#'tis a willing pornography
medusa-fem · 2 months
As a bisexual woman in an opposite sex relationship I feel like I should speak up about my experience for the sake of those who don't feel like lesbians can understand.
If you discovered radical feminism while in a opposite sex relationship, that's already hard enough. If you discovered it in a loving long term relationship where everything has been going well? It's a devastating feeling knowing you could be in danger. I cannot imagine being heterosexual as well, so I'm sorry if this post still doesn't represent all aspects of this issue. All of this to say I have empathy, complete empathy for all of those who simply cannot see separatism as an option right now. Maybe you're too in love, maybe you're tied financially, maybe you have kids or simply want children some day. It can feel impossible to leave, and honestly I don't think it's a realistic expectation to hold all women to that they should pick up everything and leave when they are currently happy.
Above all else, even if you are happy right now, have a plan in place for if something happens. If you are choosing to not participate in separatism for any number of reasons, you have to keep yourself safe. Even loving, kind, amazing men and fathers are still part of the patriarchy, and therefore are inherently more dangerous than females. Some may hate to hear this, but this absolutely applies to if you are dating trans women as well. I have seen it first hand.
These are some ways I'm keeping myself safe within my current relationship:
• Keep Finances Separate
Even if a divorce/break up is amicable, not having separate funds is a risk to yourself, and to your kids if you have any. Not knowing how you could afford to leave, will be the first step to convincing yourself you don't need to even if a boundary gets crossed. Keep savings to yourself, even better if he doesn't know about it. Keep your bank accounts and credit cards separate. Even if you don't consider yourself a separatist, keeping your autonomy within a relationship with a male is key to your safety.
• Decide Where Your Boundaries Lie
Make a list of things that if a single one happens, you're done. Hold yourself to it too.
The obvious things are
- Any violation of consent. Especially in regard to sex.
- Any threats. Be it financial, physical, or emotional, a threat is a reality waiting to happen.
- Cheating. It might not be a big deal to you, but it is a clear sign he doesn't respect you, and that is dangerous.
- Buying sex. This may not be a common one, but 100% this is paid rape, and he is not a safe person to be around if he is willing to pay to rape a woman.
- Watching (especially violent) pornography. If you have explained to him all the ways pornography harms female people, and he is still choosing to consume this kind of media, it is fully your right to consider this grounds to leave.
Add literally anything else that is a hard limit for you. If any one thing happens, proceed to quietly prepare to leave the relationship.
• Know Your Local Women's Shelter and Women's Trauma Support Groups Contact Information
Even if you think you will never need it, keep their information in your phone. If a crisis happens research will add time where you can't immediately leave, and it can absolutely be too overwhelming. If you have been through any sort of trauma in your past, I highly recommend being a regular in your local support group if you can. Having a community can keep you safe.
• Keep Women in Your Life
Do not let yourself become isolated in your relationship. If it's a red flag when a man intentionally isolates you, you certainly do not want to accidentally isolate yourself. It can be hard to make and keep friends, but try to make sure you have at least 2 people you trust to call if you need someone to talk to or somewhere to crash.
To this note...
• Gossip Gossip Gossip!
Men have demonized gossiping, but it might save your life. Tell your trusted female friends about your relationship, good and bad. They might see red flags before you do, and if anything happens they can have your back. The best way to avoid falling for gaslighting is to gossip, because even if he convinces you you're wrong, your friends will know what you told them, and they will remind you what really happened.
• Stay on Birth Control Until You Can Independently Support a Child
Obviously if you already have a child, this is in regard to having more children. If you want kids, be smart about it. If you aren't able to financially support yourself, make sure you are taking preventative measures to avoid a pregnancy. Men like to accuse women of baby trapping them all the time, but the reality is we are the ones who get trapped when we love our children but can't afford to leave and support them on our own. I've seen friends go through it, friends who wanted kids and would have zero regrets about having children if it wasn't for being stuck with their fathers.
• Stay Educated
Stay aware of things such as common red flags of abuse, DARVO, types of gaslighting, and signs of depression in yourself. Never stop reading and learning about how these things play out. If you want a happy, loving, safe relationship with a man, a big part of that is having the knowledge to see when it is no longer a relationship with those qualities.
If anyone would like to add anything else, it would be greatly appreciated. I know in an ideal world, separatism would be the choice of all women, but that's not the world we live in. I want to look at ways to support women in opposite sex relationships, especially supporting them in getting out when the time is right.
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taylor-titmouse · 1 year
kink that doesn't say it's kink 2, the sequel, where we abandon saying anything at all
so if you've been following for the past what, two weeks, i've been posting a lot of art with cherry, the perpetually imperiled farmhand and a host of barnyard furries having a go at her while she's tied up one way or another. and if you haven't seen it, by golly i have a tag for it on my patreon that you can peruse, including exclusives.
but i digress.
this series came about from me wanting to do SOMETHING with bondage, barnyard animal furries, and breeding kink. you'll remember from my previous post on the subject that i was struggling with tying this concept together into a narrative i could write, and ended up thinking about how kink and narrative should work together in a way where the kink is a natural consequence of the narrative, rather than the narrative being obviously constructed for the kink. have i said the word narrative enough times in this paragraph. i'm going to say it a bunch more times.
the solution i eventually landed on: don't bother with a narrative at all. the concept i wanted to explore was mostly visual spectacle: rope bondage, barn/farm aesthetic, exhibitionism, public use type stuff. and you don't really need a written story to enjoy those concepts. they are very much about the image of the scene. thus, barnyard bound is going to be a collection of illustrations, an art book, rather than a story. there's no narrative between them, no thread. just a hot girl in her cowboy boots getting roped up and rawed by animal boys for 20+ pages of pictures.
but what's INTERESTING and what's the POINT of this post i've been taking such a long way to get to, is how there is still an expectation of narrative created by the images. i've been asked several times "who is tying her up?" or "is this her farm?" and so on. requests for context as to how and why. and i would argue that you don't need a how or why, but i find it so fascinating how much the audience wants one, as opposed to a comparable image of real bondage.
you see a video of a naked woman tied up in some ropes in a studio and you're unlikely to ask why she's there, why She specifically is there, or who did it, or why. you might assume she's there because she's an actress paid to be, She specifically is there because she was willing or had the right appearance, and the who and why is presumably the person paying her to do it, for whatever reason that person has. or she's there because she wants to be and she's into it and it's a homemade porno. either way, that isn't so much a narrative as it is an explanation.
but you see a drawing of a naked woman all tied up in some ropes, and suddenly there must be a narrative reason. she is a fictional construct, and therefore she and her world must be constructed for a purpose. she has a design, and that design is serving a purpose. she's in a location, and that location is serving a purpose. it's entirely created by a series of deliberate choices from the artist. in art, we crave answers and explanations in a way we usually don't with real life pornography, because real life pornography is constructed within the limitations of real life, but illustrated art does not have those limitations.
and i'm just interested in the why of why a viewer might want this information about the art. why do you need to know exactly why she's tied up? it doesn't change that she is--but it might change your interpretation of the image and what you get out of it. for one viewer, the image of a woman tied up might be ruined by the idea that she didn't ask to be--that it's a punishment, that there's no explicit consent. the image won't arouse them if it comes with that context. for another, the image would be ruined by a context where she did consent. for them it becomes less thrilling when they're made to think about the necessaries of consensual bondage rather than the erotic fantasy of being held against one's will.
but if the image is presented with no narrative, no word of god, no explanation, the viewer has only their own ideas for how they feel about it. the viewer has to decide themself if the woman wanted to be tied there, who did it, and why. how you feel about the image is left entirely in your hands, making you responsible for your own interpretation. and i think this aspect of art is part of what makes doing non-narrative illustrated erotica so fascinating to me, as somebody who has Always prioritized narrative in his work. deliberately abandoning it has made it clear how much we desire it--perhaps to justify to ourselves that we're allowed to desire what we see in the work.
but that's a different essay
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anhed-nia · 11 months
BLOGTOBER 10/6-7/2023: X, PEARL
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Ti West is so frustrating. His more successful movies have earned him enough good will that I've been willing to wait for him like some war bride while he turns out things I find unforgivable, assuming that someone with his demonstrated talent will right himself eventually. For this reason I wish I liked X more. I find it very watchable and I don't hate the premise, but I also really object to parts of it. Some of it is just half-baked; like I kind of enjoy the movie's conversation about how pornography inflates or injures people's vanity and shines a light on inner moral conflicts, but it's all kind of gestural, I don't know if any real conclusions are reached. And I really don't appreciate the take on hagsploitation here, with sexy Mia Goth under a hundred pounds of foam rubber reminding us all of how scary aging is--which connects to this questionable tradition in horror where the monster is a human who is alienated due to their looks, and we'd better learn to fear such people because being sexually undesirable is a punishment so cruel that it could make you dangerously insane. I'm really interested in this trope, where the corrupting force is just physical ugliness (and/or the inability to get laid), but in the case of X I would have found it more compelling if the villains were played by actual old people.
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The movies we think of when we hear the terms "hagsploitation" or "psycho biddie" generally star actual older actresses who bring a certain kind of thoughtful, energetic presence to their roles, and that's why they're so effective; when it's just a young person pretending to be old, it requires the viewer to really be afraid of and repulsed by the basic concept of an old person. I've heard some arguments that X is "sex positive" because of its graphic scene of the fake old people doing it, and although I'd agree that some amount of pity is elicited by that (with the husband explicitly pitying his horny, ugly wife), I think it's a big reach to suggest that that content is celebratory or elevating in any way. Again, I might change my tune if it were real old people, but in the meantime the whole production is just young people telling this story about how old people are gross and you might become a crazed killer if you stopped getting laid, and that's just not good enough for me. Maybe if the old people were more like anti-heroes and less like general monstrosities slobbering in the dark, I would have gotten more out of it.
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Meanwhile, the prequel PEARL tells a compelling story about a real monster who is complex and charismatic enough to make you sympathize with her, even though she is unambiguously villainous. I do think this movie is somewhat overhyped, but I'm not mad about it; I'm happy that this happened for Ti West, who I definitely want to make more good movies, and PEARL has a lot of cool qualities. It stretches its $1mil budget a surprising distance to make a period piece (usually inadvisable for a cheap movie) with a lot of style and class. Ti West has a talent for genre pastiche--the present movie is somehow a cross between THE WIZARD OF OZ and HUSH...HUSH, SWEET CHARLOTTE--but it doesn't feel like an empty fashion statement, which is the problem I usually have with modern horror productions that do a forced impression of older genre films. Despite whatever is familiar about it, PEARL feels really fresh and original. Tellingly, I don't even feel like enumerating this movie's flaws. It's a charmer and it deserves its success.
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cksmart-world · 6 months
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
April 2, 2024
THE TRUMP SWAG STORE Real Authentic Merchandise
Get yours now! Priceless Trump merchandise that you can show proudly as a real American. These instant heirlooms will make you feel special and the proceeds go to a very important cause — Donald Trump. Don't be left out. Order today!
Trump steaks — Made from real beef byproducts $19.99
Trump vodka — The very best distillate from Panama City $49
Trump gold sneakers — Perfect for your mantle and ego $399.00
Trump “Wanted” T shirts — Get in their face with this scary face $39.99
Trump Bibles — Jesus and Trump will love you if you buy one $59.99
Trump trading cards — 52 different likenesses of “The Great 45” $119.99
Trump ties — Extra long for wiping after buffalo wings and Big Macs $49.99
Trump pajamas — Be presidential lying around watching TV $499.0
Trump tanning spray — Look orange naturally all year round $69.99
Trump penknives — Great for stabbing your “friends” in the back $29.99
ORDER NOW! Send cash or money order to Mar-a-Lago Club LLC, 1100 Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, Fl., 33480. Make America [fill in the blank] Again.
A new law will bring Utah into the 21st Century so we can start banning books with the rest of the red states. While middle school kids in blue states will be reading pornography and masturbating, our students will be learning real values, such as slavery was like technical school. And of course, they won't be exposed to that Critical Race Theory about how some Americans are more equal than others. It could make the kids feel bad. Utah's new law works like this: If three or more districts believe a book contains “objective sensitive material,” then all other districts must ban it. It's kind of like Texas Hold 'Em but in reverse. There is one fly in the ointment, however. Nobody knows for sure what “objective sensitive material” is. One parent's porn may be another's art. Goya's Maja desnuda may not be Playboy's Miss August, but it could still give boys too much to think about — if you know what we mean. But as for books, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”, “Milk and Honey”, and “Looking for Alaska” are some of the most banned books the U.S. They, of course, are nothing like “The Tropic of Cancer”or “The Diary of Anais Nin,” which were banned and must reading for Wilson and the band back in junior high. You're right Wilson, if you want kids to read a book, just ban it.
Here's an idea: Let's move the Salt Lake's Triple-A Bees baseball team from what used to be Dirk's Field (now Smith's Ballpark) at 1300 S. West Temple — where they played for 100 years — to West Jordan. Sure, it's like moving Fenway Park to Brookline but what's tradition, anymore. Then let's get Salt Lake City taxpayers to pony up $900 million to build a Major League Baseball stadium near North Temple and Redwood Road in a gamble that we could lure an expansion team here. Cool, right. The Larry H. Miller Co. owns the Bees and wants to build the new stadium complex. The question remains, will they sell cars there? Think of it, reduced ticket prices for fans willing to take a test drive. Our lawmakers just love MLB. It's so great when the Utah Legislature takes authority from Salt Lake City. Well, OK, Wilson, you're right, they're always saying, “the government closest to the people governs best,” but why let the city mess it up when lawmakers have already demonstrated they can mess it up better. Remember the much ballyhooed Inland Port. What ever happened to that, anyway. It's reminiscent of our Cold Fusion Institute. But we digress. Baseball is good for the soul. And think how good Salt Lakers souls will feel. It's not like $900 million is too much for that. Is it?
Post script — That's going to do it for another chilling week here at Smart Bomb where we keep track of outrage so you don't have to. You know Wilson, you and the guys in the band might be among the few souls who aren't outraged. It's a good argument for the legalization of pot. It's hard to be outraged when you're stoned. The fact that International Transgender Day of Visibility fell on Easter this year was more than enough to throw right-wingers into a frenzy. In fact, a Fox News co-host, Lisa Boothe, said it was part of a scheme to overthrow the Almighty. She obviously hasn't read the Old Testament. Back to the New Testament and Jesus of Nazareth — students at state-run colleges in Utah may see more of him. Proposed legislation that did not pass in this year's legislature would have college general-ed classes focus on western civilization and “the rise of Christianity.” Stay tuned. It's puzzling why so many so-called Christians are full of rage. Love Jesus and Trump or your toast. By the way, there's been a breakthrough: Jesus apparently wasn't blonde. The latest info is that he had brown skin and dark hair. He did wear sandals, however, and they weren't Birkenstocks. Outrageous.
Well, heck Wilson, now that Easter is over and Christmas is nine months away we don't have to worry about Jesus for awhile. But still, we ought to close out with a little something for the folks who would like to know more about His life and times beyond the glossy stuff in Sunday school. So tell the band to put down their Trump Bibles and take it away:
Jesus was a Capricorn He ate organic food He believed in love and peace And never wore no shoes Long hair, beard and sandals And a funky bunch of friends Reckon we'd just nail him up If he came down again 'Cause everybody's gotta have somebody to look down on Prove they can be better than at any time they choose Someone doin' somethin' dirty decent folks can frown on If you can't find nobody else, then help yourself to me Eggheads fussin' rednecks cussin' Hippies for their hair Others laugh at straights who laugh at Freaks who laugh at squares Some folks hate the Whites Who hate the Blacks who hate the Klan Most of us hate anything that We don't understand
(Jesus Was a Capricorn — Kris Kristofferson)
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Put On Your Raincoats | Future Darkly: Pandemic (Mills, Q. & Vegas, 2021)
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This is an anthology porno about life in the pandemic, and far and away the best segment is the third one, “Kate and the Free Man”. Bree Mills at her best, from what I’ve seen of her work, is willing to confront you with a painful emotional state and force you to linger in it in an way that feels affirming. I think that very much applies here to her handling of a heroine struggling with agoraphobia and germaphobia while confined to her house during the pandemic. This segment is under half an hour, but a lot of that time is spent watching the heroine agonizing over her routine and talk to her therapist remotely. Out of the four segments, I think this segment also ties its premise best to its sense of eroticism, as it provides the necessary emotional groundwork for you to understand the heroine’s desire for sex with an anti-masker unburdened by the same anxieties, and the decision to shoot the climax POV style feels like an inspired yet appropriate choice for the fantasy element of this scene.
I think this also benefits greatly from the performance by Cherie Deville, who commits to both the emotional rawness of the material and the physicality of the sex scenes (and engages in some spirited dirty talk, which I guess is a pun here). I will say that I found the performance of Dick Chibbles as the anti-masker (he mutters about “mask wearing pussies” during his first appearance) is a little too convincing, to the point that I found him actively unpleasant and found it hard to see him as a manifestation of her Deville’s desires. And I found the cutaways to him a bit clunky, especially during the sex, but I’m not sure how else this should have been handled. 
So as someone who had some lingering unease about the return to “normal”, I found this segment pretty affecting. And as someone who’s struggled with IRL friendships and leaned on online ones, I was also moved by “Anthony’s Girlfriend”, in which Michael Vegas neglects his relationship with his mother and gets drawn into a relationship with an AI companion. This is a bit more overtly dystopic (I haven’t seen anything else from the Future Darkly series, but my impression is that it’s like a pornographic Black Mirror), but I think it effectively evokes a state of emotional isolation, and has a nicely twitchy performance by Vegas. (Somewhat unexpectedly, this segment forgoes sex altogether, and the hero shows discomfort with the subject anytime it’s brought up.) All of these were made during the pandemic, and I think this one gains the most from its production circumstances. 
So for those two segments, I think this is definitely worth a look. I didn’t find the other segments nearly as involving however, as the sex scenes significantly overstayed their welcome and didn’t feel nearly as charged as the ones in the segment with Deville. I realize that comes rough the territory with modern pornography, but I didn’t find the emotional territory of the premises were satisfyingly explored before they dived into the sex. I do appreciate the first segment willing to deal with the strain of caring for a loved one, and not to sound skeevy, but Lola Fae’s heart tattoos around her nipples in the last segment were super cute, but otherwise I was mostly counting the minutes until they were over.
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eternalstrigoii · 4 years
Church Mouse
Borra (Maleficent: Mistress of Evil) x Female-Presenting Human Reader
There’s a monster in our wood,
It’ll get you if you’re not good.
Horns of iron and wings of bone,
You are never, ever coming home.
 Your father was the parish priest in the village of Ulstead. He was not a royal minister, and, perhaps, it was because of that lack of diplomacy that you caught him many a time whispering with the townsfolk about the faeries on the other side of the gate. To his congregation, he said little more than how fortunate you were to be separated – how he urged parents to leave their children if they should have to travel on merchant trips, lest the fey folk lure the young ones from their wagons.
You heard your father’s stories before, when you were young. The Folk of the Moors will promise you endless sweets and playtime, and then chew off your legs when you fall asleep. You rolled your eyes at them now – no faerie had ever crossed the bridge into Ulstead. As far as you were concerned, no faerie wanted to cross the bridge into Ulstead, and you grew more and more adamant that they were right. It was a little town, and King John meant well but his wife practiced the same virtues as your father. All the piety, chastity, humility, and moderation was starting to get to you. (And if your only prospects were the same fools you had to remind year after year not to drag their crops from the earth by their stems, well, you were better off leaving for a nunnery.)
The children were gathered in the square not long before nightfall, as you brought your pail of freshly scrubbed laundry back to the parish to hang in the attic (where no one might fall to sin because they spied your bloomers on the line). They clapped hands and sang their nursery rhymes, which you had always presumed involved the terrible witch that cursed the princess whom your prince was destined to marry, and you sighed as you lifted your basket past them.
“There are no such things as monsters,” you stopped to snap at them before you flung the parish door open with your foot and let it fall shut heavily behind you.
Your father jumped at the sound. “Good heavens, child!”
“I’m sorry.” You lifted the basket that you had to hold with two hands. “None of the children would fetch the door.”
He was on his knees at the altar, tending the prayer candles that had been lit throughout the day. You knew he’d stay there for the bulk of the night, as he always did.
As he adjusted them, ensuring that the wax fell as uniformly as possible so that God might hear the poor men and women of Ulstead, he said to you, “Would it be so terrible to spare the young ones a kindness now and then? They are, after all, only children.”
It was not the young ones you worried about. You had half a mind to set your laundry aside and help your father, for he was getting old and frail, and while he was surely falling prey to his own stories, he was no harm to anyone. He was but a worried old man since your mother died, or so you told yourself.
You sighed, and you left him to his wax-tending. There were few flights of stairs from the parish to the attic, but with your full basket, it may as well have been a steady climb up a mountain. You were hot and panting by the time you reached the attic where your clotheslines were strung, and you wasted no time in shutting the hatch-door, dropping the basket to the floor, and hurrying to open the windows by their props on the bottom.
“Fool,” you muttered fondly. The windows hadn’t been washed in some time, and you were sure it was because your meticulous father believed someone would catch wind of his cassock and steal it while it dried.
You shook your head, gathered the pins down at the end, and worked your way through your basket. Every so often, the wind swept through the room and made all the clothes flap and flutter, the sweat that had been so stifling before turned to morning dew on your back. After the third strong ruffle, your second pin fell right out of your hand, and you cursed as you batted one of your dresses aside to reach it.
It had landed just between a pair of bare feet.
You gasped and startled backward.
The figure you had first thought was a man batted your line aside. He was tall and broad, quite unlike many of the men of your village, though what held your attention was not the chiseled quality of his face or the intensity of his blown-glass eyes.
It was the massive pair of wings on his back that ripped your line cleanly out of the wall.
You sat there like a fool, scrambling to move away only when he’d already caught you by the ties of your apron and pulled you up off the floor. You cried out in shock – you felt the points of his talons against your back before it collided with the wall, and the tremor that coursed through you left your hands shaking as they found his chest, smooth and warm like a stone left sitting in the summer sun.
“Please?” Your voice wavered.
He made a sound not unlike an animal’s growl, tilting his head at you.
You did not know what you were pleading for. You were hardly a child, no longer the supposed favored-prey of the Folk of the Moors.
“Please,” you repeated, feeling his talons prick your back. You watched his other hand lift to the shoulder of your apron, toy with the heavy material. How easily his claws pricked into it and it started to tear. You imagined your skin would not give the same kind of resistance.
Your heart was pounding. Fear, and something else, had gone to war inside of you. He may have been no man, but he was beautiful. His hair was long and golden, his wings broad and powerful, and you found yourself staring at them again. “They’re beautiful,” you whispered, and found yourself pinned by your throat for your trouble.
“What do you want with my wings?” he asked, sharply.
“Nothing!” you exclaimed, batting at his hand. “They’re lovely, you oaf!”
He let go of you just as abruptly, with that sound again.
You smacked at his solid arm in indignation, a hot rush of embarrassment flooding your already overheated skin. “You have no right! Speaking to me like that! Manhandling me! Coming into my house--!”
You didn’t realize the mistake you made until he had taken a handful of your apron again, backing you against the old wood once more.
“Is it your father, then?” he asked in a much lower voice, its roughness preserved in such close proximity. “Spreading likes about my people?”
You should have denied him, but the pang of fear you felt manifested as you thought all people must feel it – in the innate desire to protect your own.
“He’s a fool,” you replied in the same tone. “He tells stories to children, make-believe. He means you no harm.”
“Harm is what he causes me.” His body was flush with yours again, and your hands gripped his arms as though you were strong enough to keep him at bay when you could hardly manage three flights of stairs with a full laundry basket. “Harm is what he causes all of my people when he spreads those lies.”
“I’ll tell him to stop,” you whispered.
The smile that crossed his face should have scared you, for it was wild, and by the nature of the people you knew, rather unhinged. “No,” he touched your cheek, pressing the tip of his thumb claw into your skin. “I don’t think you will.”
From what you heard, you expected him to do something like rip your flesh from your bones and eat you alive. But he grasped the collar-hem of your gown and tore, and in one broad stroke of his muscular arm, you found yourself nearly bared before him.
And the only thing that frightened you then was how your breath caught as he palmed your exposed skin.
The fey looked at you the way you imagined all creatures must look at their prey. His eyes were intense, wild, wide as they locked on your face. Your knees buckled as his mouth affixed to your collarbone, and you gasped, grabbing hold of his horns.
You did not push him away. No, not even when his teeth caught your flesh, for his tongue was quick to follow, and the sound that left you had nothing to do with pain.
There were no stories about this. Not in anyone’s books anywhere, as far as you knew.
The fey left a trail of bruises on your skin, from the one that began at your collarbone up the side of your neck. They hurt more, there, and you squirmed against him, but he chuckled and pinned your hips to his. You felt him, through your bloomers and the soft fabric of his pants, and your hands settled at his waist only to move, slowly, upward. Over his side, his back, your arms curling around his shoulders.
His wings beat, snapping the other line from its mount on the wall. Your father’s clothes also tumbled to the floor, and were immediately forgotten.
You turned your head when you felt his breath brush your jaw. Your lips brushed his, and he wasted no time in claiming them. What manner of revenge could this be, you thought, only for the thought to fall by the wayside with the drag of his claw down your thigh. One leg of your bloomers split open, and the hand that did it slipped under you, under your clothes, to boost you against him and settle your hips at his waist.
It was not unpleasant, being trapped against him. Not unpleasant at all. You found yourself kissing back when he tried to pull away, giving him your tongue in as close of an approximation to the way he’d given you his as you could manage without the experience.
You felt him grin, and several claws swept over your opposing thigh. Your bloomers fell away in ribbons, the skin beneath singing with shallow cuts.
You arched toward him with a more enthusiastic sound, your knees hitched against his waist.
“Are you enjoying yourself, church mouse?”
You quite liked that tone he used, his voice like a purr against your lips.
“Yes,” you whispered, though you could hardly understand how his anger would become desire quite like this. Maybe you truly were ye of little faith, considering you couldn’t recall a word spoken by your father that would lead you to believe your fey was dangerous.
He chuckled, and the fabric between you fell away. Your eyes widened, and you gripped his shoulders tightly. You were momentarily afraid, though not for the reasons he must’ve anticipated.
“I’ve never….” You started, and your fey brushed his lips over yours once again.
“I’m counting on that.”
He took you the way you had always been told you were supposed to be taken. Your knees clutched his hips, but the sensation, though strange, was not unpleasant. You gasped, and his movement made you claw lightly at his shoulders, seeking purchase so you might somehow press closer.
“Shh,” he soothed, nuzzling your jaw. “Wouldn’t want your father to hear.”
You clung to the back of his neck, your breath ragged. No, certainly you didn’t, but you were three flights up and the rhythm of his hips never faltered. You dropped your head back against the wall, and your fey claimed your mouth once again.
No, you knew why people stole away to be with them now. No promise of sweets could be this enchanting.
You held his jaw while you kissed.
He held you, but one of his hands roamed your body, the trail of his talons causing chills along your spine. You kissed him as though you might pour yourself into him, and he claimed you against the wall like a man new-married.
You felt a tightening in your lower belly, an urgency too strong to be denied. You worked your hips against his, your, and his, ragged breaths overtaking your senses. You couldn’t pull him close enough. Your thighs clung to him. You had started to beg in whimpers that became full cries, yes, yes, please, please! Oh god, oh god!
You reached your peak together. Your fae spilled inside of you with a sharp, wild groan, and you clung to him, breathing hard, your face pressed into his shoulder.
You told him your name in a breathless whisper, no longer believing – or at least, no longer believing it would be a bad thing – he would use it to steal you away.
He was silent for a moment longer, holding the backs of your thighs against his hips. “Borra,” he replied.
“I’ll tell not a soul,” you promised, just in case anyone could truly harm him just by knowing his name.
“I’m counting on that, church mouse.”
When the moment stretched on, you realized that, perhaps, that was not the plan he’d arrived with. Perhaps the both of you, in your youth, had done more for faerie-human relations than you cared to admit, and the thought pleased you to smiling into his shoulder.
He put you down rather gently, as though he was unused to touching you.
You allowed it, reaching for the wet gown you’d started hanging up. Better that then the tattered one. “Will I see you again?”
He had straightened out the fabric of his trousers, and tilted his head as though he was considering it.
“I would quite like to,” you said.
He nodded. Whether that was an acknowledgement or an agreement, you did not ask. You returned to gathering laundry, and by the time you had picked up several more pieces of your clothes, you heard the flap of wings beyond the windows.
Your father never heard you.
You fixed the lines in silence, and re-hung the wash. You took your bath, and you returned to your life almost as though it had never happened.
But you knew you were in no position to protect them. To protect him from them, though you longed to.
By the time you realized you had not bled, you knew it was only a matter of time before your father, your neighbors, possibly even the virtuous queen, found out what had become of you.
The note you left them was simple: No one stole me away.
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
“All you have to do is ask.” Chapter 1 [Reid x Reader]
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Summary: After the BAU consults on a case with BDSM elements relating to femdom, Dr. Spencer Reid has some questions for Reader, who seemed to know just a little too much. Reader is willing to tell the good doctor anything, all he has to do is ask.
Pairing: Spencer Reid / (Female) Reader
Rating: Mature (not all chapters contain smut, those that do will be marked)
Category: Smut, fluff, and a bit of angst.
Word Count: 1.5k for Chapter 1 
Content Warning: Talk of BDSM themes in Chapter 1. No smut until Chapter 3.
A/n: Here it is, the beast that made me start writing again. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
y/n = your name
y/l/n = your last name
italicized text are Reader’s inner thoughts.
-- Chapter 1: “If you have something to say, just say it, Doc.” –
“Guys,” I called back to the team, attempting to keep my voice even. “I think we need to rethink our profile.”
Turning my head, I saw Derek Morgan’s eyebrows raise slightly, disbelief evident on his face. “Alright, how do you figure?”
“Nothing about the unsub being a man fits,” I began. “Garcia has been over every single inch of their lives and she can’t find any shred of evidence that any of our victims were gay.”
“It’s not uncommon for most men that are closeted to be deeply private,” Prentiss chimed in.
I shook my head, turning my body to face the team as they sat around the table. "I could buy that if it was one victim. But all 4? All so in the closet and so careful that Garcia couldn't find anything?" Derek made a noise of agreement, having the utmost faith in his girl, always. "Think about it, we haven't been able to find any DNA on any of the vics. We found semen on their chest and stomach, but it was always their own. And the M.E. found signs of lubricant and latex in their…” I waved my hand widely, gesturing at nothing in particular. I was comfortable with the team, I really was. But I really didn’t want to say, ‘the M.E. said they’d been pounded recently,’ in front of my unit chef.
Clearing my throat, I continued. “There was no DNA. A condom could explain the latex that was found, but that doesn't fit either based on the chemical breakdown of the lube." I took a breath, steeling myself, and schooling my face so I gave nothing away. "The men all fit the same physical type. They're all alpha males, dark hair, mid-30’s, attractive…It’s not uncommon for men in high power jobs to be submissive in the bedroom. They want to give up that control.”
“…So, you think that our unsub is a female? And that these men wanted her to…” the pretty boy’s voice faltered as I turned my eyes towards him. The tips of his ears went a little pink as he cleared his throat. It was probably wrong of me to find his discomfort so attractive and endearing.
“I think they wanted a woman to dominate them,” I finished for him.
Aaron Hotchner, the BAU’s unit chef, frowned; his usual scowl shifting into a more thoughtful scowl. “So, you think the unsub met these men, and they engaged in consensual sex with her.” It wasn’t a question; I could see the wheels turning in his mind. “She might be a part of the BDSM community, if so.”
I let out a small sigh of relief, thankful he’d brought up that point, so I didn't have to. Keeping a secret in a room full of profilers was difficult enough. I was afraid if I seemed too knowledgeable about this they’d begin to suspect something.
I wasn't surprised when they ever-present voice of reason and doubt piped up. "Okay, maybe," Derek said, his mouth open slightly, his tongue pressed behind his front teeth as he thought. "But what about the messages Garcia found? The third victim was having a sexual exchange over text message. He called the unsub "daddy.”
I scoffed, “You think only men can be called daddy?” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Reid’s head snap up and looked at me curiously. Fuck.
Morgan continued. “Well, little missy, have you ever been called daddy?” I don’t know if it was the condescending tone when he said it, or the tiny laugh that left him right afterward that made me be so honest in my answer.
“Yes, Morgan. I have. More than once.”
Derek looked bewildered for a second before he smirked, Prentiss tried to hide her smile behind her hand, Hotch looked at me unflinchingly, as if nothing surprised him. I tried to keep my eyes trained on the 3 of them, but I couldn’t help myself, I had to look at him.
My eyes drifted over to the BAU's resident genius, our pretty boy, Dr. Spencer Reid. His eyes were wide as he stared at me, the apples of his cheeks stained pink. I saw his tongue poke out of the side of his mouth before he licked his full pink lips. He really was a pretty boy, with his angular cheekbones, permanently messy hair, and a jawline that could cut glass. I always found myself focusing on different parts of him. The tendons of his forearms, the veins that ran down to his hands; his hands were so big, his fingers were long. My mind would wander to how pretty they'd look gripping my bedsheets when I-
Stop. Focus.
Sweeping my gaze away from the pretty boy, I settled back on Hotch. He met my gaze evenly, not an ounce of surprise was present in those dark eyes. “Alright. Morgan, ask Garcia to look into the lives of the victims from this angle. Prentiss, when JJ gets back, I want you two to go re-interview the Johnson’s and the Wilson’s.” He swept his gaze back to the case board behind me. “Reid, you stay here and keep working on the geographic profile. Y/n,” his gaze seemed to bore into me. “You stay here with Morgan and explore this theory more. I’m going to go talk to the other two families again.”
He stood and the whole team sprang into action. I couldn’t focus on any of them though. My gaze kept coming back to Spencer Reid, with his warm brown eyes fixed on my face, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth.
All you have to do is ask, Dr. Reid, I thought to myself. I would show him anything he wanted if only he asked.  
I’m not sure how much time had passed; things began to move quickly after Garcia found BDSM pornography in all the victim’s internet search history that featured elements of femdom. Morgan and Prentiss had gone back to the bar the last victim was at the night he died. Hotch was speaking to the local police, telling them to be delicate with this information, no doubt. JJ had stepped into her old role, briefly, drafting a press release.
And here I was, staring at a case board in a conference room in bumfuck Nebraska, with a curious genius pretending not to watch me out of the corner of his eye.
“If you have something to say, just say it, Doc.”
His shoulder’s stiffened, uncomfortable that I had called him out so abruptly.
“W-why would you think I had something to say? I haven’t been able to narrow down the comfort zone any-“
I cut him off. “What you want to ask me isn’t about the case, Doc. Go ahead. We’re friends,” I couldn’t help the small smile that turned my lips upward. “You don’t need to be embarrassed with me.”
Spencer's fingers tapped against the file in his right hand; his posture shifted slightly as he turned from the map and faced me head-on. His eyes looked me up and down quickly before his tongue – that goddamn tongue- came out to wet his lips again. “How did you know all of that? The stuff you told Morgan, I mean. Or how the unsub was a woman?" His voice got stronger the longer he spoke, "Was this something you've seen before?"  
I smirked at him. He really was just too fucking cute. “I saw my fair share of things before I joined the BAU,” I began. “But no, Doc. That’s not how I knew.”
His brows drew together as a frown marred his pretty face. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“No, I didn’t, did I?” I couldn’t help myself. I tried, I really did, but I just couldn’t let this opportunity pass me by. I stalked towards him, my steps slow and purposeful. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed nervously. He didn’t back up though, which was encouraging. I stopped in front of him, close enough that I could look into his eyes and see the tiny flecks of gold, close enough that if I turned and walked away my arm would brush him. But I wasn’t touching him. Not yet. I licked my lips before I spoke again, my voice much quieter, softer. “Ask me what you really want to know, Spencer.”
Maybe it was because I never used his name, maybe it was just his natural curiosity, but he was thrown off enough to ask me what he really wanted to know. “Have you done this before?”
I glanced around to make sure no one had walked into the room because what I was about to say was completely unprofessional, but I had to.
“Done what? Have I tied men to a bed? Have I blindfolded them while I touched them? Have I made them beg for me to fuck them?” Spencer’s mouth opened slightly, his breathing getting heavier as I went on. “Have I fucked them in their pretty little asses while I used my hands on their cocks until they were promising to do anything for me?”
I waited a beat, my face a mask of indifference; but Spencer was a profiler, he could tell I wasn’t indifferent. He gave a shaky nod of affirmation.  
Tilting my head to the side slightly, I let a smile spread over my face before I leaned closer to him, like I was sharing a secret.
“Yes, Dr. Reid, I have.”
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imagineaworlds · 3 years
I Love You (Part Fifty-Nine) -- Aaron Hotchner
Written By: @desperately-bisexual
Request: None.
Warnings: SMUT!! Cursing. Unprotected sex. Wrap it before you tap it, ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinary sibs. Dom/sub relationship. Bondage (ropes and handcuffs). Spanking. Sex toys (dildo and vibrator). Edging. Impregnation kink. The reader does go by they/them pronouns, however, Hotch refers to them as female when saying “good girl”. Revenge pornography. Non-consented photographed pornography.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Greenaway!Reader
Word Count: 4564
Timeline: Right after part fifty-eight.
Criminal Minds Discord Server
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When Sean left, Hotch saw him out, leading him downstairs and hailing a cab on his behalf. I watched from the window all the way up on our floor as Hotch waved goodbye to his brother. And then I raced to the living room. I waited in front of the door, tapping my foot anxiously, watching the doorknob until I saw it twist.
Hotch stepped in, silently closing the door behind him before he even looked up to see me standing there. And then our eyes met. My shoulders fell when I saw how disappointed he looked, and how upset he seemed about the whole situation. I didn’t need anyone to lay the details out for me. Knowing what Sean did, and knowing Hotch, I knew that Sean was now on his way to go turn himself in for illegally selling the alcohol from his old job—including the spiked bottles. For Hotch, the thought along was probably torture. But the fact that he was the reason that his own sibling was going to prison… that was unbearable, I could tell.
“I’m so sorry, my love,” I whispered, carefully approaching him. He slid his palms onto my cheeks. “It’s going to be okay.” I leaned up on my tiptoes to kiss him. When he didn’t kiss back, I asked, “Do you want to talk about it?”
He shook his head. “Honestly… I just want to forget about it for now and continue where we left off before this whole mess came about. Can we do that?”
“Of course.”
Hotch leaned in this time, kissing me with a desperate and fiery passion compared to my light and gentle kiss prior, and I kissed back. It took a few minutes for us to slide into Dom and sub space. We were stumbling around the house, hands wandering around each other’s bodies, breathless kisses stringing one after the other, moans escaping us every so often as he got hard and I got wet. And then we made it to the bedroom.
I tried to jump up and into his arms, but he held me down, Dom space finally setting in. I watched him, trying to gauge if it was worth being a brat right now or not. I couldn’t tell. Honestly, when Hotch was stressed by outside pressures, he had a tendency to lose his cool and take it out on me—not that I ever minded—but since he has a tendency to Dom drop after intense scenes, I was worried that me acting up would make his temper worse, and while it would be fun for the next few hours, he was ultimately going to crash hard, and I didn’t want to do that to him now.
“Whatever you want,” I whispered to him. “I’m yours.” I looked over his shoulder to see the black box still sitting on the dresser from where we left off earlier. “Black box?” He nodded. “I love you.” I moved to kiss him, but he wrapped his hand around my neck and squeezed until I stopped moving. “Sir,” I quickly added. “I love you, Sir.”
He was still glaring at me slightly as he moved his hand from my neck up to my chin, holding me still so that I had to stare directly into his eyes as he pressed his thumb against my lips. I knew what he wanted. Since Halloween, he had discovered just how much he loved it when I would suck on his thumb because it wasn’t enough for me to know that I was getting him off, but it reminded him of what it felt like to have my mouth around his length. In a way, I supposed, it was some kind of punishment. It was like telling me that I wasn’t worth his cock, and I fucking loved it.
“Down,” he said gruffly, his thumb pushing on the soft patch of my mouth under my tongue. I moved with the pressure, slowly laying down on my back while he towered over me. “Suck.” I closed my lips around him and sucked on his thumb like he asked. “I think…” He hesitated as my tongue maneuvered under his thumb and licked. “I think I need to do more.”
I knew what he meant. We were rough, but there was always an extent with him. He never, ever wanted to hurt me, and I, of course, appreciated that. But I could see how stressed he was. I could tell that he needed to somehow get his anger out about Sean. If he needed to, he could do more with me. He could be different with me. If there was ever a point that I thought he was going too far, I’d stop him. He had to know that. I trusted him wholeheartedly, and I needed him to trust me.
I slowly slid my mouth off his thumb. “I’ll use Colors.”
“I won’t gag you, then.”
I nodded. “I’ll be fine.”
“I love you.”
“I love you,” I repeated lustfully.
He quickly grabbed the hem of my pants and panties together. With one smooth motion, he pulled them down and off my legs entirely, then threw them somewhere else in the room. I hissed at the feeling.
Hotch flipped me onto my stomach roughly, making sure to lean back in time so that I wouldn’t accidentally kick him. I gasped as he did so, trying to bite back any questions or retorts running through my head. After a moment of watching me get settled, Hotch slapped my ass. I yelped and tried to crawl away somewhat, but Hotch grabbed my thighs to hold me still. With his grip still on my left thigh, he raised his right hand again and smacked me. I yelped again.
“Shut up,” he demanded.
I whimpered before biting down on the sheet. When he knew that I was ready, he switched which hand was grabbing and which one was in the air. I tensed up, waiting for the next smack, but it didn’t come. I shifted around somewhat, trying to get a feel of where he was, and the second my guard was down, he slapped my ass again. And then he did again even harder. My teeth grabbed the sheet harder as I suppressed a moan.
“Good girl.”
Both of his hands were off of me now, hanging somewhere up in the air. I tensed again as I waited, but Hotch was playing a game. He was waiting for an appropriate amount of time to pass before I would subconsciously relax, and then he’d ruin it by spanking me again. Just as predicted, both of his hands came down on me when I let out a breath and released my hold on the sheets slightly.
“Fuck!” I cried out.
“Color,” he said after hesitating for a moment.
“Green, Sir.” Of course, it was green. I didn’t hate it. I didn’t want him to stop. If this was “more”, I wanted to know what absolutely losing control was, because this was hardly more. But maybe that was just the difference between me and Hotch.
“Good girl,” he cooed happily. After a moment, while I still expected him to spank me again, but I didn’t tense up to keep playing along with his game, he surprised me when two of his fingers dragged up my slit from my clit to my entrance.
“Sir,” I moaned, falling limp against the bed.
“I told you to be quiet, brat.” He spanked me with a little more force than before. I nearly moaned again, but I held it back by biting on the sheets again. “I don’t want to gag you, baby, but you’ve gotta be quiet for me.” I nodded. “Good girl.” He shifted off the bed and I heard him sifting through the black box. “Blue or purple?” he asked himself quietly. “Blue.”
I whimpered and cringed slightly, trying to pull my body together like that would somehow make me disappear. But it didn’t do anything. Hotch still noticed me, and he was still excited to toy with me. So, when I felt the mattress sink behind me as he crawled back onto the bed, I prepared for the worst.
Hotch grabbed my left ankle and bent it backwards up to my thigh carefully to make sure it wasn’t too painful for me. When I didn’t say anything, he kept going. I felt the sting of rope dig around my ankle and thigh as he expertly tied them together. He asked if that felt alright once I was secured and I couldn’t even wiggle my calf away from my thigh. After I told him it was fine, he moved to do the same thing with the other leg.
I didn’t even realize Hotch was capable of doing a Shibari leg tie— especially one like this. I hadn’t taught him how to do it, that was for sure. Yeah, there had been mentions of it over the course of a few different cases over the years, but that always seemed like Reid and Rossi’s thing. I never thought that Hotch would go out of his way to learn how to do it. This kind of bondage wasn’t at all “vanilla” compared to what he was used to. He liked simply tying me to the bed with knots or using handcuffs if he needed. But Shibari took skill and time. This one wasn’t the most complicated of ties, to be fair, but still. The positioning and the spiraling ropes and knots around my thighs and calves was impressive. That must have been the “more” he had been referencing.
“Color, baby,” he whispered while admiring his work. He leaned down to kiss my shoulder blade and I bit back a moan when I felt his clothed erection press against my core. When I told him that my color was still green, he smirked against my skin and grinded against me, probably leaving a wet spot on his pants. “You’re so wet, baby, and all I’ve done is spank you.” He sat up straight again, and in an instant, he started spanking both of my cheeks again and again as hard as he was willing to go with me. My thighs squirmed and my toes wiggled around, but that was the extent of how far I could move now. “Look at you,” he chuckled. “At my mercy.”
I turned to puddy under him in response. It didn’t matter how hard he was continuously hitting me, his words never failed to make me swoon and submit. Then, when he suddenly leaned down and licked a single strip up my slit, I floundered again. It felt so good, and I was desperate for more of that, but he had already pulled away because he knew that it felt too good.
“You taste so good, baby,” he complimented before lightly spanking me one more time. We both sighed when he stopped, but obviously for different reasons. As he rolled off the bed again, I slumped and tried to catch my breath. “I like watching you squirm. It’s my favorite part when I tie you up. But you know what’s even better— the real cherry on top, if you will.” It was a rhetorical question. “I like watching you fall apart when I don’t give you permission to cum. I like how it becomes almost painful for you to keep edging and holding your orgasms back.” He approached the bed once more. “Hands back.” I did as I was told, stretching my arms behind me, and pressing my wrists together. The freezing metal touch of handcuffs slapped against both of my wrists and he tightened both ends as much as possible. My face fell into the mattress when I felt the tip of a toy press against my clit. I knew that it wasn’t him. I could tell the difference between cold, soft rubber and his warm, hard cock. “It’s the blue one,” he explained.
I only had two different dildos. A purple and a blue one. Before, when Hotch was whispering to himself, I thought he was debating between rope colors, but I soon realized that he was planning ahead for the real torture to come. The purple one was slimmer, but it was more Hotch’s length. The blue one, his favorite, was only a few inches shorter, but it was much thicker. He liked watching it stretch me whenever he’d thrust it in and out of me at an unrelenting pace. He enjoyed watching how the first few seconds of insertion made me tense and cringe as I tried to accommodate the toy. He liked imaging that it was him doing that to me while still enjoying how it tortured me that it wasn’t really him.
“Do you want it?” he asked wickedly. I nodded. “Say it.”
“I want it, Sir. Please, Sir.”
Hotch slowly slid the dildo in, listening to me moan as I was stretched and filled by every inch. The rubber feel was an obvious difference in comparison to Hotch’s dick, but it still felt good regardless. “Don’t push it out,” he ordered once I had all of it inside me. I gulped and nodded. I squeezed my walls around the girth of it, making sure to hold it in place. “Good girl.” And then he pressed a working vibrator to my clit.
“Sir—” I gasped. My fingers stretched out, trying to reach for the toys I clearly wouldn’t be able to move away.
“I want you to beg for more.”
My eyes shot wide as I glanced up at the headboard. “Sir?”
“I won’t gag you; so, I want to hear you beg for what you want, knowing that I won’t give it to you. Maybe then I’ll think about letting you cum.”
“Please—” I immediately stopped when I felt him turn up the speed on the vibrator and hold it steady so that it was pressed directly on my clit. “Please, Sir. Please. Please. Please—”
“You’re going to have to do better than that, slut,” he hissed as he spanked me with his free hand. I tried to hide my face in the mattress again, but Hotch fisted his hand around my hair and pulled me to look up at the headboard. “I told you to beg.”
I took a moment to collect my thoughts while my eyes were screwed shut in response to my hair being pulled and held. “Sir… Please fuck me with the toy. Please make me cum—” My breath sputtered as Hotch released my hair, and grabbed the end of the dildo, then slowly and barely fucked it in and out of me. I fell forwards against the bed. “Just like that, Sir— Fuck! Yes— Please, Sir. Don’t stop. Please make me cum. Please let me cum.”
“So needy,” he hummed happily.
“I’m gonna—”
“No.” He caught me before I could even say it. He stole the vibrator away from me, ensuring that my peak could subside before it could even really build in the first place. I whined and squirmed. “Hold fucking still, whore.” He spanked me again, and I obeyed. He started moving the dildo again, making sure that its pace and strength wasn’t hard enough to wind me up again. “Color.”
“Green, Sir.”
“My good girl…” He slapped my thigh. “Do you want it again?” he asked when the buzzing of the vibrator echoed in the room again.
“Yes, Sir.”
He pressed it to my clit, making me squirm around the dildo. “Hold still or I’ll take it all away.” I whimpered. “I’ll just leave you like this while I cum in you and plug you full.” I whimpered again. “And then I’ll use you whenever I want.” I moaned. “You want me to use you like that, whore?” I moaned. “Speak.”
“Yes, Sir.”
He chuckled to himself. “You’re so predictable.” He lifted the vibrator away from me again. “I can see you tensing around the toy every time you get close. You’ve gotta work on hiding it better.”
“Sir, please, I’ll do anything. Just let me cum. Please.”
“No.” He pressed it to me again, holding it there until I was at the very edge again, at which point, he took it away again. “How many is that now?” I was too frustrated to answer. “That wasn’t rhetorical, slut.” He spanked me again.
After I jolted and whimpered, I said, “Three, Sir.”
“Aw… Just three? You’ve done more before and you’ve never complained this much.”
“Well, you did leave me hanging earlier after a hard edge—”
He grabbed my hair again. “And I told you I would make it up to you. Am I not doing that now?” Now I was too scared to say anything. “If you’re not careful, I’ll just ruin you, then fuck your mouth so you don’t get anything out of it, then I will plug you full and leave you here. Got it? That isn’t rhetorical, either.”
“Yes, Sir,” I answered as quickly as possible. “I understand, Sir.”
He let go of my hair so that he could start fucking the dildo in and out of me again while pressing the vibrator back against my clit. I let out a defeated moan. I wasn’t going to escape this. Hotch was going to keep torturing me, and I the only choice I had was to accept it.
Another few edges passed, and every time they did, it got harder and harder to hold them back. Hotch wasn’t showing any remorse. But I could feel him getting antsy behind me, with how he was groaning and obviously palming himself while watching me squirm, cry, and scream. He was enjoying watching me suffer. After a bit longer, though, he couldn’t hold himself back any longer, just like on Halloween, and he had to have me.
Hotch pulled the dildo out of me and dropped it on the mattress, ignoring the way I whimpered when my walls clenched around nothing. He waited for another edge to approach before pulling the vibrator away. I whined.
“You never shut up,” he hissed, lining himself up with my entrance.
“Fuck, Sir…”
“Shhh… Just take… all of me…” He roughly thrust into me, holding me still my grabbing onto my hips.
“You’re so wet, shit—” It was like he couldn’t process any coherent thoughts either, because he stopped talking and just focused on fucking me as fast and hard as he could. “I love you.”
I wiggled my fingers behind my back for a second before I felt him hold my hands with one of his large palms. “Sir… Sir, please—”
He chuckled wickedly, knowing exactly why I was pleading, and he gave me what he wanted. Still fucking me from behind, he somehow managed to get the vibrator right against my clit, immediately tipping me over the edge. He hissed again when I tightened around his cock.
“I’m gonna cum, baby,” he growled into my ear. I moaned lightly. “Fuck—” He tightened his grip on my hips as his thrusts sped up and got harder. “Fuck, princess.” Holy shit. I melted at the name that wasn’t at all common for us, and I felt another orgasm already crashing through me without warning because of it. He snapped his hips forward, staying there as he came inside me, making sure that I took every single drop from him. I moaned into the sheets. “Fuck…” He was breathless now. After a second, he slowly slid in and out of me again, making us both whimper because we were so sensitive. “You did so well for me.” He ran his thumbs over the sore spots on my ass. “So well…” He finally slid out of me. “Are you okay?” I nodded. “Words.”
“Yes, Sir. I’m okay.” I collapsed onto the bed again, unable to keep myself up any longer.
Hotch chuckled. “I told you I’d break you.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
He found the end of the Shibari tie on my left leg and carefully started undoing it, holding my ankle to make sure that the second I had wiggle room I wouldn’t try to stretch and end up hurting myself. I let him kiss his way up from my ankle to my hip bone once the rope was gone from my skin, giving him a chance to slowly and safely stretch out. When my leg was completely extended and relaxed, he moved to the other one. I waited as he did the same thing.
When he was done, I rolled over to watch as he cleaned everything up. He wiped the toys down, putting them back in the black box, along with the ropes and handcuffs. After that, he disappeared to the bathroom. I smiled when he returned with a towel to clean me up since I was too weak right now to go do it myself. I moaned when he passed the towel between my thighs—but it wasn’t a sexual moan. I was just relaxing.
“You still okay?” he asked, tossing the towel to the side and climbing onto the bed with me. I nodded.
“Are you gonna drop?” I asked him worriedly while turning over to hug him. He hugged me back and hummed a “no” while kissing the top of my head. “You sure?”
“Yes. I’m sure.”
“You’re not lying?”
Hotch chuckled. “I’m not lying. Are you dropping?”
I shrugged. I wasn’t quite sure yet. It didn’t feel like dropping, but I didn’t feel entirely right either. I was probably just exhausted. I needed some food and some sleep. “I don’t think so. Maybe? I don’t know.”
“Let’s get ahead of it before it happens, then.”
Even though it always helped to be in his arms and to just feel his love, Hotch escaped my hold for a short moment to race to the closet to grab something. I watched the doorway suspiciously. When he came back out, he was wearing grey sweatpants, and he was holding a pair of his checkered blue pajama pants and an old college t-shirt. I smiled while sitting up in bed.
“I found this hiding somewhere the other day,” he told me, handing the clothes over. “I figured you’re probably getting bored of all the other clothes you’ve stolen from me—”
“I didn’t steal them. I’m just borrowing them long term. You can take them back any time you want.”
He shook his head while crashing back onto the bed with me. “Nah. I like that they’re yours now. You know how much I love watching you walk around wearing my stuff.”
“Yeah, because you can’t wait to tear it off of me again.” I pulled the shirt over my head and immediately felt safe and comfortable once it was settled around my body. I smiled and hugged my body.
“Or because I see that look on your face and I fall in love you all over again.”
I looked at him. “What face?”
“The one where you try to suppress a smile, so you close your eyes while deep in thought, and your nose scrunches, and your lips curl up, and then you look so… at peace…”
I rolled over to lay my torso on his, propping my head up on his left peck while staring at him. He brushed his fingers through my hair. “You have a look, too.”
“What is it?”
“You’re wearing it right now.”
He tried to change his expressions, but it didn’t matter because it didn’t do anything. The “look” was when he would fall in love with me again, just as he said he always did. His wrinkles would fade somewhat—but not my favorite smile line on his cheek—and his eyes would soften to the point that they had cartoonish heart reflections in the corners, his eyebrows would pout, and a toothy grin would slowly grow on his face. Every time. I had noticed it every day since we first met. Even when we were just acquaintances at work and he would continuously pass my desk just to see me, I could see that look on his face. Back then, I didn’t know what it meant. When I joined the team, the look faded away altogether because he was trying to hide how he felt about me, but ever since that day when we saved Elle on that train down in Texas, I had noticed that look was back, and I knew exactly what it meant. He loved me. He truly, infinitely, wholeheartedly, no doubt about it… loved me.
“You’re a sap, Agent Hotchner,” he whispered to me.
“I could say the same about you, Agent Hotchner.”
His fingers withdrew from my hair so that he could grab my hand and intertwine his grasp with mine. We smiled at each other. “I love you…” He kissed my knuckles. “Thank you for… Well, for tonight.”
I tugged his hand back to me, kissing his knuckles this time. “You are so very welcome, my love.”
Just as Hotch’s phone started ringing, we both groaned, and he rolled somewhat to answer. “Garcia, please tell me we don’t have another case.”
“No, sir, it’s not that. You remember how you and Section Chief Strauss asked me to keep an eye on that thing that no one else was supposed to know about and I’ve done a really good job so far of not telling anyone, even though more and more stuff keeps happening, and it’s getting really hard to not tell Morgan—”
“Garcia, breathe.”
She sucked in a shaky breath. “Okay.”
“What happened?”
“The thing you told me to look into… The Replicator…”
“Who’s The Replicator?” I asked.
Garcia stumbled. “I—Sir, I didn’t know I was on speaker.”
Hotch looked at me. “He’s an Unsub we’ve been tracking. I’ll tell you about it later. Garcia, what happened with him?”
“He, uh, he hacked my system. He… He went to my house, and he… He got everything.”
“How do you know that it was him?”
“He, um…” Garcia hesitated, choking back a sob. “He sent these pictures of you guys… You guys, um… in bed... and he had pictures of Scarlet, Jessica, and Jack when Morgan was with them at the park the other day.”
My heart sank. I didn’t even care about the first part. He had pictures of our babies. He had been watching them like he was watching us. “Aaron—”
“Garcia, send a team to our house, have them brought back to the office again. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir. Right away.” She hung up as quickly as she could so that she could reach out to Jessica and Will—just to make sure that he and Henry would be safe, too.
I felt my breath hitch and stay like that, as if I couldn’t breathe at all. My babies. That monster had pictures of my little man and my lil’ bug… No… Anyone but them. They didn’t need to get dragged into our messes like Foyet had dragged Jack into it. But then there were the pictures of us. Garcia said that we were in bed in the photos—I looked out the large window of the bedroom to see all the other windows on the building just across the street from ours. He could have been anywhere.
criminal minds family: @peggy1999 @gorgeousdarkangel @alex--awesome--22 @oceaneblu @brithedemonspawn @absolutemarveltrash @bshelley322 @rousethemouse @sunshinepower17 @weexinling @pettttyyyc​ @Braty-angel @Braxdix
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officerjennie · 3 years
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DIY Porn: Bard Tested, Bard Approved
CW: Smut, bondage, gags, toys, some D/s, DIY porn
Rating: E
Summary: Dandelion and Jaskier have the brilliant idea to make their own porn when the internet fails them, so Dandelion gets tied up, gagged, and fucked. But it seems they might have gotten the roles mixed up by the end. WC: 2.7k+.
A special thanks to @jaskierswolf Bard Peddler Extraordinaire for doing their peddling job so well <3
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This was a sight Jaskier would never forget.
Dandelion was kneeling in the floor for him. They’d cleared out the center of the room just for this show, having had to push much of their stuff out of the way, leaving only a floral rug for him to kneel on. Jaskier couldn’t help but lick his lips even as he tried to focus on the camera, setting up the tripod at just the right angle to capture the scene that they’d gone over several times before their night had begun.
It had been wonderful luck that the two’s kinks lined up so beautifully. But the internet, as vast and wondrous as it was, could never seem to satisfy exactly what they needed. It had been Dandelion’s idea to make their own pornography when site after site gave them nothing, or at least what it gave was subpar to what their fantasies had crafted for them - and Jaskier had jumped on the idea, more than willing to run the extra mile to see the poet tied up and gagged with his body begging for him.
And that’s exactly the pretty picture Dandelion was for him at that moment, splashed with color in the viewfinder, red silk rope running all across his body and making Jaskier’s fingers itch to get back on his skin.
But he had to wait, just as Dandelion did, because as much as he really wouldn’t mind doing this all over again he was desperate himself to see exactly how pretty they could be together.
It took some doing, figuring out the right angle. And maybe Jaskier took his time just so Dandelion had to wait longer, the poet’s cock leaking precum that dripped down onto the rug below him, jerking movements attempting to gain friction, his body occasionally spasming in that way that told Jaskier his beautiful poet was clenching around the plug stuffed up his arse.
“Going to be good for me, love?”
He was finally ready. Coming over to brush the blond curls away from Dandelion’s face, to see those beautiful blue eyes glistening with tears from want, the gag in his mouth preventing him from saying anything - and at that moment Dandelion was all the more beautiful for his silence.
It was sometimes infuriating how good Dandelion was with his words. They were both masters of their art but Dandelion - oh Dandelion could reduce Jaskier to nothing but a sputtering mess, his eloquence leaving him speechless, taking coherent thought away from him whenever the poet saw fit to do so. Jaskier loved his poet but for this he needed control, craved it, and there was no way to maintain it if Dandelion could speak.
Convenient, then, that his dear friend wanted to relinquish control so badly.
“You look beautiful like this.” Jaskier leaned across his back, pressing against his bare flesh with his still-clothed body, skimming a hand down his friend’s chest while breathing in his ear. He felt the poet shudder under his touch, felt the whine that desperately wanted to escape his lips but was held back by the gag. The robe was wondrous to feel tied around him making Jaskier’s heartbeat pick up its pace as his hand traveled down, down towards the patch of blond curls he knew waited for his fingers at the base of Dandelion’s cock - and another desperate whine tried its best to be heard.
“Tied up all pretty for me,” he breathed as his fingers found their way through the blond curls, teasing, not touching the aching cock that would have begged for his touch if it could. Dandelion jerked under him, his eyes watering further, pink splashed across his cheeks and chest, and Jaskier had never more than then wanted to know what pink tasted like. “Bet your hole is just begging for the real thing, isn’t it, dearheart? Gods but you’re going to be tight, I know you are, going to clench around me and eat me right up.”
A choked sound came from his friend and Jaskier was once again so grateful his friend couldn’t speak, knowing it was only the gag that kept Jaskier in control - and his control was already such a weak thing. He was weak for his poet, always drawn to him, consumed by him.
Jaskier licked his lips as he leaned back to admire his handiwork again. Red rope tied around him in pretty little knots that he’d spent an egregious amount of time learning to perfect. And really, he knew they weren’t perfect quite yet, could see where he’d struggled when the rope wouldn’t work with him. Some of the knots were a little too loose, some a little too tight, some not quite aligned perfectly with the others. But fuck if it hadn’t been hot to gag Dandelion and tie him up, the poet not even able to laugh as Jaskier struggled and cursed while working the rope around him.
Which is exactly why the gag had been stuffed into his mouth first, and the ropes had come next.
All in all, though it wasn’t the perfect job, Jaskier had done well. Practice had paid off, all of the books he’d poured over trying to find the best technique, the best pattern to tie his friend into. And Dandelion looked good in red; he licked his lips again, his hand running up his friend’s back between his shoulder blades, wondering what other colors would suit him.
They would have to do this again. For the video, of course. Jaskier’s eyes flickered over to the camera, checking that the red light was blinking, that it was still recording. There was no way they’d make the perfect video the first go around, but fuck was it going to be glorious to watch himself take Dandelion apart. All those times they’d fucked in front of a mirror had been fucking wonderful but memories alone could only get him so far when he was by himself.
And there was a thought that had his cock twitching in his pants. Filmed in front of a mirror, without Dandelion talking his brain senseless. Gods but he needed that.
He had to shake his head, clear his own thoughts, force himself to live one fantasy at a time. When his hand reached the long blond curls he wrapped his fingers in them, smirk on his lips as he got ready to put on a show for them, the future audience.
With a rough tug, he yanked Dandelion back, reveling in the whimper it drew from him. But before Dandelion could properly adjust his weight Jaskier was shoving him forward, forcing Dandelion to put his pretty little arse on display for him. It was impossible to form words when he slid his hands down to spread his cheeks apart, catching sight of the light blue plug that kept Dandelion worked open for him, his hole pink and slick from where he’d prepped himself before he’d even come over.
Jaskier couldn’t- he just couldn’t with this man. He had to bite back a whimper himself, knowing just how gorgeous Dandelion looked purring around his own fingers, his curls mussed up from how he’d grip his own hair, the way his whole body flushed as he gasped and drove himself wild with pleasure. Was there truly any way to ever think around this man when Jaskier knew him so well?
“Bet you want to beg me to fill you up, don’t you?” It was faux control that colored his tone, his words more breathless than they should have been, the urge to touch finally winning as his fingers found the end of the plug. Dandelion quivered around it as he took hold of it, spinning the toy inside of him, Jaskier’s hips gently rocking despite himself as he heard the muffled whimpers and moans it drew from his poet. “Want to beg me to fuck you, spill in you, fuck darling you’ll be so gorgeous leaking my cum.”
Jaskier could barely keep his eyes open at the thought, pulling the toy out just the smallest bit and pushing it ever so slowly back in. And he knew Dandelion would be writhing if he could, would be talking and moaning until Jaskier’s brain was nothing but static and the desire to please him - it was already slipping there without the aid of Dandelion’s voice, and it was infuriating in the best of ways.
There were not enough words in the lexicon to describe how Dandelion looked at that moment. Bent over and needy, wanting, leaking precum wiggling pitifully in his binds. The plug working slowly in and out of him and driving Jaskier crazy as it did, his own hips unable to stay still knowing how that tight hole would feel around him, how well he could fill it and fuck it. And he needed it desperately, to fuck his Dandelion like the poet wanted him to.
Gods but he couldn’t take it anymore. He’d wanted to tease Dandelion for a while, leave him wanting, but it didn’t feel right leaving him clenching around a plug when it should be his cock. Jaskier had meant to drive him crazy edging him, had wanted to suck his aching cock and have Dandelion sobbing from it but he wanted to fuck him, please him, be good for him.
The ties to his pants could not come undone fast enough. He didn’t bother taking off his clothes and just fished out his cock, a whimper quivering his breaths when he had it in hand, and he almost forgot the plug was in the way when he went to rub it between the poet’s ass cheeks. It could probably be played off like he’d just been wanting to tease him but Jaskier wasn’t sure, and couldn’t quite think straight, the fuzz in his mind taking the words away as he felt the other’s hot skin around his cock.
The plug had to go. It dropped heavy on the rug next to them, and Jaskier had to fight to keep himself from thrusting into him hard. Had to fight to remind himself to go slow, that this was meant to be a show, a performance - he was good at those, good at performing, but the world was slipping from him and he couldn’t quite remember why it was so important to put on a show.
When the tip of his cock popped past the ring of tight muscles, Jaskier thought he might lose control. Curses dripped between breaths as his hands shook, one clenching on Dandelion’s hip, the other soothing his friend’s back - and he’d entirely forgotten that he’d been meaning to speak filth to him, to speak in commands, because all he could do was moan and stammer out in starts and stops over how good Dandelion felt around him.
All of his control was spent pushing slowly into him. Working his way to the point where they rested fully against each other, where he felt the whole of his length being clenched rhythmically by his poet. His breaths were trembling things, small noises whimpered out here and there, his eyes hardly able to focus past the feeling of Dandelion around him. Dandelion, his Dandelion, who was doing his best to get him to fuck into him and Jaskier had ever found him the most difficult person in the world to say no to.
How could he say no then?
There was a rhythm to his thrusts at the start. Slow out, fast in, his hands hardly able to keep themselves still on Dandelion’s skin. He felt every inch he could reach, at first just because he could, but then his fingers found the spots that he knew made Dandelion tremble. The poet’s thighs had always been especially sensitive and though it was difficult to caress them in just the right way as he thrusted into him Jaskier tried.
But the heat was consuming him. His mind was hazy. His words made no sense - and really he wasn’t sure if he was speaking words at all anymore, lost in the desire to make Dandelion feel good, to be good for him, his fingertips finding the rope at the poet’s thighs and a yearning built up in him.
There was no rhythm then. Jaskier couldn’t help himself, laying against his friend’s back, hearing the muffled moans and suddenly finding his own too loud.
Dandelion was gorgeous, all tied up in red. Left wanting, left to his mercy, but Jaskier wasn’t thinking on that anymore. All thoughts of the porno they were filming had left his mind so far behind he couldn’t even remember they were doing it, his hands greedy things as they felt around Dandelion’s body, feeling the rope and wanting and yearning to know.
He was whimpering, shaking against Dandelion’s back, and Dandelion wasn’t whining anymore. Every clench of the tight muscles that were wrapped around Jaskier’s cock was purposeful, every one of them sending his thoughts scattering further until his mind was nothing but static and desperation - and the last coherent thought he had was that of course Dandelion found a way to be in control even when relinquishing it all over to him.
As his hands roamed Dandelion’s body, his fingers desperately feeling the rope, it felt wrong that his own arms and legs had such freedom. As his whines and whimpers grew higher in pitch the room felt so full of them, the air so empty of that voice that usually spoke him through to the edge and beyond, so void of those words that could so easily make him a begging mess of please and more. When he spilled into him, he cried out, babbling and fucking his seed deep inside of Dandelion - and all he wanted was to feel Dandelion’s cum inside of him, dripping out of him, down his thighs as his own cock was left untouched and aching.
Jaskier couldn’t stop shaking against him. Even after the high of his orgasm left him, even as he laid against his back, he shook, wanting, needing - he needed so much but he wasn’t sure what he needed, but Dandelion would know. As soon as that truth was known to him he was reaching out, fumbling with the gag in Dandelion’s mouth, needing to hear him speak.
“That’s it, pet,” Dandelion gasped out the moment the gag was gone, and relief washed over Jaskier the instant he heard his voice. It was safe, it was warm, it was right, and some of the shaking went away. “What a wonderful mess you’ve made the both of us, such a beautiful job you’ve done. Now, why don’t you take this rope off of me. Think you can manage that for me, darling?”
Jaskier would attempt anything in the world if it was for Dandelion at that moment. It took a while, his fingers and hands couldn’t stop trembling, but as Dandelion talked him through it Jaskier slipped further and further until he was nothing but a man in Dandelion’s lap, a mess for Dandelion to fix, to lead and guide, and to use as he wished.
“I think we might have made a bit of a mistake in our planning, darling.” Dandelion kissed the top of his head and Jaskier whimpered, already hard once more, feeling Dandelion’s aching and neglected cock pressing against his thigh. “Think we might have to try again. Would you like me to tie you up this time?”
Jaskier had never wanted anything more in his life. He needed to feel secured, held down, needed to hear Dandelion’s voice when he couldn’t make any sounds of his own, when his world would be naught but Dandelion’s voice, his command, his hands, his body.
They had gotten it very wrong their first time, but they were both more than happy to rectify that wrong - and Jaskier, after this was all over, after he was sobbing around the gag in his mouth and dripping Dandelion’s seed, desperately trying to clench and keep it all in, after Dandelion took him apart and put him back together with skilled hands and a dangerous silver tongue-
-after all of this was over, when they’d sit back and enjoy the footage played back on Jaskier’s laptop, he’d be forever grateful that the camera had been rolling the whole time.
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potteresque-ire · 4 years
Hi! I have been reading your posts and responses to anonymous and I am inclined to comment on your broadly realistic views and detailed analystic answers and let us not forget your ability to be warm in putting forward your opinions. I am truly a huge fan. Thank you for being a station for various answer seekers.
If you have time and patience, please elaborate on the situation GG is still facing post 227. Recently I read various comments insinuating GG copied DD for Douyin night which is absurd but the implication that only one party is still being targeted unnecessarily raise hackles of a lot of solo fans. And I, under any circumstances, DO NOT believe the involvement of the other party. Firm believer of BJYXSZD.
My point is what is being done to stop these antis from targeting GG. Since one of the motive to target GG is to severe the relationship of GG and DD, IMO at least. Does constant attack (external stimulus) on GG (belittling him by comparing him to DD) may have the possibility to effect their relationship (internal reaction)? Objectively yes, but given your perception of their relationship, what is your opinion in this matter, however subjective it may be?
Moreover, how much extreme and sometimes irrational analysis done by bjyx community can lead to harm to both of them especially GG?
Also, I have seen DD being the captain of BJYX in various circumstances but also throwing off people from their old predicted/maintened theories especially in case of Kadians. I am not sure how much to trust these 'candies' since he has a reputation of not giving a f*** of others opinion. So why would he post GG related or non-related content with same kadians. I mean if he posts private content with GG related kadian then why post promotional content with GG related kadian. Does it imply that kadians are related to GG or not or he doesn't care and we are thinking too much. I am not sure what I am writing now, maybe multitude of thoughts poring out here. I am extremely sorry for that.
I do not know whether people believe or not but 1st post by GG yesterday had initials YB in the circle. Not at all explicit, and depends on believers but I felt like he was just trolling BJYX, it may be good naturedly but after his promotional brand picture of shrimp in bunny's hand. I do not know I just felt, dissappointed/bitter/unsure about all of this. I think it is normal to feel this way from time to time even for SZD because along with emotional investment we have rational perspective which is necessary to scrutinize evidence(maybe) from time to time.
I whole heartedly apologize for writing an essay length ask, this is the reason I wanted your patience 😅.
If any other blogger wants to add or comment on this please feel free to do so. Your suggestions are highly welcomed. 🙏
Hello Anon!
I take it that your questions about safety are concerned about the behaviour of c-solos and c-turtles? International fans aren’t likely to put Gg and Dd at any risk. That said, however, frequent fighting among i-fans would likely drain Gg and Dd’s international fanbase, as many fans do not enjoy being a combative atmosphere (I, for one, will run away as quickly as a turtle can run!). Lost i-fans can’t be easily replenished, whether they’re turtles or solos ~ The Untamed, as a foreign language show so beloved that fans are willing to scale tall language and cultural barriers to understand it, isn’t something that comes around often. (stanning Gg and/or Dd does take a lot of work!)
About the arguments. I probably only know about a fraction of them since I do not interact directly with fans outside Tumblr . As far as I can tell, however, recent arguments among c-solos and c-turtles have been ordinary fights, and also, fairly “bi-directional” between the solos (ie. I don’t think Gg or Dd has been relatively exempt from attacks compared to each other). 
These arguments can be heated and some of the attacks may sound vicious, but there’s nothing much to worry about from a safety angle, as they haven’t caught the attention of those outside the fan circles.
The theorising by turtles are also not inherently dangerous. c-turtles have mostly been careful about keeping their discussions among themselves. The only risk it may lead to in the future, that I can think of right now, is the associated YiZhan content on China-based websites (ex. Bilibili, Douyin), which has become fairly plentiful. YiZhan candies used to be relatively obscure given the guidelines of CP fans to keep them among themselves (they call this practice 圈地自萌, literally, drawing a circle on the ground and have fun in it by oneself). These days, however, anyone who’s curious can get a good sense of YiZhan’s story by browsing Bilibili. 
This probably contributes to the continued growth of the turtle population; however, some of this content is created by non-turtles who seek viewership and have little concern over Gg and Dd’s safety. They are the ones who re-upload the BTS, for example, despite the repeated pleas and warnings by the “站姐”s—the superfans who take/purchase these videos—as well as the turtles to not do that. If these content creators go overboard, there’s a possibility that YiZhan content may get caught in the government’s “Eradicating Pornography and Illegal Publications”(掃黃打非) movement. The movement originated in the mid 2000s, and its recent waves have been used as pretext to remove LGBT+ and BL content on line (I will eventually set up a post re: those events). Just last month (2020 Dec), Bilibili has been explicitly named by the government for hosting questionable materials, which means it’s already under scrutiny. Sweeps performed on an entire website are usually broad-based enough that no specific individuals are targeted; however, the government also encourages, with financial incentives, the reporting of specific content and has set up a dedicated website for doing so. While all YiZhan content has no direct relation to Gg and Dd, removal of such content may cause an over-reaction from fans, which can, in turn, lead to accusations of poor fan management by Gg and Dd. Most people will also assume the YiZhan content to be created by turtles.
(Another example of how an alleged turtle mis-step can get the YiZhan fandoms and Gg and Dd tied to the 掃黃打非 movement: a few days ago, a Weibo post showed a photo of a hardcover version of an explicit BJYX fanfic, reportedly sold for profit, and GG haters were calling for an arrest for “illegal publication.” So far, there’s minimal noise on the issue, so it isn’t something to worry about. It can also be fake news, which is so bountiful on the platform and on every aspect of daily life that most die a very peaceful, very well-deserved death.).
Whether fan arguments / theories may affect Gg and Dd’s relationship (assuming they’re in a relationship) … my guess is, not much. Gg and Dd are busy people, unlikely to closely follow their fans’ discussions. Again, I expect effects to be felt only if the arguments get out of hand ~ as in, if they begin to involve the public and/or the government.
As for the question about what is being done to stop Gg being targeted: fan wars are incredibly common in China (as in everywhere else), and Gg and Dd’s aren’t special in that sense ~ it’s just that as turtles, we know about those surrounding Gg and Dd and they feel significant to us. No individuals can stop a fan war ~ all we can do is to not join these wars ourselves.
Personally, I think the international fan base of Gg and Dd, as solos and cpfs, have more chance to achieve peace than its Chinese counterparts — if they choose to want that. Popularity in China is not only quantified (which is likely true everywhere, by marketing departments), but very visibly so. Sales numbers, votes, traffic attributed to each idol are frequently released to the public, possibly to foster competition among fans and drive these numbers further upward. c-turtles’ demonstrated strong performance in pushing these metrics has made them a target to those who wish to have usurp their consumer power. They, therefore, have good reasons to be wary of anyone who try to sway them from their “turtle-ship”, whether to turn them into solos or to lure them into an entirely different fandom. The swaying messages are also not always obvious, not always a direct “your cp suck”.  They can be subtle, many even come from netizens who appear to be fellow turtles, who may say “oh, maybe we (turtles) are wrong” or “we have to be realistic; Gg and Dd will never look at each other publicly again”—messages that cast doubt and sink morale in a fandom that’s already running an uphill battle. Remember: traditionally, CP fandoms are not expected or welcomed to last, and solos have been happy to (correctly) point out that the BTS, the origin of the most solid “evidences” of BJYXSZD, are getting older by the day. c-turtles can’t expect anyone else to help defend their ship if something happens, given CP fandoms’ lack of respectability, given YiZhan being a real person M/M pairing that is often frowned upon. So it’s understandable, to me at least, why c-turtles are on guard, and occasionally, clash with those who they feel may be trying to take away what they love.
i-turtles, I feel, don’t have that many reasons to fight. We don’t really have other fandoms (for example, the up and coming danmeis—the adapted BL dramas) vying for our attention (and wallets). No one can put an expiration date on the YiZhan communities except ourselves.
Another way to see this is: we—as in, the combined Gg + Dd international fanbase, the solos + CPFs—are lucky in a way the fans in Gg and Dd’s home country are not. Collectively, we’re much further removed from the pressure to perform as fans, which is immense in China with their fan circle culture and fan economy. i-shrimps and i-motorcycles ~ some of you are reading this, I think? (hello!) ~ here are my humble thoughts: the solo/turtle ratio of Gg and Dd’s international fans doesn’t make much of an impact on Gg and Dd’s star status, on the popularity metrics that matter. Our spending power is limited outside China’s borders, and while Gg and Dd likely love us equally as fans, our adoration for them doesn’t really matter much, if at all, to the production/media/commercial companies that control the trajectories of their careers. 
Along this line, the turtles’ “double loyalty” doesn’t have much of an ill effect, because there are few popularity contests here that mean much; few times (if any) when the turtles must face the dilemma of whether to vote for Gg or Dd because only a single vote is allowed; few situations where they have only x amount of dollars and must split it equally between Gg or Dd’s endorsements. There’s also much less cause to worry that i-turtles may draw the attention, or ire of the Chinese government ~ the whole international fanbase is too far away, too spread out to destabilise the regime in any way.
What the turtles do have in common with you, the solos, is their knowledge, their love for Gg/Dd. Knowledge, in particular. The people who know about Gg/Dd are still far and in between—at where I am, at least, and my guess is, it’s likely true for many of you too. Think of the turtles as people who you can talk to about your favourite star in places where few people know about him, can help promote The Untamed  far and wide—many people still haven’t heard of the show, and they deserve to.
For the turtles ~ no one can take away our turtle-ship identity, as long as we don’t give it away. No one can report on the our communities to the government and get them dissolved. Our votes, our spending habits are no one else’s business but ours here.
So, Anon, here’s what I think, and these are all very personal opinions, very personal decisions on how to navigate fandom …
I truly hope that we, as the international fanbase, can try to use this luck that we have. Make our communities not mere copies of their (combative) Chinese counterparts but something different, something with our own flavour, something with more peace and less fighting.
Specifically, I see little cause to try to persuade/dissuade anyone to be a solo/turtle. I find them… not the best use of time. Why? Because frankly, neither solos nor turtles have a better grasp of who Gg and Dd are. Neither solos nor turtles have a truly good grasp of who Gg and Dd are. These discussions are therefore bound to end up with more ill will than conclusions, since both sides are short of facts.
We’re all short of facts as audiences, who’ve all only seen a tiny sliver of who Gg and Dd are as human beings.
I don’t mean Gg and Dd’s star image is fake ~ it’s just that, their star image is their “work face”, and even I, a lowly turtle, must act somewhat differently in my own office. It’s part of being professional.
Gg and Dd’s star image are their professional face, and no professionals worth a salt truly ignore other’s opinions, especially when the profession is being an entertainer whose job is to face and hold the attention of the public. 
This is true for Gg; this is true for Dd.
Social media accounts are also part of Gg and Dd’s professional face ~ whatever is posted on there will be scrutinised by millions of fans, and they know that. The posts do provide some insights about Gg an Dd’s personalities, but they can’t be expected to show a complete picture. No parts of these posts, therefore, whether it’s the content or the kadians, are sufficient evidences for / against any aspect of their personal lives (especially as private an aspect as their romantic lives). Anon, you mentioned promotional marketing materials, and here’s my understanding of them ~ ambassadors such as Gg and Dd have minimal control over their design. The shrimp-holding bunny you’re referring to, for example, is very likely provided by the company.
However, may I also add this? Please try to not think of the shrimps / motorcycles as enemies of the turtles. Millions of people are behind each of these labels, and true for any group of this size, a fraction of its members are bound to be annoying. A small fraction may be awful, even. But they don’t represent the entire group. The shrimps are not only Gg’s fans, many of them have supported him longer than any turtle (since turtle-ship can’t be older than 2018); they’re also the reasons why Gg is in the industry ~ they voted for him in X-Fire. Likewise, a subset of motorcycles have been with Dd since UNIQ; they were there when the Korean ban effectively dissolved his group; they stuck with him when he was attacked for taking on the role of LWJ.
We’re all Gg and Dd’s fans, if you ask people outside the fandom. Remember: few outside China understand why heated arguments can occur between a bunch of shrimps, turtles and motorbikes. (It sounds a bit kafkaesque, just typing it out.)
It’s important not to lose sight too, that Gg and Dd’s social media accounts, where many new candies are found, primarily function as bridges of communication between them and their fans. These accounts do have different degrees of “professionalism” ~ Weibo and the official accounts being more formal, and Oasis, Douyin being more laid back and intimate; still, they all serve similar purposes. They’re not candy generators, or a script Gg and Dd have an obligation to follow to confirm / refute BJYXSZD.
Also: these accounts are accessible and watched by the public, not all of whom are friendly to Gg and Dd.
Re: Gg’s drawing on Oasis. He used the account as it’s intended for—to interact with his fans (the caption of the first draft was an unspoken invitation to shower him with ideas) and maybe, to show off a little (it was a very nice piece of artwork ~ a comment that I, sadly, haven’t seen much of). I doubt he posted his drawing because he wanted fans to carpet-search for traces of Dd in it (even though he probably expected that would happen); I very much doubt he posted his drawing because he wanted his fans to fight over scratch marks or black dots.  
If these fights keep happening, I can imagine a possible outcome. He’ll stop showing us his drawings. His social media accounts will become less and less personal, as they already have.
I’ll share with you my thoughts about candies too, while I’m at it. These are probably not-so-popular opinions, so please take them all with a grain of salt.(Salted caramels? 😊 )
I haven’t looked at why candies are called candies, but I find the name appropriate for how I think of them ~ candies are 1) neither evidences or truth, 2) sweet, 3) treats (non-essential, not like the main course).
The first point is, perhaps, the one I try the hardest to keep in mind. There are posts out there claiming the candies as made-beliefs—generated from edited pictures or videos, exaggerated translations, and their interpretations forced by “guidances” in the annotations/narration. There are also posts claiming that turtles are deceivers, or have been deceived by brainwashers who maliciously created these make-beliefs. A turtle may assume these posts are all lies, all made by antis. 
But, speaking turtle-to-turtle, I’d venture to say this … there’s some truth in the *first* statement. Many candies do, indeed, taste different if their taster returns to the original source—not necessarily unsweet, but less sweet. Candies, remember, are generated by fans like you and I. Same for c-candies ~ they aren’t endorsed by Gg and Dd, aren’t necessarily closer to the truth just because of the relative proximity of their birthplaces to their leads. 
Candy generation is The Tradition of CP fandoms. It’s a celebrated skill, and who doesn’t want to generate a candy that will be talked about, that will be part of the BJYX canon, for as long as the fandom lasts? Some fans are, therefore, also more … efficient in the “marketing” of the candies they generated — in persuading others that their candies are evidences, the truth. “Guidance” photos and videos (which pinpoint the place to watch, sometimes with appropriate sound effects for emphasis) have come about that way, and because they’re easy to digest—especially where language barriers exist—they end up spreading to i-fandoms.
These photos and videos may look more professional / trustworthy, but they often have an additional layer of subjectivity ~ on top of the already subjective opinion of what makes a candy. Translations (of BTS, fake rumours house content etc) also introduce a subjective element. Word choices can significant modify the tone of a conversation; speakers of different Chinese dialects may also have different interpretations of the same phrases. Example: I, as a non Chongqing/Sichuanese speaker, can guess the literal meaning of the “puppy” term Gg used for Dd — 狗崽崽 (gou zai zai) — but I also had to rely on others to tell me how endearing the term is; me being a Chinese speaker actually doesn’t make my interpretation any more valid, or authoritative, in this scenario, because my dialect doesn’t use this term at all. 
It doesn’t mean the people who’ve put in the work have any less-than-good intent; the vast majority of them come from a place of deep love. It’s just that we all carry our own perspectives, and as fans, our strong emotions in our fanworks.
This is why candies are often insufficient as good “points” for arguments, why they fail to convince non-believers, sometimes to the disappointment of some turtles. As evidences, they aren’t objective enough; they’re also often touch upon the assumption that’s mark the fundamental difference between solo and cp fans — the assumption that Gg and Dd are (not) together. Take, for example, this segment from a (polite) ask I got from an anon solo:
All the matching clothes, jewelry, shoes etc. Stopped being valid candy when I realized that the brands have popular stars "endorse" their products. The lightning pendant? Other actors have also worn it. Does that mean they are in a 3-way with (Gg) and (Dd)? Probs not.
Solo anon was correct! Brands have star endorsers, and other entertainers have, indeed, worn the same lightning pendant. The implied argument is also valid: people who don’t care about, don’t even know about each other can wear the same things. Most of us do that on a daily basis with our mass-produced garments.
However, a counterargument can also be made to the statement above, and easily: even the most precious, most beautiful wedding rings (say, from Tiffany!) are not exclusive to the first RL couple who bought them. It doesn’t mean the first RL couple is sleeping with all the couples who bought the same rings afterwards, doesn’t mean those rings aren’t significant to every one of these couples as romantic mementos. More often than not, couples wear matching things not because these things are exclusive to them—because how often can one find things that only exist as a single pair in this world? They wear matching things because they want to see something on themselves that remind them of their significant other and so, as long as the things aren’t so prevalent that everyone is wearing them, they can already serve their purpose.
But you see, Anon, that arguing over this would’ve been a waste of time? Because the solo came in with the assumption that Gg and Dd were not a couple, and the counterargument was made with the assumption that they were. The pendants alone are insufficient to prove either side correct or wrong. No one knows why those pendants ended up on Gg and Dd’s necks, except Gg and Dd and their teams. If I were to argue with anon solo, we can go on and on and on until we’re both left with bitter tastes in our mouths and WWX-red in our eyes, and forget the one thing that really matters: we’re both Gg’s fans.
(We could’ve spent the time talking about how that scene in The Wolf with Ji Chong throwing Zai Xing in the water is ❤️.) (I can’t believe the script waited 30+ episodes to do it. 😂)
This leads to my second point, Anon. Candies are meant to be sweet, and they’re meant to be sweet for you. In Chinese, a term for an expert candy person is a 嗑學家 (the candy-eating in CP fandoms is called 嗑糖 (ketang) ~ with 嗑 ke denoting a specific form of eating that requires breaking something open first with teeth—such as watermelon seeds; a 嗑學家 is a 嗑 (ke)-ologist). A 嗑學家 isn’t someone who can recall the longest list of candies, or spread the most candies around, or convince the most people that the CP behind the candies is real; they are those who can find their own candies in a source material, and be overjoyed by the sweetness of their discoveries without outside help. To me, at least, this term encapsulates the subjective nature of candies ~ what’s right for you may not be right for me and vice versa, and that’s perfectly all right. In other words, there are many candies out there but you’re not required to believe in all of them; instead, you’re free to choose candies to your own liking, compose your own version of the BJYX canon that you love, that you find sweet.
Wait, but you may say. Doesn’t that make my canon fantasy? Yes and no, because candies are based on real events. They’re interpretations, which sit somewhere between reality and fantasy. They’re like … opinion shows on news channels.
But what if I need to convince people of my canon —
Your “opposition”’s canon is as fantastical, and as real as yours — maybe it isn’t, but neither of you have a way to prove it one way or another.
Wouldn’t solos call me delulu, or clowns?
Maybe. But one step outside the fandom, and all of us fans—solo and cpfs—are delulu, clowns.
(That’s why while I’ve used the cpn label, I haven’t called myself delulu, or a clown. Anyone who thinks I have the truth about the love story about a pair of idol I haven’t met from thousands of miles away … the joke’s probably on them, don’t you think?)
Of course and again, Anon, this is only my take! I like candies precisely because I like to watch the real-time generation of candies, which ones different people claim as their own, which candies fall away and which stick around in the fandom over time. As a fic writer, this ship has gifted me with a treasure trove of information ~ what do people think of as romantic gestures, as give-away signs of love? The fun/amazing part of BJYX is that candies are available for so many different answers to these questions. Some people think of longing gazes and sweet smiles; some think of touches that can’t be helped (the many, many, many “fights”); some think of service (buying foods, designing clothes); some think of caring about the other’s well-being (throat candies and dumplings + noodles + crackers); some think of being The Other’s One and Only Exception (Dd being so talkative around Gg, Gg being so … fussy around Dd); some think of expressions through the arts (songs, drawings, dances); some think of grand gestures (the wave heart in the ocean); some think of matching clothes and symbolic accessories (rings); some think of birthdays and anniversaries (314, 622, the first snow); some think of sharing life’s hassles and small tidbits (fake rumour house); some think of … just looking VERY good together. Etc etc.
Some think of a subset of these, some think of all of these…
(Personally, I’m a very picky candy eater. I know about many of them, but only a small fraction impresses on me.)
(Still, I love watching candies. I love watching the joy of people sweetened by them ~ or, when c-turtles exclaim kswl! — the short form of ke si wo le! 嗑死我了! I “ke”ed so much I’m dying!)
This gets to 3), Anon, and I apologise to you too, for answering your not-essay-at-all with an essay! Candies are, to me, treats, and I don’t expect them to come at any frequencies higher than treats do. The reason isn’t because I don’t like candies ~ I enjoy watching them, as I said, even if I don’t eat many of them; the reason is because I don’t expect anyone’s romantic love to leave a trace in everything they do. For example, if I truly find myself in a SZD/SJD discussion re: Gg’s drawing, I’d say the lack of Dd in Gg’s self-portrait doesn’t really mean much. Even if Gg and Dd were head-over-heels in love with one another, Gg doesn’t have to put Dd in everything he touches. Likewise, Dd doesn’t have to present a consistent, or decipherable story with his kadians. This is true for the real-life couples around us too, isn’t it? They don’t perform every single act in life leaving a noticeable trace of their significant other. And the misunderstanding that couples do that — that their romantic lives take over who they are as individuals — IMO, partially explains why people who choose to not to date or marry, people who’re aro-aces, often have a difficult time convincing others that they’re complete humans. Romantic love is, of course, very, very important and can be life altering, but it also isn’t everything about a person ~ especially not if a person who has a career as exciting as Gg’s and Dd’s. Gg and Dd who also have friends, family, (many) talents and interests …
(And lots of ugly icons on their cell phones. Yes, I’m talking about you, Gg. That long-armed Pepe from your 2018 snowless Beijing post will give me nightmares…)
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rawiswhore · 3 years
Jeff Hardy, Christian, Raven, Al Snow x Fem Reader- "Real Hardcore Shit"
Yeah, the title is supposed to be a pun of "hot girl shit".
I would like to apologize why I didn't post on Thursday.
I was typing this fanfic on Thursday and gonna post it on that day, but I didn't finish it as well as didn't finish it on Friday and Saturday.
There's many different types of professional wrestling, as well as many different types of wrestlers.
There's technical wrestling done by the likes of Bret and Owen Hart, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Daniel Bryan, AJ Styles and more, luchador wrestling done by the likes of Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara, and high flyer wrestlers like Jeff Hardy that jump off of the top of the ropes or on top of ladders.
There's also the hardcore, death match wrestlers like Mick Foley and Terry Funk; these are wrestlers really willing to sacrifice and hurt their bodies by being beaten by anything from chairs to baseball bats (sometimes even wrapped in barb wire) or fall through tables set on fire.
There's different types of wrestling matches as well as different kinds of wrestling companies, from luchador wrestling companies to companies that feature all female wrestlers.
The World Wrestling Federation, which today is known as the WWE, features many different kinds of wrestlers and wrestling styles and matches, and during the late 90's, the WWF became much more violent and edgier than before.
One of the things they added during the late 90's and early 2000's were hardcore matches and championship belts, and these hardcore matches would have wrestlers brawling each other not just in the ring, but outside of the ring as well.
Throwing each other into walls or doors, getting beaten with steel chairs or trash cans, getting their faces rubbed in cakes or having their heads dunked in a toilet bowl or dirty water.
Most hardcore wrestlers aren't exactly Shawn Michaels/Jeff Hardy/Tyler Breeze-esque pretty boys that will have women swooning, but some hardcore wrestlers are pretty hot, and there have been some hot men who have done hardcore wrestling.
Al Snow was in a few of these matches during the late 90's and early 2000's, and at the end of the year 2000, he shaved that handlebar moustache he had at the height of his popularity.
Despite not looking much like a lunatic anymore, he was so cute and looked so good without that tacky moustache.
Raven, a former alumni of ECW, a wrestling company that will mostly always be remembered for being a violent, hardcore wrestling company despite featuring other types of wrestling, has joined the World Wrestling Federation at the end of the year 2000.
He did some hardcore wrestling matches during his time in ECW as well as the WWF, including some of those matches involving him getting his head dunked in a toilet bowl.
Around Thanksgiving 2000, Raven shaved off the tacky handlebar moustache he adorned when he joined the WWF.
Again, while Raven might play a disheveled grunge rocker, he has such a handsome face, just look at him in ECW and WCW, and he looked horrible with that handlebar moustache he had.
Thank God it was shaved off.
Jeff Hardy and his brother really blew up in popularity in the year 2000 and Jeff was the hot one in the Hardy Boyz duo.
Plus, Jeff did a few hardcore matches, not the kind involving him getting slammed and thrown into a wall or getting thrown in garbage cans, but he did do one.
Hardcore wrestling does involve wrestlers getting hit with chairs and crashing and breaking tables in half.
Jeff Hardy became known for jumping off of the tops of ladders in the year 2000, sometimes he'd jump off of the tops of ladders and break a table in half.
Does that count as hardcore wrestling?
Edge and Christian are a wrestling duo that have also blown up in popularity in the year 2000, and Christian is the hot one in the duo.
Plus, Edge and Christian became known for hitting people with chairs as well as doing a few wrestling matches with ladders, and again, hardcore wrestling involves hitting people with objects, usually violent ones, which includes chairs and ladders.
Would that count as hardcore wrestling?
There are also different kinds of pornography; softcore porn is porn that isn't so sexually explicit, whereas hardcore porn is pornography that's severely sexually explicit and graphic.
Keyword: hardcore.
No, hardcore porn doesn't involve people getting hit with chairs, but it's porn that's very sexually explicit and graphic.
You're so happy Raven is now a part of the WWF roster, and you've fucked Christian, Jeff Hardy and even Al Snow before (though you've fucked Raven before as well).
You know what hardcore porn is, you've even watched it a few times, and since some of these aforementioned wrestlers have done hardcore matches...
Near the end of the year 2000, before Raven started growing facial hair again and after Al Snow and Raven shaved their handlebar moustaches, you were sitting naked on all fours on top of the bench in your locker room, while Raven was pounding and penetrating his cock in your twat behind you.
Christian and Jeff were standing in front of you with their cocks pointing at your face, whereas Al Snow was standing in between them while his penis was inside your mouth.
Your fingers were wrapped around Christian and Jeff's shafts, pumping up and down their dicks, masturbating them.
Their cocks were rock hard under your fingers, their penises kept stretching and growing longer while you masturbated them.
Their dicks nearly were rising up taller more and more, but you were holding them down and pointing them at your face.
You can also feel how hard Al's cock is in your mouth, the tip of his penis may as well touch your uvula and be down your throat.
As you're sucking on Al's dick, your mouth is automatically going up his shaft while sucking it.
Al has one of his hands on top of your head, his fingers laced through your hair.
Raven's hard erection is stretching your pussy walls out, thrusting, pounding and shoving back and forth inside of you.
Raven's hands are also placed on your breasts, where he's gently squeezing and fondling them.
You can feel his fingers over your nipples, and you want to shout at him to tweak your nips, but you've got a dick in your mouth.
Blood has been filling your clitoris up as Raven pounds his cock in you.
Raven's thrusts have been rather rough and hard, he's basically shoving you into Al's crotch.
Even though Raven was hot at the end of the year 2000 after he shaved that handlebar moustache, you were imagining Raven during his time in ECW and WCW fucking you, that was when he was at his hottest and sexiest, by far.
Christian had his long blond hair hanging down, not tied back in a ponytail, because you love the way he looks with his long hair hanging down.
Al, Raven, and Jeff as well had their hair hanging down, because they all look so hot and cute with their hair hanging down, though Raven, Al and Jeff usually do let their hair hang down.
Raven's hair has been dry during this little gangbang, not wet and clinging onto his skin.
You couldn't decide who you wanted to fuck you, they're all so hot, Christian and Jeff are easily the hottest.
Though, there are some really hot men you want to suck their dicks as well as get their cum all over you, so you decided with Raven.
To be honest, Raven is probably the least attractive out of all of these men, which is why he's banging you from behind and not in the front.
Of course you had to give Al Snow a blowjob, he will always be remembered for his sexual innuendo catchphrase ("What does everybody want?" he'd ask, to which the audience would shout back "HEAD!").
Christian and Jeff wrapped their fingers around their shafts, not each other's shafts, mind you (like Jeff wrapping his fingers around Christian's dick), but on an empty space under your fingers before your hand slid down or up a spot.
They wanted to help cum on you too.
They tried to masturbate their cocks and aimed their penises at your face, pumping up and down their shafts under your fingers.
Al, meanwhile, was looking at you blowing him off, your lips perfectly wrapped around his cock, your mouth going up and down his shaft and erection.
He was grinning at you sucking onto him, and he has the cutest damn smile ever.
Christian and Jeff, too, were looking at you giving Al a blowjob, they were both smiling and even laughing a bit as well.
Your hands were cranking Christian and Jeff's cocks, sometimes your fingers rotated around their shafts while they went up and down their erections.
Precum started spilling out of their slits and down their shafts, some of their precum got on your face.
The tips of their penises were nudging and touching your face, that way you'll get precum on your face.
Their shafts became a lot more slippery thanks to precum trickling down them, easier for you to pump their erections.
Precum is also leaking out of Al's slit and seeping into your tongue, some of his precum is even running down your throat.
Your moans were muffled thanks to having Al's cock in your mouth, you're moaning not just because of Raven fucking you, but how good Al's cock tastes.
Al's biting his bottom lip while you suck his cock, Jeff's eyes are rolling to the top of his head in ecstasy.
While holding his cock in his hand, Christian directed his dick to your lips, where he pressed his penis head on your lips and slid it across your top lip, rubbing the tip of his penis like a lipstick.
Strange, but whatever.
Since Al has that iconic catchphrase, he may as well say it...
"What does everybody want?" he asked loudly.
"HEAD!" Christian and Jeff exclaimed, laughing after they said that.
Even Al couldn't keep a straight face asking that.
"What does everybody need?" Al asked.
"HEAD!" Christian and Jeff retorted.
It was always one of your goals in life to suck on Al Snow's cock while he shouted his catchphrase, and your dreams have come true.
You're swallowing any precum leaking out of Al's dick, sometimes your tongue is trying to roll and wrap around Al's shaft.
Your tongue is also trying to lick up his cock like it's a Popsicle, licking up his shaft vertically and licking up any salty precum that trickled down his dick.
Your hand directed Christian's penis to the middle of your face, and you wanted him to jack off on your face.
Al is tempted into crotch chopping a la D Generation X and shouting the catchphrase that goes along with it, but shouting "suck it!" and crotch chopping is sooooooooo 1999.
When your mouth and face elevated up to the tip of his cock, instead of going back down his shaft, your tongue vertically licked his slit from bottom to top.
Your tongue caressed around on his penis head despite that you're not holding his penis, your tongue roaming and zigzagging all over his penis head.
This took Al by surprise, his eyes growing wide in shock, but hey, he's still getting head.
Your tongue lolled out of your mouth and pressed onto Al's shaft, where it licked and caressed up his erection, licking up any precum trickling down it.
Your tongue swirled and twirled around his cock like it was someone swinging around a stripper pole, your tongue elevated up to the tip of his penis as it twirled around his shaft.
As you're getting plowed from behind, you're orgasmically moaning and breathing onto Al's penis, your warm breath staining onto his shaft.
When your tongue reached the top of Al's cock, your hand moved the tips of Christian and Jeff's penises to your mouth, where your tongue shifted over to Christian's penis.
Your tongue vertically licked up Christian's erection from his shaft to his penis head, licking up any precum.
Once your tongue reached the top of Christian's dick, your tongue horizontally slid across from Christian's head to across Al's penishead and Jeff's tip.
This took Christian, Al and Jeff by surprise over what a cock addicted slut you are, licking their penis heads across.
Your tongue slid down Jeff's shaft, only to slide and elevate back up his erection up to his penishead again.
You'd love it if you could fit 3 cocks into your mouth, maybe you even can.
Hardcore sex is sex that's very detailed and sexually explicit, much more sexually explicit than softcore porn, that's why you have all of these wrestlers who've done hardcore matches jizzing on your face and sucking their cocks.
Al is murmuring and thinking what a dirty, cock addicted slut you while he grins at you, and Christian and Jeff can hear what Al's saying, they both agree with him.
You want Christian and Jeff (and Al and even Raven's) precum as well as jizz in general all over your face, so while still grasping onto Christian and Jeff's cocks, you moved their penises to point at your forehead, your hands still cranked up and down their shafts.
Some of their precum was dripping onto your face and sliding down your cheeks, and that's what you want.
Al sees Christian and Jeff masturbating on your face as well as your hands pumping up and down their shafts, so Al wrapped his fingers around his shaft and pointed his dick at your face, where he jacked off on your face.
His penis head was nudging the middle of your face, making sure his precum spills out of his slit and on your face.
Some of his precum is landing on your face, where some of his other precum is spilling down his erection.
Your eyes have been closed luckily thanks to being in ecstasy and turned on over Raven fucking you with his hard, massive cock.
You haven't been faking your orgasm, Raven is making you feel like this.
You don't just want Al's cock, but Christian and Jeff's as well, they're way sexier men, so you pulled their cocks down to your mouth again and shifted your mouth over to Christian's cock, now paying attention to his dick this time.
Though, damn, you'd love to lick and suck on all of these cocks in front of you, maybe you will do that.
Your tongue licked Christian's cock at first, only to pull his dick into your mouth and suck on it.
You also unwrapped your fingers off of Christian's shaft and wrapped them around Al's dick this time, proceeding to try to masturbate him.
Christian saw you now sucking his penis, which made him unwrap his fingers off of his shaft, his fingers now sticky in precum.
You didn't just suck on Christian's cock, but also licked it as well, licking up any precum spilling down his shaft and swallowing his precum.
Your tongue is caressing Christian's cock like how it caresses any penis.
It's a little difficult for you suck on Christian's dick while masturbating Al's cock in front of your face, so you let go of Al's penis, which shocked him and made his eyes widen.
However, Al saw Christian and Jeff jerking themselves off on your face, so he aimed and pointed his cock at your face this time, he continued to masturbate his dick.
His precum was landing on your face, thank God your eyes were closed.
Since you have 2 wrestlers on the same side of your face, Al walked around Christian and stopped walking until Christian was in the middle instead of Al.
Al pointed his penis at your face, still jerking his cock off.
Your nipples were in between Raven's fingers, meanwhile, whilst he squeezed and pressed them.
Your pussy has been getting even more moist than before from having so much sexual arousal.
Christian is tempted into crotch chopping and shouting "suck it!" a la D Generation X, but again, that's becoming outdated.
Though, it would make this gangbang sexier.
D Generation X had already broken up by the end of the year 2000.
As you suck on Christian's dick, you're moaning and mumbling "mmmmmmmm" over and over quite a bit with his cock in between your mouth and lips.
Raven's fingers have bunched up until your nipples are under his fingers, where he tweaked and turned your nipples.
You've been sucking on Christian's cock for quite a bit, and you want them to not just cum on your face (and in your mouth), but your breasts as well.
When you reached the top of Christian's penis, you slid your face over to Jeff's cock, letting his penis inside your mouth.
Saving the best for last.
Jeff lit up deep down inside when it was his turn now, he smiled from ear to ear.
Jeff unwrapped his fingers off of his shaft when it was his turn to get blown, letting your mouth engulf his cock.
Your lips and head bobbed up and down his shaft, swallowing his precum leaking out of his slit.
Your tongue and mouth could taste his salty precum on his erection, your mouth was sucking the precum off of his dick.
Christian, meanwhile, has wrapped his fingers around his shaft again, and since he's a bit far away from you this time, he walked around Al and Jeff until Jeff was now standing in the middle, where once he was standing next to Jeff, he proceeded to wrap his fingers around his shaft and start pumping his cock again, masturbating and jerking off on your face until some precum is leaking out of his dick and on your face.
Now, again, Christian isn't jacking off Jeff or Al, he's masturbating himself.
You're moaning while sucking on Jeff's cock, moaning "mmmmmmmmmm" sometimes while sucking it.
You don't just wanna get precum on your face, but your breasts as well, so when you reached the top of Jeff's cock, you turned your head and told Raven to sit down and you'll ride his lap.
Raven listened to you, where he removed his hands off of your breasts and wrapped his arms around your waist, his fingers grabbing onto one of his arms, where he sat down on the bench and pulled you onto his lap, where now you were sitting up straight in front of him, riding and bouncing up and down his cock.
Al and Christian (and Jeff, too) remembered how you wanted them to jack off and jizz on your breasts as well, so they directed their penises to your tits, the tips of their cocks now pointing and nudging at your breasts.
They still continued jacking and jerking off on your breasts, precum spilling out of their slits and sometimes on your breasts.
They didn't just do that, but held the tips of their penises to your areolas, pressing them there, where they made their penises run circles on your areolas while still jerking off.
Sometimes, they stopped doing that, just holding and pressing the tips of their cocks on your areolas so they can jizz on them.
Some of their precum is dripping down your tits, which is what you want, but you don't just want their precum on your breasts.
You've sucked on Jeff's cock for long enough, so when you reached the tip of his penis, you took it out of your mouth, where you directed his cock to your chest this time.
He saw Al and Christian jerking off on your breasts, so Jeff started to masturbate his cock over one of your breasts, aiming the tip of his penis to your tit.
Precum did fall out of his slit and onto your breast, some of his precum spilling down his shaft.
Raven, meanwhile, while you're riding him, his face is buried in the back of your neck, where he's biting a small part of your neck and sucking it.
You wailed and whimpered while he sunk his teeth into your neck, though he isn't biting you too hard.
One of his hands has moved to your clitoris, where his fingers are vertically furiously rubbing up and down your clit, trying to make you cum.
Though, men cum before women do.
Your high pitched moans have been filling up the locker room, thank God the door is closed and no one's in this locker room besides 4 other wrestlers.
However, you wouldn't mind if people saw this moment.
You're moaning Raven's name whilst you ride him and he's fucking you.
Speaking of cum, since they've been having their dicks pleasured for a long time, Al Snow was the first one to cum, groaning and moaning while he jizzed.
His cum gushed and spurted out of his slit, trickling down his shaft and dripping onto your tit.
Your eyes opened and quickly looked at Al's crotch, only to find his cock leaking his cum.
Your eyes quickly darted to your breast that Al had jizzed on, you saw his white, milk-like cum drenching your tit, and you don't just mean clear precum.
Your hand grabbed onto Al's penis and directed it to your other breast while his dick was still leaking his jizz out.
You wanted his cum all over you.
While you held his penis above your other breast, his semen kept dripping onto your breast, his jizz trickling down your tit.
You directed his penis to your face, where you leaned your head back and let his cum drip on your face.
Your hand motioned his cock around your face, getting his jizz all over your face, your eyes luckily were closed.
Your mouth was also agape and wide open, wanting his cum in your mouth, and some of his hot milky cum was getting inside your mouth.
Speaking of jizz, Raven was the next one to cum (that rhymed), where he throatily groaned while he ejaculated into your twat.
His teeth bit down hard into your flesh while he came, and hearing him make that groan meant one thing.
You lifted and pulled yourself off of his lap, where his penis exited your pussy, and he knew the drill now that he's came.
He lifted one of his legs over the bench and lifted himself off of the bench, where he held his penis to one of your breasts, his slit still leaking his jizz out of his cock.
His cum was dripping onto your breast, and when his sperm landed on your tit, it ran down it like a raindrop on a window.
He could see Al Snow's jizz on your other breast, so with his fingers still wrapped around his cock, he directed his penis to your other breast, sometimes even cranking his fingers up and down his shaft to cum even more.
His jizz is still leaking out of his slit and dropping onto your breast, his cum mixing with other men's precum.
Your fingers grasped onto Raven's cock and shoved it to your face, letting his jizz drench and drip all over your face.
His seed was dripping out of his slit like water dripping out of a faucet.
With your mouth still open, you moved Raven's dick to your mouth and let his cum drip into your mouth.
His cum landed behind your bottom row of teeth as well as onto your tongue.
Since you want Christian and Jeff to cum on you as well, you told them you want them to move their dicks to your face, maybe they'll cum on your face.
They obeyed you, directing their penises to your face this time, still jacking off on your face.
Eventually, Christian had jizzed, exclaiming he's gonna cum before he did it, his eyes rolling to the top of his head and his mouth agape whilst he ejaculated.
His slit released his seed out, his cum dripping down his shaft, some of his cum also landing on your face.
He held his cock over your face, making sure his jizz gets on your face, and it did, his white cum leaking down your face.
Your mouth was still open and you stuck your tongue out, hoping to catch his jizz on your tongue like it's a snowflake.
His cum did land on your tongue, his cum salty and seeping into your tongue, where you rolled your tongue back in your mouth.
You ordered him to move his penis to your chest quickly while his slit is still gushing, and he directed and moved his cock to one of your breasts, pushing his fingers up his shaft until his jizz is landing on your breast.
Some of his cum did land on your breast and is dripping down it, your eyes have been looking at his dick drip his semen.
When you felt like you had enough of his cum on one of your breasts, you moved his cock to the other breast and let his dick drip his seed onto your tit.
Jeff was the last one to cum, where he jizzed on your face, shutting his eyes while he came, some of his cum getting on your face and dripping on your breast and thigh.
You wrapped your fingers around his shaft and pulled his dick to the middle of your face, letting his cum drip onto your face.
Your eyes were closed, hoping that you don't get his jizz in your eyes since that hurts so much, and your mouth was open hoping you get his cum into your mouth.
His cum did get inside of your mouth, hopefully you won't choke on it.
You moved his cock still dripping his cum to one of your breasts, letting his jizz drip on one of your breasts, then moved it to the other breast and getting your tit soaked in his cum.
You've got cum and precum dripping down your face and your breasts, your face and tits look like they have candlewax and lotion dripping down your skin.
Now that you're all drenched in cum, it's time to clean up, but not yourself.
You want to be drenched in so many wrestlers cum and you have, but that cum eventually washes off...
You ordered for these wrestlers to insert the tips of their cocks halfway into your mouth, so their seed could drip in your mouth.
They listened to you, wrapping their fingers around their shafts and holding their penises to your mouth, their penis heads half way into your mouth.
The sides of your mouth stretched out so their cocks will get into your mouth.
Cum was still dripping out of their slits, and your mouth was holding and gathering their jizz.
Some of their cum did seep into your tongue, where you were also there to swallow their semen, other times their cum landed behind your bottom teeth, where the tip of your tongue licked across only to swallow it.
You want cum to drip out of these men's dicks for a long time, and you want their seeds to drench your face and tits in jizz some more.
"Can you guys jack off some more on my face?" you asked. "I want more cum on my face and my tits!"
Al's eyes grew wide hearing that, so did Jeff and Christian's, but they can give it a go.
While these 4 wrestlers stood in front of you circling around you, they started jacking their cocks off and pointing the tips of their penises at your face, their slits still leaking their jizz onto your face.
Their cum did spill onto your face like honey slowly dripping.
They then moved their penises to your breasts, letting their seed drip onto your tits and watching their cum drip down your breasts.
You wish these men could cum and burst like a fire hydrant, that way their cum would get all over your face and breasts.
Now that you're all drenched in cum, it's time to clean up, but not yourself.
You'd love to suck on all of their penises at the same time, even if it's difficult.
Your fingers wrapped around Christian and Jeff's penises and held them close to your face, while you leaned into Al's crotch and let his penis into your mouth one last time.
Your mouth sucked on Al's cock, your mouth going up Al's cock while you sucked it.
Your mouth swallowed both his cum and his precum, while your tongue licked vertically up his shaft.
Even though you love sucking on one cock, you wouldn't mind sucking other cocks as well in your mouth...
The sides of your mouth stretched out, as well as your mouth in general widened.
"Raven!" you said. "Could you try to put your cock in my mouth?"
Is she gonna try to put my dick in her mouth? he thought, looking puzzled. While having other cocks in her mouth?
He remembers what a dirty girl you were back in the day, and you still haven't changed.
He shrugged his shoulders, only to lift his penis and trying to insert it into your mouth, sliding his dick next to the side of your mouth.
It was a bit of a tight fit, but whatever.
Their penises are becoming more flaccid after jizzing.
Your hands pulled and tried to fit Christian and Jeff's dicks into your mouth as well, their eyes growing wide over you actually trying to do this, inserting their penises into an empty space in your mouth.
If it doesn't work out, you can always do something else.
Their penises were halfway in your mouth, though this is gonna be difficult trying to put so many cocks in your mouth as well as suck on them.
You tried sucking on all of these cocks in your mouth despite it being difficult, as well as tried to raise your tongue and lick up their shafts.
Did it work?
No, not really.
So, you pulled Christian's penis out of your mouth as well as Jeff's, since this wasn't working all too well.
Raven and Al saw you pulling Christian and Jeff's dicks out of your mouth, which surprised them, and even Jeff and Christian looked a bit puzzled.
It really didn't work out all too well putting 4 dicks in your mouth.
Nice idea, bad execution.
Besides, you want to swallow their cum as well as rub their jizz on your lips like it's lipstick.
Raven pulled his penis out of your mouth, with Al's cock in your mouth this time.
You pulled your head away from Al's penis, much to his dismay, which upset him at first, but you have some 'spainin' to do.
"Sorry Al" you confessed. "You'll have your turn soon"
While still holding onto Christian's penis, you moved the tip of his cock to your lips, where you slid his penis head across your upper lip like it's a lipstick, rubbing his jizz across your top lip.
Despite that his slit was barely leaking any cum, some of his cum was spreading across your top lip, and when his penis head reached the corner of your mouth, you made his penis rub across your top lip back and forth, horizontally, left and right across your top lip.
Christian as well as these other 3 wrestlers were viewing this, this was so unusual and strange, but Christian doesn't mind this.
In fact, he's grinning whilst you rub the tip of his penis across your top lip.
Though, you wish his slit could gush more cum out.
When you felt like you had enough of rubbing his dick back and forth across your top lip, you shifted his penis to your bottom lip, where you slid his penis head across your bottom lip, spreading his jizz across your lip.
You rubbed his penis head back and forth across your bottom lip like before, and after that was over, you pulled his penis into your open mouth and started sucking on his cock, your tongue licking up any semen that ran down his shaft.
Your tongue caressed vertically up his cock, licking up the jizz that had sunk into your tongue, your tongue reaching to the top of his penis.
Your mouth and throat muscles were swallowing his cum and precum while your tongue caressed up his seed.
He barely had any cum on his shaft since his dick was previously in your mouth while you tried putting other penises in your mouth.
Al, Jeff, Christian and even Raven are all tempted into shouting "suck it!" and crotch chopping their hands over their genitals, but...that's quite outdated.
When you were done sucking Christian's penis, you let go of his shaft and moved onto Al's penis next, where you rubbed his penis head back and forth across both of your lips and gave him a blowjob afterwards, swallowing his cum and licking his jizz off of his shaft.
After that, you rubbed Raven and Jeff's penis heads across your lips and gave them blowjobs, swallowing their cum and licking their shafts you saved Jeff for last because he's probably the hottest out of all of these men.
You wish Rob Van Dam could've been a part of this gangbang, he did a few hardcore matches over in ECW, though sadly, he was in ECW at the end of the year 2000.
When you had some time in ECW as well as the WWF, you were pictured naked wearing wrestling belts for the hardcore championship title across your "bathing suit areas", across your tits and vagina, wearing those belts like they're a tube top and miniskirt.
That picture was turned into a poster and T-shirt that read "I like it...hardcore".
You even pitched an idea to the WWF creative staff in December 2000, before Raven and Al Snow grew facial hair again, where, since they've done some hardcore matches (once to each other!) you try seducing them into doing it hardcore with them, hardcore as in sex.
Hardcore porn is very heavily sexually explicit porn, porn that's very graphic and NSFW, that's why you had the most sexually graphic gangbang with 2 wrestlers that have done hardcore matches as well as 2 pseudo-hardcore wrestlers.
Raven (yes, the Raven I typed about in this fanfic, the same Raven from WCW and ECW and yes, the WWF/E, TNA and Ring of Honor who played Scotty Flamingo and Johnny Polo before becoming Raven) has a podcast, and in 2017, he discussed on his podcast with Billy Corgan (yes, from Smashing Pumpkins) about erotic wrestling fanfiction and what a massive treasure trove there is of it.
Just imagine if Raven discovered some of my erotic wrestling fanfics, especially some of the ones I've typed about him!
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
The Conversations - part 1/3
Pairing: Namjoon x OC; Yoongi x OC; Jungkook x OC Wordcount: 2.6k words Genre: slice of life Rating: suggested 18+ (Discussion of NSFW topics)
Hi lovelies! Here comes that new format I mentioned earlier this week. I imagined how the guys would discuss their girlfriends, having “The Chat” about kinks and habits, just talking, asking for advice and giving each other tips. 
The first conversation is between Yoongi, Namjoon and Jungkook, talking about their girlfriends, respectively Kitten, Vixen and Candy. 
There’s a little bit of everything (angst, fluff, smut), also, there’s a reference to Yoongi’s scenario in Magic Touch, I’ll just move on to disclaimers and trigger warnings. 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of smut, oral (m/f giving/receiving), Jeongguk is whipped AND horny, various levels of filth (quickies, phonesex, boobjobs,  bondage, waxplay, cumplay, spankings, daddy kink -- I AM SO FUCKING SORRY, THAT WAS SO SELFISH OF ME -- pornography, sex toys, blindfolds, breathplay and choking, sensation play, impact play, exhibitionism/voyerism), communication issues, mentions of premature ejaculation, past traumas and general traumatic experiences, Yoongi and tongue technology (do I even need to say this?) Namjoon is, quoting Yoongi, “a beast”. Final fondness.
Here you can find my masterlist!
Jungkook came out of his room with his head hanging low, heading straight for the terrace outside the kitchen. There Namjoon and Yoongi were drinking their morning coffee. It was roughly six am, a smoky dawn calling London awake. The summery hotness and the usual humidity announced another day of sweating and emptying water bottles. 
Jeongguk’s hyungs, talking quietly, were in perfectly symmetrical positions, elbows propped on the railing on the edge of the terrace, holding the cups in their hands, looking at the mild sunshine foreshadowing an orange dawn.
“‘Morning.” They both turned. 
“Morning Jeonggukie,” said Yoongi, slightly more reactive.
“Morning JK,” greeted Namjoon. “You headed to the gym?” He asked, not noticing the fact that Jeongguk was still in his pjs. 
“I just called Candy.” He settled himself beside Joon. 
“She all right?” Namjoon asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Sort of. We fought a couple weeks before I left.” He dragged his hands roughly in his hair. “I just miss her a lot.”
“You’ve been dating for two months or something, right?” Yoongi asked.
“Yeah. We were quite new.” He replied.
“What do you miss of her?” Joon asked, sipping some coffee afterwards.
“Hyung, like. It’s a lot to unpack. We, you know...”
Namjoon gave him a side glance, his lips turning into a smirk. “You mean you’ve slept together.”
Yoongi struggled not to smile. 
“A couple times.” Jeongguk admitted. He toyed with his fingers. “And then a lot.”
Yoongi couldn’t hold back a snort. “It’s okay.” He put down his cup on the wide edge of the balcony. “At the beginning you can’t ever let go.” He remembered the first weeks after he and his girlfriend had started being more physical. “The first times with Kitten… God.” He brushed his palm down his face. “I was a mess.”
“A good mess or a bed mess?” Namjoon asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“I don’t even know.” He laughed. “It was never enough.” He thought about the last time they facetimed. “Any spare moment was with her. Damn, I was down for anything. Quickies at lunch, calling her when I was done with practice to have phonesex, seeing her at three am just to get off the high.”
“Vixen’s a sucker for late night sex.” Joon offered to fill in the silence. “But she’s always game. Her sex drive is seriously impressive.” 
“And you love it, don’t you, old sport?” Yoongi teased.
“I love many, many things of her.” Namjoon said before laughing.
The three stayed silent for a while. 
“I miss sucking her tits.” Jeongguk murmured out of the blue. 
Namjoon and Yoongi also stared into the void, lost in their own thoughts. After a few seconds Namjoon reconnected and looked at the youngest. “What the fuck, man?”
Yoongi licked his lips, then opened his mouth a couple times just to close it again, trying to find words. 
“I mean, they’re so soft. And the shape is...” Jeongguk pressed his fingertips to his eyelids. 
Yoongi emitted a strange sound.
“Are you okay, hyung?” Namjoon asked. 
“Sorta. It’s just. Yeah, tits are great.” He said, half unconsciously, blinking in silence. “I mean, Kitten has a nice pair.”
“Am I the only ass man in this conversation?” Namjoon turned to look at both men, finding no sympathy. 
“Vixen does have an incredible bum, sorry hyung if I looked.” Koo admitted. 
“It’s okay, I also looked at Candy’s chest, but I swear it was not intentional.” Namjoon confessed. 
“Do you think we’ll have some free time after the tour?” Yoongi murmured.
“Are you planning on fucking Kitten for, like, a week straight?”
“I just wanna die between Vixen’s thighs.” Namjoon whispered, lost in his train of thought.
“Send her to Hongkong?” Yoongi asked ironically.
“I mean, I hope we’re all in the oral team. Hyung, you for sure.”
“Loud and proud, boy.” Yoongi quipped back. 
“JK?” Namjoon asked. 
“Yeah.” He replied, still lost in his own imagination. “Hyung, have you ever tied Vixen up?”
“No. Usually we get too caught up.” Namjoon took another sip of his coffee, but unfortunately his cup was empty. “Do you want some?” Joon asked Jeongguk, pointing at his cup. 
“No, but could you get me some OJ, please?”
“Got you.” He went back to the kitchen. 
“Are you thinking of playing with Candy?” Yoongi asked carefully.
“Don’t know. It would be new. As Namjoon hyung said, we also get too caught up, so I think I’ll need to plan it out, if we ever decide to.”
“Talk about it with her.” Yoongi recommended. “You should ask her what she likes. And tell her about what you like.”
Namjoon was back. “We doing the whole kink talk?”
“Just making sure that the kid knows about communication.”
“Right.” Namjoon nodded, handing Jeongguk his glass of juice. 
“Did you and Vixen have the talk?” Yoongi asked, honestly curious. Namjoon’s girlfriend was a bit of a wildcard, looking classy and educated, but also endearingly nerdy, fond of nature and hopelessly in love with her boyfriend. Each time he saw how Namjoon melted everytime she cuddled and reassured him, Yoongi really hoped that the boy would understand how precious she is, how rare it is to be in love like that.
“We did. She was like ‘oh, yeah, by the way, would you mind spanking me every now and then?’”
Yoongi giggled. “I can only imagine your reply.”
“I think it was something like ‘that’s okay but would you put up with my daddy kink?’”
Yoongi positively squealed at that. Jeongguk was similarly amazed. 
“But with her it’s like-- It’s so strange to explain. I guess the best way to say it is that half of the sex is mental.” He should have avoided the second cup of coffee. But it was already there. “It’s the talking. Putting her in the right mindset, making her feel loved on the brain.”
“Good thing you're smart, hyung.” Jeongguk said. “I would have zero chances.”
“It’s not being smart.” Namjoon replied, “It’s more of a-- connection.”
“I think that you having this… dominant, but also nourishing role really puts her into a mindset of full trust.” Yoongi commented. 
“I think so.” Namjoon concluded. “And then the sex is mindblowing. Like, I get why everyone is so obsessed with it. Our limits are very similar, and in that we don’t feel like we’re limiting or pressing each other into things.”
“That’s good. But exploring can be fun.” Yoongi argued. “Kitten’s sensitive chest made me get into things I never thought I would explore.” 
Namjoon again raised an eyebrow. 
“Come on, hyung give me some ideas.” Jeongguk teased. 
“You tits freak.” Yoongi joked playfully. “Hickeys, but that’s obvious. And a lot of mouth activity in general. Oh, boobjobs.”
“God, does that work?” Namjoon was skeptical.
“Depends. Lots of lube, and the right angle. Kitten puts her mouth on the head, that’s the trick.”
“That sounds incredible.” Jeongguk commented, saving the idea in a corner of his mind.
“Trust me, it is. We’re also dealing with a bit of a choking kink, but we’re approaching it carefully, Kitten tends to panic when she feels like she’s suffocating. And waxplay.”
“That’s a nice one.” Namjoon commented. 
“Still getting into it. But she’s liking it a lot. We got the candle a couple weeks before tour. Used it twice. I can’t help but think about it.” He smiled, thinking about how Kitten had enjoyed experimenting that night, how loud she had been when she’d come apart, how she had curled up in a ball at his side, happy and sated, his own body spooning her. He missed his woman, missed the calm she carried around with her, missed her little voice, but also her whispering sweet nothings to him, petting his hair while he was falling asleep. In general, sleeping was way harder without her, his body waking up exhausted, his mind frail because he did sleep but he did not rest. He felt constantly restless.
“I really wanna try that too. But what about toys? Like I was thinking nipple clamps?” Jeongguk asked, his ears blushing a little. 
“That kind of stuff must be tried together. The first few times Vixen and I experimented, we usually shopped together, so that we could understand what kind of sensation she could handle, what she would like, and what wasn’t her thing.”
“Like what?” 
“Well, for example, if Candy is very sensitive, you should avoid clamps and go for tweezers, where you can pick the amount of pressure you want to put there. And that’s in term of pinching. Considering what you said about sucking, probably she could enjoy pumps. These days there’s pretty much anything, if you’re willing to look for it.”
“Toys, uh?” Yoongi questioned.
Namjoon lifted his shoulders. “You recommended experimenting. I like watching her. I’m really visual, so I like watching stuff.”
“Like movies?” Jeongguk asked. “Like watching them together? Adult movies?”
“Yeah, sometimes that too. Vixen’s very visual too. And we like finding inspiration every now and then.”
“By the way thanks for the advice, Kitten loved it.” Yoongi smiled like the cat that got the cream.
“You’re welcome.” Namjoon winked at him. 
“I think I could try that, with Candy. It’s just that I get so shy about it. That’s why we fought.”
“You fought because you’re shy?” Yoongi asked.
“It actually started because I couldn’t look at her while she, uhm- While I was in her mouth?” Jeongguk shrinked into his shoulders. “Then it got bad because she said I never really look at her and she feels like I don’t like her, like I wished I were doing that with someone else. Which is absolute bullshit.” He looked upset. 
Namjoon placed a hand between Koo’s shoulder blades. “You’ll work that out. If you really love her then the two of you will find a way around it.”
“Blindfolds?” Yoongi suggested.
“How?” Namjoon questioned, interested. 
“I don’t know, maybe he’ll find confidence if he’s not feeling watched.”
“Hyung, I think that’s not it.” Jeongguk claimed, almost frustrated. “She wants to be watched by me.”
“Then why don’t you watch?”
“I’m afraid I’ll like it too much,” he said, brows knitted together. “That I’ll just last too little. I’m afraid she’ll judge me for what I like, for how I react.” 
“The first time Vixen put her mouth on me I lasted literally two minutes.”
“Anytime Kitten puts her mouth on me I last literally two minutes.”
Both men laughed and high-fived each other.
Jeongguk smiled at the exchange. Seeing them like this made him really feel like anything could be fixed. They had found the right balance with their girlfriends, being in love and happy. He could have that too. Talking with Candy couldn’t be that bad if that's how he would feel afterwards. And probably Candy really wanted to have that conversation too, since she often asked him if he liked what she was doing, if he could show her how to do things right. He might get off in two minutes but if it were for him, he would probably feel proud if Candy couldn’t last two minutes below him. Candy would probably feel happy that he enjoyed it that much.
“Listen, no matter what they say, having too much stamina is not always that good. Vixen’s got a dollmouth. It’s so tiny it’s almost ridiculous. Lovely. Sometimes I feel like crying about it." His expression was getting dreamy." "But I’m going off at a tangent here. What I mean is that it’s physically tiring for her. Actually for most people. Jaw hurts, throat burns, gag reflex sucks, tongue cramps, anything.”
Yoongi nodded. 
“And I’m sure your stamina is impressive, which means, maybe you’ll last two minutes in her mouth but hey, there’s second round.” He opened his arms in front of him, almost spilling the coffee.
“And third.” Said Yoongi. “If need be. Kitten needs minimum two.”
Namjoon groaned. “Vixen’s like… either a very good, powerful one, or a whole session. That’s when the toys come into help. With her it’s not a matter of how many but of how often. It goes from three or four times a week to everyday.”
“Good thing you’re a beast.” Yoongi commented.
“I do my best.” Namjoon replied honestly. “And again, it’s not like only fucking. Sometimes foreplay is just enough, you know.”
Yoongi nodded. “I could eat Kitten out just for the sake of it. Sometimes I don’t even need to fuck her, the pleasure is all in watching her.”
"I like watching Candy, when she cums. It's that whole look." He circled his open hand in front of his face. "And she said she likes watching me too. That's why she wanted me to… look at her."
"She probably feels empowered by it. Kitten likes feeling powerful when she gets me going. Same reason why I love eye contact when I eat her." Yoongi's voice was absolutely neutral, as if it were a mere clinical statement. 
Jeongguk’s voice was tiny. “I’ve never eaten Candy out.” But God, if he wanted to...
Namjoon turned, alarmed but trying to keep it cool, sensing his discomfort.
“It’s always felt like she didn’t want it. Anytime I tried going there with my mouth, she’d drag me up towards her face. I seriously don’t get it.”
“You must talk it out, Ggugie.” Yoongi confirmed. “People have traumas, bad experiences, shitty exes -- and it might be her case. Kitten had never been eaten out before me. Said her ex didn’t like the taste. It took us a while, a blindfold and a lot of safewording to get through it.”
“Thanks, hyung.” Jeongguk replied.
“It’s okay, man.” By now the sun was rising. In a couple minutes the whole house would be awake, Jimin’s feet would pad softly on the plush carpet, his eyes still half closed from sleep. Jin would start moving kitchenware around, making a lot of noise to cook breakfast. Hobi would appear shirtless to grab his food and eat it on the sofa, chatting with his family or friends on the phone. Lastly Taehyung’s yawn would finally signal the beginning of their day.
“It’s beautiful.” Namjoon murmured, watching the sun rise. 
“I really hope Candy comes back to me.” He thought about her tender smile, the one she had on her face after their first time. He thought about how she talks so soft in the morning, how she always texts him before going to bed. The mug in the kitchen that he had bought for her, the spare toothbrush in his bathroom at home. The smell of her shampoo, just perfectly sweet. Her legs tangled in his sheet. Her underwear smelling like his fabric softener. The way her mouth moves when she says his name. He missed it all.
“She’ll come back.” Namjoon enveloped an arm around his friend. “She loves you.”
“I hope I find someone that loves me like Vixen loves you.” He confessed.
“She’s special.” Joon’s eyes watered a little.
“Indeed she is,” Yoongi confirmed.
“Just like Kitten to you, hyung.” Joon looked at Yoongi. He looked truly emotional.
“Kitten’s a masterpiece.” He sniffled and put his hand on Namjoon’s shoulder, lightly leaning in. 
“A few days and we’ll be back to the girls. And it will be okay again.” Namjoon encouraged them, his dimpled smile hopeful at the rise of dawn.
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creepingsharia · 4 years
Families of service members killed, wounded by Saudi jihad mass shooting at Florida Naval Air Station file lawsuit
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Pensacola Navy base mass shooter had accomplices, help from Saudi Arabia, victims claim in terror lawsuit
Families of three slain U.S. service members and 13 others wounded in a mass shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola in 2019 alleged Monday that the government of Saudi Arabia facilitated the attack that U.S. authorities concluded was an act of international terrorism.
A 152-page complaint in federal court in Pensacola makes startling new allegations that the shooter, Royal Saudi Air Force 2nd Lt. Ahmed Mohammed al-Shamrani, executed the attack with the support of “accomplices.” Those included fellow Saudi air force trainees, who he told of his plans at a dinner the night before and during a November visit to the 9/11 memorial in New York City to pay tribute to the hijackers, the plaintiffs alleged.
Al-Shamrani, who was killed by responding sheriff’s deputies, worked with al-Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula for five years to plan the Dec. 6, 2019, attack, U.S. authorities said last May after de-encrypting his phone.
The families also accused the Trump administration and Saudi government of reneging on pledges of support for families.
“In the eyes of the American people, there is no greater betrayal than the realization that a purported ally is, in fact, an enemy, “ the lawsuit asserts. It seeks damages for an attack the families say was caused by Saudi Arabia and its willful or grossly negligent acts in sending a terrorist operative “Trojan horse” into a U.S. program to train pilots flying billions of dollars of U.S.-sold warplanes.
“I think they knew he was out to destroy the American people, and he was a terrorist. Innocent lives were loss. It should have never happened,” said Evelyn Brady, a 20-year Navy veteran whose son, Airman Apprentice Mohammed Haitham, 19, was killed while running unarmed toward the shooter with his hands up, pleading with him to stop.
“They were supposed to take care of the families. … They’ve done nothing,” said Brady, who is represented with other plaintiffs by law firms led by Kreindler & Kreindler, which is also suing the kingdom on behalf of 9/11 victims and survivors.
A U.S.-based attorney for the Saudi government and spokesman for the Saudi Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The lawsuit comes as U.S.-Saudi relations have fallen to a new low since January, with the new Biden administration canceling arms sales, criticizing human rights abuses and the harassment of dissidents and pledging to “recalibrate” ties with the kingdom and its de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
The administration has said it will continue arms sales to the world’s biggest customer for U.S. weapons and signaled that it wants to continue a strong counterterrorism partnership.
But it is also expected to make public as early as this week a long-sought U.S. intelligence report concluding that the crown prince ordered the 2018 killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and to press Riyadh to end its war in Yemen and to moderate their own extremism.
A State Department spokesman said it declined to comment on pending litigation, but the Pensacola families’ allegations further complicate U.S.-Saudi ties. There are also pending federal lawsuits against the prince and other Saudis by Khashoggi’s fiancee and by a former top Saudi intelligence officer and close U.S. intelligence ally now living in Canada who claims he was also targeted for assassination.
Saudi Arabia has been frequently targeted by terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda, which carried out large-scale attacks beginning in 2003, and more recently by assailants sympathetic to the Islamic State group. Attacks have been directed at government facilities, Westerners stationed in the kingdom and members of Saudi Arabia’s Shiite minority, who are considered heretics by hard-line Sunni Muslims.
In January 2020, then-Attorney General William P. Barr announced that the 15-minute rampage at the Florida base was an act of terrorism, with the FBI concluding that  Shamrani was motivated by “jihadist ideology.”
Barr and aides said that while it was initially reported that Shamrani arrived at the shooting site with others, who filmed it, he in fact arrived alone and that the investigation had not found evidence that anyone else acted with him.
Barr said 21 cadets from Saudi Arabia, including 12 from the Pensacola base, were disenrolled from their training and would be returning to the kingdom after U.S. officials said they found evidence that 17 Saudis had shared Islamist or anti-American material through social media. Fifteen — including some of those who had shared anti-American material — were found to have had contact with or possessed child pornography.
Barr said U.S. attorneys had reviewed each case and determined that such people would not normally be charged with federal crimes.
The families’ Pensacola lawsuit makes more specific allegations. They claim that Saudi authorities knew of the radicalization and anti-American and anti-Jewish statements of  Shamrani — an al-Qaeda operative who made his first contact with al-Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula by at least 2015 — which he shared via Twitter.
Shamrani was nevertheless one of two out of hundreds of students in his Royal Saudi Air Force Academy class awarded a scholarship to enter a joint military training program in the United States, the suit asserts.
It also claims that the Saudi commanding officer on base and 11 other trainees it did not name knew that Shamrani purchased and stored a 9mm handgun and ammunition on base in violation of U.S. and Saudi policy; and that Saudi officials left the commanding officer’s post unfilled from September 2019 until after the shooting.
“None of the Royal Saudi Air Force trainees at the scene of the attack reported  Shamrani’s behavior nor did they try to stop the NAS Terrorist Attack, because they supported it,” the suit asserts.
On Sept. 11, Shamrani posted a message on social media saying, “The countdown has begun,” and later that month sent a copy of his will to AQAP purporting to explain the coming attack, the suit alleges. That Thanksgiving weekend, the suit said, al-Shamrani visited the memorial in New York City to those killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, in which 15 of 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals.
Read the lawsuit here
The suit alleges that during the visit, the trainees “discussed the plans for the NAS Pensacola Terrorist Attack.” It also asserts that on Dec. 5, the night before the attack,  Shamrani hosted a dinner party for fellow trainees at which he screened videos of mass shootings and discussed his plans for the next day.
At least three trainees who attended the dinner called in sick the next morning, one of whom stood outside the building and recorded the shooting on his cellphone while two others watched from a nearby car, the suit claims.
That so many trainees were at least sympathetic to al-Qaeda and that several were “actually accomplices” demonstrates their belief that their extremist views “were in furtherance of [the kingdom’s] political and religious goals,” the suit claims.
Killed in the attack were Ensign Joshua Kaleb Watson, 23, of Enterprise, Ala., a recent Naval Academy graduate; Haitham, of St. Petersburg, Fla,; and Airman Apprentice Cameron Walters, 21, of Bryan County, Ga., days removed from boot camp and serving his first day on watch duty, who Shamrani approached from behind and shot in the back of the head.
Four Navy service members, a Navy civil servant, seven sheriff’s deputies and a Department of Defense police officer wounded in the attack also joined the suit. Two are partially disabled for life, including Airman George Johnson, 26, and Jessica Pickett, 20. Johnson, a single parent who now must use a cane, was hit seven times, including one bullet that was blocked by a metal “I love you” card from his mother in his wallet. Pickett, a Navy veteran and civilian employee, was struck nine times and has a metal rod in her left leg, a gap in her femur and requires a walker or wheelchair.
After expressing terrorist views for two years before being chosen for a coveted slot, training overseas to become a pilot, “An officer in their uniform murdered three Americans,” said Walters’s father, Shane Walters, 47, a former Navy F-18 Hornet mechanic and sales team manager at Gulfstream Aerospace.
“Why? How did he get here? They had to have known. … It’s shameful,” Walters said.
Walters condemned the Trump administration for failing to prioritize “dealing face-to-face” with the Saudis over the attacks. He also rebuked former president Donald Trump and the Saudi royal family for never personally speaking with the families of the killed or wounded U.S. service members.
The Trump administration was preoccupied with striking new arms and diplomatic deals and coddled Saudi Arabia “in a way no president ever has. I don’t think my son’s murder, or Mo’s murder, or Joshua’s murder, was a top priority,” Walters said.
The suit asserted that, adding “insult to injury,” Saudi Arabia has ignored or rebuked all attempts to discuss the families’ claims, as it purportedly promised in exchange for the U.S. allowing Saudi officers at Pensacola to immediately return home rather than face further investigation.
The suit cited then-President Trump saying to reporters after a phone call with King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud: “The king will be involved in taking care of the families and loved ones. …  likewise the crown prince. They are devastated by what took place in Pensacola. And I think they are going to help out the families very greatly.”
However, neither the U.S. government nor the kingdom of Saudi Arabia “contacted my family or talked to the other families,” Walters said. After the attacks, representatives of his son’s last private employer came to Walters’s home to give him two challenge coins from the vice president, Walters said, “one for me and one for my wife. They couldn’t do it themselves.”
Foreign governments and leaders  are typically immune from civil suits in U.S. courts while in office. However, the lawsuit cited exceptions for terrorism and for victims of Saudi Arabia. It also cited a 1991 law called the Torture Victim Protection Act which provides recourse in U.S. courts for violations of international law and for victims of “flagrant human rights violations,” including torture and summary execution abroad.
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starliightxo · 3 years
Brie Aliyah Ramsey
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Academy: Diamond Bridge (LA)
Course(s): modelling, music production/song writing
Parents: npc
Sexuality: bisexual
Before the abduction/Personality:
Before Brie disappeared, she was fairly well known on tour. She was bubbly, outgoing and very loud at parties. She could befriend anyone and talk about anything. She had a bit of a party girl reputation and one for sleeping around. She was always seen making out with someone new at parties but she was never in one place for long. She was a wildcard. Ready to meet new people, we new places and try new things. She'd find a way to work with any one no matter what subject they studied. She was a social butterfly.
Modelling is her main passion, she's all over it. She got ahead pretty quickly as one of the very few girls willing to be photographed topless. She'd had no shame and bags if confidence to spare. She was ready for anything. But her love for modelling never stopped her exploring other areas. Modelling remains her number one but from all the things she dabbled in, she's kept going with music production and song writing, mainly through Paramore which is where she started after producing and co-writing Ain't It Fun.
The Abduction:
(under read more because super triggering including sexual assault, abuse, rape, pornography)
Plots ~ Open & Taken:
Amelia - A really close friend and work buddy. Amelia was the one who got Brie into music production and song writing and they produced songs together and have many more in the works before Brie disappeared. 
Astrea - really good friends but with benefits. They got closer on tour. They're polar opposites; Brie is more what you see is what you get, but Astrea is a lot more calculated and thinks carefully about how she comes across. Brie took an interest and after a chase, they were both hooked and genuinely loved hanging out with each other.
Harlow - they’re modelling friends but it isn’t exactly a deep connection, it’s all about messing around, partying and having fun on set and nights out. The type of friends you discuss outfits with and drag out to parties if they’re not feeling it.
Fleur & Dixie - Modelling friends but definitely with a lot more depth. They grew up quite close after Brie got a modelling job with Anastasia's brand along with the girls. They have similar public images and thrice for each other on nights out, they're a group to watch. It's definitely boosted Brie's socialite status being linked with the girls and although it's obvious, Brie loves them and they know that's not the reason they became friends in the first place
Addy - someone she hypes up and always tries to shed some of her confidence onto
Anthony - as a teacher at the academy, Anthony although wasn't involved in her abduction, he now knows the ins and outs of what happened and has been assigned to keep an eye on Brie and make sure she sticks to the fake story.
Flynn - her ex from first year/high school. They didn't get very far in the relationship before they left for different uni's and drifted as a couple but they ended on good terms. So good that even now, they look out for each other and Brie even encourages him with this crush he has on Lottie
Lucie - once upon a time, before the kidnapping, brie was definitely part of "the girls" but since being back, she's cut them and that lifestyle off; shying away from it immensely and only trusting very few. Lucie, a social climber, has been trying her best to coax brie back and convince the other girls to do the same. Not because she cares all that much, but because of the publicity surrounding brie and the disappearance is a great opportunity.
A simple one night stand (Male or female) - She would have had many of these but maybe it was the most recent and it hit them very hard because they were questioned by police and the public after them leaving an event together was pictured and gossiped about. 
Music work friend - I want to make it specific so a song they’ve released that she produced or co-wrote please! This could obviously be more than one person/band etc and it could be that someone worked with her but she bugged them A LOT and would have called it off if the song hadn’t done so well so maybe they had mixed feelings about her disappearance. 
Rivals - Another model who maybe hated Brie because of the amount of confidence she had and the amount of work she got because of it, maybe she got given a few jobs that they really wanted and they resented her. Again it’s up to you how they feel now she’s back
Someone she was flirting with at the after party (male or female) - before she she left, she could have been pursuing someone but it could be that after a bathroom break she came out to see them making out with someone else and that’s what made her leave when she did. She’ll lowkey blame them now. 
The Abduction: 
Brie was abducted by somebody employed by the academies for the tour, specifically, a mentor involved in photography. He knew Brie obviously from her modelling career and had worked with her a lot and after enlisting a few other people to help in the abduction, including a personal driver, Brie got into a car she thought was safe, ready to leave the party and head back to her room. She never got there. 
It was an abduction based on sexual abuse and someone with wider motives, but Brie didn’t last long enough to discover what could have happened and what they had planned. During the week she was away, she was held tied up in a basement in a place she didn’t know, drugged, abused and assaulted repeatedly by various men. These assaults were filmed. 
Brie was never meant to be let go. But since the tour has resumed, her captives have agreed it would be way too risky to keep their job on the tour and keep her hidden. They agreed to release her but not after they were sure she had the story straight. As far as the police, public and everyone around her are concerned, Brie simply wondered off that night and after too much to drink, doesn’t have much memory of it. She stayed away because she got really sick afterwards and upon realising she was a missing person, chose to come back. If she told the truth, the recordings of what really happened were going to be released; ruining her career, her reputation, her life. Her friends and family will see her in a way that horrified her. She was completely brain washed and terrified. 
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ratingtheframe · 4 years
Why Armie Hammer’s Scandal Is More Than Kink Shaming
The 34 year old actor has had numerous allegations thrown his way this past month, from cannibalism to an obsession with BDSM. But do these allegations go beyond a widely accepted community of kink lovers and venture into deeply rooted misogyny?
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Warning: this article contains mentions of cannibalism and sexual assault. 
For those of you who aren’t aware of Armie Hammer’s presence on screen, you may be scratching your head and wondering what on earth people are talking about, seeing the cannibalism aspect to this all as face value without making the connection between Hammer’s past behaviours and current allegations. The actor who rose to prominence in Aaron Sorkin and David Fincher’s The Social Network (2013) playing both of the Winklevoss twins, has become quite the favourite amongst the film industry. His role Oliver in Luca Guadagnino’s Call me by your name (2017) has sent Twitter into a permanent frenzy as memes and daily adoration for Chalamet and Hammer’s on screen romance continue to thrive even 4 years after the film's release. As well as Call me your name, Hammer is known for roles in Sorry to Bother You (2018), Rebecca (2020), On the Basis of Sex (2018) and soon to be released, Death on The Nile (2021). He currently has another film due to be released and a Call me by your name sequel in development. Sounds as if he’s got a lot going for him and despite him not being the biggest star to be churned out of Hollywood today, the recognition is still there and with that, he’s still being paid. 
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The Allegations
At the beginning of the year, an account emerged under the handle of @houseofeffie, that was created to expose some lurid and unpleasant communication between several women and Armie Hammer. Some of which he had relations with whilst married to his now ex wife Elizabeth Chambers. The nature of these dms are incredibly disturbing and worrying considering that Hammer not only has children but as an actor, spends a proportionate time around women.
These are just a few of the messages that were exposed that led the media to brandish Hammer as a “cannibal”:
 “You are the god damned standard I hold women to in terms of kink and enjoyment of fucking the[n]...”
“I need to drink your blood, why the distance?” “...thinking of holding your heart in my head and controlling when it beats”
“I am 100% a cannibal...I want to eat you....Fuck...that’s scary to admit..”
“I’ve cut the heart out of a living animal before and eaten it while still warm”
“You were the most intense and extreme version [that I’ve ever had]. Raping you on the floor with a knife against you. Everything else seemed boring”
“You [were] crying and screaming, me standing over you.  I felt like a god. I’ve never felt such power or intensity.”
“You just live to obey and be my slave”
“Would you come and be my property till you die? If I wanted to cut off one of your toes and keep it with me in my pocket so I always had a piece of you in my possession?”
“I want to see your brain, your blood, your organs, every part of you… I would definitely bite it...100%”
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...O-kay. Lots to unpack here. First and fore mostly, I’d like to address the kink shaming element to all of this. I personally don’t see any harm in kinks, BDSM, pornography, as long as people are consenting and aren’t inflicting unsolicited pain upon people. Therefore, kink shaming and finding Hammer’s taste in sexual preferences isn’t what we are here to discuss. In fact when I first read the allegations, that wasn’t even my initially thought. CNN posted an article two days ago titled “Armie Hammer May Be Disturbed, But Is Shaming Him the Answer?” an opinion based article by Aaron Weaver that explores the allegations and believes Hammer shouldn’t be shamed for his kinks. But this begs the question whether Hammer was actually being shamed? I didn’t see much evidence for this seeing as people were mostly horrified by his taste in human flesh than anything else, a kink that is uncommon in the BDSM community and is only practiced by the most extreme. 
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Kinks aside, the most worrying thing about the DMs above is the way in which he views women and their bodies. It’s clear to see that he might not have much respect for women seeing as he proudly states his willingness to cut them up and drink their blood. And funnily enough, the sexual objectification of women’s bodies for one's own sexual pleasure without considering their comfortability is classed as misogyny. A reddit user made an extremely good point on a thread about Hammer’s scandal stating:
“To me, the problem is not that he’s into rough sex, or that he has kinks some people find scary. It’s not about yucking his yum, so to speak. I’m more concerned that he may have ignored safe words and pushed his partners beyond their limits. I feel like the media is focusing so much on his kinks and sexuality as opposed to his ignoring of consent, which is a complete and utter inversion of priorities”
Past Relationships
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Another example of Hammer disrespecting the boundaries of women and sexual pleasure would be his past girlfriend Paige Lorenze. Lorenze is a 23 year model and former professional skier who has shone a light on Hammer’s worrying behaviour and his involvement in BDSM activity. The sources of Lorenze’s allegations are highly unreliable, which is one of the most frustrating things about this entire charade. The BBC BRIEFLY covered the fact that Hammer dropped out of his latest film amid the allegations, without fully going into detail about the allegations or the abuse subjected towards his former partners. It just goes to show we’re rubbish at taking abuse seriously enough to the point where people are punished for their wrongdoings. Had a more reliable news source covered this story, then it’d make it more viable to the public. Even though this scandal is in its early days, that doesn’t necessarily mean it's unimportant or should be swept under the rug along with the hundreds of other scandals that Hollywood refuses to expose.
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Only the Daily Mail, The Sun and Page Six seem to have gone in depth with the accusations, making the entire story rather murky for the reader. Anyhow, Paige Lorenze said to the Daily Mail that Hammer had carved an ‘A’ above her groin without her consent and licked it whilst it bled. He had also reportedly tied her up and hit her with paddles to fuel his BDSM obsession and sexual desires. Lorenze was quoted saying 'Any man who is fantasizing about crushing bones, eating them, having sex with female limp bodies is a danger to all women'. Hammer insisted to Lorenze that his behaviour was normal, and that there was an entire community of people that carried out the same things he did on her. This is partially correct seeing as the global sex play market is worth over $30 billion, with practices in such activities dating back to the mid 19th century. However, the one thing the BDSM community doesn’t condone is not giving consent, which is where the fine line is drawn in between Hammer’s sexual preferences and the BDSM community. His choice to carve that ‘A’ into Lorenze isn’t backed up by a wider community of people who enjoy a variety of sexual pleasure. Lorenze claims he also DMed nude photos of her being tied up to people without her consent, further perpetuating Hammer’s lack of respect towards people’s boundaries. This is a serious incident, that sees someone with more power (Hammer is 6’5 and Lorenze is 5’6 btw) assert their dominance and by doing so, degrades and harms someone else. We shouldn’t be kink shaming Hammer, but shaming him for thinking that this behaviour is acceptable.
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Hammer’s previous relationships can also draw some light into his lack of respect for women. He and his wife Elizabeth Chambers divorced in July 2020 after a decade of marriage. Though it's unknown what triggered the separation, these recent allegations may have something to do with it. Furthermore, two other women have come forward to express their distaste towards Hammer and his questionable fantasies. Entrepreneur and ex-girlfriend of Armie Hammer, Courtney Vucekovich, told Page Six that Hammer wanted to “break [her] rib and barbecue it and eat it”. She also expressed how easy it was for Hammer to charm his way through into getting women, especially young women into doing what he wants through “active manipulation and making you feel like he’s never felt this way about anybody.” Lorenze was also subjected to similar retort after reporting that Hammer too wanted to barbecue one of her ribs because she “didn’t need it”. Writer Jessica Ciencen Henriquez took to twitter last summer after a lunch date with Hammer and expressed that she had blocked him on Instagram. She later went on to tweet this:
“If you are still questioning whether or not those Armie Hammer DMs are real (and they are) maybe you should start questioning why we live in a culture willing to give abusers the benefit of the doubt instead of victims”
Exactly my point here. There’s not much to this scandal other than the fact that several people were hurt and undermined and someone else caused it. Someone who is societally above everyone because of their race, class, status and gender, with a well connected and dominant family support system. 
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His background and past 
Hammer comes from a very powerful and wealthy family. Hammer’s great grandfather, Armand Hammer, was the chief executive officer and president of the Occidental Petroleum company founded in 1920. Now if you’re wondering the exact scale of such a company that is still running today, they are the 4th largest oil and gas acquisition in the entire world worth over $100 billion. ONE HUNDRED, BILLION, DOLLARS. Not all actors in Hollywood can say that their great-grandfathers were worth that much, which gives me little hope in seeing Hammer be held accountable for what he’s done. He was also kicked out of UCLA after apparently not “being able to do it”.  Just another rich white male with enough power, malice and money to work his way around any struggle.
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Now that we’ve established Hammer’s allegations, it’s worth looking back to see whether the signs of such behaviour were already prevalent in the numerous interviews he partook in over the years. Complex highlighted an episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert from 2017, where the host brought up Hammer’s obsession with knots, to which he laughed off and claimed that “knots make sense” that they are a “language” and referenced how man used knots before the wheel. Valid points but ones that are debunked in light of his interest in BDSM. during a 2013 interview with Playboy (appropriate) Hammer expressed that his “sexual appetites changed'' when he married his wife and that hair pulling used to be something he enjoyed but could no longer do now that he was married “even though he wanted to”. This is quite the backwards comment when we’re talking about respecting boundaries and it's clear to see it was only a matter of time before his desires could no longer be repressed.
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Since this whole shit storm began to travel Hammer’s way, he has since dropped out of the film The Billion Dollar Spy, which would’ve seen him star alongside Jennifer Lopez. BBC News reported that this move was made as Hammer stated that “I cannot in good conscience now leave my children for four months to shoot a film in the Dominican Republic” following the ‘vicious’ online abuse he’s been subjected to. Hammer was again put in the firing line by Grand Cayman law enforcement for lying about a woman provocatively shown in a video was Miss Cayman of the Miss Cayman beauty pageant that’s held on the island. He and the woman were warned for their misconduct and had confirmed the matter is now closed. 
Final Thoughts
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There are enough red flags in Hammer’s behaviour to open up a flag store, and I would go as far as to say that this isn’t the end of it. For someone who’s grown up having the majority of things they want, it's easy to want more beyond morality and despite the discomfort of others. Hammer’s move to drop out of his latest film was an attempt to lessen the blow of hate being turned towards him as opposed to the benefit of those he’s hurt. So far, him and his lawyer have denied all allegations and further action hasn’t been taken against the Hollywood star. He’s apologised for the DMs and brandished his actions a “foolish attempt at humour”. 
Wrapping his own behaviour up in humour is an attempt to detract from the severity of the behaviour itself, whilst excusing it, something he can get away with because of his status. 
Major media outlets haven’t done much in even attempting to expose this man’s behaviour and have left it up to unreliable sources to piece together the true persona of Armie Hammer. Though innocent until proven guilty, common sense is widely available to the general public meaning we should be delving into the past a little and comparing it to these allegations. Along with Hammer’s character, family and unnerving Instagram posts of cutting up meat and eating raw steak, there doesn’t seem to be much in the actor’s favour. 
All I would say is as a director, producer, writer or actor, would you feel comfortable in being associated with someone who believes they're a cannibal and marvels at the idea of drinking human blood? Or someone who goes as far to objectify women to the point where they become nothing but sexual fulfilment and pieces of meat? 
That’s all I’ll say and those who do feel comfortable doing such a thing means that Hammer may still have a career at the end of the day. One point to Hollywood, no points to political correctness and respecting women. 
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donnadyer · 3 years
Discover How TIKTOK Can Improve Your Sex Life
TIKTOK Adult Girls Photos is a collection of erotic videos and photos for the adult female demographic. It was started in 1995 by Lisa Patrice, who is from France. It's a non profit organization that gives women access to sexual education on their sexuality through erotic images. TIKTOK can be purchased online through the company's website or through mail order catalogs. You can even request to have a DVD mailed to you for personal enjoyment.
There are many types of images and videos on the site for you to choose from. Some of the more popular categories include the "TSK" series which shows exotic women in provocative poses. There are also collections of full frontal and close up images of the women's bodies. These show off the women's beautiful faces and their bodies.
Other videos show women in various stages of undress, like being tied to the bed with straps while being seduced. Some even show the women in lingerie. In many instances these images are interspersed with words describing each woman's erotic nature and sexual experience. A favorite among TIKTOK subscribers are the "dirty talk" videos where the women talk dirty to one another about sex.
TIKTOK can be purchased through the internet at a variety of retail and download sites. On the site itself there are also chat rooms available where people can talk to each other. The women can be recorded in their own voice and the men can be seen on screen. All correspondence is kept strictly confidential. There are also a variety of erotic TIKTOK adult girls videos available for download from the website.
Women like to have erotic contact with each other and they enjoy being intimate with someone else. Women are often hesitant about being intimate with a man because they worry that they might be sharing too much information and thoughts. This is not the case with TIKTOK. All the women share intimate details of their love life and their daily activities. All subscribers are encouraged to masturbate while watching these TIKTOK adult movies.
Some of the videos are soft core porn movies where the women act out a steamy lovemaking session with a man in a movie theater or a restaurant. Others are hardcore pornography with fully clothed women being penetrated by hard penis. Some women are even willing to make love while blindfolded. The men can be heard on the other line and they can hear what the women say. There are no boundaries in the world of the TIKTOK ladies.
TIKTOK has gained millions of followers all over the world. Women from every country are able to view intimate and erotic videos sent from all over the world. The videos are shipped to your email within a few days. In addition, you will receive regular updates on new models and on the upcoming releases. You can also participate on a forum for discussion about love and romance and see the comments and feedback from other women who are in the same position as you.
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