#a.l.i.e. x raven
laufire · 3 months
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STACKED100 | march 10th | “terms and conditions” When I communicate with someone, they listen to me. They agree with me. Raven... ... is strong.
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hodnesgon100 · 10 months
an honest day’s work [niylah x gn!reader]
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summary: the hunting parties have been bringing back less and less so yn and niylah decide to go foraging to try and help out (kind of? lol)
genre: fluff (so much fluff, v nervous reader), slightly suggestive (?), kinda angsty
warnings: mentions of violence in beginning, intentional lowercase— pls tell me if i missed something
your day was slow so far, mostly spent behind the bar telling weary people that their alcohol supply was cut off due to rationing. this earned you many dirty looks, even though it was completely out of your control. you had just turned down another person, and were watching them sulk away when you noticed niylah across the room trading with monty, your lips forming into the faintest smile.
the first time you met niylah she had just been beaten by an Azgeda scout who was looking for clarke. she looked scared, she was hurt and, aside from the little bits of information to help find clarke, she didn’t have much to say.
the second time you encountered niylah was even less fortunate, when you and your people took over her trading post to hide raven from A.L.I.E. and again, she didn't say much; she mostly just stood across the room glaring at you. you wanted to go speak to her, apologize, ask if there was any way you could repay her for your people disturbing her home.
everytime you started to walk over to her, you found yourself getting extremely nervous, quickly pivoting in any direction away from her; pretending to go talk to bellamy, or check on raven.
it wasn’t until after A.L.I.E was defeated that you finally spoke to niylah. you expected her to be harsh and untrusting, much like other Grounders you’d met. she was the exact opposite.
she was kind and soft spoken, her words never far from a whisper. being in her presence felt safe, like you weren't living in a world where you constantly feared for your life.
lately, you and niylah had become close, often working together to dry meat for camp—which she taught you how to do. you would forage, searching for new herbs to add a little flavor to the rations, and would often end the day sharing a meal. her home became a place you could run to when things at Arkadia got out of control or felt overwhelming. it didn’t take long for you to realize you wanted something more out of your relationship with niylah, but you were scared to voice any feelings you had out of respect for clarke.
clarke wasn’t one to talk about herself, much less tell you who she was involved with, but you'd see the way she looked at niylah with a softness in her eyes, sometimes even a longing, and that was enough for you to keep your feelings to yourself.
“yn…?” a voice from behind startles you and you spin around quickly to see raven with a worried look on her face. “you okay? i called your name a few times.”
“oh y-yeah, i’m fine sorry, i was just in my own world” you stutter, smiling softly to reassure her you really are okay. “what’s up?”
“could you help me sort this—” she stops mid sentence as her eyes look past you and she sighs, “or, nevermind because it looks like niylah is about to steal you away again” she chuckles and turns to walk away.
“niylah? what? i—” you turn around just as niylah walks up and leans on the bar.
“hi” she smiles, staring at you for a moment before standing up straight and walking around the bar, “i deserve a hug from this reunion, right? feels like weeks since i laid eyes on you.”
she was now standing right in front of you, arms open wide. “we were together just a few days ago” you laughed as she got impatient and pulled you into a hug. she sighs and settles into the hug pulling you even closer somehow, resting her head on your shoulder.
“i missed you” she hums, nuzzling her head into your neck. you feel your cheeks heat up and you shift nervously in her arms. “i missed you too.”
in the beginning of your friendship it was much easier to hide your feelings. you didn’t see her that often and even when you did, there was always something more important that needed your attention. lately it seems like you were always alone with niylah, and she had become more affectionate with you the more time you spent together. you knew she was probably just being friendly but it only made it harder to ignore your feelings for her.
“sooo” niylah finally spoke up, pulling away from you but leaving her hands where they were, on your waist. “are you busy today?”
“mm, no not really. i mean, i think raven might have wanted my help but you scared her away” you laugh nervously, moving out of her grip and occupying yourself with the pile of dirty dishes next to you. you weren’t usually the nervous type when falling for someone, and you were always upfront about your feelings, but the uncertainty of her and clarke’s relationship, plus not knowing how niylah felt made you a nervous mess anytime she was near.
“raven? scared of me?” she let out a loud laugh throwing her head back and grabbing the counter to brace herself. “i can’t think of one person raven is scared of, much less me. but if it means i can have you to myself today, i’ll believe it.” you had your back turned to her, still washing dishes.
“i don't know.. you can be pretty intimidating sometimes” you say jokingly as she rolls her eyes.
“but seriously, i was thinking we could try foraging today?” she leans on the counter next to you, head resting on her hand, “i know we weren’t that lucky last time but it's really nice outside today and the woods are always good to me this time of year.” she smiles sweetly, waiting for you to respond.
you put the dish you were cleaning down and turn around to lean on the counter, grabbing a towel to dry your hands. “foraging? yeah that sounds like a chill day, i’ve been wanting to leave Arkadia even just for a little bit to get away from all the chaos. our friends are all mad at each other right now and with the world ending and all i just…” you drift off looking away from her.
“you just need to get away?” niylah spoke, stepping slightly closer to you, grabbing your hand and gently tracing small circles on your palm.
“yeah yeah, i could use a break” you say, pulling away and nervously rubbing the back of your neck.
“great, let's go take a break then” she smiles, pulling you into another hug, this one much shorter. “meet me at the stables when you wrap up here?”
“yeah, I will” you nod and she walks around the bar, your eyes following her as she leaves the building. you let out a sigh, taking a moment to catch your breath after being so close to her.
it was going to be one hell of a day.
you finished cleaning up the bar, and made sure to tell raven where you were headed in case anyone was wondering where you went. you started making your way to the stables, taking in the day. it really was beautiful outside. the sun was high in the sky and it was just hot enough outside to make you sweat, but there was still a breeze which was nice.
walking the path to the front gate you were greeting other Arkadians, everyone in good spirits despite the second Praimfaya on the way. some people were repairing equipment, or the ship, some were tending to crops. it gave you hope to see your people working together like this.
as you near the stables you see niylah standing by her horse at the front gate, already saddled up. she was smiling at you and waving you over.
“give me a second to saddle nebula and i’ll be right there” you shouted as you turned to pet your horse. nebula was actually a gift from niylah after she found out how badly you wanted to learn how to ride. she said she had wanted to get you one for a while but what took her so long was finding the “perfect one.” nebula was almost completely black, with the slightest sliver of white going down her chest. you were in awe the first time you saw her, she was perfect.
“i was just thinking we could take mine, and i can drop you back off before I head home” niylah shouted back.
“oh okay!” you gave nebula a quick kiss on the side of her head and then walked over to niylah.
“you want front? back?” she asked. in other words, did you want her holding on to you, or you holding on to her. both options made you nervous but the idea of her gripping on to you tightly while you tried to focus on leading her horse didn’t seem safe.
“i’ll take back” you smile, and she nods before hopping onto her horse and holding her hand out to help you up.
“ready? hold on tight” she says looking back, the faintest smirk on the corner of her lips. before you know it, you’re taking off and you quickly wrap your hands around Niylah’s waist, resting your head on her back.
she smelled so good. she spent so much time under the trees that she smelled of the forest and it always grounded you. a month or so back, it had gotten too late for niylah to make the trip home, so she stayed at Arkadia. she didn't know this yet, but she left one of her jackets in your room and many times since, when you were having a bad day, you would crawl into bed at night and hold it to your chest tightly, the earthy smell—her smell—slowly helping you fall asleep.
neither of you said much as you rode underneath the trees and after a while you came across a river, deciding it was a good place to stop. you got off and then helped niylah get down, starting to turn away and skim the area before she gently grabbed your waist and spun you back around.
“are you okay?” she said staring at you with her head tilted, genuine worry on her face.
“y-yeah of course, do i seem like i’m not okay?” you stutter, stepping back a bit, the tension pulling her hands away from your waist.
“you just seem nervous maybe?” she questions, her hands moving to rest on her hips, eyes scanning your face trying to read you.
“why would i be nervous?” you say, your heart beating rapidly in your chest at this confrontation. she hadn’t broke eye contact yet, which wasn’t helping.
“i don't know, that's why I’m confused. it’s like lately when I’m close to you or I touch you… you pull away. and if i’m making you uncomfortable i—“
“no no, god no you don’t–” you stop yourself and look away, not sure what to say next. “i just um” you start tapping your foot nervously, looking at the ground. niylah steps forward placing a hand on your shoulder.
“what is it?” she asks, her hand now trailing softly along your jaw, “you’re kind of scaring me”
“i— are you with clarke?” You finally blurt out, immediately regretting it. she removes her hand from your jaw and you avoid making eye contact, anxiously waiting for her to say something, anything.
after what feels like ages of you two standing in silence, just the sound of the river rushing past you, she finally speaks up, “i have been with clarke, i do care for her a lot, why?” this makes your cheeks turn beet red and you look away trying to think of any way you could backtrack out of this conversation.
“look at me” she says softly, stepping impossibly closer as you slowly raise your eyes from the ground. “it’s me, just talk to me.”
you sigh, realizing there is no way out, and now is your chance to tell her how you feel. “i um… i care for you… a lot.” you manage to get out, barely even a whisper.
“oh” is all she says before her lips slowly form into the softest smile, “is that all?” you had been avoiding eye contact again, worried about what she might say but this makes your eyes snap back to meet hers. she suddenly walks away to the edge of the river, stopping and squatting down to pick some berries.
you shake your head and begin walking towards her, not believing she just reacted the way she did after you confessed your feelings to her. “is that all? niylah i’ve been waiting to tell you how i feel for months now, worried i would step on someone’s toes and you just say ‘is that all?’“
“‘step on someone’s toes?’ what does that mean, like actually stepping on my toes?” she giggles and turns to look at you before realizing that you do not find this funny at all, her expression immediately becoming more serious, “i’m sorry, i’m sorry i really don’t know what you mean. is this some Skaikru expression?” she turns away from you again, still gathering berries.
you were caught off guard by how nonchalant she was being, not sure what to say or do. “it means i see the way clarke looks at you, h-how close you two are and i didn’t want to cause any issues for her, or you, by telling you how i feel.” you blurted out as niylah stood up and walked over to you, making you turn your gaze to the ground.
“or make a fool out of myself if…” you drifted off as she stepped closer, slowly bringing her hands to cup your cheeks. she held your face for a moment, caressing your cheek with her thumb, before standing just slightly on her tippy toes and planting the softest kiss on your forehead… and then your cheek… trailing her lips slowly down, just grazing your face, until finally she places her lips on yours, kissing you deeply and moving her hand to the back of your neck to pull you even closer.
the kiss was slow, and by now your hands were resting comfortably on niylah’s waist, gripping her hips harder every time she pushed into you more. she hummed and slowly pulled away from you, staring up at you. your head was spinning, reeling from the fact that she had actually just kissed you.
“i—” you started to speak but niylah put her finger to your lips stopping you.
“i’m speaking now,” she said softly and you nod in agreement waiting nervously for what she has to say. “i’m glad you finally told me how you feel because i feel the same way. and just so you know, clarke knows how i feel about you and she sees the way i look at you, which you might would have noticed if you weren't so busy watching clarke watch me” she chuckles leaning back into your arms, “or thinking about stepping on our toes,” she adds, bursting into laughter causing you to roll your eyes.
“but seriously,” she says, this time leaning into you, “this world is too harsh and unforgiving to limit love. clarke knows this and so do i, so she won't be angry with you, don’t worry about that,” she finishes, smiling at you before gently nodding her head letting you know you could speak now.
“love, huh? you love me?” you tease as your hands grip her waist and pull her closer. your confidence was returning now that you knew she felt the same way.
“definitely,” she whispers as she moves closer, her lips hovering over yours for just a moment before she wiggles out of your grip and begins running towards the river. she stops just right at the edge and turns to you, “we deserve some relaxation after all of the hard work we’ve put in today, yeah?”
“you mean when you picked a handful of berries while making me sweat it out as i confessed my feelings to you? so much work,” you say jokingly as you make your way closer to the river.
niylah shrugs her shoulders, “just thought it'd be nice to cool off before heading back to camp” she says, a cheeky grin forming on her lips before she spins around, her back now to you. she begins slowly pulling her shirt over head, revealing the tattoo that spanned down her back, which you had only seen glimpses of until now.
you walk up behind her, sliding your hands around her now bare waist, turning her around to face you. “god you're beautiful,” you swoon as she pulls you in for a quick kiss.
she steps back, shimmying out of her pants and tossing them at you before she takes off running into the water, diving into the deepest part. she comes back up and wipes the water off of her face, bursting into laughter when she sees you awestruck standing on the shore.
“well, are you gonna get in or what?“
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lvcygraybaird · 2 years
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What else could Monty have used as a password? You mean other than the 500 ideas I've already come up with? Just think. Don't overanalyse. Whatever it takes, Jasper. Just keep trying. What's Monty's favorite color? Green. It's a joke. 275 iterations, not it. Favorite book. "Catcher in the Rye." Where do those ducks go, anyway? Keep trying.
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superandluthor · 4 years
Characters from The 100 as animals:
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Clarke & Madi
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Part 1/2
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Octavia: So we come in by the back, and we make our way-
Madi: We kill them all!
Octavia: Damn, respect...
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topazy · 2 years
What we found
Pairings: John Murphy x reader x Emori
Warnings: none
Chapter: 4.03
A.L.I.E's island isn’t somewhere you thought you’d ever be, but here you were. As the others from Skaikru walked ahead, you stayed back to talk to Luna.
“I’m surprised gon ai op Yu hir. Ai thought you’d living au gon still na au gon sea.” I’m surprised to see you here. I thought you’d still be living at sea.
“Radiation poisoning don frag op Oso kru. Ai jos survived kos i’m natblida.” The radiation poisoning killed our people. I only survived because I’m Natblida.
“I’m fiya.” I’m sorry
“Mo nou don ron ai sadon op. Na kefa.” They didn't give me a choice. Be careful.
“Chomouda dula op emo gaf in bilaik drein au?” Why do they want your blood?
“Emo fig raun em na kep klin everyone. Y/N i’m telling Yu, don’t trust these kru. Don’t let emo get in chit Yu are.” They think it can save everyone. Y/N I’m telling you, don’t trust these people. Don’t let them know what you are.
You nodded. The only reason you agreed to go with Murphy and Emori was that making yourself seem useful might be the only way you survive.
The group halted when it reached a line. A boy named Miller looked confused, “what’s wrong?“
“A.L.I.E.'s rule,” Emori said, concerned. “No frikdreina past this line. I've never crossed it.”
Becca wanted to keep the mutants out, which was ironic considering she was more of a monster than any frikdreina.
Murphy crossed over the line and reached his hand out to Emori. “I’ve never met a line I wouldn’t cross.”
You smiled watching the kind gesture.
“All right, everyone. Let's go. We have a long walk ahead of us,” Doctor Griffin explained.
You looked up at the sky when a buzzing noise got closer. It was a drone. “We need to run!”
“Why? What’s the penalty for crossing the line?” the brunette girl asked
You never got the chance to answer as the drone started shooting at everyone it detected. Everyone took off running in different directions. The bullets got closer to you as the drone hovered above your head. Emori reached out and pulled you underneath a small tree for shelter. The drone hovered above for a few moments before flying away.
“Thank you.”
She let out a chuckle, “anytime.”
After Luna took off, you split off into pairs to look for her. You ended up with Dr. Griffin. “Raven?” She spoke into the radio, “Do whatever you can to stop Luna from leaving.”
You frowned at the woman’s words, “why are you making her do this?”
“It’s Y/N, isn’t it?”
You nodded, “I go by Cora.“
“I’m sorry, Cora,” she sighed. “But Lune is our only hope to save everyone. We don’t have another choice.”
“But if there was another way you’d let her go?”
“I wish there was,” she said sadly. “But I need to do everything I can to save my people. My daughter is one of them.”
You understand her reasons. She wanted to protect the ones she loved. Which is exactly what you needed to do. The older woman jumped back when you pulled a knife from your belt. For a moment, she seemed scared, but she watched as you cut your own palm.
You held your hand up to reveal your black blood. “If I do it, you won’t need Luna.”
When you reached the outside of Becca’s lab, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to face Luna, who had a look of worry on her face, and said, “You can still back out.”
You shake your head, “I can’t. Not now,” you pulled her in for a hug. “This is how I repay you, by saving you the same way you saved me.”
She leaned back, “I hope all this is worth it.”
“I do too.”
You’d never seen anything so modern and high-tech as the inside of Becca’s lab before. It was truly amazing.
Murphy stood beside you, “so you’ve decided to share your little secret.”
“And nothing,” he shrugged. “I was under the impression you didn’t want anyone to know you were Nightblood.”
“Things have changed,” you said as you turned to face him. “I did it so Luna wouldn’t need to.”
“Yeah, and now Abby and Jackson are going to drain you dry.”
You chuckled at his words, “or my blood could help save everyone. Including you.”
“John, you need to come see this.”
Hearing the excitement in Emori’s voice, Murphy smirked. “Duty calls, try and not bleed to death.”
You scoffed at his comment. You liked Murphy. He was blunt but seemed to have a genuine caring side.
Abby appeared in front of you with a stressed look on her face. “Ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
She led you upstairs to a separate area, where it was just you, her, and Jackson. You grimaced when you saw the size of the needles laying out.
Luna’s voice echoed in your head as she began preparing you. You hoped this was worth it.
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Banished (Part 37)
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*Not my Gif*
~Banished Master~
Summary: When the 100 was sent to the ground, Y/N Y/L/N was one of them. Having been locked up for almost 8 years, how will she react to surviving on Earth? Especially when she gets banished…
Post Date: 3-4-20
Paring: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Word Count: 4.8K
~The 100 Master~
*Based off episode 3x08 of the 100, Terms and Conditions*
Bellamy and Pike made their way up the lookout tower to where Hannah was stationed, looking out over the wall. “Sir, we lost contact with one of the recon teams.” She told them when they were up. Bellamy shook his head, sighing deeply.
“There were four men.” He reminded Pike who spared him a glance before Hannah continued talking. She explained what she believed was happening, the blockage being established as well as the missing recon team engaging in the grounders, they found less than a mile outside the camp.
Another man on lookout interrupted their conversation, getting the three to look out at 2 grounders approaching in the distance. “They have a message; I’ve seen this before.” Bellamy told Pike who stood confused before shouting to the men below him to open the gate.
The grounders arrived at the gate, Bellamy on the ground to greet them. Their masks sat heavy on their faces, covering their mouths as they directed their horses into place. “We seek the one you call Pike.” One of them said as Bellamy stared them down. “An army has fallen, blood soaking the earth where he took their lives.”
“Welcome to the war against Skaikru.” Bellamy told them bitterly. The grounders demanded justice, telling them their justice came in the form of Pike’s death. But Pike wasn’t going to give his life up to some grounders.
“By order of the Commander, you have been surrounded by an army of the 12 clans. If anyone attempts to cross the blockade, warriors wait to kill.” As if to prove their point, they dropped a sack, inside the heads of the missing recon team following out. “We’ll greet them as we did those we caught today.”
Bellamy’s eyes were somewhat wide as he looked between the grounders and the heads by their feet. Pike tried to get Bellamy to fall back inside the walls, weary of the fate that currently affected the two of them speaking to the grounders, but Bellamy just shook his head. “They won’t leave.”
“Choose the side that’s best for your people!” One of the grounders spoke solidly as Bellamy took a second, his hand resting on top his gun.
“I do that everyday.” He mumbled seconds before shooting two bullets, each one going in a grounders head. They fell against the back of their horses with a thud as the animals took off, the recently deceased bodies laying on top of them. “Close the gate!” Bellamy yelled to the men operating the door when he turned around, heading back inside.
The mess hall was fairly empty as you sat there, running your finger over the rim of a glass when Raven took the seat across from you. She didn’t say anything, just sitting there with a content smile, making you uncomfortable. “What can I do for you Raven?”
“More like what can I do for you.” She replied as you raised a brow, taking another swig of the drink in front of you. She just sat there, that same look on her face despite your apparent discomfort. “Do you still have that chip Jaha gave you?”
Your eyes widened before you narrowed them, leaning onto the table to get closer to her. “How did you know about that?” She just shrugged, scooting forward in her seat.
“Have you thought about taking it?” She asked rather innocently, trying to move past your question.
“I haven’t.” You told her, stretching out the words with curiosity before the smile on her face finally made sense. “Raven, for the love of god please tell me you didn’t take it.”
Her grin only widened as she nodded. “I did.” You fell silent, not sure what to do before clearing your throat. You asked her, making sure no one could hear, how she felt. “Amazing. The pain in my leg is gone, Y/N. I feel unstoppable.”
In all honesty, she made it sound comforting. Jaha said it would erase your pain, and now if she truly took the chip you could ask her. Maybe you erase the recent pain of knowing Lexa was gone. You opened your mouth to speak, but instead of words coming out, you heard two gunshots coming from the front gate. “What the hell?” you asked, glancing to where a few people were leaving as you stood up. Raven just stayed put when you turned back to her. “Are you coming?” you asked as she shook her head. You shuddered before leaving her at the metal table alone and heading out of the mess hall.
Raven watched you race out as she tapped her fingers against the surface. A presence, unseen to the rest, hovered over her, watching you as well. “Keep trying.” A.L.I.E. said. “She’ll join eventually.” Raven nodded, getting up and heading out of the mess hall using the other door.
The sun hit your eyes as you blocked it, finding a crowd of people talking frantically. You only heard bits and piece of their conversation, but from the sound of it, a blockade was put around the camp and Bellamy shot two grounders.
“Y/N!” You heard shouted behind you as you spun around seeing Kane motioning for you from the Ark ship. You took one last listen to the group before jogging to catch up to Kane. “Do you know what happened?” you told him what you knew as he chewed on his nail, his pace increasing momentarily before realizing he was gaining unwanted attention.
You entered Kane’s room, taking a seat on his bed as if it was normal. Kane sat at the table, his leg bouncing. In the silence, you couldn’t help as your thoughts wondered, and of course the first place they went was to Bellamy. You didn’t know if you regretted sleeping with him. It all happened so fast and you weren’t at all expecting it. Kane glanced up at you, seeing you taut brows.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked, rubbing his beard with his hand. You groaned lightly, the crease in your forehead never leaving.
“Nothing… Everything?” you admitted.
Kane took a shot in the dark. “Bellamy?”
You groaned louder, pressing the palm of your hands against your eyes. “I’m not having this talk right now.” You told him as you sat up onto your elbows, glaring at him playfully. Kane just chuckled at you, raising his hands in the air. “It doesn’t matter, there are more important things to worry about.” You believed your words truly. Bellamy just signed the blockade death order and here you were worried about sleeping with him.
“That’s not true. Come on, tell me what’s on your mind.” He seemed genuine as you hesitated, moving to sit up.
“I don’t want to have the dad talk, okay? But I will tell you.” He felt a weight in his stomach at your words, seeing the way this was affecting you. He nodded, letting you take the floor. “I slept with Bellamy.”
“Oh.” He went into shock. He didn’t know how to reply to that at all.
You rubbed your arm gingerly, already ready for a change in conversation as the door swung open, Miller and Harper rushing in. Harper looked between the two of you, seeing the look on your faces. “Did we interrupt something?” she asked kindly.
Kane wanted to say yes, he felt protective of you when he heard of you and Bellamy, despite the knowledge you wouldn’t want him to feel like this.
“No, you didn’t.” you almost shouted as you scurried off the bed, happy the two came in at that moment. Miller didn’t see anything wrong as he sat next to Kane, pulling out the radio.
“Pike’s in another meeting.” You and Harper exchanged glances, moving to sit on the bed together. Miller turned the radio on and right away you could hear Pike’s voice, making you roll your eyes. They were talking about trust, not being able to trust anyone outside of the room they’re in. You listened as Pike put Monroe and Lacroix’s deaths on you all, unknowingly of course. He wanted you all pay, no matter how.
The meeting ended as the listening device was turned off. “If they’re gonna play that game, we’ll play too.” Kane said as you bit your lip, your brows taking permanent residence in a furrowed position.
“What do you mean?”
Kane turned to look at you. “We don’t meet here anymore. We change patterns, forget habits. Assume there are eyes on us at all times.”
Harper scoffed. “Why don’t we just shock-lash Pike’s fascist ass then give him to the grounders?” Harper suggested. You found yourself chuckling and nudged Harper, getting her to grin slightly.
Kane glared at you as your smile fade like a kid being chastised. “Because that would be murder, not to mention treason. That’s not who we are.” Your eyes slowly pulled up, feeling that last sentence was meant specifically for you, and by the way Kane was looking at you, it was.
“Maybe it’s who we need to be.” You whispered sharply, Harper and Miller looking between the two of you as Kane said not yet. “Fine. Then I assume you have a plan?”
You spent the rest of the afternoon in a different room waiting for Octavia to radio in, switching channels every so often in case she was on those. Kane came in after a while of you being alone, seeing you seated crisscross on a table. Your eyes were somewhat closed as you absentmindedly scanned through the channels, just waiting for some sign Octavia was out there. Kane pulled a blanket around your shoulders, and you gave him a lazy smile, leaning your elbow onto your knee and pressing your chin in your palm.
“Any luck?” he asked as you shook your head, pushing the radio away.
“If she’s out there, she’s not on.” He nodded as you curled into the blanket.
“So, do you want to talk about earlier?” he seemed uncomfortable as you tilted your head, unsure of what he was talking about. “Bellamy?” You made an ‘o’ shape with your mouth as you realized what he was getting at. He didn’t know how to begin this conversation and by the awkward look on your face, neither did you. But he needed to know how to protect you. “So, you slept with him.”
“Yeah?” You didn’t mean for it to come out as a question, but that didn’t change the fac it did.
“… Do you have feelings for him?” This was as awkward for you as it was for Kane and you knew it.
“I said I didn’t want to have the dad talk.” You reminded him as he nodded.
“I know, but for me?” He almost pouted his lip as you groaned.
“I don’t know Kane. Right now, it’s complicated. I just want to get past this whole thing with Pike. Then I’ll discuss the fact I’m in love with him.”
Well shit. You’re in love with him.
You hoped Kane didn’t catch your words but by the way the color drained from his face, he heard you. There was a knock on the door before it swung open, Harper and Miller entering to yet another awkward conversation.
“Anyone followed?” Kane asked, seeing the gears in your mind turning and the crisis in your eyes. Miller said he was fine before everyone took a seat, hearing Pike in another meeting.
They were planning a plan B, the ammo they have not being enough for many fights. Their new plan consisted of an assault team doing damage to a grounder encampment not far away from you all. Your heart sped up in fear as you listened, knowing that the retaliation of this attack would be stronger than you’ve ever experienced.
“We need to disable that rover. It doesn’t matter how many Grounders they kill, 10 times that will attack on Arkadia. No one will survive.” Kane told you all as the radio cut out. Harper spoke up, asking him if he had any idea what to do. Kane paused, thinking for a second before an idea came to mind.
Little did you know, Pike found your bug.
You took a walk through the hangar, coming to a stop and leaning against the wall. From across the room you saw Kane sitting in a chair, thumbing through a book as he glanced up at you. You pressed the com in your ear, turning it on and sending a soft nod towards Kane before focusing on Sinclair. He had just slid under a car, beginning his fake job when you saw Bellamy walk into the room. He started towards Sinclair as you spoke into the com.
“Sinclair, Bellamy’s coming your way.” Sinclair quickly pulled the com out of his ear, shoving it into his pocket. Bellamy caught your eyes from across the room as you ducked away, making him pause when he realized you where in on whatever was happening. He took a look around the room, seeing Kane reading his book before stopping at Sinclair.
“Sinclair, what are you up to?” He asked as Sinclair slid out from the rover and came to stand on his feet. Sinclair lied to him, telling Bellamy Raven told him the solenoid was acting up. Bellamy nodded, pretending to listen. “You got a work order for that?”
You watched from behind a stack of shelves, on alert as Bellamy glanced over Sinclair’s shoulders, seeing you worried. “Sure I think it’s on my desk.” Not a moment later, Sinclair took off running. In your head, you told yourself it was all part of the plan, but deep down something felt off. Almost like something was going to go wrong.
As you watched Sinclair run off, you tried to get a guess on the amount of people Pike had working for him before you realized you lost track of Bellamy. You were about to make a move to find him before you heard Kane’s shouts coming from his side of the room. You eyes shot to the predicament, seeing Kane holding back some new guard who tried to stop Sinclair with his shock baton.
No one expected that to happen for the moment his arms was in the arm to strike Sinclair, Kane was on him, holding him back. But unfortunately for Kane, that put him in the crossfire. He was going to get arrested.
Now that was not part of the plan.
You watched the men grab Kane and Sinclair’s hands, pulling them behind their backs as Hannah conducted the arrest. You needed to help him. You didn’t know how or what you were going to do but you needed to help him. The plan relied on him not being incarcerated.
You barely got your first step in before a hand grabbed your upper arm, pulling you back. Worried it was someone meant to arrest you, you spun around with your fist in the air to punch them. Yet when you turned around it was just Bellamy and he caught your fist.
“Don’t.” He told you, glaring into your eyes. You didn’t know what he was talking about until his eyes flickered. You followed them, seeing Kane glance back at you briefly as he was being led away.
That’s when realization dawned on you. “You know.” You whispered barely loud enough for it to be coherent. Bellamy was unfazed, his grip on you not faltering in the utmost. You turned slowly, making Bellamy slightly uneasy by the way you looked at him with narrowed eyes. “You know.” You repeated.
He swallowed back his nerves, pulling you to the side and out of anyone’s line of sight. “Y/N, just listen.”
You tried to pull your arm from him, ripping his fingers away from your skin. “Don’t touch me! Don’t you fucking touch me!” You didn’t care if Bellamy was trying to help you, you wanted to help Kane and Bellamy was making that hard.
“Y/N, I couldn’t-“
“You know what happens when they arrest Kane!” You interrupted him, pushing against his chest to separate yourself from him. “You know what’s going to happen to Sinclair! You know Lincoln is gonna be killed!” Bellamy didn’t fight back your pushes, but he didn’t let you go so easily, making you look into his eyes. Bellamy couldn’t tell if you were crying or just shouting at him, but either way it hurt him. Your pushes slowed to a stop, and Bellamy loosened his grip, see your E/C eyes moving up to look at him. “You knew I would be…”
Arrested? Sentenced to death for treason? Why not, it’s what they did on the Ark.
Bellamy nodded. “I wasn’t going to let you get arrested again.” His hands moved down your arms until he could hold your hands, your fingers lazily entangling his.
You took a deep breath, looking at your hands. The sight put you into a trance before reality snapped you back and you tore your hands away, taking a few steps back with a shake of your head. “Well hooray for you Bellamy, saving the damsel. There’s just one problem. I don’t need you to save me.”
Bellamy watched you stormed off; your eyes locked on the ground with the extra pound in your step. Bellamy didn’t know how to handle this. He knew there were no winners here. And he knew you weren’t going to give up that easily. Without a second thought, he slammed his hand against the wall, the noise attracted some people’s stares, but he paid them no mind, walking straight past them.
Miller and Harper met back in the room. Harper was pacing around the room as Miller sat on the couch, leaning forward onto his knees. “Did you see Y/N?” Harper asked, looking to the door every few seconds in hopes you’d walk in.
“After everything, I didn’t. She get arrested?” Miller asked after the 10th minute of you not showing up.
“Oh god!” Harper’s eyes went wide as she stopped pacing, falling into a chair. You finally reached the door, knocking once before throwing the door open. Both teens were on their feet as you busted inside, out of breath and leaning against the door.
“It’s just me!” You told them, putting your hands out. Harper pulled you in for a hug, a surprise for you as you hugged back. Miller gave you one as well, a even more shock as you regained your breath. “I kept feeling like someone was following me.” You told them, running your hand through your hair.
“What happened?” Harper asked.
“They got Kane too.” They both stood silent, contemplating what to do before Miller looked to you.
“So, what now?” They both looked towards you, it was as if they expected you to just hop into Kane’s position. But you weren’t Kane.
You had no idea what to do.
You took a second and a breath. “We keep going. Do the plan. It’s on us now.”
Meanwhile, Bellamy took to questioning Kane, but he wasn’t getting very far. “Come on Kane. Talk.” Kane stayed silent, cocking his brow at Bellamy who sighed, falling into a chair. “Then do it for Y/N. Think of Y/N.” It seemed to catch Kane’s attention as he shifted in his seat, his arms crossing in front of him and his jaw setting. After Kane’s silence stretched, Bellamy slammed his hand down on the table, standing up and leaving the room. Kane waited for the door to slam behind him before he took a deep breath.
Think of Y/N? That’s all ever does nowadays.
Bellamy stormed out of the room, Pike and Hannah talking as he approached them. “Any luck?” Pike asked but Bellamy denied such luck, saying that both Sinclair, who similar to Kane wouldn’t say a word, and Kane would speak soon and to put them both in lock up.
“On the ark, we would’ve floated traitors.” Hannah spoke up, gaining both men’s attentions. Bellamy gulped was Pike cut her off.
“We’re not on the ark.” He said before demanding the men be locked up.
Monty took it upon himself to check over the river, noting that there wasn’t a thing wrong with it. His mom watched him, listening to his grief about everything before telling him the only right choice is the one that helps you survive.
Bryan was used as a spy in his own room as he opened the door, seeing Miller staying there. They talked, shared a lot of kisses, but Bryan’s mind was elsewhere. Instead of being focused on his boyfriend, all he could think about was how he was going to be betraying him. They fought about Pike, as usual before Bryan set off, tossing Miller his coat with the planted bug before leaving.
“The bug’s in place?” Bellamy asked Bryan as he walked into the room him and Monty were sat in. Bryan averted his eyes, nodding solemnly as he thought of his boyfriend.
“It’s in his jacket. I don’t think he knows.” Bellamy pulled his lips into a thin line of a smile, sending it towards Bryan when he called him a good man. Bryan just furrowed his brows. “Am I? Is this worth lying to someone I love?”
“It is if you’re protecting him.” Bellamy countered but Bryan just shook his head, meeting his harsh gaze.
“Unless I’m the one he needs protection from.” Bryan mumbled he tugged on the sleeve of his jacket. “I assume you put a bug on your girlfriend then?” Monty who stood by silently through the whole ordeal saw Bellamy clench his jaw at the mention of you in such tone.
“Let’s go tell Pike.” Monty suggested, pulling the two men out of their staring contest and Bryan and Monty turned to leave. Bellamy though, took a second, beginning to reconsider his side momentarily. He could never put a bug on you, no matter who’s side he’s on. So maybe he knew he was on the wrong side.
Tensions in lock up were high with Sinclair, Kane and Lincoln as well many grounders. Sinclair walked along the wall to where Kane was before settling onto the ground next to him. “You weren’t supposed to be in here.” He mumbled quietly.
“No, my good friend, I was not.” Kane eyed the guards, seeing them switch their shifts as he rested his head back against the cold wall behind him.
“So, what now?” Sinclair asked him. Kane thought about it, seeing Bellamy leave the room and sighing.
“We keep going.”
When time came, the one you decided earlier, Sinclair called Bellamy back into the cell telling him Sinclair was ready to talk. As for you, you went searching for Pike, finding him in the Hangar bay.
“Thanks for meeting me.” You told him, standing in front of him. Pike nodded, a small surprised look on his face.
“I’ll be honest, I thought Kane would’ve spoken to me first.”
You scoffed, biting the inside of your cheek. “Well, he’s kind of arrested. Guess I’ll have to do.”
“I hope you’re ready to negotiate the terms of your surrender.” You had to hold back another scoff as you looked at the chancellor.
Bellamy approached the bars to lock up, coming to where Sinclair stood. “You’re ready you talk?” He asked Sinclair who agreed, questioning what Bellamy wanted to know. “Everything.”
You crossed your arms in front of you. “Kane told me a little about you.” You said, referring to conversations you’ve had to set your plan in place, really you just needed to remember the points Kane was going to make to stall time. “He said on the ark you were a teacher telling kids about our future. The responsibility of being on the ground. So why, Pike, are you taking this side?”
“We didn’t start this war, but we will damn sure finish it.” He started to walk past you but you stopped him.
“You should’ve lost that vote, Chancellor.” Pike didn’t miss your use of venom in his title. You were angry, a chancellors job is protect their people not sign their death certificates.
“But I didn’t. Because I know what’s best for us.”
“You’re gonna get everyone killed. Can’t you see that?”
“What do you know? You’re a child.” He finally pushed past you but you weren’t letting up, yelling after him.
“And yet I know more about surviving down here than you do. Than any of you do.” You knew the time was coming if Sinclair had succeeded so as you yelled at him, you ran after, standing only a feet away.
Sinclair began bargaining with Bellamy, asking for immunity as Lincoln began pacing behind him. “The cowards make a deal to save their own skins.” He muttered, eying Sinclair and Bellamy’s conversation. Bellamy taking a more authoritative stance told him to be quiet, but he didn’t listen. “Can’t defeat the enemy at the gate so you turn on your own people.” Bellamy ordered him to be silent one more time but Lincoln came closer to Sinclair, pressing his chest to his back. “I’m not the one who needs to be silent. You’ll tell them nothing.”
Bellamy yelled Lincoln’s name as the man threw Sinclair to the ground, standing over him. “Cover me!” Bellamy told the other guard as he jumped into lockup, trying to diffuse the situation. Only, as soon as he was inside, he heard Lincoln scream at the other grounders.
They were escaping, and Bellamy fell for it.
Pike was about to speak before the P.A. system butted in. “All units to Lockup!” The man’s voice said as Pike raised a brow at you.
“I don’t suppose you have anything to do with this?” His question was rhetorical as he knew you did.
You smirked at him. “Actually, I do.” You pulled out the shock lash you stored in your pocket and struck Pike with it, sending him to the ground unconscious.
“It worked! You’re all clear, the guards have their hands full.” Harper spoke into the comm in your ear as you let out a shaky breath. If you had known Monty was listening in, that sigh wouldn’t have been as relieving. “The gate’s open Y/N. It’s all you.”
You put Pike in the back of a rover, hoping in the front. You had never driven before but Miller gave you an overview and soon you were off. You hit a couple boxes, sending them flying but pushed on until the open gate was in your view.
You were home free.
Until Bellamy stepped in front of the gate. You slammed on the brakes, coming quite close to Bellamy but not hitting him. Bellamy’s face fell when he saw you driving, not Miller or Harper, but you.
“Get out of the way Blake!” You shouted at him. He just stood there, staring at you before Pike stirred in the back.
“Should’ve killed me when you could.” His laugh was filled with spite at your defeat, but you didn’t react, only looking at Bellamy’s disappointed face.
“Don’t think I won’t.” You mumbled as you saw guns being pointed at you, but not from Bellamy. You put your hands in the air and the back of the Rover opened, a pair of guards helping Pike out. Your door opened as Bellamy helped you out.
He pulled you close to him as he whispered in your ear. “What are doing?”
You looked up at him, the closeness having such familiarity, but this time you didn’t kiss him. “You can’t save me Bellamy.”
You were led to the interrogation room, your hands pulled behind your back. It felt like the first time you were arrested. Only this time you didn’t kill a man, but you should’ve.
Pike stood in front of you, his feet spread apart with his arms crossed. “As you know, the terms of martial law and of the Exodus Charter give me both latitude and ultimate authority in determining your punishment.” Your eyes met Bellamy who stood against the wall, a hand covering his mouth and worried breaths. Pike spared Bellamy a glance before focusing back on you, sat in a chair. Your face was emotionless, not a frown nor smile on your face as Pike went on.
“I hope you believe that if I thought for one minute that turning myself over to the enemy would secure the safety of our people, I would do it, but only a deluded man would believe that.” Bellamy watched him, the man he believed was right, but right now as Bellamy listened to this speech tell of your future, he felt his whole-body shake. And yet you showed no reaction and let Pike move on with his words. Bellamy didn’t know what Pike was going to do with you, but he hoped it wasn’t what he assumed. “Y/N YL/N, for the crimes of treason, kidnapping, and attempted murder,” Bellamy found himself standing straighter, his hands falling to his sides fast when he took a step forward, mentally pleading that Pike wouldn’t finished his sentence. That you’d get one more chance. That this wasn’t the end for you. “I hereby sentence you to death.”
Bellamy couldn’t breathe.
A/N: So, yeah! Tell me what you think! For those of you not in my little loop on here, I’m taking a break for a little while so THE NEXT CHAPTER WON’T BE POSTED NEXT WEEK! Even though I’m not going to be on, I love asks, so feel free to drop some in my ask box! Love you all! Hope you enjoy! Sorry this is so freaking long lol
What did you think?
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Bellamy: @jodiereedus22 @nyxxxwtp @danielabetancourth
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pretend-writer · 4 years
Down Below (Chapter 51)
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Summary: Y/N Reyes lands on Earth with the rest of the 99 prisoners. Being one of the first people to come back “home” after 97 years of living in space, she learns what it’s like to finally live in this planet.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader, Raven Reyes x sister!reader
Word Count: 1723 words
Warning: blood, guns, swearing
Down Below Masterlist
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‘Please!’ I yelled and cried over and over again. 'Let me go save them.’
After getting an injection by Miller, I woke up beside Bellamy in a room which I guessed was the engine or water room for the bunker.
Chained up against the wall, I struggled getting out. The handcuff was on pretty tight but I had to keep trying. For my family and for someone I now called my best friend.
'Reyes… I’m angry too but you’re just hurting yourself.’ Bellamy said in a worried tone, watching blood come out of my wrist as I pull against it.
'I don’t care I just want my people back.’ I kept on pulling as tears fell from my eyes. The mixture of anger and sadness made me feel crazy; The pain on my wrist was nothing compared to what I was feeling internally.
Bellamy looked at me calmly, trying to keep me somewhat sane. 'Let’s make a plan to get out.’
'Plan? We don’t have time, we have to leave now.’
'Hey, hey, hey.’ He said, coming forward as close as he can even with the chain on his wrist. 'Y/N. Look at me.’
Tears rolled out even more as the rage took over me but knowing that it wouldn’t help yelling at Bellamy, I took one deep breath and looked into his eyes.
'It pains me to see you hurt yourself like this.’
'Bellamy, your sister is out there and mine is too. Someone that’s like a father to me might also die because of this bitch and I can’t just sit here.’
He bit his lips, 'What can I do to make you feel better?’
'Let me out, hurt Clarke, make the radiation disappear just to name a few.’ I continued to pull the handcuff, making me bleed more as the handcuff rubbed against my open wound.
The door swung open, Murphy and Clarke came in together into the room. Seeing the mark I left on Clarke’s face, I laughed.
'Don’t even expect an apology after punching you. You’re lucky my hands are now full otherwise I would’ve gave you another bruise to even it out.’
'Y/N, I’m sorry I had to do this. It’s for our own good.’ Clarke apologized.
Chuckling, I shook my head. 'You’re doing this for your own good, not ours. If I was in your shoes and locked Abby out, would you honestly think it was to save our people?’
She starred at me with a sad face and looked over at Bellamy. Clarke then turned around, 'Murphy watch them please.’
'You know I’m right!’ I yelled at her as she walked out of the room. Then I eyed Murphy who was just standing there, 'What are you doing here? Don’t tell me you’re okay with this too.’
'Y/N-’ Murphy watched me struggle to get out of the handcuffs, in shock. 'I-’
My eyes widened as I remembered something, 'John, where’s Raven?’
His jaw immediately dropped and I knew the next thing he was going to say wasn’t going to be good. 'I tried Y/N but she di-’
'What happened?’ I screamed at him as tears streamed down my face. Bellamy managed to help me stop crying but here I was, balling my eyes out again.
'Her condition was getting worse. Her seizures were constant and she started hallucinating… A.L.I.E.’s chip messed her up.’ He stuttered, 'R-Raven told me to leave her there.’
Yanking the chains on my wrists again, I screamed as I bawled my eyes out. My sister was gone and I wasn’t there to help her through the toughest time.
She was a tough person, someone I admired growing up. Even with all the Marcus things, she was the only family I had.
Knowing Raven, I knew that losing her mind was something she would’ve definitely suffered through. She lost her mom and dad, she lost Finn. She even lost the ability to walk properly after getting shot by a grounder back at the dropship.
However not being able to use the one thing she relied on her whole life, her brain, must've bothered her that she eventually gave up.
Thinking about the pain she was going through made me hate myself even more. Especially because as her sister and as her best friend, I was never there for her.
He continued to stare in awe, unaware that his mouth was open the whole time.
'John, what?’
'I-I’ve never seen you so upset.’ Murphy reached for my wrist and rubbed the blood away with his shirt. 'Don’t do this to yourself.’
Even with all the little arguments John and I had in the past, I was never this angry before. Heck, I’ve never been this mad my entire life. It was a different emotion that I’ve never experienced before.
'Well, I don’t see another way out. Seems like you’re taking Clarke’s side too. The person you love is safe so you’re okay with leaving others up there, isn’t that right?’
Murphy kneeled next to me and grabbed my cheeks, 'Emori is down in the bunker with me, yes but the people you love are up there and is making you upset… really upset.’
'What’s your point?’ I said, starring at the ground. It was weird being sentimental with him again, I was curious of what he needed to say.
'I’m not on anyone’s side, I just want you to be happy. You’re all I care about besides Emori.’
The way he looked at me made me reminisce the times I was with him. I was confused on why he approached me the way he did but it was a little comforting.
'John, why are you telling me this?’
'If I let you out, the grounders will bring chaos and I don’t want to create any reason to lose you.’
Trying to not make an expression, I hid my confusion on what was happening. I peeped over at Bellamy who was intensely watching me and John talk.
'As far as I know, the grounders don’t know Clarke and Jaha stole the bunker yet. It’s not too late to make things right. Please.’
Murphy bit his lips and then slowly reached into his pocket and grabbed the keys. Unlocking my handcuffs, he sighed. 'I trust you’re doing the right thing.’
Hugging him instantly, I thanked him for letting me go. 'I know I am.’
He then went over to Bellamy and uncuffed him also. Finally free from restriction, he rolled his wrists. 'What did you mean by those words, Murphy because I’m curious.’
'What words?’ Murphy questioned as he stuffed the keys back into his pocket.
'The “I don’t want to lose you” bullshit.’ Bellamy took a step towards Murphy.
He kept a serious face, 'I’m letting both of you go, be thankful I care about you guys. Even if it means that I’m sacrificing Emori’s safety.’
'So why are you doing this exactly? Your girlfriend may not have a space in the bunker when Octavia takes over and you’re here saving your ex?’ Bellamy huffed.
'Stop! We don’t have time for this, now really isn’t a good time.’
Bellamy rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. I looked over at John, 'Thank you. I owe you.’
'Yeah, yeah. Go save the world and whatnot.’ He smiled lightly.
As I smiled back, I left the room and chased after Bellamy. Slowly catching up to him, I ran by his side. I sensed Bellamy was a tad mad but this seriously wasn’t the time to bring up the subject again.
After running for a bit, we finally reached the hatch that led to Polis. With Bellamy following me up the stairs, I reached for the door when a bullet hit the door.
Under the stairs stood Clarke with her gun aimed straight at us.
'Nice aim, you know you missed me.’ I snickered.
'Next time, that won’t be the case.’ Clarke exclaimed.
'Clarke! If you hurt her, I swear t-’
Interrupting Bellamy, I bickered. 'Let her shoot. She want to save them so much, you can prove to everyone that you’ll shoot your own people, right? Because that makes so much sense.’
'Are you insane Reyes?’ Bellamy shouted, 'Clarke, if you shoot you’ll live a nightmare and I promise you that.’
'This is the right thing to do.’ Clarke cried whilst aiming the gun at me.
I chuckled, 'You betrayed your people and leaving them to die, which was not even your call to begin with. Octavia out of everyone has the right to decide what’s going to happen to our fate. Need I remind you, you have a gun aimed at me and you’re telling me you’re in the right?’
'You don’t understand, Y/N.’
'Damn right, I don’t understand and I don’t want to. I’m still going to open this door and by all means, shoot if you want to.’
Bellamy grabbed onto my shirt, 'Reyes don’t.’
Ignoring him, I reached and opened the door. Realizing that Clarke hasn’t shot me, I climbed up the hatch.
'Y/N!’ Octavia cheered as she helped me up to the ground. As she saw Bellamy climbing after me, she screamed his name too.
'Monkey.’ Marcus called out my childhood nickname as he slowly walked towards me, 'I was afraid I lost you.’
'You know I’m too stubborn to be gone that easily.’ I grinned.
As he flashed a grin, Marcus noticed wounds on my wrist. 'What did they do to you?’
Following his gaze, I realized what he was looking at. Pulling my sleeve up, I mumbled. 'Ah, it’s nothing.’
'What were you thinking?’ Bellamy walked over to me after his sibling moment with Octavia. 'You almost got yourself killed.’
'Killed?’ Marcus’ crunched his brows. 'What all happened?’
'Clarke and Jaha trapped us and we tried to escap-’ Bellamy stopped for a moment, then suddenly hugged me, 'Don’t do stuff like that. It scares me.’
Marcus watched us with a cute smile, 'How adorable.’
My face turned pink, slowly pushing Bellamy away from me. 'Marcus, stop.’
Octavia joined us as she chuckled, 'Thank you guys for coming back.’
'Of course we did. It was the right thing to do.’
Indra then mumbled as the grounders started coming in, 'Just in time before they found out Skaikru took the bunker.’
Octavia took a deep breath, 'Here we go.’
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tag list; @jodiereedus22, @coffeebooksandfandom, @bellamyblakemorley, @wisestydia-15, @dbtvluv , @hurricane–amelia , @lexalexy , @olkathefoxi, @lena-davina, @kellbell44, @thehakunamatara, @akelly4477, @morgannope, @littlegirl-fox, @captainam-erika-trash, @greygarbage, @nathaliabakes, @eternallyvenus, @rauwz, @broco8
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laufire · 4 months
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STACKED100 | february 18th | “hakeldama” ♪No, I'll be a stone. ♪I'll be the hunter. ♪A tower that casts ♪A shade. [...] ♪I am the storm.
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The 100 and kill counts
Honestly one day (after finals) I’m probably going to write an entire “article”/post that is mostly me debating with the void about what in the TV show The 100 actually counts as a kill for a character’s kill count
Because this show is from a post-apocalypse universe, where it isn’t really as simple as “who would be declared legally responsible in a US court” anymore
But I do think that there are quite a lot of dubious cases in the show, and moral questions to be asked alongside those cases
Clarke cutting the throat of a grounder soldier in season 1? Yeah that is a kill on her kill count
But the grounder girl that died in season 1 because of the bomb on the bridge, who gets that kill? Everyone that had a vital role in the process of creating and placing the bomb, or only the person that came up with the idea, or only the person detonating the bomb, or the one that played the biggest role in the process or?
And when they burn the grounders alive in the season 1 finale, who gets those kills? Jasper, Clarke and Raven all played a vital role in that event so do they all get the kills or do you divide them?
In season 2, is Cage responsible enough for the deaths of those that died after the bone marrow extractions for those deaths to also be added to his kill count, or should only the person operating the drill get the kill?
When is someone in the position of a leader responsible enough for a death to earn the kill anyway?
The killing of the Mountain Men in season 2 is once again a situation where those kills wouldn’t have been possible without multiple people, not just Clarke
And what about events like the killing of the Trikru army send to defend them in season 3? Bellamy didn’t kill all those soldiers himself, so should he still get all the kills? How do you determine how many kills someone gets on their kill count in such a situation? Or should Pike and only Pike get all those kills, despite others repeatedly killing someone on purpose?
If Jaha was in control of his own body in season 3 is debatable, so should he still get the kills from when he was “enhanced” by A.L.I.E?
And what about Becca herself? Should Becca get the kills from A.L.I.E?
In season 4 when they try to recreate nightblood in Becca’s lab and kill the grounder dude in the process, should Luna also get that kill? After all, without her it wouldn’t have been possible, and what about Emori?
What about the battle in the gorge in season 5? Should Octavia get those kills, should Kayne get those, should McCreary get them, or the individual prisoners behind the guns or maybe someone else entirely?
I’m not saying that the way other people count kills for “what is the kill count of character X from the 100″ is wrong. However I do think that there are many conversations to be had about when someone in the The 100 universe is responsible enough for someone’s death to earn another kill on their kill count
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probably-writing-x · 6 years
~A Bellamy Blake Imagine~
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(To make things much easier, I'm taking this as though Echo wasn't there. No offence to her but it makes more sense if she isn't here. Enjoy x)
Relationships on the ground were difficult to say the least. The people around you were all you had and it felt like there was no real escape. Everywhere you turned, it felt like it was the same people. So, when a relationship ended it was difficult to ever find closure or to distance yourself from them. It was more than difficult; it was near enough impossible.
And that was exactly what happened to you. Bellamy and yourself had been together since you everything happened with the Mountain Men and you'd fallen for him. For the most part, he made you truly happy and made you feel like you always had someone by your side. But then things changed. After a few years, you and your love had divided. Dealing with everything this world threw at you put pressure on everyone. The pair of you began to argue and couldn't cope with it all. And so, in Arkadia after the defeat of A.L.I.E, you ended things. And the thought still made you feel sick to your stomach. The truth was, you would never stop loving him and nothing could change the fact that he was your soulmate. And you had realised that more and more since you split. Avoiding him was a ridiculous idea but being with him made your heart hurt. Now, you were planning on going to the ark with him and your small group.
"(Y/N)," Clarke calls to you, making her way across the lab to sit beside you, "How are you holding up?"
"I don't really know what to tell you," You sigh, having not slept in days, "This is big, we're leaving the one chance of a new life that we thought we had to go back to the place we came from,"
"I don't think that's what's on your mind," She states.
You glance over to Bellamy's tall frame, his curls laying wildly on his head and his eyes showing all signs of fatigue and fear. It made your heart ache. The pair of you had only spoken to each other when necessary since the break up. He didn't treat you well before things ended and you hurt him by ending it. So, you only conversed when there was a valid reason to. But it hurt, he was your soulmate and he knew you better than anyone. What you wouldn't give to turn back the clock and change what had happened...
"We barely even talk, Clarke. And now we're expecting to go up to space together when there's only 7 of us. It's like we're forcing ourselves to have a problem," You sigh, running a hand through your knotted hair.
"You need each other. And nothing ever changes that. I know things haven't been easy and, on top of everything, you really don't need the worry of what will happen between the two of you. But you're meant to be together. And you might think that he doesn't care, but I see the way he looks at you," She assures and you glance towards him once more to notice that his eyes are on you.
This time, they are full of worry and concern. He can see how tired and weak you look and all he wants to do is wrap you in his arms and promise you that things will be fine. That you have him.
"Just, follow your heart," Clarke squeezes your shoulder and walks away.
Bellamy's eyes are still on you and he seems to not care about the fact that yours are now locked with his. It's like he's trying to communicate a message that his stubbornness refuses him to speak to you. He goes to step towards you before the commotion begins as Raven begins to explain that the power isn't on and you certainly weren't going anywhere without that.
"Okay, Bellamy and I will go to the tower and get it back on. We can be back in enough time if we hurry," Clarke assures, already preparing to leave.
Bellamy glances at you once more before he starts to leave with her. Though, just as they begin to go, Murphy appears without Monty by his side.
"Where's Monty?!" Bellamy raises his voice, concern lacing his tone as he takes the oxygenator from Murphy's arms.
"He collapsed and I didn't know what to do. We need to find him. Now," Murphy confirms, already heading out the same way he had just come through.
You felt your heart clench. In seconds, it felt like they were all leaving and you felt hopeless. Clarke had ventured out alone to the tower and Bellamy was leaving with Murphy without a second thought.
"Hey, come help me," Raven smiles, knowing you wouldn't be much help to her complex work, "It will keep you occupied,"
And she was right, passing her tools and doing what she asked of you made the time go much quicker. Right until you saw Bellamy and Murphy carrying a weak Monty through those doors. Harper instantly embraced her boyfriend in a heartfelt hug and you had to stop yourself from doing the same to your ex. But he looked at you and must have seen the relief in your eyes.
"Where's Clarke?" He asks instantly, breaking a silence that had already lasted too long.
"She's still out Raven says she had 10 minutes from here to get the power on and get back," You explain quickly, guilty that you couldn't give him a better answer.
"Bellamy, we'll wait as long as we can but she has 2 minutes," Raven announces as all of you begin to make your way towards the ship.
"We can't leave without her," Bellamy shakes his head.
But the time was slowly cutting down and in what felt like seconds, it was now or never. So you all climbed into the cockpit, only waiting for Bellamy.
"B, we can't wait any longer," You admit, instinctively using his nickname that you had used when you were together.
He looks at you with saddened eyes before nodding and making his way into the cockpit too.
Bellamy placed himself beside you and an unnerving silence fell across the group.
After enough commotion to make you think all hope was lost, you were on the Ark. Back where it all began and with a very bittersweet feeling in the air. Clarke was gone. You had all made it but without the glue that held you all together.
Earth looked like a climate warzone. It was roaring with a burning radiation that seemed to cover every inch of its once lively and beautiful surface. You could feel tears brimming in your eyes and they were soon trickling down your cheeks.
Clarke had been like a sister to you.
Soon enough, you recognised a presence beside you. Bellamy.
"She's not going to die in vain," He states simply, knowing neither of you would let that happen.
"I know," Is all you manage to reply, "It feels so lonely up here,"
In a long second, Bellamy's hand reaches for yours and he laces your fingers together into their perfect fit.
"I'm here," He confirms, his thumb brushing your skin delicately.
And that was enough. To erase your fear and make you feel like you had everything right here with you. Because, truthfully, you did. He was what had been missing since the two of you had split and no amount of difficulty or argument would ever change that. He was all you needed.
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my-lover · 6 years
the 100!
my all-time ultimate fave character: clarke! i love bellamy and octavia too, but clarke has been my favourite right from the first episode and i love her so much
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: bellamy -  i used to hate him, but now if anything happened to him i’d kill everyone in this room and then myself
a character I used to like but now don’t: jasper. i loved him in season one and two, but i feel like he overreacted to maya’s death in a big way. they’d known each other for like a month maybe? at most? he took it out on everyone except himself and became a really annoying character. i also really don’t like the way they handled his depression/suicidal thoughts. as someone with personal experiences in that department, it really didn’t sit right with me.
a character I’m indifferent about: i don’t think there’s anyone? i either love them and stan them so hard, or i really dislike them lmao
a character who deserved better: wells fucking jaha!! i will defend him til i die, he deserved so much better:(
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: finn x clarke. all bellarke stuff aside, it never made sense to me. like they’ve known each other for ten days, how is finn in love with her?? why would he have sex with her when he has raven? 
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: bellarkeeeeeee. that ship has me whipped 
a cute, low-key ship: sea mechanic!! they could’ve been so good, and i swear nadia hilker said somewhere that luna was in love with her. an au where luna was on the ring would’ve been so cool
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: i used to be a princess mechanic stan lmao
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: finn x clarke!
my favourite storyline/moment: i think my favourite storyline was praimfaya. it jut really interested me a lot, especially after the mess that was the a.l.i.e. plot, even though i didn’t hate that. and one of my favourite moments is definitely “she must be pretty important to you.” “she is.”. not even just for bellarke, but it’s the first time we really see that bellamy still cares about clarke after all those years, and it shows how much he loves her
a storyline that never should have been written: jasper’s ““party and the end of the world”“. i know it was a way to get rid of a lot of characters due to the bunker size, but i really didn’t like it,
my first thoughts on the show: “hey, this is pretty cool!:D”
my thoughts now: i really love this show, and, while it’s flawed, it’s really interesting and captivating. i’ve met a lot of friends through it and it’s something that i really enjoy. i know there’s stuff wrong with it, but i genuinely like it. though it’d be great if bellarke could become canon lmao
send me a tv show and i’ll answer these questions about them!
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ao3feed-the100 · 3 years
The 100 x Hogwarts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38CnqF8
by beayslau
The 100 karakterleri Harry Potter döneminden yıllar sonra yaşamış büyücülerdir. Hogwarts'a kabul edildiklerinde nasıl bir hayatları olurdu? Kitap atlamalı ilerleyecek ve yıllar arasında çok bekletmeden geçiş yapılacak. İyi okumalar dilerim!
Words: 1187, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Türkçe
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Bellamy Blake, Octavia Blake, Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), Raven Reyes, John Murphy (The 100), Jasper Jordan, Monty Green, Finn Collins, Maya Vie, Marcus Kane, Abby Griffin, Aurora Blake, Lincoln (The 100), Roan (The 100), Harry Potter, Jake Griffin, A.L.I.E. (The 100), Charles Pike, Sheidheda (The 100), Harper McIntyre, Wells Jaha, Gina Martin, Thelonious Jaha
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Finn Collins/Clarke Griffin, Bellamy Blake & Clarke Griffin, Octavia Blake/Lincoln, Octavia Blake/Lexa, John Murphy/Raven Reyes, Bellamy Blake & Octavia Blake, Finn Collins/Raven Reyes, Jasper Jordan/Maya Vie, Bellamy Blake/Octavia Blake
Additional Tags: POV Bellamy Blake, Slow Burn Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Endgame Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Bellamy Blake is a History & Mythology Nerd, Bellamy Blake & Lexa Friendship, POV Clarke Griffin, Artist Clarke Griffin, Octavia Blake & Clarke Griffin are Best Friends, Minor Octavia Blake/Lincoln, POV Octavia Blake, Bisexual Octavia Blake, Alternate Universe - The 100 (TV) Fusion, Alternate Universe - Hogwarts, Modern Setting Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38CnqF8
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pretend-writer · 4 years
Down Below (Chapter 52)
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Summary: Y/N Reyes lands on Earth with the rest of the 99 prisoners. Being one of the first people to come back “home” after 97 years of living in space, she learns what it’s like to finally live in this planet.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader, Raven Reyes x sister!reader
Word Count: 1354 words
Warning: swearing, mention of death
Down Below Masterlist
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‘100 survivors per clan is what I promised everyone.’ Octavia said pacing around the office room in the bunker, 'Having space for 1,200 people, it’s equal for all clans.’
'Sounds fair to me.’ I agreed with Octavia.
Bellamy looked over at his sister and smiled, 'Wonkru. I like that.’
'You expect us to kill our people?’ Jaha exclaimed, 'Let alone share the bunker with the grounders?’
'Guess what, Jaha? When you sent a 100 of us down here to die, the grounders probably felt the same way when we invaded their land.’ Octavia smirked, 'We’re done with this conversation and we’re proceeding to choose our 100.’
I continued to watch Jaha and Octavia bicker about the same thing over and over; I would’ve defended Octavia in a heartbeat but this wasn’t my battle to fight.
She was the new leader and she had to stand up against Jaha herself. Besides, getting into this would’ve made me more angry.
'We can not choose 100 people out of 464 that we have.’
'All clans had to choose. You think they liked choosing who to kill?’ Octavia shouted, 'The only ones complaining are Skaikru, so choose. Or I will.’
'Octavia, we ca-’
The ringing of the radio interrupted Jaha, then a familiar voice spoke. 'Abby? Is anyone there?’
Immediately, I ran behind the desk to answer the radio. 'Raven! Raven it’s me.’
'Y/N.’ She breathed, 'It’s so nice to hear your voice.’
'Same here. I’m glad you’re alive.’ I tried to say without crying.
'I was able to fix myself and I’m healing now. I’m good as new. Apart for my leg of course.’ Raven joked.
A smile formed on my face, 'I’m glad to hear that sis. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.’
'No, you had to do your thing over there. I’m just glad you’re safe.’
'Raven, hold on tight. We’re sending a rescue party to get you.’ Marcus came in.
'Thank you.’ Raven mumbled before the radio went off.
Immediately Marcus looked at me and shook his head. 'No.’
Looking at him confused, I cocked my head. 'What are you talking about?’
'You want to go and save her. My answer is no.’ He knew exactly what I was thinking but he also knew I wouldn’t take no for an answer, especially if my mind is set.
'Marcus, you can’t stop me.’ I muttered.
As Octavia and Jaha continued to argue about the bunker, Marcus pulled me to the other side of the room. 'I understand you want to save your sister and I would say yes on another occasion. I also get that you’re stubborn but please listen now, Monkey. You can’t go out there now.’
'She’s my sister. I have to go save her.’
'This is different than saving Bellamy from the conclave field or fighting off A.L.I.E. You can’t fight off Priamfaya. I’m begging you, please don’t go.’
By the look in his eyes, I can tell that he was being serious this time. He gave me the same look he gave my mother when I was a little girl as he told her to stop abusing me.
Even though I completely understood that he wanted me safe, I still couldn’t promise him that I wouldn’t go. Raven was my sister and a best friend that I couldn’t lose and if it meant that I can do something about it, I had to do it.
'I’m sorry, I can’t stay. Raven needs me.’ I grabbed onto his hands and looked at him in his eyes. 'I’m sorry.’
'Y/N.’ Marcus balled his fist, eyes slightly turning red as he held on his tears.  'You better come back.’
I nodded, acknowledging the fact that I knew it took all of him to let me go. 'Of course I will. This isn’t a goodbye.’
Marcus hugged me tightly as he kissed my forehead. 'I love you, Monkey.’
'I love you too.’ I gave a peck on his cheek before I walked out of the office.
Passing by all the grounders from different clans, I proceeded to the airlock to go help Raven. 'Where are you going?’
'You already know where I’m going. Why do you ask?’ I replied to Bellamy without turning around.
'The suit is right there by the door.’ Bellamy pointed, 'The radiation is already here so we’re going to have to protect ourselves from it.’
I looked over at him, 'You’re not going to try to stop me?’
'No, I’m going to join you.’ Bellamy smiled, 'Besides, it’s Raven. Nothing will convince you to stay back.’
'Thank you.’ I smiled back.
'Is there space for two more?’ Murphy said as he walked in with Emori.
Bellamy rolled his eyes as he noticed his voice. As he turned around he grunted, 'There are plenty of spaces but not for you.’
Pulling his arm softly, I tried to prevent an argument. 'Blake, stop. It’s not worth it.’
'Do you have a problem with John?’ Emori jumped in, defending Murphy. 'What’s going on?’
'Why don’t you ask him yourself?’ Bellamy muttered.
'You’re being over dramatic. I was just genuinely scared for her.’ Murphy explained.
Bellamy shook his head and huffed, 'Just stay away from my girlfriend.’
My heart fluttered as I heard those words come out of his mouth. I knew that it definitely wasn’t the right time to giggle and be happy but all I wanted to do was grin from cheek to cheek.
Just as I thought that things somewhat turned out okay, Clarke walked in. 'Everyone ready to go?’
'Yes, we’re leaving just like this without our suits on so we can crisp once we get outside.’ I made a sarcastic remark as my mood went downhill.
The fact that Clarke was determined to kill me with her bullet earlier, I still couldn’t forgive her. 
Murphy chuckled at my joke but got silent immediately when Bellamy glared at him. Clarke looked around the room and bit her lips, 'Ah, tough crowd.’
'Of course it is. You nearly killed eleven clans and some of our people up there. How do you feel now that you didn’t get it your way?’
'Y/N, I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to tell you.’
I smirked as I reached for the suit, 'Really? I’ve been waiting for you to say that. Now we don’t have to talk.’
Bellamy started putting on his suit as he stood by me and whispered, 'I get it,Clarke almost shot you and all but don’t you think you’re bein-’
'Mean? Bell, when she was under those stairs Clarke was sure she wanted to kill me. If I’m mean, then what does that make her?’
'I know, I get it Reyes but fighting fire with fire is only going to make the flames bigger.’
'You’re right, you’re right.’ As I finished zipping my suit up, I sighed. 'Speaking of fighting fire with fire, you sort of did the same thing with John.’
Bellamy sighed, ‘That’s different.’
‘How?’ I giggled. It was cute how Bellamy was fighting for me, even though things went overboard a little bit. ‘I’m bickering at Clarke, you’re bickering at John. It’s the same results, just different reasons.’
He rolled his eyes, 'The way he was talking to you.. Clearly he still loves you.’
'Well, him and I have history way before the relationship even started. I think we will always love each other someway.’ 
'This was different and you know it. Yes, I’m a bit jealous about what happened and I may be over exaggerating a little bit but we both saw it. That wasn’t a “friendship” love.’
'A bit jealous huh?’ I grinned, intertwining my fingers with his. 'I’m flattered.’
Bellamy chuckled, 'Whatever, Y/N.’
'Did you also mean the whole girlfriend part too?’ I looked into his eyes, scared of his response.
'Of course I did. If you’re okay with it.’ He said nervously, squeezing my hand.
I nodded, tip toed to reach his lips and gave him a kiss. 'I’m more than okay with it.’
After smiling with his cute freckles cheeks, he grabbed two helmets and handed me one. 'Let’s go save Raven.’
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tag list; @jodiereedus22, @coffeebooksandfandom, @bellamyblakemorley,  @wisestydia-15, @dbtvluv , @hurricane–amelia , @lexalexy , @olkathefoxi, @lena-davina, @kellbell44, @thehakunamatara, @akelly4477, @morgannope, @littlegirl-fox, @captainam-erika-trash, @greygarbage, @nathaliabakes, @eternallyvenus, @rauwz, @broco8
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myriadimagines · 7 years
Eloise Zhang + reader (grounder fem) with 51? plz?
Characters: Reader x Eloise Zhang
Warnings: season 4 spoilers
Prompts: “Those things you said yesterday… did you really mean them?”
Word Count: 495
A/N: oooo thanks for requesting a drabble of my oc !! Eloise is my The 100 oc for anyone who’s wondering, more info on all my ocs can be found here !!! 
You leaned against the glass, peering down at Earth below you. All your life, that planet was all your ever knew. And now, somehow, you were up in space, watching it get destroyed by radiation. 
“Still think it’s weird?” a voice rang out, and you looked up to see Eloise smirking as she walked over to you. You shrugged as she sat opposite you, glancing through the window. “You’ll get used to it.”
“Easy for you to say.” you scoffed. “I can’t believe you used to live up here?”
“Yeah, well,” Eloise frowned, looking at the dark hallways. “I’m not exactly thrilled to be back.” 
You had met Eloise after A.L.I.E. was defeated, and somehow, the two of you had become close. You, like Lincoln, helped the Sky People build their shelter for the radiation wave. Your own people looked down on you, since they didn’t believe you should be helping them, but you didn’t care.
You had decided to accompany Eloise and her friends to save Raven, and they had come up with a crazy plan to go back to space. Thank goodness you weren’t the only Grounder up here - Echo and Emori were still trying to adjust, too.
“I don’t think it’s that bad.” you shrugged, and Eloise pressed her lips together. “Why do you think so?” 
“Let’s not.” she replied abruptly, avoiding eye contact. You sighed, but decided not to pry; there were things that she would refuse to open up about. 
Despite that, you still considered her a friend. Being a Grounder helping the Sky People meant not only were you shunned by your people, but you were also mistrusted by some of the Sky People. Nevertheless, Eloise would always defend you. She was always by your side. 
And when it came time to go to space, and you began to panic, she had grabbed your shoulders and firmly told you, “y/n, it’s going to be fine.”
“I-I can’t, Eloise.” you shook your head, fear gripping your insides. “You go ahead-”
“I am not leaving you down here.” she snapped. “Either you come up with us, or I’m staying down here with you.”
You looked up at the girl, her words to you from the previous day still echoing in your ears. You had finally built up the courage to get into the space ship, and the entire ride up, you were gripping Eloise’s hand. 
“Eloise…” you cleared your throat. “Those things you said yesterday… did you really mean them?”
Eloise looked up at you, a small smile appearing on her face as she said, “All the stuff about not leaving you behind? Of course I meant them.” 
She reached a hand out and paused, as if debating whether or not she should more forward, before she finally took your hand and squeezed it. “I know your people turned their backs on you for helping us, y/n, but I’ll never turn my back on you.” 
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team-adults-blog · 7 years
4.03 The Four Horsemen
A Reaction: Apologizing for the map upfront. Not as funny or with as good of an analysis aspect as 4.02, but my reactions to kabby will always be prime. 
NYKOOOOOO I love him so much. Dang they 40+ on the way.
Lol Abby is either the only sensible one or overly dramatic because she’s the only one who covers her face before approaching.
All the animals are dyinggggg noooooooooo
Hold up. When did Octavia get a kick-ass sholder tat? This is definitely a major step in her assimilation into grounder culture. It’s more than just Indra accepting her now- maybe it’s only trikru at the moment and she gets the tattoo from them, but it’s still a big step from last season when she’s still getting hate from them. Sure she’s always going to get hate for being an outsider, but probs more from killing everybody now. Kudos. It’s rad.
Indra “I’m so proud” Roan one death to save thousands, it’s good politics. Indra has the warrior daughter she’s always wanted, but has it gone too far?
Dr. Squad all with crossed arms. What a posse. So happy for Sachin. His promotion shots on instagram made me even happier. 
These like 6 people are all that’s left of Luna’s people… So fish are not friends. Or food.
Yo check out this groovy map of the mid-Atlantic. Here’s the fun part where I waste way too much time trying to pinpoint where these places are using google maps. 
[Skip if you don’t have time right now or are just rude]
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Polis=Baltimore/ Dc, looks a little above DC based on the Bay. It makes sense for Polis not be in DC because Trikru is. Tondc/ Ton DC was like “Washington DC” on a road sign and Lincoln got his name from the Lincoln memorial, which we get a glimpse of in S1.
Mount Weather= Looks to be around Luray area- which is really interesting to me because the cave/ tunnels would check out. A caving plug: Luray and Grand Caverns have really great features, but they’re dead. Railings and steps and lights have been put in everywhere to make it more accessible for folks, but more importantly to bring in a ton of money. To see Living caves in the valley, my brother is a cool dude who takes his students- and more importantly me- to see neat things without harming the cave like some punk ass bitch yanking stalactites off the ceiling.  
Arkadia= Looks to be around Culpeper… but if it was slightly more south (because the map Raven has is shit, but I’ll get to that) I could argue it’s between Charlottesville (!!!) and Culpeper, although more towards Culpeper. Like Orange/Madison counties. Literally no one cares about this but me because that is my homeland. Also TJ, Monroe (the president, not the dead character from this show that I should get back to…), and J Maddy-Mads. Zach-attack (this also works because he was a major general, not just for the rhyme) Is actually the closest to Arkadia- his house is in barboursville which puts him 25 min closer to Culpeper than TJ and Monroe. GW is up by Ton DC. Wilson is southwest of Arkadia. I don’t know/care enough about where Tyler and William Henry Harrison were from and I’m not going to look it up. This history/ geography lesson was brought to you by the Mother of Presidents, and viewers like you. Thank you.
Luna’s Rig= Somewhere off of DE/NJ coast. They might go back there, but otherwise I honestly don’t care where exactly the rig is. Like. Nyko just said that 40 people died on their way to Arkadia and Luna’s like this is all that’s left of my people. Soooooo… sorrynotsorry
Becca’s Island- I struggled figuring out what that said. I’m leaning towards it being a fictional island because the only thing I can think of it being is Sandy Hook. However, there seems to be land in the bay, soooo Sandy Hook would be part of the continental land mass instead of an island. If the picture wasn’t so wonky the only argument would be for Sandy Hook. I believe it’s only listed here because it will become plot relevant later this season when the tech team decided they need to access Becca/ A.L.I.E.’s drone or something to monitor radiation.
Note: The coastlines don’t match up perfectly. At first I was excited they’d taken rising sea levels with climate change into account, but that should make the bay larger and thus the gap between eastern Maryland/ Delaware and DC larger. So some of the Virginia coast looks good, but the east coast is on a passive margin (I took Geology guys can you tell), which means that it’s not colliding into another plate and thus being squished in on itself or mountain building (this is happening in the middle of the Atlantic) like on the U.S. west coast. But at the end of the day, I don’t think they really considered this when creating that map because 1) some areas are larger than they are now (like Long Island is now a peninsula instead of an island), indicating receding seas while 2) some coasts are cut off indicating rising sea levels. Basically. They would have been fine using a regular map from the internet. Not sure why they decided to render this shitty one or what purpose making their own serves. Maybe they don’t have rights to steal from the internet…?
You, the reader are now thinking, “who the fuck cares? That map was visible for under 30 seconds. all we were supposed to recognize is that it’s the VA/DC/MD area. Let’s move this train along I want to hear about things that actually matter.” And to this I say, you are not wrong. Let’s go. This 15 sec clip took me an hour to analyze and I’m not proud.
[Resume reading non-geography post here if you skipped. There were some jokes in there... not good ones]
Bellamy’s face at “choosing who lives or dies is your specialty” Ouch. Clarke can’t get a break. First Jasper, now Raven. Good thing he’s always on her side.
Someone’s taking the rover. My gut thought: is it fucking Jaha? Oh wait. Jasper’s problematic too and would pull that. Nope. Fucking Jaha. Your gut is always right. 
Naturally, radical Jaha who went off to find the city of light is not encouraging a trip to go find a doomsday bunker by a religious fanatic. Raven is the skeptic voice of ME. Like hey guys, remember when he did this last time? If it’s not real Clarkiepoo gonna make that list. I like
DOOMSDAY CULT MAN SAYS “there is a way out of the darkness. I can show it to you. You can be saved. Join me…” okokokokokok. Abby stays behind in Arkadia to show them the way out of the darkness. Then she is forced to take the chip and gets the rest of the camp to join her in the CoL. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
Raven x Abby
Alright. Time to defend mom. Raven’s position of wanting to save the pills- because it’s too late for them to work on Luna’s people- is understandable. Abby’s desire to save people is also understandable. I happen to love Raven x Abby scenes because they’re both so stubborn and both usually have equally strong, but different arguments. Dr. Abby probs should not have told her eldest daughter she’s killing this child. Howeverrrrr my mother, Abby, and even I, with my son VPJB, understand the power guilt has over your children. My son tried to attack a shadow for 45min today so I’m still choosing my battles. Back to the show- the emotion they bring as actors is fantastic. I’d like to pull their history out of the back of your head. Abby and Raven meet because they both have someone who went down in the dropship they desperately want to see. They bond. They trust each other and sass each other and Abby tells Raven to go down without her. Raven tells Clarke how great her mom is at a time when Clarke thinks floating Jake is still 100% her mom’s fault. Raven gets shot, Abby frickin saves her life and she only has one lame leg instead of being paralyzed from the waist down. Kudos Dr. Abby. BUT. Raven hurts, and chronic pain is rough on people, so you’ll lash out. Raven calls Abby out for being a crappy chancellor and doctor. Abby hits her. She’s instantly sorry she lost her temper and they’re distant but not terrible. Despite some heated moments, they’re fam. Abby adopts everyone she sees, and Raven, with only Finn in S1 becomes family. Then Finn dies. Then her mentor Sinclair (who I really really really really really liked and wish got more developing prior to THAT episode [sidenote: I hate when secondary/ tertiary characters get developed just so they the audience feels some emotional investment that turns into pain. Especially within the same episode. Except they’re only there for that one episode to drive another character’s development as in the dying child (Adrian) Luna brought.], so now Abby and her friends are all she has. There’s love there, which doesn’t make talking to each other ok, but I’m confident they’ll forgive each other.  It hurts more because of the love.
Murphy steals medicine to help a sick kid. Important because his father got floated for stealing him medicine when he was a sick child, and the medicine ended up not working. Abby knows better than to ask where he got it. She’s broken the law to save people before. Yay Jackson being sweet with this child. I frickin love Nyko too. He’s one cool dude.
Octavia x Indra x Gaia
Mom saves her daughter. Octavia is like oh nooo here let me help you up, my b. Another mother daughter conflict. But this time really related. Indra: My daughter was meant to lead armies. My daughter was meant to lead our people. Me and Gaia: looks like you got that after all. This scene was great. A parent who cannot understand their child. So common and yet this is the best portrayal of that I’ve seen, mainly because it wasn’t “But basketball’s your dream!” “No, Dad. basketball is your dream, not mine!” Octavia comes up with a plan to save the flame and Indra’s daughter. Loyal to Indra over Roan. I love that. Ilian’s sledgehammer was entirely too dramatic. Should have spent the money used on that effect for Raven’s map. I’ve got a bone to pick with Kirk Douglas or Michael Cliett- whomever was in charge of that. Not bitter. Omg Gaia is so sweet and lovely. I love her. I want her to stick around. Don’t let the radiation get her!
Bellamy + Clarke  x  Jaha
Leadership is lonely, it’s good she has you. You keep her centered. Obviously Jaha sees Clarke as the leader and Bellamy as her sidekick/ compass more than an equal? I feel like they co-lead well Together. Wink. You’ve got it backwards. Nice. But Jaha is giving Bell some questionable advice here- he’s saying stop blaming yourself for the massacre, you were doing what you though was best for your people, and as long as that’s true, you don’t need redemption. Sort of, Jaha. You may think you’re right, but someone is yelling at you that you’re wrong (i.e. Abby x Kane S1 culling, Kane x Boris S3 massacre), so you actually might need some redemption, maybe for your people to accept you, maybe for your soul. Kane goes off in search of redemption and atonement after he realizes the way of life on the Ark doesn’t have to be how life on Earth is. Bellamy, realizes slaughtering a village of non-militant grounders is wrong as he’s taking part in it. That’s why he convinces Pike to let Indra live. Yes, they both think they’re right, but when they realize, even in hindsight how wrong they were, they feel guilty. Jaha on the other hand is very set in this “That’s what I thought at the time and I won’t let the present change how I see my past actions.” He’s much more cold and cognitive than emotional, even with himself. Jaha’s all like, dude get over it, how many people do you have to save before you forgive yourself.
I’d say Jaha has been distant enough in that he’s been off by himself for most of the plot, or at least separated from the core group, to merit his comment on the state of Bellamy and Clarke’s relationship seriously. He has plenty of background with Clarke- his son was her best friend, their families were close pre-S1. Anyone can see Bellarke works well together, but Jaha’s outsider-insightfulness that everyone else may be too close to see (or too close to tell one of them) is that they center each other.
The List
First, can we talk about the Kabby couch parallel? Abby is snoozin at the start of S3 so peacefully and Kane glances over before going back to his sector mapping. ON THAT SAME COUCH is a peacefully sleeping Bellamy for Clarke to glance over at. He makes the list. I wonder if Riley did. Is Clarke reserving spots for grounders too or just sky people/ people in Arkadia? Bellamy gets spot 99. Good. Awe. He writes her name for her. Good job. Bellarke fans are screaming. Now we put it away... Y’all did a bang up job of that. Fold it once and put it in the OPEN CUBBY of the desk? No one will ever find it there. Snooping Jasper and Monty looking for their long lost weed never will. Oh wait. 
Funny how we’ve got another group of “100.” It’s always good to remember your roots.
End Thoughts Me: SHE’S A NIGHT BLOOD YOU DON’T HAVE TO RUN TESTS ABBY (and also you could have said “I’d like to run tests” slightly less creepily to a person who’s not the biggest fan of technology.) Abby and Clarke 20 seconds later- yeah there’s another variable here. yeah she a nightblood. Very happy Jackson got so many lines, even if they were tiny and sometimes in the background, he was in the conversation.
Noteworthy Absences and How I Feel About Them
Marcus Kane- I knew it was coming. I’m sure something big is happening with Octavia in the next episode. I thought the balance between Polis’ Octavia x Indra plot was well balanced with the Arkadia and Jaha x Bellarke plots. They were all satisfactorily interesting, a relief after Jaha’s 2B/3A plotlines. Adding a diplomatic Kane plot would be too much. He would have crowded Indra and her daughters’ scenes too. I’m good, but he was missed.
Harper McIntypre- She could have been standing guard with the Millers? Nate and Harper are besties. I like it. But then I want her to develop, so I’d rather her sit this one out and have meaningful airtime in another (or the next) episode.
Bryan- Also could have been on guard with the Millers. I actually would be really interested in seeing Bryan and Sergeant David Miller interact. Then again, He and Nate just had a fight last episode over fundamentally different beliefs, so they need air. In this case I do NOT want to have Miller Sr. interacting with them. He’s already had enough awkward interrupting couple-moments. I think he needed to be absent. There were already three plot lines and Briller drama would have pulled the show in too many directions, as with Kane. I’m cool with that.
Monty Green/ Jasper Jordan- This was a mother-daughter conflict episode with a splash of following Jaha’s whims. They didn’t fit. I’m cool with that. They’re going to find that letter Clarke should have hid in her pillowcase next week.
Echo- I’m bitter. She should have yelled at someone. What a badass.
Riley- Who is this dude. I just looked on IMDb and he’s in 6 episodes. Everyone seems to know him. I need to be part of that.
I felt we needed a refresher on full names…or lack there of...
I have no life and am very lonely. But it’s my own fault. so that’s just a nice explanation of why I have time to do this...
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