#( mammon jealous?? PSH no )
xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ meme / @ofcryptid ⟭
[ 📲 sms: ]  this is me asking you out. want to get coffee tomorrow? [ 📲 sms: ]  WRONG NUMBER. OUGH. ( from spencer to mammon )
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Another day, another fan. Mammon wasn't half as self-centered and self-appreciating as Asmodeus was, but there were days when his confidence soared sky-high. Demons, spirits and humans alike adored him. They either wanted to be him or be with him, and he wasn't above indulging in his greed for attention.
Except the second his ego swelled, it was promptly popped by the second message. It struck true and fast, the thinnest and sharpest point releasing a whole realm's worth of hot air.
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‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎[ spencer 💀 ]
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Good luck gettin' someone t'agree! ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎I would'a, but ya went and ruined it. ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Jerk.
He drummed his fingers along the edge of his DDD, eyes narrowed and heart kicking up in place. Mammon knew it would be best if he minded his own business, but he never listened to that little voice of reason in his head.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎[ spencer 💀 ]
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Who were you askin' anyway? ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Was it one'a my brothers or some no-name demon?
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daydreamjournal · 3 years
So, I'm not dead surprisingly I just really haven't had any hc/au ideas until recently and this is one of them.
Happy holidays!
HC: The demon Brothers getting gender neutral mc to wear their color (based on items like glowsticks)
I don't feel like he goes out of his way to try and make his mc wear blue, but he does find it pleasing to see them in his color, a ego boost really knowing his brothers see they are his
If he does ask it's only on very rare occasions. Perhaps for a party he asks them to match, of course if they say no he will understand it's nothing personal.
This man is a workaholic topped off with an over achiever mentality so, I can almost see him viewing mc in his color like a small reward
Man needs a nap let's be honest, moral of the story he loves it when mc wears his color however he's not gonna push it.
Like he see's MC just in a casual yellow shirt and man has a windows error screen appear in his brain
Wants so badly to encourage it however he also doesn't want to look needy
"Psh yellow? Yeah it's a cool color I guess...Looks good on you too. WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? I JUST SAID IT'S A NICE COLOR MC COME ON!"
Man will buy you so much yellow clothing if you let him because proving you're his? That he won? Oh it's like he's amongst the angels again
The most flustered and quickest to assume they are wearing it get him to notice
Is he your senpai?! Were you trying to use a game tactic in real life!?
This man and his Otaku lifestyle..
Honest to Simone he probably would be too shy to bring it up
If he did ask and MC said it was because of him this Otaku is gonna implode before running to his room to calm down
Doesn't push it but he loves it
I know he noticed IMMEDIATELY! Detective Satan on the case and MC is the prime suspect
Would ask if it was for him not holding back at all. Blunt and to the point per usual
If MC does however say it's for him he will get ever so slightly flustered as although that was his hypothesis he wasn't suspecting a out right answer like come on MC what about the build up!?
When he knows it's for him he gets so happy and prideful (lol mini lucifer)
Mc is his color? Cheering him on? Being his? This stoic man can't get enough and will low-key brag
"Did you see MC's new scarf? Yeah it's green...my color green too. Jealous?"
"Is that for me!? My dear are you wearing my color to show your love and admiration for me?"
Even if MC said no he's gonna assume they are just too bashful to admit it
They want more pink clothes? Oh absolutely, Asmodeus has access to such fine luxury items that securing his specific pink shade of clothing is no issue
Is the most cheeky about it, definitely mentions some adult oriented things he wants to do seeing you on his color as his nature
I really doubt he even notices at first, like truly and deeply this man's only objective in life is eat so unless MC is draped in the finest meats and cheeses the 3 world's over has to offer he isn't exactly gonna notice a piece of fabric nor assume it's for him
If he does notice he does have to actually get an explanation from MC that it's for him
A happy boy! He finds it flattering they wish to show they are his while also supporting him during battles
Not one to really brag, truly it doesn't go to his head it just makes him happy
Does get a bit jealous if his brothers try to get mc to wear their colors instead and will insist they look better in red
Listen, it's already been proven that due to MC's connection to Lilith that he is very protective of them so MC wearing purple? His color? Oh it's going right to the sleepy boys head
Can and absolutely will let all his brothers and even the others know MC is wearing HIS color
Won't exactly buy MC more clothes to wear, but purple blankets? Purple slippers? Yes.
MC in his purple clothes is another story...
Basically a little shit with the power of MC's love
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101 ways to say I love you: #28 with Levi please and thank youuuu 🥺
#28-“Hold me. Please” + Levi
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“You ready for this MC?!” Levi was practically vibrating all day with excitement. He kept asking that question over and over to you.
“Of course! I’ve been ready!”
“Nerds…” Mammon grumbled. You forbade him hanging out with you and Levi tonight. It was the online streaming release to the new, exclusive Ruri-Chan movie. Levi worked hard in the Ruri-Chan fan cafe to score a showing a week before it came out. And you didn’t want Mammon to make fun of it the entire time.
“You’re the jealous one here aren’t ya?” You teased causing him to blush.
“Psh, me? Nah I could care less.” Mammon finally left you alone.
You had an hour left until it starts, so you got everything prepared. The blankets were set up for maximum comfort. Levi had his favorite candy, and so did you. Chilled sodas? Accounted for.
Levi was moving the laptop around to get the right angle to watch it at, “I think that’s a good spot right?”
You nodded, and the two of you scooted together. It was about 15 minutes, and the movie would start automatically once it passed.
“What are your thoughts, your theories as to what will happen?”
“Glad you asked me, MC!” He reached around to grab a binder that was full of his fan theories so he could post on the fan cafe later, “According to the trailer, I think Ruri-Chan’s nemesis will have a change of heart, thus this movie will end the current arc on one of friendship. I think it’ll set up the next villain for when the new season premieres.”
You both kept reading through his thoughts. Then…
“Ooh MC! It’s starting!!”
The movie was pretty standard pacing just like the anime. It was a classic rivals coming together to face an even bigger boss. It was Ruri-Chan’s nemesis that teamed up with her, and the fight was beautifully animated.
Ruri-Chan’s magical attack was superb, earning oohs and ahhs from Levi.
Finally the ending, Ruri-Chan was about to take a fatal blow. Bu before she got hurt, her nemesis took the blow for her. It didn’t look good. As the rival died in the Heroine’s arms, she passed on her magic power for Ruri to beat the big bad guy.
The movie ends with a happy note of Ruri remembering her rival fondly, even through their adversities.
“Wow, I didn’t expect that! Your theories were right Levi-“
You looked over to your best friend who was a blubbering mess.
“Aww Levi, are you going to be ok? Do you need to talk about it?”
He shook his head. You frowned, he obviously needed help.
“Do you want me to hold you?”
“Yes. Hold me. Please” he said between each hiccup. You gently pulled him into your arms to let him cry it out on your shoulder.
“It’s going to be ok Levi. You have me.” You placed a gentle kiss on his head. You felt him stiffen and nodded.
He nodded, and you gave a light laugh. The entire night you patted Levi’s head, giving him more light kisses. Until you both fell asleep.
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aspenflower17 · 4 years
Finding You (Part Thirteen of ??)
Hewwo! It’s another update, coming at you kinda late but on a Sunday nonetheless! I hope everyone had a good holiday season, and that these last couple days of 2020 are being nice. I’m calmly greeting the new year and hoping it doesn’t get flustered 🙄
Anywho, if you’re new here, here’s a link to Part One for you, if you so choose to read it!
Tags because they’re great (both the tags and the people!):  @simpingforsatan @naimena @hachimochi @wrathandgreed @magi-minminxiii @rensphilia @a-dream-at-night @chloelikesobeyme @getbehindme-satan @theuglypugling @oofthelazyweeb (If you want to be put in the tags, let me know in a comment or dm me!)
Satan/ F!Mc
Word Count: 2,366
Trigger Warnings: Light... bullying? Maybe...
“Ah, there you are Satan,” Lucifer said when he walked into the room.
“Found him flirting,” Asmo giggled, walking in behind him, “I’m sure you can guess with who.”
“Ugh. Normies,” Levi huffed from behind his gaming console.
“You work fast,” Belphie smirked, a glint of mischief in his purple eyes.
“I… Just heard music, and followed it,” Satan sighed.
“Oh yes, because so many people in this castle play music,” Asmo teased, “You knew exactly what you were doing.”
“I… Let’s just go eat.”
“Hehe, you basically just admitted you were looking for her!” Asmo practically sang.
“Asmodeus. Now is not the time or place for this. We are in mixed company and we are late for dinner. Please refrain from other comments,” Lucifer scolded.
“Psh. You’re no fun tonight,” Asmo pouted, though he went quiet after that.
Satan watched Lucifer as they made their way to the dining hall. He knew Lucifer wasn’t looking forward to being forced to spend time with Michael, but there seemed to be another level to his annoyance. Actually, thinking about it, this new attitude started after the ball. What’s got him so upset?
His thoughts were cut short by Barbatos’ sudden appearance, “If you’ll follow me this way.”
“Ah, Barbatos. I do apologize. We had a… disappearance,” Lucifer shot Satan a glare, to which Satan responded with an eye roll.
“It is quite alright. M… Jane explained everything to us. Lord Diavolo is very excited to hear he helped her finish her composition, and is looking forward to them performing it for us tonight,” he said this with a look at Satan that left no room for argument.
“As long as… Jane is alright with it.”
Barbatos smiled and nodded his head, “Glad to hear,” then to Lucifer, “His Lord is very happy you are all here. We have quite a feast prepared tonight, including…” Barbatos turned and started walking, the brothers all following. Satan stopped listening, instead, focusing on the square envelope in his jacket pocket. He knew he’d have to wait until he was in the seclusion of his bedroom, but he really wanted to hear what she had to say. She had been friendly toward him earlier, so he desperately hoped her letter would be something positive. Even the small amounts of time he’d been able to spend with her had been the best he had had since she had left. He could feel himself loosening up, her presence a balm to his pain and anger. Though she was now an angel, one that didn’t remember their relationship, one that had grown up in the Celestial Realm, at her core she still had the same soul. The one he and all his brothers had fallen for. The one that had picked him last time. If there was any chance for him to win her back, he would use it and regain what he lost.
“Oh, that reminds me of the time he started drunk texting everyone! It was during the first exchange program and he decided we needed to have a drinking contest. Remember that Lucifer? He ended up texting everyone close to him to tell them he loved them! I remember Simeon approaching me, wanting to make sure he was okay. The look on his face when I told him it was because Lucifer got drunk!” Diavolo and Michael started laughing, though they were the only ones.
The dinner had started off fine. Michael had seemed nervous, not saying anything for a good ten minutes besides greetings to the brothers. The brothers themselves were polite, though not friendly. They all worked towards letting Michael know that, talking to everyone but him. And why shouldn’t they? Their human was back, though not a human anymore. Even Levi had started talking to her when Diavolo had started his stories.
“Michael, did I ever tell you about the first time Lucifer came down to the Devildom?” Diavolo’s voice was loud and left everyone silent.
Levi, who was about to respond to something Mc had asked, sighed and leaned back in his chair pouting.
“I don’t believe you have.”
“Well, let me tell you about it. When I first saw Lucifer….” And Diavolo continued. Lucifer was trying very hard to act like he couldn’t hear Diavolo. The way he gripped his fork and his very stiff behavior gave him away. Someone would have to be deaf not to hear Diavolo, which was the point, “And then he left. Though I had said I wasn’t looking for friendship, I couldn’t help but be drawn to him. After he asked if we could speak again… Let’s just say, I was overjoyed. I never expected things to turn out the way they did from that first meeting, but I’m glad they did.”
“I remember him coming back up to the Celestial Realm. I was in the room while he gave our Father his report. He did mention the bad soil, and that he thought your very good manners and hospitality were all an act. He did mention how he did think we should consider your olive branch if you will. I will admit, I thought the whole idea preposterous the first time I heard it, but seeing as how I’m here now, it seems it’s not as crazy as it sounds.”
“I appreciate that Michael,” Diavolo smiled. To anyone looking closely, there was almost a ghost of a smile on Lucifer’s face. Then Diavolo gasped, his eyes shining, “Oh, I totally forgot about the time Lucifer got a cake to the face!” Lucifer abruptly stiffened again, more rigid than he had been before, the red of his eyes seeming to alight.
The conversation devolved from there, the two sharing stories back and forth. Lucifer had broken his fork by holding it too tightly, though he didn’t seem to have registered what he’d done. The glow of his power and displeasure were starting to swirl around his being. Barbatos had left the room to get him another one and was yet to return. Everyone else in the room was slowly inching away from the Avatar of Pride.
“That reminds me of when he-”
All eyes turned toward Mc who had been sitting next to him the whole time but who now seemed intent on speaking to him. Michael, who had been cut off, looked at her in confusion. As Lucifer’s eyes landed on her she visibly shivered, but continued, “I hear you play piano, and are very accomplished at that.”
“Yes, I do.” The answer was curt and so cold it was almost frozen.
“Oh Mc, you should hear him play! He started playing in the Celestial Realm, and I’ve never heard anyone before or since that-”
“That’s great Michael,” Mc answered, cutting him off for a second time, “When I play for you all tonight, would you be willing to make any notes on what I can improve on? It’s been so long since I’ve met someone who could actually give me an honest opinion and real constructive criticism, I would definitely regret it if I didn’t ask you,” she then looked at him with such veneration, Satan instantly felt jealous. Did he not tell her he had worked really hard to get as good at Lucifer? If she wanted pointers, she should just ask him.
Lucifer blinked a couple of times before answering, most of the anger gone from his voice, “If you would like.”
“Really? Oh, I would appreciate that so much! Oh, I can barely wait now!”
Could she be…
“I’ve eaten my fill if you would like some direction now…”
“I’ve eaten enough as well. Would that be alright, Lord Diavolo?”
“That should be fine. In fact, if no one has any objections, how about we all adjourn to the music room. I am very curious to hear the song you’ve been working on.”
Beel looked down at his plate with disappointment, though he quickly shoved the food in his mouth, but no one else had any objections, so they all started to make their way to the music room. Lucifer had latched onto Mc’s arm, talking quietly with her. Satan glared at his back, though he was glad Mc had saved him from Michael and Diavolo so tactfully. She had been able to save his pride and even stoak it a little, ensuring the situation diffused.
“She’s really good at this,” Asmo whispered in Satan’s ear.
“Of course she is,” Satan answered more curtly than he meant to.
“Awww, is someone jealous?” Asmo teased.
“How could I not be?”
“I guess. He’s not the one she’s going to be performing with though,” Asmo answered, before rushing forward to talk to Luke.
Satan sat next to Mc at the piano bench, needing to wait until his part. Though he tried not to, his eyes kept wandering to her face, so expressive as she played. He almost missed his entrance, though the pause was a bit more dramatic that way. They performed as well as they had earlier, possibly better since they’d already played it once before, though it didn’t feel as intimate as it had before. He could only assume it was because they now had a crowd. Well, that and the fact Lucifer was hovering now. When they finished, everyone clapped, Mammon actually whistling.
“I can tell the ending was composed earlier today,” Lucifer began before the clapping had subsided, “It was much less polished than the rest of the piece. I also noticed Satan almost missed his cue...-”
“Would it be better if I were to play some of my other pieces?” Mc cut in. Lucifer had been looking at Satan, about to say something more, “I know it’s good to have feedback when you haven’t nearly perfected a piece, but since I’m looking for the feedback… Oh, I do need a ” She gestured a bit helplessly.
“Very well. Let’s do that then.”
Satan exited the bench, Mc moving to the middle again. Lucifer remained where was at which annoyed Satan. He wasn’t sure if she had intervened in Lucifer’s little rant on purpose, but he was grateful for it. He wasn’t really used to being the brother that was chewed out in public, and he knew he was rusty, but he hadn’t come to the dinner tonight expecting to play for everyone. Not that he couldn’t have handled it had it happened.
The familiar sounds of Bach’s Prelude No. 1 in C Major began, though a bit slower than Satan was used to. He wasn’t surprised Mc knew the song. It was the type of music that would be played in the Celestial Realm. It was a beautiful song, though he would’ve preferred one of her own compositions. He was also a bit confused as to why she was playing it slower than one usually would.
When she was done, Lucifer said the one thing he’d been thinking, “That wasn’t the right tempo.”
“I apologize about that,” Mc blushed, “I’m still getting used to this instrument.” She was getting used to…
Lucifer had the decency to look chagrined, “I apologize I should’ve realized.”
“Oh, it’s alright. I did ask for pointers. I’ve been practicing for a bit now, so I hope it sounds alright.”
“I did notice…” Lucifer launched into a whole rant, Mc paying attention the whole time, even asking for pointers when she didn’t fully understand what he meant. Having made himself feel better by having his ego stroked a bit and by bossing someone around, Lucifer sat down simply listening to her play.
There were some more classics by human composers and some of her own creation. Each one was absolutely beautiful and Satan found himself more and more impressed by just how accomplished she was. She had said he had influenced her a great deal when she was young, but what he saw was not just a child being impressionable. It was the zeal of someone who clearly enjoyed learning and wanted to better themselves. All too soon she asked for a reprieve, having played for a half-hour at least.
“Satan, why don’cha play us somethin’?” Mammon asked, turning towards him.
“Yeah. It’s been a while since you’ve sat down and played something,” Asmo added, winking at him.
“I don’t even know what I’d play.”
“What about ‘Read My Heart’? I like that one,” Beel suggested, smiling over at him.
“That song’s for…” Satan trailed off.
“Exactly. Now, get your butt up there and play it,” Belphie sighed.
Satan approached the instrument slowly. The whole thing had started as a dare. Before Mc had officially chosen him, there had been a lot of back and forth between the brothers over who Mc’s favorite was. An idea that had been put forward was for each of them to write Mc a song. Satan knew his brothers were throwing their all into the song to make it as amazing as they could, Asmo actually bringing in a team to help him with his song, so he had thrown his all in as well, though he went with one instrument that he played himself to make sure it was as authentic as possible, putting every feeling he had for her into the song. His worry about her mortality, which had been well-founded. All the new feelings of love. Contentment. Acceptance. Belonging. Everything. He had been extremely satisfied with the results, though, just like most of their earlier “contests” it didn’t really decide anything.
He had never expected to play this song ever again. Mc had died. What was the point of ever playing it again? He’d written it for her anyway. But… she was back, and she was sitting right there. She had also never heard the song he’d written for her. She’d cried last time she heard it. Would she feel the same way this time?
His hands played the familiar keys, the notes ringing out just the way he remembered. He was afraid he wouldn’t be able to get the first line out, he became so overwhelmed with emotion. He did though, his voice strong. He hoped the lyrics would reach her. Would help her come back to him.
Part Fourteen
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astrablossom · 4 years
You guys asked about me having a OC or so for Obey Me and I do. Three of them. So enjoy as I give short descriptions for each of them, sorry for the crappy scribbles.
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Mic: This first one is Mic, and the name I go by in the game. Constantly gets teased for having a big forehead and honestly gets fed up with the brothers to the point that when Levi tried to attack her she dodged and gave him a whole ass spanking right in front of everyone. When she arrived in the Devildom she had a disgusted look on her face. She don't play. Mic is a overall okay person, very awkward when the bros hit on her and is worried about her response. Very snobby with Belphegor after what happened but Belphegor kinda finds it hot.
Very perceptive, she doesn't buy Belphegor's lie and got on all the brother's nerves when she calls them out on their crap. Falls asleep in class but passes with decent grades, Mammon and Belphie be jealous. There was a one time she forgot she lived in literal hell and walked out in bra and panties. Never lived that down because she was not looking her best.
Solomon simps for her. Levi can't look her straight in the eyes. The brothers try to make her and Belphegor make up by leaving them locked in a room.
Oonba: The one beside Mic in the first picture. I actually made her when I was working in a restaurant a few years ago. My boss was getting on my last nerve and I drew a balloon character because my boss was such an "airhead." Here is the original concept:
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A actual balloon. But Oonba is so damn stupid that it passes Mammon and she often gets in trouble even though she means well. Gets along with everyone and probably gets taken advantage of by some lower demons, Asmo, Solomon- basically anyone that's trying to trick her. Lucifer constantly worries and hates that she tends to have no table manners.
Good cook though. Wears whatever Asmo gives her. Luke enjoys her company and will run around, holding hands with her. Diavolo finds her cute. Mammon steals her money. A lot. Once tried to sneak out of the house but got caught by Lucifer and her excuse was really...terrible to the point Lucifer scolded her for 2 hours and put her on cleaning duty for a month.
Has the most patience out of everyone. Beel likes her a lot.
Sadiki: Lastly we have a Male OC. I wasn't too sure how to go about him. At first I was just drawing the male version of Mic and I wanted to name him Micheal but then I wasn't too sure. Like I wanted give him a cool name, perhaps Shakiel? Nah, Sadiki is cool, means faithful in Egyptian. He's very loud and calm at the same time. Y'all the dude honestly is struggling with his feelings towards the brothers. All my ocs are because they are literal demons and they done some stuff but the dude is very wary of Diavolo. After what happens he just kinda stays quiet around him but will get embarrassed when talking one on one with him.
Will ignore Lucifer to piss him off, you think he can't handle siblings? Psh. He really likes reading books though and often times finds himself reacting scenes with Satan. Asked Simeon some serious questions before and he a slightly different view of the world. One time Beel ate his lunch and he got so upset he ate his food too and the kitchen got destroyed again.
Extra: all the ocs can draw. They always have food on hand. They are that one person in the back of the classroom that munches on a whole meal.
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xamassed · 3 years
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「 @repetiita​ — Christmas 2021 」
"Oh, yeah, Asmodeus got me a gig over the holidays. Isn't this the cutest outfit ever?" Camilla got to dress up in a Santa dress for work at a cafe. No one tell her its p much a maid cafe. Don't tell her Asmodeus just did it to get her to dress up. Fight me, Mammon
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“Asmo got ya the job? Freakin’ figures — probably thought he’d be the one t’get ya outta that outfit too.” He grumbled under his breath and let his eyes wander down to the D.D.D in his hands, feigning complete and total disinterest in her dress. But every so often, when he thought she wasn’t looking, he snuck a glance towards her. He glimpsed her exposed legs and the low, V-neck of the fluffy collar. He hadn’t realized it then, but she looked good in red. Although, thinking about it, this was Camilla. She looked good in damn near everything she wore, and he wouldn’t be the only one to think so.
Was he jealous that other people were going to ogle her? No! Psh. Shut up. Why would he, The Great Mammon, be jealous? “What’s, uh — what’s the job, anyway? I guess I could spare a few seconds of my precious time t’come by and see ya.”
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