#( roman gallagher. )
svltburn · 5 months
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Food Fight! Heartbreak High: S2E7 The Grapes of Voss
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oacest · 29 days
[noel claiming liam wrote better man about him]
- noel: thanks very much. another new song. it's one that he wrote *points at liam* - liam: nod nod 👆 - crowd cheers - noel: was that a sarcastic cheer because it's taken him fuckin thirty years to write a song? - liam: 😁 - noel: believe you me, he got the same reaction in the studio - crowd cheers - liam (to the crowd): alright now, why don't you all spit on me at this point - noel: anyway, apparently it was written about me, it's called better man - song plays - liam: clap, ya bastards!
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thirstyvampyr · 2 months
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hydrochloric-ac1d · 5 months
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 8 months
nothing hurts more than sandy confronting debbie about her abandonment issues, saying there’s always reasons people leave and that everyone in debbie’s family is sick of her and wants to leave her too, and then debbie, looking more small and helpless than she has in several seasons, looking terrified and frozen in a little kid bed surrounded by toys.
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lovekenney · 9 months
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Women of shameless // Lana del Rey
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lupeloto · 1 year
“the best thing to ever happen to me” ficlet
so ian is struggling with a down and mickey does some reasssuring
Mickey stands at a still in the doorway for a bit, the lowering Sun peaking through the small crack in the curtains. It’s shining on Ian’s body, glistening against his pale-freckled skin, like it was made to illuminate him.
Mickey stalls in the doorway a moment longer, his heart slightly weighed down at the sight of Ian in the same position he left him in this morning… covers draped loosely over his stomach, arms curled underneath his chin, back turned towards the door
“Hey sleepyface,” Mickey shakes himself, forcing a smile on his face as he makes his way to Ian’s side of the bed.
Mickey crouches down in front of him, bringing his hand up to gently caress his cheek as Ian’s eyes flutter open slowly.
A small, almost unnoticeable smile tugs at his lips at the sight of Mickey, “Hey,” he says in a barely audible whisper.
“Hey,” Mickey grins, “Can I make ya something to eat? I’ll see what i can do with the fuckin’ pizza rolls and pop-tarts we got.”
Ian doesnt respond, simply shifting the comforter back on the spot next to him, signaling for Mickey to join him. Although irritated at being ignored, he feels a rush of relief flood his body. Ian wanting company was a good sign.
“Alright softie, gimme a minute,” Mickey tugs off his work uniform before grabbing a pair of sweatpants from the drawer. He pulls back the comforter, a sigh of relief escaping him as the cold sheets hit his bare chest. It had been a long day taking on deliveries himself…not that he would ever complain.
“Ya wanna turn around? Haven’t seen that face all day,” Mickey touches Ian’s shoulder lightly.
Ian slowly turns his body around, a certain sluggishness plaguing his movements, “Telling me you miss my face and i’m the softie?” He speaks slower than usual, a lag in his joke delivery but a small smile on his face anyways.
“Fuck off,” Mickey says through stifled laughs. He revels in this moment, that sunset now revealing a dusted pink through the curtains that shine on Ian’s face, perfectly complimenting the dusting of orange freckles.
“I’m sorry,” Ian whispers, facing Mickey, hands curling up under his chin again.
“I know it’s hard. It doesn’t just happen to me,” he hesitates, stumbling slightly over his words, “It-it’s happening to you, too. And i’m-“
“Hey,“ Mickey leans his face in closer, eyes staring up at Ian, “Shut the fuck up for me.”
“Don’t wanna hear any more of that shit. You happening to me was the best goddamn thing I could’ve asked for,” Mickey rolls over on his back, slightly insecure at the level of intimacy in the statement.
“Hey,” Ian touches Mickey’s chin, turning his face towards him, “You’re the best thing to ever happen to me too.”
“Yeah?” Mickey asks, flashing that one-smile he does paired with a flush of his cheeks. Ian fucking loves that smile. From the minute he first saw it he never wanted it to leave, promising himself to make him smile like that every single day he could.
“Yup. Known it for eleven years of my life,” Ian says, a slight higher register in his voice that lifts a small weight off Mickey’s chest.
“Alright, enough of this shit you sappy-ass. I’m starvin’, want some pizza rolls? Pop-tarts for dessert?” Mickey questions, raising his eyebrows sarcastically as if he had just offered Ian a five-star meal.
“Sounds perfect.” Ian says through a satisfied sigh.
Mickey fumbles out of the bed, leaning over the place a quick peck on Ian’s forehead, moving to his lips for a slightly longer one.
They pull away, a smile on both their faces, “Now get your ass in there, Gordon Ramsey,” Ian grins lightly, poking fun at Mickey’s five-star dinner proposal, feeling a blanket of warmth settling over him.
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pumpkinrootbeer · 7 months
imo there is something to be said for how Lip is consistently placed in the position of protector/parent. Obviously we see him take care of all his younger siblings, especially Liam. But beyond that from very, very early on in the show we see him have a strong vested interest in protecting kids, like when Karen is going to give the baby up for adoption; "Now, uh, do you check the, uh, families for, you know, um, alcohol and drug abuse? Make sure they have enough income to feed it and stuff?", "But they're still good families right? You make sure they're going to decent parents?"(s2.8)
Or in s3.4 when he convinces Mandy to help him rescue her half-sister, Molly. "She sounded desperate. Let's see if we could get her, let's see if we could help." and "If she ran, it was probably for a good reason, no?"(s3.6). Of course there's the entirety of season 4, where he's not only willing to drop out of college to look after Liam but then is afraid to even let Liam out of his sight for almost the rest of the season. And then, obviously, there's Xan in season 8 & 9, a complete stranger but still a kid in need who he then helps without question. He also gives Xan and her mom ten thousand dollars.
Also in s4 (sorry just a really good Lip season in general), it's Lip who realizes something is wrong with Ian and goes looking for him (s4.5) and then it's Lip who takes care of Fiona after she breaks parole (s4.10). On top of which, the only reason Lip is even going to college, despite vocally saying he doesn't want to numerous times, is because it'll help his family if he gets a good job; "Except the little ones Debbie, and- and Carl, and- and Liam, and, my sister Fiona. I could be there for them but I'm not. You know, 'cause I'm here. 'cause I'm told that, that's something I could do for those kids, in a big way, in a real way.' (s5.8)
This perception that Lip both doesn't care about Fiona (or the rest of his family) and doesn't do anything for them is such a misconception. Obviously, there's everything he does to help in s4, from picking up Fiona in Wisconsin to stealing food and cooking dinner every night, but there's how he does try to help Ian, like in s7.3 when he convinces Ian to take his meds. Or in s9.6 when he does a gig as a sober coach to get Ian money for his commissary account in prison. And, then, of course there's how Lip is the reason Fiona goes to AA in s9, both by convincing V to not enable Fiona, "What kind of friend do you want to be? The kind that sees her drunk at the Alibi every morning?" and also by telling Fiona, "Get to a meeting."(s9.12).
I think it's also worth mentioning that Lip only kicks Fiona out once she starts being a danger to the kids in the house, "I'm not letting you stay here! Not with Franny, and not with Liam. No fucking way."(s9.12) Keep in mind, the previous episode he had to body block Fiona to keep her from yelling around and at Xan.
It's just such a wild misreading of the text that Lip is callous or selfish in regards to his family, and especially in the context of Fiona and their relationship. When people say that Fiona always took care of Lip and he never gave anything in return, or that he pushed her to take care of their whole family and never stepped up, I think they're just willingly choosing which parts of the show to engage with and which to ignore.
Obviously there's the age gap, she's 5 years older, (in s8 Lip says he's 23 and Fiona says she's 28) so I'm not sure how much you guys wanted a 4 year old to pitch in when you bring up what she was doing at 9. But beyond that, when Lip got old enough to help, he did. We see him helping throughout the show, we see him stepping up and caring for everyone including Fiona. And it's not just Fiona he was helping, he did Kev and V's taxes, he was the one who came up for the plan to keep Debbie out of jail in s1 when she stole the baby. He helps JimmySteve throughout season 1-3.
And at the exact same time, Lip ends up having to solve most of his problems on his own or he just never brings them to Fiona in the first place. When she does find out he has something going on, her advice usually boils down to telling him to fix it; "So what are you going to do?"(s2.5) "Make it right with Ian."(s2.6) "You want to piss away every single chance you get, including this job, that's your business but don't drag me into it."(s7.10) It's also interesting how in her big "I was nine" speech in s7.12, Lip is the only one she doesn't mention.
Honestly the only character we see actually looking after Lip during his struggles with alcoholism is Debbie throughout s6 and 7. ("I don't want you to end up like Frank" being the reason he goes to rehab, "Do you need us to hide the beer?", "He's trying to get sober Frank!", and of course her confronting him in s7.11 when she finds out he's been drinking and makes sure he's going to a meeting.)
I wanna make it really, really clear that I'm not blaming Fiona or anything other character. I honestly think it's actually really compelling story telling that Lip is the sibling Fiona has a completely different dynamic with and that he's the one she consistently leans on. Not to mention, Lip clearly struggles to accept help and is pretty closed off emotionally. (Almost every big scene we see regarding their family he shuts down and goes silent.) But! I do think there's just this wild misconception with Lip's character that he's ungrateful, selfish, and uncaring towards his family. Yes he's prickly and rude and arrogant, but he's also incredibly caring and that's been a consistent character trait since day 1.
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loomiseater · 6 months
I think I wanna start writing little drabbles/imagines so can u guys send prompts or whatever
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What? No I don’t have a set type of man I like..
Person: what about all of them
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Me: clearly…those are my emotional support broken white men who fear the reality of letting themselves be loved. No 1 and 3 are not just the same person in a different font….number 1s a recovered alcoholic and number 3s just trying his best.
Fine yes I have a type.
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endiness · 1 year
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littlemissmoodswings · 3 months
succession is just the rich people version of shameless (us).
fucked up father who pitter patters between "loving" and despising his children and is never TRULY reliable unless something is in it for him causes said children to be a little "fucked up" to cope with the expectations/trauma put upon them and to try and glue themselves back together any way they possibly can even if it means being self destructive (in similar and different ways), and in some cases even hit rock bottom, because their understanding of love/affection is skewed because they're so used to having to EARN it and never DESERVING it.
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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quackghost · 29 days
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More dancing Garry and Dodo !
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 6 months
john wells gave us s10 debbie and we were like “wow, things seem to actually be going well for her. maybe she’s actually gonna be happy for onc-” and then she gets arrested and in the next season is absolutely miserable and her entire family mocks and bullies her and lip tries to steal her house and it ends with her in an abusive relationship. literally WHY
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sammygender · 1 year
obviously every roy sibling is incredibly cisgender but can you imagine if they weren’t. trans connor roy, so irrelevant that his dad probably forgot he was ever a girl? trans kendall roy, worlds first transmasculine absent father? trans sioban roy, determined to out-do her brothers via transitioning to female? trans roman roy— yeah i actually don’t have much to say about him i dont think his character would meaningfully change. notice i say ‘roy sibling’ because greg could theoretically be trans. like i don’t think he is but technically we’d like never know. idk. it’d kind of work. except for the fact that he’s 6’7
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moonschocolate · 5 months
okay yes i love lip i yes i love carl yes i love ian yes i love A WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE, but my n1 is always gonna be fiona.
SHE DID FUCK UP. What she did was wrong, but she couldnt bear it anymore.
she was fourteen and she raised 5 other kids who were 11, 10, 7, 5 and 4 months old, not only that, but it's not like frank just wasn't there, she made her pay ALL HIS DEBTS. and hell, she cared about them too, she went on being their "mom" for what, 15 years or so?
she basically was EXPLODING. Yet she always cared.
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