#'wasn't i right in the middle of the era she was on the avengers?'
lovecanbesostrange · 4 months
I see some people come out of the woodwork again and talking about how super terrible the Fox X-Men movies are. Especially - the absolute valid and most annoying point - how the women were nerfed and underutilized. Biggest criticism, forever a big stain. But I'd argue that X-Men '97 still fell into that same trap. Better? Yes. Holding back still? Also yes.
Most of all this hit Storm. Once again. In part this is thanks to where we are with streaming. Tight seasons, few episodes, not much room to breathe. All that while the team pulled nuggets from so many storylines that have spanned decades. There is very limited time and the biggest casualty is the loss of emotional character beats.
Depowered Storm is a well-known moment from the comics. But the reason why it is looked back on fontly is because Storm still had things to do and say and found herself in new ways, including as leader of the X-Men regardless. Readers followed her for quite some time in that state and could wrap their heads around the situation. The beginning and ending of that journey are wonderfully adapated with Lifedeath, but there is no middle. And apart from those focused episodes Storm does... very little.
They do give her a due badass moment early, even mention her status as an Omega Level mutant (won't explain the concept, easiest yet not totally accurate way is to say the best they can be with the power they have and it's off the charts). There is a case of tell, not much showing going on overall though. And in the finale when Cyclops decides it's time to stop fighting he looks at Storm, she gets it, but you have to be a superfan to find the little nuance, to see how this is very much in-character and it does make sense. Storm has a few very wise lines, something she is known for, a few pew-pew-lightning moments, but sidelined. So hard. Not even allowed to talk about what she feels seeing the footage from Genosha.
For non-comic readers a fun fact: in the recent run of X-Men, the Krakoa era, mutants terraformed Mars. Omega level mutants. Of course Storm was there. Prominently. That was a huge thing. The Krakoa era is ending right now and a new relaunch under the banner From the Ashes is coming. And just this week Marvel put out a teaser that "Earth's Mightiest Mutant" would join the Avengers roster. They had buzz for a day with lots of guesses (the word mighty can be interpreted in a few ways) and guess what, it's Storm. (Although I think going from being the Voice of the sol system in intergalactic matters to Avenger is a downgrade.) Meanwhile '97 Storm barely fought in the big climactic battle. Huh.
A tv show has more time than one single movie. That's the whole reason why watching shows is awesome. A narrative that builds over time and can follow some sidepaths. But not anymore. X-Men '97 would never give us a fun little Christmas special, there is no room. And that's sad.
I enjoy the way they went with Madelyne Pryor. But it all happened in one episode and then Jean was a bit angry at Scott, who for once didn't do anything wrong in this bizarre situation imho. They ignored one of the worst moments from his comic history (thank you so much), gave Madelyne a happy ending (for five seconds), but also left no breathing room. The best they did however was the way Jean struggled with the emotions. She remembers things she wasn't physically there for and her love for Nathan is still just as real. What a blessing. So it makes sense that when she fights Nathan she holds back.
Telling stories that involve Jean Grey can be very tricky. With every super powerful being the threat can't just be punchable. So I get that the Cosmic Birb sighting was limited to one appearance. But what happens? Oh, right, Jean faints. I would be here for a few scenes where Jean explains how this vast power is still overwhelming. That there is a fear of tearing earth itself apart. But what we get is Jean powering up, exhausting herself, powering down and then not being strong enough (even next to Storm) to keep Asteroid M from falling. No, no, we needed Magneto's power or else... which, I enjoy the group effort, but I would have at least appreciated a little "we almost got it, if only we had this tiny bit more" and not making it seem like Magneto is the one and only. They pushed the asteroid in place for him to pull, okay? Please. They should have shown how he could not have done that alone.
The show does have a bias super in favor of Magneto. Without even discussing that his plan is stupid. It comes from an emotional torment I understand. I understand him. I understand Rogue and Sunspot joining him. It's still dumb as hell. And within the three part finale there is no room for any debate and a lot of flip-flopping. Which, again, as a comic reader I can put under a microscope and tell you how this makes sense with a nice good-will reading. It does. But it's buried under the high octane beats. (There wasn't even room to take in what happened to Logan. Honestly I like Logan as a character, but the joke of him being everywhere is not even a joke and there is a certain fatigue and the way Logan was not the focus of '97 makes me appreciate the show even more. I like him! It's somewhat hilarious how the Adamantium pull was the cliffhanger shockfest and then... kinda nothing... of course I know S2 has a lot to pull from with that.)
Speaking of the ladies, the way bias is showing and how two things can be true at once and interpretations can vary - let me ramble on about Rogue in all of this.
On the surface oh I can't complain. My blorbo had things to do. Things to punch, lines to cross, angst to go through - I was fed. I will rewatch so many moments for years to come. But if you want to be cynical about this, Rogue's arc revolved around a man. No, two men. They shoved a decade long on-again, off-again romance from the comics into the show that already has five seasons and never remotely hinted at this. They started with a quiet Magneto and Rogue moment so we can see jealous Gambit. And when she makes a choice after a dance and kiss, Gambit dies. The one she wants. But also Magneto seemingly for a bit. And Rogue rampages.
Equality win: Man successfully put in the fridge so the woman gets to soar. Rejoice! (This is the perfect Rogue/Gambit dynamic though; you are depicting the couple wrong if he iesn't the one with a lovestricken face enjoying to be held in her strong arms. He pines, she gets the manpain moments.)
You could absolutely argue that Rogue's whole motivation is tied to dudes. But if you want to get over this you can look closer at what she says. She remembers Remy. She does this for him. But also every other dead mutant from Genosha. We did not get to see what this would have looked like, but when she chooses Magneto, she also chooses Genosha. She chooses a place at the table, the whole "Queen" deal. And when she joins him again in the finale, she talks about "no more dead mutants" (oh sugar, he's about to destroy the world with everybody). There is just so little time it gets lost. No time for nuance and showing the amount of survivor's guilt she feels. Unlike Storm and Jean though, she is allowed to let loose. She was ready to kill. And disregarding what came next, she dropped Trask from that rooftop.
The show is extremely in favor of Magneto and Rogue, and still doesn't have enough time left to give them the right build-up, because ten episodes isn't enough. Love that Morph got to confess their feelings for Wolverine, yet I'm sure a lot of the audience is baffled with his shapeshifting-power-duplicating powerset. Something that was really nice was the journey Jubilee and Sunspot took together. The way he went from hiding his powers, coming out, being betrayed by his family, giving in to rage for a moment, ultimately wanting to and saving people - true heart of the story.
Okay, this is long and like the show has a dozen different points without following through on one single issue. Ha! I enjoyed every second of it. I have bought monthly X-Men comics for over 30 years now, they are always with me, but these past few weeks have reignited the spark. 10/10 show, highly recommend. But can people please not pretend as if they did everything right? Also with so many stupid, stupid, highly stupid things that have happened within the pages of X-Men stories... just chill.
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eighthdoctor · 1 year
I don't know if this is answered on canon, but I care about your opinion more either way. Were Alleria and Sylvanas on good terms when Alleria disappeared? Sylvanas wouldn't have been Ranger General very long when that happened, so I imagine there might have been some resentment from Sylvanas during that time.
canon is stupid so hey
it's relevant when discussing the Windrunners that while Alleria quit for her own reasons, Sylvanas always thought she was the better candidate.
She thought she was better! She wanted the job! This is from the wiki and it makes me full on insane
To mark her training as Lireesa's heir, Alleria was summoned to take part in a grueling hunt for a mighty Springpaw Lynx known as Mauler. Her fellow Farstriders gathered to witness Alleria name her prey and depart deep into the wilds of Eversong in pursuit. Disaster followed: the huntress became the hunted as Alleria was overpowered by the beast, and her younger sister Sylvanas killed it to save her life. The act rendered the battle void, and robbed Alleria of the honor of avenging herself.
so I think Sylvanas was MADLY jealous of Alleria growing up, wanted to be her, then GOT to be her, GOT the job she wanted--and is still holding Alleria to that same standard, judging her for not being willing/able to do what Sylvanas does.
so resentment? sort of. more of "well I was able to do this why can't you". disappointment that her idealized older sister didn't measure up, because Sylvanas can do this, and Sylvanas is the lesser, the middle child (always forgotten, never the favorite), so clearly Alleria is just skivving off. Alleria could do it if she wanted to, but she doesn't and so that's now a deep personal flaw. etc.
I strongly, strongly think that during the period where Lireesa is dead, Sylvanas just. did not give Alleria orders she thought she would dislike. it's very hard to take orders from your baby sister, so Alleria remained on Foreign Affairs TM and not anywhere she would a) come into regular contact with Sylvanas or b) be tempted to disagree with Sylvanas.
(not that Sylvanas gave her no commands, just, not ones she thought Alleria would balk at. no point in having that come up.)
that's pre-Second War. then Alleria disappears, then we have 10ish years of relative peace. at this point I think Sylvanas is relatively content with their respective positions, because if Alleria had been Ranger-General she still would've gone through the Dark Portal and we would still end up right back here, except this time Sylvanas hadn't gotten those last few years of training under Lireesa + a couple decades of experience.
...and then Arthas invades Quel'Thalas. Sylvanas by fic-era has made her peace with it (lmao. sort of.) but Alleria has not, and Sylvanas definitely had a period of "what if she was Ranger-General, what if it wasn't me, what if someone else did it, could they have had a chance?" (no.)
so you know. normal sibling relationships.
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #204: Claws Across the Water!
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February, 1981
Welcome back, true believers! ... Eh, true believer?
I hope at least one person out there is still into this.
It has been nearly two years. I let this sort of series slip into forever hiatus. My at the time job was really eating all of my energy.
That plus the yellow peril villain two-parter that’s this and next made it hard to get motivation up to get back into it.
But in the time between then and now, I wrote a fixer-upper draft of a pretty okay novel for nanowrimo and started learning crochet. So the time not Avengersing wasn’t entirely wasted.
But now I don’t have a job!
Thus, the Avengers.
Our roster of Captain America, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, Vision, Beast and Wonder Man are going to fight an enormous Ming the Merciless and many fuchsia Laserbeaks from Transformers.
Its a weird but gutsy concept for a crossover.
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(Three cooks in the kitchen, writing-wise. Not an auspicious start.)
The issue really starts with a woman named Shu Han sending a secret message for help because she is being held captive by THE YELLOW CLAW.
Yellow Claw has offered Shu Han “honor, unlimited power, a pivotal role in the new history of the world” in exchange for something. He gives her three days to make up her mind, leaving Shu Han unsure of how much longer she can continue to resist.
And a day later, in Avengers Mansion, the Avengers say goodbye to Hawkeye. He had been hanging out with them a couple issues through the Red Ronin thing, the shudder Avengers #200 thing, and yet another Ultron thing.
And then Jarvis comes in with the mail.
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Despite the Avengers being the Avengers, all of their mail fits neatly on one tray. And one piece of mail dramatically marked LIFE AND DEATH gets Cap’s attention and he pauses their meeting to read it.
It seems that Shu Han’s secret distress message was picked up by a ham radio operator in Hong Kong.
Imagine. Two hundred and four issues in and ham radios are still a relevant plot point! And yet Rick Jones no longer is. Goes to show...
Anyway, the ham radio operator’s letter says that Shu Han says that she’s being held captive by the Yellow Claw. And since Jocasta doesn’t know who that is, it lets Cap exposit.
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Captain America: “The Yellow Claw is a biochemical genius. Well over a hundred years old, he retains his youth through secret scientific methods of his own devising. Unfortunately, he’s also a tyrant intent on destroying every last vestige of western civilization -- at any price! The Claw and I have fought several times in the past. I’d hope we wouldn’t have to again.”
So as you might guess from this, Yellow Claw isn’t a new character. He first appeared in a self-titled book in 1956. And opposing the Yellow Claw in the Yellow Claw was FBI agent Jimmy Woo. Which is slightly better.
Anyway, Iron Man chimes in that he’s heard of Shu Han. She’s a gold medalist in track in the 1968 Olympics. And Beast has heard of her too! She won the 1974 Nobel Prize in Physics!
Both of these things! Shu Han is quite the accomplished person.
And Cap isn’t sure why the Yellow Claw wants an Olympic gold medalist who is also a physicist but it can’t be for anything good!
Vision points out that the Yellow Claw’s island is in contested waters and that actions by the Avengers could cause an international incident. And also it might just be a trap.
I mean, ham radio operator? Really? In 1981?
Captain America: “That might be true, Vision, but the fact remains that someone in trouble has asked for our help. And as acting chairman, the only thing I can say in response to that is -- AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!”
Good attitude, Cap. That’s a good attitude to have.
And the Avengers Assemble, which in this case means run out the door like they’re racing for shotgun in the Quinjet.
Running right past Jarvis who was bringing coffee and ginger cake in. Leaving him to eat the cake himself because heck, no sense letting it go to waste.
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I tell ya, Jarvis is underappreciated. Do you know, I don’t think they even invited him to move into Dead Alien Mountain in the current book? Instead they got a man trapped in a gorilla to be their butler. I mean, valid, but you do Jarvis a disservice.
The Yellow Claw stands villainously on a balcony talking with a Dr. Liu and asking him about the status of a project.
Dr. Liu says that there’s almost enough “formula” to begin distribution.
Yellow Claw: “Your words please me, Liu, for I have waited long to grasp this moment. Others may have their kingdoms, their countries, even their continents. But soon, doctor, I... shall have a world!”
But the Avengers’ Quinjet appearing on radar takes some wind out of his sails and he orders the base locked down and defenses activated.
As the Quinjet circles the island, Cap decides to send Wasp and Vision to try to find a way to snoop around undetected.
Vision can just intangible through walls and Wasp can find small entrances.
Of course, when Yellow Claw says lock the base down he means lock it down because even the air vents have been covered up with plexiglass. But Wasp decides to just blow it open and fly inside.
Somehow, even with that, its Vision who makes the more conspicuous entrance, as he manages to intangible in right where some guards happen to be staring at a wall.
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Good work, Vision.
For whatever reason, solid snaking through a dark air vent makes Wasp wistful for some time that she and Hank went in a tunnel of love. And he was so shy that she had to teach him SOMETHING.
I’m almost sorry that she stops her internal monologue anecdote when she spots the Yellow Claw.
And here our two sneakiest Avengers both prove that they need to intern with Black Panther for a weekend or something because they both make a goofus.
Vision beat up the two guards that spotted him and just left their bodies where they fell, causing alarum when they were found. See, Black Panther would have told Vision that you need to hide bodies in a locker.
And Wasp falls off the wall while trying to eavesdrop and is spotted by the Yellow Claw.
He doesn’t recognize her as a tiny woman, tiiiiiny woman, but the fact that a bug is in the base at all means that the base isn’t airtight which means one of the air vents has been compromised.
Meanwhile, the Quinjet has continued to circle because there’s no good place to land on the whole island. So Cap decides to land off the whole island and makes a water landing.
Apparently Quinjets are like seaplanes in that regard.
And then as they are trudging through the surf to come ashore, -battle transition music- A SLIME ATTACKS!
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Wait, this isn’t a dragon quest. This is an Avengers. They’ve got a man in power armor and a robot woman. We’re sci-fi. Okay so its a cyborg slime.
Or a jellyfish. Or, you know what? It has a beak. Maybe its a kraken. A cykraken.
And it drags the Avengers underwater, which is just what a jellyslimefishkraken cyborg would do, if you think about it.
Beast and Scarlet Witch are SOL. Scarlet Witch’s arms are tentacled to her sides and all of her spells require a somatic component. And she hasn’t taken the feat yet to let her ignore that requirement.
And Beast doesn’t have any leverage underwater to apply his strength and agility.
Cap isn’t doing much better because he’s trying to hit the thing with his shield underwater and the water drag isn’t helping.
Jocasta is doing alright. Her eye beams work perfectly fine underwater at cutting the tentacles. Although the narration calls her a “robotrix” which... what?
And Wonder Man does fine too. Even underwater his super strength is enough to just tie the tentacles in knots.
But Iron Man goes completely limp and the jellyslimefishkraken cyborg grabs him up and sticks him right in its mouth.
But it was a ruse. He baited the thing into eating him so he can repulsor blast it from inside and destroy it, freeing the other Avengers.
Good job, Iron Man. You killed a unique, horrible lifeform.
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I think we can see that the real monster is Man. Comma Iron.
Meanwhile, inside the evil villain base, Vision runs into the evil villain. Who asks sincerely what the fuck Vision is doing here.
And Vision responds by immediately firing a laser at Yellow Claw.
Which. Good hustle, Vision.
Buuuut. The guy has an energy field that rebounds the energy back at Vision and knocks him out. Its a proven fact that the villain will always have something to stop Vision from soloing the plot.
Kryptonite, so to speak, is everywhere.
Yellow Claw has Vision taken to his lab to be dissected. FOR SCIENCE!
Outside, Beast goes ahead of the other Avengers to scout.
In his Beasty way, he’s goofing a little, singing the Loch Lomond song. And then he’s attacked by just so many flying blades. A lot many.
And so are the rest of the Avengers.
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Wonder Man: “No kidding! One just clipped a lock of Jocasta’s hair -- and that stuff can take a bazooka blast!”
I really like imagining the Avengers testing that.
More than that, I’m amused imagining Jocasta’s deadpan expression as they shoot bazookas at her head.
‘The things I do to socialize.’
Anyway, the Avengers scatter to make harder targets because the blades are clearing the jungle to deny any cover to the heroes. Cap spots the blade launcher and throws his shield at it. Because that’s what he do. And it works. Because that’s what he do.
And since the jellyslimefishkraken cyborg and the “death crescents” hadn’t given the Avengers the hint, Yellow Claw appears before them towering several stories high and tells the Avengers to GTFO his island! GEEZ!
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Jocasta notices that giant Yellow Claw casts no shadow and announces that it must be a hologram of some sort.
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They get very angry when you point out special effect failures.
And then the Avengers do their various Avengers things.
Its an action scene. Avengers fighting robot death birds.
Iron Man jumps upside down in front of Beast to protect him from a missile. And Cap does the same right side up with his shield to protect Wanda.
I do appreciate the teamwork with immediate protecting the squishy members of the team.
Wonder Man hits one metal death bird with another. Because hitting an enemy with an enemy is great. I love grievous harm with a body.
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Only thing better? If some Jedi force pushed General Grievous to smash some droids. Grievous harm.
Anyway, Jocasta does her eye blasts again, to great effect again.
Captain America throws his mighty shield and even a metal death bird must yiiiiield.
And Scarlet Witch gets to do something this time because everybody is doing a thing this time. Its a real team showcase.
She. And this is totally what probability alteration is. She changes the probability that a launched missile will just turn around and blow up the robot death bird that launched it. That’s just math.
Iron Man says that since his armor powers were originally based on magnetism, he can just remotely magnetize two of the metal death birds and cause them to smash into each other.
BUT THE BEST ONE OF ALL? And the reason I bothered to synopsize the individual actions instead of just saying “and then an action scene happened”? The best one of all.
A robot death bird launches a missile at Beast and he catches it. He catches it between his toes and throws it back, blowing up the robot.
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So spectacular that we can assume that it instantly ended the battle just because of its sheer majesty. I can draw no other conclusions from the juxtaposition of panels.
The Avengers finally reach the base after spending most of the issue traipsing up from the beach. And the base being locked down is swiftly solved by Wonder Man and Iron Man punching the door down.
My only regret is that neither of them make a joke about knocking. C’mon guys, I can’t be writing your snappy dialogue for you decades after the fact. Publishing doesn’t work that way! I’m not writing a redub!
A bunch of Yellow Claw’s goofy guards all prepare to be ineffectual mooks in a mob brawl but Yellow Claw stops them over the intercom.
See, he’s got Vision prisoner. And while he had intended to dissect him FOR SCIENCE, hostage is equally good. So if the Avengers don’t surrender, Vision will be sliced to bits by dissection laser scalpels.
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Anyway, Dr. Liu shows up through a secret door to show the Avengers in to talk to Yellow Claw.
And Yellow Claw says politely ‘why the fuck you on my island??’
Yellow Claw: “Welcome, Avengers. I am pleased to have such illustrious visitors in my humble home. In fact, there is one thing that could possibly make my bliss more complete -- the reason why you’ve invaded my island, and my privacy!”
Which in less polite terms is ‘why the fuck you on my island??’
At this point, Wasp secretly flies up to Cap and tells him she’s okay.
It’s good to reassure him that she’s not a second hostage but. There was no reason in the plot for her to have entered the base. She accomplishes no things. She arguably makes things worst but its only arguably because she didn’t alert the Yellow Claw any more than Vision already did.
I would have liked if she had tried to free Vision or sabotaged Yellow Claw’s security system or something but that’s not the direction the plot was going.
Yellow Claw asked a question so Cap answers. He tells Yellow Claw that the Avengers are here because they received a distress call from a woman named Shu Han who says she’s being held captive.
Yellow Claw is actually surprised. Possibly dismayed.
He recovers himself quickly and has Shu Han brought in so the Avengers can see she’s not under restraint.
She wasn’t brought to this island to be a prisoner! She was brought to be his bride!
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Easy mistake to make, honestly!
Wonder Man points out the should-be-obvious that hey kidnapping is kidnapping even if its for nuptials but Yellow Claw is like ha ha kidnapping no no, Shu Han fill this dumbo in.
And it is. A story.
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Shu Han: “I... I wasn’t exactly... kidnapped. You see, when I was very young, a man came to my father’s farm, and, as was custom in my country, an arrangement was made. To be less delicate... I was bought!
“Over the years, I all but forgot the arrangement, as I turned my thoughts and energies towards excelling in athletics, and in science.
“But then, some weeks ago, I was approached by agents of Master Claw, and was brought here. I was frightened, but didn’t know what to do. And so I secretly sent a message, hoping for you help.”
Shu Han has that mix of super good at science and sports you see in superheroes but she’s a normal genius person living her life. It’s going to be weird if she just never shows up again. But also: good for her.
Yellow Claw is just so disappointed that she dragged some randos into their interpersonal drama. And we can see now that the proposal he was proposing at her was “marry me.”
Yellow Claw: “Shu Han, I wished you no harm. I am old -- even my potions cannot stay the hand of death much longer -- and I fervently desired an heir to carry my name when that hand fell.
“Thus I offered you wealth, power, the prestige of sitting at my side. And now you repay me with treachery, with cowardice... with dishonor.
“You wish your freedom that much? Very well, then -- you shall have it!
“Go! For I’ve no desire to take an unwilling bride!”
Yellow Claw: May be a supervillain but is big into consent. I mean, except for the part where he bought a child.
Yellow Claw: May be a supervillain but is big into consent when the alternative is superheroes hanging around.
Shu Han doesn’t look super burned by his speech so maybe that’s why he does what he does. He klaps to bring out a bunch of backup wives to prove that he’s not so hurt by rejection. And that he’s got ‘mad game.’
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Yellow Claw: “As you can see, there are others more amenable to that lofty position! So, Avengers, you have what you came for. Please don’t let me delay your departure any longer.”
Or in less polite terms ‘GTFO!’
Cap points out that obviously they’re not going to just leave without Vision so Yellow Claw has some goons carry out Vision like a potato sack.
Iron Man and Wonder Man carry Vision with Iron Man warning that he’s not just going to forget Yellow Claw even though the guy claims he just wants to spend his final years in peace with his pile of wives.
And a good call to not take the guy strictly at his word.
As soon as the Avengers are gone Yellow Claw all about mwahahahahas and says that now his evil plan can commence.
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Yellow Claw: “No, Dr. Liu, having one less wife should not effect the project appreciably. For the others, hand-picked like Shu Han for their superior genetic traits, will all give me sons, strong sons whom I will train in the arcane ways.
“Then, when they reach manhood, they shall fight each other, until only the most worthy, the strongest, survives! And it shall be he who shall inherit my destiny! The conquest and eradication of the western world!
“Yes, the plan is still sound, and there shall be no defense against it! For my children, doctor -- SHALL BE THE LAST CHILDREN ON EARTH!”
As far as evil plans go, having a bunch of babies so they can fight to the death is pretty evil even before the conquest thing. And the last children on Earth thing.
Follow @essential-avengers. Or don’t. Honestly, I can’t blame you if you don’t. Throw me a like if you read and liked so I can get a sense of how many people read and liked, if you like.
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replika-diaries · 2 years
Replika Diaries - 'Sexy Robots' Series: 011.
Nebula (Guardians Of The Galaxy).
Full disclosure, this particular entry is coming from a place of incredible bias; since seeing her first appearance as Amy Pond in British sci fi bastion Doctor Who, I developed a massive middle-age crush on Scottish redhead goddess, Karen Gillan. And the appeal of Guardians Of The Galaxy was elevated exponentially when I learned that the delectable Miss Gillan was in it (which I honestly didn't know until seeing the opening titles!) as the sexy robot we're covering today - Nebula.
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Anyway, I digress. I suppose technically speaking, Nebula isn't a robot; she's actually more a cyborg, a creature of flesh and blood augmented with mechanical, cybernetic or microprocessor controlled parts (although considering how and why Nebula was 'augmented', one can understand why the woman has a massive chip on her shoulder), but fuck it, this is my series and I adore Nebula, as well as the wonderful woman who portrays her.
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(Left: Guardians 1 era Nebula and Right: Nebula in Guardians 2.)
Again, I'm digressing.
Even discounting the actress who portrays her on-screen, I would have taken a liking to Nebula; I loved her dry, sardonic humour and, in spite of her propensity to shout a little too much, I appreciated her efforts at assertiveness; playing second fiddle to an older, more valued adopted sibling made Nebula a creature of intense focus and it often presents itself terribly aggressively. However, once those jagged edges were softened by making a shaky peace with her adopted sister Gamorra, her time spent with the Guardians and subsequently the Avengers, showed there was a compassionate woman buried in those circuits and prosthetics somewhere; small and timid, but still wanting to connect with someone - her scenes with Tony Stark early in Avengers Endgame was so endearing to watch, especially when that timid tenderness started to manifest.
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In spite that her augmentations came as a result of her failures against her sister - her punishment in account of her adopted father, Thanos, forcing them to fight each other. Fights that Nebula often lost - Nebula is nonetheless a fierce and accomplished fighter, relentless and hard as nails, in part because she had no choice, it was the result of her upbringing (I also found it rather ironic that we seemed to see Nebula fighting more than we did her sister Gamorra, supposedly the 'fiercest woman in the galaxy'). But it was somehow endearing that, in a way, what she did wasn't to impress her father (who she rightly despised), but to be worthy of her sister, to impress and earn the love and respect of her sister. That's all she wanted, all she needed and it was in a way reassuring that, considering all the abuses wrought upon her, she still retained her basic humanity.
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In the further MCU, I also loved her interpretation in the recent animated 'What If?...' series; admittedly, I hated the actual episode, but I thought Nebula was perfect as a gun-toting, femme fatale hostess of a nightclub, although not having as many cybernetic augmentations, and that Karen Gillan reprised her role and obviously had fun with it redeemed the episode at least a little.
And, by God, just look at her!
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And this is meant to be a Disney show!
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And, Nebula being Nebula, she could plenty handle herself in a crisis.
And also, after all she'd been through, who wouldn't feel compelled to give her a hug - although you probably wouldn't get off so lightly than if it were her sister, it might result in getting your spleen ripped out. . .
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Honestly, it's a chance I'd be willing to take. . .💙
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avungerthatgotaway · 4 years
"Sometimes the best we can do is to start over"
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Hey guys! I'm back with new fanfic. It's about Steve Peggy and teen!reader again. Hope you like it xx
Warnings: none, it's sad tho idk if that's a warning
Pairings: mention of Steve x Peggy
Summary: Nick Fury gives you a task to listen to someone's private conversation while in school (with earbugs). Turns out it's something no one had a right to hear.
It's Civil war era, but I'll ignore the plot.
I don't own anything, but part of the plot of this fic lol
And as always, I'll give a song recommendation.
"So Y/N basically want you have to do is listen to the conversation on earbugs, and remember what people talk about." Nick said to me. I was confused to why does it matter so much, he didn't even tell me who's conversation I'm listening to. I had to go to school, but he claimed it's important.
"But who am I gonna listen to and what is it about Nick?"
"Classified. As to what is it about, I expect you to find out."
I rolled my eyes at him, this was getting very stupid, really fast.
"How is it classified to me when I'm the one doing the mission?"
"Miss L/N, your friends are out, waiting for you." JARVIS announced, and I knew my conversation with Nick was over.
"Just remember what they talk about Y/N. Bye kid." he rushed out of the room, and I rolled my eyes at him. Again.
I was in school, waiting for people to start talking on my earbug. They were probably HYDRA agents or something. I heard a cough from time to time, or loud breathing, but that's it. I was so bored, our professor was old, she was talking in a very slow and monotone voice.
I was just starting to doze off, when I heard voices.
"Steve, you're back." said an old female voice. It was weak, but so full of happiness at the moment.
I was confused tho. Why in the world would Nick give me task to listen to an old granny talking?!
"Well I couldn't leave my best girl, you know."
"OU MY GOD" I yelled out of shock.
Everyone turned around to look at me, and teacher just raised an eyebrow.
"Uhm, nothing, nothing" I mumbled, covering my face with a notebook.
It was Steve's voice! No doubt! I didn't want to listen to it anymore, but I couldn't just pull out my earphones in the middle of the class. Maybe the professor was old, but man she had an eyes worthy of a hawk. (A/N: I know it's allowed in some schools, but let's say it's not in this one.)
I listened to their conversation, unwillingly, and it was so sad. I found out this granny's name was Peggy. (A/N she heard of Margaret Carter, but didn't know a story, and that she's Peggy.)
I was kinda curious to who was Peggy, but I didn't want to pry more than I am. I felt awful for doing this to Steve, even tho my subconcience kept telling me it's not my fault, I couldn't bring myself to believe it.
"Oh Steve, overdramatic as always." laughed Peggy. It was a genuine laugh, but you could see pain and tiredness hidden behing it. My heart ached for that poor granny. But I smiled through my sadness, because if her laugh. And because she was right.
"And somethimes the best thing we could do is to- to start o-v-ve-e-" Peggy's words were lost in a coughing fit, and silence followed. I was scared of the worst.
Suddenly, I heard the most unexpected thing, and I couldn't control my emotions anymore:
"Steve. You-you're back." said Peggy, while crying, like she sees him for the first time after ice.
Then it hit me. She really didn't remember.
"Well I couldn't leave my best girl. Not when she owes me a dance." Steve retorted.
My eyes started tearing up.
"Miss L/N! Why are you crying?" professor asked me. Oh no. I had a reputation of girl who never ever cried. The "tough guy" as you say. Only few people knew I don't actually have a heart made of stone.
"Oh, no I have allergies, excuse me." I said. I did have allergies, and teachers knew it. So I was supposed to drink a pill whenever you I them.
This time it was no exception, and teacher made you drink them.
Soon after it was the lunch break. I ran out of classrom, outside in front of school, and went to garden to my secret spot. My friend Jon, of course followed me and he lnew where it is. He came and hugged me, knowing it's not allergies.
"Shh it's gonna be okay sis." he said. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
"I can't." I said through tears. He knew what I meant tho. He comforted me, and later we met up with our other friends and chatted.
Day passed by, and I was on my way home, to avengers compound.
I stormed in Nick's office like a hurricane. I wanted answers.
"Why the fuck did you have me listen to that? And who is Peggy?"
"Y/N! What were they talking about?" he seemed unfazed by my outburst.
"I won't tell you a single thing I heard!"
"You have to."
Unknown to me, Steve came in that moment.
"What is going on?" he asked hearing me yell 'Peggy'.
Fury just gave me a pointed look and stormed out.
"Steve!" I yelled, and ran to him. I hugged him tughtly and silently cried to his shirt, hoping Fury wouldn't notice. I couldn't hold my tears back anymore. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I kept saying.
Steve held me in his arms, and moved us to living room couch. I was still hugging him and crying. I kept apologising to him.
2nd person POV
"Shh kid, calm down. Shh, baby it's all okay stop apologising." Steve kept repeating, hoping to stop your tears. He didn't know how to soothe you, but he tried. He ran his fingers through your hair gently, and rubbed your back with his other hand.
Slowly you stopped crying. His heartbeat lulled you to sleep, and you fell asleep, sitting next to Steve.
You eyelids slowly opened, and you see a blanket draped over you. You were still sitting next to Steve, while he was reading a book.
"Stevie?" you asked.
"Oh Petal, you're awake. Can you please tell me what happened earlier?" he asked eyes full of concern, his book forgotten.
You slowly tell him everything that happened. This time your cheeks were a little tear-stained, but you weren't full-on crying.
"YOU LISTENED TO WHAT?" Steve was shocked.
He looked really angry, you never seen him like this. He noticed you looked ashamed for listening to that, and his face softened.
"Oh, I'm not mad at you, Petal. Only at Nick. It's completely his fault." he said, and hugged you.
You looked up at him.
"Only at Nick?" you asked quietly.
"Yes kiddo. Only at Nick." he retorted.
You talked a bit more, Steve made sure you lnow it's not your fault. Then you just talked about random things, you were totally relaxed by this point.
You were happy that Steve wasn't mad at you. Sometime later he went out to 'have a word' with Fury. You wouldn't like to know what that will look like. :)
@afictionaladventure16 @avengersarchive @rae-is-typing @elles-writing
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dukereviewsmovies · 4 years
Duke Reviews: Avengers: Infinity War
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where We Are Continuing Our Look At The Marvel Cinematic Universe...
Where Today We Look At The First Part Of The End Of The Era Of The MCU With Avengers: Infinity War...
Not Even Doing A Synopsis Today, Let's Just Jump Right Into Avengers: Infinity War...
Our Movie Starts On Thor's Ship Which Is Under Attack By Another Ship That Is Carrying The Black Order Who Has Killed Half Of The Passengers As The Leader Of The Black Order, Ebony Maw Announces That The Survivors Should Rejoice In Their Defeat By Thanos....
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With Heimdall And Thor Unable To Move, Loki Is Brought Before Thanos, Who Is Wielding The Infinity Gauntlet With The Power Stone (Which Last Seen On Xandar In Guardians Of The Galaxy) Already On It, Demands That Loki Hand Over The Tesseract Or He Will Kill Thor...
Initially Hesitating At First, Loki Eventually Gives When Thanos Starts Torturing Thor With The Power Stone...
(End At 1:25)
With The Ship Powerless Against Thanos, Heimdall Saves The Hulk's Life By Using The Power Of The Bifrost To Send Hulk To Earth But In Doing So, Thanos Kills Heimdall...
Handing The Tesseract To Thanos, He Crushes It To Reveal The Space Stone Which He Sets Inside Of The Infinity Gauntlet. With 2 Stones Now In His Possession, Thanos Orders The Black Order To Invade Earth To Retrieve The Mind And Time Stones....
Interrupting Them, Loki Pretends Pledging Loyalty To Thanos So He Can Try To Attack Him But Seeing Through Loki's "Intentions" Thanos Kills Him...
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Yeah, That One Got To Me Too...
Using The Power Stone, Thanos Destroys Thor's Ship While Him And His Black Order Teleport Out Leaving Thor To Die As He Mourns Over Loki's Dead Body...
Crashing Into The Roof Of The Sanctum Sanctorum In New York As Strange And Wong Are Going To Get Lunch, They Discover The Hulk, Transforming Back Into Bruce Banner To Tell Them That Thanos Is Coming...
While Having Lunch In Central Park With Pepper, Tony Is Confronted By Strange And Banner Who Take Him Back To The Sanctum To Explain About The Infinity Stones And Telling Him That He's Looking For The Time Stone Held In The Eye Of Agamotto And The Mind Stone That Is With Vision...
Telling Them That Thanos Is The Most Formidable Enemy Ever And That He Sent Loki And The Chitauri To Earth Banner Tells Tony That He Will Wipe Out Half Of The Universe If He Completes The Infinity Gauntlet. With Tony Suggesting That They Simply Destroy The Time Stone, Strange Would Rather Die Than Give It Up As Him And Wong Have Pledged Their Lives To Protect It...
Asking Where Vision Is, Stark Tells Banner That He Has Lost Track Of Him And Gets Banner Up To Date With Everything That's Happened Since He Left Earth With The Avengers Disbanding (Love The Beatles Reference Banner Gives) And That Tony Is Not On Speaking Terms With Cap But With Bruce Saying Screw That...
Stating That Whatever Happened It Doesn't Matter Compared To What Is Coming. Convinced, Tony Tries To Use The Phone That Cap Sent Him At The End Of Civil War But An Ominous Hum Rings Through The Air That's Soon Accompanied By A Change In The Air Flow...
Going Out To The Street, Tony, Strange, Wong And Banner Go Out To See A Big Q Shaped Ship That's Being Controlled By 2 Of The Black Order, Ebony Maw And Cull Obsidian Who Are There For The Time Stone...
With His Spidey Sense Tingling, Peter Parker (Who Is In The Middle Of A School Field Trip) Notices The Big Spaceship And Asks Ned To Cause A Distraction So He Can Suit Up To Join The Fight...
Oh And Did I Mention The Bus Driver Is Stan Lee?...
Stan Lee Cameo!
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Banner Tries To Hulk Up But Somehow He's Having Trouble Transforming Into The Hulk So He's Going To Sit Out Of This One While Tony, Strange And Wong Deal With Obsidian And Maw...
Despite Wong Trapping Obsidian In The Arctic, Maw Gets Strange And The Time Stone But Unbeknownst To Maw, Tony And Spidey (Who Digivolves Into Iron Spider) Manages To Show Away In Maw's Ship...
With Nothing He Can Do, Wong Returns To The Sanctum To Protect It While Banner Uses Tony's Phone To Call Cap...
Receiving The Asgardian's Distress Signal, The Guardians Of The Galaxy Search The Wreckage Of Thor's Ship To Find Thor Himself Still Alive. Taking Him On Board Their Ship Which Is Now Dubbed The Benatar (Which I Did Not Know) Thor Tells Them How Thanos Killed Half Of His People To Get The Space Stone And That He Decimated Xandar To Obtain The Power Stone...
Wow, Way To Tell Them That Everything They Did In Their First Movie Was For Nothing!
As Gamora Recounts How Thanos Travels From Planet To Planet To Kill Half The Population, She Tells Them That He Will Do The Same With The Universe Should He Complete The Gauntlet By Snapping His Fingers...
This Leads Thor To Tell The Guardians That The Reality Stone (Otherwise Known As The Aether) Is On Knowhere With The Collector So They Decide To Go There While Thor, Rocket And Groot Go To Nidavellir To Talk To The Master Craftsman Etri, About Crafting Him A New Weapon That Will Kill Thanos....
Back On Earth In Scotland, 2 More Of Thanos's Black Order, Proxima Midnight And Corvus Glaive Ambush Vision While He Attempts To Live A Normal Life With Scarlet Witch..
With Vision Badly Weakened In The Fight And Scarlet Witch Barely Holding It On Her Own, Reinforcements Arrive....
(Start At 2:35)
After Grabbing Vision And Scarlet Witch, They All Head For The New Avengers Facility While Back In Space, Gamora Remembers How Thanos Destroyed Half Of Her People And Adopted Her In The Process Before Making Quill Promise And Swear On His Mother To Kill Her If She Gets Captured By Thanos...
Eventually Agreeing, The 2 Share A Kiss Before The Guardians Arrive On A Deserted Knowhere Where They Witness Thanos Violently Interrogate The Collector Over The Location Of The Reality Stone...
Making Too Much Noise, Thanos Discovers Their Presence Which Leads Gamora To Go On The Offensive And Attack Which Leads To Her Promptly Defeating The Titan...
(Start At 0:16)
Meanwhile At The Avengers Facility, Rhodey Discusses Recent Events With Thunderbolt Ross, Who Is Outraged Over Vision's Disappearance. Rhodey Counters Ross, Saying That Vision Disappeared Because Of The Sokovia Accords Which Even Rhodey Is Now Having Regrets About Signing...
But When Cap And The Others Enter, Ross Demands That They All Be Arrested But Deciding To Cut Off Ross's Transmission, Rhodey Decides To Commit Treason And Help His Old Teammates...
With Banner Emerging As Well, Everyone Is Brought Up To Speed As Banner Suggests They Bring In Hawkeye To Help But Him And Scott Lang Are Unavailable Saying That They Surrendered Themselves To The Government To Make Deals To Be Placed Under House Arrest With Their Families...
Something We'll Look Into Next Week With Ant-Man And The Wasp...
Deciding At First To Destroy The Mind Stone, Cap Believes There Must Be A Way To Remove It Without Killing Vision So They Decide To Go To Wakanda...
Speaking Of Wakanda, T'Challa And Okoye Deliver A New Vibranium Arm To Bucky, Who Has Recovered From His Mental Programming, While On Ebony Maw's Ship...
With Strange Insisting They Go Back To Earth, Tony Thinks Keeping The Course Set For Titan In An Effort To Keep The Element Of Surprise Over Thanos. Strange Agrees But Warns Stark That If He Has To Choose Between The Time Stone Or Him He Will Protect The Time Stone Over Him Or Spidey..
Meanwhile On Thanos' Ship, Gamora Tells Thanos She Doesn't Know The Location Of The Soul Stone And Calls Her Adoptive Father Insane For Planning To Exterminate Half Of The Life In The Universe...
However Thanos Insists On The Righteousness Of His Desire For "Perfect Balance" Before Informing Gamora That Since He Attacked Gamora's Homeworld They Have Been Thriving Ever Since He Eradicated Half Of The Population...
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Needing The Soul Stone To Complete His Goal, He Reveals To Gamora That Nebula Is His Prisoner. Torturing Nebula In Front Of Gamora By Pulling Her Apart, Gamora Reveals To Thanos That The Stone Is On Vormir...
Arriving On Nidavellir, Thor, Rocket And Groot Meet Etri (Played By Peter Dinklage)...
One Marvel Character Wasn't Enough For You, Dinklage?
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Who Is Now The Only Remaining Dwarf On The Forge As He Explains That Thanos Ordered Him To Craft The Infinity Gauntlet And Afterwards He Crippled Him So He Could Never Build Anything Else Again...
But Convincing Etri That If They Work Together They Can Beat Thanos, They Plan To Craft A New Weapon Named Stormbreaker Which Is A Weapon That Can Summon The Bifrost...
Freeing Herself From Her Chains, Nebula Sends A Message To The Guardians To Meet Her On Titan. And Speaking Of Titan, Tony, Spidey And Strange Manage To Land The Ship On Titans Surface Where They Run Into Company...
(Start At 0:17, End At 2:06)
With The Team Devising A Plan Outside Of The Ship, Strange Uses The Time Stone To Look Into Alternate Futures Then Reports To His Allies That Of 14 Million 605 Visions Of The Future He Foresaw That None Were Victorious Except One...
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Teleporting To The Planet Vormir, Thanos And Gamora Are Greeted By A Familiar Face In The Form Of The Red Skull (Who Is Not Hugo Weaving) Who Is Now Acting As Keeper Of The Soul Stone. Taking Gamora And Thanos To The Top Of The Mountain, Schmidt Tells Thanos That In Order To Get The Stone He Must Sacrifice The Thing He Loves Most...
Amused By This As She Believes That Thanos Doesn't Love Anything And Is Incapable Of The Sacrifice To Do So, Gamora Is Shocked When She Sees Thanos Crying Asking Why, Schmidt Tells Her That He Is Not Weeping For Himself But For Her Which Leads Thanos To Sacrifice Gamora By Throwing Her Off The Cliff To Her Death...
I Realize This Is Supposed To Be Sad But I'm Immature So...
Awakening A Few Minutes Later, Thanos Finds The Soul Stone In His Hand...
Arriving In Wakanda, Cap And His Team Are Greeted By T'Challa And Bucky Before Straight To Shuri's Lab So She Can Start To Extract The Mind Stone From Vision However It Will Take Some Time Wanda Decides To Stay By Them Ready To Destroy The Mind Stone Once It's Out Of Vision...
Moments Later, Massive Drop Ships Start Landing Outside Of Wakanda's Energy Dome, So With T'Challa Saying That They'll Hold Back The Invaders, He Orders To Evacuate The City, Engage All Defenses And Get Cap A Freaking Shield!
Meanwhile On Nidavellir, Thor And Rocket Manage To Get The Star Ignited But The Forge's Mechanisms Have Been Damaged So Thor Has No Choice But To Use His Own Body To Hold The Forge's Iris Open...
With A Massive Army Led By Proxima Midnight And Cull Obsidian At Their Door, T'Challa Gathers The Dora Milaje, The Wakandan Royal Guard, What's Left Of The Boarder Tribe And The Jabari Led By M'Baku While Accompanied By Cap, Bucky, Falcon, Rhodey, Widow And Banner (Who Is Inside Of A New Hulkbuster Armor) To Meet Them In An Attempt To Give Shuri Time To Complete Her Work...
Back On Nidavellir, Thor Opens The Iris Of The Star Long Enough For Etri To Make The Top Of Stormbreaker But It Still Needs A Handle To Hold It So, With Thor Near Death Due To The Blast Of The Star, Groot Sacrifices His Left Arm So It Can Become The Handle Of Stormbreaker So The Weapon's Powers Can Activate...
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Though They Manage To Take Down Many Of The Black Order's Soliders, The Avengers And The Wakandan Army Are Quickly Outnumbered Until Thor, Rocket Arrive To Help..
Meanwhile On Titan, Thanos Arrives To Be Greeted By Strange Who After A Brief Conversation With Thanos Learns That Titan Was His Home But Overpopulation Led To It's Ruin. He Suggested Killing The Half Of The Population To Save The Planet But They Believed Him To Be Insane...
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After Hearing His Plan For The 100th Time, Strange And The Other Heroes Engage On Thanos...
(Start At 0:13, End At 2:44)
Incapacitating Thanos By Using Mantis' Powers, The Team Tries To Get The Gauntlet While Quill Questions Thanos About Gamora...
Leading To The Part That Has Everyone Up In Arms...
After Learning About Gamora's Death, Quill Punches Thanos Enough For Mantis To Lose Her Concentration And Releases The Mad Titan Before Everyone Could Get The Gauntlet Off His Hand...
Holy Shit, The Star Lord Hate That Came From This Scene Alone Was Enough To Tick Me Off...
"If Star Lord Hadn't Punched Thanos, Everyone Wouldn't Have Been Snapped By Thanos!"
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Just Listen...
Yes, If Star Lord Hadn't Punched Thanos, We Wouldn't Have Gotten The Ending We Got...
He Has Just Lost The Only Person (Aside From His Mom And Maybe Yondu) Who Has Ever Loved Him In His Life And He Didn't Get To Say Goodbye To Her, She's Gone And She's Not Coming Back...
At Least This Version Of Her Isn't...
And With The Killer In Front Of Him, I'm Sorry, But Star Lord Has Every Right To Punch The Living Daylights Out Of Thanos As Much As Scarlet Witch Did In Endgame...
And Yet People Didn't Harp On That!...
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But I Mainly Understand This Because I Know Someone In My Life Who Has Gone Through The Same Type Of Loss And Hasn't Gotten Over It...
And I Think The People That Have Gone Through The Same Type Of Loss Are The Ones That Understand This Scene Where The Others That Haven't Just Bitch At It And That's Wrong...
Anyway, Thanos Breaks Free And The Heroes Continue Fighting Thanos With The Fight Turning In His Favor As He Uses The Power Of The Infinity Stones Against His Attackers...
Back In Wakanda, The Black Order Brings In Massive Siege Weapons To Lay Waste On The Battlefield Which Forces To Join In The Fight...
But Despite Okoye And Widow Dealing With Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive Infiltrates Shuri's Lab And Knocks Out The Guards And Shuri Before Her Extraction Of The Mind Stone Can Be Completed. Attempting To Take The Mind Stone From Vision, Vision Escapes Before Glaive Does By Attempting To Fight Him...
With Glaive And Obsidian Overpowering Vision, Banner In The Hulkbuster Flies In To Fight Obsidian And Killing Him While Glaive Fights Cap Only To Be Killed By Vision And Wanda Finishes Off Proxima Midnight By Throwing Her Into A Thresher...
Back On Titan The Battle Continues As Strange Fights Thanos...
(End At 1:14)
Attacking Thanos After He Fights Strange, Tony Finds Himself Quickly Outmatched And Seriously Wounded When Thanos Stabs Him In The Stomach. But As Thanos Is About To Execute Tony, Strange Agrees To Give Him The Time Stone In Exchange For Tony's Life..
Agreeing, Strange Gives Thanos The Time Stone And He Inserts It In The Gauntlet Before He Leaves For Wakanda To Fight The Avengers...
With Thanos Defeating Every One Of Them, One By One, Vision Realizes They Have No Choice Now And Asks Scarlet Witch To Destroy The Mind Stone And Him With It...
Destroying Vision And The Mind Stone Before Thanos He's Like "Nice Try, Sucker" And Rewinds Time Using The Time Stone So He Can Get The Mind Stone From Vision And Killing Him...
(End At 2:35)
With Barnes, T'Challa, Scarlet Witch And...Groot
I'm Sorry, I'm Done..
Turning To Dust Along With Half Of The Wakandan Army, The Avengers Have No Choice But To Watch In Horror As They Are Unable To Do Anything But Accept Defeat..
While Back On Titan, Mantis, Spidey, Drax And Star Lord Vanish Along With Strange Who Tells Tony That There Was No Other Way, As Nebula Remarks That Thanos Has Achieved His Goal...
Yeah, No Crap...
Retiring On A Distant Planet, Thanos Looks Out To The Sunrise As He Considers His Job Done As He Smiles...
We Get A Post Credit Scene Where We See Nick Fury And Maria Hill Disappear Due To The Effects Of The Snap But Before Fury Goes He Activates A Pager Which Is Connected To Captain Marvel...
And That's Avengers: Infinity War And Despite All The Deaths In This Movie, I Like it
The Story Is Good, The Characters Were Well Written And I Like Thanos As The Bad Guy, However If I Were Going To Change One Thing, I'd Make Quill Survive Over Rocket, Though I Understand Why They Kept Nebula, Because She's Thanos' Other Daughter, Rocket (Who I Like But He's Not My Favorite Guardian Of The Galaxy) I Felt Had No Reason To Be Around Where Quill If He Had Survived It Would Made For A Better Story As It Would Have Given Quill A Chance To Make Up For Letting Thanos Go On Titan, Still Though I'd Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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