#( thanks for this ! )
tgcg · 1 year
It’s pride month
you know what that means
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2x1 | 6x3
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somewillwin · 2 years
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Kofi valentines event! 💘
@acre-of-wheat asked for jade finally pinning down kit lmao Sjjsjsjjs
The event ended don’t send more requests
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nekofra · 1 year
Wolfwood with Vash glasses
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Everyday I'm thinking of this. It's stuck on my mind
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littl3d0ll-art · 23 days
This is crazy for me to ask, but I just can’t shake the urge, crowngoat, we have to come full circle they have to kiss EVERYONE, kiss that crown!!!
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How do u kiss this fuckin thanhg
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semisolidmind · 7 months
I hope you know now that you have become a comfort blog for me simply because of all of the monster lover stuff. I adore you. Thank you!
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aaaaawww ty
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half-bakedboy · 6 months
Was going to bang out another prompt out tonight but @whollyjoly sent me a prompt that is making my brain go BRRRRR and will, in fact, be much longer than a ficlet 👀
When he sees Tommy leaning against his expensive truck that rivals Eddie’s mid-life crisis vehicle, he brings his hand to his chest to make sure his heart hasn’t actually stopped beating in his chest. Hen is checking him out, shining the bright light in his eyes, asking him questions as she goes. Buck knows the drill—ignored it more often than not—and Tommy’s probably been through it a hundred times, but something aches inside of him. It’s a part of him he didn’t even know existed, and it’s apparently reserved for seeing Tommy hurt.  He’s pushing Hen aside before she even realizes he’s there.
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icycoldninja · 6 months
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers 💙
Oh, a tag game, kinda? Sweet!
Aight, so five things I like about myself:
I'm a great problem solver. It's true, whenever there's a problem in my household, be it a really tight knot, malfunctioning app, or family argument, you bet I can figure out how to fix it.
I can cook, and I don't mean boxed macaroni. I like making all sorts of dishes, though my specialty is baking cookies.
I'm really good at writing. This speaks for itself and comes in handy almost every day of my life.
I learn fast, and pick up new skills quicker than anyone else I know. For example, I can learn complicated Just Dance routines in one week, maybe even a few days.
I can be savagely mean. I know most people will think that's a bad quality, but have you ever considered thinking about how that can help you against bullies or cheating boyfriends? Just roast their asses.
So I have to tag 10 of my favorite followers? OK, I tag: @altissia-09, @tiri5459, @verysmolspams, @stardustgalaxy, @everdreamtree, @sacredwarrior88, @xx-scenequeen-fangz-xx, @bitterlycursedstars, @motivationraiden, @ashieslashiee
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kaito-so-cute · 8 months
Good kaito english songs/covers: Rumor cover by okiku (nightscape cover by them is also cool )
strawberry has good english parts in it. Aioepi is entirely english, Patches (by circus-p AND nostraightanswer) and Addicted, Midnight showers, and even a cover of Shelter
(Kaito's English is really good, you guys are just mean. ) Scattered glass is a V3 one, Hp , Sky Dive, and Polaris (old). Also a very specific version of old radio (HIGHLY RECOMMEND) as well as Gravity Anything by Shinjo-p , Re:nG, Matsubi, Ash-P, Gobs, Mazo-p, Kotaro and Hzedge (sometimes known as crystal-p) is good (sometimes kidp makes collabs with them so check out their channel too )
Rainbow girl for hard rock and 118, Jet black, Game Over, and Kaito's cover of Strangers is also cool as hell. there is also traditional country ??? song thats good Alive and Ai yo ai yo go hand in hand. but were also going to put dream in a stocking too
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thelasthippie · 15 days
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blitzy-blitzwing · 1 year
You look like a very nerdy version of human Alastor.
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Dude, I was at work and snorted really loud. 🤣🤣
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cowpokeomens · 5 months
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saw this on twitter and thought of this page instantly!
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liesmultixxx · 2 months
hi how's it going?
hiii lol spent the whole day at work and i’m so exhausted because for some reason, I’m everyone’s favourite punching bag and I HATE IT
but anyways-
how are you?
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surrowndedbylights · 10 months
1 , 4 and 14 for the end of year ask game! 💕
1. Song of the year?
Never grow up by Niall Horan. I can't stop listening to it, probably my favourite in the album
4. Movie of the year?
I mean there's only one answer and it's aotv definitely. I have watched it like six times and I can't get tired of it. If we're talking about fiction though, it's either Oppenheimer or Saw X
14. Favourite book you read this year?
I didn't have that much time to read this year, but I'd say heartstopper
End of year asks
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shootingstarpilot · 6 months
For the WIP tag game: by our own hands or none? 👉👈🥺
Oh god okay I'm SO sorry, this is from far back- I'm backtracking through my inbox as we speak-
Something about by our own hands or none, you say?
We get to meet all the medics' batchmates!
Won't that be fun?
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sawtastic-sideblog · 10 months
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This is kind of unnerving. Idk why. Probably because this looks like a selfie he'd send on snapchat.
Mark watches as Amanda poses and takes a selfie on her phone.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking a selfie."
"Well, yeah, but why?"
"Adam snapped me."
"He did what?"
"He sent me a snap."
"That has made nothing clearer."
"Snapchat," Amanda says. She looks at Mark and sees the questioning look on his face. She sighs and gets up from the couch to walk over and sit on the arm of the recliner. "Look."
"It's your camera."
"I mean, yeah, but look down here. These are filters. You can put them over your pictures."
"Kinda like the voice filters we use for the tests?"
"Exactly. Adam sent me another snap."
Mark watches as she swipes over to her messages and taps the message. The image of a pouting Adam graces the screen. The caption "Larry says we can't get ice cream. This is bullshit. I'm gonna riot." Amanda laughs and double taps Adam's name. The camera comes back up. She scrolls through the filters and picks one.
"Okay, you're in this. Open your mouth when you see the ears," Amanda explains. Before Mark can protest, Amanda has the phone out in front of them. Amanda has a pair of brown ears with a dog nose on her face. Mark has a pair of white ears with black spots and a dog nose on his face. Mark opens his mouth to speak, but cuts himself off when he sees a tongue come out of his mouth. Amanda presses the shutter button and chuckles at Mark's confused expression. She taps the screen and types in "Teaching Hoffman how to use snap. Wish me luck. #boomer."
"What the hell?"
"I am not a boomer."
"Okay, whatever you say, Boomer."
"If anyone is a boomer, it's John."
"John is hip and cool. He wears backwards hats. He's an honorary member of Gen Z."
"You're not even Gen Z."
"Shut up. Anyway, you can have a bitmoji, add friends, see where they are on snap maps, and you can earn points."
"What do those do?"
"No clue, but you should make an account."
"Help me?"
Fifteen minutes later and Mark is receiving his first snap. It's from Adam. He's in the passenger seat of the car, angling the phone to where he and Lawrence are both in view. Both men are wearing sunglasses. Lawrence is looking ahead, driving as Adam gives the camera a pouty, kissy face. The caption reads "welcome to the snapiverse. Been trying to get Larry on for a while. Maybe now he will that you're here."
Mark goes to reply to Adam but slides to the left instead. He sees Adam's bitmoji pop up at the bottom of the screen.
"We can also text here if you want. I just like posing for the camera sometimes."
Before Mark can answer, Amanda snatches his phone.
"Hi, give me a minute."
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Making your bitmoji."
A few minutes later, Amanda is handing his phone back. She made the bitmoji look similar to Mark and she's also added him to a group chat with herself and Adam.
"Send your first snap in the chat. I'll be back in a minute," Amanda says leaving the room. Mark does as she said and sends a photo of him glaring into the camera. Adam responds first with a picture of him pulling his sunglasses down. He is looking over the top of the glasses. He is making another kissy face at the camera. The caption says, "Dude what the fuck? Pose or something."
Amanda's snap comes in. Mark opens it to find the top half of Amanda's heas in front of a white wall with a silver bar behind her head. Is she in the bathroom? Her eyebrows are in a questioning furrow and her eyes are concerned. Her caption reads "for real. Pose. Do ducks lips. Give a peace sign. Something."
Mark opens the camera. His lips poke out and he holds up two fingers and snaps a picture. He types out "like this?" And hits send.
*Adam has taken a screenshot*
*Amanda has taken a screenshot*
"OMG I cannot breathe. I am deceased!" Adam sends in the chat.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT MARK!?" Amanda questions.
"I tried okay?"
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