#'wah wah its very important to my ancestors'
richkidcityfriends · 2 years
the next time i see americans blindly supporting the fucking ira i am going to kill someone 
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mysticmachmir · 4 years
Judaism, Circles, and Circle-Casting
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What's the Point of a Circle?
Magical Circle Definition: A temporary space with clearly defined energetic boundaries that provides a known space for ritual, magic, or similar controlled change.
"Casting a circle allows us to create an energetic space that supports our work in the physical space we have available. Since we do our ritual in a variety of spaces, many of which spend most of their time being something else (a living room, a public park, a rented room in a friendly business or community building), we need a way to make the space stop being those things, and start being a space where ritual, magic, and transformation can happen more easily."
This is a definition from a religious witch, a priestess of a coven. Obviously, this is not Judaism or a Jewish witch. However, if we want to incorporate some type of this into our practice, we need to understand what is its purpose. Asking why we have a ritual is just as important as how to craft one genuinely. For more information on crafting Jewish ritual and researching into Jewish traditional rituals to serve your purposes, please inquire this series on Tumblr.
Magical and Mystical Circles in Judaism
The Talmud: Honi HaMe'egal
One of the most concrete examples is using a circle to invoke and demand something of G!d. Here is a summary of what he did, but the sources via Sefaria are Taanit 23a:4-Taanit 23a:5-10. 
"His surname is derived from an incident in which, according to the Babylonian Talmud, his prayer for rain was miraculously answered. On one occasion, when G!d did not send rain well into the winter (in Israel, it rains mainly in the winter), Honi drew a circle in the dust, stood inside it, and informed G!d that he would not move until it rained. When it began to drizzle, Honi told G!d that he was not satisfied and expected more rain; it then began to pour. He explained that he wanted a calm rain, at which point the rain calmed to a normal rain."
The Bible and Folkloric Uses of Circles
However, there are many times we see circles used in Judaism. In the TaNaKh, magic circles first appear in Jewish tradition in the Bible, when Joshua encircles Jericho seven times in order to collapse its walls. We also have circles during Simchat Torah, weddings, Hoshana Rabbah, and funerals. Circles are used quite a bit in Jewish ritual, whether we realize it or not.
The use of protective circles, so familiar in medieval sorcery, also starts to appear in Jewish practice. Such circles were also used to protect the birthing bed of pregnant women (Sefer ha-Chayyim 2.8). Smaller circles drawn around a wound or area of illness on a Body presumably exorcised the malaise-causing spirit. 
The book Zera Kodesh (“Holy Seed”),  written in the 16th century, describes making concentric circles on the ground (usually three or seven) with an iron blade, often with an inscription or the names of Angels added. The Baal Shem Tov once defeated a priest-witch by making a protective circle with his staff (Megillat Setarim). 
In YIVO's Folklore of Ashkenaz class, by Professor Itzik Gottesman, he discusses the different ways circles were used by Ashkenazi Jews. He discusses that "Circling [was used to] ward the demons off the body. Circling, and circles in general, have found their way into Jewish folklore in a number of ways. Circles are considered perfect shapes and have a magical power to keep away evil. … Round objects also have symbolic value. At the first meal from returning from a burial, the family is given bagels to eat. One interpretation of this is so that we remember the round cycle of life and death, and it reinforces belief in reincarnation, which has been very much part of Jewish belief in the Diaspora. The [Rabbinic] responsa also mentions other circle customs: to circle the graves with thread, which were later used as wicks and candles to be lit for the ill person in the synagogue; in order to stop the spread of swelling on the eyes, it was circled with a ring; and in order to prevent further growth of a hunchback, it was circled with the hand of a dead man."
Noam Sienna, a Jewish scholar, speaks of other minhagim: "Drawing circles is also a common practice in the Mediterranean/Sephardic Jewish world to protect birthing mothers and newborns — it’s often drawn with a special sword or knife, and participants would also themselves walk in a circle around the cradle or around the room while reciting a protective formula like Psalm 91."
In Midrash, it is written: "For the circle has no beginning and end. And regarding this pleasure the scholars of truth hinted in their midrash, "the Holy One Blessed be He will make a circle for the righteous in the World to Come."
A circle represents infinity because it has no beginning or end. In Kabbalah, the samech (a letter that is an enclosed loop) represents the infinite power of the Ein Sof, G!d’s infinite light. 
This video from Chabad is about an hour-long shiur on the concept of the sacred geometry of the circle, but essentially the Rabbi discusses how the circle is the most common and natural shape in Nature that G!d has created. Pebbles, the globe, ripples of water, the cycle of time itself is the most perfect shape and represents the week, 7 days. Seven and the circle are connected, as 7 is a very important number in Judaism connected to time. I do recommend watching if you're interested in numerology, sacred geometry, and math connected to divinity.
Modern Circle-Casting Rituals
Typically, when people think of circle casting, they are called to Wicca's ritual of circle casting, calling on the archangels (which sounds extremely similar to the Jewish krias Shema  - and Wicca was invented in the 50s, so you know who took from who there), calling on the watchtowers (Book of Enoch), and etcetera. This is not a process I am necessarily interested in. Here is one take of mixing Wiccan circle-casting with Jewish and Celtic theology/elements (this person is Jewish). Note: If you are a monotheistic Jew, or otherwise don't want to "mix" your practices, I do not suggest using this example of ritual. Also, the Zohar-pentagram connection is… questionable.
There is also the circle-casting suggested from Tehomot: Jewish Witchcraft*, which I'll outline here. I prefer this one because while yes, it is connecting back to the Wiccan tradition, it is not melding much of the religious elements, and only a few ritual pieces. Instead, it incorporates a lot more Jewish ritual and connection to Hashem. If it were me, I would remove the athame aspect of it and it would align more for my needs.
Visualization of the circle as the boundary of Gan Eden:
Athame/tool - shooting out fire like the spinning blade protecting Gan Eden
Gan Eden - orientations to the east, four rivers in the garden
Instead of calling on the watchtowers, call on the names of the rivers as found in Torah
He says that the "casting of the circle brings you from Malkhut - etheric double of the physical world. You are going up the Tree of Life and the Four Worlds in circle work/spirit work - from physical to spiritual (Assiyah to Yetzirah, Malkhut to Yesod)". 
The purpose of using a circle is asking for help - from G!d, angels, guardians, to ask help to change Assiyah/Malkhut/physical realm.
How To Cast (According to Tehomot)
1. Be properly prepared. ritual for preparedness - oil/shower/ centering. Once in the circle, anointment w/ oil and/or ring a bell/musical note
2. Draw the circle - saltwater, incense, or candle
3. Corner call - the four rivers and four elements. 
4. Summoning entities to hold the corner of the circles - angels, spirits, whomever 
5. The evocation of G!d, recite psalms and say for what purpose
6. Calling on ancestors to be present
7. Magical work/ritual
8. Worship element - a prayer to G!d, offerings (kiddush)
9. Closing - release ancestors, release the corners, draw the circle backward and ground the energy
Finally, in the book Magic of the Ordinary, there is another "circle-casting" ritual that he posits is from compiling symbolism from Jewish texts in this new ritual.
Tools: Bird feather and a fallen branch found naturally. This ritual is to be performed outside as it is written in this book. It is asked that you meditation with this stick and infuse your breath into it before using it to draw the circle.
If the ritual for which you are making the circle is to heal something, undo something, process something, make space for newness in some way or another, draw the circle counter-clockwise. Walk around the circle as you are drawing it and chant (I am only writing the English, get the book for the Hebrew): "Here I am Here I am Here I am, G!d Breath, Please support me" 
(Take a Breath) "I and the Unnameable, The Infinite One So again-- I and ho, I and ho"
(Take a breath, and then louder): "I and ho I and ho Support me, Please"
Repeat as much as you need until the circle is complete. You need to draw it seven times. Then, step inside the circle and chant into the four directions: "Toward your support do I direct my hope, O G!d I direct my hope, O G!d toward your support O G!d toward your support do I direct my hope"
Take your feather and sweep it across the inside of the circle and chant: "For the sake of the unification of the Holy Blessed One be He and the Shekhinah Through this rite, done in awe and in love to join The name Yah with Wah in a complete union"
Then wave the feather to the sky in circular movements while chanting "Yah" toward the sky and downward again sweeping it across the earth chanting "Wah". Do this three times and leave your tools in the center of the circle before stepping out. The circle is finished, and you can begin any rituals  - calling forth spirits, performing ceremonies, or leading gatherings. 
(Yah and Wah are two names of G!d, riffing off the Holy Name in an acceptable way as it is not the full name. If you are uncomfortable with this, you can replace it with a name of G!d comfortable for you). 
*The person who made this podcast is an apostate and is now a Messianic Baptist. He has a post where he says that Jesus is Torah and to deny Jesus means you are denying G!d. I do not support Messianic Judaism, so I have decided not to link his work. You can still find it online, easily. This podcast is from a time where he identified as a Jewish witch and was becoming a Rabbi.
If you like my work and writings, feel free to tip me here: https://ko-fi.com/ezrasaville!
The Jewish Myth, Magic, and Mysticism Encyclopedia by R. Geoffrey Dennis Magic of the Ordinary by R. Gershon Winkler Chabad Gleewood Sefaria Noam Sienna YIVO’s Folklore of Ashkenaz Tehomot: Jewish Witchcraft (Podcast) Liorah HaMasovevet
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nicollechoo0321 · 4 years
Week 7 (16/03/21)
Task : Story writing Book Title : Covid 101 : Funny Edition
Hello, Lengzai’s and Lenglui’s. Welcome. My name is Kepoh. The story that I’m going to tell you will forever remain in the history books and it will be passed down to your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren. So prepare your cheap popcorn……………and enjoy.
Once upon a time, not long ago, inside a wet market far…..far away, a virus baby was born, and that baby’s name is called Coronavirus………….or Covid-19? ………….whatever you like to call it.  Wah I tell you ah, this Corona is a troublesome little virus. Just like it’s ancestors, very naughty, yet evil.  I think ah this Corona is the Thanos of all viruses, just a snap of the finger and almost half of the earth’s population go bye-bye.  Now let me tell you a little bit about Corona.  Corona likes to do parkour. Why? Because it likes to jump here jump there to each persons body.  Once you and the person who kena the virus touchy—touchy, you will also kena the virus, after you will start to experience the following symptoms…………  Fever, coughing, tiredness, aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis (whatever that is), headache, loss of taste and smell, difficult breathing, and many more. 
Now that you know how stupid dangerous the Corona is, now I will show you the saddest part of the story, where it has changed the world and our lives. So again…….sit back, prepare your nuts, and enjoy. It all started from the sprawling capital of Central China’s Hubei province, Wuhan, China. In December, it has expanded to touch all corners of the globe. Upon millions of people around the world have been infected and hundreds of thousands of others have died due to the Corona. Haiyaa……..sad ah. BUT THAT’S NOT ALL!!! Because of the outbreak, people have no choice but to stay at home. Some even lost their jobs! And you know, if the person lost their job there will be no income, if there’s no income, that means no money, if no money means no food, if no food means starvation, if there’s starvation that means DEATH! Scary ah. Anyways, the virus is dangerous, and we must be very careful. But not to worry, Kepoh will tell you how to prevent the virus from happening. You all might be curious “Eh! Kepoh the virus so deadly can prevent one meh?” OF COURSE CAN LAH!  Just like when you bad at math, can improve meh? ----------- OF COURSE CAN MAH! *#@!!**[cursing]
I’m sorry………. excuse me for my bad temper. (pg 31) Anyways, like I said, there is a way to prevent, and that is……………… (pg 32) SOP (pg 33)
NO 1! WEAR A MASK!  Wearing a mask is a must especially when you are outside. Masks can help protect us from the virus. Ever since the outbreak of the virus started in Malaysia, many people fight to buy masks. And some selfish people decided to stock up those masks, which leave some poor and vulnerable citizens nothing to protect themselves…….I mean………HELLOOOOOOO!!!!! YOU THINK YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE IN MALAYSIA AH!? WE NEED PROTECTION TOO YA KNOW. AT LEAST BUY 2 BOXES FIRST LAH, NOT ENOUGH THEN BUY AGAIN MAH!!!........MA HAII……… And also……Some idiots decided to use this opportunity to scam people. Haiyaa……shortage in masks……kena scam some more. What can get more worse than this….. IN FACT! THERE IS! Since masks have became the most needed product in the market now, many markets, pharmacies, retail shops have started to raise the prices …..SAD AH…… But of course there are some IDIOTS who don’t want to wear masks, because they don’t want to hide their ugly…I mean beautiful face. Moving on……
NO 2! SANITIZE YOUR HANDS! (pg 41) Yes……sanitizing hands can help kill the virus. The virus mostly appear on the surface of objects, so whatever the hell you touch, no matter if it’s your BF, GF, mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, aunty, uncle, best friend, your lousy neighbor, your ex, your parcel, the table, the floor, there is a 70% chance you will have the virus on your beautiful hands.  So also remember…………SANITIZE YOUR HANDS (and also the things you touch).  Next……
NO 3! SOCIAL DISTANCING!  Ah………you all might be asking “Har, Kepoh. That means I cannot go yumcha with my friends loh, I cannot go clubbing loh, I cannot holiday loh”. Let me ask you this, do you want to live or you want to die with your friends. You choose. Don’t say Kepoh did not warn you. Anyway, social distancing is very important, you have to make sure to stay 1 meter away from each person, because you never know whether he/she will have the Corona. Of course there are good and bad things about this.  The good is you can protect yourself and you can get away from that one person you hate dearly. (Ha ha ha ha).The bad is you die.
Last, but not least…….. 
NO 4! STAY AT HOME!  This method is even more effective than the rest ah I tell you. Stay at home if you can, don’t go cuti-cuti Malaysia. Talking about this topic ah, Kepoh’s volcano is about to explode ah. Some people never listen one! Sooooo selfish! Like to ke sana ke sini! Not responsible! Think they are immune to the virus! Some even say “Oh, I won’t kena one lah”, “Aiya I’m not scared lah”. Erm……………you’re not scared, I’m scared mah. Walao #@!*!!^%*[cursing] 
Sorry………..got too carried away. Now here comes the serious part of the pandemic. 
THE LOCKDOWN In march 2020, the “Movement Control Order”(MCO) was announced. Every corner of Malaysia is under full lockdown. Wah I tell you, once the government announced the MCO ah, all hell broke loose. Many people charge to the supermarket and flip the heck out of it, stock this and stock that, wah…………its like World War III ah. Which means schools have stopped (yay~~~), some move on with online classes (haiya~~~), offices closed, some work from home, businesses are forced to shut down (sad ah~~~), cannot cuti-cuti Malaysia (even sad ah~~~). During this period of time, Malaysian’s have come up with things to do like, stacking toilet paper, clean the house until niama cannot recognize, coming up with weird food combinations, like milo + Maggie and etc. A lot has happened throughout this period, but the one thing until this day Kepoh still find hilarious and probably the most stupid yet embarrassing thing that has happened in the history of this country is this: 
[visual of the news article (self illustrated)] 
How in the world did she come up with this. If Kepoh’s wife ang~ang~ang~ in front of me wearing makeup, I’d immediately divorce her, no more wife. Some people have mixed reactions with this MCO, Kepoh broke it down to 2 types: THE INTROVERTS & THE EXTROVERTS. The introverts leh, don’t give a damn about this MCO. In fact, to them its like winning a lottery, happy as hell. The extroverts leh, its like prison to them. All they can do is party by themselves. (Aiya, Kepoh feel sad for them.) Slowly, the number of cases started to drop. And the government announced CMCO.  You all must be so confuse now “Eh, Kepoh, this CMCO got any different meh? Just a C in front there”. Relax, let Kepoh explain to you. CMCO means “Conditional Movement Control Order”, easier to say its less strict than MCO. Many businesses can start to operate, you can dine-in, you can go outside have a little exercise. BUT. Still cannot cut your hair, ke sana ke sini, interstate travel, etc. Even though we’re given little freedom, but that doesn’t mean we can do as we please, it is still a must to follow SOPs. KALAU TAK ADA HAL, JANGAN KELUAR. After all the CMCO, the number of cases started to drop even more. Hence, the government announced RMCO. I know you all will ask again “Eh, Kepoh, now what is this RMCO ah?”. RMCO means “Recovery Movement Control Order”. In short, we are nearly going back to our normal lives. Every business, schools and offices were reopened, interstate travel is allowed, but most importantly, we can finally cut our hair! Now this is the most frustrating part. We were thiisssssss close to finally be Covid-free. BUT THEN! 
Second wave of the pandemic strikes us like an atomic bomb. But the story is too long to explain, to make things short, I will show you a drawing of what happened. 
That’s not all.  The third wave came. So fast like how your money disappear from your bank account. Kepoh don’t want to explain anymore, just refer to the drawing. Kepoh need some rest.
Kepoh thought, “Is this the end? When will all of this be over? Can this Corona be stopped? Are we able to see the blue skies again?” When all hope was lost, suddenly, a shiny form of liquid dropped from the sky. BEHOLD! THE VACCINE! Is this it? Is this the cure we’ve all been waiting for? Yes, you are correct. We can finally say bye-bye to Corona. After all the hardship we’ve been through, we finally can stop breathing our own stinky breathe. We can finally sneeze and cough however, whenever, wherever we want (please don’t do that lah) without other people assuming we have the virus………. YOU THINK ITS SO EASY AH! IN YOUR DREAMS! When the vaccine arrived in Malaysia, the people think “Oh, its not safe one lah”, “Oh, its poisonous one, very dangerous”, “Oh, not effective one lah”, this and that. WALAO EH! First you complain when will the vaccine come, now the vaccine came, and then you complain not safe! Kepoh really cannot tahan these people ah. Kepoh think they scared to take the vaccine, such pussy cats. Its like they rather die by the virus than by a tiny bottle of liquid. Haiyaaa, such failure.
WOW! What a rollercoaster ride! Congrats on reading everything until the end. Kepoh don’t know how you did it, but you have earned my respect. SALUTE! SALUTE! SALUTE! But Kepoh must conclude one thing: No matter whatever MCO or SOP, the most important thing is self-discipline and responsibility. If you very LC, confirm you kena the virus one. But if you are responsible, follow all the SOPs, even a grenade could not kill you. I know…. I know, you all might diss me “Kepoh, you sure? You’re being exaggerating, how can discipline and responsibility save ourselves from the virus.” Shut up lah. You dare diss me again I tell you I will hunt you down. Enough talking, its time to say goodbye. The moment you close this book, you will not see me anymore. Kepoh will not miss you…… I mean will miss you dearly. (Haiyaa, now I’m going to be collecting dust on the shelves now).
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akira3214 · 7 years
Alpaca-themed Coffee ShopStoreCoffeehouseCafeCoffee bar
Alpaca-themed Coffee Store This, in turn, causes a more consistent yarn diameter, higher yarn strength, and higher softness of deal with. Island Alpaca is very proud to have dozens of alpaca cria with the AFD or typical fiber size under 15 (some even in the 12 micron range!) the Vicuna, are at about 13 micron. To put in another point of view, the typical diameter of exactly what is termed "infant alpaca" is 20 to 22.5 micron. Alpacas d'Auxvasse is a small farm simply east of Auxvasse, MO. Breeding Suri and Huacaya Alpacas for quality fiber and conformation is inadequate. Focusing on raising healthy, pleased, FRIENDLY alpacas, is a top priority. I don't desire to see my animals from afar - I want to be a welcome part of their lives.I raise my animals to have as stunning a personality as they do fiber and conformation. I am a complete farm offering sales, high qualtiy breedings, limitless mentoring, and most importantly, I can address that all important concern - What do I do with my fiber? If you wish to begin a top-notch herd of alpacas for reproducing, then there are a number of aspects to take a look at in determining your purchase. The quality of an alpaca includes a combination of factors that consist of everything from lineage (the quality of the ancestors), to physical qualities, to fleece qualities, to production history (of both crias and fleece). Alpacas are reproduced for their fleece, so the fleece qualities are amongst the most crucial in choosing your alpaca.First, determine whether you wish to reproduce for white alpacas or for colors. Now this is one of the simplest methods of utilizing a throw blanket for embellishing your home. Take a small or medium sized throw blanket, make casual cascades and drape the blanket over the side of the couch. Let the cascades fall from the back of the chair. Curtaining the throw blanket over the end of the bed is probably among the simplest ways of offering your bed room a customized appearance. Take a large blanket, just fold it lengthwise and curtain it. LAMA - Scientific name for the genus including llamas, guanacos, vicunas, and alpacas; vicunas are in some cases separated into their own genus. LINE BREEDING - The breeding of individuals within a specific line. A breeding system created to keep a considerable degree of relationship to a highly concerned ancestor or group of forefathers without triggering high levels of inbreeding. PACO VICUNA - A crossbred or hybrid vicuna and alpaca. PHENOTYPE - An observed category or determined level of efficiency for a characteristic in an individual.look here https://www.alpacas-hampshire.co.uk/alpaca-adoption-rhona-silver.htm Alpacas are members of the camelid (or camel) household. They are mild tempered with an inquisitive nature and bring excellent pleasure to their owners. There are two different breed-types; the huacaya (wah-KI'-ya) and the suri (surrey). Both types of alpacas are physically nearly identical, one primary physical difference is plainly recognizable: the fleece. The alpaca native to South America is raised for its amazing fleece. This fleece sheared when a year yielding 5 to 10 pounds. Use a well- recognized damp cleaner if it checks out 'dry tidy just'. Yet, cleaning up dry tidy only items with water is done effectively and often when dry cleaners refuse to clean up the clothing. Take a piece of pure impeded percent cotton material and damp it. Pat the cotton fabric on an internal side area on the cloth. These kinds of clothing require mindful washing. If the white fabric remains intact, then the garment is colorfast and can be immersed in water. With these few realities to enter wool washing and cleaning you should be able to look after your costly Alpaca Sweatshirts throughout the long winter season. Have a good time in the warm clothes.
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theprxncesses · 7 years
Alpaca-themed Coffee ShopStoreCoffeehouseCafeCoffee bar
Alpaca-themed Coffeehouse This, in turn, results in a more uniform yarn size, greater yarn strength, and greater softness of manage. Island Alpaca is very proud to have lots of alpaca cria with the AFD or typical fiber diameter under 15 (some even in the 12 micron range!) the Vicuna, are at about 13 micron. To put in another point of view, the average size of what is termed "baby alpaca" is 20 to 22.5 micron. Alpacas d'Auxvasse is a small farm just east of Auxvasse, MO. Breeding Suri and Huacaya Alpacas for quality fiber and conformation is inadequate. Concentrating on raising healthy, happy, FRIENDLY alpacas, is a concern. I don't desire to see my animals from afar - I wish to be a welcome part of their lives.I raise my animals to have as lovely a disposition as they do fiber and conformation. I am a full service farm offering sales, high qualtiy breedings, unlimited mentoring, and best of all, I can respond to that all crucial concern - Exactly what do I do with my fiber? If you want to start a top-quality herd of alpacas for breeding, then there are a variety of aspects to take a look at in identifying your purchase. The quality of an alpaca includes a mix of factors that include whatever from lineage (the quality of the ancestors), to physical attributes, to fleece qualities, to production history (of both crias and fleece). Alpacas are bred for their fleece, so the fleece characteristics are among the most important in picking your alpaca.First, figure out whether you desire to breed for white alpacas or for colors. Now this is among the easiest ways of utilizing a toss blanket for decorating your home. Take a small or medium sized toss blanket, make casual cascades and curtain the blanket over the side of the sofa. Let the waterfalls fall from the back of the chair. Curtaining the throw blanket over completion of the bed is probably among the easiest ways of giving your bedroom a personalized look. Take a big blanket, merely fold it lengthwise and curtain it. LAMA - Taxonomic name for the genus including llamas, vicunas, alpacas, and guanacos; vicunas are often separated into their own genus. LINE BREEDING - The breeding of individuals within a specific line. A mating system developed to maintain a substantial degree of relationship to a highly concerned forefather or group of forefathers without triggering high levels of inbreeding. PACO VICUNA - A crossbred or hybrid vicuna and alpaca. PHENOTYPE - An observed classification or measured level of performance for a quality in a person.try this https://www.alpacas-hampshire.co.uk/alpaka-farming-uk.htm Alpacas are members of the camelid (or camel) family. They are moderate tempered with an analytical nature and bring great delight to their owners. There are two different breed-types; the huacaya (wah-KI'-ya) and the suri (surrey). Both types of alpacas are physically almost identical, one primary physical difference is plainly recognizable: the fleece. The alpaca indigenous to South America is raised for its amazing fleece. This fleece sheared as soon as a year yielding 5 to 10 pounds. Use a well- recognized damp cleaner if it reads 'dry clean just'. Yet, cleaning dry clean only items with water is done effectively and regularly when dry cleaners decline to clean up the clothing. Take a piece of pure impeded percent cotton fabric and damp it. Pat the cotton fabric on an internal side area on the cloth. These type of clothes require careful washing. The garment is colorfast and can be immersed in water if the white cloth stays undamaged. With these few realities to go in wool washing and cleaning you must be able to look after your pricey Alpaca Sweatshirts throughout the long winter. Have a good time in the warm clothes.
0 notes
chuicide · 7 years
Alpaca-themed Coffee ShopStoreCoffeehouseCafeCoffee bar
Alpaca-themed Cafe This, in turn, causes a more consistent yarn size, greater yarn strength, and higher softness of handle. Island Alpaca is very happy to have lots of alpaca cria with the AFD or typical fiber size under 15 (some even in the 12 micron range!) the Vicuna, are at about 13 micron. To put in another perspective, the average diameter of exactly what is termed "infant alpaca" is 20 to 22.5 micron. Alpacas d'Auxvasse is a small farm simply east of Auxvasse, MO. Breeding Suri and Huacaya Alpacas for quality fiber and conformation is not enough. Concentrating on raising healthy, happy, FRIENDLY alpacas, is a priority. I do not desire to see my animals from afar - I wish to be a welcome part of their lives.I raise my animals to have as gorgeous a personality as they do fiber and conformation. I am a complete service farm offering sales, high qualtiy breedings, limitless mentoring, and most importantly, I can respond to that all crucial concern - What do I finish with my fiber? There are a number of elements to look at in identifying your purchase if you desire to start a high-quality herd of alpacas for breeding. The quality of an alpaca includes a mix of factors that consist of whatever from lineage (the quality of the ancestors), to physical qualities, to fleece qualities, to production history (of both crias and fleece). Alpacas are reproduced for their fleece, so the fleece attributes are amongst the most important in choosing your alpaca.First, identify whether you want to reproduce for white alpacas or for colors. Now this is one of the most convenient ways of using a toss blanket for decorating your house. Take a little or medium sized throw blanket, make casual waterfalls and curtain the blanket over the side of the sofa. Let the cascades fall from the back of the chair. Draping the throw blanket over the end of the bed is probably among the simplest methods of offering your bedroom a tailored look. Take a large blanket, merely fold it lengthwise and curtain it. LAMA - Scientific name for the genus consisting of llamas, alpacas, guanacos, and vicunas; vicunas are often separated into their own genus. LINE BREEDING - The breeding of people within a particular line. A mating system designed to maintain a substantial degree of relationship to an extremely related to forefather or group of ancestors without triggering high levels of inbreeding. PACO VICUNA - A crossbred or hybrid vicuna and alpaca. PHENOTYPE - An observed classification or measured level of efficiency for a characteristic in a person.try this website https://www.alpacas-hampshire.co.uk/alpaca-shop.htm Alpacas are members of the camelid (or camel) family. They are moderate tempered with an inquisitive nature and bring terrific pleasure to their owners. There are 2 different breed-types; the huacaya (wah-KI'-ya) and the suri (surrey). Both types of alpacas are physically nearly similar, one main physical difference is plainly identifiable: the fleece. The alpaca indigenous to South America is raised for its extraordinary fleece. This fleece sheared once a year yielding 5 to 10 lbs. Utilize a well- recognized wet cleaner if it checks out 'dry tidy just'. Yet, cleaning up dry tidy only products with water is done successfully and regularly when dry cleaners refuse to clean the clothing. Take a piece of pure impeded percent cotton material and damp it. Pat the cotton fabric on an internal side area on the cloth. These kinds of clothes require mindful cleaning. The garment is colorfast and can be immersed in water if the white cloth remains intact. With these couple of facts to enter wool cleaning and cleaning you should be able to look after your pricey Alpaca Sweatshirts during the long winter. Have enjoyable in the warm clothes.
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