westwing19 · 11 months
Purrs time 🔊
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piratadelamor · 1 year
skip and loafer ch. 53
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shima seems to see romantic love as a combination of different attraction factors, where liking someone as a person (for their personality) can be compensated for other things, therefore your standarts are lower when you're romantically attracted to someone. the way he sees it, the highest form of steem you can have for someone is to like them as a person, where these other factors don't matter and what you truly value is solely their personality.
i think it's interesting how mukai introduces this conversation by building a hierarchy of feelings, where romantic love stands on top of the feelings of friendship and of liking someone as a person, because that's one concept i've been personally focusing on deconstructing in my life. it's precisely by differenciating these types of feelings and putting them on a hierarchy that so many people end up in romantic relationships with people they don't really like, or why so many people drift away from their friendships when they start dating someone.
through everyone else's eyes, shima's feelings are romantic, and he doesn't feel like they are, because romance to him means something else. the lines between liking someone as a person, as a friend and as a lover are blurred. and listen, that's how they're supposed be. to love someone as a lover is supposed to mean you love them as a friend and as a person as well. a friend and a lover shouldn't be too different, and liking them as a person is supposed to be the core of both feelings.
i don't think shima is being innocent, like i've seen so many people saying on twt since the chapter came out. i think he's touching something very deep about relationships in our society that so many stories that focus on romance fail to address. in most of these stories, romance is the final goal. that's where most of them end. that's not the case here. i was already surprised when mitsumi and shima started dating, and even more surprised when they went back to being friends. that's not the usual narrative for this kind of story. because here, it doesn't seem like this hierarchy matters. and i think it's beautiful and i think it's HUGE how both shima and mitsumi value their friendship above everything else. not only them, because friendship is one of the main themes of this story. both as a dynamic and as a type of love as well.
but people have different perspectives on love and how love feels for them. it's different for mitsumi, for shima, for mika, for fumi. the way you're taught about love in your family or as a child in general has a big role on shaping that. we saw the matter of mitsumi having received lots of love in her family and childhood friends being brought up before as an explanation for her confidence. then, on the other hand, that's why we see shima acklowledging this on the next panels:
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we know a few things about shima's family and their complicated relationships. shima never realized his little brother liked him because he saw his behavior as coldness or indifference, when he was actually being considerate of the distance shima was putting between them himself. he felt the need to please his mother by acting in order for her to love him, or for him to be worthy of her love, because their relationship was too anchored on exploitation. his father was having an affair, which not only made shima watch the failure of his parents marriage but also perceive romantic love as something superficial (as in "people break up and move on to the next person") and possibily as something that pushes people away. then shima's first girlfriend only liked him because of his looks, and so many others confessed to him without barely even knowing him. how could shima trust his own feelings after all of that? if he spent most of his formative years in an environment of appearences where love was tied to selfishness, interest, volatility, coldness, pain? shima learned to supress all his feelings and be a people pleaser as a survival mechanism. don't get too attached, live up to others expectations, keep your distance, smile and wave, bottle it all up. he is a kid that doesn't know a single thing about love and is scared as hell of it. love feels as if something is about to break.
that's why liking someone as a person feels more important to him. and that's not only the highest feeling he can have for someone else, i think this is the highest form of feeling he thinks someone could have for him too. it's the kind of feeling he thinks his own mother couldn't have, because acting was more important to her than who he actually was. it's the feeling he unconciously doesn't allow others to feel for him, because he never shows people who he truly is. so shima understands mitsumi's words as a love confession back in chapter 41. she didn't say "i love you", she said "that's what i love about you". and he asks her out, not only because he already knows mitsumi is different, so it seems more reasonable to give it a try, but also because he thinks this is how it's supposed to go. this is what he thinks it's expected to give her in return.
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when society puts romance on the top of the relationships/feelings hierarchy, it builds an insane amount of expectations around it. i think it's crazy how friendships feel so free while romantic relationships feel so enclosured. they have too many rules. you're supposed to do this, and that, and behave in certain ways. if you start dating a friend then suddenly your friendship dynamic changes. a boyfriend or a girlfriend have responsibilities that friends don't have. it's a weight. i can't imagine a person like shima feeling any other way about a romantic relationship. for him, this is a big, big weight. that's why he puts an emphasis when he says "i thought that i could be a 'boyfriend' too". a boyfriend is a social role. when he phrases it like that, he's using the word "boyfriend" as an outside concept: he doesn't know what it means to him, he only knows what it means for everyone else. and that's not something he can do.
mukai is absolutely right when he tells shima he shouldn't be going out with anyone. shima isn't ready to be that close to anyone, not even his closest friends. i can't even describe how sad i felt when mukai said this to him:
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shima is just so, so lonely...
but this doesn't mean that shima's supposed to become ready to be a "boyfriend" on those terms. i just think he's still trying to figure out what all of these things mean to him. and the good thing is that mitsumi is also trying to figure out these things too. the difference between them is that mitsumi is a few steps ahead, because she already understands what friendship love feels like. and when it comes to that, she gave us one of the most special love confessions i've ever seen.
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so many people talked about this scene already, but now, in the light of chapter 53, her saying "i really like this person" has a whole new meaning. this is the most honest love shima has ever received from anyone. no romantic confession could top that. no romantic feeling could heal his wounds the way these words from mitsumi can. this is a treasure shima can't afford to lose.
we're taught that romantic love will save us. that it will make us the happiest, that it completes us. we grow up believing that we can't survive without it. what we really can't survive without are our friends... skip and loafer is putting friendship above everything else, but more than that, it is questioning how romantic love is supposed to feel. some people feel it, some people don't. i think most of us don't really know what it is. we think we do because we read enough, we saw enough movies, we listened to enough love songs. i think i felt it a few number of times in my life but everytime i felt it for someone new i asked myself, was it really love before? what is it, really? if i never read those books or saw thoses movies or listened to those songs. would i recognize it? would i know it better? would it even exist?
aren't shima's feelings for mitsumi already valuable enough? big enough, true enough? would they change if he called them romantic? mitsumi has SO much to teach him about love, about himself, about others. their encounter is so beautiful and so rich. we see how much he's changing, how many new things he's finally starting to understand about himself, how many important steps he's taken since they met. is finding romance at the end really the most important thing for their story?
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13thdoodle · 9 months
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bunch of Phantasy AU doodles n wip from earlier this year
Basically I just found out this year that ball-jointed dolls actually have strings in them and not just... magically attached by the ball joints themselves? And 31 in this AU is a ball jointed doll that were made out of Danny's energy so here we are :3c
I've been watching a lot of doll customization since earlier this year and found out from dollightful's video that no they are all connected by elastic strings inside so that's where the idea came from
...i was looking on google to find a good example to put here and clearly I'm not exactly paying attention to how the main body strings are actually.. pinned to?
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the video I've been watching the most is dollightful n moonlight jewel and they have their bjd usually only to the bottom of the doll head instead of all the way to the top on the skull pin like the diagram above
Which is why 31 has his strings all connected to the 'heart' in the middle instead of the head kasjdnkasjnd
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But yeah uhhh specifics aside...
Those ball jointed dolls made me think of 31, and then thinking about the clones in Phantasy AU and like.. the logistic of it
for 31, the idea is that during the circus gothica arc for this AU, Danny actually got kidnapped all the whole way into another universe/plane in which he met Valeska (Enn's oc) who unalive what his face the circus leader n break Danny's hypnosis
and now that Danny is essentially stuck in a whole other plane/realm/or sth he just following Valeska hoping she'll help him find his way back.
In one such trip, Danny got kidnapped (again) by another group/cult who wanted to use his power/energy as a gate keeper to the ghost zone to make their own gate keeper so they can open portals to ghost zones and maybe other realms too
31 is part of the experiments. He's a doll made with part of Danny's energy as his core.
And then it's.. uhh.. sth sth Valeska finally found out where they kept Danny and devour everyone there safe from Danny n 31 who helped him escape so now the three of them travel together~
The last pict is me thinking about clones and kingdom hearts :tm: so dramatic about Danny being the soul separated from the main body and 31 a clone made from part of the soul too and all that Not sure where I'm going with that but it do sound cool
And there's also Danielle but I'm not exactly sure.. how she would fit in? but it would be interesting if she was made from Danny's body somehow
so 31 made from part of teh soul and Dani from part of the body sounds poetic somehow
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mymarifae · 3 months
sorry. aventurine got me
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it was the "chasing after your past self (who loves you and wants to encourage you and ease all your fears) through an amusement park while your future self (who hates you and spends every second disparaging and tormenting you) follows close behind" sequence. two seconds into that and i knew i was doomed
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goldentigerfestival · 3 months
I repeat, I am a sucker for soft, gentle Yuri, and the way Yuri goes so soft for Karol because Karol just wants to be believed and is sad makes my heart a little puddle.
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julem · 5 months
threshold is also insane to broach the topic of infinite velocity in season 2 of a show ABOUT CROSSING THE ENTIRE GALAXY TO GET HOME
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reallyhardy · 1 year
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"gar, meet vic. there's a 50-50 chance you'll kill each other."
joivan wade as victor stone & ryan potter as garfield logan in TITANS: s4 ep 10 - game over.
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clotpolesonly · 1 month
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Mister Impossible ch 19 // Greywaren ch 25
#ronanedit#declanedit#auroraedit#trcedit#tdtedit#Ronan Lynch#Declan Lynch#TRC#TDT#quote posts#they never get to TALK about any of this together on the page#Declan reveals that Mor was his ''real'' mother and he always knew that to Matthew in CDTH#but Ronan was already doing Hennessy shit by then and everything happens so fast#i don't think Ronan gets that memo at least not directly from Declan#but it explains? so much?? really recontextualizes Declan's whoooole ✨ everything ✨#i feel like Ronan might have more sympathy for Declan's conflicted feelings about their mother after this#cuz he would have felt the same ^^^#he wouldn't have been content with a dreamt copy!! he would always know it was a replacement!!! it's not HER!!!!!#he has a bit more understanding of dreams as Real Whole People that Declan is still struggling with#but he would always know that it was a different person playacting at being his mother#and that's not something that he could abide#he's got to understand now in a way he didn't before why Declan had so much trouble connecting with Aurora#he always knew that he had lost someone (been left behind) and this was the placeholder their father gaslit him into accepting#and honestly Declan's treatment of Aurora was the real thing to break their relationship not anything Niall-related#Declan didn't fight dad's will because he didn't consider their mother worth fighting for in dad's absence#THAT is what Ronan said he would never forgive him for#walking away from not only their home but their mother#he never came to see Aurora in cabeswater and it's unclear if that was his choice or if Ronan didn't invite him#there is SO much to unpack idk this just feels like a crucial thought for Ronan to have#the key to unlocking a whole lot of his brother's psychology that he's never been privy to before
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acerikus · 27 days
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still thinking about these lines... g o d what does this MEAN
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salty-an-disco · 2 months
Yeah, sure, gonna do this too. Here’s a list of some of my ships and also just some dynamics I’m really fond of:
Gonna start with my explicit romantic ships, ranging from OTP (my personal description of an OTP is a pair I cannot imagine in any other relationship) to ships I’m just very fond of.
ContraHero (duh, my OTP of all time)
ParaCold (smth of a secondary OTP, I’d say, since I also can’t imagine them in any other relationship lmao [at least, long-term])
Foreign Body (Quiet/Stranger) (I can’t imagine the heart not being Stranger, tbh, and also, smth about the both of them having a ‘monstruous’ form aksmdjddj)
Skeptunist (it’d be a slooooooww and LOOOONNNG burn, but I think the progress would be so interesting and the eventual relationship so weirdly sweet)
Ghost Lily (Spectre/Witch) (reaching OTP to me, ngl, as I can’t bring myself to be invested in other relationships involving them lmao)
Sweethearts (Smitten/Damsel) (have no problems imagining them with others, but this is still my primary ship for them)
Eternal Challenge (Stubborn/Asversary) (same situation as above)
Aaannnnd that’s it for explicit romantic pairs I think, I’m. actually a pretty picky shipper akmaksmdjkdmd
Now let’s move to what I call my OTBesties. When you ship them, but in a ‘they’re besties!!!’ way :D
Dark Comedy (Contra&Cold)
Strategy Game (Skeptic&Cheated)
Shining Shield (Hero&Para)
Bare Root (Wounded Wild&Thorn)
Mending Hearts (Smitten&Broken)
Confined Minds (Prisoner&Skeptic)
Thespians (Oppy&Smitten)
Those are the ones that actively takes up more brain space, and ones which I most rotate around my head. Here’s some general dynamics I like exploring:
North Star (Cold/Oppy): their toxic yaoi wouldn’t last a year and be horrible for the both of them (mainly Oppy), and I’m all here for it.
Smitten and Skeptic, while not in OTBesties tier for me, is also a friendship I’m very fond of. I think they’d have coffee in the morning together.
Nightmare’s possible dynamic with anyone would be so interesting to explore, but especially with Tower– just. imagine the chaos
Speaking of– also Tower’s dynamic with Razor. Put her in the same room with some of the most relentless and violent vessels, I wanna see what happens
Wraith and Cheated would be an interesting dynamic when taken out from their chapter’s context tbh– Wraith is resentful because of how she’s been treated and only resorted to those drastic actions because that’s what you left her with. I think Cheated would sympathize with that and realize the hand he played (if you get him in her chapter) to get her like this.
Oppy and Hunted feel like they’d have a weirdly close and strong bond. Not OTBesties or explicitly romantic, but a secret fourth thing
Oppy and Contra have beef at first sight to me. They either completely ignore each other, or swear to make the other day’s worse, whatever they feel like atm
Also– since me and the folks in the discord started headcanon that while alive, Narrator could’ve been groomed by a cult and that’s why he has such a deep fear of death, and think eternal bliss is the best alternative for that– I’d like to see more of his dynamic with Broken. In a what-if scenario where they both got over enough of their bagage to have an actual conversation together, I think they’d have a lot to talk about.
Also, shout-out to my Happily Single Tokens, aka, characters I hc as non-partnering/not interested in romance/‘just not in the mood for it, dude’:
Cheated, Broken, Thorn (aro hc for her caught my the throat and won’t let go, I’m sorry Modeus), Prisoner, Narrator (AroAce and romance-repulsed king, tbh), and Hunted
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westwing19 · 2 years
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God the 30th anniversary concert was so good 💖💖💖💖
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sunshinechay · 7 months
Not gonna lie, I do like the twist that the gang finds out Nont isn’t Nant early on in the series.
As much as I love the “twin takes the other’s place secretly” trope (Not Me and Twins my beloved) there honestly was no reason for Nont not to tell them now.
Porsche may be sus af but I’m starting to think it’s just sus in a usual way (bitchy little asshole who will sell you to Satan for one corn chip) and not in a “I killed Nant and I’m trying to be super cool about the fact that his look alike showed up unexpectedly”.
I’m not sure if Nuth did it either to be honest. He seems like a red herring if ever I saw one but I don’t know who else it could be.
I’m also tentatively ruling out Aob as the actual murderer but not as any kind of mastermind/co-conspirator for the same reason I’m ruling out Soong for now. The murder doesn’t have any noticeable tattoos while both Aob and Soong do. And again, it’s only a tentative ruling out, that could change. Plus Aob is way to muscular to be the murderer (the fact that that is part of my evidence).
It’s pretty clear that Prom had/has some kind of feelings for Nant, though with what little evidence we have, I think it’s more likely that he is developing feelings for Nont rather than Nant. As well, he didn’t have a dog mask which I think is also important. He could have gotten rid of it but somehow I don’t think he did.
Captain had a vested interest in keeping Nant alive. He was selling the clips that Nant was filming. Why kill your source if in come. Plus, Captain is way too smart to film himself killing Nant.
Do Keen or Puen even know who Nant is?
Finally, Zouey is turning out the be exactly what was said on the tin for him. The naive virgin in over his head and falling for a boy he has no business falling for. Plus I’ll bet my last nickel he had a massive crush on Nant. While him murdering Nant could explain he fear of sex, he seems to have other reasons that First at the very least knows what it is.
So having seen a few episodes my suspect list is narrowed down to (for now):
- Teena (unlikely but still a candidate)
- Jump (also unlikely but still possible because he has the smallest connection to Nant, could change very quickly)
- Nuth (again I think he might be a red herring but I digress it could still be him)
- Phop (if you think I’m ruling out the guy who “bought” Nant’s laptop then you are wrong)
-Porsche (again I think he’s just kind of sus in the usual way, not the murderer kind of way but alas)
And my dark horse of this competition:
- First (highly unlikely but I’m not ruling him out completely)
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sandboxscenes · 1 month
You've been challenged! (Pokemon AU)
A/N: This is an experimental piece that I wanted to try out because I was inspired by this Pokemon Battle featuring Delphox. This is a different take on a Genshin Impact Pokemon AU. This was done in conjunction with @xianyoon for their Extreme Bias Game. Special thanks to @floraldresvi for assisting me with the ideas for Thoma's section.
Characters: Lyney, Thoma
Genre: Mostly fluff, with hints of angst
Pokemon and Genshin collide in this Pokemon style AU that answers the question: What would happen if the characters you encountered in Genshin Impact challenged you?
If you were challenged by them, what would be their in-game tagline when they challenged you to a battle? What would their title be on the game screen? And most importantly, what would be their character summaries?
In short, it positions the different Genshin Impact characters as in-game coded sprites.
Word Count: Lyney (277 words), Thoma (328 words)
You have been challenged by the House of Hearth's Second in Command, Lyney!
Tagline: "Let's give them a show to remember!"
Brief Summary:
Tricks, Illusions, and Magic galore! Whenever anyone takes a seat at Lyney's shows in the Court of Fontaine, they will be in for a magical time. Charming, charismatic, and talented are all words that describe the renowned magician. Lyney and his aforementioned magic shows are famous across the Fontanian landscape. But few know the man behind the spectacle.
Growing up, Lyney owes much of his present success to his upbringing in orphanage known as: The House of Hearth. His sister, Lynette, and his (adopted) brother, Freminet, also grew up there as well. While not much is known about The House of Hearth, it is full of unexpected surprises.
To Lyney, family means to the world to him. He will do anything to protect it. Second only to the "Father" of the House of Hearth, he is the one that will eventually be "Father's successor." Despite his young appearance, there is a reason that he is the second in command. Anyone who ends up underestimating him, regrets it.
For the Magician Lyney, he always wants to keep people on their toes. His Pokemon are the same way. Some of Lyney's trusted Pokemon partners include the show stopping, Delphox and Meowscarada. They also have some tricks up their sleeves as well.
Special Notes:
Lyney's interest in magic has spread to his Pokemon too. His Delphox is a bit of a magician as well - blink and things will disappear. On the other hand, his Meowscarada is ready for anything. It's able to adapt on the fly, like any good magician does.
You have been challenged by the mysterious foreign fixer, Thoma!
Tagline: "Let me protect you. It's what I want to do."
Basic Summary:
Inazuma is a land of tradition.
However, Thoma himself has a very non-traditional skill set.
As someone with skills in cooking and cleaning, he enjoys using his skills to assist people whenever he can. His earnest kindness, his willingness to help, and loyalty have made him well liked among the Inazuman Citizens, despite their wariness towards foreigners.
As a foreigner, Thoma cares deeply about others. He knows what it's like to have people be wary of you due to things out of his control. As someone with a deep sense of duty and loyalty, he is not someone who forgets his debts or reneges on them.
Thoma's actions have earned him the nickname of fixer, as he is well-versed in the art of fixing problems. For someone like Thoma, resolving things peacefully is always preferable. Whether it's a small fight between children over toys to a fight between foreign and local merchants, Thoma would prefer if both sides could compromise.
But if things things escalate, don't be fooled.
When push comes to shove, Thoma's willing to do what it takes to protect himself and his family from harm. Once you have wormed your way into the heart of the foreign fixer, he will protect you until his dying breath.
For the mysterious Fixer, he is well-informed of any happenings going on in Inazuma. He has to be, due to the nature of his job.
With such a dangerous job, he needs partners he can rely on.
One of his trusted Pokemon partners is Talonflame. Talonflame soars above the skies of Inazuma, its keen eyes alerting Thoma to any potential issues that may arise within Inazuma. And for those conflicts that can't be fixed peacefully and require a 'forceful' touch, Thoma's other partner Blaziken, is there to help - both its master, its family, and the people of Inazuma.
#genshinblr may ebg 2024#Genshinblr EBG May 2024#Library Shadows - Works#((((((( So I'm positioning this AU as like if the Genshin Impact Characters were in-game Pokemon Trainer Sprites. )))))))#((((((( If I could draw this I would. But I can't. So I have to rely on my words to do it for me. )))))))#((((((( I admit I was tempted to do a team listing but I don't think I have enough time. )))))))#((((((( EBG is nice as a way to challenge and try out new ideas for formats I wouldn't think of otherwise. )))))))#((((((( But also I was listening to some Pokemon Champion osts from the different eras of the series. That is how this came about. )))))#(((((((((( I still can't believe how quickly this AU idea came together honestly. ))))))))#(((((((((( It started as a fleeting thought but the more I thought about it the more it worked for me. )))))))#(((((((((( Both Lyney and Thoma are interesting characters b/c there is an element of danger to both of them that I find intriguing. ))))))#((((((( For Lyney specifically I wanted to focus on the fact that he is part of the Fatui. He's Arle's successor! )))))))#((((( Knowing that Lyney is Arle's successor creates an interesting dynamic that I want to explore. Especially with his voice lines. )))#((((((( For the descriptions it started as my attempt at a Dainslief style voiceover. )))))))#(((((( Then it just kinda morphed into like character descriptions for them in the Pokemon game I have in my head. )))))))#((((( It's times like these I wish I could code? or do Photoshop? It would've been fun to sprite-ify Thoma and Lyney. ;_; ))))))#(((((( Fun fact: I did try to make my own Fontaine Pokeball Sprite. Unfortunately my computer couldn't handle it and I lost everything. )))#((((( It wasn't an impressive sprite by any means. But I did try my hand. It was a different and way harder than expected. )))))))#(((((( Like I knew making a sprite would be hard. But I didn't expect how hard it was going to be. )))))#Genshin Impact
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boltgunkiller-archive · 5 months
brittana doesn’t need a soulmate au for their soulmateism to be clear and true. despite trying out other people, exploring themselves and even moving to different states/cities they found their way back to each other and Stayed there. because it was the right decision to them
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metacrisisdoctor · 1 year
"rose is allowed to still be in love with eleven/twelve/thirteen/etc"
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touchd0wn-boy · 8 months
i hate how emotional this dumb fart band gets me every time. yeah i'm emotionally invested in the friendship of these dudes leave me alone i'm being parasocial
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