rosaluxembae · 1 year
It feels weird how Maege, Dacey, etc; Jeor; and Jorah are all related. It's just they have such different vibes.
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thewatcher0nthewall · 3 months
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The young Wolf
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valyriansource · 1 year
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top 20 favourite book-only asoiaf characters (as voted by our followers) ⤷ #19. maege mormont
Maege is a hoary old snark, stubborn, short-tempered, and willful.
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daenystheedreamer · 11 months
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amuelia · 1 year
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six fanarts meme i made to celebrate a twitter milestone :)
Rhaena Targaryen (and Elissa Farman), Marwyn the Mage, Shiera Seastar (and Bloodraven), Tytos Lannister, Malora Hightower, an Other
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thenorthsource · 2 years
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Catelyn Stark / Donella Hornwood / Jyana Reed / Barbrey Dustin / Bethany Bolton / Lyessa Flint / Sybelle Glover / Maege Mormont
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westerosiladies · 1 year
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Like as not, my sister is marching in your brother’s host, her and those daughters of hers, dressed in men’s mail.
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allovesthings · 11 months
Characters who deserved better than what game of thrones gave them:
The Jeynes, Arianne and Alys Karstark: Jeyne Poole, Arianne and Alys are just non-existent (which might be a blessing in disguise actually considering what they did to the girls who were actually in the show) and Jeyne Westerling is replaced by a character who makes no sense whatsoever and doesn't work with Robb's actual character arc.
The Mormont women (not sure if I should include Lyanna in this because we don't know her in the books so far): they were just so cool. They deserve better than a cameo in season 1. Where is that moment when they tell Cat she would have done the same thing when she freed Jaime ?
Doreah and SmallJon Umber. Fuck D&D for what they did to them, They are dead in the books and they died at the Red Wedding for Robb and with Dany. They were extremely loyal to their respective leader, they didn't deserve to be made traitors for some reason and to die at the hand of said leaders (or their family). I will forever be furious about it.
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istumpysk · 9 months
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Tormund Giantsbane x Maege Mormont
People's Choice! Great job on Lemongate, I feel more at ease putting my faith in you again.
Possible: These theories could be true, but additional evidence is needed, as different interpretations or errors are possible.
Under Consideration: These theories haven't garnered strong or extensive evidence, but they're worthy of discussion.
50/50: These theories are complete toss-ups.
Low Probability: While not impossible, these theories are unlikely based on the current evidence.
[Tier list overview]
Gather 'round, children. This is a fun one.
The theory:
The Tormund Giantsbane x Maege Mormont theory suggests that they may have had one or several intimate encounters, and Tormund could potentially be the father of one or more of Maege Mormont's daughters.
The proof:
In A Storm of Swords, the character Tormund Giantsbane is introduced, and we learn his various titles, one of which is "Husband to Bears."
Mance Rayder laughed. "As you wish. Jon Snow, before you stands Tormund Giantsbane, Tall-talker, Horn-blower, and Breaker of Ice. And here also Tormund Thunderfist, Husband to Bears, the Mead-king of Ruddy Hall, Speaker to Gods and Father of Hosts." - Jon I, ASOS
The sigil of House Mormont is a black bear. Members of the Mormont family, who hail from Bear Island, are frequently referred to as bears within the story.
The Mormonts of Bear Island were an old house, proud and honorable, but their lands were cold and distant and poor. - Eddard II, AGOT
The maester had taught him all the banners: the mailed fist of the Glovers, silver on scarlet; Lady Mormont's black bear; the hideous flayed man that went before Roose Bolton of the Dreadfort; a bull moose for the Hornwoods; a battle-axe for the Cerwyns; three sentinel trees for the Tallharts; and the fearsome sigil of House Umber, a roaring giant in shattered chains. - Bran VI, AGOT
"I am touched by your concern, Lord Mormont." The strong drink was making Tyrion light-headed, but not so drunk that he did not realize that the Old Bear wanted something from him. - Tyrion III, AGOT
Catelyn smiled despite herself. "You are braver than I am, I fear. Are all your Bear Island women such warriors?" "She-bears, aye," said Lady Maege. - Catelyn V, ASOS
"He wants you," said the She-Bear, after his third visit. Her proper name was Alysane of House Mormont, but she wore the other name as easily as she wore her mail. - The King's Prize, ADWD
Ser Jorah had been with her then, her gruff old bear. - Daenerys X, ADWD
Maege Mormont, the head of House Mormont, has five daughters: Dacey (now deceased), Alysane, Lyra, Jorelle, and Lyanna.
No one knows the father of Maege's children or if she married. Yet, all her daughters bear (ha!) the Mormont surname, and none appear to be considered bastards.
The tale that's commonly told is that Lady Maege took a bear as her lover, and this bear is the father of her children.
Maege Mormont is called Mormont because no one knows her husband's name, or even if she has one. - So Spake Martin
"Aye, Dywen says. And the last time he went ranging, he says he saw a bear fifteen feet tall." Mormont snorted. "My sister is said to have taken a bear for her lover. I'd believe that before I'd believe one fifteen feet tall. Though in a world where dead come walking . . . ah, even so, a man must believe his eyes. I have seen the dead walk. I've not seen any giant bears." - Jon I, ACOK
"Whoever the king names will not have an easy time stepping into your armor, I can tell. Lord Mormont faces the same problem." Lord Janos looked puzzled. "I thought she was a lady. Mormont. Beds down with bears, that's the one?" - Tyrion II, ACOK
"No. My children were fathered by a bear." Alysane smiled. Her teeth were crooked, but there was something ingratiating about that smile. "Mormont women are skinchangers. We turn into bears and find mates in the woods. Everyone knows." - The King's Prize, ADWD
Tormund is no bear, but you might say he's built like one.
Beside the brazier, a short but immensely broad man sat on a stool, eating a hen off a skewer. Hot grease was running down his chin and into his snow-white beard, but he smiled happily all the same. Thick gold bands graven with runes bound his massive arms, and he wore a heavy shirt of black ringmail that could only have come from a dead ranger. - Jon I, ASOS
But as the distance between them diminished Jon saw that the horseman was short and broad, with gold rings glinting on thick arms and a white beard spreading out across his massive chest. - Jon X, ASOS
He was not a tall man, Tormund Giantsbane, but the gods had given him a broad chest and massive belly. - Jon XI, ADWD
In the culture of the free folk, men often "steal" women for marriage, demonstrating their strength.
We look up at the same stars, and see such different things. The King's Crown was the Cradle, to hear her tell it; the Stallion was the Horned Lord; the red wanderer that septons preached was sacred to their Smith up here was called the Thief. And when the Thief was in the Moonmaid, that was a propitious time for a man to steal a woman, Ygritte insisted. "Like the night you stole me. The Thief was bright that night." - Jon III, ASOS
"He's of my village. You know nothing, Jon Snow. A true man steals a woman from afar, t' strengthen the clan. Women who bed brothers or fathers or clan kin offend the gods, and are cursed with weak and sickly children. Even monsters." - Jon III, ASOS
"Harma and the Bag of Bones don't come raiding for fish and apples. They steal swords and axes. Spices, silks, and furs. They grab every coin and ring and jeweled cup they can find, casks of wine in summer and casks of beef in winter, and they take women in any season and carry them off beyond the Wall." - Jon V, ASOS
Bear Island is a secluded island in the north, situated in the Bay of Ice. Due to frequent raids by the free folk and the ironborn, Mormont women have become fierce warriors to prevent being carried off.
Catelyn smiled despite herself. "You are braver than I am, I fear. Are all your Bear Island women such warriors?" "She-bears, aye," said Lady Maege. "We have needed to be. In olden days the ironmen would come raiding in their longboats, or wildlings from the Frozen Shore. The men would be off fishing, like as not. The wives they left behind had to defend themselves and their children, or else be carried off." - Catelyn V, ASOS
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Now, for the crucial evidence.
In A Storm of Swords, Jon asks Tormund about his titles. Out of all Tormund's designations, the author chooses to delve into the backstory of "Husband of Bears."
We'll dissect this story step by step. However, please remember that Tormund is known for exaggerations and fabrications. Distinguishing fact from fiction and extracting the elements of truth can be tricky.
"Are all crows so curious?" asked Tormund. "Well, here's a tale for you. It were another winter, colder even than the one I spent inside that giant, and snowing day and night, snowflakes as big as your head, not these little things. It snowed so hard the whole village was half buried. I was in me Ruddy Hall, with only a cask o' mead to keep me company and nothing to do but drink it. The more I drank the more I got to thinking about this woman lived close by, a fine strong woman with the biggest pair of teats you ever saw. She had a temper on her, that one, but oh, she could be warm too, and in the deep of winter a man needs his warmth. "The more I drank the more I thought about her, and the more I thought the harder me member got, till I couldn't suffer it no more. Fool that I was, I bundled meself up in furs from head to heels, wrapped a winding wool around me face, and set off to find her. The snow was coming down so hard I got turned around once or twice, and the wind blew right through me and froze me bones, but finally I come on her, all bundled up like I was. "The woman had a terrible temper, and she put up quite the fight when I laid hands on her. It was all I could do to carry her home and get her out o' them furs, but when I did, oh, she was hotter even than I remembered, and we had a fine old time, and then I went to sleep. Next morning when I woke the snow had stopped and the sun was shining, but I was in no fit state to enjoy it. All ripped and torn I was, and half me member bit right off, and there on me floor was a she-bear's pelt. And soon enough the free folk were telling tales o' this bald bear seen in the woods, with the queerest pair o' cubs behind her. Har!" He slapped a meaty thigh. "Would that I could find her again. She was fine to lay with, that bear. Never was a woman gave me such a fight, nor such strong sons neither." - Jon II, ASOS
I was in me Ruddy Hall, with only a cask o' mead to keep me company and nothing to do but drink it.
Tormund is first introduced as Mead-king of Ruddy Hall. Ruddy Hall is beyond the Wall, but we don't know where.
The more I drank the more I got to thinking about this woman lived close by
Regardless of where Ruddy Hall is located beyond the Wall, it wouldn't be near Maege Mormont.
a fine strong woman with the biggest pair of teats you ever saw.
Maege Mormont is short and stout, and likely has large breasts like her daughter Alysane.
The daughter was tall and lean, the mother short and stout, but they dressed alike in mail and leather, with the black bear of House Mormont on shield and surcoat. - Catelyn V, ASOS
Her proper name was Alysane of House Mormont, but she wore the other name as easily as she wore her mail. Short, chunky, muscular, the heir to Bear Island had big thighs, big breasts, and big hands ridged with callus. - The King's Prize, ADWD
She had a temper on her, that one, but oh, she could be warm too, and in the deep of winter a man needs his warmth.
Maege Mormont has a temper,
The Old Bear sighed. "You are not the only one touched by this war. Like as not, my sister is marching in your brother's host, her and those daughters of hers, dressed in men's mail. Maege is a hoary old snark, stubborn, short-tempered, and willful. Truth be told, I can hardly stand to be around the wretched woman, but that does not mean my love for her is any less than the love you bear your half sisters." - Jon IX, AGOT
but she can also be warm.
Lady Mormont took her hand and said, "My lady, if Cersei Lannister held two of my daughters, I would have done the same." - Catelyn II, ASOS
Catelyn had grown fond of Lady Maege and her eldest daughter, Dacey; they were more understanding than most in the matter of Jaime Lannister, she had found. - Catelyn V, ASOS
Fool that I was, I bundled meself up in furs from head to heels, wrapped a winding wool around me face, and set off to find her. The snow was coming down so hard I got turned around once or twice, and the wind blew right through me and froze me bones, but finally I come on her, all bundled up like I was.
If he started at Ruddy Hall, Tormund would have needed a boat to reach Maege Mormont. He couldn't have walked.
Edit: D'oh. Thank you to @transdimensional-void and @grennseyelashes for pointing out the Bay of Ice could freeze over.
The woman had a terrible temper, and she put up quite the fight when I laid hands on her.
Maege Mormont is a fierce warrior.
Catelyn smiled despite herself. "You are braver than I am, I fear. Are all your Bear Island women such warriors?" "She-bears, aye," said Lady Maege. "We have needed to be. [...]" - Catelyn V, ASOS
The daughter was tall and lean, the mother short and stout, but they dressed alike in mail and leather, with the black bear of House Mormont on shield and surcoat. By Catelyn's lights, that was queer garb for a lady, yet Dacey and Lady Maege seemed more comfortable, both as warriors and as women, than ever the girl from Tarth had been. - Catelyn V, ASOS
It was all I could do to carry her home and get her out o' them furs, but when I did, oh, she was hotter even than I remembered, and we had a fine old time, and then I went to sleep.
Again, he couldn't have taken her home without a boat.
Edit: D'oh. Thank you to @transdimensional-void and @grennseyelashes for pointing out the Bay of Ice could freeze over.
All ripped and torn I was, and half me member bit right off, and there on me floor was a she-bear's pelt.
She-bear has only ever been used to describe women associated with House Mormont.
Catelyn smiled despite herself. "You are braver than I am, I fear. Are all your Bear Island women such warriors?" "She-bears, aye," said Lady Maege. - Catelyn V, ASOS
Ser Jorah sat up in his hammock. "Befriend her, then. Marry her, for all I care." That left a bad taste in his mouth as well. "Like with like, is that your notion? Do you mean to find a she-bear for yourself, ser?" - Tyrion VIII, ASOS
Alysane Mormont, whose men name her the She-Bear, hid fighters inside a gaggle of fishing sloops and took the ironmen unawares where they lay off the strand. - Jon VII, ADWD
And soon enough the free folk were telling tales o' this bald bear seen in the woods
This is a bit goofy, but a She-Bear leaving behind her pelt and wandering around bald is somewhat reminiscent of Alysane Mormont's tale about Mormont women being skinchangers.
"Mormont women are skinchangers. We turn into bears and find mates in the woods. Everyone knows." - The King's Prize, ADWD
with the queerest pair o' cubs behind her. Would that I could find her again. She was fine to lay with, that bear.
Tormund seems to be suggesting that this was a one-time affair, yet he also mentions that it resulted in a pair of children. Tricky.
Lady Mormont has five children with significant age gaps. If he's their father, it would require multiple visits over several decades. If 'cub' shouldn't be plural and he's only the father of one daughter, then which one might it be?
Probably not Dacey Mormont. She was six-foot-tall, pretty, lanky, willowy, and graceful — nothing like Tormund.
The most probable candidate is Alysane Mormont. She shares a build with Tormund (and Maege), is now the heir to Bear Island, and is the most prominently featured Mormont daughter in the story.
Short, chunky, muscular, the heir to Bear Island had big thighs, big breasts, and big hands ridged with callus. - The King's Prize, ADWD
Never was a woman gave me such a fight, nor such strong sons neither.
Sons, plural. After potentially just one encounter. That's a problem.
He might simply be referring to two of his four sons: Toregg, Torwynd, Dryn, and Dormund. Their mother's identity remains unknown.
However, while Maege Mormont has no sons, she does have five daughters with impressively strong characters who comfortably take on traditionally masculine roles.
Stout, grey-haired Maege Mormont, dressed in mail like a man, told Robb bluntly that he was young enough to be her grandson, and had no business giving her commands … but as it happened, she had a granddaughter she would be willing to have him marry. - Bran VI, AGOT
Like as not, my sister is marching in your brother's host, her and those daughters of hers, dressed in men's mail. - Jon IX, AGOT
One of his companions was even a woman: Dacey Mormont, Lady Maege's eldest daughter and heir to Bear Island, a lanky six-footer who had been given a morningstar at an age when most girls were given dolls. Some of the other lords muttered about that, but Catelyn would not listen to their complaints. - Catelyn X, AGOT
"I have fought beside the Young Wolf in every battle," Dacey Mormont said cheerfully. "He has not lost one yet." - Catelyn V, ASOS
Smalljon Umber and Robin Flint sat near Robb, to the other side of Fair Walda and Alyx, respectively. Neither of them was drinking; along with Patrek Mallister and Dacey Mormont, they were her son's guards this evening. - Catelyn VII, ASOS
Her proper name was Alysane of House Mormont, but she wore the other name as easily as she wore her mail. Short, chunky, muscular, the heir to Bear Island had big thighs, big breasts, and big hands ridged with callus. Even in sleep she wore ringmail under her furs, boiled leather under that, and an old sheepskin under the leather, turned inside out for warmth. All those layers made her look almost as wide as she was tall. And ferocious. Sometimes it was hard for Asha Greyjoy to remember that she and the She-Bear were almost of an age. - The King's Prize, ADWD
Stannis read from the letter. "Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is STARK. A girl of ten, you say, and she presumes to scold her lawful king." - Jon I, ADWD
But again, there are age gaps between all of them, and this would necessitate multiple trips to Bear Island.
Other things to consider:
It's possible that Tormund's She-Bear is actually Alysane Mormont, who has a son and a daughter and also asserts that their father is a bear. However, considering Alysane's age (mid-twenties), it seems more plausible that the She-Bear is Maege.
Some people believe the title "Breaker of Ice" might allude to the Bay of Ice, but that's a stretch.
Tormund has five other children, and he seems to be actively involved in their lives.
Alysane Mormont is currently headed to Castle Black, so there might be more clues ahead.
Maege Mormont being carried off by Tormund, only to rise in the middle of the night and take herself back home, is one of the more amusing tales I can think of. I mean, if you ignore the rape part.
Truly, I don't even know what tier to put this in. There are so many issues with that story, but given Tormund's nature, it's hard to discern what's real from what's not.
I welcome discussions. Feel free to reblog, respond, or challenge my perspective—I won't be offended by any of it.
Please note, if "no" is the eventual winner, or if it's competitive, a second poll will be conducted to determine the proper location.
Theon's bastard
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Maege Mormont, neck deep in bogwater: this is stupid
Howland Reed, standing on a lily pad: i agree
Maege: WHAT the FUCK how long have you been there
Howland: long enough to be awkward
Maege: ...you don't get out much, do you?
Howland: last time i left my castle i killed the greatest warrior of my generation
Howland: i don't go out anymore
Howland: how's Ned? And Robert? And Jon Arryn?
Maege: uhh sit down buddy
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patrocles · 5 months
Top 5 favorite asoiaf theories?
okay so i had to consult the theory ice berg bc i forgot all of them.
1. Jeyne Westerling escaped with the Blackfish. Idk what anyone says I’m always going root for the survival of a teen girl. Plus I think there’s absolute comedy in the Blackfish adopting his grand-nephew’s teenage wife and hitting the road to get her to Greywater Watch.
2. Euron warged the dusky woman to have sex with/spy on Victarion. What else can I say except that Euron is absolutely perverted enough to do that
3. Ashara Dayne = Jyana Reed. There’s no disproving it, really, and I think the most desirable and beautiful woman in the world finding happiness in a quiet swamp with short king Howland Reed to heal after the Events of Everything is what she deserves.
4. Alyssa Targaryen is Alaric Stark’s daughter with Alysanne. Iffc, she was born right after Alysanne got back from the North. It doesnt really do anything for the plot except to poke another hole in Jaehaerys’ Pure Blood Exceptionalism
5. Renly Baratheon is Robert’s first bastard son. This is (unofficially) why he was left Storm’s End over Stannis and why Robert was sent to the Eyrie. Again, I dont think it changes/adds anything to the story, but I think it would be very interesting/ironic if Renly’s campaign for kingship did have more technical legitimacy than Stannis and neither of them realized
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wylldebee · 4 months
Ye Olde Magick AU Part II: More Houses
As always: thank @books-n-guns for the existence of this AU :D Basic lore (and the first bunch of houses): X Without further ado, have some more houses~!
The Arryns: Wings, wings, wings. They have the most beautiful feathered wings you'll ever lay eyes on and back muscles because damn their wings are heavy. They need special oils and soaps, and are almost constantly grooming. And they have echo voices (X). If the song Hallelujah existed in ASOIAF they would own it. The skies of the Vale always has at least one Arryn or one of it's cadet houses The Boltons: Like books-n-guns says, they're vampires with an interest in blood magic. Legend says the Boltons actually used to be able to shed their whole skin—and I mean their whole skin—until one Bolton got into blood magic and suddenly vampires. The northern weather is perfect for them. The Mormonts: Werebears! Werebears! Werebears! You think Bear Island was named after the bears that inhabit it? No. It's the werebears of House Mormont. Were as wild looking as the Starks of old just bear themed; claws and teeth and fangs and thicker hair, and were generally bigger and stronger. Now they're just strong. Lady Maege Mormont can still crush a man's head between her hands.
The Tarths: Giants. For some reason the magic has been absent from their bloodline for a few years until Brienne was born. While not as big as her ancestors, Brienne is still big and has great strength. She didn't defeat those who had a bet on her maidenhead so much as she sent them flying. People held score cards. Loras was sweating in his armour and allowed Brienne to grapple him instead shut up you drunken archer of my family I allowed it because I didn't want to fucking die. The Hightowers: Flame hair. Think Hades from Hercules. It's safe to the touch and doesn't set anything on fire...unless the Hightower it's attached to wants it. Just like when they turn the beacon's fire green to call their bannerman, a Hightower's hair can turn green at will. Please imagine Alicent entering the room not only in her green dress, but with flickering green flame hair. The Baelishs: Fiery eyes. Look up Lucifer Morningstar red eyes and you get what I'm imagining, though the pupils are a glowing flame coloured. It's hard to look like a friendly and powerless man to be underestimated by all the high lords with these eyes, but Littlefinger manages it. The Greyjoys: Krackens. Honestly I'm just imagining a kracken version of Davey Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean. But they can only get that form when wet with seawater. Can remain in that form so long as a part of their body is still in seawater. Rare times does it skip a member of the family, so sorry Aeron. The Karstarks: Since they are a cadet branch of the Starks they also benefitted from the same wolf magic—however instead of fangs they've got the claws. Sharp and deadly, the Karstarks are best at being frontline fighters where even if they lose their swords they can still maul a bitch. No, seriously, they will maul someone with their claws. They have mauled people with their claws. Rumors say they use grindstones to keep their claws nice and sharp. The Freys: Trolls, specifically bridge trolls. And not the dependable kind that they used to be back in the day. Still having that weasel look to them, they have granite skin that makes normal swords break against them and above-human strength, thus still making them the most powerful bannermen of House Tully. The Reeds: Lizard-lions or frogs. Actually, nobody really knows what the Reeds are—not now or back in the past. Not even Ned knows what Howland Reed looked like because he kept his entire person covered from the top of his head to his hands to his feet. The only thing he saw was a super long tongue jab hard at Arthur's neck that killed the knight and save him. And that's what I've got for now. Again ideas of other houses are welcome!
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maironsbigboobs · 3 months
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teen-spirited-away · 2 years
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House Mormont
"Here We Stand"
Sigil: Bear
Colors: Green and Black
Seat: Mormont Keep, Bear Island
"We Are Not a Large House, But We Are a Proud One"
The Mormont bears are fierce, loyal, resilient, protective, aloof, brave, humble, and strong-willed.
House Mormont values loyalty, survival, and the protection of their own.
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dyannawynnedayne · 10 months
Who Has The Most Gender?: Round 1
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Maege: art by rosenroot, AWOIAF Page
Rhaena: art by warp-speed, AWOIAF Page
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Maege Mormont, Lady of Bear Island, sister to Jeor Mormont, mother of 5 strong and proud daughters
Here's my LEGO adaptation of alexandrokayart's Maege Mormont fanart, linked below
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