#( interaction: gaston )
weeinerville · 6 months
gaston and renne
the true superior ship in disco elysium i fear
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slashingdisneypasta · 10 months
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madreemeritus · 3 months
Don't get me wrong I'm all for fanfictions where Erik moves on and finds another love for himself, EXCEPT when the author tries to make him an innocent heartbroken puppy and Christine the villain.
Hear me out. I'm number 1 Erik defender and NOT friendly with "Erik critical/hate" folks, and I'm also not fond of Raoul (I dont defend him, he was also bad and never learned anything). But I also DESPISE Christine-hate takes.
Erik was wrong with Christine, since the beginning of their relationship. End. Of. Story. Does that make him evil? No. Does that make him a monstrous abuser? No. Does he have the right to move on and start a new life? Absolutely yes. But he was not the victim on his relationship with Christine, don't make her the villain in his story when it's pretty much the opposite.
While it's true that Erik had a mental breakdown and wasn't intentionally malicious with Christine, he was also shitty and toxic and not good for her. The whole point about Erik's redemption in the ending was that regretted the shit he did, he knew it was wrong, he knew he needed to STOP. Instead of making Christine "the villain that destroyed Erik's feelings and lost her chance with him for someone else", make Erik heal, grow and have a healthier relationship with someone else that won't be hurted by him the way Christine was. And plus, make Erik and Christine make amends and become good friends, letting the past behind. It's so much better for real.
Btw I shipp Erik and Christine but not in a "she was wrong by not choosing him" way, but in a "he learned from his mistakes and became a better man that she deserves" way.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 4 months
The Phantom from Phantom of the Opera like middle school me fell down a rabbit hole because of this man. Like I was so mad at Christine for not choosing him and instead picking the boring love interest lol.
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Discovered the book in junior high, and I still have my well loved copy I bought all those years ago. Erik wasn't my first crush, but he was the first to make me spiral into a couple (eight) year long hyper fixation haha
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zipzapzopzoop · 2 months
There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow
Chapter 29: Robots, Reptiles, and Robinsons (Rewrite!)
(I really wasn't happy with my previous version of this chapter, and there were parts I had forgotten to add before, so I gave it a much needed redo! It actually got so long that there’s going to be a second part!)
Frankie watched from his perch on an upside down bucket as Lewis and Franny lifted the fallen shelf off Carl, clearing away the junk that covered him. Thankfully he only seemed to have a couple tiny scratches and dents, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed.
Lewis wasted no time opening Carl’s chestplate and working on the dead battery inside. Normally Carl would charge on a port, but he didn’t have one on hand. “Keep an eye out while I fix Carl,” Lewis spoke as he dug around in the toolbox. Franny scooped up Frankie and plopped him down on her head. “Roger that, captain!” She gave a salute and spun around. 
She paused a second. “Wait… Carl?” Franny’s question was cut short when a loud thud  shook the entire building. The electricity flickered and bits of dust fell from the ceiling.
The two stood frozen in silence for a few seconds. Franny was the first to speak up.
“...I think a bird just flew into a window.” 
Lewis would’ve turned to give her a bewildered look, had he not been interrupted by the Joyce Williams Elementary sign crashing into a nearby classroom. That was enough to send the children into a panic, running from their room and into the hallways, trying to find their way out of the building. A chestnut haired man in a button down shirt and tie stumbled out after them.
“Lewis?” Mr.Willerstein did a double take when he saw his most hardworking student. What was he doing here, though? Why was there a robot?
Lewis could tell he had questions, but he needed to handle the fleeing students first. 
He glanced towards the kids running off and back to Lewis. Concern written all over, he gestured for the two to stay where they were. “Stay put, Lewis,” he called as he turned to run after the other children. 
Franny clasped her hands over her ears when the fire alarms went off suddenly. More children came running from their rooms and through the halls, sensing the rising panic all around.
“What do we do?” Franny shouted over the chaos. Lewis looked down at Carl and his gaze hardened with determination. 
“We keep moving forward.”
Windows rattled as a shrill roar pierced the air. 
The ground shook with every thundering footstep the monster took. A couple in their car froze up in fear when a massive reptilian snout leaned in to sniff at them. It huffed, fogging the windshield. He was only curious, but he didn’t always know his own size. 
Even if he was just a baby, he was still the King of the Beasts. 
Tiny took a leap onto the school building, his massive tail slamming into the Joyce Williams Elementary sign and sending it smashing into the side of the building. The entire structure shook a moment - somehow triggering the fire alarms - and another window shattered when his tail rammed into it whilst gaining his balance, but thankfully, it stayed standing.
Adult Franny rushed forward and whistled sharply. “Tiny!”
The beast looked around before spotting her, his mouth breaking into a large smile at seeing one of his people. He jumped up off the building and came crashing down in front of the woman, shaking the ground and the trees, even causing a few people to lose their balance and stumble. Tiny leaned down, closing his eyes and making a happy sound when Franny reached forward and petted his snout. 
Crisis averted…
Without warning, the front doors to the school flew open, screaming children and panicking adults rushing from the building. Tiny stood up sharply and spun around at the commotion, failing to notice the powerline strung above.
The beast let out a pained screech as a shower of sparks came down, stumbling backwards (nearly stepping on Franny) and knocking over a few vehicles with his tail. Many of the children froze at the sight, but most kept running in all directions. Tiny let out a furious roar at the pain.
Art’s face hardened. This was no time to watch. He had to take action!
“Everyone!” He called with his most assertive voice. “Teachers and students, this way! The building is unsafe! Go to the baseball field!” He hurried ahead to help the children and lead the way to the baseball field. Uncle Fritz followed suit, helping guide kids that strayed away or got lost back to the group.
Wilbur made a mad dash for the school doors. “Wilbur! Don’t!” Franny cried. She managed to catch the back of his shirt, stopping him in his tracks. 
“You and Lasz get Tiny out of here! I have to find Lewis!” He pulled back his shirt and kept running. Franny wanted to argue, but her attention went back to Tiny when she heard a car accident somewhere behind her. 
While most people ran away screaming, crowds of awestruck onlookers began to form. 
They had to do something, and they had to do it now.
“Need some extra help?”
Franny felt her heart swell with joy at the sound of her brother’s voice.
Inside the building, Franny and Lewis looked around in surprise when the power cut out completely. Emergency lights came on and alarms rang, signaling anyone left in the building to leave. 
Thinking fast, Franny grabbed Frankie and gave him a shake, causing the frog’s belly to glow. Lewis raised an eyebrow. “I caught him eating some glow sticks earlier,” she shrugged. He hummed and nodded before going back to work. Carl sparked and twitched, but fell limp again. Try again. Keep moving forward.
Sounds of panic came from outside the building. Everything had erupted into chaos. 
Without warning, someone came crashing through the window, sliding across the floor and bumping into the wall of lockers with a hearty laugh. The moment Lewis recognized him, he jumped up.
“Uncle Gaston?!” 
The stuntman looked at them upside down from where he laid on his back. He laughed again and jumped up, shaking off the broken glass and giving them a thumbs up. 
“Didn’t think you could have all the fun without me, did you?” He teased.
“Everyone’s been looking all over for you!”
“Really! What a surprise! I’ve been looking all over for them, too!”
In the darkness, Carl’s blue eyes lit up a moment. His head twitched. “Will…burrr..?”
He sparked and fell quiet. Again. Try again. Keep moving forward. Another roar outside shook the windows. Gaston looked up. “Sounds like they need me! You got this Lewis!” In the flashing exit lights, Gaston suddenly caught sight of a young girl looking up at him with curious brown eyes. He knew those eyes anywhere. He smiled warmly, adjusted his helmet, and ran off into the danger again.
A police cruiser skidded to a stop just before hitting Tiny’s legs. The furious beast was on a rampage, leaning down and bumping the cruiser onto its side with his head. Laszlo wasted no time landing on the upturned side, pulling the door open and reaching for the men.
“Grab hold! Hurry!”
Tiny tried to use his nose to nudge the artist out of the way, but Laszlo stood firm. 
“Tiny! No!” The officer holding onto Laszlo looked incredulous. “That thing’s yours?!” Laszlo went back to helping him up. “Family pet, actually! He’s usually much better behaved than this, I apologize.” The officer was only half paying attention, staring wide eyed at where the artist’s feet hovered over the ground. Was he flying?!
A chuckle came from on Tiny’s back. Grandpa Bud climbed up to Tiny’s head, giving it a pat. “That’s quite enough now! Yer causing quite the fuss today, aren’t you?”
“Uncle Bud! You’re back! Where have you been?”
“A lot of places! The park, in the canal, the ice cream parlor, the park, the grocery store, the bowling alley, the park, the movie theater…”
Bud continued listing places off as the officer turned to Laszlo. “Are all you people like this…?” 
The artist suddenly seemed distracted, feeling around his coat for something. After a moment of searching, he pulled something out of his pocket. Was that… an ear? Was it real…? “Oh good, I still have it! I thought for a moment I must’ve lost it. Sorry, what was your question?”
Franny desperately looked around for something she could use to stop the dinosaur. If she didn’t do something, someone would be hurt! On her shoulder, Frankie searched with her.
“Boss! There!” Frankie tugged on her ribbon to get her attention before he pointed a green finger up at the school’s flagpole. A rope! Franny caught on instantly. “Perfect!” 
Her red stilettos clicked on the sidewalk as she rushed over to the flagpole. 
“Help me untie it!” 
Frankie hopped onto the pole, working together with Franny to get the rope undone. It was far too stable. “Damn it!” Franny punched the pole in her anger, making a sharp metallic ‘ding!’ She instantly regretted it when her hand stung, leaving her briefly doubling over in pain and shaking her knuckle. 
“That’s not gonna work, we need to cut it-”
Suddenly, she heard her brother’s voice among the crowds, crying out for her.
“Franny! Franny, where are you?! Franny!”
“Art! Help me cut this rope!”
“How do you know my name? Where’s my sister?” 
Only when Franny whipped around to look at him, did it dawn on her that it was the past version of Art. Shit.
Before she could give him an answer, he noticed the genetically modified Frankie perched on her shoulder and froze. The frog. There’s no way she would have left the building if she didn’t have her frog. She had to still be in there. 
Faster than he’s ever run for football, for fun, for anything, Art took off towards the building. He yanked off his letterman jacket, wearing his pizza uniform underneath.
While Franny watched her brother run, a broken piece of glass from one of the toppled cars caught Frankie’s eye. With a flick of his tongue, he pulled it over, grabbed it, and began to slice through the rope.
Carl gave a shout as his entire body locked up. After a couple sparks, he slowly stood to his feet. He took a (nonexistent) breath in, stood up straight… and lost power.
Still in pose, he fell stiff as a board, his face hitting the ground with a metallic thud.
Lewis and Franny watched in a wide eyed silence.
“He had a good second-and-a-half of life,” Franny spoke as she petted her frog. Lewis hummed and kneeled down next to Carl to try again. 
“Lewis!” Wilbur came sprinting around the corner and down the dark hall. “We can’t stay here! The dinosaur is… back… What happened to Carl?” He pointed down at the robot.
“Carl, bro, we’re in a crisis! Get up!”
Lewis grabbed a wrench and reopened the chest plate. “He’s still out of power! I’m trying to fix him. Since you’re here, hold this cable for me?”
“Turns out Frankie makes a good light source!”
Wilbur meant to look up at Franny at that moment, but his gaze caught the classroom door instead. In the mad rush to leave the school, it was left slightly ajar. Something about the darkness of the classroom behind it really freaked him out.
Slowly, the world seemed to be going quiet. 
The fire alarms, the roars and shouts outside, and Lewis’s instructions began to drift away from Wilbur’s thoughts, the imaginary sounds of rain and thunder taking its place.
Check out the chapter on my Archive!
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justplainlovely · 2 months
I’m writing one, big smutty one shot. There is loose plot set during (and a bit after) the Bal Masque. We’re getting freaky deaky.
Four “events” will happen:
1. Gay, old man time between M. Richard and M. Moncharmin in an opera box (still figuring out how I want that to look, pls give tips if you have anything specific you want to see there 😛 )
2. After Raoul leaves Christine’s dressing room (dressed in his white domino which, I found out the other day, is women’s clothes), he stumbles upon some group activities going on in a chamber under the marble staircase
3. Christine confessed to Erik that she is curious about carnality, but does not want to do p in v for obvious reasons (he gives her head and he’s surprisingly good at it 😏 )
4. The day after the masquerade, Erik is working with rope. Christine is enthralled, he notices, and Erik proved himself to be a rigger. She secretly likes this
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crocodilerockingx · 2 years
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“I don’t need anyone o protect me. I can look otu for myself, thanks.” the princess spoke, annoyed by her new guard that got assigned to her. “Especially none that thinks he’s better than anyone else in this room, including me.” she pointed out, her arms folding in front of her chest.
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mino-diabolik · 2 years
Judas: Shall I join you for dinner this evening?
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Mystic: Uh, not… today.
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Judas: Busy?
Mystic: No…
—Walks away—
Underling 1: So—are you giving up now?
Judas: Of course not. He’s the only one in this place that hasn’t made a fool of themselves to get my attention…
——What do you call that?
Underling 2: …Dignity?
Judas: It is outrageously attractive.
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seabxtch · 2 years
@gastonnlegume​ location: gaston’s tavern
Vanessa hadn’t gone to Gaston’s Tavern in quite a bit because the energy was full of testosterone and mediorcrity. She wasn’t a fan of either, but with all of this bullshit going on with Ariel and Eric she really needed a place where she could knock down a guy or two with a smile on her face. She had to keep her image up more than ever now, so she knew this was all going to have to be something she wiped clean from their memories later, which meant there was going to be no real long-lasting effects into their self-esteem other than a chill when she walked by them next time. 
So far she had found no one who was worth her lashing out on and she was honestly disappointed. She knew of the brutes that came into this place and tonight it just looked...rather empty. When she spotted the most brutish of all, the owner, she gave him her signature sugary sweet smile even though all her eyes were saying was I’m going in for the kill. “Are you about to go out of business? I’ve never seen this place look so...quiet. That is so sad! Do you need help looking for a new job?”
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coreofgold · 1 year
Gil Legume tag drop!
Hey guys! They're here! (Gil interacts)
The Son of Gaston (Gil interacts)
The Son of Hook (Harry Hook)
The Daughter of Ursula (Uma Vantis)
The Daugther of Maleficent (Mal Faery)
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mikiruma · 1 year
personal project, due date whenever: get back into writing so i can fill out the mtr tag on ao3 to counteract the incest out of spite
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aethramusings · 1 year
❛  you can’t tell me what to do!  ❜ - gaston to kristoff :)
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from ' barbie and the nutcracker ' starters - still accepting ! !
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kristoff sighed , sharing a knowing glance with the reindeer beside him . god , how the hell did he get stuck with this guy ?
" if you want to grab a ride on the sleigh , you do what i say . got it ? " the blonde retorted , stuffing a bag of hay into the mans arms . " now put this on the sled on the back . it'll keep the weight distributed . "
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laurabimbeau · 2 years
closed starter location: gaston’s tavern @gastonnlegume​
Laurette would be lying if she said she didn’t miss Gaston’s Tavern. She missed the shitty customers and the shitty brothel and the fun she used to have. She knew she had gotten herself into a bit of trouble before her grand exit, but she had to be careful this go around. It had only been a few days since she moved into Claudette’s home and she knew her sisters wanted her to wait a little longer before going back into work, but Laurette had just insisted she could handle it and now she had to prove it. Having to be this ridiculously well-behaved was making her itchy, but she had to show Gaston that she was capable of working again. 
So she was in his office, waiting for him to join her so that she could basically beg for another chance to work again. Seeing Gaston again wasn’t a downside at all, but having to look timid and weak was. She had to play the part of remorseful, sad, weak woman to gain his favor and pull him out himself long enough to see her worth, but the tavern was her best connection to her vices, so she was determined. When he finally graced her with his presence she gave a timid smile to him, clapping her hands together to both use her arms to push out her boobs a little bit but to also look nervous. “Hey, G,” she said softly, looking up at him through her lashes with timid eyes. “Thank you for meeting with me. I hope you missed me a little bit....”
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prettiestofall · 2 years
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“This is our first Christmas together. I have the feeling it’s going to be beautiful.” Looking up at the decorated tree, Amanda had long forgotten how it was to celebrate Christmas at the castle. Gaston had changed so much in her life. Not only did he bring a smile back onto her lips, she was also pregnant with their first child. 
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opheliafifi · 2 years
continued from this. @gastonnlegume​
Taking Gaston to the opera was not her first choice, but she didn’t regret it. He was on his best behavior and she was able to get lost in the music and the show in general.  It was nice seeing any kind of show again, really. She couldn’t have been happier to do something that made her feel like herself again. Gaston had no idea how deeply this meant to her and that was fine. She wasn’t ready to talk about it and she wasn’t sure yet if it would fall on deaf ears. She had finally connected the dots that this Gaston was the Gaston that messed with her bestie, but she didn’t want him to know she knew. No, she wanted to get her own answers about his intentions and persistence without being too obvious. It was the least she could do for being so stupid and not connecting the dots sooner. She was sure Belle was the reason she was hired at this point. It sucked that it felt like no one really believed in her for her, but she was growing used to that.
“People are very complicated,” Ophelia mused as they walked. “They have emotions like we do. So of course it isn’t going to be simple. Are you a simple man?” She raised an eyebrow, challenging him to say yes. “Sometimes people don’t want everything in the world. Most of the time all they want is a connection. To know the person they love. To understand. To see if they can work into their lives.” She thought she had that before, she really did. But love was a weird thing; just because someone felt it with every fiber of their being didn’t mean it was a mutual thing. She understood his frustration, but at the same time she knew Belle well enough to know he just was not....the ideal partner for her. “It’s a shame you aren’t. Women love a good romantic.”
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pomegranatesccds · 2 years
continued from this. @gastonnlegume​
Paislee was still scrambling to understand if this was some sort of trap. Meg had warned her about men and their intentions and after Harold she was ten times more on guard than she used to be. She hated that events in her life had hardened her heart, but she couldn’t afford to not be careful anymore. His story of his poor plant care didn’t really help him either. “Thank you,” she said, less hostile since it was about her work. She did really like how her plants seemed to thrive in the setting. It made this tavern a place she would like to visit more for the plants alone. She let the silence hang in the air for a moment before she sighed and took a seat properly. “One drink, then. But you need to drink it first or I won’t take a single sip!” Another tip from Meg. Thank the gods for her. “These plants will be good to you as long as you are good to them. They just need love and tenderness to thrive.”
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