#( actual sweeties these two )
0809sysblings · 4 months
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Childhood Antecedents of Multiple Personality - Richard P. Kluft
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Q.10 Have you ever gotten angry at other people? I don't think I've gotten angry before. Isn't it kind of disgraceful to get angry?
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michyeosseo · 6 months
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Do you know why she is honored as goddess? Bedridden for a long time due to her incomplete celestial roots... a deity everyone thought could not be saved... Lord Xingzhi came to take to the Extranatural Heaven. And cured her. Therefore, the Divine Realm's Heavenly Lord gave her a title: Luotian Goddess – blessings from the sky. The girl blessed by the [ancient] gods.
Li Jia Qi as YOULAN
THE LEGEND OF SHEN LI (2024) 1.17-1.19
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tiny-chubby-bird · 10 months
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jesus christ dick just give your little brother a hug
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succulentul · 1 year
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started watching the new live action avatar
it’s. It’s pretty ok I guess? But there’s a lot of things I’m not altogether happy about. It feels very. Generic. Which is kind of sad.
I’m only two episodes in though, so I won’t be too harsh. But there are a few things that I really don’t like, and number one was Aang going into the Avatar State in front of Sokka and Katara for the first time when seeing Monk Gyatso instead of when escaping Zuko, and that moment being isolated instead of the moment everyone in the world knew the Avatar had returned
in the original series, Aang goes into the Avatar State when confronted by irrefutable proof in the form of the skeleton of his best friend and mentor - the airbenders really were massacred and he can no longer deny it.
every statue of the Avatar around the globe lights up in a single moment. the legendary figure’s destined return is announced to the world by an overwhelming outpouring of grief and rage from a young child who just discovered that everyone he ever knew and loved is gone. it’s poignant. the Avatar’s return in that moment is not a triumph. that terrifying show of strength and power, enough to light up the world in its glow, is pure emotional anguish from a small twelve year old, who just saw the dead body of his mentor and now believes he is all alone
and Katara and Sokka having seen the Avatar State before means that there is less of the shock and “what is happening” in this pivotal scene (which was the main focus in the live action). of course Sokka is still concerned about them potentially getting flung off the mountain. but both of them know this reaction for what it is - mysterious power, sure, but primarily, they see and recognize his grief.
I just. what happened to “we’re your family now” and “neither of us are gonna let anything happen to you”??? :(
on a side note, I do feel like Katara and Sokka themselves have been heavily (heh) watered down. it’s a shame. Sokka’s my favourite, and I just think that I. Don’t trust writers with Katara now. (Why is her waterbending a secret? The whole reason she didn’t learn was because there was no one to teach her and she couldn’t leave… also where is her instant connection with Aang… where is their silliness… where did it go…)
however! I did like a couple things that were done and I want to be a bit positive so here
love Zuko and Suki’s actors. they did a great job
Sokka and Suki’s training together was cute ☺️ (though I wish he had worn the uniform of the Kyoshi Warriors…)
Aang himself is adorable :) (wish he got to be a little more silly but Netflix adaptations always are more serious for some reason)
I actually kind of enjoyed getting to see some of the scenes from the war’s outbreak. I prefer the way the original show portrays it, with a lot of info being learned reverse chronologically, but it was cool to see Sozin, and some of the airbenders, and a little more of Gyatso (who I also really enjoyed :’) )
Katara bending water at Aang and it reducing to them splashing each other without even trying to bend. Rare sillies!
I thought Kyoshi herself coming to defend her island was pretty sweet!!!
Katara getting flashbacks to her mother’s death on seeing firebending. Well I don’t like this, obviously, but it clearly shows how her mother’s death haunts her, and if they have Katara face off against Zuko again at the North Pole, it’ll be all the more triumphant.
Suki’s mom!!! Damn she was so cool!!!!!!
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softquietsteadylove · 4 months
Me again! I am once again humbly requesting more of the family law au. Anything you wanna do with the story, I know anything you write will be amazing
Thena looked up as a small body plunked down onto the bench next to her. She looked back at the courtroom door, but the child had appeared from elsewhere. "Hello."
The child sniffled.
She looked around them, but court was in recess, currently. "Where is your guardian?"
The kid shrugged.
She could simply ignore the child. She wasn't a bailiff or authority, she was only in court to close a case of her own, it was signatures in front of the judge. But she recognised the deep hunch in her shoulders and the way her feet kicked idly hanging off the edge of the bench. "I know you have one. Kids aren't allowed to just walk into courtrooms alone."
The kid looked around; she couldn't have been older than twelve. "My parents are talking to a lawyer, but I left."
How did a kid walk out and no one noticed? Thena frowned, "who was watching you?"
"My dad's new wife."
Ah, an unwanted stepmother; Thena angled herself toward the young girl. "Hm, the lawyer speaking with your parents, is he...big?"
She looked up at Thena, her face betraying the vulnerability her body language was trying to hide. "Really big."
Thena couldn't help but smile. There was no more way effective way to describe Gil. "Trust me, he looks scary, but he's actually quite nice."
The girl looked back down at her lap again. "I dunno."
If her parents were speaking with Gil, it was some sort of family issue. Divorce - and to some extent, custody - was her specialty, but Gil handled plenty to do with family settlements and custody issues. He didn't always get to see families on their best day.
Thena rethought her approach. She undid her suit jacket and put her arm up on the back of the bench. "My youngest sister is around your age. She also hates talking."
The girl giggled, just a little. "I don't hate talking."
"Well," Thena paused and shrugged strategically. "Tell me why you're here today."
The kid sighed, seeming even more like Sprite. "My dad's new wife wants us to stay at their new house for his weekends with us. But it's really far away, and they only have one bedroom for me and my sister to share."
As much as she was listening to the child, her mind couldn't help but think that - professionally speaking - it didn't sound suitable for at least one preteen, if not two. "Are you parents discussing this now?--where you and your sister should go, that is?"
She nodded, sniffling again. "They got a little nicer with each other after the divorce. But now all they're doing is yelling again."
Thena bobbed her head slowly to show her understanding. The poor child had been through this already and was now reliving the struggle of an ugly custody hearing. "And do you remember what they were saying?"
The girl made a face, scrunching her small features. "I had to go with my dad's new wife when they started yelling. My sister is still in there, though. They were talking about 'confidence' or something."
So, the sister was older. Even more of a reason that the girls sharing a room would be unfavourable. "Competence--it means they want to know who's the better parent."
She looked up at Thena again, even sadder than before. "I like both my parents. I just don't wanna live an hour away every weekend!"
"Okay, okay, all right, sh," Thena attempted to comfort the girl (which had never been her specialty). She patted her back as the poor thing loudly hiccuped and sniffled up her excess snot. "Can I tell you something?"
Children enjoyed knowing secrets.
The girl nodded.
Thena sighed. It went against all her personal rules against disclosing her personal life, family situation, getting close with people in a professional setting. But she sucked it up, as Sprite would say. "I've had to prove my competence before, when I signed up to take care of my sisters."
"You take care of your sisters?" she asked, although she didn't seem so incredibly astounded.
"One is 16, although it feels like she's turning 20," Thena laughed faintly, and at least the girl smiled. It was the kind of thing a parent would say, much to her dread. But she continued. "I told you the other is around your age, she just turned 13 in the spring."
"How old are you?"
She ignored that question. "I had to prove I could take care of them, like a parent would, although I didn't really know how. But do you know what helped?"
She shook her head.
"Hearing from them," Thena said more gently. It seemed a revelation to the girl that someone might listen to her. "They said they wanted to stay with me. That I would take good care of them, and I swore I would. And I've tried my best, even if I'm not perfect. I get things wrong sometimes, like getting them to school late or forgetting about projects they have."
"What do you do?"
"I try again," she shrugged, and if anything the girl seemed to appreciate her honesty. "Because someone who's going to look after you only wants what's best for you. What's important is if you're safe, and taken care of and comfortable. If you're happy, and doing well in school, or with your friends. The person who's going to take care of you will care about that even if it means you're far away."
Something seemed to dawn on the girl. Although Thena didn't want to sway her opinion any, it would seem her assumption that the husband was not doing his due diligence was correct. Or perhaps the wife was pushing too hard for her new role in his children's lives. Either way, if the girls were best off with their mother, it was more than clear to the client, now.
"Thanks," she smiled at Thena, her shoulders un-hunching faintly. "I'll tell my sister that."
Perhaps the older one could communicate that to the parents. It sounded like the parents were a few precarious steps away from hiring individual lawyers for each of their sides as opposed to using one. But Thena regarded the girl, labelling her 'her client' in her mind. And it was her job to keep her client's best interest at heart.
"There you are!"
Thena looked up, catching Gil jogging over to them. She stood out of habit, holding her coat over her arm. "Mister Gilgamesh."
"Hey," he smiled at her before looking down at the girl. "What's the deal, we turned around and you were gone."
The mother and father immediately began berating the daughter for running off. Thena caught Gil's eye aside from the family. She leaned closer, "my client has some concerns about the pending custody battle."
"Oh," Gil blinked, looking from the girl and back to her. He smiled, showing off the charming and warm temperament that made him so popular, especially with families. "She does, does she?"
They drifted further from the family having their own discussion. Thena eyed Gil, who looked both exhausted and also a whole pot of coffee deep. "How is it?"
He angled himself closer to her and away from the family. "It's getting ugly, and I don't know what I can do to stop it. They're ready to hire their own custody lawyers."
Thena also peeked over at them cautiously. The girl was accepting her berating, although when the father's wife appeared over his shoulder she looked away, taking on a more defensive stance again. She really did remind her of Sprite. "Let the girls talk."
She shifted on her feet. It was Gil's case, and she had no real right to get involved, even if it did cross into her expertise. She whispered, "let the girls speak. If nothing else, it should sway the parents enough for them to come to a decision."
Gil made a face, crossing his arms. It pulled his suit jacket to the point of strain; ridiculously thick arms, he had. "Or it could be the drop that makes the dam burst."
Thena shook her head though. "It won't. Those girls know the best place for themselves, and I believe the parents do too. Let the girls state what they want. The parents will respond to their needs and settle."
He gave her a peculiar look, and she couldn't fault him for it. She usually didn't offer personal perspectives on cases. She worked solely and completely on evidence, maybe sometimes on how a judge might regard something. But she didn't give personal opinions. "How do you know?"
Thena looked at the family again. The father patted both his daughters on the shoulder as the bailiff ushered them back to where they had been discussing things during the recess. She looked at Gil. "I just do."
Gil didn't look at the family again. He focused entirely on her, unfolding his arms, slipping his hands into his pockets and raising an eyebrow slightly. But he nodded, "okay."
"That's it?"
He shrugged, furthering the rumpling of his suit, entirely by his own doing. "I trust you. If you say the family will settle, I believe you. I'll ask for the kids to talk."
She smiled, genuinely relieved at the idea of the young girl's feelings being heard. Maybe there was something to how Gil made all of his cases personal. "I think it will be best for everyone."
"So, uh," Gil finally did just barely glance over his shoulder as they started walking back as well. "What'd you say to her?"
Thena pursed her lips. "Not much of anything, truly. The girl is quite competent for her age. All she needs is to be heard."
Gil chuckled.
"Nothing," he laughed now, furthering her scrutiny. He shrugged, "you're great with kids, which I guess I should have expected."
"I would not say that."
"You just demonstrated it."
"You didn't see it happen."
"You literally have kids."
"I am not a mother," she argued, and it was true, even as a defense of herself. "She's around Sprite's age, and I recall when Sprite first got into her phase of wanting to shout at the world but not wanting anyone to look at her, either."
"See?" Gil gesticulated with his hand before rolling his shoulders to correct his suit jacket (it did not). "You're a natural."
That was not what the courts thought when she was going through her own proceedings a matter of years ago. But she smiled, giving his poor suit jacket a tug here and there to get it to sit right on him again. Why was he so ridiculously well built for a family lawyer? "Your clients await."
He gave her a more grateful smile as she brushed her hand over his lapel. "Thanks--hey, I'll make sure your client gets her fair say."
She waved him off as he went back to his meeting, and then the proceeding hearing. Technically she didn't have any reason to linger--it wasn't her case. But she sat herself down on the bench outside of the main courtroom doors again, pulling out her phone.
Can I go see that new gangster movie with sersi and her friends?
She would never understand Sprite's obsession with foreign, violent gangster action comedies. But she sighed. She had been poised to say no, that she would pick them up from their free roaming at the mall (which she only allowed them when she had court dates anyway). But she resigned herself to her decision.
That's fine, I'm still at court anyway. But don't stuff yourself on movie snacks, you still have to eat at home
With that, she slipped her phone away again, staring ahead at the elevators opposite her bench of solitude. It was silly to wait. She could ask Gil about it later if she was so concerned. It was inappropriate. It wasn't her case.
Then she would think of how Sprite had tearily asked if she and Sersi would be put in some stranger's house. She would think of that little girl who had sat right down next to her, and she thought of Gil, nervously pacing outside before even she had arrived for her earlier hearing time. He had been poring over this case all week.
Maybe she should do something for him if the case went well--and if it didn't go well, in all honesty.
Thanks thee btw can gil come and cook again it was soooo good
Thena swiped the notification away, decidedly ignoring the leading question. It was nothing but entrapment; as sweet as it was that her sisters had grown a fondness for Gilgamesh, she didn't need them reading too much into her relationship with her colleague.
No matter how amazing his lasagne was, and how often she had thought about it in the past week.
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meatexe · 3 months
im always obsessed with ur dad posts ofc i'll indulge u!!! is there anything u have ever wanted to do with ur dad but haven't yet?
eeeeee umm i rly wanna do some knifeplay um i rly rly rly want them to carve their name into my hip or under one of my tits >_< also wanna negotiate some sort of kidnapping long term free use scene maybe where they can keep me gagged n chained to the bed n do whatever they want to me n i cant even use the bathroom without them walking me there um just for maybe a day or two or the rest of my life i dunno…………
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thosewickedlovelies · 1 month
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Obsessed with the way my mint plant is growing rn. Look at how lovely and symmetrical she is
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ancientdreamkdj · 4 months
I'm trying to watch dead boy detectives but I get so much second hand embarrasment from the characters actions, it makes me manifest physical symptoms of anxiety
#The plot of the show makes me really interested tho#That's why I have been battling the second hand embarrasment symptoms#I'm actually putting in effort to push through the discomfort so I can know how the plot develops#But damn if it isn't a bad idea to put teenagers (even if if they're many decades old and dead for a long while) in life and death situatio#Sure sweetie ofc you know what you're doing *draws one more time in the bad choice streak*#You're so mature wow no worries *dials up a therapist* so good in navigating your feelings. Ofc I trust you with your decisions#They be like “I am sure of this” and I'm like an intolerant parent rolling my eyes... sweetie itll pass#Just wait until the character development hits you in the next 20 minutes#Or in the next episode#It's just a phase#Oh look! I am sure the thing you're hiding from others will bear no consequences!#*episode ends* oh. It was the spinjing point of a conflict. Who would have guessed that!#Teenagers being teenagers#By the way... not a single one of them looks like a teenager#Jenny scoffed at Crystal saying she is twenty two and I felt personally offended... I thought she was in her thirties!#Until that point I was so sure crystal was in her thirties as her age hadn't been addressed in the show before!#Just because someone dresses alt and does weird things like talking to the voices only they hear they are a teenager?#That's very prejudiced#What on earth is the reference for apparent age to americans or britishs...#Thoughts#By me#Review#dead boy detectives
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greedbent · 7 months
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@howthesleeplesswander || surprise starter for human!Spring! 〔´∇`〕
“Didn't I tell you to be more careful?”
And if Kaz had startled the poor girl by his coming up behind her with no word of warning or semblance of a greeting before delivering harsh judgment . . . Good. He slid in easily at her side, matched her pace in a heartbeat, and kept on walking with the nonchalance of this being entirely planned between the two of them. The hour was late, but the streets remained—as ever—loud and bustling with the night life of the Barrel: distant clattering of coin in the gambling houses, cacophonous whooping and hollering of tourists hoping for a lucky break after hours of emptying their pockets (too inebriated now to care about their losses), an entire collection of drunkards wandering the dimly lit paths (with a few simply tucked away in corners quite possibly whimpering into their knees over their life choices).
Simply put: Not a place where this particular woman should be. Looking like she did. Young. Fair. Pretty. Wide-eyed. Innocent. Gullible. So out of place Kaz almost wondered if she had put effort into it, as if she'd found a manual on all the ways to appear the easiest target and followed it to the letter.
She might as well just be wearing a sign.
Even if Spring had flinched and briefly stumbled over herself, Kaz continued with nothing more than a pointed look back at her: Keep up. Don't draw more attention. As his own gaze kept a vigilant watch over their surroundings, he pinpointed any set of eyes turned their way. Her way, specifically. And the less than respectful whistling from a small group of the aforementioned drunkards (the ones who were high off the intoxication rather than low and miserable) as they watched Spring pass was what brought Kaz closer to her side.
“You shouldn't come here alone,” he reiterated, choosing at that moment not to announce that he'd already . . . persuaded a few pickpockets off her tail mere minutes ago. “Especially at this hour.” Kaz pursed his lips, made a quick move to steer Spring down a quieter street. “What the hell are you doing? No one has a dying need for flowers so urgent you'd have to make a delivery in the middle of the night. Or have you just had a spiritual calling to a new profession?”
“Spiritual” was not the right description for the “profession” implied here.
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jtownraindancer · 4 months
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throwback to when i bonded with a random cat down by the river
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warlordfelwinter · 1 year
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drawing fanart of my own dnd game to procrastinate drawing Good fanart of my own dnd game
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soubiapologist · 7 months
sorry i'm like really tired cuz i haven't slept in like a day but i was scrolling my dash and saw my pic of soubi and got excited because i didn't realize it was mine and i was like OMG PRETTY SOUBI??!
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mp3-pplayers · 10 months
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bylertruther · 2 years
top three duos in st? :D
aughhh i have to take byIer out of the equation, because that's a given. that leaves us with jonathan & will, will & lucas, and dustin & lucas! :D i always really enjoy when they're paired up.
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fellhellion · 1 year
Adam I’m sorry ur wife is gonna call you sweetheart at least once
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