#'watch our movie' I LITERALLY CAN'T YOU PRICKS
biomic · 6 months
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they really put her rider debut in the movie fuck youuuuuuuuuuuu
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finleyforevermore · 2 months
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You like theater. I like theater. It makes sense
We would definitely watch live action musicals and plays whenever possible and you would show me the ones you like and i would show you the ones I like
Now if you were interested we would audition to shows together bc i volunteer at a local theater all the time
We would have so much fun together! Honestly you would love the theater i go to (i even run their tiktok account but it only has two videos 😢)
Going over to your house to run lines and practice songs (well i don't sing bc i am bad at singing but i would help you!!)
Sleepovers bc i stayed over too late to go home. Taking all nighters to practice scenes and watch the show
Probably also fantasizing about our dream roles together. (Its Veronica from Heathers for me but again I can't sing 😭)
And if I'm not in the show you're in, don't worry!! I'll still be there cheering you on!!
We would be menaces if ee went to the same school. Targeting everyone to come see the show
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convenient segue everyone 😉
If we went to the same school I imagine we would go to the gardening club together
You just have the vibes of someone who likes plants
I would complain about the weather and fret over you, making aure you're staying hydrated in the warm sun
I imagine it would be pretty empty except for us too
We're like the groundskeepers basically
Probably planting specific flowers to convey different meanings
Selling some of them during the holidays like poinciana
Getting specialized and matching gloves
Singing while we work bc music makes everything better
I would be give you all the drama and say all my judgy comments
"Then she got up and sat next to this other girl who is barely even her friend! Like hellooo, why are you ignoring me 🙄. And the bitchiest part was when she tried talking to me like normal."
And then you would be lile "amor 😨 that's pretty mean. Maybe she didn't notice?"
After gardening we would probably get a snack and eat inside the greenhouse, maybe also get a refreshing drink
I'm your younger bro to clarify then! XD
And for the record I'm sure you sound wonderful! 💚💚💚💚💚
I love theatre BUT I'm frightened of the idea of performing onstage XD
You'd have to drag me kicking and screaming to the audition
But if I WASN'T, I'd be so excited ehehe
We rarely watch movie musicals anymore because I'm always ranting about how much better the stage versions are and how they ruined it XD (unless we watch one of the good adaptations ofc like West Side Story for example)
Got the funny visual of you waking up in the middle of the night and waking up to me trying (and falling) to quietly sing Pierre from NPATGCO1812 to not wake you up XD
I'd love the gardening club!! :D
I keep planting carnations "BECAUSE IT'S THA HADESTOWN FLOWER, AMOR! YOU EXPECT ME TO JOIN A GARDENING CLUB AND NOT PLANT THE HADESTOWN FLOWER?" "I love your enthusiasm but that's not at all what I said-"
Ik I seem all nice and kind on here and I think I'm like that irl, but trust and believe that if your pissed, I'm gonna be pissed too XD especially I've gone through similar crap with an ex friend
"She did not!! I told you about Marissa right? She did crap JUST like that! Even try to talk to me sometimes like she wasn't being a total prick- I swear people are the worst sometimes-"
We have a little treehouse or some kinda place where we can just hang out and have fun and have an absolute ball there :)
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enam3l · 2 years
mona i cannot get rockstar eddie and reader dancing to seals kiss from a rose outta my head man its bad
how did you read my mind! the awards show was actually based on the 1996 grammys where seal did win best song for kiss from a rose as well as bunch of other stuff!! and i kept thinking about it whilst writing the fic and never managed to include it... until now. here is a bonus just for you!
96' awards show bonus: kiss from a rose (rockstar eddie x reader) ficlet / fluff
a bonus scene for this fic
you can see all rockstar eddie x reader stories and lore at #enam3ls rockstar eddie or the masterlist! and check out my new series love, lola
There was one huge reason you were insisting on going to tonight's award show - Seal. You couldn't deny it and you didn't have to admit it thankfully because Eddie knew. He'd seen the way your eyes welled up every time 'Kiss From a Rose' came on, how you would hum or sing along under your breath and that was before you were pregnant. Since hitting the four month mark in your pregnancy, the obsession only intensified. It was played multiple times a day and Eddie didn't complain, how could he deny you of something that makes you go all cute and mushy? Plus, he'd heard it in the 'Batman Forever' movie and it was badass. After a month of hearing it endlessly and seeing your reaction, Eddie caved - he had to know what was special. 
'Sweetheart...' Eddie's voice rang through the hall as he approached you in the kitchen, where you stood in his tshirt and some underwear swaying to the song. 
He leant against the door frame taking in the picture, you half dressed, hair messy and making breakfast whilst dancing - it was a perfect sight. You hummed in response to the nickname, attention still mostly focused of the dulcet tones of Seal's voice. 
'I gotta know... what is it about this song?'
Eddie instantly feels bad as he watches you freeze up, drop the spatula you were wielding and sees the pretty blush creep over your face. You look at the floor awkwardly, not wanting to be sucked in by his inquisitive brown eyes. 
'S'embarrassing...' you mumble. 
He sidles over, tucking a finger under your chin to look at him, his other hand finding yours to offer comfort. 
'Come on, y/n, let me in on the secret!'
You can never refuse his cute pouty face whenever he feels left out. You sigh. 
'She likes it...' 
'Who?' Eddie's brow quirks up, he knows you like it - that's literally why it asks. 
You look down at the bump between you. 
'The baby...' you whisper. 
Eddie ohs in response as your intertwined hands reach to rest on top of it. The grin on his face is adorable, she's doing it for our baby, he thinks. 
'Why is that embarrassing, babe? S'cute!' Immediately he realises he's said the wrong thing as your face scrunches up and suddenly tears burst out. Shit, shit, shit, Eddie panics internally. There's no predicting with the hormones, just sometimes what he says is completely wrong and he feels awful every single time. 
'Baby! What is it, what did I say?' He begs, quick to start wiping away your tears. 
'She'd only move for you,' you whimper, the floodgates have opened and you try to speak between choking on sobs.
'When the doctors said soon she'd start moving at four months and she did but - but only when you were there... every time you were around, talking or touching my belly she'd respond a-and she'd never ever do it with me. But then I played the song one day and she did and you weren't there. So I kept doing it and she did it ev-every time. We dance together. She jumps around in there Eds... it's the only time she moves just for me.'
Eddie feels fucking awful. Whilst this is one of the most adorable stories he's heard, it breaks his heart knowing you'd been feeling like that and hadn't said. He can't help his own eyes prick with sympathy tears. The pair of you are sobbing messes in the middle of the kitchen. 
'Y/N... I'm so sorry! I didn't realise! I'm so sorry sweetheart, you should've told me,' Eddie presses a kiss to your salty cheeks, pleased than you let him. 
'Didn't want to upset you either, Eds. Like, I love how responsive she is to you but I was jealous and then finally I got to have this little thing with her. I was feeling selfish and wanted to keep it to myself,' you sniff, tears drying out finally. 
'That's okay, she's your little girl. You can have it to yourselves. I don't mind!'
Sometimes it's sickening how kind and understanding Eddie is. You really married the perfect man. 
'Do... do you want to see?' you ask shyly. 
'Of course, I mean... are you sure? I don't want to ruin your special thing.' 
You nod and replay the song. Both your hands pressed to your stomach and Eddie follows your movements as you sway. He gasps as he feels the baby begin to wiggle and bop around inside. Her little limbs pushing at the surface. He can't believe it, it's truly like she is dancing inside there. The song is replayed several times on repeat in the kitchen that morning. 
So Eddie was excited himself that all three of you would now get to hear Seal singing your baby's song live. It wasn't lost on him how your dress was rose red. You knew Seal would be there because of all his nominations but you weren't certain he'd be performing. Therefore, once you'd sat in your seats and finally read the evening's programme you couldn't help the squeal you let out at seeing his name under the list of performers. Eddie nervously chuckled at your excitement, squeezing your hand, slightly terrified at what your response will be to hearing the song live. 
When Seal accepts his award, you're on your feet clapping. You see Eddie's raised eyebrow and smirk.
'He deserves it!' you scowl. 
Eddie can't help but notice the twinkle in your eye as you gaze at the man on stage. He nudges Gareth. 
'Please tell me this guy is married or gay?' he pleads. 
Gareth looks over at your beaming face and snorts. 
'I hope so for your sake, man.'
Finally the moment was here, Seal was about to perform. Your tummy was full of butterflies, you felt silly for the nerves, but somehow this felt so significant. Eddie is there holding your hand. As the band kicks in, the first notes from 'Kiss For A Rose' begin to flutter through the auditorium and your grip tightens. The way your face lights up as if you were a kid on Christmas makes Eddie's heart swell. Unable to resist your cuteness, he leans over and places a chaste kiss on your bare shoulder. It doesn't take long for your baby to realise her song is on, she begins to bop and instantly both yours and Eddie's eyes fix to movement under your dress. Suddenly, Eddie has an idea. He has to make the most of this moment, it's too special. Who cares if everyone sees, you're worth everything and more? 
Eddie stands, tugging you up. Your eyes widen, confused at what he's up to but the naughty grin on his face tells you everything you need to know - he's up to something. You're unable to protest, Eddie easily dragging you out of the row and into the empty aisle. He pulls you to his chest... as close as he can with the bump in the way. 
You giggle, blush matching your scarlet dress. 'Eddie Munson, what the hell are you up to?' you whisper. 
'Dancing, all three of us! We have to... think our little dancing bean,' and you can't say no to those pleading chocolate eyes. 
Or the bouncing presence in your stomach. You nod. Eddie is quick to take your hands, clutching one and wrapping the other round his neck then putting his on your hip. Together you dance. The audience whose gaze linger at the two of you and the confused staff just blur. It's only you, Eddie, Seal and your happy bouncing little girl. Both of you look down at her, bopping around more than ever. Eddie can even feel her from your stomach being pressed to his. It's perfect. 
'She's going crazy in there, hey sweetheart?' Eddie gasps. 
'She's never been like this before! I think she knows she's getting her own little live show.' 
Neither of you can suppress the laughter at her flailing movements. 
'Jesus, babe. I don't know how you do this. Can feel her right against my stomach! She's kicking the shit out of me?'
You roll your eyes. 
'I know. Why do you think I'm constantly peeing? I swear, I'd only go through this for you, Eddie Munson.' 
Overwhelmed with love, the way he has been since the moment you told him you were pregnant, Eddie crushes a kiss to your lips. 
'And I'll never be able to thank you enough for giving me my little wiggling princess.' 
You let your head rest on Eddie's shoulder. Dancing together until the song fades away. Smiles plastered on your face at the precious moment. Both of you wondering what it'll be like to finally see your baby girl. 
Eddie supposes if there's any man he has to share his girls with, Seal is worthy. He is grateful to the singer for making his wife and his baby so happy throughout the pregnancy. Also, Eddie's pretty sure he's now got the perfect middle name for your little girl - Rose. 
my taglist angels: @whoahoney @lukewearingbeanies @esme-viridian @elysian-chaos @munsonology @mseddiemunson @kreepja
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ghostlyhamburger · 5 months
Husband Watches Truth and Lies
they changed the opening theme?
They rerecorded the audio too. I don't know if I like it.
Wait Zoe's in the intro sequence? and Hawkmoth is using TWO miraculous?? What's with Ladybug's new outfit??
I don't know if I like it.
I do like that it's creating more visual interest in the outfit but I don't think that's how you should do it.
We're not even a minute in
Hm. So they gave the unify upgrade to the villain too. I like the outfit aaand he's phantom of the opera. He looks like more of a prick now.
Honestly I feel like the normal box is a lot more inconspicuous
so kwamis don't show up on things but we have seen evidence of their audio existing. in the kwami capture episode where Marinette put on all of them. also they can maintain sentience and awareness in the suit forms so they'd already ahve seen a lot of this stuff when she moved across the city wearing all of them.
I did not hear what Juleka said. I don't think there's any actual words in that.
I remember why I stopped watching this.
{Marinette is babbling to Luka about Adrien and husband is taking a lonnnnng drink}
What the fuck is happening here? "Marinette forgot everything and they're just" Being dicks about it?
This feels like there's an amount of time that has passed between the end of season 3 and the beginning of season 4 and none of it was covered. It clearly isn't the next day, I don't remember them dating, but also Alya didn't know so clearly they haven't been together long?
Also why is every episode with Luka so cringey?
It's like everything else with the show is so subtle and intriguing but the relationship stuff is so goddamn heavy handed. It's hard to enjoy it when it's being forced in our face. It's not even me disliking romantic stuff, some of the greatest stuff in shonen revolves around romance.
The donut of my life??
What is with this show and the stupid orange juice??
They're trying to show off their increased budget here
Bitches you are talking during a movie!
None of the things about Luka should really be flagging as he's an asshole, but so many things flag as he's an asshole!
(Luka got Mari to say "kiss me") That was actually really smooth. Props where props are due.
"I gotta keep my identity a secret more than ever!" So you shout it in the bathroom.
So there's been pretty much cartoon violence in the show so far. Season four opens up with THE BOMBING OF PARIS.
This feels more like first actual episode than first episode of a season. A lot of reestablishing who the characters are and what their relationships are.
He didn't impact the glass at the center where it would have fractured. Yes I will be that pedantic.
Plus he's not actually pressing up against it so it doesn't look like he shattered the glass
This is Mr Pigeon isn't it
(They're at Andre's) Fucking hell this episode has all the worst people.
Nino's wearing WWE shoes.
It's almost like the universe is telling Marinette not to date Luka because it keeps pushing her towards Chat Noir
God Luka's so pretentious
(Husband noticed a poster for Le Coquelicot in the background and asked me to look up what that meant and so I found out it means poppy, and the meaning of a poppy is remembrance and hope for the future) So the universe is reflecting her hope for the future here but also showing that she really can't have that with Luka?
what? THAT'S what akumatizes Luka? "I can't tell you the truth" THAT'S what breaks him?
(husband downed the rest of his drink)
What is this show? Why must it be so stupid? Why must it hurt me? No bitch is that dramatic!
So this is their way of stepping up the villain. Giving him TWO powers.
That seems like such a STUPID idea. putting the amok and the akuma into the same object? if you break one, you break both!
also dude you're literally wearing the thing that says that she cares about you, you are so fucking stupid oh my fucking god
This goes against the aloof nature they gave Luka in other episodes. so going back to the heavy handed bullshit
So he can force akumatization. (Actually I think on some level Luka gave in because he did want to know Marinette's secret) That makes more sense, plays into his duplicitous nature
Finally something more important to Luka than getting into Marinette's pants!
(Ladybug gags herself) The Totally Spies influence keeps rearing its head
So there's one thing I don't understand. In earlier episodes we've seen that Hawkmoth can force akumas to do things. Why isn't he doing that now?
Look at Tom being a good father!
Why do I recognize [Ziggy's] voice
Wow really showcasing the quick thinking abilities of Chat
Why did they make Chat more tan
Yeah putting the whole amok and akuma into the same object seems like a stupid idea. also is there a point to de-evilizing the amok when it has no sentience?
oh she doesn't say bye bye little butterfly anymore
That was a pretty good episode if you don't count the first 15 minutes
All right that's actually a really good moment for Jagged
All right so that to me says they're gonna stop with the romantic bullshit till the end of the series but I KNOW that's not the case.
and that's this episode!
Props to Jagged for actually confronting his own inadequacies and trying to do better for what he should be. Also I guess I kind of understand Luka a bit. It's not easy growing up without a father figure. It was hard enough not seeing my own often, it must be worse having NO father figure. It's probably why a lot of anime that are male centric with a lot of older male characters really hit home with me, because they could teach me paternal morals. Luka clearly didn't have that. Even though anime is more popular in France than it ever was in America.
(So what you're saying is Adrien is more well adjusted than Luka because he's a weeb.) Yes actually!
This really ties into my thoughts of Adrien and Luka being mirrors of each other, Kagami and Marinette being mirrors of each other, Adrien and Marinette being reflections, even Kagami and Luka being reflections.
Adrien and Kagami are obviously reflections with the isolation and fascination with anime and fencing but Adrien had a friend in Chloe and Kagami had no one.
I could keep going
(He is still going)
(so at the time I was pissed at Luka, because I thought it was shitty when a girl breaks up with a guy for his response to be "that's okay I'll wait"). I see it differently. So I disagree. I don't think that was their intent. I think they were trying to show Luka's emotional intent. Luka came out of the akumatization and realized he was being unfair to Marinette. He realized that with the gift and everything that she was trying to be there for him and that she just still couldn't tell him. So when she broke up with him, he understood that she was overwhelmed, and even though she didn't say she couldn't be with him right now, he understood what she meant. It just went over badly because the episode was so heavy handed at the beginning.
I don't like what they did to Juleka in basically making her mumble mouth, in previous seasons she was just shy and didn't talk much. also they changed her personality.
The weirdest thing about the series so far is they have random bits of speeding up people's dialogue to make it fit and it doesn't work.
Why didn't they start the first episode like this? We followed Marinette through the previous episode. We should've kept with that and followed Adrien through the first episode.
why is the camembert not stored in the fridge
Did Plagg just talk to him through the phone?
that's a stein of milk
those sneaky bitches
when did they give Kagami freckles?
I wish Kagami wasn't the only one who had a unique suit.
Considering Kagami hates lies, does she not use feints in fencing then? that would turn her episode point into an actual character quirk.
There could also be more characters in the fencing class that we knew besides Adrien and Kagami. it's cool that adrien wears the same thing as everyone else but it's forcing Kagami to stand out that she's wearing something different. Actually considering how controlling her mother is that may not be her choice.
The timing on this is just too weird. It made sense from the Ladybug perspective but the amount of time between things. They had a walk away from the boat and had a whole ass talk and a whole ass Hawkmoth thing and Ladybug having her transformation sequence in the time it took them to walk down the stairs
wow he really just nuked the entire Kagami/Adrien thing in this one episode
"I only ever have this much fun with you" YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND
It was bright as frickin day when they defeated Truth
See this actually makes a lot more sense because they are meant to be younger and less emotionally stable. I think it actually works really well.
Considering the fact that Hawkmoth is lying that would include him. and why didn't he give her a sentimonster?
Fang want cake
Are they actually gonna use Chloe to an effect? The most honest, brutally honest bitch?
Fang the best
is her orb getting bigger?
Actually that was just a really good episode. the only things that don't work are the parts that conflict with the previous.
Yeah this episode hurts
Why did they give Ladybug such an ass
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
So going after prilosecond similar and risperdal all the facilities on Earth and any that start making it and it's create a huge black holes for Trump and Company and Dan almost all of them are going after it and we are crushing it cuz they all go after it and killing every single one of them with ease they go in there and we're pulling them up and mulching them and using them literally it's probably four or five hundred septillion each factory and they're all going to be gone pretty soon. The idiot is to me around the same boat for days going up and down this River and they find him and they go after him and he sits and threatens her now he's lost her and it's a witness to what he's doing I'm getting information and trying to protect her at the embassy and they bugged out and cause problems and shook it up and he got attracted and they're getting him
It's happening almost at the same time well no it happens tomorrow and tonight the escape and stuff tonight the boat was today off and on the guys an idiot so he watches a movie he says I can intercept him here on there getting something here around here and follow Tommy and he knows what to do and he can't remember it any write it and he still couldn't do it. Several things about him that are bothering us we can't stop him from bothering you with tons of power and that's a problem so we tested a bunch and he failed now I'm going after him and we'll see what you're saying he's a huge huge problem for everyone
There's a giant Force heading towards California it's going right towards our casino so what we might do is put like a temporary wall around it and you're saying we'll put a temporary wall around it what about a shield and hold the perimeter from wrong trouble he actually right a shield and hold it for women it forces us to take over the area you can't put a wall up around the casino now we can't but we can certainly put stuff a couple hundred miles away that we can hit him with we already have that we can just screw it like well I can't really grow it a little and we can and we have stuff there so let's add some more to it it's Italian from each area overseas and they crushed the blockade easily so it's not dilly dally you're saying so we built it up and we beefed it up and there's not too much of it and not enough and it's about 500 septillion from each area overseas on the coast so we ended up and now we have enough and there's going to be some other areas and it's areas where we are doing activities probably against her factories and we know that they're moving out and it's pretty huge forces to bear and he's going to be gone soon cuz he doesn't have that many it's true too he's a huge a****** this is what we really needed I'm just going to annihilate him I don't even want to talk to him we're going to scan check and blow them up go ahead and doing it now and there's a huge force behind it of his the first Force is probably about 80 octillion which is 8 New York city's to the outskirts and all the bunkers below and tons of ships and we need to steal s and I'm going to use it for terminators and the Terminator motorcycles to go after this a****** Trump I'm going to blame the silicon valley will use the same chips somehow.
So Trump's force behind it is about the same size no it's twice as big it's 170 octillion and that number is huge and yes it's 17 New York City to the outskirts and be on the outskirts is not very big a few more ways like that and he won't have anything and the shattered over empty so we can't waste any time it's kind of weird because the empire a the Empire recovers a little because Trump is such a vindictive absolute prick. And yes kids have Asperger's too it's a dangerous syndrome and we should put a warrant out for everyone has it yeah I'm doing that now I'm saying to others to have them send theirs out after we get approved by all of us they'll know what I mean.
We can see him running around people just like he does with Bruce Willis and he likes doing it
Send a contingent to Ethiopia and got wiped out and it was by Max and he said why do that cuz the Ethiopians don't have a force that can stop the max and he goes oh and you don't get it well just keep doing the cocaine system I'll do it because you demanded so he goes like this oh I was trying to see something his kids are overwhelmed and everyone's bothering them and can't stand us she drives me nice and Max bothering you he says no wonder you're a f****** pain in the ass it's like no s*** and where are you kidnapping your own kids for money I don't know they keep riding on me what for
It's kind of odd it looks like the two kids they're Trump's kids and he looks like Trump people say that's who it is and her son says he thought Trump was still in China and we did too or maybe he never made it there yet that's also true so I went to Japan and then he came back and didn't go to China why would you go to China and I said I was thinking also there has to be some kind of event in New York and the event in New York is he thinks cerebus and one of the modules is Barack Obama the other is Michelle Obama and the third one is a son goes to New York and that might be who got this playing Frederick Jackson and I don't think Garth was aware of it so we're having a schedule and behind at the same time but it's preamble for what's going to happen shortly and her son says it won't happen until that shadow domes empty because the service won't go anywhere and service won't go anywhere unless someone attacks and they find out it's AI and if we let the AI kick their ass for a while they'll see that they really need it I'm going to go ahead and do that
Thor Freya
So the AI is running the Jager and you can't get the AI without disabling the Jager and we know that's true because the Yeager come out and we have to move because it kicks her ass several times but only a little and I guess we'll kind of wimping out we have a huge force and it doesn't work us out because they realize their force is huge and don't want to cause a massive amount of greed for them it's kind of making sense so I'm going to go up there and try again there's a lot heavier stuff
0 notes
sparklingchim · 3 years
midnight snack; m | kth
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pairing: taehyung x reader
word count: 4.2k
genre: enemies to (lovers), smut, college au
warnings: cursing, groping, fingering, spanking, unprotected sex, marking/biting, spitting, naughty confessions👀, tiny crumb of possessiveness, name calling (whore/bitch)
summary: you hate taehyung - and he hates you - but you're also in desperate need to find something to help you stay awake, so why not accept his offer and let him fuck you?
a/n: this just kinda happened while i was procrastinating to learn for my oral exam tomorrow🤡 anyways, i still need to edit this but thought about posting it now, hope u enjoy!
index: prequel | one | two |
Do you know those moments where you just want to punch something - or someone - to let all your frustration out? When you just can't calm yourself and your fingers itch due to the anger building up?
You want to beat up Hoseok's annoying ass so badly. Maybe Jimin too, but you're not sure if he has something to do with this tedious little prick who showed up at your apartment door.
,,So you're gonna let me in now?"
You fold your arms, eyeing Taehyung with an arched brow. You're not going to let this idiot in.
When you don't answer him immediately Taehyung pushes the door open, shoving you to the side and getting inside your apartment like he owns it. The audacity this man has.
,,Yah! I didn't let you in, get out!" you shout and grab his arm to tug him back, but he effortlessly shakes you off.
,,You share this apartment with two other boys, so technically it's not fully yours," he retorts.
,,Taehyung get out! You have no reason to be here right now." You stay reluctant and come to a halt in front of him. (Maybe you even try to look scary with an exasperated frown on your face, but let's not lie: your scrunched up features strike as the same as a little girl who's angry about the ice cream she didn't get.)
,,I literally just explained why I am here," he huffs.
,,Yeah, and I don't believe you. That's bullshit."
Taehyung rolls his eyes. ,,Hoseok-ah, come here and tell this girl that you invited me over!" Taehyung yells. He walks over to the couch and  - deliberately - bumps his chest against your shoulder.
,,Hoseok-ah! Come here and tell this wanker that you didn't invite him to our weekly movie night!" you shout.
It was Friday evening. And Friday evening belonged to Hoseok, Jimin and you. No one else. So what was this douchebag thinking by walking inside your home and acting like he had any right to be here and invade your Hoseok x Jimin x Y/n prime time? Unbelievable.
Hoseok and Jimin get out of their room simultaneously and walk over to the both of you. Jimin flops down next to Taehyung and Hoseok greets him happily. When Hoseok retorts your infuriated expression he explains the situation.
,,Oh, uh, he said he's bored so I invited him over," Hoseok answers like it's nothing.
,,But Friday's are reserved for us. And I can't accept an idiot to join us today."
,,Hey, it's fine. We're just watching a movie. We're not even gonna talk," Jimin tries to sweet talk it.
But his presence...
You sigh defeated. You really hate Taehyung - like really - but you're also not that rude to just kick him out when you're friends obviously want him to be here right now. After all it's just a movie and maybe you could try to ignore him and trick yourself into believing that Taehyung isn't even there with you...- okay maybe you're expecting a little too much because to be able to ignore Taehyung would not be possible. His whole being sprinkles specks of stupidity into the room, but for today you have to bare with it.
,,Okay...he can stay...But he's paying for the pizza!" you exclaim and rush to your room to get your phone and order said pizzas.
You hear Taehyung murmuring 'fucking brat' behind you and the only correct way to answer his stinky ass is with sticking out your middle finger.
You have a problem. A big one. And surprisingly it has nothing to do with Taehyung. yayy! But it has to do with an assignment that you have to hand in on Monday morning which you didn't even start yet and it's already almost midnight so you technically only have two days left to finish your work that, again - you didn't even start yet - plus you're so tired that you don't even think you're capable of beginning it now. not so yayyy...
After the movie night ended Taehyung asked if he could stay over because it was late and he was tired. That was definitely not the case because after you left the boys in the living room - to lock yourself in you room and watch Youtube videos - you heard them play videos games and Taehyung's hysterical shouts didn't sound like 'can i stay over today? i'm too tired to go home' .
However, right now you don't care about Taehyung's lying ass and the boys loud shouts - that never failed to make you flinch even though you were wearing headphones - because you have a much more important concern. (It's about your university degree after all and you very much cared about that. Right?...Well...You try to make yourself think that.)
You come to the conclusion that you can't just go to sleep without starting your essay, so you stand up and leave your cosy bed to get some energy drinks and snacks from the kitchen. (Little did you know that some particular snack was already waiting for you...)
As you stroll over to the kitchen you don't spare a glance toward the living room - you're already grumpy, you don't need to see that idiot sleeping on the couch - but maybe you should have because you once you enter the kitchen and turn the light on you squeal in surprise, startled by Taehyung who sits at the counter. Your eyes widen, heart beating faster.
,,What the fuck?!" you exclaim.
Taehyung chuckles, your scared state humouring him like you just said the funniest jokes ever. He is sitting there in nothing but some pajama pants. Taehyung's bare chest helps you to focus on his abs and lets you forget your pounding heart - weird but you let it slide since its helping you.
,,You're done staring?" he asks haughty, the smirk that spread on his face giving you no choice but roll your eyes.
,,Fuck off." You open the fridge and search for the energy drinks that Jimin stored somewhere in there.
,,Why are you here?"
You scoff. ,,It's my kitchen. Do I need to have a reason why I'm here?" You huff when you don't find the drink and instead look out for some snacks. ,,I think I should be asking you why you're creepily sitting here in the dark."
,,Couldn't sleep," he answers, his eyes watching you intently, though you can't see him because you're back is turned to him. Taehyung asks himself if you're aware of the fact that these little shorts that you're wearing are practically showing half of your ass? Nonetheless, it's a pretty view to look at.
,,Then lay down and try to sleep," you propose the most obvious thing.
,,Thanks, didn't think about that."
You close the fridge and turn around when you find nothing that you crave. You're about to leave the kitchen, but you stop in the mid of your tracks when you see Taehyung tilting his head and gulping down the last remnants of a Red Bull. He sweeps his mouth with his arm after he's done and places the now empty can on the table.
,,Did you just drink the last Red Bull?!"
Taehyung furrows his eyebrows. ,,And what about it? You don't even like it," he states, confused about your exaggerated behaviour.
,,How would you know that I don't like it?"
Taehyung won't admit that he once overheard a conversation with you and Jimin and that information - unawarely - stuck with him.
,,I don't know, just guessed. But I wouldn't recommend it for you - I bet your annoying attitude will only increase and no one wants to witness that."
You're not even angry at him for insulting you like that - you're rather sad about the fact that you won't have anything to wake you up a bit (coffee is no option here, that shit tastes disgusting) You reach for the Red Bull and throw your head back. Little drops of the energy drink fall onto your tongue. Hopefully they would have a little effect on you, but you don't have high hopes for that to happen. You bring the can down again, tossing it over to counter.
,,Do you have some tips for trying to stay awake?" That you're literally asking Taehyung for advice says a lot about your current state right now.
,,For what?"
,,Need to write an essay."
,,Hm. Well I have one idea."
You raise your brows in anticipation. ,,So?"
,,Wanna fuck?"
,,Just a quick fuck. Nothing serious. It'll help to wake you a bit," he explains.
Is Taehyung - who's still half-naked and sitting in your kitchen - offering to fuck you to energise you again and wake up your two braincells that you need for writing your assignment? And are you seriously contemplating to take his offer? A quick fuck can't hurt anybody, right?
,,Okay," you just simply answer.
,,Good," he says, eyes wandering over your whole body. Suddenly you become so excited which doesn't harmonise with the usual revulsion that you associate with him.
His hands reach for your arms, sliding down to your hips and yanking you closer to him. The proximity of Taehyung's face intimidate you, you've never been that close to each other. When his face edges nearer your first instict is to step back, but you prevent yourself from doing so because somehow you're not indisposed to be close to him. It's rather quite the opposite - you want to be as close as possible.
,,This is okay, right?" he murmurs and you nod slowly, your senses curbed under a layer of haze that leads you to forget everything around you.
His lips float over yours, waiting for you to take the first step so that he can be sure that you really want this. When your lips slightly touch, you yield in, immediately chasing after his mouth. Your lips move in a languid fashion. It doesn't take long till both of your tongues hungrily swirl around each other and Taehyung's wicked hands wandering all over your body - giving your boobs a firm squeeze, stroking over your sides till they stop at your ass cups them.
,,How is this considered as pajamas?" he scoffs, eyeing your flimsy set of pajamas and then staring at your wide cleavage, the height difference allowing him to have a little sneak peek of how it looks like beneath your little shirt.
You roll your eyes and grab your shirt by its hem and tug it over your body. ,,Your taking too much time, Taehyung."
,,Calm down there, we only just started," he says, not even looking your in the eyes but looking at your tits that are perfectly squeezed together by your bra. This time he's faster than you, fingers reaching to unclasp your bra and letting it fall to the ground. He instantly kneads them, rolling his fingers over your nipples and watching them harden under his touch. While he is busying himself with your boobs, you get your shorts and off and kick them away with your feet.
Taehyung's hand sneaks up to your neck, grabbing a fistful of your hair and yanking your head back so he has perfect access to your delicious neck. He starts planting wet kisses on your skin, soon starting to suck, nibble and occasionally bite, coaxing sweet whimpers out of you. You feel his cock on your lower tummy, his member slowly getting harder and bigger by the seconds.
,,Bend over for me," he whispers against your jawline.
You bend over the counter, propping yourself on your hands and your ass on display for his hungry eyes. His hands stroke over your cheeks, squeezing your flesh before wiggling it with his hands.
,,Shit," he hisses. ,,Your ass is so fucking hot."
He then hooks his fingers under your laced panties and slides them down your thighs.
,,Fuck, how are you already that wet for me?" he asks mesmerised, one finger gliding over your glistening folds. Taehyung plunges his finger in, enjoying how your walls immediately suck him in. But you're not into foreplay right now. You want to get fucked.
,,Just fuck me already," you call.
,,You think your little pussy can take my cock?"
,,Please, Taehyung."
Taehyung curses behind you. He never heard you begging for something - especially not for him - and he now realises that he finds it excruciatingly hot hearing you beg for him. He rushes to take off his pajama pants and boxers in one go, grabbing his hard cock and pumping it a few times before he places his member right on your entrance, finally sinking into your core. His thick cock pushed your tight walls aside, causing them to pulsate around him. You both breath out loudly when he's fully inside you, his fingers digging inside your waist.
The stretch hurts a bit at first, your pussy not prepped enough to take his massive cock, but the stinging feeling soon turns into pleasure.
,,Taehyung," you urge in a low tone, swaying your ass, showing him your craving.
,,Let me appreciate how your cunt feels around my cock, woman," Taehyung retorts his voice already laced with vexation. Even though it didn't last long you're still proud that your two managed to be peaceful with each other, because that didn't occur often - okay let's not lie, it probably never occurred - because you two are caught up in bickering for most of the time.
A few moments later he starts moving, starting with a slow pace before gradually picking up on his speed.
You weren't prepared for Taehyung's cock feeling so perfect inside you, but here you are loving every single second that he's buried deep inside your pussy.
You try to stay quiet, preventing yourself from moaning and only letting little whimpers out of you.
,,Harder." Taehyung does and whoops, maybe a moan just slipped out of your mouth. ,,M-maybe not harder. I take it back."
Taehyung chuckles darkly, leaning closer to you and plants kisses over your neck. ,,Imagine how I could fuck you if we didn't have to be quiet," he whispers next to your ear. The important questions is: could you survive it if there wouldn't be any restrictions that would retain Taehyung? Probably not, because Taehyung seems like a beast, but hey, that wouldn't stop you from fantasising about Taehyung banging you when you'd be all alone. (Maybe you've done that already, but psscht, you'd never admit that to anyone - not even yourself) ,,I would make you scream so loud, make you scream my name and let everyone know what a fucking whore you are." His voice gets louder, starting to sound desperate.
,,Sshhh," you try to silent him.
,,What? You don't like dirty talk?"
,,Do you not understand the concept of being quiet? They're gonna wake up if you continue talking."
,,I'm not that loud."
,,Yes, you are."
With a sharp thrust your body jolts forward, you're hands gripping the counter tight and a restrained - but still loud - moan springs out of you. Shit.
,,Who's not being silent, huh?" he mocks you.
,,I fucking hate you," you breath, but he only continues his rapid snaps.
When he sets for a deep and hard stroke again, you bite your lip and whimper beneath him, your whole body shuddering.
,,Huh? What was that?" He heard you - loud and clear - but he just wants to hear it again. It turns him on in a weird way.
,,Hate you so much." Your tone meek, almost sounding like you're about to cry.
,,Mhm, I'm glad, 'cause I hate you too," he retorts. There's a smug grin displayed on his face when he thinks about how there was no hesitation from your side when he suggested this and how you're now beautifully arching your back for him, allowing him to fuck you and give you what you need.
Taehyung's hand collides with your ass cheek and you furrow your eyebrows as the pleasure he gives you gets so hard to hold back. You slide your hand between your legs, starting to draw circles on your clit.
,,I'm close," you mutter.
,,Hmm, already cumming on my cock?" Taehyung grabs your hair, pulling at it till you tilt your head back. His jolts are getting faster, your fingers rapidly circling your clit and the fact that you're doing something so naughty in the kitchen while your roommates can come in at any time makes you cum so hard around his cock.
Your walls squeeze his member, and you shift your head sideways so you can bite into your shoulder to not moan aloud like you would when there wouldn't be any annoying - sorry minnie and hobi - roommates that are currently sleeping in their rooms. Your whole body gets dunked into pure bliss and you can't get enough of it.
,,Fuck, you're squeezing me so hard, y/n," Taehyung pants, his thrusts getting slower till he completely halts and lets his cock slip out of your hole.
Taehyung grabs your hips and turns you around, your legs feeling wobbly but he has a firm grip on you. He hoists you up by your ass and walks you both to the living room. He throws the blanket away that was spread over the couch and throws you onto it, instantly spreading your legs to hover over you.
,,Throw the blanket over your body," you say.
,,It's not actually gonna hide what we're doing underneath it."
Why is he always acting like he knows everything better and tries to make you look like you're the stupid one? Who does he think he is? ,,Just do it, Taehyung-ah," you huff.
Taehyung gets up again, grabbing the blanket and draping it over his body once he's over you again. He glides his member over your wet folds, teasingly nudging your clit with the head and you squirm beneath him in surprise. He grins at your reaction and plunges his cock inside you again. This time he doesn't wait to build up a steady pace, he starts to fuck you in a fast and hard manner, his skin slapping against yours and the lewd sounds of your pussy ringing in the room.
,,Want me to tell you a secret?" he whispers against your neck, his breath puffing against your skin and his deep voice sending shivers all over you. You nod, too afraid to open your mouth and accidentally cry out moan. ,,I wanted to fuck this pussy for so long now. Always fantasised about how your little pussy would feel around my cock, did you know that?" You shake your head, but his little confession let the blood inside you sizzle. ,,But you're always so annoying, y/n. Always acting like a little bitch. So I never tried anything and jerked off instead."
He did- what? Now you have to say something. ,,J-jerked off?" Little whimpers escape your mouth and you instantly bite down your lip again.
,,Ah, don't act surprised. I think you're fully aware of how you look like," he says and leans away, looking down at your face and enjoying the sight of pure bliss displayed on your features. ,,Remember last week? At the party? Your body looked so hot in that dress and oh, don't even get me started on how your tits looked in that dress." - he sits back on his heels and palms your tits - ,,Fuck, just look at them - so perfect and big. You look so sexy, so fucking sexy."
You can't prohibit the warmth that spreads over your as he showers your body with compliments and unwittingly causing you to feel more confident. You didn't know that Taehyung feels this way - okay maybe you felt him stare at you for a little too long sometimes... - and a tiny bubble filled with peppiness emerges within you at the thought of how he still felt this way toward you despite the usual loathing he feels when he's with you.
,,I saw how you left with Jungkook that day. Did he fuck you? Did he show you his puppy eyes and then you let him fuck you? Hm?" Taehyung's breath hitched, his pants getting heavier as you both approach your highs.
,,What? We- we didn't fuck," you answer utterly confused.
,,Ow, come on y/n. You don't have to lie. I heard he has a noona kink, does he really?" he smirks, viciously swiping his tongue over his lower lip.
,,Shut up, he's like a brother, Taehyung," you pant and cling onto his shoulders.
,,Better not tell Jungkook. He always gets all heart eyes when he sees you," he says and squishes your boobs together.
What is Taehyung trying to tell you? Jungkook was always nice to you. You always have a good time when you're with him and he's a pretty funny guy, sometimes shy and adorable and other times he tries to show off his manliness (but no one tells him that Jungkook still looks like the cute adorable guy that he is).
,,So? You're not interested in him?"
That question confuses you even more. Why was he so keen to know about the relationship you have with Jungkook? ,,It's none of your business. Stop talking about him while your cock is inside me," you utter.
,,Why? We were having such a nice conversation, y/n." He drills his member deep inside you with a harsh thrust and you dig your nails into his shoulder.
,,Just make me cum again," you whisper before shutting your eyes close when his deep strokes continuously hit your sweet spot.
,,You wanna cum again?" he coos, kneading your breasts. You nod frantically. ,,I can make that happen," Taehyung promises and a second later he spits on one of your tits, rubbing his saliva all over you nipple. He then moves his hand down to your clit, starting to toy with your little bundle of nerves.
,,T-taehyung," you whimper, unable to hold it back.
,,Am I making you feel good? Huh? Do you like my cock pounding inside your little pussy?"
,,Yes, yes, yes," you whisper.
,,Then fucking cum. Fucking cream over my cock and show me what a little whore you are. Come on."
Your legs shake, walls clenching around his cock. Taehyung knows that you won't be able to hold in your moan, so he presses his hand over your mouth, allowing you to bite down on it.
,,You're so hot, you're so goddamn hot." Taehyung stops fondling with your clit when he feels like you have enough.
The snaps of his hips get sloppy and he's not able to suppress his high any longer.
,,Gonna cum now," he warns.
,,Don't you dare to cum inside me." Your voice sounds tired, but sill layerd with a warning tone that Taehyung shouldn't ignore.
,,I fucking know," he answers and pulls out of you, pumping his member over your stomach and a few seconds later he cums all over your belly, some of his cum pooling in your belly button. He tries to restrain a grunt, but it doesn't quiet work when he's looking at your gorges body while cumming.
After Taehyung milked everything out of him he flops beside you, body feeling completely drained. You shift to make a little more room for him, pressing your cheek against his chest.
,,Taehyung," you mumble against his sweaty skin.
,,It didn't work."
,,What didn't work?"
,,I didn't get any energy from this - it only made me more tired."
,,Oh, yeah, I forgot that there was a reason why we started to fuck."
You scrunch your face into displeasure. ,,Of course there was. I wouldn't want to have sex with you if there wasn't any purpose."
Taehyung throws his head back. ,,Just leave. You're annoying me already."
You slap his chest as an answer to his rude comment. ,,Don't forget that you're in my apartment."
,,It's still not fully yours though."
You only roll your eyes. You won't have this conversations with him again.
A few silent moments pass and you both - unknowingly - listen to each others heart beats.
Soon you have enough of lying beside Taehyung and stand up, sighing exasperatedly.
,,Mission failed, I guess," you mutter disappointed.
But at least you had the pleasure of getting laid by Taehyung which balances out your attempted goal just perfectly.
The next day Hoseok walks into the kitchen to start preparing his daily morning coffee. However, when he gets inside the kitchen he
wonders what your bra is doing in the middle of the kitchen floor.
A few minutes later Jimin joins Hoseok in the kitchen and Hoseok immediately points out your bra at the floor.
,,You don't know?" Jimin asked.
,,Didn't you hear anything last night?"
,,No? Did something happen?"
Jimin doesn't know if he should tell Hoseok  that, in deed, last night something happened. He decides Hoseok, there's now way that Jimin could live with not telling him, since Jimin tells him everything.
,,Taehyung and Y/n fucked in here last night."
Hoseok raises his brows, nodding his head in astonishment.
,,Good. Took them long enough to finally fuck."
Jimin giggles at that. ,,Like, they're always in denial, saying how much they hate each other but the tension between them is so fucking immaculate."
Everyone around you knew that some day you both would end up with each other, it was just you and Taehyung who were oblivious to the whole thing because - of course - you'd be oblivious to it, you hate each other after all.
And though the sex might have been great, you would never be up for a second fuck with that jerk again...
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babylooneytoonz · 4 years
Summary: Your first meeting with Sergeant Barnes wasn't exactly charming, hell, it was a disaster. And the only adjectives that came to your mind when you thought about him were words like prick, bastard and a jackass. He made your life hell, and you lived to make sure you made him suffer. And neither of you realized, how your sole mission of tormenting each other became the most important part of your life.
Warning: Language, implied sexual innuendos, reference and non descriptive sex // A hattrick by Bucky Barnes in being a dick // Sexual tension begins
Coffee Stains - Masterlist
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A bright hue of orange yellow filled your room, a ray of sunlight seeping through a crevice in your curtains. It was too bright to keep sleeping soundly any longer, and besides, you had an alarm set up for 7 in the morning, so you could go out for your morning run, and get back in time to get yourself a nice breakfast.
You sat up in bed, grumbling and groaning at the soreness you were now feeling where you had felt Steve's hard blow. Your eyes moved down, as you rolled up your t-shirt, and stared at the bluish bruise that had seemed to form over your abs. It was only then when you realized, when your eyes fell on the clock, that you had slept in, and it was already ten minutes past 9. You hopped out of bed, almost managing to fall face first to the floor, as your foot was still entangled in the sheets.
Dressed in your PJs, without even bothering to run your hands through your hair, you slid your glasses over the bridge of nose and walked out of your apartment. You needed coffee, and you needed food; you were starving, and your stomach was rumbling loud enough for the entire towers to hear.
When you entered the recreation room, a wafting aroma of waffles and bacon filled your nostrils, making you almost lick your lips.
"Morning, Y/N," Wanda greeted in a chirpy voice, causing your head to snap towards her. She was sitting on the dining table, her plate of food kept in front of her, her fingers curled against a glass of grape juice as she brought it up to her lips and took a sip, her eyes fixed on you. "Good sleep?"
"Not really. I feel like shit. I need an effing coffee first."
Wanda hummed in agreement and went back to relishing her breakfast while you lazily tumbled into the kitchen, where Tony was already brewing himself one.
"Morning, junior. Had a good sleep?"
"Junior? I'm no one's junior, Stark." You hissed at him, almost ready to snatch the coffee that he had made for himself but he was swift, he pulled it off the slab before you could grab it.
"Well, you've replaced Wanda as our new junior, until our next recruit decides to join us," he chuckled, reaching out and ruffling your hair, ending up making you even more grumpier than you had been before. You kept watching him with a scowl as he walked out, leaving you alone to brew yourself your mug of coffee.
Bucky stormed through the seventh floor hallway, having just stepped out of his apartment that happened to be next to yours but you still had no clue about that. He was angry, his shoulders were tense and his mind was occupied; he kept playing the events of yesterday like a movie at the back of his mind. You stepped closer, splashed him with chilled water and he could do nothing, rather, although he could have done a lot of things, he just kept watching you until you had left.
A war was waging at the back of his mind, and he was already working on ways he could get back at you, after what you did.
He ran his calloused hands through his loose strands, as he made his way towards the gym to work out and get this damn thoughts out of his mind. But this definitely wasn't going to happen for his eyes fell on you the minute he entered the gym.
You hadn't seen him yet, for you had your ear pods on, and you were running on the treadmill, with Sam lifting weights a few steps away from you. Bucky cleared his throat, causing Sam to look up into the mirror and then towards you, wondering if you had seen him yet.
By now, probably the entire Stark Towers knew that you were on a cold war with Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.
You had seen him through the mirror, but you were ignoring him. As long as you had your music on, he couldn't invade your privacy and make your life hell so you decided to ignore him, and continue running on the treadmill, although you kept following his movements, with your eyes. You watched him as he made his way to the bench press and sat down on the bench. You could see his lips moving, which you assumed that he was either speaking to Sam, or to Friday, to get the song changed, which was actually the latter one. Finally, he laid down flat on his back on the bench press, gripping the bar, his fingers coiling securely around it.
He slowly brought the bar down to his chest, as he breathed in. You didn't realise you were gawking at him for some reason through the mirrors, and wondering how effortless this whole thing looked on him. You also didn't realize that Sam was staring at you staring at Bucky in the mirror, giving you a side smirk until you abruptly removed the gaze from Bucky and slowly started unwinding yourself to get off the treadmill. You stepped off the treadmill when it finally came to a halt, and made your way to where the dumbbells were. Fixing yourself in front of the mirror, you started working on your arms.
Bucky had by now moved to the cross trainer, and you were waiting for Sam to get done with the deadlifts so you could get a chance. While you were waiting, you decided you would go get yourself a quick drink.
"Sam, don't let anyone take over. It's my turn next." You visibly said it out aloud, noticing Bucky almost roll his eyes at you through the mirror.
"Sure, I'm almost done anyway. What weights do you want? I'll do it for you while you're gone."
Your workout routine comprised of two twenty five kg bumper plates and the fifteen kg bar. You told Sam the same, not noticing that Bucky was also listening in on the conversation. You then turned away, your shoes flapping against the wooden floorboards until you had disappeared.
This was Bucky's queue. He quickly hopped off the cross trainer, tossing a plain white towel over his shoulder and round his neck. He walked up to Sam who was placing the twenty five kg bumper plate on the left side of the bar. Giving him one quick glance, he walked towards a cabinet, pulling out the tiny sticky notes and a marker, roughly scribbling the words 15 kg on two of them.
He walked back again, and bent down next to Sam, who raised an eyebrow, giving him a suspicious look.
"What on earth are you upto?"
"Just wait, and watch the fun."
Bucky placed the sticky notes on top of the 25 kg, changing it now to 15 kg, repeating the same for the other bumper plate as well.
"Hey! That's not right! Why you doing that for?" Sam pointed out, trying to reach for the sticker but Bucky just swatted his arm away.
"Shut the hell up, and dare you open your mouth when she comes back."
"This is dangerous, Bucky. She can break her back," Sam mumbled.
"10 kgs more ain't gonna break her damn back, Wilson. Besides, if she can't lift another twenty, she really doesn't deserve to be here." Bucky stood up finally, and slapped his hands together, moving away from it and towards the bench where he had now lowered himself and was waiting, his elbows resting on his knees, as he started scrolling through his phone. He only looked up when he heard footsteps approaching the gym, and he glared at Sam, eyeing him, and warning him not to open his mouth.
You stepped back in, ignoring Bucky as you twisted the cap of the energy drink and took a few sips before closing it again and letting it rest next to the weights.
"Thanks Sam," you winked at him, and watched him look at you, with a weird look on his face that you couldn't decipher. However, when you noticed the stickers on the bumper plates, a frown creased on your forehead, "Sam, you forgot, I had asked for a twenty five, not fifteen."
Sam almost opened his mouth to speak, but Bucky gave him such a glare, he just sheepishly ran his palm through the back of his head, and gave you a nervous chuckle, "I might have forgotten."
"Nevermind," you gave him a tight lipped smile and bent to grab two bumper plates of ten kgs each, quickly rolling them over the bar. You took a deep breath, and slid your ear pods back on into your ears, positioning yourself next to the deadlifts. You sat back, pushing your bum out, as though you were going to sit on an invisible stool, your knees and hips bent as you reached down to grab the barbell.
A loose grunt escaped your lips, and Sam's eyes widened while Bucky almost snorted, but tried to cover it up with a cough. Your hands were fiercely gripping the barbell but you could feel a bead of sweat trickle down against your forehead. You had been lifting 75 kgs for a long time now and today you were feeling that something wasn't right.
Yet, you took a deep breath, and steadied your stance once again, finally grunting and puffing up your cheeks, you stood up, bringing the bar up with you, the bar dragging along your shins on the way up. It was difficult, but you were able to do it.
A sharp exhale shot out of Sam's mouth, causing Bucky's attention to snap from your form, that he didn't know he was literally now staring at. He had wanted you to fail, but now, he didn't know anymore. He was actually enjoying watching you like this. He didn't realize he was staring, at the same time, moistening his dry lips with his tongue when Sam distracted him. When his eyes fell on Sam, for some weird reason, his eyebrow twitched. Sam was watching you, his eyes trained to your ass, as he was watching you work out.
"Sam. I thought you were done?" Bucky's voice suddenly filled the room; at the same time, you let the barbell drop to the mat with a loud thud, gasping for air as you moved away from it.
"What?" You asked, eyeing both Sam and Bucky as they were looking at you, and the both of them just shrugged so you ignored them and grabbing your energy drink , propped yourself on the bench where Bucky was sitting at and started chilling.
Bucky stared at the blonde in front of his eyes; she was one of the agents that worked here, but all she did was the paperwork. She had been throwing these glances towards him recently and he had been rolling his eyes at her, annoyed to be even getting that attention from her. He didn't consider them his type but for some reason, he licked his lips this time, when his eyes raked over her slender frame, causing him to let out a soft gush or air from his lips.
Clearing his throat, he walked up to where the agent was standing, hunched over a desk, until she heard his voice, and a scarlet hue took over her cheeks.
"Sergeant Barnes–"
"Uh, I just wanted to check if –" Bucky mumbled, but his brain froze, and he couldn't come up with a good excuse. He frowned at himself, mentally cursing himself at how great he used to be in picking up girls back in the 1940s.
"–If, uh, Natasha Romanoff is back from her mission?"
Yeah, how pathetic was that? He thought to himself.
"Miss Romanoff isn't coming back for another week now," Bucky could note the way she was curling her index finger around a loose strand of her hair, which was a clear indication that she wanted him to ask her out. Who was he kidding, he was literally fighting an urge to grab her with his metal arm and pin her against the wall, tearing her clothes apart.
"Uh, I also wanted to ask you if you wanted to –" Bucky couldn't say it out loud, and he had no idea why.
It was only when the girl suddenly threw herself on him, her lips slamming ferociously on his, did he finally wrap his metal arm around her waist to hold her securely.
"Let's take this to my apartment, doll."
After your workout, you had retired to your apartment, snuggled up under your covers, with your favourite book in your hand. You didn't have the training for another five hours now, and you had the time to chill. You didn't realize when, while reading, your eyes fluttered shut, and you dozed off into a deep slumber, snoring lightly until a sudden thump from the other side of the wall woke you up.
You felt dizzy and disoriented, but you crept out from underneath your covers and stood up, stretching into a wide yawn when a high pitched moan reached your ears. Your nose scrunched up in annoyance, and since you had no idea who stayed in the apartment next to you, you shook your head wondering who this person was, who couldn't even wait for the night to actually have a little time of fun.
Maybe out of spite, and out of jealousy at the lack of an active sex life; hell you didn't date anyone ever since your nasty divorce almost two years back with Wallis, you strode up to the wall and banged your palm hard against the wall, screaming at the top of your lungs, "Hey, can you bloody keep it down there? I'm trying to take a nap."
You had only stepped away now, and were making your way towards the bathroom, smirking to yourself in victory, that the noises had died down when suddenly, the voices were back again, and this time, they were even louder than what you had heard the last time.
Frustrated, you huffed in defeat, slamming the bathroom shut.
Almost half an hour later, you stepped out of your apartment, having decided to go out and explore the city a little, maybe meet a few of your friends and have a drink when at the same time, the door to the next apartment opened and your eyes widened, when you saw Bucky step out, his hair disheveled, and his slacks hanging loosely from his hips. He didn't have a tshirt on, and the metal on his arm was looking even more prominent, because of which you couldn't help but let yourself take a good quick glance of his body.
He was an arrogant bastard, a cocky motherfucker, but he was really sexy, you couldn't deny it.
You couldn't deny that you had thought about him, while working out at times, imagining yourself positioned underneath him, as he did his push ups on top of you.
You groaned due to your thoughts, a little too loudly, and Bucky turned your way. The edge of lip was slightly shot upwards as though he had been smirking, and you swear you saw a hickey just at the nape of his neck. Just then, a strikingly beautiful blonde stepped out of his apartment straightening her outfit, giving you a quick, nervous glance before he darted away.
"That was fun, doll. See you soon." Bucky called out, his voice barging through the hallway, before he shot you a quick glance and disappeared into his apartment, his door slamming shut.
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Rio & Nancy
Rio: If you wanna head home 'fore nan and granddad are ready, you can always have a lift back with us Nancy: Thanks Nancy: I'm in no rush though Rio: Having a good time then? Nancy: Sure Nancy: It's not a classroom, I'll take it Rio: Yeah, I bet you're buzzing Nancy: You mean you can't tell? Well, that's devastating Nancy: I reckoned on it being so obvious, like Rio: I mean, your poker face ain't all that, babe, if you wanna be real about it Nancy: More of a resting bitch, I know Nancy: The good news must not have sunk in yet Rio: Give it a few Nancy: Yeah Rio: Anyway, can't do anything about it now Rio: May as well enjoy your summer Nancy: Like I said, I already am Nancy: Aside from the prospect of going home Rio: 👍 Rio: How bad can it be Rio: he's taken one for the team Nancy: No, he's made sure exams mean more than they did before Nancy: and made me the focus since he's a less than safe convo topic Rio: Well, your family's inability to communicate is longstanding and not my fault so I'm not gonna take the blame for it, nor is my baby Rio: Sorry, like Nancy: I didn't ask Nancy: It's not my fault that his fall from grace makes me their poster child for success now either, I definitely never asked for that Rio: If you're going to feel so sorry for yourself, don't be surprised when people feel it for you in return Rio: Oddly enough our decision to have a child wasn't exactly about you Nancy: I'm only surprised the pity party isn't full already Nancy: My brother tends to take up a lot of space Rio: Please Rio: We've got no reason to be sorry, either definition Rio: we're happy, if you lot wanna be miserable then the party is all yours Nancy: Does he know that? Does he feel it? 'Cause he sounded like he wanted me to be sorry for him many times over when we last spoke Rio: Like I said, you're all crap at communicating Rio: but thanks Nancy: Yeah, and he's one of the worst Nancy: If I feel sorry for anything, it's for you, for that much, like Rio: Fuck off Rio: I don't need your pity Nancy: Don't tell me to fuck off Rio: Why not? You've seen fit to talk to me how you please Nancy: 'Cause you're judging my communication skills like its your job, for one thing Nancy: And for another, I haven't said anything like that to you, ever Rio: You said in as few words as possible that you don't think Buster really wants our baby, implying that I don't know him and we don't talk, whilst you were at it Rio: but no Rio: the f bomb in response, so much worse, Jesus Nancy: No I haven't Nancy: All I've said to him is that his timing is ridiculous and when was the last time we even spoke, me and you? Before exams probably so Rio: What does it matter to you, or your parents for that matter Rio: He's still going to Uni, he's still doing everything they want Nancy: I don't care what they want Nancy: I care about him and how hard it's gonna be Nancy: I won't be here to help either of you, not even in the same country, so excuse me for being worried Rio: When ain't life? Rio: You can't let that stop you from doing what you want Nancy: You don't need to make it harder on yourself, Jesus Rio: Well that ain't how it's going to be, or how we see it Nancy: It's easy for him to see it that way when he never admits that he needs help or that anything could possibly be a struggle in the slightest Nancy: He's just perfect and everything will be, end of story Rio: I help him Rio: and I know that, I knew that before this even started Nancy: I know you do and you know I love you, yeah? I'm not saying this to be a bitch to you Rio: I know Rio: but I don't get why you can't translate your worry into supporting him, that is literally all he needs from you Rio: instead of the constant barage of questions Nancy: because I'm scared for him and he scares me Nancy: how little he thinks about anything Nancy: He just wants and he gets and I'm the only one who cares if it'll work out or not Nancy: you know that's what he's always been like Rio: It's going to work out Rio: even if you wanna talk worst case scenarios, we have to get divorced, yeah Rio: he'll still have the kid, I'm not that bitch Nancy: I hope it does Nancy: Genuinely Nancy: You know that Rio: I think I do Rio: but you don't always show it Rio: I know it's a lot Rio: but it's hard for him when none of you seem happy for him or even say it's alright, like Rio: why do you think he can't admit he needs help, when has he got it? Nancy: Do you? 'Cause when you got together I had to re-evaluate everything I thought I knew about him and you Nancy: He says he's loved you since he was a kid, I was there, I have almost the same memories Nancy: But I don't Nancy: at all Rio: Why does it matter? We were all kids Nancy: 'Cause all this time he was so unhappy and I didn't know, okay Nancy: I didn't do anything Rio: None of us did Rio: He didn't want you to know, anyone Rio: you can't take blame for it like you wilfully ignored cries for help but he's trying now Rio: he needs you now, okay Nancy: I'm trying too Nancy: I just Nancy: I don't know him, if I ever did Nancy: How am I meant to know what to do? Rio: You did Rio: You were close then, just because you didn't know this one thing doesn't mean you weren't Rio: You wouldn't tell him about every crush you had, especially if you felt shame about being gay or there was another reason you knew he could judge you for it, you know? Rio: Just, try and be nice to each other, simple and as stupid as it sounds Rio: that's all you gotta do in this world though Nancy: You can say wanting to fuck my teacher, that's pretty shameful, babe Nancy: Lord, did you really have to do the one thing that scares me most to test me Nancy: Babies are terrifying Rio: Well you know, I assume you weren't child thirsting after your reception teacher like 👌👌👌 nice cardigan miss Rio: Nah Rio: they're just people Rio: I guess that's kinda the problem though Nancy: Hey, she was cute! And very attentive Nancy: Well, not to be dramatic and turn this into a therapy session but the last time I was properly excited for a baby to be born, he died Nancy: And now we don't talk about him Rio: That isn't going to happen again Rio: and you could talk to Buster about him Rio: he's thinking about him too Nancy: Does he talk about him to you? Rio: Yeah, a little Rio: we're going to give the baby his name as a middle Nancy: Really? Rio: I should say we don't know it's a boy yet, we just think it is Rio: but I won't say 'if not, the next one' and freak you out further, like Nancy: Go ahead, I'm just out here openly crying at the beach Rio: I'm sorry Rio: you can use my ugly dress as a hankie if you wanna Nancy: It's not that bad Rio: It's years old 'cos everything I own now would leave no need to announce this Rio: tempting but probably not Nancy: You should have come to me, my wardrobe runneth over Nancy: Literally, I need to have such a huge clear out before uni starts Rio: You planning to reinvent yourself as a minimalist? 😏 Rio: local charity shops gonna be a goldmine, like Nancy: Reinvent myself, yeah, as that, no Nancy: I get it, not tempting to come over when I'm being a bitch Nancy: I'm sorry you have to suffer that dress as a result, babe Rio: Well you know, or we could say I was giving you space and time Rio: politer Rio: I'm not even sure it was ever mine Rio: maybe it was yours, the ultimately bitchery to get it out of my system Nancy: Not to be that bitch or lesbian stereotype, okay, but what's under it? Can you not just remove it now the secret's out? Nancy: Be you again Rio: 😂 Rio: Still got it, babe Rio: I guess I can now Rio: It's weird Nancy: Do it for my brother if not me Nancy: You think I need to sort my face, look at his right now Rio: Poor boy Rio: at least I didn't straighten my hair, then he'd really be devastated Nancy: 😂 Nancy: I wish you had, I'd have taken so many pics to post and tag him in Rio: 😏 Pure evil, like Nancy: Genetically, sorry Nancy: Not saying you should watch The Omen again or anything but Rio: 😲 How rude Rio: but if I remember correctly that fucker was adopted so it would've been more cutting to come at me with Rosemary's Baby, like Rio: slacking Nancy: Oops, horror movies not really my forte Rio: You should reconsider Rio: yeah the bitch always dies, but she's usually half-naked beforehand, like Nancy: Are you gonna put your arm around me when it gets scary though? I think not Rio: You know I would you just ain't vibing 💔 Nancy: Lies! I just told you to strip Rio: True enough Rio: There's hope yet then Nancy: I'm sorry for being a bitch this whole time Nancy: I've missed you, it feels like exams lasted years Rio: I know, it was stressful and I weren't even taking them so God knows how you lot survived Rio: How do you feel about them, genuinely? Nancy: I know you love him, but how much of a prick was he during his, like 1-10? To make me feel better Nancy: I feel bad but like, I always do about that stuff so Nancy: It doesn't mean anything Rio: Oh, 11, for sure 😏 Rio: no, it was hard though, he was stressed as fuck Rio: you'll have done what you needed to do, I know Nancy: At least you could play the pregnancy card, like DO NOT STRESS ME, BOY Nancy: I basically had to shut myself away to get the same effect Rio: I feel it, Junior looks like this is his first time seeing sunlight in years, he hasn't taken his sunglasses off Rio: know they're prescription but come on Rio: as for the pregnancy card, great for getting out of arguments you've probably caused being a crazy bitch, like Nancy: I don't think he remembers who any of us are 😂 Nancy: It's not too late to have some actual fun today, is it? Nancy: You need it too, Buster said you've been pretty sick Nancy: He's dramatic, but still Rio: Of course not Rio: Someone suggested going to the pub to celebrate but as I'm the one with the baby I can make sure they choose somewhere nice with a decent cocktail list and beer garden, not a grotty old man pub, like Rio: Just morning sickness but it was pretty shitty and lonely when he was at School and so was Indie Rio: but fingers crossed I'm over that now so Nancy: We have to do something about that dress first Nancy: Come with me before we go anywhere else Nancy: I will save you Rio: 🙌 Rio: If you take me near a maternity section, we will brawl Nancy: God no Nancy: I'd burst into flames Rio: 😂 Rio: You remembered suncream today though, yeah? Nancy: Yes, mum Nancy: Maternity clothes are actually disgusting and I'm not letting it happen to you Nancy: Or my niece or nephew, how embarrassing to look back on Rio: It's just not necessary either Rio: do you know how big most clothes go these days like Nancy: Thank you! Like be more creative than that Nancy: If you wear a smock I'm disowning you Nancy: I don't care if you're having twins in a heatwave Rio: You'll be glad to know it ain't, unless one of them was hiding real stealth, but I'd be much bigger, pretty sure Nancy: Yeah, you'd need more than that dress to hide behind, right? Mum was such a ridiculous size with us, the pics are actually like something out of a scary movie Nancy: Say what you like about her, and do, but she always looked good Rio: Honestly, poor bitch Rio: Feel her small girl pain in a way you can never Rio: feeling like a human ball some days and it is just the one Nancy: Why do you think I'm not taking you to a maternity section, they'd think I was the one with a baby on board Nancy: No offense but kill me Rio: Oh bitch no Rio: like, is daddy excited or terrified, Nance? Rio: straight girl bants Nancy: I nearly threw up in my mouth Nancy: Not morning sickness, sorry lads Rio: You keep down your breakfast if you getting in my car, thank you very much Nancy: Such a mum 😏
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Chapter 6.5
"The idiot still isn't answering his phone? Is he working late or something?"
This would be such a simple answer and I wish I could just smile and say, "Sure! That is exactly what's keeping him!" However, I know that this is a lie and I have never been good at lying. I twitch when I lie, my lips betray me and form the most devious grin, and my voice sweetens itself to the point of me sounding like a cartoon character from the sixties. "No, he isn't working late. I walked by the café. It's closed, everyone is gone," I explain to Lyric, slapping my hand onto my knee to keep my leg from shaking. My friend purses his lips, a sign that he was either really irritated or really confused. (Good chance of it being both.) The two of us were in his studio apartment, plopped down on his couch, staring blankly at the muted television in the middle of the room. I came to Lyric's place about five minutes ago and caught him in the middle of watching the movie adaptation Hairspray for the thirtieth time. He invited me in and offered me a pop, but I declined. Caffeine was not what I needed right now. I was already jittery enough. Lyric lifts up his arms in a thoughtful gesture. "Have you tried calling his coworker?" I throw him a pointed look. "Why would I have Jasmine's phone number?" It's ridiculous for him to even assume I would have it. "I don't know. She's cute." Is he joking? I can't tell if he's joking. "Not my type. Or yours, I thought." I throw him a questioning look. Lyric chuckles, taking a sip out of a cherry colored bottle of pop. "Hey, I'm pretty open minded." In all the time I've known Lyric, he has not once actually showed any interest in another human being. When I say this, I don't mean he doesn't have romantic feelings for anyone. I mean he literally finds people the most boring beings on the planet, which is why I believe he enjoys acting so much. Up on stage, he isn't surrounded by people anymore, he says, but actors. Actors are not just people in his eyes. What they are is something so much larger with so many different layers to them. Actors are the only people he can discover any intrigue in. "Anyways," I huff, changing the subject back to a more pressing matter than Lyric's so-called open mindedness, "if Jimmy calls or shows up or you see him somewhere for some reason, tell me please? That way I will know he didn't get stabbed thirty-seven times in the chest or hit by a bus." "Why is it always a bus with you? Why can't people be hit by cars anymore?" Lyric points out, getting up from his sitting position and following me towards the front door. I stand there for a second, trying very hard to let my worry go and laugh along with him. "Jimmy is too sly to get hit by a car. If he's gonna be crushed, it'll have to be something huge," I reason, rubbing my lips together. They are so dry. When I see Jimmy, I'm gonna kick his butt for taking my lip balm. My friend reaches around my body and unlocks the door for me. "Jimmy is probably fine," Lyric assures me, his hand on my shoulder. He gives me a tight squeeze, an odd show of affection from the man who hates physical contact. I have to pause when he does this and stare, which he returns with a small smile. Lyric's smiles are so rare. He knows how much I love them. "Don't get all paranoid, man. Knowing that loser, he's probably in the drama room having dinner with his mama." "Why does having dinner with his mom make him a loser? His mom is really cool," I point out. I've never understood why kids are so anti-parent. Yes, my parents weren't perfect and spent eighty percent of their time nagging at me, but I never felt a need to shove them away. I was never ashamed of them, even if they might have been ashamed of me. During the period of time after I came out as pan to them and the day I announced I wanted to go to Broadway, they seemed a little iffy on how they felt about me. We cleared it up, though, and they went back to loving me unconditionally after the initial shock wore off. A group of blonde girls stroll by in matching purple dresses, trilling about some band they were going to see live. One of them, apparently, won free tickets off the radio and another splurged to get them a limo. Kudos for them. "His moms are pretty chill," Lyric agrees, setting his hip against the doorframe. "I'll see you tomorrow for rehearsal before class, Alto. If I receive any contact from the alien life force we know as Jimmy John, I'll let you know." "You are so weird," I laugh, listening to the sound of the door clicking shut behind me.
The dorm is in an oddly tranquil state when I return home sometime around midnight. Even though Lyric instructed that I don't let paranoia overcome me, I couldn't help but wander the school grounds for a few hours. I even walked all the way to Jimmy's favorite restaurant about a mile away from the school. Sometimes he goes there in the middle of the night to get some cheap noodles. That actually has become his routine during finals. Patricia, the owner, loves him for all the business he brings her. I even went as far as to actually call his mother when all else failed. She told me that she saw him at around three and hadn't heard from him since. To avoid freaking her out, I assured her he was probably just practicing somewhere secluded, wanting privacy. There's no sign of Jimmy anywhere. No call, no text, no email... Absolutely nothing. Something happened, I know it. I can feel it in my stomach every single time I think about him; this overwhelming, aching dread repeatedly splashes over me like a bucket of blood. Wherever Jimmy is, he isn't safe. I'm almost up the first flight of stairs when I consider calling the police. This might be nothing, but I refuse to take a chance. If Jimmy really is in trouble and I did nothing to help him, I will never be able to forgive myself. "Hey, Alto!" I hear someone call. I look up and find the sweet smile of Edda waiting for me. She is worn down and borderline weak looking, but still manages to be the brightest star in the room. "You were out late." I wave her off. "Hi, Edda. I was out looking for Jimmy," I explain, playing it off as if this were nothing. There is no reason to worry anybody else. "What were you doing? Partying?" "Yikes, me?" she chuckles, slapping her hand to her chest. Edda has lived down the hall from Jimmy and I since she started here last year. The two of us have a minor friendship made up of mostly childish banter and musical references. Also, she is one of the only people who does not look ready to barf when I make a terribly wonderful pun. (For example, H-2-Oh No! When I used this on my neighbor, Madison, she looked ready to slam my head in her door. Would I have blamed her? Probably not.) It's nice having a friend who doesn't treat me like the freak I know I am. I appreciate her more than I appreciate Jimmy sometimes and that is saying mounds about our simple contact. Edda pauses on the stairs before me and gestures to the tag on her shirt. "My staff kind of bailed last minute at the paper, so I'm pretty much on my own. I just needed to run back here and pick up some photographs I forgot for the front page." Ever since the beginning of the year, Edda has been the head of our school's newspaper. She is the one who compiles it all together, writes editorials, finds leads for her team of three (counting the resident cartoonist, Kam) to follow, prints everything out, and sets up the newspaper stand in the main hall. "That sucks," I say. "It keeps me busy," Edda shrugs, adjusting a strap over her arm. "Well, I best get going. Nice seeing you, Alto." "You too," I nod, watching her descend the stairs and exit through the side door. Just as I reach into my pocket, I feel my phone start to buzz. Finally, Jimmy has messaged! I pull out my device and see his name printed across the screen. Thank god, Jimmy! I hit answer and let out a breathe of relief. "Jim-Jam, you scared me to death! Where have you..." "Heads up!" the phone cackles and I'm propelled forwards. The stairs thud beneath me with each roll until I'm at the bottom, my body trembling with pain. I lift my hands and cradle my head, attempting to recollect myself. My phone lies beside me in about three different parts. For that to have happened, the fall must have been pretty intense. "Why?" I choke out, lifting my head. The attacker is nowhere to be seen. "W-where'd you go?" I try to get up but my body refuses. Every one of my limbs feels ten times its size. I can't even move my left leg. Did I break it? Could I have broken it after only falling down half a flight of stairs? A horrible thought strikes me quite suddenly and I feel bile in my throat. What if I was right and Jimmy was hurt? Maybe the same person who did this to him is doing this to me. My shoulder stings. There's something pricking it. Before I can look, what I assume is a bag is thrown over my head. I'm engulfed in darkness for a few seconds. I don't fight it. I lay there and wait for it take me away.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
And yeah Trump's people are coming and beating up Trump's people and there's a buffoon and a fool as is cork.
Yesterday in Fargo they got the living s*** kicked out of him that was the deal like 200 deaths today is the movie it's the end of it and the beginning of Argo, that's how our son says it he wants people to know it of ours and tons of people know it. We're moving out and sitting in troops here can hear them so we're going to get rid of them and there are several other things that are happening because of it Fargo was a complete success tons of leaders got hit and we got tons of Intel in our area and we told him not to go there and to get out and you suck and you stink in your idiots but you didn't oh well we feel sorry...nope. We got Intel on your stuff here and we're going after it now now that we did that we're going to need all of it if you don't mind will you do that's too bad we'll take it from you now. What's important is they figured out they should probably try and find at least the key to the engines and a way on there without getting killed so go ahead with that and then going to Iran and they found Jamie AK Jason crying said I can never get ahead with you idiots around just trying to get rid of you he knows I can't have the program anyways he says it's true but it probably just release Obama and sigourney on the Earth because I'm a jackass it's actually true and they would collect the other and make a computer and that could be why that's right so it's competition he says it won't be tied up and it will be tied up the computer so I'm starting to see what I'm doing wrong is allowing it to happen give me nothing to do with the job just like you idiots it's very bad since I shouldn't even be talking it's a crass way to go well that's what it is. I do understand what you're saying I'm pretty much going to die now and it's very pleased with it cuz he knows the function on my little assholes and idiots keep on pestering him for a dollar when he's poor all he can do is kill you is good at it really good at it. I never thought I'd say this everyone thought he's killing people is just look at us and say I don't think so pal I'll leave that to other people and I'll get in trouble and here's your heart it's beating like a little beating kk a mouse heart. So I guess that we're going to do this Argo thing I lose my pole position but you have to fight me on it he says it's going to have people fight me and kill off my people it's going to happen anyways but kicking me in the nuts that's what it's going to have them do try and make it happen it's a great distraction f****** Jamie cholo Dan says muttering that fucking prick he ads we we should have stoned him he's shoe horns in. Dan is going off and try and become a septic tank repair guy and fix it without permission and all sorts of stuff no permits but as the county and the county said they're going to fix it if you don't and they told people yesterday I'm going to come by and fix it if this is not fixed so it's horrible and they don't know what to do it nothing they know how to fix it it just don't know if they're being watched we think tons of people now.
By the end of the day there's going to be no more luck there's 350,000 septillion an hour attacking the basis no it's up to about 10 million septillion each base and it's going up more some are 20 to 30 millions septillion each base literally there's just a ton of extra people because these cloning facilities and we're breaking them as fast as they leave them and ripped them out later and we had to do this a while ago so I'm sending it back it's slowing a little we need to and it's really hurting us everyone should get on board with it that's what I'm saying and right now is what will power you have to rectify this massive massive glowing error of ours..
But if this rate and it's going up it's not about 20 billion septillion each wave which is about every hour it will not be any more lock by the end of the day the sun says is they're increasing their attacks on the Tommy faces and we don't need Tommy f around and we should give them encouragement and we shall
Bitol and Goddess Wife
Are there more luck also saw that guy did it get in and he's a total jackass
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