#thanks for tagging me!! i love these things aaaaaah
palahnyook · 7 months
thank you so much for tagging me! @sleepanonymous
Last Song: rún - skáld
Last Album (in full): take me back to eden – sleep token (i don't really listen to albums in full except for sleep token + october rust by type o negative at least once every single autumn)
Favorite Color: purple!
Sweet, Spicy or Savory: sweet!!!
Last TV Show: i'm absolutely horrible with tv shows because i have the attention span of a toddler. however i'm currently watching junji ito: tales of the macabre and a spanish show that's like 20 years old called aquí no hay quien viva that i watched as a kid and i find it oddly comforting skdjad
Last Film: zombieland with my sister yesterday because i couldn't believe that she loves zombies and had never watched it
Last Thing you Googled: "teatro capitol mapa" because i wanted to watch a comedian here in spain but. fun fact about me. every comedian i ever watch decides to either get me out on stage or make jokes in which i'm the punchline (i don't mind at all, it's funny, but i'm VERY SHY) so i didn't want to sit too close to the stage this time
Relationship Status: 5+ years relationship. maybe even 6, depends on when you start counting?
Current Obsession: sleep token, books about unhinged women
Tagging (no pressure): whoever wants to do it!! <3
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Hello mod of HADAW blog, idk why but I feel like it's now the good time to actually send you this before I backpedal out of embarrassment uhhh (I have never sent any asks before besides to the cfs blog-)
I actually just want to thank you for all the efforts you have been putting in your blog, is all. Before I actually tried posting art of Arjuna here, I have skimmed through your blog (this sounds so weird jsjsjsh) and, well, it feels like to me that you, among other bloggers, have made my experience on Tumblr a good one again, in regards of Arjuna contents. Idk how long I will stay here but I'm glad this time isn't so bad.
Clearly, I'm not good with wording and this has sounded better in my head but... Thank you for creating your own contents for Arjuna(s), with all the silly to memey to distinct-with-seriously-dedicated-effort arts, facts, spitting facts, aggressively thirst posts, reblogging other Arjuna related posts with enthusiastic commentaries in the hastags (you probably don't know but I appreciate this a lot) and so on so on... I give my kudos to you!!
Oh also thank you for scanning the official materials of Arjuna(s) as well. I feel guilty but I admit in saving them secretly and storing them away in Google Drive as references for drawing the bae(s). They just really helped me a lot sjsgjwbve forgive me,,,,,, SO, that's all, now I will skiddadoo away. Have a good day!
Anon this blog is 100% for people like you. I love arjuna SO much, and while he has lots of different types of content in the jp fandom most of the other English arjuna artists are on other sites nowadays so I wanted to provide something for tumblr. I like to switch between all sorts of art (funny, sad, sexy, serious, epic, goofy) bc I want to show people his different sides and kinds of appeal that i feel from him. I also wanted a place where I could support (and gush) over all the talented arjuna artists that are here! (Bc there’s really talented people aaaa)
He’s such a lovely character and I wanted to talk about all the different things I’d learned about him and how important he was to me, and to try and see if I could get some more people to appreciate him! He got kind of a rough start in fate with how they handled him but I think that even with that he has a lot of good qualities that shine through and he deserves the world a little love from people
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I love him! And I’m glad that this blog has been nice for other people who love him! It mostly started as a place where I could quarantine my massive love for him so I’m happy to know the stuff I’ve put here is useful for others ;v; overall I’ve had a lot of fun here and I hope for however long you stay you have a nice time too!
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Thank you for asking about thisssssss :D
Best personality trait
How much he wants to protect people, definitely—specifically Tommy!
In this universe, Tommy was born when Ghostbur was around seven years old, ish? So Ghostbur has literally been with Tommy since he was a baby and he’s watched him grow up and get bigger and he has Many Feelings about that 🥺 He freaking loves his brother. Absolutely adores him. He would actually die for Tommy, no question about it.
And because Ghostbur & Tommy’s bio family was very Not Good, Ghostbur was pretty much the one who raised Tommy—not the parents. And soon after Tommy was born, the two were moved into foster care, which was confusing and scary and nothing ever stayed the same. So, Ghostbur became even more of a protector for his tiny brother :’) He worried a lot about Tommy’s safety, and what could or would happen to him if Ghostbur wasn’t around.
Ghostbur essentially acted as a shield for Tommy; he stepped in and saw/experienced/felt/went through bad things and hard things and scary things and sad things so that Tommy wouldn’t have to. Not that Tommy had a flawless childhood, of course—he absolutely went through super hard things—but Ghostbur did his very best to protect him from the worst of things.
Ghostbur would literally do anything for Tommy, like. His love for his little brother knows no bounds. He’ll protect him to the ends of the earth or die trying.
How they feel about Wilbur
His feelings about Wilbur are… turbulent. Alsgaksgkag
He didn’t even know Wilbur existed for most of his life, so when he finally discovered that he had a twin he has a freaking twin, he was… confused. Very, very confused.
Wilbur didn’t exactly help with that 😅 He’s very… um. Well, he’s very Wilbur XD He’s loud and theatrical and dramatic, and takes up so much space personality-wise. He’s not cruel or trying to be mean, but he can definitely come off as pretty sharp, and that made Ghostbur not like him too much at first 😅
However, things get better! As time goes on, Ghostbur comes to understand Wilbur more and more, and realizes that Wilbur cares a lot and has Big Feelings and struggles with things, and—perhaps the strangest of all—Wilbur loves. He loves Tommy. He might even love Ghostbur.
Things are confusing. Ghostbur’s thoughts on his twin are confusing.
But at the end of the day, when the house is quiet and Wilbur sits on the porch and plays guitar and watches frogs and birds and bugs, Ghostbur thinks that he likes Wilbur. He thinks that Wilbur is not a bad guy.
Love is confusing.
How they react when they are feeling joy or sadness
For happiness, it’s almost exactly like canon; his voice gets super high-pitched and squeaky, he smiles a lot, he has a great time. Basically, wholesome. So darn wholesome.
His joy is absolutely contagious. You can’t not smile when Ghostbur smiles, I mean come on. Especially when he’s super happy :D
Hugs!! He definitely hugs!! He hugs when he’s happy!! Tommy quite likes the hugs (sometimes aksgaksgjag) and he’s learned that it’s something Ghostbur loves doing, so he mostly lets Ghostbur hug as much as he wants :)
And happy bouncing, as well. Ghostbur does little happy bounces; sometimes jumping a few inches into the air, but often just bending his knees a little bit (I do this sometimes when I’m happy!).
There’s a lot of other times when Ghostbur’s joy is much quieter, however—BUT NO LESS WHOLESOME!!!
For example, just being around Tommy is enough to make him very happy :) So like, at night when the both of them are a bit sleepy and sitting on the couch, Ghostbur will smile to himself and not say a word, content to let Tommy rest. Content to just be.
Ghostbur loves the quiet moments, man. He just loves ‘em.
He also likes to trace his finger along Tommy’s hand, when he’s happy!! Going over all the lines and such, quiet and thinking about how every human hand is different and looks different and feels different, and how wonderful that is. He’s glad that Tommy’s hands are soft.
For sadness… :0
Ghostbur’s definitely a denier; when he’s feeling sad or not-happy, he never likes to say that or admit that to anyone—even to himself. He’ll try and convince himself that he’s happy, or distract himself with things that will make him happy, or simply… metaphorically run away from the bad thoughts, and desperately try to forget them. If he forgets, then they’re not real.
It’s not very healthy :( The poor man needs to be more honest with himself, and more open about this to people :(( GAHHHHHHH I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND WANT TO GIVE HIM A HUG AND LET HIM CRY ON ME <333
Almost always, Ghostbur reaches a breaking point, when the bad thoughts get too loud and take up too much of the space inside his head, and he can’t feel happy and he doesn’t feel happy, and he’s scared and he just wants to feel right again but he doesn’t and that really scares him.
When that happens, pretty much the only thing left to do is… cry. And thing is, Ghostbur doesn’t cry all that much! He really dislikes crying, and tries not to do it at all! But when he feels like this—sad and scared and scared and scared and scared—he can’t stop crying. And he hates it, he hates how much he cries, he hates how he can’t stop, but he doesn’t know what else to do.
Every once in a while Tommy will find him crying, and trying to be quiet about it so that Tommy doesn’t see. When that happens, Tommy just hugs him, and Ghostbur hugs back, and there’s… Lots of crying. Lots of it.
And then afterward, Ghostbur is “back to normal” and tries not to think about crying or sad things or scary things! It’s… definitely not a healthy way to live :(
Scariest moment of their life
Oh… man :(
Honestly, Ghostbur could make a list of all the scariest moments of his life—that is, if Ghostbur actually acknowledged those moments, which he doesn’t.
I’m still figuring out the specifics of his backstory, but I do know that…
He’s drowned at least once (hence his fear of water/not knowing how to swim)
He’s watched some people die (more than one)
Bad things have happened to Tommy
Ghostbur couldn’t stop the bad things from happening to Tommy
Ghostbur blames himself for the bad things that happened to Tommy
He’s also Very afraid of doctors/needles, but I’m not sure exactly why yet :0
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egophiliac · 2 years
Hello!! I'm in love with your artstyle (especially the way you did the signature spells??? I've been looking at them for a while adsgfdfsf, they look like movie posters tbh and that's fricking cool to me. anyway!! I'm a player on the NA server (btw, I've already seen spoilers of chap 7 due to tumblr/reddit/pinterest, so yeah it's not the most spoiled I've ever been so yea) and yeah. I'm getting through the story okay but do you have any advice for people trying to get through certain events with a more limited life schedule??? Also, what are some of the differences that you notice between the english (if you see a lot of it??) and Japanese versions of the game? sorry if this was a longer ask, i tried to be simple but i wanted to tell you that I loved your art and everything just spiraled AAAAAAH
thank you! ❤️❤️❤️ I've been surprised by how many people really like my posters -- it's kind of a weird style to do fanart in, I guess, but I'm glad other people think it's cool too! :D
(gonna answer out of order because the event stuff turned into a huge block of text, sorry!)
I've seen a few of the localizations, but I don't know a lot about the Eng version, so I can't speak too much about differences. (I do think "housewarden" has a better sound to it than "dorm leader" though...they need a fancy little word to match their fancy little outfits.) I did look up the unique magic/signature spells to see if they were able to somehow work in the glossing -- I'm not even sure how you would localize that without it being super weird, so I don't blame them, but I was a little sad anyway! :( in Japanese, they're all written as Japanese phrases with the English as ruby text, and sometimes they're given a little extra meaning. like -- this is where the episode 7 spoilers I'm tagging are) the words that Mal says are "Fae of Maleficence":
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but the meaning of the Japanese is "Blessing", which is a nice little "ooooh" moment given the context of it!
there isn't always an extra meaning, sometimes it's just. super literal. but my other favorite is Jack's, where what he means is "✨howl that pierces the moonlit night✨", but what he actually yells is "UNLEASH BEAST" before turning into a giant dog. what a good boy.
as for event advice (under the cut, because this was already getting long)...
speaking as someone who is 100% F2P and therefore also tends to get kind of burnt by some of these events -- the #1 most important thing is to just...make peace with not getting everyone. :') I am a collector-type person, so it definitely gets grating when I can't have all the fancy PNGs my little packrat heart desires. generally though: never do random pulls, always be saving your keys and gems between events. (once a month you can buy a 10-set from Sam for a 50 gem discount, and logging in on a character's birthday will give you a 10-set for free, so make sure to do those!). when the event info starts coming out, pick one or two cards that you really want and work specifically towards those, focusing on grinding out the items and/or using your saved-up pulls on their specific banner. and in the end, accept that it might just not be meant to be, even if you hit the 100-pull pity SSR no I'm not still bitter over fairy gala Ortho why do you ask. if the event doesn't have any cards that you really want, take it as an opportunity to save for the next one!
hoard your star fragments (the things that restore AP) -- if you're going for a card that requires grinding event items to permanently unlock, and the item is one you get from lessons, you can use star fragments to bump your AP up to 30 at a time (10 is the limit that will restore over time, but 30 is the max you can have at once). that makes for a looong lesson loop, but I usually get about 50-60 items per 30 lessons, and I just let it run in the background while doing other stuff. (usually these items are what also unlock the event story, so I'll do a huge amount of lessons first thing and then have enough to get the whole story at once. 👍) it can get really grindy, but events go on for a while so it's not usually that bad if you space it out a bit, instead of waiting until the last minute to try and get those last 600 items (cough) (cough).
if it's one of the ones where you get the item from doing a rhythmic, you get the same amount of items no matter how well you do, even if you miss every note. so you can just...tap occasionally to restart it and get the same effect. if it's a battle one, you do have to actually win to get the item, but once you figure out the sweet spot of a team setup + highest battle level where you win every time, it becomes basically the same deal.
so...yeah, tl;dr you can get away with a lot just by setting things up to run in the background and paying just enough attention to tap through some of the menus. it does require a certain amount of time to just leave your phone while still sorta-kinda paying attention to it, so it might not work for everyone, but that's the best way I've found to get through most events!
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98 and Tigareth 😌
Aaaaaah thank you so much for asking for THE BOYS, now I get to post THE BOYS.
The prompt is "If we weren't in public right now i'd have my head between your legs." and the ship is Gareth/OMC, specifically, my OMC Tig who is Our Boyfriend.
This is established!Tigareth, and takes place in the near-ish future of pom!verse ;p and in pom!verse, Gareth is short.
Tagging the Tig fans: @xenon-demon @steddieas-shegoes @theheadlessphilosopher @scarcrossdlvrs @sidekick-hero @sentient-trash @stobinesque @starryeyedjanai @vampeddie @hellion-child @wormdebut (if i'm forgetting someone i'm so sorry just let me know in the notes if you wanna be tagged in more Tig stuff)
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Gareth, for the most part, loved concerts. The energy of them, especially the mosh pit, was sublime. They allowed him to get out a lot of pent-up energy that he otherwise struggled to find release for (because despite what some giants in his life would insist, sex wasn't always the best way to burn through some stuff). Sometimes, Gareth just needed to get his eardrums blown out in the middle of a sweaty crowd of strangers, maybe get shoved around. Part of that need was probably why he became a drummer, and performing absolutely scratched that itch well enough while they were touring.
But sometimes he just wanted to actually see the band performing which, when you’re just over five fucking feet tall, usually didn’t work out. Especially when a stupid fucking accident on the freeway cost them precious minutes needed to make it to the barrier.
They were stuck in the middle of the crowd and obviously it still sounded amazing, and the energy was still fucking perfect, Gareth couldn’t help the scowl that fell over his face. It was still the opening bands, so there was still time to bully his way to the barrier, but still… he didn’t want to have to bully his way to the barrier.
“You’re pouting,” Tig’s voice rumbled against Gareth’s ear as the first opening band exited the stage and he jumped, swinging his elbow and catching his boyfriend’s hip.
“Not pouting,” he snapped back and Tig just laughed, sending Gareth’s stomach into a series of somersaults. It was a good thing he wasn’t looking at Tig when he laughed like that because Gareth knew he would be embarrassing about it.
He always was.
“Okay, well, that definitely looks like a pout, Gare,” Tig insisted, and only then did Gareth actually turn his head to look at him.
It was always fucking devastating to look at Tig, especially in the shifting lights of a concert, especially when Tig was done up in all that leather and denim, eyes lined in black and his long hair pulled back to show off his undercut. His hair was platinum blond again, too, which was doing something for Gareth for reasons that were far too embarrassing to fully admit to while completely sober.
“Aren’t you enjoying the concert?” Tig asked, and Gareth had to take a deep breath before he said something nasty. See, Tig was gorgeous, and a considerate partner, and the most perfect boyfriend probably ever, but he was famous for his stupid questions.
“Yeah, I’m sure the concert is great when you’re, fuckin’, Slenderman,” Gareth said snappishly, gesturing at Tig’s six-foot-fucking-six frame. Then he pointed at the man standing right in front of him and added, “I get to watch the sweat spot between this asshole’s shoulder blades grow. Can’t see jackshit else.”
When Gareth looked back at Tig again, he immediately felt bad for his complaining. He genuinely looked guilty, his brow furrowed and the corners of his mouth turning down. Just as Gareth was about to back-pedal, though, Tig got a little smirk on his lips that had Gareth nervous.
Leaning close enough to Gareth’s ear that his lip piercings brushed against his earlobe, Tig murmured in a perfect accent, “Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?”
Gareth reared back to stare at his boyfriend, eyes wide and nostrils flaring at the cheeky little smirk on Tig’s lips as mortification flooded through him. Not for the first time, Gareth found himself plotting the most effective way to put Nair in Eddie Munson’s conditioner without risking Steve in the crossfire. It was Eddie’s fault that Tig knew about the obsessive crush he had on Legolas at all, and since finding out about it the man was insufferable.
Unfortunately for Gareth, Tig saying that line in a perfect imitation of the accent with platinum blond hair had a completely different feeling taking precedence.
“Dipshit,” Gareth grumbled with a roll of his eyes, and he reached for Tig, scowling at the shit-eating grin that split his face.
Perhaps the man expected to be shoved, because Tig visibly braced himself only to stumble a bit when Gareth’s hands wrapped around the leather straps of the harness he wore and tugged. Their lips crashed together and Tig instantly melted into it, opening for Gareth’s questing tongue before pressing forward with his own. The sensation of Tig’s forked tongue against his had Gareth’s head going fuzzy and hot, and he had to force himself to pull away.
“If we weren’t in public right now, I’d have my head between your legs,” Gareth said thickly, kissing Tig again.
“Making a pretty good case to get somewhere private immediately,” Tig hummed, just as the second opening band came out and started up.
“If you get me to the barrier, I’ll do a lot more than suck your cock later,” Gareth promised and the heated expression Tig pinned him with had him reconsidering staying at the show entirely.
But then Tig had him by the hand and was snaking through the crowd, and Gareth found himself standing at the barrier in no time. Of course, Gareth is a man of his word, and he absolutely intended to make good on his vow the second they got somewhere even remotely private.
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Make me write!!
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jamiesfootball · 6 months
Some random fic questions for you!
1) in the Leverage AU you definitely aren't writing, which episode(s) are you most excited to (definitely not) adapt?
2) how did you come up with the ideas for the subplots in OGYGGI(YHNBGL), and how did you go about weaving them all together? (also typing that acronym requires. concentration)
3) free space! answer whichever question you wish people would ask about your fics
Aaaaaah, I love random fic questions! Thank you!
1) in the Leverage AU you definitely aren't writing, which episode(s) are you most excited to (definitely not) adapt?
While I have a massive prompt table (that I shared somewhere in my leverage au tag forever ago), I'm fairly sure I won't end up using all of them. That said, there are a few episodes in particular that have been added to the Web Of Character Arcs and are for sure getting used:
The Juror #6 Job (with Roy as the juror)
The First David Job / The Second David Job
The Broken Wing Job
The Grave Danger Job
The Three Card Monte Job
The Rashomon Job
Of the ones I'm most looking forward to adapting, I think The Three Card Monte Job is at the top of my list. It's going to be the Jamie's dad turns up episode.
Now. For job titles I currently have on the chapter list:
The First Second Job
The Little Sister Job
The Equity Trust Job
The Juror #6 Job*
The Just Married Job
The Faberge Dilemma
The Hammer Job
The Broken Wing Job*
The Son's Gambit
Special Note: The Broken Wing Job, while it shares a title, is very much not a fun little one-off romp and is not a 1:1 retelling of the episode it's named after. The Juror #6 Job, on the other hand, is very much like it's namesake, only with Roy in the place of Parker trying to learn how to get along with people without cracking skulls. Growth, baby <3
2) how did you come up with the ideas for the subplots in OGYGGI(YHNBGL), and how did you go about weaving them all together? (also typing that acronym requires. concentration)
(I rely on my phone for the acronym now)
The subplots were very much a listing of 'here's everything I wish they'd handled differently in the finale, now what can I do to fix this?'
Jamie - I think we know this one. His dad. That scene of him visiting his dad in rehab. This was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. This is what took it from 'hey I wrote a thing about Roy and Jamie discussing him reaching out to his dad' and turned it into a multi-chaptered behemoth
Roy - very much did not care for the fight in the last episode, and what (to me) felt like a lack of resolution. Did very much like that he decided to go to therapy. Decided to spin it so that the fight was why he ended up in therapy. Now I get to talk about both of those things as much as I want- yaaaaaaaay
Sam - Why. Why would you definitively have Akufo say Sam would never get to play for the Nigerian team. And then have the next thing be a shot of him on the Nigerian team. WHY. So the basic outline of Sam's subplot in this fic is him vs. Akufo, who has built a Nigerian restaurant right around the corner from Sam's restaurant.
Colin - I'm so sorry, buddy, but that kiss definitely outed you. There were cameras, bud. There were so many cameras....... HOWEVER. That is not the totality of Colin's arc! Colin's arc is very much a 'what now?' sort of thing that I shall continue to be vague about.
Keeley - Look, the show may have been lazy in her plot lines, but they left a lot of solid, strong storybeats to play around with. Her subplot really focuses on the rebuilding aspect of everything: rebuilding her relationships with Roy and Jamie, rebuilding her company under the weight of crushing guilt and debt that she now feels to her best friend for bailing her out, rebuilding her image after the leak, the breakup, and Shandy (jesus). She has a lot going on, and due to the messiness of her interpersonal relationships, there's no one area that doesn't affect the others.
Beard - Beard and Jane happy ending my beloathed. You weren't even in the first draft, but boy if I didn't find a way to sow the seeds of your inevitable destruction by lowkey giving Beard a new foundation for his support system
Nate - I just feel like they got him like. 90% of the way there. There's just a little more fine-tuning on his character arc I'd like to spiff up.
Higgins - just kidding nothing to fix here, I love him for who he is. Someone's got to keep a level head around here and keep the boat moving forward
Isaac - oh I'm sorry did you think I forgot about my boy the way my show forgot about my boy? Nuh uh. Subplot for Isaac.
As for how I weaved them all together? I've got no idea. Really, I don't. When I started to outline everything, they all just- slotted in together. I think a part of what made that easy is I have this (usually unmet) want for characters to interact with people outside their immediate plot lines in meaningful ways, which ultimately makes them part of the plot line. For example, if Sam is struggling with Akufo, then it makes sense that Jamie, someone who likes Sam, would already have sought Sam out for his own reasons. It's not like I'm doing backflips to get everybody in the same room. By wanting to be in each other's lives, they naturally become part of each other's plots, whether they realize it or not.
3) free space! answer whichever question you wish people would ask about your fics
Okay, this one stumped me, so instead I've found a question from one of those ask games:
What fic are you most excited about publishing/updating next?
The next chapter of OGYGGIYHNBGL! It is written! It is obscenely long! Longer than the first chapter! 22k words and 66 pages! But it is badly in need of edits and still has the odd [bracket fix this later] and I've just been so burnt out lately that every time I look at it I want to cry.
But that is my goal for this weekend! I want to get a decent chunk of this thing edited. I'm quite excited for it to finally see the light of day.
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papiermaker · 2 years
Some simblr appreciation posts are floating around and I’m really happy to have been tagged. Please indulge me while I reel off some favourite simblrs in return.
This is all under the cut because I got a bit carried away. And I still haven’t had a chance to tag everyone I wanted to.
Firstly thank you for the tags to @alpine-lapine - an actual magician at reshade and poses - and @enchanting-whim, who has such a gift for creating a mood in her posts. 
Simblr curators
Some of my favourite simblrs create their own lovely things and also find and share great stuff from others. Their blogs are a showcase for creativity, and they’ve helped me to make new discoveries and have inspired me to share the things I love. They are, in no particular order:
 - @holocene-sims: whose own posts are beautiful and who has an eye for beauty in other people’s work.  - @titosims: captures funny and sweet everyday moments in their own game, and shares so much great stuff.  - @tipsy-clouds: a kind presence on here, shares her knowledge freely, and her recolours are *chef’s kiss*.  - @helloavocadooo: my go-to blog for ‘what pretty and fun posts did I miss on simblr lately’, and whose own posts remind me that this game can be fun.  - @sweetpyxels: makes the kind of lovely sims that you just want to be happy.  - @plumiipixel: equally great at creating badass sims with attitude and cute sims who you want to squeeze.   - @idyllicephemera: creates a lovely world where the colours are soft and the sims are outrageously cute. - @bakersimmer: so talented, especially at capturing family relationships.  - @ellemant: magics up the perfect atmosphere for every screenshot, including a kind of buttery light that makes everything look amazing.  - @moonlightruby: her sims portraits are phenomenal, her gameplay is fun, and she unearths great cc and resources like she has some sort of simblr treasure-hunting device. 
More 10/10 simblrs 
In no particular order, more people whose posts I’m always happy to see...
 - @cowplant-snacks: makes stylish, charming and fun sims with and without cc, and their CC-free townies are a gift to the ts4 community.   - @simmerstellar: creates sims with so much personality and flair, and has such a versatile style so every sim looks great.  - @nempne: amazing attention to detail in their posts and builds, which makes me notice new things in my game too.   - @pluto-sims: the talent and vision to make bright and beautiful posts and game-enhancing cc.  - @anvilesi: not active any more, but to be celebrated as a champion of truth and justice, and a cc creator of timeless style for all sims.  - @natolesims: can establish a character really strongly in a single scene, and introduced me to storytelling on here.   - @ladychaos: the most incredible builds packed with detail and storytelling potential. And I am so deeply invested in everything to do with Myrtle.
Even more! 
Aaaaaah, I have a note of exactly 14 more simblrs I wanted to talk about, but I’m going to cut this off here because this wall of text is getting ridiculous. I’ll maybe do a part two since there are too many good blogs.
Thanks to everyone for being here.
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
First off I want the basics!! Who and what is your S/I? What’s their backstory and how did they meet everyone?
Aaaaaah!! Thankyou for your interest!!!! I go back and forth between "He" and "I" when talking about my S/I so apologies if this isn't cohesive!!!
I actually have two Mario S/Is technically,,,
One really really old one baby me made in... 2011 or so that I lightly revamped a few years ago; That post can be seen Here (bowuigi and Mariocest mentioned)
And the newer one made in part thanks to the Mario Movie finally giving me confirmed extended Mario Family outside of the Super Show, my Mario Brothers Cousin S/I is the one I'll talk a bit about.
I have a few posts about him and the rest of the Mario family floating around my art tag but to give the summery:
Emilio (nicknamed Emile) is the only son of Tony Mario and his ex-girlfriend Pauline. He is 5 years younger than Mario and Luigi, and 6 years older than their younger cousin Louisa. He's currently in collage at his mother's wishes to become a politician, but has no real interest in it. He has a pet turtle named after his favorite Pokemon Turtwig.
I'm using the movie's cool isekai plot of how Mario and Luigi got to the Mushroom Kingdom as my base, because I personally like it better than Yoshi's Island/Partner's in Time's sort of They were Always there plot, and it just is the only story we have on Mario Family and I love them they are my Familia. However Partner's in Time is canon to my S/I's later plot just in more of a Cross Dimensional adventure rather than just time travel because I love that game a lot
So I'm not plot important in the movie at all, that all still happens as it does in canon, I was blissfully unaware of their adventure sitting at home in Brookyln with the rest of the family until they came home.
After that, and after Mario and Luigi fully move out and into the Mushroom Kingdom, I start visiting them and crashing at their place often.
I have a deep fascination with Mushrooms, in both real life and in this Self Insert, so of COURSE I have to come be a biology nerd all over the Mushroom Kingdom, and the bros are happy to have me around. We're all pretty close, especially sense I'm the only family member who knows the brothers are together Romantically, and am willing to cover for them.
While in the Mushroom Kingdom I start getting interested in more than just the Mushroom Forests. I start asking about the people, and the other kingdoms, and the people in those kingdoms, so on and so forth. Mario and Luigi don't really know much aside from Evil King Bowser and his kingdom of Killers which. Bros I know he tried to kill you but that's a big sweep to make of a whole country. So we go ask the Princess for more information. But she's busy doing Princess Things.
Enter Toadsworth my beloved old man who deserved to be in this movie. Toadsworth has been the royal adviser sense before Princess Peach, so of course he knows plenty on the surrounding Kingdoms and their governments and justice systems and trade rates and all that juicy world building.
So I start getting into fantasy politics.
My S/I for this one is really smart, smarter than real me by a lot, he retains information well and makes more logical conclusions and can grasp big concepts my little dropped outta highschool pea brain can't, so he soaks up every bit of information Toadsworth gives him like a sponge.
A month or two of this goes by and I start missing my real world collage classes to run off to the Mushroom Kingdom and learn Fantasy Politics. I read every book in Peach's Library, and then everything in Toadsworth's personal collection, and then everything in the Toadtown local library, all while listening to any story or extra detail Toadsworth himself knows.
Meanwhile my poor dad, Tony, has Pauline breathing down his neck about me skipping classes to run off with those Hooligan cousins of mine to some Fantasy land doing who knows what throwing my future away. This isn't super plot important just. Pauline is a Mother Knows Best kind of parent while Also being a Hands Off kind of parent. I was raised in the Mario household, she paid for my schooling, that's the dynamic.
Anyway eventually I fully commit to dropping out of Human Collage to fully study under Toadsworth to become the Mushroom Kingdom Royal Adviser under him. I'm now doing super official stuff like helping plan events like galas and the Star Festival, I'm sitting in on meetings both with the Toad Court and with other Nations, I'm meeting with Monarchs and Politicians of other Countries on the weekly. I'm rubbing Elbows with King Koopa himself! The bros are not happy about that one but they ARE supportive
I even get my own room in the castle!! Which tends to go pretty unused because at this point I'd been sleeping exclusively in the Bro's house. Occasionally if I'm really focused on a job Toadsworth gives me I'll work overnight on it in my room is the castle, but that rarely happens because Luigi always calls me when dinner's almost ready so I can get home just as it's done, and no one can resist a Luigi home cooked meal. The few times I have stayed overnight working in the Castle Mario's ended up calling me at like 3am because he can't sleep and doesn't want to wake Luigi. Another reason I end up coming home.
Ah this is getting long I'm sorry thankyou so so so much for asking I don't think I've posted all this information cohesively yet?? Is it cohesive?? I hope so!!
Uhm but I think that's all the Basic information!! To summarize:
My S/I is Mario and Luigi's cousin, Son of their Uncle Tony and his ex-girlfriend Pauline. He's about 18-19 years old at the start of the movie
His Backstory is he's a Gifted Kid raised under a Projecting Mother who has an interest in Economics and Politics, but only for the fantasy world Mario and Luigi stumbled into
He meets everyone through becoming the Royal Adviser in training under Toadsworth, leading him to attend important meeting and Galas with high ranking figures like Princess Daisy and the Koopa King Bowser
Thankyou for reading this all if you did!! I hope it was interesting!!!! Please feel free to ask more if you'd like!!
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Hi Comet, 💄and the anon venter !
I'm not mega popular on anything, and I built in an extra annoying step by using my sideblog for Ghost but I still think I've gotten a nice little corner carved out for myself. I don't get lots of notes either, which sucks for my self-esteem at times but that's also because my favorite things to write is femslash. Whenever I get a tag that's basically "AAAAAAH" or "I LOVE WOMEN" that's worth like 100 notes to me so it evens out in the end.
My advice would be:
- Get your fics noticed is using the tag system on tumblr. I scroll through "the band ghost fanfiction" on a regular basis. You can even wade out in the main tag if you're feeling bold! I also like going through the tags for ghouls and ghoulettes.
- Like Comet said, interact with others! A comfortable way is to reblog and add compliments and/or comments in the tags. I can't draw, but I can and will cheer people on in tags.
- If you want prompts or asks, send out prompts or asks to others. A good rule of thumb is that if you reblog a prompt or ask list from someone you should also send them an ask. It's even easier when you do this from a main blog because then the ice is already broken!
Anyway, that's it from me. Lots of encouraging hugs to everyone, and a really big one specifically to you Comet!
- @ghouletteanon
♥♥♥♥ Thank you so much for sending this. This is great advice, and a great reminder that writing/creating things you love is so so so worth it--regardless of how many notes.
Big hugs right back to you <3 <3 <3.
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jmrothwell · 1 year
Writer Asks! 11, 15, 30, 49
Thanks agains Ash!! <3 (Long answer is long, so I'll put a read more after the first one. On that note I'll link the question list here: questions for fic writers)
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
I am very partial to Reggie (82 of my 99 fics are tagged with him, granted a lot of those are prompts but STILL. Plus I don't know if it's because other picked up on that too or not but like almost every time I open up prompts Reggie is almost always the top requested character)
I adore adorkable, rays of sunshine. Like I have 3 go to charcter types (two personality based ones, and then dark haired/light eyed characters) and like my wife picked up on Reggie being my fav before I even said anything to her, because he fits 2 out of the three.
It's at the point where if Reggie's Jam(or Now or Never) comes on in the car and the GPS interrupts the song, she just automatically restarts it knowing I'm going to anyway because HOW DARE.
He's a Star Wars fan with musical chops, he's a little airheaded bt he's got a heart of gold. And there is so much you COULD theorize and speculate about his character just because of what's been revealed and how he was played and I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
AAAAAAH! OMG!! but I have so many!!
I love my Supernatural Romance AU's (Feats of Crimson, We Run Together(it may only have the one fic but that is the verse name), Closest to Heaven, and Devil Searching For Redemption)
So those are definitley my top 4 but I don't know if I can rank them beyond that! They're all so good for different reasons!!!
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
Sink Your Teeth was out of my comfort zone regarding the intimacy. I am bad at writing action and being intimate is a type of action I hadn't really attempted before. (In fact prior to Slices of Summer-Fireworks I hadn't written that much in the way of kissing scenes, I think I'd only written one other kiss before then and it practically amounted to 'and they kissed')
I had a similar issue with I Could be the Monster with the Alex POV section because that one had a lot of action (It originally was supposed to have more and be MUCH more detailed but I think it flows fairly well with how it ended up.)
In each of those cases I struggled and wrote and worried and ended up sharing/posting thinking this will surely be hated/flop because all I could see was all the ways I could improve, or how it was envisioned in my head. And every single time the almost exact opposite happened.
Which just keeps reminding me A: to stop doubting myself, B: it's ok to take risks with my writing(I won't improve otherwise), C: Allowed me to sort of mentally give myself to pursue MORE stories like that.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Right now I am actively working on a few things atm, The next chapters of While You're in the World, Can't Get You (Out of my Mind), and I'm almost always slowly pecking away at my rulie fake/convenience marriage fic. Here's a few lines from each of those!:
R: luke
R: I’m serious
R: if ur not up I’m leaving ur ass
L: you wouldn’t
L: but don’t worry 
L: I’ll be up
Luke was absolutely right, Reggie didn’t leave him behind when he wasn’t awake the next morning. However, the dark haired boy had no qualms against pummeling Luke with a pillow until he did wake up and got dressed. 
“That’s a bit of a story.” Luke’s voice sounded over his shoulder, where Julie’s eyes drifted to. Reggie hadn’t thought this part of their plan through. He’d so quickly become accustomed to Luke’s vibrancy he almost entirely forgot he was dead, and very much looked it. 
He braced himself as he watched the shock overtake Julie’s face, at this point he had almost been screaming. Reggie’d also forgotten how much Julie liked to unknowingly defy his expectations. 
“I’m dreaming,” She exhaled as she turned away from Luke and himself.
Julie squints down at her phone, as a tension pulls inside her chest. The thoughts that had been swarming around her head like a beehive clear away only slightly as she tries to piece together what Flynn is going on about. She clicks the link to the video that was sent and immediately her stomach drops to her feet.
It’s not a very long video nor is it very clear, shaky and obviously taken by someone at a bit of a distance. However, she recognizes the building in the shot, the very same chapel she and Reggie had been at earlier that day-yesterday? What time was it?
Julie doesn’t care about the time soon enough as the video zooms in and focuses on Reggie, his broad smile only briefly obscured by what must be the back of her head, her dark braids falling into cascading curls. Julie forgets how to breathe as her chest collapses in on itself. 
She remembers this exact moment and watches in a sort of distant horror, nausea building in the pit of her stomach, as Reggie laughs before linking arms with her. There is no denying she and Reggie very clearly, very soberly, very deliberately, walk arm in arm into the chapel.
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coffeebanana · 2 years
Something you have watched or read that you really want to rant about but don’t normally get the chance to? Why you like/despise it, why others should watch it/roast it Etc.
sjkfskjdfd I feel like I don't have a good answer for this. I think I do rant or ramble about a lot of things (maybe not on tumblr but in general) and I don't need the encouragement 😂
But I did recently watch Arcane, which frankly was not at all what I expected it to be and for some reason I have not really talked about it even though I loved it!? I want to watch it again I should go do that right now because kajbfsdkjbf the character dynamics are so interesting to me?! Like I started watching because I knew there were sapphics but what really got me was the sibling dynamic between Vi and Powder/Jinx (which like. I won't spoil what happens in the show but !!!) because KJNFKJSKJBDKSJBD oh gosh there's so much hurt there. Aaaaaah like if a few things had happened differently and ugh there's so much. And a lot of the side characters are really interesting to me too. Mel's backstory and the way her character is presented at first vs at the end is so cool. And...the sciency/magic stuff. Viktor and Jayce's dynamic. There's a lot there!
I want to get into fic for that because there's so much angst potential?! But it sometimes takes me a few tries to get into fic for a new fandom. And there's a lot more M/E rated fics than I'm used to in ml which isn't a bad thing and I do read smut sometimes but I don't usually enjoy fics that are...just smut? So I gotta go find the fics that have the right balance of plot and other things. And figure out which tropes/tags I'm going to enjoy best in this fandom. Which is going to take me a while. And maybe I won't ever get around to it haha. But writing fic in this fandom would be super fun too I think. If I can get a good enough grasp on the characters, which...again I would want to take my time with.
Thanks for the ask!! 💜
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smartzelda · 2 years
for ao3 wrapped - 9, 15, 16, 19!
Ooooooo okay okay
9. I think my favorite pairing I wrote this year has to be Lawlight. Putting aside from some returning hyperfixations and some minor ones, my overarching hyperfixation for the year transitioned from Invader Zim to Death Note. Both shared a common theme of giving me dozens of wips/ideas for a select couple popular ships and dozens of rarepairs. Maybe it's just because Death Note is the more recent one, but boy Neat Freak is just like gah it feels like my magnum opus for the year, you feel? It makes me go crazy. I love writing complex characters and feelings and (apparently) characters who just can't shut up but also definitely have feelings for each other. Idk, man, among other things I am just obsessed with them
15. Ah, so since I answered this question before I'll give you a different wip. I have the next fic for the DDLC/Invader Zim crossover au in my drafts and I hope to finish chapter 1 as soon as possible.
16. I found out in the last ask for this that apparently my top 2 are Fluff and variations of "not beta read" overall. But I just realized I forgot to check for this year so I'll do that
So for just this year that puts us with half the fics tagged with a variation of "not beta read" and the second most common additional tag as "french kissing" (which is much more on brand for me recently 😂😂)
19. Aaaaaah this is such a good one
And to only pick one??
I'll go with MikaMatsu/Mikatsuda/Matsukami (letting myself say just one cause I'm hoping more people ask. There are so many death note ships I want to write)
Thank you so much for the ask!!🥺🙏💖
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partlyironic · 4 days
genuinely instantly furious to remember that stupid jack sparrow post. thousands of people all not questioning the idea that jack sparrow was a groundbreaking first example of a morally gray protagonist. nobody questioned it!!!!!!! people kept putting it on my dash without challenging it at all!!!! i felt like i was losing my mind. truly dark times. lets all thank Disney for inventing the concept of an antihero that sounds like a rational take. nobody could have possibly done it before Disney. actually i heard before Disney made pirates of the Caribbean nobody else had ever thought to include themes or story in their movies even. potc was the first to do it, don't you know?
aaaaaah finding other people talking about it in the tags was SO validating so thank you for that. fun thing is, since you sent this I had forgotten and was reminded by re-seeing your ask. so we are really just a lovely feedback loop of annoyance here. isn't that lovely.
this is the THING, I was talking about it today and what you said is exactly what stuck with me too - NO ONE SAID ANYTHING??? I remember distinctly scrolling down the thread of post additions and reading that and thinking "well. surely someone will tackle THAT insane comment!". but they didn't? then I went into the notes. nothing. and the post was from ages ago I feel like as well maybe? Like years ago. So it had just... been, circulating, all that time, unremarked??? I guess cos it had been written in a numbered list, with italics, and the unearned confident "listen up buckaroo" tone that it just... WAS ACCEPTED???
but yeah, finding your post (and the few others I found) helped me prove to my friend that it did really happen at least. I'm sorry to awaken the kraken tho. (krakens, incidentally, were also introduced into pop culture by pirates of the carribbean)
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actuallyitsstar · 5 months
hiii 🍓🔪🦷🐚 and 🧩 (for the drama 💅)
✨ writer’s truth or dare! ✨
hi there nonnie !!! tysm for the ask!! i am so sorry for the late response but i hope that u see this and enjoy !! <3<3
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
i have no idea anymore tbh lol. i can tell u that the first fic i ever wrote was an episode tag for the mentalist, and that i was probably was somewhere between the ages of 12 and 15???? but i don't remember the specifics that got me into it. i started reading fic (also for the mentalist) when i was like, 11, so, probably because after a year or two i convinced myself to just give it a shot and the rest was history. at the end of the day, though, it probably just comes down to an uncontrollable urge to put that blorbo into a situation!!
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
not for a fanfic, but i had to know SO MUCH about a limited model run of a special drag racing car that ford made in the early 1960s (only a few hundred made, very rare, etc etc) due to a personal writing project i started and then kind of abandoned when i was like, 16 lol. i used to know the production run numbers and engine size and the paint colors and everything by memory. it was ridiculous.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
if you love something, do it. even if you fear you won't do it well- if you love something enough, you love it enough to do it shitty. that's so much better than not doing it at all. learning to let go of my incredibly creativity-freezing perfectionism is an ongoing task that i am not even halfway thru, so trust me when i say i know how tough that rly is. but you always regret the things you didn't try more than the things you did.
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
aaaaaah do we still mean in writing lol? or irl? i like a surprise twist or turn in writing quite a lot! i also love foreshadowing and being chased down by the narrative. there's no perfect right answer! as for irl, it depends, but i don't like to get scared or to have plans suddenly changed at the last minute. if it's a surprise outside of those circumstances, then yes, i do!
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
for me it's either poor formatting (i.e. no paragraph breaks, no quotations, no commas, that kind of thing), or (and i hope this doesn't come off rude in any way bc i know we all make different choices stylistically and are all always learning and growing too!), and this might just be a me thing, but if the pov is from like. a god-mode position where the third person narrative knows what every character is thinking at the same time and it's not just switching povs or like. one character's prediction of another's pov. but like. idk what that is called. it just kind of breaks my immersion to the story i think, so i don't tend to vibe with it!
again, thank u so much anon !!! i hope u have a lovely day !! <3 tysm for stopping by my blog and taking time to send in an ask aaaa!
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binnie-remade · 7 years
92 statements tag!!
Rules: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
tagged by: raquel! @iloveyoojung ❤️
ok here we go!
The Last:
1. Drink - lukewarm water from a bottle i accidentally left under blazing sunlight 
2. Phone call - my mamã
3. Text message - [in portuguese] “THEY PUT LEMON ON MY SUSHI”
4. Song you listened to - dracula by f(x) (i mean, technically it’s playing as i type this) 
5. Time you cried - uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh it was either two days or two weeks ago............i can't tell...............
Have You Ever:
6. Dated someone twice - yep
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - yep
8. Been cheated on - nein
9. Lost someone special - uuuuh yes?
10. Been depressed - i am currently
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - YEP i cleaned the mess up afterwards tho and i remember feeling really proud of myself for wiping a toilet seat with wobbly knees and blurry vision vjuhkbbkjfdbnxd
List 3 Favorite Colors:
12-14. mmm black, white, pink/red
In The Last Year Have You:
15. Made new friends - irl? not that i remember
16. Fallen out of love - ......................not yet
17. Laughed until you cried - probably but i can’t remember a specific moment 
18. Found out someone was talking about you - oui
19. Met someone who changed you - OUI
20. Found out who your friends are - ,,,,yeah
21. Kissed someone on your facebook list - haven’t kissed anyone since haikyuu season 1
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: everyone really! i almost automatically unfriend everyone i don’t talk to/like anymore  
23. Do you have any pets: the prettiest cat!!
24. Do you want to change your name: nah i like joão too much
25. What did you do for your last birthday: i turned 18 so my best friend and two other schoolmates took me out to eat hot dogs and look at ducks and peacocks!! i love them!!!!!!!! tho later that day i had a huge fight with my dad and had to brush off the ever so familiar death wish~wonderful .......actually thinking back on it i don’t think it was on the same day,,,,,,was around that time tho
26. What time did you wake up: 8-ish am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: oh wow i can’t remember for the life of me but i was probably talking to raquel!!
28. Name something you can’t wait for: idk man some sense of peace? i know that’s a generic wish but i’m sick of fear and uneasiness and uncertainty i want to live
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: this afternoon! she left for a vacation but i’ll probably see her again on friday night
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: THE WHOLE THING 
31. What are you listening to right now: kick by f(x) dfdhusgkd
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: ghfdg no
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: if it take off my jacket i get cold (which makes me sleepy) but if i put it on it gets too hot dfjdshgdksgdfjg
34. Most visited website: tumblr + youtube
38. Hair color: naturally it’s like a dark brown but now it’s reddish
39. Long or short hair: medium-ish? right now it’s a little below my collarbones, though it’s layered in a strange way because of my outgrown undercut
40. Do you have a crush on someone: perhaps? 
41. What do you like about yourself: my chin dimple! it’s cute!
42. Piercings: i used to have pierced ears but after several allergic reactions and an unpleasant encounter with an earring stuck INSIDE my ear lobe and thus having to be pulled out through the back over a kitchen sink, i think i’m okay. i kinda want a septum tho???!!
43. Blood type: i have no idea like i asked my mom and dad but neither of them know fdgkfdbjds tho probably an O???
44. Nickname: ervilha (pea in portuguese), fifi, mary mary, mary john cena (i made the mistake of telling my best friend what the kids from elementary school called me and now she won’t let it die), my last name, etc.
45. Relationship status: Sistar_-_Lonely.mp3
46. Zodiac: capricorn
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite tv show: i don’t really watch tv apart from cooking shows,, does anime count? if so then either zankyou no terror or oofuri
49. Tattoos: nonce at the moment!
50. Right or left handed: used to be left handed but was forced to switch to my right for some reason
51. Surgery: none yet
52. Piercings: nah
53. Sport: mariahcareyidontknowher.gif
55. Vacation: im fine being a hermit
56. Pairs on trainers: ein?
More General:
57. Eating - the greatest
58. Drinking - bestest
59. I’m about to - pee cause i’ve been sitting hear too long
61. Waiting for - the sweet release of Death™ (imma keep this answer because Same™) (shit me too)
62. Want - to pee. a hug would be nice too.
63. Get married - meh
64. Career - uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh
65. Hugs or kisses - why not both?
66. Lips or eyes - eyes
67. Shorter or taller - i don’t really care tbh but around same height?
68. Older or younger - (wait as in for like.dating?) doesn’t really matter to me personally tho an age gap wider than a year or so is where i draw the line
70. Nice arms or nice stomach - uuuuuuuhhhhhhhh neither?
71. Sensitive or loud - they’re both great!
72. Troublemaker or hesitant - i.. don’t know? 
Have you ever:
74. Kissed a stranger: nah.. i mean, i kissed a free hugs guy on the cheek once while i was drunkish...
75. Drank hard liquor: does cachaça count?
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope but i’ve broken my glasses because i fell asleep on them
77. Turned someone down: not that i remember
78. Sex on the first date: who is sex i don’t know him
79. Broken someone’s heart: yah
80. Had your heart broken: yAH
81. Been arrested: JESUs no
82. Cried when someone died: i don’t think so
83. Fallen for a friend: i mean i really only end up crushing on friends so!
Do You Believe In:
84. Yourself: uuuuuuuuuuh sometimes?
85. Miracles: nah
86. Love at first sight: nein
87. Santa claus: DJFKDdfgjbdfh yah
88. Kiss on the first date: i mean why not go for it!
89. Angels: yEAh
90. Current best friend’s name: joana~~~
91. Eye color: brown
92. Favorite movie: i dont really watch movies so i can’t really pick one vdjhshjgdf
OKAY SO!! i have to tag 20 people but i don’t know that many hfdjgsdf anyway tho in return i’m tagging @intothenewworldbysnsd @ultsunny @moonzitao @anarcha-lesbian and @lunahobi ! ! ! 💗💞💓💕💝
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hubbleablubble · 6 years
Tumblr media
@toxicanaconda I saw your tags on your reblog of my post and it,,, made me happy,,,,,, so i sketched more modern au vaatis in varying outfits lmao
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