#( adam: 001 )
stark-writes · 1 year
Lucy/Adam | The Pedestrian Bridge/Nissan Stadium (at dusk)
It had been forever since Lucy and Adam had just had a date night together. It had seemed like adulthood had swooped in over night and taken away their childhood and all the fun that came with it. Bills had to be paid. Hours had to be worked. And the older they got, the more of a lull Lucy found herself falling into. Not to blame Adam at all. It was just what happened when couples fell out of their honeymoon phase.
But tonight was going to be different. She had found a nice grassy area, thrown out a blanket, and had a picnic dinner waiting in a basket with a bottle of wine. The Coheed and Cambria show at Nissan Stadium was about to start soon, and she had made Adam promise her that he would find her using Life360 and arrive at her destination at the time she had stated. It was a romantic evening she had planned for months and so help her if he had missed it, because of work, she was going to make the next week or so of his life a living hell. But all in the name of love, of course.
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pywnoyalien · 8 months
hi ouroboros community
some are **really** fucking old
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arson-jellyfish69 · 10 months
Adam: Hi Scarlet ...
Scarlet: Hi Adam ...
Adam: *Looking at Able attacking the garden then back at Scarlet* That soldier looks familiar ...
Scarlet: *Looking straight in front of him avoiding Adam's gaze.*
"is that my son?"
Narrator: it was, in fact, Adam's son.
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swiftreylo0402 · 2 years
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Jamie Campbell-Bower 🤝 Adam Driver 🤝 Ben Barnes:
“I don‘t see him as a villain!” ‘😌’
Source: EllaLisa15 via Twitter
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dxrkenedheights · 9 months
where: swansea point, bc
with: kenzie vaisman and adam seyed @ofwrxth
"I can't believe we got a damn Cross list to go through." Kenzie sighs, squinting at the piece of paper she clutches while walking beside Adam through the abandoned town. They're only an hour away from Hollow Cove, and yet that still doesn't manage to bring any sense of ease. After so many of their wolves being parted from them, and then being split from one another, that constant edge never seems to go away. "Look at this shit." she huffs, shoving it near Adam's face and waving it around perhaps too quickly for him to read. "How am I supposed to read this? It looks like they let a damn kid scribble all over the place." Kenzie points to a certain word that's been struck through several times and not even spelled differently beside it. "And this...Har jel. The fuck!? If you can understand that then you're God's favorite, Adam." she passes the list to him properly then, washing her hands of it.
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wilddwcrds · 9 months
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as alana still eats her small breakfast, she waves at her sister leaving for her shift. just time for adam to emerge from his room next and allie clocks the glance given in kenzie's direction. allie snorts into her bite of food, pieces falling from the fork as she laughs. because it's been years now. literal years. and she's seen that same glance over and over, not just from adam but from her sister too. "oh shit." she grumbles, swiping away the new stain on her shirt because of it but regardless, she waves around her fork in gesture to the other wolf. "do you look at all your friends like that?" alana asks him directly, crinkling her nose next. "because i know you don't look at me like that 'cause if you did, i wouldn't think you were cool to hang out with. in fact, adam. i'd punch ya." she takes another bite and still isn't quite finished with him. "which means, kenzie would punch ya too. if she didn't like it. that don't...that math working for you? 'cause it works for me." @ofwrxth
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ofmythsandfables · 1 month
@dreammakcr liked for a starter with Belle <3
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A coffee is gently slid across the bar over to where he sat. Hazel hues glance at the man, and she smirks. "Just as you like it."
The book and coffee shop were bustling with customers today. Belle hardly had a minute to herself since it opened early in the morning but her father's voice echoed in her head: "busy is good". It was only when Adam walked into the place did she make time to focus on him and let her employees handle the rest for the time being.
"When you come here long enough, orders become a little easier to remember after a while." Belle's leaning her elbows on the countertop and smiling warmly. "It's good to see you again. Got anything happening today?"
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lovedove-valk · 10 months
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It is currently 11 pm and I am, admittedly, high off three different medications (don’t worry I’m following prescription) anyway I wanted to draw Calvin and Adam and couldn’t sleep til it was done
Same mystery person for the pose ref as last time, though I played w hand positioning (bc I must learn to do hands) and I followed the link to a deleted DA… hell
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amomentxofhappiness · 11 months
@sirxnx cont. from here
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"Oh? Did I volunteer to help?" Adam asked scrunching up his nose and humming thoughtfully for a moment before shrugging. "I don't really have anything better to do," now that was just sad really, but he didn't get to babysit Olivia until the weekend, and he was a tad tired of being locked up home or at work. He needed something else to do, and maybe an adult to talk to--Olivia's father Jack didn't really count as an adult.
"Can I make a suggestion? It'd be hard to remove him from here without the street and house cameras picking us dragging a body," he started. "It'll probably better to do something with it to decompose it or well, change his cause of death."
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northernglorie · 1 year
---- * starter for @adam-stark * ----
anger, despair, fear - all emotions that glorie had once associated with the thought of remarriage. she likened it to a death sentence when she had no face to put to the name of her betrothed. a singular being who held the power to rip her away from the life she's built from the ashes of continuous disaster. pride is worn like a patch on cloth, each mountain she's climbed equating to a thread pulling it tighter to her being. she should be despondent, but this union brings forth a sense of relief. no longer does she have to worry about the state of the dreadfort in the hands of the incapable. the graciousness of the northern king has placed her home in the palm of her hands and hard work that she thought wasted on a marriage could continue.
prince that she's promised to is an enigma thus far. only meetings being short, passing glances after proper introductions. it's not enough to hear of his accomplishments, no matter how impressive they may be. they must be familiar, comfortable as they can be given their situation. but first she needs to be alone and clear her mind. an overthinker in the worst ways, she's convinced that replaying what she may say when they finally come face to face. what better way to do so than in the quietest place she can think of? where only bounded pages and scattered guests could hear the rambling of a woman unnerved.
fate is thinking in ways that glorie is unprepared for though. barely noticeable sits the giantslayer and she can feel her stomach knot anxiously at the sight of him. does she pass by without a word, leaving their initial meeting for a time planned? or face the commander like she hadnt been thinking of the many ways it could go wrong? she's not given enough time to weigh her options before she's moving towards him almost involuntarily.
"quiet, isn't it?" doesn't make much physical notice of him when she passes in pursuit of the wall of books beside him, only stopping for a brief moment to pay him proper respects as royalty. "so many worlds to get lost in when your own becomes too much." fingertips trail along the titles before settling on one bound in leather. "would company trouble you, your highness? no discussions need be had on our current standing if that's what you wish."
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ravellaarryns · 4 months
who: @adam-stark when and where: following the death of rosalyn, queen of winter, certain members of the falcon court make their way to winterfell for the funeral of an arryn princess. the burial is done according to the old gods of the north, and rosalyn's corpse is interred within the ancient dark crypts of winterfell; the final rites are issued and the queen of the vale is the first to turn on her heel and climb the steps leading out of the crypts, whilst many remain within the darkness. she is holding a burning torch, and when she hears a figure climbing up the steps behind her, she turns to see the prince of winter - adam stark.
in her youth, many had spoke of the handsome face of adam stark; countless vale women quietly spoke amongst themselves of his quiet, honourable nature: all whilst maintaining the sternest of faces considering they would rather be caught dead than be seen speaking about a northman in such a way. there was an ancient bond between their houses, perhaps because despite the andal influence of the vale, the houses of the first men had blended perfectly with the houses that brought them civilisation.
she wanted to be at home. she wanted to be within her own halls, at her own desk, surrounded by her own courtiers. the sooner this was done with, the better. in her thoughts, ravella had not even truly contemplated on the fact she was the only arryn remaining on this side of the continent.
ravella had always thought he had sullen eyes, and as she turned in the stone hallway leading from winterfell's crypt, she still found that his eyes were sullen. his entire being was quite sullen, both physical and emotional; she wordlessly passed him the burning torch she held onto for him to light the path they walked. "your highness." ravella greeted rather coldly, in her usual tone; and then she turned her gaze back forward. "i have a letter to write."
there was visible heartbreak within the northern court, who no doubt grieved for the grace and the warmth that the arryn princess had brought to the northern court: but the majority of them did not matter. it was the wolf king who mattered in true essence, and what he made of the entire matter; the children born in their union served as a physical link between the realms of the north and the vale, though he would remarry.
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and when he remarried and sired more children, it was entirely possible that he would prioritise those children as his heirs rather than that of his first marriage. had rosalyn arryn left enough of an impression upon her husband? she said nothing as they walked, though she could tell the silence that lingered between them was quite not entirely content. rather tense, in actuality; perhaps because the falcon queen had showed no grief as she watched her sister's remains be put into the crypt of the wolves. "how is his grace taking it?"
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thedevilsbckbone · 10 months
It was a lazy Saturday for Maxine, with no real plans for the day so the brunette had decided to go for a jog. She tried to get a jog in at least once or twice a week, which was just enough to keep her feeling good about herself without overworking her leg and causing herself too much pain. She'd was just finishing up her first lap around the mile and a half long stretch of park when she'd began to pass the playground.
She didn't pay it much mind at first, until she heard her name being called out in a small voice. Quickly that small voice became clearer as she whipped her head over to see the familiar smile of her student Olivia bolting over toward her. "Oh, hey sweetie! How are you doing?" She asked the little girl with a warm smile. "Are you here with your dad?" She glanced up to look around for Jack but did not see him.
Instead, she noticed a tall blonde man right behind the little girl also making his way over. She didn't recognize the guy but damn was he handsome she couldn't help but think as she looked him over. "Oh hi --" she said in surprise as she looked from the man to the little girl again, trying to get any hint as to who the stranger was. "And who is this Ollie?" She asked her, partly to make sure she was okay (her teacher brain always on) and partly because she couldn't help but be genuinely curious.
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closed starter for @amomentxofhappiness
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
Who: @gvldcnmirrvr​
When: March 22nd, 2023
Where: outside demir's house
Mariana stands outside Demir's door, her heart racing with anticipation. For weeks, she has been eagerly awaiting this moment, and now that it has arrived, she can scarcely contain her excitement. The door creaks open, and she catches a glimpse of Demir's face before she throws herself into his arms, a grin spreading from ear to ear. "Surprise!" she exclaims, her voice ringing out. She laughs as she embraces him tightly, feeling her nerves gradually dissipating. "I've missed you," she whispers against his neck, her fingers twisting in his shirt.
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mortau · 5 months
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Adam-001 bio and tag dump
Name: ADAM-001
Alias: Adam
Verse: Main Story only
Race/Species: Artificial demon/vampire splice
Age: complicated like the other splices
Sexuality: aroace
Gender/Pronouns: male, he/him
Eye color: one red, one blue
Hair: platinum blonde
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 177 Ibs
Body type: barrel-chested
Skin color: almond
Background: Genetically, this is Aleksei's brother. However, due to an incident where Henri was forcibly turned into a demon, so, too, did Adam become a demon at birth.
Originally part of the Lilith project, Sakura dubbed him 'Adam' because he was the first male she produced in her laboratory.
Having quickly proven himself to be more capable than the first of the Lilith project, he grew to be one of Sakura's favorites. Even though he bullied her a lot.
After her death, he went to live in the lake laboratory and took on a caretaking role for the other projects Sakura worked on. Even though he is fairly independent, he checks in on his fellow projects in their post-laboratory lives sometimes.
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kenzievaisman · 1 year
where: high school with: @adamxseyed​
                                     Koda had reached a fussy eating phase, deciding that chocolate bars were a good source of nutrition and not actually food so Kenzie had gone on a motherly quest for a damn vending machine. She found one, and watched as the candy got stuck in the mechanics making her sigh out loud. She stared up at the ceiling for a few moments to collect her thoughts, and not let the rage build up over a damn vending machine. But, this was Kenzie after all. After the meditative breath work, she kicked and punched the machine a few times and growled as she started shaking it. “God dammit piece of shit.” she grit her teeth, immediately stopping her outburst when she sensed someone appear behind her. “Don’t even bother, it’s a piece of crap.” she said over her shoulder, doing a double take at Adam. 
Immediately, her frustration was replaced with embarrassment and that familiar feeling of remorse struck her like lightening. Kenzie stared back at him for a few moments, recalling the way she allowed her temper to burn yet another bridge all those years ago and leave it as nothing but ash. All the years of regret that followed, missing Adam and their friendship terribly but never having the courage to apologize. Kenzie spun around and backed against the machine, awkwardly trying to pretend as if she wasn’t just beating the crap out of it for a few seconds. “I er...can you help? You’ve always had...lanky arms.”
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dxrkenedheights · 3 months
where: around town
with: kenzie vaisman and adam seyed @ofwrxth
"You ever hear about go away green? Or gray? Whatever it was." Kenzie doesn't even say hello as she approaches Adam, one take-out coffee handed over to him as she then digs around for little pots of cream to hand over next. "In Disney, right? Painting certain buildings colors so people don't really notice them." she extends a stirrer from her pocket next, handed straight over to him without acknowledgment. Kenzie then waits patiently for Adam's gaze to meet hers, her head giving an inconspicous nod to a series of buildings a street behind the town center. They're not green...or gray but Kenzie's brows still raise. "Kind of weird that they said everything we need is right here, and the rest is just supplies and stuff. Sort of like a go away...comment?" she speculates, already taking a hesitant backwards. "Don't say no, just one little peek, Adam. Come on." another step, this time giving a small grin. "I won't ask for anything ever again. We can pinky on it."
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