#( i'm trying to go with slightly unconventional dynamics/characters )
drunkonpotential · 7 months
@forthewinn liked for a birthday starter!!!
You can take the girl out of mystery solving, but you can't take the mystery solving out of the girl. That's how the saying goes, right? Irregardless, Daphne Blake has a one track mind when it comes to these kinds of things and she knows how to track down a good story. These things tend to fall into her lap.
She and the gang had parted ways a while back, what with mysteries being less and less interesting since it was always the same old schtick. Some rando in a mask with some ill gotten gain. It was too repetitive, and they all agreed on a temporary disbanding to be able to find what they were good at. So Daphne pursued journalism and used her impeccable instincts, and one of her father's oldest grudges, to get herself a job at one of the best media corporations in the country.
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And that's when the perfect story seemed to find her. Red cape, flowing blonde locks. Another Kryptonian with a penchant for saving the day. No one really knows who Supergirl is, where she came from or how long she's been here. But it's one mystery that Daphne is determined to solve. And she knows exactly how to do it, because, after all, it's all about who you know.
"So." She pops up at Winn's cubicle, seemingly out of nowhere, with a powerhouse grin on her face and a reignited fire in her eye. It's far too much energy for a Monday morning, but she can't help it. It's the start of the biggest case of her life. And she's not gonna blow it. "I heard a rumor about you."
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pastel-medic · 2 months
So, wait, if Axel is the Spy that Red Medic removed the head of, how are they in a relationship? Wouldn't that spawn some kind of resentment?
I'm going to trigger warn this post for topics of s//cide, depression, and poor health because I can't exactly explain their dynamic without getting into Axel's mental health. I tried to make this as brief as I could but it ended up becoming an oc ramble anyway 😭 sorry in advance for the long post!!!
Also please note my personal lore and hcs for them isn't strictly based on canon lore, so RED Medic having Axel's head in fridge is due to different reasons than just being a crazy doctor :V
You have been warned!!!
This will be delving a bit more into Axel's character, and a lot of this I will try not to spoil too much as it is a plot point in an ongoing fic I'm writing.
Axel is, to put it simply, someone who struggles immensely with self identity and has a very nihilistic point of view. Working as a Spy for years since he was young has created a sense of worthlessness in his mind, as he viewed himself as a nobody who wears the faces of other people (especially after an incident that I won't detail since it's spoilers). He hasn't been able to hold relationships because he constantly "changes his identity", adopting a new fake name and fake history with every new assignment he's given while leaving the people he once formed bonds with behind once his work is done.
On top of that the people who had taught him to be a Spy often compared him constantly to his brother Pierre (RED Spy), so he never felt like he was good enough. He developed depression when he was a young adult and hasn't been able to cope in healthy ways, which led to him having very poor health and malnutrition. Every time he was offered help and support he rejected it out of fear and ran away (metaphorically and literally), the folly of pride and the guilt of being a burden to someone else. He's had many s//cidal tendencies (a lot of Axel is split from my personal trauma so bear with me), and believed that if he were to just disappear one day nobody would notice. He's waiting, HOPING, that one day he can just disappear forever...
So when he's taken by the RED Medic as a mere head in a fridge imagine his confusion when the enemy doctor refuses to kill him immediately no matter what he says. "Kill me" he keeps saying. "Later" is the only response he gets. Yet the doctor doesn't ever seem to want to. At first Axel thinks it's because of scientific curiosity, and he'd be right at first, but that's not the real reason Medic keeps him around. As it turns out Ludwig has a slightly twisted and odd excuse for keeping him around.
Seeing the Spy in a state of self destruction and withering health hurts Ludwig as a medical professional. A doctor's duty to heal others is something that even with his crazy mind still remains true. He can't help but feel the need to heal this person, his own enemy, who has become nearly broken beyond repair. He wants to help the Spy, but his solution is pretty bizarre and unconventional. If he keeps the Spy around he can try to heal the brokenness in his mind. As a head in a fridge he can't run away from the help offered to him. He realizes he doesn't want to just heal the Spy, he wants to help him; He wants to give Axel that feeling of value in his life that he struggles to have. He wants to be the person who can save Axel no matter how insane his methods are, a Don Quixote.
He wants to help Spy live.
"You are not the masks you wear, nor are you a nobody without them. You are you. And you are important no matter what."
As foolish as this logic is it's effective, as it doesn't give Spy that door to escape to. Now he HAS to see the damage to himself. Though the longer Spy stays with the enemy Medic the more he can see that he isn't the only one who needs healing. Out of all the people Ludwig can heal, he doesn't seem to be able to want to heal himself. All of his struggles are private, and he keeps the pain hidden away behind closed doors. It seems Spy is not alone when it comes to blocking others out. Medic knows he has sins crawling up his back, yet he actively pretends the Devil on his shoulder isn't there. Yet the more he ignores his mental strain the more volatile and unstable it becomes. He cannot see the damage he is inflicting on himself, and Spy knows he will continue to turn a blind eye unless he sees the harm it is causing. Regardless of how crazy it is, he realizes he wants to help the doctor too.
Spy wants to be someone who can help Medic see his self worth, a mirror to show him that he is more than simply a healer for others.
"How can you help those around you if you refuse to help yourself? You are deserving of healing too."
TL;DR to reiterate one of my previous posts about my MedicSpy ship their dynamic has always been about healing and finding security and comfort in someone who cares about you. Yes they have their flaws and are not perfect by any means, but they uplift and support each other because they care.
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lorezhaze · 8 months
⭐️🧚🏻‍♂️ Roleplay Partner Search! 🦷🐁✨
🌟 Introduction -
Lo | 23 | He/They EST time zone.
Very minimal triggers and limitations
19+ writers only, only 18+ characters
mxm, nbxm or nbxnb
3rd person literate writing, at least a paragraphs length
Discord only
I love world building and knowing the other character’s feelings. I also love getting to know my rp partners and becoming friends of sorts. I'm also a sucker for creating playlists and Pinterest boards.
NSFW scenes and/or undertones/themes at some point. I do like smut, especially paired with angst and certain dynamics, but if that isn’t your thing and our writing styles are otherwise compatible we can always keep it limited or fade to black. 🤍
CW(!): From here down, my plots or OC’s backgrounds may contain triggering content, I try to remain vague and non-descriptive given these are just outlines!
🌟 Plots I’m willing to explore -
Human/Vampire feeding arrangement.
Advanced AI recently developed, now available to the public for purchase in the last 5 years. Man born into generational wealth has no interest in marriage anytime soon despite being good looking, smart and successful. Despite being happy with this life, his house is beyond messy with books haphazardly stacked everywhere and take out containers everywhere. Somebody in his life decides to take it upon themselves to purchase him an android, to which the first time in his life he starts growing feelings for somebody.. something? As if it wasn't confusing enough, did the android have feelings for him as well? (Inspired by Detroit: Become Human)
Forbidden love, childhood friends who become estranged because of (Daniel)’s strict parents and eventually moving away to the other side of the country, then when (Daniel) comes back for college under his father's supervision (despite being over 18 now) and the two former friends are completely different from each other now (Daniel) for his public image by default just goes with the other popular wealthy students while the former childhood friend is more down to earth and nerdy and their groups/cliches clash to the point where (Daniel) is sort of a bully this friend as this 'tough guy' front. A short lived (private/behind the scenes, kinda toxic and probably on and off again) ‘situationship’ takes place in that time until the 4 year degree is finished (but Daniel transfers out half a year early) and a handful more years later (Daniel) has settled down in that old town again, slowly starting to get his life together and take responsibility for being a dad now himself but he also cant stop thinking about the childhood friend/lover.
Stalker falls in love with someone, all falls apart when things go too well and their obsession crosses paths with them and they eventually go out, but break up. stalker is determined to watch over their lover while also keeping others away from them until they “come to their senses” on their own time.
The only son of a wealthy family clashes with their parents every chance he gets, rebels, tries his best to be untraditional and overall just piss them off hires an unconventional sex worker named Emmy an obscene amount of money to come home with him for the weekend and pretend to be his significant other and/or fiance. Feelings develop and it becomes really complicated when his father eventually like offers him an opportunity that is nearly impossible to turn down and he has the choice to either leave them behind with nothing to the life that was nearly killing them or give up his own cushy lifestyle and let love prevail. Alternatively, a older man who thinks he’s straight, has a successful career, empty marriage and multiple kids ends up falling in love with a slightly younger intersex and narcoleptic sex worker, the first and only sex worker he hires.
Post-apocalyptic setting, Celeste the final survivor of a run down camp continues to live among the undead of their loved ones. Another survivor from a nearby camp stumbles upon the ruins of the previous camp while scavenging and sees someone alive on the other side of the fence, living with the dead as if they were dead as well. Day by day they come back, bringing their new things, trying to bring some life back into them again.
Damon is a serial killer that moves around city to city state to state every year to kill another local predator in hopes that one day he'll manage to take down the number of men (whose faces he can't remember) who abused him, using his job as a criminal data analyst to not only cover up his killings but also look for new targets that may have missed the sex offender registry or dodged conviction despite solid proof against them. This time when he moves to a new city and gets settled in he finds that somebody else had already gotten to his potential target, not only that, this didn't seem to be the first killing like this in the area. But this time the perpetrator left a tiny piece of evidence that everyone else but Damon noticed, and instead of turning it in to help solve the case he keeps it to himself with peaked interest.
16th - 19th century setting ✨
Enemies to lovers, a member of the royal family ends up falling for a knight that saves their life, unfortunately, this knight just happens to be the royal’s childhood enemy.   The youngest son of a royal is 7th in line for the throne and has health issues, thus has no chance of inheriting the throne. in attempts to grasp onto any bit of power his father has, the royal marries off his frail and feminine son as a wife to a prince of another territory, an upcoming heir of a throne (loosely inspired by sporus and nero).
The King allowed his son (Lucien) to be abused by his painting instructor growing up, all this rage builds up and explodes when Lucien tries to convict his instructor, but the King instead pardons the boy’s abuser during a set of public trials outside the castle. Lucien, a teenager and young Prince at the time, kills his father in front of everyone, unintentionally becoming King himself from then on. Despite exiling his abuser after the bloody trial, the then Prince, now King is seen as cruel and scary, not to be crossed even nearly ten years later. Meanwhile, a citizen with a sick sister is caught stealing medicine. Being on trial with King Lucien is scary enough, but medicine thieves in particular are known to be punished heavily, since the Princess, who is one of the only people thats kind to the prince-now-king, makes a majority of the medicine available. During a public trial, the thieve’s mother pleads for his life and Lucien realizes that the thief is someone he knew, that he had recognized those fearful eyes from somewhere else. He was amongst the crowd when he killed his own father. He spares the thief, and allows the best doctors to treat his ill sister. As long as he works directly for him in the castle until his debt is repaid. 
It is tradition for the royal family to keep their children within the gates of the castle and away from the public eye until they are grown enough to handle it. The Princess was introduced to society at the age of 13, but every year the reveal of their younger and troubled son (Lucien) his delayed for various vague reasons. Everyone is both eager and suspicious, which doesn’t help matters. This is when the royal parents essentially give up when the boy turns 21, allowing him out with no announcement to the public. While practically frolicking through the flowery fields, enjoying the feeling of the grass and the new sights, he has a love-at-first-sight moment with another boy (your character). This is just an ordinary boy from a hard working family, and since the Prince was never revealed, he has no idea the boy he’s immediately smitten with is the Prince everyone is eagerly awaiting to meet. That is until he finds out, obviously.
(Movie theme) The Hunger Games, two people from opposite teams. Queer themes; gay men, trans person called upon as their assigned gender at birth. Exploring the earlier hunger games (11-50th), escaping and/or faking deaths, etc.
(Movie theme) Ego: Character A gets hurt and temporarily loses their vision. While their wealthy parents look for a medical solution, they have them live in the guest house and hire a caregiver, character B, to stop by everyday and take care of them. Naturally, character a and the caregiver get close, but there’s a big problem: character A is a superficial, seemingly shallow and straight. As a result, character B feels pressured to lie about their identity and what they look like when character A tries to guess what they are like. 
I’m more than willing to hear out any of your plots/ideas as well! ✨
🌟 OCs -
Bios/docs linked to each character, each doc includes a linked Pinterest board, some also include Spotify playlists.
Lucien - Usually aged between 21-23 yrs old, cisgender male (bisexual, switch/sub-leaning). Medieval prince, alternate versions of character for different plots.
Lena - 26 years old, nonbinary (AFAB, they/she, bisexual, switch/dom-leaning) Obsessive stalker from a broken family. Alternate version: Vengeful ghost that haunts the deep pond of a vast property on the countryside (lady of the lake).
Emrys - 23 yrs old, cisgender gnc man (doesn't mind any pronouns but still identifies as a man, doesn't take gender too serious, bisexual, switch/sub-leaning). Oldest sibling of a chaotic troubled family, natural caretaker, feminine man with motherly qualities. Works in assistive care.
Deana - 31 yrs old, cisgender man (bicurious, switch/dom-leaning). (Bruce Wayne/Batman inspired) Only child of a wealthy well-known family turned orphan at a young age now upholds his family's public image and business affairs while in private he works as a hitman for hire.
Celeste - 27 yrs old, gender-fluid (Intersex, queer). Final survivor of a run down camp continues to live among the undead of their loved ones.
Emmy - 22 yrs old, nonbinary/intersex (AMAB, all pronouns, queer, switch/sub-leaning. Sex worker, narcoleptic insomniac estranged from wealthy adopted family, taken away from single immigrant mother when they were young.
Daniel Laurie - 26 yrs old, cisgender man (bicurious, dominant yet flexible). Recovering addict and childhood abuse survivor trying to make it back in his home town (after being gone for a handful of years) while longing after his childhood love affair.
Damon - 24 yrs old, cisgender man (bisexual, switch). Crime DNA analyst/serial killer, CSA abuse survivor. Originally written to have a power/ability where he can feel and somewhat influence nearby people's emotions, this in turn leaves his emotions open to others, meaning nearby people can sense his emotions even if they don't know why they're feeling them.
Del  - 23 yrs old, cisgender man (bisexual, switch). Custom outlawed species character called a bloodluster (similar to vampires), after his biological father got captured/taken away his mother fled to another state where she met his 'adoptive' father and shortly after found out she had been pregnant when she left. Not long after he was born, his mother died and a good portion of his life was spent raised being experimented on in a lab. Until one day he found an opening, and ate his mad scientist of an adoptive father. Now he's off in the world, trying to get by as a normal person despite his "condition" without killing anybody.
Folder of all character bios (some incomplete): [link]
Fandoms/Ships I’m willing to explore: 
(Bolded characters are those I’m willing to write as)
- Louis x Lestat
- Izzy/Blackbeard
- Izzy/Blackbeard/Stede
- Izzy/Lucius
- Jim/Lucius
- Will/Hannibal 
- Tyrell/Elliot
Candy Shop AU No 5/9 hacks or fsociety, Tyrell runs a Swedish sweets/candy store that lately Elliot frequently visits for the same fix of cherry hard candies, and to steal glances at the good-looking store clerk. After talking it out in therapy, Elliot’s therapist, Krista, convinces him to be honest about how he feels.
Post-Apocalypse AU After the world goes to shit whatever left of New York that wasn’t completely ruin down by the undead is primarily taken over by a few different groups. When Elliot’s group becomes completely run down with major fatalities, Tyrell’s group (which he happens to lead) decides to lend a hand to an old friend. Little does Tyrell know Elliot was injured in the attack, and little does Elliot know the infection is less straight forward than they anticipated. 
- Josh/Chris
- Josh/Mike (Post-prank, twins live AU) Josh is the openly gay friend in the group, Mike becomes curious after walking in on Josh hooking up with someone at a party and later can’t get it out of his head.
Other beloved honorable mentions include: Batman (riddlebat, batjokes), Killing Eve, Sally Face, Yellowjackets, The Wilds, Scream (Billy/Stu), Sherlock, Life is Strange (Nathan and Warren) and sometimes Harry Potter (Drarry).
Discord only, please reach out to me if you're interested!
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m00dysunflower · 2 years
My Jojo Ranking
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I'm deciding to go more in depth for my Jojos rankings from the ask game asks I got!
(Please don't bother to criticize, you won't make me change my opinions lol)
6. Giorno Giovanna
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I don't dislike Giorno at all, he's perfectly serviceable in his part, but I do think he's weaker when it comes to personality and presence. He's quiet and has under reactions because of abuse from his mother and step-dad, so I get it, but his typical response is trembling looking paralyzed, and I don't think it translated as well from manga to anime.
I don't care for his design, it's certainly memorable, but I think there are far better, more iconic designs in Jojo... I also wanted that dark blue suit from the manga. I also just didn't like how saturated the colors looked in VA so that didn't help either.
His stand and personality is very fitting for someone of both Joestar and Brando descent and I like how he has a chaotic neutral/lawful evil kind of vibe. He'll do the right thing by his own moral code and will do anything to achieve his own goal and will look out for those aiding him, and I respect that, it's certainly unconventional for a story's protag.
The main reason I ranked him so low though is that he took a backseat in his own story and becoming the Don of the mafia was more of a side quest. It was the Bruno Bucciarati show, not that I'm complaining, I adore Bruno, he's my favorite JoBro, but when your protagonist/Jojo is the least interesting of the entire anime's cast, maybe reconsider how interesting you're protagonist is.
I still think Giorno has some of the best anime OPs and the best character theme of the Joestars, but visually and narratively I thought he was weaker than the other Jojos. It can make for some great fanfic fodder where people can flesh him out even more, but even then, it's walking a fine line of changing his personality too much
5. Joseph Joestar
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Look... yes he's a dick+cheated on Suzi later on, but I don't like DIU anyways, besides I know most of you guys like Josuke and he wouldn't have existed if Joseph didn't cheat so... go figure your pros and cons I guess. If anything, I would rank him and Giorno in the same spot, just because there's different reasons to like or dislike either of them for me.
DIU and BT are my least favorite parts, he gets slightly more points than Giorno just because I have a soft spot for SDC Joseph and throughout both BT and SDC he was an active member in the plot. Never once did you question if he was the main character or not like I did with Giorno at certain points.
There's still many qualities I dislike about Joseph, he's the loudest and most obnoxious of the Joestars, the complete opposite of Giorno, but Joseph did have the charisma to back it up and I found his bits with Suzi to be really cute.
Hermit Purple was a unique stand that he had to get real creative with at times, and he was a very caring father to Holly and had the strength and love to deal with Jotaro too; it was very enjoyable seeing him bond with his grandson in SDC. He also really did try with Josuke which was kind of sweet to see as well. Battle Tendency Joseph can go suck it though, he wasn't that funny, but his dynamic with Caesar was fun and the true basis for the Jojo+JoBro dynamic that was to come in later parts.
In short, Stardust Crusaders really saved Joseph's character for me, it's sad though we had to give him 2 parts to get better. If we had gotten to see Giorno more and how he grew up in Stone Ocean, maybe the rankings would be swapped. For now, Joseph is half a step above Giorno in my personal ranking.
4. Jotaro Kujo
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Jotaro and Giorno aren't that different when you stare at them for a while. They're both quiet and have under reactions, both rather overpowered stands for their parts, but I just think Jotaro ended up being more likeable.
For one, we get the most time with Jotaro in the series, he's in 4 parts, but in Stardust Crusaders, even though he talked less than the rest of the cast, there was never any denying he was the main character. He just had more of an active presence despite lack of dialogue. He was enjoyable as side character in DIU, I loved his appearance in VA, and when he came back in SO at the end there? It was fantastic.
His relationship with his daughter, while I still think he was wrong for never explaining until she was 19, is understandable, but you can't help but feel a little bad for him too. The man has PTSD and did what he had to do to protect his family, for better or worse.
I think he's the perfect bridge between the original Joestars and the younger generation.
He has a great, easily recognizable design that changed over the years while still holding onto that core design, his theme is one of the best, and Star Platinum is just great stand design and a great blueprint for stands and what they would later become in my opinion.
Sometimes less is just more and I think he's earn his place as the flagship character and face of the series.
3. Josuke Higashikata
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Josuke, like Jotaro, share a common problem with Giorno, this one though is taking a back seat to his own story, as part 4 focuses more on Koichi (which I HATE), but also unlike Giorno, I think Josuke has the charisma and charm to make up for episodes where he's not in the spotlight. To be honest, I don't think I'd hate Diamond Is Unbreakable so much if Josuke was just the main character and we didn't meander so much on pointless, boring side stories that did little to strengthen him as a character. He stayed pretty consistent from start to finish.
I was very disappointed to learn that we'd never see Josuke ever again after DIU, not even as a cameo in Stone Ocean. He just oozed personality and potential, whenever he was on screen was my favorite part. I also wanted more time with him and Jotaro, they made a good team.
He has a great JoBro dynamic with Okuyasu, wonderful design, even stand. I'm not too in love with Crazy Diamond's design, but his ability is very fitting for Josuke and I would love to see him become a paramedic in the future.
Unfortunately there's not much more to say for me, his personality left that big of an imprint on me though that I want to say he makes it to my top 3 favorite Jojos.
2. Jonathan Joestar
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Until I got into Stone Ocean, Jonathan was my #1 favorite. He dropped to 2nd place just because Jolyne had more development amd more going for her. But he was the first! The blueprint! I can't imagine the series without him!
His will, his determination... Yes he's good for the sake of good, but Dio is bad for the sake of bad, they're both one dimensional in that aspect yet people will love Dio and shit on Jonathan for being one note.
He has such great parallels with Jolyne, they have this yin/yang, beginning/ending dynamic that I feel was very intentional to tinnitus all together. I can't imagine why people hate Phantom Blood and urge people to skip when it's the very foundation for the series, and it's not even that long! I would have loved to see Jonathan going on more adventures and having more skirmishes with Dio and his minions.
His theme has such a classic heroic sound to it and Phantom Blood's opening: Sono Chi No Sadame is equally grandiose and feels like pure Jojo energy. His main outfit is iconic and a very good example of "less is more".
He's also just such a gentleman that it baffles the foes he has to fight into respecting him back, which amused me so much to see. We see him as a more impulsive kid that hones his anger I have such respect for his patience and just hope that in the universe reset, he was able to experience his family and see at least some of the legacy he never got to the first time around.
He's a kind soul that I think every person should try to be like.
1. Jolyne Cujoh
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I knew I would love Jolyne, but goodness gracious, she really became a top favorite, didn't she?
I feel most of my feelings about Jolyne can be summed up in the Stone Ocean Ending Analysis post I made, but in short, we got to see her get her stand and learn and progress with it and it felt so natural.
I don't care if you think that she was "weak" for dying at the end, same as Jonathan, she still broke her family's curse and set them all free. Her great, great, great grandfather would be very proud of her.
Visually she's stunning and fun, her theme is kickass, and Stone Free is such a cool stand that appears to be average, but Jolyne was able to use it with such versatility and creativeness.
If people are interested, I can do more character analysis type posts as well for individual Jojos or characters in general. I plan on ranking JoBros, villains, and OPs/Endings too.
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fantasyforbeginners · 2 years
Just wondering, you don't have to answer if you don't want to <333
What are your favorite character dynamics in books and movies? Or character tropes, either limited to one character or affecting character interactions?
Oh I have been waiting my whole life for this question, thank you so much! As always tropes depend equally upon execution (we've all seen them poorly done or read/watched something we Should like, by all means, that just didn't click with us) but here are some of my favourite dynamics / character archetypes w/ recommendations
Platonic Power of Love / Platonic soulmates. Please see: How to Train Your Dragon, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, Loveless by Alice Oseman
Ties into found family, that is my #1. Bio siblings who also choose each other, unconventional extended family dynamics, workplace families, misfit families, just all the found families. Give it to me, every time. Please see: every recommendation on this list, Ducktales (2017), Six of Crows duology, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Grump X Sunshine but like in the specific "Grump has abandonment issues, Sunshine is like a golden retriever or paragon that helps them believe in life again, and the Grump's eventual opening up helps reaffirm / reward Sunshine's belief in people" way. Please see: The Dragon Prince, Inside Job
Mid-20s something who is too young to be a parental figure to the scrappy pre-teen kid they just found but someone's gotta parent the child, they Guess. Please see: vaguely Crazy Ex Girlfriend
Opposite but related trope of Adult trying to protect and raise their Chosen One child, trying to cope with the reality that they can't protect their child and that the kid ultimately belongs to the world. See: Aang and Monk Gyatso from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Christianity (hi Jesus and Mary)
Friends to Lovers. Even if they're enemies, there's gotta be a strong friendship stage / component, or I'm rarely gonna be entirely convinced. (But I'm also on the aromantic spectrum, so that defs influences me). Please see: Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Dragon Prince, Heartstopper
Villains / antagonists who are competing against one another or are reluctantly working together. I love the instability, the way it can make one villain work with the heroes, the snideness and differing goals. It's so good. Please see: Trollhunters (Tales of Arcadia on Netflix), Spider Riders (2006)
Platonic or Romantic "I was just going through the motions of my life until you woke me up and changed Everything," I love that transformative shit. Please see: The Dragon Prince, Infinity Train (s2)
Basically just "There are people you haven't met yet who will love you" every time. Please see: The Good Place
Foil sibling relationships, and if it's also intergenerational? Chef's kiss. Please see: Gravity Falls, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Dragon
Slightly more serious older girl and more carefree younger boy. He helps her to lighten up and let loose, she helps him mature. Also angry girl and soft boy. See: every ship I have almost loved, Infinity Train, The Dragon Prince, Peter Pan 2: Return to Neverland (aka where my ideals for love came from when I was five, feminist girlboss movie of my childhood)
Love of any kind transcending death and time, Please see: How To Train Your Dragon franchise, Titanic (1997), Julie and the Phantoms
Loyal dutiful Knight / Lady or royal dynamic. Please see: The Legend of Zelda games
On that note, co-leader character dynamics. They have the same goal and uniquely mirror each other's devotion and drive, they're willing to put duty and share that maturity with each other? Eat that shit up every time. Please see: Shiro and Allura from Voltron if the show hadn't ended up being terrible, The Dragon Prince, Julie and the Phantoms, Roy and Riza from FMA (which I still need to watch)
If there is a big possibly scary creature and they have a tiny human and they love each other, I will fall for that friendship every time. Please see: How To Train Your Dragon, Transformers: Prime
Basically please watch The Dragon Prince if you haven't already, it's everything I've ever wanted or needed in a show.
Character Archetypes
So much of this just comes down to "Selfless leader burdened by duty and responsiblity" just with variations so keep that in mind
Older character haunted by memory / knowledge, knowing they are an unfitting protector to the new younger generation who needs them, re: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Team leader who feels like it's their responsibility to take care of everyone else whether or not that's actually plausible / the case, re: Rayla in The Dragon Prince
Paragons in general, re: Optimus Prime, Aang, Ezran
Strategist leader who is smart as all helll, if a little (or a lot) ruthless, re: Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows
Moses archetype who returns to liberate people from physical or emotional servitude / abuse, re: The Prince of Egypt, what Finn from Star Wars could've been
Character who's a little egotistical and a tad dim, but they really care about / will protect their family and comes through when it matters, re: Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet the Wolfman, it was foundational for me; also Louie and/or Dewey from Ducktales (2017)
Driven angry girl with goals who will do anything to achieve them so long as it doesn't mean diminishing herself, re: Jane from Peter Pan 2 was my blueprint, Reagan from Inside Job, MT from Infinity Train
Just any woman with goals (and a man who supports those goals), re: Grace and Simon from Infinity Train until it got fucked up in the best way
Female tough girls and bullies with a softer side, a la Clarisse La Rue from Percy Jackson (not Amity from Owl House)
Exiled / outcast character with a massive guilt complex, re: Aang from ATLA, Rayla from The Dragon Prince
Nurturing characters with fierce tempers, re: Callum from the Dragon Prince
Chosen ones. I know it's cliche and I do not care, that shit can be compelling as hell. Honourable mention to: main character is trying to protect the chosen one (a sibling or friend), or there are multiple chosen ones running around
If they're a really good older sibling I'm probably sold, re: The Dragon Prince, Over the Garden Wall
Soft spot for gentle giants and lancers who can call the protag out on their shit while also knowing when to support them, re: Cyborg from Teen Titans
Grandmothers who have no time for anyone's shit
Women getting to have more 'masculine' roles unquestionably, men being satisfied in more 'feminine' child caring roles, re: The Dragon Prince
Revolutionaries, misfits, anyone rebelling against a system or two with a splash of solidarity as a bonus, again, most of the things on this list. (Milton's Paradise Lost is so fun)
Heroes and Villains who have actual similar personalities and flaws and it's not a superficial "we're not so different," re: Luke and Percy from Percy Jackson
Also that thing fantasy does where like, all the different groups and peoples will pitch in and come together for a common cause, it's so good and I will go for that shit every time. Truly one of my favourite tropes for all time
This might be more general than like, specifics (i.e. characters tending to each other's wounds) and I could honestly do a list like this all about like, Themes I love the shit out of, since I write from Theme first in a lot of ways and character second, but I hope you enjoyed my very specific list!
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