#'lets just say im encouraging you to volunteer,darling'
lonely-night · 6 months
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Janeway/Seven in 6.08 “One Small Step”
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rebrandedbard · 3 years
treat? (is that how you ask im not american idk or should i say ‘trick or treat’?)
Hi, Jin! It's 'Trick or Treat!' but for the sake of the game, you can use one word or the other to clarify what you would like! But that was so cute, I have to write something related. Behold, a tiny drabble of Ciri's first trick or treat!
“Treat!” Ciri cried, holding out her bag. Her witch hat slipped low over her eyes and Jaskier bent to pull it back once more. She smiled, tipping her head back to look at him. “There are full-size candy bars in the basket,” she whispered loudly, pointing.
“It’s ‘trick or treat,’ love,” Jaskier corrected. “Now, try that again once more.”
“Trick or treat!” Ciri said. She gave her bag an encouraging shake.
Geralt looked up at Jaskier with a wry smile on his lips. “When you volunteered to take her trick or treating, I thought you would start with another house. One she didn’t live in,” he said.
“We’re practising!” Jaskier replied. He reached into their candy basket and plucked a large toffee, dropping it into Ciri’s bag. She promptly spun around and made to dash towards the next house, but Jaskier caught her by the end of her cape. “Ah, ah, ah!” he scolded cheerfully, wagging his finger. “Now before you go dashing off, what do we say, my dear?”
Ciri turned back and gave her father a hug around his legs. “Thank you! Happy Halloween!”
“Good job,” Jaskier said, giving her cheek a pinch. “And what do you do if they give you a chocolate wafer?”
“Give it to you. And I get whatever toffees are leftover at the end of the night.”
“Is that so?” Geralt asked.
Jaskier grinned and swiped another toffee for her. “It is so. And I’ve already promised, so no going back on it now.”
“Put those underneath,” Ciri said, already sticking her greedy hands into the basket to shuffle the toffees out of sight.
Geralt picked up the basket and held it high over his head, out of reach. He chuckled as she tried to climb up his legs, determined to have the toffees to herself.
“I’ll let her have the toffees if you split the wafers with me. And any sours you get along the way,” he said.
“Deal,” Jaskier replied. He swooped down and picked Ciri up, carrying her to the end of the drive. “Say good-bye, darling. We’ll be back home just after bedtime, as promised.”
“An hour late!” Ciri cheered.
Geralt nodded, waving them good-bye. “An hour late,” he agreed.
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hello!!! i'd like to request a piece of 🍰 please <3 apologies for incoming info dump about my Entire Life :| & thank u so much darling!
basic information — i use she/her and i'm bisexual, an infj, and a scorpio. a yachi kinnie :)
appearance — i'm a 5'0 asian girl with long black hair and dyed caramel tips! my body type is petit and skinny - lack of butt, unfortunately, but i got some tibby! overall im pretty tiny and always look younger than my age lol. i also wear glasses because i am Very Near Sighted, and my clothing style is a weird mix between cutesy-pastel-female-kpop-idol fits, indie teenage girl, and faux cottagecore.
personality — i'm a rather introverted person, but i'm trying my best to work on that. i have depression, anxiety, and adhd, but i'm always telling myself uplifting things and trying to work on my mindsets, so i'd like to say that i'm also sincere and compassionate! i'm also very adaptable and easily influenced by the behaviors of people around me. i think at first impression, i look standoffish and judgemental, but i think it's because i lack the confidence to say what i think and express my emotions, which i'm also working on! once i'm comfortable, i think i'm a very funny, intelligent, and caring person (i'm an extremely sensitive person and receptive to others' emotions — i cried a LOT watching karasuno v shiratorizawa 😐), but i can also tease and be a little sarcastic if the relationship calls for it. i get very affectionate and touchy with close friends too! long story short - i might seem awkward and quiet, but give me a moment— i'm trying, and i'll get there eventually, and i think that'll be worth waiting for. :)
hobbies — i like to do visual art things, like sketch pretty anime boys and also cross-stitch and make calligraphy! i'm a bullet-journaler :) i also love love LOVE learning languages and about different cultures, especially asian ones. i think i'm a pretty studious person when i get into it but i do procrastinate a lot T____T i'm also super into playing genshin impact, but i easily hop interests, so one day i'll be on this and the next, it's something else i'm rambling about. get ready to get ur ear talked off about wtv i love that week <3
likes + dislikes — i like anime, bts (!!), and otome games :> i also enjoy desserts, boba tea, flowers, and sudoku puzzles 🥺 i'm also a lover of learning, asian cultures, and dogs (also cats, but mostly dogs!) <3 i reallllyyyyyy want a pet snake one day too 🥺 family is also very important to me because i'm the youngest of 7 children! i dislike spiders snd working out (seriously the last person to want to do any type of fitness). all that "moving" jazz... volleyball is the only sport i'll probably ever even bother to learn the rules of LMAO but do not expect me to play i will eat the floor </3 my arms are sticks and i will simply embarrass myself
what i want/need in a relationship — i have a pretty idealistic idea of romance - i want someone perfect, but i know that's not realistic. at the very least, i want someone who loves me very much and is honest about that. they also need to let me be affectionate and clingy, and will be the same way back, even if it's just a little bit. i'm someone who needs love and affirmation rather consistently, like a freaking plant. i NEED someone who'll make sure i'm doing things and being productive, and someone who will actively encourage me to both be a better person mentally and physically get things done. they also should be able to take care of me (i'm a youngest child so i like being babied~) <3
this is very long, apologies! thank you so much for your wonderful matchups, they're so detailed and you work very hard on them, i can tell. thank you for your hard work!! kisses 4 u! <3
@mochiiswan ok I see you stealing my husband from me 🥲
Romantic Matchup
Bokuto Koutarou
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How yall met
Girl you were just having a bad day
Nothing seemed to be going right
So you showed up for school in a rather gloomy mood
Bokuto didn't know you
But he still didn't like how sad you seemed
So he approached you
He basically just started making small talk to try to cheer you up
You dont know why but his energy did seem to be having a positive effect on you
Bokuto really liked talking to you
And he was glad he was able to cheer you up
The bell had rung signaling it was time to go to class
But bokuto didn't wanna leave you
So he asked if you wanted to come watch his volleyball practice after school
You agreed to go
You went to his practice and bokuto found himself trying to impress you
He didn't know why
Yeah he straight up yelled that…
While you were in there…
After a quick advice break from akaashi
He asked you out on a date :)))
What they love about you
He loves that you try to improve yourself
It's one thing to have issues
But to acknowledge those issues and to want to fix them truly makes a strong person
So he loves that you love yourself enough to improve on yourself
And he WILL help you in any way he can
He loves how sensitive you are
Bb boy is sensitive too
So he's glad he's found someone to cry with when a dog dies in a movie
(Also do any of you cry when a dog dies but doesn't when a human does? No? Just me?)
He loves how you value family
Im convinced bokuto is a family man
He loves his parents and his sisters more than anything
So he's glad he's found someone with the same values as him
You can't tell me ocultos love language isn't physical touch
Come on now
You will get all the physical affection you could ever dream of
Favorite things to do together
Ok hear me out
He just likes going to the pound…
And looking at the animals with you
He likes volunteering at the animal shelter with you
You+cute animals=happy bokuto
Random HC
You drew him doing a spike once and he bout cried
Keeps the drawing in his phone case and pulls it out to brag
You take me as a hopeless romantic
And good news for you
Bokutos a hopeless romantic too :)
So your relationship is the closest to perfect relationships can get
He 100% keeps you on track
Mans is like a personal trainer istg
However don't expect to be productive with him around...
He did try to get you to play volleyball
And you did in fact eat the floor </3
When Virgo and Scorpio join together in a love match, these Signs that are two apart in the Zodiac are brought together.
Their placement gives the relationship an intense karmic bond
The Virgo-Scorpio couple is loyal and deep, with very strong ties.
Virgo and Scorpio enjoy working together toward acquisition: Virgo wants order and Scorpio wants power.
Both of these Signs are about resources, including inheritances and property.
This couple is very service-oriented and known to be dependable.
They like to lend a hand to a friend or to the community.
Additionally, Virgo can be withdrawn — while Scorpio is more opaque and outgoing.
Because of the disparity, both Signs can learn from one another if they can agree to meet halfway.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto.
This combination is very heated, thanks to Pluto’s influence.
The two Signs unite to form the basic foundation of human relationships — Mercury’s communication and Mars’s passion.
Mercury and Mars go well together; Mercury is about the conscious mind, and Mars is about the passion of romance.
Scorpio is rambunctious and intense, and Virgo is attracted to this energy.
In turn, Scorpio needs the loyalty and practicality inherent in Virgo.
Overall Aesthetic
Are you bored yet - wallows
Strawberry Mentos - Leanna Firestone
Hey Lover - Wabie
Mystery of Love - Sufjan Stevens
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
So I saw the post where you said send in requests and i havent seen anything negating that, so uh, do you think you could write something (when you have the time and motivation of course please dont feel obligated (unless you want to) ) where people start noticing the way Draco flinches whenever someone makes a sudden movement and then all of the sudden one day he comes back to the castle after holiday and its so much worse and people start kinda trying to help and make his days better?
okay, here we go. And no one can convince me that no one at Hogwarts noticed that Draco was a victim of abuse but since Harry has the attention span of a goldfish, it wasn’t added that and JKR is a terrible person.
Also warning: this does talk about physical emotional and mental abuse. I want you all to know that you NEVER deserve it and never believe that your abuse situation “isn’t that bad.” You are cherished and loved and worthy and valuable. 
okay, so the first year wasn’t too bad not that it wasn’t bad but, well Draco was innocent to any other way so he thought it was normal for his father to do what he did
Then things start to dawn on him that maybe no... this isn’t how it’s supposed to go. Yet, whenever he asks a question against his father... things don’t end well for him. “But why are muggle-born so bad?” “What’s wrong with the Weasleys?” “Why are you so mean to the house-elves?”  It never ends well, so he stops asking but now boy does he have a lot of questions and internal conflict that grows.
back to the point so someone drops a book/cauldron/glass something and Draco jumps and begins to panic “is his father mad? What did he do? How can he do better?” because he’s convinced that his father is on another rampage, but Crabbe just nudges his arm and he’s brought back to the present and that he’s not in trouble or danger
Snape is the first to notice because he knows what to look for in a child that has been abused at home, from personal experience, so he scolds the student who dropped the thing harshly
Our darling Hufflepuffs take note very quickly. In fact, there’s a support group at Hogwarts for kids who come from not so safe homes. Magical abuse or not, it's a group to just come and feel safe and like you’re not alone lead by Sprout and McGonagall
In Herbology with Draco, the Hufflepuff tells Momma Sprout about what they think is going on and boy is Sprout a momma bear looking out for Draco at every turn and looking into any records she can get her hands on
These kids from the support group start to become very worried about Draco because they’ve seen it all before and they hate seeing anyone else go through what they went through
They start to send him anonymous letters so that he’ll get mail in the mornings, and sneak sweets/snacks into his bag when they notice he’s not eating, or volunteer to be his partner in class
Boy is Draco confused
Which means he snaps a lot more and is rude and scared because he doesn’t understand why they’re being so nice to him
Alone is what I have, alone is what protects me
When Buckbeak attacks him, of course, he breaks down into tears because it’s all too familiar and he’s terrified that if he blinks he might open his eyes and it’ll be his father coming at him, not Buckbeak
and maybe he keeps the bandages and brace on longer for more than he needs it because it was a reminder that someone cared for him and mended his wounds and he didn’t have to do it himself
You think he just like Potions? Oh no, he’s had to make his own healing Potions all his life for the sake of keeping up the family appearance.
Luna Lovegood, the precious child sees right through all of it. Easily. And is a lot more confrontational about it than the support group, who did things more on the down-low. She takes all of his ridicule and taunts and snaps and lets him yell at her because she knows he needs to vent to someone
When Hermione pulls her wand out to attack him, sure, he could be a drama queen with all bark and no bite but maybe again it's too familiar and whenever there’s a wand in his face like that it ends with him in pain 
That night Luna finds Draco in the Astronomy tower alone and just sits next to him. 
He scoffs but after a while asks how can she deal with living alone with her father. She tells him that her father is the kindest person she knows and it finally gets through to Draco that how he grew up was not normal.  
Luna tells him about the Support Group and he gets notes here and there as invitations, and maybe he decides to go one night
He’s surprised to see a lot of kids he knows. Luna goes and sits by some of her friends, Neville is there, and quite a few older Slytherins, and the Hufflepuff from his Herbology class who smiles and waves at him. 
He realizes that these are all the kids who have been nice to him
He doesn’t share at all during the meeting (it’s sort of like AA where kids just go through and talk about what happens to them, if they’ve grown or made progress, what scared them still. The older kids offer advice and comfort and tissues because everyone cries) 
He doesn’t share for a few weeks of meetings that he attends, but he doesn’t feel so hopeless anymore
Maybe now he doesn’t snap so much and maybe he’s not as scared anymore to let people in because he’s not alone and he realizes that everyone has their own inner demons and struggles
Fifth-year is the worst for him. With No Nose back, his father is vicious and ruthless and takes his pain and anger out on Draco. 
It’s after easter break that he finally shares. “My... my father...” 
Before he can say another word there are arms wrapped around him and hands on his shoulders and soft encouragements and consoles. 
“He... he used the cruatious curse on me... and said that if I didn’t do it on someone else that he’d...” And Draco just breaks down into tears because he feels wicked and broken and ashamed. 
He cries harder when no one judges him or yells at him or treats him differently. He’s still just Draco to them. The same thing happens when he tells them about the Dark Mark,
When he starts to slip through the cracks, the group vividly helps him like they’ve helped kids before him for generations. 
Ravenclaws helped him study and find motivation when he started to fail his classes, Hufflepuffs show him how to have fun and take breaks and self-care, Slytherins are there in the common room on sleepless nights with tea and blankets, Gryffindors are there  as a defense squad against anyone who wants to get to Draco and boy do they rip on Harry
But maybe Draco sees in Harry what the others saw in him. A kid who’s very fast with reflexes and has the same sort of anger and defense mechanisms that he did
Draco defends Harry from a Slytherin and Harry is confused and the Slytherin is confused but they back down
Harry just glares and walks away and Draco rolls his eyes and sighs
He sends Harry invitations to the Support Group but the golden boy never shows
When the Death Eaters kidnap Luna, Draco about loses it because Luna was one of the first ones who helped him grow
So he goes down to the dungeon and they still have their own little support group. Luna sees first hand what it’s like to be Draco especially when his father makes Draco use the cruatious curse on her
He cries and begs for Luna’s forgiveness and of course, he has it, she knows he never wanted to hurt anyone
At Hogwarts seventh year, he and the Slytherins who were a part of the support group are now also apart of the rebellion and Draco is livid about the punishments that Snape allows because how dare he allow physical abuse as a punishment and he gets an earful from Draco about it
Snape explains that it’s to keep him safe and Voldemort from suspecting anything and Draco just “I don’t give a damn about me or you! Stop hurting these kids! They’ve done nothing to deserve it!” And he’s in tears
Snape pulls back on his regimen a bit
Of course, Draco lies to his father about not knowing who Harry is. Why would he let his father win when Draco held the cards? 
When Draco’s father calls him back to the side of the Death Eaters, he’s about to go because he is still afraid of his father but Luna takes his hand and so does the Hufflepuff from Herbology, and soon there are hands on his shoulders and arms, reminding him that he’s not alone and that he’s not the scared little kid anymore and he stands with Hogwarts
He and Harry eventually have a talk about growing up and the abuse they both suffered and Harry and Draco both grow as people and stop being so childish and put away the grudge and hatred for another
He takes a Slytherin girl under his wing in eighth year who’s two years younger than him and jumping at her own shadow. He brings her into the Support Group and helps her find some courage and self-worth
That girl is Astoria Greengrass
Tags: @coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87@artemismohr18 @whygz @crazywritingbug @fuzzy-panda @bitemebro522  @zombiesnips-blog @jillanaholland @shookyungsoo @savingdraco @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey @theres-a-dog-outside-omg @queenfeatherwings @fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @dietkiwi @katsukink @takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen @mccloudchloe @hxneybgb @justsomerandomgur @belcvayelena @moviesbooksandfandoms @howdycharlie @xtrashmouthxtozierx @cocochanelthepupper @ninacotte @braelynn-j @jiggllyy @honeymarvel @darcypottah @atomicpunkrock @thiccheerioss @lottie289 @boredashaeck @beautiful-pegasus @tceedlmao @deadlynyghtshayde @iconjuresnapeingrandmaclothes @anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @lunna-does-real-doodle @dragonsandbread @atomicwonderlandmentality @okaydraco @the–queen-of-hell @langdonzvoid @cmxreader @alienmotel @oh-itsnothing​ @tulippings​ @thestressedprincess​ @sunflowerxsadnessw​ @caps-wilsonn​ @fattycooter​ @angelotakunerd08​ @thisisahugemistake​ @fanficsigottaread​ @gweaslvy​ @okaydraco​ @strawberriesonsummer​ @ughjjloveme​ @honeymarvel​  @gaysludge​ @cleopatera​ @ray-of-sunrise​ @artist-bby​ @shadowsingeraxolotl​ @peters-legos​ @quillsareforwriting​ @ghostlytoadalmondhairdo​ @wollymalfoy​ @lilpieceoftoast @monimillion @howdycharlie @gnf847
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heli0s-writes · 5 years
Moving Night
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes Summary: The three of you finally move out! But now you are very tired and very cranky. A/N: 4 of ?? Snapshots between you, Steve, and Bucky. In the same canon as Mystery of Love– check it out first :)
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The last of the boxes have been unpacked, made quick work of under the determined hands of Steve and impatient hands of Bucky. It is midnight and Bucky is ripping apart cardboard and piling them by the corner of the entranceway. Steve is arranging dishes into cabinets with quiet clunks and careful precision, handling the ceramic ware as lightly as he can.
After another shelf has been stuffed full, he stands back to inspect his handiwork.
“What do you think about this arrangement?” He asks, completely serious.
You are splayed out on the newly mopped hardwood floor dramatically, arms outstretched, legs bent, as if you are a murder victim about to be traced be chalk. Steve and Bucky both have chosen to ignore you for the past fifteen minutes, letting you be because they know better than to encourage you.
“Beautiful.” You announce, cheek pressed to the floor. “Fantastic. Wonderful. Amazing. What a configuration of wine glasses and mugs.”
Bucky snorts in the distance and Steve only rolls his eyes, “I’m serious!” He scolds.
“Let’s go to go bed!” You whine in return, kicking your legs and planting your sock-covered feet until you are spinning slowly in a wide circle with your head and shoulder as the center point. It’s rare for you to be such a brat, but you are dead-tired and hate unpacking. The sheer amount of brainpower it takes to visualize where everything goes and how makes you pessimistic and limp.
The last two apartments you moved into, you were living a minimalist Marie-Kondo type of life, with your camera as your only prized possession. Since then, you have accumulated more clothing, more dishes, more towels, more of everything because there are two other people involved and they both are very specific when it comes to their needs.
Bucky needs so many pairs of socks. Steve needs house-shoes. Bucky needs throw blankets. Steve needs all of his books. They both love houseplants and handheld shower heads and locally sourced coffee beans and what the hell are wool dryer balls, Steve?
Naturally, the boxes piled on until they were way over your head and taking up all the space in the living room. You could no longer visualize where anything went along with when oh when will this be all put away?
“Honey, will ya help me out?” Steve grumbles from the kitchen as he sorts through cleaning supplies. “We decided to move into our own place, so now we need to—“
“Yeah, yeah. We need to make it feel like a home.” You reply, shutting your eyes. When you open them again, the overhead light is blocked because Bucky is hovering over you with a feline smirk.
“Is baby feeling tired?” He teases, “Strong girl, you carried so many boxes today.”
You roll your eyes because compared to them, the boxes you carried were featherweight and while they continued unpacking all you have done is put things in the upstairs bathroom and fixed a space for you to get ready in the morning. Most of the clothes had been sorted into the right closets, but upon seeing the still half-full living room of packed away objects downstairs, you grew exhausted.
Bucky leans down until he’s on his knees and gives you an upside-down kiss, tasting of the slightest hint of salt from his sweat. It didn’t help that the move was made in August when the sun seemed to be the hottest regardless of whether or not it’s true. It had been a terribly scorching day. “Just another hour, dollface, until Steve’s ready.”
You frown. “He won’t be ready until it’s all finished.”
From the kitchen, a drawer shuts before Steve appears, shirt sleeves rolled all the way up over his shoulders and hands on his hips. “What was that?” He asks with a raised brow.
“Stevie, honey,” You sigh, “My darling, my sunshine…” Bucky sits back and shakes his head; you are laying it on thick. “My golden lion, my Hercules and—”
“Okay, that’s enough.” They both say in unison to the way your mouth curls up into a smirk. One more second and you would have turned raunchy— listing the ways he’s well endowed like a god, too.
“I wanna go to sleep!” You say petulantly, “It’s almost two and we’ve been up since six and I know you two are big, strong, super boys, but I am tired! If I had any energy left at all, I’d help but I don’t!” You turn uselessly, side to side.
Bucky is more prone to letting you have your way, so he shrugs before looking up to Steve who sighs deeply, letting his head roll back. “You are so spoiled.”
Your eyelids flutter as you chew on your lip, doing your best impression of a timid little girl under his scrutiny. Even your hands clasp together, and you flex them straight down, pulling your shoulders up to rest your cheek on.
Steve sighs with a tiny smirk.
A smile breaks across your face, proudly displaying your teeth as you squeal and sit up quickly. In a snap, you launch yourself onto Steve’s torso and wrap your legs around him. 
“Yes!” Then, you pepper kisses all over his face and down his neck and your hands lift the back of his shirt up, fingers digging into his muscles. “Thank you! Love you, love you, love—“
“Why, honey,” Steve mumbles under your mouth as another kiss lands on his lips, “You’ve suddenly got so much energy for someone so tired.”
And you wilt once more, like a flower trampled under the searing blaze of summer sun. “One more box?” He asks, sending Bucky an impish wink.
“No! More! Boxes! Just! Go! To! Bed!” You beat your fists on his chest and thrash against his hips until you run out of breath and slump against him. “What?” you ask when his grip tightens.
Bucky puts his arm around Steve’s shoulders and peers at you. “Nice job, baby. Smart way to distract him.”
“You want to go to bed?” Steve mumbles, licking his lips. You feel it then, against your center, Steve growing stiff and large. From your tantrum in his arms, you’ve rocked all over him in just the right way. “I’ll take you to bed.” He puffs into your ear, “I’ll take you to bed, alright. ‘m gonna get you real tired, baby.”
Bucky is laughing now, cackling at the way you lean back and let your arms hang like boiled noodles to your side. One of Steve’s arms braces your spine while the other one curls around your bottom under your thigh. No, you are actually tired now. It’s almost two, and you have genuinely tuckered yourself out by violently flailing. Your last fucking braincell is counting sheep branded with red and white stars.
Steve’s last braincell seems to be in between his legs. “Bucky, please.” You moan, “Save me.”
“I’ll volunteer as tribute.” Bucky shrugs nonchalantly and you dramatically put the back of your hand over your forehead while Steve walks your flaccid body upstairs.
“Oh, thank you kind sir. Steve, did you hear that? Bucky’s gonna take my place. So brave.”
With one eye, you peek up at him as a smirk grows over his face.
“Uh-huh. Sure, honey. We’ll see how long this little act of yours lasts when I get my mouth on ‘im.”
Your body bounces off the mattress and you grunt a little, tugging the sheet over your body and turn on your side. Your eyelids are so heavy and dull, neck and shoulders aching, not to mention your poor feet from standing up all day.
A shirt gets tossed on your face and you swat it away in irritation before another one lands in the same place. You pull the cover over your head, determined to endure them and pull through your mission of getting rest.  
Someone’s palm lands on someone else with a sharp thwack. Throaty chuckles arise before being smothered by a groaning mouth. Tongues touch and lips smack lewdly. And then, good fucking lord, the bed starts to rock as two voices pant and purr in unison.
“Fuck yes,” Bucky laughs, “Goddamn it, you’re so good.”
Butterflies are whipping around in your stomach. Steve is slurping and sucking noisily, and they both are exchanging husky breaths full of praise about who’s mouth is softer until they are both groaning into each other. You are desperately trying to count sheep but the images in your head are turning the sheep into naked little caricatures of your men, running at you instead.
“Oh, fuck you two!” You exclaim, angrily yanking the sheet down.
They are both lying on their sides, wrapped under the comforter up to their necks, as if you’ve stumbled in on them merely relaxing. No hair is misplaced on Steve nor Bucky’s head, and they look completely unruffled and serene, quirking their eyebrows at you on the edge of the mattress, fuming to yourself.
“You okay?” Bucky asks, face contorted in confusion. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re not going to sleep, baby?” Steve prompts, tilting his head.
You scramble out of the sheet and throw yourself on top of Steve, tearing the blanket off and then shoving two fingers into Bucky’s chest, twisting the ever-loving fuck out of his nipple. “Teach me a fuckin’ lesson, here’s what I have to say to that.” You snap before doing the same to Steve. They both yelp in pain and cover themselves, shocked that you would be so rough.
Then, you cross your arms and huff. “Lesson learned, boys. Now,” you narrow your eyes at them, “I’m going to sleep.”
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