#( jorah )
efpizza · 8 months
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Jorah Mormont's wedding portrait with his second wife, Lady Lynesse Hightower
"To celebrate his victory (-over the Greyjoys), Robert ordained that a tourney should be held outside Lannisport. It was there I saw Lynesse, a maid half my age.
The first time I beheld her, I thought she was a goddess come to earth, the Maid herself made flesh. Her birth was far above my own. She was the youngest daughter of Lord Leyton Hightower of Oldtown. 
I crowned Lynesse queen of love and beauty, and that very night went to her father and asked for her hand. I was drunk, as much on glory as on wine. By rights I should have gotten a contemptuous refusal, but Lord Leyton accepted my offer. We were married there in Lannisport, and for a fortnight I was the happiest man in the wide world."
-Jorah, ACOK
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jedimaesteryoda · 6 months
You often miss how similar Jorah Mormont and Petyr Baelish are in some respects.
When it was announced that I was to wed Brandon Stark, Petyr challenged for the right to my hand. It was madness. Brandon was twenty, Petyr scarcely fifteen. I had to beg Brandon to spare Petyr's life. He let him off with a scar. Afterward my father sent him away. I have not seen him since." -AGOT, Catelyn IV Yet with Lynesse's favor knotted round my arm, I was a different man. I won joust after joust. Lord Jason Mallister fell before me, and Bronze Yohn Royce. Ser Ryman Frey, his brother Ser Hosteen, Lord Whent, Strongboar, even Ser Boros Blount of the Kingsguard, I unhorsed them all. In the last match, I broke nine lances against Jaime Lannister to no result, and King Robert gave me the champion's laurel. I crowned Lynesse queen of love and beauty, and that very night went to her father and asked for her hand. I was drunk, as much on glory as on wine. By rights I should have gotten a contemptuous refusal, but Lord Leyton accepted my offer. We were married there in Lannisport, and for a fortnight I was the happiest man in the wide world." -ACOK, Daenerys I
They pursued beautiful highborn women far above their station who, and both being southron women who married northern lords. Petyr pined for Catelyn Tully, and fought a duel for her hand against her betrothed, Brandon Stark. Jorah won a tourney with the favor of Lynesse Hightower, he crowned her queen of love and beauty and managed to marry her when he asked for her hand.
Their stories have a romantic element to them with Petyr dueling for Cat's hand and Jorah winning a tourney with Lynesse's favor, but they end up being subverted with neither getting a happy ending. Petyr loses the duel and is nearly killed, and then SAed by Lysa and sent from Riverrun. Jorah's marriage didn't work out, exhausting his family's coffers to provide her the luxuries she was used to and after selling poachers to slavers, which forced him into exile. Catelyn ended up marrying Ned Stark and Lynesse ended up leaving Jorah to be a merchant-prince's concubine.
After that, they found themselves in service to women with Lysa Arryn having Jon Arryn raisie up Petyr and him later serving Queen Cersei while Jorah ending up serving Daenerys in exile. They also end up betraying the people they serve with Littlefinger having a hand in the War of Five Kings and being behind Joffrey's murder, killing Lysa and Jorah spying on Daenerys.
"I've told the khal he ought to make for Meereen," Ser Jorah said. "They'll pay a better price than he'd get from a slaving caravan. Illyrio writes that they had a plague last year, so the brothels are paying double for healthy young girls, and triple for boys under ten. If enough children survive the journey, the gold will buy us all the ships we need, and hire men to sail them." -AGOT, Daenerys VII "I'm a good girl," Jeyne whimpered. "They trained me." -ADWD, Theon
Another thing they have in common is their attitude towards children and sex slavery. Petyr took the orphaned Jeyne Poole, forced her into sexual slavery at one of his brothels as shown by the whippings she endured for refusing and mentioning "she was trained." He then sent her to Ramsay Bolton of all people, likely not being ignorant of the things he had heard about him. Jorah had no qualms selling kids into sex slavery en masse, and when Dany tells him to stop Eroeh from being raped, he initially pushes back saying the Dothraki are claiming "their reward."
"You shouldn't kiss me. I might have been your own daughter . . ." "Might have been," he admitted, with a rueful smile. "But you're not, are you? You are Eddard Stark's daughter, and Cat's. But I think you might be even more beautiful than your mother was, when she was your age." -ASOS, Sansa VII "What did she look like, your Lady Lynesse?" Ser Jorah smiled sadly. "Why, she looked a bit like you, Daenerys." -ACOK, Daenerys I
It fits their creepy attitude towards the opposite gender with their fixation on young girls after the loss of their previous interests of affection. Petyr fixates on Cat's daughter Sansa Stark who does bear a noted resemblance to her mother while Jorah fixates on Daenerys who he admits looks like his ex-wife.
For half a heartbeat she yielded to his kiss . . . before she turned her face away and wrenched free. "What are you doing?" Petyr straightened his cloak. "Kissing a snow maid." . . . "You shouldn't kiss me. I might have been your own daughter . . ." -ASOS, Sansa VII It was a long kiss, though how long Dany could not have said. When it ended, Ser Jorah let go of her, and she took a quick step backward. "You . . . you should not have . . ." "I should not have waited so long," he finished for her. "I should have kissed you in Qarth, in Vaes Tolorru. I should have kissed you in the red waste, every night and every day. You were made to be kissed, often and well." His eyes were on her breasts. Dany covered them with her hands, before her nipples could betray her. "I . . . that was not fitting. I am your queen." -ASOS, Daenerys I
Their treatment towards these girls can be described as possessive and abusive. While posing to their girls as their protectors, they basically use it to enforce control over them. They force kisses on the girls, and when the girls make it clear they don't want them, simply dismiss them and continue to push. Petyr keeps Sansa in his custody under a false identity, effectively making him her guardian and keeping her completely dependent on him. Jorah tries to isolate Dany from other men in her life from Xaro to Barristan and Daario.
The main difference in Petyr is very vindictive, and works on the downfall of houses Stark and Tully over Cat's rejection and marriage while Jorah stays loyal to Daenerys and tries to seek her favor again. Neither man really takes accountability for the consequences of their actions.
Their fixations will ultimately prove to be their downfalls. Petyr underestimates the danger Sansa potentially poses to him as she is learning from him. Jorah in a desperate act, kidnaps Tyrion, and tries to go to Meereen to regain favor with Daenerys. He likely won't like the Ironborn suitor Victarion, and his actions will likely get himself killed.
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kent-farm · 1 year
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—Superman and Lois, “Worlds War Bizarre”
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deadwooddross · 1 year
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I keep forgetting to post these, have some Seth n Jor jor doodles! Wanted to try out a 3 eye look for Jorah, a little closer to her very first iteration but ehhhhhh not sure.. And I missed Seths pink hair...SOME DAY I’LL FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO WITH YOU TWO
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walkofpenance · 2 years
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Game of Thrones | Major Character Ranking [21/43]  ⇒ Ser Jorah Mormont
“He broke the law, betrayed his family, fled our land. We commit murder on the word of this man?” - Eddard Stark
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deitiesofduat · 1 year
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For those who don't know from my general art accounts, I got myself an eInk tablet that I use for organization, and also for doodling!
These are just a few that are DEITIES-related -- since they feature Set, Sobek, Bastet, and Yamm -- but they're mostly involving AU interactions with others' characters. Some were friend requests, while others were just cuz \ e v e )/
These are moderately cleaned up in Clip Studio, but I kept the monochrome greys from the tablet. Some more commentary details can be found in my ongoing Twitter thread for my eInk sketches, and in my Ko-fi gallery -- but I'll share them under the cut as well for posterity.
DEITIES Website: deitiesproject.com
...Y'know, just in case anything happens to twitter in the near future ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[1] Pirate!Set -- who's outfit was originally designed by @oiichyo -- and Pirate!Cy, who belongs to Jinkzdraws @ Twitter.
[2] Set and Rami shenanigans, the latter also belongs to Jinkz. This is the same fox kid from my earlier pencil sketches from last year.
[3] Sobek with several of his feline friends, including Bastet and other kitties belonging to Jinkz. For anyone wondering -- clockwise from the top it's Bastet, Soleil, Anahi, Lalaca, and Haiku in their cat forms.
[4] Something that would have even worked for Mermay lmao. Jinkz's Indra and AU!Yamm (emphasis on "AU") indulging in some banter.
[5] A duc-- a goose deity name Jorah, who belongs to Whotisthisart @ Twitter, interacting with some other divine friends (Shazi, Indra, and Sobek). No public art to link to yet, but his markings here are based on the Egyptian goose.
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paintnpending · 1 year
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Ser Jorah Mormont, The Exile Knight, Jorah the Andal “My...Queen. My sword that was his is yours, Daenerys. My heart as well, that never belonged to your brother.” The bag of daddy issues and entitlement that is Jorah Mormont. That sword snapped off several times during painting, to the point that I honestly thought I’d lost it. In typical fashion, I found the blade in the bottom of a shotglass.
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aemulatorizrafel · 2 years
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Angel and Demon Matrimony 
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jorrah · 1 year
توجدُ نارٌ عظيمةٌ في أرواحِنا، لكن لا يأتي أحدٌ ليستدفئَ بها. ⁣
فان جوخ ✎
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rosaluxembae · 2 years
It feels weird how Maege, Dacey, etc; Jeor; and Jorah are all related. It's just they have such different vibes.
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jedimaesteryoda · 1 year
"You hate this Lord Stark," Dany said. "He took from me all I loved, for the sake of a few lice-ridden poachers and his precious honor," Ser Jorah said bitterly. From his tone, she could tell the loss still pained him.
Note how Jorah blames his exile on Ned for literally doing his job rather than confronting his pattern of poor decision-making. He married a girl he had just met in what could be described as a decision influenced by alcohol made in the heat of the moment based purely on infatuation. He found Lynesse was used to the luxury of being the daughter of one of the wealthiest lords in the Seven Kingdoms, and Jorah ended up running out of money to provide the luxuries to keep her content. Rather than admit the marriage wasn’t working out like he planned and have it annulled, he employed the sunk cost fallacy, going into debt and he ended up selling his own smallfolk to slavers. That just resulted in bringing down Ned upon him and made him flee in exile. 
His comments of it being over “lice-ridden poachers” shows a clear classist contempt as well as lack of concern for the smallfolk. Nor is it exclusive to Westerosi peasants as it’s carried over into Essos where he states children captured could be brought over a grueling march to Meereen to be sold for the purpose of being made into sex slaves. 
It can be said that the seeds for his dismissal from Daenerys’s court was seen in that exchange. His self-interested, amoral, pro-slaving attitude towards the downtrodden clashed with Daenerys’s compassion towards them with him enslaving free people while Daenerys freed the enslaved. His refusal to accept responsibility and face accountability for his actions did him no favors when Daenerys confronted him over his spying on her, and had the same result: he was forced to leave in exile.   
Jorah ultimately had to leave because he no longer fit with the vision of what Daenerys was trying to achieve in Slaver’s Bay and his own character flaws made him a liability.  
Daenerys outgrew him.  
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kent-farm · 1 year
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Jordan, leave your father alone!
—Lois, Superman and Lois, “Lies That Bind” 😂😳😓
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deadwooddross · 2 years
while i Adore me some Umami, i also miss me some Jorah, how is that lovely egg eating giant cabbage doing these days
I’m so glad I regularly get asks about jorah still, I also miss her and am just Waiting for the day she finally sinks her blorbo claws into my brain
She’s doing fine, grumpy as ever, I’ve had a “new” character design stuck in my head all year and I tried to see if it would fit on jorah but alas, no dice…
But I did end up with this scribble, perpetually annoyed by Seth
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overusedtoothbrush · 11 months
can someone let ser jorah splash around in a river with some soap (supervison optional)
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newbornwhumperfly · 1 year
How would each member of the team decorate their rooms, given infinite resources?
oops this answer is...years late but the lovely thoughtfulness of the question still captivates me, it was so thrilling to think about this and thank you so much for your sweet early interest in my world, @much-ado-about-whumping 💖😍💖
Brax - As you know, Brax is an eminently fancy human, so they’d be very stylish and luxurious in making their quarters like their old apartment. Brax’s tastes run…expensive, since they appreciate high-quality things. Silk sheets, scented candles, rich jewel-toned velvet couches and foot-stools - they would especially invest in their collection of books. Being a massive bookworm, they would prefer shelf upon shelf of finely bound books surrounding them at all times. They would invest in some dimming lights. They would also invest in a more orthopedic chair for their desk (because hours of paperwork is a bitch and a half on one’s neck), honestly, Tyrus Legion bases have poor taste in chairs, in their personal opinion. 
Cobi - His first change would be adding a nice big window you can actually open, cause he’s an outdoorsy boy and needs a lot more natural sunshine in his personal space. Cobi would add lots more goofy queer decor, banners and throw pillows and stuff. Cobi would also add little bright and colorful bits and bobs cause he’s a little magpie - souvenirs, prizes he won at fairs, photographs of pals and family, just…would like lots of room to scatter his stuff. A big space to live his big life in his big body. He would also have little things for pets since Cobi loves pets! So, towers for cats, beds for dogs, all the amenities for his furry friends. Speaking of friends, Cobi would appreciate big couches and deep-sinking-into chairs, floofy poofs to sit on, lots of surfaces for friends to sit down on and just chill. Oh, he’d also have so many mini-fridges and snack-bars, just a multitude of every kind of food-stuff a loved one would enjoy. 
Claudia - While Claud certainly is a sporty gal and a very tough butch, she is also a nerd at heart and wants her sanctum sanctorum to be a place of goofing and security. It’s harder for her to invest in creature comforts unless she’s being very indulgent, but given the resources, she’d have a real little nerd-cave! She’s extremely into video games, so when she’s not doing jock shit, Claud likes to turn off her brain by focusing on a nice little puzzle task that’s also fun. Her room would have a nice little gaming console set up, one of those cool gaming desk chairs, the whole shebang. Claud would do cool neons and interesting mood-lighting, with cool blues and greens to give a underwater glow vibe to the room. She would also buy lots of organizing furniture (like shoe racks or hat hooks) that neaten the space up but still keeps her stuff on display. She would put up a lot of posters of the video games and action films she likes best, especially the vintage dorky ones from the 80’s/90’s. 
Sarai - One thing Sarai takes very, very seriously is softness and permission to be soft. So her personal space is an area she has tried her utmost to cultivate that softness. Because of her disabilities, Sarai would prefer to make anything and everything as accessible as possible. She is still in the process of shedding shame over needing assistance, so she would have railings and grabbable-things to help with standing and walking around, plenty of room for her chair, etc. She would have one of those fancy motorized beds, a large bathtub with jets and stairs and shit. Sarai is also a very luxurious person at heart and an aesthete, so she would splurge on gorgeous silky throw blankets and tasseled pillows, painted lampshades, elaborately embroidered drapes for the windows and doorways, just every surface alight with warm, ripe-fruit colors. Deep, soft, sheepskin rugs on every surface so every step is warm and soft. Just deep indulgence to remind herself she deserves rest and softness, a refuge for when she forgets. 
Jorah - In general, Jorah is kind of…straightforward and spartan in his personal tastes, super uhhh CisHet Guy oops more like he has sunk deep into a persona of being as Normie and Unobjectionable As Possible but that is neither here nor there. He doesn’t have a lot of personal touches in his home decor, for lack of a better word, and since he’s literally on a military base, he would prefer to let his Job Aesthetic dominate his personal space (it’s to help Compartmentalize, shh, think nothing of it.) So, you will see a lot of greytone…Adidas-esque aesthetics. Plain, hotel-esque bedclothes and furniture, expensive enough to be good quality but not unique, really? He doesn’t really care, as long as none of the style hokey or faux pas. Nice, respectable, businessman chic. Jorah would maybe splurge on some bougie exercise gear, nice shoes, good selection of athleisure, etc. He isn’t much the type to decorate a room, more his body. But he would probably invest in a nice fucking shower with perks, jets and all, because, damnit, this job is stressful sometimes and hey, decompressing lets him do his job better and high water pressure sure helps him relax and gets the blood out from under his nails.
thank you again, bel, what a thoughtful and delightful ask! 💖💖💖
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foxkidd · 2 years
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