#( connection. / && max johnson )
okay so this request was sent through the dms (best to go through inbox for future req) and they chose to stay anon. so they requested steve with hargrove reader (i made them step siblings so i hope that helps for mostly everyone reading) where reader is being abused at home and steve finds out and is being super caring (short summary)
pairing: steve harrington x fem hargrove!reader wc: 2.4k
tw: mentions of hitting, abuse, blood and cuts
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“mr. harrington, you will be partnered with miss.hargrove. and i expect equal work, steven.” mrs.johnson glared at the king before going back to handing out assignments.
you could feel his gaze lingering on your skin, tracing your profile as you looked down on your open book. you didn’t bother giving him your attention, not planning on doing the work outside the classroom. best to keep him distant.
there was a loud commotion happening in the room. head tilting up you saw everyone with their assigned partners, you included. a look to your left and steve harrington locked eyes with you.
he was turned in the seat so his body was facing your side. his left elbow sat on the scratched brown top, his palm cupped his cheek so his head was slightly tilted. a dark curl kissed his forehead.
your eyes squinted, “what?” not understanding why he was watching you like a hawk.
his brows rose an inch and a small pout formed on his lips, “nothing. just sitting with my partner.” and he flashed a smirk. it made your eyes narrow into slits.
you rested your pointer finger into the crease of your book and twisted your stomach to face him more head on. “look, let’s just do most of the work here and then split up what needs to be finished and do it separately. how’s that sound?” voice bored and not looking for any actual input.
but steve squinted his eyes and pouted, “sounds dumb. let’s just do it at my house when school is over. can’t focus with all this noise.” a playful smile replaced the pout. he was trying to be cute.
it wasn’t working.
“i’d rather do it in a class environment then do the rest on my own.” pushing back. steve kissed his teeth, “oh, well you heard mrs. johnson. i need to put in work, so we gotta stick together and make sure it’s even teamwork. need to try and bump my C to a B this year. dad’s on my ass.”
and you knew the feeling.
but you took a deep sigh while slightly shaking your head, “i just don’t think it’s the best idea for us to hang out… outside of school. you know…” being extremely vague and closed off. hoping you didn’t have to verbally give a reason for steve harrington to just back off.
Steve’s demeanor changed at your words and tone. the hand that was pushing up his cheek feel to the table surface, his body leaning in close and his voice dropping into a whisper. “is it billy? ‘cause i can handle him, done it before.” and you kinda knew what he was talking about.
how steve came to school one day with a fucked up face and how max told you billy wasn’t gonna bother either of you anymore. you didn’t realize the two were connected but haven’t bothered to push.
with steve making the assumption the problem was billy you took the handed excuse. “i’d just rather not piss him off today. he’s been ignoring me and i don’t want to be on his radar.” lips set in a tight line as you looked at your book.
“well… do you want to work on it at the library? neutral ground.” you couldn’t help the huffed laugh, “very persistent, are we?” finally holding stable eye-contact.
steve flashed his dazzling smile as he shakes his head, “what can i say? i take my education very seriously.”
eyes squinted, “uh huh… very. trying to bump a C to a B with only a few weeks of the semester left. very studious.” taking your turn to tease.
steve shook his head as he looked down at his lap, right knee bouncing up and down quickly. “but seriously, just come to my house. we can get whatever snacks you want, maybe a pizza if it goes late. my parents won’t be home anyway.”
“woah, trying to charm me into your bed, harrington?” he rolled his eyes, “fuck off, hargrove. i’m driving you home like a respectable young adult.” he smoothed a hand through his hair.
there was a heat crawling up your neck that you were choosing to ignore. along with the twisting in your guts. so instead you questioned steve again, “why are you so insistent on doing this together? at your house? and don’t use mrs. johnson as an excuse.” needing to understand this persistent attitude he’s developed.
his knee stopped jerking and his hands fell limp to the table or his lap. he looked to be debating something in his head, teeth rubbing at his bottom lip.
“come on, steve. just spit it out, can’t be bad.” trying for encouragement.
he heaved a sigh, “i, uh, i just… want to hang out. with you. you seem cool.” you couldn’t help the raise to your brows, “cool? i keep to myself.”
he shrugged, “look i don’t know. i just want to get to know you. you’re nothing like billy.” “that’s cause we are only related by marriage. i don’t share any of those shitty genes.”
steve sighed again, “if you actually don’t want to come over to do this project or just to hang out, i understand. we can just do it here at school in the library. not gonna force you to be by my side.”
he got quiet as he turned in his seat to face the front with his head tilted down and his knuckles rapping along the top. your eyes followed the shape of his body, getting stuck on his face that wasn’t hidden by his hair. his lidded eyes and his lashes that touched the tops of his cheeks, angular nose coming to a nice point, and pink lips pushed to a slight pout.
a groan settled in your throat, “i’ll come over.” sounding almost begrudgingly about your statement. steve perked up and turned just a little, “really?” he almost sounded hopeful.
a deep breath through your nose, “yes, steve. i’d be happy to hang out with you.”
“so, i hear your going to harrington’s after school. that true?” billy’s nosy self leaned against the lockers to your left. his stupid face stuck in your periphery and his loud gum smacking a ringing in your ears.
replacing unneeded textbooks with ones you need for homework tonight, you sighed, “yes billy. it’s a partner project. kinda have to work together.”
“dad’s not gonna like that.” he stated like he cared about your well-being (he couldn’t give two shits). “yeah, well, i’m trying to keep good grades to get out of this shithole. so my academics are coming first. i can handle my jailer.” final words as you slammed your locker closed and headed to the parking lot.
you rolled out your shoulders twice as you made the short walk to steve harrington’s maroon bmw. he was sitting on the trunk with his head down while scribbling away. “nice car, harrington. almost prettier than you.” your way of greeting him.
he hurried to close one of two notebooks he had, face looking a bit red in the cool january air. “you okay?” eyeing him head to toe. he played off the moment with a smile, “yeah, yeah. ready?”
he hopped off his car and it bounced with the loss of his weight. steve walked to the back door on the passenger side to throw his things on the floor, then he reached a hand out for you.
“what are you…” “asking for your stuff. come on, i’m freezing out here.” a light shake to his hand made the point.
you waited a second longer before handing over your books then shrugging your backpack off and over to steve. he then closed the door and instead of heading to the drivers side, he opened your door and nodded at you. “always open doors for girls, harrington?” instinctively teasing him.
you missed the shy smile, but heard him say, “only the special ones.” he kept his voice, low. hoping you wouldn’t hear it as he closed you in and ran to his side.
the harrington household was big, style a decade old, well cleaned, and empty. the only inhabitants were steve and the occasional cleaning lady and landscaper who come by when his parents call in a request. you didn’t say it aloud, but you wished you could live in this empty house. just you and max, staying away from the bad that stained your indiana home.
“we could just work at the dining table.” steve directed the both of you to the dark stained oak wood, four polished and carved seats pushed in. only two were occupied close together.
the room was mostly quiet, pages moving and pencils writing were the main noise when not discussing the work. steve actually putting in some elbow grease with his portion of the project and would ask for help if he was stuck, it was nice.
you leaned back into the cushion of your chair with a sigh that turned to a low hiss. “you okay?” steve asked with concerned puppy eyes.
you ignored him, “uh, where’s- where’s your bathroom?” his brows pinched in the middle then relaxed a fraction,
“uh, down the hall to the right.” pointed over his shoulder. you excused yourself quickly down the hall and locked the door behind you. twisting your torso to the left the pain spiked again. lifting the bottom of your shirt, the deep purple bruise taunting you, you couldn’t feel the wet blood sticking to your skin and shirt.
you threw the shirt down, unlocked the door and walked back to the table where steve had his head laying on the table with his eyes closed. his head looked up when you loudly gathered your work pile together,
“where you going? we’re not done.” steve pushed himself out his chair. you didn’t bother looking his way, “uh, i- i, uh i forgot about something. very important.” a half-assed excuse, just needing to leave the too quiet house now.
“well, i could drive you. wherever or drop you off at ho-“ “no!” yelling the word at kind hearted steve. you deflated a bit, palms running over your head, “sorry. no, i’m fine on my own.” turning away from steve to grab your bag and shoes.
“woah, woah, woah. wait, just-“ “steve, i gotta-“ “you’re bleeding.”
you stopped in your tracks, books to your chest. “what?” confused and panicked.
“you have spots of red showing through your shirt,” steve voice was closer now. it made you jerk away. “i’m sure it’s nothing. uh, thanks for… yeah. i’m just gonna-“
“hey.” his voice was carful, gentle like the wind. he was holding the bone of your wrist like fine china. only used to a crushing touch as if you were an aluminum can that’s been drained of its intoxicating drink.
you could feel the shape of his body from behind, envision his deep brown eyes melting in emotions. “y/n, come on, let me look. might need to clean it.” it felt like he was talking to a scared child. and you felt like one in the moment.
“i’m fine, steve.” steeling yourself. building your guard strong.
he rounded from behind to stand in front of you, blocking your exit, “please, y/n. i just want to make sure you're okay.” his thumb rubbing over your wrist while he stared directly into your eyes.
and you couldn’t stop the tears even if you wanted. it started with a glossy view before you felt the cold droplets hitting your cheeks and rolling down your nose and over your lips and chin. lips wobbling as you tried to swallow the sobs but once one slipped the others ran free. you’re sure you would’ve collapsed to the floor if it wasn’t for steve catching you in his arms and guiding the both of you slowly down.
“hey, hey. it’s okay, you're okay.” steve pushed your head into his neck while he rubbed a palm over your shoulder blades. “im here for you, y/n.”
“i- i don’t- don’t wanna go- go home, steve. please.” fingers curling into the front of his shirt to keep him close as your tears stained his skin.
“it’s okay. you don’t have too.” a ragged inhale through your mouth, “i- i have to. for- for max.”
steve’s hands worked gently to move your head away from hiding and back into the light. whites of your eyes red, lids growing puffy. cheeks flushed in color with tear tracks. steve worked his thumbs at wiping away your distress, wishing he could whisk you away from this town.
“let’s not think about home right now. let’s just clean you up.”
a meek nod was all it took for steve to pick you off the floor and lead the two of you towards the bathroom. steve places you on the closed toilet, knees hitting the wall so steve could grab stuff from the cupboards and clean you from behind.
you closed your eyes and forced yourself to keep taking deep and slow breaths in and out. in and out, in and out until your head didn’t feel so light and your heart stopped racing.
“okay, i’m gonna need to lift your shirt, is that okay honey?” steve squatted by your side with the tips of his fingers touching your thigh. bleary eyes watched steve, took in the way he called you honey, smooth and soft. without a word you pulled the back of your shirt off, head out of the opening so all the fabric sat on your collarbones.
“thank you. just let me know if it hurts, i’ll stop.” words you’re not used to. usually it’s just yelling obscenities as you suck in your sobs.
a wet stinging sensation caused you to flinch away. “sorry, sorry. i’ll let you know when i’m going in. okay, so three, two…. one.” and the sting was still there. it wasn’t painful like the first.
steve did that two more times before he asked a question. “did… did billy do this?” and you knew what he was feeling when he spit your step-brothers name with venom. you zoned out on your fingers, “no. not… not billy. higher up.” pinching the skin around your bones, thinking about the horrid man.
steve was quiet, not cleaning your wounds since he didn’t count down. a tiny flinch came as a reaction when you felt his fingers prod around your bruises. “i’m sorry.” words a whisper meant only for your ears.
you shook your head slightly, “don’t say sorry. it’s not your fault. no one’s fault.” “including yours. it’s not your fault.” it was like he could read into your mind with how quick his response was. you didn’t bother saying anything back, just a look over your shoulder, puffy and droopy eyes taking in the sight of steve before looking back to his wall.
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brian-in-finance · 25 days
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Caitríona Balfe attends the "Ford v Ferrari" press conference during the 2019 Toronto International Film Festival at TIFF Bell Lightbox on 10 September 2019 in Toronto, Canada.
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Image: Roxstar Entertainment
Collider Media Studio Returns To TIFF With Some of the Biggest Names in Hollywood
With the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) just around the corner, we’re thrilled to announce that Collider Media Studio will be returning to the Toronto International for another round of exciting interviews with support from Range Rover Canada. This year we have one of our bigger line-ups ever with scheduled talks with the top talent of the festival including Bobby Carnavale, Tom Hiddleston, Karen Gilian, Cobie Smulders, Ben Foster, Olympic Gold Medal Boxer Claressa Shields, Chloë Sevigny, Henry Golding, Beatrice Grannò, David Gordon Green, Pamela Anderson, Max Minghella, Orlando Bloom, John Turturro, Caitríona Balfe, Soul Rasheed, Brett Goldstein, Imogen Poots, Jee Young Han, Dakota Johnson, Demi Moore, Margaret Qualley, Alicia Vikander, Elizabeth Olsen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Paul Rudd, Kate Mara, Jude Law, Nicholas Hoult, Tye Sheridan, Ron Howard, Ana De Armas, Isabella Rosellini, Ed Burns, Shamier Anderson, Minnie Driver, Brenda Song, Kiernan Shipka, Ryoo Seung-wan, Sandra Oh, Haley Joel Osment, and Gretchen Mol to name a few.
The program is produced by Leading Hollywood Events and Communications group, Roxstar Entertainment and their successful hospitality platform, the Cinema Center. Our sponsor partner Range Rover will help get the talent to our media studio with the 2024 Ranger Rover Sport, the official luxury vehicle partner of the Cinema Center and Collider Studio. Celebrities can enjoy the latest Range Rover Sport’s blend of sportiness, refinement, and connected convenience, ensuring they arrive at their red-carpet events in style and comfort.
Additional supporting sponsors include poppi soda, the better for you soda brand made with ingredients you love, like fruit juice and apple cider vinegar that create a mouthwatering soda with only 5 grams of sugar and 25 calories. Beloved by celebrities like Post Malone, Hailey Bieber, Kylie Jenner, Billie Eilish, Russell Westbrook, and Olivia Munn, poppi is revolutionizing soda for the next generation. poppi is now available at major retailers across Canada, including Loblaws, Real Canadian Superstore, Metro, Save on Foods, Maxi, Safeway, and Costco and key ecommerce retailers amazon.ca, instacart.ca and well.ca.
In addition, the Cinema Center will be serving up a themed cocktail menu featuring the ultra-premium Tequila Don Julio, as well as Ketel One Vodka, Tanqueray Gin, and Bulleit Bourbon. Don Julio’s luxury tequila is renowned for its use of only the highest caliber, fully matured and ripened Blue Agave that has been hand-selected from the rich, clay soils of the Los Altos region of the state of Jalisco.
Other partners include Canada’s new premium spring water brand, Legend Water co. and Peoples Group financial services will all be engaging our talent and guests with product offerings and special brand experiences onsite.
Check out the poster below and stay tuned to our socials for updates on this year’s Collider Media Studio at TIFF.
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Caitríona Balfe attends the "Ford v Ferrari" press conference during the 2019 Toronto International Film Festival at TIFF Bell Lightbox on 10 September 2019 in Toronto, Canada.
Remember the return to TIFF?
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untoldreader · 10 months
Masterlist Of Masterlists⚜️
Welcome to my Masterlist of Masterlists
Please give feedback
Marvel Universe
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Kate Bishop
Falling For The Archer
Archer's bond
Wanda Maximoff
The Witch & Her Possession
Natasha Romanoff
Shadows of Love: Natasha Romanoff and Y/N'S Destiny
Yelena Belova
A Dark Love
Dancing in the Moonlight
Maria Hill
Relentless Devotion
Peggy Carter
The Forgotten Past
Carol Danvers
Cosmic Connections: Carol Danvers Finds Love
Bucky Barnes
A Soldier's Redemption
Steve Rodgers
Threads Of Fate: Wanda, Natasha, and Y/N
The Miraculous Trio: A Journey of Love, Power, and Parenthood
Cross-over event story title coming soon-☆
Beneath the Veil: Love and Loyalty in the Underworld
Eternal Flame: A Maria Hill, Natasha Romanoff, and Y/N Love Saga
Temporal Veil: Unmasking Hydra's Schemes
Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Daisy Johnson
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Bobbi Morse
DC Universe
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Kara Danvers
Lena Luther
Alex Danvers
Maggie sawyer
Lucy Lane
Sara Lance
Thea Queen
Laurel Lance
Felicity Smoak
Nyssa AL Ghul
The Flash
Iris West
Caitlin Snow
Wonder Woman
Diana Prince
Rachel Roth
Donna Troy
Harley Quinn
Ava Sharp
Vampires Diaries Universe
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The Originals
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
Freya Mikaelson
The Vampire Diaries
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Katherine Pierce
Hope Mikaelson
Josie Saltzman
Lizzie Saltzman
Penelope Park
Crime Shows
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Criminal Minds
Emily Prentiss
Scream Universe
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Tara Carpenter
Sam Carpenter
Masked Obsession: Ghostface Sam Carpenter x Y/N Love Story
Amber Freeman
Kirby Reed
Wednesday Addams
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Enid Sinclair
Wednesday Addams
Stranger Things
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Teen Wolf
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Allison Argent
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate
Fear The Walking Dead
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The Walking Dead
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Maggie Greene
Carol Peletier
Tara Chamblers
The lOO
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Octavia Blake
Clarke Griffin
Raven Reyes
Wynonna Earp
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Waverly Earp
Wynonna Earp
Nicole Haught
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maxverstepponme · 2 years
The cover is one thing. The interview opened a can of worms I'm not too sure she wanted open 💀.
We’ll talk about the lies later because now we’ll be talking about this. I don’t care if I get targeted by Kelly fans again because at this point it’s become a routine.
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This woman has a habit of running her mouth to try and make them and herself look cool and cute, but as always, she ends up sharing way too much. But I’m glad she did, because now our suspicions of her having an eye for very young drivers is true and Kelly herself confirmed it 💀
Max was barely legal and she was a whole grown ass woman already. She was closer to her 30’s than her 20’s and that’s what creeps me out because he was barely an adult. “Something magical” that evening. She‘a basically trying to hint about their sexual innuendos or making it look like something like it happened, but this is not the flex she things this is. It’s creepy as hell and it’s also giving Sam Taylor-Johnson vibes.
At first I defended her from the people who were calling her a groomer, but turns out those people were more correct about this than anyone else. Fun fact, I actually did some research on groomers and the first thing that pops up is that groomers always say they have some sort of connection with their target, and that’s basically what she’s saying. She definitely had her eye on him and when she saw the opportunity she took it and he fell. I don’t know if he cheated on Dilara -I hope not-, but she was definitely waiting for that to happen after Daniil dumped her toxic and manipulative ass.
I’m 100% sure the reason why she didn’t go after him before was because of the age difference. 19 and 28 is creepier than 25 and 34, so she had to wait it out. There’s this saying in Spanish that goes “El que persevera, alcanza” which basically means that if you dedicate yourself to something you’ll get it. That’s what she did and the reason why she’s holding onto to Max for dear life.
Yes, Max is a grown adult now, but it still doesn’t erase the fact that this woman is creepy and manipulative as fuck.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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f0point5 · 1 year
So I’ve been bouncing around the thought of why they might both be reluctant to get together outside of ruining the friendship, and something clicked. I want to say this could be totally off base and not be something you intended but I figured I’d share anyways.
I have a few friends who had bad parents, and as adult carry the fear that they will turn out like them. One doesn’t drink because her mom was an alcoholic, one worried about how well he could be as a dad because his was verbally abusive, etc.
I think it’s realistic to wonder whether either of them carry similar fears. Obviously just because your parent(s) suck doesn’t mean you will, but it’s a common thought.
They both have at least verbally abusive dads. Likely skirting the line of physical. Both had parents who got divorced and weren’t the best at raising them. I think at least some fear of commitment and ending up divorced is there for both of them.
But I think it’s quite possible that max could at least slightly worry that he could end up like his dad, even to a lesser extent. He had the nickname Mad Max for a reason and while that was obviously linked to his competitiveness and drive to win, it did spawn the whole Esteban shoving match. And when you contextualize it with his childhood it probably would be hard to have people point out anger issues like that and drawn connections to his dads.
I highly doubt Y/N has any concerns about him ever becoming verbally abusive but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t worry about his own temper and controlling it appropriately. Or that either of them worries the other person would fuck up. I think it’s heavily fear that they themselves will be the problem.
Not to mention they both may want children in the future and could worry that they wouldn’t be a good enough parent (because they didn’t have great examples) and could let the other person down. I have multiple friends with that fear too.
It’s very obviously not a black and white thing the way some readers seem to be interpreting it, likely because they don’t have personal (or secondary) experience with how a less than ideal childhood effects a person. Which is why I don’t fault either of them for failing to make a move. It’s a massive boundary to cross and not as simple as just admitting you love the other person. Sometimes you love people so much that you chose to protect them from yourself (even if you don’t need to)
Oh definitely. You hit one of the nails on the head.
Imma just point in our because fuck subtext lol you’ve explained this so well you’ve inspired me to talk about it.
Those two have both seen first hand how toxic their DNA can be (shout-out DNA by Lia Marie Johnson). We have Mad Max, who thinks, I don’t want to be gone like my dad was all the time, I don’t want to be angry like my dad, be a husband and a father like him. And we have Y/N, who, as we have seen, has a touch of her dad in her, too. The way she went for Mick’s throat in their argument is the same way her dad went for Max’s Achilles heel in the bonus part (“you’re just like your father”). I don’t think either of them ever think they would turn their tempers on each other, but no one thinks that at the beginning, do they?
On top of that, both of them had to watch their mothers struggle being married to men like that. Y/N said to her mother she’d rather have nothing than a relationship like the one she witnessed and I think she really means that. The same way Max doesn’t want to be a husband like his dad, Y/N wouldn’t want to be a wife to a man like hers. That runs deep for both of them.
And that’s with anyone. Add to that the possibility of that being how they lose each other ? How can it possibly seem worth it to them? How would one of them sit down and say, I know we’ve both seen seen some bad shit, I know we have a great thing going, but do you want to risk all that and bang me? Even if they thought the other would say yes, I can see why they’d hesitate.
It may be a cliche to have witnessed bad relationships and be wary about new ones but it’s a cliche because it’s true. Even if you have been able to come out the other side of it like they both have and have relationships with both your parents, it never stops being true that your first example of love was something that is temporary, and that most of the time just hurts. They’ve found a way to love each other in a way that doesn’t hurt, that’s significant for both of them. They can’t be blamed for wanting to hold onto that.
This has made me emotional for no good reason.
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th3-r4t-k1ng · 1 year
Mike Wheeler Power AU
this has been on my mind for a while; i might try and write it myself-
Mike Wheeler who cant die, Mike Wheeler who can see and talk and interact with ghosts.
(Think like Klaus from the umbrella academy.)
Mike Wheeler who is #13 from Hawkins lab but never showed any powers outwardly so the lab gets rid of him via adoption, they figure he's too young to remember anything from the lab anyway, and if he's living in Hawkins they can monitor him just in case powers do pop up.
Except no powers pop up and at 13 they figure 'He's a normal kid with a very active imagination and no powers' and so they drop the surveillance and focus on El (self explanatory), and Will once back from the upside down and has more promise power wise the Mike ever did in their eyes.
Mike grows up adopted by the Wheelers who thought Karen, who was having fertility problems, wouldn't ever be able to give them a second child like they wanted (Holly was their miracle baby after Mike) They 'Love' him, provide for him, try to connect with him; but its hard; He's hard to connect with.
Mike has an 'overactive imagination' and new imaginary friends pop up each week, The Wheelers think he's being rude when he tells them his newest imaginary friend is a older man named Mr. Charlie; Karen tells him to stop making fun of their old neighbour's death. Mike was never aware he passed.
Mike always seems to know things he shouldn't, like how the late Mrs. Johnson had a drug problem or that Miss Read had passed away in her sleep before the general populace knew she was dead.
Ted tells Karen something is wrong with Mike; that maybe they were wrong to adopt. When Mike brings up his dead grandmother who Karen never talks about she agrees, They take him to a exorcist, they take him to church regularly and slowly Mike gets 'fixed'
Mike is 13 when he first figures out something about him isnt quite right.
When he jumps from the quarry El can't catch him and he falls. He finds himself in a barren white space with a tall women who takes him in her arms and promises everything will be alright. He wakes up on edge of the quarry, El and Dustin looming over him, Dustin crying and yelling and El giving him a look he cant quite decipher.
El 'saved' him, at least thats what Dustin thinks; in reality El brought what should have been his corpse back atop the quarry, and she is very confused as to how Mike survived.
El still disappears, and Mike is left alone with no one to help him figure out what's going on. He cant ask his parents, he doesn't trust or know how to contact Owens so he acts normal and focuses on Will. The quarry death incident is pushed to the back of his mind once he realizes something is wrong with Will and from there things progress like canon until he finds El with Hopper.
Mike still breaks down and gets mad at Hopper, then he's reunited with El.
(in my mind El and Mike don't really get involved romantically, when he's with her he's more focused on trying to figure out how the fuck he didn't die and who the lady in white space is.)
(I suppose you could imagine this with whatever romantic pairing for Mike you want, I prefer Byler; however you can imagine mileven if you want, you do you)
S2&3 progress similar to canon; Max & Billy show up, however Mike still plays D&D with Will and doesn't brush if off like he did in the show, its a good distraction from everything else.
Then things start going sideways with the mindflayer, Mike gets overwhelmed with how many people are being possessed; the mindflayer basically pushes the soul out of its body and suddenly Mike is seeing tons of souls that shouldn't be souls, He realizes something is really wrong when he sees double of Will & Billy (possessed body and wandering soul)
Mike can't really talk to the souls of the mindflayers victims till they die, thats kinda of when he realizes that the people he sees are ghosts.
Will & El move, Mike sends letters to El about his maybe powers, he doesn't send letters to Will trying to call daily instead, Joyces job holds up the line, he wont send letters to Will though, focused on trying to figure himself out, and he can never figure out how to write letters to Will well, they always end up too intimate (insert lettergate here lol)
Will & Mikes family assume he's dating El, He still joins hellfire and still plans to go to california. Max still pulls away, deals with Vecnas curse, Lucas & her are still broken up, Chrissy still dies in Eddies trailer starting the manhunt and Vecna arc.
However Vecna targets Mike first; noesbleeds, hallucinations, the whole nine yards. Mike flouts, his bones break and he dies.
Instead of the tall woman in whitespace Mike ends up having a flashback to the lab; he sees himself with El and 01 and the other numbers; #13 tattooed on pale white skin. He sees his adoption after the scientists determined he had no powers. He sees one of them burn the tattoo off him before he's adopted by the Wheelers.
He wakes up in a pool of his own blood knowing more about himself then he ever has, he understands himself better now.
Then he gets shipped off to California.
(This is a rough draft, this has also been eating away at my brain for the past few days. I will be writing more, and refining it. If you wanna use this to write something please do, then tag me, i wanna read it. Also expect more little bits from this AU. I have gotten very attached)
Theres a second part now
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gorogues · 1 year
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Spoilers for comics in November!
These are from the official solicits for that month, which you can see in full at Adventures In Poor Taste.
There isn't much Rogues content this month, but we know Len's in the Godzilla crossover, and the Folded Man is somewhat adjacent to the Rogues.
THE FLASH #3 Written by SI SPURRIER Art and cover by MIKE DEODATO JR. Variant covers by MIKE DEODATO JR. and RAMON PEREZ 1:25 variant cover by CHRISTIAN WARD 1:50 variant cover by MATT TAYLOR $3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 11/28/23 After the arrival of the Stillness last issue, the alien speedsters begin traveling around the world, with Max Mercury watching their every move. Meanwhile, Wally encounters another former foe who’s gotten a major upgrade—the Folding Man—while entering a new location beyond time called the Gallery…what hidden truths does this place hold for the Flash?
I'm curious to know whether DC is changing the Folded Man's name, or they just made an error in the solicit. He's definitely looking different these days.
JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #2 Written by BRIAN BUCCELLATO Art by CHRISTIAN DUCE Cover by DREW JOHNSON Connecting variant covers by DAVID NAKAYAMA 1:25 variant cover by FRANCESCO MATTINA 1:50 variant cover by DUSTIN NGUYEN $4.99 US | 40 pages | 2 of 7 | Variant $5.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 11/21/23 Legendary’s Monsterverse has been unleashed on the DC Universe, and cities are threatened across the globe! From Metropolis to Gotham City to Themyscira, the Justice League scrambles to protect the citizens from these raging titans! What role has the Legion of Doom played in all this monster madness, and how will the tide of battle change…when a hero falls?!
Legion of Doom up to no good as always!
Also, Wallace and Avery Ho are getting their own series.
SPEED FORCE #1 Written by JARRETT WILLIAMS Art and cover by DANIELE DI NICUOLO Variant cover by LEIRIX 1:25 variant cover by MIKE DEODATO JR. $3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 11/14/23 Wallace West and Avery Ho: the young speedsters have been Teen Titans, Justice Leaguers, and above all, members of the Flash Family. As they become aware of mysterious changes happening to the Speed Force, they race to Keystone City, where they encounter old friends, new threats, and a chance to forge their own paths. Spinning out of the pages of The Flash, the team of Jarrett Williams (Super Pro K.O., Rick & Morty) and Daniele Di Nicuolo (Nightwing, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers), bring the next generation of Speedsters into the Dawn of DC!
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tilbageidanmark · 2 months
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Movies I watched this week (#187):
Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald (1997) is a random Japanese screwball comedy that I never heard of, and have no idea how it popped on my radar. A late night radio drama is transmitted live in a studio, and none of the voice actors is happy about the script, so they start amending it. It was so absurd and chaotic - and so funny! After laughing out loud non stop the second half of this crazy ride, it won me over. 8/10.
Later on I discovered this video essay about director Koki Mitani, calling him 'The best Japanese filmmaker you've never heard of'. I'm going to catch his other movies, f'sure f'sure.
3 by Australian stop-motion animator Adam Elliot:
🍿 "PPS. Did you know that turtles can breath through their anuses?"
Mary and Max is like a weirdly adult Wallace and Gromit, a dark and tragic clay figure story, voiced by Philip Seymour Hoffman and Toni Collette. It's my most wonderful surprising discovery of the week! Two damaged and unfortunate souls connect by becoming pen pals; a lonely Australian 8-year-old girl with an ugly birthmark on her forehead, and an obese Jewish New Yorker with Asperger's. It encompasses 20 years of outlandish long-distance emotions which ends with the acknowledgement of friendship. Absolutely magical. 10/10.
🍿 "Life is like a cigarette. Smoke it to the butt."
His 2003 Oscar winner Harvie Krumpet is another dark biography of an unfortunate character. He is born in a village in Poland to a mad woman, and suffers throughout his life with a long list of calamities, Tourette's, magnetized skull, asthma, Alzheimer's as well as generally very bad luck. It's really odd. It also involves nudism, depression, vegetarianism, and birth defects - and still ends on a oddly-positive note!
🍿 Ernie Biscuit (2015), another "differently-able" story about a "divergent" type of an unusual protagonist: A deaf, lonely Parisian taxidermist who escapes to Venice with his duck but ends up in Australia.
The wind will carry us, my 8th drama by Iranian Abbas Kiarostami. An "engineer" comes to a distant Kurdish village, but the story, whatever it is, is not very clear, and is never fully-explained. Apparently, he's not an engineer, but a journalist, and he comes to witness the burial rituals of a very old woman. Meanwhile, she doesn't die, and he just hangs around, waiting. This is not only "Slow cinema", but also "Simple cinema", and this "primitive" village doesn't offer many clues. The roosters crow, the radio plays songs in the distant, the shepherd boy walks his goats...
2 with Simone Signoret:
🍿 Army of shadows, my 6th bleak film by J-P Melville, following a group of French resistance fighters. It's a formal, introspective and restrained picture of hopelessness, fear and destiny, and you know from the depressing look of it that none of them will survive. "Still, they persisted".
🍿 The Shortest Day (1963), my first film by Italian Sergio Corbucci, and the first with the popular comedian duo 'Franco and Ciccio' (Screenshot Above). A forgettable broad comedy about a couple of numskulls who are recruited by mistake and sent to fight in the trenches of the first World War [Like Treat Williams was in the musical 'Hair!].
This film was only memorable because it had over 50 cameos of famous stars of the day, who appeared in it (for free), some of them only for few seconds worth.
Christy Hall's superb directorial debut Daddio (2024). It's a 2-person conversation inside a NYC night cab, like a movable 'Dinner with Andre'. Talkative and foul-mouthed Sean Penn is the taxi driver and armchair psychologist and he knows how to engages passenger Dakota Johnson in an impromptu therapy session. Meanwhile, she opens up more and more and discloses personal and painful "truths" until the predictable 'reveal'. It's stagey but emotionally satisfying. 8/10. [*Female Director*]
They shot the piano player (2023) is a Spanish animated drama about the real-life disappearance of Brazilian Bossa Nova pianist Tenório Jr. in 1976. It is hand drawn in a uniquely colorful style, and the music obviously is superb (For example, here's The trailer). But the framing devise of American journalist Jeff Goldblum, who discovers the story of and travels south to talk to musicians and family members, distracts from the emotional impact that could have been achieved. It ends up spending much time about the American-financed 'Operation Condor', which turned nearly all of South America into a cabal of murderous right-wing dictatorships, with thousands murdered and 'disappeared'.
(I saw it in the original Portuguese - with Arabic subtitles! - so I missed many details of the story.) 7/10.
2 with Icelandic Egill Ólafsson:
🍿 Touch, my 4th emotional film directed by Baltasar Kormákur. Ólafsson is an old man with a very early onset Alzheimer, who has to put his affairs in order. So he shuts down his restaurant, and embarks on finding his long-lost love from 50+ years ago. It brings him back to London where he had learnt to cook at a Japanese restaurant, and then to Hiroshima, where he finally meets his old lover.
🍿 Children of nature was the only Icelandic film nominated for an Oscar (in 1991). Interestingly, it also tells a story of an old man at the end of his life, who dares to do one crazy thing before the curtain falls. A man finds himself in a retirement home, where meets an old girlfriend. They decide to steal a Jeep and drive back to die in the place of their youth. 8/10.
I enjoyed the original 'That's entertainment' very much, and promised myself to watch the sequel (there were two). Like 99% of all sequels,That's Entertainment, Part 2 is a copy of a much lower quality. Still, it includes dozens and dozens of clips from old MGM classics, many of which I haven't seen before (Young Bob Fosse in tight tights tap-dancing with Ann Miller in 'Kiss me Kate', human pogo stick Bobbie Van...) It felt though like somebody just threw together a 2-hour YouTube compilation of excellent highlights.
"My name? Enema Bag Jones!..."
The wrong guy is my first Dave Foley goofy, low-brow comedy (1997). It opens with a faux-Saul Bass and James Bond title sequence, and the first 10 minutes are cringeyly stupid! But then it shifts into a idiotic Hitchcock satire -an exceedingly funny and moronic Hitchcock satire - with joke after really idiotic joke that made me laugh out loud. He plays an over-the-top moron, and Jennifer Tilly plays a dumb narcoleptic farm girl and they do it so straight, it was a big surprise. 4/10.
"Two Tati’s":
🍿 School for postmen (1947), Jacques Tati's first film. A perfect gem of comedic genius, which he expanded 2 years later into his first feature, 'Jour de fête'. Absolutely masterful. 10/10. Re-watch ♻️.
🍿 House Specialty ('Dégustation Maison, 1978) is a lovely short directed by Tati's daughter, Sophie Tatischeff, in the same village where he filmed 'Jour de fête' 30 years earlier. A day in the life of a little patisserie where all the pastries are loaded with liqueur. I just loved it! [*Female Director*]
Through an eclectic reviewer on Letterboxd, I discovered Hamburger America, a so-so documentary about "different kinds" of burgers. (In 71 years I never ate a hamburger, and I will probably not have one in the next 71 years. But I love food, and I also cooked professionally for 10 years. Still I really cannot understand the concept of a burger, chopped beef, a bun, a slice of tomato, lettuce, and some mayonnaise. How did that ever become so iconic?)
Another bunch of (mostly early-career) shorts:
🍿 Hypnotizing the Hypnotist (1911) was just a 1-reeler about hypnotism, a popular topic of the time. With Florence Turner, one of the early "stars" of the screen.
🍿 The Madness of Dr. Tube (1915), my first by Abel Gance. A (literal 'Egghead') mad-scientist discovers a cocaine-like powder, which causes those who are sprayed with it to experience hallucinogenic visions as if their bodies - and minds - are distorted, like in a crazed mirror house. The restored copy is exceptionally clear! (I didn't realize that Gance made movies up until 1967.)
🍿 Over the fence, Harold Lloyd's very first outing (1917), a debut of his 'Glasses' character. A cute baseball comedy that maintained its zest.
🍿  À propos de Nice, (1930), Jean Vigo's first documentary. It opens as an impressionistic time capsule, of the sights and people, with lots of overhead shots, upper class folks walking down the promenade, the carnival, casinos, and fancy cars. But then it turns into a surrealistic metaphor, with a sitting woman losing her cloths, feet losing their shoes, open manhole shot from below, and a man turns into a crocodile. An experimental tour.
🍿 The wagoner ("Borom Sarret", 1963), my first terrific film by Senegalese director Sembène Ousmane - possibly the first African film made by an African. A powerful and sad story about a poor man in Dakar trying to earn a meager living as a cart driver. 9/10.
🍿 Foutaises ("Things I like, things I hate"), is another of my frequent and beloved re-watches ♻️. Jean-Pierre Jeunet's very first film (1989), a condensed black and white precursor to Amélie. 8 minutes of perfection.
🍿 Like the Tati film above, the 2013 short Whiplash was the original proof of concept on which Damien Chazelle based his feature film debut the following year. And like the later Whiplash, the abusive psychopath J.K. Simmons holds zero appeal for me. Technically, this 18-min. short is as effective as the later one. 🍿  Linklater: On Cinema and Time (2013) is a visual essay that Kogonada made to accompany a philosophical BFI article he wrote about time and memory. I like Kogonada very much, but this reminds me why I didn’t care for ‘Before Sunrise’.
🍿 "Look at all that wasted space". In Negative Space a boy bonds with his traveling businessman dad by packing his suitcase. Oscar nominated in 2017. 💯 score on Rotten Tomatoes. [*Female Director*]
🍿 In Kiss of the Rabbit God (2019) a young waiter at an ordinary Chinese restaurant falls in love with a gorgeous, ethereal, neon-haired deity from the 18th century. A gay sexual hook-up in the back of the kitchen between two young guys, one of whom is an ancient God.
🍿 "Lean into loneliness and know you're not alone in it".
How to be at home, (2020) a Canadian instruction manual of how to deal with Covid social isolation, based on a poem by Tanya Davis. (Via). [*Female Director*]
🍿  Tall, dark and handsome (2023), my 3rd film by Sam Baron and the third starring 'Big Ears' Amit Shah. An Indian guy dating a white British woman (They're even expecting a baby together), becomes insecure when he discovers that she had dated several other Indian guys before him. Heartbreaking ending. 8/10.
And finally: Timelapse of the Future: A Journey to the End of Time (2019) is a highly speculative documentary made by an astronomer about the end of "Time". Because I have no knowledge about the subject, it may or may not be scientifically plausible, as it talks about events that will happen trillions and trillions years into the future, but it mentions red and white dwarfs, pulsars, degenerate matters, Hawkins radiation, Black Hole Era, dark energy, entropy and unstable protons. All the while it plays various scenarios with creepy stock music, Kubrick's Stargate, and psychedelic graphics. Mmmmm....
Spoiler Alert: The universe will end in the year one googol.
(My complete movie list is here).
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ComicList: DC Comics New Releases for Wednesday, July 26, 2023, by Charles LePage.
#NCBD #NewComicBookDay
Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #1 (Cover A Max Dunbar), $4.99
Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #1 (Cover B Christian Ward Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #1 (Cover C Ejikure Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #1 (Cover D Belen Ortega Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #1 (Cover E Dike Ruan Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman Gotham Knights Gilded City HC, $24.99
Batman The Audio Adventures #7 (Of 7)(Cover A Dave Johnson), $3.99
Batman The Audio Adventures #7 (Of 7)(Cover B Michael Allred Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Batman The Brave And The Bold #3 (Cover A Simone Di Meo), $7.99
Batman The Brave And The Bold #3 (Cover B Mitch Gerads), $7.99
Batman The Brave And The Bold #3 (Cover C Otto Schmidt), $7.99
Batman The Brave And The Bold #3 (Cover D Jorge Molina), AR
Batman The Knight HC, $39.99
DC Connect #39, AR
DC RWBY #6 (Of 7)(Cover A Meghan Hetrick), $3.99
DC RWBY #6 (Of 7)(Cover B Mirka Andolfo Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Icon And Rocket Season One TP, $19.99
Knight Terrors #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Ivan Reis & Danny Miki), $3.99
Knight Terrors #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Francesco Mattina Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Knight Terrors #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Mahmud Asrar Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Knight Terrors #2 (Of 4)(Cover D Ivan Reis Darkest Hour Neon Ink Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors #2 (Of 4)(Cover E Jeff Spokes Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors #2 (Of 4)(Cover F Ivan Reis Black & White Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors #2 (Of 4)(Cover G Mahmud Asrar Black & White Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Action Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Rafa Sandoval), $4.99
Knight Terrors Action Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Mico Suayan Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Action Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover C Gerald Parel Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Action Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover D Dustin Nguyen Midnight Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Action Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover E Otto Schmidt Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Action Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover F Meghan Hetrick Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Angel Breaker #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Matteo Lolli), $3.99
Knight Terrors Angel Breaker #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Ivan Tao Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Knight Terrors Angel Breaker #1 (Of 2)(Cover C Lesley Leirix Li Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Knight Terrors Angel Breaker #1 (Of 2)(Cover D Dustin Nguyen Midnight Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Knight Terrors Angel Breaker #1 (Of 2)(Cover E Chuma Hill Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Angel Breaker #1 (Of 2)(Cover F Matteo Lolli Black & White Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Detective Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Riccardo Federici), $4.99
Knight Terrors Detective Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Bernard Chang Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Detective Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover C Kyle Hotz Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Detective Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover D Dustin Nguyen Midnight Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Detective Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover E Cully Hamner Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Detective Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover F Bernard Chang Black & White Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Harley Quinn #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Hayden Sherman), $4.99
Knight Terrors Harley Quinn #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Jenny Frison Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Harley Quinn #1 (Of 2)(Cover C Tula Lotay Card Stock Variant, $5.99
Knight Terrors Harley Quinn #1 (Of 2)(Cover D Dustin Nguyen Midnight Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Harley Quinn #1 (Of 2)(Cover E Caspar Wijngaard Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Harley Quinn #1 (Of 2)(Cover F Sweeney Boo Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Titans #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Yanick Paquette), $4.99
Knight Terrors Titans #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Alvaro Martinez Bueno Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Titans #1 (Of 2)(Cover C Christian Ward Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Titans #1 (Of 2)(Cover D Dustin Nguyen Midnight Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Titans #1 (Of 2)(Cover E Tony Harris Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Titans #1 (Of 2)(Cover F Jorge Corona Card Stock Variant), AR
Poison Ivy Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Guillem March), $5.99
Poison Ivy Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Christian Ward), $5.99
Poison Ivy Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Dan Mora), $5.99
Poison Ivy Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Lesley Leirix Li Foil Variant), $7.99
Poison Ivy Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Ejikure), AR
Poison Ivy Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Dan Mora), AR
Superman The Last Days Of Lex Luthor #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Bryan Hitch), $6.99
Superman The Last Days Of Lex Luthor #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Kevin Nowlan), $6.99
Superman The Last Days Of Lex Luthor #1 (Of 3)(Cover C Chris Samnee), $6.99
Superman The Last Days Of Lex Luthor #1 (Of 3)(Cover D Yanick Paquette), AR
Superman The Last Days Of Lex Luthor #1 (Of 3)(Cover E Evan Doc Shaner), AR
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ninepentz · 5 months
Christina Johnson vanished while walking her dog
Found!! 2 weeks later, updates posted within blog.
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What we know so far
As of 03/17/24
27yr old Christina Johnson from houston, tx went for a walk with her dog around 8am on March 6th of this month. She was wearing a backpack and had apparently left her phone at home. She never arrived back that day and no one has heard from her since
Her father says she was having "challenges" at the time and hoped that she was working through them. He also said that she may not be aware of possible danger or dangerous people, so she's very vulnerable. They found her dog max 7 miles away from her home almost a week and 2 days later.
This is very interesting. I have no idea what could of happened, this is a case that I noticed while scrolling on my tiktok fyp. Since it's not being talked about a lot and it's been past a week since she's been gone with no answers, I decided to take a look at her last seen charts. So hopefully we can find out more, let's go.
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8am last seen chart above.
So in missing persons cases, when we are dealing with a grown adult we look to the ascendant for details and then we look to the ascendant planet ruler. For Christians case the ascendant ruler is mars, which is in Aquarius in the 11th house. Unfortunately I don't have her date of birth which would make this a more specific reading but for now this is what we have.
Aquarius mars in the 11th:
What this is telling me is that, maybe she got into a very strange unique accident with a possible gang/community or just maybe ended up in an area that's isolated, unpopular, deserted, untypical.. most likely whatever happened, it could be somewhere in the woods or in general just some place where there's no connection to society or other people.
This could also describe friends, it's possible she was meeting a friend with the 11th house here. Maybe even for sex bc mars is a sexual planet.
***Since the update that she's been found, I heard that the area where she was walking during (apparently she was seen 10 miles away on cctv) was known to have heavy crime and gang activity. So people were surprised that she was in that area alone.. as of today April 21st a month later, there still is no information on what happened to her or what she did during the 2 weeks she was missing. It's interesting and strange. Her father was being very unforth coming with any information.
Confirmed cctv footage below. Seen entering/exiting some building
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Venus Aquarius in the 11th, conjunct mars:
Very weird to me. It could be that she was maybe looking for a way to make money bc of Venus being here. Money through a friend, or maybe she was going for a walk to a restaurant/store to either spend money or eat. It's possible she was very energetic at this time too with Venus and mars conjunct. Like she was easily stimulated, passionate, assertive. Maybe she was finding security through a friend or something like that.
***What's interesting since the update that she's been found is she was known to go to restaurants like Jack in the box or any place with wifi to use her laptop in, and I knew none of this until today. Apparently she was looking for a job around the time she was missing. So that could be what this making money with venus here was about.
Video below of Christina's father speaking on it, I'm shocked at the accuracy of astrology.
Ascendant in Aries conjunct Chiron:
Maybe she was visibly hurt or very vulnerable looking with chiron aspecting the asc. It's possible either by her appearance or personality you can tell something was amiss.
Sun, Mercury, Neptune all in the 12th house of pisces:
I would be checking water bc there's a stellium in pisces in the 12th. I feel like Christina would of been very sensitive on this day, feeling creative, spiritual, following her own inner compass. Maybe she was somewhat disconnected from her identity and unable to see herself clearly. Maybe she was distracted listening to music, lost in her head/dreamy, even physically detached from reality. Basically ungrounded. So her sight, hearing, sensory all could of been a reason she wasn't aware of her surroundings as much. I also think she could of been very impressionable and lead astray. If someone wanted to they could easily control her, tell her what to do, etc bc pisces + 12th house describes that she would be trusting, adaptable, flowing like water able to take shape of any environment she's in.
There's a reason her dad said she wouldn't be able to recognize danger bc of whatever challenges she was going through. So he was very aware of her mental state, knows something we don't.
Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn in the 10th:
Maybe she was trying to be somewhat responsible, productive, goal oriented with these 2 planets both in Capricorn in the 10th. This tells me there's something about status, influence, success, fame, career, public life (10th house things)
Mars square Uranus:
Something very strange happened, like a unpredictable, unique type of accident. Possible shock, car crash/collision, head injury.
Venus square Uranus:
Venus sq Uranus would explain things not going according to plan, being attracted to unique, strange things/people/relationships. It's possible she was avoiding responsibilities. Something confusing must of happened to where she couldn't believe it or understand why, how, what. Unfamiliar events.
Mars square Jupiter:
It's possible if an accident did happen, she ended up very far away from where she was. Like say if she got into a car crash, her body would be very far in a foreign area. Mars is aggression, power, quickness and Jupiter amplifies those qualities. So things are exaggerated, extremely forced, overkill. This could def describe an accident bc mars and Jupiter together describes a situation where there was no care, consideration, patience, things happened too quickly.
Jupiter trine MC:
She may be found soon, somewhere foreign.
***New update is she was found near the university of Houston which is 6 hours away from her home. There's no way she could of walked there on her own or maybe she did but it's highly unlikely. They say that she may have had help and other people were involved.. but jupiter is def higher learning, education, far distances. Crazy how accurate astrology is. Below you can see where she was last seen vs found.
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Saturn sextile MC:
It's interesting that this case isn't being talked about enough but I feel like it could be one of those cases that end up teaching us all something in the end. It will provide something useful to law enforcement/public that is long lasting.
Venus semisquare MC:
Maybe law enforcement feels like there's not much cooperation on this case, they may have got a little lazy on this case with Venus in hard aspect to MC. Maybe law enforcement isn't in harmony with the public is what I'm getting from this since Venus is in the 11th house of groups and communities.
I never got to finish this reading but I left up all my interpretations with the new updates I added to them at the bottom. I'm just now barely finding out all this new information a month later, she was found near the end of March. Links for more info below
I'm so glad she was found. Tbh this case was very weird to me and it didn't make sense. So that's why I stopped bc I didn't want to assume anything happened to her and the information we had at the time was very unclear. Thanks for reading if you got this far :)
**You can find all my forensic astrology blogs in one place by searching and following the hashtag -> #forensicastrology no spaces.
**Link to information about getting a reading from me below.
✨️Nine of Pentacles✨️
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wordshaveteeth · 10 months
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My aim for this year was to read more books. I read twenty nine, which was a vast improvement on last year (I read nine). There’s only twenty eight listed because I forgot about Kurt Vonnegut and Suzanne Mcconnell’s Pity The Reader. Sorry about that.
I tried to expand beyond my preferred genres, and made a concerted effort to read the recommendations given to me by friends and work colleagues. Nevertheless, a few of my own comfort reads made it on to the list.
Here they are! (There’s also a Q&A with myself under the cut)
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The Best One
Metaphors We Live By - George Lakoff and Mark Johnson
I came to this book via two others. Philip Pullman in his nonfiction book Daemon Voices: Essays on Storytelling, referenced Mark Turner’s The Literary Mind, which in turn referred to Metaphors We Live By. It was an exercise in reverse-engineering, starting with Pullman’s perspective (whose style I greatly admire), and then working backwards to see what has informed his writing.
Metaphors We Live By helped me understand the importance of word choice, the messages we send through them, but also, how very wired our brains are for story-telling. It spoke of metaphor being fundamental to our conceptual system, not just as a poetic literary device. Whether the science is settled on this is irrelevant for me; it’s helped my writing immensely, and also been very useful in my day job. I just came away from it being so excited about language, life and brains.
The Surprising One
This Is How You Lose The Time War - Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
Firstly, I would never have picked this for myself. I don’t really read typical romance, and the idea of having to read love letters… ugh. I was so glad to find out from my book club it was less than 200 pages—I wouldn’t be wasting too much of my time.
But I think around page 30-40, something clicked and I was hooked on the intensity and—I don’t know—violence of the love between the two characters. The prose was quite abstract and there were a few new words I learnt, which is always exciting (‘apophenic as a haruspex’ comes to mind). And after, at book club, when I discovered the unusual way it was co-authored, the inventiveness of it left me feeling even more impressed.
The Not So Great One
Lucy By The Sea - Elizabeth Strout
I just did not connect with the main character at all, and there were a few sentences that irked me by the end of the book. If I recall, it was something like ‘What I remember about it was this:’
It was also the second book I’d read that touched on the subject of the pandemic, and my own experience of the pandemic coloured my response to the main character. I judged the hell out of her, in other words, and found her to be a bit of a rich, white idiot. I don’t have time for that.
The Best One About Writing
Steering The Craft: A 21st Century Guide to Sailing the Sea of Story - Ursula K. Le Guin
I honestly hadn’t heard of Le Guin until this year, so I read Wizard of Earthsea. And then my writing club set this as reading, and I just loved it. It’s more workshop and pragmatic (not a writing memoir, like Stephen King’s On Writing, or Lamott’s Bird By Bird), but I liked how accessible it was, and the exercises set at the end of each chapter (which I did not do but would like to with other people). Oh, I also loved the excerpts from other authors she used as examples to press home her points. They were great for context.
The One I Couldn’t Finish
The Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros
I read to chapter 4 of The Fourth Wing and I had to stop, and it was for an incredibly petty reason. It’s not a spoiler because this character very quickly dies and serves no other purpose other than to demonstrate the danger the main character Violet faces in trying to become a Dragon Rider. BUT… we see this poor guy getting hugged by his family as he leaves to start training (oh look how loved he is), then he pulls out a ring from underneath his shirt while in a queue and says so innocently, so completely unaware that he is a foil, that he and his fiancée will get married once he’s a Dragon Rider; how confident he is, so tall, and so strong, he is already halfway there. But oh wouldn’t you know it, he slips on the stone bridge and plummets to his death.
I think I was meant to feel a little bit sorry for him, or that maybe he was going to become Violet’s friend (she definitely needed one). But this guy was meant to be twenty years old. TWENTY. And engaged?
I am too old to trust the judgment of anyone who thinks getting married at twenty is a good idea. And the fact that Violet wasn’t thinking that made me question her judgment too.
It reminded me of every action movie ever involving soldiers: as soon as a side character mentions they have someone waiting for them back home—especially a baby they’ve never met—you know they’re going to die.
But… does this mean I’ll never try and read it again? No. I’ll just choose a whole bunch of other books before I look at it again.
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tzuyubb · 8 months
Max’s (OC) Character Profile
Name: Max Johnson 😂
Nicknames: Mr J
Age: 21
Ethnicity: Half African American (father) and half Korean (mother)
Height: 6 ft 9 (205cm)
Build: Athletic
Flaccid length: 7.5 inches
Flaccid girth: 6 inches
Erect length: 13 inches
Erect girth: 10 inches
Short backstory: Son of a wealthy and influential CEO. Max grew up in New York living a privileged lifestyle. He attended top schools, was a star basketball player and developed friendships and connections with the global elite. Upon completing his penultimate year at Harvard University, something terrible happened.
Favourite kinks and positions: Underwear, lingerie, bikini, sportswear, handjob, blowjob, titjob, throat job, facefuck, fingering, thigh job (intercrural sex), ass job (intergluteal sex), measuring up, clothed sex, doggy style, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, 69, wheelbarrow, spread eagle, prone bone, mating press, deep penetration, facial, creampie, breeding, role play, massage, strip tease, lap dance, pole dancing, underwater sex, pool sex, beach sex, shower sex, car sex, spanking, discipline, rough sex, gagging, cheating, public sex, outdoor sex, mirror sex, belly bulge, praise kink, humiliation, blindfold sex, bondage, breath play, choking, mind break, ahegao, gangbang, harem, slave, submission, free use, filming, sex tape, glory hole, spit roast, all holes filled, daddy kink, mommy kink, defloration/deflowering, painal, rape, non-con, dubcon,  hair pulling, face slapping, dacryphilia
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blogofblogofblogs · 1 year
Even before Mr. T got involved in the first Wrestlemania, celebrities of one form or another have been stepping into the squared circle. A list of those well-known famous folks appearing just on WWE shows over the decades would be near-infinitely long, let alone once you add the ones that showed up in WCW, ECW, IMPACT and, now, AEW. But this list/article, which I first started putting together over five years ago, is an attempt to go beyond the more mainstream publicity stunts. With only a couple of exceptions, this list is going to be a little different, covering 50 of the movie stars, athletes and even politicians who appeared outside of those notable promotions. Now, in fairness, some on the list were wrestlers first and foremost, but I feel their connections with popular culture outside of the squared circle qualifies them for such a list. And now, the list:
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Kicking things off is Dracula himself. One of the earliest examples of a celebrity taking part in a wrestling show, Bela Lugosi appeared on one show managing/seconding NWA legend Lou Thesz. While this may sound unreal considering Thesz' stance on theatrics in wrestling, Lou himself verified it on his old message board. It was essentially a publicity stunt (as all these things are, honestly) arranged by Sandor Szabo, as all three men with ties to Hungary had been acquaintances prior. Sadly, beyond Thesz confirming it happened, little else of the match and event have surfaced; no date, venue or opponent (possibly Szabo?) is known, nor is whether or not Bela wore his famous Dracula cape to the ring.
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Lugosi wasn't the only Universal Monster to get involved with pro wrestling. Unlike Bela, New Zealand-born Erine "Kiwi" Kingston was a wrestler first - with a 20+ year career stretching back to the late 1940s. - but his turn as the Frankenstein Monster in the Hammer/Universal co-production THE EVIL OF FRANKENSTEIN (1964) late in his career is undoubtedly what he is most well-known for today. He would have two more unremarkable cinematic outings and wrap up his wrestling career by 1969. He may not have been the most well-known Frankenstein Monster in either the Hammer or Universal series, he is technically the final Universal one, so that counts for something.
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One of the legit giants of the wrestling ring, Max Palmer's billed height ranged anywhere between 7'7" and 8'2 While neither is likely accurate, he was still a tall, tall boy. Palmer originally took his massive frame to Hollywood, but only managed to snag a handful of (known) roles while there. Mostly used for sight gags on comedy shows starring the likes of Martin & Lewis as well as Jimmy Durante, Palmer would become somewhat iconic as one of the more prominent Martians in INVADERS FROM MARS (1953).
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Palmer was also the titular monster in the B-movie KILLER APE (1953), sparring with Johnny (Tarzan) Weissmuller's Jungle Jim. Leaving Tinseltown behind, Palmer would soon find another calling in the squared circle. Originally billed under his real name, he would soon alternate between it and Paul Bunyan (and later, a third gimmick - Hercules) as he worked territories across the country, including (what would eventually be known as) Mid-Atlantic, CWF, AWA and Tri-State/Mid-South often taking part in battle royals and 2-or3-on-1 matches, but also working with the likes of Verne Gagne, Bobo Brazil, Dory Funk and Angelo Poffo. While it lasted longer than his acting stint, wrestling was also not Max's ultimate calling; he would retire from the ring after only five years. After that, he became an evangelist billing himself as Goliath For Christ. Most of us just know him as a classic movie monster.
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An icon to bad movie buffs everywhere, Tor Johnson's wrestling career isn't *that* big a secret, especially if you watched Tim Burton's ED WOOD (1994). However, I'm a petty bastard and I want to use this as a platform to set one of that lovely film's many, many factual errors straight. While the movie shows the inept director discovering the brutish Johnson at a wrestling show and convincing him to be in a movie, the truth is Johnson's acting career (and to a degree, his wrestling career) were much more robust than Burton's take on things. In truth, by the time Wood and Johnson met, Tor had not only been wrestling for 23 years, but had been acting for 21 of them as well. With over two dozen film credits to his, er, credit prior to the Wood films, Tor had appeared (albeit often uncredited) in the films of W.C. Fields, Erroll Flynn, Abbott and Costello, and Bob Hope. His rasslin' career was nothing to sneeze at, either, with Buddy Rogers being the wrestler Tor worked with the most during his career. Very little of his actual ring work exists (the image used above is from a movie in which he portrayed a wrestler), which is a shame, but how many wrestlers can say they were a Don Post mask?
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Since we're kind of in the "actual wrestlers, just more well-known for some one-off in Hollywood" zone, let's continue with one of the most famous examples. First gaining some amount of fame winning a silver medal in weightlifting for the U.S. at the 1948 Olympics, Sakata began a wrestling career that would span nearly 30 years, working under his own name and as Tosh Togo. During that time, he traveled the world, worked over 2000 matches on record, feuded with the likes of Nick Bockwinkel and helped introduce Rikidozan to the business during a tour of Japan. In 1964, Sakata was cast in his first acting gig as the villainous henchman Oddjob in the James Bond film GOLDFINGER (1964). The film proved a massive hit, eventually amassing $124 million off a $3 million budget. With his sudden demand in Hollywood, Sakata would lighten his grappling schedule over the years as he took on more roles; while most of the films he appeared in were most of the B-movie nature, he fared better on television, where his instantly-recognizable appearance saw him cast in everything from the ROCKFORD FILES to GILLIGAN'S ISLAND. A memorable parody of Sakata's Oddjob would appear decades later in the first AUSTIN POWERS film, proving this great wrestler's legacy in the cinematic world doesn't look too shabby, either.
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Mach Fumiake (born Fumie Watanabe) is a legitimate legend of the ring. Starting off as a teenage singer and television personality, Mach would joining All-Japan Women's before she was 15. While her career was brief, she became a legend - winning (and losing) their top title, the WWWA World Championship before she turned 16 and retired before 18, leaving behind a legacy that influenced a number who followed and flourished.
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BUT...as that may all be well and good and awesome, she's mostly known to western audiences as the lead superhero alien Kilara in the 1980 kaiju film GAMERA SUPER MONSTER. Sadly, little footage of her in-ring work has survived, so even many of those who know of her career have only ever seen her in this film.
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Moving from Gamera to Godzilla, we have two wrestlers most widely known for portraying the Big G's son. Portraying Minya throughout the original Showa era staring with SON OF GODZILLA (1967), Masao Fukazawa - better known professionally as Little Man Machan - had been a theater performer and professional wrestler before stepping into a rubber suit and his most famous role. Sadly, very little is known about Fukazawa's wrestling career other than he apparently had one.
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On the other hand, his successor Little Frankie (real name Masanobu Okamoto) had a very well-documented 10-year career, working for All-Japan, DDT and FMW. Two years into his wrestling career, he was hired to portray Little Godzilla in GODZILLA VS. SPACE GODZILLA (1994), essentially the same character as Machan's Minya in the rebooted continuity.
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Another ring veteran with a long and storied career, Pat Roach enjoyed four decades as a mainstay on the British wrestling scene, stretching from 1960 until he retired in 1998 and holding the British World Championship in the mid-'80s. Nearly a decade into his grappling career, Roach was hired to play a small role in Kubrick's A CLOCKWORK ORANGE (1971) and spent the next thirty years working the two professions concurrently with pretty decent success. He ended up appearing in a number of notable films including three different Robert E. Howard adaptations (CONAN THE DESTROYER (1984), RED SONJA (1985) and KULL (1997), Harryhausen's CLASH OF THE TITANS (1981) and the James Bond vehicle NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN (1983). But there would be two roles in particular that would imprint Roach in wider social awareness, the German Mechanic in RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (1981) and WILLOW (1988)
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Roach's appearance in the first Indiana Jones film - he actually appeared in all three of the original trilogy in different roles - was brief but memorable, as his eager but ill-fated hulking mechanic spars with Indy for a few before eating an airplane propeller. It would prove memorable enough that his character received action figures, including a vintage Kenner release at the time of the film. Toward the end of the '80s, Roach would step before the camera again as General Kael for WILLOW, and while the film did not reach the heights of Lucas' previous STAR WARS, it was still marketed heavily and Kael's fearsome visage was plastered all over it.
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Mike Lane may not be that well-known in either the wrestling or film worlds, but he definitely deserves a spot on this because, let's face it - how many wrestlers got to be villains on the 1966 Batman TV show? (Spoiler: There was at least one more, featured later on this list). Lane was a tall man - billed at 6'8" - and turned his size into a career, starting off as a circus act before getting into wrestling, where he was billed as Dick Hollbrook for a time before switching to Tarzan Mike. Throughout the 1950s, Lane worked mostly California promotions, battling the likes of Mad Dog Vachon, Hard Boiled Haggerty and Duke Keomuka.
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But not long after getting into wrestling, Lane's height landed him a role as a boxer in THE HARDER THEY FALL (1956), which was Humphrey Bogart's final film role. While still wrestling, Lane picked up a side gig as an actor, parlaying his frame into multiple roles as the Frankenstein monster (FRANKENSTEIN 1970 (1958) and the 1976 television show MONSTER SQUAD) and Hercules in one of the many peplum films made in Italy at the time. Oh, and he was a Batman villain. Sure, he was just one of the "goons," as Tallulah Bankhead's Black Widow was the main villain for the two-episode story, but Lane's goon was a rarity in that he got his own villain name: Daddy Long Legs. Mike would bring his wrestling career to an end at the start of the '60s, devoting more time to appearing in the likes of KOJAK, KNIGHT RIDER and THE MONKEES, though he apparently returned for one single match in 1985, facing Outlaw Ron Bass.
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Moving away from movies to sports, here's one that has some of you saying "Wait, I thought we weren't counting WWF appearances and everyone knows this guy was in the Wrestlemania 2 battle royal." Well, yes, that's true, but here's what's also true: Russ was something of a "ringer" for the match. Russ was the son of wrestling promoter Ed Francis and teamed with his brother Bill for a number of years in the mid-1970s (all while playing football at the same time), even winning the NWA Hawaii Tag titles.
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And Russ wasn't the only ringer on the football side of that WM2 battle royal. About five years before taking part in that spectacle, two-time Super Bowl winner Holmes had previously dabbled in the wrestling territories, working a little over a dozen matches for the Georgia territory (feuding mostly with Baron Von Raschke), a tag team match with Buck Robley against the Freebirds (Hayes & Gordy) in Mid-South and a few sporadic appearances at a smaller Texas territory.
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From a Super Bowl-winning Steeler with ties to the Freebirds, we turn to a Super Bowl-winning Raider with ties to the Freebirds. A Pro Bowler, Sistrunk's time in professional wrestling was fairly short. After a one-shot for Mid-Atlantic against Big John Studd, Otis went to Georgia, where he was recruited by Michael Hayes to help him against Terry Gordy and Jimmy Snuka. The ad hoc pair ended up winning the tag titles, but the business proved not to be for Sistrunk, as he would suddenly vacate the title and retire from wrestling after half a dozen or so matches.
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Few of the football players on this list are as legendary as Woody Strode. When the NFL finally allowed Black men to compete, Strode was one of two such men who broke the race barrier in 1946. Alongside a healthy film career (Woody was nominated for a Golden Globe for his role in SPARTACUS (1960)) that saw him appear in around a hundred roles in 55 years, Strode featured in Tarzan/jungle and Hercules/peplum movies, westerns, and was even a Batman villain at one point, as the Grand Mogul (told ya Mike Lane wasn't the only Bat-Villain on this list).
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But before Woody ever played professional football, he was a pro wrestler. Strode first jumped into the squared circle in 1940, working the California area for a short time before his football career took off. Once touchdowns were in the past, Strode would again return to wrestling in 1949, spending the next eight years working the likes of Gorgeous George as he traveled everywhere from Hawaii to Canada. After a brief comeback half a decade later, Strode finally hung up the boots and focused on acting.
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Few football players on this list had a more controversial career than four-time Pro Bowler Alex Karras. For about six months, Karras turned to pro wrestling between his college and NFL careers, having matches with the likes of Wilbur Snyder, Dick the Bruiser, the original Nicoli Volkoff, Don & Jackie Fargo, and Bronco Lubich. In the early '60s, Karras admitted to gambling on NFL matches, a serious no-no for an NFL player. With nothing else to do while serving out his suspension, Karras went back to his old grappling stomping grounds, joining the AWA for a losing effort against Dick the Bruiser before returning to the gridiron. Now, while a 4-time Pro Bowl player might be enough to get someone like Karras on the list, it's really what happened after both of his sports careers ended. See, Karras discovered he was only a pawn in the game of life.
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Alex turned to acting, and in-between smaller roles in films like M*A*S*H (1974) and PORKY'S (1981) had two breakout roles that endeared him to millions. His supporting role of Mongo in 1974's BLAZING SADDLES and later starring with Emmanuel Lewis on the hit show WEBSTER (1983-87) as George Papadopolis. Oh, and he was the Hooded Fang in the children's cult classic JACOB TWO-TWO MEETS THE HOODED FANG (1978). Not bad for a guy that started off making some bad bets.
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While football is the most common sport one transitions from to wrestling, boxing isn't far behind it and some of the biggest names in the game have dabbled in wrestling as well. In the modern era, we have the likes of Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali and Tyson Fury, but the legacy goes way back. In the 1920s, Jack Dempsey - while still World champion - would take part in public exhibitions with his friend Luigi Montagna, aka Bull Montana the wrestler to entertain crowds before his title matches. In 1925, the two fought at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum as part of a celebration for military athletes and personnel, with Dempsey tossing Bull out of the ring to win the match. After his heyday, Dempsey would do some referee work in wrestling, apparently reffing at least one match between Lou Thesz and Buddy Rogers, and by the 1940s, he would occasionally pop up on North Carolina wrestling cards in straight-but-semi-worked boxing matches.
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Dempsey was only a pioneer in the pugilist-to-wrestler field, and many World champions would follow. Joe Louis, whose title reign still holds the record for length, found himself in the same place as his boxing career drew to a close. Shortly after retiring from one ring, Louis stepped into a new ring in 1954, working across the Midwest, but his life as a grappler would be short-lived, as an injury in '56 led to his retiring from active competition as well. Joe would then become a referee before he returned to active wrestling in later '60s, usually as part of tag matches, and retire from the ring for good in the mid-70s.
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Knocking out the boxing round of this list, Joe Frazier. The first man to defeat Ali, once Frazier was done in the ring (for a time, he attempt multiple comebacks), he found himself in the world of wrestling. While many are aware of his shots as referee for the Flair/Dusty match at the second Starrcade and as cornerman for Mr. T at Wrestlemania 2, Frazier had been part of wrestling for years prior. As early as 1979, he was reffing for Carlos Colon in Puerto Rico. He would put on the tights himself in April of 1984, having matches against Colon and Victor Jovica before refereeing a match between Colon and Bruiser Brody that same month (with the finish seeing Brody taking a punch from Frazier).
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Few names on this list - or many lists, for that matter - are more legendary than the great Bambino, Babe Ruth. Still considered by many to be the greatest baseball player ever, Ruth remains an icon many decades later. After his days as a slugger were over (and even during them, according to the Bleacher Report), Ruth spent some time in 1945 as a celebrity referee in the Maine, Boston and Portland areas, and as pics suggest, would get more physical with the wrestlers than many refs of the era would.
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After finding herself exiled from figure skating after her husband orchestrated an attack on a fellow skater, Tonya Harding became a tabloid regular in the mid-'90s. Seeking to exploit her notoriety, wrestling promoters quickly began courting her. Weeks after the attack, the WWF made her an offer to appear at Wrestlemania X (she declined) and soon after, Takashi Matsunaga offered her $2 million to work for All-Japan, but for whatever (likely legal) reason, that did not pan out. That didn't stop wrestling from wooing the disgraced skater.
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On June 24, 1994, Harding would make her wrestling debut in less grand fashion in Oregon, agreeing to appear on a bizarre show comprised of Portland-territory regulars and lucha libre stars, with even the press conference for that getting air time on CNN. For one night only, Harding was the manager of Los Gringos Locos (Eddy Guererro and Art Barr) and their trios partner Brian Cox, facing off against Blue Panther Jr, Perro Aguayo and Konnan. Things got really odd, as the promoters never had time to procure a manager's license for Harding, so after the ring introductions, she had to spend the match sitting in a chair halfway down the entrance aisle. That would be it for Harding's time in wrestling for over a decade, during which she found a new calling as a professional boxer. Around 2008, while competing for a boxing promotion in Arkansas, Harding was confronted in the ring by local wrestling personality Boss Campbell, who trash-talked the crowd and Tonya before she punched him out.
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rcsplendent · 1 year
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☼☾ ( aaron taylor johnson , 30 , he/him , cis man , duke of florence ) - have you seen ROMEO PAZZI?  we’ve heard through the grapevine that they’re PRAGMATIC but also MANIPULATIVE. when you think of them , you think of A WISP OF TOBACCO SMOKE RISING TO THE CEILING, PIANO HANDS GILDED WITH RINGS, & A SUAVE, CONNIVING SMILE.
parallels  :  tangerine  (  bullet train  )  ;  tony stark  (  the marvel cinematic universe  )  ;  lloyd hansen  (  the  gray man  ) ; max wolfe  (  gossip girl  )  
FULL  NAME:  romeo  giancarlo  pazzi
AGE:  thirty
GENDER:  cis man
PRONOUNS:  he/him
ORIENTATION:  bisexual, uninterested in romance ( for now )
LANGUAGE(S)  SPOKEN:  primary  —  italian,  conversational  —  english,  french
ACCENT:  italian
LABEL:  the lothario or the pretty boy; a man who is very handsome and uses it to his own benefit.
FACE  CLAIM:  aaron taylor johnson
HEIGHT:  six feet, three inches
HAIR  COLOUR:   brown
EYE  COLOUR:  light  blue
USUAL  EXPRESSION:  smug, or mildly bored
POSITIVE  TRAITS:  pragmatic, intelligent, witty, protective, charming, humorous, eloquent, charismatic
NEGATIVE  TRAITS:  hedonistic, stubborn, lazy, unyielding, desperate, greedy, crude, manipulative, conniving
FATHER:  unnamed,  deceased
MOTHER:  unnamed,  deceased
SIBLINGS:  unnamed sibling, valentina pazzi
romeo was raised in a world of unspeakable wealth. he never wanted for anything, never needed anything that he couldn't have — he had servants at his beck and call from the moment he was born, and he always took advantage of it.
when he was a teenager, the king of the netherlands approached his father, the duke of florence at the time, and proposed a deal. the king needed money, and in exchange, he would offer one of his daughters to marry. the duke was more than happy to oblige, and romeo, being the eldest and therefore the heir, was arranged to marry the princess.
however, after the deal was made, the betrothal was ... mostly forgotten about. romeo spent much of his teenage years and young adulthood under the assumption he'd be married off at any moment, so he spent almost all of his time partying, sleeping around, and getting blackout drunk as if it was his last chance to do it. months passed, and then years passed, and still no marriage came; romeo figured the betrothal was a thing of the past.
when he was twenty, he left italy for six years to study at various universities around the world, including oxford, the university of salamanca in spain, the university of aberdeen in scotland, the imperial moscow university in russia, and sorbonne university in france. he mostly studied philosophy and politics, with the hopes that it would help him when he eventually took on the role of the duchy.
he returned home briefly when his mother passed away of a lingering illness about five years ago, but departed again to continue his studies; then, when his father suddenly passed just one year later, he had to return home to accept his new role as the duke.
unprepared and hateful of his responsibilities, romeo continued his lotharian lifestyle, and with new access to his family's horde of funds, he made a litany of poor financial decisions, from throwing party after extravagant party to simply purchasing ungodly expensive things he didn't actually need. the pazzi estate had never looked so ornate and beautiful, and once again romeo never wanted for anything, but at the same time, the pazzi's wealth was diminishing rapidly as a result.
now, romeo is ... well, for lack of a better word, broke. he realized his mistake far too late and is now indebted to too many people to count. when he received the invitation to france, he may even been the first person to accept, not because he was excited to go, but because he needs to make connections who can provide financial help, and FAST.
and, of course, there's that betrothal that never actually happened, but also never really fell through ... technically, he's been engaged for a decade. he only met her once, but he knows she'll be here in france. he's not exactly eager to get married, but ... it surely would solve those debts, wouldn't it ?
romeo is betrothed to luciana holland, the princess of the netherlands ! it's actually kind of up in the air if they'll actually get married, since the original arrangement is over a decade old at this point, and made by his father who's passed ... romeo didn't want to get married, but now that he's in his little financial pickle, he's reconsidering, as it would very quickly solve all of the debts he owes.
romeo is an ASS. at least, that's what he is deep down. on the surface, he's very charming, likeable, and just the right balance of confident and humble. but he starting to take after his backstabbing ancestors; he's the kind of person to make friends if he sees some kind of perceived benefit on his end.
despite that, it's not that he's mean or antisocial, necessarily — considering how many parties he's thrown back in italy, it's obvious that enjoys people's company and socializing. it's just that, at this very moment, he's incredibly desperate to make the right connections to secure some kind of financial stability quickly, so he's not afraid to rub shoulders with people just to get them to like him enough to provide him with a "gift" or two.
he is quite protective over his siblings ; the biggest reason why he's trying to recover his lost funds is so that they don't have to suffer the consequences.  
because he spent so much time at university, he is, unfortunately, quite smart. if he were in a modern au he would definitely be a philosophy bro.
the fact that he's spent almost all of his family's wealth is a secret he keeps VERY close to his chest. he finds it humiliating, and almost overcompensates by flaunting his material wealth. especially because of the pazzi's history, he would rather literally disappear forever than have people find out what he's done and ruin the family name for a second time.
associates:  people he's essentially trying to make friends with, but in the end, it's for monetary gain - he's trying to get them to help him in some way, but he's not quite sure how yet.
creditors:  people he owes money to ! he's definitely taken out quite a few "personal loans" from people that his parents had been close with, and he definitely has NOT paid them back yet ... and they're all here in france. what a nightmare !
paramours:  he's betrothed, sure, but he's not MARRIED yet ... at least, that's what he'd say. plus, he's on the fence if he even wants to go through with the betrothal, so he's definitely going to sleep around in the meantime.
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sinceileftyoublog · 2 years
Colin Stetson Interview: The Enticing and Inviting Score for The Menu
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John Williams. Hans Zimmer. Howard Shore. These are some of the few heavy-hitters you associate with film scoring, especially around awards season. For horror films, you usually think of folks like John Carpenter or Dario Argento. But over the last half-decade, a rash of electronic or avant-garde classical producers and musicians have made names for themselves as in-demand movie composers. Two of the nominated composers for the Oscar for Best Original Score this year are experimental band Son Lux (Everything Everywhere All At Once) and Hauschka’s Volker Bertelmann (All Quiet on the Western Front). And since 2018, in-demand horror director Ari Aster has employed the unmistakable stylings of instrumentalists and electronica masters for his first three films, Hereditary, Midsommar, and the upcoming Beau Is Afraid. It’s saxophonist Colin Stetson, who we’ve covered many times live, reviewed, and interviewed, who offered his talents to Hereditary, the film that essentially broke him out as an accomplished film composer, and the name you think of when thinking about a new wave of leftfield film scorers.
The latest film to take advantage of Stetson’s compositional prowess is Mark Mylod’s comedy horror satire The Menu, released in theaters late last year and currently streaming on HBO Max. About an inter-connected group of diners traveling to an exclusive restaurant operated by a celebrity chef (Ralph Fiennes), the film’s sort of a cross between Midsommar and Rian Johnson’s Knives Out films. Like Hereditary, the frames and the sounds on The Menu are inseparable once you’ve seen the film; that is, listening to Stetson’s original soundtrack, though it is its own piece of music, you can’t help but see the faces of Fiennes, Anya Taylor-Joy, Nicholas Hoult, and Hong Chau and remember the biting, horrific events that unfold in the film. It’s also another unique entry in Stetson’s ever-growing oeuvre, its palate based in orchestration and string instruments like violin, viola, cello, bass, mandolin, and nyckelharpa, along with the usual saxophone as well as Tibetan bowls, piano, and choral vocals. Sax arpeggios and pizzicato strings, including plucked piano strings, helped Stetson achieve the ultimate contrast of light and dark, beauty and harshness that pervades each frame of the film and its overall arc and mood.
I spoke with Stetson late last fall over Zoom from Montreal about The Menu, his score approach and process, coming up with soundtrack track titles, and how composing for film compares with making solo studio albums. Read our conversation below, edited for length and clarity.
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Image courtesy of Milan Records
Since I Left You: Was there anything unique about your approach to your score for The Menu in comparison to your approach to other scores you’ve done?
Colin Stetson: This one was certainly the most decidedly rhythmic at its core. So much of the bones of it is bounded in a very crisscrossing, rhythmic scaffolding, this thing that can be fun, light, and prancing at times, and also incredibly tense and driving and static.
SILY: I noticed the rhythms when listening to the first track and first single, “All Aboard”. Why did you choose “All Aboard” as the first taste of this soundtrack, in terms of it being track 1 and the first piece of music revealed?
CS: It’s a good one in terms of the first taste of something in this story. It’s the first music that happens in the film, within a minute or so of the beginning of the film, and it sets the stage so much for what happens later. A lot of the themes that are more or less weaving through all of the rest of the film start out here, in more or less innoucuous ways. They’re cloaked in a delightful sheen to entice and invite rather than forebode. I liked the idea that it would be the same opening invitation to the music as well.
SILY: When you score films, do you think about the scores as eventual standalone pieces of music, the soundtrack?
CS: Not first and foremost. I am very aware that--and this is a little more process and functional--for my initial reactions, I'm usually crafting music to picture. There’s always things from the first cut that are going to change. In many instances, on the soundtrack album, I will use my initial cue [of music] rather than what it may get edited into down the line. What ends up being manipulated on picture, in my opinion, is now standing up and propping a picture, but it might not stand on its own in a musical context. I’m aware that sometimes there are changes made to music outside of my control, outside of anything that will end up on a record. [What’s on the record are] my cuts, for lack of a better term.
SILY: Even when you’re not making music for a film, do you find yourself, in the process of musicmaking, being inspired by imagery or having images showing in the background when recording?
CS: Absolutely. It’s one of the things that’s been ever-present in my solo music, namely, and across the board for me. It’s all world-building and storytelling, very truthfully. Virtually all of the music I’ve made, the way I make it, there’s a corollary narrative structure. Imagery is something that for me informs the arc of an overall album. I’m not just making collections of songs, and those songs aren’t just collections of parts and sounds. There’s more of a thoughtful intent baked into every bit of it.
SILY: With regard to your use of vocals on the score for The Menu, did you have any newfound inspirations or intentions?
CS: There was always going to be this element of the sacred, the revelatory, the worshipful aspect to all of it. Wrapped up in the main character of the chef is a very profound love for the subject matter and craft. It felt apt for that to be represented by vocals, especially as the film neared its climax.
SILY: Is coming up with track titles for the soundtrack as simple as taking a cue from what’s happening in the movie? Are they difficult to mull over?
CS: Not really. Some of them are quite obviously what they were on a cue sheet. “Taco Tuesday” was the cue all along. Did I think of possibly changing that? Yeah, but when was the next time I was going to have the option of naming a song “Taco Tuesday”? It ties intrinsically to the film and doesn’t give anything inherent away, and it’s certainly not lofty. The track sheet, when you see it on the back of the album, there are aspects that ultimately tie in with the arc of the film’s story. I like to have some of the titles be rooted and reflected in that. Sometimes, I take it from dialogue and try to boil it down to an essence of what it is that scene is doing. Others are a little bit more esoteric. It’s not like album titles on a record of mine. Those are usually a lot more exhaustive, because ultimately, the score has its story. It has its narrative. All these cues were written for picture, for themes happening in the film. When I’m making my own solo record, the narrative and the language used is coming from a world nobody gets to see except for me. I do tend to take a different tact with that titling in comparison to soundtrack titling.
SILY: “The First Cheeseburger You Ever Ate” will also never be a Colin Stetson title.
CS: Absolutely not, but at the same time, it ties it to the film and is representative of a bigger idea in peoples’ personal experiences. That piece of music is the most loving, beautiful, angelic, childlike. It’s embracing and getting back to basics and everything made anew. That title gets to be tied very concretely and nods to experiences we had.
SILY: How, over the years, have you grown as a composer?
CS: I’d like to think in most ways. [laughs] Certainly in terms of the process. I’ve learned how it is I like to work and have streamlined that process. With every job, [there’s] something new I haven’t opened up with before. By the end, I feel as though that toolbox and comfort zone has expanded. Compositionally, I’m more able to react to picture in ways that really serve it. I’m able to do more with less. I can always sit back, watch the finished product, and understand where things really work, work, and are fine. For those that are fine, you understand how to make it, on another offering, work. In this, as in everything, it’s all a path. I can adore the object after it’s made and still understand the things about it that I can learn from and improve in subsequent offerings. I am lucky in that I have a strong sense of love and admiration for the objects I make and an equally strong instinct for the self-critical. I can identify things I deem learning instances for improvement. It’s just a constant state of that with no real destination. 
SILY: Have you ever done a live score to a film you’ve composed for? If not, would you consider it?
CS: There’s talk of that to come, so we’ll see. There’s certainly talk of presenting music from scores live. With luck, time, and effort, it will start to happen in the coming years.
SILY: What’s next for you in the short and long term?
CS: I’m working on another feature I can’t talk about yet. I’m in the midst of two solo records that will see the light of day in the next year. Uzumaki is finally coming out. There are numerous other things in the works, but those are the ones right on the precipice.
SILY: Are you making more Void Patrol music?
CS: There are certainly gonna be some shows. Who knows? I’m sure we’ll get up to something.
SILY: Do you tend to consume unrelated media when you’re writing or recording music?
CS: I expose myself to certain things when I’m working on certain things: You can’t help but be influenced by what it is you’re filling your head with. I try to shepherd my overall existence in particular ways when working, depending on the space I want to be in. I don’t know I’ve ever practiced in total abstinence. The years I did Hereditary, I didn’t watch horror or listen to anything in that genre. Certain things can be mired in trope that I like to stay away from. I have a permanent abstinence on the types of things that might lead one in a direction that’s a bit more heavily trod.
SILY: That said, is there anything you’ve been listening to, watching, or reading lately that’s caught your attention?
CS: I’ve read a book recently I did not enjoy, so I won’t talk about that one. [laughs] In the fall, I tend to get into a very re-ready space. I read two Jim Harrison books recently that I always enjoy, The River Swimmer and Returning to Earth. Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by [Haruki] Murakami, which is my all-time favorite. Christopher Paolini’s To Sleep in a Sea of Stars was fun, beautifully imagined sci-fi and reads like watching a movie. It’s visually very striking and almost popcorn in terms of how accessible and fun and encompassing it is. Similarly, Andy Weir’s Project Hail Mary was a cover-to-cover, fast, fun, effortless read.
Music-wise, I’m not coming up with anything new, so I’ll leave it at the books.
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wickedanddeadly · 2 years
Marko's Bio
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" Feeding time! Come and get it boys! "
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Marko's personality is pretty evident. He is always grinning being his fist or biting his thumb, showing an 'I know something you don't know' sense about him. He has a very close connection with David, being the one who pushes him, the one who David speaks to first, the one who gets the food, and ultimately, the one who David risks the sun to avenge after he was killed. He doesn't have much regard for humans', showing that he is very sadistic and cunning. He is always hiding behind a smirk, or a Cheshire grin, even when things get tense. He also likes to toy with people. Marko however will drop the smirk and fight when the situation calls for it. He has a fondness for pigeons, having caught a few in the cave. Marko is most known for his colorful and well-designed jacket with patches, black knuckle-length gloves, a midriff-length white shirt, faded jeans, a leather cow-boy styled cover over the top of the jeans, and old, tattered brown boots. He appeared to have little to no empathy for the people he hunted and killed, and even seemed to take sadistic pleasure in killing. Marko was quite obedient and dutiful towards David, doing anything he asked, including fetching things for him and even jumping off a rail bridge when he was told to do so. He seemed to enjoy being a vampire. Marko appeared to be closest to Paul out of all the Lost Boys. They were often seen joking or fooling about together in the background. An example of this is when the boys are hanging down from the railroad bridge, he and Paul are the only two kicking out and laughing at each other. After Marko was killed, Paul seemed very affected by it, personally going after the Frog Brothers to seek vengeance for his death. Marko was very dutiful and even subservient towards David, carrying out all the requests he made of him and running errands for him, which implies that he had a great deal of respect and loyalty to David. When Marko was killed, David attempted to kill Sam Emerson and the Frog Brothers in revenge, he stopped only when his hand was touched by sunlight, which caused it to burn. However, he immediately decided that he and the other Lost Boys would go after the amateur vampire hunters that very night to get their revenge, implying that he cared for Marko and was affected by his death. Although he subsequently failed to get revenge for his death. With the help of the Widow Johnson, David was able to pull Marko, Dwayne, and Paul from the dark depths of Purgatory. Marko remains a little traumatized from the whole situation but with each day he's handling things a little better than the day before. Thankfully Paul's been helping him in that area.
Powers & Abilities
Flight Superhuman strength Charisma Immortality Illusions
Decapitation Stake through the heart Sunlight Holy Water
Basic Stats Height: 5'7" Hair: Blond Eyes: Green
Paul - ( Vampire Brother ) David - ( Vampire Brother ) Dwayne - ( Vampire Brother ) Rosa - ( Lover ) Max - ( Sire - Deceased )
Face Claim: Alex Winter
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