#( am i too lazy to make a new promo ?? )
deatheless · 28 days
hello everyone @fxglove
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noctechoro · 2 years
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✧༺♥༻∞  𝐿𝒾𝓋𝑒 your story
                             𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 big and 𝓁𝒾𝓋𝑒 your story  ∞༺♥༻✧
Independent Twisted Wonderland OC and low Canon multimuse feat 50+ muses with more to come including an entirely original dorm. Multi everything, OC friendly, semi-selective, and mutuals only. Every muse here written and loved by Savvy!
Promo art done by multiicolor!
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oneknot · 2 years
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he  knew  that  you  needed  to  catch  the  fish  and  i  needed  to  throw  them  back .                 amy  harrison  from  the  walking  dead .   by  bee,   21+
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nenoname · 1 month
Parallels and contrasts between Stan and Bill in the new book and website
Aka miscellaneous thoughts that I'm too lazy to condense into something comprehensible– what you see is what you get folks! (Book stuff, DVD commentaries! The website that came out when I was trying to write this out and is now making me pull my hair out! But in like a good way? That god damn poem!)
not necessarily same coin stuff but I sure am thinking about it.
It’s been said that a large part of Ford’s relationships with Bill, Fiddleford and Dipper was him trying to fill a hole that his estrangement with Stan had left, with none of them clicking in that same way. Dipper was directly compared to Fiddleford as someone who was completely charmed by Ford but is ultimately too anxious of a person to properly deal with the life he's offering nor pull him back when he starts going too far. Meanwhile, Bill is more analogous to Stan but to the extreme with all the doubts that Ford had been fed about Stan (that he was using him, he never grew up, he betrayed him, sabotaged the machine on purpose) turning out to be exactly true with Bill.
The book has Bill saying flat out that Ford wanted the charisma Bill had and then shows that at the peak of Ford's loneliness he was being envious of Stan's charisma, social skills and hands.
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(There’s an irony that Stan always thought that Ford was the popular twin even after doing embarrassing stuff like the kissing machine – if you haven’t seen the Swine Before Time Stan commentary get going, it’s great)
Then Bill swoops in with jokes and endless encouragement and the nickname only Stan used for him, all this in a way tailored for Ford to immediately like him while also reminding him of Stan but "better."
(The show rarely used it but Bill’s use of Sixer is extremely frequent in Journal 3 alone but the comics solidify it as being a pretty personal childhood nickname that kid!Stan used as his default way to call Ford.)
And then you see all of this working because Ford straight up writes Bill’s words using Stan's handwriting (and it turns out that Ford’s capital letter ‘for emphasis/angry’ font in general is the same as Stan’s handwriting too)
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(It’s important to note that this is different from all the fonts that Bill uses for himself!)
All of this leads to the deja vu of Ford getting stabbed in the back by someone he was codependent on over a machine he thought was going to change his life for the better
Other things in the book that I’ve seen others point out and noticed myself:
Bill trying to reinforce that Ford would be alone without him, and threatening to tell Stan that Ford never loved him but the first thing Stan does in his letter is tell Ford that he loves him with their childhood code
Stan also only uses ‘Sixer’ in his letter when he normally tends to use a mix of nicknames post-Weirdmaggedon (sure it’s only twice but idk I find it noticeable)
Stan ripped a dollar in half when Bill taunted the reader earlier about how they wouldn’t do that
The promo photo vs the one in the book, Ford’s face being untouched vs Stan’s. While I initially interpreted this as “Bill’s book being a way to torment Ford” and then “him ending up having a meltdown at the thought of Stan”, the new poem kinda gives off an ominous vibe of "him moving on to focus on Stan instead whether he wants to or not"
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Ford writing “miss you” in the bro code soon after arriving at Backupsmore which is shown in the Fiddleford photo, then Bill taunting Ford that he misses him
Bill and Stan now have another parallel of losing everything because of a genuine mistake but only Stan was willing to work to make up for it while Bill doubled down and became far far worse
The utter hatred Bill has for Stan being able to win in the end and get back his family
Both of them being institutionalized, with Stan’s mentioned in Guide to Mystery and Nonstop Fun (which has references to Bill liking Mabel for her chaos, silly straws, etc. Also Dipper basically came up with the Author theory but slightly wrong from theorising about the ink blot like a year before the Ford reveal)
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(saturn devouring his son perfectly depicts my emotions when reaching this part of the book)
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(EDIT: I was thinking about how Bill giving Ford three days to open the portal striked me as odd for some reason... and then I remembered;
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Stan gave Mabel 3 days for their bet as well. Both of them specifically say 72 hours too.)
And now for the stuff we know from the website:
Bill having severe family issues with daddy issues implied since only his mum is mentioned directly with her trying to comfort him as a kid vs Stan having severe family issues with a definite focus on his dad while his mum was the only one to ask about Stan during that meeting with the principal and her being the only one to show up to his funeral
Both of them wear their dad’s hat despite of all of this
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Bill starting a billion cults and has a lawyer called Multilevel Mark, Stan having his Scientology-esque cult being shot down by irl Disney and as a kid having his “technically a pyramid scheme” comic being shot down by a publisher
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(I doubt that Stanentology would’ve gotten far but also you can see that a trend that the main way Bill gathers followers is by reading minds and revealing secrets only the victim would know, so let's hope that Disney-let-him-start-a-cult AU Stan never gets mind reading abilities)
Despite how we know how Stan is traumatised as hell from losing Ford, it’s noticeably isn’t referred directly in the Wheel of Shame (like you can’t tell me that the time between pushing Ford into the portal and starting the Shack isn’t as rock bottom as it gets, Bill literally recognises Stan in the first place by thinking about his brand). This probably is because Bill knows that they managed to repair their relationship and he’s fucking pissed about it.
There's further parallels between Stanley and Bill in poem; with lies and redemption and home, and further association with fire for the both of them
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“Saw his own dimension burn.
Misses home and can't return.”
“Always dragged his family down.
One mistake, disowned, denied,
Only thing to do was hide.”
“One way out: the open road.
Reinvent, retry, reload.
A girdle, eyepatch, fathers fez,
"I'm a new man!" so he says”
“One way to absolve his crime.
A different form, a different time”
“His big break, it finally came,
Redemption from a life of shame.”
“Says he's happy. He's a liar.”
“Truth is just whatever sells.
When you've lost track of your lies,”
“Lie until you aren’t lying anymore”
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Bill in a rotting corpse of a snake oil salesman
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This triangle can fit so much self-loathing projection while being a hater
(Also it's funny that Bill is so insistent that Ford had to be the one who came up with the plan
Like look at this
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See ‘em cogs turning in Stan’s head while Ford has clearly given up hope)
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“How dare he dress up fancy when his jokes suck!!”
There's a parallel of Ford projecting onto Dipper in a way that makes him feel like kindred spirits with his nephew but Stan projects on Dipper in a way that causes him to be more harsh even if he has good intentions. Meanwhile Bill projects onto Ford in a more positive light in comparison to Stan, who in this case Bill wants to rip him and himself into shreds whenever he thinks of the guy. Bill’s shared love for fun/chaos with Mabel (despite them being so different at their core) is why he likes her the most out of all the Pines but that doesn’t stop him from trying to murder her (although I think most folks don’t know about that interview where Alex was like “yeah, I think Bill would’ve burnt Ford alive the moment he got the equation, he’s done playing with his toys at that point”)
Other tidbits:
I find it interesting that the full version of the Wheel of Shame has blue sparks and fades to grey scale (which automatically reminded me of his mindscape)
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Stan signing off as Stanley in the book – this ain’t anything huge to chew on I'm just very over emotional about this… but also there’s Bill being called Billy by his family/in the codes
Ford thinking of Stan as childish/someone who never grew up and then we get hit by “yeah Ford always had some part of himself stuck at 18” oof
Ford underestimating Stan’s control over the mindscape, not knowing that he’s able to hide memories in Dreamscaperers, manipulate the layout of his mindscape enough to trick Bill and memory!Stan telling Dipper how to use the mindscape which Bill was genuinely surprised by
I'm headcanoning that Stan doing so bad at that history test is due to some latent bs from what Bill knows which is all crazy conspiracy level stuff
I think it's also intensely funny that all of the Pines promise that they'll murder Bill if they ever see him again and then they immediately turn to Stan and go “now it's your turn to write a letter! :D!!”
(I feel like the main requirement that the Theraprism has for Bill before he can reincarnate is mainly acknowledging his family idk which honestly would fit even better if his soul becomes Stan’s)
EDIT: I FORGOT TO MENTION THE OUROBOROS PASSWORD (or... uh oroborous which is a typo when theres a suspicious amount on the site which may mean somethng but i digress) anyway that leads to the Shack Axolotl lore where it bluntly states that Ford released it despite it showing up 30 years later anyway
and theres....
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the-other-art-blog · 1 month
I had been debating about posting this or not, but I'm going to because this fandom is getting on my nerves even worse than in the last 2 years.
And just to be clear before anyone accuses me of anything, I invite you to spend one minute on my blog. My favorite book is AOFAG. Even when I am highly HIGHLY critical of Benedict for being an absolute jerk for about 70% of the story, Sophie Beckett is the greatest character that Julia has ever written. She's everything that's good in the world 🥹 and her strength saves this story. Benedict has awesome moments and he apologizes in the end, which is rare in JQ's books, so, he has that on his favor + an incredible love confession that Luke T will absolutely nail (I still think JQ cannot write class-difference stories but whatever) Show!Ben is everything book!Sophie deserves and is going to make the adaptation so much better. I can't wait to see that.
I need Sophie in my life.
I've also written many stories about benophie and posted a lot of love for them for the past 2 years.
And you know what I have also seen in those 2 years? Benophie stans being vile, aggressive, rude, and simply put, absolute bitches. They claim to stan Sophie because of how kind she was despite her circumstances but when the news of s3 came out, they turned into full-time haters.
Now that the antipolin blog published something about the actors they like (they even lied about Claudia Jessie!), NOW they are cutting ties with that account and publishing what seems like "PR statements" (loved how a fan called this on tw) saying that the admin of that blog does not represent them. TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE. AND FALSE. Forgive me for not believing you but that blog repeated the same lies you were all saying.
A few months ago, an account on tw posted something like "I have never seen a Benophie being hateful or attacking Polin." Obviously, Polins began replying with ss of the anti blog and other crazy stans. And I didn't see any big account of Benophie come out and admit that that was wrong or cut ties with those problematic people.
For 2 years,
You called Nic an alcoholic and lazy when she posted about Champagne Fridays.
You called Luke Newton ugly every chance you got.
You cut him out of promotional photos and bts or you put something on his face, even when the photos were shared BY HIM. You use HIS photos where Luke T appeared to throw hate at him.
You made tasteless and aggressive comments about the actors and Polin for 2 years, and whenever someone called you out for that, you claimed it to be a joke and that we lacked humor. It even happened on Benophie week 2023 by the account that organizes it!
You claimed that Nic had access to the writers' room, force s3 to be hers, and purposely took SA's screen time and promo opportunities. Nic had to come out and ask all of you to stop sending hate. The unfairness of promo/screen time for Kanthony was not something Nic or Luke did, blame production for that.
You say her activism is performative cause it would kill you to admit that she's doing something good that other actors have ignored so far.
There was not one single post made by the Bton accounts or JQ that did not contain hate toward the actors/ship on the comments, even today that Benophie season is confirmed.
Even a few months ago, I published a few posts about s3. They were positive posts about Pen's makeover and how important it was for me, and this is the kind of messages I got:
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Was it from a Benophie? I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me. Also, this is the only one I ss, but I got at least 4 of them after this post (x).
Those very people who are crying right now that Benophies is being associated with the anti polin bitch were spreading the same rumors that she mentioned. And they never showed remorse!
Don't come now and say it's just ONE antipolin blog that spread all the hate. She's not talking to herself either, those anons are real because her posts have likes, so she definitely has an audience. I've met them. Unfortunately, every group chat or discord channel about Benophie is not a safe place for anyone who enjoys Polin.
And yes, I know there are equally disgusting people on the Polin fandom that I have also blocked cause they keep attacking Marina, they claim Pen is a saint when she made big mistakes, and they have also spread rumors and insulted fans and actors like Simone Ashley and Ruby Barker, not to mention the people who are obsessed with LukexNic and attack his gf. Like seriously people, you all need to be institutionalized. There is a big HUGE problem in that fandom too, but right now certain benophies are acting all innocent when I have been here also for 2 years witnessing their hate. No! I can't.
I also can't stand that most of them are loving Cressida because the patriarchy forced her to be an absolute bitch. But Pen is the antiChrist.
Some of them even justify Richard's neglect and abuse. "Richard couldn't leave Sophie with anyone else," "Richard truly loved Sophie." Seriously people.
I know most of them will ignore my post, block me even or come to my inbox to insult me. And I don't care. I haven't seen any other person admitting how hypocritical they are being.
If this offends you, I will assume you participated in the 2-year tantrum against Polin.
That's it. End of rant.
Sorry to be so negative but this really pissed me off. That statement! The nerve!!!! Ok ok, now I'm done.
Next, I will post much more positive, lovely Benophie stuff. These people are not going to ruin Benophie season for me.
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
I'm not your Lady Whistledown, but the Oliver stuff started very subtly following the joint interview. I think reality hit a few of them following that. They built it up as this big springboard for the ship and when it didn't go that way the, there were no more interviews, or promo for the pair from the show, anger at Oliver started to creep in. It was subtle until Lou closed his cameo, but once they lost their direct contact with him, lots of them blamed Oliver. They believe the show forced him to shut it down. And many believe Oliver had something to do with that. It didn't help that immediately after he closed his cameo he also stopped interacting with or answering their questions on Twitter. And of course Oliver started blocking people as well. There are lots of them who are also freaking out over the SWAT stuff because he's clearly going back to that show, in some capacity, and they don't know what that will mean for his availability as far as 911 goes.
Ryan's interviews aren't helping them either. He's kind of been systematically disproving each of their arguments with every interview he does. The Men's Health interview with Oliver, I think was just what finally broke some of them. He's not going to get on board with Tommy, whether the show gives him canon Buddie or not, he clearly isn't vested in or going to vest in B/T and I think that's getting harder and harder for them to pretend away. I think it's also becoming clear that Lou's enthusiasm for it has certainly dimmed as well, for whenever reason. They're not being fed anything to sustain them anymore because all of it was coming from Lou himself and once he stopped they didn't have anything else to cling too. So being mad at Oliver is all they have left because they're never going to blame or be angry at Lou. So now Oliver, Tim and even Ryan, because lots of them think Oliver would be fine with B/T if Ryan wasn't around, are to blame for everything. Their ship was never about Oliver or Buck. Once Lou made himself available to their fawning and played along with it, all while taking their money, it became a fandom about Lou. Buck was just the character paired with the actor they were fetishizing. Hopefully they follow him out the door.
wait, they are blaming Oliver for the cameos stopping? I mean, I keep joking if it came down to it the production is gonna do what keeps Oliver happy, but to say Oliver has that kind of pull is just a lazy excuse to hate him. Lou was creating a type of publicity that didn't line up with the route they were going. That's even if Lou was told to stop, we don't know that for sure, do we? Dude can just get tired of playing it up not that he got the exposure he could get and now it has run it's course. I have a little prayer circle for him to book something else and not come back, so if he's back in swat, you will hear me cheering, but seriously, the more I learn the more wtf i am. But it does make sense that they built the thing around the shiny new actor and now can't keep up because the part of the ship that actually matters doesn't care, that adds up. I kinda wanna scream tho, Ryan's interviews are because he's promoting a movie. The dude is not getting interviews because of 911, the fact that he can't shut up about buddie doesn't change the fact that he is not there to talk about them. And since the beginning, Oliver keeps talking about Buck being bisexual outside of Buck dating Tommy, and it's crazy to watch the fantasy crumble when there was never to back it up to begin with. Honestly, I do hope that when Tommy goes he takes that part of the fandom with him, because my god....
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sliceofdyke · 9 months
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new year's promo for MADDIE‼️ quick facts about me under the cut (if ur too lazy to read my carrd) <3
i'm 17 (almost 18), bisexual, and autistic if you haven't guessed from my username LOL
i'm chinese-american and semi-fluent in mandarin!
next year i'm going to college on the east coast to major in marine science and pursue my dream of becoming an aquarist ^_^
i am weirdly skilled at referencing academic concepts and niche tumblr posts in everyday conversation
my favorite genres of media are slice of life, comedy, and yuri
my hobbies include music mixing, essay writing, theater, and soccer
i'm always down to make friends! if you ever want to talk or follow me on my other socials, don't hesitate to reach out :)
thanks for reading! mwah
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abyshal · 11 months
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ㅤㅤh-hewwo... i am a shiny new tar.tag.lia bloggy, who's far too lazy to make a promo right now. if u guys could like and reblog this post so i can find new fwiends to fist fight, i'll sell u my soul...
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wishi-selfships · 9 months
▪︎ 2024 New Year Promo▪︎
(Because I was too late to make one at the end of last year)
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🌸Haiii ^□^!!! I'm Wishi/Gabi, an 18 yr old black self-shipper [she/her] !!!!
🌸Self shipped for. EVER !!! lmao but I've been around tumblr for. I think a year or two (<< forgor)
🌸Self ship mainly w/ Denji from Chainsaw Man!!! My #1 pookie I love him (NOT!!! comfy sharing and I am not apologetic over it)
🌸Also "mainly" self ship w Sonic the Hedgehog bc I've never gotten over that phase ⛹️🏽‍♀️
🌸Interests tend to change sometimes!! It depends really. But my main interests are CSM, Sonic, PokéMon and G.enshin I.mpact (<< last interest is one I'm sort of iffy on but it's resurfaced in my life el em ah oh)
🌸If you're a selfshipper that ships w/ either a csm character (that isn't denji) or a sonic character then plsplsPLS interact I am . STARVING esp for more csm selfshipper friends
🌸I don't really have a DNI because I'm lazy but !!! I'd prefer if p.roshippers don't interact pls and ty
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the-parentheticals · 10 months
clothes food shelter - love and miss you
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Warnings: Sierra being Sierra, I guess?
Summary: He'll want her. Please, please let him want her.
(or, sierra figures out the concept of love. she does it all wrong.)
Notes: Two new fandoms? We love to see it. Okay, first, any Milgram fans associate her with Mahiru? No? Just me? Am I the only one who is actually into Milgram here? Because, I mean, it's great, you totally should, but also that kind of toxic love...mwah. Title's from Mahiru's second trial song, I Love You.
Second of all, I love Sierra, I love superfans, I love her views on love, and I do really wish we had some more depth to her character other than Cody. So, here we go! I...tried. Got lazy at the end, but it'll do.
Third, this is for neglect / abandonment for @badthingshappenbingo.
read on ao3
Sierra Martin only remembers one thing about her father.
She'll hear the story later, between late-night margaritas her mother pours out of a pitcher kept on top of the fridge, but she wants to find things for herself. She has to. It's the only way she's actually gonna know. So she has to start with herself.
She's four years old, and she's curled up on the armchair that's more patches than not. Her mom's asleep, probably. Her dad's not, definitely.
"Why aren't you in bed?"
"Couldn't sleep," she mumbles. "Daddy...?"
"Your mom's asleep, too. Finally." He smiles like it's their little secret.
"But you're married! You have to do everything together!"
"No, we don't. Sometimes, Daddy doesn't want to."
Sierra stares at him and thinks about what this means. She decides she doesn't know and that her mom also probably doesn't know.
"No. Now, come on, back to bed."
Her dad's tall. Not as tall as her mom, but still tall to a little kid. He doesn't hug her. He doesn't pick her up and tuck her back into bed. He just fills her plastic cup that has the face of someone she gets to know very well over the next few years.
Sierra drinks the whole cup in one go. She's still not tired. She goes to bed anyway because it's her dad and he's looking at her.
That must have been the last time he was there. According to her mother, anyway.
The rest of elementary is a blur, okay grades and no one to sit with and reruns of old movies starring Chris McLean. She listens to her mom a lot. She takes up the family skills to occupy herself while her mom is on the phone with their landlord.
She meets a new girl. She likes the new girl. The new girl does not like Sierra. The new girl invites Sierra to her birthday party. She does not tell Sierra the address. Sierra follows her home anyway.
She sits in the attic for three hours, looks through every box, and she knows a lot more about the new girl than anyone wants to.  Her mom is asleep on the couch when she comes in from the window. Sierra closes the curtains and eats reheated rice.
There's a breakthrough.
Things get easier. She finds people. People who won't see her, or her mom. People who won't mind.
They don't know she's there, of course. But she finds them out, and from there gets little bits of things to make life easier. She games on the library computers and makes excuses to avoid talking in voice chat. Falls asleep on the chairs and gets kicked out at closing time. It's better, but she's still missing something.
She's sixteen, and she's asleep on their excuse of a bed or a sofa or heap of fabric. Her mom's smiling, for once.
"Chris has a new show!"
And somehow, that's the only thing that breaks through her tired greyness.
She looks things up and learns to type quickly enough that people stare over her shoulder. The show's called Total Drama. And she has to know everything.
She auditions in front of a bedsheet taped to the doorway over the absolute disaster that is their apartment and says "Chris" way too many times to be normal. They don't accept her. That's okay.
She gets her hands on all the promos she can, and for once she doesn't feel like she has to hide it from her mother. She memorizes every name, every background detail of the bios, every single moment she can get her hands on, and then she goes home and watches the premiere. She does not spoil it for her mom. She especially does not spill the leaks.
If she knows everything about the people on there, aren't they her friends?
Cody's her favourite, really. She's always had a soft spot for nerds. For the underdog. It hurts, to see him being mauled by a bear. But he gets better, and she keeps watching anyway.
Things start to get better. Just a little. And it feels plasticky and fake when her mom sits down next to her and tries to give her hugs. It doesn't feel like Sierra's mom anymore, doesn't feel like the person Sierra goes to when things are hard. She misses having that.
Someone who can really and sincerely love her. That's all she wants.
Why wouldn't Cody be the one to do it? He wants a girl. Perhaps not any girl, but that's a small detail.
She dyes her hair purple with a five-dollar box in a Tim Hortons bathroom. She auditions again. She'll be with him. And he'll want her. Please, please let him want her.
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 3 months
FULL DISCLOSURE I’M GONNA DELETE DOE’S PROMO FROM THIS ACCOUNT AND REUPLOAD IT ON HER NEW ACCOUNT, if you see this, don’t worry! It’s just me! I am uhhh, a little too lazy to completely make myself a new Doe-based promo from scratch! Haha
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
Hello Angie!
I hope you don’t mind the novel but hey you wanted to share thoughts so here I am!
Rationalize is a big word but me thinks this is happening for various reasons, you tell me what you think about these options:
- Louis has this persona of “not wanting to grow up” so a younger girlfriend fits what everybody knows about him. She also seems to be tailored to the het audience who wants to “date him” and might identify with her. You know, sort of what El 1.0 was in 2012, the girl next door sort of thing but still “a fashion model” (who does no modeling, lol). But these pap pics feel precisely planned to make her look like a fan, so the message seems to be if she can date him, all fans can too! He’s a normal dude dating a normal girl who looks just like you! Buy tickets to his concerts and you might get lucky (because I can pretty much guess she’s gonna disappear real quickly and he’s going to be *available* and party boy during tour 🥲)
- There’s extra gayness in the documentary so having a son wasn’t enough. Seems unlikely but who knows? Rainbows can’t be erased from his tour shots, so I guess it’ll have to be addressed in some way.
- Also having a new romance in general helps with publicity, so for him to be talked about before the doc release. I still would have picked a higher profile, maybe another musician girl, if you really needed to sell a certain image AND benefit Louis and expand his audience, but again let’s be real I think his PR is incompetent. If I have to give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe the fan, down to earth girl angle is what they actually wanted to achieve with picking a good-looking nobody (back to point 1). It’s clearly benefitting her more than him (she went from 5K followers this morning to what, 35K now?)
- last wild though, maybe there was something with Eleanor wearing his clothes and still posting from his house that didn’t sit well with someone? So they needed to make a point? Wild but we’ve seen worse so keeping all options open.
I genuinely don’t know, but a mix options 1 and 3 seem the more rational. What do you think?
Last thought: I really hope she was ready and well informed before agreeing to this, but the whole shitshow with the Pinterest pins and Spotify playlists tells me there was a level of naivety on her end which is alarming. She was probably guided into this by a reckless agent with who knows what promises and it scares me. I don’t mind the age gap (my parents started dating when she was 18 and he was 29), but I do mind the fact that she’s likely too young to handle the hate she’s getting, regardless of the economic gains she’ll get from this it’s going to be traumatic if you don’t have the right support to handle it/maturity.
Hello, angel! Thank you for sharing <3 I will slowly go through your thoughts and explain what I think.
1. The forever young boy is interesting, bc Louis comes off as the loud hyperactive guy sometimes. Unfortunately I think they burned this option out when they gave him a fake kid lol
2. I think feeding such a dream to his fans is a huge underdevelopment, but it’s loyal to his fanbase origin. Still. It’s so cringe for me that a 31 yo man with a kid goes out with a young girl who pins tiktoks and random tattoos researches on Pinterest. It’s counterproductive, dumb and lazy. I don’t look at them as examples and I don’t expect them to do smart shit. we’re talking about rich people growing up as completely detouched from normal world since they were teenagers. Me and them, you and them? We’re not the same as them. I hoped he was smarter than this tho. Of course this can be useful as promo for the doc… will it tho, we know how his team and the media treat his content and projects, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they wouldn’t get any coverage not even with these pics. I don’t think that’s how you expand a fanbase or get more people curious in his work.
3. I think Eleanor simply wanted to be out for whatever reason. I think they replaced her with a new one bc E wasn’t going to engage with bg. She has never and she won’t (so far). I hope this new girl did her homework because fandom is hard to manage.
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lumiiicreates · 1 year
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#lumiiicreates : hi hi, my name is lumi and i've been rping for god knows how long and recently been making a bunch of promos and themes for me and my friends and decided why not make a commissions acc for it? so here to provide all the things!
disclaimer : due to classes and work, bigger commission packs won't be done as quick as smaller commission packs. however, just know that i will always keep you updated. if you feel that i am taking too long or you're not happy with any of the updates, feel free to voice it and i won't take any offense and will understand because you should be happy with what you get!
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please read below :
credit : please make sure to credit me anywhere you'd like. may it be a pinned post or on the promo itself. adjustments : since i do save the psd, easy adjustments as adding to the banners, fixing typos, fixing texts, switching psd, ect i will do for free. however, if you change an fc or have any other major changes, depending on how much you want me to edit, i will charge you. if after you paid me and suddenly want something else to be done, you will have to commission again. pressure & demands : please be kind and don't pressure me. i am only human and can only take so much that i can. and please don't demand me to change something or demand i add more things. a simple "hi, could you possibly add so and so please?" is much appreciated. if you pressure me or demand things from me in anyway, you will be blocked and your commissions will be canceled. can you make your own changes? : if you have changed an fc and want to add the new fc yourself and move small things around for the new fc to fit, as long as you still give me credit and give me a heads up, switching out the psd, then that is okay. but you are not allowed to change anything else that alters the edit itself. if you are not happy with the work i have been keeping you updated with before payment and went ahead and said yes and changed everything, i will ask you to take it down. the way i work is keeping you updated as i create the edit until you are satisfied. so if you are unhappy with what i make, i advice you tell me so we can work around it or you decide to pull out and ask someone else. i am not here to waste anyone's time so please don't waste mine. payment : you don't have to pay me first hand. i will work on it and keep you updated to make sure you like it. then once it's done, that's when you can pay and i will send you my ko-fi (paypal). orders : i will be taking 4 orders per person before opening it up again. i don't want to overwork myself and give you guys lazy work. psds : i do not own any of the psds. each of them was taken from deviantart
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what i do & prices :
dash banners: $4 a pack - answered, headcanon, mun posts, ect. dash icon with psd: $2 icon border (no caps pack): $4 temporary pause mobile header (static photo only): $2 mobile header (image with gif or just gif): $4 pinned post (static photo only): $2 pinned post (image with gif or just gif): $4 promo (one): $2 promo (two or more panels): $4
google form : please fill out this form for your order, thanks!
my ko-fi
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beinfriends · 2 years
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( Alright, pretty sure I've basically collected everybody in the Mother RPC at this point, so looks like it's time for me to say... hello! I'm Rabbit, or better known as Psy in this community (which you can see I continue to go by... because I am too fucking lazy to redo my promo assets. But I still really do just use Psy still.), and I was in the Mother RPC previously from 2018-2021 (I think? or 2020, I don't really remember) and wound up leaving due to mental health reasons, but recently I randomly got the urge to come back, so here I am with a remade blog. I was previously twinsmily, pigmonarch/allhailkingp, and beinfriends, a blog I have since moved from in order to make this blog.
I've added a lot of muses since the previous iteration of this blog. I feel like I should warn people, even if you knew me prior to rejoining (i.e. Neg and Star. hi btw) that my muse priorities have shifted quite a bit, although Lucas/Claus/Porky are still main muses for me. I replayed Mother 3 last June and got really into the Tazmily villagers for some reason, hence why I added all of them to my muse roster. If you remember the original version of this blog, my list was like <10 muses. We're at 50 now, and I didn't even list everybody.
As to why this even happened... I was playing chapter 3 and read Paul's text during the scene where Fassad tries to get everyone to pick up Happy Boxes and he said "I don't need happiness. It's standing right next to me." and I just really admired his wifeguy-ness... I thought that was so cute, since I'd never really thought about him before. And then my brain decided I liked literally all of them so here we are.
As mentioned in my rules, I did recommend the worldbuilding page + considering reading my fic recs per each character, but overall, I feel I should plug this directly. If you're interested in seeing the Tazmily that I have built in excruciating detail, consider giving A Change of Heart a read. The fic is about Leder telling everyone the truth about their past and everyone being forced to reckon with their trauma and memories.
Up front, it's 200,000 words. But it's a fic I wrote over the course of 5 months last year and is a huge basis for how my Tazmily now functions. The main verse of this blog is directly tied to this fic. Per my timeline, the final events of ACOH concluded one year prior to the events of this blog. BUT it's okay, I do not expect you to know all this shit. I will tell you things as necessary, I just thought I could cut out the middleman a bit is all.
What do you need to know about the default universe of this blog? Here's a few simple things to make it clearer:
The events of Mother 3 concluded 4 years ago.
ALL Tazmily villagers have regained their full memories of the past. The story is generally gone, though people didn't abandon their roles/jobs.
Tazmily has been rebuilt in the old style, but the world is a mix of old and new; people still use DP, but bartering has come back in a major way in terms of doing business.
There are multiple new settlements to account for all the New Porkers.
In all, it's pretty simple, but again, highly recommend you check out my worldbuilding page for a more in-depth rundown of the world, but still shorter than a 200,000 word fic lol. I still have some stuff I wanna add, but I got a lot of it done yesterday.
Also, I have a lot of posts queued from my personal about villager lines, or edits I made, so on, so expect to see those posts in the coming days. I have chronicled a vast majority of lines you can possibly see the villagers say. I got plenty o' lines you've probably never seen. There's only a handful of lines I cannot find, and am assuming went unused. So yeah, enjoy that!! It'll be your crash course on the villagers if you, like everybody (including past me), know very little about the villagers. I look forward to it.
This blog may or may not wind up being low activity, but it remains to be seen. I start my new job today, so I'll see how the work-life balance is. Bios are still a WIP. As I said yesterday, I have 19/50 completed. I will hopefully do the secondary bio batch soon, but probably not today, and probably not tomorrow, because work. But everyone in the main tier has a bio, so check 'em out!
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope I get to know all of you better in the coming days and weeks! Starter call will come after this post for everyone. See ya soon! )
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mayordeas-clone · 1 year
Ok I'm making a new pinned post let's go
Hello, I am Mayor. This is my account where I reblog a bunch of shit and occasionally talk and self-promote my art.
This is essentially my "main" blog so you'll see me in your notifications, but I'd much prefer you follow my art account @mayordea since that's where I post all my original stuff.
(I used to post my art here at the beginning, but I reblogged so much shit that it just made everything messy. Just to make that clear).
Now if the stuff I reblog entertains you then I guess there's no harm in following for that. Yeah!
I also have a very obnoxious tagging system for all my reblogs. Which will be gathered here Funny Shit - Real knee slappers RB Art - Art that isn't mine Misc Stuff - Doesn't fall in the other two categories Mayor Doidles - Art that is mine, AKA self promo from my art account Mayor Talk - I say things to myself (i post literally nothing of value here. block this tag if you wish)
I also have some fandom tags that i post in. sometimes i forget to tag things but what can be done vocaloid - miku is the songwriter of all time (note: i use vocaloid as an umbrella term for all vocal synth stuff, so you might see some synthv things going on in there too) 8path 2 - i got really excited when the sequel came out that i felt the need to categorize it yes yes THEEE jojoland - posts involving the ongoing ninth part of jojos bizarre adventure. i dont post about this much but a new part was so exciting i made a tag for it anyway. i sometimes (very sparsely) rb other jojo stuff but i was too lazy to tag them lol fe - f*re emblem.... the robinator - that stupid fucking tactician from fire emblem awakening super smash bros that through some freak accident i got really attached to and now i rb a lot of stuff involving them..
i like other fandoms but i dont feel like tagging them so these will be all ya get
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allgvne · 3 years
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independent ; selective ; private multi-muse.
crossover & oc friendly. 
! personals do not interact ! 
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