#( thank you for sending this in! )
kithtaehyung · 11 months
3tan slice:
yoongi watching reader get ready 🍊
stopppp i love this :((( this is for the 3tan yoongi and irl yoongi missers (at least, one of the things i have planned<;333)
"How about this one?"
Oh, you're back already. Adjusting his arm, Yoongi lifts his head to check his phone screen, wondering if you're gonna pass up this next dress too despite him liking the hell out of it.
"Is that new?"
Your smile is truly one of his favorite things.
"Yeah! Got it when I went shopping with Yuri. Well. She made me get it."
When you pout, do you know how it affects him?
Yoongi just huffs through his nose, settling into the crook of his elbow and letting the warmth of afternoon coat his shoulder. Casting a quick look out his blinds, he wishes you were here instead, coming in and out of another closet that comes to mind.
"Is it bad? Damn."
"Huh?" Shit, he never answered out loud. "Nah, that's the one."
"Oh, okay. You didn't say anything."
Still his problem. A million thoughts, with nowhere to go. "Sorry, doll. Just thinking."
You're in the middle of undressing offscreen, which is yet another thing he finds incredibly endearing. He can only see one of your elbows peek into the frame as you question,
"Work again?"
"You," he corrects, full of sleepiness and void of hesitation.
Eyes fully shut, Yoongi doesn't lift them again until you fetch for another opinion. Which is longer than he expects because you go fully silent for a bit.
"Okay, how's this?"
His eyes flicker open seconds before his heart skips.
He hasn't felt his chest beat like that in a minute.
Are words coming out this time? Or is his tongue as uncooperative as his brain? Why can't he say the simplest shit when you're just standing in front of him? Fuck, he can't even articulate anything but he just knows you're fucking beautiful.
When the hell did you steal his voice, too?
"I'll let you sleep," you whisper, and he hates how down you sound because should never have a reason to feel that way. "Just text me when you can, yeah?"
If he can't say how he feels, Yoongi goes for the second option. And he's not letting that one fail. "Come over when you're done."
"Wait, what?"
He adjusts his head again, slanting a bit higher to admire everything about you. "After your dinner."
"You need to sleep..."
Why are you so considerate when it comes to him? What did he ever do to deserve anything you're willing to give? He's thought about these things so much that they take up most of his sleepless, tired nights. "You're gonna keep me up looking like that anyway."
"But.. what about.."
"I won't take long."
"You sure?"
God. Yoongi will never, ever get over the ways you try to hide that shyness. There's no way he can stop his grin, and when you make him swear it will be quick, he also can't stop himself from teasing yet again,
"Depends on how long you last."
"Alright, bye," you deadpan, giving him sweet rejection and hitting him where it hurts so good. But you smile once more, agreeing to come over but only for a tiny, tiny bit.
"That's all I need, doll."
"Prove it."
He intends to.
Because you can make him speechless for now.
But when it comes to showing you how he feels?
There's no way you're shutting his ass up.
3tanslices: mini-scenarios!
series: three tangerines
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kidney9-9 · 1 year
A Life with Peter Parker
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Anonymous asked: basically yn and peter are married like after nwh bc yn didnt forget peter peter and yn are in their twenties and yn is pregnant with a peters baby boy and after he's born, they considering having another child and they have a girl tysm :)
Hi anon! Hope you enjoy :) Thank you for sending this in! It was fun to write!
Peter Parker x Reader [Established Relationship/Fluff] Warnings: Cursing, pregnancy, reader giving birth Word Count: 2k
When the world forgot Peter Parker, you were so lucky you didn’t. At first, neither of you knew why you hadn’t forgotten him. Both of you tried to find out every magical way you didn’t forget about Peter Parker, and there was nothing.
There was absolutely zero magical reason as to why you were the only one not affected by the spell.
But after a month, you slowly started to feel sick. You pushed it off as some kind of weak virus, but it continued, and persisted into another few weeks. Then you noticed that you started to gain weight.
You didn’t tell Peter, your boyfriend, at the time, of your suspicion. It could break him if you told him, you thought you were pregnant and then turned out that you weren’t. If you were pregnant… a rush of joy sparked through your body, it would be amazing news.
After losing nearly everyone, Peter felt like he had no family left, but this baby would be his family, you would become his family.
You bought seven different pregnancy tests and took them back to the home you shared with Peter. You made sure he wasn’t at home when you took the tests, because you didn’t want to get his hopes up for possibly nothing.
After the first three, you were beaming with happiness. They all said you were pregnant! And after the next four, you concluded that you were definitely pregnant, and it was time to tell Peter and set up an appointment with your doctor to make sure everything was okay with the baby.
When he came back home, you were hiding all seven pregnancy tests behind your test with a bright smile.
“Hey sweetie, what’s going on?” He asked, leaning in, and kissing your forehead gently.
“I think I know why I didn’t forget you after the spell.” You replied nervously, but inside you felt an overwhelming amount of happiness and joy. This would be great for you two!
“Wait, really? Why?” His curiosity got the best of him as he stared at you excited to know.
“I’m… pregnant!” You cheered, pulling the pregnancy tests from behind your back and handing them to Peter.
He stayed silent for a while, almost three whole minutes and you continued to feel even more anxious as time went on. Then he looked up at you with this awe in his eyes, the type of awe that made you smile and relax.
“Baby? Really? Oh my god, this is really happening.” He murmured, eyes starting to tear up. “This is the best thing to ever happen.” He continued, and dropped all of the pregnancy tests to the ground as he rushed over to you and swept you up into his arms.
“We’re having a baby! A baby! This is amazing, it’s a baby! That solves it too, it makes sense! The baby can’t forget who I am because of the DNA – oh wow, this changes a lot of things in science, wait, and that’s the reason why you didn’t forget, it’s because half the baby is basically from me, and the spell can’t take away a life – oh my god, this is incredible!” He ranted happily, crying out of joyfulness.
You started to cry with him too, feeling amazed that he was responding and reacting this way. It was the best way he could have reacted, it was awesome.
“I love you so much, Peter.” You whispered into his ear as he twirled you around, holding you up from the ground. He grinned wider than before as he responded with, “I love you and I love our baby too.”
“This is perfect timing, too, you know?” He spoke up after a moment of hugging. You squeezed him back harder.
“Why?” You asked softly, pulling away to look at him.
“I was going to propose to you tonight. All fancy with the fairy lights on our balcony, swing up Spiderman style and ask you, ‘Will you marry me?’”  He dragged something out of his pocket, as you stared at him with shock.
“No fucking way.” You snorted, instantly denying that he would have done that. You had a feeling he was going to propose soon – but not tonight!
“Yes freaking way, also no curse words in front of our baby, I don’t want him hearing that.”
“Awe, sweetie, him? You think it’s a boy?” You practically started to tear up again to the point that Peter wiped a finger under your eye and leaned in again to kiss your cheek.
While he kissed your cheek, he pushed something into your hands. You pulled away to look down at it, and you could feel your heart start to race as you realized what it was and that he wasn’t lying to you. There was the box and the ring.
The ring was gorgeous, it was exactly what you wanted for an engagement ring, and it made you cry even more.
“Pete, baby, this is perfect…” You whispered with admiration. He smiled at you brightly, “Really? I thought a lot about it and did some research.” He admitted, making you laugh out of surprise.
“You’re amazing.” You responded, moving closer to him to kiss his lips. He kissed you back gently with a slight teasing smile as he pulled back before you could kiss him again.
“So, is that a yes?”
“Of course, it is.”
The wedding was intimate but perfect. Only a few of your closest friends and family showed up, and you two stayed quiet about it after it was done. Your family wasn’t too happy to know it was a stranger that you were marrying, but they got to know Peter again after a few months.
You two left out the fact that he is Spiderman. They couldn’t know or else they’d get in trouble one day. You couldn’t risk it. It was already a huge risk that you knew he was Spiderman, but then again, you were the only one who knew.
After you gave birth to a healthy beautiful boy, you two decided to name him after his best friend, Ned. Peter still didn’t feel right about going up to his old best friend and telling him the truth, but he felt like he was giving him some honor by naming his child after him.
Ned was one of the most forgiving and best friends he could ever have. He missed him dearly but kept himself away from him to protect him.
“Baby, did you warm up a bottle?” Your voice rang through, and Peter shook his head, clearing his thoughts of the past.
Peter grabbed the bottle and walked over to the couch, where you and Ned were laying down. Ned was hungry, needing some more food and you were tired of feeding him earlier. You handed Ned off to Peter, who carried him on the side of his hip.
“Aw, look at my baby boy. You hungry? I got you some food. Mommy’s going to rest now.” Peter spoke in baby talk, causing you to tiredly chuckle.
“He’s the best thing in the world. I love him, but he is so exhausting.” You sighed, yawning as you stretched out from your position on the couch and sat in the corner, to make some room for Peter. He sat down next to you, kissing your lips momentarily.
“…Can I say something crazy right now?” Peter brought it up hesitantly. You gazed at him, confused but nodded a yes.
“I want another.” Peter set out, anxiously playing with his hands. You blinked at him and let out a small, “Huh?”
You were confused, you didn’t know what he meant by that. “You mean, you want another pizza? We can order more.” You pointed to the box sitting on the coffee table in front of you. Peter shook his head, a small smile forming on his face as he gazed at you fondly.
“I want another kid with you.” He repeated, clearer this time and more confidently.
Your eyebrows shot up as you gasped, “What? Really?” And then a laugh tumbled out of your mouth as you said, “Me too.”
Peter stared at you in silent shock for a few moments before letting out, “What did you say?”
“I said, me too. I want another kid too, honey.” You replied with a small laugh. Then the two of you both started laughing together, even baby Ned started to giggle a little bit.
Peter sighed, “Woah, I didn’t expect that. I thought you were going to call me crazy.”
You glanced over at him with a smile, “I could tell. You looked so nervous, but I do want to have another kid with you. Little Ned is great, but I feel like having one more would make things feel complete.”
“Me too, that’s how I feel too.”
Your second time with pregnancy was much easier since you expected it to happen. You prepared yourself the best you could, and so did Peter. He started to do a lot of chores, taking on practically all of the housework while you started to develop more.
You read all of the pregnancy books, and what to expect, which you already knew most of because of baby Ned. Peter read them too, finding them interesting and he even started to give advice out as Spiderman, telling couples with babies to make sure to burp them or to check on their fingers to see if they got hair twisted on it.
It was adorable because people started to make edits of him saying those sorts of thing and calling him Spiderdad. You even started calling him Spiderdad to tease him, but he secretly loved it.
By your last month of pregnancy, you were barely able to walk around without feeling some sort of pain in your back. Peter watched a few tutorial videos of how to relieve the pain for you, and he would walk over to you and lift your stomach slightly, to give you relief from the pressure of the baby on your bladder and back.
“Oh, thank you so much, that feels so much better.” You groaned, leaning your head forward to rest on his shoulder.
“Of course, sweetie, let me know if you want me to do it again.” He responded, kissing your head gently.
When you were giving birth, Peter stood by the entire time, holding your hand, and encouraging you. He didn’t want to look because he was afraid that he would pass out, so he stayed next to you, gripping your hand tight and murmuring sweet words.
“You’ve got this, honey. I know you do. You’re so strong for our baby.” He said, and you made a big push, grunting and a scream flew out of you. The nurses around you started to encourage you even more, telling you to push again.
A few more pushes had caused a lot more screams to come from you, and you squeezed Peter’s hand as tightly as you could, causing him to moan in pain.
“Come on, push, one more time!” A nurse shouted and finally, you pushed hard, and the baby started to come out. Peter felt faint, but he stood his ground, holding your hand tightly back.
“There you go! It’s a girl!” One of the doctors spoke up, pulling the baby out. You groaned slowly, head turning to try to see the baby, and he handed her to you.
You gripped her softly, and the heavy sweat on your face made you feel even more tired as you looked at her for the first time.
“Oh, precious…” You whispered, then gazed over at Peter, who was staring at the two of you with awe in his eyes.
“I love you too, so much.” He whispered, finally sitting down in the seat next to you. His hand laid on the baby’s back while you held her with one arm.
You leaned your head up to kiss her forehead, and a tear escaped your eyes, “I love you both too.” You responded.
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luimagines · 1 month
Random but i still giggle when i go to find ur blog in my following list because i keep being reminded that I followed you first before the actual LU blog— which i find very funny
Trippy!!!! Hi!! :D
Oh goodness, really? How??? XD
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sciencewife · 3 months
Ok lol I got another request hope you don't mind: caveputer in a silly hat of your choice?
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I thought Mickey’s sorcerer hat would be a fun one for Caveputer :) No telling what he would do with its power, but it could only lead to chaos
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hime-bee · 3 months
Hey Hime! I am so sorry to ask this of you, but I just want to make sure I get this done correctly because I've been thinking about it a lot actually!
How would Leumin react if he found out his Petal was a shapeshifter? How do you think he would react if he found out they knew of all of his emotions whenever he experienced it?
How would he feel if the shapeshifter literally gave their core, literally the source of their nearly immortal life, to him, in hopes that he would know how much he means to them?
(You obviously do not have to answer this if you don't want to, though thank you for taking the time to read these silly questions! (And if you want, I am a little curious about a few of the others, considering they probably don't have a near 0% chance of encountering shapeshifters like Leumin and Lucas X3))
MMM, that's a good question actually! And I have no issue answering it ^^ Thank you for sending this in! Honestly, Leu is a pretty openminded guy. If MC was a shapeshifter, he wouldn't have an issue with that. I think he'd be a bit embarrassed to learn that they can feel all of his emotions, though, because that would mean they know how obsessed and crazy-in-love he is 😭 But he'd get over it eventually, especially if they return his feelings!
As for the second part, that's outta the question for Leu- he wouldn't want his partner to give up their immortal life for him. Regardless, if that was what they wanted, then he wouldn't stop them. He'd find it to be very romantic, albeit sad. He would rather give his life for them first 😌 Oh also! Here's the link to the fanfic Dotchi wrote for Leu, if someone reading this ask hasn't read it yet!
(It's no problem, really!! 💞 As for the ML's, like Njero and Flores, they're probably already used to magical beings, so a shapeshifter S/O wouldn't be anything too out of the ordinary!)
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
eren likes having her hair pulled as much as yn does but he ain’t gon say nothing
I so completely agree. Mans is a slut fr, and he wouldn’t mind letting (y/n) use him for a little bit. Because imagine pulling his hair while he’s on all fours and (y/n) jer— *line disconnected*
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laurasimonsdaughter · 8 months
Magisowo, one month ago me and my wife had our beautiful daughter. Last week, we noticed that the child had been swapped by a fae, and did the steps to demand our baby back. The problem is that I, perhaps foolishly, came to love the changeling, and demanded to keep both of the children. The fae who gave birth to our child demands that she be given back, but we are of the opinion that she gave up that right willingly. What to do? Is there even any lawyer who can help? Thank you, Whiplashed Mom.
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Dear Whiplashed Mom,
We're very sorry you went through all that, it must have been an awful experience to lose your baby. From a human perspective we also completely understand the standpoint that the changeling is now also your own. When it comes to the culture and traditions of the fae, however, the matter is not quite so straightforward.
It is absolutely within your rights to report the theft of your child to the legal authorities, and there are several rulings of the High Court of Magical Justice that support granting at least shared custody over a changeling to both the fae and the human parents. But, if we may make a suggestion, consider contacting the Under the Hill outreach program first.
The fae connected to this effort have worked tirelessly for many years to improve human-fae relations, make cohabitation possible, and reduce the amount of incidents like the one you sadly went through. If the fae you are dealing with are at all inclined to listen to reason, there is a good chance the mediators at Under the Hill will be able to help you come to an agreement without having to go to court.
If you do want to go the legal route, we quite understand. In that case we can provide you a list of layers who are specialized in disputes such as this. But we really hope you are willing to try mediation first.
~ the MagiSoWo Team
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shroudkeeper · 3 months
memorial - for the random word generator prompt!
The world before me slowly unravels with each footstep I take upon lands I have yet to explore; with each path I take, I am filled with wonder and try to document each tale I am regaled with. There are grandiose stories of heroism carved into history, made by mortal beings, that one may find in tomes and scrolls in every part of the world.
During spring, as the flowers awaken from their hibernation and journey to warmer climes, I have made an unexpected friend in what others call a beastkin. I felt their gentle nature, the benign spirit that radiated from them, and welcomed them into my company in my search for more stories to document.
We crossed into Eastern Thalanan, an area I did not frequent without the company of Mister Fitzgerald, however, I knew well of the cemetery there, though my companion sparked the interest of a cloaked gentleman, who hurriedly approached me and immediately became interested in her.
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He told me a story, not one of mortal men and their great feats, but of a solitary gobbue, one whose voyage took them afar, as the world felt like it was becoming undone. For years it wandered, and though its life was being extinguished with each step, life gathered upon it. My companion listened quietly as the brooding man continued to weave its remarkable, tragic tale. I became interested in seeing this living memorial upon its back, to paint it into memory and share it with my clan upon my return.
With his brief directions, we both set towards the east where we may find it and give it our offerings. Even though we could not communicate verbally, they knew the silent language of gestures and guided me toward our destination to offer our respects.
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In this field of flowers, we see the monumental form as we descended a hill and quietly approached the area where it forever laid dormant. Within me something stirred, despite being accustomed to death, the sight of the gobbue caused my heart to tighten in my chest as I felt sparks of life radiating from its hunched back in the form of lavenders, roselles, and moss which cushioned the blooms and carpeted the hunched mound.
Life and death are inseperable.
My companion gingerly pushed the thorned vines away from the maw left agape on the deceased, allowing us to see past the veil of greenery. Its limbs have long become part of the earth, rooting itself to help keep it upright, its empty eyes still looked forward, as one could imagine it had been doing for years on end, leaving the land of Coerthas.
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With her assistance, I was lifted higher, and closer so I may properly glance upon them with respect; was there that I would quietly observe the details of its passing and the beauty which shrouded it.
In silence, I offered it a prayer, for one could only fathom its hardships and understand the loss it felt as its world crumbled at its feet.
Its spirit is long gone, for not even I can feel its presence lingering in this plane, despite such, I will honor where he finally rests, a living shrine that he has created upon its back, in hopes that where his spirit lies, it feels lighter in knowing that another has come to learn of their plight.
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hoedamn-eron · 3 months
did not know I needed dad-nathan until I read it, my god he is so cute
Thank you so much! I have more planned 👀
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tightjeansjavi · 3 months
i know this is stupid but i wonder if pornstar!joel will be getting jealous? like if babylove have emotional involvement with others?
Hey non! This isn’t a stupid question to ask at all :) I think it actually can stem into a really cool conversation!
So the short answer is no, but I have the reasons as to why.
The first one being that Joel has been in the industry since he was 18. He’s seen and experienced it all. His own romantic emotions have been reserved for most of his life up until when he meets his first serious girlfriend Carmen, and now baby love. He himself has had crushes on his onscreen partners and short flings that have naturally fizzled out, but at the end of the day, it’s his job.
baby love’s inherent nature is very loving and he knows this and it’s one of the many things that he loves about her. If she came to him and said that she had a crush on one of her onscreen partners outside of him and Tommy, he knows she would communicate it to him and not hide it from him. She also knows that it’s her job, and sometimes emotions get involved when you’re filming sexual intimate scenes.
I think also if Joel was an emotionally immature individual he would for sure struggle with jealousy, but he feels confident and secure in his relationship so he’s not concerned if baby love ever comes to him and wants to talk about their relationship being more fluid and open.
I think that if baby love and Joel weren’t pornstars, or if only one was a pornstar and the other wasn’t, it would be a different conversation tbh. But given the fact that both their jobs are to give and receive pleasure on camera, emotions are involved to an extent. But when you have two individuals who are emotionally mature and actively communicate in a relationship, there’s no room for jealously imo.
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zorlok-if · 1 year
I sincerely hope things will start looking up for you! You are the most important thing in your life so opase take care of yourself! Love you <33 /p
Aksksdjkdj thank you so much! ❤️
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fromxgrace · 6 months
❝ it’s okay to be afraid, you know. ❞
@fallesto: "it’s okay to be afraid, you know." ⟶ accepting prompts! (high fantasy, mature themes, dark)
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The night was cold and wisps of air whispered through the gnarled branches overhead. Something felt off that night as the fellowship huddled together around the campire. Within seconds, a swirl of darkness spat out the cambion creature—Mizora.
"It’s okay to be afraid, you know."
Daemon's eyes narrowed as she, the devilish cambion, decided to impart her supposed wisdom upon the camp that night. Her words, dripping with sarcasm, were met with a cold, dismissive gaze from the fallen aasimar. He scoffed, unimpressed by her supposed sudden compassion. "Oh for fucks sake, you wouldn't know fear if it stared you in the face. You've never been in a position where it mattered, where it clawed at your insides, eating away at you every damn day."
A bitter edge seeped into his words, a resentment that went beyond their current exchange. "And I am not afraid," he continued, a note of frustration lacing his voice. "I'm just sick and tired of all this nonsense. Sick of being tangled in the whims of others, whether celestial or infernal. So, spare me your faux empathy, devil. It doesn't suit you."
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kidney9-9 · 1 year
Back to School | Ranpo & Poe x Reader
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Anonymous asked:
Hello! Can you please write a gender-neutral reader who is 14 and see both Ranpo and Poe as a father figure? I love this ship so much it's concerning. Thank you!
Hi, anon, I hope you enjoy this! Thank you for requesting! Reader is gender-neutral, 14 years old, and is entering their second year of high school, very nervous. This is the week before school starts and Ranpo and Poe try their best to help relieve Reader’s nerves. Ranpo and Poe are together.
Requests are open and masterlist is linked in bio!
Ranpo x gn!Reader x Poe [Platonic/Fluff] Warnings: Some crying and slight mention of no father/bad father at home Word Count: 1.6k
“I just got another school email! What is it? Oh no, am I in trouble? Did I forget something?” You were stumbling over your words, clicking refresh on your student email account and clicking on the new email.
You’ve been at this for the last two hours, frequently hitting refresh on the webpage and looking through your checklist to double, then triple, and quadruple check you have everything ready for school next week. Poe looked at you and frowned, reaching over from his corner to pat your hand softly.
“You should take a break and relax, there’s nothing else to do.” Poe mumbled, glancing at the email that popped up. It was just an advertisement for the student store, but you still read through it all, and then reread it.
“But I have so much to do! I have to prepare!” You responded, spinning around in the office chair. You were in the ADA office, working as an intern with Poe. Your internship was ending soon, since school was starting back in a week. Poe and Ranpo were your “managers” this whole internship, and you had started to see them as your father figures.
“What exactly do you need to prepare?” Poe asked softly, sending a concerning gaze to Ranpo, who had been chewing on a piece of candy and watching the two of you.
“Everything like… I need to make sure I have all the books for my language course, and I need to check that I have my math textbook and the review page completed, and then I need to make sure that the history class schedule is right, so I can choose the right type of study course, and then I need to check that,” Ranpo cut you off with, “Woah!”
You glanced over to him a bit confused, “What?”
“Is this high school? I don’t remember it being so intense. And you’ve already done all of that already, last week. We helped you.” Ranpo sighed, shaking his head as he unwrapped another candy. Poe’s shoulders were raised slightly before he shook his head.
“You mean, I helped her and you organized candy in sweetest to the most sour taste.” Poe corrected him, and Ranpo rolled his eyes and laughed.
“Yeah, that’s what I mean.” He responded and you grinned at the two of them, feeling a wave of happiness hit you. They always managed to help you, even though you were supposed to help them out since you were an intern. You were going to miss them so much though.
At that thought, you turned away from them, looking back to your screen. You didn’t want to lose them but you were sure that they didn’t care that much that you were leaving the ADA when school starts again.
“Huh, sweetie, stop refreshing the page, it’s okay.” Poe noticed again, this time, stepping closer to you. Ranpo rolled his chair closer to the two of you as well, and quickly shut your laptop closed. You gasped at him.
“Rude, I was checking for emails.” You said, and Ranpo shrugged his shoulders at you as he unplugged your laptop and pushed it to the side.
“You’re working too hard.” He replied and reached into his pocket. He set down a candy for you, then slid it where your laptop used to be.
“There, chew.” He spoke again, nodding to you. Poe smiled as you sighed and picked up the candy.
“I’m supposed to be working,” You tried to explain but Poe set his hand on your hand again.
“No, today is officially break day. We relax the whole day, and that’s it.” He made up, and on the other side of the room, Kunikida frowned, “That’s what you always do.”
Ranpo giggled at Kunikida’s words before agreeing with Poe. “You’re only 14, you don’t need to do anything. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you, kid.” The nickname made you frown a bit, reminding you that you aren’t going to see them that much anymore.
They take such good care of you all the time here and out in the city when there’s cases. You were going to miss them so much, you felt like they helped you in a few different ways. You couldn’t help but see them as dads, but you couldn’t just call them that, you were afraid they’d find it weird.
“What’s wrong, really?” Poe asked, noticing your mood dampening.
“Just school, that’s all.” You shrugged and Ranpo narrowed his eyes at you. He shook his head and then pointed at you.
“Don’t lie to us, you know I can tell when someone lies.”
“I’m not lying!” You flustered, pulling away from Poe’s hand and tried rolling your chair over to the edge of the desk to get your laptop again.
“Fine, if you keep lying, I won’t give you anymore of my treats.” Ranpo threatened and Poe laughed slightly before they both watched you sink down in your chair even more.
“Fine, that’s going to happen anyways.” You whispered, glancing down to your feet.
“What?” Poe leaned down to you, “That wouldn’t happen. I wouldn’t allow him to do that to you.” Poe murmured to you and Ranpo nodded along.
“I wasn’t being serious about it, we’re just worried.” Ranpo spoke up too, watching as you breathed in deeply.
You looked so upset at that moment that it surprised both Ranpo and Poe to see. They’ve never seen you this down before and it was upsetting to them too, both of them now more worried for you.
“But it’s going to happen since I won’t be here anymore. You guys will just go back to work and I’ll stop being a distraction to you and we won’t talk anymore…” You whispered, feeling a knot of sadness bundle in your stomach.
“Huh?” Ranpo was the first to realize what you were talking about, eyes widening in shock. “You think we aren’t going to talk anymore? Why? We’ll still drag you back here after you finish school for the day.”
Poe glanced between you and Ranpo, “Why would we stop doing that?” His question made you frown even more, and you ignored Ranpo’s words, feeling like they weren’t true.
“You’re just saying that. You guys are… you know how I see you guys probably and think I’m some stupid kid, but it’s fine I can’t intern here anymore because school is starting.” You tried your best not to show emotion in your voice, but it cracked, and your eyes started to water slightly.
You quickly wiped your eyes with your sleeves, looking away from the two. You shouldn’t have brought it up, right? That’s what you were feeling like now.
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter, let’s get back to work.” You quickly added, interrupting Poe.
“No, it does matter and we’re going to talk about this.” Poe said sternly, looking at Ranpo for support.
“Yeah, we are still going to be here for you. And we know that you see us as the weird couple, but we don’t care about that and we still care about you.” Ranpo replied, and you choked out some kind of laugh.
“Weird couple? I mean, you two are good together, I meant you guys know I see you as father figures.” You responded, shaking your head. You added, “You know I don’t have the best father figure at home… you guys have helped me so much and you probably think I’m some dumb kid that bugged you all the time.”
Poe gripped your hand, this time with more force and you glanced over to him, surprised. “We know you don’t have that at home, but you don’t realize the kind of effect you have on us too. You’re like our kid basically. We love you and we still are going to love you and care about you even if you can’t be an intern here anymore.”
Ranpo reached over and patted your head, “And we don’t see you as some dumb kid. You’re smart and responsible and yes, you do need guidance but we’re here for that because we care about you.”
“You’re lying, you just don’t want me to cry anymore.” You refused to accept it. No one had stepped up for you like they did in the past and now, but you couldn’t believe it because then it would mean that it was real and that they see you as their kid. It couldn’t be that simple! It was never that simple and happy in your life.
“No, we aren’t. You basically live here with us and sure, you are going back to school, and it will be stressful, but we’re still going to be here. And if you can’t come to hang out in the office with us, then we will come to see you. We care about you kid.” Poe stated, and he lifted your hand up and squeezed it tightly.
Ranpo got up from his chair and kissed the top of your head, “And you’re better to hang out with compared to anyone else here.” On the other side of the room, Kunikida sighed, “That’s true.” Which caused Ranpo to crack a smile.
“Really?” You whispered, tears finally falling from your eyes.
“Yes, really. You can even call me dad if you want to.” Poe spoke up, and Ranpo called out a playful, “Hey! What about me?”
You continued to cry but a laugh escaped from your mouth, “You promise?” You asked, looking at both of them. Poe nodded and said yes and pulled you in for a hug. Ranpo bent over the desk to join the hug, squeezing you both tightly.
Poe glanced over to Ranpo, “You can be Pop, like soda pop, since you like that.”
The three of you laughed at the words and you squeezed the two as you whispered, “Thank you… Dad and Pop.”
Thank you for reading!
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luimagines · 3 months
Please feel free to ignore this, I wanted to say I'm currently rereading the masterlist of the Chain (individually and group scenarios part 1). As I got to the 3 parts of Kabedon and wonder, how's Four doing after the Reader/ Y/N confrontation? Would he tried to be reserved thinking he made Reader uncomfortable or will he tried to apologize to them (despite that he was geninuely was being honest and kind to Reader)
Sorry if this doesn't make any sense, not very good with my grammer when it comes to sentences.
I hope you're having a wonderful day/ week!
A perfectly valid question! :D
I just had to reread what I wrote since it's been so long.
Four would likely have to take a breather at first. But there was a lot to unpack in those seconds.
After he's caught his breath, he'd scramble after Reader. Not to do anything about it. But because he's being left behind. XD
Afterwards, (at least for the rest of the day) he would hesitate to talk to Reader because he would be too flustered to look them in the eye. Reader highlighting their casual strength against him and their size difference did something to his head that he's entire sure what to make of it.
That is until later after he's thought about what happened and considered their words and why they did it.
And then he figures out that what he considered innocent compliments and flirts startled you more and more until you complimented him back in a more... aggressive way.
So! Since that's a declaration of war, Four is going to double his efforts to flirt with Reader and try to weaken them down so they don't think about pulling that sort of stunt against him again.... Or maybe it's to get them to do it again.
He'll never tell. ;)
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avonne-writes · 1 year
Fun idea- Aegon, Aemond, and Helaena are aboard a ship with all of their cousins while their parents stay behind at Driftmark for a few days to sort out Laena's will. A storm shipwrecks them on an island way off course, where Old Valyrian magic disrupts the bond connection they have with their dragons. Since they are all alone of this island, they band together to survive until they are rescued 10 years later. We stan feral!Targaryen kids!! Especially wild Aemond, I like to picture him with frizzy hair and he would ofc be Luke's BFF ;-;
✨️Blue Lagoon lucemond! ✨️
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atrueneutral · 2 months
All this talk of alternative endings for HWBASK makes me wonder what Raphael's reaction would have been if Tav's answer to 'do you love me?' was somewhere more in the middle. Like, she is still bitter and/or angry for all the same reasons mentioned in previous asks and posts, but her response to Raphael's question is more resigned/wary and along the lines of "You have left me with nothing. You brought yourself misery just so you could watch me suffer, even when it didn't bring you the pleasure you craved. You even managed to break my heart twice. I can't trust that you won't break my heart a third time. I can't trust that you wouldn't do it on purpose, even of if it hurt you to do so. I can't afford to let myself love you."
TL;DR: What if Tav's answer to Raphael's 'do you love me?' question was more a "I'm trying hard not to love you, because you have already left me with nothing and I'm afraid of you somehow finding a way to leave me with even less if I give you the chance."
I think Tav’s mental state of going into the third act was “I’m trying hard to not love you” and needing to find the strength to bury that love (as Raphael had tried to do for himself).
If she admitted to the latter, that would be opportunity enough for Raphael to begin leveraging offers with her and, again, if she ended up denying them all (out of fear of her heart being broken or what have you), then the more she’s risking the Archdevil Supreme taking what he wants.
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