#'eyyy thanks for the follow back over here :D
ninevoltcolt · 1 year
@typhoonvash @needlenxggin
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"...Yanno, you ain't like most of the other fake Humanoid Typhoons."
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athenasilver7 · 4 years
So for my request, can you write about Iida and Ochako going on a lunch date together please?
Eyyy👉🏻👉🏻 Let’s do this!💞
Genre: Fluff
Note: I’m probably gonna fix it later! I’m not all that satisfied with how it ended up. It’s always the middle part😭
Tenya Iida x Ochako Uraraka
✨Weekend Lunch Date✨
The final bell of the school day rung, signalling everyone that it’s time to head out. Ochako fidgeted with the straps on her school bag. She stood next to her desk as she passed glances at Iida.
Closing her eyes and inhaling, she thought, ‘Okay! Come on, Uraraka! You know Iida, you hang out with him everyday!’ Placing her hands against her desk and crouching down, ‘Ahhhh! So why is this so nerve wracking?!’ The brunette begins to hold her own hands against her face. ‘It’s simple! Lunch and nothing else!’ When Ochako gets back up again, she notices that Iida is nowhere in sight. Shock and confusion paints across her face, she should’ve moved faster and stalled less. Scanning the room, Ochako looks for anyone who may know where the tall high school student went. Her eyes land on Midoryia who is scanning quickly through his notes.
“Hey Deku....do you know where Iida went off to?” Leaning forward in anticipation and clasping her hands behind her back, she tilts her head awaiting an answer. Midoryia looks from his book to Ochako, “Iida? Hmm....” He places and finger and thumb beneath his chin, “I think he went straight back to the dorms. To study for next week’s quiz, although I don’t think he’ll need to.” The green haired boy laughs. “Hm, right! Thanks, see you later!” Ochako waves Midoryia goodbye while leaving the classroom, her walking turning from a brisk pace, and then into a sprint.
When she eventually reaches the dorms, she needs to take a moment. Hands on her knees, breaths coming out ragged. Bringing a hand up to her face, she wipes sweat from her above brow using her thumb. An quick inhale and an exhale, and she’s ready to go again. Ochako makes her way through the front doors and long halls, anxiety bubbling in the center of her chest. The closer she gets to Iida’s dorm room, the more she thinks about backing out.
‘No, no backing out. It’s just lunch with...with a friend.’ She does just see him as a friend, right? Nothing more, just lunch with a friend. Ochako doesn’t even notice that she’s arrived at Iida’s door. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she brings a shaky fist to the wooden door. Before she can knock, a realization hits her mind, ‘No...’ Ochako lowers her arm in doubt. ‘I’m just telling myself that it’s a friendly lunch, but really...’ The girl brings a hand to her chest and clenches the fabric, ‘...I’m just telling myself that to calm myself down. I do want it to be a date!’ Ochako lets out a distressed noise, “It’s now or never!” Without a second thought, she knocks three times.
The door seems to open in slow motion as Iida’s face comes into view, “Oh? Ochako?” Iida hastily straightens his back. “I-is there something you need? You seem quite disheveled.” The sonic speed man aggressively chops the air. “U-um! Yeah, it’s nothing! I-I mean..” The petite female places a hand behind her head, choosing her next words in her head. “Did you, I mean, are you free this weekend b-because,” Ochako closes her eyes and bows nervously, “D-d-did you want to maybe g-get lunch with me tomorrow?!” The silence that followed felt too long.
“That..” Ochako looks up at the dark blue haired male in front of her. He pushes up his glasses and isn’t looking at the brunette as he answers, “Would be nice.” Ochako’s eyes widen in surprise, she was kind of expecting him to decline. “...U-uh! Yeah! Um, how does eleven thirty sound? At the nearby cafe?” Iida can only manage a nod in response.
They both ended up showing up to the cafe early, eleven o’clock. The duo took their seats outside since the sun was up without a cloud in the sky bothering it.
“So, how was your morning, Iida?” Iida seemed to tense a bit at Ochako’s sudden question. Adjusting his glasses and sipping his tea, he answers, “Just studying.” ‘I can’t tell her that I was stressing over what to wear!’ “Oh...I see.” Ochako brings her vanilla milkshake closer, spinning the straw around in the beverage.
A wave of silence washes over the both of them. Their food arrives not long after. Ochako glances over at what Iida got, “Hm? Is that banana parfait? I didn’t peg you for the type to like sweet things.” Ochako smiles at the man, which causes Iida to gulp, “Y-yes. Well there are few acceptions.” Uraraka hums in agreement at his statement, “Can I try?” She leans foward in her chair, inching closer to Iida. “I-I,” Iida gulps again, bringing the spoon down to scoop up some parfait, and up to Ochako. The brunette hums again as she takes the spoon in her mouth. “Mmm, it’s really yummy. You wanna try some of my mochi?” “N-no, it’s quite alright.”
“Ochako, why did you ask me? T-to lunch I mean. There’s no one else here..” Uraraka’s face is frozen in a smile, she looks off to the side, “Um...” Her face suddenly falls and bursts out into pure red. “W-well, it’s just. I-it’s j-just a lunch date, isn’t it?!” Iida is taken aback at the small female’s sudden outburst. ‘Lunch date? Like, DATE date?! Are we on an actual DATE?!?!’ He hesitantly nods. ‘Uwahhhhh! What does that nod mean? Does he think it’s a friendship date?! Ahhh!’
Once their food and beverages are gone, neither really know what to do after. “..Allow me to walk you back to your dorm, Ochako.” “O-oh, right! Thanks!”
Tenya keeps his distance when walking Ochako back to the dorms, something in the air just makes everything feel....awkward. Neither of them are announcing if this was confirmed to be an actual date. A romantic date that you see in the movies, although nothing about this was near close to be considered romantic.
Iida finds himself walking Uraraka all the way to her dorm room instead of stopping in the common area, “Well then, this has been nice....I suppose I shall see you around.” “Hm, yeah. Thanks again.” Uraraka opens her dorm room door, unsure of what exactly to do after she gets in. Iida begins to turn away, but before he can walk away, Uraraka calls out to him, “Iida!”
Tenya turns back around, staring at Ochako’s frame leaning against the door frame, “Yes?” The gravity defying female looks down at the floor, “Just so you know...” A blush is quick to make it’s way over her face, “This was totally a date!” With that, she turns into her room and slams the door behind her.
The broad man stares at the door, “Huh?....Huh?......HUHHHH?!” His movements are fast and hasty as he rushes up to the door, “Ochako! Ochako! Hello??” His air chops get more and more aggressive by the second, “Urarakaaaa?!!?”
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xonxsm · 4 years
pastel || bnha x male reader
---》 one 《---
in which cute lil [m/n] gets introduced to a certain class of first-years in yuuei.
the loud announcement of the plane landing soon woke [m/n] up. his tired eyes confusedly looked around, stopping to look outside the window. staring out of the window mouth agape, amazed by the night view of japan high up in the sky. "woah... zo thiz iz japan?" wincing lightly at the harsh landing he happily hopped up, slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder; tail wagging like a hundred times per second.
dragging his luggage off the conveyor belt he marched around, confused to where he was supposed to go until he saw a girl around his age crazily waving around a sheet of paper with his name. "eyyy, daz me!" he naruto ran over to the girl, the case almost breaking due to the friction.
"gasp!" the girl looked over to a couple- which were probably her parents- standing next to her, pointing to them accusingly. "womans! you never told me the person we're looking after is an idol!"
"well indeed, i am very handzome, yez, but being an idol meanz no going out in public and that meanz no going to mc donaldz- (;﹏;) bitch i'd rather zhove a carrot up my ass than not eat chiggie nuggetz for the rest of my life." flipping his hair and flicking his tail like the sassy b he is he randomly pulled out a bag of chips out of his duffel bag, munching loudly on the heavenly other form of potatoes.
"ARE YOU MY SOULMATE?!" the female screeched, yeeting the paper she was holding away and rushed up to [m/n], pulling him into a hug. he let out an 'oofz' before returning the hug.
"ah have been waiting for you zo long, oh my deztined one~!" [m/n] dramatically fake cried, somehow squeezing out a few tears. the tears stopped as the hybrid boy slapped the girl's advancing hands away from his chips, hugging them to himself.
"az much az i love you, dear zoulmate, even thou we juzt met, i will not let you zteal chipz-chan from me!" he slapped the girl's face with his long tail while she went off to sulk right beside her mother.
"a-anywayz, nice you meet you guyz!" [m/n] held out her hand out to the two for a handshake. "I'm m/n, but you probably know that already."
his 'soulmate' was still pouting from him rejecting her advances towards chips-chan. her mother slapped the behind of her head, making her blurt out a 'hey!' and a glare directed to her. sighing, the mother turned towards [m/n]. "i'm eugene, and this is my husband chad and my daughter lillian." shaking hands, eugene gently pushed lillian towards [m/n], muttering to her about helping him with the luggage before gesturing for them to follow her. grumbling, she picked up his luggage- with [m/n] feeling slightly bad as he reluctantly shoved a potato chip in her mouth, to which she happily munched on.
"we're going home- or, in [m/n]'s case, where you will be staying temporarily until your years at yuuei ends." eugene smiled, opening the car door after stuffing the heavy luggage into the rear of the car." [m/n] returned the smile, taking out his phone only for it to be snatched by lillian, with her inserting her number into his contacts.
[🤪s o h m 8 😌]
[m/n] grinned, also typing his number into her phone with the same contact name. giving each other their phones back they started giggling like schoolgirls for no reason.
-m o n d a y-
[m/n] groaned, the alarm he set on his phone blaring as he reached up to snooze it, snuggling back under the sheets, ready to sleep again.
why'd i set an alarm to wake up now anywa-
he shot up, realization swimming around in his mind; all traces of sleep gone by now.
"SKLDJFNKDSJNFLKSDNFLKD!" he shouted as he threw on his uniform, whimpering at the feeling of his tail being stuffed inside his pants. sighing he cut a hole so he could fit his tail through the pants.
grabbing the toast on the table he rushed out, hurriedly waving 'goodbye' to eugene and chad. unfortunately lillian wasn't studying in yuuei- so he had to go to school alone. walking accordingly to the directions to the bus stop lillian gave him he nommed on the toast, grimacing at the plain taste filling his mouth. he plugged in his headphones as he got on the bus, sitting at a random seat by the window. his [fur/color] ears relaxed as he bobbed his head to stockholm syndrome by one direction, looking out of the window.
whispers and stares surrounded him as he walked through the hallways, looking around for the office. he was not enjoying the attention at all- it made him want to dig a hole up in the ground and bury himself alive. finally spotting the huge door he quickly dashed inside, not even bothering to knock.
a man with messy long hair and another male- who he recognized to be present mic, stared at him.
"kid... next time, remember to knock," the messy-haired man grumbled out.
"zorry! i promize to knock next time," [m/n] paused, suddenly bowing. "i'm [m/n], the new tranzfer ztudent. i waz told to come here..?"
the tired male sighed. "i'm shota aizawa, but please refer to me as aizawa-sensei. and this," he gestured to present mic, "is hizashi yamada."
"nice to meet you!" [m/n] stood up straight abruptly.
gasp, aizawa reminds me of medusa. [m/n] shuddered. that man is going to be the death of me- literally.
the bell rang suddenly, aizawa standing up with a yawn and exited the office, [m/n] trailing behind while present mic waved.
"stand here; don't come in until i tell you to." [m/n] nodded as aizawa walked in, closing the door behind him. "wait-"
[m/n] stared at the closed door, sweatdropping.
"how tf am i going to see your zignal for me to come in-"
aizawa opened the door, lazily waving for him to come in.
[m/n] plodded in, ears perked up while his tail swayed slowly. the eyes of his new classmates bore holes in his body. the uncomfortable feeling he felt before came rushing back to him but he pushed it aside, walking to the middle of the class and bowing.
"hoi! i'm [m/n] [l/n], i hope we can get along!" [m/n] gave them a small smile, looking all carefree and all; yet his tail was as stiff as a board behind him. the class was silent for a moment before it quickly got noisy, [m/n] getting bombarded with questions.
"um-" looking over to aizawa for help, he sweatdropped when he found a gigantic banana in his place. distressed his hand automatically lifted up to ruffle his ears and hair, all while looking down at the floor.
"everyone, calm down!" [m/n]'s head snapped up to see a dark blue-haired male with rectangular glasses speaking, his hands making weird robot motions. "this is no way to treat a new student! we're making [l/n] uncomfortable; which is totally not how a student from such a prestigious school like yuuei should act! in order to not disrupt class i say that it is only fair we approach him after class has ended!" [m/n] sent him a grateful smile, to which the dark haired male only responded with a nod. gently nudging aizawa awake he silently trudged over to an empty seat beside a heterochromatic boy.
sitting down he gave the boy beside him a shy smile before putting down his things, and turning his attention to the teacher at the front.
cute. s o m e o n e thought. wait wat-
word count: 1240
i'm so proud of myself rn :,D
thanks for reading tho! :>>
hopefully i will be able to update tomorrow-
i do be kinda lazy sometimes so i don't have a schedule. schedules make me stressed and even lazier so its better if i don't have one-
oh and please do enjoy the magnificent picture of our dear birb lord up there. ;)
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yankyo · 5 years
Uh request for like a trans guy reader?(that’s ftm) with maybe like ambiguous genital words?(hole is my go to) maybe he’s lost in some haunted place or he summons beej?(any plot you’d like really I’d just like some content for a dude like me?)
Eyyy. So I put both ideas together to make this! It's just part one cuz I'm gonna have some real fun with this
This wasn't a good idea, he knew this fairly well, but still he found himself sitting in the middle of an old, decrepit house anyways - an ouija board sitting in front of him. Rumors about the strange happenings in this old house had spiraled through the small town, strange voices, shadows dancing on the walls, and there was sightings of something still lurking within these decaying walls, but no real proof of anything. And the mystery was just too intriguing to stay away from.
 So, he sat back, sucked in a deep, albeit trembling breath and reached for the planchette. He knew he was breaking one of the most important rules of the ouija board: never use one alone, but who else would come with him? Already the town had all but rejected this old house and there was already talk of destroying the old place and building something new before the dust could even clear - this would be his one and only chance to find out if the rumors were true and what wandered these halls. 
"Is anyone there?" He asked, his voice echoing through the empty room. For a moment, all was silent, all was still, before a cold breeze blew through the room, making the boy shiver. "H-hello?" He swallowed hard, trying to force the tremor from his voice, but even he couldn't hold back the squeak of surprise as the planchette began moving on it's own. 
He snorted, unable to stop himself from laughing, so there really was something here! "Well hey there." He whispered, "who am I speaking to?" 
M E 
A spirit with a sense of humor. "Who are you?" He tried again 
G H O S T   W I T H M O S T
.... what did that even mean? He laughed again, a smile spreading across his face. "You're a strange one." 
U R   H O T
Oh god. It was flirting with him now, what was even happening here?
U   S H U L D   S A Y M Y   N A M E
"What is your name?" The question was barely out before the planchette was trembling with excitement mere moments before it flew from his grip and began flying over the board far too quick for his eyes to follow. "Whoa, whoa, I can't read like this, you've gotta slow down!" 
This should be the part where he ran in terror, should be the moment where maybe he thought that this was just the dumbest idea and get the hell out of here before something bad happened, but curiosity was just too strong to ignore 
"B....E....E....J....F...U...?" he read the letters aloud, bewildered. The planchette was flung down by the invisible force in what seemed like irritation. 
F U K   C A N T   S P E L L 
He couldn't have stopped his laughter if he tried, giggling uncontrollably at the absurd situation 
N I C E   L A U G H   U R T O C U T E
"Thanks. I try," maybe he fell asleep in the old house and this was just some weird dream he was having? This couldn't be real right? "Do you want to give your name another try?" The planchette moved over the word 'yes'  and circled it three times. "Ok, let's give this another go." He reached out once more, placing the tips of his fingers on the planchette again, though this time the wood felt strangely warm to the touch 
B E T E L 
He echoed the word, his head tilted slightly. Something about the spelling was familiar but he just couldn't place it. The planchette ripped itself from his touch, flying towards the wall, where it embedded itself into the old wood, carving out a shape now.... he didn't even think the edge of the planchette was that sharp
The symbol was crudely drawn, but seemed to be an insect of some kind, something with six legs. "Uh... bug? Ant?" He thought to what it had been trying to spell before clapping his hands together. "Beetle" the planchette flew back to the board to hover over 'yes'. "Your name is Beetle?" It flew to 'no' before hovering over the number one. "Beetle is the first part of your name?" It flew to 'yes' "alright, what's the second part?"
The planchette hovered over the board, as if in contemplation before it came towards him, stopping inches from the bottle by his side. Ok, maybe bringing along wine coolers hadn't been the smartest idea, but it wasn't his fault that he needed just a little bit of liquid courage, right? 
"Uh alcohol?" 'No', "Booze?" 'No', "it is a drink of some kind, right?" 'Yes', "alright um. Wine, Soda? Juice?" It flew to 'yes', circling it. "Beetlejuice?" The planchette leapt in excitement, still circling 'yes'. "Beetlejuice." What an odd name, the planchette moved over to the number one, "what?" It jolted, the movements jerkier now as it slid to the number three. "I have to say it three times?" 
R O W 
"Three times in a row?" Back to 'yes'
For the first time, he found himself hesitating. Was this really a good idea? Sure it didn't seem bad, but that was just now. He could be summoning any manner of demon and be eviscerated just for being stupid. The planchette moving again caught his attention 
B E   G O O D
"Are you saying you'll be good or asking me to be good?" It moved over to 'yes', making him snort in amusement. Fuck. He was really going to do this, wasn't he? 
"... Beetlejuice... Beetlejuice... Beetlejuice." 
An explosion of green smoke filled the room, making him cough and jump back, though he didn't get far before he collided with something soft and whirled around to find a figure grinning at him. 
"Well hey there, babes, took ya long enough," a gravelly voice greeted him, glowing green eyes shining in the dim light, sharp teeth inches from his face. 
Looking at this figure, he did possibly the only smart thing he had done all night: he ran. 
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onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2 e9 Live Blog
“The Troubles of the Strong”
GOSH DANG 2 HOUR COMMUTES FROM WORK I woke up at 4am just to get to work early specifically so I could leave early I could watch this episode sooner because THIS IS THE EPISODE IVE BEEN WAITING FOR FOREVER OK Ive just been vibrating at my desk all day fluctuating somewhere between ‘awerstdyfcvgbjhkn’ and ‘SADFVYNTBGVRFCE’ IM NOT mentally or emotionally prepared so WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY IMMA WATCHHHH
as always I’m watching from the perspective of someone who is up to date on the Web comic and Manga
“I know that head” *Immediatley cuts to opening theme* I SCREAM i wasnt expecting that nor am I prepared to see Zombieman not even the same 2 pictures of him that ive seen all season help my stomach is in knots and i cannot
asdfghjkl I can tell already this live blog is gonna be SOOOOO BIAS just cause IM WAITING for THE THING annd the rest is great and all but I CANT FOCUS ON ANYTHING Im really not gonna do the episode over all justice im sorry sdfghjk
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HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I CALLED IT IT WAS SONIC THE DOODLE WAS SONIC i was holding my breath cause I knew there was a VERY SLIM CHANCE it would be Z but i felt it in my gut It would be sonic uhg phew ok not dead yet
lol Bakuzan stopping mid boast and just screaming dude you should’ve known then and there to quit oh my god the music is SO excessive right now I’m very distracted it better be part of the gag… or not ok
Saitama just casually explaining stuff I love him so much sweetheart,,, pft “I was bored”, honestly I just appreciate how anime captures the beats every time Saitama delivers a line like that, we expect it but it never fails to make me cackle. Also, “that kind of strength should be illegal” he says to SAITAMA yeah ok
OH!!!! GENOS BB stop getting obliterated please Dr. Kuseno is old what are you going to do when you can’t rely on him for repairs and EYYY Shout out to Atomic, Tatumaki, Flash, and King for the cameos. Genos, are you really underestimating your Sensei like that?? Are you the real genos?????
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ok in all seriousness Suiryu’s voice actor is killin it like I legit feel bad for they guy getting dragged by Saitama, U hav my respect Suiryu I still might not like you all that much but damn u makin me feel that character development
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guys I love saitama so much be still my heart it hurts ;-; this scene chouldne be as heart warming as it is right now hhhhhhhhhhh
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok so now that the tournament is officially over I know theres still a lot to cover this ep before Z???? BUT my bloodpressure WILL NOT CALM DOWN cause WHAT IF they do thingS OUT of ORDER IM ON HIGH ALERT HIGH ALERT WHAT IF I DIE
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OH HI KING HELP IM HAVING ANXIETY YOU KNOW HOW THAT BE RIGHT MY DUDE aw omg how are they both so cute looking right now??? WAIT also that was a smooth transition from Saitama Face™ to serious face woah ?? You know, with all that talk I wonder what the end game is for Saitama? Like, will the series end seriously or on a joke? He gonna find a real challenge or will it somehow be another one-punch? I am completely undecided tbh…
...i wanted king to finish saying “daze” so badly right thereu said yare yare plz give me the meme plz Ok the way Saitama keeps saying ‘Kinggu’ is weirding me out also ng is great and this is very nicely drawn
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...plussireaditinamanga… PFFFTTT the VOICE ACTING-- King is such a good friend for Saitama really thank goodness for him ASDFGHJKL THE WHOLE REST OF THE EXCHANGE IS SO GOOD ‘OK JERKOFF’ im d y i n g
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I MISSED YOU PLZ COME BACK TO THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED BEING A LIL SHIT PLZ UR BEAUTIFUL also the king movements on the bike looked pretty neato
OK Honestly though why does no one know what the Hero Hunter is supposed to look like?? How is that not common knowledge among heroes by now?????
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OK MONSTER WIND LOOKS REALLY COOL I DIG I DIGGGG also I REALY dig the ominous music  and as this scene is nearing its end MY HEART IS POUNDING HELP  
my hands are shaking as im typing and i cant stop laughing nervously and my through is dry this is NOT NORMAL typing is hard im afraid to push play im afraid
its been 5 minutes i cant push play i cant
tfw ive been just mumbling oh my god oh my god nope nope nope for 10 minutes help help help nope
hes on my screen but i cant push play i cant open the tab i cant
everything is so much easier if i didnt FEEL but I have FEELINGS \
I cant even look at him i cant hes too perfect help
30 minutes i can breathe but like shaking ???? ???
ok it only took 45 minutes alright ok ok ok open the tab and PUSH the BUTTON
I lied it took an hour i still cant look at the screen im gonna die this man will be the death of me I CANT GO 2 SECONDS WITHOUT PAUSING AND SCREAMING WHY CAN I REREAD THE CHAPTER OVER AND OVER BUT CANT LISTEN TO HIM FOR 2 SECONDS WHY
OK im gonna start counting how many times I’ve paused from now on its been AT LEAST 8 so lets start there.
11 long pause his voice im crying his face
13 just look at him I cant my stomach
14 “DRAT” help me
15 i keep switching tabs but cant push play again oh no
18 I just noticed he definitely has eyebrows here asdfghjkl
NO COME BACK TORTURE ME SOME MORE WITH YOUR PERFECT GENERAL PRESENCE that was the most exhausting 1.5 hours asdfghjkl what if they dont make a season 3 what if I never see him in motion again what if i just die
i… no recap this week. i think my feelings on the ep are obvious.  Thanks for reading and somehow managing to get this far? I appreciate yall so much really. Thank you for following me being nuts as I am. I seriously mean it. I’ll see yall next week with the next with the next episode!
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warlock-enthusiast · 6 years
What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?
EYYY IT’S @feylen‘s birthday!!!!! :D :D time for some birthday ficlets!
This one about:
Fiora &&& Iathos 
Chevalet smelled of wine and cake. People clogged the streets and Iathos listened to their mumbled voices and laughter. Quite a handful of them entered the Chaleur, enjoying some time with a paid lover or the ambience and music. No doubt that he’d be booked later, too. But right now, he’d a few hours for himself.
Everyone enjoyed such celebrations. A rich ruling class shared their gold and food and merchants lowered their prices. For a week, everyone felt connected and at peace with their life. Even the poorest of the poor tried to impress with their appearance, choosing their best clothing, which seemed nothing more than plain linen, and wore delicate braids. Nothing compared to silks and brocade and heavy jewelry, but he enjoyed the honest joy in their eyes.
Iathos bought some sweets, mostly glacéed fruits, and saw her as soon as she entered his street. Young, a mixture of excitement and curiosity showing on her features. Far too beautiful and vulnerable and attracting a wrong kind of attention. Open celebrations also brought open crime. 
Shadows emerged from the corners.
He put his candies away and decided to follow.
She stood backed up against a wall, cornered by three, no, four men, all clad in dark colors and with their faces partially hidden.
Iathos stepped in their way, held his arms up. “Hey, just leave her alone and crawl back to your homes. No one will be hurt today and we’ll all go our separate ways.”
One of them met his gaze. “Why? She looks ready to be plucked.” Iathos hit him. His fist connected with the heavy jaw and he felt skin and muscles tear. Another one jumped him. Growling, he kicked his opponent’s leg, wrestled him to the ground. His height and weight offered an advantage.
He understood poverty and desperation. He’d been born into it, but it didn’t justify such decisions. Iathos tasted blood on his lips and wiped it away.
The fight was over, before it begung. He’d been taking some classes with another brothel worker, learning the basics of fighting and using his imposing stature.
Iathos sighed. “Everything alright?” “Yes.” She caught her breath. “Thank you.” Iathos decided to stay still. He know that his appearance either awoke curiosity or fear, sometimes both, sometimes combined with a bit of lust and longing. People seemed pretty weird about horns and fur. But this young woman had just escaped a robbery, maybe something worse. He’d offer her space. “You’re welcome.”
He ignored one of the assailants trying to crawl away.
“Not to sound weird, but you want to follow me? I got a comfy hideout and you could watch the festivities from up there, without being bothered by more of them. Also got some wine and food.” “I’m a decent brothel worker, I swear. No other motivation than to help you.” Fiora didn’t look convinced. He’d be the same.
“Or I can take you home. Still got a bit of off time and you’ll be safer with me at your side.”
“No… no, I’d be great to see a bit more of the city.” Iathos thought that she looked like a girl that didn’t leave her home a lot. Maybe her parents acted really strict or followed some stern gods. 
She offered him her small hand. “I’m Fiora. Nice to meet you.” “I’m Iathos.” With him at her side, Fiora was safe from unwanted attention. Most of the passing people looked at a hulking tiefling, not at the pretty girl. She followed him through the streets, right back to the Chaleur. Instead of just using the front entrance, he navigated her to a side alley, and led her up some stairs.
“Here.” Iathos opened a hatch. It led straight to his hideout. Normally he spent his time alone there, but Fiora needed some time to collect herself, get back on her feet. He’d use a lot of his earned gold for buying comfy pillows, a canopy made of fine silk, expensive candles. A small haven of peace inside the busy capital of Salans. It smelled of sweet essence and cakes.
Carefully, Fiora touched a pillow and sat down. “It’s nice.” “I know.” Iathos took two cups and a bottle of wine. “Sit down. Relax. I’m going to stay over here.” He handed her a cup and a platter filled with fruits, before sitting down himself.
“Thank you. I … I didn’t think that…” Fiora took a long sip. “Happens to the best of us. Guards will tell you that Chevalet is safe and all but you still got the desperate and the cruel.”
“Hm.” Fiora took another sip. “And you work...here?” Iathos suppressed his laughter. “Yes, I do. It’s actually a rather nice place, pays good and gets me food and housing. No one forces me to do anything.”
“Interesting.” Iathos thought that he caught a bit of blushing on her cheeks. Fiora tried to ignore his curious gaze.  “So, if you want to tell me about yourself…” Fiora smiled for the first time. It looked rather pretty. “Maybe later.
“I’m okay with that.” Iathos raised his cup. “To a night of new acquaintances then.”
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myxherokacchan · 7 years
May I ask a scenario with Denki and his s/o pining on eachother? Like when he tries to flirt she(or gender neutral if you prefer) get all shy, but when she tries to flirt he get all shy because they are both thinking the other do that as a joke? I hope my request and English are understandable. Thanks and have a nice day!😊
I love romantically awkward Denki -swoooons- ( *´ ▽ `* )b
This is what I imagined when reading the request, I hope it’s to your liking! Instead of them being S/Os, this is before they make it official! 
Kaminari, Denki
Everyone in class was starting to get annoyed at the two. The class clowns of the whole class liked one another but they both had no idea if the other had actually liked them or not. Everyone could tell of their real feelings towards one another but those two idiots couldn’t see it. “Dude…. just ask her out already!” Kirishima groaned pulling on the back of his longer red hairs, frustrated at the bright red blush Kaminari wore when Y/N left defeated. She had used one of the most corny pick up lines against Kaminari but he was too flustered by her presence he didn’t actually catch that she was directly flirting with him. “She damn near said let’s hold hands! You’re telling me you didn’t catch that?!” Kirishima added with another loud groan.
“He’s fucking dumb… of course he didn’t catch that.” Bakugo scoffed with a slight smirk, flicking a pencil at the other blonde boy’s head, “you’re a pathetic man, just give up.”
Kirishima gasped as the pencil flew by his own face before smacking the other boy, his frown now turned towards the hothead who was now lost in his phone. “B-Bakugo! Come on bro… that’s so unmanly….”
“H-He totally just brushed me off! I told you he doesn’t like me! Wh-Why’d you make me do that…. and with such a cheesy line! Y-Your hand looks heavy, let me hold it for you?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME, MIIIINAAAAA—-!!!” Y/N screeched her hands grabbing roughly against the other girl’s shoulders and shaking her. The pink girl had urged her on, making her believe Kaminari actually liked her! Even using a pick up line this time didn’t get the two anywhere but an awkward silence and with her running off, again. Y/N’s hands moved back to her own head to pull at her hair, letting out an embarrassed scream.
“Y/N-Chan, maybe you made the line too complicated for Kaminari-Chan, ribbit.” Asui stated a finger to her chin as she revisited the whole situation in her mind, her long tongue sticking out a little as she did so. Ashido nodded very quickly backing away from the girl freaking out, she would probably get bruises if she grabbed her again.
“W-W-Why don’t we just watch some romance movies…. maybe we’ll get some tips!” Ashido smirked nervously. The three girls nodded together and headed to the pink girl’s room to choose a few movies before heading back to the sofas, it was getting late so the TV should be free.
“This is so stupid… I’m going to bed!” Bakugo growled, lifting off the couch and walking back to the elevators but Kaminari stopped him in his tracks when his arms wrapped around one of the other’s legs. “G-Get off or I’ll kill you…” Bakugo threatened through gritted teeth. He couldn’t stand to watch another second of the horrible american film Kirishima picked, saying it had both action and love in it. Making no sense to the boy! Only thing movies needed were explosions, not shitty love!
“H-Help me….win the girl….” Kaminari sobbed out grossly pleading for help to his ‘friend.’ Kirishima laughed nervously unsure of what kind of fate the electric boy would have in this situation. However the ding from the elevator caught all the boys attention and they all lifted to see who was coming out of them at this hour. Kaminari’s eyes widened when the girl he was stressing over walked out of them followed by her usual group of friends. Who in returned started at the boys with equally confused expressions.
“Oi! Let go! I’m going to bed…….. don’t fuck it up this time idiot!” Bakugo snapped, kicking off the other and pushed passed the girls to leave this idiotic crowd. Kaminari froze in place and so did Y/N as they stared at one another faces redder then Kirishima’s hair. That said boy knocked his friend into reality and edged him on with a few nudges and obvious eye signals. Mina and Asui had picked up on what Kirishima was trying to do and decided to do the same for their friend as well, pushing her closer with the blonde.
“Do your best!” The four others cheered before catching the elevator again and leaving the two alone this time. They had to face this alone! Maybe then they could actually get words out.
“…H-H-H-Hi…..?” Y/N finally managed to utter an actual word, her face feeling like it was going to melt right off. Kaminari couldn’t look at her any longer, she was just so cute! Such a cute girl could never like him! Just look at her, not even wanting to talk to him but it was okay he was pleased just getting to be next to her in the first place. But Bakugo was right! He shouldn’t mess this chance up! Even if Y/N didn’t feel the same for him, it was best to let those emotions out, even if she rejected him, he had to let her know how he felt, how much he really liked her.
Opening his mouth, Kaminari felt his words stuck within his throat, how could he just blurt out his feelings!? “D-D-Do….?” he began, feeling his control for himself and his quirk start to waver, “….do….you know what my shirt is made out of….?” he murmured quietly, his eyes on the floor. What kind of line was that?! He could just here the complaints his friends would be giving him. The girl looked at the shaken boy confused at his sudden question. Was this a trick, was she really supposed to know what kind of material his clothing was made of?
The boy began to cover his steaming red cheeks with an arm, “…b-boy…..boyfriend material….” he murmured out the answer and they both fell silent.
“E-Ehh…..?” Y/N blinked a few times, his words not clicking together in her already racing mind. “You want to wear boyfriend material? ….I-Is that a new clothing brand???”
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I very much enjoy your portrayal of Yasuo. You've taken great details from what lore we were given and adapted them to create an amazing (and lovable) rendition of Yasuo that anyone can enjoy. I think my favorite part is how's he kinda the "no bullshit" character, but at the same time he's willing to throw it out the window and have fun (at least once in a while.) I'm very happy you're here, and I hope you continue doing what you're doing! You can only get better.
Please tell me your favorite things about my portrayal/muse?
Anon is acceptable.
//EYYY. Woah youre a long time follower holyyyy I remember we had conversations before and Im so glad you’re still around :D!
That aside, Ive said it before but I cant stress enough to say how important it is to hear what I have here is enjoyable to people. And that what you are mentioning there - trust me I had nightmares. Times where Id freak out over my worries about portraying him leaning either to one extreme or another. Yasuo is known for being a generally serious/aloof character but he is hinted to have his laid back side, even though some of it is works as a mask. He hides behind sarcasm to cope with his pain and... this is super tricky to portray in a natural way. Sometimes I look back at some replies and I think ‘shit I should have made him laugh’ or when the inverse I go ‘man I think thats too silly’.
The reason why most of the times I take longer than usual to reply to asks isnt because of the fancy images. Its literally because sometimes I am torn as to what would be the most ‘accurate’ way to go about his behavior. I keep his voice in my mind, I write his lines over and over until I am satisfied (unless I have an answer clear in my head from the get go). Yasuo is a mixture of serious, but also a guy who has needs repressed in him and needs to let go every once in a while and hearing I am able to reach this consistency in a believable way means the world. Its a lot of relief. Thank you so much friend.
I will be sure to keep it up and strive to do better :D
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