#( * au: the prince and the pauper. )
tennessoui · 4 months
it's been so long since i did a sith obi-wan au so like - how about an au where the sith are almost as established as the jedi (a temple, an order, followers numbering in the hundreds/thousands) but things are a bit more diplomatic in the galaxy (it's definitely tense but not all out war just yet)
so both the sith and jedi orders are alerted to a new rising power in the outer rim.....on tatooine of all places. a slave rebellion, led by shmi skywalker, has toppled the hutts. it's said that this new leader, queen of tatooine, has the Force's favor....but more importantly than that, shmi skywalker is a new galactic player, with a lot of money and a lot of support.....and a son of marriageable age.
cue both the jedi and the sith sending a delegation to tatooine - ostensibly to nurture galactic relations between their orders and the new power, but also to lowkey seduce shmi skywalker's son into marriage/a relationship because everyone knows that a parent's heart follows their children's happiness.
sith!obi-wan aka darth solence is selected to lead the sith seduction attempt. he's pretty confident - after all, he's led hundreds of seduction missions at this point, and he'd suffer a thousand different humiliations for the sake of the order of the sith who took him in after the jedi sent him to the agricorps.
the only problem is that he arrives on tatooine and shmi skywalker's son, anakin, is the most bland, boring, two-dimensional boy to ever breathe. he's completely uninterested in politics, in history, in the Force---he'd rather talk about pod-racing and--and Coruscanti daytime holo shows than anything of actual interest!
good thing the prince's manservant, kitster, is almost always hanging around. he's wrong about many things, obi-wan finds, but he's passionate. passionate and beautiful. oh, he loves pod-racing just as much as the prince, but he's fascinated by the Force and ready to tear obi-wan's eyes out over a passing negative observation on a droid. and did obi-wan mention that he's beautiful? with his golden curls and sky blue eyes and fierce scowl and broad shoulders and prominent eyebrows and even more prominent lips? the sith, as a general rule, appreciate passion, anger. beauty. obi-wan adores them as well.
but kitster the man servant isn't the person obi-wan has been flown to tatooine to seduce--he's duty-bound to seduce prince anakin. even if being around him feels like pulling his teeth out with rusty pliers.
if only obi-wan knew that shmi skywalker is more suspicious about the galaxy than she lets on. more protective of her son, too. if only he knew that her son, anakin, had a best friend growing up named kitster, who owed them both just enough life-debts to convince him to trade places with shmi's son for the length of the delegations' visit.
it's an easy sell after all -- who doesn't want to be a prince for a few weeks, no harm done?
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overlordraax · 8 months
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Here's my art for NyonSuperStar's fantastic fic 'A Pauper in Prime's Paint' for the @tf-bigbang
It's a fantasy au where Roddy has to take the place of Acolyte of the Matrix, Orion Pax. It's also got Rodimags and Unicron and Sentinel being a jackass. Go read it! It's a lot of fun.
I had a lot of fun trying to get the designs to work for both Rodi and his disguise and to find the look for this au, but I'm super happy with how all of this came out.
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palskippah · 3 months
Luigi, a plumber from Brooklyn, after suddenly crashing against a brick wall with his brother Mario, comes back from unconsciousness laying in a huge bed, in what appears to be a very fancy room, akin to royalty... with a giant dragon-turtle at his side, worried and exclaiming how happy it makes him to see his sweetheart awake again, and how worried he was.
Luigi, Queen of the Darklands, after accidentally falling into a river of lava and being certain that he drowned, wakes up on the hard floor of what appears to be a building, cold and leaking with piles of broken bricks scattered around, with his brother Mario crying from happiness at seeing that he's not dead, holding him in a very tight hug, as he apologizes again and again.
Both are feeling lost and confused, but will have to do their best to adapt to the new reality they are faced with, while still trying to figure out how to return to their rightful universe.
I wrote this thing the other day and wasn’t sure if to share here since it’s too silly pipipi it’ll be like kinda short and all :’y and I know I got two other fics going on (that I’m yet to update) but- yea  🧍
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f1-disaster-bi · 19 days
You got any Pando snippets you could share? 🩵
Absolutely I do! 👀
Lando kept running, trying to figure out where he could hide as he gripped his dagger tight. He tried not to think of the blood on his hands, or the panic flowing through him as he stumbled to the sound of the men yelling behind him.
They were getting closer, and Lando could feel the tears in his eyes because this was it. He was never going to make it to the other town, or survive long enough to have regrets and return to his family.
He was going to die here in the woods. Alone and lost where no one would find him.
He stumbled passed a big tree when something grabbed him, and suddenly Lando found himself pressed into a hallow he hadn't seen. There was hand over his mouth, a solid body covering hid, and Lando’s chest heaved with fear until he managed to look the person pinning him in the eyes and recognition set in.
Lando had never officially met the rogue that spent his days stealing from the rich and taking down Lords that abused their powers, but he had seen him from a distance. He had admired him and his morals from afar, and part of him relaxed as he looked into those blue eyes because he knew Pierre wouldn't hurt him.
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artstar1997 · 4 months
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Here’s Veneer and his boyfriend, Gloss as the Prince and the Pauper from Mark Twain’s The Prince And The Pauper. In my reimagining, Veneer and Gloss switch places to investigate the conspirators who are trying to steal Zircon’s crown and foil the theft but in the process, they develop feelings for each other.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
I know there aren't as many public schools as private schools but do you think there's token rich kids on those teams?
this is one of the FUNNIEST asks i've ever received and i am VERY happy about it because YES i absolutely DO think there are token rich kids on the nonrich public school teams so let's go!!
karasuno: kageyama. like . . . i imagine his parents have demanding work that make bank, which is why he was primarily raised by kazuyo. also, i've looked at the brand he uses for his bag - le coq sportif is CRAZY expensive. he's probably the only student in the whole school with something like that. if we want to go even further, kazuyo is a shiratorizawa alumnus, so his family's money or prestige or whatever could theoretically stretch pretty far back. and honestly? it's hard, switching to karasuno. kageyama feels like a fish out of water here where everyone seems to understand each other except him. but they try, and he tries, and he loves them so, so much, and he wants to be better than he was before. so he starts with gifts - little things like a spa day for everyone, or maybe a pile of quality snacks (he got the idea watching daichi treat them all the time), a new set of towels, whatever he can do to help them, to let them know how much he appreciates what they've given him.
nekoma: okay so uhh i did not mean to take it that far with karasuno LMFAO, anyways for nekoma i honestly think it's lev. like man something about his arrogance and confidence and how he doesn't seem to get connection the way everyone else does because he really never experienced that sense of community growing up as a rich kid. nekoma is where he learns and grows outside of that and comes to be a better person than he was before
dateko: hmm kind of tricky but i think it might be sakunami honestly. the money itself doesn't mean much to him he just wants to do what makes him happy. also i wholeheartedly believe he's a weird little bean and part of that weirdness comes from having had a childhood funded very differently than your average nonrich kid. he's quiet about it and doesn't flaunt it and is pretty self-aware, which is why futakuchi doesn't tease him for it the way he normally would.
johzenji: oooooh let's see . . . i think it'd be REALLY funny if it was, mmm, numajiri. i adore jiri and i bet sometimes he thinks the rest of johzenji are absolute heathens for how they act which is why he gets that look on his face sometimes LMAO. he's another one who's quiet and doesn't flaunt it and blends in with the others REALLY well, if not for the slightly haughty resting face he usually has.
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folightening · 7 months
Prince and the Pauper AU starring João/Afonso (might change his name, I haven't decided) and Antonio. But inspired more by Barbie's version than the original I've never read.
They meet when João goes into town to get his mind off his impending marriage to Prince Romano. As his personal knight, Vash is with him. Both of them are surprised by how alike they look and for a while they hang out, until João decides he should probably get back to the castle.
João somehow gets kidnapped - I haven't fully figured this part out yet, I just know who did it and why. Vash remembers Antonio and approaches the queen with a temporary solution until they can get João back. They need him there to meet Romano and establish protection for their little kingdom.
Antonio takes João's place, Vash has to teach him fast. But Antonio is not a good actor and knows nothing about being royalty. Plus they're so different in personality. Romano shows up to meet his future husband - they agreed to meet before the wedding so they can be more than strangers.
Spamano. Of course Antonio falls in love, and of course Romano falls in love with the wrong guy because he finds it endearing when Antonio slips up and acts like Antonio instead of João. Gets the wrong impression of his husband-to-be. They have a substantial part of the plot atm, I need to balance it a bit more with João.
Vash just wants to find his prince and return him to safety, but he has to stay at the castle. He's upset he failed in his one job. He's beside himself with worry for the man he loves, even if he doesn't show either of those emotions much. That doesn't stop him from doing his best to help Antonio. This is where my rarepair came from.
João is unimpressed with Sadik. **Sorry for using him as my bad guy but Russia's cliché, the Ottoman Empire existed, and I have an interest in Turkey/Portugal.** Sadik and Rome are fighting over who gets to have the bigger empire. Sadik wants his kingdom, kidnapped him after catching rumors about his engagement to Romano. This is why João's supposed to be marrying Romano - protection from one empire by another, either not a great option but Rome is slightly preferable. Sadik doesn't hurt him, but João refuses to marry him; he doesn't even want to marry Romano, he wants Vash. Problems arise with them using Antonio as a stand in, messing up Sadik's plans and forcing him to change them. João likely saves himself, I dunno this entire plot point needs a ton of work. I might change Sadik's role somewhat. Give him nice development.
João and Antonio looking so alike isn't coincidence here. They share a father, their mothers were twins. Antonio's left after he was born so her baby couldn't be used by anyone to cause problems for the people she loved.
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justaghostingon · 1 year
How to Woo a Pauper through Bar Hoping, a Guide by Prince Lan Wangji
It all starts when the wen kingdom overthrows the jiang kingdom, decimating its population and killing the royal family. Refugees are pouring into the infamously isolationsit and neutral Lan Kingdom
Lan Quiren says to leave them alone, that pretending they don’t know they are there is the best way to help them and maintain their neutrality, but lan Wangji wants to check in on the refugees and see how he can offer his aid, so he goes in disguise
It is here, in disguise, that he meets wei Wuxian, who is trying to cheer up his depressed siblings with some good oldfashioned bar hopping while they sample the famous emperors smile
Wei wuxian takes a liking to Lan Wangji, who introduces himself as “lan zhan” and his stiff, awkward and so easy to tease manner, and offers him a drink
Lan zhan can’t find a reason to refuse without looking suspicious, so he takes it
And wakes up the next morning with a pounding headache, dressed in wei wuxian’d outter robe
Panicking, lan zhan goes back the next night to find wei wuxian, present him the cleaned robe, and ask what happened. But wei wuxian refuses to reveal it until after lan zhan comes bar hopping with him
Lan zhan ends up following wei wuxian the whole night, resulting in wei wuxian getting so drunk he admits some of what happened to him and the jiangs, and how helpless he feels
Lan zhan resolves privately to further help the refugees, amd gently takes wei ying home and into the welcome arms of his shijie
Lan zhan goes to ask his brother to help him organize a way to help put an end to the wen once and for all, only to realize when he finishes in all the revelations of last night he forgot to ask what happened when he was drunk, so he has to go back the next night
Only to be stopped by shijie, who tells him how greatful she is that he’s there to watch wei wuxian, and how worried she is he’ll get himself killed without someone with eyes on him, he took the distruction of the jiangs reall hard
He hasn’t opened up to anyone like he’s opened up to u! She goes, with her big sistee smile
Now lan zhan is stuck, because there is no way he can’t live up to that very clear expectation placed upon him by this stranger he doesn’t know. She’s to sisterly to refuse
Thus lan wangji becomes wei Wuxian’s bar hopping partner, keeping him safe and gettinf him home
Now wei ying sees this, sees lan zhan always coming to the bars with him, and comes to the logical conflusion: lan zhan wants to increase his alcohol tolerance!
He can help with that!
So he tries to teach lan zhan how to drink to dizasterous results
To this day no one has ever been able to recapture that flock of flamingos he set free to “make yhr sky pretty for wei ying”
Jiang cheng looks on this and sees a very different situation. He thinks lan zhan is courting wei ying
And they might be disgraced royalty living in a hovel, but they’ve still got their pride! No yumengjaing is going to be disgraced by a man who won’t even be seen with them in daylight!
He says as much to lan zhan, who, worried wei ying thinks he’s ashamed of him, invites all the jiangs to a fancy upscale restaurant to prove he really does care about them
Unfortunately it turns out to be the same restaurant his brother is meeting with the represenatives of other nations to form the sunshot campaign to take down the wen
Now lan xhan must dodge his brother (who will absolutely get the wrong idea)
After a few close calls it seems like they’re out of the woods, when jin zixuan shows up
Jin zixuan takes on look at lan zhan eating with jiang yanli (who he’d thought was dead!) and comes over to yell at him for being a fiance steeler
Jiang cheng and wei wuxian angrily jump to their feet to point out he dumped her first, she owes him nothing
And “lan xhan’s a better fiance than you’d ever hope to be!” Wei ying says, right as lan xichen rounds the corner
To see his brother with a beautiful young maid, and wasn’t that jin zixuan’s ex fiance, and happily exclaims “lan zhan u found someone!”
Jin zixuan proceeds to bitch at lan xichen about this, who happily offers to take the whole thing to Uncle
So they go to the palace
Lan Wangji tries to come clean to his uncle over what’s going on, but the rumors traveled faster than them, and lan Qurien is furious that his nephew would try to back out of an engagement
And after getting her pregant too! (The rumors grew a lot)
Lan zhan is so horrified he doesn’t know what to say fortunately shijie steps up to point out “It was not me, it was wei ying”
Wei ying is pregnant?” Jin zixuan shouts
“It’s truely unjust” jiang yanli sniffs, not about to let a chance to secure them a better future go untaken, “to bespoil my sweet brother and not marry him, we as his family called him to make his case to us, and to demand resperations”
“Shijie!” Wei ying shrieks, throwinf himself in front of lan zhan. “Lan zhan would never! He’s to good!” Looking to the onlookers like a man defendjng his lover
“I will take responsiblity” goes lan zhan gravely
Excellent! Cries lan xichen “welcome to the royal family!”
Thank you- wait did u say royal?
And that is how lan wangji ended up married to thr love of his life, started an alliance, and saved the world, all from bar hopping
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ritsucake · 2 years
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Whumptober Day 5- Explosion
A random, wild variant of the Prince Albert AU. In this AU, BSAA!Wesker goes with Chris and Piers to Edonia to help with the BOW situation over there. By chance, they run into Jake (who Wesker knows of because he gave birth to him before giving him up for safety reasons). Some shenanigans happen, Wesker is weird and protective though no one knows why for a while. It eventually comes out. 
Regardless, here we have Wesker trying to shield Jake from an explosion. I didn’t really know how to convey as explosion, but I tried. I actually really like how this turned out, overall. The pose worked pretty well. 
If you want to see things up to 2 days early, get some behind the scenes, or get monthly commissions, check out my Patreon. My Ko-Fi has everything sorted into folders by fandom if you want to see past pieces.  
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chloe-spade · 1 year
Prince and The Pauper Chapter 1: Village Day
Amoré watched as two young children play tag in the gardens, laughing and giggling, through a nearby window.
"So sweet," he sighs happily, "to be young and happy." He continues with this notes.
A knock came to the door, "Oh, come in."
Fioare walks inside and goes over to Amoré, presenting a pink rose, "A flower for your highness?"
Amoré gasps and smiles as he takes the rose, "Thank you, Fioare, but why the formalities?" He stands from his chair, "it's just me."
"Ah, on the way over here," Fioare explained, "the queen told me to come get you as the ambassador, as well as the welcoming queen, has arrived."
"Already?" Amoré sighed, "Please tell my mother I'm not in the mood," He walks to the balcony , "and frankly, I don't ever want to meet up with them ever."
"I suppose you are not over it?" Fioare chuckles, "I get it, Amoré, but these people are depending on you."
"Don't give me a lecture too."
"Oh, of course not. But I understand your frustrations, and maybe I can do something about it?"
"Fioare," Amoré smiles, "I thank you, but the flowers aren't enough to make me feel better about all this."
Fioare smiles, "How about a day in the village?"
Amoré's eyes lite up and looks over, "Really?"
"Yes, my brothers and I are tasked to get some lovely flower arrangements and I thought it would be good to invite you over as a way to make you feel better."
Amoré smiles and hugs Fioare, "Thank you, Fioare!"
Fioare smiles and looks at the gardens below, "Tomorrow morning?"
"That's perfect."
Fioare nods and walks out the room, leaving Amoré by himself once again.
"Oh, Fioare," Amoré sighs, "I wish I could tell you how much I love you. I wish I could choose you but this stupid marriage has blocked my chances. But if one day, this marriage was cancelled, I would immediately run to you and tell you everything." He sits down and looks at the rose once again, smelling it. "Such a beautiful rose...he knows me so well."
Amoré looks out once again and sees Crewel returns.
"He's back...this late?" He whispered.
Amoré walks out of his room and strolls down the halls, looking for Crewel, meeting him halfway.
"Ah, your highness," Crewel greeted him with a bow, "how are you this fine day?"
"Not well," Amoré answered, "but I was more curious about you."
"About me?"
Amoré jumped as his dalmatians growled behind him.
"Penny! Polly!" Crewel sternly spoke, "Don't growl at the prince." He looks back at Amoré, "You were saying, you highness?"
"Right. I saw you last night, walking away from the castle," Amoré explained, "what were you doing last night?"
"Ah, that is my business alone, your highness," Crewel sneered, "it's unbecoming of you to snoop around other people's business."
"You're right, but I was just being curious." Amoré huffs, and turns around, "Good day, Crewel."
Amoré walks away, ignoring Crewel's grin.
Crewel sighs, "Ah, young people don't stop weasel their way into business that isn't even there's." He opens the door to the throne room and bows down.
"Ah, Crewel." Queen Serena grinned, "Just in time. Have you got Amoré?"
"Ah, no, your highness." Crewel sighs, "He left as soon as I arrived.," He walks forward, "but you shall not worry, he will come around and he and Prince Ruggie will be able to get along splendidly."
"Good for you to think so," Serena spoke, "and here is Queen Enda and her two advisors."
"Please to meet you." Crewel bowed.
"Oh, such a nice man," Queen Enda chuckles, "you got a good eye, Serena."
One of the advisor rolled his eyes as the other bowed back.
"Ah, the pleasure's all mine."
Serena smiles. "Now we are all formally introduced, we shall discuss wedding plans. Because we have only have next week for the wedding."
"Next week?!" Gasped Crewel, causing many to look towards him.
"Ah, did I not tell you?" Serena gulped,"I apologize."
"Ah, sorry for my outburst," Crewel apologies, "I forgot about that little detail."
"Of course you did," muttered the second advisor, who's purched on a nearby wall.
"Don't be rude," Enda lectured, "be nice. The Kingdom is nice enough to let us come over."
Serena frowned. "This is going to be a long day."
"La la la...la la la...la la la la la la...," Silver mused as he choose new fabrics for new gowns, suits, etc.
Silver was alone at the shop, since both Lilia and Eliza both went to town for more fabrics and food.
As he was alone, his mind begins to wonder into his imagination, like dancing with a prince as they sang a duet together.
It was one of his common daydreams, other than joining the royal guard and sword fight.
"...if you love me for me," he sang, dancing with a mannequin, "I will stay by your side, if you love me for me.."
"Wow," breathed a unknown voice, startling Silver, "You have a beautiful voice."
Silver gasps and looks over and blushes, "T-thank you," he sets the mannequin down, "D-did you need anything?"
"Ah, yeah," the boy chuckles, "we heard this is the place for wedding equipment?'
Silver quickly nods.
"A-are you the owner?"
Silver shakes his head, "No, I'm just a mere seamster,...that's all."
"With that beautiful of a voice, I thought you would be a singer."
Silver blushes and looks down, "Thank you," he clears his throat, "let me take your measurements."
Silver measures the boy, trying to avoid conversation as the unknown boy kept talking, or flirting with Silver the whole time.
After the while, the measurements are done and design was created.
"Don't worry, I'll work hard to get it."
The boy looks down at his hand and carefully takes it, "Not to hard, ok? Look at all those bruised, cuts and small pricks. Haven't you got proper care?"
Silver, stunned, shakes his head.
Coins clashes into his head.
"I'll see you in a few days, my dear seamster."
Silver blushes and nods.
He watch him left and sits down, trying to process what has happened during those small ten to fifteen minutes.
Silver puts the coins in his small pocket.
He gasps as he feels a unfamiliar object and takes it out.
It was a golden engagement ring, with a small diamond at the center.
Silver walks up to the counter to see the boy again, but he was no where to be found, even though the waves of the people in town.
"..who are you?" He whispered, looking at the ring one last time as he carefully puts the ring back into his pocket and walks back inside.
"Stay hidden, ok?" Fioare whispered toward Amoré as he helps him in the carriage.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Mathys muttered, "I mean, we could get in trouble for this."
"It's what I want," Amoré whispered, "and Fioare promised."
"And don't worry, we won't be gone for long," Fortune grinned, "let us go."
The carriage rode off, and Amoré watched the view, how he went passed the palace walks to the outskirts of town.
Amoré nods and walks out to look into the town.
"Just nervous," he answered and walks towards the town and looks around.
The brothers follows.
"Now, Mathys and I will get some of the flowers for the engagement, and Fioare will show you around."
Fioare nods and takes Amoré's hand, "Follow me."
Amoré and Fioare walks in the town.
"Look at this place," Amoré sighs, "it's much more open then the palace. And everyone doesn't know who I am."
"Ah, that's great." Fioare smiles, "how about I show you some of my favorite places? Like a small bakery nearby."
"Oh? Please do."
Fioare smiles and walks towards a nearby bakery.
Amoré looks around and saw an upsetting sight of a man boarding up his shop, and walking away sorrowfully.
He looked around for more boarded shops and many carrying bags, leaving town either on foot or on horses.
This made Amoré sad, as he was so unaware of the condition of his kingdom, and how many suffer from lack of money. It made his consider not canceling the engagement, as it'll help the people he was supposed to lead.
Like a bird that flies
In the morning light
Or a butterfly
In the spring
Amoré gasps out of his trance.
"What was that?" He whispered, walking towards a fountain in the middle of the town.
He saw a hooded boy helping a girl with her injured knee, singing to presumingly calm her sobs down.
Amoré watched, and now he couldn't stop looking. And the song was beautiful, and the melody was amazing.
When your spirit rides
The wings of hope
You'll find your wings
"Y-you have a beautiful v-voice," the girl whimpered.
"Thank you." The boy smiles and wraps her knee.
"C-can you keep singing? I like it.."
"Of course."
For you're always
Free to begin again
And you're always
Free to believe
He picks up the stack of fabrics and silks, and waves at the little girl, who ran back to her mother, clearly more happier.
When you find the place
That your heart belongs-
Both gasped as the silks and fabrics flew into the air and both Amoré and the hooded boy were now on the floor, dizzy.
"I'm sorry!" The boy gasps and starts to clean his mess.
"It's alright," Amoré laughs and begins to help out, "You know, you have a beautiful voice, which works for such a beautiful song."
"Thank you," he mumbled, "My father would sing it to me when I was younger."
Amoré smiles and resumes to help out.
"You clutz!" Yelled a women towards the boy, "Do you know how expensive these are!!" She hissed, and grabs his arm.
His hood came off as she grabbed him, revealing his face.
Amoré gasps, seeing his face. Aurora colored eyes and silver hair, contrasted to his golden hair and aurora colored eyes.
"Sorry, Lady Eliza," the boy mumbles.
"You should be," Eliza hissed.
After everything's been picked up, Amoré helps the boy with the equipment.
"I'm sorry for bumping into you," the boy apologies.
"Oh, no worries," Amoré laughs, "I understand that working hard can be so overwhelming."
Both continued to talk as they walked, almost about everything, joking toward each other, and even singing a little.
Amoré's eyes lite up as the shop came into his view.
"You work for Miss Eliza?" He gasped.
"I..I work for her, yes," he looks down, "I'm a semester here, along with my father. We've been doing this since I was little."
They walk inside, with Amoré looks so astonished about everything. Like looking at the beautiful dresses and suits, the interior design, everything.
"Ah, Silver," called a worker who looked awfully familiar to him.
"Silver?" He spoke, "That's a beautiful name."
Silver smiles, "Thank you."
"And you met a new friend today?" The worker laughs and holds his hand out, "My name's Lilia, Silver's father."
"Nice to meet you," Amoré grinned.
Lilia leads them downstairs to the working area, and Silver, helped with Amoré, put the silks, fabrics, and threads away.
"Oh," Silver looks over, "What's your name?"
Amoré looks up and carefully takes off his hood and smiles, "You can just call me Amoré."
"Amoré, hmm?" Lilia laughs, "My, you have the same name as the prince. And you look like him too."
Silver looks at Amoré, and was very silent.
"....you...you look like me..?" He whispered, walking towards Amoré, "..same eyes."
Amoré blushes, "Yes, we have the same eyes, and I've been told that aurora colored eyes are very rare. I mean, we do look similar... except for the hair. Oh, is that why Lilia named you Silver?"
"I'm surprised your name isn't Golden," Silver joked, causing Amoré to giggle.
"I'll leave you two alone," Lilia chuckles, "Don't worry about me." And he walks away.
"So, why are you outside the palace?" Silver asked, taking a fabric, "Aren't you supposed to..you know, stay in?"
"Oh," Amoré sits down, "It's the one day I can be outside without responsibilities, rules and no setbacks. I'm destined to marry someone I don't even know. So this is...my first and last taste of freedom before next week."
Silver frowns, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know.'"
"It's alright," Amoré laughs, "You must have such an easier life here than what I experienced."
"I wouldn't say that."
Amoré tilts his head as Silver stands.
If I like to have my breakfast hot
Madame Eliza will make me pay
And I have to fetch the eggs myself
And the barn's a mile away
It's cold and wet, yet still I get
An omelette on my plate
Silver sighs and sinks down to his seat and looks around.
But in my head I'm back in bed
Snuggled up and sleeping late
"Really?" Amoré gasped, walking towards Silver.
"Really," Silver responded, "But it's all right. I mean, I'm used to it. And you?"
"Well..." Amoré hesitated.
"Well?" Silver echoed.
Amoré gulps.
If I want some eggs I ring the bell
And the maid comes running in
Amoré pulls Silver up and pretends to be a servant and hands out a imaginary tray, and Silver took an imaginary cookie from it.
And she serves them on a silver tray
And she brings a cookie tin
Amoré bows and helps Silver onto the table and pretends to serve him, making Silver laugh.
And while I eat, she rubs my feet
And strolling minstrels play
But I'd rather be in my library
Reading science books all day
Silver gets back up and looks over at Amoré.
How Amoré portrayed his life in such a simple way made Silver visualize how Amoré was unhappy with his life.
"You know..."
I'm just like you
You are?
You're just like me
There's somewhere else we'd rather be
He opens the window and let's some birds in and Amoré lifts his hand to greet them.
Somewhere that's ours
Somewhere that dreams come true
Yes, I am a boy like you
Amoré looks at Silver and pets the bird as it nuzzles his finger.
You'd never think
That it was so
But now I've met you and I know
It's plain as day
Amoré takes Silver arms and starts to twirl, catching Silver off guard, but enjoyed it nonetheless.
Sure as the sky is blue
That I am a boy like you
"So," Amoré laughs, "you're a singer?"
"No," Silver corrected, "I work at Madame Eliza's penitentiary," he clears his throat, "Uh, I mean Dress Emporium.."
"My mother loves Madame Eliza's dresses! And she never shuts up about them either."
"Wanna know a fun fact?" Silver looks at Amoré's suit, "I made the one you're wearing."
Amoré gasps and looks, "You made this?" He asked, "It's my favorite. The design looks so complicated!" He looks over at Silver, "How?"
"Oh, but it isn't really."
Silver goes and grabs a fabric, "Watch."
First I choose a fabric from the rack
And I pin the pattern down
And I stitch it in the front and back
And it turns into a gown!
Amoré looks in astonishment, "That was...fast. And without any trouble?"
"Yep! I've been doing this for years now, and I have the right experience and tools. Wanna try it on?"
Amoré nods and quickly changes to the handmade gown and begins to dance around happily, imagining himself in his room.
I wear the gown without my crown
And dance around my room
And imagine life without the strife
Of an unfamiliar groom
Amoré looks out the window and sees his palace and sighs sadly, "But I'd never let my mother know. I wouldn't want to disappoint her.."
Silver looks over at Lilia and nods on agreement, "I completely understand."
Amoré eyes teared up a little when Silver said that, and his grin was more happier than his previous.
I'm just like you
I think that's true
You're just like me
Yes, I can see
We take responsibility
We carry through (We carry through)
Do what we need to do
Yes, I am a boy like you
Lilia sees and smiles. It's nice to see Silver out of the shy shell he would put himself in and especially someone he can consider a friend, not a foe.
I'm just like you (I'm just like you)
You're just like me (You're just like me)
It's something anyone can see
A heart that beats (A heart that beats)
A voice that speaks the truth
Yes, I am a boy like you
"That was amazing," Amoré laughs, "We could be brothers!"
"I suppose so," Silver smiles, "..I mean, except for the hair of course."
Amoré smiles and grabs another dress, "Come on, try this one."
"Oh! I can't..."
"I think it would look fantastic on you, and we'll be able to match! And I'll pay, it's my treat."
Silver huffs a little and finally relents, walking to the back to change. "You are convincing."
"I can be." Amoré boasted, "Always a talent I have. Props for a being royalty, I guess." A thought occurred when Silver walked out.
"Hey, do have a birthmark?"
Silver looked at Amoré quietly before answering, "Yes...many people have birthmarks?"
"Well, do you have one that's...very weird and so unexplainable that you have to show them as proof?"
Amoré smiles and lifts down his sleeve, showing a half crown on his right shoulder.
"That's a birthmark?" Silver asked.
"I know! It's so weird, but Mother told me it was like my Father's. But for him, it was a full crown," Amoré's face softens, "I never got to meet him, my Father. I was told he died when I was young, baby age."
"How did he...?"
"I never got an answer."
"I'm so sorry, I'd hate to lose my father. He raised me lile his own for so many years."
Amoré looks over at Lilia, "You must be so lucky to have him around. He seems like a good sport."
Silver laughs, "He is. Unless you did something he'll disagree with, but that hasn't happened in a while."
Amoré laughs.
Fioare was panicking, as he couldn't see Amoré anywhere.
He asks around and it leads him to Eliza's Dress Emporium, a place that he remembered Crewel going for Amoré's wedding suit.
"Why would Amoré be here?" He wondered, "I don't think he knew about suit?"
He shrugs off his nervousness and knocks on the entrance door.
Eliza walks out and sneered, "What do you want?"
"Oh, my apologies, but I came to get a wedding suit for the prince?"
Eliza's eyes narrowed.
"I'm a worker of the Royal palace."
"Come on," she leads him inside and knocks on the door, "Lilia! Is the suit ready?"
"Lilia..?" Fioare muttered.
"It's on the way!" Lilia cheered from beyond the door.
The door opens, revealing Lilia.
"Hello," He greeted, "let me show you what we did so you can tell me if it's ready."
Fioare gulped and follows Lilia down the stairs.
"Are you scared of me?" Lilia teased, "I suppose you know about my olden days as a knight, hmm?"
"Yes, Sir Lilia. I've heard many tales of you in the battlefield, and knights has always told stories of you when training new trainees."
"Aw, I'm flattered," Lilia grinned, "I worked for that queen when I was a young fae, but after a few years, I... retired."
"Yes, many didn't know why."
"Ah, let's just say that The queen and I had a major disagreement."
"What about...?"
"Oh nothing in particular. Silver, can you get the wedding suit?"
Silver looks up, "Which one?"
"For the prince!"
"For me!?" Amoré gasped, getting up from his seat.
"Amoré!!" Fioare sighs of relief, "Thank the starts you're ok! Why did you wonder off?"
Amoré hugs Fioare and pats his back, calming him down.
"I'll be fine," Amoré smiles, "I've been here the whole time, safe and sound. And I made a new friend!"
Fioare looks over and his eyes widen when he saw Silver and looks back at Amoré, going back and forth between them.
"I know, right?" Lilia joked, "Similar in almost every way."
"Oh my god," Fioare breathe, "you two look so similar...I mean, it's like looking at a portrait."
"It's a complement," Silver hums and walks over to grab the suit and quickly boxes it, he goes over and hands it to Fioare.
"Thank you."
"Silver, you don't mind walking them out?"
Silver nods and leads them outside the shop as the carriage arrived and Fioare opened the door.
"One day, I'll invite you to the palace," Amoré concluded, "We can do everything together and maybe you can even sing! Like the beautiful melody I heard earlier."
"I'll be here," Silver looks back at the shop.
"Don't worry, I'll come by personally to get you. I promise you!" Amoré walks inside the carriage and waves as the carriage rode off.
Silver waves back and smiles.
"What a day..."
"You met Lilia!" Mathys hissed, "The feared guard of the palace?! And he's a semester? What has the world has become."
"Mathys, he was very nice and maybe even a bit giggly at times. And he's a has a son as we, so I'd say he's good in life."
"Well, that's fantastic," Fortune spoke, "He seems very happy."
Amoré didn't listen, he looks back at the village and smiles.
That night, Amoré couldn't sleep, perhaps he was buzzing after the day in the village.
So, there he was, looking at books about specific flowers and meanings, at around midnight. He was always reading, and the book was special as Fioare gifted him.
"Maybe a walk on the gardens could help.." he muttered softly.
Amoré walks outside in his room, carefully, and slowly walked towards the bottom of the stairs, trying not alert the guards.
Unfortunately, as soon as he opens the door to the garden, a bag immediately covered him and he was tied up.
He screamed to be released, but the two men who kidnapped him were laughing and running as soon as he was within the confined of the bag.
Amoré could only see darkness and laughter of the evil man, scared him as now he was wisked away from his home.
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asjjohnson · 2 years
Star Wars AU, "The Life Longed For"—Entire summary.
Anakin Sky dreams of being a Jedi, and Ayden Walker wishes he could, just once, experience a normal life. When the two meet, they discover something extraordinary …which quickly turns into a nightmare.
It starts with fifteen-year-old Ayden and his Jedi master on a mission, looking for someone who's suspected to be on an outer rim planet.
While walking with his master down a street, Ayden's attention is drawn by some kids who are laughing and having fun. A word from his master reminds him to pay attention and keep his senses open.
Ayden doesn't really see the point. He figures that if the guy's close by, the Force would let him know. And he can't eavesdrop on any conversations because they're all in Huttese.
He asks his master if anyone there even knows Basic, and his master decides to find out by speaking to a nearby Toydarian shopkeeper (who invites them inside the shop before realizing they're only after information and not there to buy anything).
Ayden decides to give his master some space to speak with the shopkeeper, and steps away to look around the shop, taking his hood down as he does so.
The shopkeeper, after being told he'd get something in exchange for the information, says he might know of a guy fitting the description. However, Ayden's master, Obi-Wan, is clueless about the directions he's given, so the shopkeeper has to show him the place.
Meanwhile, Anakin is out back working on something, when Watto shouts in Huttese for him to come man the shop while he's gone.
Anakin calls back with an affirmative, and enters the main part of the shop.
Turns out, there's a real life Jedi padawan in his shop.
Anakin mentions how he has always dreamed of being a Jedi. Ayden argues about stuff like having to learn boring lightsaber forms. Anakin thinks it sounds great, though, and mentions some of the bad stuff about his life. But Ayden thinks it sounds nice.
Anakin ends up asking if he could try on Ayden's Jedi cloak, just for a moment. He admires himself in a mirror as Ayden says he looks like a Jedi now.
Anakin wants to have some kind of fair trade, to share a little something of his life, too, so he talks a reluctant Ayden into taking out his ponytail and letting Anakin mess up his hair. Ayden says how embarrassing and un-Jedi-like it is, but Anakin tells him it'll only be for a moment, and no one's going to see him.
Looking at themselves in the mirror, Ayden begins to realize something. He asks Anakin to put his hair in a ponytail. Anakin's completely confused, but does so, and that's when Ayden tells him they look kind of alike. Anakin even adds an oil smudge to Ayden's cheek to complete the look, and Ayden braids a small piece of Anakin's hair (which isn't any longer than the rest of his hair, but it's just for fun).
They also discuss just how alike they look. One of them saying they look alike, and the other saying they don't look that similar, and the first agreeing and saying they don’t look enough alike to be twins, but that they have enough similar features to be related, and the other kinda considering for a second and agreeing.
Ayden mentions how the Jedi bring Force sensitives to the temple as babies, so maybe they're brothers. But Anakin says that his his mom would've told him if he'd had a brother. Ayden relents to that. "Could we be cousins?" With Ayden not knowing anything about his home planet or parents, and Anakin not knowing where his mom came from before coming to Tatooine, it's possible.
Ayden also says they may not be related at all. He knows a former queen ("Gasp! You know a queen?!") who has some hand maidens who could pass as her doubles.
Some kind of commotion takes place outside, and Ayden rushes out to see what's going on, grabbing his lightsaber as he leaves.
After a few minutes, Obi-Wan returns to the shop and mistakes Anakin for Ayden, pulling him away without letting Anakin explain.
Meanwhile, Ayden runs into Watto, who smacks him a bit for leaving the shop unattended and pushes him, telling him to get back there.
Ayden is unable to find the commotion, or his master, anywhere. He goes back to where their ship was, and realizes it left without him. He wanders around for a few hours before going back to the shop. Watto is there, and upset with him for being gone for so long, saying he's lucky he hadn't activated his detonator for that. But Ayden doesn't know much Huttese, and only picks up on 'go boom'. So he asks (in Basic), "What 'goes boom'?", and Watto says, "You!" It kind of frightens Ayden. It's only later that he realizes that Anakin might've gotten blown up while leaving the atmosphere.
However, Anakin's just fine. Besides being kind of cold. He'd disabled his and his mom's chips almost a year ago and they'd just been working on saving up enough money and resources to escape.
For Ayden's side of things...
It involves Anakin's mother Shmi meeting and dating Cliegg Lars. ...Either that, or him proposing and them setting a date and preparing for the wedding. Either way, the point is for it to be something Anakin should really be there for. (Right now, I'm leaning toward them meeting and beginning to date, which could become him buying her and 'Anakin' and moving them in at his place.)
It'll also have some other stuff about Ayden and Shmi.
Near the start, with him acting strange, Shmi wonders if 'Ani' is sick and checks him for a fever. After that, Ayden notices her eyes traveling around his face, studying him closely. He begins to think she might've realized the truth, but instead she just worriedly says something about needing to go buy some medicine (still calling him Ani).
Later on in the story, the truth will come out—and Shmi will tell him she knew. After this point, she'll help him with stuff and tell him things.
For Anakin's side of things...
Onboard the ship, he stays huddled up and keeps the Jedi cloak close around him in an effort to stay warm. Obi-Wan wonders if he could've picked up some kind of sickness from Tatooine. Anakin denies it, saying it's just cold in there.
At some point (I'm not sure exactly when), Anakin and Padmé meet. Padmé doesn't feel right about him showing romantic feelings for her. When telling her about who he really is, she grows concerned and worried, telling him not to speak that way. She also calls him 'Aydee', since her and Ayden are good friends (and only friends).
The first morning at the Jedi temple, when Anakin wakes up, he discovers some clothes folded at the foot of the bed. It's a lot more layers than he's used to wearing, but he figures it makes sense with how much cooler Coruscant is.
There's a scene where Windu tries to talk to him. Windu has to repeat “Padawan Walker” a few times before Anakin reacts. Windu, annoyed, just assumes 'Ayden' was daydreaming. Anakin, realizing Windu was talking to him, thinks, ‘His name is Walker? What kind of name is that? It sounds so… so… Well, mechanical. Even See-Threepio sounds more alive than that.’
Anakin actually tells the Jedi that he's not Ayden and is instead just a kid from Tatooine. But it's a pretty unbelievable story, with him looking just like Padawan Walker and wearing Jedi robes and everything. It's more believable that he has amnesia. And, with Obi-Wan knowing about Ayden's occasional daydreams, and how he'd been longingly looking at the Tatooinian children while they were there, it makes sense.
There's a scene where Anakin eavesdrops on a conversation between Obi-Wan and Yoda.
Yoda ponders, "Strange, it is..." (mostly about 'Ayden''s Force signature being slightly different.—Because even their Force signatures are similar).
Obi-Wan mentions his worries about his padawan to Yoda, including how 'Ayden' can't recall lightsaber moves.
After some thought, Yoda decides to suspend all their missions for now. (Which is bad news for Anakin, because he'll have no hope of finding a way back to Tatooine while being grounded.)
Then Yoda mentions 'Ayden''s eavesdropping. And asks him to come inside the room.
Obi-Wan asks Anakin to show some respect to the grand-master, and has to specify that he means to greet him with a bow.
Later on, back in their quarters, Anakin says something about never having known the Jedi owned slaves.
Obi-Wan asks what in the world he means. And Anakin explains that he (Obi-Wan) is a master. And the little green guy is a grand-master, who owns all of them.
Anakin notices Obi-Wan making a strange noise in the back of his throat before suddenly fleeing the room.
Hours later, Anakin opens a door to see Obi-Wan sitting in the middle of the floor, not moving, and Anakin wonders if he'd broken him.
There's a larger plot involved in the fic, which deals with that mission that Obi-Wan and Ayden were originally on. Although... I hadn't quite worked out what that plot exactly is. Just that Ayden and Anakin would notice things that others wouldn't.
Either the two boys will put together clues during the story that will solve something (Ayden's Jedi and city background (and knowledge of the case) coming in handy while he's on Tatooine, and Anakin's desert background coming in handy while on Coruscant). Or, while Ayden's on Tatooine discovering stuff, Anakin actually already knows the answer but doesn't know the question until later. ...Or maybe it'd be a mix of both those possibilities. ...Whatever it is. But solving the case is supposed to tie into the ending of the story.
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
Quick, I have 5 minutes of free time between the term paper grind, listen to Mary on a Cross on repeat and think about Francetto in every possible universe.
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f1-disaster-bi · 1 month
Prince and the pauper au! I have never before heard about it! More of it please
Yes Prince and Pauper au! I've mentioned it a few times but not in a while!
Essentially Lando is the youngest son of the noble Button-Vettel family. He was always, in his words, the odd one out of his brothers. He was sickly as a child and quiet. He wasn't outspoken like his oldest brother Charles or studious like George. He was quiet, liked art and reading, preferred working with is Papa doing charity work than schooling and wanted to teach art to children.
Pierre is the local rogue who has it out for the rich that abuse their people. He likes and respects Jenson because Jenson is a good man, and is always ready to work as a doctor free of charge and open his purse to support the people in his and neighboring villages, but mostly Pierre spends time going around freeing people from awful land lords and tyrant Lords, bringing money and food back to the people as best he can. He also helps in other ways like defending people, and working with the people.
When Lando turned twenty-one, his father (jenson) told him that they had already started looking for someone for Lando to marry. Lando argued against it. His brothers got to marry for love, so why was he being pushed into this? No matter how hard he argued, he was told that he didn't know what was best for him and he needed someone to care for him so they were finding him a match and he would marry them. He even went to George to try get his middle brother on side, but George snapped and told Lando he had always been a worry for their parents and a burden and to make this easy on them (Charles was away during this so Lando could only write him a letter and hope it got to him).
Lando runs away because he realizes that there is no winning this. He cant accept his life as is and be miserable, or he can take matters into his own hands so he does. He takes a few belongings, some rations from the kitchen, and he escapes the grounds of his home after leaving a letter behind.
It's Jenson and Sebastian that hire Pierre to bring back their son because they never meant for this to happen and just want Lando home and safe. Pierre takes the job out of respect to Jenson, but fully expects Lando to just be a rich, spoiled brat throwing a tantrum until he meets him and everything he thought gets blown away
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
someone tell me why the og barbie movies make such great aus
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jinwoosungs · 3 days
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the prince and the pauper.
historical romance | fairytale au
prince!jinwoo sung x commoner!fem.reader
you were traveling with your younger brother, trying to survive as you took refuge within the forest after the passing of your parents.
never one to know the joys and luxury of having a stable home with enough riches to keep you and your sibling well-fed, it was a struggle for you to maintain a carefree attitude-
but alas, you had to keep your head held high, for your darling brother was relying on you. since your parents passing, you had to leave them behind, burying them beneath the harsh ground to the best of your abilities while soothing your brother's tears.
despite how hopeless you felt being left alone with such a heavy burden of trying to survive with your brother, you knew that if it wasn't for his presence in your life, then you would have given up and tossed yourself within your parent's graves a long time ago.
all sense of time had become lost on you, with you and your brother continuing to live within the depths of the forest whilst surviving on meager meals of nuts and berries. and moments where you manage to use what little hunting skill you had to bring back a small fowl or a handful of fish were few and far in between.
and during moments when nature's elements were truly testing your chances of survival (from harsh rain that made your ragged clothes dirty and the cold chill that would envelope your form), you felt your sense of confidence dwindling down-
which was what pushes you to your breaking point.
a sense of desperation fills you, and just when you lost all hope, you heard some commotion settled several feet away from you and your brother's current resting spot. the scent of a roaring fire coupled along with some boyish laughter makes your ears perk up in response.
you look back at your brother, seeing him still sleeping peacefully against the tree's trunk, exhausted and completely unaware of the men who set up camp just a mere stone's throw away. he appeared gaunt from the days spent going without food as a wave of love further fills you with a determination.
taking off your dirtied shawl, you place it over your brother and give him a whispered promise of your return. your eyes trail toward the blazing flames and the scent of smoke, padding your bare feet across the dirt path as you made sure to remain hidden within the foliage.
after several seconds spent walking, the sounds of laughter grew even louder as you hid behind a tree, turning your gaze toward the two men that were currently speaking to one another. thanks to the light of the roaring fire, you could see their armors shining from it. you assumed that these two men were knights that had just finished their hunts for the day.
while observing, you take note of one of the knights, noticing his sandy brown hair and boisterous voice that echoes throughout the forest. his armor was bathed in gold and silver, making your eyes water from how gaudy it all appeared. looking away from the talkative knight, you trail your eyes toward his companion-
only to feel your breath get stolen away.
settled directly in front of the bright knight was another young man who appeared to be his exact opposite. whereas the knight with the sandy brown hair was the sun, this other knight was more like the moon. his long, ebony locks of hair seemed to be the same shade as a moonless night, and had it not been for the flames settled directly beside him, you would have missed the startling grey quality of them.
his eyes are like moonlight. you muse to yourself, wondering why you felt a strange sense of familiarity at the mere sight of him.
as you raked through your brain for a viable explanation, you were suddenly brought back to a memory of your parents, back when they were alive and well while you were in your teens as your brother had barely been 5 years old. they spoke about the kindness of the king and queen of ahjin kingdom and had high hopes of moving there to bask in their reign.
they spoke of the prince and princess of the kingdom and how they were achingly beautiful-
and somehow, you just knew that this dark knight was also the crowned prince of ahjin- jinwoo sung.
your breathing becomes labored with anticipation, watching as the golden knight pours what appeared to be sweetened wine within the prince's chalice.
"my prince, are you certain it was a wise choice to leave our steed behind at the castle?" the golden knight asks the prince, earning a rich chuckle from him.
"what's this, jinho? i thought you were much braver than what i assumed. we are not too far away from thy castle, and mother wishes for us to find worthy game for the morrow's feast. i see no issue with leaving our mounts behind to rest. it shall be an easy feat that can be done when dawn arrives."
the sight of prince jinwoo's smile and laughter was enough to make your knees go a little weak in response. never before had you seen such a devastating man. in all of your 20-some years of living, he was by far the most magnificent man you had ever laid eyes on.
forcing yourself to look away from the prince and his knight, you press your back against the hard wood of the tree. you waited for the prince to drain his wine while hearing the other man, jinho, let out a yawn.
"tis best we get some rest, my prince. i can feel the sweet ale coursing through me, and i believe i shall have pleasant dreams tonight."
you listen as the prince hums in agreement, hearing the shuffling and gentle clanks of their armor before retiring back into their makeshift tents for the night. when only the sounds of flickering flames were heard did you finally make your move.
creeping closer to the encampment, you saw two tents, making note of how the one on the right had to have housed the golden knight. snores were heard coming from such a tent as you made your way to the one settled to your left.
holding your breath, you inch inside of the tent to see the dark outline of the prince in a peaceful slumber. he makes no movement, with his long, black hair fanned out beneath him against the dirt ground. a sense of bewilderment fills you at how lackluster his lodging was. you saw no thick blankets made of wolfskin surrounding him, or even a simple pillow filled with feathers. the prince simply lay peacefully with his hands folded across his abdomen, a silk shirt with matching pants covering him as his suit of armor lay in a neat pile next to him.
feeling as though you finally had some luck on your side, you crept closer to his suit of armor and decided to search through it. perhaps he had a piece of jewelry or a gold chain that you could sell for a handsome price?
despite the thought of you stealing something left your stomach in a twist of knots, just the thought of being able to feed you and your brother well with the earnings was enough to push you forward.
just as your hand touched at the gauntlets, you felt a sudden shift in the air before something sharp and cold was pressed against the base of your throat.
"what's this...? a little thief i see."
you were given no time to react, feeling a large hand gripping at the back of your shirt as you were suddenly tossed out into the midst of the campsite. the light blazing from the fire gives you the perfect view of prince jinwoo's handsome face twisted with fury and anger at you.
the sliver tip of his dagger was pressed against your throat, and you were certain that this was how you were to meet your demise. a rightfully furious prince had caught you trying to steal from him, and he was going to show no mercy while cutting off your throat-
yet, oddly enough, such acts of violence never came.
you didn't allow yourself the luxury to breathe, simply staring up at the prince with wide eyes as you saw his expression change from anger to something else entirely- something much softer; something much kinder.
he drops the dagger from your throat, using his large hand to brush back your tangled hair while wiping a bit of the grime seen on your face away. his lips were parted, and just as he leaned down closer to you-
you heard your brother calling out your name.
"DON'T TOUCH MY SISTER!" your eyes go wide as you faced your right, seeing your brother with several rocks within his grasps as he found one to aim at the prince.
you gasp, wishing to tell your brother that you were alright and to not hurt the prince. yet despite how much your brother wished to attack prince jinwoo, an almost amused smile paints his features.
"oh no you don't, little one." the prince's knight, jinho, manages to grab a hold of your brother's collar, nearly ripping apart his paper thin shirt when the prince barks at his knight, "let him go."
jinho's eyes go wide, yet still, he listens to his prince and sets your brother back down on the ground. anxiety and fear were seen painted across your brother's features, and you quickly got off the ground to go to him.
you take your brother within your tight embrace, putting on a brave facade while looking back and forth between jinho and prince jinwoo. neither men looked particularly angry, but you were still running on adrenaline, uncertain of what fate had in store for you.
"my prince, what shall we do with the thieves?"
the prince simply holds out a hand to jinho, meeting you and you brother's gaze with grey eyes that were filled with tranquility. "what are your names?"
swallowing thickly, you relinquish both you and your brother's name, an apology on the tip of your tongue, yet the intensity of prince jinwoo's gaze stops you from speaking any further.
"and just how old are you?"
"i-i believe i am near my twentieth year with my brother being ten years my junior..."
"hn, i see. not much older than me and my own sister."
he snaps his fingers at jinho, "they are coming with us."
your eyes go wide as jinho was heard proclaiming his protests, "surely you cannot be serious my lord! they tried to rob you-"
"i see nothing more than two orphans that are trying to survive." the prince's voice echoes with clarity across the expanse of the forest, the solemn expression within his gaze already making jinho keep his mouth shut.
"we shall take them back with us, and they will become servants for me and jinah respectively."
your mind had gone hazy as your brother clings to you, his eyes appearing wary as the crowned prince of ahjin brings you both back on your feet. a wistful smile paints his handsome features, and you felt the air escaping your lungs in uneven breaths at the sight. "come, the harsh forest is no place for kind souls such as yourselves..."
and with those final words from prince jinwoo, you and your brother returned with him back to his castle, your futures now looking less bleak...
{ ... }
to say you were quite joyful at the fact that ahjin's king and queen were both extremely kind would be an understatement. once jinwoo had allowed you and your brother's dirtied form within the comfort of the castle, he allows you to tell your story to his parents.
after admitting to the king and queen of your own parents' passing due to a sudden illness, their deep gazes were filled with empathy for you and your brother, welcoming you both as part of their staff. as the queen takes you and your brother to the closest washroom, jinwoo was seen speaking to his father in hushed tones.
you and your brother were quickly stripped of your ragged clothes, with the king and queen's own maids placing you both in a wooden bath filled with lukewarm waters. it had been freshly prepared by the queen's gentle demands, and not enough time had passed for the waters to warm up in the fireplace.
but you nor your brother dared to complain after receiving such generosity. as the maids helped you and your brother become cleaner, washing away the dirt and grime that was caked on to your skin while lathering your hair with wonderfully scented soaps that captured the essence of wildflowers growing beneath the summer's sunshine-
you were in absolute heaven.
once you were both completely cleaned, the maids had given you some clothes to wear. you nearly cried upon feeling the soft material covering the expanse of your body, no longer itching as you felt as though you had been reborn once more.
you figured that would be the end of such kindness, with you thanking the king and queen (and their son) for their generosity. however, when the maids lead you to the grand dining hall where several dishes were laid out for you and your brother to indulge in.
your brother, being so young, immediately charges toward the food, biting into the roasted turkey leg while soaking up the soft bread with the juices surrounding it. your own stomach was felt growling in response, but admittedly, you felt overwhelmed with the sheer amount of kindness.
a gentle hand felt against your back forces you to come closer to the dining area, with you looking back to see prince jinwoo smiling down at you. "don't be shy, eat."
he pulls out the chair for you, giving your brother a gentle smile while ruffling his hair. realizing your shocked state, jinwoo grabs what looks like a golden utensil, cutting apart the roasted meat while placing the morsel against your lips.
"say 'ah.'"
heat was felt dyeing your cheeks when you slowly parted your lips for him, your teeth biting down against the savory piece. you had to bite back a moan in response, feeling the tears streaming down your face.
another light chuckle was heard coming from the prince. "is it good?"
"i- yes... it's the most delicious meal i've ever had."
"delicious enough to make you cry?" he notices your tears and gently begins wiping them away with his hand, making a tiny whimper escape from you. unable to speak, you decide to bask in their kindness along with your brother, eating such a filling supper as the prince made sure you both had your fill.
exhaustion was felt coursing through your veins, with your brother letting out a yawn as well. the prince notices how he was nodding off and casually carries him within his arms. you let out a weak protest, reassuring the prince that you could carry him, but he insisted. following close behind him with a look of embarrassment, you notice a light pair of footsteps coming from behind you.
looking back, you see a young girl with light brown hair and matching eyes, calling out to the prince, "big brother, you promised that i would get to play with a new friend soon."
your heart melted at the sight of her cute face and matching voice, seeing the tears fill her vision as a pretty pout paints her lips. prince jinwoo was about to say something to his little sister, but you end up speaking first, kneeling down to her level while reassuring her.
"you will be able to play with a new friend soon. my little brother will happily keep you company. but for now, he needs to rest a bit to regain his strength."
the young princess looks up at you with bright eyes while giving you an eager nod.
and while you spoke to princess jinah, you were unaware of how the prince's gaze was filled with a fondness for you and your kindness, falling for you almost immediately as he vowed to always protect you.
{ ... }
five years has passed since that fateful night, and you were still known as prince jinwoo's sole servant as your brother filled a similar role with princess jinah with little complaint on his end. like jinwoo, the princess kept your brother by her side at all times, and you could see a beautiful friendship blossoming between them as they kept each other company while growing up together.
and while they grew closer, so did you and prince jinwoo-
but in your case, it was a bit more unfortunate, for with each day that passes, you found yourself falling deeply in love with the prince.
despite your best efforts to keep yourself from falling for such an amazing man, you truly could not help it. for not falling for him was as difficult as climbing up a steep mountain, leaving your hands bloodied and bruised as you willed your heart to not yearn for him-
it was so easy, so incredibly easy, to follow your heart and ignore the rationalities of your mind. you knew of the great difference in statuses between you and prince jinwoo.
whereas prince jinwoo was heir to a throne- whose future was basked in brightness as he was meant to marry a princess from a neighboring kingdom, you were just a mere servant meant to obey him for the rest of your life.
after all, prince jinwoo had graciously saved you and your brother from an ill-known fate. had you tried to live off the forest any longer, you were certain that you would have both met your demise due to how difficult it was to survive all alone during such a harsh period of your lives.
however, the prince's kindness only served as a double-edged sword to you, making you fall completely and utterly in love with him. even if it took you a herculean effort to keep your feelings from coming forth from your perfectly parted lips, you had to swallow back such desires, remaining miserable as talk of his marriage to a beautiful princess with golden hair and grey eyes echoed across the castle of ahjin kingdom.
such news put you in a bit of a depressive slump, with your steps losing its bounce as you followed prince jinwoo dutifully from behind. he had woken up before the sun, taking brisk steps towards his father's study when he stops. turning around, he faces you while calling out your name.
you shiver upon hearing it, basking in the way jinwoo's voice spoke the syllables that made up your name with such warmth that it made your heart ache.
"yes, my prince?"
he shakes his head, tilting his lips up in a wry smile when he takes a strand of your hair with his hand. your eyes go wide, seeing this as evident as one of the ways to express his gratitude for you. he admires your hair for a few more beats before pressing a kiss against the strands. "go on and help with the cooks in the kitchen. i have something dire i wish to discuss with my father, and i will join you shortly."
never one to disobey your beloved prince, you simply give him a smile and a curtsy, excusing yourself before heading toward the kitchen. you greet the other servants along the way, catching bits and pieces of their gossip.
"did you hear? prince jinwoo wishes to call off his long engagement to princess hae-in."
you did a double take, nearly running into the wall when a powerful hand stops you. "ah, my dear, just who i wished to see."
you look forward to see an old man with grey hair and deep set eyes the color of a forest. he was the head cook for the royal family as he takes a hold of your shoulders and leads you into the kitchen, "i would like your help in preparing tonight's supper. if you could be so kind as to help everyone cut up the vegetables for the stew while baking fresh rolls."
your mind was racing, and you did your best to complete each task in the kitchen with a steady hand. yet the words of gossip refused to leave the confines of your mind, and you kept going back to those lingering words.
jinwoo wishes to call off the engagement with the princess? but why? she's a renown beauty... she would have been fit to be his wife...
your heart was pounding as you slowly began to organize each freshly cut vegetables into their own separate piles. as you mulled over the words, a strange sense of hope begins to fill you.
perhaps, he didn't wish to take a wife after all... he would remain single-
and you could remain by his side as his sole servant.
despite how much you knew that such rumors could end up being false, you could not stop yourself from smiling so freely. if such rumors ended up being true-
then you could forever remain by prince jinwoo's side.
before you could help the cooks add the vegetables into the large cauldron, a familiar pair of arms wrapped around your front prevents you from moving forward. you look back to see your prince gazing fondly at you, letting out a dramatic sigh as he takes you away from the kitchen.
"i feel weary and tired after discussing important matters with my father. please, prepare a bath for me and wipe the sweat away from my brow."
your heart begins to race at the thought of preparing a bath for prince jinwoo. it was true that you had prepared thousands upon thousands of baths for your prince-
however, this would be the first time he had ever asked you to stay.
shaking your head to prevent any impure thoughts from entering them, you give your prince a nod along with your words of affirmation, "y-yes, of course, my prince."
jinwoo simply hums, placing a hand behind your back as he leads you to one of the many washrooms his castle held. with graceful steps, you enter the room and expertly lit a fire within the fireplace, moving the bathtub a bit closer to the flames before going towards one of the walls.
the king had expertly hired several masons to build his castle in the most convenient way possible. you no longer had to fetch buckets upon buckets of water from the well outside of the castle as now the waters flowed into the castle. each washroom had a stone trough filled with water, and whether such a convenient invention was man-made or made through magical means, you couldn't say for sure.
all you knew was that this was simply one of the many things that made your life a bit easier.
so you spent several minutes going back and forth, filling the wooden bathtub to the brim with as much water you could manage until prince jinwoo stops you. with your back turned to him, you dropped the wooden pail back within the water filled trough, only facing him when he calls out your name.
upon hearing a tiny splash!, you had to bite back a gasp, seeing prince jinwoo's toned chest submerged within the waters as it fell back into the cobblestone floors. he lets out a purr upon feeling the waters against his skin all while beckoning you to come closer to him.
"grab that cloth while taking off your garments, my darling."
you swore that you felt your heart pounding against the confines of your throat just then, leaving you breathless when you shakily ask him, "but, why would you ever need me to take off my garments, prince jinwoo?"
he rolls his eyes, gaze darkening just the tiniest bit when he tells you huskily, "how else is my darling girl going to get into this tub to wash every inch of me?"
the hesitation and shyness was evident in your gaze and heated face, with jinwoo breaking out into a smile. "come now, you have never denied me before. are you truly denying me right now?"
letting out a shaky sigh, you even out your breath before dropping the fabric of your clothes, leaving you completely bare for your prince. with the cloth in hand, you were ready to climb into the tub had it not been for jinwoo's large hands coming around your waist, using his strength to pick you up as you entered the tub with him.
the waters splashed violently around you with your added weight, making the heat dye your cheeks even more. your lips were parted, being met with prince jinwoo's amused gaze as he lay back against the tub.
"go on, wash your prince." he tells you with a sigh, closing his eyes as he waited for you to go on with your duties.
your heart was practically a mess by now, racing so badly that it made your hands tremble in response. you place the cloth within the bathwater before gently working on cleansing jinwoo's body. his skin remained so perfect and clear, leaving you mesmerized as you could feel his powerful body pressing against your softer frame.
when the tip of your cloth touches at the corner of his lips, you were struck with a sudden urge to kiss them; to finally feel such soft fullness against your very own lips. yet somehow, even despite the situation you found yourself in (completely naked with your prince's godlike body settled beneath the waters with you), you manage to reign in your desires and ask him.
"is it true?"
jinwoo hums once more before opening an eye to look at you, "is what true, my dear?"
you look away from him, feeling jinwoo slowly wrapping his arms around your naked back when you blurt out to him, "that you called off your engagement to princess hae-in."
you felt your prince stiffen in response momentarily to the question before visibly relaxing. he proceeds to run his hands up and down your bare back before taking you within his powerful embrace.
left gaping and filled with anticipation, you felt jinwoo press a kiss against your cheek, never once straying too far from your skin as he finds your ear to whisper against them, "why yes, it is completely and utterly true. and do you know why i called off such a pointless engagement?"
you clench your eyes shut, feeling your hands become fists against jinwoo's chest, "w-why did you call it off."
a gasp was felt escaping from you when he bites down against the shell of your ear, "because a certain thief stole my heart one night five years ago; a beautiful thief that tried to rob me, but ended up obtaining my complete and utter devotion in return."
your eyes go wide when prince jinwoo suddenly surges forward, capturing your lips in a searing kiss that takes your very breath away. due to your inexperience, you kissed him back shyly, earning a smile from him.
he playfully licks at the front of your lips before moving away from you. with grey eyes shining with mirth and adoration for you, he runs a hand across your damp hair. "the moment i first saw you, seeing your steadfast gaze on me despite how i had my dagger pressed dangerously close to your throat, i knew that i had to keep you- that i had to have you."
your mind was spinning now. was this really happening? had your life truly turned into this fairytale that you did not wish to awaken from?
"oh, jinwoo...! i-i loved you, too! ever since i was subjected to your unconditional kindness, i knew that i would forever be devoted to you!"
you fall against him, allowing jinwoo to wrap his arms protectively around your frame, "i thought it would be enough to serve you for the rest of my life, b-but to actually have you as my lover, it has been my greatest dream...!"
jinwoo chuckles once more, placing a hand beneath your chin as his gaze burns a bright silver hue for you, "oh, my darling love, the dream has only just begun. for you will not simply be my lover, but my future queen and wife as well. i have made sure to claim you and you alone for that title."
your gasp was quickly swallowed by another one of jinwoo's kisses, with you practically melting against him as you both made a never-ending oath to each other-
that no matter what the future may bring, you shall always remain by his side; a devoted queen that lives to serve and love her beloved king.
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a.n. - omggggg this is so self indulgent! i recently began reading a historical romance trilogy, and became so infatuated with the storytelling and writing that i had to write something for jinwoo due to my inspired state! 😭😭😭😭 my desire to write always comes to me in the dead of night, so this will definitely be posted when it's early morning where i live. this is currently unedited, but i hope you readers enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it!
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
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➢ Dilatory, She/Her, 20s; Veterinary Student just trying to eke out some writing in what little spare time I have
➢ Everything I write is in general rated T, with a prolific amount of swearing sprinkled in as Sentence Enhancers; Otherwise, everything is in general SFW unless indicated otherwise
➢ Peppers Next to a Story or in the Warnings Indicate Mature Content. In general:
🌶️ = Mild Spice; Rated T+ (Various Implications & Innuendos, No Outright Smut) 🌶️🌶️ = Medium Spice; Rated M (No In-depth Descriptions) 🌶️🌶️🌶️ = Spicy; Rated E (The Big Bang Itself) ➢REQUESTS: CLOSED ➢COMMISSIONS: Slots Available - 0/3 [INFO]
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**this is a 'Secondary Blog' so I'm limited in some things I can do (like replies, etc.) because I am an idiot, so any replies to comments will be through 'Dilatory-Replies'
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Heroes vs. Villains Series: 'Woe to the Ramshackle Prefect, being caught up in the drama between the Disney Villains and their respective heroes.' GN!Reader
✥ Octavinelle [PART 1] [PART 2]
✥ Pomefiore [PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3]
✥ Diasomnia [PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3]
✥ The NRC Staff [PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3] [PART 4]
❖ Extras & Oneshots: ✥ Valentine's Day (Malleus vs. Vil vs. Azul x Reader) ✥ The Prince & The Pauper Prefect (Prince Stefan x Reader) [COMMISSION]
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➢ Meet the Heroes! Art: Prince Stefan, Prince Rielle
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Monster Mayhem Series: ‘Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my! And… snakes, and eels, and crocodiles, and—is that an actual dragon? Oh. Oh my.’ GN!Reader
✥ Jack Howl [PART 1]
✥ Leona Kingscholar [PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3]
✥ Vil Schoenheit [PART 1] [PART 1.5] [PART 2] [PART 3]
✥ Rook Hunt [PART 1] [PART 2]
✥ Malleus Draconia [PART 1] [PART 2🌶️] [PART 3] [PART 4🌶️] [EPILOGUE🌶️🌶️🌶️]
❖ Extras & Oneshots: ✥ Succubus!Reader 🌶️🌶️🌶️ Vil: [PART 1]
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❖The Woes of the Witch of the Wastes Vil Schoenheit x GN!Reader (Howl's Moving Castle AU) ❖ How to Survive a Shovel Talk 🌶️ Malleus Draconia x Fem!Reader [COMMISSION] feat. Azul Ashengrotto x OC
❖ Pity Party Malleus Draconia x GN!Reader [COMMISSION]
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