#who has killed many innocent people
richkidcityfriends · 2 years
the next time i see americans blindly supporting the fucking ira i am going to kill someone 
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sunfyrisms · 1 month
it’s the way people hate criston for calling rhaenyra a “cunt” once (not good, but this man’s situation was unique and he otherwise respects women from what we have seen), and simultaneously think daemon is a feminist (he repeatedly called rhea “a bronze bitch”, murdered her in cold blood, groomed his niece, choked his pregnant niece, and fucked her immediately after the death of his second wife). criston’s loyalty and dedication to alicent has been all but unwavering both seasons, and daemon has spent the entirety of season two plotting against his wife (aka wife number three, aka the niece he groomed), and it took him, what, eight episodes to stand by her again? people really hate criston just because he was hurt about being used and his position being put in jeopardy (he said no. it doesn’t matter if we know that rhaenyra would ever tell anyone that they’ve slept together, he doesn’t know that). he has been loyal to alicent, loyal to her children (does daemon even remember his daughters’ names), loyal to their cause, while daemon seized the opportunity for power the first chance he got like a hungry dog. truly pathetic.
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inke-ri · 2 years
So I couldn't help but browse the THG tag bc those books own my whole heart. I actually check it now and again, and it's been interesting see how opinions have changed over the years, especially in regards to Gale and Peeta. Going through the evolution of them as just potential love interests to being far more complex than I could have expected has been a wild ride. Crazy how this reads different than from when I was a preteen.
That said, I wanted to give my unsolicited two cents on my boys, because though I have been enjoying the discussion on Peeta and Gale and what they mean to the story, I also feel like reducing them to Peeta = peace and Gale = war is far too simplistic... and oftentimes unfair to one or both of them.
See, I don't think Peeta and Gale are peace and war/destruction. They're compassion and indignation.
Peeta worries about the other tributes, or their families, or how to repay people like Rue and Thresh for what they did.
Gale is indignation at how the Capitol treats its citizens, it's anger at the injustice of inequality and brutality.
Both are needed in a story like THG. You can't have people like even Peeta not say something like "maybe we're wrong about keeping things quiet in the districts", you can't have him not drop the baby bomb, you can't start a revolution without Gale's indignation at the status quo. At deserving a better life but being denied it, at having your kids be mercilessly killed for literal sport.
However, if you start a rebellion and loose sight of your compassion, you end up no better than the people you're fighting against. Gale wasn't a bad person, imo. His heart was in the right place. He was flawed, yes, but so is everyone in this series. Gale, most importantly, lost sight of the line between fighting for the people he cared about and fighting against the people who hurt him.
Reducing Gale's indignation to just revenge and hatred ignores so much of what he stands for. Who hasn't seen laws passed that dehumanize people, who hasn't been angry and furious when someone is elected who fundamentally hates everything you are, who doesn't think some people need to pay for the atrocities they committed? There's a little bit of Gale in every single one of us - and it's important that it's there, because that's what gives us strength to challenge the status quo and make life better for the future generations.
But. You can't let it take over. You can't loose sight of your compassion or your empathy.
That's where Peeta comes in. Peeta is the voice in your head that worries about how many good lives will be lost when they give themselves up for this cause. Peeta is the worry about the people caught in the crossfire. Peeta is rebuilding when it's over and believing that the next generation will have a better life than your own. Peeta is being kind, even to people who may not deserve it.
And Gale... Gale looses sight of his compassion, and he doesn't realize it until it smacks him in the face when the bombs go off and Prim is gone and he's too far gone. Meanwhile, Peeta advocates for the end of the war even though it means the status quo remains - and regardless of what he believes himself, I don't think Suzanne chose him to say those lines by chance. It means both mindsets have their flaws: too kind and things that shouldn't remain will never be challenged and changed, too angry and you may loose sight of what you're fighting for.
And that's just how Suzanne uses her characters, both of them, all of them. Just look at who is with Katniss depending on the situation:
- Katniss chooses to "rebel" after Gale is brutally whipped. She kisses him.
- Katniss realizes that in order for D12 to rebel, everyone would need to be in on it, and she realizes most of them are not like her, that they're scared and she understands, emphasises with them. Peeta walks by her side.
- Katniss finally does it though, shoots the arrow at the force field, and Peeta is taken from her, it's now Gale by her side.
(You can't start a rebellion without indignation, and sometimes you HAVE to do it or things will never change, regardless of the inevitable pain that will come along.)
- Katniss is righteously angry at the Capitol bombing a hospital full of innocents to make a point. Gale remains there.
- Coin twists people's compassion into an army to fight for her own personal gain. Peeta is hijacked and looses his sense of self.
- Katniss and Gale go to District 2 and even though she tries to be like Peeta, she's still shot- reinforcing Gale's views, the person who was with her during that sequence.
- Katniss is angry at Snow, Katniss goes to the Capitol to kill him. Gale is there.
- Katniss gets in way over her head and realizes she is responsible for the death of most of her squad. She shares the lamb stew with Peeta, and later cleans his wounds.
- Finnick dies and she's at her lowest up until that point and all she wants to do is give up and give in to the anger. She kisses Peeta and begs him to stay with her.
... Claiming that Gale is destruction ignores the fact that he's with Katniss through her own moments of strength. Her desire to change things, to fight back, is as important as her compassion. Mockingjay just brutally shows you what war does to your indignation, to your compassion. How easy it is to cross a line between righteous anger and revenge, or how your sense of empathy and compassion can be manipulated into something monstrous by others, or by all the terrible, brutal, painful things you see.
How easy it is to loose yourself- and that goes for both of them.
Peeta and Gale aren't static characters, they go from representations of sentiments regarding an injust government to what happens to those feelings when an extreme situation such as war breaks out. All of that, by the way, while dealing with this duality themselves, because they are still characters who think and feel and struggle and have flaws of their own- and while I love what they stand for, I've seen too many comments that pin everything into what they mean, that they forget that Peeta and Gale are still people, they aren't perfect metaphors. They're human.
Ultimately, Katniss doesn't really choose peace. She wants peace, yes. But what she chooses is compassion. empathy. hope. There's a time and place for anger at injustice. There's a time when fighting back is the right thing to do. There are even times when you wanna give in to your despair and lash out. But if you want peace, then you have to choose Peeta, because Peeta represents what you need to focus on to achieve that peace. You have to let go of the anger or you won't ever rest. So Gale leaves, and does not come back... And yet, Katniss still has her moments of indignation, of making a stand, even as he goes - she still casts her vote at that meeting, she still shoots Coin. Katniss does not abandon that part of who she is. It's just not her main drive anymore.
So then she goes on to make the choice, every single day, to be compassionate to others. To have hope. To rebuild. Of course she chooses Peeta.
... Idk, man. These boys are so much more than what I see them so often reduced to. They're in all of us. There will be times to stand and fight, and times to show mercy and be kind. We just need to find that balance, as Katniss eventually did.
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 months
MAWS Lois and Kara bonding over having emotionally harmful father who habitually lied to them and treated them like soldiers please? They deserve it.
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butwhatifidothis · 1 year
Ultimately, I think one of the worst things Hopes does wrt its writing of Claude is take out all of the complexities and contradictions that had made him so interesting to begin with.
OG Claude lies and manipulates people and closes himself off while still searching for the truth and wanting people to come together and be open with each other, because of how his traumas meld together with his dreams. He says that he'll do whatever it takes to get what he wants and shows off opportunistic tendencies and then buckles at the first sight of innocents getting hurt, because no matter how much he wants what he wants he still prioritizes the lives of the people around him over anything else. He knows of people's capacity to hurt others for petty or illogical reasons - was raised with that knowledge beating its existence into him - and yet still dreams of a world where people of different lands and cultures can still be friends, because that is how tightly he holds onto his dreams. He's a kind person with the capacity for being a dick, and his contradictions add on so much to his character; they in large part are his character.
Hopes Claude? He lies and manipulates people and closes himself off... and that's it. He says he'll do whatever it takes to get what he wants... and he does. He knows of people's capacity to hurt others for petty or illogical reasons... and has no real dreams of stopping it (or dreams of anything in the future really, by his own admission) and he indulges in that very behavior himself, seemingly without any awareness. He is untrustworthy, and manipulative, and opportunist... and that's it. What you see is what you get. And if this were a character unto themselves, if we're kind and we ignore all of the other issues with Hopes!Claude's writing, that would be a fun enough villain to follow around.
But it's not; this is supposed to be Claude. This is a character who has so much of his foundations be built on the idea that what he presents on the surface isn't all that he seems. That he's more than a character who is just "tee hee I'm only pretending to be nice but I'm actually eeeeevil evil evil evil evil evil evil," but someone who both uses kindness as a means to an end and embodies it genuinely. Warm yet calculated, a good man with real flaws - THAT is who Claude is. Hopes Claude is who Claude is if you strip him of any complexity - He Is Only Pretending To Be Good, But Actually He Is Bad.
He's just... easier to swallow, in a sense. Claude is a good person who is willing and able to do bad things, but only up to a very specific, very clear point, all for a good dream he's held onto for years and plans extensively to make a reality in the future; Clyde is a shit person who's willing to do everything short of bombing specifically whatever land he himself is ruling, all for what essentially amounts to no concrete purpose. There's no need to think about Clyde as hard, since he just does what he does because he's doing it and that's enough.
It's why I'm glad I am Dev-Approved to just fuckin' ignore Hopes entirely as a horrific fever dream, because Hopes does not understand what made Claude so lovable at all
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norcried · 1 month
leuthere having always had this underlying violence to him—always finding himself drawn towards acts of violence as acts of love, even before and during his paladin days. revenge in violence, violent protection, very much "i'd let the world burn for you" and "i would burn the world for you." the entity noticing more than others, taking this—what already existed within leuthere, what once was his burning motivation to uphold his oath, what made him so great at upholding it because while others hesitated in violence, he never did when it came to protecting the people he swore to—and twisting it until it becomes, rather than acts of violence for love, just violence.
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mechieonu · 8 months
idk if this problematic in some way but i keep hope for a free palestine alive by being mad
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djsherriff-responses · 5 months
Attempting a Laserhen comic of Jade and Dolph discussing the topic of abortion and it just, utterly fucks me up how very little Dolph values himself in canon to the point of being suicidal and how willing he is to be used by others so long as he gets affection out of it (or at least the false hope of affection) and the potential one can do with that in fan works
Despite what Alex has put him through , Dolph was so hurt by the fact he killed him. Dolph did not see any reason to stay alive after he killed Alex. We see in the first episode that Dolph doesn’t mind getting hurt and taking the blunt so long as Alex was okay
Dolph still struggles to see himself as a person with his own needs, instead of a tool to be used
And Laserhen is an extension of that! I know this just started as a “oh lol what if Alex knocked Dolph up?” And I got no actual direction for this but I think it’s safe to say this is at least a character study, of sorts?
Like Christ I think giving Dolph children through an unethical operation that allows male pregnancy on his body without his knowledge really puts Dolph’s views of himself and his bodily autonomy into question and perspective
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you ever just think about clark kal-el superman kent and just.
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#HE'S AN IMMIGRANT HES LONELY HES ISOLATED BUT HE HAS SO MUCH LOVE IN HIM#HE FACES THE WORST OF HUMANITY ALL THE TIME AS SUPERMAN#EVEN AS A JOURNALIST HE SEES AND INVESTIGATES AND FINDS OUT THE WORST BUT IN THE END HE STILL KEEPS FIGHTING#BECAUSE HE LOVES HUMANITY AND HE BELIEVES AND HOPES THAT PEOPLE CAN BE BETTER AND THAT THEY ARE BETTER#AND HE FIGHTS FOR EVERYONE HE FIGHTS FOR EVERYONE WHO'S EVER FELT ALONE AND ISOLATED AND LIKE NO ONE GETS THEM#he's just a farm boy from kansas but he's an alien but he's a superhero and he's all three at the same time but also not#he's clark kent and kal el and superman#he's a good writer#he is a GOOD MAN!#I LOVE HIM‼️‼️‼️#bluebird.txt#he <33333333333333#i just love that scene in the very first episode of lois & clark#clark met lex luthor and knew from the beginning that this guy was a greedy bad of shit who kills innocent people without even caring#if he thought it could make him more money and give him more power#and he hears lex say 'i like that everyone has to look up to see me' because his building is so tall#'i love that everyone else has to look up to see me i like people feeling like im above them because i genuinely think i am'#'i see every single person as expendable and only as a means to my ends and i don't care about them because i am the only one who matters'#and at the very end after superman has made his debut by saving the very rocket that lex tried to destroy in so many ways#so that HE singularly could profit from it#at the end of the episode and the beginning of superman he confronts luthor and he's like no. if you're making people look up to you#it should not be to make them feel scared and inferior. it should be to give them hope.#and clark (as luthor) says 'if you ever need to find me all you have to do is Look Up.'#DOES HE KNOOWWW!!!!! HOW MUCH I LOVE HIIMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Willa Rook (She doesn’t know much about saving people, but animals? That’s something she’ll happily do) || Valerie Morgan (In an AU verse where V took the deal with Arasaka instead of trying to do things herself. It didn’t go well!)
Sidra Navros (in her Hope County AU) || Sel Blackmore (POV: You interrupted them while they were having a cigarette, now they’ll probably put it out on you. Let’s hope that’s all they do...)
Tagged by @marivenah to do this cute picrew, thank you! I haven’t done this one yet, so it was pretty fun to make the ocs :)
Tagging @clicheantagonist @detectivelokis @inafieldofdaisies and anyone else who wants to do it! :)
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labyrynth · 2 years
thinking about trying to make an ace attorney-style investigation/trial game based on mdzs
theoretically would follow plot from wwx’s resurrection, but slightly canon divergent* to get a phoenix wright style emphasis on “no, what’s the whole truth?” …which is to say that jgy actually gets a chance to plead his case
*why is this canon divergent, you ask? because we’re pretending that wwx and lwj actually care about the concept of justice (and not just when it makes them feel nice) and try to keep jgy from dying instead of going “don’t listen to him/he should be silenced”
tbh mdzs actually fits the AA formula pretty well? featuring huaisang as the “twist villain” (not specifically as a Villain but as The Witness whose testimony winds up being highly suspicious and/or full of holes, where it later comes out that they have ulterior motives, and wind up getting the “true face revealed” moment—you know how AA does it) and like six different cases from years ago that all wind up being relevant
i kind of want wwx to play defense (maybe with jin ling as assistant?) but this leaves the question of who the theoretical prosecution would be…lwj i guess? cough jc JUST to play off of franziska’s whip animations
some things would have to be modified slightly to fit the format, and i would probably stick mostly to canon, though i might flesh some things out if canon doesn’t contradict it and if there’s fair reasoning to lead to that conclusion (e.g. nmj broke out of his tomb, jgy did not break in; jgy claims to have killed individuals that were clearly not killed by him, ergo this is a feeling of responsibility, not a confession to any particular action)
in any case: i know that renpy exists, though i’ve never used it…but i imagine the first thing that would need to happen anyway is mapping out events, interactions, and evidence.
if anyone has thoughts or wants to make suggestions or just talk at me about like an AA/mdzs mishmash, go for it 👀👀 (please do, actually)
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Abuser Bigot Say Animals Can't Cnsent And Then Justify Killing Them Or Stealing Their Wool.
#They Don't Care About Them. That's Why They Would Say Something So Bigoted Unlike Someone That Loves Them...#DPD DISCRIMINATION IS INSANE... SO MANY OF US ARE UNCARED FOR WHILE THE WORLD MOVES LIKE WE DON'T EXIST...#COME TO US IF YOU'RE A DPD GOD... SOMEONE THAT WILL SAVE DPD PEOPLE... THERE ARE MANY OF US... ALL OF US... IN PAIN...#YOU'RE NEUROTYPICAL... THAT'S THE ONLY REASON YOU SUCK... YOU INVALIDATE CRAZY PEOPLE THE SAME... LEAVE US SUFFERING... YOU HAVE NO SAY...#OUR SUFFERING SHOULD BE SIGN... EVIL STRATEGY TO HURT AND OPPRESS... TO KLL... IS SAYING OTHERWISE...#Suomi Finland Finnish Kiva Mukava Kiltti Kaunis Hieno Soma Kiiltävä Kiinnostava Rakastettava Ihana Tule Tänne...#Mother Goddess Angel Sisters Princess Radqueer Feminist Communist Anarchist Come... Save Us...#Trans Lesbian Woman Pansexual Bisexuality Asexuality Demisexuality Paraphilia Interesting Funny Crazy Lovable Nuts Mad Hurt Abandoned Abuse#Anime Writing Autism Adhd Npd Hpd Bpd Dpd Ppd Aspd Avpd Ocpd Szpd Stpd Osdd Spd Tpd Sdpd Papd Cptsd Trauma Psychosis Bipolar Scizophrenia#We Watched Another Episode Of She Hulk. That Was Nice. I Would've Watched Something Else... But We Would Have To Prrrrrttee... And Idk...#I Just Don't Want To... Because They Would Come After Us... Save Us. Then We Can Watch The Cool. Right?#Btw I Notice Marvel Has Done The Super Important White Protagonist And Their Unimportant Black Friend A Couple Times Now.#I Am Starting To Feel The Racism. Civilian Characters Should Be Equally Important. Even The Background.#Though In True Woke Which Is True Writing That Wouldn't Be As Simple... You Have Seen Our Masterpieces Haven't You...?#Bystanders Aren't Actually Sideless Or Innocent In Anything. Everyone Has Blood On Their Hands...#But Yes... And The Friend Exists Only To Be Talked To. They Could Be A Talking Cat If You Want.#And They're Also Replaceable Like Captain America's Friend. Reinforcing Another Racist Trope...#The Thing With Aisha However. Is That She's Already A Bad And Racist Character. As Is Flora Who Meanwhile Is Also Fire.#I Bet Musa Is Too Tbh. The Rest Meanwhile Have A Majority Of Skin. Which Is Indeed Very Boring.#The Problem Is Having No Way To Fix This. We Would've Never Gotten Here At All.#Wouldn't You Say Imposing Bad Standards About Skin Is Racist? Like Making White Characters A Majority Like The Other 3 Winxies...?#Or These Superheroes...? Yes. Same With Sexism. Right? A Man That Doesn't Believe A Woman Is Superior Is Sexist Torwards Himself Because#That Is The Place Of A Man. You Know. To Support A Woman In Anything. Because He Isn't A Misogynist. Amazing. Right? Now That Is Bad To Be#Misogynistic Prick!! I Deserve An Award!! Meanwhile This Other Thing... Has To Be Fixed... How Will We... Grr... This Is So Annoying...#Discrimination Oppression Victim Sexism Racism Queerphobia Ableism Sanism Paraphobia Agephobia Bodyphobia Sickphobia Animalphobia Woke#I Am Having A Little Fun. But We Still Haven't Transitioned. And I Can Feel Them Watching Us... They're Going To Kill Us...#We Must Atleast Transition. Please. Save Us... We Need This ><... Meanwhile I Hope To See More Epic Representation. But I Have A Feeling#This... Is The Best Marvel And Disney Overall Can Do. They Even Do Sanist Dialogue Aw... Captain Marvel Had Such Awesome Narcissist Energy#😔... She Will Always Be The Best... I Wanna See Better... Like Woke Ideology... And Trans People That Are Fun And Suffered Like We... And#More Progressive Things... But I Believe A Different Source Can Give Them If Any... I Don't Really Have Anything To Point To...
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phosphorusab · 2 months
A grown ass man lured a 14 year old girl out to a park at night, abused her, killed her, dismembered her and scattered her remains in public parks and rivers. Now if that girl was a cisgender girl, the general public would rightfully put the blame on the perpetrator for taking advantage of and murdering a minor.
But because Pauly Likens Jr was a transgender girl, the general public is going full trans panic defense, even though the perpetrator said they met on Grindr, if that was even true. Grindr doesn’t verify the age of its users and legally doesn’t have to due to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which means half of sexually active queer adolescents will use this app and fall into the hands of predators.
Grindr has been known to have a sexual exploitation of minors issue, and I just know that people are going to see that Pauly Likens Jr and her killer may have used this app to blame Pauly for her own demise.
It’s just like they did with Gwen Araujo in 2002 (a 17 year old trans girl killed by 4 grown ass men), Mercedes Williamson in 2015 (a 17 year old trans girl killed by a grown ass man) and Nikki Kuhnhausen in 2019 (a 17 year old trans girl killed by a grown ass man). You stop being an innocent kid who is capable of being victimized when you’re trans. You’re a threat to other kids your age or younger, and you’re a precocious sexual provocateur towards adults. This applies especially to transgender girls - complete dehumanization and transmisogyny.
This pattern of transgender teenage girls being taken advantage of by adults and killed is completely unacceptable, and society should start acting like it.
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lucaonthropy · 4 months
Holy shit
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arabian-batboy · 4 days
The pager terrorist attack Israel did on Lebanon was so fucking disgusting. There's no line these Zionist animals will not cross, there's any crime they will not commit, no form of privacy they will not preach and no type of violence that is too dirty for them.
They're already making jokes about all the innocent people that are dead or injured and justifying it by saying they're just targeting Hezbollah's "terrorists," because apparently Hezbollah is just the Lebanese version of Hamas to them.
A boogeyman they will blame all their crimes on.
It doesn't matter that Hamas is literally just the name of the government or that Hezbollah is just the name of a political party, so their members includes normal civilians just like any other government in the world and their assassination is against international law (not that Zio dogs care about international law), but even if we assumed that every single member of Hamas and Hezbollah are weapon-wielding combatant, which is completely unrealistic, it still wouldn't justify this sleazy cyber attack that injured and killed innocent bystanders, including children (not that Zio dogs care about murdered children) who were simply standing next to those Hezbollah's members, which again, included civilian members who were off duty and doing normal daily tasks in public places such as shops, hospitals and schools.
But since The West has racialized the word "terrorist" so much to the point where fascists just use it as a synonym for Middle Eastern people, these actual Zionist terrorists can get away with killing, torturing and raping any innocent civilian they want from our region by turning around and calling them the terrorists.
They can kill any Palestinian person they want and excuse it by calling them Hamas terrorists or being used as a human shield by them, they can kill any Lebanese person they want and excuse it by calling them Hezbollah terrorists or being used as a human shield by them, they can kill any Yemeni person they want and excuse it by calling them Houthi terrorists or being used as a human shield by them.
They can use all the money, weapons and impunity that is unconditionally given to them by the US + The West to terrorize as many people as possible and in the end of the day, their victims are the ones that get demonized and have their death justified by being accused of being terrorists while their killers, the actual terrorists here, continue to victimize themselves and claim self-defense.
Find a protest near you here: X, X, X, X & X
Donate or join Palestine action here: PALESTINE ACTION
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temporarytemporal · 7 months
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cling to me
I know I said I was going to distance myself from this piece of media because of all of its terrible connections, but these two characters seem to have taken root in a permanent place in my heart, and I can't let them go.
Anyway, here's some character design notes below the cut for the one person out there who's obsessed with these characters as much as me.
Early DSMP: the era of childhood innocence
Bandanas: They sport each other’s bandana’s (they’re hidden in the design for every era). I love character designs with complementary colors (and I love how red and green are also cranboo’s colors)
Disks: Early on, cat and mellohi represent the peaceful moments ctommy shared with his favorite people, but they went on to be a symbol of victory and independence from the people who have hurt him.
Flowers: Ctubbo collects flowers and tries to memorize the meanings and symbolism tied to each type of flower. He also collects them for his bees.
L’manberg: the era where children became soldiers
Horns: Ctubbo’s horns start to grow in here.
Pogtopia: the era of an exile and a secretary of state / spy
You can tell I joined the fandom at the end of this era because I don’t have many notes here or for the l’manberg era.
Exile: the era of an exile once again and and a president too young
Hair: Ctommy’s hair starts to grow longer as he neglects taking care of himself.
Clothes: Ctommy’s clothes are tattered; one shoe is destroyed and he took to wearing cw-lbur’s (f-ck ccw-lbur btw!!) trench coat.
Bandages: Ctubbo’s wrapped in bandages from his recently earned firework burns. He’s gone blind in his right eye, and he’s missing the ring and pinkie finger on his right hand.
Compasses: They share their matching ‘your tommy’ and ‘your tubbo’ compasses
Hog Hunt: the era where one sought to kill the blood god while the other sought refuge there
Stolen goods: Ctommy’s has his antarctic empire outfit plus all the goods he stole from ctechno like the turtle helmet, golden apples, and the axe of peace.
Bedrock: Ctommy wears his counterpart piece matching techno’s from his ear.
Prosthetic: Ctommy’s right foot had to be amputated after he loses it to frostbite in the trek to cemeraldduo’s cabin. Ctechno gives him a simple prosthetic.
Disc Finale: the era of mended relationships and a final stand
Headband: Ctommy begins to wear a devil headband to fit in more, as he’s one of the few humans on the server. The devil horns were chosen to resemble ceryn’s real ones.
Patchwork: Ctommy learns to sew, and he fixes his tattered clothes from exile.
Post Revival:
Devil horns: Ctommy’s devil horns (plus a tail) become real after revival, and he gets a white streak in his hair.
Prime cross: The bad things that have happened to them both that they survived strengthen ctommy’s faith in prime, whereas they weaken ctubbo’s faith.
Sweater: Ctommy makes himself a sweater from friend’s wool.
Mechanical inventions: Ctubbo pursues his passion for engineering more as he makes mechanical bee drones and studies nuclear physics. He also makes himself prosthetic fingers, and he upgrades ctommy’s prosthetic foot.
Marriage ring: Ctubbo marries cranboo platonically and wears the ring on his horn. He also founds snowchester so he can have a place to protect his loved ones and raise his son. He grows out his hair to avoid eye contact for cranboo and to cover his scars.
Body type: Ctubbo gets chubbier and gains some muscle as he gets a bit happier in life.
Post DSMP:
The prison break and everything after it never happened. These are my OCs, and I make the rules because every actor/writer who played a part in their creation either abandoned them or turned out to be a terrible person. Cbenchtrio live happily ever after and begin their journey of healing while cdream rots in prison forever.
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