#'deep painful energy harbored within this soul'
darabeatha · 5 months
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Your soul is... Volatile .
There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul... At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it- to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge.
It never comes.
0 notes
seventies-arcana · 10 months
PAC: what romance trope are you?
hi lovies! i got a fun one for you all today. in this pac reading, you will find out which romantic trope fits your energy the best. this is purely for entertainment and enjoyment purposes only. seriously, i had so much fun doing this one! ask upon your guides/higher self to help guide you to which photo/pile you should select, then read the message. (basically, let them vibe check you 🤭) images are not mine. pick a picture to begin ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
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pile one (the lollipops): the little things + self healing + true love this pile definitely carries friends to lovers energy. picking up on your persons quirks, anxious habits, reading their body language like it's second nature. knowing every detail about your person that you don't realize goes beyond the typical platonic relationship, until you've fallen too deep. not being able to confess your feelings after weeks of harboring them because you don't want to potentially ruin the friendship. the lingering gazes across the room that last just a second too long for it to be platonic. the passing touches lasting a bit too long to be excused as "normal friends being friends". the pining for each other, too blinded by your own attraction to realize it's mutual. at the heart of it all, the love is love. it's genuine, it's unexpected, it's rare. it's you, it always has been you.
pile two (the silk): casanova + protection + attraction this pile contains enemies to lovers energy, hands down. deep history, conflicting viewpoints, refusal to find common ground. but the tension is there. hell, the hatred might be nothing more than a surface level mask. it starts with a disagreement. it progresses into physical attraction. it'll end with romance. because no matter how many times you tell them that you hate their stupid face, you can't deny how much you want them. they'll say they don't need someone like you, but in minutes you'll catch them looking at you like they want to kiss you. eventually, it'll become more intimate. your feelings will get harder to conceal inside. and when you and your person finally tell the truth, the love is built on understanding each other, knowing each other at their worst. despite everything that's happened, i'll stand by your side.
pile three (the dice): solid decision + impatience + chance the energy of a forbidden romance is told within this pile. romeo and juliet, through and through. no matter what, against all odds, you and your person will try to be with each other. it doesn't matter if your told to find someone whose wealthier or offers more stability. you want them. the yearning you have for each other is so deep it's almost painful. the secret meetings are everything to you. you will give the relationship a chance, even if the path ahead is tough, because they offer you a sense of love unlike any other. you know that they are your person. it doesn't matter if someone else disapproves. you will fight for them, they will fight for you. this love is dangerous. it's risky. it's all consuming. it's dedicated. and it's yours. i will leave this life behind if it means i get to love you.
pile four (the cherries): newfound respect + fondness + deception these cards are carrying the energy of a faking dating trope. you're just trying to reach a common goal through this, right? wrong. the extended proximity will cause feelings to develop between the two of you. looking at each other after a few weeks of this obligation, and seeing something new. there's hidden desires sprouting deep in your soul that you'll push to the back of your mind, not realizing it's happen to your person as well. pretending that it's just a fake relationship, telling each other that it's nothing more once you two are alone, even though you continue to sit close together in private. the lines between what's real and what's fake begin to blur. the confession at the end of the fake relationship is raw, expressing how you want it to be real this time. i don't want to lose you, not after all this time together.
please like, follow, and reblog for more pac readings :)
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mathtml · 1 year
Your soul is... Volatile.
There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul... At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it - to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge. It never comes.
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ekalinasari · 10 days
(Fanfiction about Alvin and Elize in the future. I ship them so much…so please read at your own risk)
The rhythmic clatter of the train wheels against the tracks lulled Elize into a restless sleep. Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions, a storm brewing within her heart. As the sunset through the train window, she knew she couldn't ignore the turmoil any longer.
With a heavy heart, she disembarked at the Trigleph station, the city's bustling energy a stark contrast to her inner turmoil. She hailed a cab and directed the driver to Alvin's apartment address, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and dread.
Alvin's apartment was a haven of warmth and comfort, a stark contrast to the cold indifference she had grown accustomed to at her boarding school. As she knocked on the door, her hand trembled, her breath catching in her throat.
The door swung open, revealing Alvin's surprised face. His eyes widened in concern as he took in her disheveled appearance and the tear stains that marred her cheeks.
"Elize?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with confusion. "What are you doing here? And why are you crying?"
Elize stepped into the apartment, her legs feeling like lead. She sank onto the couch, her shoulders slumping in defeat.
"I-I couldn't stay there any longer," she whispered, her voice barely a breath. "It's too much... the loneliness, the pressure, the constant reminders of what I've lost."
Alvin sat beside her, his gentle presence providing a much-needed anchor in her storm of emotions. He reached out and took her hand, his touch sending a jolt of warmth through her body.
"What happened, Elize?" he asked softly, his eyes filled with concern. "You can tell me anything."
Elize hesitated, her throat constricting as she tried to find the words to express the pain that gnawed at her soul. But Alvin's patient gaze encouraged her, and slowly, the words began to flow.
She poured out her heart, telling him about the relentless bullying, the suffocating rules, and the crushing loneliness that had become her constant companions at the boarding school. She spoke of her longing for a place to belong, a place where she could be herself without fear of judgment or ridicule.
Alvin listened intently, his heart aching for the pain-filled young woman before him. He had always seen Elize's strength and resilience, but now he saw the cracks in her armor, the wounds that ran deep beneath her brave facade.
When she finally finished, a heavy silence settled between them. Alvin squeezed her hand, his silent gesture conveying a depth of understanding that words could not express.
"You don't have to go back there, Elize," he said finally, his voice firm yet gentle. "You can stay here. With me."
Elize's eyes welled up with tears again, but this time, they were tears of relief and gratitude. A flicker of hope ignited within her, a beacon in the darkness that had threatened to consume her.
"Really?" she whispered, her voice barely a sound.
Alvin nodded, his smile radiating warmth and reassurance. "Of course, really. This is your home now. Whenever you need it."
Elize leaned into his embrace, the warmth of his arms a welcome refuge from the storm that had raged within her. In that moment, she knew she had found a safe harbor, a place where she could finally let go and allow herself to heal.
Elize buried her face in a plush sofa cushion, muffling a sniffle. Alvin rose and disappeared briefly into a nearby room, returning with a pair of pink, frilly pajamas.
"Here," he said, his voice betraying a hint of awkwardness.
Elize's eyes widened. "What in the world?" she blurted, her earlier despair momentarily replaced by confusion. "Why do you have women's clothes in your apartment?" Her mind conjured the worst-case scenario - a secret girlfriend, a string of flings.
Alvin's cheeks flushed a faint pink. "They're not used," he stammered. "Remember when I told you that if you ever felt overwhelmed, you could come here? Well, I figured this might be a possibility." He scratched the back of his head sheepishly.
Elize stared at him, a mix of emotions swirling within her. This wasn't quite the reaction she'd envisioned for her confession. But something about his flustered demeanor and the unexpected kindness of the gesture softened the anger that had been simmering beneath her tears.
"You... anticipated a breakdown?" she asked, a flicker of a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
"Not exactly a breakdown," Alvin chuckled, the sound strained. "Just... a situation where you might need a friend's place to stay, and a change of clothes." He gestured towards her school uniform, damp with tears.
Elize's smile widened. Alvin, with his meticulous planning and awkward execution, had somehow managed to disarm her. "Well, you were right," she admitted, taking the pajamas. "I definitely needed a friend's place to stay."
Alvin let out a breath of relief, a smile blooming on his face. The tension that had filled the room moments ago seemed to dissipate. "So, are you going to change, or would you prefer to sleep in that?" he asked, gesturing to her uniform.
Elize glanced at the clothes, then back at Alvin. This whole situation felt surreal, a far cry from the tearful breakdown she'd envisioned. Maybe, just maybe, there was another way to navigate this.
"Tell you what," she said, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "If you promise to make me hot chocolate, I might consider using your pajamas of questionable taste."
Alvin's smile faltered slightly, but he quickly recovered. "Questionable taste? These are top-of-the-line sleepwear, you know!"
Elize laughed, a genuine, lighthearted sound that filled the room. The weight of her troubles seemed to lessen with each giggle. "Alright, alright," she conceded. "Top-of- the-line sleepwear it is. But you better make the hot chocolate with extra marshmallows."
Alvin chuckled, the relieved sound warming Elize's heart more than any hot chocolate ever could.
Emerged from the bathroom, Elize was a vision of youthful vibrancy even draped in the borrowed frilly pink pajamas. Fresh from the shower, her damp curls clung to her face in a way that was both innocent and undeniably alluring. The pale pink fabric of the pajamas, several sizes too big, hung loosely on her slender frame, hinting at the curves just beginning to blossom beneath.
Water droplets clung to her eyelashes, catching the light like tiny diamonds. Her rosy cheeks, flushed from the warm shower, held a hint of the reddish undertone that danced beneath her pale skin. A hint of a smile played on her lips, the kind that spoke of secrets whispered and battles won.
For a moment, she was the picture of youthful innocence, then the glint transformed into a mischievous challenge, a hint of the fire that burned brightly within her. Her entire being emanated a mix of sweetness and sass, a combination that could stop a heartbeat and ignite a thousand fantasies.
"So," she began, swirling the mug of hot chocolate Alvin had prepared, "about my confession last time..."
Alvin winced slightly, a nervous smile plastered on his face. "Right, well, about that..." He cleared his throat. "Elize, you're a wonderful person, truly. But like you said, you're still young. You have so much life ahead of you. Don't you think it's a bit early to be thinking about these things?"
Elize sighed dramatically, taking a sip of her hot chocolate. "Maybe," she said, her voice laced with mock disappointment. "But wouldn't it be nice to have someone to share all these new experiences with?"
Alvin chuckled, the sound lacking its usual carefree nature. "I suppose so. But, uh, I wouldn't call myself the best candidate for... all that." He gestured vaguely around the room.
Elize raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "Really? You seem perfectly capable of making hot chocolate with extra marshmallows."
Alvin's cheeks flushed again, a light shade of pink that reached all the way to his ears. He mumbled something about that being a basic human skill.
Elize leaned closer, her eyes twinkling. "Alright, Alvin" she said, her voice teasing. "How about this? You consider my confession... maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but maybe in, say, three years from now?"
Alvin's eyes widened in surprise, his jaw dropping slightly. Three years? With her teasing glint still in her eyes, Elize continued, "Just think of it as a long-term investment. After all, wouldn't you want to be there when I walk down the aisle, looking my most beautiful as a bride?"
Alvin's blush deepened further, reaching all the way to his hairline. He scratched the back of his head, a flustered smile replacing his previous nervousness. "A bride, huh?" he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.
Elize burst out laughing, the sound echoing through the apartment. This wasn't the answer she'd hoped for, not exactly. But seeing Alvin so utterly flustered, his carefully constructed walls crumbling around her confession, filled her with a different kind of satisfaction. Maybe, just maybe, this unexpected visit had planted a seed in his heart. And who knows, maybe in three years, when the hot chocolate memories had faded but the blush remained, something more might blossom between them.
Exhaustion finally settled over Elize, her eyelids drooping like heavy curtains. The weight of the day's events, combined with the warm mug of hot chocolate, lulled her into a drowsy state.
"So," she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep, "where am I going to sleep?"
Alvin, who had been meticulously cleaning the mugs, looked up, a hint of panic momentarily clouding his face. He cleared his throat. "Well, I have a spare room. It's a bit messy, but—"
Elize cut him off with a weak yawn. "Nope," she mumbled, burying her head deeper into the sofa cushion. "Don't want to move."
Alvin stood there awkwardly, torn between his gentlemanly instincts and the image of a disheveled Elize sprawled on his meticulously made bed. He sighed. "Alright, but only because you look like you could fall asleep right here."
Elize lifted her head, a mischievous glint in her sleep-tousled eyes. "Actually," she slurred, "there's a better idea."
Alvin's heart lurched in his chest. "A better idea?"
Elize shuffled closer to him, her voice barely a whisper. "We could share the bed."
Alvin choked on his own spit, his face turning the color of a ripe tomato. "Share the bed? Elize, you're delirious!"
Elize giggled, a soft, sleepy sound that sent shivers down Alvin's spine.
"Don't believe me for a second, Elize," he said, his voice gruff but laced with a touch of amusement. "I'm a big, fat liar. If we share that bed, something bad might happen."
Elize's eyes widened for a moment, then she burst out laughing. "Something bad, huh?" she teased, her voice barely above a whisper. "Is that right?"
Alvin averted his gaze, his cheeks burning. "Exactly! So, the spare room it is, no arguments."
Elize sat up straighter, a determined glint in her eyes. "But Alvin," she said, her voice soft yet firm, "it's okay if it's you."
The air crackled with unspoken tension. Alvin looked at her, the weight of her words settling on him. It was a simple statement, yet it held a depth of trust and a subtle implication that sent his heart into overdrive.
The silence stretched, thick with unspoken emotions. Alvin found himself unable to meet her gaze. He knew he should be firm, maintain boundaries. But seeing the vulnerability in her sleepy eyes, the unspoken trust she placed in him, made his resolve crumble.
He took a deep breath, his voice a mere whisper. "Alright," he conceded, defeat coloring his tone. "But just this once. And no funny business, okay?"
Elize's face broke into a wide grin, her exhaustion forgotten. "Thank you, Alvin," she whispered, her voice filled with a warmth that melted away the last remnants of his resistance.
As they settled into the bed, the awkwardness was undeniable. Elize, despite her earlier teasing, seemed genuinely exhausted, curling up on her side. Alvin lay stiffly on the other end, his mind reeling from the unexpected turn of events.
The silence was heavy, punctuated only by the soft sounds of their breathing. Despite the awkwardness, a strange sense of peace settled over Alvin. He stole a glance at Elize, her face calm and serene in the moonlight. Maybe, just maybe, this unexpected situation wouldn't be a disaster after all.
The morning light streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. Elize stirred, the events of the previous night replaying in her mind. A blush crept up her cheeks as she stole a glance at Alvin, who was still fast asleep on the other side of the bed.
Despite the awkwardness, a strange sense of comfort lingered. It was a feeling of safety, of knowing that someone had her back, even if it was just for one night.
Alvin finally stirred, blinking blearily as he met Elize's gaze. A sheepish smile spread across his face. "Good morning," he mumbled, his voice thick with sleep.
Elize smiled back, a playful glint in her eyes. "Good morning, Alvin." He had to take her back to the boarding school.
After a quick breakfast and a promise to visit again soon, they made their way towards the train station. The journey back was filled with a comfortable silence, a stark contrast to the emotional rollercoaster of the previous night.
As the train pulled into Marksburg station, Elize felt a pang of apprehension. But before they disembarked, she stopped Alvin, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"There's this new cafe that just opened near the school," she said. "Fancy checking it out?"
Alvin hesitated, then smiled. "Sure, why not?"
The cafe was bustling with students, the air filled with chatter and laughter. As they entered, Elize spotted a group of girls huddled in a corner booth – her bullies.
Elize felt a flicker of nervousness, but she held her head high, walking towards them with Alvin by her side.
The girls looked up, their faces registering surprise as they saw Elize with a tall, unfamiliar man. His age and slightly disheveled appearance from their unexpected sleepover earned him the label of "old man" in their minds.
Alvin, completely unfazed by the awkward silence, extended a hand towards the girls. "A pleasure to meet all of you," he said politely. "Please, be kind to my fiancé."
The girls gaped at him, then at Elize, their faces a mixture of confusion and disbelief.
The bullies exchanged glances, their earlier bravado fading. One of them, the ringleader, mumbled a half-hearted apology, her confidence shaken by the unexpected turn of events.
Alvin, with a disarming smile, simply said, "Water under the bridge, right?"
The situation wasn't magically resolved, but the power dynamic had shifted significantly. With Alvin by her side, even if it was just a playful charade, Elize felt a newfound confidence. Maybe, just maybe, this unexpected visit had given her the tools she needed to face her bullies and navigate the complexities of school life.
Finally after enjoying their time at the cafe, Elize's heart thumped a nervous rhythm against her ribs. Leaving the comfort of Alvin's side felt like stepping back into the unknown.
They paused in front of the boarding gate, the weight of unspoken emotions hanging between them. "Thank you, Alvin," Elize said, her voice sincere. "For everything. You really saved me last night."
Alvin smiled, a warmth radiating from his eyes. "Anytime, Elize. Remember, you're not alone in this." He reached out, his hand hovering gently over hers for a moment before pulling back.
Suddenly, Elize surprised Alvin by pulling him into a tight hug. The unexpected gesture sent a jolt through Alvin, a surge of emotions flooding his chest. He held her close for a comforting moment, the scent of her hair and the press of her body against his igniting a spark within him.
As she pulled away, a faint blush dusted her cheeks. Alvin cupped her face in his hand, his thumb brushing her soft skin. He leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "If you need anything," he whispered, his voice husky, "call me. Don't hesitate. I'll try my best to be there, no matter how crazy things get."
Elize's gaze locked with his, a kaleidoscope of emotions swirling within them. A flicker of hope, a hint of defiance, and a touch of longing glinted in her eyes. She nodded silently, the unspoken promise hanging in the air between them.
Alvin watched her disappear through the boarding gate, a bittersweet feeling settling in his stomach. He had come to the school to take her back, but a part of him wished she could stay. Maybe, just maybe, their paths would cross again soon. Maybe the spark ignited by this unexpected visit would continue to flicker, waiting for the right moment to bloom into something more.
I made .pdf ver light novel style so I can put my art side to side teehee 🥰✨🫶🏻 you can download it from dropbox, I put download link below 🥰
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dragondiscipled · 13 days
What's Peculiar About Your Soul?
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Your soul is… Volatile
There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul… At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it- to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge. It never comes
tag by: no one, found it in the tags tagging: you, anyone who wants to
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defectivexfragmented · 11 months
What's Peculiar About Your Soul?
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Your Result:
Your soul is... Volatile
There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul... At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it- to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge. It never comes.
tagged by: @somewherebetweenrage (thank you hun!) tagging: @fasciinating, @alwaysthesitter, @brooklynislandgirl, @thirt13n, @scribedhorror, @usawfulfew, @hexsreality, @coinquinatvs, @ofmythsandfables, @honorhearted, & anyone who wants to!
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hick4hire · 4 months
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what's peculiar about your soul?
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Your soul is... Volatile
There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul... At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it- to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge. It never comes.
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vullcanica · 1 year
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Your soul is... Volatile
There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul... At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it- to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge. It never comes.
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Tagged by: @vilestblood 💕
Tagging: @vhgr (any) @chateautangerine @monstriiss @princguard @freak1ish @grownpale (any) @kurjaks @maramcna and you! 🫵
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iiguess · 1 year
what's peculiar about your soul?
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There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul... At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it- to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge. It never comes.
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It glitters like a winking star... Occasionally it must be covered with a tarp, so that guests do not lose their vision to its splendor. Many wonder what causes it to behave in such a way... but your collector has no straight answer; even they are unaware. Are you grinning? You can not tell... You lie coiled there in your display, revealing every facet of yourself to marveled onlookers... Your face aches? Why does it ache? Are you grinning?
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sanguine-salvation · 1 year
What’s peculiar about your soul?
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Your soul is... Volatile
There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul... At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it- to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge. It never comes.
Tagged by || @oculusxcaro & @elisethetraveller (thank youuuu!)
Tagging || @thegreeksknewthescore, @the--e--nygma, @crimson--corvid, @deviousmxnds, @mxlevolence, @awolxsiblings, @ascribedundeath, @babydxhl, @arkhamcalamity and whoever else wants to!
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ira-sturm · 1 year
What's Peculiar About Your Soul?  
Your soul is... Volatile
There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul... At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it- to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge. It never comes.
Ripped from the grasp of @xxlordalexanderxx​
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tinytelepath · 1 year
Your soul is... Volatile
There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul... At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it- to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge. It never comes.
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laughing-hellblazer · 8 months
What's peculiar about your soul?
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Your soul is... Volatile
There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul... At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it- to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge. It never comes.
tagged by :: @mirrordread tagging :: @system-contact, @the-shattered-seas, @arcanescholxr, @cxpperhead, @0zymandias-v, and anyone else who wants to do this! tag me!
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white--moon · 1 year
What's Peculiar About Your Soul?
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Your soul is... Volatile.
There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul... At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it- to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge. It never comes.
Tagged by @jaegersol Tagging: Anyone who wants it :)
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somewherebetweenrage · 11 months
what’s peculiar about your soul?
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Your soul is... Volatile There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul... At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it- to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge. It never comes.
tagged by: stolen from @outlawiism​  <3
tagging: @shieldretired​ , @wcrriorhearts​ , @defectivexfragmented​ , @samhlaiocht​ , @acertainfemininemystique​ & anyone else who wants <3
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noxcomnia-a · 2 years
What's Peculiar About Your Soul?
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tagging: @parieha (dazai), @nulltune, @geomogl, @unmeinoniwa (celine), @unmyeoung (casey), @violevin, @tomoge, @satoi, @cruelchild, @miracleheart​, @sheyearns​, and anyone else who wants to do it! it’s fun!
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Your soul is... Volatile
There is a deep, painful energy harbored within this soul... At its very core festers malice, and a deeply rooted pain that craves nothing more but to inflict itself onto everything around it. Special care has been given to it- to stop examiners from coming into any harm should they draw too near to it. You coil like a serpent, awaiting a moment to strike. To claim your revenge. It never comes.
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