#( something rlly outta left field )
kokoronohiroi · 11 months
thinking of pokemon teams for u muses are always so fun. please know that okuyasu would have tyrogue and every evolution of it because he thinks theyre such a cool fighting type
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t4tpumpkinduo · 3 months
if those text post about the sa stuff is about cq i am baffled with how blind someone has to be to be that bad at media literacy and racist hello
no like. lmao it's super abt cq and yeah. it's horrible.✌️ i like don't even know where to begin w what an awful take it is. can we be people.
it's just uhh. well. imo not good to take v v lighthearted joke/outta context bits that aren't given narrative weight and then spin them into something they Never Were for some like. idk. leeway? is that what it is? leveling the playing field? i see this talk abt cquackity frm a lot of ppl (v consistently in cdr*blr, just to paint a picture lmao.) but the one that makes me the saddest is frm ppl who rlly like cschlatt and wnna fight back at his unjust bigoted fanon treatment by being unjust and bigoted to. another character?  like. ok? 😭
the worst thing is, for the second group, (first group don't matter i'm not wasting my time arguing w ppl like that), is that it's coming from ppl who are like. all things considered completely right abt cschlatt! it's absolutely correct to get upset abt an addict being demonized, having all his actions taken in the worst faith imaginable. having joke bits that don't have narrative weight treated as hard canon when that's not the case at all, just to paint some stupid picture that woobifies and dilutes other characters at his textually supposed to be sympathetic expense. it's ridiculous! that's all true!! cschlatt sweep forever that's my special princess like i agree!!!
so if you can understand that taking bits where he's like slapping cqs ass, or making boy prostitute jokes at cfundy, or batting people around jokingly/w no narrative weight are clearly meant to be at most shitty jests w no added pressure to them, and painting it as smthing else is disingenuous and transparent. why the hell are you taking like this abt cquackity then 😭 why the hell are HIS actions suddenly being scrutinized w the same rightfully critiqued incorrect lense! it's just sowugrrugrbrfnjfk
and on top of that, you cannot divorce the way ppl look at things and the way they filter them. like uhh for example. there's a stream where ckarl just like drugs cquackity. he puts heroin in his shit and it causes him a psychotic break and q chases the guy like an animal abt it for quite a while until he sobers up. ckarl also called him like ugly and stupid and unlikable and at one point hunted him down with an axe across the map bcs he left him at a joke altar. and i have never once in my life seen ppl freak out at ckarl abt it and go ohhh he must be a secret abuser oooh. BECAUSE THAT'S NOT TRUE AND SHOULD NEVER BE A TALKING POINT IN THE FIRST PLACE 😭 OBVIOUSLY!!! it's not supposed to be taken that way in the narrative at all. ckarl is explicitly a good guy, who means well and likes playing pranks on his friends who he loves dearly enough to sacrifice himself for them over and over. there's no awful weight to these actions he's playing his damn touys. when shit is meant to be held to a standard it literally just is held to it the dsmp isn't subtle there's no way around it. and if smone tried to tell you anything different abt it the ridicule they'd deserve would be astronomical.
ctubbo tried to drown ctommy and spent the whole time giggling abt it. that doesn't mean ctubs is some kinda freak abt it because it's treated in the narrative as a bit. ctommy hits and lashes out at cjack a lot. it's never treated or supposed to be taken as ctommy fucking abusing him. 😭 cschlatt and cq make jokes at eachother and it just point blank is never coded in any other way than them doing bits and speaking in freak tongues and having gay ghost sex infront of cq's fucking dad and being light hearted assholes to eachother until we get to the scenes where weight IS being applied. and even then it's not abusive it's human conflict between equals. like fuck's sake.
and idk. like i said, it rlly is interesting that it's applied to those character specifically. and the hypocritical gross ass double standard of it all is suddenly like. so ignorable huh how weird. so you see specifically the addict character who's at most an asshole as some uniquely scary demon evil abuser despite him not being that at all. you see this mentally ill deeply psychotic dude who's at most an asshole and think he's a violent freak who beats his brother even though he clearly isn't. you see this brown character, one of the ONLY ones, and suddenly yr stumbling over yrself abt how he's a violent assaulter and also fantasy racist to white characters despite all the. wow yr rlly cool and normal and not transparent at all hahaha. wow. hah. what a world.
anyways yeah like. i'm not gnna engage w this fuckass topic no more gensrs. it's bad for my blood sugars it's bad for my liver i've said my piece i'm done i'm sick of it. 👍 i'm just gnna start blocking even more ppl and focusing on the good of the fanbase instead. sucks that it's so common and unchecked but whatttt can you do except keep sending ghouls and devils to their addresses. if you have this wack ass "interpretation" do us both a favor and fucking block me. sword slash through the chest and you're on fire.
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yagamisharem · 2 years
fma 03: the reviews are in
ending - sucks ass. made me sad. felt inconclusive and lame as hell
worldbuilding - not as good. the earth thing came outta left field and the wars were glazed over. honestly i think they just didn’t get as deep into it, but they dealt w the ishvalans pretty well. also the earth thing
theme - “if you work hard you’ll get something back” feels like some sorta propaganda ew tf
the beginning episodes: wtf show was that
the fighting: i can’t lie it was fucking beautiful? i don’t remember any of the brotherhood fights being this breathtaking like i rewatched a bunch of them actually. the final blow to greed? the way got got envy into that headlock? and then took out his knee?
the openings and endings: 100% more memorable that brotherhood’s openings and endings. one of the most enjoyable parts tbh i caught myself singing one at work the other day
ed and al: split up at the end and personally i am sad so objectively it’s bad hope this helps
sgt brosch: his name is not fucking block. also they said “ishbal” the whole time. v annoying
hohenhiem: not sexy and not very forgivable. i hate him. forgivable isn’t rlly the word i’m looking for it’s like he’s harder to identify with and he doesn’t carry the same guild brotherhood hohenhiem does. he doesn’t feel fleshed out and also he looked like shit the whole time
kimblee: i’m mentioning him bc brotherhood kimblee is super evil yes but he is also v sexy and i love him and i hate him and 03 kimblee is ugly and annoying. 0/10
alphonse: why. why is he like that. he’s so annoying, he doesn’t learn, he seems even more immature and just plain idiotic by the end than he did at the begin. keeps stupid secrets, is stubborn about idiotic things, doesn’t question Why ed is maybe doing the things he’s doing when ed is literally trying his best, doesn’t fucking notice when ed is pushing himself through all his old trauma just to save his damn brother, abandons ed briefly for the father he doesn’t even fucking remember… reverse growth.
ed: i’m gonna be honest i like 03 ed a lot like he pisses me off too but he’s so. him. only character that doesn’t feel out of character. and he faces so much of his old trauma in such him ways and breaks and UGH. i love him
mustang: why is he Like That?????? < this was abt the way they sexified him but Aside from that. “i’m a soldier i don’t mind war” IS A DIRECT QUOTE. WHO AM I EVEN LOOKING AT RN
the homunculi: okay i hated lust the first go around but this time she was actually p interesting to me i liked her a lot. wrath was annoying but i can see how his character worked for the show. all in all the whole failed human transmutation and weakness to body parts thing was cooler than anticipated and we got a lot of ed dealing w his shit w his mom
greed specifically: NOT MY GREED. I MISS HIM.
hughes: no complaints here actually i just had to watch him die again and it made me sad. same goes for the nina shit. ALSO
scar: same as mustang literally who is this that’s not scar. he’s a pussy ass bitch and also all this “gods punishment” or whatever stuff was annoying and trite and his brother sucked ass
romance: i’m adding this in bc there’s a distinct lack of edwin The Ship Of All Time and one of the few het ships i mf Stand For
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blasphamoustraitors · 7 years
Ok now that im home from the con for the night and less high strung @ my eariler anon is it bc of my physical aperance in some way or how i present myself that made u assume im not white
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