#( I'm still going with the idea that Sean and her are close because Sean likes to mess with her cluelessness and naivety )
Cassie: haha what's a joke
Sean: I'm about to reinvent the idea of a joke to the rich socialite ;))))
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frank1nsaint · 8 months
Franklin Part 4
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Warnings: Use of curse words and N-word
As expected Franklin did indeed figure out who approached you, what shocked you was how quick he was able to figure it out. You hear rumors about their disappearance, beatings and/or shootings either way you don't see them around anymore in the following weeks. The more you thought about it the more scared you got because either one of them could put things together and come for you or they were actually dead and you can't decide which fate you feared most. You spent some time looking over your shoulder afterwards.
On top of that you had your own personal shit to deal with, you couldn't figure out which stung more Franklin lying to you and playing you or him moving on like you meant nothing.  You heard about him going back to Melody fooling with her and with other girls from different blocks. Brenda, Keisha, who else? You had no beef with them, you caught a glimpse of one of  them once when Harmony dragged you to a party, tired of your pity party. 
“Fuck!” You complain to yourself wiping your tears away while trying to focus at work. You had just stepped away from a patient's room to get them water and now at the fountain, you were fighting back against your tears but failing. You rush to the bathroom to calm down. 
“Maybe you like him more than you think?” your mind Replays Harmony’s comments 
“What is wrong with me?” You look at yourself in the bathroom mirror 
You didn't want to admit it to yourself that you did indeed like Franklin and you were pissed he played you. A long time had passed between your break up with your ex and Franklin's date. You forgot how much you actually missed getting attention from a guy. And Franklin’s attention was a breath of fresh air and suffocating at the same time. When he looked at you his eyes never left you. You remember blushing so much at the fact that he actually paid attention he was present in all the conversations. 
You take in a deep breath “okay enough!”  you scold yourself, a small pep talk “you got this! Room 5 still needs water, 12 needs blankets and another gown, and room 19 wants something to eat“ You say to yourself as you read down your list.  The rest of your shift you force yourself to focus on work and nothing else. It was for the best anyway. It was best if you two just didn’t try to pursue each other. 
School, work, home, work, school, home. Your life returns to its norm, finally after you stop feeling sad for yourself you fall back into your routine. You have 3 semesters remaining from getting your general studies degree. You were so close you could see the light at the end of the tunnel. 
However tonight was a girls night, it was your idea to make it a girls night, surprising Harmony in the process. You look at your watch Harmony and LaShay were supposed to be coming down from Sean's house  the three of you were going to the Prince concert downtown and the way this was the concert of your lifetimes to date so you needed them to hurry the fuck up or traffic would have you all missing the show. 
“Shit!” you grumble to yourself, as you grab your purse and keys you had to go rush them out or you three two would be fighting over this concert 
You don't bother to knock on the door, instead walk into the house full of men. Franklin's men? Maybe Leon's? Acquaintances looking to make a buck? Who knows you didn't know them well enough to care, you didn't want to either. 
“Damn you be walking into people's cribs like that, no knocking?” one of them jokes 
“Shut up! Where's Harmony and LaShay?” you were not in the mood 
“Yo Shay! Harmony!” he shouts 
“What?” you hear Harmony’s voice over the music
You walk in further into the house 
“Oh hey Y/N!” Lashay greets as she rounds the corner 
“Hey!” you return the greeting looking her up and down 
“I'm ready girl!” she chuckles noticing your mood 
“HARMONY! “ Lashay calls to her 
“Y/N?!” You see her head poke out the door “Hey girl i'm almost ready!”  she says noting your expression you knew she was the culprit 
You sigh hoping she was telling the truth “Hey how y'all doing?” you wave and ask as you look around the room 
A round of greetings go around the room. You don't spot him at first but as soon as one of the men moves out of the way you two make eye contact for a few seconds
“So y’all going to that Prince concert?” you hear another guy ask
“If Harmony hurry’s the fuck up! HARMONY! HURRY IT THE FUCK UP!” you complain 
“Damn!” He chuckles “I didn't know you were mean Y/N” 
“Yea Louie already on her way with her homegirl!” Jerome comments 
You roll your eyes “Lucky her” 
You turn your attention to LaShay, you both spend time complimenting each other’s outfits. From your peripheral you take in his posture on the chair, legs wide open man spread to the max going over details on what looked like the city map. You turn your body to avoid your eyes drifting slowly to him. 
There's a silence  that takes over the room, minimal chatter, and music playing. You feel eyes on you and choose not to acknowledge it. You and LaSshay were not supposed to be there they were discussing privy information if Harmony would just get the fuck dressed. You hear heels clicking down the hall and you couldn't be happier. You 3 say your goodbyes before making it to your car with a promise to Sean and Dreads you would be bringing their girlfriends back to them safely.
A part of you silently envied them, lucky bitches had men looking out for them but tonight was not the night to lick your wounds tonight was the night to see Prince in person have a good time dance, drink, sing till you lost your voice and that's what you did. 
You're later than expected  but you make it back to Sean's house eventually, again LA traffic was no joke and it seemed like the entire city made their way to this concert. You and Harmony grab Lashay and make your way into Sean’s house. The house was still full. Instead of the city map you see beer bottles and cans on the table. You quickly scan the room and don't see Franklin. You sigh in relief you always felt exposed to him. 
“She can lay in the spare bedroom” Harmony says as Dread’s grabs an arm
“I got her” Dreads says picking her up taking her from both of you
“Damn yall must have had fun!” Sean comments giving Harmony a kiss on her cheek 
“YEA I’M SURE THEY DID!” you hear Louie laugh
You both turn to find her “Louie, how'd you get here before us?” Harmony asks as you follow her towards the sound of laughter
She stood in the kitchen with Jerome and some of Franklin's men. “Girl by that last song I was walking out the door. You know how LA traffic is”  she speaks over the music 
You shoot your cousin a look she had insisted you guys sit for a moment before leaving still awestruck from Prince 
“Sorry” she mouths to you 
“Alright I'm gonna go home”  you say “goodnight y'all” you say turning to leave
“Y/N!”  you hear before feeling a soft grip on your hand when you turn to look back you see Franklin with that fox smile you had failed to scan the kitchen thinking he was gone you should have, why was he always in the cut somewhere? 
You glance down at your hands for a split second “Oh! Hey Franklin!”  you greet as he pulls you closer leaning against the counter
It felt like all eyes were on you but in reality it was just Franklin's there he goes again once his gaze was fixated on you there was no escaping. You give him a light hug damn he smelled good you think to yourself
“You look good!” he says to you 
“What ?” you say motioning to your ear “I can't...” 
He pulls you in even closer, leans down to ear level  “I said you look good!” he had analyzed your outfit from earlier, lilac dress, cut right about your knees, deep v  cleavage in the front, gold accessories and heels. He noticed the stares around the room, and couldn't help but feel the bite of jealousy 
“Thanks Franklin!” 
He missed hearing his name roll of your tongue 
“Can we talk?” 
“Oh!” you take a step back to look up at him this was unexpected, now you were unsure of him being so close you were sure you smelled like a mixture of perfume, hairspray, cigarettes (from LaShay chain smoking), and sweat 
He looks at you gauging your reaction “No time like the present” he adds 
“Sure” you nod he had yet to let go of your hand as he pulled you through the crowded kitchen towards the back patio 
You glance at Jerome who had a smirk on his face  and when you turn to find Harmony she's grinning. Was this a set up?  He still doesn't let go of your hand until he closes the kitchen door leaving you two alone outside taking in the cool night you're glad for the breeze. 
“Shit didn't know it was this cold here” he begins to shrugs off his jacket 
You put your hand up to stop him “It's okay Franklin feels good out here!” the house was hot or you were still hot from carrying Lashay up the steps 
He stops and rolls his shoulders back. He watches you take a seat on the steps of the patio, Sean didn't have any outdoor furniture so the only place to sit were the steps he follows suit and sits next to you. You were close enough that you could touch him but he was far enough that your bodies were not touching 
“You look beautiful tonight”  he compliments again 
You giggle nervously “I know you told me Franklin” 
He smiles “Wanna make sure you heard me” 
“I did thanks feet hurt though” you say looking down at your feet 
His eyes follow, looking at your feet as well “I can rub your corns for you” he offers 
You shove his shoulder and laugh “fuck you nigga I don't have corns” 
He laughs along with you “my bad! my bad! I know that pinky toe screaming though!” you roll your eyes in response “A nigga can't even offer to do something nice!” 
You chuckle and look down at your feet he wasn't wrong you're sure your pinky died tonight
The laughter dies down and an awkward silence takes over 
You begin count to backwards from 100 internally if you got to one you would wish him well and go home (‘33’) you count “Im sorry?”  you say as you realize he was speaking 
“I wanted to apologize to you” he repeats
“Oh it's...” 
He interrupts you “Nah it was fucked up the truth is I didn't ask you out for no bet. The bet was just the extra push I needed” 
You look at him “Push?” 
“Yea I was nervous” he confesses
You make a face “Nervous?!” 
“Yea!” He turns to face you “what? a nigga can’t get nervous?” 
“No I just didn't think you would be” you say softly 
“Well I was!” he defends “You're beautiful and as far as I can tell it's like every nigga who ain't got a girl looking at you” 
“Ohhh” you feel flustered and look away 
You hear him exhale “anyway I wanted to let you know I was being genuine during our date and I'm apologizing for hurting your feelings I didn't think I had snitches in my crew but thats not the point I fucked up” 
“Thanks Franklin I accept your apology” you smile at him 
He smiles back. The awkward silence is back 
You look down and notice his scarred hand. He must have been in a fight recently. Without thinking you grab it and run your fingers across his knuckles and reality comes crashing down when you hear an argument erupt. You both instinctively look back you turn and face each other and smile awkwardly 
“I'm sorry”  you say noticing you still his hand still in your hold his returning it to its original spot 
Franklin puts it back in your hands “It's cool”  
The silence returns 
(‘Don't do it!’ you speak to yourself ‘don't fucking’)  “What would you do?” (‘you stupid hoe’)
“Hmm?” he hums 
You distract yourself with his hand again also to keep the full grown butterflies in your stomach at bay “If it was you” you speak slowly “what would you do?” 
He closes his hand on your fingers. You feel your heart race waiting for his response not wanting to make eye contact because anyone with two brain cells wouldn't even ask that question let alone entertain the idea of a second chance...Right? 
He moves closer, your bodies are now touching you still haven't looked up at him. The embarrassment was too strong. 
It takes him a moment to think “Honestly” you hold your breath and immediately look up glad he wasn't looking you but looking ahead “I don't know Y/N” he answers truthfully he turns to face you “I don't know I can't tell you” 
You return a half smile and look away “thanks for being honest Franklin” 
Silence returns for a moment before you decide to loop your arm around his and lay your head on his shoulder “So what if we take it slow?” you propose
You look up at him “Yea slow but like snail pace slow” 
He hums and smirks  “I wouldn’t mind that” 
You face away hiding your smile “Okay” you say softly. It feels like immense pressure has been released from your body. Instead of fighting against his pull you just succumbed to it. This felt right, it felt like this is what it should be.  
Franklin wraps his arms around you pulling you closer to him, you look up at him, and there it was again his intense stare, one hand reached and pushed your hair out of the way so he could see your face
In a hushed voice he says “Snails pace?” he confirms
“Yea” you whisper back while nodding, with shallow breaths, heart racing as you watch him inch closer thumb caressing your cheek
“Come'ere” he whispers, hand gently pulling your face towards his before planting a soft kiss on your lips. He sighs into the kiss releasing the tension he was holding onto as well he pulls away leaving lingering pecks on your lips “okay gorgeous” 
You blush and roll your eyes “here we go Casanova” 
He chuckles before kissing you again “mmmm” he moans “I could get used to this” he says once he pulls away
You hear more commotion again “we should get back you got to lay down the law or they gon shoot each other” 
“Stupid mothafuckas” he grumbles standing up and holding his hand out 
You giggled as you stood up “be nice” 
He smacks his lips at your comment “Got goosebumps talking bout you ain't cold here”  he says draping his jacket over you
“Oh no I'm good Frank..” 
“I wasn't asking” he interrupts you while he pulls it around your shoulders and pulls you closer 
“One more” he says before leaning down and kissing you
You smile into the pecks and he does the same 
“Whatchu blushing for?” he teases you shake your head and turn to look away “Let's get you outta here” he takes hold of your hand and pulls you through the crowd 
“I know you idiots not fightin’ over no damn cards!” he comments once he finds the commotion
There's a slight silence before the room erupts in laughter and Franklin chuckles in response 
He walks you to your car you give him a hug, not wanting to let go, he gave good hugs
“Here”  you say trying to shrug off his jacket
He stops you “Hold it for me” 
“Page me when you get home” 
He opens the door for you “Drive safe gorgeous” he says with one last kiss to your forehead 
“Stay safe” he nods and closes the door for you 
Authors Note: Feedback is much appreciated. Please reblog, comment, and like just don't plagiarize
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Embroidery inspired by the ladies of RDR2
Unfortunately I wasn't able to go to Tombstone Redemption this year 💔 but I still wanted to make gifts for each of the actresses on the panel! I picked a quote and an item that I felt represented each of their characters and then created design around it (the abundance of flowers is simply because I enjoy making them lol)
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(counterclockwise starting at the bottom right- Tilly, Sadie, Grimshaw, Mary-Beth and Karen)
I know I'm missing a few! I still have ideas for Abigail, Molly & Mary (technically the set isn't complete yet). However, I decided to focus on these characters first, since their actresses were part of the Tombstone lineup. And thank you SO MUCH to @arthur-kilgore for taking everything with them & gifting it on my behalf ♥️
Details & close ups under the cut!
Tilly Jackson: "That's Mrs. Tilly to you"
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(please ignore the water patch - it was still drying)
The necklace was her item request in the game, and I loved the contrast her quote showed (& thank you @big-boah for helping me decide ♥️). There was such a great difference between the last time we saw her in chapter 6 and when John finds her again in the epilogue. Her obvious joy is amazing and exactly what Arthur wanted for her.
Karen Jones: "I just want someone to see me"
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The bottle represents her struggle with loss & drink, and the quote was spoken in a moment of vulnerability with Sean. This is one of my favorite quotes to come from the entire game, actually. Karen is normally viewed as a determined and tough character, as one of the only women to actively do guard duty, but we briefly saw behind that mask. The reality of her inner struggles, even before Sean's death, was heartbreaking.
Mary-Beth: "Try... try to do the good thing"
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The book is obviously to show Mary-Beth's ambitions and eventual career as a novelist. Her optimism always seemed genuine in the face of the gang's terrible circumstances, but not blindly so. Her words to Arthur during the gang's final stages felt like a great representation of her character.
Susan Grimshaw: "My camp, my rules"
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The heart is supposed to show how much love she held for the gang, even behind a mask of anger. The entire scene where she forces Arthur to wash is both hilarious and insightful. You can tell it's her form of care - rules equal safety. When she says "my camp" she really means "my family"
Sadie Adler: "I ain't no scullion!"
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I wanted something that represented the first spark of fight we saw in her, which, for me, was during her fight with Pearson in chapter 3. She asserts her role in the gang, wielding both experience and determination. The passion, anger and pain in the face of her grief is one of the reasons I love her character so much.
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julia and jim officially broke up a week or so before casey got pregnant. julia had attempted suicide at home and was being institutionalized. annie felt sick about it, but also felt afraid to act. on some level, she worried that whatever was wrong with julia was also wrong with her, but just manifesting differently. annie had chosen sex and party drugs to medicate her illness and julia had chosen pills.
so instead of visiting julia right away, annie spent a week at jim's apartment screwing him constantly. every time a male friend texted jim to see how he was doing, he'd tell them annie was there to look after him, and send them a picture of her naked in his apartment. several of them were bold enough to ask if they could come over, and so annie would take them both. several of them had wedding rings. she liked that. the married ones praised her currently quite hairy pussy, and so she thought about their blonde, shaved wives at home.
after annie's week at jim's, jenny showed up to take her place in every sense of the word. jim sent annie pics of jenny's perfect landing strip covered in his cum.
annie began to find comfort in her relationship with tom, which was in a very normal place. alicia was living on her own again, and so annie and tom were very domestic. they went on dates, they fucked, they sent nudes, and annie stayed at tom's on the weekends. on their weeknight dates, annie would typically try to have sex before so she could go home at the end. she was learning to enjoy her empty apartment again. she liked getting high by herself and watching movies and then taking a bath. she kept her apartment and her body excessively clean, now trimming her bush down to almost nothing but not shaving anything on top. she liked the look of that. casual but very slutty. at home, her uniform was typically a white tank top and white panties, so she was popular with the pizza delivery guy.
she realized at some point that this was very similar to her mother - her pubic hair, her clothing choices. despite almost never seeing each other and never really speaking, annie and her mom were now prolific texters, updating each other about their day -- particularly about sex, but other things too.
after jenny's week with jim, casey and robbie spent a lot of time with him. by now everybody knew casey was pregnant. jim told annie it made fucking her even hotter. annie tried not to let the idea of casey's young, pregnant pussy make her crazy. robbie told her casey was already sending her dad mirror pics of herself in her underwear for "baby bump progress" even though it was almost nonexistent.
annie couldn't bring herself to talk about babies with tom for fear that he would discourage it -- she'd made dirty "breeding" comments with him earlier in their relationship, but it felt more real now. but with sean, she was always begging him to creampie him, telling him to fuck a baby into her. it was still a fantasy -- annie wasn't on birth control but always made sure to pull sean out when she knew she was ovulating or close to it.
casey very openly fetishized her pregnancy. when she announced her pregnancy on instagram, she captioned it: "i've been dreaming of this ever since the first time i begged robbie to cum inside me, ten minutes after we met. i love you robbie, i'm so glad i have never even imagined your cock with a condom on it. can't wait to keep calling you daddy."
annie finally visited julia about a month into her time at a "retreat" in the country. julia seemed happy. she was tan, and wore white, loose clothes and seemed mostly capable of carrying on a conversation. she had kind of a wall up, but annie couldn't be sure if that was julia or the medication she was on. she didn't ask annie about jim at all.
annie went on a date with tom that night and told him about it.
"what makes you think you have that kind of mental instability?" he asked.
"i guess because in college there were no warning signs. and because i do a lot of drugs and i don't know what they're doing to my brain."
"well," tom said, "stop doing drugs."
"you don't think i'd be less fun?"
"i think you're just as fun when you're not high."
"what if i get less horny?"
"i don't think you're capable of being less horny."
annie made an effort, over the next few weeks, to get high less often. she stopped doing anything but smoking weed when home alone, and limited alcohol when she was doing coke and vice versa. she'd gone through periods of relative sobriety before, but felt more intentional about this. when she felt discouraged or antsy, she reminded herself that she was more breedable this way.
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luvvixu · 1 year
shinichiro x reader (she/her)
🌊🏖️ beach day out
genre: fluff
synopsis: you and shinichiro had been together for at least two years. both of you suddenly came across a tiktok video wherein the couples decided to go on a beach. shinichiro thinks its kind of fun to try new things just the both of you.
warning: mentioned of insecurities, and jealous shinichiro coming through!
word count: 1.6k
a/n: this is my first ever fanfiction in tumblr. i'm getting a bit tired in wattpad, so i'm here to try something new. i have also seen a lot of good fanfiction here, i think i'm gonna love it here~
also, i'm open for request. so don't be scared to tell me and i'll do my best to give you what you need.
again, this is luvvixu and enjoy reading.
song - feels by calvin harris (feat. pharrel williams, katy pery, big sean, funk wav)
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"hi, y/n! are you ready now? i'm outside your house." shinichiro smiled widely to himself as he leaned on his motorcycle. he was actually calling you, that's why he's all so smiley.
today was actually the day where he would take you on a day out at the beach, just the two of you. you would not believe that he's been preparing this since last month.
he wants this date to be perfect and memorable. so, he pulled out his most attractive summer button up shirt with flower patterns, along with a bit of loose shorts. he also wears a round hat on his slick back hair and a pair of black sunglasses.
shinichiro looks so handsome.
meanwhile, you are so close to messing up your whole room because you are in a state of franticness. "wait what?! but i'm not done with my makeup, yet!" you panicked, but he only let out a laugh.
"darling, look outside your window." and so you did. you saw him smiling at you as he looked up. blushing, you ended the call and leaned on the railing.
"how long have you been there?" you asked, trying not to squeal and faint because he looked so handsome down there…
oh wait—that came out wrong.
"like fifteen minutes? i don't know. i'm busy calming myself to the point that i lost track of time." shinichiro flushed, he was becoming kind of shy.
"why don't you come here? i might take some time hahaha…" you scratched your head. well, you are not going if you don't make yourself representable to him.
shinichiro did not wait any longer as he enter your house and went straight to your room. he saw you there sitting in front of the mirror as you did your makeup.
"hi. i'm sorry if i make you wait." you smile sheepishly. shinichiro just brushed it off as he sat on your bed, observing you through the mirror as you curled your lashes.
"nah, it's alright. that's what boyfriends do. and besides, you're worth the wait." shinichiro smiled softly. he was enjoying watching you do your makeup—no, he loves everything you do.
"i just noticed, you actually wore the shirt i brought one time! i thought you don't like the design?" you teased him as you reminisced the moment he accompanied you to the mall. you made him try different clothes, which he didn't complain at first.
but then you came across a summer polo, and you found it really cute and cool on him. so you made him try. shinichiro was trying not to disagree with your decision because you looked so happy when you showed it to him.
however, you noticed it. but in the end, you still bought it for him and never expected him to actually wear it.
shinichiro scoffs as he makes his way towards you to give you a big back hug. "you bought it for me, of course i would wear it. i love everything you gave to me."
you smile at him through the mirror. you gave shinichiro a soft peck on his lips, thanking him for his kind words. with that, you bring your attention back to your makeup.
"you know, sweetheart, you already look beautiful when you wear makeup. but if that's what makes you happy, i'll always support you. hell, we could even do each other's eyeliner!"
your eyes lit up at his idea. "we should definitely do!" you try not to smile too widely as you were applying your lipstick.
shinichiro was still watching you intensely through the mirror. he loved the way you parted your lips. he loved the way you ran your tongue on your lips and then bite it. he loved the way you smacked your lips as your eyes were half lidded, a sign that you are focusing.
god, he loves everything about you.
you suddenly turn your face to him, leaving only an inch between your lips as you did not realize that his face was so close to the point that you were about to kiss.
"hey y/n, your lipstick had smudged." shinichiro whispered huskily out of the sudden.
"wha—hmph!" he suddenly put his hand on your cheek and pull you into a deep and passionate kiss.
at first, you were taken back, but then eventually melt and kiss him back. shinichiro smiled through the kiss as he deepen it even more. his hands goes under your shirt and crawled to get a grip on your curves then your spine.
you suck a breath at his warm hands enticing you the way you like it. "s–shin..." you let out a soft moan, making shinichiro more determined to kiss you.
shinichiro temporarily broke the kiss to stare at your flushed face and smudge lipstick. "god, look at you. such a pretty mess." he couldn't contain the butterfly on his stomach. you could see in his eye on how shiny you are, it reflects even if darkness was occured.
you push his chest lightly as both of you pant after kissing like two wild beast. shinichiro was about to dive in once more when you put a hand on his mouth.
"shin, later. you're ruining my lipstick." you said, a bit playfully. you know shinichiro hates it when you teases him by being a cockblocker.
shinichiro roll his eyes. "who cares? i can make your lips red even without those." he grumbles, making you blushed heavily.
your boyfriend smirked victoriously at you adorable reaction. he move closer just to squish your red cheeks with his big yet slim and veiny hands.
"ahh, is someone blushing? hmm, i wonder who that is~" butterflies starts to act like they are in a sanctuary when shinichiro use his baby talk voice at you.
"hush! enough with that!" bashfully, you finally unleashed yourself on his manly grip.
shinichiro was left laughing while you tried so hard to ignore him as you fixes your makeup after that steamy make out session.
"shin, come here! let me put you some sunscreen!" you motioned him to come closer to you as you were seated under a big umbrella.
shinichiro rose up from the water, with his white shirt sticking on his stomach. you unconsciously raise your eyebrow as your eyes trailed on his visible abs.
"you should come with me to the water, it's cold there!" shinichiro excited ran to you.
you guided him to sit in front of you as he lifted up his wet shirt. "i'll join you later. the sun was still too hot for me." you pour a sunscreen on your hand and gently apply it to his skin are.
he turn his head to you and flashes a smile. "oh, come on. once you're in the water, you can't feel the heat anymore."
you think for a moment. "alright, just let me change my clothes." you patted his back, telling that you're already done applying sunscreen into him. you headed to your bag to put all of the valuable items inside.
while you're busy, shinichiro took the time to examines you from top to the bottom. you're wearing black crop top with thin cardigan and a pair of short jeans. overall, you absolutely looked so beautiful.
"i thought that is your swimwear." shinichiro pointed at your clothes.
you merely shooked your head, still busy. but now you're looking for your swimwear. "nope. i got separate clothes for swimming. these are only my beach outfit—ooh, found it!" you cheered as you found your swimwear.
"i'll be back, babe. don't miss me too much." you give him a quick peck on his cheek and smile smugly before running away to the nearest bathroom.
it took shinichiro a few seconds to recover from your mischievousness. "that girl—hayst! she should've kiss me on my lips!"
meanwhile, you are changing into your swimwear while humming your currently favorite song you just discovered.
today is the day where you're going to wear your latest swimsuit. it was a black one piece swimsuit that hugged your curves. you pause and stood in front of the mirror. your eyes landed on your body with insecurity on your eyes.
"huh? am i gaining weight again?" you mumbled as you wrapped your arms around your stomach. you stood there for like a few minutes as you were scared to go out.
what if someone laughed at me? i don't want to embarrass myself.
you were about to change your clothes back when a picture of shinichiro smiling at you flashes in your mind. unconsciously, your arms that has been wrapped on your stomach slowly drops.
that's right, you remember. shinichiro has been really happy about the two of you going out and spend time together at the beach. you wouldn't want to ruin that happiness of him just because of your insecurities.
and besides, shin would always tell you how much beautiful you are. you know that he would do anything, anything, just to give the world you deserve.
so, with a shaky breathe, you swallowed your pride and let your body be who they were. "okay y/n, you got this. if you don't want to do it for yourself, then do it for shin." you patter your cheeks slightly to bring out your remaining confidence.
before you get out, you made sure to wear your thin cardigan again. once last peak at yourself and you're ready to go.
shinichiro was still at his spot for like fifteen minutes. he was waiting for you, but he was slowly loosing his patience because he was worried for you.
through his vision, he tried to look over you but failed miserably. you're easy to spot but not with this crowd. shinichiro puts a hand into his temple to soothe the throbbing headache.
"i can't wait any longer!" shinichiro suddenly lashes out as he grab your bag and started to find you.
and there he saw you, talking with some guy he doesn't know. shinichiro slowed his movements as he was inspecting you. based on your body move, your hands are secretly fidgeting in front if you and you tried to play with the hem of your cardigan.
it's a sign that you don't feel comfortable.
so, being a worried boyfriend he is, he ran over you and put his arms around your waist.
"s–shin! you're here." you get startled by his sudden appearance.
"oh, is this...?" the man suddenly becomes hesitant.
shinichiro raised his eyebrow as he tighten the grip on your waist and pulls you more closer to him. "her boyfriend? yes, i am."
"a–ah...is that so. i guess i'll just see you around, y/n." with that, the man left without any second glances back.
shinichiro pulled you towards the place where there's less people as he wanted to have a privacy with you.
your boyfriend drew a sigh and chew his inner cheeks, a habit of his whenever he feels annoyed. "so this is why you took some time changing..." he started. and no, he was not angry at you, it's not your fault.
it's just, he doesn't like it when someone hit on you, not on his watch.
you turn your direction to him and cup his cheeks to loosen the tension on his face. "are you perhaps...jealous?"
shinichiro scoffed. "i am. now, who is he?"
you were taken aback by his bold and direct confirmation that he's jealous. "don't worry, he's just some guy who confesses to me before. i don't hold any interest on him other than you."
your words made his eyes go soft as he engulf you into a hug, burying his face on the crook of your bare neck.
"shh. let me have this. i was really worried for you earlier. i thought you got lost of something." he mumbles on you neck.
you let out a small sigh then crack up a smile. "i'm sorry. actually, the real reason why i took some time was because i feel insecure on my body." you said as you started playing in his hair.
shinichiro lifted his head to look into your eyes, directly. "why? your body is beautiful. there's is nothing wrong with it and i love every inch of your body." he said, looking straightly into your eyes.
"ah, ah, ah. there's no any counterattacks for that information. so don't try to argue with me, my adorable red cheeks." he lovingly hugs you like you were a soft teddy bear.
your mood is starting to feel better, you cupped his cheeks. "thank you, shin. you always made me feel so wanted. i've never been treated this right." you gave him a peck on his lips. shinichiro purse his lips, asking for more.
you giggled to yourself and give him many kisses he wants. just when he's about to deepen it, you suddenly pull away leaving him disappointed.
"why? you don't like my kisses anymore?"
"shut up, i love it dearly. just not here, shin. we're in public, and i don't want to wake up with us being viral on internet just because we make out." you playfully roll your eyes, but you're not lying tho. you are scared that you might get caught.
"but i really want to continue our lips collision." your boyfriend pouts. he was about to take you into another kiss again when you move your face away from him, laughing.
"don't laugh! give me your kisses or i'm not going to buy you some crepe cakes!" he whines.
you smirked. "i can buy crepe cakes on my own."
"i'm not gonna drive you to the mall!"
"i know how to commute." you said for the last time, still laughing as his face slowly shows some dismay. that's when you started to get serious.
you finally let go of your playful expression. "okay, i'm sorry. look shin, i really want to fulfill your wants but not here. i thought we're going to have fun in the water?"
"oh? so you wanna do it on the water?" suddenly, it was his turn to become playful, raising his eyebrow.
your face turns sour immediately. "ew gross. i might form a rock of salt down there if we do it. so hard pass, don't wanna get that."
shinichiro just laughed loudly while you sighed to yourself. he's being a jerk, isn't he?
you glared at him as he was still laughing down to the ground. for sure there's tears lingering on his eyes.
a bulb of idea suddenly popped into your head.
"hey shin." you called his attention.
"what?" shinichiro watches you keenly as you slowly pushes him towards the wall, seductively circles his chest.
"i feel like suffocating on this swimsuit. so i was thinking..." you trailed off.
you grabbed his hand to put it on your flushed cheeks. "would you do the honor to let me breathe?"
shinichiro's breathing becomes shaky, probably due to enticement you're giving. he could feel himself loosing as he dives into your luring eyes even more.
he gulped. "o–of course, darling. what do you want me to d–do?"
a ghostly smile appears on your lips. your eyes tell him about the things you want to do together.
"can we go and buy some ice cream? i think i'm suffocating because of the heat and dehydration—probably cravings too."
shinichiro looked at you in disbelief. he was thinking of something else. that's why gou knew he was very disappointed.
you just let out a laugh as you close him mouth before a fly go straight into his wide open mouth. "i'm so sorry, shin. really, i promised that later, i would let you do whatever you want to me."
with that, you started to run away towards the near ice cream stall.
"y/n! i swear to god! you've been teasing me many times today!" shinichiro chased you as you scream in joy, running even more faster.
"i love you, shin!"
"don't you dare to change the topic—damn it! i love you too!"
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carchariascarcharodon · 4 months
fuck it ellen headcanons that no one asked for let's Go (under the cut because i'm shy. and it's longer than i meant it to be.)
^^ this is backed up a little by the scrapped scene of michael's birthday party in one screenplay, where she asks (mr? mrs? unclear) taft if at the very least sean would be considered an islander had he been born there (the answer is no, by the way). she wants to belong; if she can't have that, then maybe the boys can.
ellen grew up in a small town. i know this i can feel it in my bones. she left after graduating high school. moved to a city for... college? general adult life? i'm not sure yet. probably nyc though, given... *waves hand*. like the line "but when do i get to become an islander?" reads to me as a desperation to have that small-town connection again, in spite of how othered the brodys are by amity. i like to think that ellen would have assumed she'd be right at home again with amity's relatively tiny population, but gets totally thrown off when neighbours refuse to acknowledge her as an islander.
i do think that the brodys' decision to move there would have been a mutual one - they respect each other too much to allow for any other possibility, imo - but i think adjusting would have been harder for ellen than martin. she would feel so simultaneously both at home, being from a small community similar to amity's, and totally alienated. it would be hard.
she's jewish! lorraine gary speaks briefly in the making of jaws doc about how her being a jewish mother contributed to her characterization of ellen's guilt, so that's where that comes from! (if hooper can be jewish by way of dreyfuss, then so can ellen . basically). to what extent she's a practicing jew, though........ Shrugs
ellen can't drive. martin drives her to work in the blue police truck in jaws 2 - and that + the original yellow truck are all we see them using, as far as i can recall - so i figure them as a single car household. she never got around to learning as a teenager, never needed to drive in new york.
she's a bookworm :> i cannot remember for the life of me who it was, but i know someone's mentioned ellen being really into reading alongside brody. i think she'd also be a sucker for cute romcoms and melodramas.
^ speaking of other peoples' ideas, i know ellen getting along with quint after a while is another headcanon that bounces around sometimes. i think it's cute.
martin's anxiety is much worse than hers, ESPECIALLY post-orca, but i think she has a bit of a nervous streak too.
it's not a constant/permanent headcanon for me, but i am *exceedingly* fond of transfem ellen. t4t ellen/martin 👍👍
still haven't seen jaws 4 oops lol but she's probably close with mrs kintner after martin & sean die, given that kintner shows up at her house to console her. assuming we actually accept that film as canon to begin with
the book does also (iirc) describe ben gardner's wife distraught after he's killed, so if there's a mrs gardner within the film's universe i think they would get along as well. amity support group for people whose family members keep getting eaten by big fucking sharks
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happiest-hotch · 2 years
since you are amazingly thorough at expanding the backstory of reid, i'd love to hear some headcanons you have about hotch. what was he like in high school, college, law school? what do you think his life looked like after leaving the bau and once jack got to his teenage years? what do you think he'd be like in a second marriage? i love hotch and I think you''re great at like adding so many details to these characters that I've never thought about. thank you for answering! ps. does hotch wear boxers or briefs lol
i love stuff like this, i'm so glad you asked me to do this. also, i went right back to his childhood
It's never mentioned where he grew up, just that his mom was from Manassas and went to college there. However, I have my own little theory. His dad was very abusive, likely to his mom as well, (mentioned in 1x08), and one thing that abusers often do is isolate their victims. If his mom didn't go far for college, she would have had family in Virginia, so I think his dad would have moved them away from people they knew who could have potentially helped Mrs Hotchner get away from her husband. I think they moved specifically to Seattle but I'll come back to why later.
In terms of personality, I think he was probably very smart, but more of a depressing wise-beyond-his-years type of smart and knew things he shouldn't know, probably very mature, well-mannered, and overly willing to please. He got a sense of right and wrong very early on and saw a lot of hypocrisy with how his family presented themselves, eg. his dad being a prominent lawyer, vs how they really were. This is based on what he also speculates in his interview with Vincent (1x08) that he (or they) learned to smile despite the abuse and how a house can look happy from the outside while being violent.
He and Sean aren't close because they didn't spend time together growing up since Hotch went to boarding school when Sean was still young. I think Hotch was sent to boarding school because he hit his father back based on what he also says to Vincent in 1x08: "you probably thought 'one day, one day when I'm big enough'" about fighting back. It sounds very self-reflective, so I think Hotch reaches the age of 13/14, and he decides he's big enough to take on his father, Mr Hotchner obviously doesn't like it, so he sends Hotch away. Then Mrs Hotchner persuaded him to send Hotch to boarding school in DC/Virginia where her family would be near him. I think this because he met Haley at high school (1x22) and Haley's father owned a store in DC (10x20) so it figures she went to school there.
I still think he was a rule follower, fearing his father and Hotch knew he could not share what happened to him, but it was an escape from his home life. He got to form relationships without his father knowing, and I think he had lots of friends, probably a lot from Haley's friend group as well. Also very self-sufficient, mature, intelligent, and determined.
In my mind, his dad died in Hotch's freshman or sophomore year of college, since it's mentioned (in 1x16) that Sean was young when it happened. And I think it fucked him up a lot, like quarter-life-crisis level. This is where I could see him going a bit crazy, breaking up with Haley, underage drinking, a lot of hookups. Basically, just him using typical college behavior to be self-destructive. His relationship with his mom is really strained because he can't understand why she never left (and he doesn't until he's in the BAU), and he's jealous of Sean who didn't have to deal with any/as much abuse.
I think he was naturally smart so he didn't work any harder than he had to which makes him a little arrogant but in an attractive way. Also, he definitely has a trust fund or inheritance
the same as college really. i love the idea of him being a bit of a player and during his work with the BAU, he sees someone who knew him back then and they're so confused because he's all official and he used to be so laid-back but they just make a silent agreement to not talk about it
at some point, he starts taking things seriously, maybe when he got back together with Haley. and then they're really happy and in love <3333
i don't think it's mentioned where he was a prosecutor but he was in the FBI Seattle division afterward, and this is where my theory about him growing up in Seattle comes from because why would he pick Seattle to go to? It's a nice city but it's a big move from DC and GWU where he went to school. It's the type of move you might make if your mother and younger brother who's acting out live there. Also because at this point, he would know more about why abused women don't leave so he wants to heal his relationship with her
this always makes me so sad because did anyone tell Jess? Jack's friends? what about Roy, did he forget Jack ever existed? and Sean, did he just think Aaron got sick of his poor decisions and decided to cut him off completely???? someone tell me because i cannot cope. I don't think they were kept around the DMV like Haley was, and I doubt they went to Florida because Peter Lewis is from Jacksonville. I think they would move to the suburbs somewhere rather than a city center because they'd fit in with the general demographic and if they moved to a small town, it might be more suspicious. I don't think they'd place them in Virginia, Florida, Texas, New York, Chicago area, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Maryland, or California as there was a large concentration of cases there.
i don't think he had a job while in WITSEC, especially not if they were using aliases because then more people would have to keep his identity a secret, but even if he was allowed to use his real name, he can't exactly have a potential employer calling emily and asking for a reference and saying where they're calling from. Which would be a very good thing because Jack's at that age when he probably needs more support, especially after his fucked-up childhood, he'd love to be his dad's number 1 priority for once
I think they stay living in the same area because Jack would have made friends, and hopefully, Hotch knows better than get a time-consuming job, but he'd go crazy with nothing to do so maybe he practices law again but with reduced hours but he could also lecture so he's able to go to all of Jack's soccer and do the dad stuff he didn't have as much time to do when he was in the FBI. I also think they travel a lot because Hotch mentions that he didn't travel with Jack when he was little so they'd do that during the summer
I like the idea of him meeting someone while he's in WITSEC and he seems really closed off so there's lots of pinning because he doesn't want to get her involved in something and he's having bad Haley flashbacks. then he can finally tell her everything when Scratch is dead. i think he'd be a lot more interested in getting remarried knowing that he doesn't work in a dangerous job that could put her in jeopardy and since his first marriage failed due to his absence, he's much more present
the boxers or briefs debate has been settled with this one photo
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griseldabanks · 11 months
I've been seriously considering participating in SlowMoWriNo, a variation on NaNoWriMo where, instead of writing 50k of a story in a single month, the goal is to write for approximately 15 minutes a day for a year, starting this November, and hopefully have a novel done in a year's time. It's a challenge for those who are busy and/or burnt out, which perfectly describes me right now. I'm getting pretty close to finishing the first draft of my current WIP, and while I should probably just take a break from any sort of organized writing for the rest of the year to avoid a complete burnout, I also really like the idea of SlowMoWriNo.
So I think I'm going to do it. I can push myself for fifteen minutes a day, right? In order to still be giving myself a break from the hefty fanfic project I've been focusing on for the past four years or so, I'd like to use SlowMoWriNo to work on one of my woefully neglected original stories. Even if all I have to show for my work after a year is an outline or notes rather than 50k of readable story, it will be more than I've got right now!
I've got quite a few story ideas that have been gathering dust in my mind for years now, so which one should I dust off and take a poke at? I'll describe each one below the poll. Basically, you're voting for which story you'd like to hear updates on and potentially get excerpts from, because I'll be doing that for accountability purposes in the year ahead.
The Ambassadors - Sean is scrubbing the floor of his village's chapel when the village is attacked by a rampaging dragon. Before he knows what's happening, the dragon smashes through the chapel and dies. With her last breath, she places a dragon egg at his feet. The egg hatches in his hands, revealing a baby dragon with black scales. Though he has heard all his life about how evil and dangerous dragons are, Sean just can't bring himself to let any harm come to the baby dragon. So, changing his name to Shard, he runs away to find a place where he and his new dragon friend can live in peace. Medieval fantasy, dragon rider story, lots of angst and lots of fluff, no romance but lots of friendship with an emphasis on brotherly love between the main character and his dragon, strong Christian themes (complete with my own barely-disguised fantasy Christian religion :P). The first draft is written, but I need to completely rewrite it because I've reworked and refined a lot of the plot and worldbuilding.
The Arcblade - Aiden Averrod, captain of the airship Robin, is just about broke and looking for work for his crew when a mysterious noblewoman hires him to give her transport on her quest for the fabled Arcblade, a mystical weapon said to bring peace to their war-torn land when it is unsheathed. Reluctantly, because he has no other choice and because the young lady has a fat purse with promise of another one forthcoming when the quest is achieved, Aiden agrees and sets off on a quest that will completely upend his life. Eighteenth century-ish fantasy, steampunk (crystalpunk? is that a thing?), serious laced with humor, swashbuckling, includes a romance between major characters. So far, I've written a grand total of two scenes and then realized I needed to revisit the worldbuilding -_-
bartender story (unnamed) - Bob is the friendly, rotund third-generation owner of the town's tavern. All is going well in his life until a band of heroes comes through and...well, one thing leads to another, and in the end, Bob's tavern is just a pile of ashes. Demanding repayment for damages, Bob tags along with the band of misfits as they continue their quest to save the world from the Dark Lord. Medieval fantasy, satire with a heart, tongue-in-cheek poking fun at fantasy cliches, probably no romance but we'll see. Nothing written for this so far.
broken heart story (unnamed) - Annie has had a crush on [unnamed heartthrob] for years, but would never dare tell him. After all, she's ugly. She's fat. She has terrible acne. She's cripplingly shy, and she's been picked on and bullied her whole life. There's nothing he would ever find attractive about her. But one day she happens to witness [unnamed girl] cast a spell on him that turns his heart into an origami heart made of many separate pieces of paper folded in on each other, which she pulls apart and scatters to the winds. Without his heart, [unnamed heartthrob] has no emotions, no personality, and his so-called friends start avoiding him because he's acting so weird. Taking pity on him, Annie decides to get his heart back. Even if it might break her own heart in the process. Modern-day urban fantasy, probably some kind of magical school setting (maybe university-level?), angsty drama, romance, basically a reverse Beauty and the Beast about true love looking past the surface. Nothing written for this so far.
clone sister story (unnamed) - [Older sister] is struggling to accept the clone of her deceased younger sister, who has just been completed and come home from the lab. The decision to clone [younger sister] was a snap decision her mother made in the throes of her grief after the accident, but since then the whole family has come to grips with the knowledge that [younger sister] is gone forever. But the cloning process was already started, and her mother was unwilling to pull the plug, because she believed that clone was a real person, a real little girl who needed a mommy. Now that little girl is coming home, and they all have to remember that, just because she looks exactly like [younger sister], she is a different person. [Older sister] isn't sure what to think. Near-future sci-fi, family drama, angst and grief, family relationships with a focus on the sisters, strong Christian and pro-life themes. Nothing written for this so far.
The Family - The Shiwaga family is a wealthy, well-respected clan that has been a pillar of the town of Avalanche for generations. What no one realizes is that they're also secretly a mafia-like organization working to sabotage the government, believing it was usurped from the rightful ruler - someone Shiwaga hopes to be able to influence once they have been returned to power. (This story is actually kind of hard to summarize, both because it's currently a mess and because there's at least a dozen main characters who are all supposed to be equally important.) Meiji Japan-inspired epic fantasy, huge cast of characters with opposing motivations, family drama as well as world-threatening crises, romances as well as friendship/familial relationships are front-and-center, currently the ending is more bitter than sweet but I want to reevaluate that. This was the story I worked on the two times I've done NaNoWriMo before, so two of three parts are written, but in a very slapdash fashion that's basically just a fleshed-out outline that will probably have to be completely rewritten anyway. The original thought was to make this a trilogy.
The Four - Timor was found as a small child, abandoned in the forest and somehow managing to eke out an animal-like survival. Since then, he has been raised in the home of Avadris, a one-time counselor to the High King, who has been dead for years. As Timor grows older, Avadris slowly puts two and two together and begins to suspect Timor is actually the High King's son that everyone thought was killed the same night the king and queen were. In the hopes of restoring the order and prosperity they enjoyed under the High King's reign, Avadris announces Timor as the heir to the throne when he turns twelve. Though he asked for none of this, Timor suddenly finds himself running for his life from those who want nothing to do with a new High King, accompanied by strangers who may become friends - or may end up killing him. Medieval epic fantasy, adventure/quest, non-traditional fantasy races/peoples, no romance but various platonic relationships among the impromptu band of companions. This is what I consider to be my first "real" story idea, but even though I came up with it when I was twelve and still believe in its potential, I've never finished a draft and don't really know how it ends anymore ^^' Probably needs to be started over from scratch for the...fourth or fifth time.
four siblings story (unnamed) - Jack, Sophie, Rebecca, and Grace are recently orphaned siblings who know they have to stick together to survive. The good news is, they all have superpowers that have manifested as they struggle with their grief over their parents. As they try to gain control over their powers and figure out how to balance them with the serious side effects those powers bring, they are taken in by the wealthy Dr. Clementine, a jovial old philanthropist who promises to be like a grandfather to them while also giving them opportunities and resources to hone their supernatural skills to the fullest. But it's not long before the four siblings begin to suspect his motives are more sinister than they seemed at first. Modern-day urban fantasy, children's/YA fiction, adventure, no romance but a heck-ton of positive sibling relationships and eventually found family, standalone with possible sequel potential. Meant to evoke some combination of Escape to Witch Mountain, The Girl Who Could Fly, and E. Nesbit (Five Children and It)/Edward Eager (Half Magic) books.
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seancamerons · 10 months
Sneak Peek Sunday tagged by: @hydesjackiespuddinpop - thanks for the tag!💗
*Hi it's Brimi, I'm finally doing this. This sneak peek is from an upcoming, within the next couple of minutes fanfiction and work in progress/wip titled: 'Where are you Now?'.
Here goes. ✍
It was funny because never, not once did she believe she’d permanently reside along Los Angeles and among the stars, the rich upper echelons, the highways and mountains, and Hollywood glory, but the first time she slept so easily feeling that soul connection of being home as if she belonged for the first time. She didn’t have to fight, deny, or lie because no one would believe that she was ever truly happy over there. She almost lost it all being so careless out yonder, wondering and thinking pessimistically drowning, depressed, she feels at ease in the here and now, and she’s so determined to revise some damage in her departure.
She remembered the night before, slow dancing with Sean at Shoney’s bar to the tunes of Eric Clapton, and the magic of that dance, that she felt at peace once again, or close to it,  and all it took was an airplane to be home at the most wonderful of time of the year, to achieve true happiness and bliss, and while it may not last, she’ll never know for sure, she knows one thing, it’s going to suck going back home, saying goodbye once again. This time it’ll be different, she can feel it. Perhaps to Emma, like the old alma mater, where the blue and gold, brave and bold with stories to be told, Degrassi is, and forever more will always be, still her home. 
Here is the link to the story on fanfiction & a03.
Oh, and I've been tinkering with the idea of using a blog/sideblog or smthn, to also post fics one-shots chapters, accept questions about the chapters and more stuff, or rb my prompt fics and writing too, like a writingblr blog with like that sort of stuff lol, idk it's an idea. I can also do commissions and my reviews on it, who knows, and use this as my personal or something? Idk just an idea again, but something I wanna consider.
tagging: whoever wants to!
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jaggedwolf · 5 months
pll rewatch 1x07-1x08
while watching previous episodes, I was thinking, wait, Emily has to have a car this season because of [SPOILER]. Does she just randomly start appearing with one?
of course not. instead she wins a car (the BEAUTIFUL TOYOTA) in a raffle the same night she falls down in a mirror maze
1x07 begins with us still on Homecoming night, where we get (1) Spencer, Hanna, and Aria clinging to each other like frightened puppies while looking for Emily and (2) Toby bringing Emily to the hospital
Spencer suggests the trio split up and is immediately indignant at the idea she be the one to go alone lmao
Poor Toby. No one is nice to him :( Spencer said her classic "The devil has a name and it's Toby!" line but Pam also said "people cross the street when they see him", poor fricking teenager.
Emily is like, as someone who has exchanged more than one sentence with Toby, I don't think he's a murderer? and Spencer cannot stand it she is so annoyed
Emily phrases it as "why am in my bed and not in a body bag" <3 Emily's horror movie visceral imagination
Hanna is back to winning her one-woman #BestAlly competition and she's doing so good! I'll repeat this in the tags of a future post, but it is so interesting to me that this is the first step in Hannily becoming close as a pair - before Hanna gets the photos, Aria and Spencer are the ones expressing individual concern over Emily, but once this arc happens, Hanna is all-in
And says exactly what Emily needs to hear. Also saying things to injured Emily: Pam Fields, who is stressing her daughter out and has no idea why.
Ella, Byron is a cheating douchenozzle but go to your son's sportsball game! Mike's done nothing wrong!
Spencer has zero concept of having a job, let alone a service one. Of course she can waltz right into the kitchen to chit-chat, of course Alex must be lying if he says he's working on a day the club is closed. Oh, Spencer.
She does take to making fruit kebabs to hang out with him
Alex says he's never seen her photo with devil horns before and I don't think he's lying...so an A thing? But I prefer to think that it was the kitchen employee from the day before who was all het up about Spencer's health code violations
can any of the liars look normal when talking to the blind girl. (Spencer about Jenna to Emily: You didn't eat one of her cookies, did you?)
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well, Emily did okay, but Emily had to deal with Jenna straight up sitting on her bed. Who does that?? But very funny in light of the S2 Halloween episode, isn't Emily dealing with enough.
Aria playing peacemaker as Spencer and Hanna argue in the woods. Oh, Aria, it's like watching a terrier trying to get in between a bloodhound and a golden retriever.
and here we get our first inter-liar callout of Spencer's parents being there to bail her out! I completely forgot it was Hanna who does this, but very fair, Hanna, very fair
Lucas and Hanna bond over watching the stupidest youtube videos, which makes so much sense for them. SMH Sean, not even a smile for turkey on a skateboard? Between that and sending Aria flowers, you deserve the shenanigans you accidentally find yourself in later this season
Emily and Maya get to have nice cute banters about going on a date and manage to make out at a zombie movie without anything bad happening! Good for them!
Especially since everything non-Maya makes Emily look so distressed
like Toby, which leads to the best conversation Emily, Spencer, and Hanna have on Emily's window seat
Emily, clearly upset: I couldn't bring myself to ask. Jenna was so upset. But his bike… it looked like it was… like it was wrecked.
Spencer: Well, I'm not gonna cry over this, and neither should you.
Hanna: Spencer, if she liked him she can cry about it!
Spencer: Well, I'm sorry for speaking.
Spencer: ......Look she's right, I can't tell you what to feel.
and yet Spencer will never stop attempting to, love this maniac
good god I forgot about the Jason recasting, I look forward to when this dark-haired suit-wearer with a stick up his ass is gone
Best A message:
Why did A prepend the message with a subject, do they miss emailing Spencer? I had to explain the Tom Sawyer reference too haha.
A's gonna trick them into painting a fence next
We get so many flashbacks of Alison being terrible by the lakeshore that summer day
Flashback dynamic notes: Emily smiles and laughs at everything Alison says, no matter how mean; Aria is horny for Noel and pays the least attention to Alison; Hanna laughs at the first insult Ali throws at Lucas but then very weakly tries to defend him; Spencer is...Spencer is almost getting bored of Alison's terribleness?
and yet "that's immortality my darling" remains, and so does Alison's bracelet in her nightstand drawer
I like to think Aria had to dig through all her shit to find her bracelet, compared to the other three XD
"what about justice" re: never finding out who killed Alison, Spencer my sweet summer child....sometimes Spencer is the most naive of the liars, in her own way
Spencer's already sent two S.O.S texts this season. Did the girls agree on this code or did Spencer just decide this is her way of asking for help and everyone automatically understood it
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isn't this memorial a bit too revealing of her dynamic with y'all, I'd be so self-conscious
and yet, even after an episode filled with flashbacks of Alison's cruelty, I understand all four of their speeches for her.
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cinamun · 1 year
Hey Cin, So... I kept debating as an introvert whether or not to come onto the Big T. But I am a long time enthusiast of your work (since your S2 contest and S2 story days.) and wanted to join Triple R. (The Raven Simone pic is a good look for the club Avatar LOL.) I, as many of the rest of us were not expecting you to do a Stephen King and "Kill your little Darlings" well... not specifically El who I felt was a more complex character (literally) at least so far than Jayce (IMHO) because he like several of your characters had potential for redemption even when he took that dark turn. Yes, I know not every character has to be dark and twisty with continued problems. But case in point: I noted how quick the anger blazed up toward Elliot but Darren is lauded for his turn around and growth even after he *also* put hands to Indya in the early days of their relationship... now granted he didn't put her lights out like Hope, but came close. Elliot was that ride or die friend (like Darren.) that Hope didn't even have with her girls (that I could tell.) and even helped to find her when she ran away. But with the good doctors help, breakthroughs regarding Sean, an absent mother and love could have possibly changed El like Darren to a grizzled happy middle aged healed OG with a family. But, it's unfortunately not to be. I do also wonder with the way these events went down if Darren and Indya remember this side of himself? Even though that was past Darren and not Daddy of 3 and Uncle of 1 Darren? Ok, I am going to fade into the bushes like Homer Simpson now.
NO! Bestie! Come BACK! You can't just drop a think piece like this and fade away boo. Nope, we don't do that here. But you know what we DO do?
We get into it...
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First of all, those sims 2 model contests where the best thing to ever happen to me in the early 2gs okay? WHERE ARE THEY NOW? That's when I learned how to use hair brushes in photoshop AND "frankensim". But I digress....
Elliot's death was not something I took lightly. I was VERY attached to him. I made him from scratch in CAS as a child *specifically* for Hope. That was her bestie, first crush, first love, first kiss. He was *MADE* for her and I really do mean that literally. It took at least 2 weeks to even come to terms with the idea and up until the last screenshot of that fateful day on the pier was taken, I was still not convinced I would do it. It was a test as a writer: to do something so drastic to an OC that it torments you. It hurt.
The reason everyone jumped on Elliot was because of *how* he chose to do it (I was angry with my DAMN self, but it couldn't happen another way in my head). LIke you said, he "put her lights out". He squeezed her neck so hard, with the most powerful part of his arm, and caused so much internal damage, it kept her in the hospital for two weeks (there is symbolism to this that I won't disclose just yet).
He absolutely had the potential to grow and be redeemed just like Darren did and Darren had far more demons than simply a lost love (he had that too, though, with Sherrita). Darren lost whole family members. Elliot was without a mother. Darren was without a mother. This is where, I believe, the parallels end.
I truly believe that Darren and Indya remember the days when abuse was a regular occurence. Indya had the same bruises from being lifted up by the neck by Darren that Hope now has after being.... (wait for it...)
...lifted up by the neck by Elliot:
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Lest we forget....
Key difference here: Darren was abusive. Elliot was not physically abusive (that we know of) until the argument with Hani that led him down a spiral that would ultimately take his life.
I'll end with this (because the Ratchet Readers™ may have some nuances I'm not seeing) While Darren and Indya might remember those days, they choose to live in the present where blessings are abundant, the soil is fertile and the growth is perrenial. I believe that *everyone* has that capacity which is why I always say that this story is ultimately about growth. The plot is growth. The arcs are growth. All of it. So I absolutely believe Elliot could have grown to the OG status that Darren now is. The reality is that, some just don't get there, even with the capacity to grow inherently a part of them.
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Undead Unluck ch.168 thoughts REDO!
The bulk of this week's review wasn't directly related to Undead Unluck, so I'm going to delete that one and rework it into its own standalone post later. This post is going to start the same as before, but now it's going to address a point I meant to talk about and simply forgot because I got sidetracked
So, once again:
[Time for School]
Man, this was one of the funniest chapters in a long time, from Fuuko ripping open Shen's eye to force Untruth onto Feng to Feng realizing that he's been reduced to a gym teacher and won't get to fight anyone, I was laughing start to finish
I really needed it, too, I was having a rough day at work (when normally Jump day is my day off...), and this chapter cheered me right up!
Shen and Mui's relationship developing into an actual romance of course was a great way to start us off, and seeing Fuuko continue to wrap Feng around her finger gives me great hope for how his character is going to interact with the story going forward, but of course the real meat of this chapter was the Union infiltrating Chikara's school
I'm sure that Tozuka will think of a way to actually incorporate everyone into the plot to save Chikara's parents, but man...do they really need to be here? I think that any one of them would be sufficient to stop a truck from hitting some pedestrians, and yet here everyone is, wearing costumes and faking credentials to get close to an underage boy
Boy, sounds bad when you put it like that...
Anyway, of course this is the mission that Fuuko is the most excited about. Fuuko's greatest regret is that she couldn't live a normal school life, so while this is clearly wholly unnecessary to helping Chikara, it's absolutely vital to Fuuko to do this. I imagine it's going to help endear the group to Chikara, too, but this isn't really about him. It's the one truly selfish thing that I think Fuuko is going to be doing in the series, and she deserves it! Treat yourself, girl!!!
And again, there is no need for her to bring everyone else along if she just wants to play high schooler. But let's be honest, there was no way she wasn't going to bring them along. Not only would she want all of her loved ones to be present for what is going to be the most important side quest of her life, but consider this: NO ONE ELSE HERE HAD A NORMAL LIFE EITHER!
Shen and Mui grew up on the street, Billy's been a mercenary for lord knows how long, Sean was in the cartel! I could go on! Sure, a lot of them probably went to high school normally and had these experiences already, but their lives have been screwed up for so long by this point that it'd definitely be good for them to have a taste of normality. Not even just by virtue of being Negators, the way that everyone here has lived their lives has simply been abnormal, so letting them have normal jobs and normal friends is a great way for them to get a basic idea of how their lives could look once everything with God is resolved. Many of them likely won't choose a life like that, but still, having that perspective could really change the trajectory of their lives by expanding their horizons
I just think it's a shame that so many other characters don't get to be here. Sure, world-famous boxing champion Void Volks and American military captain Creed wouldn't make much sense to be here, but c'mon...you did this arc BEFORE recruiting Tatiana?!
The other girl who missed her entire adolescence??? The other girl who can never touch another person??? THE GIRL WHO CHIKARA HAS A CRUSH ON??? She would have been perfect! ...Assuming that she won't be stuck in Sphere this time...oh god, that's probably why, she's still going to be in Sphere and wouldn't be able to go to school...
Also sad that Andy can't be here, but it was established LOOONG ago that he can't pass for a kid in this very school, so while it would be nice to see Fuuko and Andy play high school sweethearts, it would definitely be tricky to pull off. But who knows, maybe this is where we'll finally get him back? Probably not, but I'd like it
I don't expect to see much if any combat in this arc, but weirdly, I'm perfectly okay with that. I'm really excited to see a more domestic look at this cast, and as we've established, Tozuka is just super funny, so this is probably going to be, at least for the next couple weeks, a fantastic slice-of-life manga. I know I said it about the Hong Kong arc too, but I think this is the most excited I've been about an Undead Unluck arc
It definitely says something about Tozuka's quality as an author that he's made me say that two arcs in a row
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vodka-glrl · 1 year
Sean's story voice-lines ᰔ
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So you're the oh-so mighty traveler everyone keeps talking about... No I'm not judging you or anything! Just thought you would look different... If you get what I mean. Anyways I'm Sean it's... Nice to meet you I guess.
Oh good morning. I wasn't expecting to see you up in the mountains so early in the morning...
Hey traveler! I'm going to Seirai Island to get some Naku Weed care to join me?
Oh, it's you again... No no! It's not that I don't want to see you specifically I just like being alone but that can't be helped I guess... Well since you came all the way here why not have dinner with me?
It's night already... You should leave before it gets even darker... It was fun spending time with you... I guess
When it rains:
Shit it's raining! Now I can't even use my vision. Huh, why? Because all it's going to do now is electrocute me...
When the sun is out:
Ahh that's much better. Come on let's get going before it starts to rain again!
About Sean (family):
"What happened to my family"? I lost my mom due to an illness and my dad... I'd rather not talk about it.
About Sean (Isolation):
I... Don't like people... I don't like crowds... I don't like socializing...
About us (Acquaintances):
Huh? You want to know how I view you?... You're a great friend I guess.
About us (Traveling partners):
*friendship level 6*
I see you as a great friend and a traveling partner no-nothing else! Don't get the wrong idea.
About Visions:
*friendship level 4*
My vision isn't something I'm proud of... But it's something I should hold close to myself.
About Raiden Shogun:
*friendship level 6*
Her ways of doing stuff is rather... Interesting. As someone who also wishes I could be with my loved ones for all eternity her excellency show her desire of eternity in a rather inhumane way so to say.
About Shumatsuban Sayu:
*friendship level 6*
She is an... interesting child. She claims she is a ninja but slacks off quite often. I once found her sleeping around the shrine, I tried to wake her up but she didn't even move an inch... Weird...
About Thoma
*friendship level 6*
Oh... The butler of the Kamisato estate? I don't really know much about him other than he is much more friendly than I like... It really bothers me how kind he is...
About Sangonomia Kokomi:
*friendship level 6*
I've known lady kokomi for a long time... We weren't acquainted or anything we just grew up in similar environments... Maybe if I didn't make some drastic choices I would have gotten to know her more.
About Yae Miko
*friendship level 6*
Ugh! Why bring her up all of a sudden? If I told you Thoma was bad she is ten times worse. She is such a nuance... Can we...not talk about her?
About Shikanoin Heizou
*friendship level 6*
That scoundrel of a detective is so persistent of me opening up to him... Ughh! As if me disappearing before his very eyes isn't a way of saying I'm not interested.
About Naganohara Yoimiya:
*friendship level 6*
Oh the firework girl right, I've seen her a few time... She is nice. She invites me to go watch the fireworks. She's always cheery and energetic... Cute...
About Arataki Itto:
*friendship level 6*
There are only two things that irratate me in life: one crowds, two Itto how could anyone be so stupid and loud a t the same time... Beats me...
About Derreth (@nogenderbee 's Oc):
*friendship level 6*
If I remember correctly she was Heizou's partner was she not? She isn't as annoying as him. Strange enough I can consider her a friend as well.
About Gorou:
*friendship level 6*
Gorou is like a younger brother to me... We obviously have our differences but we manage to put them all aside.
Favorite food:
I'll eat anything. I was never a picky eater, still am not I mean not like I have a choice not to eat what I can find up here In the mountains.
Least favorite food:
Remember what I said about not being a picky eater... Just throw that out the window when it comes to mushrooms. I would rather die than put a single bite of mushrooms in my mouth
Receiving gifts 1:
Oh my... This is better than anything I've ever tasted! You're a really great cook.
Receiving gifts 2:
It's okay... I guess
Receiving gifts 3:
Ughh, thanks I'm not hungry!
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hauntedfalcon · 1 year
(MORE candela dark materials stuff)
draven kingsley's daemon is (was) an argentine black and white tegu. the aesthetics of it are too perfect otherwise. also: What Happens To Daemons Exposed To Bleed... the shapeshifting creatures impersonate people, and surely to do that successfully in this setting they would need to mimic daemons - or maybe the lack of one would be a sign that someone's been replaced?
also. auntie bee and her daemon The Most Stubborn And Judgemental Goat To Ever Exist. this goat has caught sean and marion getting into trouble as children So Many Times and has Never Even Once cut them any slack about it. they can't reminisce about their childhoods for two minutes without The Goat going "hey remember when you got yourself concussed because you did some stupid shit and then Did Not Learn Your Lesson?" it 100% also pretends to just be regular goat sometimes, in much the same way that bee plays up her "just a frail old lady nothing to see here" thing when she's Up To Mischief. everyone is a little bit terrified of this very powerful goat.
also... the implication that, potentially, jinnah's dad was the one to sever jean and marion's daemons? because there was something Wrong with their daemons maybe?? (that maybe their daemons "died" but they themselves didn't, and they were stuck bound to this corpse that wouldn't fade away until it had to be severed from them like a rotten limb??) or that it happened somehow without anyone actively doing it - marion waking up from sleepwalking at the age of seven, suddenly unable to find his daemon anywhere?? (he wanted to be normal so bad, would that manifest as attempts to hide that he doesn't have a daemon? feeding stray animals, trying to coax them close to him so that if someone were to glance over they'd assume he still had his soul? jean looking at those display cases of pinned beetles and arachnids and Feeling about it??)
for some reason I'm picturing nathaniel's dad as having a straight-up horse daemon and I can't put it out of my mind. A Full Very Big Horse that you cannot move more than like ten feet away from at any given time. you go into a room and see a well-dressed man and A Horse. and the horse is a right bastard, too. terrible company.
for sean's mum, I'm imagining a fox, and I don't know why. something something foxes are clever city-dwelling animals that hide in burrows and are hunted down by dogs??
anyway; I know Almost Nothing about his dark materials, certainly not enough to actually write anything myself, but oh boy the brainwheels are a-turnin' about how fucked up this au could potentially get
oooohoohoo my god hell yes. what if the bleed creatures manifest fake daemons as just like. a growth or a tendril forming that shape beside them. horrifying. especially horrifying in a world where everyone is used to daemons because they would gradually get the creeping sensation that no matter how realistic they seem, there’s no soul in there
have you listened to the Worlds Beyond Number children’s campaign? because Bee’s goat is giving big Taro vibes and I’m here for it
absolutely HATE the idea of seven year old kids carrying around their dying or dead daemons, you genius, that’s so devastating. Marion with a canary in his hands that keeps fluttering and turning into a yellow butterfly and back but can’t. work up the strength to fly. I believe in you, make this AU even more fucked up than that, I dare you
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angelic-writer · 1 month
The Mandela Effect - Deja Vu
Day 26 of @augusnippets
Prompts: Nightmare/warm blanket/snuggling
Features characters from FOTD BY @moonlightsmasquerade
CW: Nightmare, drowning, foreshadowed lady whump
Llywelyn had no idea where he was for a moment. All he knew was that it was dark, cold and his eyes stung. He couldn't feel the ground beneath him. When he tried to speak, salt invaded his mouth.
He was in the water.
How did he get in there? Did he fall in somehow? Was he lured in by them?
He tried to swim up, but something grabbed him by the ankle. He looked to see a creature resembling his likeness. Panicking now, he tried to get out of its grasp, but it only smirked, showing its toothy grin as its grip tightened. He screamed, bubbles coming out of his mouth as he thrashed around. The fight lasted for about a minute before he heard something - someone - jump in.
Ada had jumped in after him, pulling out her gun and shooting the fish creature multiple times before it finally let go. Ada grabbed Llywelyn's hand and started to swim up. She was just about to reach the surface when something pulled her back, ripping Llywelyn from her grasp. His eyes widened when he saw that the creature had taken her, covering her mouth as she squirmed for freedom.
You can't save her, Llywelyn. She is meant to die. You already averted death once. You can't do it again.
Llywelyn reached out his hand and once more tried to scream. This time, a name came out of him.
Llywelyn shot up in bed, gasping for air. His lungs burned as though he hadn't breathed for a while. His skin was covered in a thick sheet of sweat and his hands were trembling. He buried his face in his hands. "Dammit.... Not again..."
Why? Why did he have that nightmare again? Ever since the rescue team saved Sean from his impossible death, he had been having recurring nightmares about Ada dying, being pulled into the dark depths by the creatures from the legends. But that's impossible. She's still here with him. She's still alive so what do those nightmares mean?
"Lyn? Are you okay?"
Llywelyn jumped at Ada's sudden voice. "O-Oh! Yeah, I-I'm fine. It's just..."
"Another nightmare?"
He slowly nodded.
"Oh honey..." She pulled him close. "It's okay. I'm here."
Llywelyn snuggled his head in her chest, hearing her steady heartbeat. For some reason, the sound of her heart gave him a sense of comfort. It was a sign that she was still here, still alive on this earth. She ran her fingers through his hair, earning him a contented sigh.
"Are... these nightmares the same?" Ada asked.
"Yeah. For some reason, they all featured you being pulled under the water. I was... helpless to do anything. I couldn't even..."
"Shh..." She stroked his hair. "It's okay. I'm here. Nothing's gonna happen to me, alright?"
"But what if something does happen and I won't be able to help you? Y-You're a valued member of our team and we've known each other since we were kids. I don't want to lose what we have because of some Lovecraftian monstrosities."
"Lyn, I promise you that nothing's gonna happen to me. I'm a tough gal. You know I can handle anything."
"You sure?"
"I'm sure. Now, can I get you anything? Tea?"
"...Tea does sound nice."
"Alright, I'll be back in a jiffy."
After she left the room, Llywelyn was left with his thoughts. He knew she said she could take care of herself, but the truth was... He was scared for her. He had let a nightmare about her death overtake him, causing him to overanalyze what she did. Jack started asking him what was wrong with Llywelyn reassuring him that he's fine. But how long could he keep lying to him? How long until the nightmares of death finally stop?
Sometimes, he had the feeling that it wasn't nightmares. That maybe, just maybe that he had experienced it in another lifetime. A lifetime full of tragedy.
"Lyn, your tea is ready." Ada set his teacup down on the nightstand. "I also got a fluffy blanket in the dryer. I figure you really need it."
"Oh... Thanks, but you don't have to do that."
"You're my co-worker, silly. I have to make sure you're in tip top shape for the job." She winked.
Llywelyn chuckled as he took the teacup. He took a small sip and smiled. Honey tea, just the way Ada made it.
People sometimes asked him if he had a crush on Ada based on their history together. He always answered honestly. 'No. I do not.' Those feelings have not changed. He had never dated anyone nor did he plan to. Even if Ada did, by some chance, have some sort of feelings for Llywelyn, it would be completely one sided. It was the largest if since Ada never looked at Llywelyn any differently. She only saw him as a co-worker, a friend. And that alone was perfectly fine with him.
Soon after Llywelyn was done with his tea, Ada had wrapped the freshly warm blanket around him. Already, he was beginning to feel sleepy. He buried his face in the soft fabric as his head hit the pillow.
"Hehehe. Do you want me to stay with you? At least until I know you won't be having anymore of these bad dreams?" Ada asked, smirking.
"Nah, I think I'll be fine."
"Alright, I'll be next door if you need anything."
As soon as she was out the door, he was beginning to nod off. Suddenly, the worries he had for her didn't matter. She was here to stay. And in that moment, he was happy.
Three weeks later, Ada drowned.
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moddisms · 10 months
Some posterity that things are actually happening and I am not a big mess I am just a little stressed but things are going to be all just so completely alright
I thought I would send another email update because I think the last one might have been a month ago where I had to send the awful news about my partner's mum. 
Since then, we've had Sharree's funeral. I was being very optimistic when I thought I would need "a few days" to be there for Sean. This has been the first death of a loved one (sans my dog) that I've actually been close to so I wasn't prepared at all for what the process is like. Not in terms of the emotions or in terms of the legalities you have to go through. Sean is his mum's sole child so there is a lot of documentation, a lot of figuring out what happens next with her home, her debts, etc. For Sean too, he is currently a student and not working, so there is no financial float to carry him while he is working through all of this.
I'm happy to say that, outside of that, the PhD is starting to make its way back into my life. Danielle organised two "accountability writing days" where I continued to edit my scoping review which was an affirming way to see that - yes, actually, this research is worthwhile! Outside of that, I have jumped back into Netnography, which is part 1 of the research going forward (I will re-attach our visual timeline here for reference). 
I've found some more videos that are inspiring research questions. I have re-issued the Netnography "manual" from the library to start being more structured about my process. I also spent a little bit of time watching more videos about Netnography - specifically https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBBQixBe3i8&t=1573s this last night which offered a background context to the theorist Kozinets himself. Netnography was first implemented to aid his research into fan culture - which is the essence of what we are doing with virtual pet research, so that was affirming to hear. He also considers Henry Jenkins to be a lifelong mentor, a name I am sure Allan will know very well. :-) 
As a fun extra for you Allan, I have started to knit while I listen to videos as it helps me to listen better. I don't suppose you know which beloved student of ours inspired me with this new hobby?
- We have mentioned my Tumblr previously where I vomit ideas and mostly am just self-effacing. If you still think it would be useful to have the link to that LMK. I can't add you to my Discord server where I do PhD things because it is also where I do work/life admin and I would rather that be separate! 
- I am finally reading 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' and thank goodness I am because it would have been embarrassing to not include it in the PhD somewhere. The entire side plot is the protagonist feeling angst at his virtual sheep not being as good as an authentic one. Meanwhile, the overarching question is, does it truly matter at all?
Enough from me for now. Actually, one more, 
Is there a preferred Overleaf template for me to begin writing my stuff in relation to netnography?
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