#( ooc; logging off. )
godblooded · 28 days
about to be the return of angry psa kat because i’m sick of this shit.
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attroxx · 9 days
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who is gonna let ghost get unhealthy obsessed with them ? who is down to match his freak ? and by freak i mean stalking his love interest. you will never be alone ever again :3
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karnakian · 4 months
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i know i've posted these screenshots before, but god sometimes the symmetry of the language between the first picture (leon's perspective, describing the creation of his and maria's promise) and the second picture (maria's perspective, as she calls their promise off) really hits me hard
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mechahero · 1 month
//Honestly, tossing Lambda into outer space based scenarios is so funny to me. Everyone's going about their business on whatever station they're on meanwhile he's going through an Alien level panic attack.
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devourensarc · 5 months
// I know i'm a bit scarce rn bc of school, but I probably won't be around much starting tomorrow until i'm able to finish arle's story quest. I may be able to start it on wed, but idk how long it will take to finish it - maybe as long as until friday.
I will probably also be able to move to the new blog in early may, since I'll only have three tests for finals and then it's just my summer projects I have.
so!!! all that being said, this will be an affiliates call that will go into effect with the move: like this post if you'd be interested in being affiiliates and we've written together/developed our muses quite a bit. you also have to be okay with me bothering you in dms about them, sending you links to fanarts/memes, and it may even come with spontaneous edits/aesthetics if inspiration strikes.
when I move, I really want to focus on development, with my muse and between muses, on threads both fun and diving into our muses. this is also open to his hsr verse.
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theha1r · 2 months
it's literally 2 am & no one's around but i plan to write tonight. life's just been busy lately & also struggling with the weird feelings i talked about in my previous posts/posts last night (all deleted bc i don't like keeping negativity on my blog, i save the nice words), but i really do want to get some done tonight & i'll probably be up for quite a while. steve is staying my current most consistent muse & i wanna get shit going, i know things have been piling up. sooo yeah <3
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omnipointmuses · 19 days
girl who's somehow able to run a blog despite being permagutslop in some pred's belly
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integrityvictim · 8 months
↸ hhgmmff,, boyfriends poncho,, so warm and comforting,, He's just gonna lay under it for a little while.
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sunny-explosions · 8 months
outofsunshine; I have totally forgotten to log in here for a while, but hi hello! I am still around, just very sparsely. ❤️
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vagabondfromkanto · 7 months
//Holy shit I just found my old Junketsu!Ryuko blog which I forgot I even had. MAN I was better at being fucked up than I ever remembered (and than I could play now, honestly).
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r0s3m4ry-mp3 · 1 year
I literally hate those ppl who are like "uh this is ooc-" I DONT CAREEEE LET ME BE SILLY AND GOOFY AND MAKE SILLY STORIES ABT MY FAVORITE SHIPS😞😞😞😞❗❗❗❗☝️☝️☝️ LIKE I LITERALLY DIDNT ASK😭
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mechahero · 3 months
//Need to utilize the fact that Lambda can recreate old foods... but the catch is that he can't recreate the actual taste of them. And good luck trying to tell him what a particular food tasted like from memory, that won't end well.
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mythvoiced · 7 months
-. wait, I'm back, i need to post some thoughts on poppy playtime real quick because i'm running out of places to infodump this stupid thing i noticed about mommy & miss delight in, so forgive me dash, this is to satisfy my blorbo brain, i'll be out of your hair in a minute, spoilers for chapter 3
i am so obsessed with the way mommy & miss delight vocalize knowing who you are.
first off, miss delight vocalizes recognizing you, mommy includes knowing who you are in her villain speech. LIKE, i'm violently, vibratingly, neurotically overthinking this, but i love languages, i love the fine details of the way people communicate, i am obsessed with how a single change in wording and cadence can apply such a wholly drastic different meaning to any given information, how complex lying can be once you start toying with language etc etc.
miss delight recognizes you in the second voice line she speaks over the speakers, the first one is just some parody of a classic school announcement, but in the second one she literally recognizes you in the line, she sounds casual about it, maintaining her established speech patterns/tone, expressing surprise at you having survived, then something that sounds like disappointment and discovering the reason you're there, and then she extends a warning to you to leave the place before catnap finds out you're there. i mean, sure, she's completely lost it, she talks to her mace and hears it talk back to her, so how reliable can she possibly be, but still. she's got that deal with catnap that keeps her fed, but she still declares her willingness to fuck you up in absolute glee once you show no signs of leaving. once you show no signs of leaving. like, i am obsessed with the voice lines here. in relation to the thing with mommy, though, i love what her recognizing you after doing a double-take, essentially, implies about who player character could be:
someone miss delight had some marginal exposure to, but not enough to recognize upon first glance (sure, ten years, but you were an adult then and now you wouldn't change that drastically without some plot points that would have been too important to not mention, and the nightmare tape implies you weren't there at all on That Day so you have no disfigurements, PLUS the thing with mommy i'll get to in a minute)
someone she doesn't feel vengeful or even particularly hostile towards, if anything, she seems positively inclined if she takes the time to tell you to piss off before you prove yourself to 'not be a good listener' at which point she practically announces 'weLP! gonna hunt you down, then~' (which is also interesting because she actually only comes for you after you activate the generator and after first destroying the generator, as if she was waiting to see if you were trouble, kind of like some interpret to have been the case for huggy wuggy who only came for you when you started reactivating machinery, toy making machinery, the central piece watches you lmao)
someone she does absolutely enjoy killing if given the chance, so not someone she'd been fond of, though this point is wonky because she's lost it
MOMMY, whom i adore btw, goes about mentioning that she too knows who you are in a completely different way, which in on itself could imply a wide variety of things, one among them for example that poppy told her lmao, but honestly, the way mommy talks to you in general is so? i'm probably just overthinking things but i love overthinking about this lmao so bear with me
mommy has four voice lines before she off-handedly indirectly mentions knowing who you are:
when she nabs your red hand
before musical memory
after musical memory
before wack-a-wuggy
after wack-a-wuggy
she mentions knowing you in her 'villain speech' before the start of statues.
she says 'a new playmate' at the beginning, which doesn't necessarily need to imply you're new to her, just that you're new as opposed to the toys she usually 'plays with' or that you've never played with her; she gives you instructions without feeling the need to provide details, along the lines of 'you know what musical memory is, or at the very least where it's located'; she also says 'it'll be just like old times', which could be in reference to the situation in general or something that ties you two together (don't out me for thinking player character could be stella but i'd fuck with it, ask me about it i'll be wholly incoherent but we can get a laugh out of it).
she does provide you with a detail about the wack-a-wuggy game, but you can be familiar with information and the other party might still 'reveal' it to you as a way to introduce a concept, a conversation, a topic, you name it. the line is
'The toys in this game used to have strings attached to them, so they could be pulled back when they got too close to the children. Hmm... Have fun.'
can be interpreted as 'here's information you're not familiar with that i'm giving you as sadistic warning' but if you're deranged like me also as 'this might be information you know, i'm just giving you a sadistic indirect warning that this is no longer the case', both would be evil because mommy is evil but i think she's fun
also, mommy never feels the need to explain anything to you, not really; she describes the rules of her game, but she doesn't stop to wonder if you know what the game station even is, that this used to be a place for kids to be at, mommy just straight up knows the entire time that you used to work there and weren't some rando curiously exploring the place, maybe poppy told her, maybe no rando would have made it as far into the factory to reach her, maybe she simply saw you and knew right away that you were a former employee, BUT doesn't that imply she recognized you instantly? and why doesn't she kill you right after she grabs poppy? (sure, "it's a videogame she can't do that there would be no game" we're doing this game theory style, hold them accountable for suspension of disbelief and 'il patto narrativo', design the game in a way that would make it illogical/impossible for her to kill you then and i'll buy it, but tbh she probs just wanted to fuck around with you, SHE'S FUN)
these are the pre-statues voice lines
It was always so sad to see the kids go... They called me "Mommy" because I was the closest thing they ever had to one. But they'd come for games, and never come back. They left Mommy to die alone. Mommy didn't deserve that! But you? You worked here. So if anyone deserves to die alone, it's you.
this is where Mommy officially states via implication that she recognizes you at the very least as former employee. i say 'via implication' because she doesn't actually ever stop to tell you 'i know who you are' or 'i recognize you' the way miss delight does; miss delight notices while watching you, to mommy on the other hand, this information was such a given that she did not feel the need to reveal it to you.
mommy loves to scare the shit out of you, and to play with you, she'd most likely gleefully gloat if she could use the information that she recognizes you to scare you, but she doesn't. the emphasis of that part is not on her knowing who you are, but on her declaring that your role as former employee makes you guilty and deserving of capital punishment lmao
she recognizes you, she recognizes you as an employee who had enough power to be an accomplice (which works for the nightmare tape, again, is this stella-); would mommy lump all employees into being worthy of blame for what happened? maybe, she is particularly hostile towards all employees, after all, but it is interesting nonetheless to interpret it as her recognizing that you are guilty in some aspect solely for working in the position you worked.
still, to recognize you as an employee - if you're most definitely not dressed in a uniform omg why would you-- - she'd have to... know you were one (unless she's hostile to all adults, but GOSH, always adding the antithesis as afterthought must be so exhausting to read lmao)
gosh, i'm losing my train of thought, damned neurodivergent brain, but basically: mommy states her recognizing you as an established fact that doesn't need to be re-established, not to her, and not to you. she shares it with you as a statement she doesn't assume you would find surprising to hear out of her.
sure, this is all according to my interpretation of tone of voice and whatnot compared to patterns in other auditive story telling, not to mention it's unclear how reliable deranged characters are BUT ISN'T IT INTRIGUING, ISN'T IT WORTH THE BRAINROT
i also love that it's mommy & miss delight so openly vocalizing recognizing you, two characters directly tied to stella in one way or another; i mean, that player character is most likely a high-ranking employee is pretty much a given at this point, but stella was head of playcare but also of game station. do you see my vision. it would tie in neatly with the nightmare tape and with the reversed radio tape in the nightmare sequence, 'you missed the meeting', and the guilt described, which goes beyond survivor's guilt and paints you/player character as someone who feels like an accomplice, like someone who, had they been there, could have made a difference. or who, via inaction/ignorance/passivity let the things that happened happen, which works for stella, who, as the hartmann incident tape confirms, did not know what was happening.
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and... i tired myself out and have to log off again, if you read any of this, remember matpat is retiring in march
on a separate note, could this bigger bodies mommy (our mommy ♥) be ms harper
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sunlessea · 8 months
sometimes the things i read from ppl on this site are like the dumbest shit i've ever seen another human type and i wish they could see what they look like thru normal human eyes idk KJEMRH
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chuuya-nakaharapm · 8 months
Fuck this website, Im going outside.
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fangmother · 2 days
i made a valiant effort but the blood donation is getting to me and i must sleep
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