#( i need a sanji OTL )
ruporas · 5 years
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just lemme kiss  u bro
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Arc Headcanons // PRE-SKIP PT.4
It’s been two weeks since I did one of these ‘cause I was on vacation, but here we go again! Sorry for being repetitive, but there will most likely be mentions of Sanji x Anita.
— After almost watching Sanji’s upper half disappear on Thriller Bark, it’s going to become a habit for her to touch a bit more. Not that she was why about it before because she’s just a physical person, but she’ll touch his arm, chest and anything from the neck up as a weird way of making sure he’s there. Totally brushes it off as just making sure he’s still mostly intact.
— She doesn’t know him, but Anita is worried about Ace too. She doesn’t like that his Vivre Card is burning. Still, she trusts Luffy’s judgement and doesn’t insist that he go after his brother. By the sounds of it, Ace is perfectly capable of defending himself.
— While Chopper and Usopp are relaxing and the rest of the crew is dealing with the submarine, Anita is in the kitchen pouting because she wanted to go underwater. With her Devil Fruit, she can’t. Oh, well, it’s sort of given her the chance to indulge in her stupid crush and watch Sanji work.
— Him getting decked by Keimi’s whole body when she lands on him cracks her up, though. She really needs to stop laughing at other peoples suffering. Not really sure why she does, but I feel like she just would.
— Having not been there during the Arlong Park chaos, she isn’t sure who Hachi is. Learning about it infuriates her, and so does learning that mermaids are sold.
— A thing I am realizing; when her island was taken over, her and her troupe were basically turned into slaves. They were a little cleaner and happier looking, but it was part of the act to lure pirates in. If they disobeyed, they were beaten or even put to death. They were scared of the man that had put himself in the position of master. So the entirety of this arc, Anita will likely be pissed and slightly afraid in a ‘ does he realize I’m gone and has he told other Marines so they recognize me’ way. She doesn’t want to be dragged back home yet when she can’t help. Didn’t have the smarts to think that it might happen until now. Whoops~
— Anita goes with the flow, so she doesn’t care who they’re saving as long as Luffy’s the one that ordered it. Although a large part of her wants to meet a talking octopus-man.
— Duval’s existence almost kills Anita. She will be doubled over despite being attacked with poisonous harpoons, holding her stomach and wheezing for breath.
— Because she’s stupid and obvious, I feel like the ones that know she has a crush on Sanji would be Nami, Robin and Usopp. At least one of them is going to be a shit and make a joke about her liking Duval because what’s the difference between him and Sanji? Rude as fuck, but it only makes her start laughing again.
— Flips her shit when they trap him in the water and announce they’re going to drown him. God, sometimes she hates that she has a Devil Fruit. When he does get rescued and has his dumb little nosebleed, Anita will poke him with her foot. Moron.
— Luffy and Anita have a contest to see who can put the most takoyaki in their mouth at once. Anita loses, obviously, and ends up almost choking. Sanji goes to help but Luffy smacks her hard on the back and ends up coughing it up. Ew.
— I’m wondering if Anita would know who the Celestial Dragons are. What I’m thinking is that their conditions at the circus were a lot worse than I first made them out to be. That they were treated like slaves, and that because the corrupt part of the government turns a blind eye ( and sometimes encourages ) the buying and selling of people. So if they were treated and seen as slaves, then I wonder if Celestial Dragons visited the island to be entertained and buy some of the troupe members. 
One day she will have noticed that a certain member has gone missing and not come back. Would destroy her to see them being treated poorly years later while visiting Sabaody. Not sure if that’s giving her too much personal involvement in the arc, though. But, honestly, I’m liking this idea because she’s not going to get a major arc of her own like the canon Straw Hats to. This is the only personal things I can think of to make up for her lack of an arc and a slight foreshadowing that she won’t have a home to come back to.
— Anita debates being a love-struck idiot and staying on the ship with Sanji while it’s getting repaired by Franky and Usopp. Decides against it because she knows she’s being stupid and doesn’t want to look at his dumb, handsome face. Stupid cook.
— Like Zoro, she wasn’t there for the briefing about not dealing with Celestial Dragons. She’s off on her own thing, probably notices someone that used to be in her troupe but sees they have a collar and are being treated like an animal rather than a person. Follows after them, tries to call their name and get their attention. Might get a small, frantic look as the only warning not to say anything else! Gets confused and ends up losing them before she realizes that she’s where the rest of the Straw Hats are. Is yanked down onto her knees by one of them and doesn’t get why. Learns real quick and decides just as swiftly that she doesn’t like this place.
— Doesn’t care about Law’s crew, except for Bepo. Bear! Walking, talking bear! If they weren’t trying so hard to get Keimi back, she would have scrambled over to talk to Bepo. Wants so badly to be his bear-buddy.
— Adds a kick of her own when Sanji asks if they can buy the dancing girl. Come on, Sanji.  .  . Really? You’re my most beloved muse and I wanna kick your ass for that.
— Anita doesn’t get why people are reacting so badly to Hatchi. She isn’t the least bit against other races because there were too many different kinds of people that worked for the circus, so she only sees them all as people.
— She’s secretly enjoying learning about all these old pirates because she never met Crocus, and she doesn’t hear about Roger much. Always a sucker for good stories.
— The idea of splitting up doesn’t appeal to her. She has a bad feeling in her gut that she blames her animal-like instinct on. Assume Chopper can feel it too even though they’ve got got human in them too. Doesn’t mention it and almost approaches Sanji to ask if she can tag along with him wherever he plans on going.
— Anita can be incredibly dumb sometimes, but I feel like she would quickly notice that it wasn’t Kuma they were fighting. Or, at least, notice that he doesn’t have the paw-pads. Kind of hard for her to forget those when she’s so closely associated with bears.
— Probably tried to bite at the Pacifista’s and only managed to get through the ‘skin.’ I know Brook couldn’t get through it, but she’s a gigantic bear, come on. They’re supposed to be able to bite through iron, so she’s going to get her jaw into PX-4 and shed some of that outside layer.
— Running would be so easy for her in her bear form, but she doesn’t flee like she’s told. She’s taking on too much responsibility as a tank and trying to protect the groups that look like they’re under attack the most. 
— Because of that, I feel like she would end up being the first one ‘erased’ because she would make every attempt to lunge in front of Zoro when the real Kuma comes. I know Zoro disappearing first was important, but she’s the one that jumps out first to do her job. She won’t get to see what happens to Chopper while he’s rampaging again, and doesn’t get to see what happens to everyone else. I wanted to be more despair inducing for her, but she would be one of the first gone and won’t have time to see them vanish.
— Anita crash-lands on an island inhabited entirely by large, beastly bears. They’re all larger and stronger than she is, and they aren’t the least bit welcoming to find a human on their island. Unlike actual wild bears, these ones are barely smart enough to have a system of roles, the most important being tribe leader.
— The tribe leader, Anita dubbed King. He was a large, black, monstrous bear with nasty scars and gnarly teeth. He looks like a cruel leader, but he’s actually as kind as they come. He only wants to frighten her away because they can’t stand humans. He seeks only to protect his people. That’s what she’s come to understand, at least.
— There’s only one place that’s safe on the island, and it’s the largest tree in the entire place. They can’t climb to the top, and she can in her human form. Discovers, however, that she’s not the only human stuck on that island. A young girl is also trapped there. She doesn’t know herself very well and is nameless. She lives in the trees to avoid the bears and has lived there so long that she smells like them. Eventually, they agree that she will be called Ylde. Pronounced like ‘wild’ but Anita can’t spell and just went based on the sound.
— Ylde: Isn’t it spelled w-i-l-d?     Anita: ...How the fuck does a two-year-old stuck on a bear island know how to spell better than me?     Ylde: I’m thirteen.     Anita: Silence, small baby.
— Ylde attempts to convince Anita that there’s no point in trying to integrate herself into the tribe. Even as a bear, they’ll know she doesn’t belong from her scent and size. Anita corrects her and says she only wants to get off the damned island so she can get back to her friends.
— Because it will be a while before she gets the paper and she’s determined to leave, she gets into her bear form and readies herself to fight through the swarm of bears just to get to shore and find one of the many boats Ylde says have washed up over the years.
— End up coming back to Ylde’s tree because she gets her ass kicked. Tries this every single day until the moment the News Coo comes with the paper saying. She understands the hint given by Luffy and is immediately relieved to see he’s still alive. Doesn’t know if the rest are, but she’s hoping so. Didn’t even occur to her that they might be dead because she managed to survive the crash.
— Spends the next to years fighting and learning on her own. Ylde doesn’t stick around when, during the first year and a half, an intact ship is discovered. She insists Anita come with her, but she refuses. Ylde, having gotten attached to her, promises to come back to that exact spot in two years to pick her up and take her where she wants to go.
— Anita’s goal, like everyone else, is to get stronger. She realizes after being beaten again and again that she’s too weak in her bear form. Seeing as how that’s the part she wants to strengthen most, she dedicates herself to staying a bear as long as she possibly can. Day in and day out, from sunrise to sunset, she wants to stay a bear. She does this and does get stronger, but doesn’t realize that in the process she was inching closer to becoming the tribe leader herself.
— Over the two year separation, the following happens; she learns armament haki that she uses only on her teeth and claws, gets even larger than before, earns more devastating-looking scars, gets even greedier with food because of how unfair the tribe was to her before she became leader, eventually becomes the leader and earns the respect of the entire island.
— But because the rest of the tribe refuses to fight her, she becomes lazy and antsy. She will absolutely crave a fight whenever it feels like one is brewing now.
— New moves:           Mighty Roar: Can either a. instill fear in an enemy and send them fleeing or b. temporarily disable them because the intensity of the sound is mind-numbing. Not to be confused with Conqueror's Haki ;;
          Bear Trap: Bites through any part of an enemy that she can and fuses her jaws together with her Armament Haki as long as the teeth are touching, leaving it nearly impossible to shake her off.
          Bearrel Roll: Yes, it’s a pun to barrel roll. Doesn’t actually suit the move because she’s not doing a barrel roll, but she does curl up and roll into her target to catch them off guard. Is a good move to use with people she trusts to throw / kick her.
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dckxn · 5 years
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SO! I saw the sweet @rxincarnatxd‘s follower appreciation post, and I decided that since I had some artwork lying around on my iPad, that I could use it for this 80 90 (!!!) FOLLOWERS APPRECIATION POST! AND OMGOSH LET ME JUST SAY THAT THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE RESPONSE TO AN OC OF MINE! I’ve been roleplaying for a very long time myself across a variety of different places, and Howl’s only been around for a little over A MONTH and there’s already like NINETY OF YOU! I know that I’m not following like each and every one of you (and I’m honestly following a bunch of blogs at the moment!), but I really appreciate you guys none the less. I’m just super happy that you guys like this guy, and man, I’ve just had quite a few OCs, but they never quite stuck. Howl feels very different though, and he’s certainly wormed his way into my little heart and I don’t think he’ll be leaving any time soon. SO THANKS!! I’ve got some special mentions, so here we go as far as that is concerned (BUT I DO WANNA SAY IM SO BAD WITH NAMES IM SO SORRY OTL):
@xmenageriie​ ARIEEEEEEL! GOSH. WE’VE TALKED ON AND OFF. I’VE LEFT AND I’VE RETURNED AND YOU’VE STILL BEEN AROUND AND IM SO HAPPY AND GLAD FOR THAT. you are such a great person and it’s always so much fun being able to talk to you and even though we haven’t been talking recently, i’m just glad ot be able to see you on my dash as well because you have some great muses and i have a lot of love for sanji and and my zoro and your sanji will always be in my HEART FOREVER. THAT ONE TRUE PAIRING WILL NEVER DIE!!!
@mcnypieces: CAN I JUST SAY I LOVE THE PORTRAYAL OF ALL BUN’S MUSES?! BECAUSE I DO! I DO SO MUCH! We don’t talk too regular, but when I am able to hit them up for a chat, they always seem to response and are pretty much a joy to talk to. they’re so nice and i’m glad to be able to have such conversations and interactions!! IM SUPER EXCITED FOR MORE INTERACTIONS WITH BELLA!! UWU
@shrapnelsong: OH MY GOD NAT! I LOVE ALICE! I LOVE ALICE! She’s such a sweet woman who can also be stern and even scary when she needs to be! She’s got so many verses so there’s a little something for everyone and the roleplayer is always nice when I talk to them! \o/ I can’t wait to see how Alice and Howl evolve from this point on!
@rxincarnatxd: KIKI! DUUUUUUDE. I GOTTA LOT OF LOVE FOR KAGS AND I’VE ALREADY GUSHED OVER HER IN YOUR OWN APPRECIATION POST BUT I LOVE HER. SHE IS SO SWEET AND WARM AND COOL AND HOWL TOTALLY APPRECIATES HAVING HER AROUND. she is good for him. ;w;/ and you!! gaaah your name escapes me OTL but i love you sooo much! it’s so fun talking to you and talking about kags and howl and you got that sideblog that i gotta interact with. im super excited for that. xD
@hxgure: HI. I NOW KNOW AND WILL REMEMBER THAT YOUR NAME IS VEE!! omgosh! orz BUT ANYWAY. I HAVE SO MUCH LOVE FOR YOUR NIC! LIKE! HE IS AMAZING! GOD. HE’S SO GOOD AND HIS INTERACTIONS WITH HOWL ARE GREAT. THEY’RE BOTH DUMB CHILDISH OLD MEN AND I LOVE IT! I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT’S IN STORE FOR THEM! BUT ALSOOMGOSH VEE! TYOU ARE SO COOL! it’s always just like, chill? relaxing? to talk to you. it’s good. sometimes i just have something that i wanna say and you don’t mind me dropping off little messages to your IMs and i’m so glad for that because im definitely comfortable with ya. xD
@dracaelum-faerie: ANNA IS LOVE. ANNA IS LIFE! TUBBS IS THE UNIVERSE! TOGETHER THEY ARE FOREVER IN MY HEART! Such a interesting variety of crewmembers, but anna and tubbs claim the top spot for sure! I talk to you on discord from time to time (or in IMs) and it’s always fun! \o/
@pasttorn/akrasva: YOU! I LIKE YOU! Though we haven’t really started anything up yet, i love talking to ya when you have time and just talking and gushing over our muses and how they could potentially interact! it’s always a good time my friend and i am glad to know you.
@frosthub: I really like being able to talk to you and honestly, your muses are so cool! Infe is smooth as heck and he’s also a bit dumb and he’s a joy to talk about and interact with and I just love him!! thank you for writing him. ;w;/
@mondxs:​ YOU ARE LOVED KATT! It’s never a dull moment when i talk to you and you always seem to have something interesting or new to say. i know we’re not doing anything write now, but that doesn’t even matter. i’d follow you just to keep an eye on your threads and stuff. uwu
@nvrcmplt: I KNOW I ALREADY GUSHED ABOUT YOU TOO IN THAT POST, BUT GOSH YOU ARE SO COOL. LIKE, SERIOUSLY. IT’S LIKE .. IT’S PRETTY CHILL BUT SOMETIMES HYPE BUT IT’S GOOD. it’s fun being able to talk to you tala and i just feel blessed to be able to interact with some of your muses! i cant wait to write more with Liwanu and Motoharu. i love those boys. ;___;/
@slf-sxcrfe: IT’S SO FUN TALKING TO YOU. AND I LOVE RAY. HE’S SO... IDK. HE’S JUST GOSH. I LOVE HIS ATTITUDE?? AND ITS FUNNY WHEN SOME OF THE THINGS HOWL DOES JUST CONFUSES THE HELL OUT OF HIM. I think ray could teach howl a thing or two tbh, so i cant wait to see how they grow together and get more used to each other!!! OwO/
@gengakki: I am so proud of you. Even though things have happened, you still managed to keep your muse for Kank and I really hope and feel that things have gotten better for you and that makes me happy. im glad he’s still going strong. i love your kank and i always will and i will never NOT want to interact with him, so please throw him Howl’s way whenever you damn well want!! O/
Special Mentions: 
@velvety-love who was the very first person to follow me and even though we only chat a bit from time to time on tumblr, I’m glad to be able to do that when we both have time!
@hailxthexkiiing who i only really talk to from time to time on tumblr, but they’re a very cool person! c:
@despairforme we don’t talk to often at all, but BOY DO I LOVE THEIR NNOITRA!! so good!
@bucketfullofocs at some point, i hope to be able to get around to interacting with your other OCs as well. bucket is super nice and never seems to mind chatting with me which is cool ‘cause i can be a chatter box when i’m comfy with someone! 
@trafalxar JUST Thanks for always popping up to say hey! it really makes me happy. i love hearing about what’s currently going on with you and just keep being yourself.
@icycoldavatarstate is a nice roleplayer with a cool muse! she’s a hell of a woman who will continue to grow and mature and i can’t wait to see how she turns out overtime! \ouo/
THIS IS NOT EEVN THE TIP OF THE ICEBURG THOUGH! There are quite a few more of my followers that i appreciate especially if i talk to you on discord and i just want to see that i appreciate you guys as well even though you weren’t mentioned up here! DON’T FEEL BAD AT ALL. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. c:
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
Just found your blog and it's so good to see a HC blog that's active, and I love the style you write yours in. Could I get some hcs for Zoro, Usopp, Sanji and Ace with an S/O who's a strong magic user? i.e. S/O is no slouch on the battlefield with their spells, and during calmer moments like when S/O is crafting a potion/preparing a ritual spell, they can faintly see the outlines of fae/sprites and other magic creatures normally invisible to the normal eye, but are drawn to their S/O.
Thanks so much! (I have a style?? cool) I feel bad you complimented me being active only for me to take so long to get to this one…OTL I am active I promise, work’s just been a bit crazy lately BUT THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCEThis one was very interesting and since OP hasn’t really touched on the whole  magic thing (I mean there’s been some cases of it) this is kinda au kinda not…if that makes sense
Anywho thanks for waiting and I hope you like it!!
Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and Ace with a s/o who is a strong magic user:
Zoro doesn’t really understand Magic or anything about it, but totally thinks his s/o is one badass mofo
Obviously quite proud
“I’ll stick to my swords and you can do your…hand..motion hocus pocus thing…”
“Zoro, its called magic. It really isn’t that difficult.”
It’s inevitable that the two will get into a Sword vs Magic argument, but it’s all in good fun. The two respect each other too much to cause any problems
His s/o is a bit of a jokester and will play pranks on the rest of the crew
One time they  cast a spell on Sanji that made him an old man for a couple hours and he ran around to Nami and Robin trying to convince them they needed to kiss him to break the curse
Zoro never let him forget that one
On the battlefield, Zoro never gets tired of watching his s/o annihilate their enemies, whether it be via fireballs, thunderstorms, even gravity
He’ll ask his s/o to train with him and develop these crazy practices that revolves around them casting spells at Zoro as he tries to defend himself
In the quieter moments, his s/o is content to read a book while he sleeps in the corner, most of the time they’ll be chatting excitedly about a new spell they developed and want to try in battle and Zoro will doze off with a smile on his face
But just before he fell asleep, he sees some odd shapes gathering around his s/o…?
Nah must have been a trick of the light
…Gotta remember to ask ‘em if they can summon me up some sake…?
Needless to say, Usopp is the Number 1 Fan of his s/o
He thinks they are absolutely the coolest thing to ever have existed and will say so to anyone within a mile radius who will listen to him
Being the magnificent storyteller he is, you can bet the simple feat of his s.o warding off some bandits with a fireball will turn into…‘‘AND THEN THEY BROUGHT FORTH AN ERUPTION OF THE GREAT VOLCANO FIRETOP TO RAIN DOWN HELL ON ALL WHO DARE CHALLENGE THEM.”
Generally how most of the stories go~
His s/o will be amused and mention that they can’t actually make volcanoes erupt…
They also help Usopp in coming up with new ideas for weapons and improvements for previous ones, as well as helping him craft pretty deadly stuff for his slingshots
They can even enchant them to make it much stronger
A lot of times the two will just sit in a room, back-to-back as they work on their own separate projects
One time, Usopp leaned over to ask them something real quick when he noticed a faint outline leaning over his s/o shoulder
‘It’s kinda like when I thought I saw Merry…’
He’s not sure if he should ask them about it or if it was even there at all
Maybe he’s just delusional
His s/o eventually notices him staring at the space next to them
“You can see them too? They help me out when I’m in a pinch.”
If that’s not the coolest thing in the world, Usopp doesn’t know what is…
After that his stories become even more elaborate
According to him, his s/o has contracts with dragons, leviathans, and all sorts of creatures that do their bidding at will
Sanji loves watching his s/o tear through a fight with their impressive powers, although he won’t admit it
He’s the first to sing their praises after a good fight and the last to stop
While Sanji is preparing food in the galley, his s/o is always close by with a book and a pad of paper
They enjoy going on and on about their craft and Sanji couldn’t be more enthralled
He loves listening to them go on about new spells, and improved potions and oh I should try this out next time and watching the way their face lights up in the process
They also offer what advice they can to him about new recipes, mostly on adjusting proportions and the like because that’s something they do often when it comes to potions
Sanji in turn offers what he knows of different ingredients and their properties, usually unknowingly helping his s/o discover that last piece of the puzzle they couldn’t figure out
Its in times like these, Sanji’s noticed a faint aura around his s/o…
He thinks he’s crazy at first, but after a couple of days, he realizes there is something there
At first he kinda panics that something is trying to harm his s/o but after watching closely, Sanji comes to the conclusion that they must be helping his s/o in some way
Because of course they gather to his s/o, they’re just that kind of a person
Ace was skeptical of the whole ‘magic’ thing and wasn’t really sure what to think of it
However, that quickly changed once he watched his s/o for the first time light someone on fire…
He decided magic is pretty cool after that
The two work well together on the battlefield and have even been called ‘The Flaming Duo’ by the rest of the crew, due to his s/o having a natural affinity for fire magic
…not to say they didn’t need to employ some water magic to put out stuff Ace accidentally lights on fire
The two will often be found together, either training, eating, or sleeping
Ace is an excellent punching bag when it comes to trying out new spells due to his logia
Although after nearly setting the ship on fire, they weren’t allowed to practice on the ship anymore (it was one time)
He doesn’t really understand magic or how it works, but he won’t complain when his s/o animatedly tries to explain it to him
Honestly he was lost 5 minutes into the explanation but didn’t dare stop them when they looked so happy to share their craft with him
Ace does have to interrupt them when they get to the summoning bit…
“So you can conjure up some food then? I’m starving!”
“Uh..no Ace. That’s not how this works.”
“Even just a sandwich?”
He sighs, but lets them continue on with their explanation
When he focuses more clearly on his s/o, he spots a hazy outline of something he can’t quite make out…
He gets up to take a closer look when he instantly falls down onto his s/o…asleep. A frequent occurrence honestly
Guess it’ll have to wait til morning
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yuukri · 3 years
1, 2, 11 for the wip ask? loved what you posted abt your other wips btw!
hi! i’m glad you enjoyed them!
1. heist au! You aren’t really a good person, but god damn, you make bad look awesome. (no one could steer me right, but mama tried.) (one piece) - this one also needs some explaining! i read one piece super quickly and then watched the movies even quicker, but when i got to gold, i was pretty disappointed at the amount of heist content OTL... so, i decided to do my own modern heist au adapting the pieces of canon like the existence of the one piece (a macguffin) and piracy (criminal underground) into a fic that loosely draws inspiration from actual story arcs for heists, (ie. i adapt whole cake island into a kidnapping). it’s also my first attempt at a multi chaptered fic in that there’s far too much content for a big one shot even.
“Sanji’s favourite bakery is within walking distance of the hotel his father had checked him into.
Today, for the third Wednesday in a row the pretty red haired girl is manning the counter, smiling happily at the few patrons that quick pop in and out of the cozily, cramped shop. It’s homely, and she looks so in place amongst the sweet smell of freshly baked bread and the perpetual warmth of glowing ovens.
“Miss Nami,” Sanji calls happily as he approaches the glass display cases. It’s far to early for breakfast but Sanji’s always been one to appreciate good food and the baguettes on sale look almost otherworldly in their golden crusts.”
2. late night shopping (one piece)
“it’s two am. usopp has a final tomorrow. they are in a tesco’s parking lot.
“get in the trolley usopp,” sanji calls impatiently from the the far side of their minivan. get in the trolley usopp. it echoes. he’s fucked. he does however climb into the trolley. it’s one of those mega sized ones that use to be everywhere there were large supermarkets, but now only exist for the biggest of stores. it’s admittedly, a pretty big tesco’s.
luffy is already in the trolley, his strawhat inappropriately hanging from the cord over the front of his face. someone convinced him to put on a winter jacket before they left, so when usopp manages to squish himself in he’s not met with as many pointy edges as he’s usually subjected to in luffy’s presence.”
11. yuji gets sick (jujutsu kaisen) - the spiritual successor to pylades says to orestes, but more heavily ot3 than that fic. in which, nobara and megumi take care of a bedridden yuji. meanwhile, sukuna is a nuisance.
“it’s when he lays down, flops down more like, on his bed after classes that the vertigo and strain of the day catches up with him. nobara would find it hilarious but yuji, swimming in the gapping black of his vision cannot find it in him to laugh. idiots do get sick.
when the black fades, hollows out a little and yuji can breathe a little easier, he thinks of sitting up and pushing through it. afterall, he’s spent the whole day battling the symptoms, surely he can manage what was left of the evening.
this plan falls through pretty fast. the pounding of his headache sky rockets the moment he shifts his bones into sitting to ready to stand, the black dark yawns across his sight. even if he wanted to yuji is very firmly not going anywhere.”
wip title ask game is open!
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kagero-assassin · 6 years
Thanks for the tags! @elillierose and @markofthemoros I am going to be so conflicted and second guess myself on this,,, OTL
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in any order), answer the questions and tag people you want to get to know better.
My chosen 3 fandoms:
One Piece
The first character you loved:
The character you never expected to love so much:
Prompto. My sunshine child. My first thought of him was that he was going to be this generic blond, happy-go-lucky best friend to our raven haired protag but damn. He was anything but generic. His backstory and overall characterization were fantastic and I love him...enough said
For One Piece...So many?!? Like I didn’t expect to love Nico Robin as much as I do. In the beginning she was just sorta there for me but then I just grew to love her character and always wanted her to get some super awesome fight scenes. LUFFY? Ok confession time...I’m usually not too attached to main characters. Its just a thing but I absolutely love Luffy. Especially when he does a 180 and goes super serious....thats just terrifying. also depending on how you read this question...FRIGGIN TRAFALGAR LAW MY MAN~ *ahem* I knew OF him and had seen some screenshots but the more I learned the more obsessed I became with this man and hot damn I feel like I’m betraying my childhood faves of Zoro and Sanji...sorry guys
And for BNHA I would have to go with Aizawa and Tsuyu. Ok so with Aizawa I did already love him from the beginning BUT once I saw the end of season 1 my respect and love for this man went through the roof. This man is a total badass and I love him...have I mentioned? He is the best. And Tsuyu just an adorable badass in her own way. Again in the beginning she was just sorta there but then she grew on me immensely. 
The character you relate to most:
Definitely Prompto. I have a lot of self esteem issues from the way I look to the way I act that I try to cover up with ‘fake’ confidence and bravado that usually ends up with me being an odd duck to speak...I constantly fret over people possibly disliking me for something I say/do
Ace for OP I guess? I am very close to my family, especially my one sibling. I am very protective of those close to me. Also I am extremely stubborn and can pretty much sleep anywhere XD
Momo. not to sound arrogant or anything...but I was quite good at most subjects in school and most things came naturally to me. I also enjoyed helping and tutoring others in areas they had been struggling. I did have some confidence problems when it came to other matters that I still work on.
The character you’d slap:
Gladio? I love you dude, but sometimes *clenches*
Ohh boi this list would go on and on for OP but I would have to say Spandam for being the biggest douchebag to have ever lived and BLACKBEARD FOR OBVIOUS REASONS
Three favourite characters (in order of preference): Oh please no
Prompto, Noctis, Ignis
 Todoroki, Aizawa, Deku
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
Don’t think there is any for any of the three fandoms...I stay pretty attached~
A character you did not like at first but do now:
Ravus-I definitely feel like this is a common one...but yeah I figured we were going to get TM white haired angsty pretty boy..and we did? But not exactly how I was expecting. Especially after all of the DLC and realizing now the whole picture I like Ravus a lot more than when I started. I feel for him...
I would have to go with Franky and Brook. I think now that I’ve gotten back into the fandom and started rewatching OP (never got to Franky and Brook the first time) I just had this negative feel about them? I knew of people complaining that Brook didn’t have any time to ‘grow’ as a character and I just did not like Franky off the bat. However both of them in their respective arcs really grew on me, especially Brook and his backstory...gods I cried like a baby.
Definitely Bakugo. To me he was just this giant asshole of a character I really wanted to get punched in the face. But then it became almost...comedic? and more receptive from his fellow classmates vs just Deku and also Deku was able to stand up to him. Bakugo has really had an interesting character development I admit~
Three OTPs:
Promptis, Gladnis, NoctLuna
Zosan, Lawlu, Marace
EraserMic, Tododeku (honestly don’t have a third...)
Thanks for the tags again! I don’t really have anyone I want to tag? So anyone that sees this can go right ahead!
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