#'incredible sticker skills'
stick-by-me · 9 months
I used some already on a letter to my fiancé already (so sorry every one everywhere it's not a full sheet 💔) but here are those big eyed pets
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THE ABSOLUTE SILLY OF THESE BEASTS!!!!!! I love them. No thoughts. Immaculate.
For all the disappointed masses: my incredible sticker skills have allowed me to locate the full sheet online.
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wyrmzier · 1 year
Artists that inspire me!
I'm a huge fan of art and these are only skimming the top of the wonders of the artist community and those that inspire me.
@iliothermia a trans Jewish artist who creates undeniably trans and Jewish art!!! Hyde's linework and composition is masterful, and his attention to detail is immaculate. He has a shop where he sells beautiful high quality prints, stickers, pins, bookmarks, and a few other odds and ends! Oh, did I mention he draws everything with a MOUSE!
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@eleheba another trans Jewish artist I adore. Skilled in black and white work and color. Composition is crazy. It's the kind of work I'd think to find in old medieval books. They're definitely a modern day master artist. They also have a shop!
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@stayatsam this artist has inspired me endlessly and got me into portraiture. Another transgender W. Sammi creates beautiful portraits with a unique coloring style. Edgy, gothic, and beautiful.
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@littlestpersimmon I'm struggling to find the words to describe how incredible this artist's work is. Dreamy, ethereal, romantic, and detailed. He create enchanting mlm pieces inspired by southeast Asian art and culture.
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@godivaghoul an erotica artist who creates dashing gothic scenes. Beautiful women with spectacular line art...need I say more?
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@wiltkingart dark and moody paintings with incredible use of color. A focus on trans mlm. Another artist that deeply inspires me.
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@skulkingfoxes on instragram and Twitter (edit: and now tumblr!) Rowan has incredible lineart and character design. They have several comics as well as a shop! Their composition and use of black and white is skillful and immaculate. I wish I could steal their hands
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@the-nothing-maker their art always wows me. They have amazing control over color and use colored pencils!!! Genuinely their work GLOWS I wish I could see them in person.
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@bunabi another master of color and character design. All her art feels soft and dreamy. She also make brush packs!
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@rennybu where do I start... Adrienne's art is colorful, soulful, and dreamy. And so so tender. Not to mention they're incredibly kind! Here's a commission I got from them...agh I'm tearing up
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Unfortunately I've run out of image space. The list could go on until I've named every artist on the internet. I hope you give these wonderful people a follow!
And of course all my wonderful art friends but you can just check out my tag #friend art
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mauesartetc · 7 months
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Alright I know next to nothing about this show, but... I- I just... How does this happen.
Do other characters make fun of this poor dog's mouth like they made fun of Crocker's neck-ear in The Fairly Oddparents? Like why is it placed there. Who signed off on this.
I get that it's a Butch Hartman staple to place characters' mouths on the sides of their faces, but on a character with this face shape, it just looks super odd and uncanny. The mouth looks tacked on rather than connected to the face in any way that makes anatomical sense. In these screenshots, it looks like someone just placed a red leaf sticker under her eye and she actually has no mouth (but she must scream).
I think part of what happened here is that someone told the designer that this character needed to look feminine, and tiny mouths are feminine. Screw anatomical consistency; this is a girl dog that the male lead develops a crush on because girl. What more information could you possibly need? (I actually haven't seen this episode and Becky may or may not have personality traits outside of being the token chick, but I haven't found much more info other than her occupation).
Here's how it would look if her mouth were more believably centered on the face:
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Or perhaps bigger if they wanted to fill up that empty space:
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Or somewhere in between-?
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Like there are so many better options than what they went with.
I can't completely blame the designer as I'm sure they were just trying to work within the absurd requests handed to them. No, I blame whoever was supervising them. The person who insisted on this mouth placement, the person who approved it, the person who was somehow convinced that this looked okay.
Not sure what else to say about it, other than I'm stunned that this aired on national TV. This show was on Nickelodeon. Incredible. But on the plus side, if you're ever feeling bad about your character design skills, this image will probably make you feel a million times better.
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astranva · 2 years
Andrew Garfield talking about his girlfriend for 8 minutes video
Word Count: 1.2k
Category: Fluff
Warning: None
Summary: A fan makes a YouTube video of Andrew Garfield talking about you for 8 minutes straight.
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When the news of you and Andrew dating got out three years ago, fans and the media had a field day.
It wasn’t because you were anyone famous—quite the opposite. Being someone with a normal job, you and Andrew had basked in finally going outside as a couple, and it was how adorable the pictures looked that had everyone freaking out.
One picture was of you laughing, Andrew’s arms around you from behind as he wrapped his coat around you as he wore it, a grin on his face.
Another picture was of you looking at him, eyes set on one another with his hands tangled in your hair, while the other was of him kissing you and despite the photo not being one in high quality, everyone could still see the small smirk he had as you kissed.
It was no surprise when fans posted edits of you together, and although the content they got was minimal, considering your lack of presence in interviews and public press, it was always a field day when you appeared beside him on a red carpet or when you both did as little as grab yourselves some coffee.
Andrew Garfield talking about his girlfriend y/n for 8 minutes straight
The 8-minute and 29-second video started with lofi music over an advertisement for marvel hoodies that everyone seemed to promote, before a sound of glitching television sounded and the video started.
The video started with Andrew and Zendaya’s Actor on Actor interview when they first started talking about Zendaya’s performance on Euphoria.
“Makes me want to cry. I didn’t feel like there was any acting. It felt like you were living through something in such an authentic way,” Andrew said, “And I remember I watched episode 5 with Y/N—with my girlfriend, and she was just like, ‘Andy, can you check up on Zendaya?’”
Zendaya smiled, being her usual self who got flustered at any compliment or praise, “She did text me that night, I remember.”
“She did,” he nodded, “She was so heartbroken over the episode.”
The video then moved to show Andrew during his Wired Autocomplete interview, the foam board in his hand as he took off the sticker that hid the question.
“Does Andrew Garfield sing in Tick, Tick…Boom?” He read, “So, Andrew Garfield does sing in Tick, Tick…Boom, yes. Thank you,” he answered, “I worked very, very closely with an amazing vocal coach, Liz Caplan, and all of Lin Manuel Miranda’s amazing musical direction team. They enabled me to open my voice up to the point where I could honor Jon’s songs and feel confident enough to belt them out as he always did when he was doing his one-man show,” he nodded slight, “It was a privilege to be able to learn a skill that I’ve always wanted to attain but my girlfriend wouldn’t really agree,” he chuckled, looking at the camera, “Y/N’s had enough of my singing, because every time I’d learn something new, it’d be the only thing I’d be doing around our home and she’s incredible, she has a job that she needs to focus on and rest from, but I was always there singing and annoying her,” he laughed, “She’s a gem for putting up with me.”
Another clip then played as Andrew read Buzzfeed’s thirst tweets, headphones on his ears.
“Andrew Garfield if you see this on your secret Twitter account, I’m free this weekend if you want to get lunch or drinks or something, just let me know. If you want to do it earlier, I can do dinner during the week,” he chuckled as he read the tweet, “But I’m usually busy before six,” he finished with a laugh, leaning back in his seat, “I love that. That’s very, very—I like hyper-vigilance. I like specificity of plans,” he said, “But I’m going to have to give you a rain check on that because I’m actually busy on the weekend, unless you want to join in on my girlfriend and I’s date, then it’s fine by me,” he laughed, “I can do lunch during the week though, but we’re going to have to have that at Y/N’s office because that’s where you’ll usually find me having my lunch.”
The clip then moved to Andrew on the Ellen show, getting asked about Spider-Man: No Way Home, and having to lie to people.
“Who knew? Beside your agent, who knew that you were doing this? I mean, how hard is that? To keep it to—I mean, your family knew?” Ellen asked him.
“Yeah, my dad, my brother, and my mother at the time,” he answered with a smile, “Yeah, just kind of us. It was fun to keep it secret,” he grinned, “Because you know when you’re planning a surprise birthday party for someone, and then you’re like, tell me, you know I hate surprises, but I can see it on your face that you’re just like ‘I’m not gonna tell you’,” he shook his head with his wide grin, “So it felt like I was part of organizing a surprise birthday party for a bunch of people whom I knew would appreciate it.”
“Did your girlfriend know?”
Beaming even more, “Y/N had no idea,” he said, laughing, “And—lying to the media, to the fans, that was easy and fun, but lying to my girlfriend has got to be—it was one of the most agonizing and terrible things I have ever done.”
“You lied to her for what? Two years?”
“Technically, it was a year and a few months,” Andrew pointed.
“And how—how did she take that? I’d be pretty offended.”
He laughed, shaking his head, “She wasn’t, she wasn’t. I knew she’d appreciate it because she knows how I feel about my experience with the character, and it was—I’ll tell you something,” he sat up, smiling, “It was worth every single moment where I had to tell her I was shooting for another movie when I saw her reaction when we went to watch it together,” he said, “We had to watch it again because she couldn’t really focus after I was on screen,” he laughed, “But yeah, it—it was definitely hard having to lie to her, and it definitely made her tease me about trust for a while, but she supported me throughout without even knowing.”
The clip then moved to the last one, being from a recent interview with GQ of 10 things Andrew can’t live without.
In a t-shirt and sporting a full beard, he held a silver necklace with a compass on it.
“This is a necklace with a compass on it,” he said, holding the necklace in his hands before the camera zoomed on it before it showed him again, “My girlfriend Y/N gave this to me in a period where I needed to trust the direction I was going, even if I didn’t know where I was going,” he chuckled, looking at it, “It’s become such a symbol of our relationship because in a way, to me, it feels like it navigates us both back to where we have always met, toward our common interests and our differences that initially made us attracted to each other. But she’s always been very persistent on her support for me and my journey in my career, and my journey as a person, so this necklace is just a reminder from her that the direction I’m headed in is always one I can find value in,” he smiled, “My relationship with Y/N is very essential to me. She’s just—She’s truly my person, and this necklace is a symbol of the deep connection we have with each other.”
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millimononym · 8 months
Galactik Football Sticker Album translated to English
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Galactik Football is a story about a futuristic football team - the Snow Kids. They play for their planet Akillian and try to win the Galactik Football Cup with the help of the mysterious energy The Flux. Watch this amazing adventure on TV Ultra
+tattoos +stickers +lenticular +tattoos +holographic cards x2
Galactik Football is a story about a futuristic football team - the Snow Kids. They play for their planet Akillian and try to win the Galactik Football Cup with the help of the mysterious energy The Flux. For this prestigious reward they will have to fight against the teams: Wambad, Shadows, Pirates, Technoids, Rykers and many others. Watch this amazing adventure on TV Ultra!
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D'Jok is a fantastic player of Galactik Football. His wish is to become the main attacker of the akillian team. His main asset is unbelievable strength. The flux is going to strengthen this advantage and make sure that his shot reached heights which Galactik Football hasn't yet seen. In the start he will struggle to control this unbelievable strength, but when he gets a hold of it,he will be recruited(?) by all the main GF clubs
Because D'jok doesn't know anything about his past (Maya, the woman who adopted him promised the boy's real mother that she would never tell him the truth), he came to the conclusion that his future is miraculous. This belief makes him different and gives him an unusual charisma. However, this also makes him very independent, so doesn't have a single friend, aside from Micro-ice. D'jok's problems with communication are especially obvious when it comes to Rocket, the team's captain. As time passes, D'jok sees and treasures Rocket's worth.
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Rocket is an amazingly good passer and his passes are perfectly precise. This preciseness is useful not only in passing, but is also a fantastic advantage in free kicks. Unlike D'jok who has a strong shot, Rocket is more subtle and his use of the flux is seen through, thus unseen in football, controlling of the trajectory of the ball: an incredible backwards shot and in zigzag
Rocket is Aarch's nephew and a big fan of his uncle as a GF player. However, Rocket's father cannot forgive him because he didn't stay on Akillian after the glaciation. From the moment he joins school, Rocket won't rest until he proves to his father that he's up to the task. That's why he constantly puts pressure on himself. That uprightness of his irritates others in the start. But Rocket will gradually learn how to guide others: he will earn his spot on the field and become the captain of the Snow Kids
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On the GF field Tia is very skilled in avoiding opponents. Her play with the help of the flux will undergo an incredible transformation. Her dribbling will become real acrobatics. She can jump multiple metres in the air, with the ball on her leg, before she shoots. Because she masters the flux earlier than the others, she will be the first player to be targeted by the other teams. Tia's biggest wish is to explore the galaxy and meet other people. That's why, when opportunity knocked on her door, Tia immediately accepted the adventure named Galactik Football.
However, her wishes aren't fulfilled easily because of her paralyzing shyness. This contradiction in her behavior is clearly shown in her love of filming: she can't be away from her holo-camera. She will need time to open up to the other Snow Kids, but the moment she does that, she will show a lot of warmth, especially when diplomatically solving problems with her coplayers.
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They gave Ahito the nickname "the sleeping goal". It often looks like he's sleeping, leaning on the goal post, but in a second he can jump and and stop the ball, to everyone's suprise, before he sits back down like nothing happened. Ahito is a fantastic goalman, even if his head's in the clouds
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On the planet Akillian 15 years earlier there was a big explosion. The consequences were catastrophic: the temperature dropped so much that everything on the planet began to freeze. Giant snowstorms started which destroyed a part of the main town/city, Arkadia, and life there became impossible. Today this ghostly town serves as protection from the icy winds that ravage the planet.
The Shadows have humanoid bodies which under the influence of the flux become partly gaseous. With these bodies they skillfully control the ball. Masterful control of the flux and their experience in the past wars make them one of the most frightening groups in the Flux society
The name "pirates" describes a group of people(races?) and planets in the nebulae Shiloe. They are located on the edge of the Zaelion galaxy and outside of the reach of the jurisdiction and control of the Flux society. Its inhabitants are of varied background. Those are often communities who ran from the wars and mixed with the local people. That's how mixed mutant races came to be. Humanoids are the majority. The nebulae Shiloe is organized as a confederation of guilds(?) which allows a lot of freedom to it's members. This chaotic region is a shelter for all outlaws, traitors(?) and the self-interested of that galaxy, and that's why they got their name: Pirates
Technoid is a big commercial and technological collective. In the past years they "ate" their competition and became the dominant political and economical power on a lot if planets where they use (negative) the natural resources. Technoid is run by a group of administrators, of which the most influential is Bleylock.
Rykers are mutants who were forced to adapt to the harsh conditions of their planet Unadar, which is very industrially polluted. Bio-mechanic humanoid hybrids, the rykers show endurance, agility and aggressiveness.
Wambas are a peaceful and wise race. They love to play and that's where their passion for galactik football comes from. They are experienced, fast, and have a good, sometimes cynical, sense of humor. Even if they are uninterested in technology, they developed their own unique science in harmony with the nature of their planet Wamba, which is covered in jungles and forests.
-Genesis stadium is a gigantic spaceship which was created by the League for the main competition in galactik football which is transmitted throughout the entire galaxy. The stadium is in the centre of the spaceship, in which there is also an entire town/city which serves to host teams and their helpers, as well as a couple thousands of fierce fans. All players of galactik football dream of playing in the main stadium one day and hearing the public shouting their name. Likewise it's the dream of every person in the galaxy to save enough money to be able to spwnd a vacation at the Genesis stadium and watch the GF finale live! Genesis stadium has 24 public astro-ports which can host 500,000 people daily, and 88 private landing fields which are open 24 hours a day. 6 interconnected control towers continuously monitor traffic around Genesis. The circular stadium can host 800,000 people. On the giant monitor the match is shown for the viewers who are sitting far from the field, so nobody misses even a second of play. Genesis stadium has absolutely everything - giant amusement parks, one-day daycares for kids, camp of settlements, even a forest with a lake. There sre hundreds of hotels and every guest enjoys the biggest comfort in the entire galaxy.
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The Flux will increase his resilience and acrobatic skills to an enviable level. Ahito is calm, he never gets angry. Under the excuse of having to meditate, he often falls asleep wherever he is. In fact, he spends most of his time sleeping. Despite that, he is one of the most dynamic players on the field and he is a top megnetboard driver
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The hard-working Mei will play in defense, where she can show off her attacking abilities. There is no equal to her in the ability to take the ball away from the opponent while they are handling it. However, this defensive position is not particularly exciting for her. She dreams of the day when she will move to attack, because she considers that position to be prestigious. That's why she will do everything to get to it
Mei's mother pressures her to be the best and most beautiful. As a result Mei is extremely confident. She is very ambitious and her clothes are always impeccable. She acts like a star and nothing will stop her on her way. Will Mei be able to break away from her mother and become a little more... human?
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Thran is extremely sharp and tenacious in defense, and his strongest asset is that he never lets his opponent go. Thran, who is very rational, does not understand the Flux or how it works, but tries to adapt to it. Thanks to the Flux, Thran gradually develops quick reflexes and intuition, which he mainly uses when his brother falls asleep on the goal.
Lively and inquisitive by nature, Thran becomes even more lively when he starts talking about systems and inventions. He often finds a solution thanks to his knowledge of technology. Thran is very diligent and interested in trainings. He enjoys researching how Clamp's machines work. He is fascinated by statistics and can draw a large number of players from memory, as well as recall their play.
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Micro-Ice's game reflects his lifestyle. He developed incredible speed, now he just needs to remember to take the ball with him. He had a bad habit of making fun of opponents on the field, which always led to conflicts during the game. He will have the hardest time of all to accept the Flux in himself. Due to its timid nature, it will be difficult for him to bear the change in his body. However, once he's mastered it, he'll be full of enthusiasm and faster than most players on other teams. Micro-Ice is the funniest member of our little group.
A bit cocky but well-intentioned, he's like a school clown of Aarch college who relieves stressful situations. He learned to get by in life on his own with various tactics... and frequent chatter! Once he starts babbling, it's hard to stop him, which gets him into awkward situations at the best of times. His lack of attention makes it difficult for him to embrace the discipline of teamwork, but his adventures in galactik football will give him a great opportunity to grow up…
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WHOO THAT'S ALL! idk if the picture order is messed up, but u can see the page numbers so it doesn't really matter (the pages are supposed to be SPORT -> LIFESTYLE and are translated as such)
Sorry these aren't scanned but i don't own a scanner and can't go anywhere for one so if you want a closeup or better quality of something just ask and I'll post a better pic of it for u :3
Also theres a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes here which i fixed for easier reading (like misspelling the literal series name ...) so keep that in mind
ALSO!!! The pirates section gives weight to my headcanon that most of the Pirates (team) aren't fully human. I knew they were too tall !!! Those bitches are part alien under those masks and i KNOW IT!!!
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fyodior · 1 year
im all soft for the idea of like raising a kid rn. like yes im going to make you even more of a daddy and you cant stop me. hold my tummy when its getting all big from the baby, go out in the middle of the night to get the food im craving. carry out child to sleep after a long car ride. give little kisses on their scrapes before putting on bandaids. im imagining dazai, getting hurt from work and our child putting paw patrol stickers on his cheek. fyodor reading them to sleep, chuuya using his gravity to tuck our little ones to bed.
so incredibly sexy to me. have my babies and be present in their lives PLEASE
YES he presses little kisses all over your growing tummy and lays his head on it to feel when the baby kicks 🥺🥺 or they do sweet things for you once you cant do them anymore kfjdjk like shaving your legs or putting on pants or just helping you stand up <3 they take you out to buy maternity clothes when your regular clothes stop fitting and they accompany you to every single doctors appointment no matter what.
(this is more dazai coded) but he's so so proud of his pregnant partner and loves showing them off to everyone but he's also fucking weird abt it kdfjfdkj like touches ur bump and is like "i did that😏" and everyone just sighs
i imagine fedya putting headphones over your belly and playing classical music to try and make the baby like it fdjkjkfkj or playing the cello whenever he can because he wants to expose your kid to as much classical as he can so they can bond over it <3
CHUUYA USING GRAVITY TO TUCK THEM IN PLS i think he would use his gravity skill so much literally just to entertain the kid fjdjfdj like maybe they're rly fussy during bath time or are upset so he distracts them with juggling random things in the air or making himself float fdjkfdkjfdjk but also idk if this would work but him using gravity to take some of the weight off from ur tummy when ur rly far along <3
i truly think all (most) bsd men very capable of being really good dads and husbands and i want all of them to get me pregnant rn
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the-eeveekins · 4 months
1/144 Devil Gundam
This is the oldest gunpla kit I've ever built, pre-dating the Wing kits I built as a kid. And boy does it show it's age. The construction is incredibly basic and simple, the color separation is terrible and the final product feels hollow and more than a little flimsy. I did my best to polish this turd with my limited paint skills (I use Gundam Markers, okay? lol) and ultimately I think I did a good enough job improving the color accuracy, and I only ended up using one of the stickers.
But despite all that, I still love having a kit of the Devil Gundam in my hands and it brings a smile to my face.
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This is really only worth getting if you love the Devil Gundam (like me) and you're willing to put some work into it. Otherwise I recommend doing what the rest of us are doing: holding out hope there is a proper HG in the pipeline after the new Shuffle Alliance kits are released.
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😶 A random headcanon!
About our dear Chara?
Oh hi! Hi hi hi hi
Thank you so much for asking something, let's see if I can finish it before the day is out, huh? (this took a week, I am so sorry)
*Tries to find something that wouldn't be covered by the other questions*
Okay so...
😶A random headcanon about Chara
Chara is a bit of a technophobe. Not so much for big analogue machines with wires and gears found in Gaster's lab but the common amenities of the household...phones, computers, consoles... what are these things? How do they work? What in the angel's name is even the appeal?
They're like someone's 80 year old grandma trying and failing to understand these horrid newfangled human devices...
You leave them alone in a room with a laptop for less than a minute and they will download a deadly virus just trying to log on...
Asriel's doing something on the computer and Chara is leaning over his shoulder, completely dumbfounded, trying to understand (you can imagine little question marks floating above their head here...)
Chara's reaction to any sort of memes or social media or internet lingo never failed to amuse Asriel
Especially when Asriel shows them this meme and Chara makes the exact same face and Azzy cannot stop laughing
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Let's just say that Chara Dreemurr has many skills (I sometimes joke that they have the exact skillset that would make them a wicked cultured anime villain, (as they should be)) but understanding the internet is certainly not one of them.
Makes sense, though, that they wouldn't really get modern amenities. Back on the surface, their parents house had nothing newer than a gramophone, and they never left the house or interacted meaningfully with anyone else (humans are all evil, manipulative creatures, they say...while working on a sample size of about two)
And more than that, they've certainly never interacted with anyone their age which is what leads them to going in to monster school with an attitude of "teenagers are probably interested in the same things as me, like rules and authority!"
Ahem, back on track...
Post-pacifist, Frisk and Asriel use Chara's lack of knowledge with anything internet to tease them relentlessly...
Frisk becomes a deez nuts joke dispenser for like two weeks after learning this, Flowey tries to convince Chara that kys stands for keep yourself safe and that you should totally use it in casual conversation and Frisk tries to rickroll Chara only for it to go completely over their head and they somehow take it as an actual love confession and "Oh! This is incredibly sweet dear and I certainly cannot blame you for your feelings but is this really how...(they did not like the song)" And Frisk is just like 'it was supposed to be a meme...!? But..." (uses the opportunity to start flirting). Also if there's a certain new joke or trick going around, you can gaurantee that Chara is the only one in the friend group that hasn't heard of it which makes them always the prime target.
Frisk or Asriel find videos like "try and say Coca-Cola without your lips touching" or "how the hell you spell Chauffeur?" (which is particularly funny as Frisk would definitely call them fancy pants) to try on Chara and then they both burst out laughing at the fact that Chara even fell for the trap and actually forgetting to give the punchline.
Now, you might be wondering is it really that funny? Is the fact that your sibling or friend still calls emojis electric stickers at like 18 (5 years since they came back to life) really worth breaking your ribs (or petals) laughing over? but they're both annoying little gits and honestly...neither of them like Chara very much (not to start with anyway)
It's basically like "Typo in the group chat! Get their ass" but like...almost all the time
It's times like this that Chara wonders if this timeline is actually their personal hell for their crimes of emotional manipulation and attempted to murder
apparently, the angel gives their most socially embarassing moments to their most dependent on positive affection soldiers (oh Chara buddy i'm so sorry)
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noirofhyrule · 11 months
Sniper Riffle
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I'm back to this about writing stuff 😎🤙
I think this one hasn't any warnings so it's sure to go. Maybe an slightly vulgar language but it's normal I think)?
Apparently I made 1451 words, yay!
I'll make a summary later with my drabbles list next, I think… maybe, I don't know
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Wynter was upset that Ghost had excluded her from his team for the upcoming mission. 
He seemed to have certain prejudices about her abilities that Wynter was determined to keep quiet. Ever since that accident in the Almas, plus the events of the previous mission where she almost shot Ghost by mistake, she seemed to have lost what little trust she had gained from him.
 That frustrated her a lot, she felt she was worthless in 141. Everything had changed since she left home in Las Almas, away from her brother. 
Still, she didn't lose hope, and with a smile, she combed her hair into a braid and set out for the firing range, where Ghost's team was training. 
Intimidated by the soldiers bigger than her, she took what courage she could from wherever she could and advanced to her locker in the armory, where her weapons that she had customized over the course of those few months were. 
At first, Price had told her they were too flashy, however, she bought it with an ornament for him in the shape of a little frog. 
Wynter pulled his favorite sniper rifle out of his locker, a garish pink Victus XMR that he had extensively customized. The weapon boasted numerous stickers of kittens, hearts and rainbows that contrasted sharply with the rifle's black metal. On the side, Wynter had had the name "John Wick" engraved in a sleek silver font, in honor of his favorite fictional character. 
In addition to aesthetic customization, Wynter had internally modified the rifle to maximize its accuracy and firepower. He had replaced the barrel with a longer barrel and the stock with a more stable stock with an adjustable rest. He had also installed a powerful telescopic sight with variable magnification for sniping. These improvements, coupled with his own skills, allowed Wynter to make incredibly accurate shots at long distances.
Wynter stroked the cool pink metal of "John Wick" before she strode decisively to the range, ready to silence Ghost's doubts about her abilities. The rifle seemed to live in her expert hands as she raised it and aimed at targets, proving that appearances could be deceiving and that her unique weapon was as deadly as any other.
Once there with her "John Wick" rifle, she felt ready to beat the best mark that belonged to Lieutenant Ghost with 30 seconds. 
Wynter positioned herself on the firing line, with "John Wick" firmly braced against her shoulder. He could feel the skeptical stares of Ghost's team pinned to his back, but ignored them as he focused on his target. 
At the sound of the whistle, he quickly aimed through the telescopic sight at the first humanoid target, 300 meters away. He held his breath and pulled the trigger. The shot echoed across the range, impacting right in the center of the target. Without wasting time, Wynter reloaded and turned to the next target, taking it out with a clean shot to the head.
And so he continued, moving from target to target with lethal grace. His movements were fluid and his shots accurate, the result of countless hours of practice. But as he progressed through the course, he could feel the growing tension in his muscles. 
As he reached the tenth target, his pulse quickened slightly and the shot struck a few inches off center. Cursing internally, he adjusted his position and focused for the final shots. He managed to hit the two remaining targets, but the damage was done.
When the horn sounded marking the end, Wynter lowered the gun, panting. She had completed the course in 33 seconds, narrowly missing Lieutenant Ghost's record. 
Behind her could be heard derisive laughter and disparaging comments from Ghost's team. 
"She's not good enough, Lieutenant. We should get someone more qualified," one of them said. Ghost said nothing, but seemed satisfied that he had excluded her.
Gritting his teeth, Wynter gave them a withering look as he mentally prepared himself for a second attempt, this time without making mistakes. He would show them what he was capable of.
After his first failed attempt, Wynter closed his eyes, taking a long deep breath, he needed to concentrate. He memorized the location and distance of each target, plotting the ideal course in his mind. 
After a few minutes, he returned to the firing line with his eyes alight. This time there was no hesitation or nervousness, just cold determination. 
At the sound of the whistle, he moved like an unstoppable machine. His movements were economical and lethally precise, without an ounce of wasted energy. The telescopic sight seemed to guide itself to each target, and the shots came out of "John Wick" like pink lightning.
First target, second target, the rifle almost seemed to fire itself in his hands. Wynter was on autopilot, every muscle in his body working in total synchrony. There was no room for hesitation or error. 
By the time the final horn sounded, he had cleanly hit all 12 targets in a mere 25 seconds, shattering not only Lieutenant Ghost's record, but also Gaz's, who stood in first place at 27 seconds. 
He lowered the gun panting, with a smirk on his face. Ghost's team watched in complete awe of his feat. Wynter turned and looked at them defiantly, "John Wick" still smoking in his hands.
"Now do you still think I'm not good enough for your team?"
She had shown what she was capable of, and was ready to take her rightful place among the best. 
None dared to respond. Wynter walked over to Ghost, who was looking at her with a mixture of surprise and admiration. "I hope this shows you that you can trust my abilities, Lieutenant. And that you will never belittle them again."
With that said he withdrew, leaving Ghost considering that he had misjudged the talent of the stubborn Wynter. From that moment on, he began to see her with different eyes, realizing how much potential she had and that she would be a terrific addition to his team, in more ways than one.   
Wynter had proven that she was there on her own merits, and she would never again allow anyone to make her feel less because she was a brand new girl in their groups. Especially not the stubborn Lieutenant Ghost, who had just discovered that he wanted much more than her skill with a rifle in his ranks.
After her impressive display, Wynter began to walk away from the range, satisfied that she had silenced the taunts of Ghost's team. 
However, the Lieutenant's loud voice stopped her in her tracks:
"Wynter! I didn't tell you to leave. I want to see you in my office now".
Wynter froze. A shiver ran down her spine as she heard Ghost's serious tone. She slowly turned around to find him staring at her, his face inscrutable.  
Behind Ghost, his team burst into derisive giggles.
"Uh-oh, someone's in trouble," sneered one of them. 
"Looks like the girl has a date with the school principal" added another with a chuckle.
Wynter felt her face redden, but she kept her gaze up as she followed Ghost towards the main building. She could feel everyone's eyes glued to her back.
Once inside the imposing office, Ghost sat behind his desk and motioned her to take a seat across from him. Wynter obeyed, resisting the childish impulse to look at the floor. 
"So..." began Ghost, interlacing his fingers in front of him. "You want to join my team to this mission."
Wynter nodded, bracing herself for reprimand. But the words that came next left her completely baffled.
She was already ready to apologize when Ghost abruptly interrupted her.
"What you did out there was not only humiliating, but a gross disrespect of my authority as your Lieutenant." 
His tone was icy and his eyes flashed with restrained anger. Wynter inwardly cringed, but remained silent.
"You show up here, barge in on my training and make such an ostentatious display...do you think my team will respect you now after making me look like an idiot?"
Wynter stammered "I...I'm sorry sir, I meant no disrespect...".
But Ghost continued as if he hadn't heard her. "I'll expect you tomorrow at 0600 hours for your first mission. And don't even think about bringing that pink atrocity with you. We need discretion for covert operations."
He then abruptly stood up, indicating that the meeting was over. 
Stunned but excited, Wynter retreated from the office. Despite the scolding, Ghost was giving her a chance! This was her big chance to prove herself on a real, real mission. 
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earlgrey24 · 24 days
Top five mythological characters!
Thank you for the ask and sorry for taking forever to answer!
1. Pallas Athena/Minerva
She will always be my favourite among all the Greek/Roman goddesses. Her role in Homer's epics (especially the Odyssey) is so interesting! 10/10 would have given the apple to her if I had a chance.
Her statue in Louvre! (one of many, but my favourite I think):
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2. Odysseus
Smart, cunning and kind of a bastard? Easily my favourite Greek hero. And I trust Athena to have a good taste in men, obviously.
Plus her and Penelope are my favourite couple from Greek mythology. I really like the interpretation that she displays the same skills as him when tricking her annoying suitors. They would also have had the best banter.
3. Artemis/Diana
Another one of the Greek goddesses that has always resonated with me. I love her role in the story about Iphigenia (re: last post). Would consider joining her all-female hunters' party if positions are still open.
Her statue in Versailles! ->
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4. Gorgona Medusa
She's fascinating both as a tragic mythical figure as well as purely from an aesthetic standpoint (the eyes? the snake hair?)
I'm not always there for the feminist reinterpretations of Greek mythology, but I think the idea of her becoming a sort of symbol for SA victims taking back their power is interesting (though probably not very faithful to the original myth).
It's also possible that she's my favourite because I love the Carol Ann Duffy poem so much.
I've also used the Medusa imagery in one of my poems! (& I also have her sticker on my laptop):
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5. Enkidu
It's been a while since I've read the Epic of Gilgamesh (we've actually read it in my high school lit class!) but I just remember liking him so much. The origin story of how he became more human-like is both wild and kind of funny.
And – of course – his relationship with Gilgamesh will always be incredibly special to me. They're kind of like the original Achilles and Patroclus.
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lazypeachsoul · 1 year
Are you a good girl?
Summary: First meetings are important, but what happens when Fanboy forgets to actually tell you before hand? 
Pairing: Mickey "Fanboy" García x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k (whoops)
Rating: No warnings, except maybe a bit cringe worthy.
A/N: It's been a while since I've written something and it's the first time I've ever written for Top Gun, so please be gentle. Also, this is completely inspired by an episode of Grey's Anatomy Oh, and english isn't my first language so be warned.
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Few things could make the sweltering San Diego heat better for the troops stationed at MCAS Miramar base, and one of them was the Annual Miramar Air Show. For the US Armed forces it provided a chance to bring the Navy closer to the civilians, but for most of the troops there stationed it was the best occasion to receive their families in their workplace without the higher ups grumbling about loss of time. An open doors day of sorts. 
And this occasion proved even more important for the naval aviators who could show said families how incredibly cool their jobs were – and show off their elite skills–. The Dagger Squad had been talking and planning about this occasion since the days were announced. And the evening before the exhibition was not going to be different. The Hard Deck was buzzing with conversations about the upcoming weekend of uninhibited air time and family visits. Sitting around the pool table –for once not competing against each other for a win– aviators exchanged attendance lists.
“My mother is arriving just in time for the first show. She 's been talking my ear off about not wanting to miss anything.” Coyote explained before taking a swig of his beer. “I think she just wants to snoop around the base for a bit.”
Laughs could be heard all around the table, the air relaxed and happy. Conversations about family were usually scarce, not because of a lack of love but of understanding that in difficult situations the thought of loved ones can break your heart more than mend it. Especially in the presence of people who suffered loss because of this job like Rooster. But the Airshow was the moment when those conversations could occur without fear. 
“What about you Fanboy? Your girl is coming, right?” Payback asked his partner who was playing with the sticker of his beer bottle.
“Yeah, she’s pretty excited too. Said she wants to see Phoenix fly, something about her being the best pilot on the squad.”
A confident I am was spoken before laughter turned into playful groans of disagreement. Mickey’s girl had spent evenings in The Hard Deck with the pilots to the point of becoming almost an honorary member of the squad, so her opinions about their abilities raised more playfulness than bad blood. Although Payback’s face of betrayal was very convincing. 
“My mother and grandmother are coming too. First time visiting me on base.” Mickey spoke bashfully. His excitement was difficult to contain at the thought of showing the women who had raised him, and supported him when he joined the Navy, how his hard work paid off. “They don’t want to miss any of the demos either.”
“That 's great! Now I get to show off to Abuela García instead of your girl since she prefers other pilots.” Payback joked and both men raised their beers as kind of a promise to fly their best. “Speaking of, is she excited to finally meet your family? You’ve been dating for a while, took you long enough to introduce them…” 
The words died in the pilot's mouth when he saw his WSO’s face fall. And the same reaction could be seen all around the table, small conversations stopping to look at Fanboy’s face for an answer. The entire squad knew how important those three women were for their team mate –and being as close as they were to Mickey’s girlfriend they also knew how important it was for her–, so their interest in the situation was high. 
“Shit, Mickey” And when no callsign was used the importance of the situation really dawned. “You haven’t told your girlfriend?”
And fuck, Mickey knew there was something he was missing. He really wished he could blame work or the stress of preparing the airshow, but the truth was that it really had just escaped his mind in between all the excitement. Nothing would go wrong, right? 
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The next morning was an early one for the Dagger Squad, and out of solidarity with your boyfriend Mickey you woke up just as early to make him breakfast and show him all your support. What you didn’t expect is to be on the receiving end of all his affections. It started with a good morning kiss that left you breathless followed by cuddles while you tried to brush your teeth and wash your face. You weren’t about to complain, because if there was one thing in this world that you really loved was any moment spent next to him, but it made some part of your brain light up with curiosity. 
Still thinking -maybe overthinking– about his weird behavior you walked into the kitchen to find the star of the day pushing a mug full of coffee in your direction. Maybe the nerves of the show were making him antsy and he needed to clear his mind, and that’s why he took over all the acts of service possible in the world. Your internal monologue was interrupted when he placed the mug in your hands and more or less crashed into you in a mess of kisses and good mornings. 
“M-Mickey…Baby, careful.” You murmured against his lips with a smile on your face.
“I’m trying but you just look so good I need to keep you close.” He mumbled against your cheek, before pushing back a little to drink from his own cup. 
You lifted the coffee mug to your lips when something caught your attention. In your hand was his Star Trek mug. And for anyone who didn’t wake up next to Mickey everyday it would just be a nod to his callsign, but you knew the deeper story. Because when you had made breakfast for the first time for Mickey you used that mug for your coffee and he had to bashfully explain that it was his good luck mug and that you could use it but you should be super careful because, you know, it was very important. And ever since that mug had remained a ritual before big missions or events. So why wasn’t he using it for himself if he’s the one supposed to fly? 
“Everything good, my love?” He asked nervously with a tiny smile behind his mug. See Miguel García was a lot of things –a great boyfriend, even better son and grandson, one of the best WSOs ever seen…– but above all he was smiley. Worthy of a toothpaste commercial smiley. So when you saw that his smile didn’t reach his eyes you knew. 
“Good luck mug. Why would I need good luck, Mickey?” You drank a big gulp, searching for the energy you would need for whatever was coming your way.
“Yeah…uh… luck is always good.” He tried to explain but your poor boyfriend could never find it in his heart to lie. “I might have forgotten to tell you something kind of important.”
Okay, maybe not the conversation you might want to have at 7:00 am on a saturday on your first cup of coffee but if it was important you couldn’t say no. Mickey’s face looked worried and that worried you. Was something wrong at work? Is he feeling sick? Has something important happened? In the middle of coming up with your thousands of theories the doorbell rang. And the way your boyfriends face fell you knew whatever he forgot to tell you was behind that door. 
Moving out of the kitchen and into the foyer you took a peek through the peephole to find the same two women whose picture rested in your living room. No way. No way you were about to meet the two most important women of your boyfriend's life while wearing your ratty house clothes and disheveled hair. You turned to look at the door of the kitchen and you saw his head peeking out, looking back at you with the biggest case of puppy eyes ever seen. He was mouthing something that looked like ‘sorry’ and ‘i love you’, but you just couldn’t process it at that moment. 
Looking at yourself in the mirror you tried to smooth your hair and the wrinkles on your t-shirt, but quickly abandoned it when you realized that’s the best you would do. Meanwhile, Mickey had moved towards your position and smiled encouragingly at you in the mirror before kissing the back of your head lovingly and turning towards the door. Taking a deep breath you turned towards the door with the biggest smile you could muster.
“¡Mamá! ¡Abuela!” Your boyfriend exclaimed before throwing himself towards the two women. And just hearing the love in his voice made you almost forget the complicated situation he left you in. “Pasen. Give me your bags, they must be heavy.” 
Being a spectator to this reunion you felt out of place, not really knowing how to react. At the end you decided to just move aside to allow the two women to enter the house, although they were too busy squishing your boyfriend's face and fussing over him. Slowly the three of them made their way inside and that’s when Mickey held your hand before speaking at the two women. They looked at you almost expectantly, knowing who you were but waiting for the official introduction. Probably the same way you were looking at them, although you could see something deeper in Abuela’s eyes. 
“Ma, Abuela. I want you to meet my girlfriend-” 
His introduction was cut short when Abuela stepped forward and held your cheeks with a soft grip. Your breath caught in your face at the unexpected move and looking at the other two García you didn’t know if you should relax or be even more scared. 
“Nice to meet you ma’am-” 
“Are you a good girl?” Out of all the things you would have expected, that wasn't on the list.
“I-am I- What?” 
“A good girl. I don’t mean perfect, I mean relatively speaking. Are you?”
“Yes.” You answered with probably too much emphasis but nothing could have prepared you for this conversation.
“How many sexual partners have you had?” And it was that question that seemed to snap your boyfriend out of his stupor because he seemed to choke on air and took a step towards you.
“Abuela-” But it was quickly shushed by the older woman.
“Um…six. No, seven.” You replied meekly. It was too early for this and you didn’t have the clearest mind since you hadn’t even drunk your coffee. “Kind of six..kind of seven.” 
You could feel your skin get hotter by the minute because even if deep down you knew your answer wasn’t bad and Abuela had said she wouldn’t judge, what if she did? What if she didn’t approve? Jesus, she was going to hate you.
“Criminal record?” She asked with a face that rivaled that of any Admiral in Miramar and a beautiful accent that you were kind of sad her grandson didn’t share. 
“Speeding ticket.” Why were you more scared to lie to this woman than to the police itself?
“How fast?”
“12 miles over.” You answered and you realized that if you hadn’t messed up with the previous question you definitely messed up when she gasped and her hands fell from your face.
“That 's fast!” Damn it, not a good answer.
“It wasn’t too fast.” You started but seeing the woman’s serious face you cracked. “It was way too fast. I’m sorry. But I was in a rush because Mickey had told me he needed me and I thought something happened.” 
You rambled your explanation trying to look at your boyfriend to silently ask for help. But he only answered your silent pleas with a forced smile and a small shrug. Coward. Meanwhile, Mickey’s mother looked at you with a genuine smile which was unexpected seeing as you thought you were over in their eyes. 
“Well, I don’t suppose you could tell me where I can leave my jacket, can you? It’s been a long trip, mija.” 
Even if you wanted to be shocked at the change in her voice you jumped into the opportunity to leave the foyer where the entire interrogation had taken place. You took their bags that had been discarded on the floor and showed them the house, leaving them contemplating the living room with your boyfriend with the excuse of needing to change for the airshow. 
You were in the middle of putting on your blouse when the door to the bedroom opened and the man of the hour appeared. He closed the door almost all the way and tried to walk you way before he was hit in the face with the t-shirt of your pajamas. 
“You didn’t just let me embarrass myself like that.” You whisper-yelled to avoid your guests hearing you tearing their darling boy a new one. 
“Mi amor. Beautiful. You know how much I love you.” He spoke huskly while walking closer to your position. And damn him for knowing you so well and for knowing how you reacted to that voice. “I promise I didn’t want to frame you. It slipped my mind with all the excitement. I’m sorry.”
He wrapped his arms around you once he made sure you wouldn’t push him away and you were grateful the height difference allowed you to rest your face against his chest. He rocked you slowly whispering sweet nothings and you couldn’t help but start to melt into his touch.
“They hate me.” You spoke muffled by his t-shirt. “She hates me.”
He chuckled and squeezed a bit harder. “She doesn’t hate you. Trust me she would have let you know if she hated you.” His chin rested on top of your head and you could hear his words reverberate in his chest. “Also, you looked really cute being interrogated. Like a deer in the headlights.” 
His laugh reverberated even stronger than his voice and you smiled against him before you pinched his side. He groaned and pushed back, but now it was your moment to laugh and squeeze him. “And you looked like a coward. What kind of man doesn’t defend his girlfriend when she’s being interrogated?”
“The one who got on his grandmother’s bad side once and has no intention of ever doing it again.”
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The airshow went as good as anyone could have expected. The weather couldn’t have been nicer and the crowds of visitors went wild when they saw all the performers. Having finished their turn and after clocking out for the day, the Dagger Squad made their way towards the camping spot where their families were waiting for them. Payback and Fanboy walked side by side talking about their performance and how cool they looked up there when the picnics came into view. 
Payback could see the very familiar face of his backseater’s girlfriend sitting on one of the picnic tables talking animatedly with two older women who looked too much like Fanboy to not be related. He gently slapped the younger man’s chest and discreetly pointed at the image. 
“I guess it went well even without a warning.” Payback spoke jokingly, the good relations between the women obvious.
“It went…well. Not a single bump or problem.” Fanboy confirmed way too sure of himself, which in reality only showed his pilot that something had indeed happened. 
“If I ask her, will she say the same?”
Payback’s chuckle could be heard from the tables now that they were closer because you raised your head to look for the owner of the contagious laugh. Once you saw the pair walking your way you smiled at them, leaving Fanboy almost without breath at the image. 
“You don’t deserve her man. I would leave you sleeping on the couch for a month after that stunt.”
“I really don’t.” He exclaimed, patting his friend on the shoulder as a goodbye before jogging the rest of the way to your table. Eager to spend the rest of his day –and weekend– with his girls.
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boxfullaturtles · 1 year
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Kingdom Hearts Rise AU
Michelangelo Hamato The youngest brother wields magic with incredible skill and proficiency. Combined with his speed and acrobatics, Mikey is a lethal force on the battlefield and not one to be underestimated. His youthful outlook and wide-eyed wonder belie a strong emotional intuition and an even stronger heart whose light reaches out to help and support those in need. He’s a firecracker on the battlefield, his speed on par with Leo’s. His magic is devastating and capable of doing damage over a large area, decimating weaker foes. He’s primarily a long range fighter, working to pin the enemy down so his brothers can close in for a truly wicked series of blows.
Keyblade: Solarflare A Keyblade with a long reach that provides a substantial boost in Magic. Strength: +2 Magic: +8 Length: Long Ability: Magic Galvanizer: Increase the damage done with magic in proportion to the length of the combo.
[extra details under cut]
Team Attacks: + Leonardo: Shooting Star Team up with Leo and launch fireballs through his portals, casting them all over the battlefield, then finish them off with a gigantic Thunder spell.
+ Raphael: Fists of Fire Team up with Raph, coating his fists in flames and riding on his shell as he charges through enemies before finishing them off with an explosive ground pound attack that sends shock waves across the ground.
+ Donatello: Bombs Away! Team up with Donnie and ignite a giant rocket, riding it around and plowing into enemies, then end it all by launching the rocket into the sky, leaping off before it crashes back to earth and explodes.
+ April: Mystic Mayhem Team up with April to link magic and spin around the battlefield like a dance, gliding on air while launching spells in every direction, then finish with an eruption of magic.
+ Casey: Danger Days Team up with Casey to let him rail grind on magic chains, slicing through any nearby enemies before directing lightning down the chains to channel into his Keyblade for a final blow.
More stuff about KH Rise Mikey:
- He swims but very badly and prefers to avoid water if he can help it.
- The most powerful mage out of his teammates, Mikey is capable of combining his spells to cast two at once, often creating deadly combos like Fire-Wind or Lightning-Ice. In the future, he might be able to cast the highest tiers of magic without the cost it would take from most wielders.
- Solarflare sounds like rattling chains when it strikes enemies and its particle effects are grinning little balls of flame, sparks like embers, and little green stars and circles. It is always slightly warm to the touch and the symbols on the end glow softly.
- Mikey’s outfit is specifically designed to allow him to pull into the safety of his shell, since it’s something he does frequently and often uses to his advantage in battle.
- He sometimes gets a little cocky and overconfident in battle, especially when he’s winning. Although unlike Leo, he tends to be immediately humbled by any mistake he makes.
- Chronicles their travels and keeps track of their story (like Jiminy does in the KH games). Fills the pages of his journals with plenty of sketches and photographs. Sometimes adds souvenirs from worlds they’ve been to like pressed flowers, stickers, or scraps of paper or fabric.
- His temper is legendary but rarely seen. Few have ever lived to tell of its unleashing.
- Mikey has an extremely good (and very mature) understanding of the heart. Of all his friends, he’s the only one that seems to really understand that a heart is a thing of balance and that Light cannot exist with the Dark, and that Light can be just as vicious and cruel as Dark. He struggles to conceptualize this in a way that he can explain to others and the frustration of his failure to communicate (and the stigma against Darkness) drives him to keep it to himself. He hasn’t mastered his own Darkness by any means and actually has a hard time dealing with it himself. Just because he understands it, doesn’t mean he knows how to execute it.
- That being said, when it comes to matters of the heart and, indeed, feelings, there’s no one better to turn to than Mikey. Or rather, Dr. Feelings. He’s as blunt as ever and will tell you exactly what you need to hear, even if you don’t want to.
- Yen Sid and Merlin believe that, with the right tutelage, Mikey could do far more than simply cast spells. They see great things for him in the future...
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oddfoggy · 10 months
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PREORDERS OPEN NOW UNTIL SEPT. 15th: https://vermilionzines.bigcartel.com/
For my second cropped preview of the piece I did for my first zine, Il Mostro, run by @vermilionzines , I decided to highlight 2 things very important to Hannibal: wine, and Will's ass 🍑
The zine is gory, sexy, and full of art and writing from so many incredibly skilled creators. It's been such a cool experience getting to be a part of it, and I can't wait to hold a copy in my hands!!!
Check out the main announcement post HERE.
"Il Mostro is a horror zine celebrating the relationship between Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham from the series Hannibal.
It features over 40 contributors and nearly 150 pages of art and writing, as well as stickers and a charm! As we've reached all our stretch goals, we will be donating the remaining proceeds to World Central Kitchen."
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driedbreadstixx · 8 months
All there is about him so far
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Typhoon is a Burmese roofed turtle mutated by Baron Draxum alongside the other Turtles.
Weapon + mystic powers
Typhoon wields a mystic kusarigama. He's quite skilled with his weapon, as his adoptive mom taught and trained him quite well, due to her being an experienced fighter herself.
The mystic kusarigama can manipulate and create strong winds, powerful enough to knock back enemies and make craters upon impact. The weapon emits a soft green glow. Typhoon loves his weapon dearly, because it fits his name well.
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The name's origin
》Swift like the wind and unpredictable like a storm.《
He had always been a hyperactive bundle of energy and little prankster, so his mom settled for the name "Typhoon".
Typhoon is a friendly and fun loving turtle. He's incredibly playful and enjoys being active. He's a hyperactive bundle of energy and practically bounces off the walls 24/7. Typhoon physically cannot sit still without complaining and making his boredom known.
Alongside that, Typhoon is also incredibly affectionate. His love language is physical touch like hugs and holding hands.
Typhoon's story
Typhoon is the fifth of the Turtle brothers, but he was seperated from the pack pretty much right after their mutation. In the Hidden City, he was raised by a Yokai named Stellar, an ex Battle Nexus fighter.
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After leaving the Battle Nexus and Big Mama behind, Stellar opens a flower shop in the Hidden City. Typhoon sells his own home made charms and stickers alongside his mom, in order to "make money to buy sweets with".
One day, when Typhoon is taken to the surface by Stellar, he comes face to face with the four other Turtles. At first, Typhoon doesn't quite believe he's a mutant himself. After all, he's been around Yokai all his life, which led him to believe he's a Yokai, too.
On the way back home to the Hidden City, Typhoon tells his mom all about the new friends he made, and how they're turtles just like him. Stellar is intrigued.
They go out to the surface again a few days after, hoping to encounter the Turtles once again. Fortunately, such happens, and Typhoon enthusiastically introduces his mom to them. Stellar is anything but hateful towards humans and mutants. In fact, she's rather fond and fascinated, so she greets her son's new friends with open arms.
Weeks and months pass and Typhoon grows pretty close to the Turtle brothers. When he's introduced to Splinter, he's immediately recognized. Typhoon doesn't understand how Splinter could possibly know him, but after a long explanation, everything clicks.
Typhoon is absolutely excited when he discovers he's actually biologically related to the Turtles. He enthusiastically informs his mom of those news when he returns home, and Stellar is happy for her child.
More and more time passes, with Typhoon regularly hanging out with his new brothers, until one day Stellar and Splinter agree it's best for Typhoon to move in with them properly.
Typhoon isn't very fond of the idea of moving out of the Hidden City and leaving his mom behind, but Stellar suggests he could visit every weekend and vice versa. Quickly, the final decision is made and Typhoon moves into the New York sewers with his brothers and biological father.
His relationship to the Turtles
Typhoon gets along well with all of his brothers, but he's certainly closest with Mikey. Both of them are around the same age, making them the babies of the family. Typhoon and Mikey share many interests, and their personalities seem so alike, it's "very well possible they might as well be one organism". The two of them had to share a room for a while until Typhoon could have his own. Still, Typhoon and Mikey still enjoy sleeping in the same room.
Typhoon is fascinated by Donnie's work and often requests to sit with him while Donnie works in his lap. Despite Typhoon's best efforts to learn and understand, his attention often shifts to other things.
He has poor humour, which resultens in Typhoon enjoying Leo's puns and one liners. Typhoon likes hanging out with Leo because of his funny and laid back personality. Although Leo was skeptical of Typhoon for a while, they've grown quite close.
Typhoon also enjoys spending time with Raph, although his overprotective personality sometimes bugs him. Despite all that, Typhoon looks up to Raph and aims to be as strong as him one day.
Hobbies + favourite things
Typhoon has expressed a love for art ever since he was little. From doodling with crayons to painting to making origami figures. His favourite things to draw are dinosaurs, as he's absolutely obsessed with them.
His favourite colours are pink and green, and Typhoon loves pancakes. He'd have them for every meal if he could.
If given the chance, Typhoon would give hour long rambles about dinosaurs and his favourite prehistoric creatures. Two of his favourite dinosaurs are Baryonyx and Therizinosaurus, as those fascinate him the most.
Other stuff
Typhoon has a lizard plushie named Barbecue and he can't sleep without it. He's incredibly scared of the dark, suffering from nyctophobia. He believes Barbecue protects him from the dark and the monsters lurking within.
He has undiagnosed ADHD.
Reference Sheet
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Voice claim
[might add onto this sometime!]
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ratgingi · 5 months
Imagin me crash landing directly into your inbox. Climbing out the still smoking crater to point at you and ask. Ur amoungus ocs!!!! Can u tell me abt them
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okay so the crew members who currently have information are orange, black, lime, white, coral, and pink
lime is this really upbeat and cheerful crewmate, they're super friendly and their favorite pass time is making little buttons and pins to decorate their suit and give to their crewmates. the members-dropping-like-flies thing greatly stresses them out and makes them really antsy so they spend a whole lot of time in crowded areas to feel better, the crew members they consider their bestest friends are orange, black, coral, yellow, and blue. they are always one of the first ones to greet new members and despite being deeply upset about the deaths have not been spotted outwardly expressing it once, they always keep up a positive face when around their crew members repress anything other than positivity as hard as they can since they believe it won't help the situation. they're a bit of a bean pole (like 5'10) and very huggy. they're also one of the ones who likes to decorate orange's helmet with stickers for fun <3
black (who also likes to be called teddy) is one of three impostors, and is a big [6'4"] shy dude who gets really easily attached to his fellow crewmembers and falls in love with them Super quickly, resulting in him following them around like a puppy and protecting them from the others. he can be described as very soft hearted and nervous, he has an anxious stutter and is Incredibly Bad with words, often resulting in whoever he's currently pairing up the most with having to talk for him/defend him in meetings. the issue comes in when he finally gets it in him to tell his partner that he loves them, in which if they reject them he will become Furious and murder them in a blind rage . he then tends to dump the body in the trash and spend an hour or so bawling about it after. he's a big soft teddy bear please trust him i swear it's fine
orange is a guy who Was human probably at least once. we think. anyway his body is infected with a plant-like parasite that destroyed his brain and tanked his motor skills and intelligence Massively, he is still technically sentient and can think for himself but functions at a pretty much zombie-like level. his body is stuck inside the suit and basically rotting (his hands, the only part of skin visible because he can't wear gloves due to claws that might just be sharpened bone sprouting from his fingertips, are greying really badly. and he smells like death 24/7.) despite all this, he is completely docile. he has made no attempts to hurt the rest of the crew in any way and in fact INSISTS he is 100% human and even gets distressed and sad when someone says he isnt. since he doesn't bother anybody he is allowed to stay aboard and the more friendly/brave crewmates like to decorate his cracked visor with stickers. it's unknown how his parasite spreads so no one is allowed to touch the plants on him. he is also massive [6'7"] but it's unknown how much of that is due to whatever he has goin on
white is. a fuckin cockass he sucks so hard forever. he's not an impostor but behaves incredibly sus and is greatly disliked by the rest of the crew, the only reason he had avoided being voted off thus far is because he always has a solid alibi (he's known for forcing other crewmates to pair up with him to ensure this). he's Super full of himself and thinks he is above the rest of the crew, willing to throw anyone and everyone under the bus for any reason. he is also known for going out of his way to cause problems within the crew just to make things more interesting to himself. think similar to fuckin. byakuya frm dangan. also he has two amogus babies who he named Child 1 and Child 2 and when in the presence of other crewmates he appears super neglectful to them but is real doting and caring in private. Child 1 is really curious and friendly and Child 2 is really shy and anxious. the main reason he neglects them around others is because he automatically assumes other crewmates will just. take care of them for him. [coral does usually]
coral is a really sweet single mother aboard with her one son who she's named peach (her fav fruit <3 also he taped a plant to the top of her helmet bc it makes her look like a peach and she's just never taken it off), she's sort of the resident doctor and tends to the other crewmembers in any way they need her to. she is also the main one when it comes to investigating murders aboard the ship as she is determined to keep the place safe for peach. she and yellow have kind of a gay thing going on <3
pink is another impostor, who is an alien taking the shape of a crewmate that was originally just here to observe and learn about humans and their behaviors. however, after once witnessing black killing a crewmate, she kinda went :AYO: and decided that looked far more fun, and has spent her time since perfecting her skills in taking out the rest of the crew. she is a bit of a cocky bastard and likes watching the others try and figure out who the culprit is. also she's technically genderless, when she was brought aboard the ship the crewmate who was greeting her was a lady and was like btw what's ur pronouns? :-) and she was kinda like . um . what's urs and when the other was like oh mine are she/her she kinda just went Those Ones. Me Also
as a bonus for reading all that you get a sneak peak at the first 4 because they have images ready
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smol-grey-tea · 27 days
✨ Nameless School Headcanons ✨
Lance is incredibly punctual and organised, owns multiple sets of the school uniform, one for every day of the week or something. Probably right down to the underwear-
His school bag is practically a brief case, everything sorted alphabetically and in colour order and etc
He enjoys being in the school government more than he will admit to other people. And he enjoyed being in the drama club's play way more than he'll admit to himself
Yeonho's favourite subject at school is art. It's not like it's easy, but it seems the most straight forward. Maths is too theoretical and involves things you don't even use in every day life; art is something you can see right in front of you. If Crobi Academy taught a cooking class tho, he'd definitely excel in that. Maybe there's a cooking club, or he could start one!
His school bag is a cute looking backpack and mostly just holds food and cookies. And maybe a colourful pencil case with stickers on it. Oh and also a lot of stuff that his fans gave him.
Yknow, his bag's full of a lot of things, mostly just random crap. A pair of socks. 2 different sets of house keys. Headphones. Deodorant. Bottle of water. Random junk.
^ I mostly say the above because of the fact that he sleeps on the couch, meaning that he doesn't have his own privacy. He would probably keep a lot of his belongings just...anywhere? Maybe a bunch of stuff under the couch, under/on the coffee table, etc. Poor guy. So if he wants to have private belongings, he might end up taking some of it to school with him in his bag, since there's not many other places to put it. Red might let Yeonho keep some things in his room tho
Actually makes a couple cool friends in the mystery club who are properly chill ppl he can talk to, who hype him up for asking Eri out
I think if he'd been a student instead of a teacher, he'd struggle a lot. I think he's a guy who processes the world thru music/art, and really doesn't know how to express it thru words. So I think he'd definitely struggle with exams or anything that's based too much in writing, like languages or maths. He'd definitely be good at art tho
(Starting to think that these guys are either dyslexic or hyperlexic, with no in between. Lance and Tei being hyperlexic and Yeonho, Yuri, Red and Eri being dyslexic, with varying degrees of severity)
He carries his shit in one of them trolleys you can pull along everywhere. Music sheets, exams n stuff. Always writes w fancy fountain pens or smth, has rly nice n neat pretty handwriting. Is actually quite organised and feels cool having responsibility. Enjoys being a teacher more than he admits
He does really hate the canteen food tho
He would enjoy school a lot more if it weren't for the other students' behaviour. For the majority of the time, he finds the lessons kinda boring, like science and maths, while subjects like history and literature he'd excel at a lot more
Carries his shit in a brown messenger bag, kinda cute. Probably keeps pictures of Eri on his person at all times tho....... Kinda weird
But also, contrary to what you'd think, his bag also does tend to get full of random shit. Not cuz he's messy, but he likes to over prepare. Just cuz he's so much of a mom - his bag'll be full of some school work, but also emergency first aid kit, scissors, random ass suncream in the middle of winter, tissues, snacks, just anything really. What a man.
The only one to actively search for friends, but with the least amount of social skills to support that desire. He would be absolutely killer at all sports tho, and people would do anything to get him on their team
Has too much energy, so pe is definitely his favourite subject, always placing first in every race, etc. He also enjoys art but not as much. He just hates subjects that are based too much in logic, too unnecessarily confusing for him n sound pretty useless
I think he either has a bag full of random crap - everything including footballs, chocolate and Power Rangers merch, excluding any school notes or homework - or, he literally just doesn't bring a bag at all. Tbh I rly can't decide. I remember when I was in high school I brought a 3d printed hippo w a top hat in my blazer everywhere, and in sixth form I brought a little plastic skeleton everywhere in my pocket. So even if he doesn't have a bag, I just can't get over the thought of him bringing a little action figure or even a little Hot Wheels with him in his pocket at all times. Playing with it when he's bored. Running the Hot Wheels all over his desk and over Tei's head everyday. Fucking cracks me up
Never does homework. Is like only 40% aware of what's happening in lessons at any given time
Honestly I think my only headcanon for her is that her bag is like a girly handbag type thing that you swing over your shoulder. I hate those type of bags.. But she'd have it
Also ( ͡❛ ₃ ͡❛) gonna go with a self projection kinda headcanon here and say that she actually was quite good at school until she turned like 14 and started having difficulty for 'no reason'. That she used to be the person that her classmates would ask for advice from but now can hardly pass the exams she used to ace. Sad times
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