#( I'll write the drabbles explaining it until I feel better though; and until I get to my replies too )
bonny-kookoo · 5 months
I totally fell in love with Princess ❤️ My heart broke when mc broke down saying she just wants to go home, poor baby must feel so lonely and exhausted 😣
I can already imagine JK being super protective of her. Like say her superior from the company (maybe a manager or something?) is super harsh with her, thinking they're in private, but JK overhears them?
Thank you for writing such wonderful stories, I'm so excited to see how the story unfolds!
I didn't know if it was a drabble request but I'm writing it anyways haha (trigger warning for: food restrictions)
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"Since when do you eat those?!" Your manager scolds loudly, and Jungkook can clearly hear the man through the slightly open door. Maybe he forgot that hybrids have heightened hearing- or maybe he thought Jungkook had left the area entirely during his break.
Either way, he doesn't like that tone at all.
"Its just one.." you mumble meekly, which surprised the wolfdog hybrid a lot. Never has he heard you this.. submissive. Like you're trying to pacify the guy.
"One every day, possibly more, we both know you're lying right now!" He yells. "You've gained already, how do you think you'll lose that weight again before the competition?!" He scolds harshly. "All your measurements have to be consistent! We talked about this!" He tells you.
"I'm sorry.." you answer quietly.
"I'm taking those." Jungkook hears a plastic bag rustle. "You're only eating the food staff makes you, am I clear?"
"Yes.." you answer again, noticeably disappointed.
"I'll talk to Jeon, a few more hours of training each day will make that extra weight drop quickly-" He starts before he almost runs straight into the man he's been talking about, who's leaning against the doorframe with a more than dark expression.
"Thats mine." Jungkook nods towards the plastic bag. "I brought it for her to eat."
"She- I.. excuse me but she's on a very strict diet plan." The manager explains a lot more carefully now, voice entirely different. "She has a dietician-"
"Then that dietician will agree with me when I say that she needs a lot more food each day to have enough energy to burn." Jungkook explains, still blocking the doorway, before he holds out his hand, wordlessly.
"Thats not for you to decide." The man denies.
"Then we have no reason to continue working together." Jungkook says, making your eyes widen in the background, panicking. You don't want Jungkook to cut the contract so soon. He said he'll help you, what is he doing?
"...she better work that off until the contest." The man grumbles, pushing the bag into Jungkook's hand before he pushes himself past the wolfdog hybrid, who glares after the man. It's only when you pull on his shirt that he looks down on you, no anger left in his face.
"You didn't have to argue with him." You say. "He's.. always like that. I should've known he'd get angry."
"I don't care." Jungkook denies, walking into the small break room to sit down, slapping the seat next to him. "Now come here and eat. I didn't lie when I said I brought them for you."
"But-" you start, only reluctantly sitting down, though you can't talk more because he's already ripped off a piece of the sweet donut to stuff into your open mouth.
And while you glare at him with stuffed cheeks, he can't help but smile to himself.
You really are all bark and no bite to him.
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matrixbearer2024 · 2 months
Get Off My Screen Series Headcanons:
A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates guys! Currently working on two interludes I'll be posting back to back later so for now- have some headcanons I have for both Vox and Reader! Btw, if you guys have scenarios you still want to see with Reader being alive- you can send those in! I'll try writing drabbles for them if ever.
Knowing Vox, he had snooped around your stuff and files when you were alive.
From sorting your files because of the haphazard arrangement-
To straight up just leaning everything he could about you.
He'd saved a few of your pictures over the time you both got to know each other better.
At the start, he was just curious and nonchalant.
Cuz I mean, he's talking with a living soul?
That's gotta be worth something right?
But in trying to get closer to manipulate you-
Vox ended up actually becoming your friend.
Your sassy and spitfire nature kept him interested, kind of like a game.
You didn't take his shit and neither did he with yours.
At first he thought you were just insufferably annoying and acted accordingly.
Then it would shift ever so slowly to him just expecting your antics.
Then him looking forward to them.
It was a ray of sunshine in his otherwise monotonous and frankly very depressing afterlife.
Also his tiny desktop pet in your computer?
That existed solely because he was irritated enough that you had the gall to download another digital companion.
Bring it up though and he'll just blow you off in flustered anger.
The internet search engines like Google, Firefox, bing- etc. were accessible to him on your gadgets, but not social media.
So he couldn't mess with your friends, which was why they didn't know about him even until your premature death.
Well, they do kinda know about him-
As that odd online friend of yours that you were always talking to or subconsciously about.
Similarly on Vox's end, despite his dumbass being terminally online-
He somehow ends up on his phone even more because of you.
Valentino is expectedly pissy about it.
Especially because Vox won't actually explain what's going on.
Over the months Vox got invested into your relationship-
His on-off with the pimp shifted into a more permanent off.
Like, at the start things would be practically the same-
But over time he'd sleep with Val less and less.
To the point he didn't let the moth touch him if he knew there were any sexual undertones.
Vox didn't see the point in partaking in something he didn't want to be in.
You on the other hand went through your fair share of crushes and blind dates.
Something that irked the overlord slightly, even if he didn't know why at the time.
His possessivenessprotectiveness only got worse after you both started talking via your TV.
He'd slightly wanted to have a proper conversation between you two that wasn't just texting.
Vox was also prone to blowing up your phone at random points in the day when he was bored.
Or when he saw you weren't giving him enough attention.
Wouldn't ever admit it but he likes being the center of your attention.
He's already got the eyes and ears of so many people with his shows and his media-
But you're like the one person he actually feels seen with.
It also helps that you don't let his bullshit fly.
You weren't ever scared of him despite the guy being a demon overlord.
What was the worst he could do?
Corrupt your files and destroy your gadgets?
That stuff was replaceable, didn't matter much.
Vox has stuck his hand in your playlist a couple times when he's busy working.
Mostly because he didn't have the time to properly talk but inadvertently missed you.
That and he'd usually check your playlist to gauge your mood.
There was a couple of times he'd been utterly confused why you had such a depressing song as your most played when you seemed happy as all hell.
He just chalked it up to another one of your odd behaviors.
Calls you doll/dollface by default but traverses into other more endearing petnames as you guys get closer.
You think nothing of it, assuming it's just him playing up his charisma but Vox kind of wishes you would give it some thought.
After all, he doesn't do that normally to anyone.
Well, not unless he's trying to manipulate them or get in their pants.
But with you, it was genuine.
He'd absolutely buffer or glitch if you ever gave him a cute petname though.
It's why you simply stick to just giving him names that made fun of his odd features.
Samsung, flatscreen, TV man-
He's gotten used to it.
But jokingly call him babe or dear and he will die.
Vox also loves your eyes, it was straight up just so easy to read you just by meeting your gaze.
Can and will get lost in his thoughts looking at you but often catches himself in time to stop.
Has kind of deluded himself into the 'just friends' mentality.
Mostly out of his hesitance and unwillingness to accept he'd truly and totally fallen for you.
Vox doesn't remember the last time he felt genuine love for someone and that scares the socks off him-
You on the other hand just legitimately have no idea your attraction to the guy alreardy borders on romantic.
Quite literally everyone can see it aside from you two.
When you get down to hell, Vox actually has to adjust to the fact you're down there-
Even if it's just for a really stupid reason-
He's just the slightest bit relieved you hadn't gone to heaven where he wouldn't be able to reach you anymore.
It's a selfish reason, but Vox is inherently a selfish person so it doesn't bother him too badly.
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withahappyrefrain · 2 years
It's mansplain, manipulate Monday, and I think this deserves a prequel to how he got her manager's number and how they started dating because just from their chemistry, you can tell she played hard to get.
But this is only if you want to, please don't feel pressured. Your writing is incredible and you are extremely talented.
Hell yeah I want to make a backstory for a smutty drabble. 16+! Mob!Peter and very suggestive.
You Ain't Nothing (but a dog)
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Summary: You never meant to get into modeling. You also never meant to get tangled up with Peter Parker. But sometimes life has a funny way of working out.
You never meant to get into modeling. It wasn't something you dreamed about doing. For starters, you were no Cindy Crawford.
But you were a poor college student who needed money. Joining your friend for a shoot that would cover half of your monthly rent sounded much better than waiting tables.
Apparently the 'in look' had changed. Cindy's face was out, your's was in. So you continued it because being able to pay off your student debt was a pretty sweet deal.
When it became a full time job, you're not quite sure. It was definitely after graduation and you were still unsure if you wanted to get your master's. So you figured, why not model for a few years and save up?
You didn't mind it. You had made some friends along the way, found a decent company to manage you. You were even able to go from magazine photoshoots to billboards.
Never in a million years did you expect that a billboard would be why you crossed paths with Peter Parker.
Much less be how he became your husband.
"Miles, make 'em hold still, will ya?" Peter never understood why they always tried to squirm away.
They should have paid on time if they wanted to avoid this.
Finally satisfied with his punches, he removed the now bloodied brass knuckle from his hand. He noticed some blood had gotten on the sleeve of his shirt.
That would need to be dry cleaned.
"You have until Friday to pay up. Then I won't be as nice." He motioned for Miles to follow him out of the building.
"That was you being nice?" His protege asked.
Peter chuckled, "I let the bastard live, didn't I?"
"I'll bring the car around," Miles knew better than to question Peter's methods.
Peter rolled up the sleeves of his shirt as he waited, thinking of who else he needed to pay a 'visit' today.
He didn't know why he decided to look around the parking lot, but he's thankful he did.
Because there you were.
Or well, a picture of you.
You were stunning. From your bright eyes to the slope of your nose to the curve of your smile.
Fuck, he had to see you in person.
Luckily he had connections.
"Where to next boss?" Miles asked as Peter got in the car.
"I need you to help me with some research."
You were a pretty private person. The only public social media you had was filled with pictures of sights and food and occasionally animals. Not of your face.
That was smart. You kept a low profile. Peter liked that.
Though, it was frustrating he couldn't see more pictures of you.
Luckily for Peter, your coworkers weren't as private.
"This Watson girl definitely models with her," Miles pulled up a picture showing a redhead with other girls leaning in, posing with smiles and peace signs. Peter immediately spotted you in the photo.
Fuck, you were stunning with no makeup and minimal effort. A true beauty.
Peter stared at the various photos you were tagged in before clearing his throat, "So these are great. But I'm trying to see her in person."
"So I can tell you what we're not going to do, which is slide into her DM's. I know you don't know what that means, but trust me, it is not the vibe we're going for," Miles explained, "But I do believe I've found her manager."
"And you're certain this is her manager because....."
"Her, the Watson, and Brandt girl all follow each other. They also all follow this guy, Mark, who literally says in their profile they manage for a modeling company. And when I pulled up her Venmo, Watson Venmoed her and Brandt for 'Mark's bday gift'."
"This is why I keep you around," Peter grinned, "You got his number?"
Miles pulled out a sticky note that had a ten number digit written, "So you just gonna call the dude and say you want to go out on a date with one of his clients?"
Peter scoffed, "Please. May raised me better than that. Tell Felicia I need her to pick up and deliver a few gifts."
"Tell me again how this isn't the same thing as escorting? Because it sounds like escorting."
Your manager, Mark, sighed, "He just wants to get to know you and discuss a potential business deal over dinner."
You motioned to the huge vase of flowers that were delivered to you this afternoon, "Business deal?"
"People get flowers all the time."
You picked up the red Cartier box, opening it to reveal a diamond bracelet that you're pretty certain cost more than your college tuition.
"Business deal, huh?" You repeated.
"If you don't want it, I'll take it," your friend and coworker Gina said without looking up from the magazine she was reading.
Who the hell even was this guy? Peter Parker? What kind of name was that?
You weren't stupid. You knew damn well what a business deal over dinner entailed.
He was hoping to get into your pants by the end of the night.
"Look, you're going to a public place, Bella's, and-"
"He's taking you to Bella's? Don't you need to make reservations three months in advance?" Gina interrupted.
"You just need to have dinner with him. That's all."
"You told him I would go?!"
"I told the woman who works for him and dropped off these gifts," Mark paused, "Because she was very scary and intimidating, I did not want to upset her."
"See Y/N? He employs women, he can't be all that bad," Gina commented.
You were all for intimidating women. Just not when it landed you an unwanted date.
Which is how you found yourself outside of the city's most exclusive and expensive restaurants, about to embark on the weirdest blind date.
The date wasn't supposed to start until seven, but you arrived forty minutes early. You had to be first, you couldn't give this Peter Parker any advantage.
So when the hostess said she could bring you to "Mr. Parker's exclusive room", you just shook your head.
"Just tell him I'm at the bar."
The hostess' eyes widened, "Uh, Mr. Parker instructed us to walk you to his section when you arrived."
Instructed was a nice way of saying ordered. So the guy also loved telling people what to do. Great.
"Funny, because he never asked me if I was fine with that. If he did, he would have learned I don't go into private rooms with men I don't know," you pointed to the bar, "Again, I'll be over there."
The hostess was saying something, but you didn't care to listen.
The date hadn't even started yet and Mr. Parker could already go suck a fuck.
"It's the first date. Make sure you give her the chance to talk, okay?"
Peter furrowed his brow, "Why the fuck wouldn't I let her talk on the first date?"
"Some men love talking about themselves more than getting to know the other person," Felicia commented from the back of the car.
"Whenever you're not sure what to say, just ask her a question! Like what made you get into modeling?" Miles suggested.
"I already know how she got into modeling!"
"That is not public knowledge."
Felicia leaned forward, "you let her know you stalked her after she agrees to be your girlfriend. Your chances of her finding it cute are higher. Until then, play dumb."
Peter Parker was stressed. Which was weird because he never got stressed.
He had killed people before with his bare hands. Why was he now stressed about a date.
As if Miles could sense it, he began, "It's the first date. If you're nervous-"
"I am not nervous!" Peter said sharply, looking into the mirror to check his hair for the sixth time.
Miles fought the urge to roll his eyes, "Fine. It's the first date, it's okay if it's a little awkward. Just be yourself!"
"Minus the violent, illegal, organized crime boss part," Felicia commented, "You should probably save that for maybe the third date."
"You should also probably get out of the car and go into the restaurant," Miles paused, "Considering your date starts in ten minutes."
"I know when my date starts!" Peter hissed before looking out the window, "Did you see her walk in?"
"For the sixth time, no." Felicia commented, rolling her eyes.
"Would arriving ten minutes early make me look too eager?" Peter asked his right hand man and woman, who were fighting the urge to smack their boss upside the head.
"She's a potential love interest, not a potential enemy, Peter."
"True," He gripped the door handle, as if he was about to actually get out.
He turned to them, "It's just I had this idea that I walk into the room and she's sitting down at the table, y'know? And then I say-"
"Peter get the fuck out of the car," Felicia ordered, not even looking up from her nails that she was inspecting.
You sipped on your Old Fashion, your eyes darting to the front entrance.
This date was supposed to start in five minutes and Mr. Parker was nowhere to be seen.
Maybe whatever deity you prayed to, took mercy on you. Maybe he wouldn't show up.
Wouldn't that be something? Then you could focus on the absolute Adonis who just walked into the restaurant.
Adonis incarnated's brown eyes found yours. You sipped your cocktail, not breaking eye contact.
"Mr. Parker!" The man turned his head to face the hostess.
God. Damn. It.
You took a much bigger sip of your drink, the bourbon burning your throat.
Okay, he was attractive. Stupidly attractive.
You could admit that.
But he was still the guy who didn't even call you to ask you out. He called your manager. And he sent gifts and had his own private room in a restaurant and staff taking his jacket, all for showing off. All to impress you.
All to wield power over you.
You weren't going to allow that.
Which is why you couldn't help but smirk when you heard him ask the hostess "Why the hell is she sitting at the bar?"
You could hear the hostess try to explain what had happened as best as she could without saying you were being a stubborn bitch.
"Whatever, I'll get her myself," You heard him tell her.
This should be fun.
You turned your attention back to the bar, your eyes focused on one of the many expensive bottles of alcohol that were adorning the glass shelves.
The sound of footsteps quickly approached you. You continued drinking your cocktail, staring straight ahead. He was the one who set up the day, he could be the one who said hello first.
"Uh....hi." You turned your head, expecting to see arms crossed and a scowl across his face.
He was looking at the ground. Was his face red?
"Our room is ready."
"Nice to meet you too," You took another sip before turning to him, "My name is Y/N and I don't go into private rooms with men I don't know."
"Oh." He looked around, looking everywhere but you. Did he not do eye contact?
"Had you actually spoken to me beforehand, you would have learned that." You crossed your arms.
He finally looked at you. His brown eyes widened and his lips parted slightly. It was....different. It wasn't the lewd stare you were used to receiving.
He looked....nervous? No, that couldn't be it. No guy would track you down and take you out on a date if they didn't have an overblown ego.
"I uh....I can get us another table," He mumbled. He turned around, ready to walk back to the hostess' table. You could see his hands balling up into fists as he turned back around.
"I'm Peter."
You stared out the window to admire the skyline of the city.
It was an amazing view. It reminded you of how the city was still beautiful, despite of the not so pretty parts.
"It's beautiful, right?"
Fuck you almost forgot you were on a date with him.
You turned to face him again, the candlelight casting a glow over his stupidly handsome face.
"Yeah, it's a really nice view," You admitted before taking another sip of your wine that cost more than what you make in a week.
"It's gorgeous, though not as-"
"Gorgeous as me?" You finished.
It wasn't the first time you had finished a pickup line of his that night. The guy really had no originality. His lack of response confirmed it.
You stared straight at him now, waiting for him to start his next cheesy pickup line.
And your stare burned through him. The man could barely look you in the eye. He was shifting in his seat, visibly uncomfortable.
It was strange.
His honeyed eyes fell upon your bare wrists, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"You're not wearing the bracelet," He said. Well, more like mumbled.
"Nope," you shrugged. This was it.
Because you read the note that was written in that box. The note whose handwriting was way too nice to actually be his. The note that went on about how even though the bracelet didn't shine as bright as your eyes, he looked forward to seeing it on you.
He would snap. Finally realize you were only a pretty face and call the date off.
"Did you....not like it?" With those big brown eyes, Peter Parker resembled moreso a puppy that just got it's favorite toy taken away than a pissed off man.
"I'm just not much of a jewelry wearer," You explained, your tone much softer than you desired.
He nodded his head.
You shrugged, "Would have known that if-"
"I spoke to you beforehand?" You weren't surprised that he finished your sentence. You were more surprised at the sliver of a smile that was creeping onto his face while he said it.
You nodded your head, "Seems to be the theme of the night."
He was trying. Which was the most baffling part. Normally when guys take you out for dinner, they're not nervous. Or at least don't show it.
But he was obviously nervous and it was borderline endearing. Which was the problem. You weren't supposed to be enjoying any part of the guy.
You looked out to admire the view again. You feared if you didn't, your eyes would wander to his hands again.
"Excuse me, can I borrow that? And that?" You turned to see Peter talking to a waiter, pointing to their notepad and pen.
Without any questions, the waiter gave their materials to him. He turned to a blank page.
"So no private rooms or jewelry," He said out loud as he wrote it down. He looked over to your plate, "and no to Italian food, given you've only eaten half of the best ravioli in the city."
"Wh-what are you doing?" He could not be doing what it looked like he was doing.
"Keeping track of what you like and don't like," Peter said, like it was obvious, "So what type of food do you like?"
"Uh...Thai. And you're doing this why?" This date was not going on how you expected and you were still unsure whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.
He looked up at you, a small, sheepish smile on his face. Fuck, his eyes were beautiful. Beautiful and soft.
"As you can probably tell, I haven't been on a date in years. I think it's also safe to say I didn't exactly put my best foot forward. So I want to blow you away on our second date by actually doing stuff you enjoy," He explained.
Bold of you to assume there will be a second date, is what you wanted to say. But your mouth couldn't form those exact words.
"This is your first date in years?" Was what came out instead. You were surprised. The guy was incredibly attractive, and clearly had money and power from whatever job he did for a living.
He nodded his head and oh, he was definitely blushing and it was cute.
"I thought it was obvious when I forgot to introduce myself," He mumbled. You leaned forward to get a closer look at his handwriting on the notepad.
The handwriting matched the note.
Peter Parker handwrote that note himself.
"You okay?" It took you a moment to realize he was staring right at you. You never had been into brown eyes, but his were so big and looked like browned honey and reminded you of Bambi and-
Fuck you were screwed.
"Yeah! I just..." You bit your bottom lip, "Why don't we get out of here? It's kinda stuffy if I'm being honest."
"Doesn't like stuffy restaurants," He wrote down. His eyes widened, your words finally hitting Peter, "Oh. Uh yes, absolutely. Where to?"
"Not your bedroom. Or mine," You said quickly. There was no way you were letting him in that easy, "Why don't I just drive us around the city?"
"You drove here?"
You grinned, "No, but I know you did."
He cocked his head in confusion, though the corners of his mouth had turned upwards, "and what makes you think I'll let you drive my car, angel?"
"You want that second date or not?"
He chuckled and you could tell he was debating it.
"Fine, but only if our second date can be this Friday," He countered.
You smirked, "Eager, are we?"
Now it was his turn to smirk, "Thought I made that obvious too."
You could have turned him down. You could have said no.
But where was the fun in that?
Besides, he was letting you drive his very expensive car. And as you would soon learn, Peter was very much worth keeping around.
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writer-loogi2 · 2 years
♡︎"𝙽𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚒𝚖 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚑.." 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚌 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛.. ( 𝙶𝙽 )♡︎
A/N: Whoo boi, I uhh I am one horny mf- djsjjs okno, but jokes aside, I spent a lot of days writing this smutty garbage ( not that I'm actually good at writing it but at least I tried,, ). Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this really crappy drabble thing,,
♡︎𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐!! Major NSFW, contains public sex, oral sex, and riding.
( ♡︎𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚝!♡︎ )
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♡︎Alright so I'm gonna throw some context before I begin the drabble, because it's honestly really stupid but funny.
♡︎So let's just say, Mic goes on some late night patrolling with Eraser. Lots of events happened that night and Mic ends up injured, so obviously Aizawa takes him to a hospital ( well actually an ambulance would but you get the idea-,, )
♡︎So Aizawa being the nice guy he is, he calls you and tells you about the whole thing and makes sure to let you know that Hizashi is okay, although injured, at least he's okay. He just needs rest.
♡︎And the next day, you go visit him 'cause you were worried sick..
"Hi yes, um, I'm looking for Hizashi Yamada. Which room is he in?" (Y/N) asked the receptionist, standing there awkwardly as they waited for her to respond.
The receptionist nodded to her left "Hmm, he's in room 308. Just take the elevator to your left, it's on the third floor. When you get there, take a right turn down the hall and you should find it."
"Alright, thanks!" After the receptionist gave them directions, they walked over to the elevators and took them up to the third floor, where they expected to find him.
They knocked on his door and waited for his response, not long after they heard a muffled voice yell out from behind the door "Come in!".
(Y/N) slowly opened the door, only to find him laying down on a hospital bed.
"Ah, hey listener! I wasn't expecting you to come here!" Hizashi smiled when he saw who it was. He sat upright in his bed, waiting for them to speak.
"Well I heard about what happened while you were patrolling yesterday. Shouta told me you got injured. That's why I came to see you. How are you feeling?" They said, sitting next to him on one of the chairs.
"Well, I'm feeling a lot better now that you're here listener~" Hizashi teased.
(Y/N) rolled their eyes playfully.
"Alright but jokes aside, I'm still feeling a little under the weather. Though I'm sure I'll feel fine in a few days, for now I'll stay here and rest." He explained.
(Y/N) gave a small sigh of relief "It's good to hear that you're okay, I was very worried about you." They replied, smiling back at him.
"Aw listener, don't worry too much, aight? I'll be just fine." Hizashi winked playfully.
"Oh hush up, dummy. I have every right to worry!" (Y/N) chuckled.
They were both quiet for moment until he decided to break the silence.
"Y'know, I'm glad you came to visit me, I was getting kinda lonely all couped up in this hospital."
"Well of course! I figured you'd miss me if I didn't show up." They grinned.
Hizashi turned towards them with a playful smirk "Is that so?" He questioned.
"Mhhm, that's why I'm here after all, to make you feel better.."
(Y/N)'s tone had changed as they spoke, becoming a bit more seductive.
Their voice made him feel warm inside, making his heart beat a little faster.
"..And I know exactly what you need right now.." Before he could say anything they leaned forward, kissing his lips.
He was taken aback by this sudden gesture, but soon melted into the kiss.
Soon their hands began wander around his body, going lower until soon enough they grabbed hold of his crotch, earning a slight moan from him.
He tried to resist their advances, even though he really wanted them to touch him. They noticed this and wanted to tease him a little more.
"Aww, what's wrong? Weren't you the one telling me how much you missed me?"
They spoke softly, a smirk on their face as they continued "So at least let me make you feel better again~" They placed kisses on his neck and jaw, causing him to lose track of his train of thought.
"..Holy shit listener, you really know how'da get me worked up.." He muttered. Their actions had caused his cock to grow painfully hard, he couldn't stop himself from letting out another moan.
"Shhh.. We don't want the nurses hearing you, now do we?" He felt their lips leave his neck, before they proceeded to trail kisses down his chest.
He was already starting to pant slightly as they went farther down, reaching his waist. "..Fuck.. please, touch me listener.. I can't take it anymore.."
"..You're gonna be the death of me.." He grunted.
They smirked before they continued to travel further down his stomach, stopping when they reached the top of his boxers.
(Y/N) lowered his underwear quickly, pulling them off his visible erection.
Gazing in his eyes, they slowly began slipping his shaft into their mouth.
"Oohh.." He moaned as he felt them bobbing their head back and forth.
They kept licking his length, enjoying the taste of him, causing Hizashi to grip the side rails on the bed tightly.
"..Hah..holy shit listener.. you're drivin' me crazy.."
He panted. His hips jerking involuntarily with each movement.
"Oh don't worry, I'm not quite done with you just yet.." They said, continuing to work him in and out of their mouth.
Their fingers began stroking his shaft, making his breath hitch. He was close.
His hands gripped the rail tighter, trying to keep himself from falling apart completely. But he knew he wouldn't last much longer.
The sound of their tongue lapping against his skin, coupled with slow movements, sent him over the edge.
Suddenly, he bucked his hips upward, releasing everything he had been holding in. His eyes began to water as the feeling filled his senses.
Hizashi slumped backwards onto his pillow, exhausted from his orgasm.
"Oh man.. You're really something else listener.." He sighed, running his hand through his hair.
"Are you feeling better now?" They said smiling.
"I am now! And y'know what? I think I might have a little more in me so how 'bout we keep going and get this show on the road, hm?" He teased them with a wink.
They giggled, before getting ready to continue. "So does this mean, you want another round?"
Hizashi nodded eagerly.
"Alright then, if you say so.." They crawled onto the bed, positioning themselves in between his legs.
As they pulled themselves onto his cock, he held their hips gently and slowly guided them. "..God you're so tight.." He muttered. He started moving his hips, gradually increasing speed, before hitting that perfect spot.
He moaned loudly, grabbing hold of their thighs and giving a sharp thrust. Their face contorted into pleasure, as they wrapped their legs around Hizashi’s waist, and placed their hands on his chest.
He kept pumping, trying to keep his rhythm steady, making sure to hit that sweet spot every time.
"..Shit.. listener I can feel your walls tightening around my dick.." He groaned, jutting his hips upward, wanting more.
Hizashi lifted their ass, bringing them closer to him, as he thrusted once more. His whole body felt like it was about to explode. "..You're killing me listener.. fuck.." He grunted.
They watched him cum intensely, shooting his load deep inside them.
Afterwards, his grip on their hips loosened slightly as he collapsed against the pillows and tried to catch his breath.
(Y/N) slowly got off his lap, they removed their legs from around his waist, before wrapping their arms around him and pulling him into a hug. "Damn.. that was amazing.. I bet you must really be feeling a lot better, huh?"
"You think? If I knew you'd come here to nurse me back to health like that, I would've gotten injured ages ago!" He joked, causing (Y/N) to gasp and lighty punch his arm.
"Don't say things like that! I don't like seeing you get hurt! Besides.. you don't need to be injured for me to treat you, I can always do it if you want.." (Y/N) suggested.
"Well, I'd gladly accept your services, but first I have one final request."
"Hm? What is it?"
"Can you stay the night? If that's okay with you! I'm sure the nurse won't mind." He smiled sheepishly, looking away as he added "And I'd also like to spend some more time with my favorite listener, at least while I get better." He admitted.
"Of course I'll stay the night with you, you don't have to ask that.. dummy.." (Y/N) giggled. They laid down beside him, snuggling close to him. He wrapped his arms around them and nuzzled his face against theirs.
"Thank you.."
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A/N: Alright y'all! I'm done for today. Anyway I hope you guys liked it! I know I'm not good at writing smut for shit but I'm actually pretty proud of this! It's not much but it's honest work!
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
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( So, after discussing with a friend last night, I have decided to do something I’ve been planning to do for a while now. And it’s not going to be a big thing that’ll twist and shape my main universe/lore for this blog, but it’ll be enough of a small change that can warranty some nice interactions.
The idea I’ll be sharing about is branched off of this ask prompt. The idea entails of a small, young bluebird (which is also known as a Flicky in Sonic’s universe) gets unfortunately injured after a recent Badnik attack. With the good heart that Sonic has, he’s determined to get this bird get some proper care and treatment so that she doesn’t have to suffer from any injuries that might cost her life.
And yet, after she gets taken care of, she finds comfort into Sonic’s care, and refuses to leave his side. Sonic, at first, wanted to take her back to the fields, but he thought of why not taking care of her for a while. Or, at least, until she’s ready to return back to her natural habitat.
I’ll be writing a small little IC Update-like drabbles explaining this in full detail. Not right now though, but you’ll find out where this will go from here on out lol. )
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dendrograna · 2 years
Respite AU Headcanons + Little Update
Soooo I have a bunch of little ideas I wanna write some drabbles/headcanons about, but I don't think they'll be long enough to work into Respite Hereafter. So, I'll be posting a few extra bits of information soon, to hold you guys over until I can get the next part of Respite Hereafter out.
I've also decided to dub this au the "respite au," primarily because nothing comes up when i searched for it so i won't be stepping on someone else's toes. So all the posts related to this au will be tagged #respite au :]
Also, little update:
For those unaware, my house caught fire in late January and I've been living out of a hotel ever since. I originally thought I'd be home in 2-3 weeks. It's been 3 months and they haven't even started.
Good news, though: we finally know when they'll be done !! Construction will start either this week or on Monday, and it will be a 2-3 week job, so I should be home in around 4 weeks (which is better than the 5-6 I thought it would be) !! Very exciting :]
Anyway !! I wanna ramble about the lore of the respite au for a little bit, here's some additional headcanons I couldn't really work into the next part hehe
tw // cultish behavior, trauma, past abuse, implied past starvation
Like I eluded to in the latest part of Respite Hereafter, the people are terrified of the power your impostor held. They were incredibly cruel, and the people were terrified that they might just murder everyone. Your impostor regularly discussed genocide with their servants, contemplated whether Teyvat had earned the privilege of living any longer, like a veiled threat. So your people threw themselves at the impostor, desperate to earn their favor just enough to keep them from destroying everything.
People regularly sent themselves into debt and spent money they didn't have just to make sure your impostor was satisfied. They see it as an honor for their gifts to be brought to your feet, offered up in protection of their nations and their lives.
The impostor rarely even looked at the things offered to them, let alone cherished them. The maids had grown used to throwing out boxes on boxes of very expensive jewelry, art, incense, candles, anything the people could think to give up. You, on the other hand...
The first shipment they bring you is from Snezhnaya, and right on top is a black box from a particularly wealthy ginger Harbinger. Inside said black box is an ornately decorated crown, gold chains and gems hanging from the sides made to be braided into your hair, and with high-pointed spikes that resembled a halo. "As one of your radiance deserves," the attached note says.
You often get overwhelmed with all the praise and worship and your acolytes get so worried. When they bring you their offerings and they see the tears clinging to your eyelashes they feel horrible; they believe their offerings are not to your liking. They'll do better next time, please forgive them!
When you explain that you aren't upset at all and that you love and cherish all of their offerings so much it makes you emotional, they... don't know what to think. Some of them begin to doubt your abilities as their Creator, because how could someone so powerful be so kind and gentle? Surely if you had such power you would be showing it off, right?
These arguments don't often last long. You may not resort to violence as punishment for such blasphemy, but that doesn't mean your acolytes won't. They simply won't stand for someone dirtying and doubting your holy name in this way. Even if you doubt it yourself sometimes.
Your acolytes are getting over some pretty heavy trauma, but... You are too. You try your hardest not to let it show just how anxiety-ridden you are, but some of your little quirks just give it away. The maids find you attempting to save your food sometimes, claiming that even though you're hungry now, you'll be even more hungry later. You still flinch whenever someone comes at you too fast, and you don't appreciate walking in front of others or having your back turned. You often have your guards walk in front of you, even though you're more at risk of being attacked from behind that way. You know your guards are armed and they're behind you, and you can't handle the invasive thoughts that brings.
Yet even though you're struggling so much yourself, you try so hard to not show it for their sake. Your acolytes are suffering too, and they need someone strong to support them. So you put your own traumas on the backburner to help them.
You try so hard to make them feel comfortable around you. It's a very slow, very gradual process, but you regularly sneak out to roam the streets, just so your people can get used to seeing you in a casual, friendly way. You aren't there to hurt them, you don't expect to be bowed to or given gifts, you're there only to earn their trust.
On one such occasion as you walk through the streets of Mondstadt alone, finally stealing a second away from your guards, a small child you happen to recognize barrels straight into you. She gasps and topples over, and when she meets your eyes, the terrified, ashamed look on her face breaks your heart. Klee.
Jean isn't far behind her, calling for her to come back and to apologize to the person she'd just run into. When she realizes that it's you, she freezes.
Before she can even begin to apologize or plead for forgiveness, though, you kneel beside Klee, ask if she's hurt in the gentlest voice you could muster, and offer her a hand up. She's shaking and you hear a whimper escape her when you speak.
Jean kneels in a bow, apologizing on Klee's behalf for harming you. The whole debacle gains the attention of everyone else around, who upon realizing you've graced them with your presence, do the same.
You take Klee's hand and help her up, wiping the tears from her cheeks. You smile at her, ever-forgiving and kind, and explain that it's okay, she didn't mean to. You made Jean promise she wouldn't give Klee a harsher punishment for bumping into you before your guards finally caught up to you, insisting you return to the palace.
It's gonna be a long road to recovery for both you and your acolytes, but you make a promise to yourself that you'll be there for them, every step of the way.
Aaaaand that's that !! Part 4 of Respite Hereafter should be done pretty soon (?) this is just something to hold you guys (and myself lol) over until then :]
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deadwriter16 · 2 years
Ooooo, maybe something about Bakugou and Deku proving their childhood friends? Like, they know each other better than anyone else.
last one!!! im caught up now yay!!! this ask game is closed now, i'll reopen it at some point when i have free time again. honestly i was not expecting to get as many asks as i did for this one, but it was an amazing pleasant surprise and i appreciated it so much!! thanks yall
this one was fun to write! ochako pov for a change. and i got to fit in my ochako uraraka the first bkdk agenda which was very fun
send me a trope and i'll write a bkdk drabble! (currently closed)
Ochako Uraraka takes her role as the number one supporter of Deku and Bakugou’s relationship very seriously. She’s known they were fated rivals since the beginning, always meant to come together as the childhood friends they once were and become an unstoppable team, friends and partners for life. And yes, Bakugou was an awful bully to Deku, but it was obvious to Ochako that Deku loved him even through their rough patches, seeing the good in Bakugou and having faith in him. So when Ochako heard about their fight at Ground Beta and Bakguou’s subsequent atonement and apologies, Ochako was happy to hear Deku forgave him and they were friends again.
The issue there was that once they became friends, they started falling in love. Their crushes on each other were obviously mutual and incredibly sickening with how grossly enamored they were with each other. And yet both parties were completely oblivious to the others’ feelings, which absolutely killed Ochako. So she did what she could to try and get them to talk to each other, and at one point she may or may not have locked them in a closet because she was tired of their ridiculous pining. She wouldn’t let them out until they confessed to each other, which ended up working great because at some point she had to stop eavesdropping due to sounds she did not want to be hearing. She came back an hour later to get them from the closet and they stumbled out red-faced with their clothes rumpled. Ochako had just rolled her eyes.
The point here is that Ochako knows Deku and Bakugou’s relationship inside out. And she knows that there are no two people out there who know each other better than Deku and Bakugou do. And yet, for some inane reason, one Mina Ashido does not seem to believe her. Ochako is going to make so much money.
“Bakubabe knows a lot about Mido,” Mina concedes as they walk into the common room, “but Mido doesn’t really know much about Baku besides, like, his fighting styles and stuff, you know? Since they spent so long not being friends.”
“Sure, but it’s Deku and-” Ochako’s eyes dart around the room to make sure one possessive as hell Izuku Midoriya isn’t in earshot, “Kacchan. They’re not your average childhood friends to rivals to friends to lovers. They know each other.”
“Still,” Mina argues, “I don’t think they know the little details.”
“Oh, trust me, they do,” Ochako skips over to the sofa where Deku and Bakugou are sitting, studying together. Deku’s legs are thrown over Bakugou’s and Bakugou’s head rests on Deku’s shoulder, Deku absentmindedly stroking his spikes.
They’re so adorable.
“Hey Deku, Bakugou!” Ochako says as she stops in front of them, Mina standing next to her. They both look up, Deku with a grin and Bakugou with a disgruntled expression. “I was wondering if you could help me win a bit with Mina here?”
“What kind of bet?” Deku asks.
“Fuck yeah, I love winning,” Bakugou says.
“Well, Ochako bet me one hundred yen that you two know, like, basically everything about each other ‘cause your childhood friends,” Mina explains.
“We do,” Deku and Bakugou reply at the same time. Ochako smirks.
Mina crosses her arms. “Favorite color?”
“Red,” Bakugou bites out.
“Green!” Deku blurts, “see? I know Kacchan the best!”
“Nobody knows shitty Deku better than I do,” Bakugou agrees.
“Color’s an easy one, though,” Mina decides, “favorite food?”
“Could you be any easier?” Bakugou snorts, “katsudon.”
“Katsudon…” Ochako grins, “Katsuki…oh! I get it!”
“Ochako!” Deku whines, turning bright red. Bakugou smirks at him.
“Kacchan loves spicy curry,” Deku adds, “Kacchan always uses his mom's recipe but makes it a tad spicier! He adds an extra teaspoon of chili powder, to be exact.”
“Well,” Mina blinks, “that was a little creepy. How about…dream date?”
“Amusement park, crepes, hand holding like the fucking sap he is,” Bakugou lists off, looking smug. Mina gapes, and Ochako just laughs.
“What about Bakugou, Deku?”
“Oh,” Deku perks up, “Kacchan loves hiking! He likes long trails with some kind of water feature at the top, and he likes to go to a good restaurant to get some food afterward, but it has to be healthy and spicy! And then Kacchan likes to go home and stay in for the rest of the night. We watch All Might movies and cuddle!”
“Awwww,” MIna and Ochako squeal at the same time. Bakugou does not share this same sentiment, because he’s glaring daggers at Deku for revealing his secret soft side. Not that it was ever much of a secret. Bakugou is a huge softie to everyone.
“I feel like that proves it, though,” Ochako tells Mina, “I want my money.”
Mina grumbles, but she hands Ochako a hundred yen. “Fine. That was pretty good, I don’t even know that stuff about Kirishima. I’ll give you this one.”
“Yes!” Ochako crows in triumph, “the bakudekus keep on winning!”
“Awww,” Deku swoons, “me and Kacchan have a ship name?”
“The fucking whats?” Bakugou yells at the same time, already sparking.
Ochako smiles, fond. OTP.
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chxseungyoun · 5 years
Felix ♤ 》 Him
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Pairing: Best friend! Felix x Reader
Genre: Romance, Soulmate AU, Fluff, Drabble
So everybody knows that you are destined for someone because that's just how life works.
Everybody has a soulmate which you can have some form of bond with may it be from matching tattoos, matching disabilities or just that simple love at first sight look.
You however...
Well, you had none of that. You had no special marks and everything else was normal for you.
Having no soulmate was a misfortune or some would even see it as a curse.
Your parents tried hard to conceal your fate by writing marks on your skin to make it seen like it was the tattoo that bonded your fate.
Fortunately, you were not alone. For your neighbor's son had also experience an ill fate. He had no markers which signaled that he had a soulmate.
Felix was his name.
He soon grew up to be your best friend.
Basically, you two had to scribble random doodles on your wrists just to make it seen like you have soulmates.
"What are you gonna write on yours today?" He asked as he peeked at your wrist.
"Pineapples do belong on pizza." You laughed. You often changed what was written on your wrist saying to people that your bond was having what your soulmate will say last for the day.
"You're weird." Felix commented before writing on his wrist.
"What did you write?"
"I told you so." He said as he showed how he had even wrote it in cursive.
"Why that?" You raised an eyebrow as you stood up and grabbed your backpack.
"It's generic and people would assume that it can be anyone." He explained.
Truth is, this had much more of an impact to him because he was called a disgrace for not even having a soulmate and only average grades in his class.
You had better grades and you opted to teach him as your self-proclaimed duty as his best friend.
You two walked to school as per routine. Catching the bus would get you two to scjool quick but walking gave you two more time to talk.
"Do you sometimes feel like we really are cursed?" He brought up while you two had been discussing about soulmates.
"People make it seem like we are but does that make us less as people?" You asked him back and he only heaved a sigh.
"I guess not."
"Does it make you sad?" You tilted your head while looking at him.
"Just confused."
"Even without soulmates, we'll be just fine."
He gave you a boyish smile and stretched his arms up. "I'll pick you up after class. Let's get some pizza while we study."
"Your treat?" You batted your eyelashes and he only laughed softly.
Later that day, as you two got your pizza. Him with his pepperoni and cheese while you..actually ordered hawaiian.
"That doesn't taste good though." He pointed at your pizza as he flipped through his algebra book.
"Nuh uh! Pineapples do add a special taste! Try it!" You took a slice and shoved it into his mouth, also causing him to choke.
Not wanting you to shove another slice into his mouth, he just agreed with you. "Yeah yeah. Pineapples do belong in pizzas." He rolled his eyes and just continued to study.
"I told you so!" You argued and continued stuffing yourself with food.
As you got home, Felix had always took you home first. Your mother had invited him to come in but he said he had a big test he needed to study for. So he had no choice but to bid you farewell.
As he got home, he breathed in deeply and looked at his wrist with his smudged writing on it. He has noticed it for a while.
Everything he wrote, you often said.
It almost overwhelmed him with confusion.
But it couldn't be, right? You both had no soulmates.
You too had been experiencing the same.
Scared? Yes. You had no clue what was happening. Was it because you guys were too close or was it just coincidence.
The next few days, you tried testing the waters. And so did he. Not showing each other your wrists just to see if it still ended up the same.
It didn't. You guys finally now had different writings on your wrist.
You couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It would be a lie to say that Felix was not attractive. He was hella attractive and you promised yourself never to say that out loud.
You two had been at the grounds of the school where you sat under a shaded area and Felix had his head on your lap while he napped on the grass.
You just stared at his sleeping face. It made yiur heart beat rise a bit but you always tried to push those feelings away.
Felix never slept actually. There was just this calming feeling of being with you.
You liked one another so the question is why not just confess, right? Well, the reason is simple.
How could you do that to your parents? They had been protecting both of you and you two would just start dating? What would people think of your families.
This is why you two just pushed it away.
Everyone in your school believes that you two are soulmates. In fact, nobody questioned what your bond was because they just knew that you two were already a thing.
Plus, you didn't have enough friends nosing around it.
It was until one evening where Felix had to stay over at your place since your parents, as well as his, planned to visit a Shaman to talk about your fates as soulmate-less people.
It was a great time for you two to have nothing to think about but having fun.
You had your usual meals like ramen mixed in some rice cake paired with your favorite soda.
You two also played some fortnite since he brought his laptop with him.
But since playing for long caused your eyes to hurt, you two just decided to lay down on the carpet.
"Hey, can I write on your wrist this time?" He started as he broke the peaceful silence between both of you.
You were confused why since the day was already ending but he wrote something on it anyway.
He then yawned and closed his eyes. "I'm going to sleep, good night."
"Good night..." you said back confusingly as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
You looked down on your wrist and your eyes widened. In blue ink, it wrote, I like you.
You felt your heart skip a beat and you wanted to ask him about it but was afraid to wake him up from his sleep. So you gently took the pen he had written with and wrote the words, I like you too, on his wrist.
Soon falling asleep as well, Felix opened his eyes to check on his wrist. He smiled to himself before turning to face you and pull you against his chest. "We don't need soulmates..we just need one another." He whispered before closing his eyes.
Your parents somewhere in complete shock when the shaman told them that you both had already found your soulmates.
So when they went home, they were surprised to see you two in one another's arms, sleeping on the carpet.
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