#( event. ➛ 『 bloodspill 』 )
thealterniandream · 3 months
Welcome to Bonedelta's bi-sweeply anime, manga and gaming convention! With all sorts of events, amenities and people present for the enthusiastic troll! But try to keep the bloodspilling and culling to the FLARP section - don't want to be rude and accidentally ruin someone's cosplay!
Deltacon has come to Bonedelta. What will your troll do?
The Alternian Dream, a fantroll rp discord, is hosting it's first in character event!
Head to our discord server and get ready to interact with other fantrolls in the frantic atmosphere of an anime, gaming and comics convention!
The perfect excuse for fantrolls to meet! Have fun!
Welcome to ♢♡ The Alternian Dream ♠♣
An 18+ Homestuck discord roleplay server set in Alternia, you can now join us!
The Alternian Empire is crumbling: its infrastructure inefficient, its ruling class trying to keep a great secret under wraps. And in the homeworld, trolls continue as if business is normal, even as what little support exists decays underneath them.
A slice of life roleplay in both script and paragraph form, it focuses on the lives and tribulations of trolls still on Alternia. With lore adapted from Canon, we have built up on to make our own take on Alternia and Trollkind! Look forward to events and further expansion of the scope as we get comfortable.
Explore the dysfunctional society built by the Empress and survive its harsh environment and culture! Will you prove yourself the strongest of the pack, or will you try to make a difference to a gentler and more kind Alternia?
Are you ready to live the Alternian Dream? Join us now!
What To Expect
☾ LGBTQIA+ owned ☾ Content warnings and thread tagging ☾ Canon inspired lore with unique takes ☾ Open suggestions for other members to contribute to the lore ☾ Chat style, short form, and prose roleplay ☾ OCs only ☾ A place to explore mature themes without an ERP focus
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Lrb honestly, I still can't believe how clever some parallels in Bloodborne are
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Both Micolash and Laurence conceive a ritual of summoning Paleblood Moon, and both runes associated with their institutions have this shape in the middle, very (most) likely referring to a Great One child they need.
But what Micolash is doing is keeping the state of Bloodmoon looming over Yharnam permanently, when Laurence makes a Hunter's Dream that is one-and-gone deal and is remotely passive and obscured after Flora takes Gehrman as bait and switch (the cord Laurence used is still in Abandoned Workshop)
But I really love how Moon rune is red and Communion rune is white. The Paleblood Moon is associated with both 'pale' state and 'red' state, I always feel like it has connotation of being pure vs having "sipped" enough blood. It can be hunt (so, literal bloodspill) or being a Kin of 'stars' (that bleed blood devoid of color red and are called 'Emissary of the Moon' / 'Larva of the Moon' / 'Bastard of the Moon' in internal files), sacrificing their "color" in worshipping it. But also in GENERAL white and red are two possible colors of the moon!!!! Source: look in the sky normally vs look in the sky in rare wolf moon events
I just fucking love how many parallels Laurence and Micolash have, but it is reflected in such lore details too. Laurence is 'pale' moon and Micolash is red bloody moon (and they were classmates)
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chasingmidnights · 2 years
They Look So Pretty When They Bleed
Title: They Look So Pretty When They Bleed 
Summary: You and Arvin Russell were best friends, always there for each other for whatever reason. So, when everything started to go down between him and Sheriff Bodecker, it was going to be no different. You were going to be there for him. 
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Warnings: blood, lots of it; character injury; mentions of death/murder; guns/gunshots; angst; Sheriff Bodecker; attempted s.a.; I apologize if I miss anything but you are responsible for what you read and take in, I just post here. 
Word Count: 1,731
Knockemstiff was once a quiet and small town where nothing happened, at least that’s what it felt like to you. But after the most recent events that have transpired, that opinion of yours has changed. It’s no longer that small, quiet town. Now it’s tainted and stained with blood. Even the quaint, one room chapel has seen its fair share of sin and bloodspill. You don’t think you’ll ever be able to look at the building the same way again, or any church really. That’s the night that Arvin came to you, scared out of his mind and babbling how he just shot the preacher. You had to shush him to keep his voice down, afraid that he would wake up your parents in his frantic state. When he finally calmed down though, you reassured him that you would help in any way possible. 
That’s how you ended up here, in the woods with a gunshot wound to the side after nearly being killed by the Sheriff’s sister and her husband. The pair of you know that it’s only a matter of time before Sheriff Bodecker catches up. With the wound on your side, it’s slowing you both down so you come up with a plan. You know it’s going to sound bonkers but if one of you gets away, you’d be happy. Especially if it was Arvin. As you lean up against a tree to take a rest, a small smile curls up on your lips as you watch Arvin be on look out. Your voice is weak as you call Arvin over to tell him your plan. 
“Everything alright?” Arvin inquires, saying your name at the end quietly as he tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear. Even though you’re both surrounded by darkness in these thick woods, you can see the concern written on his face in the moonlight. 
“Look, you and I both know it’s only a matter of time before Bodecker catches up to us. So, I was thinking that we split up-” Before you could finish, Arvin interrupted you. 
“What, no?! I’m not leaving you. We’ll make it out of this, the both of us.” He gently cups your cheek and you lean into his touch. 
You take in a deep breath, closing your eyes as you do before opening them back up and speaking again. “Look Arvin, this is the best way for you to escape. When we separate, he’ll probably follow the trail of blood, thinking that it’s you that’s been hurt. But in reality, you’ll be on your way out of Knockemstiff when he’s discovered he’s been trailing me.” 
As you look into Arvin’s eyes, you can tell that he’s thinking about the plan over in his mind. And with that, a defeated sigh falls from his lips and his shoulders slump. “There’s no changing your mind is there?” 
“I’m afraid not. Besides, look at me Arvin,” you pause as you remove your hand from your injured side and it’s drenched in blood. So much so, that you can barely see the skin underneath. It’s been the rush of adrenaline that’s gotten you this far but now that you’ve taken the time to slow down you can feel your body beginning to fade. “I’m bleeding out, I don’t think I have much longer.” 
You can see the tears beginning to well up in his eyes. “Hey, don’t talk like that, we’re both getting out of here. I promise.” He says, doing his best to reassure the both of you as he gently rests his forehead against yours. 
You close your eyes at the feeling and you can feel a few of your own tears slide down your cheek. A few sniffles come out of you before you pull away from Arvin. Which took everything in you to do, commanding every muscle to let go. “Alright, now you go. We don’t have much longer.” 
And you were right. In the thick quietness of the woods, you both heard a few twigs snapping in the distance. Your breath catches in your throat and you can see the fear in Arvin’s eyes. Suddenly, Sheriff Bodecker’s voice rings throughout the woods causing a shiver to crawl up your spine. 
“Arvin Russell, I know it was you that killed my sister and her husband! Come on man, I just wanna talk!” When he finishes, you can hear him spit. That's how quiet it is. 
You push Arvin away from you and whisper-yell at him in an urgent matter. “Go! Now!” 
The pair of you give each other one last look at the other before splitting off into the woods. You look back over your shoulder and see him heading in the direction of the road. A small smile forms for a brief moment before you return your focus to the task at hand. Leading Sheriff Bodecker away from Arvin. You head deeper into the woods, letting go of your wound to let the blood fall freely to the ground. Every now and then, you purposely place your hand on the trunk of a tree. You just hope that Bodecker is stupid enough to fall for this plan. Or maybe it’s you that’s the stupid one? Either way, you could figure it out later. 
Next thing you know, a shot gun is going off causing you to duck. Although, what’s one more gun shot wound, right? But that sounded close, surely he’s following you. 
“Ooops, sorry! Just a slip of the finger! I promise I just wanna talk!” The drawl in his voice causes goosebumps to rise on your skin and it urges you to press forward. 
You never did care much for the Sheriff, he creeped you out. It seems that once you turned eighteen, he had you in his sights. Always eyeing you up and down, licking his lips as he did so. Inappropriate comments that always made you uncomfortable. And of course, being Sheriff in a small town like this meant that he had all of the power and there was nothing you could do about it. Another shot is fired, pulling you from your thoughts and causing you to flinch with how close it was. The plan must be working. 
“Come out, come out wherever you are!” You can hear the smugness in his voice and it makes you nauseous. 
But he’s definitely following you, you can tell by the closeness in his voice. An unwanted thought pops into your head and it causes you to freeze in your tracks. What happens when he catches up to you? A slew of possibilities run through your mind all at once, each one seemingly worse than the one before. A shudder goes through your entire body and you do your best to push the thoughts away. You don’t have the time or the energy to think about that right now. You’re about to continue when a tisking sound fills your ears and all at once, your body turns ice cold. If anyone could look at you right now, they would probably think you saw a ghost with how undoubtedly white you look right now. 
“Y/n, Y/n, Y/n. I’m very disappointed in you right now. I for sure thought Arvin was working alone.” 
You don’t say anything in return, you physically can’t talk at the moment. Instead, you just listen to his slow footsteps come closer and to the crunching of the leaves and twigs under his heavy feet. The sound of him tutting again fills the dense air again and it causes you to cringe. You want to curl into yourself as you feel him eyeing you up and down, no doubt his gaze filled with lust. You’ve seen it in his eyes before. You cry out in pain as he presses a few of his fingers onto your wound. Through blurry eyes, you watch as he spreads the blood around between his fingers and it looks as though he’s inspecting it. 
“Now Y/n, I thought you were a smart girl. Do you see now what happens when you hang out with the likes of Arvin Russell?” He spits to the ground after saying Arvin’s name. The Sheriff is in front of you now, mere inches from your face and you look away from him in disgust. All you can do is stand there as he breathes in your scent. “Although, you do look pretty when you bleed.” 
The way he says it has your skin crawling and not in a good way. The next thing you know, you’re backed into a tree and a grunt escapes your mouth as you make impact with it. You then hear a metal clanking sound and you realize he’s undoing his belt. It’s as if he was reading your mind because before you can commit the action, he’s giving you stern warning. Pressing into your wound as he does so. 
“Scream and you’ll regret it.” 
A few whimpers slip from our lips and he takes in a sick pleasure from that. The next few moments are a complete blur as you try to disassociate from what’s about to happen. But before anything can happen between you and the Sheriff, a gunshot rings through your ears. It takes a moment before the disorientation is lifted and you see the Sheriff’s thick body laying on the ground, blood spilling out of his head. You look over to see who your knight in shining armor was and it was none other than Arvin himself. He rushes over to you and gently wraps an arm around your waist. 
“You were supposed to leave Arvin.” You breathe out, trying your best to be annoyed at him. 
He can’t help but chuckle at your stubbornness and you end up doing the same. “Come on, you know I couldn’t leave my best friend behind.” 
It was a big mistake to laugh because it instantly causes you to wince at the pain. “Don’t make me laugh, you prick.” 
The two of you begin the journey out of the woods of Knockemstiff, leaving the Sheriff’s body behind. Honestly, you didn’t care what happened to his body, the earth could claim it for all you care. As the two of you walked, the air seemed to lighten around you and the sound of crickets filled the air, causing a peacefulness to consume you.
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heart3yed · 3 years
@bloodspillers / starter call.
💛 💜 ❤️ || white hair. handsome features. satori cannot say for sure whether he BELONGS in this world or not. a hard eyed look, red gaze piercing, satori has quite frankly had enough of BROODING sob stories and petty drama. as worlds go, this one stinks. but, she's found an excellent vantage point from a vine clung wall positively OOZING with gothic personality. she's always been BETTER at observation, anyway.
❝i hoped that being in a world where supernatural creatures run FREELY, i'd have a chance to stretch my limbs.❞ words spoken NONCHALANTLY as arms lace together above her head. a stretch of creaking limbs before they lower, pressing into her lap. leaning forward from her perch, she watches the STEADY swish of the stranger's tail. ❝feline, hm? i don't recall anyone with cat-like features being POPULAR in a show like this.❞
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hyacinthsoul · 3 years
@bloodspillers // starter !
“Such a fascinating concept...”
Really, it was a wonder that anyone was able to create such a thing, when so few people were able to see the soul...let alone make it into an audible sensation! She had yet to lay eyes on what could be producing such a thing, but the sound of it all, beyond the chimes that led her here, were unmistakable.
As was the figure of the soul that he could make out, causing the sounds.
Familiar, but new. Not in the way he had come to know it, but comforting all the same...and bringing up many questions about how many of these similar souls he had seen here so far.
( a question for a later time, of course. )
Onward she marched, following the sounds until it lead her to a ballroom of sorts, and a figure within that he did not hesitate to approach.
“You know,” They began, a small chuckle on their voice. “I do think experiencing the joys of a ballroom is much better spent with a companion. I hope I wouldn’t be troubling you in offering myself as a dance partner?”
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ironwills · 3 years
@bloodspillers​ || Event starter
He hasn’t been in this place for more than 24 hours yet and the Paladin couldn’t help but investigate the lingering mist. He was both curious about it but also worried some people might get lost in it and would require help. Thankfully this mist doesn’t have any fae’s trying to play tricks on him so that’s one less thing to worry about.
Boots tread lightly on the ground,the Miqo’te was being extra careful as he makes his way through the mist,not wanting to accidently trip on something or bump into someone. As he was making his way through the mist tho,a lingering feeling of dread kept following him.....He suddenly felt unsafe in this mist the deeper he got in it but he pressed on of course.
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Ears soon perk up at the distant sounds of footsetps,head turning round to face the direction they came from as he stopped in his tracks as brown eyes blink softly.
  “ Ah hello? Anyone there,do you need help? “
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asernolonger · 3 years
Subversion Renewal: Draconic Guardian
Ever since she’d been made into this, she had practically no choice in what she could do with her life. The people of the island all seemed to hate her in some way, whether it was fear, anger, revulsion, or something similar. It made sense-a terrifying, tall, draconic-looking woman with a spear soaring through the skies was a terrifying sight.
Just because it made sense doesn’t mean that it didn’t hurt Selenie. So, she did what she always did when she was hurt-she lashed out with violence. She was now a feared vigilante on the streets of Isola, protecting her fellow outcasts with vicious fury. The local authorities, both out of their own fear and also grateful that she wasn’t afraid to go in and take down more dangerous criminals when there was far too much red tape for them, would pay her under the table. She hunted her own food from the oceans and forests, and there was a very discreet technician who would perform maintenance on the more mechanical parts of her as needed.
Tonight was another night of flying through the skies, patrolling in ways more effective than most of the local authorities could ever hope to achieve. As she surveyed, she saw a group of wannabe thugs harassing a young man with cat ears and a cat tail. That alone pissed her off enough to act. 
Before anyone could blink, she dove down, spear bared, and landed with force in-between the cat-man and his attackers, making the ground tremble slightly and releasing a powerful gust of wind. She stood up, completely unfazed, and snarled at the assailants, baring her draconic fangs, eyes narrowed to draconic slits. 
“Shit, it’s that crazy dragon lady! Run!” One of them cried, but they could barely stand back up before she had surged forward, easily knocking him out cold. A spin, and a few swift strikes with her spear, and all of the assailants met the same fate. 
“Fucking bastards...” She spat. She then turned to their target, and offered a clawed hand.
“You alright?” She asked.
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rudebustxr · 3 years
                                                      (  ✴ @bloodspillers​​​​​​​​ ! )
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“HEY! You’re gonna throw out perfectly good food like that?!”
The man she was yelling at-- and every other person around them-- must have thought Susie was off her rocker for pointing out the food in question. It was a bagel that the man had dropped onto the ground, with only a single bite taken out of it. No longer wanting it because of that fact, he was about to throw it into the trash before the teen showed up; quickly snatching it out of his hand.
“Dude, seriously? It’s fine. Watch this.” She sucked in her breath, blowing on the surface of the baked good.. and then immediately shoved the whole thing in her mouth.
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“What’d I--” munch, much, “-- tell ya?! You gotta face your fears and eat those ground bagels, or else you’re gonna miss out on some great snacks.”
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valsharesses · 3 years
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✖ ———— She uses the mist to her advantage. Moving silently, living by the creed of ‘strike first, strike last’. Appearing at the man’s backside, barely tall enough to settle a knife at his throat. A girl, no older than fourteen, hisses up at the man in words that sound awkward coming from her tongue, familiar with undercommon but not yet comfortable in surfacer languages. “Do not make a move. Tell me where I am. Now.”
( Drow children are not to be underestimated, @bloodspillers​. )
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tempered-will · 6 years
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Bard level 60
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miracleworks · 2 years
“Oh, you’re-” They had met, but, no, he wasn’t quite the same, was it? Something about his aether - not quite right at the time, was it? Or, rather, it wasn’t quite right in the sense that it was particularly off compared to others here, who were all quite off compared to the people back home. A swift nod, and a small, awkward smile.
“So, L’uca, but the ‘L’uca’ from that other world, right?”
He could feel a shudder as he considered the state of both worlds, and looked up at the sky of perpetual night.
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“This one’s a mess, but yours isn’t faring much better.” He turns back to ‘Luca’ - no, it wasn’t quite fair to think of him as another - even his own self wasn’t entirely ‘another’. Plagued by his same consternation as he was.
“My apologies, I met the version of you from this island - briefly, but we met before, well, this.”
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hexhomos · 3 years
I've been thinking a looooot about how That Scene(Tm) frames Jayce & Viktor's spiral events as intrinsically connected. You can really make an argument for it being about them feeling a gap where the other used to be.
Bear with me here, it's cut like that for a reason, right?
Mel starts having sex with Jayce, he hesitates but reciprocates -> the camera cuts to Viktor, staring at the hexcore as it clunks and spins and twists, in a manner very reminiscent of, well, rattling intercourse. -> Back at Mel and Jayce, but it’s getting more ominous now. sweeping shots of Jayce’s back, pouring attention at her -> the hexcore takes over the screen, rattling, spazzing, twisting, which we discover later is it mentally connecting with viktor until it changes him -> the climax / the bloodspill.
The Hexcore is an “Interlocking Device.” Not only that - the hexcore is an interlocking device that derives from Jayce's technology, which is ostensibly coded as "Jayce's hextech dream." The encounter leaves Viktor changed in the same way that Jayce is changed, as they try to split.
Both of these scenes are about *yearning for a connection* that is under the threat of fading and replacing it with the closest next thing.
(--something that exists ominously beyond your understanding, with an agenda that leans towards the destructive.)
Jayce misses the human aspect of Viktor from when they were just starting out and he was the last and loudest person to believe in him, his partner, who’s now gone whenever he’s on the spotlight. // Viktor genuinely believed in Jayce, and his potential as a groundbreaking engineer - but now that he’s caught in a web of political games and intrigue, Viktor is alone with what’s left of the machinery and what they had planned together has been turned to dust.
in conclusion:
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bloodline-rpg · 5 years
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❝ When we get to the pearly gates, you'll get the green light, i'll get the old door in the face ❞
The world of magic, witches, and wolves was never a secret to Mondago. He knew of the animal lurking beneath his skin by the time other children were learning to write their names. Elena, his mother, made sure of that. After the deaths of her husband and pack at the hands of hunters, she hid her broken little family in a small, nondescript town surrounded by woodlands and fields, marrying the local sweet, soft spoken mechanic once she was settled. There, before bed, she crooned stories for him of events she’d witnessed under the full moon, back when she still had a pack to run with. Mondago’s heart always leapt in excitement at the twists and turns of her tales, eyes round and sparkling with wonder as she recounted the past. His mind remained full of howling long after she’d kiss him goodnight, welcoming echoes of hunts and sharp teeth into his dreams.  
Not once did Mondago resent the wolf he shared a body with, never worried beyond what he considered reasonable about the instincts coiled inside him like a viper, waiting to spring upon those who, unsuspecting, wandered too close to the pit. He took precautions before the shifts of course, as did Elena, but the picture his mother had so carefully painted of their heritage throughout his life made it so that, when the time came, he felt at peace with his transformations. For years he successfully balanced his humanity and innate wildness while still keeping his and his mother’s secret from neighbors and friends. It had its ups and downs, as most things do, but they were happy. Shortly after his eighteenth birthday, the witch hunts ended life as he knew it. 
Before the first full moon of that month, a hunter caught him by surprise walking the wooded outskirts of town alone. Mondago, for all his supernatural advantages, didn’t stand a chance against the heavier, more experienced fighter. The struggle ended with Mondago unconscious and taken away from his family and the place he called home. He awoke to a bitter taste in his tongue, still in a daze, sore, bound, helpless to do all but look up at the faces of his captors and wonder if they meant to be his executioners as well. Once he came to realize what had been done to him, Mondago wished they had. 
The eccentric group of hunters didn’t bother to explain the specifics of their experiment, so Mondago never understood exactly how they did it. Only that it burned, that it hurt, and as he writhed on the floor of his prison, he felt his curse stir despite the moon’s absence.. Through the pain clouding his thoughts, a will that wasn’t his own pressed against his mind, grabbing the threads of his identity and twisting who he was into a complicated tangle of knots impossible to unravel. Then, almost passing out from agony greater than any he’d felt on transformations prior, the wolf took over him completely. Mondago became a passenger in his own body, an expectator watching behind the eyes of a beast.
They made a hound and butcher out of him. He tracked witches with them, chasing them out of their hiding places into the open as well as their grave. The burning never stopped. It ate away at his insides, from nose to tail, maddening him further into an animal mindset. One who would do anything to lessen its torment. For four years, Mondago burned and killed and burned and killed and burned and killed and once there was nothing left, his captors would lock him away until he was needed again 
Had it not been for an accident, Mondago may have never gotten out. The hunters misjudged the strength of a coven they’d thought to be small and puny. Both sides suffered heavy casualties, but it ended when a mortally wounded witch took down the couple hunters remaining in a final burst of adrenaline fueled anger before Mondago finished her off. Now alone, Mondago slowly, slowly, put himself back together. He remembered his name, his mother, and every single horrible thing he had done. Try as he might, the pieces of his identity didn’t quite fit together the same anymore. Too much wolf still. As much as he longed for the comfort of home, Mondago couldn’t bear the thought of going back before he began to better resemble some of the person he used to be. He needed somewhere to recover from those years lost to bloodspill, somewhere he’d have the time to heal.
Mondago dragged himself to the Blacks manor after some consideration. The pack there accepted him only some questions he wasn’t willing to answer. Now he keeps his head bowed, nodding and smiling and desperately trying to ignore the constant burning inside of him.
Mondago retains most of his original personality: pleasant to be around and usually looking for ways to be helpful where he can. Sometimes to the point where others may end up annoyed and think he’s trying too hard to be liked. He quickly forgive and hands out second, third, fourth chances to those he feels deserve it with no strings attached. Mondago never gets angry. He fears it. He’s certain the moment he lets loose and gives an inch to the anger it will take a mile and turn him monstrous again. Instead, he’s willing to put up with anything. Although the closer the month is to a full moon, the harder it is.The burning becomes almost unbearable, making the transformations more painful than ever and the wolf harder to control, so he restrains himself with his weight in chains in the deepest basement he’s able to find. 
STATUS: TAKEN [Original Character]
Related bios: n/a
Species/Family info: Born Werewolf
Faceclaim:  Alex Wolff
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snake-eggs · 5 years
okay. so I know that, given the current political climate, given who’s running our country, given the way our country seems to be movie backward instead of forward, it can be hard to want to enjoy the Fourth of July. Hell, the founding of America has always been the product of bloodspill and colonization.
But, honestly, this is still the anniversary of a really important event. The day the world was changed forever.
For me, at least.
So, this July 4th, I’m going to be celebrating. I’m going to be remembering the past, honoring this historic day because on July Fourth, 2018, I saw Ocean’s 8 for the first time.
And it was absolutely dope. My lesbian heart went crazy. This is such an important day for me and I am going to be celebrating this legendary movie
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michajawkan · 5 years
Please remember to take things like the healer criticism with a grain of salt!! People always over exaggerate the ‘awful’ changes that are made, but it might be good. We just have to see on release
WEll yeah, this is just first impression based off of some friends reading pre-release info, all subject to change, etc etc, I don’t think I was really coming off as “this is A FACT that EVERY HEALER now SUCKS ASS FOREVER” or anything like that, just that it looks less impressive on their end compared to tanks and DPS right now, which could very well be on account of the format of that pre-release event everyone got to record and share info from;
Kinda late for this one but the issue with WHM isn't that it's not fun. Let's be real here, FFXIV is all about elitists who want to max out their DPS. In this game, Healers are green DPS and Tanks are blue DPS. WHM has always been hated on because its assets are less interesting DPS-wise. No cards to buff others like AST for example. However it has the best potential in healing (oh right, we don't care about that). That's why this patch is significant : healers are healers, tanks are tanks
Okay but tanks seem like they do even more DPS now...? Gunbreaker has very DPS-like combos, Warrior and Paladin have those huge fucking 800-900 potency attacks, Drk can use delirium to hit like, 5 Bloodspillers in a row...? also their tanks stances now just boost enmity generation and the defense up moved over to a passive instead with the reduced attack nowhere in sight
Like, healers def seem more healy but tanks have done nothing but gain damage-dealing options as far as I’ve seen
I started FFXIV as a tank two years ago (first real-time MMO too) and honestly tanking was so stressfull and I took so much hate I ended up having near panic attacks when entering dungeons. people who only play DPS and shit on people tanking don't realize how much tanks and healers put on (I tried the three and honestly the DPS classes are like a walk in the forest, healer is a tiny bit less stressful than tank, and tank is my nightmare). I still main tank though, but still. People need to chill
ngl I have not even touched a single healer class bc that level of responsibility over other people makes me wanna die, I can at least usually deal with tank bc the only real shift I have from DPS is that I need to hit all the things and do it first instead of just one thing at a time after other people have already hit it
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hereliesbitches--me · 6 years
What the hell is that?
Well, it's the root of why Rosie has animal features.
She's not just a product of being a furry at some point in my life [not entirely] but there is in fact an explanation within her lore.
Atrolians are an Alien race to humans. They were the test run subjects before humanity, and by test run I mean they are humanoid in all aspects, except they were given animal attributes to them. They are.larger, faster, with more keen sense and durability than any human thanks to the added animal features. They developed as a race with the aid of other older races which cultivated and inspired them to develop into their own civilization of a rather peaceful, technologically advanced society.
Upon learning of Earth’s new formation of growing life  [Taking into consideration that the presence of sentient life was a gradual process and did not happen simultaneous across the universe. Some races and sections are much older and more developed than others. ]  The race figured they would pay it forward and travel across the galaxy to meet the developing race and aid them- much like many other alien races did. For them, and to Earth.
Earth proves to be a melting pot planet. It was significant in creation, it being the place of battle where the heavens were divided because of opposing views on the significance of human life.
Before then, Many races felt the need to aid along the developing life with secrets and skills that would push them along as a civilization. It was only natural at the start that the naive humanity would so eagerly accept these beings and revere them as Gods ( The definition of gods and delties will be worked on innanlther post- there is a difference by what makes them so, but humanity didn't know the difference)
The Atrolians never cared for titles, and simply enjoyed coming to the aid of the small humans. They, along with the other otherwordly beings, would be the greatest influence inspiring and guiding the development of human culture across the regions of the planet. Over time, much like many other races, Atrolains too would take mates among humanity
And eventually, that offspring would be the first halflings in a long line to start bearing the animalistic Qualities.
It was a typically dominant trait that overpowered human genetics, to have a child with an Atrolain could almost always guarantee the animal features. Even Halflings continued to carry the strong trait for centuries to come, up until the divide.
~The Divide~
   Atrolian are a naturally peaceful race. They didn’t believe in having currency, and rather bargain and trade goods, believing in taking what was needed and never just hoarding because you could. They had allies among the stars but never affiliated with tyrannical or war-prone species that fight for selfish reasons to conquer one another. As you imagine, Humanity down the line would eventually evolve into just that. Much to the horror of the Atrolians, humans had begun to show signs of greed and aggression over time as their population grew. They slaughtered each other, they conquered and sold each other, and turned a blind eye to each other in times of need. They had divided themselves into groups that warred for the sole purpose of claiming to be the more supreme, and they slaughtered anyone who did not agree. They used the technology and the skills taught to them to harm each other, and the view of their race had begun a rift in Atrolian society of just what to do with them.
For centuries, as mankind grows, develops, and divides themselves over self-created differences and greed, There was increasing unrest and debate in Atrolian society. It was going against their ways to continue to aid a violent race, and yet they continued to do so because of their shared religious beliefs, being guarded by the same angels. They insisted neutrality and continued to make routine trips with new tools and goods, up until the betrayal.
When one fleet of Atrolian aids failed to come back from the routine trip to Earth, there came instant backlash and demand to investigate. Another military group had been sent on the rescue mission to retrieve them, perhaps suspecting something had happened to the ship and the fleet could not communicate; But what they found were the bodies of Atrolian comrades, stripped of their armor, and the ship raided for all its weapons and other goods. In response is absolute outrage.. To find the culprits, Atrolian blood is easily traceable by scent.. *(Within their society, Violence is only a factor in mating season when defending or trying to win over a mate. The scent of blood will linger on a champion no matter how many times it is washed away, no matter how long. The poignant scent proves as a warning to what the bloodspiller is capable of. Violence is also incited when rules have been broken and betrayed- once you’re considered an outsider, or someone being punished, there is no sympathy or kindness, and the Atrolians demand bloodshed and death, or banishment) The military team wastes no time using tech and their noses to find the group, a group from a warring kingdom, and with little hesitation they are slaughtered- though the team does not bother in recovering stolen technology. The team takes the bodies of their comrades back to the home planet to report the events.
The event proved to be the final straw amongst the Atrolian society, and despite their normal preaching of peace, when outraged they turn as savage and sporadic as the animal genetics that make them. They demanded that ties be cut from the humans of Earth, and that included wiping it from their bloodline and home planet. In a rather frantic mass order unanimously decided by the Kings and Queens of each kingdom, Humans who had been taken as mate on Atrolize at the time were rounded up and were going to be shipped back to earth where they came from. Halflings who lacked animal features were to be sent with their human parent, and the full blooded Atrolain has the option to either go with their mate, or stay behind. Any who fought this order were killed if they interfere with the divide in any way, shape, or form. The option was to go quietly, or else be part of the cleansing, and it would mark a defining part in Atrolian history.
Though Earth is never forgotten, over the centuries it comes as a sensitive subject to discuss. Many Atrolians did not share the agreement with the order but nonetheless had to comply to the wishes of their kingdom’s leaders. The tarnished view of humanity was passed down with the generations, and though many Atrolians today would have never known what Earth is like for themselves, it is a strict law against  returning to the wretched place- many older generations hold the belief that Earth can simply not be helped. Up until now..(To be elaborated later )
~What became of the Halflings on Earth?~
Thousands of families had been separated in the mass divide. Hundreds killed in their refusal to go,  and those left scattered at different points across Earth were left to pick up the shambles of the life they knew. Many of the full humans had grown accustomed to the peace of Atrolize, the system of simple bargaining and caring for your neighbors- they were not used to the ideals of using money, or that there were legitimate threats from stranger whose intentions could never be clear. They would have to adapt and thrive in this new world.. And it is with them that the last roots of the Atrolians can be found.. Only to become lost in history.
Over time, the typical dominant trait of Atrolian genetics became diluted in a similar fashion as it did with Angels and their wings. It becomes recessive, and the visible animal features such as ears, tails, feathers, or even wings have become a rarity that occured. Over time, it becomes a recessive trait that needs to be such a perfect setup in order to actually produce a child that has animal features, but the dormant gene shows itself in other ways. Easily dismissed as simple gifts, having the gene can manifest itself in subtle features such as in the Eyes( be it in the pupils, the coloration, the keen sight), Ears (might be more pointed at the tips with some ability to be moved and twitched in response to stimuli) ,  Teeth ( Longer Canines, stronger jaws, sharper teeth varying by person), Body structure (Sturdier, higher metabolism in some cases, stronger nail growth, higher endurance capability and damage resistance, stronger bones, etc) , and even in some behavioral mannerisms.
The appearance of animal features has steadily become rare for the same reason the features of angel wings are- these sorts of people are often victims of human trafficking for their exoticness, and often die away before ever having any child. The appearance of features is primarily an occurence in female, the genetic proven to be carried more in the X chromosome, but a male still has the potential to carry the gene in their chromosomes as well. It's rare, but not impossible, for a male to have visible features under the right circumstances given that both parents carries the gene (Which is often unknown to the parents, thus their surprise that the child is born with these foreign features ) . It is uncommon in the world to find anytone with visible features anymore, however it still exists in the world. The history of Atrolians have been lost in time through human history, and the genetic can only be regarded as a mutation from an unknown source.
Things to know about Atrolians that can be found in their earthly descendants :
- If the females have a heat, they do not have a period. Like most animals, at the end of a cycle, there is no bleeding, the body simply reabsorbs the endometrium that would have been shed during a period. Having heats means, unlike a regular person, fertility has specified windows in the cycle for ovulating (depending on the Atrolian gene basis, the animal gene which its based on will determine that window per person ). A person can have the atrolian gene dormant in them, showing only subtle physical qualities, and not experience heat. And that is because their system is more primarily human based.
- A male with traces of Atrolian genes may find themselves with a keener sense of smell and other senses, and are subconsciously incredibly receptive to scents. They might find themselves drawn to a person who’s emitting, and become aroused instinctively to appease- which can be incredibly inconvenient , especially if its a female that rejects them. Can easily be mistaken for the usual random boner incidents. Two people with Atrolian genes can strengthen the instinct they don’t even know they have, and if one goes into heat then a male might just go into his own form of it in order to stay with his mate. - A male, once finding a partner, can become rather territorial over their lover. Especially one which they’ve marked in some way (Atrolian tradition is a bite scar to the shoulder, but in huan terms it can be expressed through hickies left behind in visible places ).  They may become moodier, more clingy , and standoffish against others. Have a tendency to bare teeth and get between other, though again it can simply be passed off as typical guy behavior, Its an almost unbearable impulse when the gene is carried. They also might rub on things in an unconscious act of leaving their scent behind. You might also find they’re much easier to set off and prone to fighting easily when it comes to a significant other.
- A person can display certain quirks, even certain vocalizations, of an animal their genes may have descended from. Atrolians had a wide variety of animalistic qualities they were mixed with, though primarily mammals and even birds. That means farther down the line, sometimes old qualities do come back and certain abilities are granted. - Elongated life. A full blooded Atrolian age at a slower rate once they hit adulthood, and can life on average about 200 years maximum, with a minimum of at the very least of 130. This is because of their sturdy builds and rather healthy lifestyles, combined with genetics, lets them thrive for so long within consideration of their life duties. In their halfling descendants, That sturdy build passed down can allow them be withstand and live healthier for a longer time. They are less likely to succumb to illnesses or hereditary diseases, and can enjoy appearing to age at a slower rate. If the environment and lifestyle allows it. Someone can easily push past 100 and still function well.
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