#( gonna see if i can answer another one i have in mi inbox here as well :DDD )
kamipyre · 5 months
people are prone to reducing others down to the first few traits someone shows them. what would be the predominant three thoughts you would have of your own character? what do you think others' perceptions are?
@eternasci asks great chara development questions as always <3
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in my case, i would say my first three thoughts about suki is:
she's a combo of shoujo and shounen protagonist vibes: idealistic, compassionate, naive, and very strong willed
even though she based her identity off of what she remembered of her parents, she ultimately created herself. everything she is now is the result of hard work and obsession.
ultimately is true to herself. what you see on the outside is what you'll get on the inside :'D
As for my partners, i do think that their perception of her more or less matches mine...if they didn't i don't think we'd be writing together for nearly as long as we have 😅
that being said, here's what i think tends to come across for most for them in my portrayal:
pink! lots of pink and unapologetically girly and feminine in appearance
compassionate!! would be the first to jump in to help someone/approach someone even if they seem intimidating
must be protected!! at all costs!! ( even though she can carry herself just fine <3 it's kind of like the feeling of 'i know you can take care of yourself but bc i love you, you'll never have to do so alone' :'D )
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kissinginkitchens · 3 years
You Bring Me Home—Chapter Four: You Can Hear it in the Silence
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a/n: hello again!! So glad to have you back :) I hope you're all enjoying the story so far. It's been wonderful to read some of your comments and thoughts! I do have to give a special shoutout to @harrysblackcoat and @determined-overthinker for their continued support and feedback, it really means the world to me, so a huge thank you to you both!! I am tremendously grateful for all of you lovely readers and I hope you will enjoy chapter four as much as I enjoyed writing it! As always, my inbox is open, so feel free to drop by and chat with me after reading! Much love, Mel <3
Pairing: Hawai'i!Harry x Original Character
Warnings: swearing, allusions to sexual content
Word Count: 6.7k
read parts one, two, and three 
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“You kissed him?” Maleah gasps over FaceTime, her mouth so wide, Alani fears her jaw will detach from its socket. 
She had finally decided to tell her best friend everything, excluding the Rolling Stone details, nearly two days after the last time she had seen Harry. The entire next day had been spent replaying every moment and listening to the recorded interview on her voice notes until the phone battery was completely drained. Alani’s stomach fluttered at the sound of Harry’s voice and it only made her miss him more. The part that she desperately needed her friend’s input on was what had happened immediately before she left. 
“No,” Alani clarifies, quickly. “Well, almost. Maybe—I think,”
“I’ve only been gone a couple of weeks,” Maleah starts, brows furrowed as if her brain is malfunctioning. “And you’re already swooping in on my man?”
Alani feels her cheeks warm but she pushes past it and rolls her eyes. “There is no swooping going on,”
“I don’t know. You two were caught in the rain together, sounds like swooping to me,”
“But that’s the thing,” Alani huffs. “I don’t know what it is. And I don’t know if I’m just making a big deal out of nothing,”
Maleah nods understandingly and pushes any jealousy out of her mind, the love for her best friend winning out. 
“Well, tell me exactly what happened before the kiss,”
“There was no kiss,” Alani emphasizes, thinking back to the last few minutes spent in Harry’s car. 
The sun had already set when the two of them arrived at her house, leaving little light in the already darkly tinted Range Rover. But even in the darkness, Alani could see the intensity in Harry’s eyes. Their bodies had been close enough in the confined space that she could feel the warmth radiating from him, and his vanilla scent enveloped her in an intoxicating haze. For a moment, her eyes had darted to his plush lips and she imagined what it would feel like to close the space between them. She could have sworn that he had done the same, finding his eyes wandering just below the tip of her nose when she looked up. Before anything could happen, however, she found herself reaching for the door handle and stepping into the crisp night sky. 
“But did you want him to kiss you?” Maleah questions. 
Alani waits a beat, but she doesn’t have to think about the answer. “Yes,”
“Well there you go!” her friend responds enthusiastically. “Problem solved,”
“Problem not solved,” Alani corrects. “What about the fact that he’s, like, famous? I mean what happens when he has to go back to L.A. or London or whatever?”
“Woah, woah, woah, let’s not get ahead of ourselves,”
Alani anxiously nibbles on the skin of her lower lip, not stopping even when she tastes blood. “But it’s true—” 
“Yeah, well, you don’t have to think about it right now,” Maleah assures her. “What if you just let things happen and… enjoy it for what it is?”
Alani doesn’t miss the double meaning in the last part. “Mi, you and I both know that I’ve never been one to just enjoy it for what it is,”
“I know this, and I love you,” Maleah starts slowly. “But as your best friend—and I say this with nothing but love—you need to get laid, for real,”
Alani groans, slumping further into her mattress. “But what if that’s all he wants? I just don’t think I’m ready for that,”
“And that’s perfectly fine,” her friend coos. “But from what you’ve told me so far, it doesn’t sound like that’s all he’s after,”
Alani considers this for a moment before Maleah continues. 
“Look, let’s start with something simple: do you like him? I mean, do you like spending time with him and just generally being around him?”
“Then start there,” Maleah suggests. “You can enjoy someone’s company without making it romantic, it’s just friendship. Don’t put pressure on something that you’re not ready for, or something that might not even be there,”
Alani feels a small weight lifted off her shoulders and nods. “Yeah. Yeah, no you’re right I shouldn’t psych myself out over something that didn’t even happen. I mean, for all I know he has a girlfriend,”
She waits a beat before a new concern enters her mind. “Wait, does he have a girlfriend?”
“I don’t know,” 
“Well even if he does, it doesn’t matter,” Alani reaffirms. “Because we’re just friends,”
“When are you gonna see him again?” her friend asks. 
Alani stomach drops. In all her concentration of the past, she hadn’t even considered what will happen when she has to face him again. “I don’t know,”
“Who initiated the last hang out?”
“He did,” Alani admits, thinking back to the hours he had spent reading in the café until her shift was over. 
Maleah hums. “Well then it looks like the ball’s in your court,”
Alani is quiet for a moment, which her friend takes as her cue to offer some more reassurance. 
“I’m sorry I don’t have more answers for you, Nani, but it’s gonna be okay. Promise, ” 
Alani sighs, kneeling to look out the window next to her bed. 
“No, Mi, it’s okay. I really appreciate you just being there, it means a lot,”
“Of course, babes. Keep me updated.”
“Will do.”
The call ends and Alani continues watching the palm trees sway in the wind. Will do—the very same last words that she had spoken to Harry that night. Her mind wanders back to the moment right before she had opened the door to escape and plays out an alternative scenario. What would have happened if she had leaned just an inch closer? 
Harry pinches his lower lip between his index finger and thumb. Will do, he repeats in his mind— two words that he never knew could carry so much weight. 
“I said ‘I think Manchester United is shit,’” Nick Grimshaw says loudly, shrugging at Mitch and Jeff Bhasker when his plan doesn’t work. “I dunno, that should’ve gotten him,”
“Oh hey, Alani,” Mitch speaks into his phone loud enough for Harry to hear. This piques the singer’s attention immediately, his heart racing. “Yeah he’s right here,” 
“What the fuck?” Harry questions, zeroing in on Mitch. 
“Who’s Alani?” Nick teases with eyebrows raised into his hairline. 
Harry springs from his seat and corners Mitch, who holds his phone above his head. “Gimme the phone!”
“Hello,” Nick interrupts, watching the struggle continue. “Feeling neglected here, who’s Alani?”
The guitarist ducks and sprints to the opposite wall, Harry chasing close behind. They hop from couch to couch and swerve around fragile equipment while Mitch snickers and guards his phone close. Harry had no idea why Alani was calling and why she hadn’t reached out to him directly, but he’s dying to hear her voice again and is growing increasingly frustrated with his friend’s antics. 
“Mitchell, stop fuckin’ around!”
“I’m sorry,” he relents, holding out the phone with an amused laugh. “It wasn’t her, wrong number,”
Harry huffs and returns to his seat disappointedly, a guitar resting in his lap. Nick, who had only been able to drop in for the weekend due to his busy schedule at the BBC, narrows his eyes at both boys before speaking up again. 
“Once again, no one has answered my question.”
“She’s just a girl he’s been hanging out with,” Jeff explains nonchalantly. “He wants to have her babies.”
“Don’t,” Harry warns. 
Despite already having his fun, Mitch can’t resist adding on. “It’s none of our business… but I’ve heard a summer wedding is in the works.”
“I’m gonna go drink now,” Harry announces, standing. “And none of you fuckers are invited.”
He wanders down the hallway and into the kitchen, immediately reaching for the tequila. Is it too early for margaritas? he wonders before deciding that he wants a second opinion.  No new texts are displayed on his phone screen, much to his disappointment, but he decides to open the messages app anyway. He carefully types in Alani’s name and writes, then re-writes, the text several times before pressing send. As soon as the tag reads “delivered”, his body is filled with apprehension, but there’s no turning back. 
Harry: Is 10 a.m. too early for margaritas?
There’s a minute of silence, then two, and Harry turns his phone face down onto the counter to reach for the ingredients. It dings just as he opens the bottle of tequila and he immediately lunges for it. 
Alani: Never. Morning margs were invented for a reason. 
Relief. He quickly types out a risky response. 
Harry: Any chance I can convince you to join me?
He stares at the screen, willing the “delivered” to turn into a “read,” but it doesn’t budge. His lips ghost over the rim of the tequila bottle before he bites the bullet and takes a sip. 
Alani: Working :( sorry. Another time maybe. 
Defeat. He knows that “another time maybe” is a polite “never.” Another swig of tequila down the hatch. 
Harry: Yeah, no worries. 
Alani sets her phone down on her nightstand and brings the duvet up to her chin. She hopes with every muscle in her body that Harry doesn’t show up to the restaurant, though if he’s planning on drinking, perhaps she’s safe. Maybe I should do the same. She wonders, thinking about the rosé her mom keeps in the cupboard for special occasions. Surely heartache must be a good enough reason to crack it open. Regardless, Alani doesn’t think she has the stomach to keep it down at the present. 
Harry pushes the remaining peas around on his plate with the prongs of his fork. His chin rests in the heel of his hand. 
“And then I said ‘what’s the difference?’” his manager remarks, sending the rest of the group into a fit of wild laughter. 
“You’re so fucking stupid.” Mitch comments through a chuckle. 
The laughter slowly dies down and their eyes all wander to Harry who hasn’t budged for the past twenty-five minutes. They exchange worried glances, and Jeff begins to wonder if  his initial advice for Harry to go out with Alani was a mistake. 
“Hey, H,” he begins gently. “You feelin’ alright?”
Harry looks up from his plate and musters his best fake smile. “Yeah, jus’ tired,”
It was partially true; the crew had spent their entire afternoon at Honoli’i Beach practicing their surfing, though it was mostly unsuccessful for Harry—his life seemed to be a series of wipe-outs these days. 
“I’m gonna go watch a Rom-Com in my room,” he announces, standing with his plate. “Probably doze off.”
The group exchanges “good nights” before Harry saunters down the hall to his room. Settling into the bed, he flicks through the movie selection and clicks on one that he knows by heart. He contemplates texting Alani again, scrolling through their brief conversation from three days ago. Against his better judgment, he types out another message and presses send. 
Harry: Opinion on The Notebook?
He waits, attention briefly occupied by Rachel McAdams until the phone dings. 
Alani: A classic, though not as good as Dirty Dancing if I’m being honest. 
The corners of his mouth curl and he immediately types out another response. 
Harry: You have a problem with The Goss?
Alani snorts, planting her spoon into the pint of strawberry ice cream to reply. 
Alani: First, I have many gripes about you referring to Ryan Gosling as “The Goss”. Second, I was actually rooting for Lon Hammond, but maybe that’s just because I’m partial to James Marsden. And third, the scene where Baby and Johnny are dancing alone in his room. That’s all I have to say. 
Harry hums, hanging on every word. 
Harry: Confession: I’ve never actually seen Dirty Dancing…
Alani: We need to change that immediately. 
His heart pounds. So she didn’t plan on ghosting him forever. 
Harry: So Lon Hammond, that’s your type? 
Alani doesn’t know why she finds it unsettling that Harry steers the conversation away from any possible talk of them hanging out again. She reminds herself that she had been the one to decline his invitation for margaritas and shovels another scoop of ice cream into her mouth. 
Alani: Kind, supportive, successful, handsome? Yeah, I’d say so. Not to mention he forgave Allie for cheating. 
Harry: But Noah built her a house. Her dream house, I might add. 
Alani: I’m not discrediting Noah, I love a grand romantic gesture as much as the next person. Just think Lon deserved better. 
Harry grins, entirely ignoring the movie at this point. Grand romantic gestures, he notes, good to know. 
Harry: And what about the fact that Noah wrote it all down and reads their literal love story to her every time she forgets?
Alani: Maybe he deserves some rights for that. 
Alani taps the spoon against her lower lip and thinks about Cecily’s words. Just let things happen. She desperately wants to, but she doesn’t know how. The thought of getting too close only to let it all slip through her fingers is too overwhelming, so she starts with something simple: do you like spending time with him? Alani doesn’t think she could enjoy anything more. Her mind wanders back to the passenger seat of Harry’s car and the image of his wrist draped over the steering wheel, lower lip captured between his fingers. She had noted this tick early on and found it endlessly endearing. Save for the awkward fifteen minutes of their very first interview, their conversations all seemed to come so easily. Alani enjoys his quick wit and the way he speaks slowly, as if carefully weighing each word. She likes that even though the entire reason for their relationship is for her to learn all that she possibly can about him, he makes an equal effort to get to know her. Alani compares Harry’s sincere reaction to hearing that she was a journalist to David’s snarky remark. Harry had believed in her from the get-go—he had trusted her. He makes her feel seen and known. Isn’t that what it means to be loved? To be known? His words echo in her mind. 
Harry: How’s the article going?
Alani’s stomach drops. Fuck. In all her contemplation over the almost kiss, she had forgotten the truth behind her motives. She had lied. Harry had trusted her, and she had lied. Not yet, she thinks, I haven’t lied yet. It would only be a lie if she submits the article to Rolling Stone. Her throat tightens. But I’m so close. She thinks about telling him, but quickly shuts the thought down when she considers that she still doesn’t have enough material and can’t afford to risk it now. This is her chance, there’s no doubt about it. Why else would the universe have planted a world famous rockstar right at her feet just when she had decided to give up for good? Alani had to at least try, she owed it to herself, and she reasons that if Harry really cares about her, he will understand. He would have to. 
Alani: It’s going. 
Harry: Can I get a sneak peek anytime soon?
Alani: Soon. Good night, Harry. 
She sends the last text and sets her phone face down next to her. If she was going to do this, she had to do it right—even if it meant putting some space between the two of them. She owed that much to Harry. 
He sinks further into the mattress, not understanding what he had said or done wrong, but he grants Alani her space, anyway.  
Harry: Good night Alani. 
“You’re listening to KWPX The Wave and that was the latest single from Ariana Grande,”
Alani stops fiddling with the radio and sits back with a defeated huff. She had been in a rut with her own music lately and after spending nearly fifteen minutes in her driveway shuffling through songs, she decided to turn on the radio and leave it up to fate.
“Next up is a song from everyone’s favorite ex-boyband: One Direction,”
Goddamnit, Alani groans. She had forgotten what a bitch fate could be. 
“Now, I have to say, DeeDee,” the radio DJ starts. “I was personally heartbroken to hear the news, and I know my daughters were too,”
“Oh definitely,” DeeDee replies. “And I can’t help but wonder what this means for all of them. I mean, what do you think they’re up to these days?”
The first DJ gives a snide chuckle before he continues. “Probably doing what every twenty-something year old millionaire does: booze, cruise, and schmooze—the pretty girls, especially,”
Alani scoffs, rolling her eyes at his insinuation. She had begun to resent all of the gossip and speculation surrounding Harry’s whereabouts, especially after learning how much privacy meant to him. Moreover, she hated the twinge of jealousy that coursed through her veins at the thought of him with another girl. Alani supposes that it wasn’t entirely out of the question since they were far from romantically involved. While he had occupied her mind over the past few weeks, she knew that it was highly unlikely that he paid her the same attention. The thought still brings bile to her mouth. 
“Well whatever they’re up to, one thing seems to be pretty clear,” DeeDee speaks up again. “All eyes will be on Harry Styles. I mean, he’s really the one to watch in all of this, isn’t he?”
“I think you’re right. I’m curious to see what he’s got in store. Maybe he’ll join Justin Timberlake and Nick Jonas with the ex-boyband buzz cut. But without further ado, here’s Drag Me Down.”
Alani knows that she’ll have to talk to Harry eventually; over the past week and a half, she had dodged every invitation to hang out, left cut and dry responses to all of his texts, and even ducked into the restaurant’s walk-in fridge when he unexpectedly showed up one afternoon. While the temptation to indulge his friendly advances was high, professional boundaries needed to be established. She had already begun working on the article with material from the two previous interviews—and it wasn’t half bad—but there was still so much of the story to fill in. If Alani was going to make it all worthwhile, she had to keep digging and do it fast; she couldn’t afford to let her personal feelings get in the way.  
Her car sputters slightly as she heads south on Mamalahoa Highway and the radio fades in and out. Alani checks all of her gauges—she had made sure that the gas tank was full before leaving—and doesn’t see anything unusual. A few miles later, it jerks again before coming to a complete stop. 
“Fuck,” she cries, pounding her palms against the steering wheel. “No, no, no, no, no!”
Alani waits a moment before turning the key again, but the engine refuses to start. She whips her phone out of the cupholder and scrolls through her contact list. 
Pua—no license.
Maleah—out of town. 
Dad—also out of town, catering a wedding in Oahu. 
Mom—probably scrubbed in on a major, life-saving surgery. 
She continues scrolling until her finger lands on a name that makes her heart race and sink at the same time. 
Harry Styles—no. 
There’s no way she can justify calling him, not after giving him the cold shoulder all week. If texting back and forth was unprofessional, then asking to be rescued off the side of the road surely crossed several boundaries. Alani scans her surroundings, shielding her eyes from the blinding afternoon sun. There isn’t a car or person in sight for miles—what other choice does she have? With shaking fingers, she dials the number and presses the phone to her ear. Harry answers after the third ring. 
“Hello?” he responds loudly over the sound of cymbals crashing and laughter in the background. 
“Hi,” Alani greets, raising her voice to be heard. “It’s Alani,”
She hears shuffling on the other end and then Harry’s voice, softer this time. 
“Oh hey. How are you?”
“Good, how are you?”
Harry senses that something is off, but he’s glad to hear from Alani, nevertheless. His friends continue their antics in the studio, despite his silent gestures to knock it off, so he heads outside. 
“Uh, yeah I’m fine. S’good to hear from you,” he offers shyly. 
Alani’s chest tightens. 
“Ditto,” she replies. “Hey listen, um, I’m kind of in a bit of trouble I—” 
She hesitates. What the hell am I doing? 
“I need your help,”
Harry’s heart sinks, immediately filled with worry. 
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” she reassures him. “It’s my car,”
“Where are you?”
“The highway, southbound. Just past exit 243, I think,”
“I’m on my way,”
“Thank you,” Alani offers gently. “Really, thank you.”
A soft smile spreads across Harry’s lips. “Anytime.”
He arrives in a pink Cadillac fifteen minutes later, pulling over behind Alani. She doesn’t recognize the car and  her confusion only deepens when a man with short-cropped hair emerges. As he approaches, a wave of recognition and relief washes over her. 
“Hey,” he greets, walking up to the driver’s side. “Need a lift?”
Alani’s mouth hangs open ever so slightly, scanning his new appearance. He looks like a completely different person than the one she remembers, and he has the faintest trace of stubble above his lip and jaw. 
“You cut your hair,”
“I did,” he confirms. 
“It’s so short,”
“Do you like it?”
“Of course I do,” Alani offers with a light laugh, feeling flustered under his gaze. “I mean it looks great, really suits you. Not that it matters what I think, it’s your hair,”
But it did matter. Everything she did, or didn’t do, said, and didn’t say— it all mattered to him for reasons he couldn’t quite explain. And it mattered more than she would ever know. 
“So Stevie quit on you?”
Alani sighs. “I don’t know what’s wrong, honestly. All of the gauges look fine and I filled the tank this morning,”
Harry asks her to pop the hood and makes his way to the front of the Bronco. He looks around, not seeing any smoke or trace of other issues, though his knowledge of cars isn’t as comprehensive as he’d like in this situation. 
Alani joins him, doing her own scan over the inside of the hood despite the fact that she has no idea what to look for. Her eyes wander to Harry’s strong hands as they prod the various bells and whistles, and she notices the way his tanned skin glistens under the sun. The cross pendant nestled behind his white t-shirt escapes when he leans over, swinging like a mesmerizing pendulum. 
“I called a tow truck,” he says standing with his hands on his hips. “Should be here soon,”
“I’ll pay you back,” Alani offers quickly, her throat dry. 
Harry waves her concern away with a hand and places the hood back. “Don’t worry about it. I’m just glad you’re okay,”
“I really owe you one,” she says appreciatively. 
He leans against the car with his arms crossed, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Have lunch with me and we’ll call it even.”
The tow truck arrives ten minutes later and the driver gathers all of Alani’s information, letting her know which mechanic the car will be taken to and when she can pick it up. She sighs watching Stevie pull away down the road and imagines the dent it’ll make in her savings. Harry nudges her gently, motioning for her to get in his car. 
“New ride?” she questions, running her fingers over the cotton candy paint. 
“It belongs to the owner of the studio,” he explains. “All of the cars do except the Rover, she’s a rental. But Jeff took her out to get us lunch,”
“I’m so sorry for interrupting your plans,” Alani apologizes. And for kind of ghosting you, she thinks. 
Harry shakes his head, shifting the gear between them. “Nah, you didn’t interrupt, we were just messing around. But I am curious to know what brought you all the way out here on a Tuesday afternoon. Skipping town?”
Alani giggles at the way he says “Tuesday,” but responds despite the curious look he flashes her. “Day off. I was gonna go to the beach,”
“Bummer,” Harry offers, thanking every deity that he can name. “We could still go,”
“Your friends won’t be mad?”
“They’ll be fine,”
Alani nods, her eyes studying the orange checkers on her trousers.
“What’re you hungry for?” Harry speaks up. 
She thinks for a moment and is reminded of her original plans. “I could go for some sushi,”
“Know any good places?”
“Yeah, I’ll show you,” Alani’s curious gaze falls to the glove box before her, immediately wondering what’s inside. “Do you think the owner will be mad if I open this?”
Harry glances down at what she’s pointing to and shakes his head. “Knock yourself out,”
Alani pulls down the hatch and reaches inside; her fingers make contact with what feels like a pair of glasses. When her hand re-emerges with a pair that are pink and heart-shaped, she smiles. 
“They have good taste,” she comments, putting them on. 
Harry looks over and flashes a wide grin, the dimple that Alani has become so fond of emerging. 
“Look good on you,”
“Try them on,” Alani suggests, handing them over. 
He obliges and pushes his own pair up to make room for the other lenses. 
“What d’you think?”
“I think you should keep them,” she says. “They suit you.”
And they really do; they compliment his face well and hint to the fun, easygoing parts of his personality that Alani has recently discovered. 
She directs him to her favorite sushi spot near Bayfront Park, which is buzzing per usual. After they’ve been seated on the patio outside, Harry tucks the heart-shaped sunglasses into his t-shirt and contemplates addressing the elephant in the room: the ghosting. He doesn’t want to spook her, though,  so he decides to pose the question lightly, but Alani speaks before he has the chance. 
“So what’s with the haircut?”
Harry blinks, clearing his throat before he responds. “You hate it,”
“No!” She defends. “I like it, really, it looks great,”
“You wouldn’t bring it up if you didn’t absolutely hate it,” he teases in mock offense. 
Alani rolls her eyes, a playful smile spreading across her face. “It just seems like a huge step and I’m curious, that’s all,”
He considers this, deciding to stop giving her a hard time, and responds. “Well if you must know, it’s for an audition,”
“A movie,”
“A movie?” Alani’s eyes grow wide. “You’re gonna be in a movie?”
“Maybe,” he clarifies. “Dunno yet,”
Harry leans forward, his elbows resting on the table. “What have you been up to? Any life changing decisions?”
Alani shrugs. “Same old. Work, my summer class,”
“And how’s your family?” he asks, which catches her off guard. 
“Good. My sister’s… a moody teenager. My dad is catering a big wedding in Oahu right now. Mom’s saving lives like the badass woman she is,”
Harry laughs lightly at her comment and Alani tries to store the soundbite in the back of her mind for safe keeping.
“What about yours?” she questions. 
“Fine, yeah. Mum’s good, so’s Gemma. Talk to them at least once a week just to check in,”
He pauses to take a sip of his water before continuing. “Ever since I was about...ten, maybe, ‘ve had this feeling like—protect mum at all costs. But she’s strong, has the greatest heart,”
Alani finds it sweet that Harry speaks so highly of Anne. Her own mom had always told her that a lot can be said about the character of a man by the way he treats his mother. 
“I’m sure she misses having you around,” Alani comments, thinking of her own close relationship with her mom. “I don’t know if I could let my child leave home as early as you did,”
Harry brushes the tip of his nose with a knuckle and nods. “Was kinda hard at first, but she’s always been really supportive.”
“I bet she’s really proud.”
He offers a shy smile in response, scanning the scenery around them. 
“I’m sure your family’s proud of you too.”
Alani and Harry continue their light conversation through the entire meal, sharing stories about their families and childhood. She finds herself wishing that  she could have met a teenaged Harry, pre-fame and general world domination. He enjoys her anecdotes, soaking up every detail that he possibly can as if his life depends on it. The two of them go back and forth well after the meal is finished, only pausing when the waitress stops to check on them. 
“Maybe we should go,” Alani suggests, checking her phone for the time. “I always hate when customers stay for hours,”
“Just like I did the first time at the café?” he asks, putting his signature on the bill. 
Alani feels her cheeks warm and she quickly back pedals. “No! I mean—well, yeah, kinda—”
“And the truth comes out!”
“I was just annoyed because my sister kept bugging me to fill up your water. She was afraid you were gonna, like, get dehydrated and die or something.”
“Tell her I appreciate the concern.”
Alani laughs lightly, feeling a bit of relief when the breeze soothes her burning cheeks. The two of them make their way back into the restaurant and out the main entrance, padding down the boardwalk side by side. Harry never knows what to do with his hands, usually opting to stuff them into his pockets as he hurries down a busy street,  but he desperately wishes to occupy them a different way. His pinky involuntarily brushes the back of Alani’s hand, but he pulls away quickly to avoid freaking her out. She wishes he hadn’t. 
“What were you gonna do at the beach?” he asks to break the ice. 
She thinks for a moment, watching the different couples huddled together on the beach. “Relax, get some air. Do a little reading,”
“What’re you reading?”
“Currently this book about Laurel Canyon in California and some of the musicians who lived there during the 60s. You might like it,”
Harry’s brow raises. “Think so?”
“Yeah, it’s got Joni, Crosby, Stills, and Nash, Mamas and the Papas, all those guys. They talk about their experiences of coming to terms with rapidly growing fame, the reality of the peace and love movement, the collaborative process. Seems like something you might find interesting—relatable, even,”
"I’ll check it out,” Harry promises with a nod. 
Alani smiles gently and refocuses her attention on the horizon. “So what were you gonna do today?”
“Not much,” Think about you. “But speaking of books and stuff, I‘ve been meaning to ask. When you become, you know, the next Pulitzer Prize winner, do I get to be your plus one?”
She scoffs, squinting under the bright sun to look up at him. “I don’t know, I have to make it first,”
“And what does ‘making it’ mean to you?” Harry had been trying to re-define success, himself, and was curious to hear Alani’s thoughts on the subject.
She ponders the question for a minute, adjusting the straps of her orange tank-top to occupy her anxious fingers. “Move to New York, work for some big publication, something like that,”
“New York?” he asks, slightly taken aback. “And leave all this behind?”
“I think I’d like the change,” Alani reasons. “I love it here more than anything, but I think I’ve gotta make my own way, my own decisions. My grandma used to say that you ‘gotta swim before you drown because the ocean’s too vast and too interesting to get stuck treading water in the same place,’”
Harry nods, understandingly. “Wise woman,”
“Carolina,” Alani says, using the Spanish pronunciation that sounds like music to Harry’s ears. “That was her name, I was named after her,”
“Middle name?”
“Yeah,” she clarifies. “I’m half Mexican on my mom’s side,”
He hums. “Ever been?”
“To Mexico?” Alani asks, proceeding when he nods. “Yeah. Once when I was like, five, we went to Xcaret for my aunt’s wedding,”
“It’s beautiful there,” Harry notes. 
“What’s your favorite place that you’ve been to?” Alani questions, imagining all the stamps that must be in Harry’s passport. 
He thinks for a moment, a hum buzzing low in his throat as he sifts through his memory. “Probably Italy,”
“Lucky,” Alani muses, picturing the Gothic cathedrals that she longs to visit. 
“You’d like it there.” Harry says, truly believing it. A part of him felt that she belonged in every beautiful place he could think of. 
The two of them walk in silence for a few moments, each taking time to scope out the view around them. Alani sees a couple leaned against a staircase railing, looking deep in conversation, though probably not a pleasant one. 
“You think they’re breaking up?” Alani asks gently, nodding her head in their direction. “Or just having the talk?”
Harry scans the scenery before his eyes land on the pair that she's referring to. “Ah yes, the talk. Ye olde chat,”
“What do you think you’d be if you weren’t a musician?” She poses suddenly. He laughs to himself at the way Alani jumps from topic to topic and reasons that her mind must always be going a mile a minute. 
“A virgin,” Harry jokes, hoping that it’ll land. When she lets out a sudden, bright laugh, he looks over in relief. 
“God, you are so…” Alani trails off, shaking her head.
 He waits to see if she’ll finish the statement, but he doesn’t think she will. Truthfully, she doesn’t know what to say. The more Alani learns about Harry, the more he seems to surprise her. One minute he can be serious and thoughtful. The next, a ray of sunshine—aloof and carefree. She finds herself anticipating his every move, every word, and loving each minute that he allows her to. It makes her head spin at times, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. 
They journey down to the shore and discard their shoes in favor of feeling the cool sand beneath their toes. Alani tells Harry about the sea glass collection she had as a child, and he makes a mental note to scan the ground for any pieces she might like. She asks him if the beaches are nice in England, to which he responds a hard “no” compared to the ones in Hawaii or California. A couple of children splash in the shallow water nearby, and Alani doesn’t miss the fond look in Harry’s eye as he watches. Eventually, they wander back up to the main boardwalk when they spot a group of people  happily sipping milkshakes. Harry noticed her eyes following them, practically drooling, so he suggested it before she had to. 
“Want some?” Alani asks, her mouth full of strawberry. 
Harry gladly accepts, taking a sip from the straw that she holds out to him. He hums, letting the taste sit on his tongue before he offers  his own cup full of vanilla. She tucks a lock of hair behind her ear before leaning over for a taste. The flavor is sweet and comforting to her, despite popular opinion that it’s boring. Alani swipes her tongue across her lower lip and thinks for a moment that this is what his mouth must taste like. She wishes she could verify this thought. 
“I’m really glad you got the strawberry,” he notes, stirring his drink with the straw. “I was having a serious crisis over what to get,”
“When in doubt, always go with the pink one,” Alani says, tapping her temple, and suddenly Harry remembers that the contents of her bag were all various shades of bubble gum and dusty rose. 
“It’s the only true rock ‘n roll color,” he offers, taking another sip of his milkshake. 
“Paul Simonon?” she questions with narrowed eyes, instantly recognizing his reference to a quote from The Clash’s bassist.  
“Nothing gets past you.”
The clouds above start to resemble puffs of cotton candy, signaling that the day will soon draw to a close much to both Harry and Alani’s dismay. They lounge in the pink Cadillac, which is parked in an area that overlooks the entire beach, and take turns picking out the one lie amongst two truths about one another; it was a game that Harry had proposed. 
“Is it,” Alani starts, her lower lip caught between her teeth. “The four nipples?”
Harry makes a buzzer sound effect through his own laughter, temple resting against his fist as his arm drapes over the seat. 
“Wrong-o, sorry,”
“What?!” she exclaims, eyes wide. “You’re messing with me,”
“Am not,” he defends proudly. 
Alani lets out a surprised chuckle, fighting the urge to let her eyes wander below his neck. “I don’t believe you,”
“I’d prove it,” he shrugs. “But then I’d have to flash you,”
“Guess we’ll never know, then,” 
Their laughter settles down and the only sound between them is the crashing of waves in the distance. Harry lets his eyes trail down the slope of Alani’s nose to her cupid’s bow—dangerous territory. Little does he know, Alani does the same, noting the fact that his lips are heart-shaped and the perfect shade of strawberry. How sickeningly charming, she thinks. Her eyes lift back to Harry’s and there’s something hidden behind the sea-glass that she can’t quite read. The air becomes charged and the two of them are like magnets, drawn inexplicably towards one another. Alani inches closer, her heart pounding so violently in her chest, she’s afraid that he can hear it. The sound of his own blood rushing in his ears prevents this, however, as he leans in too. The space between them gets smaller, eyes fluttering shut in anticipation, when the high pitched ringing of Alani’s phone sends her jolting backward. Harry curses every deity that he can name. 
“Hello?” she responds, turning her back to him. She listens for a minute, a soft “mhmm” escaping every few seconds. “Okay, yes, I’ll be there. Thank you,” 
Alani dreads having to turn back to Harry and face the consequences of whatever lines were almost crossed. She chooses to simply ignore it all together, as if no time had passed between his shocking personal revelation and the ringing of her phone. 
“Stevie’s ready.” she says weakly. 
Harry swallows down his frustration and offers a polite smile. “Let’s go get her.”
The mechanic shop is twenty minutes from the beach; Harry and Alani spend the entire ride in silence. Neither of them address the almost kiss despite the fact that it hangs over their heads like a raincloud of uncertain emotion. She occupies her gaze with the scenery whizzing past while he tightens his grip on the steering wheel. Alani mourns the fact that their little bubble had been popped so soon, but she figures that it’s for the best. Don’t get attached, she reminds herself. Easier said than done. Harry also wallows in the aftermath of the interruption, wishing he had acted sooner. When they finally arrive at the shop, the mechanic reveals that the cause of her car troubles was a simple dead battery. Harry offers to foot the bill, but Alani refuses, deciding that she shouldn’t accept any more favors from him in order to restore the boundary. 
“So I guess this is where we part ways,” Alani says gently, toying with her keys. 
Harry scans his brain for something—anything—a single excuse to see her again, and soon. He doesn’t think he can take another week and a half of icy silence and he has a suspicion that she can’t either. After all, she had leaned in, too—hadn’t she?
“There’s this thing,” he blurts out. “A sort of jam sesh at the studio tomorrow night. There’s gonna be booze, otherwise I’d tell you to bring your sister. But I’d love for you to come, and I think it might be good for—the article, or something,”
Alani weighs the pros and cons in her mind, one of which he had already mentioned: a chance to listen to what he’s working on. It seemed professional and innocent enough, not to mention the fact that there’d be other people around to keep them in check. Once she decides it’s safe, she nods. 
“Okay, sure,”
“I can pick you up,” Harry offers. 
Alani shakes her head gently and offers a shy smile. “No, that's okay. Tomorrow night?”
“I’ll be there.”
They exchange good-byes and Alani thanks him for coming to her rescue, to which he offers a modest shrug. Harry speeds down the highway and back to the house, but three words linger in the silence. 
I’ll be there.
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hihellogoodbyebruh · 4 years
Don’t Provoke Me
Pairing: Dark-ish!Miguel Galindo x Black!Reader
Summary: Miguel was out of his mind if he thought you were just gonna continue on this way. But perhaps you underestimated your man and took his chill behavior for granted...
Warning(s): 18+ only please, cussing, smut (fingering), possessive behavior, dom/sub undertones, controlling behavior, slight angst
Word count: 3,187
Author’s Note: So I finally gave in to my friend telling me to watch 365 days (don’t judge me) and was inspired by ONE scene in it. Also, I’m not a smut writer. This is me dipping my toe in the smut waters so here’s to hoping it’s at least decent. Questions, comments, and concerns are always welcome. My inbox is open! Thanks for reading :)
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“No, mi amor. Just stay here and I’ll be back tomorrow.” Miguel insisted, as he was finishing putting on his clothes. He always dicked you down right before he had business to handle to try and keep you from asking to go. Usually it worked, but you had caught on by now.
“Why? Why do I always have to stay here? You hiding something?” You asked, raising your eyebrow at him. His business meeting was at a club in town. You loved going to that club so you didn’t see why y’all couldn’t go together. He could handle business and then after you two could enjoy your night, but no. He wasn’t cool with it. He just kept his back to you and ignored the question as he fastened his belt and buttoned up his dress shirt.
“Is that it then? You got another girl waiting for you? Someone more pleasing to your family I bet. Probably another white girl.” You knew he hated being questioned and he hated any references to Emily from your mouth even more. Those two were divorced and only communicated when it came to Cristobal, but you couldn’t help comparing yourself to her. They were married and he wouldn’t even take you out with him. He still wouldn’t answer you and that made you even more mad. He knew you hated being ignored. “You’re not gonna answer me?” Silence.
You sat up in the bed with the sheet wrapped around your body and chucked a pillow at the back of his head hard. “Answer me, Galindo.”
He flinched when the pillow hit him and turned around, picking it up off the floor while he walked back toward the bed. “What did I say about asking me stupid shit like that, huh?” He placed the pillow on the bed and grabbed your chin with his hand, holding it a little more tightly than was necessary. “Cuida tu lenguaje. Now I’m going to go have this meeting, and I’ll be back tomorrow. Then this weekend we can take a trip out of town, yeah?” You didn’t answer him so he pulled your face to his and kissed you.
As much as you wanted to pout and resist, his kisses always left you breathless. You fell into the kiss easily and pushed forward to apply more pressure, but he pulled away. “Are we good?” He asked, your lips still grazing each other.
“Yeah.” You breathed out and he gave you one more kiss before grabbing his wallet and cellphone and leaving the bedroom. You flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling as you listened to him leave. The front door closed and several seconds later you heard the tell-tale sound of the SUV roaring to life before speeding out of the driveway.
You and Miguel had been going strong for several months now, but it was a complicated situation. He was in the process of getting a divorce when y’all got together. You were just a working girl trying to keep your head above water. You weren’t looking for anything when he walked into your life, but now you couldn’t picture not having him. He made you feel so alive and loved, but you hadn’t been feeling appreciated. You knew it was hard because him and Emily were married and had a child together, but the marriage was over long before the ink dried on those divorce papers. You would not and could not continue to be made to feel like his dirty little secret.
You laid in bed for several more minutes feeling sorry for yourself before an idea popped into your head. It was risky. It could end badly, but you were prepared for the consequences. This could make or break your relationship, but if things ended at least you went out like a real one and demanded your respect. You got out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower. You had a night out to get ready for.
The slinky dress you had on glittered in the light as you entered the night club. Your usually curly hair was pulled back into a pin straight long ponytail, your strappy heels accentuated your legs, and your makeup was flawless. The music was loudly pumping through the speakers as you made your way toward the entrance of the VIP area. You knew Miguel would be there with his associates. As you made it to the velvet rope, you locked eyes with Nestor who’s jaw almost dropped seeing you.
“He’s gonna lose his shit.” He told you as you walked right up to him. You and Nestor got along relatively well. You both liked each other’s attitudes.
“That’s the plan.” You smirked and Nestor only shook his head with a chuckle. 
“Is it part of the plan for him to kill me and then you? Because that’s what’s gonna happen.” He added, but you wouldn’t be deterred. You’d come too far to turn back now.
“We can pretend we never saw each other. Just let me through before I make a scene and really, I think we both would prefer that didn’t happen.” You lightly threatened, but you were fully prepared to go through with it.
A scene was the last thing he wanted to be a part of. Especially not when Mikey was doing business, but if you wanted to throw yourself in the fire then who was he to stop you? “Good luck.” Nestor commented, letting you enter the VIP and you dropped a quick kiss to his cheek before you ascended the stairs.
There were a bunch of men in suits with girls all around them. It seemed like a typical night for a club with rich clientele. You didn’t know these men, but you knew they were loaded and you knew they did dangerous business. They weren’t your concern though. Your eyes scanned the lounge for Miguel and it wasn’t until you entered a side room that you spotted him.
There was a girl on a pole entertaining the men in the room. Miguel was holding a conversation with a gentleman whose gun was showing from under his jacket. You spotted some fruit lying on the table and popped a cherry into your mouth at the exact moment Miguel noticed you. His eyes raked your form before landing on your face and he did a double take as if to confirm to himself that he was seeing you. You merely looked right at him, smirking. You practically dared him to make a scene in front of everyone.
Without a word, he stood up from his seat and strolled over to you. He tightly grasped your arm before pulling you out of the side room and walking you to a corner of the balcony. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Well, this is a club so I came to get drunk and dance. There’s no better way to spend a Friday night.” You nonchalantly explained but Miguel was not amused.
His grip on your arm tightened as he got in your face. “Don’t provoke me, Y/N.”
“Provoke you? Oh sweetheart…” You began, holding his face and brushing your thumb over his cheek. “I’m just doing my part as your plaything. Do you like the dress? It’s really short.” You removed the hand from his face and placed it over his right one. You slowly guided his hand up your thigh and under your dress as you brought your face closer to his. “You could fuck me without even taking it off.” Your lips brushed the shell of his ear.
He stopped your movement and his hand got tangled in the material of your dress as he drew you closer. “You’re treading on dangerous territory.”
“And to think we’re only getting started.” You challenged him, staring into his eyes. You wouldn’t back down that easily. Not this time.
Miguel seemed to realize you wouldn’t just cower at his words and he saw red. Yes he knew you were independent and headstrong, but you had never so boldly stepped to him. He hated not being in control. He let your dress go and dragged you toward the staircase, practically pushing you down the stairs.
“Nestor, please let the Castros know I will have everything written up for them in a week and we can celebrate with drinks then.” Miguel instructed, once they reached the bottom of the stairs. Nestor looked from Miguel to you and then back to Miguel.
“Sure thing, Mikey.” He nodded in confirmation, before watching Miguel drag you along out of the club. He definitely would not be calling Miguel until tomorrow morning. He wanted no part of whatever was about to happen.
The ride back to your place was a silent one. You both had steam coming out of your ears, you were so mad at each other. You also were both too stubborn to speak first. Miguel waited until it was just the two of you inside of your home and then he exploded.
“What the fuck did you think you were doing, huh!? I told you very specifically to stay the fuck at home and yet here you go. Do you enjoy pissing me off? Is that what this is?” He asked, hands on his hips and his voice full of bass.
Your head rocked back at his audacity. “So you can fuck me all day, bury yourself so deep inside me that I don’t know where I end and you began, but we gotta act like total strangers out in public? Really?”
“You never had a problem with it before.” He pointed out. The nature of your relationship has been the same for months and things have been fine in his eyes. He tried his best to be gentle with you, but it seems he let you think he could be walked over. No matter. He would correct that tonight.
“Yeah, because I thought it was necessary! Your divorce wasn’t final and I didn’t want to be seen as some home wrecking hoe when that was not the case. But you’re a divorced man now. There is no good reason we can’t be together fully unless you’re playing games. And if you’re playing games, let me tell you right now that I don’t wanna play anymore. If you don’t love me, just tell me so I can move on.”
Miguel hated being pushed and he despised ultimatums even more. He’s not the kind of man who gets told what to do. He laughed but there was no humor in it. “You are forgetting your place. If I wanna keep you chained to the gahdamn bed all day then that’s what’s gonna happen. Every decision I make is to keep you safe and that is NOT up for discussion.”
You were the black girl embodiment of the white guy blinking gif as you listened to Miguel. “And I don’t have a choice in this? The occurrences in my life aren’t up for discussion?”
“Not anymore. You knew who I was from the very beginning and it appealed to you right? Savvy businessman with ‘rumored’ connections to the drug world.” He practically slithered over to you until he was all in your personal space. He leaned his face in and let his nose graze up your neck, over your jawline, and up your cheek until he was whispering in your ear. “Mmm. I bet it got your panties all wet, but you didn’t truly know what being mine entailed. The list of people that want me dead or want to hurt me is quite long. The moment you become my woman publicly is the moment those enemies look at you as a weakness they can use to get to me. They will want to hurt you, probably even kill you. Have you truly thought about that?”
You were silent because he was right. Yes, you knew he was Miguel Galindo and so he was the head of a criminal family but you never fully processed how you would fit into that. You always just looked at him as your man and his business as something separate from you. His words solidified that those two worlds couldn’t be separated.
“Yeah, I thought so. But that’s okay querida because it’s been the only thing I’ve thought about for months. From the moment you smiled at me, I’ve wanted you and the second you let me explore every inch of your body you signed your life away to me. You made a deal with el diablo and didn’t even know it.” His hand slowly rubbed your back while holding you close, a familiar show of softness that did not match the words leaving his mouth.
“What?” His words both turned you on and frightened you. You suddenly felt in over your head. But at the same time, knowing he was only trying to keep you safe made you love him all the more.
“You give me all of you; heart, mind, and body. In exchange, I give you everything you could possibly want. Clothes, trips, jewelry, opportunities, and security in every context of the word. So if I say it’s not safe for us to go public you take that as fucking law.” You felt his fingers running up your back before they swiftly entangled in your ponytail and roughly pulled your head back. “And yet, you tried to force my hand tonight after you were given specific instructions to stay home.”
“Miguel…” You breathlessly spoke out, but you weren’t sure what to say. Your head was spinning as it processed this new man in front of you. Well, he wasn’t completely new. You’d seen this side of him, but in regards to business. Never in yall’s relationship.
Miguel brought your face to his and kissed you with an intensity that took your breath away. He was completely in control as his tongue expertly explored your mouth. Your taste was already ingrained in his memory and he would never get enough of it. His kiss brought tiny moans out of your mouth that he quickly swallowed. One hand stayed gripping your ponytail and the other slid up your thighs and under your dress.
He pulled away from the kiss and turned you around so your back was against his chest. He kept your head tilted back as he spoke in your ear. “Don’t ever question my love for you ever again. I would kill anyone that so much as looked at you wrong or too long. Is that what it’s gonna take, hm? You need me to put a bullet in someone’s head to know my love is real? Because I can do that no problem.”
You tried to turn your head to face him, but he roughly pulled on your hair to keep your face facing forward. “N-no! Don’t do that Miguel. I believe you.” You certainly didn’t want some innocent person dying over you.
“Tu eres mia. Lo entiendes?” He growled in your ear before walking you over to the couch. He bent you over the arm of it and slapped your ass when you took too long to answer him.
“Sí.” You moaned softly as he slapped your ass again. He gripped the back of your panties and pulled, rubbing your underwear against your pussy. You were already dripping and it allowed the panties to rub over you easier. This drew a squeal from you.
“Let me hear that again.” Miguel stated, pulling even harder on your panties making you grip the couch.
“Mmm…” You moaned, knowing you were soaking your panties as they rubbed against your lower lips.
He pulled on the fabric so tightly that just as it began to hurt a little you heard them rip. He threw it to the side and just admired the sight of you bent over and exposed to him. Your pussy was glistening and he wanted to dive in, but he had a point to prove first.
You tried to stand up straight but the hand still in your hair, forced your head down. “Don’t fucking move.” He demanded, letting the middle finger of his free hand drag over your lower lips. He entered you without warning, making a groan escape you. He added another finger immediately, the ring finger.
His index and pinky fingers rested on your ass as he fucked you with his middle fingers. The pace was agonizingly slow at first. He was punishing you by dragging it out. He knew you loved a good hard fuck and he wasn’t gonna give it to you...yet.
“Miguel please..” You begged, trying to move your ass against him but he just released your hair and pushed down on your lower back leaving you trapped against the couch.
“Please what?” He asked, wanting to hear you say the words. He was still slowly fucking you and your stomach was a knot of nerves but it still wasn’t enough to drive you over the edge.
“Please fuck me harder baby. Please, I need it.” You begged, unable to do much of anything besides take it. He was owning every part of your body.
He finally picked up the pace and the only sounds in the room were the wet noises of his fingers speeding in and out of your pussy mixed with your moans. He slid you back off the couch just enough so his other hand could reach your clit. He wanted to feel you come apart just from his fingers.
“You better cum for me right now.” He growled, his fingers pinching your clit as his other hand fucked you senseless even as your walls closed around him.
“Yes, yes, yes...fuck!” You screamed, as your orgasm swept through your body. You stood on your tiptoes and arched your back. Your juices flowed out all over his hand. You exhaled loudly as the effects of your release slowed down.
“Oh that’s a good girl. You are mine.” He repeated, letting you shakily stand up from where he had you bent over. You turned around and watched as he sucked his fingers in his mouth, savoring the taste of you. Your arousal shot back up at the sight.
“Bedroom. Now.” He instructed, as he began unbuckling his pants. You started this evening out wanting to put your foot down with Miguel, but he quickly took back the reins like the dominant he was. Damn him and his unflinching controlling and possessive behavior.
Just because you lost the upper hand, it didn’t mean you couldn’t be a little defiant. You pulled the dress off over your head and threw it at his feet. You were left naked except for your heels. “Fine.”
The look in his eyes had you strutting to the bedroom….quickly.
Miguel smirked as he watched you head toward the bedroom. He slowly followed behind you, shedding his clothes along the way. He was going to keep you up all night making sure you never have any doubts about who you belong to and who loves you.
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richukisbb · 5 years
Hey love ! Please answer me i love your writing xx Can you make a blurb about taking a super extra morning flight with the guys and how it would be like ? Please answer ily xx
Ahh thank you!! Sorry it’s taking me a while to get through my inbox ❤️❤️❤️
Appreciate this though and drop on by my inbox to hang or something 🥳
Neither of you wanna get up
 So you set alarms for the last possible second before Ali or Clara come for his ass It’s 3am and you gotta catch your flights to Tokyo
Delusional af
You sit up from the bed and Chris pulls the covers over himself
“You’re gonna get us in trouble. Cmon lets go.”
You’re getting ready and Christopher is still asleep.
Literally have to pull the covers off him and he just groans
 “M O V EEEEE, mi amor. They’ll be here any second.” 
Chris grumbles and pulls you into the bathroom as he blindly tries to brush his teeth. He enjoys these quiet moments. 
But you wiggle out of his grasp because you still gotta pack. 
Somehow you make it to the airport and it’s dead quiet 
In this hc all the boys have partners lmao 
So you’re all there talking to one another. 
Yawning you hug chris’ sides
You groan and hide your face away from the camera 
Why he like this ??
Definitely gets up on time
In fact home boy gets up before his alarm
You’re the one that oversleeps It’s a flight to London 
Dude you still have to pack
So you’re shoving everything into the suitcase 
and Joel is reminding you of everything you need to pack
Toothpaste? Clothes ? Passport?
“Should I wear my coat or pack it im the suit case babe?”
“You might get cold on the plane so wear it.” 
Oh your way to the airport, your stomach grumbles and you’re getting hangry
But he’s like the soccer mom 
He’s got all the snacks
So even though it’s 4:32 am, at least you’re well fed
 Will definitely buy the overpriced coffee at the airport.
Doesn’t wanna get up “But five more minutes, mi amor.”
“You said that twenty minutes ago...”
“I’ll stick two Cheetos up your nose...”
“Okay okay!!”
He’s at least ready to jet out of the house 
When you get to the airport he’s heading for the convenience store and wanna buy all the snacks 
But it’s like 3am and Erick being on a sugar rush this early isn’t a mood 
“Only get it if you promise not to eat until 8am”
He buys it 
Eats the Oreos anyway because baby don’t listen
Shares them with Chris Now you have two hyper band mates singing 
“I want it that way.”
Joel is aboutta knock them both on their heads
Responsible tooI think he’d also get up on time And watching him get up is your favorite part box he sleeps shirtless so when he stretches, you can see every contour and move of his muscles
I just swooned a little
“You’re staring” you can hear the smirk in his tone “Nahh I’m sleeping.” He crawls to your side of the bed and peppers kisses all over your face “Let’s go...”You’re getting ready and head downstairs when you realize there’s something whipping up in the kitchen “Richard??? We don’t have time for breakfast!!”But he’s already plating toasts and eggs for the both of you“Yeah babe, but I know how you get if you don’t have some breakfast.”It’s 3:20 so about that breakfast time anyway so you quickly scarf down the food. I HOPE this man can make his toast and eggs well You’re on the airplane and looking out the window but you’re still on the tarmac. Richard snaps a picture and posts some corny emo caption like “All I see is you 🌙🖤”
For a split second probably thinks about leaving the band because of how often the alarms are going off. 4:35am and all our gentle giant wants is sleep Lucky for him he doesn’t even have to change to get readyHe’ll literally leave the house in his sweats I think he’s definitely on the quiet side but will do small gestures of “I’m tired but I love you so here’s a cup of coffee I made.” Forehead kisses you when you rub his back as to comfort him These long ass schedules are draining Zabdiel is asleep in the car on the way to the airport But his hand is always connected to yours Immediately falls asleep with his head on your shoulder on the plane too Just let my gentle giant sleeeep
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lokidoki-imagines · 7 years
The Secret Book Club Part 3
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Pairing: Loki x Reader
Content/Warnings: If you squint, there’s sorta fluff? Though not with the god of mischief 😜 But more than anything there’s angst. You guys should have known that was gonna come sooner or later! Also minor spoiler for Ragnarok!
Words: 1864
Anon I promise we’ll get to your fluff soon, but it’s always so much fluffier when it’s built up, don’t you think? As always if you want to be added to the tag list, inbox me! 
@Mrsethedreamqueen, @Asometimestroubledmind, @undiscoveries, @ladydork, @thefallenbibliophilequote, @What-lies-within-us, @mymourningtea, @autistic-alien, @pixierox101, @whatsbetterthanfantasy, @sarcasmismysexuality, @allltheships, @mrsstarkpotter, @meunicorn, @weasley-parker, @constellationsolo, @graysonmalfoy, @prncesskte, @mi-draws, @trans-kid-trash, @thecaptainamerica16, @deafeninghighheels, @also-known-as-me, @riverdalerebel
Part one Part two Part four Part five Part six Part seven (NSFW)
You threw your phone onto the floor as soon as you’d sent the text. Yes. Yes? What kind of answer is that? Sitting down on the floor beside your bed you pulled your head into your hands, knees drawing themselves to your chest. You tried to comprehend what was happening as you heard your phone vibrate. You didn’t want to see the answer, drawing your head up you gazed at your bookcase, your eyes scanning every spine. He’d read them all, he liked your books and you had to go and ruin the perfect set up by panicking as usual. 
Falling onto your stomach you grabbed your phone and crawled back into your position on the floor. Flicking the screen on you were surprised to see that it was a text from Thor instead.
‘May I speak with you Y/N?’
Thor had picked up earth technology very quickly and knew a great deal about how everything worked, though he wouldn’t let Tony in on his secret. No it was much more fun tinkering with things then getting him to fix them instead. 
‘Of course Thor, what’s wrong? Everything okay?’
Standing up you decided to change into warmer clothes while you waited for a reply. The seasons had begun to change and Tony refused to let you put the central heating on just yet much to your dismay. “It’s practically summer still Y/N!”
“Summer still my arse...” You mumbled, throwing a fluffy jumper over your head. There was a brief knock at the door, you panicked a little thinking that it was the mischievous god. Shaking your head to yourself you realised it couldn’t be, he hadn’t done the secret knock. 
Frowning you opened your door to reveal Thor, “Walk?” He smiled. Nodding silently you pulled on some trainers and followed him down the corridor. “You’re cold.” He mumbled, eyeing your thick fluffy jumper with distaste. You wondered why but ignored it as he stopped abruptly in a narrow corridor.
You watched as he opened his mouth before looking up at the ceiling, seemingly collecting his thoughts.”Thor just spill it.” You wanted this over as quickly as possible. You were still pretty stressed about the whole Loki situation and needed to concentrate on that more than anything else, but you still wanted to be a good friend to Thor. 
He placed one of his large hands on your shoulder and looked down at you, “Y/N. You’re like the sister I never had.” He paused and scrunched his face, “Well I did have a sister but she ended up destroying our home but, you get the idea.” He rushed before smiling gently again. “You’re like a sister to me and that’s why I want you to know that you can tell me anything.”
His words were sweet and made you a little emotional but you still didn’t quite get where this had all come from. You narrowed your eyes, “Is this because of that box of sex toys?” You asked quickly, avoiding his eyes a little as you relived the memory. You held your hands up “Because Thor you don’t have to worry about me, I don’t have a sex problem if that’s what you were thinking. I mean -”
Thor rubbed his chin and laughed a little. “- what’s so funny?”
“I may pretend that I am dim Y/N, however I see much more than people think.” Your heart dropped into your stomach as images of Loki flashed in your mind. You tried to play calm and neutral, pretending that you didn’t know what he meant with a shrug of your shoulders.
“Loki was never one to do things half hearted.” You froze as he started to walk. Remembering how to use your legs you hurried after him. “He’s always been bold and obnoxious and arrogant to a fault but he’s still my brother.” Stopping he turned to you quickly. “I’m not blind, Y/N.” He looked at you expectantly, though you weren’t really sure what you were meant to say. 
“Why didn’t either of you tell me that you two are together?” Wait, what? “Loki needs you like...like...” He stopped, trying to find the right words. “Thor...”
Your heart broke for him, “Thor,” you spoke louder. He stopped his muttering as you placed a hand on his arm and shook your head. “Thor me and Loki aren’t together. We just...” You trailed off, trying to find the right words. “We’d sneak books to each other. He’d lend me his magic books, teach me a little and I’d lend him mine.”
Thors smile dropped as you carried on, “Then I was out of books and I panicked. I worried that if I didn’t find another book right then that he would leave and not bother anymore, and I didn’t want him to leave! So I threw that stupid copy of 50 Shades of Grey at his head and he did said that bloody thing at breakfast, so I planted those pants and then the box turned up and then we ended up here; both of us trying to outdo the other...” It really had been a whirlwind 24 hours, you glanced up at your friend. “But now I’m scared.” Retracting your hand back you fiddled with your jumper, avoiding the thunder gods gaze you stared at his shoes. 
“Thor I don’t know what to do. I - I don’t want to lose Loki, but I never really had him to lose...He’s my best friend and...” Your voice grew thick as emotions you’d suppressed for a long time began to surface, you quickly wiped at your eyes. “ I preferred the emptiness when I didn’t know it was there.” You sniffed, feeling hopeless and just so tired. 
Thor pulled you in for a hug and held you tight, squeezing you as you let out a quiet sob. “Y/N,” He sighed, his chin resting on your head. “Loki’s heart is a simple one, it only has two settings ‘not at all’ or ‘too much’ and I think I know which one it’s set too with you.” Squeezing him a little tighter you nodded, understanding what he was trying to say. “Talk to him,” He bade “not through texts or pranks. Just talk with him.”
He pulled you away slightly, keeping you within his arms he pursed his lips. “I’m glad it’s you Y/N, I could think of no one better.” And with a ruffle of your hair he turned, walking away down the corridor.
Glad what was me? No one better for what? Hugging yourself you left with your thoughts a jumbled mess and eyes redder than when you arrived. You walked until you reached the turn for Loki’s room. You could avoid him. You could do what you did with everything in life and simply avoid the pain and heartbreak by avoiding him. 
Something was different this time though, you thought, forcing yourself to walk to his door. You didn’t want to avoid this time because you needed him in your life. “Even if it’s just as a friend.” You reassured yourself, knocking three times.
Movement was coming from behind the door as your heart rate picked up, your face flushed red and the tears were there behind your eyes as he pulled the door open.
He had a surprised look on his face when he saw you standing there, though it quickly turned to one of concern as he took in your puffy eyes and fidgeting hands. “What...Who...?” He stumbled, his green eyes searching yours.
You shook your head and stepped under his arm into his room. He’d had it decorated as soon as he’d arrived in stark white, though his belongings and accessories were all green and gold. You heard him shut the door and take a few steps in, lingering behind you.
Your eyes fell onto the trio of books sat neatly on his bedside table. You shook your head and turned to face him, “No.”
He raised an eyebrow, “No to all this, this pranking Loki. No more deliveries or staging or flirtatious texts!” Feeling the tears form you blinked them back, “No more. And for the record, I’m not crying because I’m upset okay? It just happens when I get angry,” You turned away and sat on the chest at the end of his bed. “just be thankful I’m not turning Bruce Banner on your ass.”
Loki stood stock still in his position as he watched you wipe your face on your sleeves, his expression giving away nothing. “Aren’t you going to say anything?” 
Your words seemed to have woke him up as he moved to speak. “I made you angry?” He questioned, his voice more vulnerable than you’d heard it before, much softer as he moved with quiet grace to the space next to you. Sniffing you nodded and shook your head together, “Yes, but no too.” His hands were still in his lap, “I’m not angry Loki I just...I wish I could erase the past day and we could just go back to how things were.” He turned his face away from you, but you saw the hurt on it. “Back to the easy friendship we had with our books -”
“Our easy friendship.” He spat, standing and pacing. “If you wish to go back to that then fine. We’ll go back to sneaking around in the early hours of the morning, telling no one of each others existence and pretending that nothing is happening.”
You frowned as he grew more agitated by the second. His handsome face was pulled downwards, “Loki -”
He shook his head vehemently, “Don’t Loki me as if you’re so innocent in all this!” You stood in anger, Loki standing still before you too. “Every flirtation I sent your way you sent back, every game I played you played along and I thought we both wanted the same thing but obviously I’ve grown too soft and blind.” He yelled, making you shrink a little. His height caused him to loom over you like a dark cloud, you matched his gaze and dug your nails into your palms.
“I’ll just leave then shall I? I don’t have to put up with this!” You cried, trying to ignore the feeling of your heart breaking. “I’ll just go and you’ll never have to see me again if you don’t want, it’s a big compound. I’m sure we could come to some sort of arrangement.” You laced your words with sarcasm like he laced his weapons with poison.
You stared him down and wanted him to say something, anything and you would stay. You’d plant yourself like a seed and stay and grow with him by your side for the rest of eternity if he would let you.
Instead he turned his face away and you had your answer. The ties that were holding you together snapped as you brushed past him towards the door, the tears flowing freely now. “It’s sad isn’t it?” Twisting the handle you paused and looked back at the prince, “I once thought worlds of you Loki,” With a broken voice you slipped into the corridor and cried “and now you’re just another lesson.”
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bellsybuilds · 7 years
[Overwatch] Hold your tongue 3/? (T, Akande/Lucio, 3.6k)
Hold your tongue, Chapter 3/? (Can also be read on AO3)
Doomfist | Akande Ogundimu / Lúcio Correia dos Santos (M)
Chapters 1 / 2 / 3 | Ceasefire Masterlist
To move forward, you must first look back.
-3 months ago-
“You know what this is?”
Hana squints at the tiny, circular container Lúcio holds up to her eye. Fitting small and neat in her palm, she pokes at the smooth, clear glass. Her voice is bright with conspiracy and triumph. “Omnic DNA.”
Lúcio arches an eyebrow. “Wha? Uh… maybe. I don’t… hmm… well.” He studies it closely, rubbing his chin in thought. He doesn’t think it’s based on omnic designs, but his homegrown knowledge of electrical engineering is passable, at best. He shakes the device in its case. “It’s a homing beacon. Tracker. I didn’t notice it ‘til we got back to base, and Athena’s alarms went off.”
Hana’s eyebrows rise in surprise. “It’s not one of yours?” At Lúcio’s shake of his head, she leans in for a closer look, mouth pensive. “Where did you get it?”
“You remember that friend we met today?”
Hana blinks at him. “Mister Mask? Or Mister Fist?”
Lúcio gives her a significant look, mouth tugging into a small smirk.
His new friend stares at him blankly. “I don’t know what that means.”
Lúcio flexes his arm, hand balling into a fist. Hana giggles at his exaggerated smirk, hiding her mouth behind her hand. It’s a good likeness. “I think someone just left me an invitation,” Lúcio explains, without explaining much of anything. Especially how the prospect makes his blood thrum at the challenge.
When Doomfist and Reaper made their stunt-worthy exit from Unity Plaza that afternoon, Lúcio thought that could be the last he would see of them, unless 76 decided to extend an olive branch while the DJ was still in town. That was unlikely, from what Lúcio gauged of the stern, proud soldier.
Lúcio wasn’t supposed to be there.
“Girl, we talked about this when I last saw you in London – Vishkar, the amplifier.” Lúcio had waved over his shoulder when the call came in, as though to gesture at all the things he’d resigned to leave with Rio when he went on tour. “That’s all done. I’m helping people another way now.”
Lena steamrolled on with her encouraging, sunny smile. Shrugging, like she was asking him to ‘pop down to the shops for some milk, luv’. “You’d be in our backlines as support,” she had said, “If anyone catches this on video, you’d be well out of range.”
Out of range? “You expecting a fight? I thought you said this was just an escort. And why can’t you hire private security for this?”
She hummed in consideration. “No, it’s sensitive, we are the security. And I meant… more if you were worried about a media storm. You have some big names backing you. But fire fights, too, right!”
Okay, he hadn’t specifically mentioned guns, but it was good to know where Lena’s head was at.
Lúcio snorted under his breath and smiled, calm and confident. “I’m not worried about any media. After Rio, people know what I stand for.”
Lena’s shifty look was slightly bashful while she bit her lip. Was she embarrassed? “Well… perception is reality, is what they say. And we’re still sort of… persona non grata. People infer a lot by the company you keep.”
“Hey. Hey. I could never be ashamed of being seen with you. Ace pilot. Fighter for the people. Doesn’t even cheat on races. I don’t shun my friends like that.”
Lena had brightened, leaning into the camera with an excited smile. “So, you’ll come? Just this once, I promise. We could really use your help, if it doesn’t disrupt your schedule. And you can wear a disguise… all mysterious-like if it’s easier. Talk to your agent.”
“Oh I will definitely not be telling them about this.”
But three months later, Lúcio was still riding with Overwatch and his agent was still wondering why Lucio had such a large allotment of free time that was originally slated for charity work and promotions. Volunteering is how he thought of it, as Lena had apologised they couldn’t pay him for his time. Lúcio wasn’t in need of the money, and he thought of all their strange security details as work to help a friend short-handed.
His agent would have had his head if they knew how he was ‘wasting’ his time.
And sometimes, Lúcio did wonder what was really going on – why specialists and scientists as overqualified as former Overwatch personnel were protecting a film director from fears of anti-omnic violence through a Hollywood set. But it was no grief to volunteer his time and abilities to heal their minor hurts and speed up their ventures (“I knew you brought that thing with you!” Lena had crowed when Lúcio had turned up with his sonic amplifier slung over his shoulder). He genuinely enjoyed their company: Jesse had a dry, wicked sense of humour; Lena always made him smile; Winston was patient and pleased that someone was interested in his inventions; and when Hana showed up, Lúcio was starstruck. It was also the first real sign that he wasn’t the only favour Overwatch was calling in: they were recruiting fresh blood.
He’d tried playing ignorant before, and it hadn’t ended well for Rio.
Then Soldier 76 turned up with Ana at his side. Old soldiers. Lúcio could see it in the way they carried themselves, their direct and confronting manner, accustomed to authority and sharp, considered answers. A heavy, weary quiet preceded each room they entered like an augur of grief. The hysterical reaction to their appearance had been enough to humble Lúcio into a quiet corner to observe, until those two elders had turned to Overwatch’s newest recruits and asked, “And who is this?”
They had returned to lay Numbani on the table and ask for help: a supposed ceasefire to a war Lúcio didn’t even realise was raging. A chill ran down his spine when he heard the name ‘Doomfist’, and he had said ‘yes’.  
It was fair time he learned what was really going on.
And of all Overwatch’s roster, Lúcio didn’t expect to be the one receiving a personal follow-up invitation. Or was it a challenge?
Hana takes the tiny container again and holds it up to the light, frowning. "So, you gonna call them?”
Lúcio shrugs, tracking the arcing glints of light off the clear glass as Hana turns it over under the pale bulbs of their hideaway. “Might drop in.”
“You can do that?”
“Who’s gonna stop me?”
It’s Hana’s turn to look skeptical, amusingly so. She thrusts both arms out to enframe the command room of agents before them, new and unfamiliar, and none the wiser for their scheming. Hana and Lúcio are both new to this strange organisation. It’s easy to bond over their youth and mutual celebrity when it’s earned them skepticism from these seasoned soldiers, scientists and… whatever McCree is.
Overwatch has co-opted this stationery re-supply store as their command centre in Numbani’s office precinct. For children who grew up hearing the legend of Overwatch and its agents, it’s sobering when they meet the shadows of its remains within abandoned buildings, reclaimed bases and crowded hotel rooms. The whole experience has been insightful: for all their humour and abilities, these people scramble to organise, and argue like every other group Lúcio has ever worked with. They’re just ordinary people.
They have more resources than Lúcio ever did when he and his crew led Rio against Vishkar, but his crew was tight. They were truly unified in common purpose.
Lena and her friends feel like they’re working from contract to contract – scattered, directionless, and united on hope for a mission nobody will speak aloud. Unstable grounds for trust or unity.
He swipes the container back from Hana, flipping it like a coin. “They’d just slow me down.”
Anyway, Lúcio is finding it hard to keep a low profile with his face plastered on banners through the whole city. At least he’d have an explanation for being seen in the streets. He reminds himself he’s only here as a favour to Lena, with his next concert not for another two days.
Hana leans in, crowding close against his shoulder. Sharing a desk in the back corner of the largely empty space, they are only half-listening with everyone else to Winston’s explanation of the storeroom of peanut butter unearthed that morning.
“Want back up?” Hana offers quietly, hopeful, angling for a cure to her boredom, but Lúcio smiles, shaking his head.
“I got this.”
Once he’s back in his hotel room, it’s a simple process to contact the world’s most accomplished hacker: a scrambled email to one of three watched inboxes, and then sitting back to wait. The only challenge is in earning their acknowledgement.
The video call comes less than ten minutes after Lúcio hits ‘send’.
Sombra’s face lights the heads-up display of Lúcio’s phone with her mischievous smile. Lúcio counts himself extremely lucky he gets a response each time he has reached out, that he is one of the few people in the world who knows the face behind the name. He has used her trust sparingly.
Sombra’s sing-song greeting makes him smile. “Ay, Lucito-oo-oo! La lucecita de mi noche!”
“Hola, Sombrita.” Lúcio winks, bringing up the high resolution scan and analysis of the tracker he had found tacked to his boot.
“Vishkar? Atlas? Who are we stealing from to–” Sombra’s gaze turns to the incoming image on her side. “Ooh.”
Lúcio watches her face carefully. “You lose something?”
Expression morphing to one of cooing appreciation, Sombra’s mouth purses in pleasure. “Mm, the detail on this: ‘exquisite’ as my friend would say.”
She laughs like it’s a shared private joke. Lúcio can’t help returning the smile, shaking his head. Sombra could never refrain from praising her own work, and he enjoys that about her. She is accomplished and deservedly proud of it.
On again, off again acquaintances, Lúcio hopes today that Sombra is on his side.
“A big guy from a bad place stuck this on me earlier today. What do you know about that?”
Sombra’s mouth pulls in a shrug, head tilted in consideration. “He’s not that bad.”
He frowns. Not that bad? Doomfist? The Scourge’s successor?  “What makes you say that?”
“He pays me.”
Lúcio blinks, mouth falling open. Sombra… and Doomfist? His brain feels like it has split down the middle. He leans in to his monitor. “You’re working with Talon? ¿Lula, en qué pensabas? ¿No sabes quién es? ¿Sabes las cosas que hizo?”
That went against everything she was supposed to stand for! She was supposed to be independent like him! Sombra was supposed to fight for the people, not… work with the people who would destroy them!
Sombra’s playful smile sharpens like the glint of a blade, a reminder that him she will cut him loose and scour all evidence of their bond without a second thought. He clenches his jaw under the intensity of her warning gaze that bores into him through the display.
“Name me 'squid’ again, Lucero,” she dares, cool and tempered. “You called me. You want answers, you mind your mouth.”
He rankles at the butcher of his name, biting down on the aggravation lest Sombra feed on his reaction.
She points off-screen presumably where Lúcio’s tracker displays on her side. “His name is ‘Doomfist’, you already know. He ordered a set of these; a lot of interesting people passing through Numbani these days.” She straightened in her chair, turning idly on its axle to provide her full attention. “I heard your talks were interrupted.”
“Yeah.” Lúcio deflates with a scowl, still stung with disappointment. He thought there were good odds Sombra would have intel on his mark, but not that she would be working with him, consciously and voluntarily.
“Well, if you’re interested, I think it’s worth hearing what he had to say. If I turn it back on, that tracker works both ways, you know.”
He didn’t even have to ask. Sombra may be one of the greatest founts of knowledge on the planet, but Lúcio wonders if she realises her own weaknesses? She could never resist a chance to close the social gap, bring the mighty low. If she was not stepping to protect Doomfist, then the man had not earned her complete loyalty yet.
Lúcio tries not to smile, cringing instead and affecting self-doubt.
“You mean– me? Talk to… him?”
Sombra shrugs. “Why not you?”
He can’t help showing her offer for what it was. “Sounds like a trap.”
“If you’re part of Overwatch, maybe. Or you could use your independent status to do something useful.” She raises her hand and, in a few blips of lavender, the heads up display blinks. A new window pops up with a street map of Numbani. In the heart of the residential district across the city, a red icon blinks, strong and steady.
Using his independent status.
“Like you?”
Sombra shakes her head, dismissing it immediately. “I don’t make house calls.”
Lúcio studies the red blink of the icon, considering his options.
“Is he alone?” he finally asks.
“He is.” Sombra leans in, the glint in her eye turning coy. “Don’t overstay your welcome.”
Lúcio smiles at the overt suggestion in her tone. “Still looking out for me? Watch your own back, Hermanita.”
She clicks her tongue, giving him a sharp wink. “Still older than you.”
The call disconnects.
-Present day-
Lúcio’s arrival is heralded by the strange sound of his skates, an electro-mechanical whir that always made Akande wonder how the DJ could achieve stealth if he even tried.
Today, stealth is not the priority.
“Coming in over the wing, open the doors.”
Lúcio maneuvers through the narrow gap of the rear cargo bay doors without breaking his stride, swinging down from the roof and and inside through one fluid motion. Akande’s palm slams the controls, and the door begins to seal behind him.
Before the door is entirely shut, Lúcio is already descending the ship’s stair, not sparing Akande a second glance. It stings, but there are greater concerns on Akande’s mind, too.
“Where is she?” Lúcio demands, catching sight of Sombra’s prone form in the same breath. He bolts across the short bay and drops to his knees, swinging the pack off his back. “Ay, Sombra! ¿Soy yo, Lúcio, puedes escucharme?” The caricature of Muiraquitã on his pack immediately begins to soothe with a familiar healing song as the audio medic digs in his bag for supplies, and glances back to Akande hovering uncertainly by the stairs. “Get over here, I need your help.”
“What should I do?” Akande kneels beside him, reaching again to apply pressure on Sombra’s wound.
Sweat beads on Lúcio’s hairline, he must have pushed hard to get here so quickly. His eyes are intent on Sombra’s wound while he lifts Akande’s hand to take in the damage. “Shut up and follow my lead.”
Sombra does not respond to the motion of Akande nor Lúcio crowding around her, to the pressure of Lúcio pressing Akande’s hands back with fresh bandages, or the jerk of her body when Lúcio cuts her jacket open to check for further wounds.
“¿Sombrita?” Lúcio calls sharply, firmly patting her cheek when she still doesn’t stir. Sombra’s head lolls to the side and Lúcio curses, pulling from his bag what Akande recognises as a scanner and one of the battery packs for his sonic amplifier. It sloshes with a rich gold liquid. “Okay, wound’s clear but her color is bad,” Lúcio says, drawing Akande’s attention back to his stern expression searching Sombra’s face, so keenly focused in his work. “We’re going to close this up, and then I need your help administering a transfusion; she needs blood.”
Akande nods without hesitation. “I am a universal donor.”
“I know,” Lúcio mutters, attention focused on calibrating another tool Akande does not recognise, something that looks like a thick, elaborate pen ending in a round, tapered point. Plugging its cabled extension into his battery pack of golden liquid, it lights up with an ethereal humm. Lúcio pulls Akande’s hand away and holds the edges of Sombra’s wound apart. Golden mist threads from the hand-held device into the red cavity of her flesh, and Akande watches the wound knit back together before his eyes.
He has seen many miracles in his lifetime: from his own augmentations to the jewel of Numbani rising against the African sun, but witnessing the technology of the world-renowned Doctor Ziegler never ceases to inspire awe in him. It has a finesse that his own scientists haven’t yet achieved. Those patents, those raw tools… are worth a lot of money.
The battery back is barely tapped when the pen eclipses with a soft, high note, signaling its work complete, and Lúcio turns up the volume on the song from his pack, diving back inside. Akande offers his arm, holding the bag open with his free hand as Lúcio searches, pulling out the administration set and a pack of alcohol swabs.
“When this is done, you’re gonna explain what the hell happened here,” Lúcio growls, powering up the equipment and watching its readings before reaching for Sombra’s bared inner arm. The administration set includes a scanner that reveals the line of her veins in glowing blue tracks beneath the skin. Sombra doesn’t react when the needle sinks in and Lúcio reaches for Akande’s arm next. “I need you to stand as I give her fluids. Let gravity do its work, yeah?”
Lúcio’s assertive beside manner is reassuring and directs his focus. Akande obeys without a second thought, without even questioning if kneeling from his angle with his height provides enough downward flow or if maybe Lúcio just wants Akande to step back and give him some space.
“Hold this.”
Akande dutifully takes the clear bag of fluids and watches the intravenous line sink into his agent’s other arm. It occurs to him this is the first time he’s seen Lúcio perform his role of an audio medic. Lúcio is focused, methodical and gratefully calm under pressure.
That he was on the verge of tears not half an hour ago, feels like some other world’s reality.
“You’re good at this,” Akande murmurs.
“Had a lot of practice because of people like you,” Lúcio says, taping down the IV line to keep it steady and from falling out. Again, he doesn’t bother glancing Akande’s way.
“Don’t pity Sombra. She’s capable and proud of who she is.”
Finally Lúcio looks at him. His glare is venomous and tempers the warmth spreading in Akande’s chest. “She’s bleeding out on your floor, is what she is, Akande.”
Why is it that it only feels like Lúcio says his name when he’s unhappy? Akande scowls and nods back to Sombra. He needs to redirect their focus.
“How do you know her?”
“We have similar interests.” Lúcio snorts a laugh under his breath, studying the readings from another scanner he runs the length of Sombra’s body. “Or, I thought we did. Then she started working with you.”
Akande refrains from pointing out Lúcio’s own hypocrisy. Working together. Sleeping together. Which was worse?
“Thank you for coming,” Akande says.
Lúcio’s retort is instant. “I didn’t do it for you.”
Akande bites the inside of his cheek, stifling a sigh. What else can he do? “Will she be all right?”
Lúcio shrugs with a shake of his head, setting the scanner down by Sombra’s side, now monitoring her vital signs. It beeps with the slow rhythm of her heart rate. “Now we wait.” From his kneeling position, he cranes his neck to meet Akande’s eye far, far above him. “Good thing you’re so big. She might need a large transfusion.”
“Take what you need.”
“Count on it.” Lúcio’s jaw clenches, eyes returning to his patient while he cushions her head with his folded up jacket. And Akande believes in the moment that his former lover would gladly take the excuse to bleed him dry.
‘Former’… so soon, so soon. So bitter, Lúcio.
Akande’s eyes leap to the ceiling of the airship. “What was that?” He lowers on his haunches, instinctively sinking into a battle ready stance.
It sounded like something hit them. Or landed.
Lúcio is already climbing to his feet, watching Sombra as though she will flatline without his attention for a bare moment. His eyes raise to Akande as he backs up towards the main ramp and his bloodied hands lift in appeal. “It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay, don’t move.”
Akande’s hackles raise at the sense of imminent threat prickling the hairs on his neck. A low growl escapes his throat at the attempt to mollify him, and the arm infusing Sombra with life-giving blood clenches to a fist, his other hand holding the clear bag of fluids against the needle firm in his arm. “What have you done?”
He watches Lúcio reach back and slap the control releasing the main ramp. The warm sea breeze rushes in, thick and humid.
“Not everything’s up to me, okay?”
He hears the easing whine of jetpacks before the figure drops from the sky like a comet of azure, wings arched, shoulders broad and proud. The surrounding pillars tremble with the force of their landing, one knee planted in the ground. They are gilded head to toe in thick armour that gleams, piercing in its polish under the early morning sun.
Akande scowls at the sharp, dark eyes that find him under the helm of their golden beak. He shifts minutely to place himself between this new threat and his fallen agent.
“Helix International,” he grinds his jaw, shaking his head. He would recognise that flight suit anywhere. “Lúcio. You do have friends in all places, don’t you?”
Lúcio does not reply and Akande does not look his way as the newcomer rises to their feet and climbs the ramp, slinging a short cannon in their arms.
“Akande Ogundimu,” the woman declares in that same tone Akande has heard from countless authorities who failed to pen him in over the years. But her scowl is fierce, her eyes hard as diamonds, and if Akande was not hooked up to a needle, he would relish the challenge of that cannon being leveled at his chest. “I am Captain Amari of Helix International Security. By the authority of the United Nations, you are under arrest for violating the terms of your sentence. You’re coming with me.”
My eternal thanks to the Doomcio discord server for the following Spanish translations, specifically @millie-on-a-leaf and @cryptidbae: 1) Ay, Lucito-oo-oo! La lucecita de mi noche! / Ay, lil Lucio, the little light of my night! 2) ¿Lula, en qué pensabas? ¿No sabes quién es? ¿Sabes las cosas que hizo? / Squid, what are you thinking, you know who he is? You know what he’s done? ('Lula’ in Portuguese is 'squid’) 3) Hermanita / Sweet little sister (Lucio says this in a fond, patronising way, knowing full well Sombra is his elder) 4) ¿Sombra, soy yo, Lucio, puedes escucharme? / Sombra, it’s Lucio, can you hear me?
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kimmysfandomblog · 7 years
Hinata + Nanami? ^u^
Thanks for the ask, Azalea!!! \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ
From here: https://kimmysfandomblog.tumblr.com/post/166725158952/give-me-two-characters-in-my-inbox
Sorry, you’re gonna get a very long response because I have a lot of mixed feelings about them haha. If you want the short answer, for the most part I see them platonically ^^; That’s an oversimplification of how I see them, but there’s the TLDR haha
Um but I am a serious lover of AI Kamukura x AI Nanami! (AI Kamukura is like red-eyed/different personality Hinata, right? lol)That’s a ship I feel could actually work canonically and would be super cute honestly! the first published fanfic I made was for them haha. Go KAMUNAMl!
So again, for the most part, I see them platonic only. When I played SDR2, I didn’t really notice romantic interest much at all? I know, it was so  obvious to people, either saying it’s canon, or it was forced. Well, I thought she was just a very supportive friend, one I would like to have as well.
Later on, at the same time as I was going through and doing FTEs, I found it very cute. Then, going back to Chapter 2 and on, I saw the “obvious” signs I missed. For a monogamous ship, Komaeda and Hinata appealed to me more, but I definitely appreciated Hinata and Nanami. I ended up preferring TPG where Nanami and Komaeda are both helping Hinata in their own ways, and even set up headcanons on what their friendship would be like. I saw them in a more romantic light only after reading a fanfiction called “Finally in Love.” But just HinaNami, I can’t say I ever fully shipped it? But I thought it was cute. It’s like my feel about Naegi and Kirigiri, where as long as they are happy together, amke each other happy, and care for one another, then I didn’t care.
But then DR3 came along, and at first it was kinda cute and I was excited to see Nanami, but at this point I had hopes there’d finally be some TPG interaction (but Ko never meets Hinata) and I was already more K0maHlna at the time. As the story progressed, I was finding myself not liking the ship since this time it really did feel like I was being force-fed a ship, and it seemed like Nanami was not as good for Hinata as I thought. I was in denial about Nanami being that bad a character, but then I finally accepted DR3 Nanami was terrible, while also trying to remember DR2 was not.
Then there was the discourse of Nanami being an all-around Mary Sue that got worse and worse. There was Nanami hate from both DR2 and DR3 which upset me to the point I reblogged a few things in her defense. I felt bad later because people kept saying how their feelings are legitimate/they can say what they want/etc. Just.... please not in the tags....
I still hate that people were so proud that they openly showed their hatred of a character, and then hypocritically defended Komaeda when people began attacking him. As far as I could see, neither side were in the right and I wanted them to shut up and let me love two of my faves in peace.
I used to be into pretty much all variations of TPG, including Kamukura. K0maHlna at #1, and HinaN@mi/KamuK0ma/KamuN@mi/KomaN@mi all tied at #2 for being cute ships/interesting, but the discourse made me hate some top KamuK0ma fans and HlnaN@mi fans for always being the ones that would start the character hate and shipping hate in the tags. As for the ships themselves, there’s now only so much HlnaN@mi I can take.
I tried to show my support for HlnaN@mi week, but well, I had to give up because I was getting reminded of BAD times. I’m sure if KamuK0ma gets a week, it would be the same story there, too.
That’s partly why I actually ship K0maN@mi more now. Every Nanami hater always points out canonically she had no interested in Komaeda, but her personality should have been more nurturing and she supposedly loved all her classmates equally (as well as breaking K0maHlna let’s be real that’s what it was about). That’s why I come up with scenarios where they are the best of friends, maybe even developed into something more, and it made me ship K0maN@mi over HlnaN@mi, kind of like a defense against all the Nanami haters (and Komaeda haters that hate Komaeda because he’s popular and they don’t like his motives and they hate him for breaking HlnaN@mi).
I don’t know, there’s so much to feel. Sometimes I can see HlnaN@mi fanworks and remember how cute it was and how I used to ship it. Other times, seeing it makes me.... feel a bit sick (especially DR3 Nanami) remembering all the hate Komaeda got when he had understandable (not neceassarily forgiveable) reasons for his actions. The same goes for KamuK0ma where sometimes I remember thinking it was cute/interesting, and other times I get reminded about how they proudly smashed Nanami’s character as if their opinion was superior over others.
I guess as a final answer, I much prefer them platonically, and how I feel about them romantically really varies! I wish it didn’t haha. The only way I can ship them for sure romantically is if they both date Komaeda and worry about his self-deprecation and take very good care of him, hahaha. That’s really sweet to think about, right?
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icyhobi · 7 years
Thank you so much! And btw everyone, i’ll be answering all the asks i have in my inbox rn, since i don’t wanna let it pile up even more. So beware, this is a long ass post! (and idk if it will show up on mobile properly :(
fullydecaffeinateddinosaur said:AHHHHHH I love Forgotten, I hope you’ll make a part two (but if you don’t that’s okay). DONT LET THE HATERS BRING YOU DOWN!!! You’re an amazing writer.
thank you so much for liking it!
Anonymous said:Don’t stop writing! I think that a non was just jealous and if that persone doesn’t like smut well she don’t have to read them! Don’t let anyone to drag you down because I love your stories! 😘
lool dw, i definately won’t stop writing!
umm, i’m still deciding if i should or not… i just, idk...
Anonymous said:Is forgotten supossed to have a second part? :) Sorry if my english is bad
no, don’t be sorry your english is perfectly fine! and im still thinking about it!
Anonymous said:Omg forgotten was soooooooo good!!! Please do another part!!
thanks! and maybe ;)
Anonymous said:Forgotten made me shed actual tears 😭 are you going to be continuing it?
did it really? was it too harsh? and im still not too sure if i will
Anonymous said:will their be a forgotten pt 2?
who knows…
Anonymous said:Guuuuurrrrl i read your fic (forgotten) and i looooved it soooo much that i wanted to re-read it (its that a word? Sorry spanish speaker here hahah) but i couldn’t remember your nameee and i spend the entire day looking for you (cause i only rememberd the “mochi” part) and i finally fouuuuuuund youuu!!!!!! So pleeeeease keep it up with the good work! Please make chapter 2! Loveeeee yaa! Saludos desde el fin del mundo!
yaaay you found me!!!
Anonymous said:I LOVE FORGOTTEN AHHHHHHHHHHH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous said:I need part 2 of forgotten now because like I’m crying and omg the feels
Anonymous said:I was wondering if you’re ever going to continue forgotten! The ending was such a twist and I cried while reading it LMAO i think it would make a good full fanfic!! Pls at least make a part 2 I’m dying RN
Anonymous said:will there be a pt2 of forgotten? 
Anonymous said:Wow forgotten got me fucked up!! I loved it I loved it I loved it!!!!! Do you think there’ll be a part two for this or is it the only one?
Anonymous said:MOCHIIII I love you and your an amazing writer but Forgotten gave me da feels man!!!!!! I finally found someone I hate (Tae’s cheater of a wifu) XD. Is there anyway you might continue the story though with a happy (revenge on the witch as well 😈) ending????? 
Anonymous said:Holy moly forgotten is so good!!! I hope you do a part two❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous said:Part 2 of forgotten plz omg I loved it it was so good💙💙
Anonymous said:omggggg your Taehyung uni story defos needs a part 2!! i loved it!!
figureinglifeout said:Omg pls tell me forgotten has a sequel. Tae can’t do OC dirty like that
Anonymous said:Will there be part 2 of Forgotten? I really hope there will be more it can’t end like that! That bish can’t win!
Anonymous said:OMG!! I really liked Forgotten a lot even if it did break my heart at the end :’( Are you thinking of making a part two or something like that cause that was really good and I just want Taehyung x reader to be together even though that’s unlikely 💔😅
Anonymous said:Is Forgotten going to be a series?
Anonymous said:Ah also forgot to ask: is Forgotten a one shot? - moose anon
Anonymous said:I’m sorry but Forgotten has me yelling WTF. Like, I knew something like that would happen, BUT I STILL WASNT READY. UGH MY HEART. FUDGE MUFFINS. - moose anon
xsnapplex said:Mochi!! I really hope you make Forgotten a series, because classic you out a cliff hanger in it… T-T I almost lost my mind at the end. But it was sooooo goood
ahh okay, so i decided to answer these asks all together since they are basically asking the same thing. first of all, THANK  YOU SO MUCH FOR LIKING IT!!! xoxo im like so happy you guys enjoyed it! and to answer your questions, im still not to sure if there will be a second part unfortunately… we’ll just have to see!
Anonymous said:Lol I think you made me a sucker for hybrid ffs 😂 but i love “take it like a puppy” so much. ❤️😊😘😍
aww thank you! lmao i really like hybrid aus too!
Anonymous said:😭😭😭😭 I wasn’t ready for it. I’m a crying mess now after forgotten it was soooo good. If it’s a oneshot it’s beautiful and really sad but if there’s gonna be another part… *fingers crossed*
thank you sooo much!! and nooo dont cry!!
sanha-ii said:Okay right, the story Forgotten got me tense as! The cliffhanger at the end is actually making me shriek due to the amount of theories I’m getting, will there be a part 2 by any chance or is this a story where you let the readers suffer forever😂😂
ikr? it was such a twist lol. and idk, maybe i’ll just be mean and let you guys suffer…. *insert even laugh*
zara-zaza said:Forgotten was so good!!! But if it was me I would have slaped the shit out of Seulgi the second time I saw her 😂😂 but just a question does Tae really don’t remember her or was he just mad at her?
loool it was so shocking thoo. and well…. i cant say… ;)
Anonymous said:Ahhhh I’m so freaking hooked on “Forgotten”!!! Ugh I kinda wish that the reader moved on from Taehyung but it soooo good either way! I love the way you write and I can’t wait to see what happens next ♡♡♡♡♡
ikr poor reader! :( And thank you for liking it!
Anonymous said:Oh my god! A second part in forgotten, please! Y/N deserves to be happy and Seulgi SHOULD DIE! I’m sorry, I’m just being really over dramatic 
But is Seulgi really the bad guy here? I mean maybe was hurt because Y/n left… but Seulgi clearly leave him tho… ;)
lool thank you! and im sorry bby, but tease was only meant to be a two-shot :(
Anonymous said:uM, eXCusE U?! How dare you write something as good as forgotten and LEAVE US ON A CLIFFHANGER LIKE THAT?! iT’S LIKE pURusaSION BTS style!!!!!
loool my style is usually ending things off on cliffhangers!!! 
Anonymous said:Please do another part of tease I can’t take the ending please my love
srry bby, but i won’t :/
Anonymous said:i just finished reading the taehyung x reader, forgotten and im crying at how you ended it. you’re a great writer, bless you.
loool it was so mean right??? BUT THANK YOU!!! xoxo :”)
Anonymous said:omg Forgotten was sooo good and sad it legit brought me to tears 😭❤️ and the plot twist at the end got me so fucked up I was expecting a happy ending :’D
aww sorry bby!! i didn’t mean to make you cry
ohhhh are you threatening me???? LOOOOL im so cruel, right???
Anonymous said:OMG how… how could you end Forgotten just like that pls have mercy on yn …. i can’t believe you …. oh god
hmmm we’ll see… ;)
Anonymous said:Fanfic request: Could you write a fanfic about Min Yoongi (x Reader) where he was a mass murderer or gang leader/criminal that fell in love with you on a job of his. (Something like that at least. I don’t really know. But I thought that we should start recommending stuff that wasn’t just the mankae line lol)
thank you for requesting! but unfortunately i not taking in requests since i have too much stories to work on atm! srry again!
Anonymous said:Forgotten.. I’m literally about to die now.😫😭 WHYYYYYYYYYY!?! UGHHHHHH. Getting my heart attacked and stomped on was not how I wanted to end my night.😭😫😂 Anyways, it’s beautifully written! I love your fanfics (even if they do bring my heart an enormous amount of pain)!💕😘
aww im so sorry! i didnt mean to hurt your guys! i just wanted to write something very angsty!! but thank you so much for reading it!
Anonymous said:There is a part of me that wants to kiss you but another part of me that wants to ask you ‘why?’ Also why does everyone use Selugi as 'that girl’ in fanfics? I like I am getting into R.V and I am starting to like her. ~Edgy ❤❤ (Kiss part spoke louder that was amazing also I am a sucker for angst it fuels my soul. Love u)
loool aww edgy, your soo funny!
Anyways, this took a long time to answer, but thank you eveyone who sent me an ask! i seriously love you guys!!!
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sinsiriuslyemo · 7 years
Good morning all!! I promise I’m going to get to the Cuba v DR inquiries in my inbox as soon as I adult lol I’ve already established it’s going to be my reward for putting the last coat on the kitchen and hanging pictures in the basement! For now, let’s enjoy a new episode of Cuba v DR!
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“Oh fuck,” Lila groaned and laughed as she kissed down Izzy’s naked skin, collapsing on top of the girl, both basking in the aftermath of an orgasm.
“Mmm, please come to New York more often,” Izzy purred as she heard the front door open. “That’s my brother.” She didn’t want to move, arms and body weighed down with exhaustion.
“Izzy!! We’re home, and we brought you guys dinner,” Rafael called out.
“I go where the wind blows,” Lila said softly, looking over at Izzy. “You should come with me,” she suggested.
Izzy snorted a laugh. “You go where the checks pay, dork,” she kissed her passionately.
“That’s usually where the wind blows,” Lila replied in a chuckle.
“I wanna stay here with my brother, I’m just getting to really know him.”
“Well…I guess if I found a steady gig in one place, I could plant. I dunno, I kinda like seeing the world, going from place to place,” Lila answered. “But someday, I’ll get married, and she and I will live wherever our hearts are content. Maybe New York…or Paris,” she whispered, kissing Izzy’s shoulder.
“I’d love to live in Paris someday,” she smiled and nuzzled her nose against Lila’s. “Maybe have a kid or two,” she whispered seriously.
Lila smiled back at her, sighing softly just as the bedroom door opened.
“Izzy, we bro–” Rafael stopped dead in his tracks, looking away from the two on the bed. “Jesus Christ,” he sighed under his breath, closing the door again. “If you ladies ever want to eat…food! Eat food, it’s in the fridge,” he called through the door, moving back to Roxie and pointing towards the bedroom. “They’re having sex,” he said with a grossed out look. “Has no one ever heard of locking their doors?” he mumbled. “Least put a sock on the knob.”
She giggled, “Lila doesn’t have another gig in the states for almost a year, she came down specifically to see your sister. They’re going to get married someday, Lila’s entire new album is about Izzy. Don’t tell her though,” Roxie winked.
“That does not mean they can’t lock the door. I saw entirely too much, more than I ever wanted to see of my sister,” he replied. “That is sweet that she came though. I like Lila for Izzy, Cleo is…nice, but she’s best for Eddie.”
“Lila likes Lila for Izzy too,” Roxie giggled. “My money is that they’ll be married long before we ever get to it,” she said seriously. She knew Lila was determined. The girls loved each other, even if they didn’t know it yet.
“Excuse me, and how could you possibly know that?” he asked, feigning offense.
“Because I know them and I know us,” she giggled.
“What exactly is that supposed to mean?” he asked, now genuinely curious.
“You and I will take our time, we’ll cherish every moment, spend every kiss like it’s our first and last all at once. We’ll build up to the moment. But Lila and Izzy are both kindred spirits, they need freedom and spontaneity. They’ll probably get married somewhere crazy the same day Lila asks.”
“Alright,” he replied, kissing her lips. “I’ll give you that one,” he added against her mouth, kissing her one more time. “So what would you like to do tonight? We can take in a show, go to dinner, maybe a romantic carriage ride through the city. Anything you want. Your wish is my command.”
“No carriage rides, I think it’s terrible what they do to horses,” she said softly. “Do you have the carriages carried by people? Those are fine.”
He chuckled. “No, no carriage carried by people,” he replied. “Okay, forget the carriage ride. How about I just take you on a sunset sail to the statue of liberty?” he asked, winding his arms around her waist and wiggling his brows a little.
“I like that idea,” she smiled. “But, I could also love staying in bed.”
“Anything you want,” he whispered against her cheek, softly swaying her back and forth in a stationary circle.
She giggled, moving and tickling him, kissing his jaw and poking him right in the forehead with her index finger.
“Tag, you’re it.”
“Really? I’m a grown man, Roxie…” he replied in a smirk, shaking his head slowly before he started to chase her around the living room.
She giggled nervously as she ducked his attempts to catch her, him laughing along with her. Finally his arms shot out and caught her around the waist, hoisting her onto his shoulder and playfully spanking her ass.
“What are you gonna do now, young lady?” he teased, gently pinching beneath her ass cheek. “Hm?”
She was laughing, a mess of giggles and screams, nipping at his shoulder blade and growling. “To the bedroom!” she demanded with a happy laugh.
“Yes, ma’am,” he answered in a chuckle, carrying her into his bedroom and gently kicking the door shut. Setting her down on her feet, he smirked down at her, cupping her face and kissing her forehead.
She grinned at him and kissing him, so in love in that moment.
“Make love to me,” she ordered.
Smiling down at her, he reached down and slowly peeled her shirt off, letting his fingertips graze over her skin. Reaching back after a few moments, he unclasped her bra with nimble fingers and pulled that off as well. He dipped his head, hand cradling her cheek as his mouth connected with hers in a soft, sensual kiss. Moving his lips down the length of her neck, he nibbled on her collarbone, continuing to her breasts. He took first one nipple into his mouth, then the other, sucking softly and tenderly biting down.
As he kissed down her stomach, Rafael got down to his knees in front of her, hands working to get her pants off, licking his lips at the sight of her panties. He nibbled on her lower belly, kissing every inch he could reach, keeping away from her center for the time being.
“Oh Rafael,” she breathed and shuddered as she tried to arch up towards his mouth. ���I need to feel you inside of me, nothing else right now,” she begged. “I just need to feel your cock inside of me.”
“You asked me to make love to you,” he purred against her belly. “And it’s been awhile since the last time we were together.” He kissed the juncture that connected her thigh to her hip. “So I’ll be taking my time,” he said firmly, standing up and moving behind her, hands stroking over her soft skin before one paw drifted down her stomach.
He turned his head to nibble on her ear, laying kisses over her neck while his fingers dipped into the front of her panties. Groaning at the wetness that met his digits, he looked over her shoulder to watch himself touch her, free hand cupping to firmly cup her breast and roll her nipple between his thumb and index finger. His cock was straining against his jeans and he rocked his hips forward to let her feel him.
“Can you feel how hard I am for you, mi amor?” he purred against her ear.
She groaned and nodded breathlessly. “Yes I can feel you,” she whispered. “You feel so big, Rafael I want you.”
“Papi,” he purred against her jaw, one, then two fingers sliding into her pussy and beginning a slow in and out pace, which his hips mimicked against the small of her back.
“Oh god, please, papi,” she begged as a shiver ran down her spine at the words. She was much more vocal this time, back arched as she gasped and writhed in pleasure.
Humming against her neck, he withdrew his hand and gave her a light spank.
“Lie on the bed,” he whispered and waited until she obeyed before taking his shirt off, tossing it on the floor.
He took his time with his jeans, but discarded those as well, stepping closer to in order to pull her panties off. He licked his lips when her sex came into view and bent to give her an open-mouthed kiss on her clit. Turning her over onto her stomach, he gave her another playful spank, pushing down his underwear and climbing on top of her. His knee nudged her legs open before he lined himself up with her entrance and pushed into her slowly.
Rafael groaned deeply as his hips touched hers, his hands bringing her wrists to rest above her head as he dipped to lay wet kisses over her back. He gave her time to adjust, tucking his knees under her thighs.
“Is this what you want, cariño?” he purred against her ear. “Hm?” He accentuated the last inquiry with a deliberate roll of his hips.
She nodded desperately, cheeks flushed red as she licked her lips and begged. Smirking to himself, he began to move inside her, slow but intense. One hand moved under her chin to pull her head back far enough to kiss her forehead, then her nose. He reached lower, kissing her lips upside down.
She gasped, moaning against his mouth, whining and panting as she kissed him with everything she had. He sighed audibly, moving his kisses over her cheek, down to her neck where he bit the spot that led to her shoulder. He groaned at the mark he left, moving a little harder against her as one hand rubbed over her frame, settling on her hip. Planting another series of sporadic, wet kisses over her skin, he moaned loudly.
“Does that feel good, mi amor?” he growled against her skin.
“Yes, papi,” she whimpered obediently, legs spread further.
“Tell me,” he whispered, thrusting harder and a little faster. “Tell me how much you like it.”
“I need your cock, I love it. I’m your girl, your Roxie,” she whispered. “Make me yours.”
“Now, now, cariño, if you whisper, how can you be sure I’ve heard you?” he asked playfully, lightly biting her earlobe before he got to his knees, gripping her hips and pounding into her even harder. “Tell me again how much you love my cock,” he purred.
“I love it,” she whimpered louder this time, gasping and slamming back against his cock. “Give it to me, please, please.”
Rafael groaned, the steady sound of slapping skin growing louder in the room as he bottomed out inside her. Suddenly he stopped, laying back on top of her and rolling them over until he was on his back, her reclined on top of him. His knees held hers apart as his hands ran over her stomach.
“I think you’ll love this position, because look now how easy it is for me to do this,” he whispered, still thrusting up into her as his hands moved up to massage her breasts, pinching her nipples. “Plus, can you feel how well my cock is sliding against the special, sweet spot inside you?”
She could barely breathe she was feeling so perfect, dripping wet as she whined and covered her mouth to keep quieter. His head turned to nibble on her ear, and he suddenly felt the need to be able to look into her eyes when they came. Rolling them over again, he pulled out, earning a whimper from her. Smirking, he turned her onto her back, mounting her again and sliding right back in.
“Extend your legs and wrap them around mine,” he whispered, arms framing her beautiful face as he kissed her deeply.
She did what she was told and smiled, kissing him back breathlessly and looking into his eyes.
“Rafael,” she whined.
He moaned, beginning to move again, this time deep and slow, with just enough intensity to keep her on the edge.
“I love you so much,” he mumbled. “And now I want you to be a good girl, and come for me,” he said, his voice reclaiming his dominant tone as he arched slightly to repeatedly hit her gspot.
She gasped passionately and came hard, raking her nails painfully down his back and kissing him as his own release quickly followed. Grunting against her mouth, his tongue tangled with hers, hands threading into her hair as he thrust through their orgasms. Breaking their kiss gently, he panted against her cheek as he relaxed against her. He dropped sweet, tender kisses over each of her eyes, her nose, over her neck.
She held him close, breathing hard as she licked sweat off his body, kissing him hungrily.
“I am so in love with you,” she whispered. “Move in with me,” she mumbled against his skin. “We can buy a place.”
He smiled, kissing her softly again, groaning a little before he pulled back and licked his lips as he looked down at her.
“I thought you said you wanted to get your own place,” he answered breathlessly.
“Why delay the inevitable? I love you, and I want to live with you, I want to be with you.”
“I love you too,” he answered, kissing her again, he wasn’t able to get enough of her. “Roxie, you just got here. We just started dating,” he whispered gently, stroking a hand over her hair. “Let’s just slow down a little, until you get your footing,” he added, kissing over her cheeks and nuzzling his nose against her. “You haven’t even had a chance to explore the city yet. Let’s enjoy each other now that we can finally, really be together.”
Roxie took a deep breath and nodded, her face fell but she just rested her head against his neck.
“Please don’t be upset while I’m still inside you,” he said with a smirk, kissing her neck. “Relocating to another country is already such a huge step, we don’t have to go through all the steps at once.”
She nodded, still silent, and pressed kisses to his skin.
“Roxie, please talk to me,” he whispered, picking his head up to look down at her. His hand lovingly stroked over her hair.
“There’s nothing to be said, love, I know you’re right,” she said honestly.
He frowned a little, “Why do I feel as though I’m hurting you?” he asked softly.
“You aren’t hurting me, it’s just disappointing,” she smiled a bit.
“That’s even worse, I never want to disappoint you,” he replied, stroking her cheek with the back of his fingers. “Never.”
“Can I share my irrational feelings and then let you hug and kiss me.”
He nodded his head. “Please.”
“I took a leap, a split decision to move here…it’s selfish but I want to know that I’m not leaping…alone.”
He shook his head, smiling a little down at her.
“You’re not,” he whispered. “I do want to live with you, but it would be selfish of me if we did. I know that you have a better chance of carving out your own life here if you get your own place for now. I don’t want to become your whole world and watch you lose your identity. I love you so much, I want you to be happy here, not just because of me but because you’ve made your own footprint in this city,” he answered. “You were never leaping alone,” he added.
“Now I want the hugs and kisses to make it better,” she whispered.
“I love you,” he whispered against her mouth, kissing her passionately. “I love you,” he said again, moving his smooches over every inch of her face. “I love you so much.”
She smiled and nodded, “I love you too.”
Nevada and Omar sat across from Jasper, waiting for the Englishman to get off the phone. When he finally did, Jasper smiled at the two men in leather sitting in front of his desk.
“Gentleman, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Jasper asked, leaning back in his chair.
“Los Tiburones,” Nevada began. “We paid them a little visit today, give them a chance to back off and fall in line. They weren’t having it. We got plans for tonight pero…his daughter. She might be a problem. Figured maybe a problem you could help us with,” he said.
“Of course. What do you need?”
“Esta muchacha is an aspiring comedian. She’s got her first set tonight at the Apollo off 117th, ten o’clock. You know any big names that can offer to make all her dreams come true after they’ve seen her set?” Nevada asked.
Jasper nodded, “It can be arranged.” He took out a small box and slid it over to Omar. “For your fiancé,” he said gently.
Omar furrowed his brows, taking the small box and nodding his head.
“Thank you,” he said softly.
“Bueno, then we go as planned tonight. Maybe do a little shopping at their bodegas, you know. Browse a little bit,” Nevada mused, standing up and shaking Jasper’s hand. “We’ll get in touch when it’s done. You might wanna give your people a heads up. They ain’t gonna take this shit lying down. They’re gonna retaliate, we don’t know who they’ll go after. So watch your ass, mi hermano.”
“Will do,” he smiled and nodded at Nevada. “I have a meeting across town, but I will be in touch, my phone is always on for you,” he nodded to each gentleman.
Nevada nodded, gesturing to Omar to follow him out. “Alright, and you’ll set that up at the Apollo, si?”
“Consider it a done deal.”
“Chevere,” Nevada replied, nodding. He and Omar walked out, saying goodbye to the secretary on their way out.
When they got back to the SUV, Nevada looked over at OJ.
“We all set?”
“The Jefe’s will be at the warehouse on 180th in thirty minutes,” OJ replied, earning a nod from Nevada.
Omar stared at the box and frowned. “How did he even know I was engaged?” He snorted a laugh and turned to Nevada, shaking the box. “He got me a gift before you two fuckers did.”
Nevada looked back at Omar with a smirk.
“Blackwood’s got eyes everywhere, mi hermano,” he replied. “Y oye, we’re getting you something sentimental, pendejo.”
“Yeah, bro. That shit takes time, and imagination,” OJ chimed with a smirk of his own.
“Yeah, unless you want us to get you one of those strap-ons. We know how bad you’ve wanted one of those,” Nevada teased, laughing heartily. “You’ll get your fucking present. Pero, oye, no es por nada pero you never got me and Dama a present for our engagement ni un carajo. So I don’t know why you’re giving us shit about it,” he added with a playful nudge.
“Oye pendejo, who do you think bought you guys that new China set? Your wife wrote me a thank you note for it, she even put your name on it,” he laughed. “As if you’d ever write a fucking thank you note, she makes the kids write them too, got one from Eddie for letting him stay there for a while.”
“Jesus, thank Christ she doesn’t ask me to write them,” Nevada mumbled.
Omar laughed, “I think it’s nice she teaches them manners. Even Lily drew Amber and I a picture as a thank you for her birthday present.”
“You’re the only rude one in that family,” OJ chuckled.
“Fuck you, bro. You know you don’t write thank you cards either,” Nevada shot back as they pulled up to the warehouse. “Don’t think your wife doesn’t complain to me all the time ‘Aye hermanito, es que he never wants to help me do anything. Not even thank you cards.’” He did his best impression of OJ’s wife.
“Who the fuck wants to write ‘thank you’ cards?” OJ replied and Nevada laughed as Omar shook his head absently, smile on his features.
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