#( im a native russian speaker so yeaH )
pteropods · 3 months
crazy that indonesian isnt even top 29 help??? its 56(?)
IKR??? esp bcs Indonesia is like the fourth modt populated country in the world ,,, like obv mandarin and english n hindi wld be above it, then spanish n arabic bcs its got so many countries, but its wildddd its so low for native speakers. Even if u include non native speakers its only 11th :0
#lookin at the top 10 tho im.not suuuper surprised#english is 1 which makes sense. over a billion second language speakers#mandarin is 2 and it can get up there by native speakers alone#like literally the number of native soeakrrs os over 300 million more than the third one#hindi is 3 urdu is 10 and bengali is 7#those are all spoken in India +which give them a huge boost just by native speakers (not to mention the other countries its just India has#A Lot kf people)#and then second languahe speakers are pretty high too#spanish duh#its thd go-to second languahe for any english speaker and I assume a lot kf other european language speakers#plus theres all of south america besides three countries#and EG#french is also duh its an official language in lime 30 countries#Arabic actually Kinda surprises me to be 6 only bcs the classification doesnt include dialects#and theres A Lot of dialects#OH WOW actually thatd entirely by second langauge speakers#it doesnt list ant native speakers sjnfe every1 learns their respective dialects first#b4 learnjng standard#thays less surprising then actually#since a lot of ppl wld learn MS arabic after already knowing theur own dialect#esp for like international business n stuff w/ other arabic speaking countries#and then lots kf ppl learn it as a second language#portugese at 8 ... its got PALOP and brazil so I get that yeah#and russian at 9#honestly im just surprised its below portuguese and russian. esp russin tbh#also I didnt know urdu has sk few speakers ....#(“few” its 232 million LMAO)
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alphadogmp3 · 6 months
nine people you'd like to know better
tagged by: @freckliedan tysmm omg. i did start writing this on the 21st but then i got busy :(
last song: was sin eater by penelope scott last friday (when i started to write it) and still is LMAO. very good song 10/10
favorite color: well ok. it was blue¹ for the majority of my life and i still love blue a lot But!! i think i gravitate more towards pinks (and some reds—pink is just diluted red anyway) nowadays so like yeah my fav colors are pink and blu—ah fuck accidental transgenderism
currently watching: tmnt (2003)...... nostalgia is one hell of a drug.. idrc tho it actually holds up in many aspects lmao. i also bought a dropout tv subscription so im watching game changer & make some noise
sweet/savory/spicy: im literally eating nutella as i write this lol. i mean. i do enjoy those other things as well. but yeah
relationship status: naaahhhh. a (romantic) relationship sounds fun in theory but ive never felt the need for one in my life ever. like i keep waiting for the moment where i finally want one but naaaahhh as it stands nope. not in one don't really want one.
current obsession: i have a few! game changer & its spin-offs on dropout, caryn and connie (i love their sims builds!! their banter is also very fun to listen to in the bg) and the aforementioned accursed turtles.....
last thing you googled: i use duckduckgo 😎 that being said it is "what is ctrl r in google docs" LMAO can't escape google.....
tagging: UM. I DONT KNOW. i am quite afraid of seeming annoying and pushy. to overcome my fear i will tag some people BUT do not feel at all like you have to do it!!!! im just gonna tag mutuals/people who were mutuals for a long time
@captainquacksheart @maybebi47 @heyitsphoenixx @thursdaygirlmp3 @cartilagexfluid @thepeonie & anyone who wants to do it !!!!!!!!
¹ actually tho speaking of blue (language rant incoming) many cultures have different ways of categorizing colors and our color perception is in part shaped by that! a lot of languages differentiate btwn lighter hues of blue and darker hues of blue (e.g. russian and turkish) SO when i say "blue" i am actually thinking of the color "mavi" which refers to lighter shades of blue!! isn't that rly fucking cool!! the other word "lacivert" refers to the darker shades of blue. now, mavi is the more general name for that color, and lacivert could be considered a shade of mavi, but even then, a lot of native turkish speakers would find it super odd to call a super dark blue thing mavi. even calling something koyu mavi (dark blue) wouldn't be the same as calling that thing lacivert even though lacivert refers to a darker blue, bc guess fucking what there is also.....KOYU LACİVERT!!! isn't language so cool. i love thinking about language and words wait what was i doing
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bucketspammer4life · 1 year
☆ boxers reacting to you learning their native language ☆
obv with non-english speaking boxers, main cast only sadly because i dont wanna get burnout
Glass Joe
- really happy that you wanna speak to him in french & understand him better
- if you arent a native english speaker he will also learn your native language
- will cheer you on no matter how many grammar mistakes you make
- pretty good at teaching french somehow
- really patient with you
Von Kaiser
- admires the lengths you are willing to go to learn german
- understands your struggling because german is a complicated language
- not really good at teaching german tbh, he tries his best
- sometimes laughs at your pronounciations but not too much
- will congratulate you for every good sentence you make
Piston Hondo
- happy that you are willing to learn such a difficult language for him
- understands your frustation with kanji like damn why so many letters
- also good at teaching
- might be a little bit pushy about it if you give up but he understands
King Hippo
- really happy, celebrating the fact that he may be able to compliment you in 2 different languages & tell you stories
- will also try to learn your native language so he can make that 2 into a 3
- not good at teaching but will try every method with you
- understands if you want to give up, wont be pushy about it because he sometimes realizes the fact that he is grunting but in a organized way
- if you do end up becoming fluent, he'll be over the moon, praying someone doesnt use hippo slang while talking to you
Great Tiger
- happy that youre willing to spend your time to understand him better
- understands your annoyance, still thinks its funny
- will get his clones to help you out by playing out scenarios for you with them
- will teach you slang if youre planning to meet his younger family members because he doesnt want you to stay flabbergasted
- will teach you some mild insults just for funsies
Don Flamenco
- devious about the fact that he can rizz you up in 3 or 2 more languages now
- will learn your native language just so he can flirt with you
- ever wanted someone to teach you spanish on the kitchen table at 2 AM romantically? youre in luck!
- can and will teach you how to curse, hell yeah bestie go off on whoever you want whenever you want!!
- has to hold in his laughter if you happen to mispronounce anything
Soda Popinski
- happy but isnt expecting your efforts to last long
- god forbid you want to learn cursive
- good at teaching suprisingly
- will learn your native language if you somehow learn russian
- willing to teach you how to curse if you get good enough, you earned it
Bald Bull
- laughs, not because he doesnt trust you but because he can gossip with you more
- will do his best to teach you
- probably made you curse in turkish without you realizing it before, thinks its hilarious
- "ok so say yarr-"
- thinks your accent sounds cute when you're speaking turkish
- will teach you how to curse, down to the death threats and everything, curse near him in turkish and he will laugh his ass off
- gossips with you in turkish, happy he can shit talk someone in front of their face
- slang? Dont worry about it, turkish slang is full turkglish 90% of the time (turkglish is what is sounds like, turkish + english)
- speaking of turkglish, will speak in turkglish with you in front of other boxers to confuse them
-wont admit it, but is waiting for you to discover the pain in kabir (if you know what im talking about + understand why i find it funny i love you)
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signoraviolettavalery · 2 months
im gonna be honest ive barely seen any anti russian hate in the joker out fandom on this app, and was wondering if this was present somewhere else like on twitter? or if im just missing something? i didnt know this was really an issue except for one or two trolls.
There are many, many Joker Out fans on Twitter who have "Russians DNI, Russian speakers DNI" in their Twitter bio. (There are actually many Russian-speaking Ukrainians, so I don't know how that's supposed to work). One of them tweeted that the Russian language should be eradicated.
There are "fans" who will refuse to reblog art by Russian or even Belarusian artists. I saw an ask the other day asking someone "that artist is Russian, why did you reblog their art?" (the artist had not made any kind of pro-Putin/pro-war statement). Many of the Russian/Belarusian fanartists I know now no longer publicly share their art/only do so with friends on private servers/have essentially left fandom because of the harassment they got.
There are many fanartists who refuse to collaborate with any Russian or Belarusian artists (I have this on good authority from fanartist friends in the fandom). This includes the artist of the SBJ art.
There was a girl who sang Umazane Misli in Russian at a concert (she was from Kazakhstan, she wasn't even Russian!) and she got so much hate, vitriol, and probably death threats for it. It sent the fandom into a tizzy, with many people saying she shouldn't have done it, and if she wanted to come to a concert, fine, they'd tolerate her, but she shouldn't have opened her mouth. Many of the big artist and accounts in this fandom made posts to that effect when it happened. They shared footage of the atrocities happening in Ukraine with captions along the lines of "look at this, how dare you sing in Russian, read the room." I've also been personally told, by other people in the fandom, when I pondered singing UM in my native language, "yeah, definitely don't."
I've been in JO group chats and servers where members (often Ukrainian ones) would make gross generalizations about Russians and assume ill intent on their behalf just because of their place of birth.
And this is just off the top of my head.
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penny-anna · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @evilwickedme, thank you!
How many works do you have on ao3?
uhh okay let's see!! *pulls up statistics page* I have 419 works on ao3!
what’s your total ao3 word count?
as of right now: 1,429,463. shut up.
What fandoms do you write for?
i'm usually a 1 fandom at a time gal but currently i'm writing for BTTF and Shazam and less frequently for the Witcher and Lord of the Rings!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
in descendign order:
New Monster Stories (6803 kudos)
the world won't wait until you're older (4700 kudos)
The Price of a Touch (4245 kudos)
Somebody to Love (3629 kudos)
Tender, like a soft new sapling (3277 kudos)
at this point i've accepted that i will never experience the highs of the 2020 witcher fandom ever again
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
SO i used to respond pretty frequently but then i spent a while writing in a very very tiny fandom where every single comment was cherished & i got out of the habit of replying bcos in my mind once i've replied to a comment it's 'finished' so living them unreplied to meant i could enjoy them for longer. and then i got out of the habit!! these days i tend to only reply if i have something to say but i am grateful for all of them <3
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
im not gonna link any of them but in my Merlin days i did write multiple fics about my OT3 killing each other. im fine thank you for asking.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
huh i feel like this is harder to measure than the above?? hmmm. scrolling back through my recent-ish works, it isn't kind is pretty unabashedly fluffy.
Do you get hate on fics?
ehhh i've had some rude comments but i wouldn't say hate
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
these days not so often!! have ended up in a string of found family type fandoms. but yeah i got uhh 65 fics rated E on the ao3. most of them are m/m occasional f/f or f/m.
Do you write crossovers?
im more into fusions which is a different thing! but have on occasion written crossovers.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yeah actually, had a fic taken once by someone who was habitually translating fics into a different language & posting them without acknowledging the original. i think they got reported but i don't really remember who it shook out!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah quite a lot of times! u can see translations of my fics on ao3 here. disproportionately russian? i assume there's just a lot of russian fic translators out there!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
NOT for 1 million years but yes i have
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
hmmm my go to answer for this is usually two/jamie so that's what im going with
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i'm actually still sitting on a second doctor wip that at this point i think is a lost cause. i sent the opening scene (fake out character death lol) to some people on discord a while ago just to torment them.
What are your writing strengths?
i'd like to think dialogue!!
What are your writing weaknesses?
basically all forms of description tbph
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
im monolingual so i don't think i'd do this without assistance from a native speaker. i've actually published (like, professionally) a piece of fiction w some dialogue in another language and to my eternal gratitude some of my tumblr followers assisted me with the translation <3
First fandom you wrote for?
lord of the rings, when i was about 12
Favorite fic you’ve written?
of all time??? GOD. okay. first thought best thought the world won't wait until you're older.
ok uhh i will tag @uighean @limerental @a-kind-of-merry-war @megamindsupremacy
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apricusapollo · 9 months
Hey! Saw your post about deciding what to do for uni. Obviously it's a choice you have to make for yourself in the end (i know how hard that is as im going to uni this year as well, and im having trouble figuring out what to do too!!). Just offering some of my thoughts here!!
Im from a smallish eastern european country and honestly, I've only recently really started to appreciate my culture and language. I've spent so much time on the internet, consuming and consuming and consuming english, and my mative language skills have suffered for it. Like i hate those moments when i need a word and the first one that pops into my mind is an english one.
English is in no danger. English lacks nothing. It has all the linguists and philology students it needs. Does Georgian have that? Idk how Georgian is doing, but i know that for my own native language the situation is quite bad. A lot of young people speak better english than the native language, they sometimes put in phrasss or have entire convos in english, and that really harms my language, because a language has to be used intensely and in every aspect of life for it to evolve and remain truly alive. So like if i had to choose between english and my language, i think I'd choose my language, just because it's in a more precarious situation.
Like people from all over the world study english yk. But do people from all over the world study Georgian? We have to take care of our culture when we know that others won't, because it *is* valuable, even if only to us.
In the end, i think the best advice is to do what interests you most. If that's english, then sure, go for it, but if it's Georgian, then go for that. Make sure that you don't give up on your passions just because of fear.
the thing is, like you've said, I've been obsessively consuming media in English since I was 11-12 years old and at this point my brain Works in English more than it does in Georgian, ykwim?? I completely understand what you mean when you say that when you need a certain word, English translation is the first one that pops up in your head and it's so frustrating, I completely get it.
I also started appreciating my culture / literature / songs / movies lately and I sometimes get so angry at myself for not being interested in it earlier because, truly, who cares about how much information you have about foreign movies and so on if you don't know anything about your own first, yk??
and people around me use English phrases instead of Georgian too and it makes me So Mad and what makes me even angrier is that I also do that?? like?? why. Georgian is the sort of language that does not lack words or phrases, considering that Georgian tribes have existed since 8 century B.C. so, the point is, we don't lack anything that English speakers have.
another thing (which I have talked about here multiple times since I started studying history properly) is that Georgia has always, always been under attacks throughout its entire existence and we were constantly on the verge of extinction but somehow we always survived and people always managed to find a way to pass our culture and everything sacred to us to future generations. when I look back at that I feel so bad about the possibility of choosing foreign language and literature which was NEVER under the same risk of disappearance while my ancestors had to fight tooth and nail to still speak Georgian as the Russian Empire pressured them into speaking Russian.
honestly tysm for this anon because yeah. as a fellow eastern european, yeah you Get it.
my national exams are in July so I still have time to think about all of this but unless the fear of our complicated grammar makes me change my mind, I have a tiny feeling that patriotism might win within me.
sorry I didn't intend this to turn into such a rant
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dogflowerz · 1 year
uh just before I start, i am a native speaker of russian ( though not russian myself ) and it's...sucks in general ? it's not good. mid at best but it has some moments ( not all ) i want to point out . so,
first of all, due to avoiding swears ( bc in rssian , you can't escape them so easily as ppl do in english ) characters can sound a little bit ruder than in english, like tatiana calling mayday an impudent girl ( more correctly would translate as a brat ) or outright idiots and stupid after the battle with her.
second, when kliff notices goolings poster and they talk about kul fyra, zuke first says that instead of can of worms, kliff opened a pandora box. oh and also mayday says she adores kliff here. and he calls her my dear ( I think that's the closest thing i could think of as to translate. He also means it in platonic way. They only good thing out of this translation / j). and also they butchered the sayus and yinus names. the more correct way to say sayu in rssian i think would be сайю but they just wrote it as it sounds ( саю ) . same with yinu ( йину - more correct imo and ину as they wrote it there. )not a big deal but it annoys me </3
that's not all but pretty much some of the parts my sleep deprived brain could think of so yeah !!
THANK YOU FOR THE INFO 🙏🙏🙏 will store this in my mind
ALSO !!!! that reminds me that . the spanish dub of nsr isnt that good either ?? 😭 it might be because im mexican and i speak in latin american spanish (? i think thats the name) and the nsr dub is in SPAIN spanish. it really bugged me to the point i couldnt even finish sayu because her accent BUGGED me so bad. also, in the djss fight they kept.. talking over eachother and i think it would also happen in the other cutscenes if it happened in djss'? but also i didnt get that far.
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tyunni · 3 years
(imma try to make my asks shorter lol cuz i feel bad for taking up sm room on your blog dkdjdkjd) oooh that’s fun! i love kids lol i have a job as a teacher assistant and i work with kids that are like 4-6 years old 🥺 oH which is where i got the inspo for that one riki drabble with lil yn kissing lil riki on the cheek and stuff lol. that actually happened in one of the classes 😭 it was so cute skdjsjsj
how did you learn english btw? and ugh i totally understand. english grammar is SUPER confusing. even as a native speaker, sometimes i question my own grammar lol. so i always admire ppl who learn english when it’s not their native language, esp when they’re as fluent as you! <3 srsly
and i’ve heard of georgia. idk much about it tho lol. i only know of it bc when i was in grade 8, for fun (literally FOR FUN 💀 SKSJSK), i memorized all of the countries of the world and where they’re located on a map lol i was a huge nerd ig skjdksjd so yeah i’m familiar with georgia but ik like nothing about it sksjsk and the alphabet is sooo pretty pLS. is it an easy alphabet to learn? like compared to english let’s say lol
naur really? my vocab has impressed you??! whEN?? sksjsdkjs i remember in your work there were words that impressed me lol which is another reason why i find it so hard to believe eng isn’t your first language!!!! naurrr thank you 🥺 your def one of the vv talented writers on here too, i’m serious. also also! the long hc in your drafts (did you say it was a hc? lol i can’t remember already skdjskd im soRRY) idk if you’ve talked about it more before bc i’m literally terrible at keeping up w things but mind me asking what it’s about? 👀😏
HELP PLS DONT WORRY ABT THE SPACE ON MY BLOG😞😞 i have over 1.5k posts alr and its literally just me screaming and crying so we're good dwdw
AND PLEASE THATS SO CUTE :( i love kids too but theyre such a pain in the ass sometimes, especially the very young ones like 2-5 years old cuz during that age they're more... actuve ig :/ HOW DO U EVEN TAKE CARE OF THEM I WOULD'VE GONE MAD HELSPSMNS
and we learn english at school, from grade 1 up until grade 12 but the level is VERY LOW. we use the same A2-3 or smth levels EVERY SINGLE YEAR so it gets very infuriating as someone who's i guess ahead of everyone else because i know all that stuff already 😭😭😭 and yeah english grammar is a bit confusing but it's nothing compared to russian AND ESPECIALLY GEORGIAN GRAMMAR. as a native speaker,,,, yeah georgian grammar is fucking hell. it may look simple but it's far more difficult than english, german, italian, french & all that jazz :/ its a very difficult langauge overall. sometimes even i'm not fluent in it, that's how difficult the grammar is 😭😭
also grade 8 u was insane bcuz WHY?? WOULD U DO THAT 😞😞 i can't even memorize the name of my own country were you okay??? and yeah our culture is actually very unique and just overall based more on the artistic side. we have our own dances, singing, our own food, clothing and a very very long history. we may be small but we have definitely kept our traditions throughout the centuries and i'm very proud of that, so that stuff is also very hard to get used to when it comes to foreigners visiting or even moving here because it's VERY different from other places. as for the alphabet oH GOD NO ITS DEFINITELY VERY HARD TO LEARN, we spend at least 4 years with different types of textbooks that are specifically made to learn how to write the letters with step-by-step tutorials and guides. we also have some letters shortened a bit like ლ,დ so it's even more confusing for people who aren't fluent to read what we write 😭😭 and as the years pass everyone develops their own calligraphy (which is even more unique because of our strange alphabet) yet we can still somehow understand what the other is writing? it's very weird and definitely not an easy language or an alphabet to learn for foreigners.
ALSO YEAH WHAT IM WRITING IS KINDA?? HEADCANONS??? bulletpoints? idfk atp its a mixture of drabble + headcanon + bulletpoint and i had the time of my life writing it but now im too lazy to proofread (which i probably wont do at the end of the day OOPS) and write for the two members that i have left :///// and i'll give sort of a hint (?) it has smth to do with enhypen and highschool 😋😋 the rest is up to your imagination (well until it's released ofc) its smth that i haven't really done before cuz i usually do normal bulletpoints so it's kinda hard for me but Oh well there's a first for everything and i need to step out of my comfort zone sometimes 😈💪
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coffeeshib · 4 years
I'm learning russian and french (everyday on Duolingo, and sometimes when I have extra time i would go to the italian and spanish course but that's very rare) how would you describe how good you are at picking up languages? Cos for me i suck at memorising which is why im so bad at reading my mother tongue language, mandarin, but russian is easier and french easier that some words are similar in english but both are confusing cos of the.. grammar rules and sometimes i mix up the words and languages, I'd be like jus is juice In russian- no wait french-wait сок is juice wait wha- so learning Italian n spanish would just mix everything up.
oh?! wow that's amazing, learning two languages at once - I can't do that (tried doing it once but it got heavy for me fast & I couldn’t properly absorb the info & grammar process & all). it's certainly not a breeze learning a language but I don't think I'm too bad at it! I do use apps like duolingo, busuu, lingvist, & hellotalk (this is a fun one, you get to talk to native speakers. I fondly recall exchanging convos with this sweet old lady for mooonths. she was trying to learn english & I talked to her in french & we’d always correct each other!! don't talk to her anymore but wow is she so good now, proud proud)
but yeah, I consume tv, music, movies a lot too when learning. I also listen to podcasts (have them as background music while I'm doing something else). it's about hearing the flow & practicing auditory cues & understanding. the consumption of media REALLY helps
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sanchowatersim · 4 years
Get to know me better tag
Rules: bold everything that applies to you and tag 10 people you’d like to get know better.
@simanin, thanks for your tag!!!!
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I’m over 5’5” ( like 5'10 ″, you americans and other eng speakers, use stupid ft, but in my world we use cm ARGH!!!!) // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair (not now but in the past and mb in the future when my dye will over) // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings (if be more exact, i have five) // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair (sweet fuchsia blue at the start and sky blue at the end) // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily (close to it, i guess) // I have freckles (only on the nose) // I paint my nails (sometimes when have a right mood) // I sometimes wear makeup (mb, a couple times a year) // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look (of course, sometimes i catch that bad mood when u hate everything in u) // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
Hobbies and Talents:
I play a sport // I can play an instrument (i finally get my ukulele so im trying ok?) // I am artistic (it’s like a part of my personality) // I know more than one language (rus and ukr r my native, and eng as u can see) // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe (should i say that all of that recipes have first level of difficulty?)  // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing (for several years ive been trying to write a novel about my characters) // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend  // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends (it would be great if i also used these advices) // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online 
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms (it’s sound of beatuful dreams) // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colours // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favourite season (like a winter and spring...i think its obvious that i dislike summer the most)
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle (its easy for me, but i like to look at the road or changing landscapes so i ussually trying to not fall asleep in a transport) // I am the mom friend (who drinks a lot, smokes a lot, uses a bad words a lot, and yeah, sometimes dont answers for her mom’s calls but by mistake! but im really the mom friend) // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift  // I believe in true love (usually its hard to belive) // I make up scenarios to fall asleep (and I have dozens of them) // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game (just for experience, surely not forever!) // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial (i have ukrainian, russian and mb gypsy blood) // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs
I tag everyone who hasn’t been tagged before! Yes I’m very kind...but really lazy, hehehe
~ Well, I’m back. I had a lot of different things, such as uni exams, my birthday and the work that i had to do before i got my legal free time for gaming, cc and friends, and other stuff I like more than my work and uni. Also I was trapped by the nasty mood when I feel myself so stupid, useless. More than usually. That sensation was too much for me. So I didn’t even try to do something that i like to do. The Sims and tmbrl also was suffered because of it. Now, bit by bit, I going to back to sims, to cc, to socializing here. Hope that I didn’t give you enough time to forget me.  So see you soon and stay tune!
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thosedaysthatwill · 5 years
I Love Svech for trying speak in English but i cant understand him at all 😭😭 im so sorry asdfghjkkl
Yeah, he really mumbles and runs his words together. And if you’re not a native English speaker (and not Russian) he’s very hard to understand. But I just love how much he tries to say words, they’re not really useful words (he usually just restates the question) but they’re words and if he says enough of them, he can go back to the locker room. 
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antiquatus · 5 years
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yes, hello, i am henry  (  twenty, gmt+8, they/them  )  and this is my bastard supreme catholic crusader-king wannabe : giulio michele cardinal de medici, archbishop of esztergom and cardinal of the  (  one, holy, catholic, and apostolic and bigoted  ) church. here is his about page , his biography  (  which is basically just the headcanons section of the app  )  , some wanted connections, and  (  if you care to read a whole buncha words  )  here’s the whole application. read down the cut if you want it summarised + the first task! :) if u wanna plot, send me a dm @ i am a mushroom! 🍄#9146 or hmu here on tumblr ims.
content warning for usual mediaeval church brand of bigotry + mentions of: disordered eating, scrupulosity, obsessive-compulsive tendencies
crusader-king wannabe, what else do u need 2 know?
hashtag only 1099 kids will remember
FULL NAME :  giulio michele de medici
giulio — from latin, a cognate of julius, the meaning of which is irrelevant, as it was chosen more to invoke julius caesar
michele — italian form of michael, meaning who is like god?
de medici — medici, plural form of medico, meaning doctor, physician
MONIKERS / NICKNAMES : giulio, papabile
commander of several abbeys, scattered throughout the italian peninsula (multiple dates to present)
administrator of bozen (1538 to present)
archbishop of esztergom-budapest (1540 to present)
cardinal of the roman catholic church (1544 to present)
prelate of the roman inquisition (1550 to present)
vice-camerlengo of the apostolic camera (1556 to present)
GENDER & PRONOUNS : listen... he’s actually Agender but do u rlly expect the church/himself to like... accept anything beyond the gender binary... that being said, the imago dei is inclusive and also inherently non-binary so... there is that... (one day, giulio...... one day...........) — pronouns are he/him
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE: 25th december 1526, thirty-three
ZODIAC SIGN : capricorn sun / virgo moon / sagittarius rising
ORIENTATION : do u know that playlist in spotify that’s just like is this sufjan stevens song gay or just about god? ... yeah, like that exactly.
MARITAL STATUS : married to the LORD
OCCUPATION : cardinal, archbishop, crusader LARPer
PLACE OF BIRTH : florence, tuscany
basilica cattedrale metropolitana di santa maria nascente, milan, lombardy villa d’este, tivoli, lazio
RELIGIOUS VIEWS : roman catholicism, somewhat of a catholic mystic in the vein of pseudo-dionysius, hildegard von bingen, and meister eckhart (hashtag eckhart did nothing wrong!!!)
EDUCATION : private tutoring, ecclesiastical catechism, autodidact in a great deal many things
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : italian, latin, ancient greek, hungarian, bulgarian, serbian, russian, arabic, hebrew, french, german, spanish, english, old church slavonic
ALLEGIANCES : the church & himself (to him? there is no difference)
the house of de medici: only nominally loyal, he thinks there are far better things to pay attention to than temporal matters such as these
the one holy catholic and apostolic church: his #1 bae
papa & mama medici: parents
piero de medici, older brother
francesco de medici, younger brother
giovanna de medici, younger sister
FACECLAIM : james norton
HAIR COLOUR / STYLE : i’m so mad abt this... but yes... he has a tonsure... press F in the chat pls // though he has stopped shearing his hair in switzerland
EYE COLOUR / SHAPE : blue, and idk... eye-shaped? 
HEIGHT : 1.85m / 6′1″
BUILD : fluctates: for reasons specified in the neurological conditions section below, this isn’t very consistent; however, if this was modern day, redditors would just spam him with “delete facebook, hit the gym, lawyer up!!!!”
SPEECH STYLE : mellifluous to the point of inane verbosity, uses more words than he should; that being said, he possesses the uncanny ability to pick up a language easily and quickly, inserting local colloquialisms to the point that he sounds like a native speaker; nevertheless, he consistently speaks in a formal register (sometimes! even to family members!) and has a very blunted affect, diminishing the effect if only slightly
BEAUTY HABITS : for a mediaeval european, he is actually very hygienic; takes baths obsessively, definitely more than once a week, which does link to his fixation with purity both metaphysical and temporal; hates public bathhouses with a passion; combs his hair and parts it to the side, favouring his left
TROPES : the chessmaster, bookworm, our angels are different, knight templar, lack of empathy, lonely rich kid, affably evil, & raised catholic (duh).
INSPIRATIONS : lenny belardo (the young pope), crusader kings ii (the game), pope julius ii (history), adso (the name of the rose), john the beloved (history, the bible), jacopo belbo (foucault’s pendulum), henry winter (the secret history), the prince (the prince, niccolo macchiaveli)
MBTI : intj-t (the architect) 
ENNEAGRAM: 5w4 1w9 4w3 (the researcher) sp/sx
ALIGNMENT : lawful good, insofar as goodness is aligned to catholicism
TEMPERAMENT : choleric but perhaps more arguably a choleric-sanguine hybrid
HOGWARTS HOUSE : slytherin
POSITIVE TRAITS : charitable (to catholics), brilliant, prodigious
NEGATIVE TRAITS : manipulative, narcissistic, self-serving, self-righteous
HABITS : has a tendency to fidget his fingers; gnaws on his lower lip to the point of bleeding when thinking, not that he realises it
HOBBIES : reading, writing, playing this new thing called chess
USUAL DEMEANOR : affable to the point of boring people, charming to catholics but cooler against non-catholics, somewhat easy to talk to but one has the niggling feeling that he’s not as invested in the conversation as he should be, people hear the word cardinal and thinks he’s bigoted to the extreme (which he is) but he always deflects and he can be agreeable (but probably slips by still calling istanbul constantinople though!), very learned and nerdy and will talk about theology all the goddamn day if nobody stops him, presents as a very non-threatening (affably bland) cardinal who albeit has very fixed opinions about All The Things
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION : thinks of himself and presents as neurotypical but probably has szpd (schizoid personality disorder), a form of scrupulosity in the vein of alissa (in strait is the gate by andré gide); also arguably has some form of disordered eating, cycling between binging and extreme fasting, which gives him a weight leaning toward lanky
PHOBIAS : haphephobia, fear of touch; his scrupulosity can also be arguably defined as a phobia of sinning, but that’s basically a whole other complex
ALLERGIES : allergic to SIN!!!! n/a
SLEEPING HABITS : an insomniac, though he thinks it a common affliction; has a habit of reading until late as a way of staving off boredom; may sleep a grand total of only three to four hours at nighttime, though he makes up for it through a post-lunch siesta (which is a habit he picked up from the pope)
SOCIABILITY : presents as a social butterfly, if albeit sterner than most; can slip into conversations of any kind easily, but always ever in a professional context; has no real friends, but can lay claim to easy acquaintanceships; forever holding people at an arm’s length, which is just the way he likes it
ADDICTIONS : drinks the communion wine more often than he should; other than that, he can be almost puritanically temperate, to the point of self-affliction (?); addicted to the idea of purity
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Speaking about cute Russian accents, I loved how Svech wrote "here we come" instead of "here we go" on Insta, idk, I think he messed up the terms lmao both work, but I think "here we go" would fit it better!
yeah? im not a native english speaker, so i didn’t notice it at first 
maybe he wanted to say they clinched and are already there, instead of still coming?? idk i can’t really express my thoughs about it lmao
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alinpedia · 3 years
How To Say Ok In Spanish 45
Its OK with or by me yo estoy de acuerdo. Vengo yo también vale or okey.
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Okay OK Okey Hello.
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How to say ok in spanish. Saying ok in Middle-Eastern Languages. Spanish word for ok including example sentences in both English and Spanish. Another way of saying OK in Spanish is vale.
For okay actually youll hear that dozens of times a day as it is a common interjection. - OkayVayamos a cenar fuera. How to say Are you ok in Spanish.
ˈoʊˈkeɪ ˌoʊˈkeɪ ˈoʊˌkeɪ ok Would you like to know how to translate ok to Spanish. Guay es bueno chulo divertido. Saying ok in Austronesian Languages.
Okay all right ok alright okey. So here we go the best word for vagina in spanish. Im coming too OK.
Another way of saying OK in Spanish is bien. Is it OK with you if. Yeah Yea Yep Sure Okay.
Cómo te ha ido. HowDoYouSayNet provides translations pronunciation and other vocabulary help for words and phrases in some of the most popular languages of the world. All the Ways to Say Thank You and Youre Welcome in Spanish.
I bet most of us wouldnt do the same. If youve made a mistake or hurt someones feelings abroad in a Spanish speaking country youre going to need a Spanish word or phrase specifically to make amends for your wrongdoing. Vale Parts of Spain will use vale when saying ok to someone.
How to say ok in spanish language. OK its difficult but. You will see that the word chulo is used in Spain as an alternative term for the more common guay.
Three more ways to say goodbye in spanish 21 spanish swear words you neednt say around abuelitas if youre unfamiliar with spanish swear words well youre in for a treat amigo. Heres a list of translations. En Colombia nosotros diríamos chévere o bacano.
Saying ok in European Languages. This is the translation of the word ok to over 100 other languages. Transcript How to say OK in Spanish.
Do Mexicans say OK. In Spanish the way you say OK is. A few options for okay in Spanish could include.
All the countries in South America Central. If you have an HTML5 enabled browser you can listen to the native audio below. Okey In Latin American countries they tend to say okey or its nothing.
What does guay mean. A word of phrase used to refer to the second person informal tú by their conjugation or implied context eg. OK Very good Okay Fine Okey.
Sale is used more often than OK and is less formal than está bien. Its OK if you try and fail but its not OK if you fail to tryEstá bien si haces el intento y no consigues nada pero no está bien que no lo intentes. Whats the spanish word for ok.
Te importa si. Not much nothing new or everythings okay. Theres a few different.
If you are in spain you will hear vale. In Colombia wed say chévere or bacano. Así es is also very common but it does not.
The possible answers to this question are the same ones as above since you would also say something like. This page provides all possible translations of the word ok in the Spanish language. In Mexico people also say sale for OK.
Te molesta que. Lets go out for dinner. Saying ok in Asian Languages.
More Spanish words for OK. Home Spanish Vocab and Grammar All the Ways to Say Thank You and Youre Welcome in Spanish. Please find below many ways to say ok in different languages.
The first way is listo. In english we say ok or okay. Saying ok in African Languages.
Heres a list of translations. Estoy de acuerdo que es difícil pero. How to say OK in Spanish.
How To Say Sorry In Spanish 8 Key Phrases For Apologizing Written by Jada Lòpez. Do you know Ariana Grandes song Thank you next Even she while saying goodbye to an ex-boyfriend shows perfect manners by thanking him. Learn how to say ok in Spanish with audio of a native Spanish speaker.
Regionalism used in Latin America. How to say ok in Spanish. Okay All right OK Alright Okey.
Whats the Spanish word for OK. If you were wondering how to say a word or a phrase in Spanish French German Italian Chinese Japanese or Russian this site will help you to get the answer. Guay is good cool fun.
It derives from the rhyming of vale as in sale vale okey dokey. Read time 5 mins. All students can now benefit from it.
Another way to say OK in Spanish is claro. Listo de acuerdo está bien claro ajá. Theres a few different ways.
Está bien This is the most common way to ok and translates to its okay. It seems like the spanish like to compare food and insults.
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hydatiid · 4 years
hiya! I’m a first year Russian student who is also a native English speaker, so i have some Knowledge to share if it is at all helpful: russian is.. Very difficult in a myriad of ways, and duolingo, as fun as it is, will probably not take u much further than some good vocab to know. Which is great! but the pronunciation, spelling, and grammar (GOD there are 6 cases and i hate all of them. what the hell even is a case. i still don’t know) are SO unintuitive that i think actual russian classes (1)
(2) will be crucial to getting it right. a language like french to a native English speaker can be a lot easier and more intuitive to pick up, but russian really is so far removed from english that real classes are just that much more critical... but again, im no expert! and im not trying to shoot you down at All, so i hope it doesn’t come off that way- i wish you the best of luck in your endeavors!
oh dude SICK!!!!!! yeah i got the feeling that this app wouldnt teach me everything but very simply basics, im planning to see if theres a russian tutor or something in town but low hopes for that...when libraries reopen and stuff im gonna look for some book there too but at the moment u cant do anything...
i remember learning french....and even that was a bit confusing uh oh. but thanks heaps for ur input!!!!!! its very fun to learn still :) lets me do something other than just sit here alone
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star-study · 8 years
things i learnt regarding learning languages
recently i finished second stage of linguistic olympiad, which focuses on translating rare languages based on logical analysis, basically you don’t know the language but there is a logic rule you have to guess to translate things, yeah, its fun, now im waiting for the results of the second stage.
the thing is, after practicing, doing many problems from previous years, i found myself understanding languages’ rules easier. i’ve always been convinced that to learn language is not to learn the rules by heart, but to understand them, so here are my tips based on that:
1. native speakers are your best resource. some may disagree due to them often not being aware of certain grammar rules, but thats the point. learn the usage, not the rules. rules will come naturally to you when you analyse them for yourself based on using the language. 
2. ive been learning russian for almost 2 years now and my teacher has been focusing on remembering the rules, as if thats the best way to learn the language. so we didnt have much access to any context, not to mention poorly made textbooks. but now that ive become familiar with lots of usage, i dont need to stress about the rules, but base the grammar on previous, similiar contexts.
3. you dont need the rules unless youre majoring philology. for real, i understand that its not your native language, but whats so bad about treating it as one? learn it just like kids would. use it.
4. about using it, put yourself in native speaker’s position, change the language of your fav sites, talk to people even if you dont know much yet, stop stressing about grammar. imagine people talking to you without using cases, conjugations - youre still gonna understand them, so why not start with that yourself?
- analyse the grammar yourself instead of learning written rules (thats also gonna make you remember it better)
- vocabulary > grammar
- make friends with native speakers
- embarass yourself, make mistakes, talk bullshit - its all a way to success
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