#( taeoh & red. )
slwdancing · 2 years
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reanbowful · 1 year
hey hey Rean, can i have a request for teddy with a pretty tall gf reader? (bcs I see how he reacts to tall people like Gerard ;)) ). And she also teases him a lot
I'm fcking inlove with ur works 👺❤️
Ahh this is so cutee! Reminds me of lovely complex (if you dk what that is go watch it rn!!) And thank you sm!! I’m so happy that you enjoy my writings hehe
Also ngl, I react the same way as Teddy whenever I see tall ppl T_T (the dread of short ppl)
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if you’re taller than them
(gray, alex, teddy, eugene)
gray yeon / yeon sieun
Honestly, Gray is not that tall to begin with. He’s like 158 cm (or around 5’2).
So I don’t think it would be such a surprising thing if you’re taller than him.
Tbh, I don’t think he would mind it at all. Gray is not really someone who’s super conscious about his height or anything.
In fact, you two would be that cool short boy/tall girl couple.
He might actually even prefer it if you’re taller than him.
If you tease him about it, like for example, you ruffle his hair and pull on his cheek.
Instead of getting annoyed, Gray would get shyy. And it would be the cutest thing ever.
He would try to pass it off as annoyance, but the redness on his cheeks tells you otherwise.
He will get back at you though.
I can totally see him pulling off that, ‘Hey you have something on you, come here.’ and when you bend down, he’ll give you a peck on the cheek.
Oh and how he will be smirking to himself once he saw how flustered you became.
Payback successful 😈
alex go / go hyuntak
Hm. I feel like Alex wouldn’t really mind that much either.
He would be super impressed with your height though. He’s 173 cm or 5’8, that’s already pretty damn tall for a girl. If you’re even taller than that, that’s quite something.
Alex would make sure to make use of your height for every single purpose that he can.
“Babe, can you get that for me? Yeah, that one at the top shelf.”
“Babe? The AC’s rattling, can you check it for me?”
“Babe, we need to clean the top of the cupboard. Can you help me with it?”
Of course, if you get mad at him for always asking you to do stuff for him, he will laugh and tone it down.
Just to impress you, he will bring a freaking ladder to get you books at the tallest shelves.
“Wasn’t I so cool just now?”
Just smile and nod :)
He also enjoys those moments when you guys are at a public transportation and he can just lean against you since you’re so tall.
He also like being hugged by you. He likes the feeling of your chin on his head, and the sound of your heartbeat right by his ear.
teddy jin / jin taeoh
Teddy! Oh boy. He would be a total wreck.
When he saw how tall you were, he would just outright REFUSE to stand next or anywhere in close proximity to you.
If you show him a sad face, he will immediately feel bad. Swallowing his pride, he would walk to approach you.
“Hey.. um. Look, I don’t really mean that-“
Then you will go and put him in a headlock, ruffling his hair.
“AHAHAHA I was just kidding!”
You betrayed him.
Once you let him go, he will stomp away immediately. Face flushed and a series of curses muttered under his breath.
He wouldn’t show his face for a couple days after, you actually thought you angered him for real. But then he came to see you.
You were walking home from school when you saw a certain blonde crouched on top of a wall near your neighbourhood. (he’s just like a cat fr)
“Hey lamppost! I don’t appreciate what you did to me last time. I was caught off guard.”
You looked up at him in amusement when he jumped down, dusting off his pants.
“I’ll consider us even if you come with me to a nice pizza place I reserved.”
You crossed your arms. Smiling deviously.
“Alright, let’s go.”
You walked over to the pizza place with a trashing Teddy on your arms. Yea. You carried him all the way there like the sadist you are.
Expect to not see him again for at least a week after that. Give him time. He needs it to recover.
eugene gale / seo juntae
Ahh Eugene would be the absolute sweetest.
When he saw you for the first time, he will be mildly shocked to see just how tall you are.
But after that, Eugene would be the best boyfriend ever.
He wouldn’t care if you’re taller than him or if you’re shorter. He just.. likes you.
He would be such a supportive and caring boyfriend.
You were at the mall to look for shoes to go to your cousin’s wedding and saw a cute pair of heels. You tried them on and they look so perfect to go with the dress you have at home.
But, then you remembered Eugene. You were already taller than him, so wearing heels would only accentuate on your height difference. What would the family say?
“Ah! Y/N, those heels look so good on you! You should get them!”
“But, Eugene.. I’ll be so much more taller than you if I wear them.”
Eugene would be so confused honestly. It’s your shoes and how it makes you look good. Feel good about yourself. Why should you be concerned about him when you’re the one wearing those shoes.
“Don’t mind me! I think you look very pretty wearing them!”
We love a secure man✊
He will end up convincing you to just buy the heels and wear it for the wedding.
Throughout the entire night, he made sure to compliment you and let you know just how perfect you look.
If not in the eyes of others, at least you are to him.
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Ok but like seriously Jina is TOO HOT to go through what she goes through. Ngl for the entire show I was like 'girl you can have lee soohyuk and I'll take kang taeoh off your hands' 😭 I CAN FIX HIM OKAY!!!!!
GIRL YOU CAN'T FIX HIM!!! YOU CAN'T FIX HIM OK??? He ghosted her SO BAD he LITERALLY LEFT THE COUNTRY WITHOUT TELLING HER ANYTHING because he was too embarassed to say he flunked an exam he CAME BACK AND NEVER TOLD HER like I'm sorry Lindsay but for your own sake the red flags are HUGE THEY ARE MASSIVE THEY ARE FLYING IN THE WIND you can do so much better!!!!!!!!!!
and yeah she ABSOLUTELY is too hot for all that she deserves so so much better she's my favourite character I've spent the entire show being like when will men stop being Like That to her.
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herwonderland7 · 2 years
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CHARACTERS ― Moon Taewon Leon, Moon Taeri Celeste, Moon Taeoh Erwin, Moon Taeyul Edmund, Jung Jaehyun Yoonoh, Jung Junwon Peter Neolas, Jung Aeria Venusia Neolas, Jung Yoel Evander Neolas, Jung Jia Valentia Neolas
GENRE ― fantasy, nct!prince, nct!royalty, nct!as!vampires, nct!as!wolves
WORDS ― 1819
SUMMARY ― The disappearance of the stars could be seen throughout Wonderland until it reached The Gods and Goddess of Constellations, who are searching for the Queen, unaware that trouble awaits them.
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“I lost her.”
“What!? What do you mean you lost her!?!”
“I-I don’t know!”
“Taeoh! You had one job!”
“Well my job wasn’t the one who is supposed to transport her here! That’s supposed to be his!” The Aquarius god pointed to the youngest who was standing at the corner with a sheepish look.
Leon sighed loudly, looking at his siblings who were arguing – gathered in his room around the reflecting pool. 
“Okay, Taegeun. You need to calm down, alright?” Taeri slightly glared towards the Scorpio God who was giving a side-eye towards his younger siblings – before turning towards the Aquarius God.
“Taeoh, could you try to track her again, please?” Taeri asked politely, before turning towards her youngest sibling. “It’s okay, Taeyul. You did great.” She smiled towards him, giving the little one a nod.
“Thanks, Riri.” He quietly said, before meeting the scariest God in the room – which was Leon. Truth to be told, the youngest of the Moon siblings is slightly afraid of the eldest when it comes to work.
Taeyul actually avoids working with Taewon – because he is afraid of getting scolded by the lion. He heard rumours that the Taewon will literally scold you till you cry.
That’s what Taeyul heard from the other gods and goddesses.
“Good job, Taeyul. I know you could transport the Queen from earth to Wonderland.” Taewon said with a slight smirk – patting the little one’s head. Taeyul just stood there, looking like he froze.
Before Taeyul could say anything, there were rush knocks that could be heard – causing the siblings to look at the door, to see one of the gods working for Leon.
“God Leon! Prince Jonah and Prince Joel are calling for you! It's about the constellation!”
Taewon looked towards his other siblings – he did not need to say a word. Along with Taegeun, both of them rush out of the room which only leaves the rest of the siblings.
Taeri’s moon bracelet was flashing in red – which was a sign that something’s wrong, terribly wrong in the Department of Wishes. “..This isn't good.” Taeri turned towards Taeyul who was looking at his older siblings worryingly.
Soon, it was Taeoh’s bracelet that had his Aquarius sign flashed in red, but he didn’t mind. He was still searching for the Queen, their father’s sister-in-law who is also known for lots of titles.
In a matter of minutes, Taeoh’s eyes shine in white. “I found Queen Aera!”
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“Why are you grumbling, Speed?”
“He’s hungry, Yoel.”
“Exactly, my darling sister. We literally fed him minutes ago!” Yoel complained towards the younger one, who was smiling while looking towards the huge gryphon who was looking at its owner sheepishly.
The prince and princess of Neo Kingdom of King Jaehyun and Queen Aera’s children were walking Yoel’s gryphon, Speed, for its everyday night walk.
Speed was nudging onto the bright oranged girl’s side gently – huffing towards her as if it was speaking to Jia, which Jia understood.
“Yoel, Speed said he is hungry again.” Jia turned towards Yoel with a knowing look. Yoel could only sigh, before nodding defeatingly.
“Fine, I’ll give you more cabbages.” Yoel muttered under his breath, then hearing more screeches that sounded delighted in Yoel’s ears. 
The three of them were walking back towards Neo castle when something caught their eye. 
“The stars..” Jia looked up, to see stars basically appear to disappear. “Yoel, do you…”Jia’s words trailed off as she glanced towards her brother who was somehow looking up to the sky too.
“If you’re asking me if the stars usually do that or not, the answer is no.” Yoel answered while still looking up.
It was weird for them. Yoel had never once missed upon staring up to the night skies – where the moon and stars would reveal itself each night.
Yoel always had his alone time, where he would let out a wish when he sees a star appearing.
Today was different, the stars were playing hide and seek in different areas.
Just as they were admiring weird stars that were appearing to disappear, a strike of lightning caught the attention of the gryphon who was previously joining to look up to the skies and now had his guard up.
Speed let out a screech of waring; making Jia jump out of surprise.
“Huh!?” Jia frowned, to see a few strikes of lightning – indicating the bad weather. Yoel saw the lightning  and surprisingly, a barrier suddenly appeared out of the castle’s compound.  
“We have to go!” Yoel had already pulled Jia along behind him, as they got on top of Speed – the gryphon quickly flew off as Yoel pulled his feathers as a sign and they flew.
Jia had her arms held onto Yoel’s side, at the same time seeing the opposite of where they were from the top – to see more lightning strikes far from where they were, which was the dark sea.
'I hope Father, Junwon, and Aeria will return home soon.'
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“I had informed the Generals in the palace about our arrival, your highness.”
“Alright. Thank you, General.”
Once the General went down the cabin, leaving the King of Neo Kingdom on the deck alone, Jaehyun finally had his shoulder slump comfortably — knowing he was all alone, and he could be at peace after a day being on deck, while keeping a look out for his crew members.
Nights would only be the time he could get his alone time — he would always come on the deck, and would look at the stars. 
Recently, the stars were shining so bright that it made him wonder how it could happen — he wondered about other things too.
“Love, what are you doing?”
He saw his wife basically sitting on the dangerous concrequetes of his balcony room, which made him gasp in horror. 
“Aera! Get down! That’s dangerous!” He had already had his arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her to the back.
“W-wha— Calm down, Yoonoh! I was watching the stars! Geez, relax!” She whined, frowning towards him. She slowly tried to pull away from his suffocating grip.
“Watching the stars? That’s a thing?” 
“Yeah! You don’t do it here? It’s kind of therapeutic, you should try.” 
Jaehyun closed his eyes, he could hear her voice clearly in his mind - as he went through memories with her. 
It was tough to live without her, the hope he had on waiting for her to come back was slowly vanishing — yet, somehow his heart was still dangling onto the little hope.
Jaehyun let out a shaky sigh, not noticing two figures were approaching him.
“Father?” A deep, sleepy voice called, which another figure appeared as she sleepily rubbed her eyes, seeing their father standing on the rails of the ship.
“Father!? What are you doing here!? It’s cold out here!” A worried feminie voice was heard this time, then feeling a thick cloth being wrapped around Jaehyun’s shoulder.
Jaehyun turned towards the back, to see the two children, his two children.
“I think the two of you might have forgotten that I am a vampire,” Jaehyun joked before continuing, “Shouldn't the two of you be asleep by now?” Jaehyun eyed them. 
The oldest, Jung Junwon Peter, who is 23 years old and had slightly dirty blonde hair with brown eyes — he is a grown man who had a similar strength as his mother. He is known as the golden boy, following the footsteps of his father.
Good looking, a gentleman, mature and not to mention — very brave.
He turned towards his sister who was a year younger, named Jung Aeria Venusia.
Jung Aeria Venusia was a duplicate of their mother physically, as well as powers, but of course, Aeria doesn’t have all powers that her mother had. 
Aeria obtained force-field generation, where she had the ability to create any shape of high durable barriers. She could use it to grab as well as break apart targets.
Not just that, she surprisingly possesses cosmic energy — this was no surprise to her nor to her own family since her own mother had informed them beforehand regarding Aeria’s powers.
She is exactly described as her mother when she was young — beautiful, cool, courageous, compassionate. 
Aeria grew up to have a motherly figure — she isn’t surprised because others would say that her mother was the same too.
“You know us very well by now, Dad… and we know you very well. Are you still thinking about her?” Aeria’s voice turned soft at the end, knowing who she was mentioning — Jaehyun knows.
Except for Junwon, he was rather clueless.
“...who..?” Junwon muttered towards Aeria, who could only look at him — wondering how clueless he is.
“...Your mother? Yes.” Jaehyun answered softly too, his eyes went towards the dark sea. 
Junwon and Aeria could only look at each other, somehow they felt bad for their father.
He would always do this every night ever since they were given the job to sail to other parts of Wonderland to restore peace — which they successfully did after a few years.
But for some reason, peace doesn’t tend to stay forever in Wonderland and here they are needing to sail back and forth — and after a few months, they are going back home.
The two oldest Jung siblings would always remember that they would always be sent to either Aerina or to one of their uncles homes — back when they were young, to be taken care of due to their father being busy. 
They didn’t feel bad, they just pitied him — being a father and being a King was never easy. But they were thankful to Jaehyun that he would never fail to see them from time to time, back when they were just kids.
And now they are adults, Jaehyun allowed them to tag along — knowing their capabilities and abilities on their fighting skills, but Jaehyun made a deal with them that once they returned back home, the two oldest Jung siblings had to resume their studies.
The two siblings agreed, settling the deal.
Aeria stood beside her father, rubbing his back in an attempt to sooth him — Jaehyun leaned on her head, his eyes began to feel droopy in feeling comfortable.
“...You really love mother, don’t you?” Junwon asked this time. 
Though his father’s face showed extreme tiredness, he never failed to show his dimpled smile.
“She was and is still, my everything.”
Junwon smiled at his father’s words as he looked up, following his father who was admiring how the stars looked when he slowly had a frown on his face.
The stars were disappearing one by one.
“Urm… Is it me or…” Junwon’s words trailed off, his eyes glanced towards Aeria who was also frowning.
“That’s weird.” Aeria muttered. “Father, do you see it too?”
Jaehyun had a deep frown by now, nodding towards his daughters’ words.
“Yes.. Weird. This has never happened before.”
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𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐜.𝟏) ⤄ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐜.𝟑)
her wonderland : for infinity [the 3rd adventure]
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mugunghwarp · 1 year
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Idade: 26 anos.
Gênero: Feminino cis.
Qualidades: Amorosa, paciente.
Defeitos: Impulsiva, orgulhosa.
Nacionalidade/Etnia: Sul coreana/coreana.
Temas de interesse: Angst, crack, hostility, fluffy, romance, smut.
Faceclaim: Seulgi - Red Velvet.
Twitter: MV97LB.
OOC: +18 ela/dela.
TW: Gore.
TW: Menção a luto e abandono parental.
Boeun a um tempo atrás morou em Mugunghwa com o objetivo de, praticamente, fugir de seu passado que a assombrava, após perder sua irmã e ter que cuidar do filho da mesma e sem saber nem o paradeiro do pai do menino. Viveu uma vida tranquila e até mesmo conseguiu superar seu trauma, mas por causa de alguns contratempos em sua vida teve que se mudar de volta a onde morava antes.
De volta a onde sempre viveu antes, Boeun reencontra o ex de sua irmã e pai de seu filho adotivo, de começo ela o trata com todo o desprezo do mundo claro vinha da sua impulsividade, mas ao conversar bem com sua mãe que lhe deu uma clareada na mente dessa cabeça dura, Boeun resolveu dar uma chance ao mesmo e até descobriu que o mesmo não fazia ideia de que tinha um filho. Com isso Taeoh passou a conviver mais com o pai e até um certo ponto que passou a morar com ele e Taeoh até ficou mais radiante com isso e claro faz algumas visitas com a psicóloga infantil. Boeun não ficou sem ver o filho, ela nem aguentaria, em alguns períodos de tempo Taeoh passa umas semanas com ela.
Sem muito o que fazer, Boeun começou uma faculdade de moda e passou a fazer alguns pequenos trabalhos, agora com a vida tranquila e sem nada para a impedir, Boeun decide voltar de onde saiu após sentir muitas saudades de seu lugar na Vila, dos acontecimentos estranhos, das pessoas e da sua vida lá.
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cordiibus · 3 years
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even in my dreams, i can’t win. bad suns.
la mama de la mama. el alfa.
riot. hollywood undead.
broke bitch. tiny meat gang.
bodak yellow. cardi b.
those nights. bastille.
( meme. ) / @slwdancing​.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 3 years
My 2021 in dramaland
kdrama edition!
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With one exception (The Red Sleeve and I’m soooo behind) I’ve finished catching up with all my airing kdramas of this year, so it was time to make this post. I know I’m not the only one who thinks this year’s kdramas were a bit disappointing. This is the year I’ve dropped the most dramas since I started watching them ten years ago. It’s also the year where I felt a lot of shows started off great but then turned into a “wtf is this?” disaster after the first half. Did I make good choices in finishing the ones I did? Not always, but mostly.
Sweet Home: Watched it for Song Kang tbh. But I liked it. I actually liked the cgi monsters and all the gory stuff. Would I watch a second season of it even if I’m against multiple season dramas? Only if Song Kang is involved lol. It’s a 8/10 for me.
Run On: OBSESSED with the second couple. I need Kang TaeOh and Sooyoung on another drama asap. Whatever it is, I’m in. I don’t remember much about the main OTP but overall I feel like it was a well written, acted and directed drama. A 9/10 for me. Totally would recommend it!
She Would Never Know: Drama’s biggest flaw was the writing, everything else was decently good. Did that stopped me from watching? Obviously no, because I needed my weekly fix of Rowoon lmao and he looked so hot. I was only here for him but I lost count of all the times the FL made me upset or want to punch her. Good soundtrack! I still listen KJH’s (from Nell) song from time to time. A 7/10 for me because I can’t give Rowoon anything lower lol and tbh it had some GREAT kiss scenes!
Navillera: Slice of life melos are so not my type of drama. But I watched it for Song Kang and I basically teared up every ep. GRANDPA!!! The story hit a bit too close to home, which I guess it’s what made it extra emotional for me. This is why I prefer fantasy and over the top crazy romcoms, the farthest they are from reality, the better. But I’m glad I watched it. 10/10 honestly, it was touching and beautiful.
So Not Worth it: so freaking worth it!!!! I did a review here! 9/10. If you are feeling down and/or want to watch something hilarious and silly, this is for you.
Doom at your service: Meh. For a good 8 eps I thought this show was everything I wanted and needed. And then it wasn’t. I had so many problems with the story and the way some characters were written, but it’s not worth saying now. Great chemistry by the whole main cast, though. Especially by main OTP. An 8/10 because modern fantasy dramas are among my fave kdrama genres.
My roommate is a Gumiho: Again, I loved the first half, had so many problems with the second one. Chemistry of OTP was not the issue, so I guess that’s a win. Loved Hyeri’s acting in this, actually. Second OTP was a delight. And I actually liked the second lead a lot lol almost had SLS. 7/10.
Police University: Drama suffered an identity crisis after ep 8 and it was real bad to the point of almost making me cry. I’m blacklisting the writer of this drama. NEVER AGAIN. 7/10 because the first half was honestly really really good and fun.
Squid Game: Technically a kdrama, right? Watched it for the hype. 6/10 for me.
Lovers of the red sky: cheating with this one because I didn’t exactly finish it but I saw enough. A hot mess that started with such promise. A 7/10 imo.
Yumi’s cells: What did I say about dramas reminding me of reality? Yeah, I don’t like to watch them but when I do, I end up loving them. I’m waiting for S2 and I’ll be the first to clown myself for saying I don’t do multiple season dramas. At least I’m self-aware lol. A 9/10, great acting, good writing and the cells’ parts were always the best. My thoughts here!
Would you like a cup of coffee? I’m a big fan of Ong Seung Wu’s acting, so I decided to watch whatever this was gonna be even if I was wary of the premise. Can’t handle caffeine irl but I loved all the coffee talk hahaha one of those feel-good dramas with one case per ep kinda thing. Very touching at times. A web drama of 12 eps of 20 min and a 8/10 for me. Totally recommend it if you’re in the mood for it. Seong Wu, I need you in a full length drama soon!
Light on Me: Wanted to watch it since it aired and finally had the opportunity to see it all in one day when I was in bed thanks to my second vaccine dose lol they really made poor Shinwoo suffer with this, don’t you think? A 9/10, it was delightful! korean BLs are getting better and better, I’m glad! Hoping to get a full one hour 16 eps on a big network someday.
My TOP 3 of the year:
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Vincenzo: I started it to laugh about how bad it was supposed to be because the premise sounded extremely silly. 10 minutes in and I was loving it. Every ep I was at the edge of my seat and always loved the crazy plot twists. I laughed, I cried, I swooned and I loved it. OTP was my favorite of the year, actually. 10/10 for me. Final thoughts here!
Imitation: Biggest and nicest surprise of the year for me. Wasn’t expecting much from an Idol drama, especially good acting given the cast is 99.99% made of idols, but I was wrong. The story had a lot of heart and the script was good. Deserved to be a 16 ep drama instead of 12, because some plots needed a bit more time to be explored. Loved it. 9/10 for me. I made a little review.
The King’s Affection: It wasn’t what I was expecting at first, but I ended up loving it anyway. I’m glad that I was able to close this year with a drama I loved and obsessed with so much! Congratulations to Rowoon for making such a wonderful comeback after the hot mess of SWNK, in the same year. I’m happy for the drama’s success and popularity, it’s well deserved. Now let’s hope Rowoon’s company lets him rest one of these days...
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appleteez · 3 years
Twisted Chemistry 1
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Pairing: Seonghwa x reader
Genre: Slightly suggestive
Word count: 9.7k
Warnings: Dirty thoughts
Taglist: @marigold-mika​ (Let me know if you want to be added :])
My eyes staring at my hands on my laps. Just the thought of him calling me out about my outfit makes me blush out of pure embarrassment. I look up, giving him a subtle side glance. His eyes staring at the road, one of his hand on his face and the other on the wheel. Before I knew it, I caught myself slightly staring at how handsome he was for his age. His skin smooth. No hint of wrinkles or facial hair. His eyebrows carefully plucked and his red lips. How was this man in the middle of a divorce?
“When we get back to the office..” He turns his head towards me making me jump slightly due to being caught staring. He raises an eyebrow as he realizes what I was doing then just huffs it away. “Have the report ready.” He says with a tone slightly softer than what he has been using all day.
“Ok.” I take out the black agenda he gave me and start scribbling down what I needed to remember for when we got back into the office.
*Few days ago*
“If I’m paying for your lunch, you better be eating it.” My boyfriend grumbles at me as I barely touch my fries and play with my milkshake.
“You’re so greedy for a rich person..” I pout at him.
“Lesson number one when you’re rich and want to stay rich.”
“Ugh..” I roll my eyes at the boy who just ends up chuckling.
Park Taeoh, probably the richest guy on our campus. Me, here on a scholarship and having trouble to pay for my rent. We’re from two opposite worlds and yet here we are. But that’s what most people think. This romantic story between us is actually all an act and a pact between us. We act lovey dovey in public but barely acknowledge each other on the side.
“Anyway.. There’s this fancy dance I have to attend for my dad’s work. It’s in two weeks. So I’ll take you dress shopping this weekend so you can come with me.”
“What if I have plans?” I laugh lightly at his ordering tone.
“You have plans?”
“As a matter of fact I do?”
“I’m your boyfriend, how can you have plans other than me?”
“Wow.. Ok..” Taeoh was not a bad person, if anything we were actually good friends. But sometimes his spoiled side came out abruptly leaving me speechless. “I have to go job hunting.”
“Job hunting?”
“Yeah, when you go look for a job, to work, for money.”
“Why? You’re a full-time student. Not only that, you’re a full-time law student.”
“Yeah..” If he insisted on my major is because being law student is more than a full-time job. Having to memories pages and pages of laws and rules. Spending hours and hours on watching trials and documentaries about past cases. Not even mentioning the amount of papers I need to writer per week. “Well.. I’m having trouble paying for my rent. My dad hasn’t sent me a check in over two months. I can barely feed myself and if I can’t find a job.. I’ll be in the streets by the end of the month.” His eyebrows quirk up.
“That can’t happen. I can’t be dating a homeless person.”
“Thanks for your consideration Taeoh.”
“I am being considerate. You being in the street is not good for me either. I need you here with me.” So, about the pact I mentioned earlier. Me an Taeoh have obnoxious problems. Taeoh is rich up to his ass, meaning girls always try to get close to him and date him. As for me? Not trying to sound full of myself but I have been told that my visuals are out of this world. In other words, I am extremely pretty, which also leads people to want to get with me. I guess, one thing that me and Taeoh have in common is that we do not want to be dating the crowds we attract.
I look up at him from my meal. The stress from the lack of money in my bank account completely cutting off my need for food. Which I guess in a way is good as it makes me save a little bit of money. But at this point, even the food that Taeoh is willing to buy me feels unappetizing. He seems to be thinking for a bit. Weirdly enough, he seems actually bothered by this news. Not because it could throw away my life, but because he would lose his usual date to his dad’s fancy dances and a fake girlfriend to push away possible gold diggers.
“Ok fine, we’ll just go to my dad’s office this weekend.” He just huffs before starting to eat again.
“Wh—What? Why?”
“Why do you always start to mumble and stutter when I mention going to see my dad?”
“He’s.. I don’t know, scary.” I mumble lightly. Yeah, not only, he’s also extremely attractive. No wonder his cosmetic company is doing so well with the way he looks. He obviously knows all of the secrets.
“He’s just pissed lately because of the divorce.” He just huffs, obviously showing how little it affected him.
“The—The divorce? Your parents are splitting?” He just nods showing it was no big deal as he slurps on his slurpee.
“I mean, they’ve always had something to argue about. I haven’t seen my dad smile in years and unlike a lot of my friends, I never accidentally heard them having sex. I’m pretty sure the only time they did have sex, was when they accidentally got me.” I feel my cheeks blushing at his shameless way of talking about his dad. “Plus my mom has obviously been fucking my dad’s old secretary.”
“Oh.. Sorry..”
“It’s funny, my dad was more mad at his secretary than at my mom.” He laughs lightly. The situation actually made him laugh. It’s like there was absolutely no emotional attachment to his family life. Which, in a way, made me feel even more sorry for him. “It’s fine, your parents got divorced too and you’re ok.”
“Hum.. My—my mom passed away when I was ten.. My parents were very much in love..” I say awkwardly.
“Oh really? Ah shit you might have told me that one time, my bad.”
“It doesn’t really matter.” I laugh it off. It really didn’t. I knew how Taeoh was and I genuinely didn’t mind. I had absolutely no expectations from him so there was no way to be disappointed. Which always made me really surprise at how sweet he can be when people are watching. Whatever it takes to keep girls away from him really.
“Alright.. Then.. Saturday we’ll go to the office and ask my dad to find you a job.”
“Wait, that’s why you want to go there?”
“Well yeah what else dummy?”
“Ahh..” I let myself fall back in my chair.
“It’s a good deal seriously. He’ll pay double than what you could usually get and for less hours.”
“Wait.. but Saturday, nobody is in the office no?”
“Only him and a few people go there the weekend. If anything he only works the weekend and does random shit during the week.” I quirk my eyebrow at the weird behavior his dad was showing. “He’s rich enough to make his own schedule. If the guy wants to work two days a week during the weekend, so be it.” He huffs and I just stare at him blankly.
“Do you need me to drop you off?”
“It’s fine, I’ll walk.”
“Alright.” He stands up, taking his platter with him and I follow him to throw away our trash. I put in my bag the rest of my fries and he gives me a weird look.
“Yeah I know, I tend to not waste food. How poor of me.” He rolls his eyes as we exist the fast food place.
Which he had only discovered thanks to me. The young man had only been served the best food in the world on a silver spoon since birth. Just the idea of having to bring your food to your table was insane to him. Or that no one came to ask if he wanted more water but that he actually had to stand up to get it himself. It really felt like showing the world to a spoiled brat which was as entertaining as it was frustrating.
“Then Y/N, I’ll come pick you up Saturday morning.”
“O—Ok. What time?”
“Be ready by 8:00am.”
“Why so early?”
“Don’t sulk already. If you work for my dad. You’re gonna have to be at the office by 7:30am.”
“What. The. Fuck..” I say to myself making him smirk. He leans in to take me into his arms and kiss my forehead lovingly.
“I’ll see you Saturday then babe~” I quirk my eyebrow and quickly realize some girls from our school. I internally roll my eyes before reciprocating a loving smile at me.
“Can’t wait~” He chuckles before dropping a small kiss on my lips before letting me go.
As I wave him good bye, I can hear the girls behind us mumble behind us. I sigh at whatever my life is and start walking towards my apartment. Once I get in, I pull out my phone to try and call my dad for the fifth thousand time. Once again, it goes to voicemail. I would be worried, but he usually ignores my calls when he has no way to send me money. If anything were to happen to him, my aunt or his boss would call me right away. He probably wasted it all on alcohol once again. I look at the calendar, it’s November 15th.
“Yep, alcohol sounds about right. Well, hopefully I’ll only need to work until the end of the semester. He usually gets his shit together after December.” I whine as I stretch myself before falling down onto my bed. It actually does not take long before I fall into a very deep slumber, even though it’s only 6:00pm.
Two days later, just like Taeoh said, his black SUV was parked outside of my apartment. I give the car a blank stare, all windows tainted, there was no way for me to know whether he was the driver or no. The window in the back starts to roll down and his usual annoyed eyes stare at me.
“Are you gonna stand there staring like an idiot or you coming?” He says in his more than pleasant tone. I scoff as I walk to the back door.
“I didn’t know if you drove or not.”
“Last time, when you came to pick me up and I went to sit in the back you had a whole tantrum about how you’re not my chauffeur.” I playfully spit at him making him roll his eyes. He was well aware of his shitty behavior and the reason he rolled his eyes was because he knew it made me laugh.
“Whatever.” I close the door and the car directly goes on its way to his dad’s office. I had been there a few times, but usually just waiting for him in the car. I actually never went inside of the building.
Soon we arrive in the business district of the city. Decorate with huge black buildings, each as obnoxious as the next one. The company name proudly attached to the side of the building in silver plates that lit up at night. Finally, one of the biggest building in the street, with the name of “Mars Cosmetics” proudly standing on top of the huge automatic doors for everyone to see. A slight ball of nervousness form in my throat already regretting coming here in the first place.
“Are you just gonna stare or you’re gonna open the door?” Taeoh hisses behind me, making me snap back from my thoughts.
“Sorry..” I open the door and we both step out.
It was Saturday so no one was in sight. The whole street looked empty and the building empty. He starts to walk towards the doors and goes to the pin pad on the side standing on a small poll. He types in a code and the doors open right away but slowly. Once they’re fully open, he goes in and I’m quick to follow, almost scared that they could close on me. The interior is so unnecessarily luxurious. Everything either black or grey and extremely modern. I felt like I was soiling the space just by looking at it. The place being weirdly empty made my spine clench. I felt myself become really small and intimidated, which never happened. I follow him to an elevator at the end of the east wing. The only elevator that has a pin pad next to it. Once again he presses the code in and the doors open. When we’re inside, there is no button to press.
“No.. No button?”
“This one only goes to my dad’s floor.” He says as if that was totally normal. As the door close, the elevator start to go up at an impressive speed. I could feel my ears almost pop. “It’s fast right? My dad’s office is on the top floor so..”
The doors open into a hallway. We step out and my eyes wonder around. There’s doors on each side of the hallway leading to large offices. Four in total, two on each side. At the end of the hallway, two huge black doors, not transparent unlike the others. Taeoh walks up to them and loudly knocks on them. I raise an eyebrow and he just gives me a lazy look.
“He hates it when I barge in. I mean, he’s a single man, he could be masturbating—“ The doors opens on an annoyed looking Mr.Park. My eyes widen out of pure fear while Taeoh just turns his head slowly towards him. “Oh hey dad, I came to ask a favor.”
“How about you watch the things you say before asking me a favor.” He says in a low annoyed voice. Taeoh being Taeoh just huffs and walks past him into the office. My legs want to follow him, they really do, but for some reason I just stand there unable to move. Mr.Park’s head turns towards me after staring down his son. His eyes go from an angry look to an emotionless stare. “Y/N, are you coming in?”
“Ye—Yes, sorry.” I walk past him and he closes the door behind me. The office is huge and behind his huge wooden desk is a wall of windows. On the other side is an old wooden library from the floor to the ceiling. Right by it, two leather chairs and a light wooden table between them with alcohol on it that looked more expensive than my own existence.
“So, now that your old secretary left with mom—“
“Taeoh!” He says in a low growl trying desperately to shut his unbothered sassy son. If I wasn’t scared shitless due to the very unfamiliar environment, I would have laughed my ass off.
“What? Well.. Here, Y/N will work for you. But you have to pay her like double she would get somewhere else.” Mr.Park raises his eyebrow as he goes to his desk.
“Yeah, she’s in real need of money right now and—“
“Taeoh!” This time it’s me calling him out. My cheeks actually burning out of shame.
“What?!” He turns to me confused. “I thought you—“
“No need to say it like that, oh my god..” I almost whine at him.
“In need of money? Well that’s why people get jobs.” He says as he pulls some papers from one of his drawers. “Mhh..” He looks down at them for a second then back at me through his glasses. For some reason his stare make my heart skip a bit and my cheek blush, but not because I was intimidated this time. “If you work for me, you’ll have to work on weekends only though.”
“That’s.. actually perfect.” He looks at me then back down at his papers.
“Alright, then.. Fill those up and you’re starting tomorrow.”
“Is it a problem?”
“No! Not at all.”
“Good. Be here by 7:30am, the pin code for the doors downstairs is 1024, the one for the elevator is 0403. The dress code is very simple. Either wear a women suit or a classic shirt with a pencil skirt.”
“My dad prefers the skirts~”
“Taeoh!” He hisses at him making him smirk. It felt like a kid trying to get his dad’s attention as much as he could. “Hair either tied up in a ponytail, or in a bun. If you let your hair down, please make it presentable with pins.” I raise my eyebrows at the weird demands. “Also.. As my secretary, you should be available almost at anytime. You’ll be here during the weekends like said, but if I need to go on a business trip, you should be able to come with me.”
“Ah.. But.. I have classes.” He leans back in his chair and sighs. He looks down at his calendar.
“Are you.. Available the long weekend coming up?” He was talking about the weekend after the dance. I had planned to go on a ski trip with friends but.
“I am.”
“Alright, because we’ll be flying to Paris.” I give Taeoh a quick look at he just smiles at me.
“Don’t forget she’s my precious girlfriend, treat her well, and pay her lots~”
“I will.” He says simply as he hands me the papers. I walk towards his desk and take the contract in my hands. “Have these filled out when you come in tomorrow.” He looks me up and down making me blush lightly. “Do you have a way of getting here?”
“I— No.. I mean I do.”
“Do you or do you not?”
“I can take the train to.. Belleville station and walk from th—“
“I’ll send a car to pick you up.” He says simply.
“Ah.. Thank you Mr.Park.”
“Alright, is there anything else?” He looks at us both.
“Don’t you want to tell her what she needs to do?”
“I’ll go over all of that tomorrow. Now if you don’t have any other favors to ask me, you can leave, I have a meeting starting soon.” He looks down at his watch.
“Well, that’s why mom fucked the secretary.” Taeoh mumbles and Mr.Park raises his head at the words. A small flash of guilt showing across his face for a split second. “I’ll do the same thing~” He laughs.
“Taeoh.” He says once again in a deep reprimanding voice.
“I’m kidding! She’s a virgin.” This sentence sets off two people in this room. First, me, due to obvious reasons.
“Taeoh what the f—“ I stop myself before saying too much in front of my new boss. Second, Mr.Park’s eyes directly goes to me. Looking me while I glare at his son. He raises an eyebrow wondering how someone like me could still be a white sheet.
On our way out, I thank Mr.Park one last time while Taeoh just complains in the background. He drives me back to my place and blows raspberries at me before driving away like the adult that he is. Actually, I hadn’t seen Taeoh act like that before. Like.. almost an actual child. The divorce was not affecting him, sure. But one thing that was affecting him for sure is the lack of attention from his dad. Taeoh had daddy issues. I raise my eyebrows. This would explain a lot actually. Once I get back into my apartment, I call my best friend right away. The beautiful name of Garin showing up on my screen with a shameful picture of her as her profile picture.
“Hey!! What’s up bibitch?” She squeaks all happy in her phone.
“Garin, oh my god! Can I come over? I need clothes.”
“You know you can, my roommate is out for the week anyway so~” She says in a happy tone. Her roommate not being her favorite person.
“Alright, I’ll be there in ten. Just have all of your office uniform out.”
“Uh? You got a job? I thought we were going together.”
“There was a small change of plans..”
“Alright, hurry your ass over, I’ll have some stuff ready for you and your pretty ass~”
“Thanks you’re the best, I love you~”
“And I love you~” I hang up with a huge smile on my face. No one could do it like Garin. I take my bag, almost running out of my place. Like I said, ten minutes later I barge into her dorm room. She’s standing in front of her bed looking at the uniforms she has laid out on her bed. She turns her head to me and laughs when she sees my red face due to running over.
“Wow.. Y/N.. When’s the last time you did some exercise.”
“Nevermind that, do you have something?”
“Jeez, you look like you lost your cool.” She hums actually surprised. She’s usually the little flower of the duo and I’m the cold headed taller one. An iconic duo if you ask me. However, since this morning in Mr.Park’s office, there was an untamable nervousness lodged in my stomach. “Did you go job hunting last night?”
“Actually.. This morning.”
“You woke up before noon? On a Saturday?” She looks around with pure confusion in her eyes before pinching me.
“Ouch! What’s the fuck, wait that hurts!!”
“I’m just checking if I’m dreaming.”
“You pinch yourself when you want to check that idiot!!”
“Well, it doesn’t matter because I know I’m not dreaming now. But seriously what happened?”
“Well..” I sigh before letting myself fall on her bed. “Taeoh..”
“He’s paying you for sex?”
“Wait what? Why would I need the office clothes?”
“Role play?”
“Garin!! No!” I try to hold in a laugh as she starts to laugh uncontrollably at her own joke before joining me in her bed. “He got me a job though.”
“Oh wow.. Wait.. At Mars Cosmetics???” She says her eyes doubling size. I nod at her and she waits for me to say more about it. I take a breathe actually nervous just to talk about it.
“His dad’s secretary.”
“Wait WHAT?? MR.PARK?? THE HOTTEST DILF IN TOWN???” She squeaks as she jumps up on her bed her face filled with different emotions. I pull her town and hiss at her to be quiet. The college dorm’s walls were never too thick and as much as Taeoh was popular on campus. So was his dad. “Girl get the D?”
“Get the D from the dilf!!”
“What is wrong with you. I am literally dating his son.”
“It’s a pact Y/N.”
“He doesn’t know that.”
“Oh so the only thing stopping you from banging his dad.. is that he doesn’t know that you’re actually not technically dating his son?”
“I am dating his son.”
“It’s a PACT!” She huff frustrated.
“And no, that’s not the only reason are you crazy?”
“You’re the crazy one. The young secretary and a lonely dilf as her CEO is the most popular trope in the lust industry Y/N.”
“Ok, ok, I’m sorry.” She waves her little hands in front of her. Her cute and small appearance really not matching her explosive, on the verge of vulgar, personality. Which weirdly enough, actually drew a lot of people to like her. “Let’s look at what I have though. You should look presentable on your first day.” We both get down from the bed to look at the clothes we had squished. “When are you starting again?”
“Yeah, well I hope you plan on going to buy some another day because those are small.”
“I’ll do that after my first pay check. I need to pay my rent first too..” I say actually unsure as to when I could afford to go get a few suits. Those things were always so unnecessarily expensive.
“Can’t you ask Taeoh?”
“The deal is, he’s trying to get away from people that would use him for his money. That would defeat the purpose. He hasn’t tried to fuck me once, we’re good so far. Let’s not ruin it.”
“You guys are so weird. Going through the lengths of faking a whole relationship just to have people stay away from you.” She giggles as she hands me the first set.
It’s a simple white shirt with a grey pencil skirt. She had gotten an internship over the summer and needed to wear those everyday. Which I guess is fine when they fit you but. The moment I put them on, the shirt squeezes my chest and it looks like the skirt threatens to show too much at any moment. It was meant to be knee length but it looked more like something straight out of a porn scenario.
“Wow.. You look so hot.” She says actually impressed.
“I’m trying to look professional..” I say in disbelief as I see myself in the mirror.
“Wait, no that’s great actually.”
“Looking like that you can get away with anything. If you make a mistake, there’s no way in hell anyone can get mad at you.”
“It’s human nature Y/N. You look hot as fuck, and are gonna be working in a men’s environment. They’ll all smile dumbly at you while you make dumb bucks and do almost nothing. Once you have enough just quit and that’s it. As if nothing ever happened.” I hated to admit it but, she had a point. I usually got what I wanted the moment I showed a little skin. “Plus with your foxy eyes, and your hair and.. ugh! I’m so in love!!”
“Garin oh my god!” I laugh at her hype before I start trying on the next one.
They end up all being as tight as the other but it’s not like I had a choice. After playing dress up for a good hour, we end up spending the day together just talking away and eating whatever food she had. Before I knew it, the clock hit 8:00pm and I had to go home. I would usually stay until crazy hours but.. tomorrow was my first day at Mars Cosmetics and I couldn’t risk not waking up.
“Wow, 7:30, that’s no joke.” She says in a slow hum, resting her side to her door. I am standing in the hallway ready to leave with bags of clothes. “Well, you got this Y/N. You can come crying to me after work if you need it. I want you to tell me everything.”
“I will.” “I’m gonna miss you.”
“I’m..I’m not going away or anything. I’ll literally see you tomorrow or Monday in class.”
“I know but.. Sundays and Saturdays used to be our days.” She pouts a little and it actually made me sad a bit. To lose the only two days I could spend doing nothing with my best friend or getting drunk shitless at local bars. I smile at her and she dramatically takes me in her arms. “Y/N!!!!!”
“Garin, come on!” I laugh as she fake cries in my arm. After a few more hugs and kisses, I finally step out of her building and on my way back to my apartment.
I drop the bags to the side before letting myself fall onto my bed. At look at my ceiling for a bit before realizing I haven’t checked my phone all day. There’s a few messages from Taeoh.
“Mhh? What does he want?”
*From: Taeoh💛* -Don’t forget to fill out the papers for tomorrow - 12:35pm -Do you have something to wear? - 3:23pm -Are you sleeping??? - 5:46pm -DON’T IGNORE MEEE!!!! - 7:14pm
“This kid I swear…”
*From: Me* -Sorry, I was at Garin’s to get some clothes - 8:28pm
*From: Taeoh💛* -THE WHOLE DAY?? - 8:28pm
“He’s fast..” I grumble to myself as I see some more dots dancing, indicating he was typing.
*From: Taeoh💛* -Are they decent? - 8:29pm
*From: Me* -Mhhm - 8:29pm
*From: Taeoh💛* -Alright.. Well.. - 8:29pm -Good luck tomorrow. - 8:29pm -Let me know how it goes - 8:30pm
I couldn’t tell if he said that for me or for his dad. He usually did not care about anything I did. However, every time I had to appear in front of Mr.Park at parties, dinners and now. There’s a slight change in his attitude. I sigh lightly and answer him quickly before getting ready for bed. Of course, it took me hours before I could actually fall asleep. My alarm clock was not necessary. My eyes open naturally thirty minute before it was suppose to go off. I look out my windows, it’s still pitch dark outside. No wonder, waking up at 6:30am when winter is almost here. I check the temperature on my phone and wince at the small digits.
“Fuck.. I’m gonna be so fucking cold wearing that outfit..” I look up to the chosen outfit of the day hanging by my closet. I decided to go for the first one, the shirt shirt with the grey pencil skirt. “This is gonna be so embarrassing.” Flashbacks of how this thing fitting me yesterday. Nothing like looking like a pornstar on your first day at work.
I get out of my warm bed hissing at the cold that hits me when my feet touch the floor. I almost run to my bathroom and turn the hot water on right away. 5 minutes, it probably being the shortest shower I have ever taken in my life. I dry my hair off as quickly as I can and start to style them like Mr.Park asked. Down, with a few pins to keep some loose strands in place. I actually loved it and not gonna lie, looked kinda hot.
“Foxy office secretary there Y/N~” I smile at myself in the mirror as I put on my shirt then slide up the skirt.
If I squint enough, it looked alright on me. I put some red tint on my lips and I was good to go. I look out the window, no car is out yet, so I start to nervously clean my room and kitchen. About ten minutes later, a loud honk resonates in the empty streets. I run to my window and a black SUV like the one Taeoh uses is waiting outside.
“God.. I hope he’s not in there..” I whisper to myself before taking the computer bag that Garin gave me and rushing out of my apartment.
I carefully go down the stairs with the black heels I usually wear at Taeoh’s fancy parties and dinner, and walk up to the car. Once again, the tainted windows stop me from knowing whether I should go sit in the front or the back. Suddenly the front window slides down on a panned face Mr.Park. I feel my eyebrow twitch. I was not fucking ready to see him just right now.
“You ok?” He says in his deep voice but weirdly enough with a soft tone to it I have never heard before.
“Ye—Yeah, sorry..” I walk up to the front door, open it and slip myself inside.
Once I sit myself and close the door, the warmth mixed in with a strong cologne scent washes over me. I am not specifically a cologne fan, but this smelled different. It felt weirdly homey and sexy at the same time. For the first time ever, a simple smell make me squeeze my legs together and my cheeks flush almost violently. I hesitantly look up at him, his eyes on me waiting for me to put my seatbelt on. I slide it across my chest and I just don’t notice his eyes. Looking over the shirt that I’m wearing, obviously too small for me. Before he can catch himself, they go down to my legs. He purses his lips together at the view and coughs to put himself together. I was his son’s girlfriend. I was way younger than him.
“Ok..” He says simply before pulling onto the empty road. There’s almost a misty look to the city as we drive along the deserted and dark streets. His lights on and the windows decorated with small water pearls from the morning dew. “So.. Y/N.” I look up at him. His eyes concentrated on the road, his eyebrows slightly furrowed and as he speaks his perfect white teeth peaking out.
“Yes.. Mr.Park?”
“Have you ever worked at an office before? Done something similar to being a secretary?” I raise my eyebrows and my eyes drop in disbelief. That’s something he should have asked me yesterday before saying my first day was today.
“I—I mean. Not really? I had a job doing paper work at a small law firm this summer but.. It was a pretty laid back environment so.”
“Oh? Which law firm?” I swallow as his voice shows some surprise and interest. “Thompson’s.. law firm.”
“Small law firm? Thompson’s is a really good law firm.” He says sounding impressed as he nods his head slightly. His eyes drift back to my legs and shirt. Did I really grow my curves during the falls semester only? He bites the inside of his cheeks to try and set himself straight. “Well.. I am not playing favorites, but, you are my son’s girlfriend. I am not going to make this job a hell place for you.” He says simply making me confused. Just yesterday he seemed more tense and ready to throw me in a pile of work. “I’ll just ask you to keep my appointments in check, attend meetings with me and take notes. Maybe write up some reports, but we’ll see when we get there.” He turns his head slightly as he takes a turn and the sight of his neck makes my heart beat a bit too much. Now, I was cursing at Garin in my head for putting the idea of the secretary and her CEO lust trope in my mind. He turns his head back at me slightly before looking back at the road. “Is that ok?”
“Yes, that’s just fine.”
“But I’m still gonna need you to come with me on business trips. I made it sound a bit dramatic yesterday.” He says almost in a reassuring tone. “But I’ll make sure they match with your schedule. I usually decide when I go and where I go.”
“Th—Thank you.” He chuckles lightly at my answer, making me realize that it’s probably the first time ever that I heard such a sound come out of him. I give him a side glance but the small smile already disappeared.
Thankfully, it doesn’t take long for us to arrive. Thankfully for me because of how awkward I felt and tense. Thankfully for him, because his eyes kept on finding themselves back onto my bare legs. He sighs to himself, not really sure about what he was getting himself into as he steps out of the vehicle. Unlike the other day, we did not park in front of the building, but back into the large parking lot. His shoes resonate in the empty lot in harmony with my as we walk towards a glass door directly leading into the building.
I follow him into the hallway that led to the private elevator. He types in the code and the doors open almost directly. I follow him into the large, silver space and when I turn around I get to see myself in the reflection of the doors closing. I blush violently at how tight my shirt was. It felt tighter than it did this morning. I had to pop open a button before it actually popped open itself. I bring my hand up to the collar and swiftly undo one, two buttons, feeling my breast breathe a little. I smile lightly to myself, feeling better, not realizing Mr.Park’s gaze on me.
The doors open onto the hallway that I saw yesterday with Taeoh and follow him all the way to his office. His office looks the same, obviously, but it feels completely different without Taeoh around weirdly enough. I look around a bit more and realize that now there is a smaller desk than his by the window and next to his.
“That’s gonna be your desk from now on.” I points to it as he walks to his. “Did you fill out the forms I gave you yesterday?”
“I—I did yes." I take them out of my bag and hand them to him. He puts on the glasses he was wearing yesterday and starts to read through them. His eyes stay stuck on the date of birth indicated on there. A feeling of guilt and disgust washing over him as he remembers the way he looked at me in the car.
“I did not know you have a year ago with Taeoh. So you’re 20?” He looks back down. “You just turned 20 in October..”
“Ah.. Yes, I’m a junior and Taeoh is a senior.”
“You’re pretty young for a junior.”
“I was born abroad.”
“I see that yes.”
“Yeah, so the education system is different. If I had been born here, I would have been a sophomore.” He swallows thickly at the piece of information.
Just thinking that he was shamelessly checking out, not only his son’s girlfriend, but someone so young. He had always thought of me as a really pretty girl, however, since he learned about my innocence yesterday thanks to Taeoh, and saw me in such an outfit. It’s like something made him realize how really attractive I was. He sighs loudly, making me think something was wrong.
“Alright, this all looks good. I’ll send it to HR later this afternoon and I’ll set everything up with your bank account. You’ll get paid every Friday, is that ok?” I nod at him and he hums back. “Good, that’s for you.” He hands me a black planner. “You should have this with you at all time. All of my meetings and important notes are supposed to be in there. Anything that I ask you to do, write it down before you forget.”
“Now, the laptop on your desk is your company laptop. Anything you write down in the planner should be in there too. You’re also gonna use this laptop to write down reports and meeting notes. Now..” He pulls out his phone. “I’m gonna give you my number so I can reach you and if you have questions you can call me or text me.”
“Alright.” He looks up at me and sees me wide-eyed and obviously tense. His look softens a bit, his eyebrows straight and almost, almost, a faint smile on his lips.
“I know this is a lot, but don’t worry too much. I am the CEO, I look busy, but I don’t really do much in reality.” I see it, the faint smile on his red lips. My cheeks blush ever so slightly, making me realize that no human being ever has made me feel flustered or blush before. “What’s your phone number Y/N?”
“It’s 283-xxx-xxxx.” He swiftly types it into his contacts. He writes down my first name as the contact name then sends me a message. It just says ‘Park Seonghwa’.
“Save it, so you have it.” I nod and do immediately as he asked. “Alright, go sit at your desk. I’m gonna message my IT guy so he can quickly set up a log in for you, then I’ll come help you set everything up.” He pauses for a second, not really sure what else to tell me. “The—There’s coffee on the table over there, if you want.” He points to a white espresso machine on a heavy looking wooden cabinet.
It had glass doors that showed the shelves filled with expensive looking alcohol. I drop everything at my desk and as I walk over there, his eyes can’t help but look up from his computer. He bites the inside of his cheek as he realizes how my heels made my hips swing a bit too dangerously for him. There was something about the way they moved. Even though my walk was obviously a bit clumsy, it didn’t stop him from feeling a shameless twitch in his pants. He coughs a bit to snap himself back to reality making me spin around to look at him.
“Would you like one.. Mr.Park?”
“Hum.. Yes please.” I smile at him ever so slightly and nod. He almost smiles back but I turn my head back to the coffee machine to start making two coffees. I bring him his first, then go back to finish mine and sit back at my desk. “Open the laptop.” He says his eyes still focus on his screen as he types things away. I do as he says then look back at him for further information. “Your username should be MarsCos-Y/N. Then the password is 2J!3w0p. That’s something you can change later on.” I nod slightly as I focus on typing in the credentials.
After waiting for a bit, then laptop eventually lets me in into a clean desktop. Completely different from my messy one back at home, filled with written papers about cases. He stands up and comes to stay behind me. He looks at the screen for bit before leaning in a bit.
“Go onto the Explorer page. Then using the same credentials, log into the Mars Cosmetic employee portal.”
“Here?” I point to a bookmarked page on top of the screen. He leans in a bit more, not realizing how close he got. He squint his eyes then nods. I could almost feel his breath against my neck and his scent was already washing over me.
“Yeah, then login.” I follow his instructions. “Alright, so you have a secretary log in. Meaning your home page right here.” He points to my screen. “Is very similar to mine. You have access to almost everything ok? So be really careful with those credentials and make sure your new password is long enough and hard to guess, ok?”
“Now on the side you’ll see a menu. Click on it.” He leans in again this time putting his hand on the desk, making me feel caged in.
This was just insane and Garin with her ideas only made my head fall in a blur. I carefully follow his instructions as he shows me everything I need to know and all the systems I’ll need to use. Finally, we get to the reporting system and as he shows me the ropes, he stays stuck on a few things. He hums as he tries to remember how to make the data show up as a chart and lets his head drop lightly. His eyes roaming around, until they accidentally meet my cleavage.
Right, I opened it in the elevator.  He subtly catches his lower lips between his teeth when he sees a bit more than he was suppose to. I did not have the biggest boobs, just bigger boobs than Garin. However, they were perfectly round a perky and that made him weak enough. He catches his breath lightly as he gets a small glance of my white bra. I look up at him through my half bangs and his eyes directly go back to the laptop. I raise my eyebrows and tilt my head lightly.
“I’ll—I’ll have to check with my colleague when he gets here later today. He knows how to use this system fully, so maybe, I’ll just have you spend a little time with him.” He says his hand nervously playing with his tie as he stands back up.
I notice a slight change in his behavior. His voice is slightly deeper, but for some reason, his way of acting is kind of clumsy out of nowhere. He takes a step back and accidentally bumps into my trash can before going back to his desk and awkwardly reaching behind him to get his chair under him. I try to keep in a small chuckle at the interesting view. Once again, he brings his hand up to his tie and pulls on it slightly as if it had been too tight.
“Are you ok Mr.Park?”
“Mhh? Yes, it’s just..”
“Do you want me to lower the heat?”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it. For now, humm, coordinate the future meetings I showed you on the system with your planner.” I nod and do as he says.
We fall into a comfortable silence. Weirdly comfortable for me, as I focus on everything I have to write down. For a couple of hours, I organize everything in the new planner and on the system too. I have to pick up a few phone calls and schedule future meetings or refuse others. He gives me a few side glances as I stay focused on my work when suddenly the doors of his office flight open.
“Worry not boss!!! WOO!”
“SAN!” “Is here~” I jump at the sudden introduction. Two guys, one slightly taller than the other are standing now in front of his desk with huge smiles. The one that screamed first has attractive lazy eyes, while the other one that screamed ‘San’ has beautiful cat like eyes and a smile that could make anyone melt. Was this just dilf company at this point. They all looked the same age, but at the same time did not look their age.
“I told you multiple times not to do that.”
“Stick up your butt..” The shorter one mutters as he rolls his eyes, eventually landing them on me. “Hu? Who is that?”
“That’s Y/N, she’s my new secretary.”
“Ouh, hopefully your soon to be ex wife won’t fuck this one too.”
“Language!” He raises his tone. “Y/N is Taeoh’s girlfriend. She’s 20 and a law student at KQ.”
“Oh.. Oh.. I’m so sorry.” He says genuinely embarrassed by his behavior. “You’re really young, wow, I feel so bad now..”
“It’s fine.” I shyly smile at him.
“Is today your first day?” The other one asks me with a soft and soothing voice that could make anyone fall in love right away.
“It is yes..”
“Then nice to meet you Y/N. My name is San.”
“I’m Wooyoung, again, I’m so sorry. That was so inappropriate. We’re used to only having guys up here and..”
“Wooyoung.” Seonghwa says calmly and he just tightens his lips together. Seonghwa sighs loudly before humming a bit as he thinks. “Hum.. San or Wooyoung actually. Could either one of you show her the reporting tool on the website? No need to go deep into the instructions, just show her how to make simple graphs and tables.”
“I’ll take her.” San smiles as he looks at me.
“Alright, perfect cause I gotta talk to you about something Seonghwa boss.” Wooyoung says as he sits on Mr.Park’s desk. He sighs and this time I see it, a faint smile on his lips as he chuckles. I feel my cheeks heat up lightly at the view before San calls me to follow him.
“How do you like it so far?” He asks as he opens the first door on the right when we get out of Mr.Park’s office.
“It’s good. Hopefully it won’t be too demanding, law school is already like that.” I chuckle lightly. After the tension from spending the whole morning with Mr.Park, being with someone this friendly made me feel so much better.
“Good, good. Don’t worry too much by the way. Behind his icy looks, Seonghwa is a very good person, but to be honest.. He’s a demanding boss.”
“Secretaries actually never last long with him. The latest one only lasted that long because Mrs.Park forced him to keep him, saying that he was being ridiculous. But.. I think you figured out why that happened.” He chuckles lightly as he sits down and shows me a chair to pull up next to him. “He should go easy on you though.”
“Why’s that?”
“You’re Taeoh’s girlfriend right?”
“I am yes.” For some reason, I felt guilty lying to such a sweet man. He smiles at me at my answer then nods.
“He obviously took you because Taeoh asked him. He’ll do whatever this kid asks.”
“Yeah.. Between you and me, it’s kind of sickening. This kid was never told n—“ He stops mid sentence as he looks at me. “So—sorry.. I didn’t mean to.”
“Oh, no! You’re totally fine. Believe me, I’m the first to know how spoiled he is.” I laugh lightly and he ends up laughing with me.
“Ok, sorry again. Sometimes I say more than I’m suppose to.”
“You’re fine humm..”
“Just call me San, no need for mister and missus here.” He smiles at me before opening his computer. He gets everything set up and soon, he starts a whole lecture on how to use the tool efficiently. He makes me try a few times and it’s actually fun to do. “Look at you. You’re a really fast learner Y/N!” He smiles at me before raising his hand for a high five. We laugh together when suddenly his door opens. We both look up to see Seonghwa looking a bit.. interested in what was going on. It was weirdly endearing seeing that look on his face.
“Are you guys done?”
“I think she knows enough to help you out for sure.” San smiles at him then warmly at me.
“Alright, then.. Y/N could you come with me. I have a meeting starting in five.”
“Yes.” I stand up right away. “Thank you so much San~”
“No problem Y/N, drop by anytime!” He says happily as he waves me bye. I close the door behind me and Seonghwa looks at me.
“It looks like things went well.”
“They did yes. I feel way more comfortable.” I smile at him lightly and he nods with pursed lips.
“Good, good. Ok, let’s go.” I follow him to another room in the hallway. It was a huge meeting room, with a long desk in a middle, but no one was there. “You can sit over there.” He points to a few chairs that were at the end of the table. He gets some stuff ready, as well as his laptop.
‘Ah.. Mr.Park, my laptop is still in your office.”
“Mhh? Go get it quickly then.” I jog out of the room and back into his office to grab my laptop and planner. When I jog back into the meeting room, everything is set up and I understand that it’s a meeting over the phone. “You’re all set?”
“Yes~” I sit besides him and he can’t skip over how my cheeks were flushed out of embarrassment.
My lips pink and wet due to the habit I had to lick and bite them when I am nervous. My chest heaving slightly due to the tiny jog in high heels which was new to me. He straightens himself in his chair and curses internally at another twitch in his pants, out of his control.
The meeting start and I type away any type of important information. My eyes focused on my screen and my ears listening carefully to the informations being said. However, it was not really the case for Mr.Park. His eyes going from his screen that showed a presentation to me. He was not sure what was going on since he came to pick me up this morning.
Was he really that pathetic to be attracted to a girl almost half his age? Was he really that pathetic to be attracted to his son’s girlfriend? But he couldn’t stop his eyes from trailing around my features. The way my eyes focus on my screen. The way I lick my lips slowly as I carefully listen to the things being said. The way my legs slightly bounce due to the slight nervousness of missing anything. The way this outfit made me look overall. He sighs as he lays back into his chair, raising an eyebrow. That had to be it. It had to be due to my outfit. It was way too tight for me and not professional at all.
The moment the meeting stops, he closes his laptop and makes me follow him to his office. I set everything down on my desk and get ready to generate a small report from what I got from the meeting, but he leans on the side of his desks and crosses his arms to look at me as I sit down.
“Mhh.. Yes Mr.Park?”
“Hum.. How do I say this.. Your..” He bites the inside of his cheeks and tries to look for the right words. “Do you perhaps have another blouse or.. skirt or pants that would fit you better?”
“Hu..?” My cheeks violently blush and I feel my head spin. I unconsciously bring both my hands up to my mouth, slightly pressing my breast as if to hide it from the world.
“I—It’s fine if you don’t, but.. I want you to dress properly at work.”
“I understand.” I say lowering my head. The whole view made his pants tighter and he curses in his head.
“Like I said, don’t worry about it. Hum.. Wait you know what.” He goes around to his desk and picks up his phone. “Let’s go to the store right now. I don’t want you feeling uncomfortable until the rest of the day..” He says a slight tone of guilt in his voice. “I.. I mainly said that because.. well you’re Taeoh’s girlfriend and.. I want to make sure you are comfortable and..” He stumbles on his words. I had never seen this slight awkward side of Mr.Park. Making me actually understand where he was coming from.
“Thank you.. but I don’t actually have the money to buy an outfit..”
“I’ll get it, don’t worry.” He says before starting to get ready. He looks at me and remembers that I did not bring a coat with me. Would it be crossing the line to.. “Y/N.”
“Here, wear my coat, it’s cold outside.”
“What? Ah, I can’t accept that Mr.Park.”
“And.. I won’t let you go out in the cold with nothing on.” He changes his tone in a more demanding one. I feel my spine shiver and my cheeks blush. How was an older man, talking to me this way making me feel this affected. I nod my head slightly and he holds it open for me to enter my arms in it. I am completely engulfed in it and for the third time today, his scent makes me feel dizzy in the best way possible. We step out of his office and bump into San that directly flashes me a smile.
“Where are you guys going?”
“Out for a second.” He says simply and I’m thankful he doesn’t mention my outfit.
“Oh, field trip on the first day, and with Seonghwa. Lucky you Y/N, have fun~” He coos at me before patting my head lightly making me smile brightly.
“Thanks San, I’ll try to.” We both laugh lightly and for some reason.
The relationship that I had already built with San made Seonghwa raise an eyebrow. We go down the elevator, then to the car on our way to the mall. This, is how I ended up in the car with my boyfriend’s attractive dad. After he asked me to finish the report once we get back, we fall into another silence. His eyes once again give me a side glance. The long black coat covering everything but my bare legs. If anything, it made it look like there was nothing under it. Before he knows it, his imagination goes to places they should. The white bra coming back to his mind, letting him wonder if it was a matching set. Just how would I look in it?
“How’s school going for you Y/N?”
“Mh? Hum, so far so good.”
“That’s good. Do you like what you’re doing?”
“I do actually. Law can be intense but.. I love it.”
“That’s good.” He smiles lightly. “Do you like San?”
“Sorry?” I raise my head a little surprised by the sudden question.
“Him and Wooyoung are an interesting pair. You got lucky to have San helping you. Wooyoung would still be talking his ass off right now. He’s really smart, but a big talker.” I chuckle lightly making him glance at me right away. A small smile forming on his lips.
“I can see that. But I do like San a lot. He helped me a lot and in a few hours, I felt a bit more confident.”
“That’s good.” He nods lightly, looking at the road. Once again, I can’t help but stare lightly at his features and just how gorgeous he was. His black locks slicked back and his glasses making him look absolutely dreamy. “Y/N.. Humm.. We actually all call each other by our first names in the office. Or.. at least, in the section that we are in.” He says furrowing his eyebrows, eyes still focused on the road. “So, you can just call me Seonghwa.” He gives me a slight glance.
“If you feel comfortable of course. I mean.. I’m letting you know that I do not mind you calling me Seonghwa. The top office is a bit more laid back than the rest. I know it doesn’t look like it but.. like I said, I want you to be comfortable.” I’m starting to slowly but surely get Mr.Park, or Seonghwa. He’s not cold or bad. He’s just extremely awkward and wants to fit in. I mean, when I think about it, everyone around him has a loud mouth and are completely comfortable around him. Taeoh, San, and Wooyoung. This should have been proof that this man has nothing scary to him. He’ just..
“Are you perhaps a bit..” I bite back a smile.
“A bit what?” He furrows his eyebrows.
“Nothing~” I look out the window.
“What? No, Y/N, you have to tell me now.” He says in a slightly panicked voice, and that just confirms my thoughts.
Sure he’s serious, but his main personality trait is really being extremely awkward and on the limit of nerdy. Taeoh acting like that would make sense too now. Wanting his dad to loosen up a bit instead of always being so tense and lowkey embarrassing.
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Part2 ->
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heavensxn · 7 years
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even when i close my eyes, i feel your w a r m t h. you’re my companion who will walk next to me. you give me comfort, (( i’m with you )). you are the courage to make me live again. i believe in you because we can share in this.
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sgntaeoh · 4 years
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hello everyone! the name is kris. it’s been ... half a year since i last wrote? so please be gentle as i get back into the swing of things!
i have nam taeoh/tyler with me here today. he is a good wholesome egg, inspired by a certain little red bird from ac. he loves all things space and stars and can talk your ear off about zodiacs and constellations. was originally born in korea but moved to california when he was young. grew an affinity for nature from being a boy scout and that has not and will probably never end. he’s currently very into astrophotography, which is 80% of his ig. 
i’m unfortunately still working out his pages but you can find some more general information here. in the meanwhile, if you’d like to plot, please let me know! 
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svtegg · 5 years
dad!svt (hyung line)
three kids...he wants more though.....whew
two boys n a girl
minjae, 12, a charmer like his dad, looks exactly like him
rowdy, loud and yells all the time
loves football and is naturally good at most sports
when he went to a cafe with his dad he ordered for his dad and when the barista gave him a confused look when he ordered a double shot dark roast ice americano he said
“i’m not young i’m just really short” making seungcheol who stood five steps behind his son bust out in laughter
chorong, 10, a tomboy who idolized her older brother and wants to do everything he does, she also plays football
her focus is worse than her brothers though so she always finds herself doing other stuff while pretending to play keeper
but don’t tell him that bc she doesn’t want him to know
she’s a very independent woman and gets very agitated when someone tries to help her with what she’s doing
taeoh, 6 BUT HE’LL HAVE YOU KNOW HES 6 AND A HALF actually
a total mamas boy and seungcheol will never admit how jealous that makes him
taeoh is a calm soul and tends to be a little shy
enjoys nature and animals n prefers playing with sticks and rocks over plastic toys
seungcheol is a stressed out parent....kinda like a stereotypical movie soccer mom
stressing over the shopping list at the grocery store n you just have to take a hold of his forearm to tell him that it doesn’t matter if you get taeoh red or yellow socks for his school talent show next week because taeoh is 6 and he doesn’t care
loves his kids more than anything in the world and is extremely supportive and encouraging
isn’t very strict but does have house rules, chores and routines and treats every one of his children with respect and love
almost never gets angry or worked up....only when the kids fight or hurt each other will he slightly raise his voice to assert his authority
but always ends his lectures with an i love you and a big hug
the “that’s my kid!!” type of dad
so so proud of his clumsy, messy and comical children
cheered for chorong when she did a handstand in the goal in the middle of a match
the rest are under the cut...
“two” children
a two year old son
and another on the way
you don’t know the gender yet but!!! he’s very excited to meet his second child (it’s also a boy shhh it’s a secret)
his son is named haneul and he turned two on the 3rd of may
jeonghan calls him hannie though, passing on his own nickname to his son heheheh
he’s a smart kid
jeonghan taught him all the colors and is very proud of that
when jeonghans mom comes over jeonghan will always pester his son to get him to say all the colors
“what color is this, hannie?” he would ask, pointing to the emerald green mat on the floor with an exited voice
haneul would just give him the stank eye and go back to playing with his wooden moomin figurines
a total daddy’s boy he loves his dad so so much and jeonghan rubs it in your face constantly
hannie co sleeps in your bed,,,,and lemme tell you....that lil boy is wild as fuk,.,.,.hes basically doing acrobatics in his sleep...ends up splayed across both you and jeonghan, cheeks squished into your chest and feet resting on jeonghans stomach
jeonghan is a more hands on parent, always keeping an eye or a hand on his boy at all times
anxious when haneul goes to daycare for the first time
a little over protective almost breathing down the child’s neck when he’s playing with his blocks on the floor
you have to tell him to calm down and give your kid some space to explore a little
calms down a little when the other child arrives bc he finally realizes that he won’t have time to protect his children from every potential booboo
still spoils his kids rotten and leaves it to you to be the strict and stern parent
he doesn’t tolerate any backtalk or attitude however and will discipline whoever it was that gave attitude right away
always reads bedtime stories, even when the children are almost teenagers and whine at him to just get out of their room already
two daughters
elisabeth, age 9, her korean name is eunchae
elisabeth’s nickname is ella and both you and joshua never call her by her full name unless it’s to be assertive
ella is an artistic soul and loves to draw and paint, shes a little diva and wants everything her own way
but she’s a sweet girl down deep, clinging to her parents at every chance she gets
emelia, age 5, her korean name is eunbi
emelia has a lot of pet names, she’s the little sweetheart and always sucks up to her parents (josh loves it)
emelia is a little more shy than ella, and follows her sisters footsteps carefully
both the girls look exactly like him, the cat like mouth and the kind eyes copied from his body and onto their faces
both the girls have almost golden toned black hair if that makes sense....
joshua is a gentle parent, letting his girls do their thing while watching from a few steps
he loves exploring with his girls and taking them to parks and zoos and botanical gardens to teach them different animals and insects and flowers
the girls really like superheroes and they will make their dad play avengers with them on the suspension bridge on the playground
he will always have to be hulk and his girls will be captain marvel and groot
is a loving and sensitive father who is very open and emotionally available to his girls
has set house rules, bed times and is very respectful when asserting authority
never raises his voice to his children but guides them with an impeccable patience
the girls have their own bedroom but they often end up in your bed during the night...emelia frequents your bedroom most though
has hearts in his eyes when he watches his kids do anything
that adoring soft smile that makes the edges of his eyes turn up covering his face
one son
4 year old chaohua......english name...joshua
(yes joshua cried when he found out)
chao may only be 4 but he’s already as handsome as his dad
he’s the most adorable child ever
the kindest soul to ever walk the earth
he loves cuddling and would be content for a good hour just curled up in the corner of the sofa with one of his parents or uncles
he’s already lost his one front tooth and is very proud of it
likes watching cartoons!! especially old pokémon episodes
jun’s so loves animals...all animals,,,and when he found out meat cane from animals he refused to eat it...so now i guess jun is a vegetarian bc of the puppy eyes chao gives him whenever it’s dinnertime
when walking anywhere with his son, jun has to stop every five minutes so that chao can pet a dog or talk to a bird that’s trotting along the sidewalk
the little boy squatting down with his hands around his knees to carefully speak to mr.dove....but mr.dove is clearly a city pigeon
also always nagging his dad for a cat
chao is very good at swimming and jun takes him to his swimming lesson every week without fail
jun is v supportive and sits on the benches along the wall to watch his son
isnt really scared for chao bc he knows his child is careful and smart
so let’s him do what he wants most of the time
jun convinced you to let chao co sleep with you and he still does that
you had to get a bigger bed but no one is complaining because chao is such a cuddle bug it’s a win for everyone
basically chao is just as kind and gentle and loving as his father
and chao being born made jun grow up a little...he’s still goofy happy junhui but he’s just 10 times more loving n doting....towards his child that is
two sons
taewoo and wonseok, both 5
both complete opposites but still a match made in heaven
wonseok is a carbon copy of wonwoo, even his personality
while taewoo is a carbon copy of just wonwoo’s face
wonseok is quiet, thoughtful, neat and incredibly smart while taewoo is rowdy, loud, messy and lot of fun
wonseok is braver than taewoo however and this way they balance each other out perfectly, one being the life of the party while the other evens out the energy levels a bit more
wonwoo loves his kids so much
his stoic and mysterious image being completely thrown away the second he hears one of them squeal out a loud DAD!!!! when he walks through the front door of your house
the twins are v often perched on either side of his hips, or clinging onto his back as best they can
they love their dad and thinks he’s the coolest person on the entire planet
beside from Captain America©️ maybe
wonwoo is a strict parent, expecting his sons to behave and treat each other with kindness.,,..,,.,,.,,...most of the time
they’re twins so ofc they get on each other’s nerves
wonwoo doesn’t mind a little fighting and crying from the boys....as long as they make up after
otherwise wonwoo would sit then down and have a discussion with the two of them
and bc of this the boys are extremely mature for their age,,,again.,,.,,...,,,most of the time
but they’re wonwoos greatest pride and he loves them so so much
wonwoo will often play board games with his sons,,,,sometimes he becomes a little too invested
taught wonseok how to play checkers and now he almost never gets peace from the little boy who’s constantly asking to play him again
taewoo just wants to play spider-man...which is basically wonwoo lifting the boy up and holding him up to the roof so he can pretend to walk on it...while screaming at the top of his lungs in happiness
he can’t handle bedtime though and so you and him always put them to bed together
he’s been busy
he has a one year old boy....
and a 3 year old girl
and one on the way,,,,no one knows the gender yet shhhh (it’s another baby boy but i didn’t tell you that)
daehyun and hanbyul
he’s the biggest softest dad ever and cries at every first
cried when hanbyul said her first word...which was apple for some reason
cried at daehyuns f
cried at daehyuns first steps
cries when his child cries
keeps a list on the fridge of funny things his kids say
is super stoked and excited every time his kid learns a new thing, showing it off to every uncle one by one
is also completely on top and updated on what disney characters your daughter likes recently
knows exactly what stuffed animals his son likes and always knows what he needs when he starts fussing
he knows his kids so incredibly well its almost like he can read their minds
plays dress up with byul all the time, his favorite princess is elsa
you would often find him in the signature Dad™️ pose (the lying in the floor supporting yourself in your forearm) on hanbyuls bedroom floor with a tiny elsa costume on smiling like an idiot at your daughter who was explaining how to drink tea like a princess
a whole idiot for his kids, literally in love with them would do anything for them
spoils them rotten and makes sure theyre always happy, healthy and laughing
will never get tired of bouncing his son on his knee just to hear him laugh
his kids adore him just as much back
soonyoung almost has as much energy as his toddler daughter but will often go down as well at nap time
basically having kids with soonyoung is like raising and extra kid (him)
1 daughter
she’s just as badass as him
theyre best friends like actual best friends
she’s already turning into a little sassy savage princess
her name is youngsun (or just sun)
jihoon calls her sunnie or ms young
she’s currently 7 years old, and she has NO front teeth so she has an adorable lisp
she’s good friends with joshua’s girls
the little lady is very well behaved and always listens very well....jihoon likes to think this is bc he raised her to think for herself and respect and treat people like she wants to be treated herself
even though she’s jihoons daughter she is still a little cuddle bug and will savagely call her uncles out in their bull while resting her head on their chest
she’s very small, probably inheriting jihoon height lmao mingyu teases her adoringly by calling her teeny while she jokingly pouts up at her beanstalk uncle
jihoon treats his daughter like an equal, and bc of this they have a very special bond
jihoon and sun often discuss and exchange opinions on various subjects like adults and many people are impressed by how articulate and eloquent the young lady is
but she’s also a mischievous little lady and often pulls pranks on her parents or uncles,
hiding from them and scaring them when she thinks they aren’t looking and then running away with the loudest most adorable giggle leaving her toothless mouth
of course everyone just pretends they get scared but she doesn’t know that and thinks it’s the most hilarious thing
youngsun has a very strong bond with uncle mingyu and uncle seungkwan
the three of them often pairing up to scare jihoon while he’s working on something or spaced out in his own world
sometimes jihoon gives in and plays harry potter with his daughter, pretending to have dueling battles in the kitchen with chopsticks as wands
jihoon would be on the floor yelling out VINGARDIUM LEVIOSAAAAA
and you would be sat in the living room reading, laughing to yourself
you never in a million years pictured this would ever happen
basically jihoon is a very good dad and his daughter loves him,,,you could say she’s a daddy’s girl
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wwounu · 5 years
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“Take… A right after… Then take the second right……” You read aloud, gluing your eyes to the screen step by step until you arrive to the place Seokmin has directed you to.
Sighing, you halt to take a break, checking how much time you had until your appointment: over half an hour, more time than expected.
“He sure is detailed in this… He’s familiar with it Y/N, that’s why.”
Holding the device, staring at it very carefully as you go over Seokmin’s texted words, you look re-read the long passage he sent you to find where you were currently at.
You now head your way down the street and follow the directions when you were back on track with the male’s message.
Arriving at the parlour, a shiver of nervousness runs along you, goosebumps being felt all over. Was this the thrill or fear of getting a tattoo? You didn’t know. But you did know that your grandparents would be very surprised to find out that you got a tattoo without telling them.
You enter the parlour head on but shyly.
It was a cosy place, accented with red and white to keep a classy look, with hung paintings of designs and choices to choose from, and from the outside you knew there was a level or two more, which told you that the parlour was pretty popular and had good business.
Further inside, you could already see people laid on the long chairs — both on the back and stomach — getting their tattoos done. It was crazy to think that you would be in one of those chairs.
But you were lost. Lost as in you no idea what to do next, you were early and had no idea where to go. Ergo, you went to the first person you saw (who happened to have a lot of piercings on their face, was that even possible to have that many?) — begging they were an employee — and asked them what to do.
They asked for the tattooist’s name, and you answered without skipping a beat (mainly due to your nerves acting up again). At first, you were worried that you might have not gotten an appointment, but when the guy’s lips parted and nodded, you knew you had the right place.
‘I owe you one Seokmin!’
He guided you to sit on the sofa set on the side, underneath the wide hanging picture frame with all sorts of patterns, smiling as he told you to wait and that your tattooist will be out soon.
You thank him once he leaves. Picking up the books, you occupy yourself by flipping through the pages and staring at the designs the tattooists have all done. Each tattooist had their own distinct and funky style and by the time you got to your tattooist, you were in total awe.
‘They’re so talented,’ Gasping, your fingers lightly touch the pages and trace the image. Intricate, minimalistic, captivating; Was how you would describe it.
That tattooist’s hands must be precious, so talented.
Then for a while you take a look at the people getting their tattoos done for preparation of how you should act. It was awkward, as they could easily see you watching them, but you tried your best to ease the tension from you.
Soon you whip out your phone and go straight to Seokmin’s contact, thanking him once again for this offer and that you’ll repay him one day.
Content, you lean back and purse your lips, waiting for your appointment. Your idea for your first tattoo was difficult, with so much to choose and decide from, but you finally stuck with an idea that was perfect for you. Not too weird, not too regretful.
Out of nowhere you hear a loud voice coming down the stairs.
The voice was singing, to your surprise. And it wasn’t the worst voice either — the male tone was mellow, very stable, and in all honesty, you could fall asleep to it. It was like heaven in voice form.
You could visibly see the eyes roll of the tattooists working, groaning mumbles such as ‘He’s singing again’, ‘He’s sung this song for the eighth time today’, ‘He’s in a happy mood, clearly’, ‘Ah, he makes us all jealous with that voice of his’, before they all smile in defeat and join in with the voice coming down.
The thought of the parlour being so friendly to each other made you smile; Seokmin was right, this place totally went above your expectations.
You tapped a finger on your chin, still tuning into the male’s voice singing Mr. Chu. To say the least, you were captivated in his voice, not noticing the smile on your face at the upbeat song.
’Maybe he’s my tattooist!’ You shine light upon the thought, finally thinking about your mystery tattooist. ‘That’s silly Y/N, you’re definitely overthinking it… Although DK does sound like a name a guy would have……’
Finally, the singing stops and one of the tattooists says, looking at the stair case, “Hey, we know you’re amazing at singing, no need to rub it in our faces!” She says playfully, pouting afterwards.
“Sorry, if I’m good at it, I shouldn’t hide it!”
You know that voice.
You know that voice but it can’t be.
“… Can it?” Quietly, you whisper to yourself before your train of thought is interrupted by that well-known voice.
“Taeoh, has she come yet? Y/N?”
By the announcement of your name, and Taeoh — who was the man with the piercings — pointing at your direction, you stand to greet the pure, rich-voiced male who was (luckily) your tattooist.
However upon arrival, your world suddenly stops.
‘No way.’
And who would guess the bright-smiling man, the one with the honey voice, whose eyes fall to crescents along with his smile, the one with what you could describe as god’s hand, with an easy going attitude and distinct laugh, would be your tattooist?
Who would’ve thought that no other than Lee Seokmin would be your tattooist?
He greets you in a friendly and easy manner, bowing to release the tension, the gloves on his hands being taken off as he does so.
“Hey, you came! I’m DK,” You do not miss the smirk forming on his face, “so shall we?”
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OPPOSITES ATTRACT PART EIGHT — Tattoo Artist!Seokmin x Florist!Reader
a special early update for you all~
one • two • three • four • five • six • seven • eight • nine • ten
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namjuicyy · 4 years
Forbidden - Chapter Two
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Masterlist | Requests are open.
Genre: Fluff, smut, angst.
Genre of this part: Angst.
Word Count: 2.3k.
Summary: Prince Hoseok had never been told “no” until his father lay on his deathbed. Hoseok was ordered to marry, but his eyes were set on the one woman he wasn’t allowed to have.
WARNINGS: Unwelcome sexual advances/sexual harassment;
Previous / Next
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Princess Jieun of Brudosha was a lady - and not just by the biological sense. She was everything a normal, noble woman should be; calm, witty, sophisticated, incredibly accomplished. She had talent playing the piano and could sing, too. She was humble but confident, beautiful but not vain. She was, to be frank, perfect. And Hoseok loathed her with every fibre of his being. Everything she did pushed his buttons to the point where he found himself being short with her during their meetings. He hated the way she'd dab her lips after eating and swallowing a mouthful of food; how she'd giggle shyly after someone complimented her, and would dismiss their compliments with something half-hearted; how his entire family, Jimin included seemed smitten with her, and often told him just how lucky he was to be marrying someone so fine. Hoseok had never needed sex or alcohol more than right now but being trapped in the drawing room of the East Wing meant he wouldn't be able to even breathe without drawing attention to himself.
Hoseok couldn't even stand it that his mother was so excited at the prospect of a ball. Finally, she had something to occupy herself since the King's diagnosis, and though Hoseok couldn't begrudge his mother of an evening of carefree joy before her life was about to be turned upside down, he hated that he was the reason for it.
Hoseok didn't keep to his word about not sleeping with the palace staff – he just became more private about it. Jisoo was kicked out of the bed immediately after Hoseok had cum so that she could use the night's blanket to shield her from detection. And to stop him from getting in trouble.
This night was no exception. He came, he walked her to his bedroom door, and he kissed her passionately goodnight, promising to see her the night after. Only this time, there was a difference in routine.
They were caught.
"Oh!" A small, shocked voice came from the almost darkness as Hoseok and Jisoo's lips left one another, and all attention was turned to the source of the noise. Jieun stood there, holding a candle outright and delicately turning away from Hoseok's bareness and blushing. Hoseok could see the flush in her cheeks even with the dim orange of the candlelight. Hoseok didn't turn away, though. His confidence and lack of shame wouldn't allow it. Instead, he watched as Jisoo disappeared into the night before turning back to his blushing fiancée.
"Princess." The smugness in his voice was prominent as he cockily stood in the doorway to his chambers, purposefully making Jieun uncomfortable. She was unaware, but this was his way of getting back at her for his parent's decision. "Don't look so shy," he commented as he walked towards her, still bare for the world and voice low and husky, "you'll be seeing this again in a week or so." He grabbed hold of her chin and softly directed her gaze, so their eyes met. "Or rather, you'll be feeling it more than seeing it." Jieun blushed redder than before trying to avert her eyes from the intensity of Hoseok's. But she was mesmerised by him – she couldn't look away. "It's dark, Princess. Perhaps you should spend the night with me. The palace is so big, you might get lost. And I couldn't have that happen to my future bride, now can I? Don't want you being alone in this cold, dark palace."
"I-I'll be fine th-thank you, Your Majesty."
"My bed is warm, Princess. You're more than welcome to share it with me."
"No thank you, Sir."
"Pity." Hoseok backed off, not wanting to make Jieun any more uncomfortable than she already was. "Well you now know where my chambers are if you change your mind." He gave the princess a slight bow before walking back into his room and shutting the door gently behind him, leaving Jieun flustered and alone in the dark corridors of the palace.
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The infamous Qedian palace was bigger than you expected it to be – but no less busy. When you arrived, you were greeted with the utmost formalities, being greeted by the whole household staffs, not to mention the royal family of Qedian in its entirety, including the guest of honour, the Princess Jieun. You could tell it was her the moment you stepped out of the carriage, as she seemed so out of place with the rest of the house. The royal family were lavished head to toe in brightly coloured silk, the King's golden yongbo prominent against the red of his hanbok. They were sparing no expense at showing you just how rich and powerful they were.
"Your Majesties." Taeoh began. The two of you bowed respectfully to each other as was customary – though the formalities were never dropped. You could feel the tension between your husband and the King of Qedian and though you didn't know what went wrong between them, there was definitely a political history that left both parties colder and even more bitter than usual. But as the queen you weren't permitted to know what those political histories entailed. You were simply the King's jewel – his trophy. But by no means were you his latest conquest.
While Taeoh and the King of Qedian slowly walked in front of you, yourself and your neighbouring counterpart took a leisurely stroll behind them, with Princess Jieun walking meekly beside the two of you. Her body language was closed, advertising her quiet, shy nature that make it hard for her to speak to strangers. She reminded you of you before you married Taeoh. The Queen, on the other hand, was bright and bubbly. She was graceful, more graceful than you that was for sure, with impeccable posture and beauty clearly not only on the outside. She had a warm smile, a welcoming personality. You felt as though you had been her friend for years and would continue to be so as you left the royal residency.
"Your Majesty," the Queen addressed you, "I do not believe you know the Princess Jieun."
"No," you replied, "I have not had the pleasure."
"My soon to be daughter-in-law." The Queen had a fond smile on her face. "We're proud to have such a gem become a part of our family."
You smiled. You didn't know the Princess so you couldn't comment on her. She certainly looked pretty, but she was too introverted. She would never allow you to get to know her.
The Queen's happiness seemed to melt away. "I would like to apologise on behalf of Prince Hoseok."
"Why? He has not acted offensively."
"He has not come to greet you. He should know better."
"As heir to the throne, I'm sure he's busy."
"Right you are, Ma'am. Right you are."
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You met Prince Hoseok for the first time that evening during the grand welcoming dinner lay spread for yourself and your husband. Your husband who had now seemed to set his differences aside with the King to have a peaceful, politically-free dinner, and pretend to be the dutiful loving husband and all-caring king he liked the world to believe he was.
To put it simply; Prince Hoseok could not have looked more disinterested. He made little effort with Taeoh, preferring to play with his food and smack his gold-plated cutlery onto the fine china his food was so gracefully set upon. His mother was clearly displeased with her eldest son's display but refused to correct his behaviour knowing that was exactly what he wanted. You sat beside the Princess, who had warmed up to you, initiating small talk whenever she could think of something to say to you. But every now and then you would catch the Prince staring at you from the corner of your eye, and whenever you made eye contact with him, he'd offer you this smile. You couldn't quite place the emotion he offered you – you'd never seen it before. It was dark and you found your heartbeat rising every time you connected. To the point where even the slightest touch the Prince placed on his betrothed, be it a light touch on her hand or a finger curled around her dark hair, you felt jealousy. Unbridled jealousy. He'd barely said two words to you, but you'd already found yourself infatuated with the dark sheep of the family, the bad boy of Qedian. These were, of course, all rumours you'd heard before you had arrived in the neighbouring kingdom, but just one look at Hoseok confirmed everything you heard. The Prince was a dangerous man. And you could feel yourself falling under his spell.
On the first night, only glances were exchanged between yourself and Hoseok and nothing more. It was almost as though you both were sizing each other up, but for what reason you couldn't be sure. If he paid your husband the same attention he paid you, you'd assume it was purely down to the fact that the Prince was to be king one day and he was simply learning about his neighboured and allied Kingdom. However, your husband barely received any attention from the young heir and showered you in almost all of it.
Around lunchtime the next day, while you were out taking a leisurely stroll around the palace grounds and having some quiet time to yourself, you could feel a pair of eyes watching every move you made. Usually you would put that feeling down to being in a new place surrounded by hundreds of thousands of garden statues and gargoyles built into the side of the building, but you realised soon enough that you were no longer alone.
"Funny seeing you here, Your Majesty." The unfamiliar voice of Prince Hoseok pulled you out of your thoughts and made you still so he could catch up to you.
"It is a garden in your home, Sir," you responded, "the probability of us meeting one another in it is quite high."
"Even higher when one seeks the other out."
"You were looking for me?"
"I wondered if there was a beautiful voice belonging to such a stunning woman as I was unable to hear it last night. As it happens, Ma'am, I was correct."
You laughed at his words, how smoothly a compliment rolled off his tongue like it meant nothing to him. But it meant everything to you. You rarely heard words of such kindness. "Your reputation precedes you." You both began walking slowly around the garden. Very slowly.
Hoseok smiled. "And here I was thinking you were visiting with a kind heart and not because of hearsay."
"Is it really hearsay when you are out alone with a queen, completely unchaperoned and whispering sweet nothings in her ear when your own fiancée is back inside the house no doubt watching this exchange from the drawing room?"
"May I be blunt with you, Ma'am?"
"I welcome the notion."
"I don't love her and know I never could."
"And therefore, you find yourself uncaring of her emotions?"
"Then why?"
Hoseok stopped walking which made you copy his actions. "If I'm unbearably cruel to her, as hurt as she will be, she will leave. When she's left and returned to a life she knows and loves, she won't be hurt by my future actions. She'll find someone who loves her and is worthy of her, which is not me."
"Why do you say so?"
"My reputation precedes me." A glumness descended over your conversation, rendering you speechless at both the emotion and the maturity of the man who was everything but what you had expected him to be. "Your own husband is unfaithful, is he not?"
"You're skating on thin ice, Sir."
"Apologies, Your Majesty. I don't wish to offend. I only ask because my father always was unfaithful to my mother, as were all the kings in my family beforehand. I could do the right thing and sleep with only my own queen – but how am I to love someone I don't love?"
"So then why are you marrying her if you don't care for her?"
"I have no choice. I can't leave this relationship."
"But she can."
You raised your hand to the Prince's cheek and tenderly caressed it, offering him some form of comfort that he was seemingly unable to find elsewhere. You didn't know why he confided in you as he did – it wasn't normal for strangers to become open books to one another. But you were grateful that there was someone else out there who was in a similar position to you. But you were also grateful on the Princess Jieun's behalf. You'd have rathered Taeoh acted this way before you were carted off to his bed, only to hear him enjoy himself when he was buried deep inside his other women. Hoseok's large hand wrapped around yours, and his thumb stroked the back of your hand. He leaned into your touch, and into you as his body moved closer and closer to yours. He couldn't stop his head from dipping, his lips from parting and seeking yours out. But somehow, he did – only when he was centimetres away from you and had your heart racing. He stepped back, letting go of your body and clearing his throat.
"I'm very sorry, Your Majesty. This won't happen again." Hoseok bowed to you respectfully, turned and left you alone in the palace gardens, dumbfounded and shocked at the experience you almost had.
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cordiibus · 3 years
kisses. / @slwdancing​ ( taeoh & red - 46. out of jealousy ) 
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    man they were fucking annoying. he didn’t know why he was getting so pissed off seeing so many people all over taeoh. it wasn’t like they both didn’t come to a place to not get attention from loads of people. but there was something crawling under his skin with this one. he sucked on his teeth as he watch taeoh. 
course, his temper got the best of him once someone else started touching his face. a hand swiftly pushed away the strangers hand, his own taking to turn taeoh towards him. immediately pressing a firm kiss against his lips. red eyes glaring over the other’s shoulder at the stranger from before. warm tongue entangling with taeoh’s before pulling back. “ bleh, what did you drink..” he laughed, wiping off the saliva from taeoh’s lips. 
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thinkyoureholy · 6 years
The Game Played Right [10]
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[A/N : hhhh the next chapter will be the last😭]
Pairing : Kim Junmyeon / Reader
Genre : Angst, Fluff, Smut, CEO!AU 
Words : 2.3k
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5. Pt 6. Pt 7. Pt 8. Pt 9. Pt 10. Pt 11.
-Junmyeon’s P.O.V-
I closed my eyes, bowing my head as I clutched my phone in my hand tightly. I tried to reel in the growing anger that tried to take over my entire being, knowing I had a meeting to return to. Y/N had assured me she was fine and not to worry about her, telling me she left Sooyeon worse. I know I should just wait to do something about this. Give it some proper thought and handle this as quickly and as professional as possible but dammit once Y/N was thrown into the mix I lost all sight of reason. Knowing I’d probably regret how I handled things later I walked back into the meeting room.
“Something urgent just came up, we’ll continue this meeting another time.” And with that I left the room, hearing Heejoon running after me as I marched back over to my office.
Once inside the office I headed straight over to my desk, grabbing my coat off the chair before shutting down my computer. Heejoon came up to stop me as I tried to leave, the anger in my face clear. I gave him a look, silently telling him to move but he stood his ground. Bold of him to do so since I could fire him at any given time for stepping out of line like this.
“Before you try and stop me don’t, now move.”
“Look I know what this is about, Taeoh sent me this while you were out,” Heejoon said, pulling out his phone and showing me a picture of Y/N.
She was looking down, looking as if she was rolling up a piece of paper while she held the phone up to her ear. The cut on her cheek was what caught my attention. She had a small band-aid over it so I assumed it wasn’t anything too deep but the skin around it told a different story. The skin around the band-aid was red all over. Knowing that she got slapped to that extent because of me had my blood boiling.
“I know you’re angry, hell I’m pissed myself. But think about how to handle this first. If you go over there how you are now you’ll regret anything that comes out of your mouth.” He continued, not knowing that at this point I was far from caring.
“Move.” Was all I said, my hands balling into fists at my sides.
Heejoon sighed heavily before doing as told. With him out of the way I left my office, on a mission to end all of this. Since the day I had met Y/N I hadn’t had one day where something did go wrong and now that we finally fixed everything others were trying to ruin it but I wasn’t having it. I wasn’t about to lose her over a stupid deal my father made with another big headed CEO to save his precious little company. I was willing to leave this company and everything I had grown up with to be with Y/N. A person like her only comes around once in a lifetime and I wasn’t about to let her slip through my fingers because of some greedy old man that I had the misfortune of calling my father.
I slammed the door of my car shut angrily, seeing Sooyeon’s family car already in the driveway. I poked my tongue against the inside of my cheek, storming up to the front door, opening it without bothering to knock. As soon as I walked in my mother rose from her spot next to Sooyeon, Sooyeon’s eyes welling up with tears as soon as she saw me. I rolled my eyes at seeing her put on her theaterics again, and like always she had my mother falling for it. Our family had a bit of a history, one I had always tried to get away from but never successfully could. But now that Y/N was in the picture I was determined to cut our ties once and for all.
“Jun did you know about this? Y/N just up and punched Sooyeon out of nowhere.” My mother explained, Sooyeon letting out a fake cry at the mention of Y/N.
“I always knew that girl was trouble after how she spoke to me that day you brought her over.” My father spoke up, taking a drag from his cigarette.
I set my jaw, ready to say something but before I could Sooyeon's father beat me to it, “The little wench is lucky we're not pressing charges, she probably doesn't even have the money to pay the settlement fine.”
“You wouldn't be able to press charges anyway since Sooyeon's the one that striked Y/N first,” I said as I showed them the picture of Y/N I had Heejoon send to my phone.
At seeing the picture Sooyeon’s face went red with anger, “That’s nothing compared to what she did to me! I just gave her one simple slap while the crazy bitch punched me in the face and broke my nose!”
“If you had stayed in your place she wouldn’t have had to lay a hand on you,” I said firmly, my mouth forming a tight line as she held herself back from saying anymore, “You went to her spouting nonsense about the two of us getting married which-”
“-Is happening whether you like it or not. I arranged this to save the company. I told you to find a way to do it yourself yet the only thing you could think of was to involve yourself with a woman that had nothing to offer. The wedding will go as planned unless you’re willing to give up the company.” My father interrupted me, rising from his seat and walking over to me, “Not only that but you’d be giving up your cars, your house, everything you owned that was paid with my money.”
I couldn’t help but let out a dry laugh, a grin spreading across my face, “You think I can’t give those things up?”
“Oh I know you can’t,” He responded with a smirk of his own as he stuck a finger in my chest, “You won’t be able to survive without all the things that have been given to you. You’ll never be able to find work if you leave our company, I can guarantee you that. So it’d be best if you continue to do as you’re told.”
I set my jaw at his words, taking a step back so his finger wasn’t digging into my chest, “I can and I will. You think money is the only thing that’s important well guess what old man it’s not. I’ve come to realize that. I’m nothing like you. Money is the least important thing to me if I‘m not happy. I’m I’m happy with Y/N, hell I’ve been more happy these last few months spent with her than all of my twenty-seven years of life. I’m not about to let you ruin what may possibly be my only chance at love and happiness because you’re too damn greedy.”
That was the last thing I said before turning on my heel and leaving that house. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent a text to Heejoon to gather all my things from the office into a box. I turned my phone off to avoid having to answer his questions as I got in my car and headed to the only place I could think of, Y/N’s house.
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
I sighed heavily, sitting back in my seat as I stared at the three dimensional structure in the computer. Though I fixed the original blueprint I wanted to go through everything thoroughly before I submitted it. The building had failed yet another earthquake simulation, a four point five earthquake enough for the foundation to crack. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration before letting my head fall back as I stared up at the ceiling, trying to rack my brain for anything to fix this. Not even five seconds into looking up at the ceiling I felt someone kick at my chair. I lifted my head to see Taeoh leaning against my desk, his hands shoved into his pockets. I gave him a glare, one he responded to with only a grin like he usually does.
He let a breathy chuckle slip past his lips, crossing his arms over his chest, “Go home.”
“No I need to finish this.” I said, sitting up and reaching over for my mouse.
My fingers barely grazed it when he place his hand on it and moved it away. I gave him another glare but this time there was no grin in sight on his face. He looked more serious than usual.
“Go home. You’ve had a long day, what with that crazy bitch and everything else going on. You still have a few days before our deadline.”
I sighed once more, knowing he was right. I was more sluggish than usual today and though I was able to get everything done I was feeling more drained than I usually would. Without fighting him further I nodded, getting up and grabbing my coat before patting his shoulder as a goodbye as I walked out of the room. My feet dragged against the floor as I made my way over to the elevator, leaning against the wall once inside. It was like all the energy I had left vanished from my body. I just wanted to get home and cuddle with my cat before falling asleep.
I let out a small groan as I walked up the front steps to my home. I leaned my whole body against the door as I stuck the key in the keyhole. As soon as I got it open I stumbled into my home, only getting to shut the door before taking my shoes off and laying down on the floor. I was so tired that I didn’t care about lying on the floor, turning over onto my back and staring up at the ceiling. I had just closed my eyes when I heard his voice, sitting up slightly alarmed to be hearing it.
“You’re home early.”
I looked around in confusion, seeing him raise a hand and wave my over from his spot on the couch. I furrowed my brows as I crawled over to him,  a grin spreading across my face at seeing Angelo sleeping on his chest. I let out a soft chuckle, reaching over to pet his head softly.
“He’s been asleep for over two hours…”
“So you’ve been stuck here? You could’ve just moved him over to his bed you know.”
“But he looked so comfortable…” He said in a soft voice.
I let out yet another laugh, reaching over and grabbing Angelo off his chest and placing him on his bed. Junmyeon went to sit up but before he could I laid on top of him, resting my head against his chest. His chest rumbled as he let out a laugh, his arms immediately wrapping around my frame. I felt him place a gentle and quick kiss on the top of my head.
“What are you doing here anyway?” I asked, lifting my head and resting my chin on his chest to look at him.
“I needed a place to go after the stunt I pulled.” He said in a low tone, a frown forming on his face when his eyes found the band-aid on my cheek.
He gingerly brushed his fingers against the band-aid and the skin surrounding it, his eyes letting me know exactly how he was feeling. I sighed heavily, grabbing his hand and placing a quick kiss on his palm, “Stop worrying about it, I’m fine. It won’t even leave a scar. The only reason got cut in the first place is because of all the stupid rings she wears.”
“I said I’m fine,” I repeated before getting back to the subject that brought him over to my home, “ Now tell me what you meant about coming here after the stunt you pulled. What did you do?”
“I gave up everything.”
At hearing that I placed my hands on either side of his face, looking at him properly before getting up and standing over him, “What?”
“The company, my house, my cars...everything I ever received with my father’s money.” He explained, sitting up with a heavy sigh, “It was either that or give you up and I’ve already experienced what it’s like to be without you and I rather not go through that again.”
“I don’t know if I should kiss you or smack you upside the head.” I said, a bit dumbfounded by everything.
Sure it kinda felt good hearing him do something so drastic just to keep me in his life but now he had literally nothing. I know how much he loved having his own company, hell he even had a big head about being a CEO but for him to give that up, alongside everything his father ever gave him had me speechless. He smiled softly at my words, reaching out to grab my hand and pull me back down to the couch, placing my next to him. He draped his arm around my shoulder before leaning back to lay back down on the couch. I was squished in between the couch and his body but I wasn’t really complaining.
“Just...stay here. I don’t care about anything  just stay with me.” He said in a low voice, as if pleading with me to never leave his side.
Little did he know I wasn’t planning on leaving his side, no matter how much he pissed me off.
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mini-min-yoongi · 6 years
July AO3 Yoonmin readings:
1) maybe i hate you can be our always (*)
When Yoongi thinks about it, really gives it genuine thought, it's possible that Park Jimin isn't the worst person in the world. // (Or, Yoongi and Jimin get off on the wrong foot.)
This was very fun to read. Yoongi and Jimin being petty and fighting like cats and dogs. Another good thing about it that I really appreciate in fics: the rest of BTS is involved. I just really like reading about their friendship.
2) 浮世 U K I Y O (contains smut, work in progress) (*)
“Is that what they say about me? I'm stuff of nightmares?” “You own a city and you painted it with your colors,” Jimin says, his voice is quiet and his scent subdued. “Why wouldn't people have nightmares about you? You are scary.” “Are you scared of me?”
Yoongi owns a city that he painted red until a man that doesn't seem to truly exist steals something from him. And all the strings lead to Jimin, a succubus who works in one of his brothels.
A masterpiece. The plot, the characters, the world-building... I love this story a lot. It’s heartbreaking at times, it has action and all of BTS have a role in the story so that’s awesome. Also, it deals with gangs which I’m a big fan of so yeah. It’ll finish soon and I can’t wait to see what happens. If you haven’t read it, go give it a try.
3) Hawaii
Yoongi and Jimin end up sharing the big room when Namjoon and Jimin agree to switch despite the decision in front of the cameras.
BTS/Canon universe.
4) The Collabofornication (contains smut) (*)
AU. Park Jimin is the frontman of popular rock band HwaYangYeonHwa, which has a comeback on the way. Min Suga is long-time rapper Agust D. During a Red Carpet interview for an event they both attend, an interviewer asks Suga if he’s ever considered collaborating with Jimin. Suga doesn’t know who Jimin is, but for politeness’s sake, he agrees to look into it. However, when they meet, Suga is nothing but disdainful of Jimin’s likeness to an idol. (“I don’t work with idols,” he says.) Jimin hadn’t had any prior opinion of Suga, but after his interaction, he thinks Suga is an asshole. Nevertheless, their managers convince them it would benefit the both of them to collaborate.
Their collaboration turns into a lot more than just of the musical kind.
Wow. This was so intense, especially when they meet and start sleeping together (to be honest I should say f**k because seriously, that was INTENSE). I really enjoyed reading this Yoongi because it’s so different from what I’m used to. I usually read stories where Yoongi is awkward and sweet and this Yoongi was so confident and rough (without being heartless, most of the time at least), it was really good. I also liked how everything developed and the angst.
5) On a Rainy Night in April (*)
Jimin is an abandoned hybrid. Yoongi takes him in. (No heats, etc. Fluff only. Angst.)
Sneak Peek: He had no energy to run; all he could do was hide. But even that was difficult. He couldn’t get his mind to think quickly enough. “Hey! Hey, do you need help?” He peeked through the protective cage of his arms. It was the human from the apartment. He was standing on the front stoop of his building, just out of the rain, but holding an umbrella as if he was about to open it. “No,” Jimin whispered, even as his eyes said, ‘Yes, please; help me.’
SO MUCH FLUFF. I mean, it has some angst, but Jimin is so soft and I just love cat hybrid stories like this one. It’s so sweet.
6) Cinnamon Crisp (not ym, Jungkook/Taehyung, Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics)
Jungkook needs his daily dose of cuddles and Taehyung likes to wear Jungkook's clothes. They don't care that alphas and omegas aren't supposed to be best friends.
7) Serendipity Series
Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, mpreg
7.1 Carpe Diem
Min Yoongi, music producer and part-time rapper, treads through life cautiously. He balances his own frantic mind and the stresses of reality, taking few risks in the process. Park Jimin, bartender and part-time civil nuisance, lives on impulse. Both men have been running from their pasts nonstop, until they collide one night when Yoongi starts a fight in the bar Jimin works at. Sparks fly, shit goes down, and for once, Yoongi actually takes the leap.
7.2 Best Of Me
Domestic fluff about a lazy Saturday morning.
Cute and domestic, this will warm your heart.
7.3 A Place Where Someone Loves You
“I knew you’d be a good dad,” Seokjin said abruptly, observing them.
Yoongi wrinkled his brow. “Why do you say that so victoriously? Like you had anything to do with it?”
“Hey, I encouraged you to get with Jimin.”
“Yeah, like that made any difference in my fathering abilities.”
Kid fic about a day at the park, filled with fluff, humor, and bickering.
10) i love you for your sturdy arms (*)
From: Yoongi Min [[email protected]] To: Jimin Park [[email protected]] Date: January 7 Subject: good luck
good luck jiminnie dont overthink
-hyung __________________________________
Jimin Park, fifteen, is the first Korean-American in nearly a century to win gold at the Olympics.
This was so well planned and done. There must have been so much research and time spent on this story, it’s amazing. I enjoyed it so much. I especially liked the scene where they drive to the beach and their tattoos <3 I don’t know, I just really liked the concept of this story and the plot, the less pretty sides of fame and just how they managed their friendship and relationship while Jimin is away and in the spotlight. 10/10 would recommend.
11) Permanent Marker
“So.. Taeoh-ya,” Yoongi started, “how would I make your dad like me?” “Well, you can start by getting rid of all your tattoos,” he said.
Yoongi isn't your traditional babysitter.
12) Helpless (contains smut, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics) (*) 
Yoongi goes into his rut and Jimin helps him through it for the first time. (aka they have gross, messy sex non-stop for a few days)
I’ve always read about omegas going into heat, but this was my first time reading about an alpha’s rut and I was positively surprised. Very hot. Very good.
(*) my favourite fics
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