash monuments of gods. I wouldn't be able to comprehend what all this USED to look like! It was really big, more like a complex than a single thing. It was super vast. And with all the rubble outlying what is was; WOW. After good byes to my tour guides, we stopped for lunch after where I had grilled duck with a view of rice fields, and I got dropped back at the homestay for a nap to draw an END TO PART 1 OF THE DAY. And when I say part 1, I mean theres more to come: Mt. Merapi. A little later on at 11pm, I get picked up again for a trek up Mt. Merapi for the sunrise. I was not only lucky enough to sneak a few zzz's in, but also a coffee :) At base camp, also known as New Selo, was where we started from at 1am first up road, then pit stop for the group after 30min, then off road and going into the trail for about 60min and then a break, and then another 30 to get to the first post, then the second post was another 30min—you get the picture (I have a picture). This group wanted a lot of breaks. I was one of 5 and 2 guides. Everyone was between my age and maybe 35...and the other 4 were not prepared for what we were doing. It was cold and windy and rocky, and the others we're prepared (ie, wore shorts, didn't wear layers) and I was having a blast... I was fully bundled with toque, gloves, layers with waterproof shell, pants and boots. The climb was a lot of fun. We were literally in the jungle, climbing a mountain that was apart of a mini mountain range, so as dawn approached I could look behind me and see the city and the mountains coming out of the dark and clouds racing past. By around 530am we got to the 3rd post (out of 4) and the group wanted to stay; they were tired and over it. Meanwhile, although you could technically enjoy the sunset from here, I ventured higher with one of the guides to the peak which took us through some lava rock. The greenery has been left behind. Now the peak is parrellel to the crater of the volcano. What I mean by this is as we climb to the peak, on our left, we're looking as rivets in the mountain from the last valcano eruption 10 years ago and to the top of that was the crater with smoke clouds all around it. It was too overcast and windy and cold and unpredictable to go over to the crater. But when the clouds would clear from the peak - at times - I could see across to the crater and the crazy lava trails in the rock going down into the city. At the top I watched the sunrise behind the clouds and then it cleared. I took a selfie-video at the top and all you could hear is wind. As cold as it was, it was an invigorating view and worthwhile to climb lava rock. Going down was the best part because I was facing the city, other mountains, and the sun. Not unlike the way up, most of the time was spent waiting— I wished I could have just dogged down. Nonetheless, I was having a blast. We got back to New Selo (base camp) at around 8am where we left at about 930 after a small breakfast. I fell right asleep on the drive back, along with everyone else. By ~noon I got back to my homestay for a nap with nothing to do after a jam packed day, so I rested up, grabbed food, relax, etc. It was an awesome introduction to the city, the history, and the surrounding region. The realization this was only day two of my time in Yogyakarta just boosted my excitement for the rest of the week.
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