goldsbitch · 3 days
remember that
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. But everyone need assurance that they are still loved sometimes. The first time Lando almost slept on a couch blurb
warning: couple fight, angst
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It was bad. This time, it was really fucking bad.
After weeks of snarky comments being swallowed in, the "it's fine" line being burned into Lando's ears almost on a daily basis and growing minutes Y/N had to wait before Lando decided to respond to her texts, shit finally hit the fan.
They hadn't seen each other for two weeks now. Inevitable fight broke out right as he crossed the threshold. Postponed dates and forgotten dinners lined up. They couldn't help themselves and put it all on the table. First it was the fact she didn't smile upon seeing him, then it was a reminder that he promised to bring something from Italy and forgot. It went on and on and on. She sat at the dinning table, while he leaned over at the kitchen counter.
"Lando, sometimes it feels like I'm in a relationship with your assistant and not you! For heaven sake, this week I had to call him once again when I could not reach you. Do you know how emberassing it is?" she half-screamed into her hands.
Lando took a breath so deep an average yoga teacher would be jealous. "How am I suppose to be expected to pick up on a race day. You know that I get super busy and distracted."
"Funny how you never were when we started dating," she murmured bitterly.
He had to turn away, couldn't watch his love giving up on him just because they were not in the honeymoon stage anymore. "Yes, but now I'm winning races! Closer to my dream that I've ever been. It's different now."
"I'm glad I met you back then, because obviously you'd not date me if we met now," she couldn't stop those words that rotted in her coming out.
A beat. Maybe it was time to actually break the rule for once and go to sleep angry, because it was getting out of hand. "You know what, that's probably true and it breaks my heart that once I start doing well, you're suddenly not the supporting girlfriend anymore."
A crushing blow. "Tell me how am I suppose to support you if you don't even answer my phone! We used to talk for hours!
"Maybe understand that I can't!"
"I do! But you can't assume that I'll let you push me away completely!"
Lando thew his hands up in desperation. How could she not see it? "I'm coming here to you whenever I have a slightest chance! And I come what? You constantly dragging me through the mud."
"Oh interesting you mention that. How sad that your assistant had to remind you of my sensitive skin before you having him book me an "apology mud massage" when you cancelled on me few weeks ago," se shot, knowing it would hit the target.
"How do you even know that!" he said, unable to comprehend that he did not even control his paid assistant, not mention his own life anyway.
"Well, I talk a lot to you assistant! And he slips up!" It was a weird friendship between people who both wished they could get a little more info out of Lando.
"That's it. I can't deal with this now," he said, with the intention to sleep on the couch for the first time in their relationship. He didn't even know why he chose that action, walking towards their bedroom and dramatically bringing a pillow and a blanket over to the sofa, but if this is what couples did when the fought, there must have been a reason for it.
It absolutely infuriated her. Sparked up something she hoped she'd never feel. "Oh, sleep tight." she spitted with bitter undertone.
"I will!"
They walked around each other in silence, him getting ready to sleep on the couch and her cutting her skincare short this time and spending more time debating whether to close the bedroom door as they usually would or leave it open. Just in case.
He could hear her shifting back and forth. It angered him a little bit, since he was the one playing a cruel joke on his already tired muscles.
Thousand things she wanted to say and only one came to her mind in a form of an actual sentence. There goes nothing. "Do you still feel good about this?"
"What?" he whispered, not expecting her to speak to him again before the next day.
"Nevermind, forget I asked."
"About what!" He hated when she did this. If you didn't catch up at the first moment, she did not give you a second chance.
"Do you still feel good about us, being together?" She cursed herself for asking this. Dangerous questions brought up explosive answers. She wished for a reassurance and a rejection. She snuggled deeper into her blanket and turned around to face the door. As if wishing for him to stand there and coming back to her.
Lando hated her question. In fact, it made him furious again. But it was a peace offering, he had already learned that before. "Even here, lying on the bloody couch, because we're fighting...It's the place I wanna be at."
Anxiety kicked in Y/N. "What, you mean like away from me?"
He laughed lightly. She was always thinking the worst. "No, silly. The exact opposite...We could both be at thousand different places at the moment. But we're not. And for me at least, it's because like---I want to be with you. I hate that we'd drifted apart lately. I'd love to be in bed with you, laughing without a care in the world, like we usually do. But, we can't do that now. And yet, I'd rather be left on the couch if I know you're next door than all alone in my bed." His words hit like small drops of rain after a long draught.
She whispered, choosing her words carefully. "You're my twin flame. You make my soul light up in fire, make me feel like I'm the sun. Do you know what my biggest fear is?"
Lando also tuned into sweeter tone, one that was more familiar from days filled with sunshine. "What, my love?"
"That we're gonna burn out. You and me, ending up like an epic love story. The good ones work because they end in tragedy."
"You're always so poetic," he smiled, proud to think he was her love story.
"There is no other way to describe how you'd changed my life. Flipped it upside down the moment you walked into the same room."
Lando chucked. "Yeah, remember that?"
"How could I not."
"You were not having a good day."
Finally, she spoke loudly again. "So, what? Everything was going to shit and the event we were doing had to be perfect before the 'important people' arrived".
"Such an ego boost to know I was your priority before you even met me," he uttered, happy to push her buttons.
"Oh, and you were so cocky! Just laughing around, like we were some sort of comedy sketch."
"Well, I'm sorry, have you heard yourself when you're upset? The way how your voice goes up seven octaves higher?" he laughed, his breath feeling lighter now.
"Coming from you, that's rich! You were giggling in a tone so high the elderly couldn't hear you!"
"I'm so happy I managed to bag the grumpiest person in the building. And bare in mind there must have been around 500 people there."
"980 if you could in staff as well."
He let out a heavy sigh. "You with your pristine memory."
She paused before responding. "Yes. Wish I didn't have that sometimes."
"Wish I had at least a pinch of that."
Silence fell in both rooms. Heavy breath and wondering eyes. The lack of their touch suddenly being more obvious than before. Playing a contest who will reach out first.
"Yes, my love?"
"Can you back here, please?" she said, somewhat nervously. Lando took a pause. There was nothing he wished for more. It hurt to fight. But he figured a relationship needed that sometimes. As the poets say, you loose a woman when you forget to cherish her. He liked to think this went both ways. And they both started slacking a bit. He could only affect his own behavior, with the hope that she'd also come to the same understanding.
"I'd like nothing more in the world, my love."
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d3vilcvntz · 3 days
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local slutboy taken a liking to you ?!?
top male reader x bottom character
you hated yourself for even agreeing with your friends to go into a random town just to get drunk. it will be fun they said, but now you're just dying to go home and lay down on your comfy soft bed. unfortunately for you, you can't just ditch your friends and go home because you came here with their car,no taxi around here either so you're just stuck here, bored as hell. maybe a smoke break will clear your mind a little
so here you are, standing in a random dark alleyway to smoke. well, that's your plan until a random person approached you. he's wearing a hoodie that's definitely too big for him with a face mask "mind giving me some?" he suddenly asked, walking closer to you
you stared at him for a sec before turning away "nah, this shit expensive man. rather not give it to random guy" you replied, looking at him again. he just chuckled at your response "i've never seen your face here before. you're not from here im guessing?" he asked, which you answered with a simple nod, "it's dangerous to wonder around here all alone you know. these people aren't really friendly" he said, smiling at you
"...what do you want from me ?" you responded to him quite harshly, clearly annoyed that someone disturb your peace. "nothing, i just want you" he replied almost instantly. you just looked at him like he's crazy and awkwardly laughed, brushing it off as a joke before he spoke again, "im a sex worker, im quite popular around here. you're lucky that im offering my service to you" he said, getting uncomfortably closer to you
"I'll pass, don't carry cash with me" you responded, turning around to walk away until he grabbed your arm and push you against the wall
"don't worry. i won't charge you much. how about.... you give me the pack of cigarettes and i let you hit? a good deal isn't it ?" you looked at him once again, "tempting isn't it? don't be scared now, i promise that im better than any women you've ever slept with" he whispered to your ear
you'll definitely regret this later but oh well, you've been pent up after all, being single and shit for so long. before you can even say anything, "I'll give you a tease" he said with a smile, before kneeling down and tugged on your pants "i can tell that you're big even from far" rubbing your clothed cock while looking up at you
slowly pulling your pants and underwear down, revealing your half-hard cock. "oh, look! someone's already excited even though he was acting all tough before" he teased you,slightly pushing his mask up so he can kiss the tip of your cock before swallowing it whole. getting head from a stranger in a dark alleyway is not your plan but you are not complaining at this point. i mean, he's not that bad looking now that you can kinda see half of his face, he's quite pretty actually.
he looks up to you before pushing your cock all the way to his throat. he's practically sucking your cock like it's the best meal he ever had "you're getting close?" he asked, stroking your cock
you came all over his mouth and mask after a few minutes of throatfucking him "woah.... it's so thick, you must been pent up this whole time" he said, putting his mask back on properly before standing up again "wanna try my hole next ? all of my customers love it" he teased, pulling his own pants down, revealing that he's wearing nothing under it with his own cock leaking precum "hoodie stays on though, but I'll give you a little teaser" he said, giving you a smile before lifting up his hoodie revealing his nipples piercings
he grabbed your hand to feel his body "do you like it? I've never show my body to anyone else you know" he said, giving you a little smile "anyways, lets get into the good part" he continued, turning around, spreading his cheeks apart, showing you his twitching pink hole
you pushed your cock inside him "you're so big" he moaned. slowly moving your hips to let him adjust to your cock before picking up the pace. you thrust into so eagerly "looks like you like it too" he teased, which made you pick up the pace
he's slowly losing his grip on the wall, knees shaking from your hard thrusts "shit, i can't hold myself up anymore" he said, trying to keep himself up. you pulled out your cock "huh? why did you-" you turned him around to face you before lifting him up "oh, missionary huh? i like it" he whispered to your ear seductively
you pushed your cock all the way in him which caught him off guard, his moans became high pitched and louder than before. his hands grips tightly on your shirt, "shit..the way your cum smells on my mask is so...intoxicating. and your cock too.. fuck, it's so deep"
you know that you're close when you can feel your lower abdomen grows hot, wanting to release all of your cum into him. he's getting close too, with the way he can't even speak any coherent sentences and his eyes are rolled back "please cum inside me, shit.. i need you to cum deep inside of me" you slammed your cock inside him one last time, releasing your cum as he came right after
you let him down and clean yourself up and so does he "i really wish that you'd become my regular now. nobody ever fucks me that good" he said, pulling his pants up "hey, put your number in my phone. maybe we can meet up and fuck in my dorm later on" he continued, handing his phone to you.
you gave him your number and passed it back to him "thanks sweetheart" he replied, giving you a wink. you looked at your watch and realise it's quite late, your friends might be looking for you at this point. don't want to make them suspect anything, "i need to go now, it's great meeting you..." you told him, which he replied with a smile. as he turned around to walk away, you suddenly remembered something and grabbed his arm. surprised, he looks at you and smiled "oh! are you not satisfied with one round?" he teased you before you quickly shoved the cigarettes pack into his hand "here, as we promise" you told him before walking away, leaving him standing there
he watched as you walked away, wanting to pull on your arm and tell you to stay. but he can't, he shouldn't do it. maybe he'll contact you again soon, he's taken a liking to you now ♡
a/n: this shit is inspired by a doujin i've seen lol
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ghostycatz · 3 days
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A bit late, but here's a lil set of fanarts for @post-it-notes7 in honor of the third anniversary of their fanfic series, Heart and Soul!
Post, I've said it several times before and I'll say it again: you are truly a phenomenal writer and artist, and following along with this series has been nothing but a pleasure. I had some personal issues going on at the time I started reading, and doing so definitely brought some light to those times. You are a huge inspiration to me, and thank you for creating this wonderfully-written series, it's obvious that you put your heart and soul into it! (pun intended)
❗️Warning for eye-strain/bright colors underneath❗️
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lndonorizz · 1 day
Hi :) Can you please write second change romance with Lando and he says “After all this time, i still love you."
Hundred years
LN04 x reader
word count: 3.1k
summary: searching for him every where is a curse turned blessing.
warning: none.
[if it's bad, I apologize very hardly]
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"the games over, what are you looking at?" Your friends called out to you. You saw him. Your hands gripping the railing, as your eyes searched again. People getting up from their seat but no face matched the one you were looking for.
With a defeated sigh you finally let your friends pull you away. Maybe you were thinking too much. "Let's go to the rooftop place, I've been dying to go" your best friend said as she intertwined her hands with yours. Glancing to your other friends, you smiled and nodded.
As you both got ready, your friend group made their way towards the restaurant. Having a place to sit as the time passed by the enjoyment. Not a single second passed without laughter but the thought still at the back of your mind.
A coat around your hand as you got pulled by your best friend. The familiar cologne hitting your nose making you halt. You whipped your head to the direction as you saw him. "You guys go, I'll come on my own" You whispered as you unlaced your hands with hers. She only nodded, giving a weak smile as she walked with the rest of the group.
"I knew I saw you" You said as you walked besides him. He looked the same. The same as the day you left him. His hand in his pocket as the other had a drink in it's hand. "Did you?" He whispered back as he glanced at you.
You nodded, looking up at him. Silence filling the air as it brushed past you both. Your fingers rubbing into each other. Suddenly you can feel the hair sticking to your neck, the dress on your body and make-up on your skin. Pulling out a claw clip, you clipped your hair up. At least one less thing to feel but a hundred remain.
"Why?" A whisper came from him. His elbows now against the railing as he placed his drink besides it. "After all this time, I still.." love you. He stopped mid sentence. You did too. You looked at him. His eyes focused ahead. But yours remains on his. You knew what he was asking, the answer never left.
"Just felt right" He chuckled. You could hear the lump at the back of his throat. "Right? Nothing was right after you left" He said. "That's not true, you had your first win. Congratulations" You whispered as you smiled.
"Yeah, without you" He snapped back almost instantly. Straightening up again as he turned his body towards you. "I wanted you there when I won, to feel your arms, your voice cheering me on" He continued as he took a step towards you. Closing the distance.
You took a sharp breath. Staring up at him as he inched closer. Hundred words circling your mind, none on your lips. He let out a frustrated sigh as he closed his eyes, turning around to leave.
Your hands instinctively wrapped themselves around the collar of his shirt. Pulling him in, placing your foreheads together. "Stay" you muttered as another shaky breath leave your lips.
The noises of the busy street below the rooftop silencing. Only the sounds of each others uneven breathing could be heard. Staying like that for a few seconds before his hands wrapped around your waist. Pulling you flush against him.
Even a smallest gap can seem like miles right now. "Fuck it" you whispered as you closed the remaining gap. Placing your lips on his. You hands that gripped his collar now lay flat against his chest.
Your lips move in sync. Like they know how to react to each move, having a mind of their own. The grip on your waist tightened. As if you would disappear if he loosened it. After what felt like years and seconds together, you both pull away.
You chuckled a bit as your hand traveled to his cheek. Him leaning into it unknowingly. "I was a fool. Forgive me?" You smiled as you tilted your head.
He broke into a smile as he dipped his head kissing you again. Lifting you in the air, still your lips locked.
"I'll forgive you even after a hundred years" He said, making you laugh as you threw your head back. Maybe this time, you won't "just feel right" ever again.
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thirstywoso · 3 days
Colour outside the lines //
Jessie Fleming x Reader
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W/C: 1.6k
Warnings: none
A/N: little angst and a little fluff
Edit: I wrote this in less than 2 hours whilst I was bored at work and I'm not sure I like it but let's gooo
You'd have thought working with Jessie would be fun but sometimes her competitive edge and your stubbornness wouldn't always be as beneficial as it usually was. That was the case this week, training was something you had always enjoyed but lately yourself and Jessie were pushing each other to one another's limits. Sure in the long run this would be good for your fitness and stamina, that being said you were run ragged most days.
Today though you were wrecked, it started in the morning when you had arrived at training. Sitting down on the bench in front of your cubby you were talking to Sam about the session you had coming up.
"Y/n if you're going to be fighting for dominance with Jessie again today I won't be partnering with you" she mocked pretending to roll her eyes
You playfully swatted her on the arm. "You wouldn't ever dream of leaving me partnerless Coffey" you put your hand on your chest as if you were offended.
"Just because I love you doesn't mean I can keep up with this weird competitive thing you've got on with Miss Freckles over there"
You laughed at her comment before glancing over at the mentioned woman who sat opposite you in the changing room, she caught your eye and gave you a determined look. "Shit" you thought to yourself knowing today was going to be another tough one.
"Earth to y/n, where'd you just go?"
You looked back at her with a blank expression wondering how long you'd zoned out for.
"Look I'll partner with you always but please don't drag me into it, I've been asleep by 9 after I train with you" she said putting a hand on your shoulder to stop you from wondering into your own world again.
"I can't promise anything.."
By lunch time Sam had indeed regretted partnering up with you.
The morning entailed parters competing in various challenges that would be ranked based on a combined score.
The first challenge was the vertical jump, where each team had to go twice and their best score would be counted.
Sam and yourself just beating Jessie and Janine by 1 point which of course Jessie claimed that you had cheated and wanted a rematch but the coaches confirmed the scores were final.
Next you had an endurance test, where the first person in the pair would run from one end of the pitch and back and then the second one would go and so on. The teams that lasted the longest would gain the most points.
Jessie and Janine had won that to your dismay with you only dropping out a lap before them.
The morning continued on like that where you would win a challenge and then Jessie would win a challenge. When lunch time rolled around you had reached a deadlock.
"Are you not sick of these two bickering over who is better everyday?" Janine asked Sam as they joined yourself and Jessie at the lunch table.
"Who isn't?" Sam Laughed
"Sorry that we like to keep our relationship alive with some healthy competition" Jessie defended
"Babe you must admit we have been going a bit crazy with this lately"
"Y/n's right Jessie, y'all have been killing us and everyone else has been saying it's been getting out of control" Sam tried to reason
"Yeah we understand the competitive side you both have but bickering every time you don't win is getting old even y/n is sick of it" Janine aimed at Jessie
Jessie looked over to you catching your eye, you just held your hands up surrendering
"You think it's getting tiring too?" She said looking disappointed
You didn't answer straight away as you didn't want to upset Jessie and as much as you loved her playful side you were starting to come home drained each day to the point you'd sometimes fall asleep whilst eating dinner that Jessie had cooked you.
Jessie stood up heading for the door back towards the training facilities "Jess, come on don't be like that" you called after her but it was no use.
"Thanks guys" you said sarcastically as you got up in the direction of Jessie.
The rest of training Jessie had avoided you not even acknowledging you when you tried to talk to her. You'd planned on breaking your deadlock during this part of the afternoon but you could tell it wasn't a good idea with the scowl she had painted on her face.
Even the ride home from training was quiet and you knew even if you attempted to talk to her it would be futile.
Getting in through the door Jessie made her way to your bedroom and shut the door behind her, you leant against the cool granite of the kitchen island and released a sigh you hadn't realised you'd be holding in.
Closing your eyes you let yourself think about what the hell had happened today. You decided the best way to get on Jessie's good side would be to cook her favourite meal of yours.
You began cooking your famous chicken pesto pasta and set up the table with some candles. Admiring the set up you realised something was missing so you walked down to the local store and bought some of your girlfriends favourite flowers and grabbed her a coffee from her favourite coffee shop.
When you returned you lit the candles and arranged the flowers heating the meal you had made. Once you'd served it up you put on some music and lightly knocked on your bedroom door before entering.
Seeing Jessie laying there staring at the ceiling in thought
"Hey.." you said nervously
She didn't answer
"Look, I know you're upset but there's some food out here for you and if you're up for it I would like to talk about what happened today"
You closed the door and went and sat at the table, just as you were about to start you heard the door click open and Jessie's feet padding softly towards you.
"Jess, I know you're upset because I hadn't said anything"
"Why didn't you tell me y/n/n?"
"I just, I love you Jess and your quirky competitive side. In fact I've really enjoyed training lately but this past week you've just been putting me to shame and keeping up with you has been an effort and I'm just finding myself so lethargic I can't even enjoy our quiet time together" you rambled out explaining before she could say anything.
Jessie grabbed your hand across the table "I'm sorry, I thought you enjoyed that about me and I didn't want to disappoint you by stopping our fun routine we have going on"
You rubbed your thumb over her hand comfortingly prompting her to carry on.
"I wish you'd have said something, I was just upset that I had to hear from our friends how you were feeling." She paused "I guess I'm saying that it hurt you felt you could go to them before you could go to me"
"Jessie, I promise it wasn't like that. Sam had complained I was working her too hard and I simply agreed that I was tired too"
"I understand, I just hope this means we are okay. I certainly think it'll do us both some good if we get a break from this healthy competition that has slowly become unhealthy" Jessie reasoned
"I agree"
You are the rest of you meal just casually chatting about other things going on in your life. After you finished Jessie washed the dishes and you dried them packing them away.
"How about we go cuddle up and watch a movie?" Jessie held out an olive branch
"How could I refuse" you smile
You'd both changed into some shorts and T-shirts you in her UCLA shirt and her in your old National team jersey.
Cuddling up to Jessie under the blanket you closed your eyes as she gently stroked your arm. Her fingers gently tracing the tattoos that ran from your shoulder to your wrist.
You hummed in contentment as she continued
"You know I've always wondered what these would look like in colour" Jessie said mindlessly
"Oh yeah?"
"Colour them in if you like?"
"Can I?"
You stood up grabbing a pack of colouring pens from a draw and returned handing them to Jessie
"Go ahead!"
You then sat there as Jessie began to colour in the flowers you had on your arm, taking care that she didn't colour outside the lines.
You're not sure how long you sat there for watching as Jessie meticulously coloured each piece of skin. Relaxing into the feeling the next thing you know you woke up. Jessie still tracing the shapes on your body only now you were fully in colour, and a suspicious addition where you arm and wrist connect. As you pulled your arm closer to inspect you realised that she had written her name on you.
You smiled to yourself and looked at her, a guilty smirk evident on her face.
"You really do bring colour to my life" looking back at your arm "literally"
"I love you more than anything" Jessie said sincerely
"I, I don't think I could ever express how big my feelings are for you" you thought for a second "I could genuinely burst when I look at you, my heart combusts just trying to put it into words"
"Ew gross, but you too" Jessie fake gagged at your sentiment.
This earned a shove from you which had Jessie landing on the floor in a pile of blankets looking up at you bemused.
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hxnbi · 3 days
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HAYATO SUO knew something was wrong when he received that phone call. He reached for his cell phone and held it up to his ear, but no sound came from the other end.
“Hello? Hello? Y/n??”
"Y/n I can't hear you, can you say that agai—"
His heart dipped, and he was left with nothing but the sounds of being drowned in his own panic.
Suo’s lips remained tightly shut when you said your first and only words to him that entire call before the line went dead and the call froze from the other end.
The voice that came from your end. Did he really hear that correctly...?
The sound of your voice—so lovely and melodious—disguised the hidden horror of what was truly going on behind the curtain.
“The ambulance— here!!”
"They're bleeding too much..."
“Start CPR ASAP!!”
Beads of cold sweat ran down Suo’s back.
‘No… that can’t be for you, right?’
The only words he could comprehend at that moment were the sirens of what he assumed to be an ambulance, and the dozens of bystanders, medical staff, and a man, screaming, yelling, and throwing a tantrum, being taken away from the other end of the phone.
Not even Suo's shaky hands could reach yours. The distance between you both was immeasurable.
That was the last and only time he picked up the phone from your number that day. And from the only time he did, when Suo clicked your ID and, in horror, saw the dozens of unanswered calls and several increasingly cryptic texts from hours ago, his heart sank.
He didn’t read or care about a damn one.
Just left my house, I'll be there in 10!
Suo! When are you coming? I’m at the cafe!
Kotoha is wondering where you are too. Get here soon! Your food is getting cold
Hayato, it's been an hour, are you okay…?
I’m coming to Furin, I’ll be there in 30 minutes so don't move!
Hayato, are you nearby?
I feel like there's something behind me but I don't wanna look back
I found a space to take cover for a bit, so im okay for now
I see his hair peering from outside the cafe
Can you come soon? I'm getting a little worried
The cafe is closing so I'm heading back home. I'm a bit scared but I've got it aha
Hayato, please answer me
[ unread ]
That final message from you was sent two hours ago.
…He forgot about you. 
Him. Hayato Suo, had let you down. 
And because of that, you were at the hospital.
Suo had mere seconds to steel himself, holding in the tears that would inevitably taint his perfect face if he considered the worst-case scenarios, but they came along anyway, swirling around like parasites in his mind. And why wouldn't they? For all he knew, you might not make it through the night.
And that... that clenched at his heart.
Your unconscious self, with wires, tubes, and bandages dangling from your beaten-up body. The steady beep of the heart monitor crossed the silence, and an IV drip was attached to your arm, slowly delivering the necessary fluids and medications. Your face—pale and peaceful—contrasted with the harsh reality of your condition and his own reality. 
“How… How could this have happened?”
It was a bitter feeling. Because he knew. He knew what had happened, but because of his own involvement, he refused to admit it.
You, the only one he would ever love in his life, lying on a hospital bed, with visible injuries from head to toe.
No words could ever describe the hurt he felt when he saw your fragile form. You were suffering, and he couldn’t even do anything about it.
He inwardly scoffed, a fleeting expression of frustration crossing his face. Did he even have a right to worry about you…? When he was the reason you were here in the first place?
He couldn’t protect you, all because of him.
Hayato Suo, he had let you down. Time and time again, for it wasn’t the first. He put Furin, he put himself, and worst of all, he put everything else over you. 
He should've known when you said you were heading out alone that day with a sorry expression. You never did end up reaching Bofurin’s building, and he had failed to ensure your safety as a result of his own stupidity. 
He could barely stand to know the cause of your injuries, because, in his mind, every one of them was his fault.
Each wound, each bruise, was a direct consequence of his failures to protect you—and his carelessness and his failure to shield you from the visible marks he left behind. The burden of his failure to be there for you when you needed him most was an ever-present reminder of the crushing shame he felt.
People have always called him a smart cookie. Someone who could easily solve any problem with that sharp mind of his. But what use was that when he couldn’t even see through the facade you were wearing that day…? 
His hand found the way to where his heart was positioned. He scratched at his chest and pounded at his ribcage. He wanted to find his heart. Scratch his heart out so he could also feel the pain that he unknowingly inflicted on you.
But you knew he wasn't honest with you, and for that, he only had himself to blame. Suo always appeared calm, happy, and seemingly pleasant... Because if he showed you the turmoil and anxiety he had hidden within him, what would happen to you?
But in his pursuit to protect you, all he did was hurt you beyond repair.
Suo was a person who kept everything to himself, and from that, he unintentionally distanced himself from everyone who called him a “friend.” And that included you as well. The times when he would listen to your ramblings and stories about your daily life, all while keeping his own behind closed doors.
Whether, in that equation, you held a higher standard didn’t matter anymore, because it wasn’t him that was in the hospital, fighting for their lives, but you. 
“I’m sorry…” you told him through the phone.
Those couldn’t be your final words to him… No, they can’t be. He refused to accept it. Not through the cold, mechanical sounds of a device, from your own mouth and voice. 
But perhaps he may never hear it again.
And he only had himself to blame.
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©hxnbi. comments, reblogs, and likes are always appreciated ♡
banner creds go to @faintrustle
when i was getting down to writing a request the other day, i was, for some reason, super angst inspired and drafted up an entirely new prompt just for the hell of it. also wanted to ty out a new format for this one, so lmk what you think :)
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vivwritesfics · 2 days
Set The World On Fire
Chapter Eighteen
Lando Norris had been incredibly angry when they met. Incredibly angry, but sweet enough to help her. Turns out he just needed somebody to talk to, somebody to be there for him.
He was easy to fall for, and that put her in a world of danger
Mafia AU
Series Masterlist
This one has discrepancies to the original fic. In the original, Lando doesn't realise that his sister is missing until the morning Carlos arrives. This is not the case here.
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Nobody in the Norris house slept that night. The staff were running around, checking the doors and windows, checking the security cameras, and resetting the alarms. The house was so incredibly tense.
Lando wouldn't let her out of his sight. He held her in his office, kept her in his lap as men came to him with what footage they could find. She was on his lap, his gun in the waistband of her pyjamas.
"I've got you," he whispered, his thumb swiping across her cheek and wiping away her tears.
"I know." Her head away on his shoulder, face pressed into his neck. Her body still shook as she let her tears fall.
When there was a knock at his office door, she still, stiffening against him. Lando let his hand travel down her back, towards the gun in the waistband of her pyjamas.
"It's me," called Max (Fewtrell).
Lando moved his hand away from the gun and released a breath. "Come in," he called and kissed the top of her head as Max walked into the office.
Max didn't look at her as he walked into the office. Good, Lando couldn't help but think as he squeezed his arms around her. "Tell me you've found something," he said as Max approached the desk.
He shook his head as he threw down the stack of papers. "Nothing," he answered. "Whoever they are, they must have done this sort of thing before. They got through the alarm system as if they knew the passwords."
"Were they the same people that attacked a few months ago?" Lando hardly registered it as he lifted her head from his shoulder to look at the papers on the desk.
Pictures of the van she had been thrown into sat on the top stack of papers. And there she was, being thrown into the back. Lando took the picture from her hands and placed it face down on the table. "Don't, baby," he whispered and pulled her hand up to kiss it.
"No," she said and reached for it again. "I wanna see."
No faces could be seen beneath the black ski masks, but their builds were visible. She was visible, too. Gagged and bound, on the floor of the van. It was enough to have bile rising in her throat.
Putting the picture back down, she shut her eyes and pressed her face against his neck.
Told you. It was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't bring himself to say it. His fingers danced up her spine, but that wasn't what had her shivering.
Lando turned his attention to Max. "Contact the guy on our payroll, see if he can find anything out," he said, dismissing him.
Max said nothing as he backed out of the office and shut the door behind him.
Lando's lips were against her her cheek in an instant. "You should get some sleep, baby," he whispered, fingers still dancing across her back. It was so damn soothing, but she was as stiff as a board, fingers still gripping his shirt. "I'll take you to the bed."
She only gripped him tighter. "No!" She cried. "Lando, I'm not going back into that room."
A sigh left his lips, but he couldn't argue with her. "Okay," he whispered and squeezed her. Softly he hummed. Lando didn't often hum, but it was something she needed in that moment. "I love you," he whispered.
It didn't take long for her to fall asleep against him. Lando was just so damn warm against her and his humming was helping to keep her mind off of things. She didn't dream that night, and her sleep only last for a couple of hours.
Lando didn't sleep, not while she was laying against him. Constantly he was whispering to her, reassuring words of love. Whether she heard any of it was another story.
Four hours later, somebody was knocking at the door. Lando reached around her to check the front door feed on his computer.
Her head lifted from his shoulder. "Lan?" She whispered as she wiped at her eyes and reached up to touch his cheek. "What's up?"
He sucked in a deep breath. "My brother in law is here."
*** (This will be very different to the original scene in nnta)
From the top of the stairs, she watched as Lando pulled open the front door. He was still in the suit he had been wearing the night before, looking dishevelled and sleepless.
He'd seen how excited Carlos looked through the cameras, and it filled him with terror. "Oh," Carlos said upon seeing Lando standing at the door.
"Carlos," Lando said, stepping to the side to let Carlos (and Oscar) into the house.
Carlos quickly looked around the house. Any minute now and his wife was going to come running down the stairs, he knew. He caught sight of Lando's girl at the top of the stairs, looking so damn afraid.
But his wife wasn't running down the stairs. Why the hell wasn't she running down the stairs? Maybe she was still asleep in her childhood bedroom, hand cradling her bump as she rested.
"Go and get her, Lando," Carlos said as he sat down.
"Carlos, she's not here."
Lando's hand was beneath his suit jacket, ready to reach for his gun. Carlos let his face settle in a deep frown as he stared at his brother in law. "Be very careful with what you say to me next."
Lando explained it.
Suddenly Carlos had a hold of him. He had his shirt collar in his hands as he pushed Lando up against the wall. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He roared. "SHE'S GONE AND IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU!"
"Carlos!" Lando pushed him back and Carlos let go of him, head falling into his hands. "They tried to take my girl, too."
"Tried," Carlos spat. "They should have."
From the top of the stairs, she watched. They should have. Yeah, because if they'd taken her, Lando's sister might have had a chance at being safe.
Suddenly, someone was sitting behind her. A hand touched her shoulder and her body jolted with fear.
"Sorry," said the person sitting beside her. She turned her head slightly to see the man that had rushed up the stairs just a few minutes ago. "Carlos doesn't mean what's he's saying. He just wants to know that his wife is safe."
She gave a nod. "I get that," she mumbled, head resting against the post.
"I'm Oscar."
Suddenly, she perked up. "Oscar? Lando's friend? The one who went to Spain?"
He gave a nod and, under any other circumstances, he would have been smiling. But his best friend, the girl he had been in love with at one point, was missing. "You must be Lando's girl."
Lando's girl.
Nobody had ever called her that before. Warmth blossomed in her chest at that as she looked at him at the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah," she mumbled, "That's me."
For four days Carlos and Oscar were in the house, trying to find any sign of the pregnant Mrs Sainz. But nothing was coming up and the three men were about to go out of their minds.
Lando let his forehead hit hers. "Fuck," he choked as she moved her fingers through his hair. He leaned in and pressed his lips against her own for only a second. His hands squeezed her, as if making sure she was really there.
"You guys are gonna find her," she whispered, but the words felt so damn wrong on her tongue.
A sigh left his lips, eyes falling shut. They would find her, he knew they would. He just didn't know what stare they would find her in, and that was so damn terrifying.
It could have been you. But Lando didn't say that. He kissed her shoulder. "C'mon, Baby," he mumbled and pulled her out of the kitchen. There was no way he was leaving her alone after this. She was never leaving his sight after this.
The moment she was sitting down, Carlos Sainz sat beside her. She swallowed as she looked at him. "I'm sorry," she said, the rest of the words getting stuck on her tongue. She cleared her throat, ready to force them out. "About your wife."
Carlos was simply glaring across the room, glaring at Lando. "He can't keep you safe," he spat. "He couldn't keep his own sister protected, what makes you think he could keep you safe?"
On the fourth day, Carlos Sainz got a text notification. He'd been getting them since he found out his wife was missing, but that was just his men informing him that she hadn't been found. It was a wonder he hadn't yet broken his phone with how angry he was.
This notification, though, was from an unknown number. There was a mixture of fear and anticipation.
Carlos opened the video that had been sent to him. The minute the deep breathing started, Lando and Oscar gathered behind him, watched the video over his shoulder.
It was hard to make out what he was seeing at first, the video too dark, the person not in focus. But then the person holding the camera adjusted it and the view of the person became clearer.
Carlos's eyes went wide.
"Hello, Sainz. I believe I have something that belongs to you."
If you enjoyed this, please feel free to buy me a coffee
Permanent taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool
Series Taglist (CLOSED): @millinorrizz
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glitterjay · 3 days
can u please please please write husbandgirldad!Jay x fem Reader (idol Jay) and he comes home after a long day of work and misses his wife
⭒ husband!jay, idol!jay, wife!reader, married, they have 2 daughters, pet names, praising, soft dom jay, coming inside, there's some fluff, minors dni
⭒ c's note: i've become even more delulu because this man is soooo husband material 😞 i need him so bad its not even a joke anymore
⭒ taglist (open): @hollyoongs @fertilizedtoesw
please reblog if you like it! it helps me a lot
the idol life behind cameras was way harder than people imagined. the public eye does not see the amount of hard work and training idols have to go through every day to be able to give their audience an excellent performance. the support of fans is crucial for artists to be successful and so they had to fulfill things according to their preferences.
it was a big deal when jay wanted to put out in the light his relationship with you back when you were still boyfriend and girlfriend, but it was a risk he was willing to take. to both of your surprises, the news didnt receive as much backlash as you expected, with some people saying jay was already an adult tat knew what he wanted, and it was his life to live anyway.
now you were openly his wife, and you and your two girl were known of. the only difference was that nobody knew who his wife or kids were. your relationship had been open ever since you were just dating, but for your privacy and now your girls' sake, jay never put your faces to the light.
he was preparing for a comeback, so he was hardly home during the day, and was only there at night to rest and then went back to work early in the morning. your two daughters said they missed their dad, and that they wanted to play with him and see him in person, not through facetime like they had grown used to for the past month. it was hard to tell them he was busy, but it was all you could say.
promotions would be over eventually, and he'd be back home for a while before the company decided to give him another comeback. it was tough to get used to at first, but the routine became a part of you.
it was already pretty late at night. your oldest daughter who was already 6 years old had gone to bed after a shower while you tried to comfort your crying 3 year old. she was a little irritated because she was tired, but she kept repeating the word "dada" over and over. it broke your heart, but it was too late to keep waiting, and she was evidentially falling asleep as the seconds passed.
as you tried to sing her to sleep, you heard the front door open. it had caused her to open her eyes again, and she started crying once more. you sighed and took her with you to the living room to greet your husband, who smiled as soon as he saw the both of you enter his field of vision.
"what is this little one doing awake?" he asked, taking the little girl from your arms to hold her in his. she quickly laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, it was as easy as that. she missed her dad and you couldnt blame her for it.
"she was being grumpy and stubborn. she wanted to wait for you and refused to sleep. our oldest princess couldnt make it, she went straight to bed on her own like a big girl."
jay laughed and kissed the little girl's temple, giving you a kiss on the lips after. "i'll put her to sleep with her sister and then we can catch up, mmkay?"
it was very sweet to see your busy husband make some time to see his daughters even if he was exhausted. he was leaning on the frame of their room's door staring at them with glistening eyes. it was the same look he had on his face when they were born. you would stay up for him and you would ask how things were going with his schedules, but it didnt last long most of the time. you were both tired, him from all the training, and you from doing everything around the house and taking care of the kids. being a mom is a full time job as well.
you waited for him in your shared bed, already getting comfortable as he changed his clothes. you laid on your side, your back facing his part of the bed, and you sighed. the day had seemed to be longer and more tiring than other, and you didnt think you'd stay awake much longer.
you felt the other side of the bed sink as jay laid down, quickly pressing his chest to your back, hugging you tightly and giving you kisses all over your neck and shoulders. you missed him. his scent, his voice, his touch. it didnt take much time for you to feel his hips moving under the covers, something rock solid poking your ass. jay was still incredibly close to you, and you could feel him breathing on your ear. his hands roamed your body, tickling your tummy as they passed by every inch of skin he could possibly touch. you closed your eyes and melted on his arms.
his hands found a stop on the hem of your sleeping shorts, sliding in past your panties as well to touch where you needed most. you let out a shaky gasp, throwing your head back to rest it on jay's body. he was still busy kissing all over your neck and shoulders, biting and licking as well. his hand was doing wonders to your clit and hole, it was a charm that was still there despite all this years.
in all honesty, jay missed all the intimacy you used to have as boyfriend and girlfriend, which was soon lost when his girls, who were his pride and joy, came into the world, and his busy schedules. the stress was starting to pile up on his shoulders, and there was nothing else he longed for more than having you all to himself like he used to.
he removed the covers that were covering both of you, and hovered over your body. he positioned himself between your legs, and stayed there for a good minute just admiring you. for some reason, his gaze made you feel intimidated, and you looked away. this caused him to reach for you face and force you to look up at him again. "is it just me, or do you look more stunning as the days go by?"
it was like your first time all over again. the sweet talk, the ghosting touches, the nervousness, the excitement that came with it, it was just beautiful. jay was quick to get his, and your lower half naked. his dick was free and for a moment your eyes almost popped out of their sockets. was he always this big?
he aligned his tip with your entrance and you saw him throw his head back at the contact. he was overly sensitive and he could've sworn the rest of his life flashed before his eyes. there was just something about you that made him go crazy in every sense, and not being able to have a moment like this in a long time had thrown him over the edge.
once he was fully in, he let you adjust for a few seconds. your walls were clenching hard on him, swallowing his cock entirely. he wanted to move, he wanted to thrust, he wanted to make you scream, but it wasnt the same as before. there were two girls soundly asleep in a room a few steps away. he had to go slow and plus, he wanted the moment to last as long as it could.
he was gentle, moving with a steady but not too fast pace. your hands held to his strong arms, which held your waist tightly. the ring on your hand was glowing and so was the one on his hand. it was a cute thing to see. jay could see the way his pace made your body move up and down and it was an amazing sight to watch.
"missed you so fuckin' much." he said between thrusts.
all you could do was groan and gasp in return. you were biting your lip to retrain your noises as much as you could. you knew that if you replied with words, your own voice would betray you, and jay would definitely make you moan out loud on purpose.
" 'm gonna make you mine again."
his words were not only directed at you, but at your pussy as well. his right hand left your waist to play with your clit, and you had to let go of his arms to cover your mouth. jay knew you were close by the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head, and how you body was starting to shake.
"fucking hell, you're so hot. cum for me, baby."
and right on command, you released on him, gasping for air as you tried to push him away with everything you had. it had been a long time since you came this hard, it was overwhelming to still have him inside you. to your dismay, he would keep going until he was done.
"hold on a little bit, honey. you're doing so well for me."
it was hard to hold in a scream, and jay was aware of it. the hand that was once playing with your bundle of nerves made its way to your face, where he inserted to fingers into your mouth.
"that a girl. stay busy, love. let me use you while i can."
with groans and low moans, he came inside you. the warm sensation made you have yet again another orgasm, and your sight became fuzzy. there was a ringing in your ears from the rush that died down quickly when you felt your husband kissing your thighs to soothe you up.
"im sorry for finishing inside like that," he said. "it just had been so long since i last did it.. three years to be exact."
you laughed it off with the last bit of energy you had left, and signed for him to get closer with your hand. you grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. "thankfully, i've been on the pill ever since."
"bummer, i wanted a third."
© glitterjay
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dark-night-hero · 1 day
Imagine Kamisato Ayato who was in a good term with his former/ex significant other. Sure you were mad at him at first because why, why couldn't you be enough for him? Why can't he choose you over his family? You used to be so mad at him. Used to.
Imagine accepting the fact that the two of you were not meant to be together. Sure you were each others half, a perfect piece of puzzle that just suit each other but you were not what he needed and probably never. But he does needed you, it was just he was selfless. He needed you but they needed him too, his family needed him too. You were just aren't the best choice for his family. You used to hate him. Used to.
Imagine having to come up with the fact that he still loves you. Even after all the heartbreak and tears, he still care about you. But not as openly as he does anymore.
"You know. You don't have to do this anymore." You hate him. Looking at him kneeling in front of you trying to inspect your perfect fine ankle after accidentally tripping when you saw him in front of you. "I know." He replied, not looking up at you. "Then why-" "It doesn't mean that we're done that I stopped caring. I still does." He cut off before standing up. "I think it's all fine." "I told you it was nothing..." You trail off as he gave you a smile, a small sad smile while his eyes looked at you with love. So muh love that disappear in a blink of an eye like it was never there. "I'll get going now. It was nice seeing you again." You hate that even without asking, you forgive him. "Hey commisioner." He stop mid walk but never turn around. "Feel free to drop by the cafe if you need a break." Before he could turn around, you turn your back at him.
Imagine Kamisato Ayato who was in a good term with his ex. The way the two of you slowly went back to what the two of you were before. Friends. Acting like none of the heartbreak, tears, happiness and love happened. Things were much better of this way. Sure it still hurt when you saw him with his fiance that would surely bring back their clan to their former glory but. It was fine. It felt weird that it was fine. Not too long after he got married, you does too.
Imagine often coming to the estate with your kids. Life is okay. You are happy on how things played out, you are contented with the life you have. But sometimes, you would often catch gaze of Ayato looking fondly of your children. "Strange." You spoke out of the blue that caught his attention. "Now none of your children looks like you." You chuckle. "It would nice." Is that an insul- "A child that looks like you would be nice." "My spouse said that alot, maybe we should have one last try." "You should." Fool. You thought as you look away, stop looking like that while saying that. "But hey! Maybe you and-" "No. Once is enough." "... You have a twin though.."
Imagine once in a while, a small get together would happened between just the two of you in the first place the two of you met. In that old cafe you and your spouse now manage. "Are you happy?" It was a question that came out of the blue with a very serious tone that makes you look into him as you gently set your drink down. Following his gaze, you saw a familiar teenage blue hair guy and one of your children a few years younger than his son. A chuckle left your lips. That made him turn to look at you. "We're not getting any younger aren't we." You smile and continue to look at the teens from afar, fingers playing with your wedding ring. "I've been living the happiest moment of my life ever since, Ayato." "I see." Once again, there was a small sad yet genuine smile on his lips. "Are you, happy?" You asked back. You then watch him look outside, "I'm fine."
Imagine as you bid him goodbye, staring at his back. Its strange how the man who seemed to have everything looked so lonely as he walk away from you. But then once again, you just turn your back at him like he did. Walking inside your home were your family is waiting for you.
There was a saying that if who people remained friends after ending their relationship. There is a possibility that they never loved each other and the other being one of them still hold a lingerie feeling for the other. But who knows. Maybe in another life. He wouldn't have to chose anything else before you.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024° ;)
:start na ng ojt ko the day after tom. I am so fucking nervous being a front desk trainee, wish me luck on the VIP desk.
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derrick532 · 3 days
I've said this before and I'll say it again. What I want for Buck and Tommy is what David and Patrick have on Schitt's Creek. Yes there were some miscommunications that happened and insecurities that popped up but not once was their love ever questioned or diminished. #911onABC
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lndonorizz · 2 days
Pretty sounds
CL16 x reader
word count: 2.0k
Summary: You wanted Charles's attention but he didn't wanna divide it so he did both.
Warnings: 18+mdni, smut, dom!Charles, p in v, riding, dirty talk, ignoring(?)
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The room filled with the notes of the piano keys. Relentless but calming at the same time. Charles's fingers glided over the black and white keys with little to no effort.
"Did I say you could stop?" His voice echoed as his hand stopped. Silence filling the air until whines could be heard again. Charles's hand traveled into your hair, pulling slightly to make you look up at him.
"Already spent chéri?" Charles cooed as the corner of his lips curled up. His hands brushing your hair now. "Thought you wanted my attention, mhm? Come on, earn it" his hand wrapped around your jaw as he forced you to look.
Your eyes heavy from the constant tears at the pleasure, slightest bit of wind making them shut close again. With a shaky breath, you start moving your hips again.
Humming, he retracts his hand. Making you whine a bit at the loss of warmth. Symphonies of the notes filling the room again. But quickly stopping as your head falls against his shoulder.
"Tired?" He chuckled as his hands went to grab your hips. You could only whine as you snuggle into him more. "Maybe I should make you feel good, yeah? Give you the attention you have been begging for?"
You could feel him lifting you a bit before he repositioned himself under you. Sliding you down slowly, groaning at the feeling. "look at the mess, all for me?" He teased as her moved your hips for you.
One of his hands gripping your hips as the other gripped the piano ahead. His arm muscles flexing a bit as he gripped the piano tighter. The pressed keys echoing a sound before falling silent.
Skin slapping, moans and heavy breathing replacing the sounds in the room from before. Something Charles could never compose without you.
"Missed me making you such a mess? Not a thought in that pretty head of yours, huh?" He whispered in your ears as his hand from your hips travelled to your neck. Pressing slightly.
"I'm close Charles, fuck" you said as you let out another whimper. "Do you deserve it?" Charles whispered in a mocking tone as he tilted your head back a bit.
"Yes.. yes I've been good. Please" you begged as you gripped his shoulders tighter. Nails digging into his skin. Surely leaving a mark. "Then do it, let me feel you milking my cock like you crave it darling" that was enough to send you over.
Black spots spread in your vision as your legs shook. Charles hands snaked around your waist as he let go himself. Sitting in silence as he got up with you in his arms.
He chuckled as he looked down at you in his arms, "Maybe I'll use your pretty sounds for my next single"
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dwaekkicidal · 2 days
begging for you to write the tiniest ask (one little paragraph) about how you think bin would feel about you leaving bite marks on his biceps <3
I'm writing TWO paragraphs because fuck u! (im joking, i just love him so i have a lot to yap about😭) <3
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think he would LOOOVE any unnecessary attention to his biceps >< Bites included! And if he's aware your love language is biting?? Oh he's foldingggg. Knowing that you chomp on things you love then seeing you bite and nibble the arms that he worked so hard on will make his day. I think leaving marks there would be a new experiences for him. He might've thought at first that it was odd (he's only used to the idea of marks on a neck), but lets you get away with it anyways because he loves you to death. But THEN he's getting a glimpse of them in the mirror.. Either on his way to get dressed he passes a mirror or in the shower he sees in the corner of his eye a little dent on his arm (and hickeys if you leave them hehe). Would def get put in a trance over it, runs his finger over them and everything.
He realizes just how much he likes it when the marks start to fade, or if in general you don't sink your teeth into him for a while, and he genuinely gets upset about it. Is in denial about it for a bit lol. Will eventually try to entice you to leave more by flexing his arms more than usual and wears tank tops/t-shirts so you can see that his poor arms are so desolate!!!
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thirstywoso · 2 hours
Five years down, forever to go // Jessie Fleming x Reader 18+
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Synopsis: You and Jessie may be celebrating your fifth anniversary but that doesn't mean the raw attraction has gone
A/N: Please enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it
Warnings: 18+ mdni Smut, just pure smut. Light/minimal choking, fingering r receiving and giving, strap on use r receiving, oral r receiving and giving, marking, praise kink, minimal/barely mentioned/implied alcohol usage, implied squirting, finger sucking, semi public, aftercare, I think that's it?
W/C: 3.6k
Five years, five years yourself and Jessie had been together you thought to yourself as you fixed your hair in the hallway mirror waiting for Jessie to appear from your room. You heard a small cough and turned to see a suited up Jessie stood in the door way. Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of her, five years and she still flawed you every time you saw her.
Jessie was wearing black pants, a matching long sleeve shirt that was unbuttoned down to the middle of her chest paired with some white air forces. Her hair was slicked back and she had the biggest grin on her face as she took you all in.
"Are you sure you're still hungry enough to go out?" You laughed turning back towards your own reflection
"Mhmm, why?" Jessie looked at you puzzled
"Because you practically just ate me with your eyes Jess!" You smirk at her through the mirror
"Can you blame me, you look gorgeous tonight babe"
"I could say the same about you but it wouldn't do how good you look justice"
After a few minutes of you both just staring at each other Jessie made a move to get the car keys from the bowl by the door. Making her way to the car she opened the door for you, like she still did after all these years having never once let you open it for yourself.
You got in and drove in relatively comfortable silence, occasionally one of you would steal a glance at the other a few times making eye contact and quickly looking away. You felt like a giddy school girl with a crush on the cutest girl in class.
Once you got to the restaurant you were seated in the usual dimly lit booth in the corner, the same table you sat at the last five years you had been here. It had become tradition that you'd repeat your first date every year sitting at the exact same table, ordering the exact same drinks and the exact same food.
Before long though you found yourself unable to concentrate on the conversation that Jessie was having with you.
"So do you want to go?" Jessie asked picking your hand up from the table
"I said would you want to go?"
"Go where?" You questioned your eyebrows furrowed together.
"Y/n were you not listening to me? I said it's Niamh's 25th soon and she asked if I'd fly back to London for her party with you. Would you want to go?"
"Oh sorry.. yeah I'd like that" you said after thinking for a second, it wasn't a difficult choice a trip back to England to see one of your good friends with the love of your life. It was practically a no brainer.
Yet within seconds you were distracted again
"Baby what's wrong? You've hardly listened to a word I've said" Jessie stoked her thumb along the back of your hand concerned.
"Nothing Jess"
"It's definitely not nothing, you've been zoning out all evening"
"You're right, I'm so sorry I know tonight is supposed to be special but I just can't help but picture that outfit on our bedroom floor Jessie and it's doing things to me"
Jessie giggled as you kicked her leg under the table
"It's not funny" you whined
"It is too, but you'll have to wait. Let's get through dinner and then we can head home?"
"I'll try" is all you could mutter
A few minutes later and you were trying so hard to keep conversation with Jessie without your thoughts wondering when you felt Jessie's foot grazing along the inside of your thigh under the table.
"Jess don't"
"Don't what baby? I'm not sure I know what you're talking about"
Which earned her a glare from you, that didn't stop the way her foot which was now shoeless making its way up and down your thigh.
Slowly getting closer to where you wanted her most and the inner turmoil you were having debating between grabbing her foot and stopping her or rocking yourself into her was causing sweat to bead along your forehead.
"You've got five seconds to stop before I pull you into that bathroom Jessie" you warned her
"Well you better get ready because I'm not stopping" Jessie tried to call your bluff.
Within seconds you were grabbing her hand and dragging her down the hallway to the bathroom, shoving her into a stall and locking the door behind you.
Your lips found hers in a passionate kiss before she'd even had chance to fully back into the cubicle, cupping her face and tangling your free hand in the curls on the back of her neck you trapped her body against the wall with your own. Deepening the kiss by swiping your tongue against her lower lip begging for entry.
Jessie moaned into your mouth allowing your tongue to slip in and roam around tasting the beer she had been drinking, her legs subconsciously spread and your knee found the place she needed you most.
You tugged lightly at the nape of her neck causing her to groan as her hips lifted looking for the pressure she so badly needed.
You pulled away slightly, lips puffy and red as you looked into her eyes
"You're so fucking gorgeous Jess, you don't understand how bad I need you"
Before Jessie could respond you found the button on her pants looking back up at her and receiving a nod you undone the button your fingers finding their way into her soaked underwear.
"Fuck Jess"
"Shut up y/n/n, it's your fau.." Jessie tried to blame you
but instead of you being the one to shut up it was Jessie as soon as your fingers glided across her slick finding her bundle of nerves. You applied some light pressure earning some whimpers and mumbles from the girl you had in front of you.
You kissed her again swallowing her moans as one hand continued to scratch at the back of her neck the other tracing her folds before slipping a singular digit into her wet heat. Jessie tilted her head back and gave you that look.
Which you knew meant only one thing, she needed more. It didn't take much encouragement before you added a second finger and then a third pumping rhythmically into Jessie as she bit down on your lip grunting as you curled into her.
That's when you heard muffled voices coming towards the bathroom door and stepping inside. The air in the cubicle was stifling and you attempted to move earning a small moan from Jessie. To which you quickly removed your fingers from inside of her to cover her mouth, at the sudden movement your knee brushed against her core causing your fingers to push more tightly against her lips.
After what felt like an eternity you heard footsteps leave the bathroom and you looked back at a panting Jessie who stared back at you, eyes dilated as she opened her mouth and gently took the fingers still covering her into her mouth sucking off her own arousal.
She hummed and hollowed her cheeks as she sucked and swirled her tongue around your digits before releasing them with a pop. A sudden rush of wetness surging to your aching core.
You grabbed Jessie and kissed her almost intoxicating yourself from the taste of herself on her lips. Groaning your fingers found their way back into Jessie's waistband taking mere seconds to find exactly what you were looking for again.
Jessie's pussy swallowed your fingers with ease as you used your hips for leverage and slowly rocked into her. Jessie slammed her head back against the wall riding your fingers as you thrust harder into her your free hand gently squeezing the base of her neck.
Your lips finding their way to where her jaw meets her neck. Gently sucking and soothing the same spot with your tongue, you squeeze a little harder and thrust your fingers deeper than before.
Jessie struggling to keep on her own two feet as you used your own body to pin her up, legs weak you were keeping her from falling to her knees.
After establishing her as your own with the bright red marks along Jessie's neck which would definitely land you in the bad books tomorrow morning when she had to go to training looking like she had been attacked by a vampire. You released her neck after one extra squeeze and whispered in her ear "I'm going to fuck out every last orgasm you have in you tonight"
Jessie closed her eyes and whimpered
"I'm going to make sure everyone knows you're my good girl Jessie, you'll be screaming my name by the end of the night because that's the only word you'll remember" you husked into Jessie's ear your breath gently tickling her skin goosebumps decorating her body.
"Fuck y/n I'm going to cum"
"Not yet baby" you say with a smirk your fingers speeding up.
"Please, I can't hold back much longer y/n/n I need to cum" she looks at you pleading.
Just as her legs start shaking you remove your fingers shoving them into your own mouth and groaning at the taste eyes rolling back.
"Get yourself dressed we are going" you demanded
You walked back to your table and paid for you meal waiting for Jessie to return after freshening herself up.
As soon as you got back home you had Jessie up on the kitchen counter stood between her legs. Lifting her shirt over head and removing her bra before doing the same to yourself. All items of clothing discarded recklessly on the floor.
Your hands came to Jessie's waste slowly stroking up and down before meeting her waste band for the second time that night. Again you looked at her and she nodded. You removed them along with her panties leaving them strewn on the floor with your other garments.
Once naked on the counter in front of you, your eyes raked over her perfect body taking in every curve and every freckle until your eyes became glued to her glistening core. You licked your lips subconsciously which earned a giggle from Jessie.
Which was unwise on her part because you dropped to your knees and grabbed her hips scooting her to the edge before diving into her. Licking broad stripes across her centre to her hooded clit circling it before adventuring back across her folds and dipping into her clenching hole. Tasting her nectar right from the source.
"Fuck" you mumble into her, which earns a smirk from Jessie.
"You taste so fucking good baby, my perfect girl"
Jessie's hips arched off of the counter and bucked into your mouth. Your arm resting over her hips subtly pushing her back down onto the counter.
It wasn't long before you felt her excitement dripping down your chin, you smiled into her as your fingers rubbed loose circles around her clit.
Her hands finding their way into your hair tugging gently at every slight jolt of electricity you sparked inside her.
You worked Jessie back up close to her peak just like before and it didn't take long for her to start begging.
"Please let me cum this time, please baby, I'll do anything for you I just need to cum on that pretty tongue"
You knew this time you couldn't deny her request and were relentless, lips attaching to her clit sucking rhythmically as your fingers entered her once again. Curling deep inside her hitting the spot that made her legs shake.
Within seconds Jessie's hips began stuttering following your mouth and fingers. Head snapping back and white heat filling from the depths of her stomach before flickering across the back of her eyelids. Wet heat gushing from her as you lapped at her. Her toes curling shuddering as she came down.
You gently picked her up from the counter carrying her to your bed placing her down against the pillows. It didn't take long before Jessie got her breath back and recovered from her mind blowing orgasm.
"Take your pants off"
Jessie gave you a look that you knew you were not to mess with and did as you were told
"That's a good girl"
You smiled at her abashedly
"Come here" she motioned to you as she laid back against the pillows. You looked at her confused when it clicked. You kneeled on the bed kissing your way up her body, across her navel and the swell of her breasts along the marks you'd made at the restaurant before placing a quick peck on her lips.
You straddled her chest and her hands guided your hips so you were hovering above her face. Jessie gently lowered you down on to her lips.
Her pretty pink tongue poking out slightly to flick along your clit, you were absolutely soaked at this point. Feeling yourself drip down her tongue your face flushed red with embarrassment.
"You're so hot like this" Jessie praised into your centre, spurring you on.
You ground down harder on Jessie's face as her tongue lapped around your entrance sliding into you as she gripped your hips rocking you back and forth.
Her nose gently bumping against your bud of nerves making you feel so alive like your skin was on fire.
Your head thrown back in pleasure as her fingernails dug into your thighs, the only thing you could focus on was the immense desire that you felt.
"That's my baby, ridding my face like a good girl" Jessie groaned out as your hips fell out of rhythm.
You were embarrassed but her actions and words soon had you cumming down Jessie's throat. You squeezed her hand still entwined with yours before falling next to her on the bed.
Your head rested against her chest as you gently traced shapes along the valley of her breasts. You were deep in thought before Jessie looked down at you.
"Can I fuck you with the strap?"
Your pussy stirred at her words and you nodded your head eagerly.
Jessie jumped up grabbing your strap from the draw, placing it around her hips and securing it making her way back over to you, the mattress sinking under her weight.
You sat perched up on your elbows watching as she got closer.
She kissed you gently pushing you back before mindlessly playing with your throbbing pussy. After awhile of tasting you she brought her hand up to her mouth spitting on her fingers before returning to your opening.
Jessie slowly enter her fingers scissoring them stretching you open, getting you ready. It was then she began stroking the tip of her strap where you needed her. Jessie kissed you gently lacing your fingers together as she pushed in slowly.
With each inch Jessie studied your face to see if there was any discomfort before she bottomed out in you her hips flush with yours. The end of the strap bumping against her own clit.
You squeezed her hand showing her you needed a minute before you allowed her to continue.
Jessie was gentle with you as if you were made of glass. When she was content that you were ready to begin again she slowly slid in and out of you before you groaned in frustration.
"Please Jess, I need more"
With that Jessie's hips snapped into action and she pulled out almost all the way before slamming back inside of you, earning an ear piercing moan that your neighbours definitely heard.
This was all Jessie needed to hear before she flipped you onto your front grabbing your hips and fucking you senseless. Grabbing your hair she pulled you up so you were on all fours your back arched as she ravaged you.
Pulling harder your back pressed flush against her front as she rutted into you over and over again until your vision became blurry.
One of her hands momentarily leaving your waist before a loud crack rang out around the room as her hand landed on your ass.
Satisfied with your reaction she repeated the movement on the other side until your other cheek had an identical hand print.
Listening to you moan and pant mixed with the pleasure the end of the strap gave her made her legs burn, biting your shoulder, closing her eyes and gently urging herself to continue. Her hips smashed into yours with precision, the wet sound of you taking her deeper filling your ears along with how breathy she was.
"I'm so fucking close Jess"
"Please don't stop"
"Oh godddd Jesss"
You could stop whining as she claimed you.
Flipping you over onto your back again Jessie hunched over you sucking down on your left peak catching the other between her forefinger and thumb tweaking it before releasing your breast with a pop. Bringing you ever closer to the edge before swapping and paying the same attention to your now stiffening right peak.
The cold air meeting the saliva left on your nipples sending a spark between your legs.
"I want to see your face as you cum"
Jessie leaned down capturing your lips, pounding into you as your nails scratched down her back drawing blood and you screamed out. Jessie watched as she ripped another orgasm from deep inside of you. Eyes rolling back mouth hanging open as an ungodly amount of curses spilled from your mouth.
Jessie continued pounding into you as she chased her own orgasm, causing you to become oversensitive. Breathless you couldn't express yourself to Jessie as she too found paradise and fell against you pushing deep inside. As you came down you begged Jessie not to move so that you could regain the feelings in your legs and not become even more sensitive.
After sometime Jessie asked if she could remove herself and you allowed her to. Apologising she threw the strap to the floor before kissing your temple and curling into your side.
Jessie stroked your warm and sweat damp skin as you regained your breath, slowly your panting stopped and you began to reach your regular heart rate.
After a few minutes Jessie removed herself much to your protest.
"Where are you going?"
"I'll be back shortly, just one second"
"That's more than a second!"
Jessie came back in with a warm wash cloth and washed you gently between the legs before handing you a bottle of water.
"And you said you'd rip every orgasm from me but here we are" Jessie shrugged
Void of much energy you just rolled your eyes at her.
"You want me to go make a snack?" She asked sweetly as if she hadn't just fucked you into another world.
"I'm good but I could do with a shower" you counter
Within seconds she'd swept you off your feet and had you in the shower.
Her hands gently massaging your scalp with your favourite coconut shampoo, nails digging in and your eyes closing with pleasure. Although different from the sexual pleasure moments ago the new action made your heart swell with so much love.
She then lathered your body in soap, running her hands along your curves, the soft flesh of your inner thigh and to the valley of your breasts where you now saw purple bruises forming from the way Jessie had gone to town on them not to long ago.
Once fully lathered and clean she began to rinse the suds from your body, kissing each part as it became clean, first your shoulders, your stomach, your arms, down your legs before a quick kiss to your bikini line and a peck on your lips.
"What did I do to deserve you?" You ask her
"The real question is what did I do to deserve you?" She retorts
After you got out of the shower Jessie dried you off bringing you back into the bedroom handing you a pair of her Canada shorts and her UCLA hoodie before she tucked you in bed grabbing you some hot coco.
Slipping into the bed with you after cleaning up your clothes from the floor and you had finished off your mug of liquid heaven (that was unfortunately not Jessie's) you placed the empty vessel on your nightstand
Turning back over you snuggled into Jessie's side as she read her book, stroking your hair tearing eyes away from her book to smile down at you before reading again.
"What are you reading? Do you think you could read it to me?" You ask her
"It's just a book about photography and how to take the best shot" Jessie tells you
"Sooo I just love listening to you"
"Baby you won't like it"
"I like anything if it's your voice reading it" which was the truth, you found her voice soothing.
She was never one to deny you so you lay there listening to Jessie's soft voice talk to you about aperture and the importance of picking the correct lenses and the rhythmic beat of her heart as you slowly doze off on her.
The last thought you had 'five years down, forever to go'
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dulceackles · 16 hours
Ambivalent Part one - The town
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader
Warnings: angst, sex, violence, enemies to lovers, alcohol, all that. Mention of dead body, a little bit of horror. English is not my first language, so sorry for typos. Also, it is a Y/N, but I've created a background story and a fictional place around it for creative and storytelling reasons. Will not be describing exterior characteristics, tho!
Summary: Dean used to be really important to Y/N but ever since he suddenly left her without telling her why, she's been avoiding even mentioning him. Now, after years, he's back in town, but not because of her. There's a case. The only things she's certain is that she doesn't like him being back.
Word count: 1k
The town of Dimdale was exactly what it sounded like; small, rather boring, and they saved electricity by switching streets lights off by midnight. Not too fancy, huh? Still, it was Y/N's hometown and even tho she sometimes had dreamed of leaving, she'd never actually wanted to pack her bags.
Oily mugs the coffee house, don't ask about the name, was the town's tourist attraction if so you could say. It had been in business since the 60s, owned by the same family, and served the world's best blueberry pie. Y/N had been working there 6 years now and, you guessed it, she loved the simple job she had.
"One black coffee, please, darling!" An old man with a gray beard ordered over the counter.
"Sure, coming up. It'd be 2.50 dollars, thank you," Y/N smiled. She was just pouring the coffee when she heard the bell on the front door ring, notifying her that a new customer had entered the café. She lifted her eyes from the coffee mug to greet the new customers, but her smile dropped the second her eyes locked with a familiar pair of green ones.
How dare he even walk in here? She thought. Dean Winchester, an asshole, liar, toxic jackass, a traitor even. To be honest, she hated him with all her heart and with all the rage she had left in her, but she didn't want to talk about it, or him, or think about it or anything... And behind him in walked Sam. About him Y/N had no ill thoughts about, but she still hated him too simply because he was related to the smallest man who ever lived, Dean. Someone could have described her as unfair, she just called herself a simple girl.
"Hey y...." Sam tried to greet her behind the counter but was quickly cut off by her.
"What would you like?" She gave them her best fake smile that also very clearly said fuck you to both of them. She handed the earlier customer his coffee, accidentally spilling some of the hot liquid into her hand. That made her hiss out of annoyance. That and the two men sitting in bar stools to be exact.
"I… Umm, I’ll take a sandwich, and he'll..." Sam stuttered, clearly taken back by her passive-aggressive character. He knew things between her and Dean had not ended well, but he hadn't thought they had ended so bad it was enough to make a grown woman act like a high school bully behind the counter.
"I'll take the sandwich too." Dean said, saving his brother from the trouble. "Soo... you still work here."
"Clearly." Y/N spat while solving the sandwiches into a paper bag. She had made the decision for them that they'd be eating on the go.
"Oh, actually, we're eating..." Sam tried to put in again, but again, he was interrupted.
"On the go. I'm sure y'all busy, I know he was last time." She gave them the same fake smile she had mastered and reached out to give them the paper bag. Dean grasped it in her hands and got up from his seat.
"It's okay, we are busy actually," He said and tapped Sam's shoulder. "Let's go."
Y/N watched as Sam got up and looked almost upset. For a second, Y/N nearly felt bad, like he had ever been nothing but sweet to her. But then she remembered that he was his brother, and that was enough reasons to hate him.
"And by the way, if you spat on it, just know I won't mind, darling." Dean smirked and then winked at her. Before turning his back, he watched, just a second, how her face turned red. He knew it wasn't a blush but a rage, and he thought a couple other customers might have clocked it too. He walked towards the door with his brother.
"Well, I'm surprised a kitchen knife hasn't flown into your back yet," Sam whispered and Dean laughed and shook his head as they get in the impala. Dean knew Y/N, and he knew that the only bullet she shoots were the bullets coming from her mouth. Well, to be fair, sometimes he had wished she would have just rather picked up a machine gun or something. Still, he thought she was adorable, even if angry. But Dean had promised himself before even stepping his foot over the boarder of this god forgotten town that he'd never drag her into his life again. Even tho they had quite a history, Dean had never told her about his real job because he didn't want to see him and real world ruin her too. No matter how cute, sweet, absolutely choleric, tempting, beautiful or enraged she was, he'd leave her be. 
She deserves better than to be dragged into this life, Dean thought. Besides, there was a case for them to battle.
"Soo.. 25-year-old woman, Sandra Rittenwell, last seen walking home from a night shift at a bar. Couple days later a body is found and well… See for yourself." Sam stretched out to show Dean the crime scene pictures he'd stolen.
"Well, that's a sight." Dean scrunched his nose in disgust. The pictures were cruel to say at least.
"Tell me about it. Surprisingly there were witnesses tho." Sam blurred out, "Victor Hills, called the police at 4am and claimed he saw a "faceless monster" take Sandra. Apparently he had been walking behind her. The police didn't take his claims seriously at first, but after the discovery of the body, they checked the nearby surveillance cameras and no "monster" had been caught in any of them. Police has no suspects as we speak, but they have had a sketch artist draw a portrait of the thing Victor saw."
"Hmm, interesting. Never seen this before;" Dean thought.
"Yup. Did some research and similar incident has happened before. In 1947 a woman disappeared, the body was never found, but locals said few had seen a similar creature in a couple of previous days, leading to the disappearance. One thing is sure, the monster has a type," Sam Said.
"Yeah, and what's that?" Dean knitted his eyebrows together.
"Women, walking home at night." Sam sigh.
"Of course," Dean shook his head for the second time that day.
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// Hope you liked it, I love a feedback and hopefully I wasn't rusty. I haven't written other than school stuff in a long time. xx
Next part (coming)
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hoedamn-eron · 1 day
baby, please - father's day
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Santi celebrates his first Father's Day.
Warnings: Just SICKLY SWEET. Mentions of breastfeeding (but as I've always said, a fed baby is a happy baby, whether bottle or breast!). Small mention of body insecurity. Hints of a parent who has passed. Allusions to unsupportive parents (as mentioned in the original fic). Not even remotely proofread so there will be mistakes 😊😊 Word count: 2,800 F!Reader, no use of Y/N.
I know this is over a week late, I apologise. A part of my Baby, Please universe; this can be read as a stand alone but all the history is in the series.
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“So, I’ll come over on Sunday with the girls?” you ask him down the phone.
Santi frowns in confusion at your words. “Did we make plans?”
You go quiet, and Santi momentarily wonders if he’d forgotten something important. Was he supposed to have the girls for the day? Had he just fucked up? It – obviously – wouldn’t be the first time he’d done that with you, and he’d truly tried his hardest to never wrong you again. He could have the girls, it wasn’t a problem, he didn’t have any plans anyways –
“It’s Father’s Day, Santi,” you tell him gently. “Your first one.”
He hadn’t celebrated Father’s Day in years, not since before his own father had passed away. And he never thought he’d celebrate it for himself. And the girls were barely five months old, was it…really worth doing anything until they were older?
“We don’t have to do anything, I was just assuming…” you say, taking his silence as a bad thing.
“No, sorry,” Santi says immediately, trying to calm your anxieties. “You just took me by surprise. I didn’t realise that it was Father’s Day.”
You chuckle softly on the other end of the line. “Well…I was thinking we could go to the beach. It’ll be the girls’ first time, and I thought we could spend it together.”
Santi is quiet. Too quiet, and for too long, because your unsure voice comes through. “Santi?”
“Sorry, sorry.” He swallows, running a hand down his face. This was going to be his first Father's Day; a milestone he never imagined he'd ever experience in his life. The reality of it all was almost overwhelming. He couldn’t believe how much his life had changed in just over a year, meeting you and having kids; the joy and responsibility of being a father to these two beautiful girls was immense. Santi couldn't shake the feeling that he was living in a dream, and the weight of it pressed on him, a mixture of awe and gratitude so intense it nearly brought tears to his eyes. “The beach sounds great. Really. I would love that.”
“Okay,” you say, and you sound relieved. “I'll bring a picnic, and…and the girls can play in the sand, and the ocean. I bought them some cute shorts the other day, they could wear them. It'll be fun, I promise.”
Santi feels his heart skip a beat at the way you try and reassure him that it’ll be fun, like he wouldn’t want to spend the day with you and the girls. Of course he would, he would drop everything if it meant he could see you and the kids. He smiles despite himself. He can almost picture it now: the bright sun, the endless stretch of sand, the sound of the waves, and his girls' faces as they experience the ocean for the first time. It's a perfect plan. A perfect day.
“So…should I pick you up, 10am?” you ask, that nervousness still in your voice. Santi can just picture you now, biting your lip as you wait for his answer.
“Yeah, see you Sunday.”
“Okay,” you breathe, and he can hear the smile in your voice. “See you then.”
You both hang up after saying your goodbyes, and Santi stands there for a moment, staring at his phone, still processing everything. His first Father's Day.
A year ago, Santi would have laughed if he was told he would be spending the day at the beach with the woman he knocked up on a first date, and his twin daughters. Yet here he was, planning his first Father’s Day together, marvelling at how life had taken such an unexpected turn for him, after the shit show that was their last mission with Lorea, and losing Tom. Santi couldn't help but feel some anxiety, which left a heavy and sick feeling in his stomach, but also excitement for what Sunday would bring, a figurative step forward in yours and his ‘unconventional’ journey.
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“Think this is a good spot?” you ask, but you dump your bags down anyway before he could answer.
Santi gave a small laugh as he watched you arrange your set up for Isabela and Jasmine; some inflatable supports so they could sit up, some toys from home that were beach friendly, and some towels to sit on with extras in your bag (just in case, you never know!), and an umbrella to give the girls shade. You had contemplated bringing some buckets and spades but decided that they were too young for that just yet.
You looked cute when you came to pick him up, in some shorts and a flowy shirt. You’d been having a few insecurities about your body as of late, as there was just a little but extra of you that wasn’t there before, and you were unsure of wearing something a little less exposed. Santi had told you that you grew and birthed two – two! – children, your body was bound to go through some changes. And you continued to nurture those two – two! – children with your body, so your body was amazing. It warmed your heart (and your cheeks) to hear that from him, and you said no more on the matter.
The sky was so blue it looked painted. The beach is perfect – not too crowded, with soft, warm sand and gentle waves. The girls are dressed in loose t-shirts and shorts, matching sun hats on their heads. You had already lathered them in sunscreen before leaving your house, but you were already preparing to add more on them as Santi popped them in their inflatable supports. Santi laughed as the girls kicked their legs in the sand, their eyes wide as they took in the feel of it on their legs and feet.
After placing more sunscreen on the girls, you sat back and relaxed, smiling at Santi. “This is nice.”
Santi nodded, looking around as he takes a seat with the twins, quickly stopping Isabela from eating a handful of sand. “I don’t remember the last time I went to the beach and just relaxed.”
You gave a breathy laugh. “As relaxed as you can be with two five-month-olds.”
Santi gives a shrug with a small laugh before he stops Isabela eating the sand again. He takes his shirt off, tossing it over with the rest of your stuff, and you try hard not to stare at him. He wasn’t as active as he used to be, but still kept in shape and had a nice little chub that suited him well.
After applying sunscreen to yourself (and making Santi put some on too, which he does – with an eye roll), you change the girls into some swim diapers and swim onesies. Santi carries them both to the ocean with you, one girl in each arm, and you take as many photos as you can before sending them to your friends and Santi’s. You beam so much your cheeks start to hurt (it puts the meltdown over your own father you had that morning to the back of your mind).
Santi steps into the ocean, just up to his knees. You take Jasmine from him, and the two of you crouch to give your girls their first experience of the sea. The first touch of the cool ocean on their feet makes them pause for a moment, and after a moment, Isabela starts crying. Jasmine looked over at the noise, almost startled, before she splashed a little in the water, giggling. Santi brought Isabela back out, soothing her a little until her tears subsided, before trying again. He laughed when she started screaming again, her legs lifting before hitting the water.
“Okay, okay, I get it,” said Santi, lifting her back up. “You don’t like it. I won’t do it again.”
“I’ll take her if you want,” you say, straightening up with Jasmine.
You swap babies, Isabela calming in your arms, unshed tears on her waterline as she watches Jasmine and Santi play in the ocean.
“See, it’s not so scary,” you coo to her, but she merely clings to you as she watches. You take some selfies before getting some photos of Santi and Jasmine. She kicks her legs, splashing water everywhere, and you and Santi both laugh, caught up in her pure, unfiltered joy.
For a moment, everything else fades away. It’s just you, Santi, and your daughters, the sun warming your skin and the waves gently lapping at your feet. Santi feels a swell of emotion, a deep, steadfast love for his new family that nearly overwhelms him.
“She loves it,” you say with a laugh, your voice filled with happiness as you lightly bounce Isabela and look at Jasmine. “Look at her!”
“I know,” Santi replies, his voice thick with the sudden emotions. “I know.”
You try again with Isabela, dipping her toes in the water. She seemed happier with that, and she kicked her legs a little before you submerge her feet in the water. Her matching giggles with Jasmine fill the space around you.
The day passes in a blur of laughter and play. You both take turns holding the girls as they splash in the water, then retreat back to your towels where you sit with your daughters. You nurse them for a moment and Santi offers to get some ice cream for you both from the hut down the beach. You nod, and the girls soon nod off in your arms. You lay them on the towels in the shade. They look like little angels, their sunhats crooked on their heads as they sleep.
Santi comes back, handing you an ice cream before he sits back down with you. You eat together silently, and Santi watches Isabela and Jasmine. His heart feels full. He glances at you, catching you watching him with a soft smile.
“You’re a good dad, Santi,” you say quietly.
“Thank you,” he replies, his voice barely a whisper as his cheeks warm. “That means a lot.”
Santi turns back to the girls again with a sense of awe, his heart swelling with pride. “I still can’t believe they’re ours,” he murmurs, his voice melting into a chuckle at the end.
“Me neither,” you admit, quickly licking at the dripping ice cream. “But I’m glad they are.”
The girls sleep for another hour, and you watch over them as Santi goes for a dip in the ocean. He offers to swap ‘shifts’ with you, but you’ve never been fond of the ocean, and you’re happy to keep an eye on the girls as they nap. And you don’t admit it, but you get to ogle Santi as he comes out of the ocean, golden skin glistening from the water and the sun…you noticed you weren’t the only one admiring him, and you couldn’t help but feel slightly smug when the other women – and some men – on the beach send jealous looks over to you when he joins you.
The morning turns into afternoon, and Jasmine wakes from her nap, where Santi offers to change her as you set out the picnic between you both. Jasmine babbles away as Santi places her back in her support, and you hand her a few toys in reach to keep her entertained as you eat. You’d brought Santi’s favourite sandwiches and some fruits, and his favourite cake from that bakery you frequently go to when you go on one of your walks together (“It’s Father’s Day, why wouldn’t I bring your favourite foods?”).
There was that warm feeling again. This was Santi’s first Father's Day. Every giggle, every tiny hand grasping his finger, every sleepy sigh as they drifted off to sleep, it all felt so surreal. Santi couldn't shake the feeling that he was living in a dream, one where he was finally building the family he had longed for, and the weight of it pressed on him, a mixture of awe and gratitude. He doesn’t know how you always know how he feels, but as you reach other to give his hand a squeeze, he doesn’t hesitate to squeeze right back.
Isabela wakes up soon after you both finish eating, and you change her, and reapply sunscreen to everyone (“You too, dada!”) before you and Santi take them in the water again. Isabela, again, has a little fright before she embraces the water, and she lets you take her in deeper. Soon, Santi is holding both girls in his arms, the water up to his chest as he holds them both in the water, cheering that both of them have taken to it so well.
“Wait, wait, let me get a photo!” you call before you get as close as you’re comfortable with, getting a photo of Santi smiling widely, sunglasses on his face. You take as many as you can, even some where he’s just cooing to them both.
The day passes in a blur of baby giggles, diaper changes, and feedings. Santi marvels at how much the girls have grown, their personalities starting to shine through even at such a young age. He can already tell that Isabela is more adventurous, always wriggling and reaching for things, while Jasmine is quieter, content to snuggle in his arms. His finds his mind drifting back to memories of his own father, the way they all used to spend the day fishing or grilling in the backyard, and the way his mother used to try and take over the cooking, but his father always used to tell her it was his day and he will cook the meat however he damn well pleases (but eventually, his mother would always end up by the grill with his father, her arms around his waist as he followed her instructions). He smiles at the thought of making new traditions with his Isabela and Jasmine, even if they were too young to remember them now.
Santi would like to think his parents would be proud of him, and of the girls.
The sun lowers, and there’s a slight chill coming in from the breeze and you both call it a day. You feed the girls one last time before packing up, and hauling everything back to the car, where you strap them into their car seats, giving them toys to play with. You close the trunk of the car, before turning to Santi.
“So,” you say, crossing your arms and leaning against the car. “How was your first Father’s Day?”
Santi gives you that crooked smile that always makes your knees weak. But you’ll never tell him that. “I admit, it scared me a little. But…it was a good day. A perfect day, actually.”
You smile, proud of yourself, and of him. “Good. I’m glad.”
Sanit offers to drive you home, and you take the opportunity. The drive back is quiet, and the girls fast asleep in the backseats, their faces peaceful. The sun and the excitement of the day wearing them out more than usual. You doze in the passenger seat, and Santi sends over a fond smile as he pulls up outside his house. He gently shakes you away.
“Hey…” he mutters. “We’re home.”
You blink up at him and yawn before stretching. You sit up and unbuckle your belt. “Thanks for driving home.”
“No problem.” He smiles at you before you both go quiet, just taking each other in. After a moment, he says, “Thanks for today. It was…perfect.”
“It was,” you agree, smiling at his sincere tone. “We should do it again sometime, not just for Father’s Day.”
“I’d like that,” Santi replies, a warmth spreading through him at the thought. “We could invite Fish and Sarah, and they could bring Sofía.”
You nod. “That would be nice.”
After you swap places in the car, and Santi gives his daughters a kiss goodbye, giving them soft smiles as they stir awake, he comes to the driver’s window. “So I’ll have them Tuesday and Wednesday, right?”
You nod. “Yeah. Oh! Actually, can you have them Saturday evening, too. I uh…I have plans.”
He pauses for a moment and ignores the sudden tightness in his chest before he smirked at the warmth of your cheeks. “What plans?”
“None of your business,” you say with a teasing grin as you roll your eyes.
“You got a date?” Santi teases back.
“Maybe…I’ll let you know,” you say. There’s a small quiet moment between you both before you clear your throat. “So…see you on Tuesday? I’ll text you.”
“See you on Tuesday,” he says, and you give him a goodbye as you pull away. Santi watches as you drive away, a sense of contentment settling over him. His first Father’s Day. It had been more than he ever could have hoped for.
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Tagged - @khonsulockley, @superficialfeelings, @othersideoftheparadise, @beezusvreeland, @itsmytimetoodream
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shift-shaping · 2 days
another ale at noon
solas, blackwall, and varric have another boys' night. day. it's like the middle of the day. boys' brunch.
rating: t
pairing: solavellan (discussed)
warnings: alcohol
previous fics | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
"So Solas is Chuckles, I get to be Hero, which is quite nice of you, Sera is Buttercup, Bull is..."
"Tiny," Varric said with a grin.
"Very creative," Solas added dryly.
Blackwall frowned. "Who else was there?" 
"I believe I've heard you call Commander Cullen 'Curly,'" Solas offered, and Varric nodded, obviously enjoying the attention. "And Josephine, Ruffles."
"But you just call Cassandra 'Seeker.'” Blackwall recalled. “Why is that?" 
Varric laughed, a bit nervous, and looked towards the door of the tavern as if Cassandra could enter at any moment. "I'm not calling Cassandra anything she doesn't want to be called. I'm already on her shit list."
Solas hummed, and sipped from his drink. "Enaste used that term the other day --'shit list.'"
Blackwall grinned at Varric underneath his untidy beard. "So you're a bad influence, then."
"I'm sure the Dalish have their own curses." Varric waved his hand dismissively. "She's heard it all before."
"I heard she called Cassandra a 'cunt'." All three men looked up at the barmaid, who must have been eavesdropping. "Sorry. You didn't hear it from me."
That got another laugh from Blackwall. "No, that can't be true."
"Sera told us, just the other night! I guess Lady Cassandra told the Inquisitor she needed to put the Inquisition above the needs of her clan, or something."
"That would piss her off," Varric agreed.
"Are you sure Sera wasn't exaggerating?" Blackwall was thoroughly amused by all this, and admittedly Solas couldn't blame him. Enaste was nearly a religious figure to him --hearing her curse in common was probably very entertaining. "Maybe Sera just wanted an excuse to say 'cunt.'"
"Sera needs no excuse to curse," Solas added, and Blackwall laughed again in agreement.
"Well like I said, you didn't hear it from me. Did you lot want another round?"
"Sure," Varric gestured at the table. "What's another ale at noon?"
The barmaid left to get their drinks, and Blackwall shifted in his seat. "So if everyone gets nicknames except the people you're afraid of, does that mean you're scared of Lavellan?"
"No," Varric laughed, then paused. "Well, maybe. Should I be?"
"I don't know," Blackwall shrugged. "She can be harsh, but she's fair."
"It was interesting to see how she handled that magister, Alexius." Varric said. "From her description of what happened at Redcliffe, I thought she'd have his head on a spike." He shook his head, brows furrowed. "She just sent him to work with Leliana, right?"
Blackwall nodded. "Much kinder than the bastard deserved." He sighed and shrugged. "Mercy is a good thing though. Better to follow too merciful a leader than a cruel one."
The barmaid returned with their drinks, and Solas realized he'd actually finished one. He thanked her as she took the empty tankard away. "So if you aren't afraid of her, Varric, why haven't you given her a nickname?" He asked, and Varric thought for a moment before responding.
"It feels weird, I guess. She's the Inquisitor, that's her nickname."
"I think you can do better," Blackwall teased.
Varric rubbed his chin. "I'll think about it. It has to be natural, you know? You can't force these things." He sighed and leaned back, then took a long drink from his tankard. "I could ask her uncle for ideas, I guess. You know, I've never seen an elf with a beard like that." He chuckled. "It's downright dwarven."
Blackwall nodded to Solas. "Did you know he was coming?"
Solas shook his head. "No, and neither did she."
"We're a long way from the Free Marches. Dangerous route, too."
"That's family," Varric said. "I'm not surprised her clan is worried. An elf tied up with all this chantry shit? It never ends well."
"We have to make sure it does," Blackwall replied with an oddly reverent certainty. "She has a duty to the world, but we have a duty to make sure she doesn't die performing it."
Solas looked at Blackwall curiously. "Back in Haven you said you didn't care if she was actually chosen by Andraste. Do you still feel that way?"
"You were there, we all were." He gestured vaguely towards the Frostbacks. "She's insisted time and again she's not chosen by Andraste and doesn't believe in the Maker. But when it came down to it, she was willing to give her life for a bunch of people she doesn't even like." He shook his head as if in awe. "So no, I still don't care if she's chosen by Andraste. She's a woman worth following, and she’s trying to make things right."
"I think she mostly follows you," Varric joked. "I don't know how you can go running into battle headfirst like that. I'm surprised you still have most of your teeth."
"That's why I'm here," Blackwall raised his tankard, then took a long drink before slamming it down. "So you three can keep your pretty faces intact."
"Oh, speaking of pretty faces," Varric said, remembering something and turning to Solas. "Do you know how she got those scars on her face?"
Solas had spent much too long staring at those scars for her not to have told him about them. But she wasn't self-conscious of them, so he assumed it was fine for him to divulge. "A fishing accident, in her youth," Solas replied.
"A fishing accident?" Blackwall asked incredulously. "What a woman." The way Blackwall talked about Enaste was always illuminating. He seemed somewhere in-between worshipping her and being in love with her. Perhaps he had to be, to put himself in so much danger for her so often.
"I wonder if she's found a place nearby to fish," Solas said, frowning. There were streams here and there, enough to provide the keep with fresh water, but none of them that he knew of were deep or productive enough for fishing. "She used to fish from the lake near Haven. It gave her some peace from all the chaos."
"Did you notice, in Crestwood, how she looked at those crab traps on the beach?" Blackwall asked, grinning, and Solas couldn't help but smile back. Enaste had tried to be subtle, but it was impossible not to notice her casually wandering along the waterline and leaning over the traps. Sera teased her for it, and she'd been predictably defensive. It made for a surprisingly light-hearted moment amidst so much doom, and Blackwall had promised to take her to a real seafood market some day. That led to Sera calling her 'fishbutt,' which didn't make any sense but was amusing regardless.
Solas sipped from his drink, still smiling at the memory. "Yes. She said she prefers eating crab, but catching fish. Apparently her uncle is particularly skilled at preparing it."
"You two spend a lot of time together," Varric observed. The comment put Solas immediately on edge, but Varric went on before he could say anything. "Don't get all pissy, Chuckles. It's okay, really." He paused, his expression suddenly gentle, and sighed. "She likes you. That's a good thing. And maybe she's just glad to have another elf around."
"I imagine she is, yes." Solas still had no interest in pursuing this conversation with them. He enjoyed the company of Varric and Blackwall, but their attempts to pry into his relationship with Enaste were grating. It was an entirely private matter, and he owed them no explanation.
His icy response left an awkward pause, just as it had every time they’d brought it up before. After a few tense moments, Varric pushed himself from the table and stood. "I'll be right back, nature's calling."
Blackwall and Solas were fully capable of sitting in comfortable silence together, and often did in the field. Now, though, there was a weight to the silence that made it uneasy. Solas chose to ignore it, and instead stared out over the tavern blankly. It was slower now than it would surely be in a few hours, when the soldiers finished their afternoon training and came to relax. Maryden was tuning her instrument, occasionally strumming lazily, giving the tavern an atmosphere of lighthearted anticipation. 
When Blackwall finally spoke, his voice was gentler than before, and lower, too, as if he didn't want them to be heard. "I like you, Solas. You know that." Solas frowned at him, unsure where this was going, but said nothing. "I know you've seen a lot in your life, and maybe I'm in no place to give you advice. But I'm just going to say it, and you can do with it what you please," Blackwall took a deep breath. "Life is short, and hard, and then you die. I know you want to maintain a... professional relationship with the Inquisitor, and I know you don't want to hurt her reputation, but I've seen the way you look at her." He sighed heavily. "Just… take it from me: don't let your pride get in the way of something good."
There was no teasing in his voice, no playfulness, just an earnest man sharing his thoughts. Solas looked away, quiet for a while longer. It was more poignant than Blackwall could possibly know, and in a way, he was right. "Thank you," Solas said finally. "You make a fair point. I will... consider it."
Blackwall nodded gruffly, and took another long drink. Varric returned soon after, and broke out a deck of cards. Playing Wicked Grace with the two of them was a ritual Solas had become accustomed to, as even at camp Varric always had a deck of cards. Enaste joined them on occasion, and one memorable evening most of the camp played a massive game together. He preferred it like this though, and not just because Blackwall had a tendency to bet far too much. It was quieter, easier, and he didn’t have to think quite so much about how to fill the silence.
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