#'cause it would be my favourite! 🥪
polina-quail · 9 months
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Catch 🥪! :)
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hiddendepths-aublog · 12 days
🥪 for the New Lords, cause I get a feeling that the old lords don't like to eat anymore (except the blue bug I'm forgetting the name of who likes tea) and I don't think Webby can eat.
Hold on a minute, first I gotta draw Stinger butchering you with a chainsaw for forgetting her name…
Just kidding, just kidding!
🥪 Favourite (human) food?
Wiggly - Generally any kind of seafood, but specifically shrimp. He actually does prefer when it’s, like… actually prepared and not just a full-ass, raw fucking fish. The incident at the end of Chapter 7 was mainly just him satisfying his primal instinct to hunt something that would at least try to run. He’s like a dog in that sense.
Blinky - I don’t know why, but something tells me she’d like those shitty, greasy snack foods you get at, like, carnivals and such. Y’know, caramel apples, corn dogs, churros, mac and cheese in a waffle cone (wh… does something like that actually exist, or is Google fucking with me?), etc. Oh, and tobacco smoke, but I don’t think that counts.
Tinky - That man would bite into pickle slices like they’re fuckin’ Pringles. But only because he’s a goat, of course pickles taste good to him.
Nibbly - I don’t think she’d be able to choose herself, but if you ask me? I’m leaning towards chocolate.
Pokey - Now that’s a tough one, because I don’t really see him being eager to eat anything, but off the top of my head… how about a nice caramel frappe? Nothing better!
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maranull · 2 years
🥖- baguette for u <33
Do you have any wholesome au/headcanons for the Haligtree twins??
(Please take as much time as you need, ik you're busy!!)
thaaank you for the baguette, imma make a long ass sandwich and divide it for all the cool peeps in here 🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪 <- come grab your snack y'all
I didn't have any headcanons, but I made some:
She was a very happy and active kid. The Rot couldn't be as powerful as she was growing up, so she was mostly fine, apart from some weekly nightmares. (the true horrors began at her teens)
She loved horses and often begged Radahn for a ride on Leonard. Leonard was also the only horse that allowed her on its back, cause most other animals smelled the Rot in her even then.
She also really liked ants and spent days looking the go to and from their nests. Sometimes she would find some that looked lost, and she'd use a leaf to guide them back to the nest entrance.
She had a Runebear plushie and she kept it even as an adult. It currently gathers dust in the end of a self but she still gets a comforting feeling when seeing it.
When she began training with her swordmaster, they used sticks (she was barely a teen) and while they were breaking them daily in their clashes, she kept the fragments of the very first stick she used. They are coated in wood oil to prevent degradation and she keeps them hidden in a tightly shut chest in her room.
She loves the sea breeze and the sound of distant waves crushing on the shore.
She really likes listening to Miq reading her stories. Which he does often, and if the Rot is acting up, his reading soothes her.
Winter is her favourite season. Snow and ice help soothe her pain at the places where the Rot has torn her flesh.
She also likes eating frozen cream with honey on top. If the winter days happen to be warm and the night ice melts early, she wakes up in the middle of the night to gather it and make a couple bowls.
Miq was a social and a bit clingy kid.
Many nights he woke up and he would run to sleep with his mother/father. (Which would also prompt Malenia to follow him)
His own plushie was a red wolf.
He really loved the real Red Wolf of Radagon, and would bury his face in its fur every time he got the chance.
Marika used to makes his braids, one of the few times she was actively motherly to him. Despite his many differences with her, he always enjoyed the process and even let her do it after he reached adulthood (in mind and years).
Malenia quickly learned to do them after they left the Erttree, and each morning she does them, it's a quiet and peaceful time for both of them.
His favourite season is spring and he adores, adores flowers and caterpillars.
His favourite flower is the one he cultivated himself, Miquella's Lily, and he becomes overjoyed when he sees one growing in the wild on its own, outside of his garden.
Speaking of gardens, his is a little water garden only he cares for, and all the plants he raises bloom with an amazing health and radiance.
He loves the sun and always tries to sneak a couple minutes from his work to just... lay under its rays and relax.
Hope you like them! Also, I have it stuck in my head that they both love hot cocoa from that one mention I read in Stolen so I should add that here too. Hmm, hmm.
(I always make time for moots, I just write slow 👍)
Thank you for the ask! <333
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boeperhaps · 3 years
🍟, 🥪 & ☕?
🍟 What's your favourite mission? (Can be a side mission or a random encounter)
I really love that mission with The Old Guard where you go to town then fishing. You catch a glimpse of the past, of what it was like when there were just the three of em running together. What I adore about this mission is that all of em relax and forget the cross they carry even if just for a little bit. They're having fun, especially Dutch, but his joy stands out to me cause this time it's a lot more genuine. He doesn't put up the gang leader act here, being around the people he trusts most, that's why he opens up about his mother's death for example. I reckon this is the closest glimpse we can get of the Dutch who was led by sincerity and in Arthur's words "ain't like that".
🥪 A character you believe is highly underrated?
Pearson's definitely among the underrated gang members, I barely see him getting some love he definitely deserves, he's so friend-shaped! Also, man does so much for the gang. Cooking for 20+ people, especially if most of em won't even bring food, you can imagine how hard it can be. He's also a good listener and can always lighten up the mood, similar to Uncle. I didn't mean to complain or scold anyone with this, I just hold the feller close to my heart.
☕ If you could spend a day with any member of the Van Der Linde gang, who would you choose to spend it with and what would you do?
Hmmm, either Uncle, Hosea or Dutch! 
With Uncle, I think we’d go into town while talking about the world, or basically anything, he’s a real wise man with a drunk n lazy shell. Also we’d laugh a lot in the meantime.
I’d love to go on a trip with Hosea similar to the one he did with Arthur in chapter 2, except spare us from the bear (holy fuck the bear). We’d also go fishing and explore nature, and read, I’d love that!
With Dutch, I reckon it would be a mixture of both. We’d talk about the world, but inner feelings as well while wandering around in nature cause those ain’t the kinda topics for town visits. If my intuition n interpertation’s right, we share quite similar experiences with our mothers, I’d let him know that his problems are real n it’s okay to talk about em. Talkin to someone with similar struggles would make him feel less alone.   
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