#( ...omfg it's 2am )
stapliy · 11 days
new i.i ep got me thinking about c.obs and me.phone.4 in a rather. dubious manner. one might even say extremely inappropriate like extremely. much to ponder on!
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kamiko1234 · 5 months
Avatar fantasy AU....
....where instead of being huge blue aliens, the Na'vi are just rly tall elves with blue markings. And the RDA instead of an organization is acctualy just a medival empire and global superpower.
The Na'vi, like in canon, are very connected to nature and Eywa. Instead of being a global consciousness she's an actual deity in this however, who grants the Na'vi following her a special affinity for magic.
Humans on the other hand live largely disconnected from Eywa, and only very few of them even have any acess to any magic. And even then it's just one spell, the ability to cast it and the spell itself being hereditary.
Now usually Na'vi and humans don't really interact, even if they live on the same planet in this AU. Humans tend to keep to their own cities , settlements and kingdoms while Na'vi stay in wild nature and special places where Ewya is especially strong - called Pandora.
For hundreds of years it was a live-and-let-live situation and mindset between Na'vi and humans. Unfortunately, as always, the RDA had to fuck it it up.
Starting about 3 generations ago the then emperor of the RDA Empire decided to start a war of aggression against the Na'vi. The reason being a mix of wanting to gain acsess to multible precious resources that laid on or beneath the ground the Na'vi lived on. The other reason was that the then king feared the Na'vi's connection to Ewya, viewing them and their ability to use magic as an danger to his empire's rule.
While slow at first due to the radical resistance of the Na'vi, the RDA Empire made steady process in the years. Killing thousands of the (comparatively) already small Na'vi population. Not least due to the fact their royal bloodline was one of the few human bloodlines who passed down a spell among themselves.
The spell being the ability to destroy anything biological - a perfect fit to fight the Na'vi.
The current emperor, Quaritch, distinguishes himself with an exceptional level of cruelty and brutality in the war that was started by his own grandfather.
Enter : Kiri.
In this AU Jake and Grace were born as Na'vi, with Grace still mysteriously becoming pregnant but dying at childbirth.
Growing up Kiri had a relatively normal childhood despite the ongoing war. She was raised alongside her siblings in the inner lands of Pandora where the human war machine hadn't reached yet.
All in all, their childhood was pretty similar to canon. With the exception that anything human was completely missing from it.
As it is, however, such happiness doesn't last forever. Because soon enough the RDA and Quaritch reach even the inner lands of Pandora. And with them, Kiri and her family.
With them, the human armies bring unbelievable destruction during another surprise attack. Kiri and Neteyam got separated from Tuk and other Na'vi fleeing from the destruction while Jake and Neytiri took to defend against the humans.
And as if that wasn't bad enough already, Neteyam got hit with crossfire and proceeded to die in his sisters arms (sorry my guy, but your death is a canon event).
This leaves Kiri alone, separated from her family and people with no idea if they are even alive, in the center of an attack on her people with the explicit goal to kill or atleast displace them.
To say the situation is grim is underestimating it, yet through some miracle of Ewya Kiri manages to survive and flee - albeit being forced to flee into RDA territory.
She manages to disguise herself as human - hiding and changing anything that could identify her as Na'vi with her magic. She makes up a backstory of her being a child from a small village on the outer borderlands and takes traveling.
Her goal is to attempt to find her family. While there are still parts of Pandora untouched by the RDA Empire, there is no way Kiri could reach them right now. All means of traveling to them are heavily monitored on the orders of Quaritch - not to mention the fact that the war still hasn't stopped, the borders to Pandora are quite literal warzones.
Kiri reasons that she was forced to escape to RDA territory, so maybe atleast some of her family did too ? And even if she doesn't find any of her family there, she can still attempt to gather information and somehow cross back into Pandora.
Multiple shenanigans and hijinks later, Kiri ends up in the RDA capital city. Desperately in need of funds and a place to stay, she does what may be the most dangerous thing she has ever done yet. She enters into the royal palace by working as a maid.
The palace was always in need of help, afterall. The pay was one of the best Kiri could get, considering how she had only little skill useful for any human. Not to mention that the job came with a roof over her head inform of a small chamber in the servant's quarters.
She was anything but thrilled, of course. To serve at the home of the man had destroyed her life and caused the death of her brother - but there simply wasn't another option. Kiri comforted herself with the fact that Quaritch was rarely ever at his palace, instead being away leading his armies. There was no reason to fear anyone discovering her disguise either.
Still, this was anything but nice. Kiri still wasn't used to wearing human clothing. Everything was unfamiliar. The other servants were unfriendly- clearly annoyed by the fact that they had explained so much to her.
But the worst would probably be the disconnect from Ewya.
Back home it was easy to connect to Ewya through the nature around here. But now ? The human territories already were much less soaked with the presence of Ewya. The capital city itself only added more to the absence with the lack of nature around.
The plan is to work at the palace for a few months. Enough to gather the funds necessary for her to continue her search. After that Kiri could leave and never return back to this place.
The royal garden made things a bit more bearable though. It was ironic. Another maid had told Kiri once that the royal gardens were a great source of pride for the imperial family. With plants, trees and animals carefully cultivated and cared for, the garden was known as the most beautiful one in the entier Empire. And Kiri had to agree.
Because even though this garden was so distinctively human and human made, it was the closest thing to nature she had- the closest thing to Ewya.
And to think that it was owned by Quaritch himself, who was known as "the demon" among her people and whose family that the explicit power to destroy anything nature.
Technically only the imperial family and their guests and the few servants tending to the garden were allowed inside it. Kiri, as a simple maid, had no place being there.
She didn't really care though.
Not when this place was one of the few ones where she could atleast attempt to feel Ewya again, and to come to rest and be somewhat calm again.
Kiri took her precautions of course- she went at night or late evenings only, using her climbing abilities to scale trees and walls to avoid using the conventional entryways. She made sure no one was around before even entering the gardens.
She was sure no one would discover her.
Then someone discovered her.
It was night like any other. There really was no reason to expect anything like that- Kiri had entered like always. Looked around like always, and had made sure she was atleast somewhat well hidden behind a tree before she closed her eyes to concentrate on the trees and plants around.
To say she was surprised when she felt a hand on her shoulder and a voice asking what she was doing and who she was.
Upon opening her eyes, Kiri was met with one very confused looking human male teenager of around 16 years old.
She wasn't sure what to answer the other, she knew she wasn't supposed to be there. Should he report her- she'd be thrown out in the best case.
The other meanwhile continued to ask if she had come out there too to watch the stars. Not wanting to admit her actual reason she quickly agrees with it.
In response the boy then tells her that they can watch the stars together, yet again Kiri agrees. She figures that he probably won't report her. It's night, so she couldn't really make out any of his features. But she's pretty sure he has long hair, which is pretty unusal for a human male from what she's seen.
Either way, the boy proceeds to sit down next to her. Saying that this is the first time he has had any company, and questions wether she does this often or not.
And while Kiri doesn't come here to watch the stars like the mystery boy next to her, she does come out here almost everyday. She answers the question like that.
What follows is a..... weirdly nice conversation ? Which is kind of weird considering how it was the middle of the night, in a place Kiri wasn't even allowed to be with a human teenage boy whose name she didn't know and face she didn't see.
The boy talked about the stars, and Kiri talked about liking the plants. She mentioned being a maid and when he asked for her name again she even answered it.
Someth told her that she could trust the other one.
When she wanted to ask for the name of her unkown companion, foreign voices sounded suddenly. Other humans, guards, probably.
Panicking about being found, Kiri quickly took took off when her companion told her to. She had half a mind to ask him to come with her, surely being found in the royal gardens would get him punished too ! But before she could he was already halfway across the other side, walking towards the other humans and telling them that "everything is okay", and that he's "comming to them."
A bit confused as to why the teen was walking towards the other humans Kiri continued to take off and managed to escape without being recognized or caught, or atleast she thinks she did.
She starts to doubt this when, come next morning, she get's an offical summon from no other than Miles Soccoro-Quaritch II. Crown prince of the RDA Empire, only son and heir to his father, the only other person in the entier world to share the demonic power to destroy any form of life with a simple spell - a single look (that was the only thing that his father needed, atleast).
Kiri thought she'd die then and there. Walking the halls to meet the prince with a guard escorting her on either side felt like walking to her execution. She hoped this was because she was infact recognized yesterday night, and that the prince would simply punish her and throw her out of the palace for it-
-should he have discovered her, discovered her Na'vi origin...... she'd get to meet the demon's spell herself. That she was sure off.
Kiri had never met the prince herself. The other maids said that only the best of the best got to serve the royal family, the servants often of low nobility themselves. A lowly peasant maid like Kiri wouldn't even enter anywhere close to any space the prince was in.
Still, this was the son of the man who had attacked her home- who had Neteyam's blood on his hands. A child raised to take his fathers place- one should assume it would act similat to it's elder.
She was lead through the halls, entering the inner palace and living quaters of the royal family. Easily recognizable by the decorations growing more and more lavish.
Finally, Kiri stood before a large door. And then another male voice told them to come in- did it belong to the prince ? -Kiri expected to be faced with a younger version of the demon Quaritch himself.
Instead she stood across a human teenage boy roughly 16 years old. With long blode hair falling behind his shoulder, choclate brown eyes and a smile that was- kind ?
The prince looked kind.
Kiri, in all the imagery and dread crossing her mind on the way here, she had never imagined the prince to look kind.
There were two other men with the prince, too. Older ones. Adults. Their clothes spoke of them as nobles- they didn't wear any servants uniform. But their outfits were by far not as royal looking as that of the prince- clad in what looked to her in a white uniform with green accents. A matching cape drapped halfway over one of his shoulders.
The girl hadn't even notice how she starred until the prince snapped her out of it by asking, "You are Kiri, right ?"
And then he added, "I believe we met last night."
Hearing his voice, suddenly it all clicked for Kiri. And her heart freaking sank.
That was the unkown boy from the royal garden. Kiri had watched the stars and talked with the litteral crown prince of the RDA Empire.
She's getting kicked for sure- well, atleast her disguise wasn't revealed.
"I'm Miles, by the way. But you can call me Spider, too. That's my nickname." The prince filled the silence again. And Kiri takes a good second to even register the information. And then, before she could even stopped herself a confused "huh ?" sounded from her lips.
Turns out that the crown prince of the RDA Empire is a genuinly nice and good guy. The two other adults next to him, introducing themselves as Norm and Max thankfully help explain some things.
Kiri had met the crown prince already, even if she didn't know it. He decided, on a whim, to go star gazing as he did occasionaly when he couldn't sleep. And that's when he met Kiri. Norm and Max had gone searching for him after guards noticed that he wasn't in bed. They were the foreign voices interrupting before Spider could give Kiri his name-
-oh yes, and by the way, the prince would prefer it very much if he could simply be called Spider. No formal adress or titels or anything. And he wouldn't punish her for entering the royal gardens either.
Kiri's head was swimming with all these reveals. The two men introduced themselves as Spider's mentors for academics, and the men incharge of managing the prince's staff.
Glorified butlers, Spider jokingly called them. (When Norm shot him a look, he laughed dirty. And Kiri suddenly remembered how Lo'ak would laugh dirty when he teased her back when-)
Spider also says that he would like to get to know Kiri better- become friends with her.
And suddenly the world stops, and the girl doesn't know what to answer. Spider seemed like a good kid, nothing like his father at all. Deffinetly not some noble snob, and he obviously treated other people with respect even if they were below him technically. As proven with the fact that he was willing to make friends with a lowly peasant maid, simply because he liked her personality.
He had an adventurous side to him, proven by his mentors at some point lamenting the fact that it apperantly wasn't the first time he had escaped to the gardens at night when he met Kiri.
He was funny, cracking jokes like he wanted. Kiri almost forgot that technically, he was the crown prince of an entier empire. The son of the man who had destroyed her home and seperated her family, and technically her enemy.
He talked to her like they were two teens going on a hunt together. Kiri barely has any experience with human nobility, but generally they always talked down to her and what they called the "lowly peasantry" Yet Spider never did that, even if he was at the top of the hierachy- second to only his father.
Kiri felt tempted to relax around him. Spider was probably one of the kindest humans she had ever met-
-but who knew how he'd react should he find out about the truth ? He was acting under the assumption that she was human afterall, Kiri found it hard to believe that Spider hadn't learned to hate her people like his father did.
Still, what choice did she have ? This was the crown prince afterall, she couldn't refuse him. She ends up sitting down, at some point. Spider in his part seemingly fully attempting to just hold conversation with her- getting to know eachother, he called it.
He asked about her past, to which Kiri hastly relayed her by now well praticed story.
"I come from a small village on the outer borderlands. We didn't have much, but wer were happy. I'm here to work and save money to take back home."
Upon hearing this, Spider immideatly offers Kiri to become his personal maid. The salary would be higher, and the work surely not as taxing. He admires her for her "dedication to her family", and wants to help.
Kiri is suprised at the offer, but takes it nonetheless. Even if she got even closer to the proverbial lion than she already was- the salary was a strong argument. Shortening the time she is forced to spend here significantly.
And something told her that Spider wasn't too bad, either.
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f1-disaster-bi · 19 days
Absolutely not having a minor panic because the Airbnb I'm in is on the ground floor and someone keeps buzzing the apartment.
No at all.
(Maybe I am a little)
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ashmp3 · 6 days
just watched ateez dingo and they did so well with the song choices like rmr when exo sang don't go and power like who was that for i would've preferred silence anyway what i wanted to say is atz has one of the strongest smash or pass contenders very polarizing group to me
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sister-2-sleep · 1 month
I cannot describe how much I want Alfredo pasta rn
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diabelskoga · 8 months
smth smth, luffy's the sun, zoro's the moon, and sanji's the earth
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jupiter-reimagined · 9 months
i am. so weak
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dandyshucks · 9 months
this year i need to learn how to draw HANDS and also do some proper anatomy studies so i can stop just doing lucky guesstimation work djfkdl
also i want to make refs for my self inserts and also maybe try to fight my fear and finally commission an artist at some point sbfhdkdl
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bobtheacorn · 2 years
finished bing reading amevello’s tmnt fic Ghost in the Shell last night and I’m just supposed to live with myself now huh I’m just supposed to Function
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hwajin · 1 year
i'm on a spree to watch the top 100 films from the imd list cuz i'm so uneducated when it comes to movies omg root for me
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threnodians · 2 years
a super needy and snuggly kitten makes for a good equivalent to heating pad while i am struggling very much with very painful cramps 🥲👍🏻
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graveyard--girl · 2 years
Due to the news about mobiliZation in Russia, I'm filled with anger and I want to express my feelings here with the help of my poor English, sorry
I LOVE every Russian who is against the war. Honestly. My family is fully brainwashed, they support putin's regime, and I can imagine how difficult it is to continue fighting within the country when lots of people are against YOU instead of the president and his henchmen. The future is dark, and the ones who are as dull, stubborn, and conservative as my family decease all the youth's efforts to stop this madness despite the fact that it's the youth who will inherit this shitty land.
I can understand many things, but the reason why some older Russians desire to live like they do is not on that list. How it is possible to not value their own lives and the lives of Ukrainians so much? Many people from Europe or US and Russian opposition can't get it either.
Recently, the first videos of Yakutsk citizens leaving their families because of the war have appeared. And I saw a post saying "People just agree to be cannon fodder, why don't they even fight for their lives?". Today's conversation with my relatives showed that some of them just don't want to fight. These assholes think that they are like their Soviet Russian ancestors who fought against aggressors in the 20ths century. And they don't even see that today they are on the other side, they are the goddamn aggressors.
My mother, whose job is related to medicine, has a chance to be thrown on the battlefield. And she says she would go to the war if needed, even if the probability of returning home alive is 0%. My 9yo sister in that case will be an orphan, but who the fuck cares? Putin wants victory, so his slaves won't think rationally about his orders. Well, it is easy to be a patriot from the sofa, and I hope such braveness will remain in my mother's head, 'cause it will be too late to reconsider life priorities lying in the trench.
However, some rashists started to comprehend the reality. The war rushed into every family, it's not a tv show anymore. Pathetic men's dreams of victory were ruined. So awful they understood it after the mobiliZation and not before the destruction of Ukrainian cities and Ukrainians' lives.
Well, yes, I love every Russian who is against the war. The ones, who joined the Ukrainian army, who spreads anti-government-anti-war information of any kind, who stops the trains with weapons, who helps soldiers to avoid the war, who cares about refugees. I'm happy my friends are like this. Many of them are not in the country anymore, but I still hope that one day Zombieland will turn into a nice place to live despite the putinists.
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Soo uh have a little short comic! Cause lowkey im still blushin after my best friend called me Love- maybe im just overdramatic and a simp lmao
Obviously you can tell i gave up the last two pics 😭 im so proud of the shading tho
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the-ourple-ouppy · 1 month
waffles are so fucking good you guys
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fire-gift · 4 months
Oh fuck, iwtv s2 soundtrack is already available on youtube!!!
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heeliopheelia · 4 months
started watching criminal minds for dr spencer reid, stayed for agent hotchner
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