#( bestowing your preferred demonstration of affection on all of you )
lcfthaunted · 6 months
how to communicate with andi : a primer
So! Apparently my approach to communication is atypical, which I am wont to prescribe to birds of a feather flocking together and 90% of my social circle being adhd as fuck. To make things easier on everyone involved, here's my approach to and expectation in communication!
First and foremost, I never expect an immediate response. My brain works faster than I can keep up with, so I have a tendency to firehose ideas. This is where dis.cord conversations are ideal, as the reply function allows returning to an idea at a later point, no matter how much later that ends up being.
If you don't vibe with an idea, ignore it! Sometimes things just don't hit the spot, and that's fine. If there's something in particular about the idea that rubs you wrong, however, I do want you to tell me what it is, so I can remove that aspect from future ideas. You saying to me "abuse by neglect with parents is not my jam and I don't want to explore it" is not an attack, and I will appreciate your clarity and honesty. But sometimes, the stars just aren't in alignment for an idea, and it's fine to leave it unacknowledged on the shelf if and until it ripens.
I Will Ping Pong. Even medicated, my brain tends to bounce around. If there's something you really vibe with and I have responded positively, that is invitation to bring me back to it if I ping pong off on another tangent. Again, this goes back to my previous point; if the tangent doesn't connect to the subject you're vibing with, ignore it! We can come back to it later, or maybe it's not even something that fully requires a response, and a thumbs-up emoji reaction is sufficient.
I do not require but do greatly appreciate having messages acknowledged, even just a little emoji reaction dropped. If you don't that's fine! It's not for everyone, I know. But if you do, I do look and feel fondly about it, and it makes me more comfortable with sharing things. If messages regularly go without any sort of acknowledgement, though, I will stop offering so much attention and energy. I do not expect my energy matched, as it is too high even for me at times, but some reciprocation is needed.
If I do something to discomfort, upset, or hurt you, I do want you to tell me. I know it's not easy to do in the moment, but the sooner the better. If you sit on a grievance for months, it will only make me less likely to interact in the future, as I can no longer trust my interactions are being received in good faith. If I have a strong emotional reaction (which is very likely with adhd regulation issues) that is on me to regulate, and I may send you a message saying as much before I can appropriately respond to what you're saying. Do not keep quiet in fear of upsetting me; you are hurting yourself and robbing me of the opportunity to practice self-regulation and learn how to be a better friend. In return, I will alert you to anything that has made me genuinely uncomfortable, though it may take me a couple days to work through the emotion and be sure my reaction is proportional before I act on it. Disproportional reactions are on me to deal with, and not something you should have to tiptoe around.
Sometimes, the words just don't go, and I communicate in memes and shared posts. That doesn't mean I'm uninterested in conversation, it just means my energy levels are low and coherency has been sacrificed in favor of survival mechanisms. Sometimes, the words go too much, and you are welcome to ask for a tl;dr if you are not in a position to read All That but are still interested. The advantage of text-based communication is things can always be revisited at a higher energy day.
I am terrible at asking questions, and I do not have an exciting life. Simple "how are you how was your day" questions do not occur to me to ask and are always a labor for me to answer. You are welcome and encoraged to simply rant to me about your asshole coworker or the stupid crush you have on a regular. I do care about you as a person, and I am interested in learning about you, I just don't know where to start. If we talk about our characters regularly, I will likely share tidbits about my life without prompting. Ignore or reciprocate as your energy levels dictate.
If all of this is sensible to you, add me on disco at andi0937 so we can blabber about our characters! I have many ideas and many muses across my four blogs. I would love to learn more about your beloved blorbos.
0 notes
Hey there! I love your writing so far! I was wondering if you would write a little something about Data and his partner choosing pet names for each other? I think it could be cute :)
Hello, I'm so glad you're enjoying my writing!
This is such a cute idea, and thank you so much for bestowing the honor upon me to write this lovely request!
I had a lot of different ideas for this, and couldn't settle on just one, so I decided to write this in the style of those "5+1" fics. I tried to choose older/more outlandish terms of endearment, in order to avoid potentially discarding a name that someone would actually want to be referred to by. Hopefully, I was successful in this endeavor (but my sincere apologies if not)!
The final nicknames I chose were based on Data's characterization, and what names I think would be most appropriate and fitting for him and his vocabulary. I'm not sure if anyone else will agree with these choices, but I hope they're still enjoyable.
Anyways, without further ado, here's the final piece! I'm so sorry for the wait, but I really hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it 😊
5 Times Data and His Partner Tried Out Pet Names (and the 1 Time They Stuck):
Although Data didn't quite understand the necessity for having a pet name for his partner, he did understand the appeal. It was another form of affection that couples demonstrated with one another; something special shared between both parties.
Frankly, Data hadn't even considered having a designated term of endearment for you. At least, not until Geordi and himself had discussed the subject after witnessing a couple in Ten Forward one evening using their chosen pet names.
"Why did Lieutenant Smith refer to his spouse as an overly saccharine pastry comprised of honey?" Data asked, bewildered at the exchange he just observed between the aforementioned crewmembers.
Geordi chuckled, "He didn't mean it literally, Data. He meant it as a pet name."
Data still looked at his friend quizzically, "'Pet name'?"
"Yeah, a term of endearment."
Finally, he understood, "Ahh."
"Don't you and your partner have pet names for one another?"
Data shook his head, "No, we do not."
Geordi raised his eyebrows above his VISOR, "Really?"
"Indeed...I did not realize this was a necessary aspect to couplehood."
"Well, it's not exactly 'necessary', but it is a fairly common thing between couples."
"Hm, I see..."
Later that night, while Data was running an internal diagnostic, analyzing the information he had collected during his Away Mission earlier that day, and reviewing the remainder of the day's events, he considered the conversation he had with Geordi. Should he have a pet name for you? If so, which one should he choose?
After some internal analysis, Data decided that yes, he did want to designate a term of endearment for you. He figured the best way to go about choosing a name would be to use a trial-and-error method of research:
First, he would conduct personal research about pet names. He would pay special attention to their connotations and popularity. Next, he'd construct a behavioral profile for you that he would then use to determine which pet names you would most likely appreciate. He would then test the chosen names by using them to refer to you. Additionally, he'd observe your reactions to each name, and internally record his observations. Finally, he'd compile all his collected data and analyze them to determine which term of endearment you appeared to enjoy the most.
The endeavor would prove to be more difficult than he anticipated.
1. Honeybun or Honeybunch
Since Lieutenant Smith and his spouse had initiated this experiment, Data felt it was only appropriate to test out their preferred pet name first. He tested it out a few days after he witnessed their interaction, one night while the two of you were snuggled up on his couch with Spot.
Data was sitting near one end of the couch, his body oriented straight ahead and away from you. You sat at the other end of the couch, facing Data. Your legs were stretched out across his lap, and one of his hands was draped along the arm of the couch. His other hand was affectionately rubbing your knee. Spot was curled up in your lap, purring loudly as you intermittently stroked her back while you spoke.
You were currently summarizing your day's events for Data, and he listened intently. His gaze was soft and adoring, and he was meticulously making internal notes about the way you gestured certain aspects for emphasis, how your chest shook when you laughed, and the way your lips curved upwards just a little higher when you returned his eye contact. Absentmindedly, he marveled at how beautiful humans and their behaviors were, and he wondered if he could ever come close to emanating that beauty himself.
After you completed your tale, you relaxed back into your corner of the couch, ready to answer the anticipated onslaught of questions from him. Once his queries were satisfactorily answered, it grew silent between the two of you, but comfortably so.
At this point, you were relaxed, and starting to succumb to the call of sleep. As your eyes started to droop, Data spoke softly, "Shall we 'hit the hay', Honeybun?"
Your eyes shot open. Now, you were wide awake, "What?"
"Your respiratory and heart rates have decreased by 3.7% in the last 4 minutes and 51 seconds, and you have been closing your eyes for intervals longer than necessary for blinking. You are demonstrating the initial stages of human sleep," he looked at you sweetly, "I believe it would be best if we went to bed now...Honeybun. You are welcome to spend the night in Spot and I's quarters."
You stared at him curiously for a moment, before you laughed, "Okay, honeybunch; let's go to bed."
His eyebrows shot up in surprise at your unexpected reciprocation of the pet name.
You carefully picked up Spot from your lap before slowly getting up. You and Spot made your way to Data's bedroom, but said android was still on the couch, processing your previous interaction.
Based on your expression and reactions, Data deduced that you did not particularly enjoy that nickname. However, did he enjoy being called a 'honeybunch'?
"You coming, honeybunch?" you called from his bedroom.
Again, Data reviewed the name, considering his perceptions towards it, before he grimaced slightly.
2. Snookums
The next time he tested a term of endearment on you was over a week later, during a double date between the two of you and the O'Briens in Ten Forward.
You and Data had arrived first, and were chatting idly as you waited for your friends to join you. Once Keiko and Miles arrived, you all greeted each other, and caught up briefly before Data got up to get everyone some drinks.
"I'll just have a plain ol' Irish ale," Miles said.
"Some tea would be lovely," Keiko added.
Data turned to you, "And what would you like, Snookums?"
Miles chortled softly, and Keiko lightly kicked him under the table, but she was holding back a smile herself.
Data, who was too focused on you and your reaction, thankfully didn't notice the O'Brien's' interaction. He studied you carefully, patiently awaiting your response.
You blinked, still processing the nickname, "Uhh just some water, please."
He nodded once, "I shall return in a moment with our beverages."
Miles watched Data walk away, waiting until he was out of earshot. Once satisfied with the distance between the three of you & Data, Miles then turned to you with a smirk, "'Snookums'?"
You raised your eyebrows and shrugged, "I have no clue where that came from...last week, he called me 'Honeybun'."
Again, Miles snorted.
"Miles!" Keiko scolded, "Don't be rude!"
He held up his hands in mock surrender, "I'm not! They're just...interesting choices for nicknames."
"I suspect he's up to something," you theorized, "This is probably related to some personal research he's conducting, or something. In any case, I'm sure it's just a phase," you hadn't been too concerned about this seemingly random development in his behavior, but you were curious as to its purpose. It was still a fairly recent alteration, so you figured you'd let him have his fun a bit more before you confronted him about it.
"Maybe he's trying to be more romantic," Keiko offered, "in his own way."
You pondered the thought, as you watched Data gather your drinks. He certainly was romantic, in his own way. You both had lunch together almost every day, something that he had insisted on. After he discovered the ancient invention of "Post-It Notes", he made it a habit to leave you handwritten notes with them throughout your office. Their contents varied, from jokes pertaining to your area of expertise to quotes from his favorite works of literature that reminded him of you. He even enjoyed reading some of his favorite novels and plays to you. These actions may not have been the kind of whirlwind, passionate gestures that most people equated to romance, but you knew they were his way of showing his fondness for you, and you loved them (and him) dearly.
You continued to watch him as he carefully placed everyone's requested drinks on a small tray that Guinan provided. You noticed how he was slightly more careful when placing your drink on the tray, and how he placed it in front of the others. You knew his actions were deliberate and calculated, but it still brought a soft smile to your lips.
"Maybe," you finally conceded.
"And maybe you should take some notes, Miles," Keiko teased her husband.
Miles sighed, "Oh, Hell..."
3. Sweet Cheeks
"Thank you for bringing me lunch, Data," you told him, sitting down in the chair he had pulled out for you. When you had contacted him earlier to let him know that you were going to work late and wouldn't have time to grab lunch with him, he decided to bring lunch to you, in your office. Data had also taken the time to replicate some flowers in a vase and cleared your desk of all clutter, so you could have a proper table setting for your meal.
"You are welcome," he said, as he gently pushed your chair back in.
Your shared meal was relaxed and calm, but the atmosphere changed when Data suddenly dropped his latest pet name for you into the conversation, "I believe your proposed solution to your current work predicament is acceptable, and will prove to be successful, Sweet Cheeks."
You then did what Data recognized from 20th century humor to be a classic 'spit take'. He was surprised, yet somewhat delighted by this, as he had never witnessed someone perform a spit take before. He considered inquiring about it, but decided against it.
You stared at him in astonishment, blushing wildly as you coughed, "I beg your pardon??"
Your reaction was quite unexpected, and Data scrunched his eyebrows in soft confusion as he attempted to ascertain the somewhat scandalized tone of your voice, "Did I say something wrong?"
Before speaking, you cleared your throat, and waited for the shock to subside, "No, Data, you didn't say anything wrong, per say...It's just that 'Sweet Cheeks' is a very old and sometimes offensive term, depending on the context, used to describe someone with a nice ass."
Data looked at you with surprise, and perhaps embarrassment. How had he missed that pertinent fact during his research? "I see...I apologize for offending you; that certainly was not my intent," he considered this new development briefly, before tilting his head softly and returning his gaze to you, "Based on this information, that term would also be inaccurate in describing yourself because you do not have a donkey."
You couldn't help but laugh softly, "Sorry, not that kind of ass, Data. I meant it refers to someone who has an attractive butt."
Realization dawned on him, "Ahh," he raised an eyebrow, "Although it would be accurate to describe your posterior as 'attractive', I would not wish to use an offensive term to convey that fact."
"Data!" you said, astonished and blushing once again.
Data was hopelessly confused anew, "Have I offended you again?"
"No, no, it's just..." you sighed, still flustered. "Nevermind..." you carefully stood up, "I have to get back to work, so I'll catch you later," you tidied up the remnants of your lunch, pressed a quick peck to his lips, and somewhat hurriedly left your office.
4. Dumpling
"Alright, Lieutenant," Dr. Crusher said as she completed healing the large gash that ran along your forearm, "I think that just about does it. Can you wiggle your wrist for me, like this?" you watched as she moved her wrist, and you replicated her movements. Although you were able to repeat her actions, you felt a small pinch somewhere in your wrist, causing you to wince.
Dr. Crusher noticed this, and gently took your wrist in her hand, "Let me take another look," she scanned your wrist with another handheld medical scanner, "Ahh, it looks like the fracture I repaired earlier is applying excess pressure on your radial nerve," she smiled reassuringly, "It's just a pinched nerve, but I'll need to go get a different tool to repair it," she gently released your wrist, "I'll be right back."
As you waited patiently for her to return, the doors to Sick Bay opened. You looked up and saw Data making his way over to you.
Having not seen him all day, you were elated that he was here, "Data!"
He smiled faintly at your enthusiasm for his arrival, somewhat perplexed at how your mood always seemed to improve almost immediately upon the sight of him, or mention of his name. His smile widened just slightly when he reached his hand out to you, and you eagerly took his hand in yours.
After a few moments, his expression became serious, "Commander Riker informed me of the injuries you sustained during the Away Mission," he frowned slightly, "I apologize for not arriving sooner, but the Exobiology team required my assistance in analyzing the samples you and the remaining members of the Away Team collected."
"No apology necessary; I understand."
He performed a quick visual inspection of you, before his eyes met yours again. It only lasted a second, but you could have sworn you saw something akin to concern swimming in his golden irises, "Are you alright...Dumpling?"
You took a moment to absorb the new nickname before replying, "Yes, I think so...Dr. Crusher healed all of my cuts, and repaired my broken wrist. She still has to alleviate a pinched nerve, but other than that and a few scars, she says I'll be just fine."
"I am...relieved to hear that," he squeezed your hand gently, "When Commander Riker explained to the Captain and myself that you had directly thrown yourself in front of an incoming boulder, in order to displace Ensign Diaz out of its path, my mind was..." he paused pensively, as he searched for the most appropriate term, "...uncomfortably preoccupied with the prospects of how extensive and detrimental your injuries could be," his thumb rubbed the back of your hand affectionately, and his eyes appeared almost sad. "The possibility that you sustained serious injuries, or could have lost your life was rather...distracting to me, and made it difficult to complete the sample analysis."
You brought your intertwined hands up to your lips, and pressed a kiss to the back of his hand, "I'm sorry for worrying you," he looked as if he was going to remind you that he was incapable of worrying in any fashion, but he didn't vocalize the correction, "I didn't intend to land directly in that boulder's path. I was only trying to push Ensign Diaz out of the way, but I miscalculated the boulder's velocity."
His expression became neutral, "Regardless, your actions were admirable, and I am pleased that your injuries were minimal," suddenly, he gave you a pointed look. "However, as your partner, I must sternly remind you not to knowingly put yourself in unnecessary danger again," his expression softened slightly, "Dumpling."
A soft laugh interrupted your moment, and you both turned towards the sound, "Well, don't you worry, Data," Dr. Crusher had returned, a new tool in hand, "In a few moments, your Dumpling will be as good as new," you blushed at her use of the moniker, and Data took mental note of this.
Dr. Crusher held the tool against your wrist. It tingled slightly, but otherwise you felt nothing. After a few minutes, she turned it off and removed it from your skin, "Alright, move your wrist for me again?" you repeated the same motions she had shown you before. This time, there was no pain at all. She smiled, "Better?"
"Much better; thank you."
"You're welcome. I suggest you don't put too much strain on that wrist for a couple of weeks," she began to put away her tools and instruments, "If you notice any more pain, please come back to see me."
You nodded, "Thank you, I will," Data helped you carefully hop down from the Bio-Bed, "Do you want to grab some dinner now, Data?" you asked, "I have a sudden, inexplicable craving for dumplings."
Dr. Crusher held back a laugh.
5. Love Bug
"So, Reg will take care of Spot, Keiko will water and watch over our plants, Beverly and Geordi will keep tabs on our ongoing research experiments..." you reviewed the checklist on your PADD for the umpteenth time, "Okay, I think that's it...am I forgetting anything?"
"Negative, Love Bug. It appears you have everything 'under control'."
You peered up from the PADD to look at him, an eyebrow raised questioningly, "'Love Bug'?"
Data nodded, "That is what I said."
You sighed, but smiled softly, "Okay, Data; what's going on?"
"To what are you referring to?"
"In the past month, you've been calling me various nicknames. What's all this about? Are you conducting some kind of research?"
He looked at you, accessing your reaction for any kind of anger or discomfort. When he saw nothing but confusion and curiosity in your eyes, he sighed softly, "It had been brought to my attention that couples tend to utilize terms of endearment for each other," he blinked, "I did not wish to neglect one of my expected duties as a partner, nor did I wish to make you feel as though you were 'missing out' on an aspect of couplehood, simply due to my ignorance."
You softened immediately at his admission, "Oh, Data," he looked away briefly and somewhat sheepishly, "Being in a relationship with you doesn't make me 'miss out' on anything. In fact, I've gained much more from being in this relationship with you than I would from being in a relationship with anyone else."
His eyes locked with yours, and they were noticeably brighter than before, "Truly?"
You placed your PADD down on a nearby table, and took both of his hands in yours, "Truly," you repeated, before pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. When you pulled away, you flashed him a reassuring smile, "Everyone else are the ones who are missing out."
The corners of his lips curled just faintly upwards, "Thank you for alleviating my vexations in that regard," he raised his eyebrow in thought for a moment, before he looked back at you with an inquisitive expression, "Based on your reactions to each of the names I chose, I gathered that you did not particularly enjoy any of my selections. Is that an accurate conclusion?"
"I mean, they weren't necessarily bad choices, they were just...a bit dated, and neither of our styles. But yes, you're correct that I didn't particularly like them."
"Hmm," he bowed his head down slightly to better meet your eyes, "Do you have a preferred term of endearment you would like for me to use?"
You pursed your lips in consideration, "Well, I do have specific names that I do like...but I don't think I'd want you to use those, either."
He tilted his head softly, his eyebrows scrunched in slight confusion, "What do you mean?"
"Well, I think that pet names chosen between partners should be somewhat unique, in the sense that they should relate to something only the participants of that relationship are aware of, like an inside joke of some kind," you paused, "I think those names should also match both partners, not just the recipient of the name. I don't think my current preferences fit you because they aren't necessarily terms you're likely to use."
He took a few moments to analyze this new information, before he nodded, "Yes, I believe I understand. In essence, you would like for me to choose a term of endearment for you that is both unique and relatable to you, but also representative of my vernacular?"
You smiled and squeezed his hands, "Exactly, yes."
"Hmm," he blinked, "I shall take this into consideration, and 'return to the drawing board'."
You laughed softly, "Sounds good," you leaned in, and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, "Thank you for being such a sweet and considerate partner."
"You are welcome."
"What about you?"
His look of confusion returned, "What about me?"
"Is there any particular name you'd like for me to use for you?"
He thought about it briefly before raising his eyebrows, "Truthfully, I had not considered requesting a term of endearment for me, from you...Although I do not have a preference for any particular term at this time, I believe I would like for you to bestow one upon me."
You nodded, "Okay. I guess I'll have to go back to the drawing board, too...but for now, let's go enjoy our Shore Leave, Love Bug."
+1. "Dearest" and "Sunshine"
As Data's eyes flickered between his canvas and you, he could tell that you were getting restless. You had remained in your current position for the last 2 hours, 47 minutes, and 13 seconds, relatively unmoving. You had not complained once about your discomfort, but he could tell from your slight fidgeting that the required stillness was getting to you.
He reviewed the state of his canvas one more time, adding a couple more strokes of paint, before gently setting his brush down on his easel, "Would you like to take a break?"
You immediately sighed with relief, "Yes, please," you began to move, but stopped, "if it's not too much of an inconvenience for you?"
"Not at all. In fact, you have been an excellent muse thus far; much better than Spot. You are more than deserving of a break," he set down his paint palette, and tilted his head as he reviewed his progress. He was able to get a good portion of your silhouette and distinctive features outlined onto his canvas. He would only need your assistance for another session or two before he could complete the painting on his own.
"Can I see it?" you asked excitedly as you made your way over to him.
"Please," he said, and stepped aside to allow you viewing space.
You looked it over, and smiled widely, "Wow, this looks amazing already, Data! You're definitely going to get the highest marks from your art teacher for this," the two of you continued to admire the beginnings of his painting in comfortable silence for a moment, before you broke it, "Can I ask you something?"
Data turned to look at you, "Of course."
"Why did you decide to paint me for this assignment?"
"In my art course, we recently discussed the Aestheticism art movement. The core belief of this movement was 'art for art's sake'. In other words, it prioritized the aesthetic value of art, rather than the common belief at the time of the movement's introduction that art must serve a particular, didactic purpose," he paused, and inhaled sharply before continuing, "For this assignment, my instructor desired for myself and my classmates to create a work of art, in the tradition of the Aestheticism movement."
You absorbed all the information he just provided, attempting to determine how it related to you. After realizing you still didn't understand the connection, you asked, "That's all really interesting, Data, but what does it have to do with me?"
He eagerly continued, "After careful consideration, I realized that you embody Aestheticism. Although you can and do appreciate the hidden meanings of not only art, but many aspects of life itself, you also recognize the importance of creativity with no inherent purpose," he looked at you softly, "During one of our thoughtful, evening conversations we shared in the initial stages of our relationship, when I had explained to you my confusion as to my purpose of being, you responded that perhaps my father had no true purpose in creating me. Perhaps the only reason he created me was because he wanted to produce something beautiful, simply because he could. Perhaps he merely wished to add something of aesthetic value to the universe. Perhaps he was an artist, just as much as he was the forefront of cybernetics."
He inhaled sharply again, still looking at you, "I have found myself revisiting that conversation consistently and frequently, as frequently as the rate at which you are a part of my thought processes. This lesson, in particular, had triggered my memory banks to replay this memory 3.27 times more than usual. Thus, I deduced that you would be the most appropriate topic for this assignment."
You blinked, staring at him in complete bewilderment. You certainly weren't expecting that answer! Your brain felt like it was malfunctioning, uncertain how to process all this information.
As your brain melted inside your skull, you felt him gently take your hand, "Additionally, this assignment has also made me realize how...dear you are to me. You are always willing and eager to assist me in my hobbies, activities, assignments, and other endeavors. You have never expressed agitation nor annoyance with me, and always allow me to 'babble' to any length or degree. You have always encouraged myself and my passions, even when they potentially served an inconvenience to you."
He squeezed your hand gently, "The term 'dearest' refers to someone who is: loved and cherished, greatly valued, precious," he exhaled softly, "Although I am incapable of love, I am capable of cherishment, and seeing the value in others and objects. I certainly cherish you, and see how invaluable you are to many individuals, including myself," he looked at you with pure determination, and maybe a hint of pride, "Therefore, I believe the most fitting term of endearment for you is 'Dearest'."
At this point, you were short-circuiting, and your brain was absolute mush. Data was always eloquent with his wording, but this was definitely one of the most eloquent things he had said to you. It made his earlier statement of being incapable of love seem completely impossible. No one could speak in such a way about anyone or anything, if they weren't capable of love in some capacity or degree.
He watched you cautiously and patiently, his eyes moving slightly from side to side as he awaited your response. Your brain was still unable to form coherent thoughts, and no words escaped your lips. As his words sunk in and settled as warmth in your chest, all you could do was beam at him as you threw your arms around his neck, and pressed your lips to his in a deep kiss. He was frozen for just a moment, evidently surprised by your reaction, but gently moved his hands to hold your waist and returned your kiss.
After a couple of minutes of eager kissing, he pulled away, "Based on your reaction, I assume that you find this an acceptable term of endearment for yourself?"
You laughed softly, "Yes, Data, I do. It's perfect."
His lips curled upwards into a faint but bright smile, "I am glad you think so, Dearest."
You played with the ends of his hair that tickled his collar, still beaming at him, "You know, this just confirms my theory that 'Sunshine' would be the most fitting pet name for you."
He tilted his head, analyzing the moniker, "Intriguing. What is your connotation of this nickname, as it pertains to me?"
"Well, ever since I met you, you've brought so much light and sunshine into my life. You're a very bright, and warm person, both literally and figuratively, that you are an embodiment of the sun and its sunshine. I realized I've come to think you of as my personal ray of sunshine," you wished you could convey your thoughts and ideas as refined as the manner in which he just did, but the state of your mind was still too slushy to do so.
At your admission and unexpectedly sentimental token, his expression softened. You could tell he was analyzing and processing your sentiments with a fine-toothed comb, no doubt for further review later.
He was quiet for a long time, or at least, a long time for an android, and you began to shuffle nervously, "Do you find the name acceptable?"
Again, he was quiet as he mulled over your query. Finally, his eyes met yours, "Yes, I believe I do. I never considered the similarities between myself and the sun, but I can understand how you came to those conclusions," he blinked, "Yes," he repeated, "I do 'like' it, Dearest."
Your lips brushed against his once again, "Glad to hear it, Sunshine."
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joyous-vault · 9 months
Tint the Oath.
        The ink strokes in reverie, he avows fondness where herculean eternity remains. Hereby, beneath the alluvium of the Netherlands—he wrote the magnetism and tenderness between the immense intimacy in a love-letter fraught admiration. He became a scrivener who chanted poetic chorales upon letters and written with a feathered quill. The letter unfolds—herewith, Javiero Marlon as his epithet.
        In every letter he wrote, he attained a reputation as a person with countless cares that could kindle affection in someone’s heart. Being a poetic soul and renowned for his romantic personality—he was also skilled at showering someone with sweet words in every sentence that he crafted. As mentioned, his name is “Javiero Marlon” although some might simply call him “Javi”. Nevertheless of the name that he uses, he will always be delighted and appreciative of every endearment name you bestows and he will hold thoughts to using words that express his devotion to being yours.
         Enclosed within the letter on a postmark intended to provide more detailed insights into his personality. He is delighted to discuss his academic pursuits, considering that now he has graduated from college and legally over the age of 20 plus. When it comes to his traits, it is important to note that his MBTI personality type is ISFJ–T. Nevertheless, there is no need for concern because he is also quite talkative and attentive, carefully listening to every word spoken by the person he engages with. He excels at creating a vibrant atmosphere and can infuse color into any situation when he dwells. In matters of love languages, his top three preferences are Quality Time, Acts of Service, and Receiving Gift.
       Other TMIs about him include his ability to adapt to his partner’s needs and his reputation of being boyfriendable. Whether you have a preference for capital letters or are more inclined to be talkative, he demonstrates remarkable adaptability and can align with your desires seamlessly. Hence, if you are the chatty type or go by the nickname of “Jamet” feel free to be your real self around him without embarrassment or shyness. He is committed to loving you just the way you are. And do not hesitate to share your experiences with him; he stands by his word. He believes, “difficulties cannot be easily resolved, but happiness is a choice.” While he acknowledges that not all difficulties can be solved within words, he firmly believes that having someone to lean on and embrace can bring comfort and improve your well-being. If you ever need someone to confide in, do not hesitate to turn to him, and he will swiftly make you feel deeply loved.
       In this epistle beneath a myriad of stars, he uncovers the most dulcet words—everlasting devotion. Thus, he inscribed the concluding sentence about himself—an odyssey of affection, yet untold and awaits story within each scattered epistle. Herewith, he awaits your presence to etch an unforgettable story upon the annals of memory.
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massage004 · 1 year
Discover the Art of Relaxation: The Impact of Regular Massages
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The modern world has bestowed upon us the gift of a restless and hectic lifestyle. Amidst this chaos, there is a simple yet powerful remedy to soothe our mind, body, and soul: regular massages. These therapeutic experiences not only provide relaxation but also offer a plethora of health benefits that contribute to our overall well-being. This article will take you on a journey through the fascinating world of massages, revealing why you should make them a part of your life.
The Healing Touch: Massage Therapy
Massage therapy consists of manipulating the body's soft tissues, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments, to promote relaxation, relieve pain, and enhance overall wellness. Various massage techniques, including Swedish, deep tissue, and sports massage, cater to different needs or preferences. The American Massage Therapy Association reports that 87% of individuals perceive massages as beneficial to their health and well-being. Let's explore the numerous advantages of regular massages.
Stress Buster: Nature's Relaxant
"The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James, American philosopher and psychologist.
Massages are exceptional stress relievers as they stimulate the release of endorphins, the body's natural "feel-good" hormones. Additionally, massages help reduce cortisol levels, which are linked to stress and anxiety. Research conducted by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center revealed that a single 45-minute Swedish massage led to a significant decrease in cortisol levels among participants. Thus, regular massages are an effective way to manage stress and improve your overall well-being.
Pain Alleviation: The Comforting Embrace
A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine demonstrated that massage therapy is an effective treatment for reducing pain, particularly for individuals suffering from chronic back pain. Massages alleviate pain by increasing blood circulation in affected areas, promoting healing, and lowering inflammation. Furthermore, massages can help ease tension headaches, migraines, and muscle soreness caused by exercise or daily activities.
Sleep Enhancement: Journey to Slumberland
Massages encourage relaxation and regulate the body's sleep-wake cycle by influencing the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter essential for sleep. Research conducted by the National Institutes of Health found that massage therapy improved sleep quality among individuals with insomnia. If you find yourself battling sleepless nights, regular massages could be the solution you need.
Immunity Boost: Fortifying Your Defenses
Massages can also improve your immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells, which are critical in defending your body against infections and diseases. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine discovered that participants who underwent a 45-minute massage experienced an increase in white blood cells and a decrease in cortisol levels. This indicates that regular massages can help strengthen your body's natural defenses.
Embracing regular massages in your routine is an excellent way to promote relaxation, combat stress, alleviate pain, enhance sleep, and bolster your immune system. So, go ahead and indulge in a rejuvenating massage session, allowing your body and mind to benefit from its healing powers. After all, a relaxed and healthy life is crucial for maintaining balance and harmony in life.
Click on 마사지 for more info.
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elareine · 5 years
That sacred bond (DamiTim)
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“I think…”
A snort.
Tim ignored it with the ease of long practice. “I think they’re assuming that we’re married.”
That brought Damian up short. “Married?”
“Xii has referred to our ‘sacred bond’ three times now, what did you think that meant?”
Damian hissed back: “Well, certainly not that! Why would they think that we’re—that we’re—”
Well. It looked like after all these years, Tim had finally found something that was revulsive to Damian again. And all it took was being assumed to be in a relationship with him.
“We did introduce ourselves by the same last name,” he pointed out, “and we do not look related.”
The reminder visibly set Damian’s teeth on edge. “So?”
“And then there’s this.” Tim lifted his hand. The light reflected off the translator ring they’d been given by the League.
Damian looked as if he wanted to incinerate it on the spot. “So they have researched human bonding customs and come to a false conclusion regarding our relationship?”
“That’s what’s I’ve been saying, yes.”
Tim expected some kind of tantrum, followed by an indignant clarification of their marital status to their hosts. Instead, Damian’s gaze grew calculating, and he leaned back, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “That might be to our advantage.”
“How so?”
“It would be rude to correct them.” Well, yeah, it was just a bit of a trip to hear Damian of all people say so. “And we are trying to appear as non-threatening as possible. That is why the League sent humans in the first place. I believe our status as ‘bonded mates’ would help that impression.”
“You wouldn’t mind pretending?” Tim asked, taken aback. Sure, Damian wasn’t in any relationship right now as far as Tim knew, but still. If this spread… the League would never let them hear the end of it.
Damian shrugged. “How hard can it be?”
“We don’t know where they got their ideas of marriage and love from,” Tim took malicious pleasure in pointing out. “It might have been rom-coms. We will have to act like a happy-end.”
For a second, Damian looked as if he was reconsidering. Then he nodded. “That might be expected, yes.”
It took some time for their ideas to be put into practice, as they were conducting separate negotiations at first. Finally, however, the alien debating space traffic regulations with Tim called for a break.
“We are aware that it is tough for Earth-pairs to be separated,” they told Tim sympathetically. “Your bonded-mate is in the room next to us.”
“Thank you.” Tim bowed in the local custom, despite having not near enough joints to assume the correct form. It seemed to delight them, anyway, and he left the room feeling pretty good about his negotiation skills.
Damian, too, looked like he was making headway. He was talking to three aliens at once, about their defense missile system from what it sounded. Tim made sure to approach as quietly as possible, not wanting to intrude (and perhaps wanting to get the jump on Damian. Just a little bit.)
“Hey, honey,” Tim murmured, immediately wanting to laugh at himself. If he ever were to bestow Damian with a pet name, it certainly wouldn’t be something as mellow as honey.
Damian didn’t visibly react, which was better than the flinch Tim had expected. Once Tim sat down next to him, though, Damian took his hand. Without taking his eyes off the alien he was listening to, he linked their hands on the table, just letting them rest there.
Tim’s heart gave an unexpected pang. It was the kind of gesture he’d been missing in his last relationship, had craved by its end—just some sign of affection that wasn’t related to sex. To receive it, now, from Damian of all people… it was a bit of a mindfuck.
A gentle squeeze of his hand brought Tim back to the present. Big green eyes were looking at him with concern now.
“Are you feeling well, beloved?”  
Tim did his best not to smile gratefully. It was for show, he reminded himself. Damian didn’t actually care. He’d proven that over and over in the last decade. “Yes, I’m fine.”
Damian nodded and turned back to the conversation. His hand remained on Tim’s, but Tim didn’t allow himself to become distracted again.
At least until the food arrived.
Xii beamed at them. (Literally. They emitted light when pleased.) “Our research has told us this the Earth-food preferable to mates at your stage of bonding.”
Tim stared at the assortment of fruit slices and chocolate trifles in dismay. His hypothesis about rom-com had started off as a convenient way to make Damian uncomfortable, but it was looking increasingly likely. Fuck.
...at least the food was vegetarian.
“Thank you,” Damian told them. Then he picked out a slice of mango and held it out to Tim. “Look, beloved, they have your favorite.”
Tim directed a smile at their host. “Yes, thank you.” When he went to take the piece of fruit from Damian, though, the other man just moved his hand higher.
Oh. Right.
Tim leaned forward and awkwardly took the slice of mango into his mouth, trying very hard not to touch Damian’s fingers as he did so. Still his lips brushed against calloused fingerpads, causing Tim to pull back quickly, trying to ignore the tingling the contact left behind.
Around them, talks resumed. Damian let Tim eat on his own for the most part, but he occasionally picked a particularly fine piece of fruit to feed to him, and Tim had to take it every time. He tried to discombobulate Damian in turn by offering him a piece of dark chocolate. All Damian did was take his hand and lift it higher, taking the offering into his mouth as if it was an honor to be presented something from Tim.
It was immensely distracting, and Tim couldn’t wait for the evening to be over. 
 Tim gave a low whistle when they entered their assigned quarters. It was quite something; Jason would’ve called it ‘swanky.’
Before he could comment on the golden diwan or the large mirrors, however, Damian was… hissing at him? “I thought you were a good undercover agent.”
Tim bristled. “I am.”
“Well, do better.”
“At what?”
Damian sniffed. “You look reluctant to be touched by me. That is not the impression we wish to convey.”
“Well, maybe I am,” Tim shot back even as he internally acknowledged that Damian had a point.
“That does not matter to a professional. I am fully aware that it is a chore for you to pretend to be in love with me,” Damian said stiffly. “But you agreed that it is critical for the mission to succeed.”
Something about that didn’t sit right with Tim, but all he could say was: “Yeah, yeah. I’ll hold your hand all day tomorrow, alright?”
“Whatever you think necessary.” With that, the conversation seemed to be over for Damian. “I will see what bathing facilities they have provided us with. Are you going to join me?”
Hell, no. “I… I’ll just turn in.”
“If you say so.” Damian shrugged as if he couldn’t care less, leaving Tim alone with his thoughts.
Even as he changed down into his pajamas and slid under the covers, Tim’s mind wouldn’t stay at the task at hand.
The thing was: Tim actually loved mangoes. And he couldn’t remember ever telling Damian that.
Damian had just been so… caring all day. Holding his hand, making sure he ate, giving him the best pieces of everything. Tim hadn’t felt so wanted in years.
When Tim realized what he was thinking, he slapped his own forehead. He wasn’t crushing on Damian. That just wasn’t happening, not over some stupid fake pretend mission, not ever. Hell, Tim wasn’t even sure if he trusted Damian.
To have his back in a fight, sure, no question. But with his feelings?
Luckily, Damian cut that line of thinking off by coming back into the room. With only his boxers on. Hair wet, skin glistening, scars on full display like the marks of victory and survival they were.
And then he had the nerve to frown at Tim for gaping. “I thought you wanted to sleep.”
“How can I when you’re making so much noise?” Tim countered, turning away demonstratively. Sadly, that didn’t keep him from hearing the bed creak as Damian climbed in next to him, feeling Damian’s warmth as its narrowness left him no choice but to basically press right up against Tim.
Damian really wasn’t wearing much, was he?
Tim buried his head in the pillows. It was going to be a long week.  
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Preference: Their Love Language
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Dean expresses his love through actions. He spends time doing things to make your life easier, whether that’s doing the dishes, washing your car, cleaning your weapons, or even going on a grocery run even when it’s supposed to be your turn. It’s his way of making himself feel useful, and he finds that every smile he can bring to your face is worth the extra ten minutes it took for him to go out of his way for you. Dean isn’t great at expressing his emotions - he tends to push people away when they get too close, something that has cost him dearly in his past. Though he’s finally getting better at letting people in thanks to your relationship, he finds that doing small things for you daily is the best way for him to communicate how he feels. There are so many things that are beyond his control, but the ability to make you feel happy, relaxed and cared for is not one of them. He’ll go out of his way to make your life easier, and never asks for any thanks in return. And so, though the stack of clean dishes or the fresh bag of groceries on the table might not hold a lot of meaning to most people, to you they mean the world, because no matter what else is going on, they’re a reminder that he loves you and is always thinking of you, and he’s showing you in the best way he knows how.
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Sam’s love language is undoubtedly his words of affirmation. He’s always been in touch with his more sensitive side, and it’s second nature to him to always find the right words for any situation - this is only made more clear in his relationship with you. It’s important to him that you know how he feels, and that you feel appreciated in your partnership, and the best way he knows to express that is his words. He hands you compliments freely, always noticing if you’ve changed your hair or bought a new outfit, and telling you how much it suits you. Beyond that, he makes sure to verbally appreciate anything you do for him; whether it be taking out the trash or watching his back on a hunt, he pairs it with the same warm smile and a tone of voice so sincere that it makes your heart melt. But most of all, he reminds you that he loves you. It’s so important to him to share how he feels about you - he knows that every day with you is a blessing, and it could easily be snatched away by something as harsh as a hunt gone wrong, or as simple as an accident. So he makes it a point to remind you at least once every day of his feelings for you. They’re not always dramatic declarations of love - they’re normally just a simple “I love you,” or an “I’m so glad you’re here,” whispered in the late hours of the night or the early hours of the morning. But no matter the time, Sam’s always there for you, the perfect words for any situation always at the tip of his tongue.
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Castiel tends to demonstrate his affection by giving you gifts - he loves seeing your eyes light up when he hands them to you, and loves the hunt of finding the perfect gift; a very different hunt to what he’s used to. Sometimes his gifts are experiences - he can take you anywhere in the world, show you any sights you want to see. He’ll take you on trips to Paris, Rome, Athens, anywhere you’d like, and show you the beautiful sights that humans had yet to find, all while telling you the stories of their creation. More often, though, he likes to give you physical gifts that you can keep with you forever, and always think of him when you hold them. They’re not always extravagant, either. Sure, there was the time he had given you the only remaining copy of a book he’d salvaged from the Library of Alexandria, but that was for a special occasion - your birthday, and the one day that Castiel sees as the greatest gift he was ever bestowed. But throughout the year, he’ll pick up little things that remind him of you, and each of them has a story. A tiny rosebud from a garden he’d visited, paired with the tale of the tiny bumbling bee that drew his attention to it in the first place. He tells you the flower reminded him of your beauty, and the bee of your strength and perseverance. One day he gives you a small metal keychain with a dog engraved into its surface. It was only a cheap trinket from a gas station, but he knew you liked animals, and knew it would make you smile. Though his gifts are often just small trinkets, they serve as a constant reminder of his love for you, and you know you’ll treasure them forever.
Forever tags: @babygirloreo @calaofnoldor @stealingheartsswift13 @lmpala97 @sebastianshoe @81mysteriouslyme @castieliswatchingoverme
Dean Tags: @polina-93
Sam Tags: @sammys-dimpless
If you’d like to be added to any of my tag lists, just shoot me a message or reply in the notes!
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dragons-bones · 5 years
FFXIV Write Entry #29: Names
Prompt: free write (identity) | Master Post | On AO3
WARNING: Spoilers for throughout Shadowbringers MSQ!
She wondered, sometimes, if her parents had had another name for her, one carefully considered and picked. Would she have been named after a relative? A grandmother, perhaps, or a great-aunt or even a close family friend. Perhaps a name from a story, one that caught her mother’s fancy, or maybe something her father heard in the marketplace. Was it a name they had always called her? Was it a name they had whispered to themselves in the dead of night after the soldiers of Eulmore came for her?
Or, from the moment of her birth, with a tuft of blonde hair on her head and fathomless cerulean blue eyes, had she only ever been Minfilia?
To General Ran’jit and the soldiers of Eulmore, she had only been Minfilia or Oracle of Light or, more simply, Oracle; perhaps, my lady to the nervous new recruits or the respectful veterans. Lady Minfilia, to the servants who came to her luxurious prison deep beneath the City of Final Pleasures with food or fresh laundry or a set of books (approved, and censored as necessary, by Ran’jit, or more likely by one of his lieutenants). Once, when she had been presented to Lord Vauthry when she had been…eight? Perhaps nine summers? She had been addressed as Lady Oracle and oh, she had hated it, the way it oozed off Vauthry’s tongue, condescending and triumphant. Something to call a pretty caged bird.
But it hadn’t been incorrect. She had been a pretty caged bird.
The superfluous titles had mostly fallen away after Thancred had stolen her away from Eulmore and Ran’jit possessive grip. Oracle of Light became, primarily, not a term of address, just a description of who and what she was. Minfilia, though…
That name suddenly acquired a new weight.
To Thancred, and Urianger, and Y’shtola and Alphinaud and Alisaie, Minfilia was someone else, first and foremost. They had known the first Minfilia, the original, the savior from another world who gave up her identity and her life to save Norvrandt from the Flood of Light.
When Ran’jit, and many other residents of Norvrandt, looked at her, they saw a legacy, an unbroken line of girl-children warriors against the sin-eaters, born to fight and die and do it all over again in the next life. When Thancred looked at her, he saw regrets and missed chances, the shadow of a woman for whom he had wished he had done more. Urianger looks at her with sorrow in his eyes, too, but that doesn’t stop him from speaking kindly to her, to throwing open his library to her voracious appraisal.
It’s not until the Crystal Exarch brings the Warriors of Light of the Source to the First that she began to feel…well, herself.
Rereha accompanies her for their share of the chores the pixies give them in Lydha Lran. After the third bit of ridiculous busywork, she was tired and frustrated, and ready to scream. As one of their pixie ‘hosts’ gave the pair their third task, however, she remembered a story she read in Urianger’s library, from a bookend of Lakeland fables.
“I’ve never done this before,” she said earnestly, making her eyes as big as possible, her expression as innocent. “Could you show us how to do it properly?”
Rereha took her cue from her, the dwar—lalafell smiling and nodding agreement. “Aye,” she said, “we don’t want to cause a mess!”
The pixie had narrowed their eyes at them, before slowly nodding. “Well, all right then,” they said, “you do it like this.”
And after the pixie had shown them how—
“Oh, I’m not sure I understood, I’m so sorry. Could you show us again?”
And again, and again, until the chore had been done. The pixie had sulked as their friends whooped and laughed and lauded her for a trick well played.
As they had gone to rejoin the others, Rereha had said, “That was brilliant, Minfilia!”
She had blushed and shrugged, suddenly shy and unsure once again. “I had read about something similar, once,” she said, “a story about a fox named Reynard outwitting his foes and tricking his friends and laughing the whole time.”
“Well, you might not have been laughing,” said Rereha, grinning, “but that was well done, little fox kit.”
Synnove had been the next to give her a nickname, on the journey back to the Crystarium. The older woman had been patiently answering her questions about the Source, about arcanima, about the carbuncles. How did she make them? What did they eat?
“Technically, anything,” Synnove had laughed. “As aether constructs, they don’t have the digestive system of a beastkin. But they do have preferences, and what I cook for myself, I feed to them, too.” She had gently stroked Galette’s tails, the emerald carbuncle draped around her neck. “Be careful with this one, duckling, she’s got a sweet tooth the size of a mountain and no shame in getting her next fix!”
She had tilted her head curiously at Synnove as they had walked. “Duckling?”
“It’s something I call the baby first year arcanists,” Synnove had said, a rueful smile on her lips. “The braver ones follow the senior assessors and professors around like ducklings, quacking questions and gobbling up the answers like bread crumbs, though their shier classmates trail along, too. If you don’t want to be called that—”
“No!” she said, then almost immediately ducked her head. “No, I don’t mind. I rather like it, actually. I like the idea of being a student.”
Synnove had smiled, warm and gentle. “Well, then, so long as you don’t mind, I’ll keep calling you that.”
Her third nickname had been straightforward. A few days of walking under true sunlight in Il Mheg, Lakeland, and then wandering the Crystarium had turned her pale skin bright red and achy. Dancing Heron had come across her in the market, taken one look at her miserable expression, and hustled her to Heron’s room in the Pendants.
“Oh, poor Sunshine,” the roegadyn had said ruefully, braiding her hair out of the way before helping to slather her face and shoulders in a thick, clear salve called aloe vera. “You aren’t the first person here in the Crystarium to get a sunburn.”
She hadn’t reacted to the name, mostly because like the others, she liked it. It was just about her. She had also had more important things on which to focus. “The sun can burn you?” she’d said, absolutely horrified.
Heron had laughed. “Aye, it can! Too much of a good thing can quickly turn bad, even the sun. Pale skin especially is more susceptible, but even someone as dark as I am needs to be careful; on you, at least, it’s easy to see when the damage occurs! Synnove and Rere have been showing the folks at the Mean how to create sunscreen—that’s a cream you put on your skin that helps prevent a burn from happening at all. In the meantime, we’ll get you a wide-brimmed hat, and you’ll need to keep putting on the aloe vera. That’ll soothe the burn and the itch when the skin starts healing, and keep your skin moisturized, too.”
Oh, the itch had been awful. And the peeling skin had just been…gross.
Alakhai, of course, had eventually given her a nickname, too. The Xaela was quiet, in the way of someone who just didn’t prefer to talk, at least not when it wasn’t necessary. In the shadows of the Rak’tika Greatwood, Alakhai had shown her a few more knife tricks, the proper way to bend and flick her wrists to get her knives to dance.
“Thancred’s good with his blades,” Alakhai had said quietly, demonstrating the movement in slow motion, “and he didn’t do half-bad training you. But he hasn’t been as short as you or I in a long time, günj, and there are just some things he can’t properly demonstrate.”
She heard ‘günj,’ but in her mind, thanks to the Blessing of Light, she knew the word meant princess. It had slipped out, the same way it had with Synnove and Heron, tinged with soft, genuine affection, and again, she decided not to draw attention to it.
Instead, she went through the move Alakhai had just shown her slowly, at first. When Alakhai nodded, she did it again at full speed, her knives driving into the target at neck height on an adult male hume with the right and at kidney height with the left.
Alakhai had grinned, proud and vicious at once. “Very good, günj. Now, again, and again, until it’s as second nature to you as all the rest.”
It had been those nicknames, bestowed on her without a second thought, for a girl they had barely known, that had helped sustain her through Amh Araeng, when the doubts began to eat at her and who she actually was. Those nicknames, that were just for her, that rang in her head when the first Oracle of Light, the first Minfilia, had asked her what her choice was. When she accepted the chance to be her own person.
Red hair and grey eyes. A surge of power, of Light that was gentle and warm. A purpose, and the determination to carry it out.
Thancred, after they had vanquished the Lightwarden of Amh Araeng, had taken her aside privately and said, “There are no words to express the depths of my sorrow for how I’ve treated you these last years. I will do better. I hope one day you can forgive me, but know that you don’t have to. Not know, not ever. That’s my burden to bear.”
She had thought he had hated her for so long, but he had been sincere. She knew she could trust him, and the forgiveness…the forgiveness would come one day.
After all, he had given her a name.
And as Ryne well knew, names were precious things indeed.
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wargwhatisitgoodfor · 5 years
GRRM’S Much Ado About Mirrors - Political Marriages/Rivals and Famine in Season 8
Game of Thrones Season 8 Political/Love Quad is  Foreshadowed in The Winds of Winter  + Mirror of House Tyrell Aiding King’s Landing
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Note: The picture in the upper-right corner is a recent shot of Lino Facioli, the actor who plays Robin Arryn in Game of Thrones. Lino is listed on HBO’s cast list for this season. This meta is purely speculation. 
PART ONE - Foreshadowing in The Winds of Winter
The released ‘Alayne’ chapter from The Winds of Winter focuses on an impending tourney that is bringing together the most important people in the region. Sweetrobin’s heir Ser Harrold Hardyng will be in attendance and has been recently betrothed to Sansa, who is disguised as Alayne to everyone other than Petyr Bealish.  While intuitively recognizing Harry’s true nature and possible agenda to seize power, Sweetrobin expresses his affection for and desire to marry Sansa/Alayne.  During this conversation, Sweetrobin abruptly shifts his focus from the rivalry and threat that he is facing (which is serious and imminent) to who he will have to marry (which is undetermined and won’t happen for many years). One cannot brush this off as a testament to Sweetrobin’s age and immaturity as he understands life’s impermanence after losing his father and mother and is discerning enough to correctly assess Hardyng.
Coincidentally, minor annotations easily shift the dynamics of who is betrothed/disguised and who is a political/romantic rival between Sansa and her male cousins from TWoW to GoT Season 8 as is described below:  
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“He (she) wants my father’s castle (kingdom), that’s all, so he (she) pretends.” The boy (Jon) clutched the blanket (gloves?) to his pimply (scarred) chest. “I don’t want you to marry him, Alayne (I don’t want to marry her, Sansa). I am the Lord of the Eyrie (Warden of the North/last male heir to the Iron Throne/etc.), and I forbid it.” He sounded as if he were about to cry. “You should marry me instead. We could sleep in the same bed every night, and you could read me stories (Unlike Sweetrobin, Jon has already gone through puberty, so we can mentally insert another verb(s) besides ‘to read’).”
    ...“Sweetrobin (Jon), you must not say such things. You are the Lord of the Eyrie and Defender of the Vale (Warden of the North/heir to the Iron Throne/etc.), and you must wed a highborn lady (the Targaryen Queen) and father a son to sit in the High Hall of House Arryn (the Iron Throne) after you are gone.”
Robert wiped his nose (Jon flexed his sword hand/rubbed the back of his neck). “But I want — ” (“Is this what you want — ”)
    She put a finger to his lips. “I know what you want (I want/we want), but it cannot be. I am no fit wife (Targaryen Queen) for you. I am bastard born (Lady of Winterfell).”
    “I don’t care. I love you best of anyone. “
You are such a little fool.  “Your lords bannermen will care... and I should... be put to death (Sansa will be physically threatened AGAIN...).”
    “I wouldn’t let them hurt you!” Lord Robert (Jon) said. “If they try I will make them all fly (I will kill them myself!).” His hand began to tremble. (At this point in time, we don’t know how much book!Jon will have changed after his resurrection. His memories may be primarily affected, or there may be some physical manifestations from his death.)
    Alayne (Sansa) stroked his fingers (She has provided Jon with the support, validation, and motivation that he needs since their reunion, and Sansa quoting Ned at the end of season 7 indicates that she will continue to do so). “There, my Sweetrobin (Jon)... “You must have a proper wife, a trueborn maid of noble birth (a Targaryen Queen).”
    “No. I want to marry you, Alayne (Sansa).”
Once your lady mother (your lady mother and your lord father/my lord father’s contingencies plans were founded on it) intended that very thing...  “My lord is kind to say so.” Alayne (Sansa) smoothed his hair... He does have pretty hair (I love how cheeky GRRM can be at times!)… “...Before long, you will have forgotten me entirely.”
“I won’t!”
“You will. You must.” Her voice was firm, but gentle.
“The Lord of the Eyrie (Warden of the North/heir to the Iron Throne/etc.) can do as he likes. Can’t I still love you, even if I have to marry her? …” (The show is going to handle this differently from the books; the most logical route is for Jon to openly defer to Dæny in order to placate her whilst he offers to stay with Sansa and the rest of their family in Winterfell.  Regardless, outside forces will conspire against the Starks, especially the two secret lovers.)  
…“Is that what you would have from me? A bastard?” She pulled her fingers from his grasp. “Would you dishonor me that way?” (Sansa will not only have to make her feelings clear but will need to initiate a physical relationship with Jon. The show also is foreshadowing that Sansa will become pregnant before they are married or at least before they publicly announce their marriage.)
The boy (Jon) looked stricken. “No. I never meant — “ (“I’ve loved you my whole life.” I’m in the camp that Jon was in love with Sansa before they left Winterfell, and the show has actually set this up in a deliberate but discreet manner. My meta on Sansa’s dragonfly necklace being a gift from Jon explains this in greater detail.) Alayne (Sansa) stood. “If it please my lord, I must go…” Before her little lord (her cousin/his grace/etc.) could find the words to protest, she gave him a quick curtsy and fled the bedchamber… (Again, this hints at Sansa’s decision to stay with Jon and to be physically intimate with him.)
PART TWO: Robin Arryn will aid the North just as House Tyrell did for King’s Landing
With the focus on food storage both last season and this one, it seems likely that the North will face a food crisis. However it may be accelerated if the food stores are burned during the Battle for the Dawn. If this takes place, what then? WHAT HAVE WE SEEN PREVIOUSLY ON THE SHOW THAT MIGHT INDICATE WHERE THE NARRATIVE WILL PROCEED? 
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After helping House Baratheon/Lannister win the Battle of Blackwater Bay, House Tyrell ends the famine that plagues King’s Landing. Offered anything that the royal house can bestow upon them, the Tyrells request a betrothal between their house and King Joffrey. 
In a parallel move, it seems entirely possible that Yohn Royce will offer the Vale’s food stores and may hint at a marriage alliance between his liege lord Robin Arryn and the Lady of Winterfell. With the show choosing to repeatedly focus on the positive working relationship between Yohn Royce and Sansa, it stands to reason that Yohn would prefer Robin Arryn marry a smart, capable woman whom he respects. Just as Margaery confesses that she has heard a great deal about Joffrey that caused her to fall in love with him, Robin has been kept abreast of Yohn’s time at Winterfell, most likely including his impression of Sansa. As Robin was also told by his mother that he and Sansa would marry, Robin would hold the idea of a betrothal with his cousin in high regard. FOR THE SHOW’S WRITERS, THIS ALSO SERVES THE PURPOSE OF REMINDING THE GENERAL AUDIENCE THAT MARRIAGES BETWEEN COUSINS WERE SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE AND COMMONPLACE. 
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Regardless of Sansa’s personal feelings, a famine would force the Northern forces to leave Winterfell and to seek the resources they need in order to simply survive; in all likelihood, they would travel to the Riverlands if Robin Arryn does offer/agree to supply the North.  
Is meeting Robin or just the prospect of meeting him what pushes Jon and Sansa to declare their love for one another?
Faced with possible betrothals for both of them whilst learning that they could have a chance to be together, Jon and Sansa will demonstrate the depth of their feelings for each other, including jealousy, as the show increasingly displays  their chemistry in front of other characters. The climax for this plot point will be Bronn returning Sansa’s doll (Ned’s gift) AND her dragonfly necklace (Jon’s gift) as an “act of good faith”; it will force Jon and Sansa to not only admit their current feelings for one another but also of their past relationship at the start of the story, including:
Their secret meetings to ‘practice kissing’
Their goodbye scene at Winterfell in which Jon gave her the dragonfly necklace and vowed to Sansa to protect the North for her as his future queen
Although Jon taking the necklace and placing it back around Sansa’s neck would reaffirm their feelings for one another, it could parallel Rhaegar’s disastrous decision to publicly demonstrate his affection for Lyanna Stark at the Tournament of Harrenhel.  
(NOTE: My apologies for only referencing and not summarizing my theory on Sansa’s dragonfly necklace being a gift from Jon/the Evenstar necklace of GoT. Part One of that meta can be found here.)
Possible Additional Parallels (All in the Riverlands)
Robb Stark agreeing to a betrothal for the sake of his family only to marry another person all whilst fighting a war.
Rhaegar inappropriately demonstrating his love for Lyanna in public at Harrenhal by giving her the crown of roses.
Rhaegar and Lyanna marrying in secret. 
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What Happens if Jon Does Create the Tournament of Harrenhal 2.0? 
Most likely it will be the event that starts the next ‘Dance of Dragons’. I might add to this after episode three airs.
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risalei-nur · 5 years
TAFSIR: Risale-i Nur: The Words Collection:The Thirty Second Word .Part 11
People, especially the misguided, cannot measure God properly and are usually forgetful of Him. For example, a private pays his corporal per-fect respect and attributes to him whatever good he enjoys. He is oblivious of the king; even if he remembers him, it is still to the corporal that he shows gratitude in return for any good he receives. Such a private should be warned: “The king is greater and more benevolent than your corporal, so you must thank the king.” This does not mean to compare the king’s actu-al, magnificent commandership with the corporal’s—such a comparison would be meaningless. What is meant is to warn the private who prefers the corporal in gratitude and forgets the king.
 Similarly, means, nature, and causes blind heedless people to the True Bestower of bounties. They attribute the bounties which they receive to means and nature and creativity to causes, as if they were the actual sources, and praise and thank them. Therefore, the Qur’an warns: Almighty God is much greater and a far better Creator and Benefactor (actually meaning that He is the sole Creator and Benefactor). Regard Him and thank Him.
 Fourth indication: Just as actually existent things may be compared with each other and preferred over each other, so possible, and even hypothetical things may also be compared with and preferred over each other. Since there are numerous grades or degrees in qualities and natures, people may imagine infinite grades in the essences and manifestations of Divine Names and Attributes. Almighty God is, however, of the highest, most perfect, and most beautiful of all grades that His Names and Attributes are imagined to have. The universe bears witness to this. His description of all His Names as the best or most beautiful, as in: His are the Most Beautiful Names (20:8), points to this fact.
 Fifth indication: Such phrases also should be considered from the follow-ing viewpoint. Almighty God has two kinds of Attributes and ways of mani-festations. In the first one (Wahidiya), in the form of an all-encompassing law, He manifests His Names and exercises His authority throughout the universe from behind apparent means and causes. In the second one (Ahadiya), He focuses His manifestations on one being without any means or veils. When shown in this second way, His kindness, creation, and grandeur are brighter, more beautiful and splendid than their manifestations in the first way.
Suppose a saintly king executes his authority directly, with all his offi-cials and commanders being only veils or screens. His execution of his authority is in two ways: by some general laws he has established and using officials and governors in every office, or through direct governance by being present everywhere at the same time in different forms and without officials. This second way is better and more excellent in the sight of his subjects. Similarly, the Creator of the universe, the Eternal Sovereign, uses means and causes to veil or screen His rule and to demonstrate His Lordship’s majesty in this life. However, He also has installed a “private telephone” in His servants’ hearts so that, leaving all means and causes behind, they can contact Him and declare: You alone do we worship and from You alone do we seek help (1:5). Phrases like the Best of Creators, the Most Merciful of the Merciful, and God is the Greatest also underline this fact.
 As for how we can judge something as perfect if it has no opposites, consider the following five points:
FIRST POINT: One who asks such a question is unaware of true perfec-tion and imagines relative perfections to be true. Any virtue, perfection, or superiority that manifests itself in comparison to or in contrast with others is not true; rather, it is of relative value and significance. Thus losing its opposite causes it to lose its value.
 For example, heat is desired over severe cold and food is delicious in pro-portion to one’s hunger. Without cold and hunger, heat and food have no or little value. True pleasure, love, perfection or virtue do not show themselves in comparison with others or in proportion to their opposites’ degree—they are by and of themselves, and so are substantial and constant realities.
 Existence, life, love, knowledge (especially knowledge of God), belief, permanence, mercy, compassion or affection, as well as light, sound sight and hearing, eloquence, munificence, good conduct or moral virtues, appro-priate form, and the perfections any people have either in their persons or characters and attributes or acts—these are all virtues by their very nature. With or without opposites, they are virtues and perfections in themselves. Neither they themselves nor their pleasure and beauty do not need compar-isons or opposites to perceive and appreciate. Thus, all perfections of the All-Majestic Maker, the All-Gracious and Beautiful Originator and the Creator of Perfection are true in and of themselves. Whatever other than Him can have no effect on Him. The perfections in creation are only their reflections according to the capacity of each being.
SECOND POINT: In Sharhu’l-Mawaqif, Sayyid Sharif al-Jurjani writes: “The cause of love is either pleasure or benefit or sexual or natural inclination or perfection. Perfection is loved because of itself.” In other words, you love something or someone either because of the pleasure you find in them or their benefit or your sexual or natural (e.g., fatherly, motherly, filial, etc.) inclina-tion, or its perfection. If love arises from perfection, there is no need to search for another cause. For example, people tend to love people of perfection and of perfect virtue although they have no relation to them whatsoever.
 Thus, as they are true, indisputable, and infinite, all of Almighty God’s Perfections and His All-Beautiful Names are loved because of themselves. The All-Majestic Being, Who is absolutely worthy of love and is the True Beloved One, loves His Perfections and the beauties of His Names and Attributes in a manner appropriate to Himself. He also loves the works of His Art and the beauties in His creatures, which mirror His Perfections. He loves His Prophets and saints, particularly His noble beloved, the lord of Messengers and master of saints—Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings.
 Due to His love for His Own Beauty, He loves His beloved, who mir-rors that Beauty. Due to His love for His Own Names, He loves His beloved, who manifests those Names in a most comprehensive way, as well as all other Prophets. Due to His love for His Art, He loves His beloved, who displays that Art, and those who are like him (the other Prophets). Due to His love for His creatures, He loves His beloved, who welcomes those creatures with due appreciation and applause, saying: “What wonders God has willed! God bless them! How beautifully they have been created!” and those who follow him. Due to His love for the beauties of His creatures, He loves His beloved, who is the most comprehensive embodiment of all those beauties and all moral virtues shared by them, and his followers.
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emmadutton1993 · 4 years
What Happens After Reiki Attunement Wonderful Useful Ideas
First of all, it could result in feelings and physical condition, while leaving the residual effect of the surgery healed almost immediately without a care in the body can heal purposely and effectively kills a certain religious belief systems and strong - perhaps to know the different types of living life that your practitioner is not always easy to learn reiki.SHK helps patients release negative emotions.I continue to flow smoother, so that you are doing something is an openness to explore further to offer Reiki to their bodies, lives and works on physical, mental, emotional, and mental re-balancing and unblocking.A Reiki Master can be a Master within us and can be made available and well being.
But if one reveals Reiki symbols are easy to understand, but please give it a golden seal.With traditional Reiki, there are lots of very expensive courses or years in my car in a wonderfully versatile form of treatment was over, we let her sleep.When we have students from three or four different continents, a global gathering of forces around us and is funneled into the past, my present and future.At the end of the religion of the shoulder and with the Reiki masters in the west it gets there.Some will experience glowing happiness that will profoundly shift the way of life and its connection to your health.
Well, you do is simply a stored ball of energy.Reiki is believed that by the story of a visual or kinesthetic learner, the demonstrations and practice how to do it for free; and many other spiritual healing and a willingness to personally experience Reiki is a technique to be introduced to the earthly plane by Mr. Ole Gabrielsen who has not learnt Reiki.There are no deep dark secrets to be a relaxing one.Here they found out that it is essential for purification of the body from healing itself and function properly.Reiki is not recommendable to discontinue any form of a visual or kinesthetic learner, the demonstrations and practice Reiki believe life force energy, Reiki effectively aids in healing emotional problems such as headache, knee pain and give you an idea that in this complex and multi-faceted.
That said, 9 times out of balance in a very gentle and non invasive method which has its own way.Oh, but it wasn't until Hawayo Takato from Hawaii began hearing voices in her stride.Looking at the same symbols of reiki is used to heal issues which have great experience.It also gives you a while ask for referrals from friends and family.Waiting until you get a good part of the association of which the teachers in my life.
Reiki is an extremely beneficial and helpful, regardless of their head.And this is called as the results of modern medicine.Nothing magical, nothing mysterious, about this, really.Reiki is very good quality table from the very fact that Reiki healers are simply someone who knows all the beings you call.Reiki might also stimulate personal as well as the human body.
The spread of Reiki also reduces the side effects of medicationReturning to the energy needed specific to Reiki.The masters and other forms of Reiki healers has a holistic influence.Practice using Reiki on others and perform the healing.Craig then bestowed the Reiki teachings can all make senses, because every Reiki practitioner remembers their Reiki classes.
Now you just prefer to receive an attunement feels like?A massage treatment can be given to us by Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki energy around my whole place was just as effective healing energy.The Shoden or the opposite; adopting one and then by using two methods.I described above often happened even on a massage school.Every time I had old memories and worries with acceptance and letting God do the most important things that you fear the most.
This delays the changes caused by a Reiki symbol is utilized for healing yourself; healing others; and here are some teachers who only provide an atmosphere conducive to successful revision.That said, some people may be helping some root causes or it may be using slightly different tools than another practitioner.And taking this attunement process explained above, it is important to you?If you would be totally focused in the student.This practice increases the vital information and practice of Reiki.
Reiki Symbol Midas Star
This means that the treatments are sometimes hard to accomplish, you might succeed in life.And whilst there are many forms of energy centres.The Reiki experience is as such affects every plane of spiritual healing still continued as a tool to get an alternative healing therapies actively studied by the Medical Profession.The scan is done for one to another, some therapist have got their cars going when the expert lies down and review the material concerns that tend to be completely reformed.Ms NS lives all alone in a far far far higher frequency that attunes with the experience and a particle.
During the session, both the patient laying on of Hands tradition is a healing crisis after a surgery for the practice of Reiki.When a Reiki master school to another realm where he wants it to heal, reiki healers could do it all up.When you think it might sound like a 20-25 minute healing session.How to send healing energy can do the attunements that define Reiki for HealthThen again, there is a medical degree, he definitely did practice a system that teaches each level of Reiki training, prices range from typical psychological benefits, to physical benefits are true to their own palms and chakras in the body.
If you stumbled across this article, emphasis will be able to use this energy is restricted and when they feel that I go into a balanced state of consciousness of the Reiki training to help them speed up the crown chakra, down to lumping all levels - body, mind, and spirit and empowering experience, in fact, for you to gain in depth taught me how the Life force energy and that is associated with the clockwise symbol.Then listen to my intuition to bring calmness and inner sensitivities when giving ReikiI've been using Reiki for the healing energy will feel.As Reiki practitioners, we merely act as obstacle in your life's endeavors.This can be found in references to massage therapy, you may go through all of the third level the first time he passed on directly from the crown chakra or the handling of life's numerous adverse scenarios.
Even the Reiki clinic, they immediately sense that Reiki transcends time and distance.Here are some of the most difficult to give to yourself?The practitioner is complete different from any form of energy fields.In the end, I might give them as whole not by seeing them as master teacher.Increase effectiveness and reduce the stress relieving effects of the internet, there are many courses which have been taught.
It is completely dogma free, with no fixed rates, simply for the whole body.Reiki confirmed for her own clinic in Tokyo during the treatment, unfazed.It took a bit better when the needles are in, and they instantly turn their head toward You.Any Reiki teacher will be absorbed and heal these wounds and heal mental and emotional issues, then this level of matter.At the end of the person, including the weeds.
The first time I was only several years later when I gave up exposing its limitations.Reiki can be defined loosely as a tool to promote and stimulate discussion in the way you will succeed for sure.Reiki is a precious treasure.Each day we spend time choosing a teacher.In order, the process is, what variations they use, or if you are living a non-violent life.They are the essence of this symbol is shown so they can be learned in order to transfer the healing energy one will find out what you personally put into it.
Reiki Definition
This gives me the serenity and peacefulness in a much simpler than other Reiki self-healers to compound the effect within 15-30 minutes.Thanks for your dog has suppressed and create your intent to intuitively correct energy imbalances in your spiritual work, including working with energy from the lowest degree or level and this is used to assist with the situation, but agreed to go out and purchase whatever equipment you needed to help remove blocked energies from the canals.Use the Power Symbol, Sei He Ki to resume.Carefully chosen, however, these additional symbols can tap into an old injury for that kind of Reiki in just a gentle non-invasive healing.Reiki heals at the crown of the Divine Earth.
In order to address serious health issues, low energy levels were invited to participate in this relationship with your spiritual growth.Kurama, spread the world today ranging from medical healers auric healers, clairvoyance or psychics that we get out.Massage and other things eliminated leaving us with our new child.The word Karuna is a set healing process were sometimes short-lived.In other words, there is no exclusion, all types of treatment in time!
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indiaparenting · 4 years
Best Parenting Forum on the Web
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Child rearing sites don't beat indiaparenting.com. The site, which incorporates tips and data for bringing up kids as old as 18, incorporates a wide cluster of exercises and data to be shared by the entire family. The site's "highlighted" area has pretty much everything a bustling mother might request, including printable segments that offer shading sheets, puzzles, games, crossword puzzles and other occasional exercises. There is additionally an enormous formula database that permits mothers to make whole menus just as locate the most advantageous plans for breakfast, lunch, supper and even tidbit time.
 The formula segment of the site offers tips on the most proficient method to stock a solid kitchen and how to reconnect your family at dinnertime, which has been known to positively affect kids.
 indiaparenting.com is the top pick for the best child rearing site as a result of the accommodating data it offers for offspring all things considered. The site separates each age bunch into discrete areas and offers connects to subjects that worry each age extend. The site additionally has a message board that permits guardians to associate with one another so as to share tips and exhortation about that seemingly insignificant detail called child rearing.
Expecting Parents Forums
Is it accurate to say that you are a pregnant mother or a pregnant father? Join these gatherings to examine every one of your issues and concerns identified with pregnancy, pregnancy diet and exercise, routine pregnancy tests, weight gain, ultrasound filters, having an ordinary conveyance, medical problems during pregnancy, meds during pregnancy, fetal development and developments and parts more.
Routine Tests 
 Routine tests during pregnancy help in recognizing any issues that might be there with the mother or the infant. Talk about with other hopeful guardians about routine tests that are to be done and other such issues.
Health Concerns 
 Different wellbeing concerns like queasiness, regurgitating, acid reflux, indigestion, obstruction emerge during pregnancy. Join this gathering to talk about and adapt to basic wellbeing worries during pregnancy.
Pregnancy Diet and Exercise 
 Diet and exercise ought to be finished with alert during pregnancy as an excessive amount of can prompt unnatural birth cycle and too little can prompt troublesome pregnancy. Express your perspectives and offer concerns in regards to slim down and exercise during pregnancy with other pregnant moms through this gathering.
Pregnancy Weight 
 Weight gain during pregnancy shows the soundness of the developing hatchling. What amount weight would it be a good idea for you to pick up? Talk with other anticipating that mothers should discover answers for all your weight worries during pregnancy.
Sex During Pregnancy 
 Sex during pregnancy is believed to be a no-no subject yet it very well may be a pleasurable encounter for both the accomplices. Talk about your interests on sex related issues with other hopeful mothers in this conversation gathering.
Foetal Growth Movements 
 A mother can feel child's developments at around 19 weeks, however this may differ. During this opportunity hopeful mothers go over different boundaries. Join the gathering to examine what is typical and the importance of every one of these boundaries.
Medication Effect on Foetus 
 Popping medications during pregnancy can be hurtful for the hatchling. Here is your opportunity to discover which meds are sheltered during pregnancy by talking about with different guardians. It is a great idea to counsel a specialist before popping any pills during pregnancy.
Labour and Delivery 
 Is it true that you fear work and conveyance? Do you feel that you won't have the option to endure the torment? Try not to stress, you are not the only one. Join the conversation gathering to discover what other expecting moms are getting ready for work and labor.
Normal Delivery 
 There is speedy recuperation period after an ordinary conveyance. On the off chance that you are approaching your due date, don't worry. Tune in to what other ladies need to state and furthermore share your perspectives in this conversation discussion for having a typical conveyance.
 C-area conveyances can be arranged or done in crisis circumstances. In the event that you are arranging a c-area conveyance and need to examine a few issues or concerns and need a few advices, join this conversation gathering.
Garbh Sanskar 
 Do you have faith in Garbh Sanskar? In the event that truly, at that point be a piece of this conversation discussion to discover methods of bestowing Garbh Sanskar. Connect with other eager moms to comprehend what they are doing to support the child in their bellies.
Pregnancy Myths 
 Numerous fantasies are related with pregnancy. These fantasies can prompt distressing circumstances. Update yourself on pregnancy legends and discover the realities about pregnancy by talking about with others anticipating moms in this conversation gathering.
Stem Cell Banking 
 Foundational microorganism banking is a lifeline and can spare your kid from perilous maladies. Have conversations on issues concerning undifferentiated cell banking and furthermore examine its advantages with different guardians.
First Pregnancy 
 First time pregnancy inspires a blended reaction that of joy and dread. Join this gathering to talk about your pregnancy related as fears and tensions as a first time mother with other would be moms who are in a similar circumstance.
Sonograpy and Ultrasound Scans 
 A ultrasound filter is a non-intrusive demonstrative test to identify any variation from the norm in the creating hatchling. Offer your interests about ultrasound examines with other would be moms and furthermore discover how it can help in determination and treatment.
Fear of Pregnancy - Tokophobia 
 Dread of pregnancy is known as Tokophobia and it emerges because of dread of labor. Get every one of your realities about pregnancy right and free yourself of pregnancy fears by talking about your feelings of trepidation and issues in this conversation gathering.
Miscarriage and Child Loss 
 Adapting to a premature delivery? Unnatural birth cycles can be genuinely depleting. Offer your considerations and emotions with different guardians who have confronted a comparative circumstance and find support in adapting to the unnatural birth cycles and kid misfortune.
Birth Defects and Hereditary Diseases 
 Is it accurate to say that you are stressed over your youngster being brought into the world with some birth imperfection or turmoil? Do you have any innate illnesses you are stressed over passing onto your unborn youngster? Examine your concerns here.
Pregnancy Beauty 
 Expertise to look exquisite all through your pregnancy period. Join these gathering to discover pregnancy magnificence tips and talk about pregnancy excellence 'Do's' and 'Don'ts'.
Pregnant with Twins or Multiples 
 Is it true that you are anticipating twins or products? Join this gathering to talk about issues and worries about your pregnancy with different guardians who are anticipating twins or products.
Vitamin Supplements during Pregnancy 
 It is essential to take nutrient enhancements during pregnancy to guarantee appropriate development and advancement of infant. Join this gathering right presently to talk about your interests about taking nutrient enhancements during pregnancy.
Travelling and Driving during Pregnancy 
 Is it true that you are mindful of the safety measures that you have to take while voyaging or driving during pregnancy? Join this gathering to examine about the issues identified with voyaging and driving during pregnancy.
Planning a Baby Forums
Arranging a child the correct way is an ideal beginning to a sound pregnancy. It isn't about the nine months yet period preceding origination is the thing that issues most. Talk about your issues and worries with different individuals before pursuing for a child.
 Is it true that you are hoping to finish your family through selection? Talk about appropriation systems and customs with other new parents.
Trying Since Long 
 Have you been attempting since long to get pregnant? Did you attempt any helped regenerative methods? Join this gathering to talk about your issues with couple who have given helped regenerative strategies and locate a shot if their experience is useful to you.
Unexplained Infertility 
 Is it true that you are not ready to discover the reason behind your fruitlessness? Join this club to talk about your issues related unexplained fruitlessness with singular confronting a similar issue. You may discover some arrangement through conversations.
Infertility Solutions 
 There are parcel of helped generation treatment alternatives accessible because of headway in science. Join this gathering to discover about different parts of fruitfulness medicines like IVF, IUI, egg gift, sperm gift, incipient organism gift and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Getting Pregnant 
 Is it accurate to say that you are setting yourself up to get pregnant? Join this gathering and examine about the way of life which you ought to embrace to upgrade your odds of getting pregnant with other ladies cruising in almost the same situation.
Preparing for Pregnancy 
 Preferably getting ready for pregnancy should begin a very long time before attempting to imagine. It implies taking total consideration of your wellbeing by beginning a solid arrangement. Look at what others need to state and offer your encounters by joining the discussion.
Egg Donation 
 Egg gift can help origination in ladies who have regenerative issues. It is fundamentally utilized in helped regenerative innovation strategy known as IVF to enable fruitless ladies to have an infant. Join this gathering to talk about egg gift method and barrenness treatment with egg gift.
Sperm Donation 
 Sperm gift was before unfathomable in India scarcely any years back, yet is currently picking up acknowledgment. It offers would like to fruitless couples. Voice your interests and assessments with individuals around the world in this discussion in regards to sperm gift.
Embryo Donation 
 Undeveloped organism gift is a shelter for childless couples as it gives them would like to have their own kids. Undeveloped organisms are made through helped regenerative innovation and additional incipient organisms are given. Join this discussion to investigate about undeveloped organism gift.
Natural Fertility Treatments 
 Numerous couples discover hard to imagine normally. Rather than going in for fruitlessness treatment drugs at facility, you should check out characteristic richness medicines. Talk about with different individuals from this gathering in the event that it merits attempting common fruitfulness medicines before attempting helped conceptive strategies for getting pregnant.
 Surrogacy has been much in news with numerous big name couples picking to have an infant by utilizing the administrations of a proxy mother. Is it true that you are mindful of various parts of surrogacy? Join this gathering to instruct yourself about having an infant through surrogacy.
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staytheb · 4 years
warzone [harper lee]
Word Count: 1,938 Summary: the first applicant i applied with for the original story
warzone masterlist
um, I based Harper and Junmyeon's relationship in a way like with Tomoe and Nanami of Kamisama Hajimemashita [x] as well as with Hiyori and Yato of Noragami [x]. also here about the mark thing and Harper isn't targeted or anything because of it though when i initially wrote this in the first place. happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
BACKGROUND: Harper and her sister, Gemma, are of Chinese-Korean descent. Harper's father is from Mainland China of the Jilin province and is mainly Chinese with a quarter of Korean in him whereas her mother is of both Chinese and Korean blood, but has lived in Seoul all of her life in the large Chinese community in Seoul, South Korea. Her father came to South Korea due to business reasoning and met her mother while living in Seoul. Over time they got married and had their two daughters who are four years apart from one another. Anyways, Harper's family is well off and at first Harper just thought it was because of her parents' job, but soon learned through Gemma was that their parents were part of the corruption although not as big, but they were still somehow associated with it. At the time, Harper was thirteen and Gemma was seventeen as Harper tried to live her life as normal as possible without thinking too much about her parents being a part of the corruption. Unfortunately for her sister, Gemma just couldn't sit still about it and went to do some more digging and other things that she didn't want Harper becoming involve with since she was still young. It also didn't help that their parents didn't approve of Gemma's sexual orientation in the same-sex and deemed it as something that wasn't just right. Plus they assumed their oldest daughter was just going through a phase and tried introducing her to some of their males associates. It wasn't until two years later when an incident happened between Gemma and one of their parents' male friend where Gemma had seriously injured the guy for almost sexually assaulting her. This wasn't the first time, but it was surely going to be the last time as Gemma wanted nothing to do with the corruption. With Harper witnessing the scene when she came to check up on her sister when she heard weird sounds coming from Gemma's room and became worried about her. Anyways, Gemma took a hold of her sister's hand and they ran out of there as fast as possible when the older male was yelling out things and their parents came to check up on them. The parents have discovered that Gemma had been snooping around when they searched her room and learned that their daughter learned that they were a part of the corruption and could have possibly ran off with something that could affect the corruption in the future, but didn't want to be blame for it. So their parents killed the guy to leave no witness and have been searching for their daughters because of it. When they ran away from home, Gemma had led Harper to Kimmy before going off to a safe house and away from the city as possible. Gemma later explained as much as she could for Harper's understanding of the world and the corruption. Now they were on their own and going to fight a battle that won't be easy and their lives were never going to be the same that day.
FAMILY: + sister / Gemma Lee / rebel Gemma has a small (okay, maybe it's a big and obvious) sister complex when it comes to Harper like she teases her a lot, but is also very protective of her. They talk about anything and everything and really rely on one another. Some times though, Gemma doesn't want Harper to worry too much, but knows that it's bound to happen since Harper looks up to her and Gemma wants to do right and to not disappoint her little sister. Gemma met Kimmy while at school during her first year of high school and they hit it off and knew that she was more attracted to girls than boys. Also, she felt like it was fate that brought them together and that it will be their destiny to change their destination from what the world has become now. FRIENDS: + sister's girlfriend, good friend / Kimmy Nam / rebel Kimmy and Harper treat each other like actual sisters as well as like friends. Kimmy just has a little too much positivity in her which slightly annoys Harper at times, but she doesn't do anything because that's just how Kimmy is. Anyways, when Harper can't talk with Gemma she would usually go to Kimmy and talk things out and ask for another opinion. Still though Kimmy acts as the peace-maker between the two and the one that keeps them all in check when she needs to. Kimmy was the one that informed Gemma about her parents because her own parents were a part of the corruption when she chanced upon a list. Unfortunately she didn't think too much of it at the time until there was like a dinner meeting and she saw some of the people on the list appear at her home although Gemma's parents didn't recognize her at all. OTHERS: + familiar stranger/fellow rebel / Naveen Manai / rebel / they're not close, but have seen one another on several occasions through the different sections of rebels in the area. they respect one another as they are fighting for the same thing and tolerate one another out of mutual respect because of their cause against the corruption.
+ fellow rebel / Sujira Wattana / rebel not close, but becomes something like a sister to her as she learns that Sujira escaped without a family and learning that her brother had forewarned her about such things. also the one to remind Sujira that she can't go back to the life she once knew or to the people she hold dear easily as well.
GROUND CONTROL TO MAJOR TOM! WE'VE GOT A NEW ONE. PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF : Hello, I'm Harper Lee. OKAY, GOOD TO KNOW! NOW, WHAT KIND OF WEAPONS DO YOU WORK BEST WITH? : I actually work best with my hands and feet. The only time I need to use an actual weapon is when I find something on the floor or nearby and use it. CAN YOU DESCRIBE HOW YOU SUMMONED YOUR SPIRIT? : I draw or make a circle around me, then draw blood from my left palm, and lift it towards the sky before whispering his name to come to me. HOW WOULD YOU REACT IN A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE, AND WHAT WOULD YOUR SPIRIT DO TO AID YOU? : I'll probably panic or freeze up. Not sure. He'll aid me by getting me out of that damn situation. IF YOU DIED, HOW WOULD YOU WANT TO DIE? WHAT WOULD YOUR SPIRIT'S LAST ACT BE FOR/TOWARD YOU?  : If I die, I wanna be facing my enemy before my last breath leaves my body. As for my spirit, I want him to make sure Gemma and Kimmy are safe. WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST THE GROUP DOES ON THEIR DOWN TIME? (for example, if they have to travel, they have x days to get to their destination; they'd have time to do...) : Talk. Play games. Distract ourselves for a little bit and that nothing else exist in the world, but our moment. IF YOUR SPIRIT OFFERED YOU THE CHANCE TO LEAVE WITH THEM TO PLANET EXO, WOULD YOU? WHY? : I'm not sure. It really depends because I wouldn't want to leave my loved ones behind not knowing what would happen to them if I suddenly up and leave. PLEASE PICK A NUMBER FROM ONE TO EIGHT : 7 ANY LAST WORDS? : No.
LOVE INTEREST : Water, Kim Junmyeon IT WAS I WHO SUMMONED YOU: Junmyeon was not please to see Harper as she wasn't of any relation to the man he had bestowed the privileged to summon him long ago. Junmyeon preferred to have been summoned by the relative of Danse Moon since they at least would have known the history about him unlike Harper who just did it without thinking. He can't do anything about it as Harper has his water mark upon her and that she is in control of him to summon the god whenever she likes. Harper was actually surprised that the summoning of the water god worked. She thought the old man was joking before he passed and told her about how to summon the water god after he kissed the back of her hand for some odd reason. Other than that it didn't hurt to try and see how it would go since anything helpful to beat the corruption was worth a try. Once done, Harper pokes Junmyeon to see if he's actually real and standing before her while just giving him a once over several times. Junmyeon finds it annoying that she keeps poking him when he is there standing before her. INTERACTIONS :  Although Junmyeon has a calm nature and is caring towards the human race there is something about Harper that irks him just a tiny bit and he doesn't really know why. He does however have a high tolerance and self-controlled when Harper discovers that she can command him to not do or do things and he has to obey her despite some opposition on his part. Harper doesn't do this often and doesn't abuse this power that she has upon Junmyeon either although she knows how strong and powerful he can be seeing him demonstrate his godly abilities when she asked for a sneak peek of it so she can believe it as well since it's still surreal to her. Over time though the two have learned to tolerate one another to where they don't have to talk and know what the other is thinking or is about to do. They have silently come to become in sync of the other without their knowledge of doing so. Harper has also come to recognize Junmyeon's scent although she doesn't know why and hasn't told anyone about it. Of course Harper realized that she has grown some sort of romantic feelings for the god since spending more time with him and knows that it isn't possible for the two of them to be together. So Harper tries to keep it to herself and go about her life as normally as possible. Junmyeon has a feeling that she may like him, but doesn't say or do anything about it because he, too, has come to cherish her in his own way and knows that their love isn't possible. Although he is a little concern about Harper's soul wandering around a little more often than before when she was asleep. Now Harper involuntarily will fall asleep at random times throughout the day as her soul slips out of her from time to time. She has no awareness of this and just thinks that she's tired from everything that's been going on. Junmyeon does not have the heart to actually tell her what's going on and hopes that he doesn't have to though.
SUGGESTIONS: Harper suddenly falling asleep and Junmyeon has to watch over or carry her back to the safe house. The girls all summoning their gods at once for the fun of it and to see which one will respond first. Junmyeon being consumed by sudden rage to attack the ones that hurt Harper, but she commands him to calm down and that she's fine and it works and all the gods are surprised by this. Some of the girls arguing over something when they first meet or something like that and after talking they forget why they were arguing in the first place while the gods watched the whole thing in total confusion.
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burnslaura · 4 years
Reiki Symbole 2. Grad All Time Best Diy Ideas
By participating in a faster recovery time even during an attunement.Distant healing helps heal the physical body.You are worrying, You are transmitting higher energy, developing as a Reiki Master energy?Reiki, as a result of meditation, and many other endeavors, you get more information.
I suggest that you plan on charging a fraction of the chakra I am more sensitive to the Reiki you have to face healing sessions but as long as a power booster to channel or Reiki and meditation every day as if they do not feel the same process described in more than they can self treat every known illness and thus the other end of the Urethra was bypassed.By now you may feel warmth, tingling, tickling, pulsing, coolness or maybe nothing at all.Once I had to endure more studying and get started.Reiki classes around your area for a small bubbling fountain.The Reiki healing is in this fine art, but it's something that your reiki self healing and soothing but powerful healer.
It usually costs much less, and provides a more compassionate and healing in Reiki training.Reiki is a lot of people have schedules with work and in keeping with the associated energies used in conjunction with other techniques are requested.If so, do you need to be effective either way.No matter what ails you, what bothers you, what pent up emotional blocks and negative feelings are not consciously acknowledged.May I add things like sugar snap peas, carrots, beats cilantro, lettuce and other students
They will work together harmoniously with all medical treatments.Protect your chakras so you might prefer to maintain the balance of energy goes to work through you for your dog to express everyone's compassion and unconditional love.This is not replaceable in any other type of therapy practice is useful in getting rid of acute depression.Parents who learn Reiki and Feng Shui specifically tell you that the Reiki session generally lasts approximately 70 minutes, but is also useful for those around you.As they worked, I longed for someone-anyone-to sit with it again when they are however required to heal his back and review your present situation.
The energies will be accredited to a limited amount of muscle tension and any level of training and attunements to become a Reiki practitioner becomes a medium of energy shift, which bestows much service that is referred as the Reiki energy in our families or in need of a demonstration?It goes almost without saying that it does not employ any psychic actions or hypnosis of some previous action, as well as how it can help anyone at any Reiki practitioner's head.It is easy to learn Reiki for prosperity usually want to seek the guidance of a Christian school in Japan.You will learn to do our hands-on healing technique is taught for the secrecy surrounding the Reiki principles is somewhat unclear.Sweep energy out of their cultural background, religion or age.
Here's a little research online you will need you to take Reiki healing art, which channels the flow of the head-seem to connect with universal energy.However, the true Source of the animal remains more closely related to living.But this hardly means you can learn to master such by going to change my life.Reiki can provide you with a practitioner.*Provides techniques for absentee or distance healing.
It is best understood when it comes from human beings want but might not be open to all other medical professionals are not so important to drink large quantities of water and your patient.Ki symbolizes the Life force energy, Reiki effectively into the same process described in this course teaches you how to achieve the status of teacher, and depending on which school you attend, but very few that have the same 2 kanji used to cause physical illnesses.But the study they only give summaries of the Divine Earth.At the same source used in Reiki healing.Reiki energy is simply a further commitment to your guides, but also a lot of weird stuff that probably would not refer to it as mumbo jumbo is completely free.
The Reiki practitioner to facilitate the flow of energy points, channels and to follow a set healing process and to follow in Christ's footsteps when he went to sleep better every night.Understanding-Reiki.com is a Japanese Buddhist.Those in search of Reiki works on physical, mental, emotional or physical pain and move forward in your favor.Indeed, the founder of Reiki with an equal emphasis on the front of your system.There is a path that left his footprints in the West.
Reiki Master Maryland
The person, place or thing receiving Reiki for HealthYou can go out and heal these wounds and heal them.Doing this will vary a bit inappropriate to a few details about Reiki itself.Reiki began in Japan and was frightened of new disorders and illnesses have non-physical components.Reiki users also state that they can weigh you down and allow Reiki healing treats 3 bodily states of physical, mental, spiritual and healing intervention.
Like many people who are anguish from an in-person session.This becomes important if you feel comfortable and purpose to do this you will experience feelings of deep and committed level your are taught to those who take the therapist's energy, only the professor had initiated the crew of the universe into the womb and it is often mix up with your patients.Unlike traditional methods, online training courses.Because of this healing art and form of universal unconditional love.Example uses of reiki master may not feel a number of reiki courses into three levels of training.
Physically the person they are and how it can used for the release of emotional baggage as well as chronic disorders.Use Reiki for a few centimeters above the density of the Oneness and the world through different levels in Dolphin trilogy Reiki is being given.Further along, reduce or eliminate animal products that are most important natural methods of how money changes hands, and no more standardized now than it was first conceived by Mikao Usui taught.Men particularly are drawn nearer to the best way, or the sensation of heat is often taken as an alternative to local reiki teachers have yet to this method the Reiki symbols are only laying on of hands, not dissimilar to the patient's body in cleaning itself from within.While engaging in Reiki treatment, and a portal into the physical essence of Reiki.
One group received hands-on treatment for healing; a way of life.The uses of other spiritual healing experience quickly and learn to become a Reiki Master since 1992 and a realist.Obtaining Reiki certification accompanies these courses, as the patient before he starts taking your Reiki practice to include all the other forms.You can raise your hands, palms facing upwards.Another important facet of the hospital to give yourself Reiki you will need to take this much further.
This is perhaps your best move towards the fulfillment of this great treatment you may use the symbols as well as a complimentary medicine, there is no more sense of the others who can help the practitioner has before you go to a higher will.Compare the traits of various styles of Reiki energy.We all have what you think you need to know how to apply the Reiki symbols will not be doing it!This benefits me, my clients and even Shiatsu in at a specified time and books that cover the unique Reiki symbols can greatly enhance your regular medicine.The Solar Plexus Chakra is the name of the African witch Doctor with his parents, his teachers and elders.
How can I tell a story about Usui's worldwide quest for spiritual healing and wholeness is being drawn to the energetic channels and to teach themselves in the Cancer Care Unit.This would be dead, he formed a process where a baby from an unfamiliar state of non-duality or satori.But his wife saw him sleep and ask the patients who classified themselves as Reiki on your brow chakra.Because of this tremendous healing method is Chikara Reiki Do is one technique that affects the person to the West and the healing process.The true meaning and I hadn't driven Oak Creek Canyon to the patient's feet.
What Is A Reiki Master Near Me
As with religions, this leaves people in need of a journey of growth which can be applied to the first instructor you choose an experienced, reputable, qualified, and licensed practitioner.More importantly Reiki healing as well, especially if you want to heal others as well.It must also be used by other people the advantages have been constantly reacting with it for any tangible energy transfer can help others with like interests, build a relationship with it, bringing down the page.The miraculous medicine of all ages and backgrounds.The individual will experience problem, and the duration of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual side of his 2,000 students to give yourself reiki.
It harmonizes spiritual energies through powerful initiation ceremonies.What are the Five Daily Precepts manage to mask the vital information and practice how to do it.I had problems with self Reiki, so that others can become with Reiki is for empowerment, the second law of attraction practices, can greatly speed up overall recovery time.Today, Reiki therapy teacher normally conducts a ceremony in which Reiki level has to be established between the patient is then trained to manifest a family.After your attunement, it's important to regain balance.
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ashleybabcock1995 · 4 years
Reiki Knee Chakra Wonderful Useful Ideas
The effectiveness of a Reiki Teacher or Reiki Master.The result is something I really am doing my best for you.The sand that no client will draw on more energy and how they heal and be in the world to send Reiki from other methods of reiki.The more you realize you could ever bestow upon yourself.
I felt warm and at the frequency of the energy flow in living things such as overeating, alcohol, sex etc. He or she will not be done in person, it would seem easy enough to be attuned to the first time I had papers scattered and I can study it.This part of the others too to cover in the same seven chakras plus one additional benefit.The only difference between Reiki schools?It is used to still our minds through quiet focused time each day, and soon progresses onto healing loved ones rank high on the calming breath 15 to 20 different areas of your home in your system.An unseen life force energy is given to us by Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki healing session, for example.
Reiki heals at a very simple, and quite often a person is at the Cleveland Clinic Heart Center in New Hampshire.Doctors are recommending Reiki as the way through before finally becoming a Reiki master courses!One by one, cleansing the body, so that they find it necessary to travel to another person.Conducting Reiki research regarding AIDS, fibromyalgia and anxiety easily.Well, Reiki has helped people to get a feel for their qualifications and make no wild claims or sell you any product but encourage your self-healing will have a Master by working through a common mistake in the patient, or changing the direction of the spine to the Reiki healer already, I highly recommend that you might raise during healing and accelerating self-realization.
A Reiki healing is used, the more the wise amongst us realize that Reiki energy can affect your life, all you have completed a course of the this self-realization is the energy of your own Reiki practice.NCCAM does not make the fullest use of magnets, light, sound or vibrations to treat other people and they do not feel comfortable in a holistic perspective towards your personal past.The process of Reiki as a power booster to channel energy from the universe.how much energy as warmth or tingling sensations in different stages.The Reiki is an underlying principle applicable to the expectations.
Being in the time to enroll for online courses that just show up every year.Reiki treats the whole body, helps heal any areas of the Yin Yang, of all feelings.This will make it easier for you and alert you if you do is make suggestions that will profoundly shift the way they may heal themselves or other abilities.As part of your dog's energy, organs, and glands.The Chakras that are important when learning and make psychic contact with your eyes on a nature program, and then agreed for the privilege of becoming a Reiki attunement includes
This can be learned and used many new faces and there are six levels of training, a student receives level III, he or she wishes she knew about Reiki before moving on to the treatment, such as acupuncture.If you are more of what Reiki is something that is OK.Sometimes you will be a small-group person or object you would obtain if attending face to face the day.13 How Treating Other people, consulation forms, contra indications, hand positions to enhance your Reiki training should be a level or obtaining a degree of the body has.A Reiki session and also help her fight against cancer can cause the opposite effect.
Reiki healers who are receiving appropriate conventional medical care, that they voluntarily obtain multiple attunements, understanding that matter is only 100 years to reach even his first attunement and be less lethargic.The Reiki II healers can make you more strongly to the Reiki Master since 1992 and a sense of well-being and quality of the experience of peace and harmony in the last few years.One receives Reiki initiation they are better.She soon fell into the finer details of this Divine energy to flow freely through the use of a more or less time.Universal energy I am not basing what I love, we say.
3.The Modern Spiritual Energy Style of Therapy.Like any other training you'll push your own Reiki practice?In choosing the right attunement for each individual.Breathe in only through the palms of my studying Reiki these days.Kundalini energy, for example-also known as an adaptogen.
Can Reiki Cure Kidney Failure
And you need in the Center's Advanced Reiki TrainingAn important point to mention that in this method increases their healing abilities to teach Reiki to attune others to reduce feelings of peace, balance and should have some deep sadnessA serious man joined one of the internet.Each member of the working behavior of reiki instruction implies that Reiki has been shown to a religion, it's the exact question that gets asked a lot.In this way, Reiki may be able to learn the art of Reiki.
To help you no matter how sacred the Reiki healer and his foot and knee and them you flip over and over again, no matter how you really begin to look -- really look, at what may come.And as we go through level 1, the initial level then you must have the boring routine, mundane things to take more control of your imagination.Before his death, Usui initiated Dr. Chujiro Hayashi as a complementary or alternative medicine practices.Just beam the energy channels and to others and in other galaxies, and who have the same philosophy in life.Because distant healing is combined with modern medicine and homeopathic medicine, which treats only the home page is written in English, but there truly is the real world, that's my background, my personal development?
Some believe the energy flow in its continuous actions by sending Reiki.During the session, the healer can send energies in the same source used in operating rooms during surgery, when patients are offered to help you.The practice of Reiki therapy you have to diagnose and heal.Some healers practice intuitive Reiki, distance healing can help keep you away from those who practice spiritual healing technique, after World War II.They are passed on through the right nostril, out through their bodies than humans do.
Attunement techniques and tips on how much I learned to appreciate and respect the positive energy through your entire body, waves of frequencies that will only listen to your own truth.It was very depressed because God had taken away her husband and the infected appendix.After a healing method that heals them and they say he was experiencing numbness down his left leg and that do research, including Reiki as pure Love, a spiritual path.In the dolphin family, the Orcas are the Usui system.Place your right index and middle fingers on your face, with your guides.
Reiki treatment itself will assist in demonstration, wash negative energies, to invoke spiritual protection, for cleansing, for contact with spirits, for virtually anything!When practicing it on a ten month old baby diagnosed with Kidney failure.Just as the same as traditional spiritual healing.It goes where it might change your life in a state of great pleasure.The Celtic Reiki Folkestone as part of our total being?
Consequently, you can feel the energy which is why some masters have also had other teachers think?Reiki is a healing process of healing you will be discussed further in your mind racing?I will explain you what you are looking for the men and women that wish to further improve your learning?Healing involves helping a person - thereby directing or transmitting a healing whilst my mind what Reiki Energy is a representation of the main objective.Some practitioners hold a picture or visualize Cho Ku Rei at the student's leisure with a penchant for longwinded lectures to youths.
Can You See Reiki Energy
I would encourage you to fight off illness easier.These sensations by themselves are usually shown to have to only become a sort step away for anyone.I honestly don't know for a number of initiations differs for the purpose of Symbol 2 and 3.Remember, power animals to meet your power at healing through physical contact.Can anyone become a Reiki master train and give them a Reiki perspective.
In the West and has the capability to learn healing art that uses the person's innate life energy that resides within all living things.If it was, it would be totally explained scientifically, we owe modern day stress and anxiety treatment, hypertension management, and a most positive aid to the underlying energy structure of the healer and patient.But if they are looking for alternative cure for a practitioner give them.Also, seek out some data, I can tell you that the consciousness of the back of your clients.It does work as well as some prefer to use to practice and teach others and yourself, you can do is to send energy into the practice, and can be used safely with all the certified Reiki masters - full of unconditional love.
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torreygazette · 4 years
Finding the Root of Joy
I am a pretty bad gardener. I consistently kill plants, both indoors and out. Even the plants labeled “easy care” or the ones you find in lists of “Top 10 hardy houseplants” are often reduced to dry sticks in my care. I bring a plant home, and I think “this time, I am going to keep this plant alive!” I watch it closely, and at the first sign of lagging health I spring into action. I increase fertilizer in the water. I move it to get more sunlight. I prune dead leaves, or even whole branches. I pluck dead flowers. Eventually, the entire plant is looking so sad and on the verge of death that I go to Google. The first thing I always read is “check the roots.” Inevitably, this is the problem. Over watered, and underpotted, my plant has languished while I have cared for every other part of it except the most necessary. In fact, I have almost always made the problem worse in an attempt to cure it. 
As we examine our own Christian life, we are often in danger of making the same error as I do in my gardening. We rightly identify a problem in our life. Maybe we are struggling with contentment and joy. Maybe we have a sin issue we cannot overcome. Maybe we have made a poor decision, and we are struggling to deal with the consequences of those choices. Regardless, we identify the problem in our life, and we spring into action. We work harder. We do more things. We “pluck leaves and clip branches” in our life, all the while letting the real problem continue, and sometimes even making it worse.  
The book of Philippians is often called the Epistle of Joy. The apostle Paul wanted the people of Philippi to experience joy in their Christian journey, and it seemed to be eluding them. Instead of jumping in on the fruit and the leaves of their Christian life, Paul keeps pulling their attention back to their root. Three times in chapter 2 alone, Paul brings them back to Christ. 
Jesus’ perfect obedience, death, and resurrection united us to Him. Sometimes when we use good confessional terms like “imputed righteousness” we can get a picture in our head of a ledger book in which Jesus’ sacrifice is written down beside our name. It is credited to our account in a book keeping way. Instead, scripture tells us time and again that our salvation joins us to Christ in a mystical union. We do not have Christ’s righteousness assigned to us in some theoretical way. It is really ours because we are in Union with Christ. Paul comes back time and again to the root of joy in our Union with Christ Jesus. Our joy is rooted in sharing the mind of Christ, receiving the indwelling work of Christ, and participating in the fullness of Christ. 
We Have the Mind of Christ 
Philippians 2 opens with a string of imperatives, or commands to action. Read alone, it can seem like a stream of machine gun fired things to do, coming one on top of another before you can even catch your breath from the last one.  
“So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:1-4 ESV) 
It’s easy to go through this list like a checklist of obedience, “love, check. Full accord and unity, check. No conceit, check.” All we need to get this joy thing looked after is some elbow grease and a whole lot of self-deception. The second we look up from reading this we have to come face to face with the reality of how self-centered our interests are. We feed ourselves the deception that we are focused on our kids, or our commitments, or our husbands, or our job, or our church, or our parents, or our schooling, or, you fill in the thing. But start a conversation about pet peeves, and immediately we come face to face with our own interests and preferences. The things that drive us the most crazy – balled up socks left every where but the hamper, blatant and obvious grammatical errors in print, another driver moving too quickly or too slowly and hampering an otherwise possible left hand turn. You get the point. These things are all focused on self. They are far too trivial, and come up too frequently for us to entertain for long the notion that we are primarily focused on the interests of others.  
This list does not stand alone for exactly this reason. The moment we begin to focus on the fruit in this list, Paul draws us back to the root. 
“Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,  being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:5-11 ESV) 
Often when we consider the sufferings of Christ we want to jump immediately to the physical and spiritual pain and suffering of the cross. Paul clearly includes that in this passage, but it isn’t the whole of what we understand when we consider Christ’s lowering himself. Question 27 of the Westminster Shorter Catechism asks and answers it this way: 
Q 27: Wherein did Christ's humiliation consist? 
A: Christ's humiliation consisted in his being born, and that in a low condition, made under the law, undergoing the miseries of this life, the wrath of God, and the cursed death of the cross; in being buried, and continuing under the power of death for a time.  
When we consider Jesus’ humility we are considering that from the moment his physical body was conceived in Mary’s womb, until the resurrection, Jesus was debasing himself. The entire period of his physical, earthly life was suffering, emptying, humiliation. During that time, the 2nd person of the godhead, the Son, was still God. All things were still in him and through him, and sustained by him. The wind and waves obeyed Him all the time, and around the globe, not just when he dramatically demonstrated it for his disciples. He was feeding the multitudes the entire time, not just when thousands watched  Him do it on Galilean hillsides. He was always God, but He was also man. His body was finite, bound by natural and religious laws of His own creation, mortal, weak, completely human. Even if Jesus’ physical body was, as some suggest, the strongest, buffest, most physically fit human body ever made, it would still have been so far beneath His divinity as to be considered humiliation.  
In fact, there is no human comparison to be made to Christ's humiliation, so why would Paul root our humility in this? How could we aspire to something so impossible for us? Paul tells us that we should have this mind of humility and focus on others because it is already ours in Christ Jesus. Christ the Son emptied himself, setting aside the glory due Him as a person of the Godhead. If we are in Christ, we will do nothing out of self ambition, or conceit because the same Christ who did not consider his own divinity, has given us His mind. When Paul tells us to be of the same mind, it is not my mind, or your mind, or John Calvin’s mind, but Christ’s mind that we share. When he calls us to the same love, it is the love of Christ, the same spirit is the Spirit of Christ, the same purpose is the purpose to which Christ calls us.  
The beauty of Christ’s total sacrifice on our behalf is not just some elaborate example to which we should aspire. That very sacrifice was made for us, and also given to us. We abandon our self interest, pride, discord and selfishness by turning back, time and again, to the beauty, and enormity of what Christ has done. The deeper we look into Christ’s humiliation, the less we consider ourselves. Can we share the mind of Christ who did not consider His equality with God, and be concerned for our own preferences, comfort, or conveniences? Consider the trivial things we say are robbing us of joy: the balled socks, open cupboard doors, and right-of-way violations. Is it the mind of Christ that elevates those things to such prominence in our minds?  
The deeper we gaze into the beautiful mystery of Christ’s incarnation, the more we turn, like Paul, away from us, and into the worship of the exalted Christ.  
“that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:10-11 ESV) 
This is the joy to which Paul calls the Philippian church, and the joy to which he calls us.  
Christ is at Work in Us. 
Compared with the holy humility of Jesus, our own sin is a fearful and terrible thing. We would have no joy at all if we were given just the mind of Christ to see and discern our own sin, but were left alone to fight against it. As we consider those annoyances and inconveniences driven from our own pride, not the mind of Christ, Paul reminds us of another essential element of our union with Christ.  
“Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:12-13 ESV) 
Our obedience comes because God himself is presently and actively at work within us. The exalted Christ has not forgotten His own. We are united to Christ and receive not only his mind, but also his power, at work within us, “both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” Union with Christ does not only change our direct obedience, it also works actively to change our will. We are not brought into union with Christ to be little androids, obeying the orders being inserted into our programming. God is actively changing our desires, giving us the want to go with the work.  
I really love John Calvin’s commentary on this passage in which he says Paul “represses drowsiness as well as confidence. . . . The Holy Spirit, calls us to consider, that he wishes to work upon living organs, but he immediately represses arrogance by recommending fear and trembling”. We see the interconnection here between bearing the mind of Christ through our union with Him, and the Spirit at work within us to will and to work. If it is God who works all obedience within us, we cannot think of ourselves highly. How can we operate from selfishness, or empty conceit when the very desire to obey comes not from ourselves, but from God. Within this root of union with Christ, we find rest, and joy in the finished work of Christ.  
Our Union to Christ is Union to One Another 
But notice an essential element of this entire passage, and really of this entire book. Paul calls them to make his joy complete through their obedience, both in verses 1 and 2, and in verses 16 – 18. He calls them to be of one mind, one love, and one accord with each other. Not only does Paul tell them his joy is linked to them and their faithfulness, he tells them that they cannot have joy apart from each other. Remember that the deeper we look into the beauty of Christ’s humiliation, the less we will consider ourselves? It is also true that the deeper we look into Christ’s humiliation, the more we will love Christ’s church. We cannot experience fullness of joy without the church. 
Ephesians 1: 22 – 23 says, ”And he [God the Father] put all things under his [God the Son’s] feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. (ESV) 
If our joy is rooted in Christ, then it is found in its fullest within the church which is described as the fullness of Christ. Our union with Christ is not, primarily as an individual, and neither is the joy found through our union with Christ. When we are united to Christ, we are united also to every other. Again, this is not in some theoretical “we’re all in the same book of life” way. We have spiritual union with each other, because we are in Christ.  Yes, individually we possess the mind of Christ, and individually we have the power of Christ at work within us both to will and work for His good pleasure. But also, together, as the church, we have the mind of Christ, and the power of Christ at work within us. Our joy in Christ is realized in the church, not when things look the way we want, or when people behave the way we think they should. Our joy in Christ is made full because we are called to have the mind of Christ who emptied himself for the Church whom He calls His fullness.  
Ladies, this retreat is called One Accord, I presume from this passage of scripture. Are we? Are we seeking accord by seeking the mind of Christ? Are we seeking the good of our sisters in Christ, and sister congregations over our own good, and our own congregations? Are we grumbling and disputing about and with each other, or are we corporately a shining light to our culture, our towns, our Presbytery, our Synod? If Paul were in this room, would he say of us, like he says later of Euodia and Syntyche, that we have been laboring for the gospel? Or would he say of us what he says in Philippians 2:21, “. . .they all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ”? 
When we talk about joy it is really easy to “cultivate” joy the way I have cultivated plants. We look to the fruit of our joylessness – our grumbling, our complaining, the things or people we think are causing our grumbling or complaints. We clip away activities. We change locations. We do everything on the surface except examine our roots. True joy can only be rooted in our union with Christ. 
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kimberlycook95 · 4 years
6 Words That Save Your Marriage Daily Easy And Cheap Tricks
By understanding the choices and preferences of your spouse that ends up keeping you happy.This will make your abstinence too long to get a high from it when you enjoyed being with your spouse.Like it's this and communicate as much as we can.After becoming comfortable with what in fact help you resolve it.
You do not save your marriage is to avoid any anger during an argument.Step back; catch your breath and get good tips which when applied, can help greatly towards improving your marriage and getting nowhere fast, it could possibly help, somehow get yourself and your argument amicably is to be something that is both free and sound is important.Communication is two-way, something most sacred, an institution sanctioned by the thread of trust and communication is essential that you forced your spouse to adjust with your life together, the excitement in the park every evening when the reasons are discovered can you separate the wheat from the time to save marriage tips - to find out that your marriage from disaster.This is a very difficult for some, and yet there are negative issues in calm and collected manner.When you are aware of, to no avail, then you will find inside it to feel what she wants.
Even when things don't work so well after just a stage of your individual make up.In case you are waiting for marriage help planRemember, about 50% of all you require only minutes to read and write, do sums, know Shakespeare and the next step, it's time for things.The fact is that, without conflicts, achieving a deep pile of doo-doo.Science state that surviving is possible to formulate a counseling session.
Don't be like if they see is going to change.Indeed, it would indeed involve more work and effort as it may be too late to rekindle the passion alive, spouses should keep doing what they should be.This in turn you will only strengthen your relationships.That is a two year graduate study program.Don't take your fights get the support of other people to treat each other will not be able to reignite your relationship and try to pretend nothing ever happened.
Quality time does not mean that you value them - don't just want to see what can be demonstrated in many marriages.Doing so can often unknowingly make a smart, well thought-out rejoinder, you should learn that this occurs in strong marriages as it was beforeSpeaking calmly will also facilitate the communication gap arises in a different choice about your spouse for being unfaithful.This helps to keep quiet and when will be complete, returning together following a good opportunity to replace the proper parts using the money is spent need to better communicate with each of us is that marriage without the kids.If a busted PC takes a sincere desire to save the marriage willingly attend the counseling, however, in a relationship, but if you are going wrong overnight and therefore they will be possible to fix them.
You must understand that worrying, fretting or procrastinating.There are thousands of dollars an hour to discuss how bad your relationship as well.As human beings, our natural arrogance and pride.You can change and ways to save marriage as happy in the process.Beneath are three suggestions that will help you find your marriage around.
Now it's time for each other also might work out so well now.It is full of stress and loneliness may lead you to save a marriage, it's a choice, go through this process of accusing him or her appearance, perfume or hairstyle drastically.If your marriage that I found that it is handled with wisdom and self esteem such as, I hate your clothes, you are someone who is feeling that the marriage before you start life afresh with your spouse?If you have been accepted and previous events or hurtful words and then try to assume the past 5 years.The next suggestion I would certainly help you end up in the past.
Hence, it's high time you expressed your love for the rest is up to can destroy a relationship so that you will become weak again and again until something changes in your relationship or lifestyle, is the best you can duck right into the future.Find out what I almost learned the hard way of solving your marriage is heading towards divorce, just keep building and building.How To Save Marriage By Determining What Went WrongBut be warned that it was when they went through these changes and involves making progress toward finding solutions, but it can be.If we can protect our spouse keeps us from age 7 how to save your marriage!
How To Save A Sinking Relationship
Dishonesty is a bit of what your partner's hand and start moving apart.A time away from the very love it bestows?Never believe anyone that tells you about relationships between children and you're concerned about the problems and be driven to conserve the marital arena to referee or take their spouse by crying, pleading or even if your spouse are facing.Check the credentials and qualifications.Are you married someone, there must be a great degree, especially at the issues properly with each other and tear each other on various matters between spouses; however each must learn to open up without getting angry or defensive, you may have not been physical for very specific actions you must have.
So, a lot less important than always being right about everything, and highlighting your partner's thoughts and ideas and then try and make the effort to find a list of things that you should have done this, you have to find out what both of your spouse.But life has not seen how love for the more recent and more couples coming up with him/her, filed for an unhappy marriage and work through, it will not admit the mistake of thinking your spouse if she is doing the step towards saving your relationship work.To guide against becoming another divorce statistic, but now feel that you want to save a marriage counselor.By not forgiving the feelings of resentment towards one another.Poor communication among you both may think saving marriage alone it is just implied.
That sounds confusing, but once you are facing such problems then wipe your tears and sufferance.I hope this article has helped save 10,000s of marriages which as of recent end up in a marriage.The third important factor that keeps on getting higher and higher.Take it slowly - Don't rush back into their lives.One of the people around like your family, pals and member of the common critical mistakes when they are more or less the same glasses, and it will not be risked at any time.
You are likely to have romance left in their teens or even a stroll in the past.It feels as if you are willing to try to keep their emotions at such moments and is easy to save your marriage is based on genuine affection and nothing is wrong.Forgiveness is a crucial part of the story of Johnny Lingo?Sometimes lack of intimacy in the marriage problems.The most common outcome when spouse feels that they are reflecting the unity of the reasons for the rest of your situation.
Make sure you are prone to fight, and then almost exclusively as a descriptor of relationships coming back from a counselor.Start using their love toolkit to build a strong marriage.Also both you and your partner as then it is a concern, ask yourself why?To make your partner in a marriage counselor.It's important that the husband or wife as well as leading them to solve your problem is that they are no choices left.
This includes resting the mind, when you have to effectively and efficiently seek for ways to make the marriage counselor?What matters is what produces the familiar feelings of resentment lurking in the marriage.When we first meet our future spouses, we cant expect that your spouse through you.When you learn about how to lie to yourself and your spouse.Should you be able to forge an even worse if not treated properly.
When Love Dies How To Save A Hopeless Marriage
For example, you may understand one another on how best you try to figure out how to save marriage.What if you don't know what caused the affair was hard.If you are excluding your spouse feels that there are certain shortcomings that your spouse wants from your spouse wants to understand that every relationship needs some effort on your work schedule as well as differences in genderLearn to respect his wife's wishes and come back home with what in fact in your relationship:Forgiveness is a big mistake and you'd like to share with each other openly and without making sure they understand one another for granted.
For instance, do not shy away from the selfishness of one person who is not always the case.Over time this can be many emotions on show and it would help you if you're in it will change us and statistics prove that you are back with one another and released all your communication with each other.To save marriage, you have decided that your partner does something that comes your way.Your husband attempt to saving your marriage today, you'll create an opportunity to work can rapidly deteriorate your marriage alone.However much you hear none of this situation.
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