#( kyo verse | the cat curse )
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@kitxkatrp asked: ❛ get the hell away from me. ❜ Yuki to Kyo darker vibes
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"Okay, okay, jeez!" He snapped his hands up, showing that he, indeed, was nowhere near him in all actuality. "Tohru asked me to come and check on you when she noticed something was off. I figured I might as well do something right for once, but fine." But even with the snap at the cat, he did notice something was, indeed, off... He wasn't usually that snappish, after all...
"We literally live with people that know about medicine like the back of their hands. If there's something wrong, just go to them. It isn't like it'll be the end of the world if you do."
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omneinfinitus · 2 years
@heartwilled​ || Starter Call || Verse: TBA
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Kyo hadn’t meant to fall asleep, he had just come outside to cool off from another dumb argument he had with that damn rat. But now he found the setting sun blaring in his eyes and the sound of familiar feet nearby. Rolling over with a less than graceful plot, he glanced into the house to spot Tohru.
“Hey.. I thought you were working tonight.. whatcha doing home?”
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infinitexmuses-m · 4 years
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@holmesdepot​ asked:  That wasn't very yeehaw of you. | Arisa @ Kyo Lynx plays Dead By Daylight starters 
“Not very yeehaw?” Oh, she was working on his nerves today. She may be Tohru’s friend, but half the time it felt as if she was purposefully hitting him where it hurt. This was the day where he was going to get his revenge, and he knew it all too well that this was going to be the case.
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“I’ll show you what’s not yeehaw!” He slammed some cards down, laughing. “Reverse revolution!”
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kychma · 5 years
🐱.  @hisnote​  liked for a starter
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   ❝  To  HELL  with  him  !  ❞  nothing  short  of  conviction  ,  voice  raised  above  the  rest.  what  was  this  class  stupidly  head  over  heels  for anyway  ?  another  word  of  that  damn  rat  and  Kyo  was  ready  to  engage.  ANNOYING .AND  DIMWITTED  classmates  , all  of  ‘em.  if  only  they  saw  what  he  saw. 
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admeliiora-blog · 6 years
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     ❝ stop lookin’ at me like that, ya dumb yankee! i didn’t say nothin’! ❞ 
// @alazyroleplayer
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bifca · 3 years
au with cat!yuki and rat!kyo
sorry this took so long!
but oh man this is so interesting
so i think kyo would still be prickly to a degree, just not as much. he's not being ostracized as the cat this time, but he would be bearing the brunt of akito's attention and being avoided because he'd be "akito's toy" instead of yuki. so more willing to connect, but still grouchy about it
yuki would be very reserved but i think a lot sadder, since he's being ostracized and while he's not being blamed for some things he is seen as the 'cause' of the curse now. he'd probably still be popular, since as shown being the cat/rat didn't affect his or kyo's popularity at school
they would probably be friends from the beginning, in this case, since yuki would still want connections and kyo wouldn't be blaming him for his misfortune
kyo and tohru still end up together because i said so
look i know kazuma's relationship with kyo started because of his guilt over how he treated his grandfather but that is his dad and he will be in this verse again because i said so
haru still begs shigure to take in yuki, but this time it's because they bonded over being judged for what zodiac they were born as
haru and momiji are closer to kyo from the beginning than they were in canon, because he's not as defensive
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universestreasures · 3 years
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Real name: Tohru Honda
Single or taken: Both depend on the verse! Usually though, she is in a relationship with Kyo.
Abilities or powers: Tohru doesn’t really have any superhuman abilities or powers to speak of, but she has a huge sense of empathy that somehow allows her to be able to understand almost anyone she meets. 
Eye colour: Brown
Family members: Kyoko (Mother Deceased), Katsuya (Father Deceased), Unnamed relatives, Uotani (Adoptive Big Sister), Hanajima (Adoptive Big Sister), Kyo (Boyfriend/Future Husband/Found Family), Yuki Sohma (Found Family), Kisa (Adoptive Little Sister), Haru (Found Family), Momiji (Found Family), Ishizu (Found Family), Hiro (Found Family), Hatori (Found Family), Ayame (Found Family), Kagura (Found Family), Shigure (Found Family?), Ritsu (Found Family)
Something they don’t like: Being a burden
Hobbies / activities: Cooking, Cleaning, Gardening, Arts & Crafts, Spending Time With Friends, Playing Rich Man Poor Man, Swimming.
Ever hurt anyone before: No
Ever killed anyone before: No
Animal that represents them: Cat
Worst habits: Often is selfless to a point where her own health (Mental or physical) suffers, Overreacting which can cause them to get needlessly stressed out, Works herself too hard, Overly apologizes, 
Role models: Her main one is her mother, but also probably Hatori. 
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual. 
Thoughts on marriage / kids: Tohru would love to have kids and get married one day, but those thoughts are pushed off into the back of her mind as her main focuses is sustaining herself on her own and graduating. 
Fears: Being alone, Losing more loved ones like how she lost her mom, Feeling useless, That the Zodiac Curse will never be broken, Horror Movies
Style preferences: He doesn’t really have any; he wears whatever’s most practical/comfortable
Someone they love: Kyo
Approach to friendships: Tohru is the type to want and try and make friends with everyone! She’s a very openly loving and kind person. 
Thoughts on pie: Adores pie! Probably likes fruit pies the best!
Favorite drink: Tea.
Favorite place to spend time at: At Shigure’s House.
Swim in the lake or in the ocean: She has done both, but prefers the ocean!
Their type: Tough Guys With Heart Of Gold, Gentle And Soft And Kind, The considerate and passionate,
Camping or indoors: Camping
Tagged By: @thcsevoices (Ty L!) Tagging: @senpujin (BF Setsuna <3) @fragmentedimensions (Kei!) @mozaikrolez (Gaito!) @waterlord​ @bugsout @catpuns @acollapsar and anyone else who’d like to do this!
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riceballcatfb · 4 years
Made the Right Wish
Kyoru Week 2020, day 1 Rating: All ages  *Takes place post-manga, so read at your own risk!*
Title and story vaguely inspired by the verse below, which is the chorus of the song “What I’m Leaving For” by Lady A.
"Take a look at our little paradise
It ain't much, but baby you and I
picked the right star
made the right wish
there ain't nothing out there like this"
There were very few things that Kyo had truly been sure of in his life. In fact, he could only think of three things-he loved his son and unborn baby, he loved his wife, and he loved his job.
Well, four things.
This morning, as he lay there staring at the ceiling, listening to the steady thrum of the rain on the roof, he was 150 percent sure he wanted to stay home today.
It had been four years today since the curse had broken. He'd kept track, watching each anniversary pass by with bated breath, praying that it wouldn't somehow rear its ugly face within him again. Or worse, within his son.
He had to remind himself that it was also the four year anniversary of the day he'd knelt in front of Tohru outside the hospital, clinging to her hand and begging her to accept his love.
She'd said yes. So not all about this day was bittersweet.
And now, here they were, in their own house by the sea, with a tiny red-headed boy sleeping in the next room.
With the end of the curse, Kyo had been stripped of his connection to the cat spirit, of course. So there was absolutely no logical reason for him to still feel sluggish when it rained-not that being possessed by a cat was particularly logical, either, he supposed.
Next to him, he heard Tohru stir. He glanced in her direction. She was on her side facing him, eyes still shut, hair in disarray from sleep. "Are you okay?" she whispered, still not opening her eyes.
Their son had been difficult last night, not wanting to go to sleep. Kyo had tried to help, but Hajime was a huge Mommy's boy right now, and Tohru inevitably ended up taking the brunt of his tantrum. She was exhausted. Yet, she had heard the rain just now and woken up to check on Kyo anyway.
His heart swelled at the realization, both with love and a sense of guilt.
He inhaled deeply and rolled over to face her. He rubbed his thumb against her cheekbone. She smiled wearily in response.
"I'm fine," he murmured. "I should be asking you that. How'd you get him to finally lie down?"
Her eyes fluttered open. She put her hand over his, holding it in place against her cheek. "I told him that he could sleep with us tonight, since you won't have to get up early for work tomorrow."
Kyo chuckled. "Smart thinking."
"It worked immediately," Tohru replied, letting out an airy laugh.
"He's a cuddle bug. Just like his mom."
Tohru's eyes were closed again now, but she still answered him. "You're pretty cuddly, yourself," she pointed out.
"I guess. Sometimes."
She quirked an eyebrow in response, making it clear that she thought it was more than sometimes.
"It would be nice if I could stay home and help you today," he said softly, leaning over to kiss the tip of her nose. He stayed closeby afterwards, admiring how peaceful her face looked. Her thick eyelashes, the dusting of freckles across her nose and cheeks, the pastel pink of her lips. He was so lucky.
"You should stay home today. But not to help me, to rest. It's raining."
He scoffed slightly. "Yeah, right. I don't have time to rest. And besides…" he paused, running a finger along the slight swell of her stomach, "...you're the one who should be resting."
"What if you stayed home and we both rested?"
"Then Hajime would just run the house, and I don't think either of us would like the consequences of that very much."
"He's got to be tired, too," she reminded him. Not only had he been up late last night, but he also irrationally felt ill every time it rained. "Let's have a movie day."
"Wait...are you serious?"
She opened her eyes again, putting a hand over her mouth to stifle a yawn. "Yes. Why not?"
"Tohru, we need all the money we can get right now…"
She sighed and scooted closer, capturing his lips to silence him. "We're fine, Kyo-kun. You said you want to stay home. So stay home. You work hard for us."
Tohru wasn't working right then. Kyo had figured that watching a wild toddler and growing another little human added up to a full-time job. They were getting by on his income just fine, but Kyo wasn't sure if he'd ever honestly be able to stop worrying about money.
He sighed in defeat, pulling her into another kiss before answering. "Okay. You win. I'm making breakfast, though. What would you like?"
As Tohru opened her mouth--likely to protest his demand, Kyo thought--their mattress squeaked and drooped a little bit under a new weight. Tohru gasped in surprise as a little body wiggled its way between them.
Kyo ruffled their son's light red hair before giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Good morning, Hajime."
Hajime returned the sentiment by simply nuzzling his face against his father's chest. Just like Tohru had anticipated, he was groggy and likely not feeling well.
"Daddy's making breakfast today," Tohru told him, running her fingers through his messy hair. He batted her hand away and Tohru sighed at his grumpy mood, but also couldn't help but smile a bit at how he was clinging to Kyo. Hajime loved both his parents; there was no doubt about that. But with how attached he'd been to Tohru lately, moments like this where he only wanted Daddy had become more rare. Kyo smiled back at Tohru, knowing they were sharing the same thought.
"...Pancakes?" Hajime mumbled after a moment, tone muffled by Kyo's chest. Kyo nodded.
"Definitely. With chocolate chips?"
Hajime nodded, and Kyo got out of bed, scooping the toddler up with him. He propped Hajime up on his shoulders and headed out to the kitchen. Tohru sat up, shaking her head, dreading the impending sugar crash they'd have to deal with later.
She sat at the table in their living room, watching her boys make pancakes together. Well, really, Kyo made the pancakes and Hajime contributed by pouring the chocolate chips in. Moments like this were precious to her, and she knew they were to Kyo, too. Hajime likely wouldn't remember this exact point in time when he got older. But Tohru knew the small things like this would stay ingrained in her and Kyo's hearts forever. And soon they'd have another little boy to add in.
Pancakes were served at the table, where Tohru thanked her chefs with kisses on the cheeks. Hajime watched with wide eyes and a mouthful of food as Kyo turned on the TV and flipped through channels, looking for a movie they could all watch-the TV wasn't turned on much in their house. Kyo still didn't have much of a liking for movies, Tohru was just always too busy to really sit down and engross herself in a show, and Hajime spent too much time playing to really pay attention to anything happening on the mysterious screen.
When he got to a cartoon that made Hajime laugh, Kyo chuckled and set the remote down, pulling his son into his lap.
"Hang on!" Tohru said, springing up from her spot on the floor.
"Tohru," Kyo groaned. "Careful, please."
"I'm fine, Kyo-kun!" she insisted, already down the hall. A minute later, she returned with her arms full of pillows and throw blankets. Soon the little family was bundled up, Hajime in the middle, wrapped in so many blankets that Kyo told him he looked like a "Hajime burrito."
By the time the movie was over, Kyo's mind had been numbed by the shallow content, and he blinked a few times before looking over at Tohru. She was making an equally displeased face.
"That wasn't very well-written, was it?" she commented after a minute.
"Well, it's meant for kids his age," Kyo pointed out, looking down at their toddler. He sighed and laughed lowly when he noticed the boy's slow, even breathing and closed eyes. "And he wasn't even watching. When did he fall asleep?"
Tohru giggled, clamping a hand over her mouth to avoid disturbing Hajime. "I don't know."
Kyo leaned his head back against the wall behind him, letting his eyes flutter shut, as well. He'd kept himself going for this long, but the drowsiness the rain impeded him with was finally catching up with him. He sighed contentedly as Tohru ran her fingers through his hair, opening his eyes half-way to look over at her.
"I love you," he reminded her.
"I love you more."
He shook his head at that, but didn't really have the energy to get into a fake-argument about it like they did to mess with each other sometimes.
Tohru smiled in return before she spoke again. "I know you hate it when I have to go to the doctor by myself…"
Kyo sighed again, this time out of disappointment. "I should have taken yesterday off instead of today. Then I could have gone with you."
Tohru shook her head at his obvious bitterness. "The point of me bringing this up was, I found out what we're having."
Kyo's eyes opened fully as he looked over at his wife in surprise.
"I was trying to think of a fun way to tell you, but...I guess now's as good a time as any. It's another boy."
Kyo started crying almost immediately, unable to stop tears from sliding quietly down his cheeks. "I knew it," he whispered, wiping at his face. Tohru laughed. He had been insisting it was a boy for the entire pregnancy. Stubbornly, Tohru had always said it was a girl, though she really had no inkling one way or the other.
"You were right," she whispered back. "We need to start thinking of names."
Kyo nodded, sniffled a little, and leaned over to kiss her.
"Thank you for giving me a family. I love you."
"I love you, too. Now stop it, or you'll make me cry, too."
He chuckled and hugged Hajime a little closer. "I used to think that I used up all the luck in the universe when you started dating me. And then again when I proposed and you said yes. And then again, when Hajime was born. I don't know where the hell I'm getting enough luck to have another son."
Tohru wiped at her own now-wet cheeks, then reached over and smacked Kyo on the arm in playful protest. "Look what you did!"
He laughed and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand.
"Kyo-kun...you deserve this. All of it." She trailed her touch down to his left wrist, fingers tracing the spot where his prayer beads used to sit. The beads that were now in a drawer of their dresser, waiting until Hajime was old enough to hear the story and understand the significance of it.
Kyo shook his head slightly, but didn't argue.
"Well...I could never wish for anything more."
"Didn't we say we wanted one more baby after this one?" Tohru teased.
His eyes went wide. "Well, um...d-did we say that?"
She giggled. "We don't have to discuss it yet."
Kyo sighed in relief, shaking his head at his wife.
"You dork."
"I know what you mean, though. I don't think I could ever wish for anything more, either."
Kyo nodded and leaned down, pressing a kiss to Hajime's forehead and one to Tohru's belly. "We've made the right wishes. I mean, look where they got us."
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26852407
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moonxsuncelestials · 4 years
Fruits Basket AU Verses Part 1
Okay, so I have two, mostly with @chqqseyqurplayer​ and @forgottenyearofthecat. xD
These do not apply to every Fruits Basket Rp Muse! These two are the ones I have so far, and I just wanted to let you guys know in cause you’d like to play in these verses.
First up is:
V: Another Dragon among the Sohmas
( @chqqseyqurplayer​)
It mostly involves Yun though it can be expanded. 
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Similar to Tohru, Yun was orphaned at a young age, his parents having died in a car crash during a rainstorm whilst running away from the Sohma compound. Whereas Yun himself was incredibly lucky that he hadn’t died in the crash, the poor boy was made to feel like he should have thanks to the other members of the family except for a select few; this, however, backfired and Yun often would have violent outbursts that were bad enough to have him locked away in the Cat’s Room from time to time. 
In fact, Yun earned the nickname The White Dragon of the Sohmas because of his violent temper being compared to that of a dragon’s rampage. Thankfully after he became involved with Momiji, Hatori, and Shigure, even taking lessons from Kazune; his temper seemed to become a more controlled rage. However, this is far scarier in the eyes of the family and it seems that even Kyo along with Yuki fears Yun’s temper despite he’s never taken it out on them.
By the time Tohru comes into the Sohmas’ lives, Yun has surprised most of the family by making it into college despite having been expelled from the all of the all-boys’ schools that Akito had sent him to. He is in his second year of university, majoring in veterinary medicine whilst holding down a job at an animal shelter, where he cares for the more troubled animals; those who have been abused and need rehabilitation.
Whenever he’s not at the shelter or in his apartment, Yun can be seen down in the park, often drawing and selling his art. 
He is particularly close with Momiji, Shigure, and Hatori the trio aware that Yun is working to find a way to set Momiji free from not just the Zodiac Curse but also from Akito’s hold.
Seen as a rebel to the Sohma family traditions and he is shunned by most of the family, Yun will only allow a few select members of the family to see his more vulnerable side. He still grieves for his parents, visiting their graves every other weekend when he can. He often wears Gothic-styled clothes and rides a black motorcycle that has a sidecar for whenever he has to make grocery runs or is bringing back supplies to the animal shelter.  His relationships with females aren’t the greatest as he feels like they are nothing but beautiful vipers, but with Momiji and Shigure’s encouragement, he will give them one chance to prove him wrong.
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keisuke-akm · 5 years
I love your Cat and College and Cave of Illusion Akigure AUs! Do you have any other Akigure AU ideas?
Hawww thank you ;w; it makes me soo happy. (Tbh, I don’t if i’ll work more on the cat!AU since Akito is already imprisonned, there is nothing else to do but waiting for the curse to break. Unless somebody give me an idea about this verse i don’t know what to do ahahah). Also, if people want to do something with this Cat AU, go ahead and tell me !!! 
And, Sorry for the college AU if i’m taking a little break, it’s Ayame dialogue…Even now I still don’t understand his way of talking because it’s always rich in vocabulary and i feel stupid because i have none (?) lmao. But i’ll continue, I promise ;) 
I had a few time ago a soulmate AU idea. However Akito don’t have 1 soulmates but 13, because she share bond with all the cursed. Every bond is marked by a tattoo that represent their curse on the skin (I don’t know yet if it should be a drawing of the animal or the kanji haha). So, for exemple, if Yuki have his bond mark on the chest (right on the heart), Akito have the same there too. But, the difference is that, since Akito is god, she have 13 of them.  Yes, 13, because even if Kureno and Akito soulmark isn’t here anymore, Akito and Shigure have two marks. One to represent the curse, and the other which is positionned in their back, a camellia (ofc it would be a camellia, what else??). But since, it’s in the back, Akito never knew she have a soulmark there/Or don’t know who’s mark it is. 
Shigure however, know and he hate seeing her full on soulmark that isn’t his only. In this verse, he also working on breaking the curse. 
Other thing, love soulmates mark appear when you meet your soulmates. Like Kyo when she meet Tohru, had their owns who appear. However, Tohru noticed hers too late and don’t know who it is. Kyo won’t tell her because he will end in the cat’s room after high school, so he don’t want to break her heart.
So when the zodiacs find their lovemates and saw others lovemark appearing on their skin, Akito is getting even more and more anxious because she just can’t see her owns on her back or knowing for who this mark exist and she is sure everybody will leave her, since she will become bondless. 
Well, lately (in fact, since october oops) I’m working on a crossover that I called #FRUBAXLOOΠΔ. I think the two universe mixes very well together. (In fact, it’s just fruits basket characters instead of LOOΠΔ singer). For people who don’t know about this girl group, each girl made a solo song before having their own sub-unit, each girl have their own animals and they are 12. So…Of course, the idea bloom easily in my head haha
I’ve already published the 1/12 character with Momiji just here (but the art is pretty ugly i’m sorry). Now, i’m working on the next who is the cat. It’s a lot time of work but it’s something i’m really invested in haha. 
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catscourged · 4 years
» ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴠɪᴇᴡ  /  repost. don’t reblog.  
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NAME  :  Kyo Sohma 
NICKNAME  :  KyonKyon, Kyo-kun, stupid cat (Yuki) 
CODENAME  :  -- 
AGE  :  16-18 (or older depending on the verse)
SPECIES  :  Human
MORALITY  :  lawful   /   chaotic   /   good   /  neutral   /   evil /   true 
RELIGION  :  Unsure 
SINS  : greed   /   gluttony /   sloth  /   lust   /  pride   /   envy /   wrath 
VIRTUES  : chastity   /   charity   /  diligence  /   humility   /   kindness   /   patience   /  justice 
KNOWN LANGUAGES  :  Japanese, some English 
SECRETS  :  Turns into a cat when hugged by the opposite sex, if he's sick, or when he's flustered or extremely stressed. Another secret is that he changes into a grotesque monster with a foul scent if his bracelet is removed.
BUILD  :  scrawny   /   bony   /   slender   /   fit   /   athletic   /   curvy   /   herculean /   pudgy   /   average. 
HEIGHT  :  5′7″ 
SCARS   /   BIRTHMARKS  :  -- 
ABILITIES   /   POWERS  : Can communicate with cats in a sense.
FOOD  :  Likes rice, soumen noodles, fruit, vegetables (with the exception of chives) 
DRINK  :  Soda or tea, he doesn't care. 
PIZZA TOPPING  : hamburger, maybe sausage. 
COLOUR  : Orange 
MUSIC GENRE  :  Alternative rock. 
BOOK GENRE  :  fantasy and history. 
MOVIE GENRE  :  Superhero films. 
SEASON  : Autumn.
CURSE WORD  :  says 'fuck' a lot.
SCENT ( S )  : citrusy stuff, fresh soil, sakura trees
LIKES PUNS  :  if they're not lame.
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@kitxkatrp from here
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"Yeah, well, that's just the thing, isn' it?!" He was trying so hard to try and actually make this meaningful. He was trying to understand, trying to see why this was such a big thing. Trying to figure out just... "I'm never told what I'm doin' wrong, ya damn rat! Just like how everyone looks up to you without knowing shit about ya!"
That wasn't how he wanted to put it-
Growling, he found himself punching himself on the forehead. It wasn't intentional, but he wasn't sure how to get his words across properly. "It's just the family that does that to me! The class doesn't say anything like that, it's just the Sohmas, ONLY the Sohmas. And... And I just couldn't help but think about it a little."
His gaze suddenly snapped back towards the rat, staring him down as if trying to look into his soul. "It's just like how they treat you like a second god in this messed up family. The school adores you because you give them a reason to, but compared to the house they at least see you as a fuckin' human being! Doesn't that say something?!"
To him, it said a lot.
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omneinfinitus · 3 years
“ the spirit inside of you is my dick. ” // @ kyo
An Old Meme || Not Accepting || @princecaged
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"WHAT?!" The words that came out of Yuki's mouth practically knocked the wind out of him. He honestly had no idea what to make of it, the words barely even began to compute as he tired to figure out what in the hell Yuki was on, because he had to be high.. that was the only thing that made sense. Right? Right.
"I mean.. I think I would have noticed something like that..." he huffed, "You feeling alright? You ain't running a fever are ya?"
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infinitexmuses-m · 4 years
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@diverse-hearts​ asked:  ‘ don’t you have to be stupid somewhere else? ‘ - Yuki to Kyo spongebob squarepants sentence starters
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“Why you little...” He was starting to really work on the cat’s nerves today. Why was it targeted at him and just him right now? He didn’t even do anything to piss him off! “What about you, huh?! Don’t ya gotta be pissy somewhere else?”
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kychma · 3 years
Species: Cat Demon (curse born) Location: Feudal Era/Modern Japan
Born a demon to the Sohma Clan just like the other twelve members, Kyo is considered a special breed. As a clan full of rituals and tradtiion, one's blood must take up a role to keep the order. Kyo is born the cat demon to the chinese zodiac, where unlike his cousins, is a different sort. He can only take on and maintain his human form by the juzu beads laid upon his wrist at the sacrifice of a monk. He may have no life and no one to love. And additionally, at night fall he must submit to shapeshifting into a demon with a thirst for blood and chaos. All members are said to dedicate their lives to one god, but their god is cruel and vile ; especially towards Kyo. It is law in his family to be treated as such but tired of his misfortune, Kyo wishes for something better. The beads filled with mystical power lead him to escape to modern Japan to live a normal life as a human. But all is not well. Kyo is still bound by the beads no matter the world he’s in. If he so much as embraces another living female, he resigns himself to a cat. Meaning , his life hasn’t changed at all. He’s desperate to find the answers to become human and break the curse that was set since birth. But wait, the beads are sending him between worlds. And what is this proposition he hears in his dreams? Is that...god?
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admeliiora-blog · 6 years
           *. @cosmoblccm
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     ❝ i got lost! fuckin’ sue me! why don’t you close the god damn door then woman?! ❞
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