#( blodreinas speaks ).
blodreinas-resources · 9 months
my laptop gets here in a few days, i can’t wait to get to making psds again !!
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wankadi · 5 years
The only person who could kill Blodreina was Octavia Freaking Blake and I couldn’t agree more.
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sunshinechay · 4 years
So I just had what is probably a stupid thought...
Since Octavia had Blodreina kind of pulled out of her...what if Blodreina is on the other side of the anomaly with Sheidheda as like one of his accomplices?
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commander-anya · 5 years
I can’t wait for Octavia motherfucking Blake to kick Blodreina’s ASS!!!!
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astoryofej · 5 years
Slay Blodreina, Octavia!!!!
SLAY HER!!!!!!
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anais-mitchell · 5 years
I can’t forgive O/ctavia for the hurt she’s done to Bellamy, nor the violence she’s become obsessed with, but man I don’t understand how anyone can look at O/ctavia in her current state and not blame Abby. Abby is such a hypocrite blaming a young girl for everything in the dark year despite the fact that SHE forced her hand, I really cannot stand her.
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zohlaa · 6 years
JRoth said this ep would feature Blodreina vs Octavia and we can all safely say now that Bloreina won...
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laufire · 4 years
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The 100 Revival – part III: Favourite Storyline(s)
[Caption: ten gifs illustrating each storyline. Murphy’s botched revenge quest (speaking to Bellamy while he made him hang himself); A.L.I.E. vs. Raven (Raven reciting Nevermore to get her out of her head); Murphy in Polis (Murphy crafting a plan with Indra -and Pike- by his side); Emori’s gambit (Emori revealing to Murphy she lied about the man she handed for the nightblood experiments); Memori’s breakup and reconciliation (Murphy realizing Emori stepped out of the rover to stay with him in the woods); Echo & Raven in Eligius camp (their expressions after Echo strongarmed Raven into giving up Shaw to Diyoza); Blodreina (Octavia illuminated by the flames with blood tracks on her face); Octavia & Diyoza’s misadventures (the two of them trapped in quicksand with Octavia taunting Diyoza, who has a gun pointed at her); Memori as Primes (looking smug and holding hands in their presentation); Echo infiltrates Bardo (Echo stares ahead with black blood dripping down her scars).]
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nightbleeder · 4 years
Saw someone else do this and thought to myself, why not procrastinate some more?  So here goes.  
In no particular order - 
1.  Raven Reyes 
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Lindsey Morgan is insanely hot.  Like sexuality-awakening hot.  Half of it is the character of Raven, but the other half is - well.  Brown eyes, jawline I want to cut myself on, muscles for days, long brown hair. What’s not to love?  
2.  Luna kom Floukru
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My wife.  She fucking makes me ache.  Those curls, those EYES.  Sometimes I find myself just fucking staring at her eyelashes because they go ON AND ON.  For DAYS.  I really don’t get people’s fascination with blue eyes because her brown eyes are fucking MeSmErIzInG.  Also she has THE NICEST MOUTH and before I get too flustered thinking about that I’m going to move on lol.  
3.  Anya kom Trikru
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I’d never seen Dichen Lachman in anything prior to watching this show and let me tell you, her entrance - I fucking choked.  What a face.  Her braids, her costume, her voice.  I was that “mark me down as scared AND horny” GIF the entire time she was on the show.  If I’d been Clarke in this scene I doubt I’d have been able to speak at all.
4.  Lexa kom Trikru
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ADC has this sort of gentle, flower-girl look which clashes with the intense warrior queen vibes she’s trying to give off as Lexa.  On screen, that duality always interested me, even if the character never resonated with me the way she did with so many others.  She’s got these huge sea green eyes and this long curtain of brown curls you can’t help but want to stick your fingers in.  Or maybe that’s just me?  Love her or hate her, you’ve got to admit she’s hard to look away from.  
5.  Gaia kom Trikru
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Tati Gabrielle is just jaw-droppingly stunning.  I remember seeing her casting photo pre-season 4 and my immediate thought was wow.  It doesn’t matter what her hair is doing, it doesn’t matter what she’s wearing, she’s one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen.  I knew she had to be on this list, despite the fact that this whole cast is fucking laughably attractive.  
@yiangchen, @blodreina-noumou, @pendragaryen, @dylanobrienisbatman, @the-most-beautiful-broom​, @clarkgriffon, @natshana​, @johnmurphysass​ and anybody else who thinks they might be interested in this.  
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slytherinbarnes · 4 years
Sub Rosa [71]
xiii. damocles, pt 2 
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader
Word Count: 8.9k
Warnings: descriptions of blood, injuries, and killing. death, angst, and sad things. it's still a war, my friends. language.
Summary: Everything comes to a head for a final time as the War for Shallow Valley finally ends, one side coming out victorious once and for all...
a/n: BELIEVE IT OR NOT, THE END OF S5 IS HERE!!! PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS THINK, BECAUSE I LOVE TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS!!! the taglist for this series is open! I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think!!!
previous chapter // season masterlist  // series masterlist
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Halfway back to the base camp, Gaia grows even weaker.
Luckily for her, there’s a medkit in the rover, courtesy of Clarke, and you’re able to stitch her up at the very least. You refuse to look at your shoulder until you can sit down with some light, hoping whatever is lodged there isn’t actually making things worse. Everyone else in the rover has minor wounds, but you check them and clean them anyways, keeping yourself busy as you are taken from the frontline of an unwinnable war. 
As soon as Madi pulls up to the edge of camp, you’re surrounded by guns. But given Gaia’s condition, no one cares. Instead, you jump out and swing the door open, and Murphy and Bellamy lift Gaia and run from the rover as you yell, “Little help, little help, we've got wounded!”
You can hear Harper yelling in the distance for people to stand down, preventing all of you from catching another bullet, as Bellamy and Murphy pass off Gaia to those who came to help. You’re about to jog after them to tell Jackson what first aid she’s received in the last few hours, but you hear the front doors of the rover open and Echo and Madi jump out. Madi comes running towards you, and you catch her in a hug, squeezing tight and ignoring the pain in your shoulder, relieved that she’s okay. You pull away to look at her, checking her over, and whisper, “Did she take out the Flame?”
“She threatened to, but no. I’m still the Commander.”
“That’s why you’re here?” Madi nods, and you look at her in disbelief. “Then where’s Clarke? There’s no way she let you come alone.”
“I’m not alone, she sent me to be with you.”
“But she said-”
“Clarke says a lot of things when she’s upset, but she didn't mean them. She regretted leaving you the second we drove out of Polis, but she was so worried about me that she wouldn't turn back. She’s not here now because she’s trying to make sure McCreary doesn't send missiles into our people.”
You nod and as you’re about to ask another question, you realize that all around you, people are whispering. Madi hears it too, because she starts to look around, noticing that a large group has gathered around you, and they’re all staring at your niece. You can see Madi freeze in fear, and you grab her hand and squeeze it as she whispers, “What do I do?”
“Honestly, I don't know, but I’ll be with you the whole time.”
She nods, and you both turn to face Bellamy and Echo, who are walking towards both of you. Before any of you can say anything, Octavia starts to cut through the crowd, and someone yells, “Blodreina is coming! Protect your Commander!”
All around you guns rise in Madi’s defense, and you pull her behind you as you grab your knife from your holster, ready to protect her. Octavia may be your sister, but Madi is your niece, your little sun, and you won’t allow Octavia to hurt her. Bellamy and Echo stand side by side in front of you, blocking Octavia’s path to you, both of them protecting you and Madi. Octavia finally comes to a stop in front of her brother, sword in hand. “Out of my way.”
Bellamy stares his sister down. “O, she saved us.”
From behind you, Madi calls out, “Let her pass!”
You turn and start to argue, but Echo beats you to it, “Heda, that is not a good-”
Madi cuts her off before she can finish. “I said, let her pass.”
You look down at Madi in worry, but she squeezes your hand in reassurance, nodding at you that she’s okay. So you drop her hand and step slightly to the side. As soon as Echo and Bellamy see you move, they do too, allowing Octavia access to the Commander. Madi and Octavia stare at each other for a long moment, and your hand tenses around the handle of your knife, ready to protect Madi no matter what. But then, Octavia surprises all of you by stabbing her sword into the sand, and dropping to her knees in front of Madi. Madi looks over at you in surprise, and you smile at her before dropping to your knees, bowing to the Commander.
All around you, guns are lowered and people sink to the ground, paying their respects to the one true Commander, all of you ready for her to lead you into victory and take you home.
As soon as everyone is in agreement to follow Madi, the next phase of the war begins.
You, Bellamy, and Echo put your awkwardness aside and work to help Madi with the army. Miller steps up and fills her in on Wonkru’s surviving numbers and who is situated where, and within a few hours, plans are in place and everyone goes off to get everything ready. You, Bellamy, and Madi go to the medial tent so that Madi can be with her Flamekeeper, while you decide to finally address the object in your shoulder. Jackson sees you staring at it as soon as you step in the tent, and walks over and offers to help you, which you graciously accept. With a little bit of light and the proper medical supplies, Jackson removes the object from your shoulder, and stares at it in horror as soon as it’s free. You’re blinking against the pain, missing Jackson’s expression, but Bellamy alerts you to it when he worriedly asks, “What? What is it?”
“It’s a piece of bone.”
Your eyes fly open. “Bone? From me?”
“I don't think so. You have full mobility of your arm, so I don't think you broke anything. I’d have to feel around to be sure, since we don’t have any machines here.”
You nod, “Do it.”
It hurts like hell, but he pokes and prods every inch of your arm from your collarbone to the ends of your fingers, finding nothing cracked or broken. Which gives you the sickening realization that the bone is someone else’s, lodged into your shoulder. When you think back to the explosion, you can remember a group of people nearby, who took the brunt of the force from the explosion, and you’re almost sure it came from one of them. Though it doesn't make you feel any better to know that. Still, there is nothing you can do about it now. Jackson stitches you up and sends you on your way, but you end up falling asleep in the medical tent, keeping an eye on Madi. 
When you wake, she’s still there, though Bellamy is now gone, likely double checking any preparations that you weren't awake to check on. Sure that he has it handled, you pull up a chair beside Madi and sit with her and Gaia until Bellamy and Indra come into the medical tent sometime later, looking for you both. Bellamy comes to a stop beside you, and Indra walks to Gaia’s other side, both looking your way. Bellamy whispers, “It’s time, Madi. Everyone will follow you, but you have to lead them.”
Madi acknowledges his words and looks at you in fear. “I don't want to lead them into a massacre.”
Indra tries to reassure her by saying, “We have the numbers, Heda. As long as we press forward, we'll make it through.”
You reach out for her hand and whisper, “We’ll be right beside you.”
“I'm not worried about myself. There has to be a better way than rushing back into those guns.”
“If there is, we would've thought of it.”
You give her a look, unsure what to say, not nearly as good at reassuring her as Clarke is. But it turns out your help isn't needed, because Gaia whispers, “Ask the Commanders.”
You all look at Gaia in shock, given that these are the first words she’s spoken in hours. Madi asks, “How, Seda? They only talk to me in my dreams and show me what they want me to see.”
Gaia lifts her hand and rests it on Madi’s cheek. “Close your eyes.”
Beside you, Bellamy shifts and mutters, “Gaia, we don't have time-”
But you look at him and shake your head. “We’ll make time. Everyone can wait.”
He nods and Gaia continues, “Breathe. In and out. Let this world peel away. And repeat after me: mens mea fiat mens tua.”
My mind is your mind. Madi repeats the phrase, lurching slightly in place as the Commanders begin speaking to her. You can see her eyes moving rapidly beneath her closed lids, until she pulls them open abruptly, and turns to you. “I have a plan.”
Gaia reaches into her pocket and grabs something, holding it out to Madi as she whispers, “Of course you do.”
As soon as Madi takes it, you realize it’s the Heda headpiece, the same one that Lexa used to wear before her death. Madi puts it on her head and then turns to look at the rest of you. “Gather the delegates.”
You do as she says, meeting with her in the makeshift war room as she explains the plan to all of you. A small team will go ahead of the army, you included, and take out the sonic cannons, making it easier for the rest of Wonkru to get into the gorge. Then the plan moves back to the original plan; everyone will come together and surround the village, diverging upon it from all sides and forcing the prisoners to surrender. As soon as the delegates understand the plan, they assimilate into their groups, passing along the information and getting their warpaint ready. Everyone has a line of black in the middle of their foreheads, reminiscent of the line of Nightblood drawn on Commanders during their Ascension, reminding everyone they’re part of the Commander’s Army now. 
As you put your warpaint on, you turn to look at Madi. “Are you sure you want me on that team to take out the cannons? I can stay with you instead.”
“I’m sure. You’re one of the best shooters we have and everything hinges on you taking those cannons out.”
You nod, understanding her reasoning, before you pull her into a hug. “I’m so proud of you, little sun.”
“Thank you for everything, ani.” You nod and smile, pulling away to look at her. And then you stand and nod at her, “It’s time for you to take us home.”
Emori drives the rover through the gorge as Murphy rides shotgun. You and Bellamy are in the back, rifles in hands, riding your way into the heart of danger. Murphy peeks out the windshield and looks up to the sky, muttering, “I don't see any missiles. Thank you, Clarke.”
Bellamy gives you a serious look and then nods once. “Now it's our turn.”
You nod in return, as ready as you’ll ever be, waiting as Emori gets you closer and closer to the cannons. And as if you cross an invisible barrier, the gunshot begins, hammering the rover from all sides, pinging off the armor and leaving all of you inside unscathed. Murphy turns to look at you and Bellamy, “Someone explain to me why I'm not shooting this gatling gun.”
“This is Madi's plan, we have to draw out the cannons.”
He looks at you like you’re crazy. “By giving them a big target? Yeah, that's a great plan.”
You think of what Monty said to you before magically picking a lock with a magnet and you pass that onto to Murphy. “Ye of little faith.”
Nearly as soon as the words leave your mouth, the rover lurches and slides, and then abruptly comes to a stop. Murphy turns to you with a raised eyebrow. “You were saying?”
“What's wrong? We're not close enough. Why are we stopping?”
“They got the engine. Damn it!” Emori climbs from the driver’s seat into the back beside Bellamy, calling out, “John, get away from the windshield!”
Murphy looks out the window and turns to look between you and Bellamy. “Big gun! Go! Now! Be heroes.”
You and Bellamy look at each other, nodding that you’re ready, and you have enough time to take one deep breath before he kicks open the door and you both peek out. You turn your attention to the cannon in the right pillbox, the one currently being charged to blast you all to pieces, and Bellamy swings out to take a shot before immediately ducking back inside the rover again. “I don't have a shot!”
You peek from your side, peering down your rifle scope to the cannon, very few bullets coming your way and you call back, “I do!”
You take a breath to control your heart rate, pulling air in through your nose and out through your mouth as you aim. On the second breath you squeeze the trigger, sending your bullet right into the mouth of the cannon, causing an instant explosion. You duck back behind the rover, smiling at Bellamy, and he gives you a look of pride before yelling to Murphy, “I need to get closer!” 
“Go, I'll cover you!”
Murphy climbs back into the front, preparing to shoot the gun on the rover, and you can hear Emori worry and try to stop him. But he pushes on and starts to shoot, laying down covering fire for you and Bellamy to cross the gorge to a stack of rocks nearby. He looks at you and you yell over the sound of the gunfire, “I'll be right behind you!”
He takes off running and you follow close on his heels, both of you dropping down behind the stack of rocks and taking cover. Bellamy props his gun up, aiming at the second cannon, and you joke, “If you miss, I'll never let you live it down.”
Bellamy turns to you with a smirk that leaves you feeling breathless. “I won't miss.”
And then he turns back to his rifle, aims, takes a breath, and shoots. His bullet follows the same journey yours did, flying into the mouth of the cannon and blowing it up instantly. You and Bellamy turn to each other, laughing with relief, the hardest part of the plan finished. You both turn and peer through your scopes, watching as the prisoners run away, retreating into the village, as the sound of Wonkru grows closer. You can hear them yelling as they run towards you, a stampede of angry warriors, and you and Bellamy stand and watch them come around the corner. You jump into the group, running beside Madi and Octavia, the four of you leading the charge into the woods, surrounding the village.
Everyone splits off into their respective groups, surrounding from all sides, and you and Bellamy stick close to Madi as she leads the main group straight through the front door. A low cloud of smoke and fog hangs around, concealing all of you from the prisoners until you burst through it, heading straight into the village. The prisoners are all cowered in the center, holding up weapons, and as soon as they come into view, Bellamy yells, “Weapons down! Put your weapons down now!”
All the prisoners begin to toss their weapons and drop to their knees, lifting their hands in surrender, and you feel a wave of relief that this is all over, until Madi yells, “Teik emo au!”
Kill them all! You look at Bellamy in shock and he yells, “Halt! Hold your fire.”
At the same time, you step in front of Madi, blocking her view of the prisoners, but she peers around you to glare at them. “They surrendered, Madi, it's over.”
“They killed hundreds of our people in that gorge.”
You shake your head at her, her eyes never leaving the people behind you. “This can't be what the Flame is telling you to do!”
“I don't need the Flame to tell me what to do with a bunch of criminals who invaded our home!”
“We've been here before, Madi.” Finally, her gaze shifts to you, and you can see her start to soften almost immediately, remembering the stories you and Clarke used to tell her. Though, they aren't stories, they’re your history. Your life story. “We were the criminals, the 100. We landed in someone else's home, and we went to war. You can execute them because they're the enemy or you can break the cycle. You can be better than them, you can be better than us. The choice is yours, Heda.”
Madi looks at you, about to answer, until sirens start to echo throughout the valley. All of you look around in confusion, and you turn towards the prisoners, aware that they’re the ones that set up the warning system. “What is that?”
A man near the front answers, “The evac signal! It means conditions are unsafe, we're supposed to bug out!”
Raven’s voice comes through the speakers a second later, “Everyone, listen up. Life as we know it is about to end, again. Get your asses to the transport ship now for immediate evacuation, you have nine minutes!”
You turn to look at Madi, still waiting for her decision, and she nods. You pass along her message and yell, “Everyone, evacuate now! Eligius, leave your weapons behind! Wonkru, follow Eligius to the transport now!”
Everyone immediately jumps into action, and you grab Octavia, who is standing nearby. “Take a team and go door to door, make sure no one gets left behind.”
She grabs a few people and takes off running, and you turn to Madi, about to tell her that you’re ready to follow her to the ship. As your gaze swings towards her, it lands on your house, the one you planned to share with Bellamy, and you suddenly remember that you left something inside, something as important to you as the necklace around your neck and the people beside you. You turn to Madi and smile at her. “It’s time to lead your people. Take Bellamy with you, I’ll be right behind you.”
Both Bellamy and Madi look at you in alarm, instantly arguing, “Ani, no-”
“...not leaving you behind-”
You cut them both off, looking at Madi first. “Your people need you, Madi. You’re their Commander, you need to go.”
And then you turn to Bellamy, “I’ll be right behind you, I promise. Just take Madi, make sure she makes it to the ship.”
You can see him open his mouth to argue again, and you cut him off, voice begging, “Please.”
And finally, he nods. He presses a kiss to your lips and turns to Madi, “Come on, Heda.”
Their gazes linger on you for a moment before they turn and run out of the village, pulling ahead to lead the others to the transport ship. As soon as you’re sure they’re going to make it, you turn and head towards the small house, hand reaching out to push the door open when shouting from the church makes you pause and listen, sure that you’re hearing Octavia’s voice battling with your mother’s. Your brows pull together and you turn away from your door, running deeper into the village and straight into the church. When you burst inside, you see your mother and Octavia facing off, standing only a few feet apart, glaring at each other.
Your mom has blood streaked all over her face, and when you get a look at the scene behind her, you can see why. Someone is stretched out onto the operating table, surrounded by blood. You can see large red stains covering their shirt, the table, the floor around them. Only when you get closer do you realize you know the person on the table. 
Your stomach drops, and you run past the arguing pair straight to his side. “Mom, what the hell happened?”
“Vinson happened.”
You see her motion to a body in the corner, and your stomach flips when you glance down at it. She cooked him alive using the shock collar at his neck, eerily similar to the nightmare you had after getting knocked out yesterday. You turn away from the body and look back to Kane, fear and sadness gripping your chest when you realize just how bad he is. He’s clearly lost a lot of blood, and it’s not hard to see why. There is a collection of stab wounds on his abdomen, freshly stitched, along with a stitched wound on the side of his neck. You turn to your mother, trying to calculate if there’s enough time to carry him to the transport, when you hear the P.A. system outside announce, “Six minutes to impact.”
You run the numbers in your head, and decide that Kane is worth the risk. You look between Octavia and your mother and start giving them instructions. “Mom, get him ready to move. You can save his life on the transport ship. Octavia, find a stretcher, you’re going to help carry him back. I’ll grab a few prisoners to help you both.”
They both look at you in shock for a second, and you feel a rush of anxiety, thinking of the ticking clock, before you yell, “Now!”
They both jump into action, and you run out of the church and into the village, grabbing two prisoners and leading them back with you. By the time you arrive, the two women have gotten Kane on the stretcher and ready to go, and you motion for the men to carry him. They lift him up and head towards the door, your mom following closely as she carries an IV bag at Kane’s side, and you squeeze her shoulder as she walks past. “I’ll be right behind you.”
“Wait!” The men stop, and your mom turns to look at you in a panic. “You’re not coming with us?”
“Not yet, I have something I need to do first, now go!” She looks like she wants to argue, but then Kane groans in pain, reminding her of the danger he’s in, and she tells the men to keep moving, leaving you behind. Octavia lingers, and you shake your head and point at their retreating figures. “I need you to make sure they make it back, I’m not sure I trust the prisoners yet.”
Octavia nods, and surprises you by pulling you into a quick hug, whispering in your ear, “Run fast, sister.”
You nod, thankful that she understands and is not going to argue with you, and she gives you a brief smile before running out the door and following your mother. The system outside announces, “Five minutes to impact.”
The words push you into motion again, aware that it’s a two to three minute run to the transport ship from here. You run out of the church and back towards your home, pushing open the door and moving through the house to the bedroom, smiling when you see The Iliad laying on the bed waiting for you. You reach out and grab it, turning and preparing to head out the door again when you see a prisoner looming in the doorway to the bedroom, staring at you. You look at him in confusion and point towards the door, “Didn’t you hear the evac signal? We have to go!”
You walk towards him, intending to push past him and get out the door, but he grabs you by the hair and yanks you back, tossing you onto the ground. You drop your book upon impact, looking up at the man in shock. He starts to lumber towards you, and you reach for your rifle, secured around your chest by a strap, but just as you get it up, ready to shoot, he reaches out and grabs it, yanking it hard from your grasp, breaking the clasp that connects the gun to the strap. He tosses the gun into the other room, and you jump up and try to run past him, but he grabs the strap that is still hanging around your torso and pulls, forcing you back towards him. He slides the strap up until it hangs around your neck, and you feel a brief wave of panic before he pulls it taut, choking the life out of you quickly. You claw at the strap, trying to free yourself, struggling to breathe as you gasp out, “We aren’t enemies anymore!”
“Wrong.” He pulls the strap tighter, stars erupting at the edge of your vision. “You and I are enemies. You killed my brother. You left him to die in your savage trap and his wounds were too severe to survive. I had to end his suffering myself.”
You remember the blonde man in the trap, and you do feel a flash of remorse for getting him killed, until your survival instinct takes over, reminding you how close to death you truly are. You pull your knife from your holster and quickly plunge it into his side, and the man cries out in pain before tossing you to the ground, your head hitting the floor as you land again. You can feel your head wound from earlier reopen, warm, black blood dripping down your face, and the man looks down at you, laughing as he pulls your knife from his side and tosses it into the other room, alongside your rifle. You eye the doorway, trying to figure out if you can make it to your gun before he can reach you, but the P.A. system outside calls out, letting you know you have four minutes left. You think of the time it will take you to make it back to the transport ship, and you take a chance and start running to the door, hoping you make it to one of your weapons. 
As you make it through the doorway, the man reaches out for you, grabbing you briefly before losing his grip, but the movement is enough to knock you off balance. You fall to the ground hard, teeth clacking together, but you ignore the pain in your body, scrambling towards your weapons. Just as your hand closes around your knife, you feel a blade plunge into your calf, and you let out a cry of pain. He uses the knife in your leg to drag you closer to him, the weapon cutting down your calf painfully, and you scream in pain as you’re dragged backwards. His hand clamps down onto your ankle and he yanks you back towards him, flipping you over quickly before reaching his hands up to your neck. This time you don’t wait for the stars of unconsciousness to get close to you. You lift the knife that’s still in your grip and you plunge it into the man’s chest, pushing it into him as hard and deep as you can. 
His eyes go wide and he releases you instantly, blood rapidly spreading across his chest, letting you know you hit his heart. He’s dead within seconds, and you divert your attention away from him and to the injury on your leg. It’s deep and gushing blood, and you desperately need stitches, but the P.A. system lets you know you have three minutes until impact, so you waste no time thinking about your odds of survival. You use your knife to cut a strip of fabric from the dead prisoner’s pants, and you use the rifle strap to secure it tightly over the wound, hoping it’s enough to get you to the ship. Then you run into the bedroom and grab your book, determined not to leave it behind at this point, before hobbling out of the room and past the dead man. You look down at him for a second before you kick him with your good leg, screaming with rage as you do, pissed at the position he has just put you in.
At the last second you grab the knife he cut you with and tuck it into your pocket, and then without another thought you head out the door of your house, running as fast as you can and as hard as you can towards the transport ship. You count the seconds in your head, trying to keep track of your dwindling time, ignoring the blood that drips down your face and tries to fall in your eyes. You ignore the pain radiating from multiple places on your body, and you ignore the exhaustion that threatens to creep up and take you out. You just focus on counting, letting your anxiety push you faster than you thought possible, guiding you back towards the transport ship, to your love, your twin, and your family. 
As you get closer to the edge of the woods, you hear a sonic boom, and you look up at the sky, anxiety growing exponentially. You start praying to the Universe, the gods, the stars, your father, anyone that will listen to you. “Just let me make it, god damn it! Get me back on that ship with my family, and I’ll make things right. I’ll do better, be better! I’ll forgive Clarke, and Octavia, and anyone who’s wronged me! I’ll leave Wanlida behind, just please get me to that ship!”
The Universe answers your prayer with a flash of light, and you look up to see the end of the world drawing closer as it streaks across the sky. You start to think that maybe the Universe is laughing at your expense, playing a cruel joke, when you suddenly burst through the trees and see the transport ship looming into view. Bellamy and Clarke are both standing at the edge of the ramp, eyes searching the horizon for you, and you scream their names at the top of your lungs as you run towards them, letting your adrenaline carry you closer. They run to you, panic and worry all over their faces, as you look exponentially worse than the last time either of them saw you. But with the end of the world flying towards you, neither of them question it. They each hook and arm around you and take off running, practically dragging you up the ramp and into the ship. 
Clarke releases you to turn and close the door to the ship, and your body finally collapses, no energy left within you. You feel Bellamy catch you and lower you down beside Murphy, who looks just as awful as you do, both of you glancing at each other as you groan in pain. You feel unconsciousness rush towards you, just as you hear the roar of the thrusters as the ship prepares to leave. Suddenly, you’re back on a satellite tower, staring at a death wave that's set to destroy you in seconds, watching a rocket fly into the sky. Except this time, instead of being left on the ground, you fly with them.
You wake up a few hours after passing out, stitched up and lying in a hospital bed on the Eligius IV mothership. Bellamy and Clarke are both at your side, and all of you start to cry as soon as you wake up. You hug them both, thankful for their survival, and you and Clarke exchange a myriad of whispered apologies as you cry and hold each other. The Universe got you on the transport ship, so as promised, you make your amends, all of your anger gone as soon as you hug. Clarke eventually leaves you and Bellamy alone, and he gives you a scolding look as he holds up a book in his hand. “You went back for this?”
You feel a little embarrassed now as you look at the book in his hands, the cover now streaked with some of your black blood, aware of how insane it must seem to risk death for a book. But it’s important to you, as important as the moon around your neck, which you brush your fingers across as you answer, “Yes. But that book helped get me through the last 6 years without you. It was the only thing I had from you, and I couldn’t leave it behind.”
His expression softens, remembering the note that he wrote to you in the cover. When he wrote it, he had no way of knowing what was coming, no way of knowing the importance it would have to you. He can recognize that now, though you know that he’ll never truly understand why you’d risk death for it. Because for Bellamy, he would much rather have you alive and without the book, then dead with the book. And considering the state that you returned to him in, you know he’s more than a little pissed. If you hadn’t come across that prisoner and got back with plenty of time, you don’t think he’d really mind. Still, you are here and you’re mostly okay. And if he still thinks it was a stupid thing to do, he doesn’t argue with it, too thankful that you’re here with him and alive. 
You smile at him, patting the bed beside you, urging him to climb in with you. Unlike the last time, he complies immediately, squeezing into the bed beside you, listening to the story of how you nearly died in Shallow Valley. You pull the prisoner’s knife from your pocket, getting a good look at it for the first time. It’s small and silver, nicer than your Grounder knife, clearly from the days before the first Praimfaya. At the end of the handle is a skull, angry and grinning, and fire is etched into the handle, wrapping up towards the blade. You add it to your collection of ‘confiscated knives that nearly got you killed’, hoping that this is the last knife you’ll ever add to the collection, growing tired of all your near death experiences. 
At some point you fall asleep again, exhausted, and when you wake, Bellamy is gone, your twin now at your side. She smiles at you and you sit up and smile back. “Hey.”
You remember Murphy bleeding out beside you as you passed out, and you ask, “How's Murphy?”
“Jackson got both bullets. He'll be okay, cockroaches are hard to kill.” You smile and she adds, “And Gaia's gonna keep her leg.”
“Good.” Your mind flashes to the father figure you found clinging to life in the church, fear squeezing your chest. “What about Kane?”
“They put him in a drug induced coma. I'm not sure why, but Jackson says there's not enough of the drug to keep him that way for long. It doesn't look good.”
“What if he didn't need the drug?” She looks at you in confusion as you remember the cryosleep pods Bellamy told you about earlier. “I don't know much about cryosleep, but at least it would keep him alive, right?”
“That's brilliant, I'll tell mom.” Her eyes lift to the door briefly before she looks back to you. “We're about to decide the fate of the human race. Again. You should be there.”
You nod, already pulling yourself out of your bed, and Clarke helps you, handing you a crutch as you get to your feet. Normally you’d hate to use it, but the pain in your calf screams at you each time you shift your weight to your right leg. The two of you head down the hall, past the groups of prisoners and Wonkru that lay sleeping, exhausted from the events of the last few days. Clarke grabs your free hand, turning to look at you as she apologizes again. “I’m sorry, la lune, for everything.”
“I’m sorry too, shining star.”
She smiles at you, tears in her eyes, and you’re reminded of the strength of the bond you share. You may make mistakes, you may hurt each other, and fight, but at the end of the day, you’re sisters, twins, and Clarke will always be your other half. You know she feels the same way about you, because she squeezes your hand, conveying the silent message, and you both exchange a smile as she leads you through the ship to the bridge, preparing to decide the fate of the human race once again.
When you and Clarke get there, everyone else is already in the room. Harper, Monty, Bellamy, Madi, Raven, Shaw, Echo, Emori, and Murphy. 
They all turn to you as you enter, and you see Bellamy smile at your conjoined hands, glad that one of you has reconciled with their sibling. He walks over to you and keeps close, ready to offer you assistance if you need it. Both you and Clarke look at the large window in the room, opened up to see Earth, the explosion taking over the planet and scorching it to nothing. Sadness grips your heart as you think of the home that’s lost to you, the valley, wiped from the planet. Your house with the window to the sky destroyed. 
You and Clarke settle beside Bellamy, and you shift most of your weight to your crutch as Shaw pushes a button to close the window, hiding the destroyed Earth from view. Bellamy turns to address the room, his hand resting on the small of your back, reminding you of his support. “Like our ancestors on the Ark, we're the last of the human race.”
You add, “Our ancestors were wrong. We're not.”
Bellamy nods and lays out the situation for everyone. “412 people on this ship. Thanks to Madi, we saved who could be saved. Now it's our job to keep them alive. How do we do that?”
Murphy instantly balks at Raven’s suggestion, “Oh, float me now.”
You can’t help but agree, dreading the idea of living off algae for however long it takes. Shaw seems to be on the same page, because he looks to Bellamy and points to the control center in front of him. “Can I?”
Bellamy nods, and Shaw begins, “From what we know about the half life of hythylodium, it'll be at least 10 years before that valley comes back. This ship does have a small water recycler and a few weeks' worth of rations, but that's it. Cryo is the only option. There are 500 pods, which is more than enough for what we need.”
Raven instantly agrees, placing her hand on Shaw’s shoulder. You eye them, noting their closeness, smiling as you realize there must be something between them. “I agree with Shaw. The tech is amazing. We go to sleep, we don't age, we wake the next morning, It's 10 years later. And Bob's your uncle.”
Monty laughs, “I thought you hated that phrase.”
“It's growing on me.”
You turn to Madi, the leader of your group, and shrug. “It's up to you, Madi.”
She looks at you, then Clarke, who nods her agreement with the plan. Madi thinks for a long minute, considering her answer before she decides, “Okay, I guess it's time for bed.”
With the decision made, the mass bedtime begins. 
You send the prisoners back to cryo first, all of their pods already programmed and ready for them. Next, it takes a while, but you work on Wonkru, programming the pods for each person and then putting them to sleep. Before you know it, you’re down to a handful of people, everyone saying their goodnights to their loved ones before getting put to bed. Clarke stands next to Madi’s pod, and you stand on the other side, looking down at your niece. She’s dressed down in her Eligius clothes, all of you are, and her hair is out of her signature braids, flowing long and sweeping across her back. You pull Madi into a hug, leaning back to smile at her. “You’re a good Heda, little sun. I’ll see you on the other side.”
“I love you, ani.”
“I love you too.” 
And then you look at Clarke, nodding at her, stepping away to give her a moment with Madi. You work on preparing your pod, situated between Bellamy and Clarke’s, leaning against the outstretched bed to keep the weight off your injured leg. You glance to your left, where Bellamy stands near Octavia’s pod, saying his goodnights to her. You program your name into your pod before checking the cubby beside your bed, double checking that your belongings are still inside. Your clothes and shoes, two knives, and one yellow book with blue binding. You smile at everything and close the cubby door, as Bellamy closes the pod on Octavia and Clarke closes the pod on Madi. You turn to face your twin first as she walks over to you. Both of you hug, and when you pull away you whisper, “I love you, Clarke.”
“And I love you.” You feel worry creep into you, wondering if this will actually work. Clarke senses this and smiles, “It’ll feel like no time at all. There’s nothing to worry about.”
You nod and she glances over your shoulder, eyes landing on someone, and you're sure it’s Bellamy. She smiles at you and steps away, giving you two space, just as Bellamy wraps his arms around you from behind, tucking his chin into the crook of your neck. “I hope we dream.”
“If we do, I’ll dream of you.”
Bellamy spins you in his arms, careful of your injuries, until you’re facing him, a goofy smile on his face. “Really?”
He pulls you in for a kiss, soft and sweet, and your body lights up at his touch. Everything about Bellamy makes you feel alive, his love for you making you feel immortal, swimming amongst the stars, spreading light in your wake. Bellamy pulls away and looks down at you, and you can see a flash of worry pass over his face, similar to the one you just had, and you reach up to put your hand on his cheek. “We’ll be okay.”
“Will you still be here when I wake up?”
You nod, smiling at him as you remember the fear you both share. A fear that you likely didn’t help when you almost didn’t make it to the transport ship in time. “Of course I will.”
“I love you.”
“I love you more than the stars.”
He smiles at you, the words making him feel light, as if he’s weightless, carried by your love for him. “In this lifetime and in the next.”
You finish, “Forever.”
The two of you look at each other, mapping your features, memorizing every line and freckle of his face as he memorizes yours. And only when you’re finished, when you feel like you could draw Bellamy from memory, do the two of you pull apart and head to your cryo chambers. Clarke sets the controls for you, vowing to be the last one awake, and you smile at her before turning to look at Bellamy, both of your eyes locked on each other as you are pulled inside the chamber and the glass closes down on you. The last thing you see before you fall into a deep sleep, are Bellamy’s eyes on you, and a grin across his face, lulling you into a sense of security before you slip under.
Your first breath out of cryo feels like the best one you've ever taken. 
You blink your eyes open, your gaze falling on a figure beside you. 
She stands at our side, smiling down at you, and you sit up, looking around. “Why are we the only ones awake?”
“We aren’t, there’s one more.”
You look at her in confusion, and she points to Bellamy’s pod as it slides out and opens. You hop out of your pod and hobble over to him, still injured, and you smile down at him, your face the first thing he sees when he wakes. He immediately smiles back at you, stretching as he sits up, and kisses you softly, careful of your lingering injuries, frozen in time by cryo. When he pulls away, you watch his eyes move from you to Clarke, his expression pulling into one of contusion. “Why is it just us?”
A voice from behind answers, “That's the way Mom and Dad wanted it.”
The three of you turn to look towards the voice in shock, eyes landing on a boy about your age. You don't recognize him, which is strange, because he looks familiar. “Can I just say, wow. I mean, I can't tell you how good it is to finally meet you. Weird but good. Great, actually.”
The three of you walk towards the boy, and Bellamy asks, “Who are you?
“My name. Right. I didn't tell you my name. Sorry. I've never met anyone before, so, I clearly suck at it.” You all give him a strange look, not understanding his rambling, and he finally says, “I'm Jordan, Monty and Harper's son.”
The information hits you like a train, and you exchange a look with Bellamy and Clarke, the realization hitting you first. “They didn't go to sleep.”
Jordan confirms, “They talked about their time on the ring a lot. Too much, actually. How happy they were there. I guess they wanted to get back to that. Get dressed and come to the bridge. Dad left explicit instructions, wake the trio first, play them the message.”
He starts to walk away, but Clarke calls out, “Hey, wait. How long were we asleep?”
“125 years.”
You all exchange a shocked look, none of you expecting that to be his answer. As soon as he turns to leave the room, the three of you head to the drawers that hold your belongings and change obscenely fast, none of you even bothering to change in different rooms for some semblance of privacy. Once you’re dressed, you all practically run to the bridge, Bellamy and Clarke helping you along, all of you eager to find out what the hell is going on. As soon as Jordan sees the three of you and knows you’re ready, he walks over to a control panel and presses play, and a video pops up on the screen in front of you.
There sits Monty, looking the same as when you saw him last. “Hey, guys, it's been about a year since you all went to bed. Not much to report, really. My algae farm is awesome, no surprise there. I'm able to monitor conditions on the ground using the ship's geologic equipment, so, I'll know when it's safe for us to go back down. Gets a little lonely sometimes without the rest of you, but the peace and quiet is what-”
He gets cut off by Harper stepping into frame, scantily dressed, “Monty, I've been waiting.”
“Harper, wait. I'm in the middle of-”
She cuts him off, leaning in to kiss his neck. “You promised me. We have another 40 staterooms that-”
She turns and finally notices that Monty is recording a message, and she dives off screen, laughing, “Why didn't you tell me?”
Monty looks embarrassed as he shrugs, “Uh...not a lot to do in space.”
And then he ends the transmission as Jordan quips, “I so didn't need to see that.”
The next transmission begins with Monty blocking the camera, but when he steps back, you can see Harper, clearly pregnant, a huge grin on her face. Monty comes to stand beside her and put his arm around her. “Hey, again. Today's the two year anniversary of the long nap, and Harper's been eating a little too much algae.”
“Hilarious.” She turns her adoring gaze away from Monty to address the three of you with a smile. “Hey, guys, um, surprise. We picked a name today. Boy or girl: Jordan.”
You feel emotion reach up and grab your chest, sitting heavy, as you think of the boy with the goggles, a smile always on his face. You glance at Bellamy, and you can see the emotion on his face too, and one look at Clarke confirms that all three of you are affected by the news. On screen, Monty continues, “I think Jasper would like that. Anyway, still no sign the ground is coming back. I wouldn't expect it this soon, so, I'm not worried. We'll check back in next time there's news.”
The screen cuts out for just a second, and the next time it comes back on, a baby is held up to the camera, held in his grinning dad’s arms. The three of you glance at Jordan as Monty announces, “Meet Jordan Jasper Green.”
He cuddles his son close and smiles down at him before looking at the camera. “That's all for now. Harper's resting. We're both good, though. He'll be eight when you meet him, I can't wait to see your faces.”
At the announcement of Jordan's age when you’re supposed to meet him, all of you look towards him again, clearly much older than 8. Sensing this, he turns to look at you and nods. “Things didn't go as planned.”
The next transmission begins, and Monty is back on the screen, looking older, this time alone. “Happy wake up day, 10 years. And since you're watching this sometime in the future, you know now that...that I didn't wake you up. That's because there's still nothing down there. I'm working on the problem. I've told Harper it's to be expected, but, well, that's a lie. This is gonna take a while. Jordan is doing great, though. He's a happy kid. I took a page from Clarke and la lune’s parenting book. He knows all about you guys. Believe it or not, Murphy's his favorite.”
You laugh a little, and Jordan defends himself, “It was a rebellious phase.”
You all turn your attention back to Monty, who finishes, “Anyway, It's gonna be a while. I'll let you know if things change.”
The next transmission begins with Monty and Harper both on screen. They’re much older now, Monty’s hair long and going gray, Harper’s hair is shorter and turning the same light color. Monty’s arms are around her, and they’re both looking into the camera, heartbroken. “Hey, guys. It's been a long time since we recorded one of these. We just put Jordan in cryo. He's a good boy.”
Harper glances at Monty. “Smart like his father.”
Monty counters, “And kind like his mom.” He takes a deep breath and continues, “We chose this life, he didn't. If you're watching this, kiddo, we love you so much. Did you follow my instructions?”
Jordan nods, tears welling up in his eyes, as his dad says, “Assuming he did. Hey you three. We wanted him to wake you first so we could talk. Earth...isn't coming back. You've been asleep for over 28 years and it's as dead as the day we left. I'm working on a plan B, though. If you're awake, that means I found it. I'll see you again when I do.”
Monty reaches for the camera, about to turn it off, but Harper stops him. “Wait, not yet.” And then she looks right into the camera, right at you, Bellamy, and Clarke. “Take care of our boy.”
You all nod, despite the fact they can't see you, but the heartbreak of the transmissions only gets worse. The next time Monty appears on screen, all of his hair is white, and he’s much older than before. His appearance is a shock, and you see Bellamy and Clarke both look at your friend in surprise. “Jordan...your mother died today. She was pretty sick the last few years. Clarke, you were right, her dad's genetic condition finally got her.”
At this point, all three of you are crying, tears falling down your faces as you mourn the loss of Harper. You see Clarke shift beside you, and you reach out to take her hand, knowing she finds no comfort in being right about Harper’s condition. On screen, Monty continues, “We had a good life. Sometimes...I know she wanted to be with you guys. Maybe I did too, but if we did that, I wouldn't be able to show you this. Son.”
Jordan takes the direction, hitting a button to slide open the viewing screen, Earth coming into view. The sun lights it up from the left, and as you all stare down at it, the swirls of blue and green, Monty continues in the background. “It took me 30 years, but I finally cracked the Eligius III mission file. Turns out it wasn't a mining mission. After sucking the Earth dry of oil, they went looking for another planet to tap.”
Just then, the planet rotates, and a second sun appears, revealing to you that what you’re looking at isn't Earth at all. Your jaw drops in shock, and you remember something Shaw said when he first saw the color of your blood in Shallow Valley. “Two suns, no sunscreen needed.”
Bellamy and Clarke look at you in confusion, but they don't get to ask what you’re talking about because Monty's message continues. “I set the coordinates a week ago. If I'm right, you should get there in 75 years. I'm tempted to put myself in cryo to see it, but without Harper…”
He trails off, heartbroken at the loss of his love. “Anyway, it's in the Goldilocks Zone of a binary star system. But that's all I know. Eligius III never radioed back or, if they did, it was after apocalypse one, so, no one heard it. Can you see it? Is it beautiful?” 
All three of you nod, looking down at the lush planet, and you feel a pang of heartbreak that he isn't here to see it. “It is in my dreams. I hope we do better there. I hope Jasper was wrong and we aren't the problem. I hope your lives there will be as happy as mine has been. Be the good guys. May we meet again.”
And as he says the words, tears fall down your face again. You, Bellamy, and Clarke all whisper back, “May we meet again.”
Bellamy wraps his arm around you and you wrap yours around Clarke, sandwiched between the two most important people in your life, staring down at a planet that isn't Earth. You drop your head onto Bellamy’s chest, and Clarke wraps her arms around you, the three of you linked as you watch the planet rotate, a rush of hope surging through all of you. 
A new planet, a new place to start over, a new life, a new future. 
A place to do better. 
next chapter
83 notes · View notes
otp-armada · 4 years
Right before I woke up this morning, for a moment, my mind dreamt of a scene of Clarke on the Ring. She makes it to the rocket on time. It's her and Bellamy standing at the observation window, watching Earth burn. It's the two of them looking to the future, their people's and their own, together. 4x13 ends with a flash-forward of six years, but one of Spacekru as a family. As we see the eight of them laughing together at a dinner table, the camera pans to a weighted, happy glance shared between Clarke and Bellamy, him lifting their joined hands to his lips, two matching, thin rings of gold metal on their fingers. And that's how the audience comes to know they have coupled up. Boom. Out.
My ears are ringing from the collective shrieking we would have done.
My waking hours are here, and I'd like to play this scenario out to my specifications.
The first half of 5x01 is Spacekru flashbacks, showing us how they bonded to become a family and how Bellarke got together.
In the long, quiet comfort of the Ring, our heroes give voice to their past traumas and heal old grievances.
Clarke tells Bellamy about her father, Bellamy shares stories about his mother. She tells him about her father's kindness and gentle nature, his limitless heart. Jake's teases about Clarke drawing on every plain surface she could find, a habit that began with her childhood. Passionate as she was for sketching, she was in the midst of early medical training. Her exposure to the Council and the Chancellor is what gave Clarke her political acumen. Clarke recounts the games they used to watch with the Jahas. Before long, she's explaining the rules of soccer to a confused but amused Bellamy. Bellamy tells her what little he remembers about his parents before his father died. Aurora's smile. Her sacrifices for her children. Her tenacity. Her love of mythic stories she passed onto him. The overwhelming sense of responsibility she instilled in him from too early an age. Bellamy talks about the challenges of a life spent hiding a little girl under the floorboards from the Ark. Bellamy shares the rewards of being the only pair of siblings to have existed in nearly a hundred years. Unbidden by the role of big brother in Clarke's company, he gives voice to the constraints placed on his life. The hardships of living in Factory Station, while Clarke shrinks in guilt over her bountiful upbringing in Alpha. They both recall the pain of watching their parents get floated. There, in front of their eyes one second, gone forever in the blink of an eye. Clarke discloses that, while privileged, she was a lonely child. Were it not for Wells, she would have had no friends. She talks about him, what Bellamy never got to know about Wells Jaha.
The atmosphere shifts, and their conversations progress to contemporary times.
They discuss their respective tendencies to want to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. It takes time, but Clarke finally divulges why she felt compelled to leave Camp Jaha. How bereft she felt. Her nightmares and loneliness in self-imposed exile. Wandering around the freezing cold of the woods. Bellamy can't rein in the pain as he reminds Clarke that she didn't bear it all on her own. She couldn't have, not when he was the one left behind to pick up the pieces Mount Weather shredded. He was the one seeing their faces every day. She asked him to come back with her, to their people, once before, and he did. But when he asked her to do the same, she left. They both know it's not apologies he's looking for. It's a promise, a reigniting of an old promise made between two lost souls needing the other when the world threatened to drown them. They readily give in.
Their conversation takes an unexpected turn when Clarke explains why she gave in to Bellamy's plan to go undercover in Mt. Weather. For her to be strong enough to save her people, she couldn't let love hold her back, make her weak. From the second Bellamy left her sight, she regretted it. They both recognize it as the confession she didn't intend to say. Shock settles in. With newfound confidence, it triggers an admission of Bellamy's own feelings. Cue canon Bellarke.
Once the air between them is clear, it was only fair that the effects of Mt. Weather be a topic Clarke and Bellamy discuss with the third member of the room that fateful day. It leads them to the complicated subject of Jasper, the three of them breaking down in tears over their fallen friend.
Six years of peacetime spent in Clarke's company shapes perspective on the girl herself. She's not Clarke Griffin, the fierce and stoic Skaikru leader, equipped with all the answers. She's not Wanheda, the great legend. She's just a girl, with vulnerabilities, insecurities, fears, and demons, just the same as any of them. She becomes a person to them. Real flesh and blood. A human being who does indeed break. And no one is more startled by this revelation than Raven. It's another contentious relationship of Clarke's requiring time to mend. Although sharing feelings doesn't come easily to Raven, the two eventually crack their sibling-like rivalry where Abby and Finn are concerned.
It's the presence of a fellow cockroach well-versed in the glamourous lifestyle of isolation that gets Murphy out of his self-destructive streak. In their own ways, they have both been the outsiders. They make an uncanny pair of confidantes, so says the rest of the kru. But somehow, it works. Trust doesn't come easy for Murphy, and he and Clarke have their fair share of issues. Close quarters force the two of them and Emori to work it out. For all that Clarke excels at contrition, deserved and undeserved, she's also never been one to beat around the bush, no matter Murphy's preference to lash out in his signature style of sharp sarcasm at moments of his choosing. As it is for Bellamy, Clarke's belief in Murphy as a good man is an overwhelming force, one he is not sure he's worthy of, but privately welcomed nevertheless. In time, there arrives a sense of respect and loyalty between them no one foresaw.
Clarke's penchant for extending her hand to the outsiders doesn't end with Murphy and Emori. Clarke was the first to bring Echo on board and, she is the first to treat their errant Azgeda former spy as family. Post-season 4 to the series' end, Echo's character development is at the forefront of her story arc, never filtered through a subpar pairing needed to fuel an insipid love triangle where her leg of it is marked for eventual demolition.
Since I am bound by limitless imagination, let us pretend this was a 2-hour season premiere.
The flashbacks take us through the six years to the present. Spacekru's happiness is juxtaposed, as we transition to below the ground, by the hellscape Wonkru is trapped in. The second half of 5x01 is Wonkru flashbacks, a la 5x02.
5x02 takes us back to Eligius IV, to the passing of Order 11 (is that what it was called?). A young pilot named Shaw chooses to defy his captain's orders, releasing their prisoners. They proceed to take over the ship, killing Shaw's crewmates and captain, Charmaine Diyoza assuming command. She corrals Paxton McCreary and his men to her side. With their mutiny a success, Diyoza tells Shaw to plot a course for Earth. All the while, we see Shaw wrestling with the bloody aftermath of his decisions. They reach Earth's orbit, ready to go home, unknowingly under the watch of 8 survivors in space.
The Eligius prisoners touch ground on the last arable patch of land on Earth and quickly find themselves ensnared in a series of traps by an unknown number of assailants. Their assailant turns out to be a solitary preteen. They capture her, interrogate her. She speaks a language they've never heard. I'm making it a point to emphasize those infernal shock collars do not exist in my little world.
5x03 plays out similarly onboard the Eligius mothership. Our kru arrives, not to borrow a cup of sugar, but to steal the hydrazine for their journey home. Clarke, Bellamy, and kru debates the morality of killing 300 strangers in their sleep before deciding to use them as leverage. Raven and Murphy stay behind. Six Spacekru members fall to Earth and are captured by Eligius. They are taken to Diyoza, where they find a little girl dressed in Grounder garb. Bellamy and Clarke use their trump card to free themselves, Madi, and use their resources to locate Wonkru, with an additional promise to share the land and their knowledge of life on Earth.
5x04 plays out the same, more or less, without the awkward tension of a Bellarke trying to reacclimate themselves to each other's presence again. Diyoza brings Madi, Bellamy, and Clarke to Polis, where Bellarke negotiates for Wonkru's release. They meet Blodreina and her cult of warriors. Fandom squeals seeing Octavia greet her sister-in-law. Wonkru (and Blodreina) comes to realize that they have found a surviving Nightblood. Diyoza betrays the accord, taking Abby and Kane to Shallow Valley and leaving Bellarke and Madi at odds with Octavia.
5x05 sees Bellarke continuing to act in concert as a team, eager to reunite with their lost people while keeping a protective eye on Madi. Tensions brew between them and Blodreina. Marper and Echo return and they all turn back to Polis.
Blodreina refuses to grant pardon to Echo. Spacekru fights on her behalf, while Echo is willfully recruited for Octavia's mission. Madi meets Gaia under Clarke's watchful eye. When Madi is introduced to the Flame, Clarke tries to persuade her not to be swayed by the Flamekeeper's influence. Because this is my fantasy and I can do what I wish, it turns out that Clarke and Bellamy are expecting their first child. Clarke, believing the Flame to be a curse for its bearer, wants to spare Madi a bloody fate. She wants to abolish this aspect of Grounder culture, fearing the chances her child may become the next natural-born Nightblood. She dreads the possibility of her child as the next participant in the Conclave or the next Commander.
Another sidenote I am interjecting. Here, toxic motherhood isn't a defining characteristic of Clarke's, to aid in her isolation and subsequent, continual emotional decline. In my world, she gets to be a protective mother, a loving wife, a compassionate friend, and a caring daughter, all rolled in one little blonde package. She gives love freely, as she does in canon, but receives it in kind. She doesn't sink to rock bottom, nor must she, to be the heroine she is. She draws on the good and the bad experiences she's had to teach others. She imparts her lessons to those in need. Love is a commodity her life isn’t devoid of.
Clarke and Bellamy argue over what to do about Blodreina. Neither wants her to be harmed, but Bellamy maintains that she is, above all, his sister. He needs to believe Octavia is still within reach. He cannot abandon her now that they're together again. Clarke petitions Bellamy to take their family to Shallow Valley before it's too late. They compromise, agreeing to remove Octavia from the board long enough for Indra to take Diyoza's proffered deal. Their plans fail, as per 5x08, and Octavia arrests Clarke, an execution set for after the baby’s birth. We retain the glorious Blake scene of 5x08. It breaks Bellamy's heart to hurt Octavia, but she forced his hand. He has to protect his wife and their baby.
Tensions come to a head between husband and wife, courtesy of 5x09. Bellamy, having exhausted all other options, decides Madi must ascend to Commander to accomplish their goals. It is the only way to protect them all and save the valley. I am once again interrupting my spiel to remark that Clarke knows, unequivocally, she is included on the shortlist of family Bellamy is most ardently trying to protect. Forget "included," she's at the top. Clarke, ever the protective mother, disagrees, citing endangerment to Madi from Octavia and her patriots. Clarke argues that, of Diyoza and Octavia, Diyoza is the lesser evil to their family. As long as they remain within Diyoza's rules, they have nothing to fear from her. Bellamy, seeing Clarke's deep-rooted fear, agrees.
They are delayed by Marper, who wish to stay within the bunker, living off the revitalized algae farm. Bellamy and Clarke don't want to leave them behind until Monty points out that they, for once, deserve the chance to choose their fate, as all of the people of Earth. Octavia recuperates in time to arrest Bellamy, sending him to the fighting pit. Clarke fights to defend him but is detained. Clarke wants to fight alongside him, but they both know she has to live to raise their baby. They are permitted a final goodbye, and they have an emotional last exchange, a.k.a. Kabby parallel. Like Kane before him, Indra is forced to separate another family.
Octavia assures Bellamy that the baby will be under her protection. By now, Bellamy has reached the end of his rope with his baby sister. He loves her, but he can't distinguish her from the monster she's become, and it's about to cost him a life with his family. Disgusted, Bellamy scoffs at her overtures. He reminds her that his child deserves to have its parents. Clarke's earlier words come back as he tells her that she is his family's worst enemy. It wasn't enough for Aurora to leave him responsible for raising his sister at six years old. For the first time, his life is right, and she's the one who's about to take it away. He reminds her what it was like to lose her mother at 17, to never know her father. She knows how devastating it feels. Yet, left up to her, his child would be an orphan. He finishes with a devastating blow: it'll be those he holds as his family who will take care of his wife and child.
Clarke breaks free of her restraints, making plans to cause disruption to the bunker and getting Bellamy out in the ensuing chaos. She is stopped by Monty, who wants to use the opportunity to give Wonkru a better choice. Clarke tells him she isn't gambling Bellamy's life. Monty breaks again, pointing out that the last time he helped her and Bellamy, they split blood, and their plans still failed. Clarke reluctantly relents out of guilt, knowing how Mount Weather continues to haunt Monty. She does, after all, trust him with her life.
Bellamy fights Indra in the pits until the proceedings are interrupted by an intervening Monty, brandishing a pure, white flower in a sea of blood and darkness. Just as he begins to sway Wonkru to his non-volatile solution to the impending war, Blodreina forces compliance by burning the algae farm.
As Wonkru mobilizes for war, the fractured Spacekru and Madi take the rover to the valley to find their friends. They destroy the worms in transit.
They save an incapacitated Abby, who later recounts the Dark Year. Bellamy can't stop the horror he feels at the ordeal his sister has lived through. He feels a pang of guilt he knows is irrational while wrestling with the knowledge that she is still responsible for her choices now.
They reunite with the rest of Spacekru and are surprised to learn McCreary has taken control of the camp. With Diyoza and Kane's assistance, the eye in the sky is reinstalled, giving Eligius the advantage. As much as they want to prevent this war, they cannot leave Wonkru to die in the gorge. The group breaks off. One team is sent to disable the eye in the sky. The other team uses Madi's knowledge of the valley's layout to head off to fight alongside Wonkru in the gorge.
By the time they arrive safely, only Octavia, Indra, and Gaia are left alive. Bellamy convinces Octavia to retreat instead of sacrificing herself. He tells her she has to live with what she's done instead of taking the easy way out. For the most part, I'm picturing the scenes play out as they did in canon. At base camp, Wonkru is in disarray. Too many bodies are left littered from this war, with Blodreina at fault. To stop the in-fighting, Madi attempts to assume control by invoking her natural right to lead as a Nightblood. Some dissent, claiming she is not yet Commander. With support from Gaia, Octavia, and Bellamy (who makes sure this is what she wants), they sway Wonkru to Madi's side. Freshly invigorated, Wonkru prepares for a second assault.
Back on the Eligius ship, Clarke, Raven, and Shaw release an imprisoned Diyoza. They allow themselves to be captured and taken to the ship's central control. While McCreary attempts to force Raven to pilot their ship, she and Clarke regain control. Meanwhile, Bellamy convinces Madi to let the prisoners live.
From here, may I present two alternatives:
Scenario 1: Clarke kills McCreary before he can launch the missile from the mothership. With Spacekru controlling the ship's weaponry and Wonkru overtaking the prisoners, Eligius capitulates. After much deliberation, a new accord is reached, allowing for all survivors to live in peace as a singular society. Spacekru gets their 80 acres. The last of the 10(2) become parents to the next generation. It takes time, but Bellamy and Octavia's relationship heals. Eventually, she earns back her place in his life as his sister. She becomes one of many to welcome Bellarke's little one to the world, ecstatic to be a loving aunt. Generations later, the Earth recovers.
Scenario #2: The missile is launched. Earth's survivors must escape to space to survive. Marper opts out of cryosleep and has a son. It takes Monty ten years to realize Earth may never recover from its last doomsday. He wakes Spacekru+ to determine options. Between him, Raven, and Shaw, the three configure a self-running algorithm to decode the Eligius III mission files. They wire the pods to awaken its occupants every decade to check the algorithm's progress. The McIntyre-Greens go into cryosleep with some gentle persuasion from Bellarke. They won't leave their people behind. Thirty years later, Earth remains dormant. The files reveal the existence of a planet that could support human life, lightyears away, in the binary star system in the Goldilocks zone. They plot a course.
No, it's not as thrilling as the original ending. But if our heroes are going to traipse across the universe, only to return to their home planet, then Marper will not be sacrificed for nada. They will live out their days, a little older, a little wiser, but surrounded by their friends. They will not say farewell to their son at his ripe old age of 26.
There isn't much I would change about season 6, not where its major storylines are concerned. Clarke meets Cillian for his insight on Abby and Kane's deteriorating conditions. I would alter Madi's arc to where she takes the Flame in Sanctum and uses the time while the grounders are in cryosleep to train under Gaia's tutelage. Madi becomes attached to Bellarke, and it leaves her susceptible to Sheidheda's influence when her newfound familial figures find themselves at risk from the Primes. She'd see Sheidheda as a necessary evil to save her people, not unlike Clarke submitting to Lxa's clout. I would have Sheidheda preying on Madi's fears that she'd be alone again as she was during Praimfaya if she doesn't respond with vigor.
Season 7 gets a similar, substantial overhaul I've been thinking about for months but haven't yet written down.
The end.
(When am I going to stop with these sidenotes? After this last point, I promise.) Jason ran too tight a ship to let his post-apocalypse masterpiece become overtaken by frivolous romance. Without this pitfall, what stopped him from coupling Bellarke up before the end? Nothing. He could have a Bellarke that remained symbolic of the show's themes and mythos. A show that thrives on chaos would never run out of conflict to stir the pot. Falling apart and weaving themselves back together has been the model of their relationship since season one. Why couldn't they do this and be a couple? Why couldn't they have the Memori Model? They could have, but Jason chose the path of the slowburn. There's no fault in this. There is a fault in choosing to rescind the previously established story when it comes time for the threads to finally tie together. And I will never forgive him for it.
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
I am so glad that the show ended in Season 5 with some bonus episodes where we see Bellamy save Clarke, Clarke in pretty dresses and dancing, and playing with doggo
We get to engage with the show anyway we want.
I know I’ve said a lot about sticking to canon, but I got to say, season 7 isn’t worthy of analysis anymore.
I don’t analyze EVERY story. Most tv shows are not complex enough to stand up to analysis. The don’t have a cohesive story that has a narrative you can count on. Until s7 this show DID. Now it doesn’t.
All I can say now about the full season 7 arc is... it had six seasons of comprehensive narrative with Clarke as the hero, Bellamy as the secondary hero and Bellarke as the backbone of the story. It was about what we would do to survive in the apocalypse. It was about learning to lead, and being a moral person. It was about making sure we deserved to survive. It was about healing from trauma and fighting to decide what to do with your own life. It was about looking evil in the eye.... even within yourself, and doing better. It was about how love is NOT a weakness. It was about getting up again every time you get knocked down. It was about fighting for those you love and for humanity. 
Season 7 was not this story. It was a different story. It was about the transcendence of the human race as discovered by a cult leader from before the apocalypse. It was about how humanity died and how we were out of chances to try and improve, grow and fix things. 
Clarke and Bellamy were only part of an ensemble cast. All of whom died, but Clarke. Murphy, Emori, Miller and Jackson’s stories were completely removed from the main story of transcendence, and were only about their love and ships, but lovely. Echo’s was irrelevant. Octavia was a half hearted resolution to her blodreina/skairipa storyline where she was like, ���come on guys, let’s not fight.’ Good for her. Although the last war was definitely anticlimactic. Raven got to be the one to change the mind of the all powerful magic alien god, so someone finally gave her credit for how awesome she is, even though her road to get there was mostly irrelevant to the main conflict. Indra’s journey to taking charge of her people was pretty good, but it ended with her just blowing Sheidheda away to finally get rid of him... which was cool but it should have happened about three different times earlier in the season and that it didn’t, for no reason, seems to be to make him a plot device. Now everything in a story is a plot device, but when there’s no reason for them to be there BUT the plot device, that makes it cheap. PLUS his death was anticlimactic. Boom. gone. Over. Stupid. Bellamy’s ending was the worst. It just went poof as if he weren’t important. However, tertiary characters got better deaths than he did. Shit. The pathos of Tor Lemkin in season 1 was what made me fall in love with this show. Bellamy puffed out into nothingness the way Sheidheda did with the earth mover. As if he never existed in the show before.
And then there was Clarke’s ending. Which was HORRIBLE. Not so much horribly written as a nightmare of blaming Clarke for all of humanity’s sins. Like how could you do that to Clarke? She became a CARTOON of her own self, storming through Bardo killing people left and right for vengeance. 
Those are the characters.
Except for Raven, Indra and Octavia, none of them had any agency in how this story turned out. None of their goals were realized. They didn’t save anyone. They didn’t lead their people. They didn’t make life better for anyone. They didn’t find love... oh wait. Octavia and Levitt. (ugh so bad and cheesy sorry levtavia fans. it COULD have worked but they didn’t earn it imo. it again seemed forced so that they could have an inside man plot device which they should have had with Bellamy. and speaking, why did levitt, who tortured octavia, get forgiveness while Bellamy, who was their hero forever, did not?)
Clarke, who started out the series wanting to do what was right, ended the series mindlessly gunning down people. And that COULD have been her long term trajectory, except in season five and six, she came back from being broken and alone and committed to doing better, to being better. Not to mention, we DID that broken hero with Octavia in season 3, 4, and 5, and she ALSO came back. Not to mention we did it with Bellamy in season 3 and he ALSO came back. And with Diyoza. Who got her redemption in saving everyone and turning to crystal. 
In a story about the redemption and salvation of humanity, about not always being sure if they’re worthy of survival, about trying to be the good guys and failing sometimes, season 7 was about-- nope, humanity are pricks. They’re either mindless sheep who follow, or violent creeps who destroy, or psychotic cult leaders who dominate.
LOL. There weren’t any heroes left. No, wait. Last minute clutch players, Raven, Octavia and Indra. Who didn’t have ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE DRIVING CONFLICT THE REST OF THE TIME.
HOLY MACARONI this season was a mess.
And then in the story about the redemption and salvation of the human race, they DELETED the human race by Deus Ex Machina.  Just like they deleted Bellamy by unearned brainwashing, and deleted his impact on the story by “so much for together.” The center of the narrative was poofed away, unearned.
Clarke was PUNISHED for everything she did to save them, even when she sacrificed herself. And she was CANONICALLY attempting to save humanity as a whole and canonically the only person who was NOT tribalistic.  And they poofed away her character and made her a crazy Dany.
Also the concept of bittersweet ending, of victory at a cost, was completely reversed. This was not a victory at a cost, it was a failure with consolation prize. VERY different ending. 
New theory.
Season 7 was written by someone else. None of it fits the rest of the show. 
I am now blaming Kim Shumway. The bitch can not, as it turns out, tell stories. Maybe she can write when someone else directs her what to say but she should never be in charge of a story again. 
Ulitmately it was JR’s responsibility so he doesn’t get a pass. And he didn’t care enough about his story to see it through but instead was enamored with the prequel. 
But this is a different story told by a different vision. It is NOT The 100. 
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wankadi · 5 years
Octavia saying "They should be fun" is such a reminder of s1 Octavia when she says almost exactly the same thing. Maybe in the first episode even.
It breaks me a lot.
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pretend-writer · 4 years
Down Below (Chapter 67)
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Summary: After being sent down on Earth with the other prisoners from the Ark, Y/N Reyes faces series of events and learns about survival. With new things happening around her, she is now starting a new chapter in her life.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader, John Murphy x reader, Raven Reyes x sister!reader
Word Count: 2.6k words
Warning: mention of death, mention of violence, swearing
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It was hard to believe in second chances after all I’ve done down at the bunker. Despite telling myself over the past few years that what I did was for Wonkru and to support Octavia, I knew in my heart that it was a shitty thing to do.
But here I stood next to Bellamy as we looked out the window of Eligius IV, staring at our possible new home that Monty researched for us all these years we were in cryo sleep.
‘Monty did all of this... for us...’ Bellamy mumbled to himself, looking at the new planet in awe. ‘This...’
‘This is amazing.’ The words slipped out of my mouth, enjoying the beautiful view we had from up this ship. Who would’ve known that Earth wasn’t the only livable place in the universe? By the way it seemed, the planet full of green life, it was habitable for humans. But we wouldn't know for sure until we get to the ground.
‘Yeah, I’m really excited actually. I don’t know a life outside this ship.’ Jordan grinned widely, ‘Also, it’s nice meeting you two finally. Monty and Harper talked a lot about you guys.’
It was crazy to think that Monty and Harper had a child, but it was more insane to think that they were both gone. Instead of going to cryo, they’ve decided to live the rest of their lives together.
They had their own family, finally had a life away from war and lived in peace. Now that I think about it, it sounded so beautiful. I knew that Monty and Harper were happy together, they deserved all of that and more.
‘Y/N, before I log off from my final video...’ Monty smiled through the camera, ‘I want to thank you for taking care of Jasper. I always wonder if I tried hard enough, he’d still be with us today. Because of everything you’ve done for him, I know that all that happened at the bunker wasn’t the real you, I truly believe that. Even though you did scare me.’
‘Throughout the times from when we landed on Earth to now, you’ve always done what’s best for everyone. That’s all that matters in the end. I hope that on this planet, we can all do better and look out for each other.’ Monty smiled one last time, ‘I believe in you guys. May we meet again.’
‘May we meet again.’ Bellamy and I whispered as Monty logged out of the video. The tears streamed down my face, not being able to process that Monty wasn't with us anymore.
He was the one that gave me hope; after dealing with Mount Weather, Monty was the one that made me realize that I had to push through to be an asset again. He pulled me out of a dark place that I never thought I'd ever leave. He even realize that Skafaiya had changed, that I was being better.
If it wasn't for him, reassuring that I can do better I would of never realized what I've become and all that bad that I've done. I should be thanking him for that, I wish I thanked him before we parted ways.
'Who else should I wake up?' Jordan asked sweetly. 'My dad programmed cryo to wake us up but not the others.'
My dad. Wow I could never get used to that, I thought to myself. I wish I was able to congratulate Monty and Harper, except it happened a hundred years ago.
'We can't wake everyone, it'll be chaotic. We can get the people who can go down and help us search around. Starting with Shaw, the pilot.' Bellamy nodded, he turned to me and flashed a smile.
I shrugged, not really in the mood to talk to him. After what Raven had told me about Bellamy and Echo, I didn't know if I was able to stand him. 'Yeah. Okay. Sounds good.'
'You okay, Reyes?' Bellamy reached for me to hold his hand, except I took a step back. He cocked his head, confused. Last time I saw him, we were in good terms and wanted to start over again. 'What's wrong?'
'Nothing.' I avoided his eye contact as I left the room. Bellamy followed me into the cryo room, not saying a word as he tried to give me space.
I'd rather not wait and instead, tell him the whole truth about what I knew about The Ring. The problem was the fact that he was acting as if nothing happened, as if he didn't kiss another girl while he was in space. Bellamy made me feel bad about the bunker when the fact was that he was hiding things from his at-the-time girlfriend.
As I worked the cryo machine, I woke up the people we needed to venture down with on the new planet. Each person popped out of cryo, slowly waking up as if they were just taking a short nap.
'No, not her.' Bellamy rested his hand on mine, stopping me from pressing the button. 'We can't wake Octavia up.'
'Why not? Are you still scared of her?'
'If someone is already living on this planet, we don't want Blodreina fucking everything up.'
'Well, if someone is actually down there and if they happen to be savages, don't we need someone who can fight?' Murphy walked towards us, giving me a hug from the side. 'Just saying.'
Bellamy rolled his eyes, didn't know if it was from John being close to me or the fact that he was told what to do about his sister. 'I'm not taking that risk. I'm sure we will be fine ourselves.'
'Alright, you're the boss.' John dropped the conversation, quickly turning to me. 'Can I talk to you, Y/N?'
'Yeah, of course.' I nodded, smiling at him before he walked away.
In the corner of my eyes, I saw Bellamy staring at me. I could tell that he was confused, maybe a bit jealous too. With all that's happened, I didn't know whether to feel bad or let him be. Either way, I left the room.
Following Murphy out of the cryo room, he led me to the hallway. 'I missed you. Even though it feels like I just saw you 10 minutes ago.'
I giggled, feeling butterflies like I did when I kissed him before we headed to cryo sleep. 'To be fair, it's been over hundred years.'
'And yet, your shot wound hasn't healed.' John pointed at my leg, 'Saw you limping earlier.'
'Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm always fine.' I smiled. Wanting to get everything out the way, I decided to talk to him about the obvious topic we had to discuss. 'I haven't told Bellamy by the way.'
He nodded, 'I figured. It's okay, there's no need to rush it.'
'But I feel bad, I don't want it to be a secret or anything.'
'Don't feel bad because whatever we have, it's worth it. I don't mind the mystery either. Besides, sneaking around is kind of a turn on.'
This feeling I had for him felt so right, so nostalgic; felt way better than feeling pressured by Bellamy to be different and to feel bad about who I was. I didn't have to pretend with John, we knew each other majority of our lives and he understood what I've been through.
What I didn't understand was why all this time, Bellamy guilted me about the years I spent in the bunker when he had secrets he was keeping from me.
Jackson suddenly rushed towards me and Murphy, looking at me as if he was very stressed. 'Jackson, what's wrong?'
'We're prepping Kane for surgery. He's awake and somewhat stable for now but-' He paused, I could tell he was scared of my reaction.
'Kane wants to see you.'
My heart dropped, not expecting to see Marcus at all. Last time I saw him, he was unconscious and when I spoke my final words to him back at Polis, I said some pretty mean stuff.
'Can I just see him after surgery?'
'Bellamy is preparing with Clarke to go check out the new planet and he told me you're going with. Also with Kane's condition, we're afraid he might not make it.'
'You should go see him, Y/N.' John tapped my arm, 'I can come with you if you'd like.'
Marcus' condition? How bad was his injuries? I knew that one of Abby's patients attacked him but I didn't know it was this critical. No matter how much pain he brought me after all the betrayals, I wasn't ready to say goodbye to him.
'I'll be okay.' I faked a smile to John, but instantly he knew I was lying.
He didn't push it though, instead he nodded in return. 'Let me know if you need me.'
'Thank you, John.' I said before I followed Jackson into a room. Raven, Abby and Bellamy looked up as the door opened for Jackson and I.
'What is she doing here?' Abby growled, staring at me as if I came to kill Marcus myself. 'She's going to trigger him and make his condition worse than it already is.'
'Kane personally asked for her. I think he has a right to see her, Abby.' Jackson replied back, 'We should give them some privacy.'
Raven nodded, 'I agree. We'll be right outside if you need us Y/N.'
'Thanks.' Raven and Jackson left the room, Abby still glaring at me as she stood next to Kane laying on the bed.
'I'm not going anywhere Y/N. I don't trust you for-'
'It's okay Abby. Give us some space, I need to speak to her.' Marcus spoke up, putting his hand on hers. 'We will be fine.'
Abby huffed as she headed to the door. 'If anything happens to him, it's on you.'
Bellamy looked at me with sad eyes, I guess he understood my situation with me and Marcus after I told him before he got into the fighting pit; sorry flushed across his face.
He reached for my hand but I quickly swept it away, I didn't even mean to do it. 'I-I want to be alone with him if that's okay, Bellamy?'
'Ah. Sure.' Bellamy whispered, scratching his temple as he left the room.
I slowly walked over to Marcus' bed, holding my breath. I didn't know what to say or what to feel after everything that had happened.
'How are you?' He whispered, not being able to speak loudly. The patient had stabbed Marcus on his neck, causing him to lose a lot of blood.
'I should be the one asking you that.' The bloody bandage on his neck scared me a little, I've never seen him so helpless.
'Physically, I can tolerate this pain but emotionally I'm not okay.' Marcus' voice cracked, 'I'm sorry for what I did to you.'
'What are you sorry about exactly?' I didn't mean to sound petty, I genuinely needed to know if I was ready to forgive him. It hurt that someone I love so much turned his back on me, but it was hard to keep hating him also.
Marcus paused, carefully turning his head toward me. His eyes started to water and he lightly whimpered. 'About everything, monkey.'
I bit my bottom lip, trying to hold my tears in. It made me feel sad for him, but for what? He betrayed me not once but twice; The first time in the bunker after he never believed that Abby blackmailed me and when he turned against Wonkru to work with Diyoza.
His betrayal made me angry but it made me even more upset at myself for still caring for him. Just like he told me at the fighting pit, I tried to stop him for a reason. And that reason was that no matter how much pain he put me through, I cared for him.
'You know, Octavia came to me and told me what happened when the Dark Year began. That Abby had told you to shoot those people. I didn't want to believe that someone I love did those things to you. I also couldn't believe what I saw when you shot and killed Wonkru.'
'But you chose her over me, even when I came up to you about Abby. All those years you took her side and left me in the dark, made it mine and Octavia's fault that the Dark Year happened.'
'I know... I know...' He breathed, 'I just didn't want to admit that Abby would do that. I saw what you did and I didn't wanted to believe that she was behind all of this.'
'So you were okay with blaming me and not her?'
'No, I wasn't. Not at all.' Marcus held his breath, gently wiping his tears that were streaming down his face. 'I was confused, I felt like everything was falling apart. I chose the easy way out, turned you into an enemy. I never even considered how you felt at all.'
It made me mad, knowing that he knew he was wrong for blaming everything on me. All I wanted was a hug, an "I love you" or just any support from him. 'You made my life a living hell.'
'I know Y/N, I know.' He reached for my hand, his hand shaking from weakness. 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.'
Leaning in closer to him, I felt his touch on my cheek. It's been a long time since I've been this close to Marcus. 'I was just a kid, I was scared what Abby was going to do to Octavia. She had a gun... and I knew her drug problems and I-'
'I'm sorry, Y/N.' Kane sobbed, caressing my cheek. 'I'm sorry.'
Gently and carefully, I wrapped my arms around Marcus. Making sure not to put my whole weight on him, I hugged him as I buried my face into his chest. Tears fell down my eyes, staining Marcus' shirt with tears which added to the blood stains from his injuries.
'I just wanted you to believe me, that's all I wanted.'
'I'm sorry.' Marcus repeated over and over again. 'I'm proud of you okay? For overcoming this without me, without Bellamy or your sister.'
'Octavia was with me. She helped me through everything.'
'Oh, baby.' He shook his head, holding me tightly as he can with all the strength he had left in him. 'Why did I do this to you again? I told myself after what happened at the Ark, I wouldn't ever do anything to lose you again... Why... why?'
Even though I hated that he took Abby's side, it must've been hard for him to see her in that way. I can never justify or maybe even forgive him when he turned his back on me but I can understand the confusion he must of had.
Everyone knows I was not innocent in this at all. Not at all, not even close.
'Thank you, for apologizing.' I mumbled into his chest, hugging him a little bit longer.
'No, thank you for even coming to talk to me.'
Taking a deep breath, I recollected all my thoughts. I tried to wipe my tears off of his shirt but it all sank in. 'Sorry your shirt is wet now.'
Marcus laughed lightly, shaking his head. 'Don't worry about it. I need a new one anyway.'
Placing my hand on his cheek, I wiped his tears. 'Don't leave me again.'
'I'll try not to.'
'No, promise me you won't. You can't leave me again. Not after all that's happened.'
He looked at me, smiled as he nodded. 'Okay. I promise Y/N.'
Nodding in return, I gave him a kiss on his forehead. 'For good luck.'
'Thank you, monkey.'
'May we meet again.'
Marcus smiled once again, 'I'll see you soon kiddo.'
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commander-anya · 6 years
That episode broke me to pieces. I sat on the floor and cried after losing one of my favourite characters of all time. She’s still alive but Octavia Blake is gone and I cannot handle it, I hate it. I will always love her but I’m just so crushed. 
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multivstx · 4 years
heyo! so more on spackru because i did some reading around and all..
personally i love the idea of it and ik many others do too, even knowing clarke and friends are not in it. then there is other people who could care less about it. i think mainly because we never got to see them! im so thankful we got something tho but overall nothing. 
I think its unfair that clarke and octavia got their own episode. since that let others feel for them and understand what they’ve been through. will spacrkru nothing!! even if they were more safe than others we didnt know. anything can happen up there. for all u know they could've lost oxygen and or got shot out of the sky. who knows. they could've killed someone up there, we didn’t know. obvi those things were mentioned but never happened/happened later. they were isolated for 6 years i bet something happened. something deff happened. putting people who have know each other since kids, but have completely different personalities, two grounders from contrasting clans, the three pairs of couples + raven. and they all became family and siblings(excluding the couples lol). like we know such little back story its insane! that’s why for people who despise them im like ... well at least u got ur whole two episodes, we got nothing!! spacekru deserved better. like ik i said why people might not like them but tbh thats just ... plus u cant get mad for others liking them if u get mad at spacekru simply existing. if ur mad thats probs you im talkin about. and just to be clear i like them but im gonna come out and say i would chose spacekru over them any day. just me tho. and not saying i hate them just that if u gave me the option to watch clarke /w madi, bloodreina, or spacekru. it would be spacekru first than blodreina and last clarke and madi. spacekru would have been so interesting plus clarke is the main character like let her breathe for a second! and shes got madi now!! idkw people are mad that shes not with them.  im happy for her. she probs needed a break from them since she gets all the blame. like if i was clarke i would be like yes lol. like as soon as spacekru saw her face they attacked her...and y’all okay with that? make it make sense. and spacekru needed time away from clarke to appreciate her 50% (some things clarke did were just mhm)
and thats literally why people dont like spackru is that they never got to really see anything plus they literally destroyed it!! killing off monty and harper the two purest characters...leaving those 5 behind...when they got the ground they were good but then they kept splinting them up and all having them do things and turn on each other. 6 years. that’s a long time. there is no way they threw it away. and then s7 was an awful wreck and it crashed and burned. 
but tbh I just blame the writers here honestly. its thier fault. how did they forget they made a group. it just makes them feel worthless and just something to kill time. but to me and others and them. they are a family! and meant something. plus so many people forget the exist and get confused with skaikru. like u clearly did not watch the show 1 but 2 the writers suck ... they literally deserved so much better. istg they would have been more popular if they got their flashbacks. im happy we got some happy moments between them but like we need all of it. 
anyways saying all of this and still believing in spacekru supremacy ever after everything speaks volume lowkey. they coulldve been something! and i will be forever mad.
but we also got monurphamy which i love!! love my spacekru boys
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