#( &. convo | esme. )
realmythsmoved · 5 months
@escapedartgeek continued from here Feeling Esme put a flower in their hair enough for Z to pause. "Oh. I guess it is that time for flowers to go in people's hairs. That is a look I'm starting to see more and more again. Thanks." It's not like they haven't tried it - but it's been so long. And their focus had been on so many other things that it still feels.. strange for them. "How does it look on me?"
Esme smiles brightly at Zora. She hopes they like the flower. It's something Esme would do for herself. So she had hoped her friend would like it as well. "Yes, it is. You're welcome."
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When Zora asks how it looks on them, Esme's smile widens. "You look great, my friend, don't worry." A pause, Esme puts a similar-looking flower in her own hair, hoping it suits her as well. "How about me? How do I look?"
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cybermuses · 7 months
closed- for @bvlladonnas // esme location - los fantasmas
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"if i ask you to make me the strongest drink you guys have here you promise not to ask any questions right?" salem said a bit stressed as she sat down at the bar. she was relieved to see esme was working tonight, spilling her guts to locals would probably be a new low for her. "i did something kinda bad to leon...again." regretfully that was becoming a reoccurring theme in her life. "does it count as ghosting if you just leave early in the morning without saying goodbye? or am i really just a horrible person? i'm the worst aren't i?" she let out a groan before resting her head on her arms.
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bklynmusicnerd · 2 years
Even when Cam tries to connect with this sex criminal over Franco, all she does is whine about how bad Franco's death is for her. Didn't even cross her mind to tell Cam she's sorry for his loss. Why are we even using the phrases "new Esme" and "old Esme" like she's not just as unlikable, narcissistic and whiny as she's always been?
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huntrcssqueen · 2 years
@maximoff-weasleyxx​ asked:
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Esme for Sky: Esme walked towards the training field stalling for time until she had to locate her dorm in the fairy hall which she wasn't sure where to find. She wore earbuds which played gentle Enya songs. the harmonies helped to effectively block out the voices in her head that she couldn't push out. She stopped walking all of a sudden when she noticed the specialists sparring with each other. Her eyes scanned them all until they landed on a blonde specialist who seemed to be the most skilled of them all.  
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     Being back to Alfia, back on their land instead of his home, Sky put everything into his training always. He never let up his guard and was skilled with the stick, sword, put something in his hands and he could train with it and learn to be skillful in a day. Knocking his opponent down to the ground he held the sword to him indicating that he indeed won before his eyes looked up to a new fairy to the grounds which made him extend his hand to the man laying down to help him up dismissing the whole thing before heading over to the girl after putting the sword down.
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realmyths · 12 days
@escapedartgeek continued from here
“I’m going to need you to leave me alone Esme.” Zora spoke with a bit of an agitated tone. They had felt certainly.. hard to contain, and it seems like something they dreaded happening was starting to resurface. There’s a sense of forced unraveling that seemed to get ever close to the surface and the last thing they wanted was to bother trying to explaining more of it to Esme. “You’ve really got to go. I’m going to leave to take care of this - but, I don’t want you to be around me right now. Don’t try to convince me otherwise, I don’t have time for that. ”
Esme can tell from Zora's tone that they're frustrated. And Esme wants, so badly to help them. However, their next words make Esme change her mind. She still wants to help, of course she does. Yet if Zora wants to be left alone, there's nothing to do. Esme won't force her company on anyone, when it's not wanted. So she manages a small smile and says: "Well...if you need me, you know where to find me. See you around, hopefully."
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And with that, Esme turns to leave, honoring Zora's desire to be left alone with whatever is going on for them.
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wesfms · 2 years
who : @dissolvedfm​ ,  esmé where :  esmé’s house
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“You know, I think a scientific study should be done on why my naps are more refreshing when I take them on your couch as opposed to on my own,” Wes yawns from the couch, stretching out like a cat who’d just woken up from a long nap in the sun - which, technically, he sort of was. He peeks one eye open to glance at the other, a smirk spreading over his lips as he did. “Better watch out, or I might just set up permanent residence here. You’ll never get rid of me then.” Unfortunately for Esmé, Wes was like a cockroach - once he decided you were worth the effort, you couldn’t get rid of him, even if you really, really wanted to. “Maybe you should start stocking my favorite foods in your fridge.” 
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jinhyun · 2 years
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↬part twenty eight — code red
↬hwang hyunjin x reader | college au
you have a crush on him, he feels nothing. you'd do anything as long as you get to spend time with him, he takes it for granted. but even those who have feelings for someone can reach their limit, and hyunjin is the only one to blame.
a/n: and the drama continues. lmao i couldn't fit both the hyunlix and the ynmin convos in this part but worry not, we are getting some background on the next one 👀 i hope you guys enjoy! and as always please let me know your thoughts, i would love to read them<3
tag list: @blaaiissee @hyuneytoast @staysuki @tardiscompanion @princehyun-jin @hyuka-luvbot @halesandy @nattisbored @qnjayn @hibuki-chan @purenjuniverse @seungly @suhnnyskiess @midsoulz @esme-ordaz @perriwiinkle @firnze @soobin-chois @multifandomizer @elviransworld @valewoos @ktttwwn @hazzaloveschopsuey @hannahdinse8 @youngestdelacour @zoe8stay @leechanniee @phenomenalgirl9 @aeminju @threevracha @kai-maree @laryisthinking @wolfietara @iam2out @kingggjaay @cosmic-railwayxo @straykidsficsrecsbaby @marsophilia @choibeomgogi @ddaengpotate @oceanyocean @rinsdesires @jhslmhbtsskz @lixlovesworld @keenlampponyclam @yerimselgi @rubberduckieyourtheone @littlestarhyun @kwanisms @moon-320
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thegamingcatmom · 22 days
I have a question! A few maybe? Depends how much I yap lol!
Okay so will we ever get a chance to see mc interact with the Cullens—including bella? I would like to see how she reacts to a completely different family of vampires, especially since she doesn’t know what they are.
And speaking of not known what they are, will she ever get a chance to find out? If so how would she react?! Im honestly so excited to see more, ever since I began reading I’ve been frothing at the mouth and checking your page daily(sorry if that sounds crazy)
I would really like to see how she would interact with each Cullen, especially Rosalie—how would Rosalie feel meeting another so called human pet:0
I also feel like her and Esme would get along perfectly, kind of like how Carmen is with mc! And Alice too, though her personality may be too much for mc?
Will mc also be inter-grated in personal affairs like family meetings and going to see the Volturi? Since im guessing mc will soon know what they are?
Also theres this tension between mc and tanya, will they ever get a chance to be romantic? If so how would that go for the first time? Since the Denali sisters are experienced with humans will it ever happen?
I think thats all for now! Cant wait to see more, this work is by far the most im invested in!
First of all: I love how lengthy your ask is! And I especially love that it´s allll about what may or may not happen in the deranged universe of The Sisters. Those are my fav kind of asks. THE SPECULATIONS, THE THEORIES. 😭
I do so love fangirling with yall. 🫶❤️‍🔥🫶
Okay so-
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You´ll defo get a fat chance to see MC interacting with the Cullens - that includes Bella ofc. In fact, there´s a reason I put them in the tags of my story early on, even though their first appearance won´t be until much later.
The Cullens will play a rather big part in all of it, as MC meeting them will probs set some things in motion that may or may not impact the dynamic between her and her forced-found family (the Denalis). You´re absolutely correct that she has no idea another "variant" of whatever-they-are exists out there. A variant that she might even come to like because that variant seems somewhat sane, at least.
Their eyes are defo less haunting. That´s already a huge plus in her book...
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MC will find out what they are for sure. She´s bound to, at some point. Tanya hasn´t taken her in just for shits and giggles. (Kate begs to differ.) Our coven leader very much plans on having MC stay with her them permanently, and there´s only one way to ensure that. You hearing bells too?
As for how MC´s gonna react when the bomb drops? Good question. 🤔
I will say this though: It´s not necessarily gonna be the Denalis who will spill the beans. 🫘
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And can I just say I fucking LOVE that you mentioned Rosalie specifically?? Because yes, yes, yes, my girl will play a rather important part when it comes to MC and the Denalis indeed.
Yall remember THAT convo, right? Ofc you do. It´s the first "real talk" we get between Bella and Rose. It´s where Bella finds out the real reason why Rose seemingly can´t stand her. It´s because she envies her. For having the opportunity at a life she herself longs for. For having the choice.
We all know Rose thinks one´s mortality is something that should be protected at all costs. It should be valued and respected. Not carelessly thrown away like Bella plans on doing.
And you know who else thinks she´d rather stay exactly the way she is, pls and ty?
Girl wants no part of that...whatever-they-are. Those things are the reason she´s stuck in this dilemma in the first place. Why would she wanna become something she despises?
And you know who else despises what she´s become?
Rose firmly believes Bella´s choosing wrong.
Well, how do you think Rose would react if someone chose right instead?
I guess the main difference between Bella and MC is that Bella's a willing human pet. 😏
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My heart melts just thinking about it.
Esme is basically the (lot) less unhinged version of Carmen, so ofc she´d go full Momma on MC. Making her food (just look at that gif, I mean-), fluffing up her pillow, taking care of her when she isn´t feeling well and just-
Can you imagine Carmen and Esme combined?? I don´t think our hearts could handle it (jk, they won´t have another choice cause I very much plan on combining Carmen and Esme and letting them loose on MC muahaha). It´d be a constant back and forth of-
"Are you hungry, dear?"
"Your feet are not too cold, are they, mi amor?"
"Do you need me to wash those, honey?"
"Leave the poor thing alone."
"She is sleeping."
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As for Alice-
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I mean-
She´s...wild. But not in the deranged way MC will have no choice but to become used to (courtesy of her forced-found family). She has an energy that makes you feel like you´re talking to a kid on a sugar rush, lmao. But that's an energy MC can deal with I reckon. It might even be something she welcomes after everything else she's been through.
Alice might be a lil weirdo who takes fashion much too seriously, but there's an undeniable joy to her that's kind of infectious. I imagine MC would much rather deal with a bit of weirdness (which probs includes serving as a Barbie for Alice to dress up) than a whole ton of...whatever it is that's not quite right with her kidnappers. 🙃
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Tbh: I don't plan for MC to find out about vampires until much later. There's a few things I got in mind for how and when she finds out, and I did say it's not necessarily gonna be the Denalis who will tell the tale.
The Volturi will be involved in one way or another, I´m sure. My mind hasn´t made it that far yet though, because we gotta get MC settled in first. We also gotta tame Irina first before any other vampires (besides the Denalis) can be introduced to our girl. I need MC to be in a position where ALL members of the family are somewhat willing to go the extra mile to keep her with them safe. Whether that be for personal reasons or because your sister went all coven leader on you...
As for being involved in family affairs/meetings:
Hmm, I haven´t thought about that yet. I mean, they´re vampires. They could discuss matters with her in the next room and she would be none the wiser because they can speak at a volume that’s only audible to them due to their heightened hearing. If they don´t want her included in something, she won´t be.
On the other hand...
Seeing how Tanya has already signed the adoption papers (so to speak), I can also very much see her being adamant on MC being included in family matters from now on. She´s the leader, and while she accepts and welcomes her coven members´ opinions, she can be rather stubborn when she´s set her mind on something (or someone).
Much to the annoyance of Irina. Girl´s gonna hit her breaking point sooner rather than later. 💀
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There´s tension alright but not nearly enough if you ask Tanya and there´s a reason for that:
Ofc she´s gonna be romantically involved with MC.
So will Kate.
So will Irina.
That´s why I put it in the tags. 😅
However, and I cannot stress this enough, it´s a slow burn. Very slow. With lots of suffering for everyone involved. Why? Cause I like em working for it. 🙃
I´ve made a similar post quite a while ago where I kinda explained the main directive of The Sisters. While falling in love is ofc part of it, it´s not the focus of my story. It´s more about staying true to yourself despite the challenges you face, and about becoming the best version of yourself. Finding love can help a great deal with that, but in the end, it´s up to you to face your demons. Where there´s a will, there´s a way.
As for the Denali sisters being experienced with humans:
Yes and no, lol. They´re more experienced than most of their kind for sure, seeing how sleeping around is pretty much all they've been doing for the past century. Besides feeding, ofc. Sometimes they do both at once, and there's the catch-
Getting their fill is all they care about, really. Whether that be related to feeding or...other things. There's never been a situation for them where they felt like they had to be extra careful with their victims flings, simply because they.don't.care. If they make it out alive at the end, good for them. If not, well that's that. There's more where they came from. No biggie. 🤷‍♀️
They have exceptional control over their bloodlust, it has to be said. But that doesn't mean they're gonna overexert themselves with it. Shit happens, so to speak. 🙃
...Enter MC-
Thanks so much for your ask and for letting me know how excited you are to read more! (Crazy is the highest form of flattery, imo. 😌)
Your ask has made me excited as well actually, lmao. With that said:
Have a great day and cya at Chapter 4! 💋
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mrcjprice193 · 1 year
so... I rewrote Twilight...
I rewrote Twilight the WHOLE series during the pandemic out of boredom. I’m leaving out some crucial details but stay with me. I know of the books but this is gonna be more of a rewrite of the movies… This is the first movie… Bella moves to the town and lives with her dad because her mother dies. She’s in her late twenties, laid back, nerdy, and introverted. She moved away from her parents. She movies back to look after her mom's old things and console her dad. As she discovers unusual photos of her mom in a group full of women. she meets up with her old best friends Jacob and Jessica…
They tell her of a mysterious family who moved into the town years ago. No one knows much about them other than they contribute a lot to the town being fixed up and the head of the family works as a prominent doctor. Only on a few occasions does anyone see the rest of them… She gets curious and starts looking into their history and finds nothing. meanwhile, her dad investigates vicious murders happening around the town. He meets up with his friend Carlisle who he’s been close with for a long time ever since he moved there.
Then we get to THE scene. a car slides through about to hit Bella but Edward saves her. He leaves a huge dent in the car and walks away with a hood over his head. Bella is in the hospital and overhears a convo with Carlisle chastizing Edward about laying low. She’s confused but curious. She begins following Edward through the town seeing him go incognito and walk around the town. He leads her into the forest. She follows him but Edward knew what she was doing. Instead of being threatening edward is much more snarky, energetic, and softer. There is a spark there. Edward plays with her a bit and doesn’t tell her what he is. What plays out is a cute cat-and-mouse game between the two. Meeting around town. They soon start to get closer and Bella figures out he’s a vampire. They fall in love… (obviously).
Edward struggles to find his humanity being immortal and Bella is very sheltered and can't seem to find her purpose in life. through each other Edward re-discovers his humanity, and Bella steps out of her shell...
Bella discovers after looking into her mom's past that she comes from a long line of a coven of witches and she may be the last of them. (This comes into play later down the line In my rewrite of Eclipse.)
Bella meets the rest of the Cullens. Esme, Alice, Rosaline, and Jasper but things get rough as the murders get closer and closer to town. One of Charlie's friends is attacked but he’s still alive. Later on, in the police station, he turns into a rampaging beast and attacks him. He soon realizes he became a vampire thanks to Carlisle who tells him and reveals he’s one too. Charlie does not take this well and punches him. It doesn’t work vampire's skin is very strong. What follows is a buddy pair to hunt down this rogue clan of vampires… As it turns out this rogue clan is led by James who was once a part of the Cullen clan but became bloodthirsty beyond repair. Both he and Edward were best friends for centuries but after a huge falling out he split. taking in other wayward vampires who thirsted for blood and started his own clan. James begins terrorizing Bella to get at Edward and stays around the town…
Charlie and Carlisle team up killing all of the vampires in their lair but James escapes and is pissed. He kidnaps Charlie and tells Bella to meet him in an abandoned fairground. the final showdown takes place here. James and Edward face off it’s brutal and vicious. Charlie tries to get his gun with a specialized silver bullet but he can’t reach it. Bella grabs the gun instead and blows James's face off. The night is over and everything is fine but the tension between Charlie and the Cullens is thick now. (imagine if your best friend lied to you about being a vampire. shit is not sweet fam. lol) Bella and Edward go to a town celebration. They dance together in the night… END.
let me know if yall want to hear my new moon rewrite...
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wanders-in-stars · 8 months
Started thinking about my OCs and what crimes they've committed/are wanted for after a convo with @kreinvulon hope u don't mind the tag and I couldn't stop thinking about it so here we are (also this is headcanon, not actual in-game crimes). Under a cut because it got long lmao
Samira (or Eravis. Whatever name I settle on.)
Wanted by Imperial law for military insubordination, murder, and desertion while in service to the Empire
Fairly law-abiding besides that but still they're some pretty serious charges
Maybe bribery to keep some folks quiet about her location if they recognize her from the posters
Wanted by both Vigilants and the Silver Hand for being a rather infamous werewolf and daedra worshipper
Wanted in a couple holds for poaching (when she hunted without realising she'd entered protected territory. She usually tries to get a permit though)
Theft. Also kind of on accident. The apple tree was just sitting there, how was she supposed to know it was on somebody's property when there wasn't a building in sight?
Assault. Because she's not above whacking a bitch with her staff.
Technically kinda murder too but mostly in her werewolf form
Probably the only one with no crimes
Girl's just here to study magic and sling spells around the College
Maybe wanted somewhere for accidentally setting something on fire, or having a book overdue from the college library, idk
Definitely wanted by the College professors for being all around careless with her magic but nobody says shit once she's the Archmage
Like Tamar, probably wanted by the Vigilants, tho in this case it's cause she's a vampire. Doesn't give a shit about Molag though, probably worships Mephala and Nocturnal instead
Also wanted by the law for breaking and entry and subsequent theft. She's master of the Thieves Guild so it's kind of what she does
Murder too, much to Brynjolf's exasperation. Less witnesses means less people to report the theft, after all. Also cause she needs her blood-snacks.
Bribery, if she's feeling generous.
Blackmail if she's not, but also not quite at "murderous".
Just murder. Feel like she probably killed somebody in Hammerfell and fled to Skyrim
More Murder, but like. Nebulously. Bc at that point she's part of the Dark Brotherhood and nobody can really pin her down as the culprit for sure.
Bribery but only occasionally. Usually it's just murder.
Piracy. Because. She's a pirate. pirates of the Caribbean theme starts playing
Theft. Because land or sea, she doesn't really give a fuck
Assault. What, was she just supposed to let some drunken creep grab her instead of cutting off his hand?
Murder. Again because she doesn't give a flying fuck. Somebody gets in her way, she'll ask once, but never twice. Maybe not at all if she's in a particularly bad mood/has a bad history with said person
Slander and defamation, probably. Both the Imperials and the Stormcloaks can go rot in Oblivion, for all she cares. They both suck.
Impersonation. Because 100% she's done that to weasel her way into somewhere/aquire something she's not supposed to.
Bribery. Money solves most problems, after all.
Blackmail. She's intentionally slept with a few people in high places, 1) just for kicks and 2) as a regular source of income. Probably also collects under-the-table child support, claiming she had a kid from the affair (she does not. Probably leads to some shenanigans though, like fake-adopting a kid when the "dad" demands proof of the child's existence, and then eventually actually ends up adopting the kid when it's all over).
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chickensarentcheap · 1 year
A little sneak peek
This is actually from a one shot someone asked me to write, using events in E2. Specifically, Tyler’s ex wife.  This is part of a convo between Esme and Nik:
“And now look. Look what it’s come down to. Me wondering if any of it was ever real.  All the things he said.  That he claimed to feel.  Was it any of it true?”
“Don’t do this to yourself.  Don’t ask those kinds of questions.  This is your brain lying to you.  Your past…everything that Mark did and said… making you feel these things. Don’t…”
“Maybe I was just a replacement. A place holder.  Maybe all he’s been doing was holding hope that one day she’d walk back into his life.  And where would that leave me?  Out in the cold.”
@tragiclyhip @munstysmind @youflickedtooharddamnit @secretaryunpaid @mrsmungus @timbradfordsboot @kmc1989 @asirensrage @residentdormouse @karimac @thesirenrealm @ninjasawakenedmystar @starryeyes2000
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realmythsmoved · 6 months
@escapedartgeek continued from here It had been one of those days where Zora had been feeling a lot of doubts of what they have been up to. Even knowing that they have changed a lot over the years, there was still a certain amount of uncertainty that they were wrestling with. "...That's true. I appreciate you telling me that. And listening to all I had been really going on about." They replied with a bit of an appreciative tone. "I guess trying to decide who I am going to be is yet another layer because I feel there are a number of directions. I think I am.. somewhat sure where I am starting out, it's a matter of feeling better about doing exactly that. "
Esme shrugs and waves a hand in their direction, as if to say 'no problem.' "Oh, I don't mind. What are friends for, after all?" Esme is happy to listen to Zora speak about whatever they want to speak about. Really.
She nods at Zora's next words. "Oh, definitely. It can be hard to know where exactly to go next. I hear you. And feeling good about it can be difficult too." Even Esme struggles with things like that from time to time. She thinks everyone does. "If it helps, it's a common struggle. So you're definitely not alone. Even I struggle with it sometimes." Esme usually manages to figure it out in the end, though. And hopefully Zora will have the same experience. "But it is possible to figure it out. I have in the past, and so I'm sure you will too. If there's any way I can help, though, let me know." Esme would be happy to help them. Truly.
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bklynmusicnerd · 2 years
Taggert with all this bluster about how he respects Trina being independent but he's not gonna let her "run into traffic" by hanging out with Spencer and his big strategy to handle Trina is...to call her tomorrow morning after she gets her beauty sleep because she is an adult that they have no actual power over. That man ran back to town to bust up Trina and Spencer and had no actual plan when he got there. He and Spencer have more in common than he thinks.
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sacredsanguine · 1 year
OdetteWatches: Magical Gurls
THIS EPISODE?????? like I know I've been going a little stir-crazy because of the hiatus, but HELLO????? MY MIND IS BLOWN!!!!!
you already know i have thoughts and feelings. they're long.
Weird amount of camera time on Taran this week without him having a lot of lines...and I am LOVING the set for Razac's manor! The vibe, the decor, it all feels so him - and you can tell where Penelope has her little touches too! The teeny tiny little rosary beads detail around the edge of the doorknob is so cute.
Penelope power!!!! I have so many theories about what might be causing her magic to spike - I still think it's got something to do with the fae - and seems like Luna has some ideas about Zeke being a magical creature?? I wonder if she and Yvette will talk about it....
Aurora is a super powerful mage, so I wonder if she can sense anything about Penelope's powers? Andrey could, I think, because of how he's attuned to inner magic, but he's busy cuddling with Nikolai lol!
Okay speaking of ships....LOVE this positive relationship turn for Andrey. RIP Luna. I felt SO bad for her this ep, like she just kept taking turn after turn into psychic damage. :( I wanna give her such a comfy hug ;n; i hope we get to see the convo between her and esme afterwards though....like i hope it HAPPENS and also happens on-screen.
JOESME NATION RISE UP THO. guys we are FED today, amen thank the larva and st. cassius! We got hands touching, we got close contact. We got the absolute Moment of "Breathing sounds nice." WE GOT JOESME KISSES. PLURAL!!!! WE GOT CONFESSIONS!!!! (like okay. "you're here, of course i'm alright" had me DEAD. the silent KISS TO THE CROWN OF THE HEAD??? cremated. "i rather like having you to myself"?? ASHES TURNED INTO DIAMONDS. "all yours. always. no matter what-" AND HER INSTINCT BEING TO PROTECT HIM??? WHAT WAS SHE GOING TO SAY BEFORE THAT??? i am the CORE OF THE EARTH. "i think i'm allowed to be a little selfish, for once. we've both earned it. never enough time, we ought to carve out a slice for ourselves"??????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
also omg squeeee at balisongsters having their silly cute hallway moment!!! nikolai is such a bully (gay, affectionate) and drunk andrey is so funny. i have a microwave compartment just for them
razac and taran are either eating in complete disgust and silence or making out furiously in the dining room. you know which one i'm choosing to believe.
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realmyths · 16 days
@bewitchingbaker sent on the old blog: It had been a while since they'd seen each other. When one runs a successful column and the other works in a busy bakery, sometimes schedules didn't align. But at least there was open communication. WHen they couldn't see each other, they often opted for late night texts and facetime calls. During some of their chats, Chris could swear Esme was moving the camera a little low on purpose to get a view of their figure. So of course the second they finally had some time, their lips met instantly. Those massive hands appreciated every curve on Esme and his lips never missed a kiss against those lips. The baker pulls her close, "...Please..." he finally whispers, his already deep voice burning with desire, "I need you Esme...I've been thinking about you all week...~"
Esme had missed Chris. Had missed their date nights, their quality time together, she had missed everything about him. Luckily, there was Facetime. And perhaps Esme had put an effort in to look sexy and to show him just what he was missing while they were apart. Why not, right?
Once they're finally able to get together, Esme is relieved. They are certain that Chris will be feeling the same. And indeed it is confirmed when she walks in and, when, once they're alone, he immediately kisses her. "I've been thinking about you too," Esme says with a smile. "I've missed you."
Esme chuckles a bit, enjoying how much Chris needs her. "Have you missed me too?" She knows the answer of course, but it can't hurt to ask. "How about you show me how much you've missed me." She says with a mischievous smile. They are certain that Chris is up to the task. Judging by how he is already caressing every part of Esme. She is certain that he can prove how much he missed her through his actions. And Esme will be glad to experience it. They had missed him too, after all. And their reunion will be all the sweeter if he does what she wants. For him too. After all, Esme will give him what he wants as well. They definitely will. Esme's mischievous smile still in place, they give Chris another kiss, wrapping their arms around him as they do.
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burned-lariat · 2 years
My theory is that the combination of seeing Spencer & Trina officially together being loving towards one another and seeing them being all cozy, like a family around the baby will trigger some things with Esme. Laura saying Trina is always welcome there seem to be setting that up. I know people be thinking this means seeing Spencer & Esme with the baby but I believe it’s not gonna be about them but him & Trina. It only makes sense once they are tog that she would be coming around more, they would be interacting with the baby tog more. Gotta remember that convo he and Trina had about him asking her if she was willing to be with a guy with a baby. That was said for a reason. The Esme we know and love will begin to make her appearance
Good point. It will trigger her and bring her back, and knowing how shady she is, she'll put on airs and act like her memories are still gone to get what she wants.
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