#( interaction: mieczyslaw stilinski. )
vixenxqueen · 1 year
CONTINUED FROM HERE // ( @stilesstylelinski. )
"I know I am, or you wouldn't be smiling like this." Malia couldn't help but tease, but it had been easy to spot that smile he'd just displayed and she liked to think that she had something to do with it. When Stiles made another comment, she pretended to be surprised by his remark, purposely allowing her mouth to fall open slightly. At the same time though, her hazel eyes were sparkling deviously and she felt completely in her element. "I'm shocked you'd even think I'd use an excuse to get close to you, Stiles." she laid a hand on her chest for dramatic effect, though her playfulness gave her away effortlessly. "I don't need an excuse for that. If that's what I want, I'll just do it. But I don't exactly see you complaining. Just about your hair, which looks fine, by the way. Are you going somewhere?"
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prophecyxscreamer · 1 year
PLOTTED STARTER FROM HERE // ( @redhoodiskra. )
What had happened? She remembered being on the lacrosse field, looking for Jackson. But he was nowhere to be found and the second she turned around, she saw Stiles coming towards her. He was yelling at her to run, but it was already too late at that point. Peter sank his sharp fangs into her soft flesh, biting her so hard that she ended up passing out. Why did he bite her? For a second, Lydia was sure that he'd kill her mercilessly and she'd met her end. But that hadn't happened after all. The redhead now awoke from her slumber, groaning in pain as her eyes fluttered open.
She felt so sore, like she could barely move and had been incapacitated by the Alpha. Her hand slowly traveled towards her neck where her wound was located, feeling some of her own blood staining her fingers as she did so. "... Jackson?" she called out weakly, not sure if he'd made it by now or if he really wasn't here. Calling his name was the last thing she remembered doing, so maybe Jackson had heard or even seen her screaming. Lydia felt flustered, unable to sit up with her own strength and the bright lights of the stadium made it hard for her to see much of anything. She blinked rapidly, eyes narrowing and unsure if anyone was around. "What happened?"
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feistyxbadass · 1 year
CONTINUED FROM HERE // ( @queensnlegends. )
"Maybe because you're trying to sneak a box into my bar." Cami eyed the young man suspiciously, wanting to keep the peace in the bar and stay out of trouble. She had to be attentive to every person who went over the threshold and entered - there had been too many casualties lately and the blonde usually had her guard up. She had to, being surrounded by supernaturals on a daily basis and what if this was a similar scenario? She couldn't risk it. "I doubt there's candy in there since it's not Halloween."
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spunkyxgoddess · 1 year
( @kingsnlegends. ) did you ever have to find a way to survive and you knew your choices were bad, but you had to survive? (from stiles.)
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Lexi observed the young man, lips pursing over to one side in a pensive manner. Did this mean that exact thing had happened to him and he wanted to get it off of his chest? Sometimes it was better to open up to a stranger than to those you loved, right? She understood that. "Sort of?" the vampire admitted, keeping her voice gentle and soft as she took his remark seriously. "Happened when my brother was killed and I went after the culprit. I felt like I had to make that bad choice. At least, I did in the moment. What bad choice did you make? You're definitely asking for a reason."
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silverxbeauty · 1 year
PLOTTED STARTER // ( @siiinfultemptation. )
Going through life without any memories of the one she'd had before was pretty agonizing. Allison had never felt this alone inside of her own mind, not knowing who her friends were or who to trust. She just knew who the enemy was and who she wasn't supposed to trust. The only people that she knew and remembered were her parents, her aunt and her grandfather. They had all taught her how to be a good leader, a good huntress. Whenever she met someone outside of her family now, Allison was wary and didn't trust anybody who might be on Derek's side. She'd just finished patrolling and was gearing up to head back home, literally having done this all night. But that was the sacrifice she had to make to keep people safe from the monsters. The sun would come up soon, but the huntress was pretty drained of her energy and simply wanted to get some rest now. But something in the distance caught her attention and it was worth checking out. What if it was someone who needed help? Someone who couldn't save themselves and needed her right now?
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kingofangst · 9 months
Alright, despite a long wait here is chapter 3 of TWOAE. This one is a mix of comedy and angst, plus sibling bickering, and a first interaction between the enigmatic Seraph and Stiles.
-Also, I have an AO3 account named Kingofangst_14 and while I do have another teen wolf fanfic posted there, I am putting that one on hold and revamped since I feel that it needs to be better. But this Teen Wolf Fanfic will be my main focus. Enjoy this witty chapter. @rhyslahey @thiamsxbitch @bendystrah @isaac-not-isaac @amatchinwater @phantomraeken
The italics are Seraph’s thoughts whether they are after someone's response or when he is having an internal monologue.
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The Wings Of An Enigmatic
Chapter 3: Non-Supernatural Threat
Seraph’s sleep schedule was off today. Throughout his life, he never had an off sleep schedule. Despite having no purplish bags under his eyes thanks to his supernatural status, he still felt very exhausted by last night’s events, or rather what the nature of his precognitive abilities showed him last night.
The Alpha killing the movie store clerk, along with exposing Jackson and Lydia to the supernatural partially, left them both emotionally and psychologically scarred.
It is a prominent reaction when one is exposed to the supernatural but not fully knowing the entire details of how such bizarre phenomenon happens, especially when all their lives humans are expected to do things in life: completing school, finding the career path they want, and completing their lives. Process of growth.
To encounter a supernatural alpha werewolf as part of their teenage endeavors as high school students? Not part of the life process. Not part of a human’s life process of growth.
Which is why when Seraph enters school for class, it is an odd feeling due to Lydia's absence. The queen bee is usually attending school everyday, signifying her perfect attendance. But the events of last night must have left Lydia paranoid.
Then again, why should he care? It's not his business nor problem, just as it isn't his problem when he witnessed Allison and Scott leave school to celebrate her birthday in the preserve.
Yes, he witnessed the two lovebirds enact a plan to skip school for the day due to it being Allison's birthday. He overheard the Argent heiress' quiet declaration of turning 17, along with and her insistence of not wanting anyone to know about her birthday in fear of backlash from her classmates regarding her age to be older than the typical sophomore. Which isn’t a problem nor a negative term since Stilinski is turning 17 in a few months as well, resolving the age problem.
Sadly, humans tend to have such a negative aspect on each other due to their pessimistic outlook in life and the envy of others. I am exhilarated that I am not human and I don’t have the lenses of a human being to view certain circumstances as such.
Poetic Love. But undisciplined. The parallel to Romeo and Juliet.
Seraph is beside Danny doing an assignment specified from his Chemistry textbook and demonstrating his work and problem solving skills of the questions.
"Just a friendly reminder, Parent Teacher conferences are tonight. Students below a C average are required to attend. I won't name you because the shame and self-disgust should be more than enough punishment." Mr. Harris speaks to the class walking through the aisles of desks.
Luckily for me my grade is an A+, therefore such requirements aren't necessary. But for the thrill of it, I want to attend the conference so I can witness and enjoy the reactions of the parents who find out their students have D and F averages.
"Has anyone seen Scott McCall?" Mr. Harris questions, before looking at Stiles with an accusatory look as if the neurodivergent knows where he is.
It is a crime that Mieczyslaw doesn't even know, but then again Scott isn't entitled to tell his best friend every single aspect of their lives and decisions, and I believe that applies to Mieczyslaw too. I hope.
As Mr. Harris’s inquiry of Scott's whereabouts are met with silence, the classroom door opens, revealing Jackson with an aura of dread, anxiety and fear is felt by Seraph. Said male has a scowl on his face while making his way to his seat but that is a mere facade the popular student puts up to hide his exhaustion and fear.
"Jackson," He hears Mr.Harris call out to the other student. "If you need to leave early for any reason, let me know." Seraph raises his eyebrows slightly.
Wow, I am so touched by the generosity Mr.Harris offered to Jackson due to his encounter with the unknown Alpha. He would never do that to anyone else in this school. Bravo, Mr.Harris. BRAVO.
“Everyone, start reading chapter 9. Mr. Stilinski,” Mr.Harris calls out firmly, “try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It’s Chemistry, not a coloring book.”
Mr.Harris’s admonishing tone made Seraph simply roll his eyes. He hears Stiles blow out the cap from his mouth and catch it with his hands. Seraph once again regains his focus while reading chapter 9, until he hears Stiles' quiet voice interrupt his peaceful atmosphere.
“Danny, can I ask you a question?”
“No.” Danny’s terse response made Seraph smirk. Regardless of what class Danny has with him, Seraph finds it amusing how cordial yet curt Danny can be.
“Well I’m going to anyway,” Stiles flatly states head-on. Of course that wouldn’t stop Stilinski, known for his inquisitive nature and wittiness. “Um, did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?” Um, is he freaking kidding me?
Danny huffs out a sigh, keeping his composure. “No.”
“Can I ask you another question?” Stiles inquires again, to Seraph’s disdain.
“Answer is still no.” Danny curtly declines, trying to focus on his work.
“Does anyone know what happened with Jackson last night?” The Sheriff’s son’s question makes Danny pause. Seraph, while reading, is also listening in. He is the only one pretty aware what happened to Jackson and Lydia last night thanks to his precognitive abilities he forgets to simply turn off.
“He wouldn’t…tell me.” Danny hesitantly answers, and Seraph can hear the waiver of his tone despite the lacrosse goalie’s calmness.
“But he’s your best friend.” Best friends aren’t entitled to tell best friends anything if they’ve experienced something completely traumatic, like encountering a supernatural werewolf where Jackson is unable to explain due to how bizarre and unbelievable it’ll sound.
Seraph sighs through his nose at how Stiles implies the statement. As much as Seraph dislikes Jackson, he respects the lacrosse captain’s privacy and gives a hint of sympathy for the chaotic endeavor Jackson and Lydia had to go through.
“One more question.” He hears Stiles ask Danny once more. This time Danny is agitated by being disturbed.
“What!?” Danny’s agitation reaches his limit and he can feel the teen’s annoyance surrounding him, along with Jackson’s dread and fear from the events of last night.
“Do you find me attractive?” That made Seraph and Danny pause simultaneously in bewilderment. Seraph glances to the neurodivergent behind him with raised eyebrows as Danny is just beyond baffled at the question.
“Wow Stilinski, I am astounded by such discovery. While I applaud your boldness to ask such an unclear interrogative riddle to Mahealani, it is an abnormal timeframe for you to question your sexuality and assume you are attractive.” Seraph cleverly retorts. Stiles stammers at Seraph’s response before facing him.
But to be honest, despite his disdain, Stilinski is attractive. If had to rate him between 1 to 10, it'd be a 7. Whereas Danny is a 9.5, Allison is a 9.5 and Scott is a 9. Yes he is aware of his bisexuality.
“I wanted to know if I was attracted to gay guys and I asked him, not you. Is your name Danny?” Stiles counteracts bluntly.
“Your voice is disturbing my presence as well as Danny’s as we are trying to concentrate on our assignments and reading.” Seraph diplomatically responds evading Stiles’ rudeness.
“You were literally ignoring me a few moments ago and suddenly you have the audacity to say something about my questions? You should invest in earplugs then if talking so much as bothers you.” Stiles coldly implies in witty fashion.
Oh two can play at that game, Stilinski. You’ve just met your match.
“Oh I profusely apologize, for the lack of politeness I have to your insignificant question that somehow becomes the puzzle of the day. I also sincerely apologize for being a rude classmate who has to stand by and listen to your nonsensical rambling that annoys your fellow peers. Do you need me to check you out for a psychiatrist in regards to your neurotic confusion? Or perhaps a stomatologist for your endless and unamusing questions? ” Seraph disparages with a wry smirk.
“Are you trying to be funny or are you trying to be a dick, Kingfisher?” Stiles snarks. Seraph shouldn’t be enjoying this but for some reason, he finds entertainment in Stilinski’s boldness and agitation.
“I don’t know, maybe both. Or maybe I would like for you to stop asking your inconceivable questions that tend to be a disruption to my work. As for your Interpellation, try unambiguously experimenting with other males and see if you are attracted to them.” Seraph quips before going back to his textbook. Danny just stares with shock at Seraph’s words while Stiles musters his dirtiest look at the enigmatic teen.
“You are a cruel person, Seraph.” Danny murmurs in befuddlement.
“It’s my default setting, a token of my charm.” Seraph adds wryly as he continues to read through his textbook. Class continues as usual, with the addition of Stiles’ repressed anger. The Sheriff’s son had it coming.
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Parent teacher conferences were here and while he didn’t have to attend due to all of his classes being A+, he wants to view the thrill of parents scolding their teenage children for the below average grade requirements that’s expected of them.
Seraph watches in silent amusement at a parent scolding their son for a F grade in economics, and again as a father is not happy with his daughter’s C- for a mathematics class. Then again, C- isn’t that bad in average standards so he doesn’t understand why this particular father was upset. But then again, it isn’t his problem.
As he walks with his mother and younger sister in tow, they head to the first class to meet his teacher, which happens to be Coach Finstock with Economics.
“So mom, ready for this?” Seraph inquires knowingly as he steps beside the door of the class with a smug expression.
“In all my life that I’ve attended you and your sister’s parent teacher conferences, I already know what I am going to hear so I am not going to be surprised. Literally, both of you never had below an A-, which raises concerns for me as I hope you aren’t straining yourselves for perfection.” Elizabeth implies dryly.
“Sorry mom, it’s part of the–”
“--Family genes.” Seraph and Celes address concurrently with feigning innocent smiles. Their mother rolls her eyes in amusement before waving her hand in the direction of Seraph's classroom.
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“I never had an issue with Mr. Kingfisher here. In fact he is basically the best student I could ever ask for!” Coach Finstock exclaims. “Hands in all of his assignments, no questions asked, perfect attendance, very disciplined, he is just…phenomenal. Better than myself back in high school in English when I bombed over a research paper, or these rambunctious knuckle heads I have as students!”
The Coach’s eccentric behavior and wording makes Elizabeth just blink owlishly, nodding at his words. Seraph sports an amused glance between his mom and his economics teacher while Celes is…simply on her phone not caring.
“Right. So, just how exceptionally good is Seraph in all of his class assignments and milestones?” Elizabeth asks, clearing her throat.
“Like an angel. In fact I have one of his most treasured assignments I will forever use as an example for the rest of my teaching career.” Finstock declares before opening his drawer and pulls out Seraph’s folder and takes out a 16 page economics paper.
“This is Seraph’s economic research paper he did over the break and let me tell you, it blew my mind at how he was able to write about the 2009 recession and goes in full detail and description of the affects, the damages, the cause of it, a counterargument, even numerous evidence pieces from several citations and articles regarding this.” Finstock shows to the Kingfisher trio.
“Well I always had a cynical approach for the recession and how it was caused by undermining events.” Seraph points out while looking at his clean and manicured nails.
“You see!? Your son is a force to be reckoned with! That's why he has a 100 in my class!” Coach Finstock proudly proclaims. Elizabeth didn’t know what to acknowledge: her son’s teacher’s comments about how impressive he is, or the odd but hyperactive behavior of the coach.
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“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Mrs. Kingfisher. I must say you have a remarkable son with astonishing talents and intelligence.” Ms. Cavendish of his classical literature class compliments while shaking his mother’s hand.
“I appreciate the praise, Ms.Cavendish.” Seraph comments while taking a seat. His sister rolls her eyes at his bespectacled nature. Ironic how he uses his glasses but he has no need for them since his vision, as well as his family’s visions are crystal clear, they can see within a mile radius.
“I can already tell that this review will be satisfactory.” Elizabeth chuckles. Ms.Cavendish nods with a genuine smile while taking out Seraph’s profile folder.
“Let us get started. From the past semester to now that I’ve had with your son, it is anything but bad. Mr.Kingfisher here is advanced and exceptionally intellectual. His keen usage of details, key historical information, his understanding and recognition of political and social philosophy, and his understanding of Greek and Roman Renaissances capitalize his value in this class. He receives As in his assignments and homeworks. He even managed to complete a presentation of epistemology within Ancient Greece and how the “Theory of Forms” by Plato, which is ingrained in the philosophical foundation for knowledge and philosophy within Ancient Greece and how it affects European and American societies in the present.”
Elizabeth nods in acknowledgement. Seraph notices that this presentation he made was a little after the paper on how Romeo and Juliet was a tragedy and the negative impact it has on love and romance.
“I found this presentation very astonishing that I graded a 100 on this assignment, which bumps his grade up to a 100 in my class.” Seraph’s heart skipped a beat, literally.
“Pardon me but did I just hear that correctly?” Seraph questions his teacher while she smiles, with his mother very amused while Celes makes a flat expression at this new information.
“That’s right. Your grade is now a 100 in my class, Mr. Kingfisher and the only 100 out of my students.” Ms.Cavendish restates him and his family. Seraph’s lips curve slightly upwards. FINALLY. This class I have a 100 on and I am feeling over the moon.
“Oh brother.” His sister comments wryly.
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“Pleasure to meet you, Mrs.Kingfisher. I am surprised to see you come along Seraph considering your extraordinary grade average.” Mr.Harris speaks, as Seraph and his mom take a seat on the stools. Celes, for the first time since she arrived at the school, actually takes out a chemistry textbook and sits on a desk to read it.
“I am participating in this event just to accompany my mother and sister.” Seraph implements, cleaning his glasses.
“You could have accompanied Grandma at home, plus our butler is there too.” Celes adds slyly. Seraph rolls his eyes.
“I didn’t want to disturb her while she is gracefully strumming the keyboards of the piano at home, and our butler is preparing large dinner and dessert platters since dad won’t be home until 8pm.” He says covertly and as a matter-of-fact. Elizabeth glances at her children with a subtle vexation in her eyes before looking back at the Chemistry teacher.
“Alright then,” Mr.Harris shakes off the baffled look between the two Kingfisher siblings before making contact with Elizabeth’s eyes. “Your son is honestly one of the very few students I have no challenges with at all. He completes his assignments on time, he finishes his classwork within a class period’s time frame, actualized a few Chemistry projects and laboratory works including an acid-base titration project he formulated and hypothesized a reaction of the chemicals and how the neutralization affects the flow of acids.”
“I can concur with that, as my son here has some equipment he bought from the California Institute of Technology and used for his own projects. One of them was a project called Electrochemical Cell Project. In basic terminology of a breakdown, he demonstrated the principles of redox reactions and generating electrical energy.” Elizabeth explains and recounts the time Seraph did start that project. Seraph watches amusedly as Mr.Harris’ face is a mixture of impression and intrigued.
“That’s quite commendable of him to do and to immerse himself into. To categorize and construct a complicated project within the confines of your home and successfully finish it and have a well advanced understanding of it, enthralls me.” Mr.Harris relays. “Perhaps you can demonstrate one for the class if you are comfortable with it.”
A determined glint shines in Seraph’s gray eyes. “Certainly Mr.Harris, I’d be delighted to provide a replica of the aforementioned project.” If you are willing to add it to my grade for a 100 for this kind of assignment. Seraph thought bitterly, his mind fervent to prove a validated point of his intelligence.
“How completely and utterly unsurprising.” Celes murmurs into her sleeve disguising it as a cough so that only Seraph and their mother can hear it. The dark academia teen knew his sister read his mind from that snarky phrase.
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They finish with the rest of Seraph’s classes before walking out in the hallway. Elizabeth of course remains detached from her children as she assesses the school and her environment around them. Celes is on her phone looking through her feed seeing Lydia’s updates on social media, while Seraph has a scowl plastered on his face. He was just fine a minute ago, until he overheard a conversation between Lydia’s parents and one of said girl’s teacher about how her IQ is the highest in this school. His rival’s gpa is exceedingly high, at a 5.0, where he’s at a 4.7 grade point average.
“Why the long face, Raph? You now have 100s in five of your classes, what more do you want, a Nobel Peace Prize?” Celes jests as she glances at Seraph’s scowl. Before she could read his mind, he let out a scoff.
“My academic rival is 3 points above my gpa. She’s now a 5.0 while I have to catch up, otherwise I will never hear the end of it from her if she were to ever find out.” He sibilates, then scoffs as he can hear Lydia’s teasing and covert remarks in his head.
“Oh boy, here we go. I am Seraph and I am sorry that people are jealous of me…but I can’t help it that I’m so intelligent.” Celes mocks, despite the voice portrayal of her older brother being very off. Seraph turns his head at her with irritation.
“Hé, sois tranquille avant de dormir sur la chaise!”
“No, ti taro gettare sulla chaise!”
“Je t’emmerde!” “Fanculo!”
“Stop. Language both of you,” Elizabeth turns around to face them with narrowed eyes. “Stop your shenanigans and comply with each other so we can get home and eat ham or salmon with quinoa, macaroni and cheese, vegetables, biscuits, and tiramisu or blueberry pie.” Their mother tiredly explains.
“As long as there is no asparagus, then I am fine with proceeding for dinner.” Seraph informs, but he catches Celes mock him.
“Celes, stop.” Elizabeth warns, making the girl cease her actions for good. “No, there is no asparagus for dinner. Now come.” The trio walked further down the hall and joined the line of parents walking to reach the double set of school doors. The moment they stepped out, they breathed in the cool winter air of the night. They are glad that they are immune to cold weather and winter in general due to their fiery body temperatures not being able to feel any draft of cool air as they provide excess body heat. They don’t even need to wear coats, but for the sake of concealing their supernatural identities, they have to wear what humans are required to wear. Much to their dismay as the more layers added on, the more heat builds up.
“Allison, answering your cell phone will make discussing the terms of your grounding easier,” a familiar voice speaks behind the trio, making them alert. “Either call me back before your punishment reaches biblical proportions.” Seraph knows the owner of the voice and the repressed angry aura, belonging to Chris Argent. He also felt the other aura, belonging to Victoria Argent. Wie Wunderbar, the matriarch and heir of the Argents are behind him and his mother and sister. Raio!
“Kate hasn’t heard from her either.” The Trio hear Victoria say worriedly, but they move to the side as a familiar presence moves up the stairs. Seraph glances and he sees Melissa McCall, the nurse at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital and mother of Scott, walking up to what he can visualize as confronting the parents of Allison.
“Excuse me, you’re not Allison’s parents are you? I’m Scott’s mom and I hate to say it but he’s not answering his phone either.” Oh god. This isn’t going to end well.
“You’re his mother?” Chris questions, a tone of bitterness and rudeness laced together. That even made Seraph’s mother wince due to the way it was implicated.
“Funny how you say that like it’s an accusation.” Melissa answers back cautiously. Seraph had to smirk, he gives Scott’s mom respect for being kind yet assertive.
“Well I wouldn’t claim it as a source of pride since he basically kidnapped my daughter today.” Chris replies cuttingly. That is not how you consult with the parent of your daughter’s boyfriend, and technically speaking it was Allison’s idea to cut school, not Scott’s. Every child is not an angel.
“How would we know skipping school wasn’t your daughter’s idea?” Melissa counters back. Bingo. He could feel the shift in frustration to anger in both Chris's and Victoria’s aura as he, his sister and mother reached Elizabeth’s car. But Seraph hears the car door open to his far right on the other side of the parking lot and he sees Allison and Scott come out of her Madza.
“My daughter…!” He hears Chris pause as he notices the two teenagers leave his daughter’s vehicle. His aura drifted back to a calm yet composed anger, mixed with relief. “...Is right there.”
“Where EXACTLY have you been?” Melissa interrogates her son, who was sheepish.
“Nowhere mom—”
“Nowhere meaning not in school!”
“Um– kinda…”
“It’s not his fault. It’s my birthday and we were—”
The sound of a rapid heartbeat and smell of fur made Seraph freeze. His mother and younger sister eyed him weirdly until they caught the scent and rapid heartbeats. Along with the paddling of paws running on the pavement. The shrillhe scream of a woman echoes, alerting the trio and everyone else in the parking lot.
Soon more shouts and screams were heard.The sounds of footsteps ran across the pavement along with an apparent growling.
“Stay in the car, both of you.” Elizabeth asserts, before going off to investigate, not waiting for a response.
“What is she doing?” Celes questions apprehensively. Seraph’s eyes widen when he sees his mother pulls out a AutoMag .44 Magnum pistol from the car trunk and holsters it in her coat. He leaves the car with Celes in tow. Exposing their supernatural side is a dangerous and fatal concept, but trying to investigate and defend as a human?
What is she doing!? She is not supposed to get involved!
The sounds of harsh growling echo in the parking lot along with the swift movements swishing by, giving Seraph a stronger scent. A Mountain Lion’s scent.
“It’s a Mountain Lion that's in the lot.” He relays to Celes. While he’s glad it isn’t the Alpha or something else supernatural, but the idea of his mother hunting it down is preposterous when the Argents are here. Then again, the thought of a wild animal harming someone is gruesome.
A car honking rapidly snaps him out of his search and he watches with shock as a white car is heading straight for Allison without a care in the world.
“Allison!” Scott’s voice rang in the air as he sprinted towards the girl before the enigmatic watch Scott pulled Allison swiftly to safety just in time before the white car could barrel into any of them. At least he didn’t have to see either of his fellow classmates get severely injured or worse.
“Move! Move!” The voice of the Sheriff authorizes the panicking crowd, trying to find the wild threat lurking within the chaotic scenery. Elizabeth is just running towards an open space when she hears a car shift gears into reverse and the tail-lights turn on.
"LOOK OUT!!!" Shouting loudly and with bated breath, Elizabeth rushes forward to push the human authority figure out of the way just in time, but in doing so the silver car hits her with it's rear, making her fall sideways to the ground.
"MOM!!!" Celes shouts in horror as the two teens witness their mother receive a painful impact from a panicking stranger's vehicle. While their supernatural status would make sudden situations such as getting clipped by a car appear minuscule, the action of seeing their mother receive a whiplashing impact instills horror and fear within them. The two Kingfisher teens rush to their mom’s side while Sheriff Stilinski was appalled and shocked that a civilian, no less Mrs. Kingfisher was the one to push him out of a harmful obstacle but faced them herself.
“Mrs. Kingfisher!? Jesus are you alright?” Sheriff Stilinski asks Trepidatiously while Seraph helps her up slowly.
“Yes I am fine. Just searing pain around my waist and hip bone.” Elizabeth breathes out, her discomfort evident despite the healing factor kicking in, which is thankfully hidden in her attorney attire and trench coat. With icy veiled outrage, Seraph looks at the car plates of the silver car that hit his mother and memorizes the license plate numbers to use for a lawsuit he is going to file later on. Pettiness be damned.
“Mrs. Kingfisher, are you okay!?” The voice of David Whittemore, Elizabeth’s fellow attorney and colleague, calls out in worry. “I just witnessed you were hit by a car and–”
Gunshots ring in the air nearby, cutting off Mr.Whittemore. The trio plus Sheriff Stilinski see Chris Argent with his pistol out as small trails of smoke come out of the gun’s muzzle. The panicked crowd gather around where Chris is at and as the Kingfishers come close to the male with the Sheriff on one side and Allison on the other, they see the corpse of a Mountain Lion, on it’s last breath as the silver bullets from the hunter’s gun made fatal hits. Despite it being a predator, Seraph could only look at it with sympathy and pity as he hears the heartbeat inside the animal fade at each beat before it hastily stops.
In a prey to predator world, sometimes the ones at the higher ends or top of the food chain are also vulnerable to danger and the cycle of life and death. This applies for preys and predators, predators and humans, hunters and werewolves, banshees and dullahans, kitsunes and onis, and even divine beings and eldritch beings.
“Let’s return home.” Elizabeth authorizes, her tone leaving no room for objections. Seraph and Celes follow their mother to her car. Elizabeth has to pretend she is injured from the slight car incident, so that there wouldn’t be suspicion of her healing so quickly, especially in the presence of the Argents.
Seraph still gazes at the scene from the passenger window, eyes not leaving from the scene as he observes and ponders, while the car starts and moves out of the parking lot of cars.
Seraph’s father will not be happy when he hears of this incident when they reach home.
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EDIT: So...Seraph and his family...what are they? Plus this will not be the last time Seraph and Stiles interact, albeit not in friendly fashion (at least not yet)
Chapter 4 is this weekend
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srcasm · 11 months
#srcasm m. stilinski
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147 pounds of pale skin & fragile bones : with sarcasm as his only defense , mieczyslaw " stiles " stilinski : independent and mutually exclusive. unafilliated with tw fandom. canon divergent , heavily headcanon based + treated as an original character. driven in by willow ( she/her , 28 ) mature content , minors & personals do not interact. carrd ( personals , i'm not a resource for stiles. stop reblogging my stuff ) affiliated : vulpeshe ♡ , bansithe ♡ , foxfifteen
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arc-one • p r e s e n t
mystic falls went down right before her very eyes, some of her valuable picture albums now lost in the ruins, everything gone. when caroline arrives in new orleans she plans to make the most of this bad situation.. Even though she is hesitant at first, stepping into the original hybrids city, there isn’t much of a choice after hearing bonnies premonition of emanate death and the disappearance of the saltzman twins.
divergent • c o n n e c t i o n s
mieczyslaw 'stiles' stilinski (x)
after moving to new orleans, her mother is up and running against another for sheriff in town. sheriff stilinski a new cop that comes from beacon hills he has a son, and this son is part of the true alpha werewolf pack that has just arrived in nola. with stiles' brain, and carolines brawn & beauty they might just be able to figure out whats been going on around town.
angel o'connell (x)
with the vanishing of the saltzman twins, caroline is looking for any kind of connections to lead to them after realizing the twins went missing around the same time as hope mikaelson. if she went digging deep enough she might find they weren't the only babies stolen, and could learn more about who took them.
derek hale (x)
this could be a troublesome interaction as derek has been trying his best to take-over the french quarter and make it more inhabitable for werewolves, specifically his pack, concerned for their safety. he believes the vampires to be the biggest issue, along with the hybrids.
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vixenxqueen · 1 year
( @kingsnlegends. ) [ POUR ] for our muses to have a passionate reunion kiss in the rain. (stalia!)
Malia supported Stiles being so involved in his job and wanting to perform well. But that didn't make her miss him any less because he was gone pretty frequently. The brunette always tried to occupy and distract herself with other things in the meantime, but Stiles constantly drifted into the forefront of her mind - these days more than others. She couldn't stop thinking about him or what his life was like now that she wasn't a big part of it anymore, not the way she used to be. She was now walking home for the night after having brought Noah some pizza and eating together with the man. Malia had promised herself to spend time with Stiles' dad, he was family and she didn't want him to be alone. He'd always accepted her into his family and involved her in everything like a true father would - unlike Peter who was her actual father.
She was barely out the door of Noah's place when it started to pour, the rain coming down like no other. In no time, the hybrid was soaked while she continued to stroll towards her house. This weather would probably bother most people and make them speed up so that they could get warm and dry, but not Malia. She didn't feel the cold anyway and she could easily just hop into the shower after arriving at her house. While humans had trouble seeing clearly in the dark, that wasn't the case for Malia. Her supernatural abilities enabled her to have clear vision at night, which was very handy. And tonight, it was exactly that because once she rounded another corner, something caught her attention. Brown hues narrowed and focused on the silhouette in the distance, identifying the other.
Was that... Stiles? How was he here? Why didn't she know? Had he just returned to town? Was he looking for her? Maybe that was just her hopeful side talking. But instead of letting these unanswered questions drive her insane, she quickened her pace to decrease the distance between them. Malia wasted no time as she reached Stiles, instantly slinging her arms around his neck and pulling him into a vigorous kiss and contently moaning against his lips. She could have said a million things, asked a million questions, but they didn't matter. The only thing that did was that Stiles was back and that she'd missed him more than anything - which was evident judging by this fervid kiss they were sharing in the dim downpour.
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tawneybel · 3 years
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Imagine Stiles borrowing his dad’s laptop and accidentally finding out Noah’s subscribed to your OnlyFans.
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feistyxbadass · 1 year
( @kingsnlegends. ) ❝ I can give you a ride if you need it, beats walking. ❞  (stiles.)
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"I kinda need the fresh air. Thanks for the offer though." the blonde didn't know who the other was, but she'd always been skeptical when it came to accepting rides from strange men. In a city like this, you always had to have your guard up and be cautious. There were times where she wondered if she might not make it home from Rousseau's one night after work. But then again, she had an entire family of supernaturals looking out for her, so that worry had mostly subsided overtime.
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baddyxangel · 3 years
Scott: You’ve known Theo in for a few days now, Stiles. What do you think of him so far?
Stiles: Oh, Theo is a shit.
Scott: You want to expand on that?
Stiles: Sure. He’s a massive and total shit. When you first meet him, you think surely to God this kid can’t be as big a shit as he seems, but he is.
Scott: See, I–
Stiles: ‘Cause like if there were a book with covers made of shit, you’d think “That’s intriguing. I wonder what’s in this book that they saw fit to give it covers made of pure shit.” And then you open it and… shit.
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missamericanaed · 4 years
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 as  much  as  he  didn't  want  to  admit  it,  stiles  had  a  weakness  for  pretty  girls.  maybe  it  was  less  of  a  weakness  and  more  that  they  were  his  kryptonite.  he  couldn't  help  but  stare  at  ali  as  the  school  bell  rang  and  they  were  free  for  the  day.  ❝  hey!  ali,  wait  up!    ❞  he  called,  jumping  out  of  his  seat  and  pulling  the  attached  desk  with  him  before  he  could  shake  it  free.  when  he  caught  up  to  her,  there  was  a  goofy  grin  on  his  face.  ❝  hey,  hey,  so,  uh.  i  was  just  wondering  if,  you  know,  you'd  wanna  go  get  some  food.  ❞  he  says,  his  words  coming  out  rushed,  making  him  sound  almost  out  of  breath.  ❝  get  some  food  with  me,  i  mean.  ❞  he  continued,  shoving  his  hands  in  his  pockets  and  trying  to  act  cool. // @fashionfangs​
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mieczlw-a · 3 years
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welcome   ;      this  is  an  independent  writing  blog  for  mieczyslaw  ‘  stiles  /  miecz  ‘  stilinski.   the  main  portrayal  on  this  blog  centers  around  stiles  at  the  age  of  twenty  seven  and  mun  is  of  the  25+  age  range  and  therefore  i  would  like  to  request  that  minors  below  the  age  of  eighteen  do  not  interact.   this  is  a  mutual  exclusive  blog  for  no  other  reason  than  my  own  sanity  as  i  work  and  find  it  easier  to  keep  track  this  way.  if  i  do  not  follow  right  away ,  please  give  me  time.   mun’s  name  is  lea   (  pronounced  lee  )   -   she  /  her  -   and  i  am  in  the  gmt + 1  timezone.   nice  to  meet  you  and  lets  have  some  fun   !   
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   carrd     -     memes   -   interest  tracker   -   lovely  people
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themoonslore · 2 years
Teen Wolf & Hannibal Crossover Fan Fic Recs
The benefits of Murder Families by Chef_geekier
Word Count: 14916 Chapter 12/13 Last updated 06/2018 Steter
After Stiles was kidnapped, injured, and subsequently drove his jeep through a wall in Teen Wolf Season 2, Noah decided enough was enough. Beacon Hills is clearly not safe, so he sends Stiles to the one person he knows can handle him - Claudia's old friend, 'Uncle' Hannibal.
Hannibal, meanwhile, decides to put his plans for breaking Will on hold. When he sees how Will interacts with Abigail and Mieczyslaw, he decides that maybe partner is better than pawn.
Cue Stiles and Will being sassy little muffins together, Abigail being the best big sister, Peter and Stiles pining at each other over long distance, and Hannibal needing to find a whole lot of new recipes when the supernatural shit storm arrives in Baltimore.
Out of the Darkness by swaggymailk
Word Count: 11867 Chapter 10/? Last update 12/2016 Sterek
If anyone had told Stiles that he would have a pregnant omega and his dog on his front porch that was calming to his father's brother, he probably would have gave you the nastiest look he could muster, so why was the omega being wrapped in his father's arms and what was he doing in Beacon Hills.
Never Let me go by Hypnothanatostwin
Word count: 14589 Chapter 4/4 Steter
There are murders happening and everything points towards ritualistic cults. Will Graham knows it is only one person doing this, though he can't quite understand how only one person can do it. Hannibal just likes to watch, until he too is enthralled with the case. Well, at least with the effects it has on a certain profiler
Down by the waters by firenoodle
Word Count: 15699 Chapter 5/? last updated 8/2020 Steter
Stiles Stilinski is four years old when he first meets his cousin, Will Graham.
He's nine years old when he sees him again for a summer and he's twenty four when he joins Will in the FBI and he meets Hannibal Lecter.
An Almost-Wendigo, A Pretty-Much-Empath, A Wolf, and A Spark (It's An Interesting Group, To Say The Least) by rei_c
Word count: 1127 chapter 1/1 Sterek
Stiles goes to the FBI academy and decides that he's going to be Agent Graham's protégé. He also develops a fascination-crush on Hannibal Lecter.
Because of course he does.
Silence of the wolves by ghostisreading
word count: 13115 chapter 7/? last update 7/2021 Stiles/Hannibal
It was official. Mieczyslaw “Stiles” Stilinski, was an FBI agent. His history with Beacon Hills was behind him. This was a new start, away from werewolves and their godforsaken second chances. He gets called onto a case of seven, no make that eight missing girls and is joined by Dr Hannibal Lecter and a reluctant Will Graham.
I’m not one of those that hide by kindred
word count: 880 chapters 1/1 Will/Hannibal/Stiles
Your a killer, he is pregnant and I'm horny
So close i can taste it by kindred
Word count: 1040  Chapter 1/1 Stiles/will/Hannibal and will/Stiles
It might not be the best idea in the world to start to fall for his student, not when you have a possessive mate like Hannibal
Strawberry moon By Escalus
Word count: 118248 chapters 33/33 Lydia/Stiles  (Stydia)
Six years after graduating from Beacon Hills High, Stiles Stilinski is eight weeks from completing his course work at the FBI Trainee Academy in Quantico, Virginia. A chance encounter with one of the instructors at the academy, Will Graham, gets him assigned to the Behavioral Analysis Unit as support staff. Eager to make his mark in the bureau (though wary of having the perceptive consultant look too closely at him), Stiles readies himself for the next stage of his career.
The past begins to haunt him those as he tries to balance that new career with his ongoing relationship with Lydia Martin. It's harder than it looks. What won't help is the fact that the BAU will put him and his friends neck deep in the hunt for the Chesapeake Ripper.
Our kisses are doused in blood by stannigram 
Word count: 19004 chapters: 16/? last update 08/2014 Will/Hannibal/Stiles
Hannibal cherishes these moments when he can lie in between two sleepy men without having to disguise the monster that hides inside him. These moments in which he can revel in the fact that he has corrupted two beautiful creatures into something just as black and disgusting as him. When he feels most at ease with what he has done to keep his beautiful creations near him. When he can feel most proud for creating them, and everything he had to do to keep them near him.
Evil comes to us like Bees to honey by Madeofberries
Word Count: 5913 chapter 3/? last update 04/2018 Sterek
Stiles really needs a break. Why is that all the psychos are always deciding to come be psychos in his town? Is it in the air? Is there an invisible sign none of the residents of Beacon Hills can see? ('Welcome to our murder friendly town, have a nice killing!' )Or is there some kind of old as dust witch curse over the town?
He just wants a break, not for fucking cannibals to move in.
Hannibal and his family, well they've just found the perfect house.
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nsane · 7 years
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