#( they fist fight in parking lots tldr )
bondedtrauma · 2 years
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send 👫 fo relationship headcanons mwah    /    accepting!
   @fckhacks​  asked  :   👫 you have to do it for both elli and aleks AND seki and aleks
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             ☆    elli stalks him on the lowkey. sucks up to milo to get info about what aleks is up to etc...... she’s constantly thinking about him and wondering what he’s doing, even if she isn’t texting or calling him!! she knows he has a tendency to get into nonsense so she’s gotta watch him.
            ☆     no matter what she says, she DEFINITELY had jealousy issues in high school when finding out that aleks and leo used to sleep together. it probs ate her alive. she went with the kill him with kindness route, and here they are. her skin still probs crawls if aleks brings up a “personal” memory with him tho
           ☆    for our cyberpunk verse, i think elli relies on aleks more than she’d ever like admit. esp after losing her arm!! offering aleks a job within the crew was a big step forward trust wise after the seki incident, but i don’t think elli doubted him with the company for a second. she’s a little more morally gray in that verse, but no doubt i could picture her killing someone for him....
           ☆    i think russ and elli have spoken about aleks more than he’s aware. she’s naturally very protective of her brother, and i imagine hearing a single negative word about mister money would make her PISSED!! she probably cyberstalked his dumbass and sent some nice warnings. the next day all of his social media disappeared for unknown reasons. ( def aleks )
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            ☆   seki got sober before aleks, and is easily able to tell when he’s high af ( all the time!!!!! ). i imagine that interacting with him can be triggering for her, but she tries cus she loves him. she looks to him as a reminder of why NOT to do the hard stuff.
           ☆    before properly meeting him, she HATED him, fullstop!!! he was a walking trigger for her and she wanted his ass OUT OF HER SCHOOL. it wasn’t until she actually attempted speaking with him that she started to get along with him. high school is already hard for a teenager, but i imagine it’s much more difficult for these two specifically. also he flirted with milo so she says he deserves the death penalty ( lovingly )
           ☆    regarding aleks’s sobriety, i bet there was at least a single time where seki tried to convince him to pony up and kick it, but we know where that led..... she 100% feels guilt for not helping him out of the hole he dug himself into earlier. while i doubt she was there the first time he used, she definitely could recognize when he was under the influence at school.
          ☆    THEY HAVE KISSED BEFORE. all besties have. seki probably told him he was faking being gay or some shit. if u ask her, it never happened.
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So, question J. Are you pretty much done writing for re8? I haven’t seen you upload anything for that fandom in awhile. If so, than I would like to formally say thank you, for the quality content you provided for us. Take care now :)
So this has been sitting in my inbox for a while now (don't remember exactly how long), partially because I wasn't sure about my answer, and partially because the way this message ends punched me in the feelings in the best possible way?
I don't even fully know how to explain it, honestly, but this is just really frickin sweet??? I love you for this
anyway, to answer your question: I do intend to go back and finish all of my ongoing RE8 stories (which is a fuck ton). Something I struggle with (as someone with real bad ADHD) is balancing my different interests. That often manifests with me only being able to "keep track" of a couple videogames at a time, even if there are a lot of games I REALLY enjoy within a short period of time. More importantly, my writing tends to follow whatever currently has my interest.
After HFW came out, that became my Major Focus for a bit, then I got sidetracked by other fixations (Arcane, for the most part), as well as the aspects of HFW that I didn't love
Then OOPS I got really into Fallout 76 for about a month or so, and right now I'm clutching Tiny Tina's Wonderlands in a death grip and using boss farming as a mindless activity to distract myself from recent (personal) events :)))
Except I don't, ya know, do any writing related to Wonderlands, and my other current fixation (Arcane, although it is starting to slip away from me, because I have perhaps strangled the life from it) brings with it the biggest fan project I've ever worked on.
I don't really know what I'm trying to say at this point. I guess the main thing is... I don't know when I'll get back to writing RE8 stuff. I also don't know when (read: if) my mental health will start curving back towards the ideal range, especially because so much is shifting in my overall life right now.
Trust me when I say that I REALLY, REALLY want to keep writing stuff, and that I honestly hate my lack of writing activity. I get it, I know why I'm having trouble getting anything done, but it does suck. And, well, there's not much I can do about that right now. Not directly, at least. Gotta help my family, gotta get my head right, gotta keep taking steps to ensure I can support myself.
Lastly, I just want to reiterate the fact that I think this message is a really sweet, respectful way to check in with me about my stories. I've been writing fanfic for around a decade now (not that my first ones were any good, obvs, and this blog hasn't been around for most of that time), and I've gotten tons of comments that are just "write more of this" or "when are you going to update?!?". Those, ya know, don't really motivate me. But this is polite, it expresses gratitude, and I really appreciate that.
TLDR: Yes, I will write more RE8 content. No, I don't know when. Sometimes life is a fist fight in a Denny's parking lot, but at least I've got people who will buy me a snowcone as condolences for when I get my ass kicked :D
Sincerely, -Jordan Van Daalen*
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saiibeo · 1 year
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[ planter's punch ] / @erthlyheavn cocktail quiz status: heavily accepting ! !
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how long does it take to befriend them?
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hooooooo this one do be a question. i usually ramble a TON about this because corvus can be rather difficult to read at times and can in general be hard to form a bond with depending on a number of things. (mostly speaking of their main verse. catch them in any other verses and it's actually not as hard funny enough.)
they tend to either click well with people or not at all. if someone vibes well with them and banters with them back and forth playfully without taking everything too seriously, they're actually more likely to get their foot in the door to have corvus to consider them a friend. friend doesn't always equal trust for them though, it takes a while for corvus to stop keeping tabs on them to ensure they won't outright betray or backstab them. in truth, genuine friendship from corvus doesn't come easily. it can be a long process sometimes. they'll act like a friend for a good while, but in truth there is subtle hints that they don't see that person as a friend yet. i could point back to the how they are about touch ask for this. if they see someone as friend they allow the other person to touch them and will likely even touch in subtle ways themself as an act of affection, but even if they're acting friendly that's the sure fire way to tell they don't actually see the person as a friend.
tldr: it tends to depend on the person and how that relationship starts, as well as whether or not their ideology of basic humanity lines up. it's not excessively hard in that regard seeing as corvus tends to be heavily morally grey. as for just how long in general it's hard to say and there's not really a straight answer for it because it fluctuates.
now, in their other verses it doesn't actually take as long. it's always the same that their trust doesn't come so easily, but they're not hard to be friends with. in that regard it doesn't take as much time because all it takes is waltzing up to them, initiating playful banter, and hanging around them for a period of time to let them get to know the person's character. after that they'd fight literally anything and everything for you.
you want them to fist fight a bioweapon in a denny's parking lot at 3 am? bet. it's not gonna be fun for either party, but bet.
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pastelchatterbox · 1 year
I’m scared of my dentist, not god
TLDR: My dentist scares me into brushing my teeth but I would fist fight Jesus just to prove a point. So I hate brushing with a fiery passion, mainly because of the bristles and everything is mint or tastes bad(I hate mint, too spicy). So, usually when I tell the hygienist that I don’t really brush my teeth a lot because I either forget(ADHD), can’t(Depression) or can’t(Sensory), and they give the whole “Do it as much as you can, whenever you can, blah blah blah” talk, and it doesn’t do shit for me, because in the end I’m still autistic and mentally ill. But, a few days ago when I went to get my teeth cleaned, I had a new lady this time, a lovely woman who was so sweet and calming and very kind about my anxiety, an absolute angel who fucking scared me straight. I told her about my sensory issues, and she was like “Oh I have a son with sensory issues, we had to go through so many toothbrushes and toothpastes, if you can’t do bristles, just use a rag, it’ll do the job.”. Other hygienists were just like “Clean your teeth :3″ and this woman was like “Sensory issues? Well shit, other options it is then.”. She was respectful of my boundaries, what I could and couldn’t do, and instead of just telling me to try again, she gave me another option, because she new that I couldn’t just try more. During all of this lovely help, she was scraping the SHIT out of my teeth, getting rid of all the plaque and checking for cavities, yada yada. The problem with this, is the plaque has eaten away at my teeth and made them sensitive, so half the time I was in great discomfort/pain. After it was over, she took a picture of my gums and showed it to me, telling me “That will soon become gingivitis if you don’t take better care of your teeth, and if you use fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash, you can buildup your teeth to get rid of the sensitivity.”  After all of that, I decided “Oh I can’t handle this getting worse, brushing regularly it is”, and today, I used mouthwash. Those of you who use it regularly, can imagine how someone who hates mint and has never used mouthwash before reacted to using it. For those of you who can’t imagine, it was simple- It felt like I poured hot sauce into my mouth and was swishing it around for 30 seconds. The whole time I was doing this, I was in pain and crying. A terrible experience... but, it was that or bad teeth, so I did it. I tell my brother this story, saying that I went through the mouthwash experience because scary sweet dentist, and he(an evangelical) asks me(a wiccan) why god never scared me straight(He was making a pun about me being gay but I was half asleep so I didn’t get it), and so this exchange happened- Me: *dentist story* Brother: I never thought scaring you straight would ever work, how didn’t god scare you straight? Me: I would fight Jesus in a Walmart parking lot for a single skittle. I hate skittles. Brother: ... You know that wouldn’t do anything, right? Me: Oh I would lose instantly, but it’s not about winning. It’s about the audacity. it’s about proving a point.
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starryy-night · 3 years
if there is any hill i will die on in, it’s talking about how misrepresented kaito momota is by the fanbase. please ask me about this I can go for hours
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notanathleteslungs · 5 years
The Dragon Prince and Siblings
As a little sister, I’m really happy, but probably have no special reason to be, with how many siblings are featured in the show.  They’re showing all aspects of siblings, not just Tumblr’s favorite--you know, the ‘I can beat on my sibling but if you do you go through the seven levels of hell’ relationships.  This got pretty long, so if you’re interested in how I see sibling dynamics in TDP, click the Read More.
TLDR; the sibling dynamics in The Dragon Prince are amazing and I’m living for them.
Thick-As-Thieves Siblings
I’ll organize this a bit more from the original rant.  The first pair we’ll go over is Amaya and Sarai.  Yes, we only saw one episode of interaction, but that one episode was enough for me to see parallels between Amaya and Sarai and me and my older sister.
Amaya and Sarai probably had Tumblr’s favorite dynamic as kids.  They seem close enough in age that they probably ran rampant around the house fighting.  They were probably like Sour Patch Kids to each other--throwing fists and insults one minute and the next they’re hugging and playing together like nothing ever happened.  This probably developed into an incredibly close relationship where they’re almost one person, able to read each other super well.  There are probably little to no barriers between the sisters, if the signed conversation between them is anything to go by in 2x06 and 2x07 with the Magma Titan.
This is the kind of relationship I have with my sister now.  We snipe and snap at each other, yes, but those snipes and snaps are outweighed by comfortable silences and cuddles on the couch.  We talk and we laugh and we quote movies at each other.  We talk about what books to read and what books to buy and what band we’re going to see live.  We are super close despite, or maybe because of, our fights when we were younger.
Holier-Than-Thou Older Sibling
Next we’ll tackle Janai and her sister, Queen Khessa.  Khessa seems to me to have a holier-than-thou attitude toward her little sister.  She seems to think that, because she is queen and Janai is a soldier, Khessa is better than Janai, like she’s on a higher level.  I get the feeling that Janai might be sick of this attitude, but she still loves her sister anyway.  The knee-jerk reaction to go fight Aaravos when he kills Khessa speaks to this undying love, along with her agonized wails when Amaya stops her.
This is another dynamic I’m familiar with.  When we were little, my sister went through this phase where she didn’t really want anything to do with me.  Younger than that, she would tell me to walk single file on the walk to school and insist that she walk in front of me.  My sister is four years older than me.  She knows a little of what it’s like to be an only child, but also can barely remember that.  There’s a bit of that only child feeling lingering in the back of her mind, but she is a sister, so that only child feeling translated to a holier-than-thou attitude when we were young.  But we still love each other so much we’d want to do something if the other got hurt or bullied or something.
I remember one day I came home from school and I just started bawling.  My sister grabbed my favorite stuffed animal and put on my favorite movie at the time, Zeus and Roxanne.  She did everything she could to get me to stop crying.  I remember another time where I just got my license.  I was a senior in high school and for some reason the car had to go to the shop.  We just got it back and I went to park the car so I could run in the pharmacy.  I ended up ramming the passenger headlight into a phone pole.  I called my mom, frantic, and said I just wrecked the car.  She comes and gets me, calls the car to be towed, and takes me home where my sister’s waiting.  I’m just on the edge of tears and my sister says, “I think I have something to cheer you up.  I never thought you’d one-up me,” talking about how she put the same car in the ditch on my grandparents’ road (and spawning a perpetual paranoia of driving with her on that road but that’s not the point).  I broke down and she didn’t let me go until my breathing steadied.  One last example is when my mom and sis were dropping me off for my first move-in weekend of college.  I’d never been so far away from home before for any extended length of time on my own without anyone I knew.  We walked up the hill (not so fondly nicknamed Cardiac) to the parking lot and I started crying on Mom and sister’s shoulders.  This time, they let me cry, but stayed there the whole time until they had to leave.
My sister may act better than me sometimes, but I know she loves me and I love her just as much.  If something happened to either of us, we’d act just like Janai.
We’re Not Close But I Still Love You So Much And Don’t Want To Hurt You
Soren and Claudia’s relationship is one I’m not as familiar with, but I still appreciate TDP showing because it’s a very real relationship that I can see in my roommate and her brother.
Soren and Claudia are not as close as Sarai and Amaya, or even Khessa and Janai.  They aren’t very alike in attitudes, senses of humor, or even interests.  Soren is a fighter, willing to protect what he loves with his fists.  That’s why he’s a soldier.  He also makes bad jokes that people get but no one appreciates.  He has an idea of right and wrong.  Claudia is not as strong.  You can tell she’s not a physical fighter.  She’s more intellectual, choosing to read books instead of play fighting dragons.  Dark magic is perfectly suited to this.  She is quirkier, not getting her brother’s jokes really at all and makes jokes that no one seems to understand.  Because of the dark magic, her idea of right and wrong are a little fuzzier.  You can tell that Viren has also played a part in Soren and Claudia’s relationship as he seems to favor Claudia over Soren.  He has more patience for Claudia, who practices dark magic like him, and less for Soren, who is more focused on physical appearance (mentioning he likes the workout from jogging up to high meeting places) and serving the king (asking what to do if he finds the princes alive).
It’s easy to see that these siblings aren’t as close in season 1; but season 2 does a lot to expand on their relationship, showing that although they may not be close, they do love each other a lot.  Claudia mentions in 2x08 or 2x09 that their mother gave her the choice of staying with Soren and Viren or leaving with her to go back to Del Bar.  She then takes back that choice at the obvious grief it’s putting Claudia through.  She takes back that choice because Claudia can’t bear to choose in her family.  In season 3, we see the clear differences between Soren and Claudia’s thinking.  Soren is a soldier, honor and duty bound to serve the king.  He also has a conscience and knows that what Viren is doing is wrong.  So he leaves.  Claudia sees him leave and wonders why.  She doesn’t see what Viren is doing as explicitly wrong; she’s a dark mage, she knows that dark magic can do things that would horrify others.  She still loves her father and is probably a little blinded to his darker side by that love.  So when Soren sees what his offer of leaving is doing to Claudia, he takes it back just like their mother.  They may not be as close as even Khessa and Janai, but he still doesn’t want to hurt his sister, and making her choose between him or Viren would hurt her.  This is a dynamic that is all too real along with hating your siblings or just feeling ambivalent toward them, and it’s one that I can appreciate TDP showing.
Pride and Protection
Callum has a fierce protective streak when it comes to his brother and he’s also super proud of him, probably for his maturity and also his abilities.
I actually had to look up the ages between Callum and Ezran because Callum acts like he’s so much older than Ezran.  Callum is only fourteen (and three quarters) and he is protective of his brother like Ezran is younger than ten years old.  This fierce protectiveness is something I’d expect from someone at least seven years older than their sibling.  However, it might have something to do with the fact that Callum is common-born while Ezran is born a prince.  Callum is more aware of his brother’s position than Ezran, so he knows that he needs to protect him.  Exhibit A: he claims to be Ezran when Rayla comes to assassinate him.  Callum knows that in the eyes of the kingdom, Ezran’s life is more valuable than his own, so when someone threaten’s Ezran’s life, it’s Callum’s job, as his older brother and as not-really-a-prince, to make sure Ezran grows up to be king.  Exhibit B: at some point, Ezran and Callum are separated and when they’re reunited, Callum asks if he’s okay and does a check similar to a parent looking over their kid for open wounds and broken bones.  This kind of care is something I’d expect from a large age gap, not less than five years.  My own sister (four years older) didn’t really act like this with me.  Now she might, but now when we were fifteen and eleven.  When we were eleven and fifteen, my sister would push me to the inside of the sidewalk so she was closer to the road.  She was self-sacrificing, yes, but not parental.
Callum is also extremely proud of his brother.  I think, despite the circumstances, he’s proud that Ezran was able to make the choice to go back to Katolis and take the throne, giving up on the exciting adventure of journeying across the continent into a different country to take care of their people.  This shows a maturity many ten year olds don’t have.  The fact that Ezran, at ten years old, was able to make this decision has to be a point of pride for Callum.  It may have been a joke, but in 3x08 when Ezran goes off with the dragon to find more reptilian backup, Callum says, “Look at my brother, all grown up and riding dragons.”  It probably was a joke, but you know he’s immensely proud of his brother and what he can do.  Ezran is willing to cross a tentative and tense peace and act together with magical creatures that could kill him in an instant to protect Xadia, Zym, and the dragon queen.  Again, for a ten year old, that is bravery beyond imagination.  Callum is almost bursting with pride for his brother.  My sister has told me, only once but that was enough, how proud, but also jealous, she is that I’m going off and getting my degree.  She didn’t bother getting a degree because she’s an animal groomer.  My cousin got her degree, two technically, in business management and culinary; however she stayed at home and went to a local school.  I’m a hundred and twenty-five miles away from home getting a degree in my passion.  My sister is jealous that I was technically the first to leave home but also proud of me for having the courage and determination to do that.  She has the same pride in me that Callum has in Ezran.
In Conclusion the sibling relationships in The Dragon Prince are something I have a huge admiration for in how they’re portrayed and how each one is a slightly different side of real siblings that I can relate to.  I can’t wait to see how this plays out in the future.
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myunknownsource · 5 years
Parental Alienation
 I am sure you're curious what this would bring you to. And I would love to get right to the point. TLDR at the bottom.
Ronee (candle-jacked) told you all a bunch of lies. The first one being that her ex had abandoned them in October. We had their son for Christmas 2 months after he supposedly abandoned them. We didn't even start dating until December.. And then she told you that he called her on new years eve to tell her they needed to break up even though they had been broken up for many many months at this point. Trust me he was extremely occupied new years eve. The only reason I can think she thought they were together was because at some point before we started dating his roomates girlfriend at the time was thinking about leaving and getting her own place and he wanted to see if Ronee would be open to the idea of him, her, their son, and his other roommate in getting a place. He only wanted to do that so it was easier for him to see his son. He ultimately changed his mind when he was skeptical of her getting a job and pulling her weight evenly, which had never really happened well in the past, the only time it did money was held over his head while he watched and took care of their son. Justin and I started dating at the beginning of December after dating for 2-3 weeks in November. We hit it off extremely well and seeing that we have been together for 4 years says a lot. I’m sure you all know and support someone who started their relationship extremely quickly and if you're ok with that it would be very hypocritical of you not to be ok with this. Which is exactly why I didn't quite understand why Ronee herself freaked out when her entire relationship with justin not only started while she still had a boyfriend but it became a sexual relationship before they were ever bf and gf. Not that I would ever care or judge something like that. I think the next lie we can talk about would be the “paramour”a lover, especially the illicit partner of a married person” shit. Justin and Ronee weren't married, they were not engaged, they weren't even dating.  Its just yet another spiteful name she felt the need to call me, alongside bashing my sexual history (which seems pretty anti feminist to me) as well as telling people I sold my body for money (i wouldn't have even been 18 so lets thank god thats not true) and that i frequently fist fought my mother and my brother, also not true you can literally ask them lol. I have an amazing relationship with my mother who i was actually just visiting in AL where they moved and my brother who just got back from fighting for your freedom just left my house like 2 hours ago. SO yeah. 
Another lie she told me herself when she was trying to get me to turn on Justin was that they were engaged when we started dating. Did she tell you guys about that or just me? Apparently because she didn't like traditional rings she didn't have one to prove it to me because he was designing one specifically for her.. Im sorry guys and no offence to justin but he doesn't care about stuff like that, its weird for him and I have come to accept that. Now on the other hand if she had told me that he asked her to design it I would have maybe believe her because thats more his style. She also told you guys his own family disowned him, that isnt even close to true. She even tried to say it was because I assaulted his sister? Whos was a minor at the time and still is now. SOO lets poke some holes in this story shall we? Justins mother and I are arguing about who knows what, I really cant remember and her daughter is behind her on the stairs (im in the basement with justin) the argument is getting heated and Donna (justins mother) decides to come about 15ft forward until there's about 3ft between us. (his sister is still on the stairs) but apparently mid argument I freak out and punch his sister? Whos 20ft away from me, past his mother? Maybe Ronee can clear that up for us. On top of that if I assaulted a minor that would have been an easy instant phone call to the police and I would have a very easy to find record in Missouri. Yet I dont. Because that didn't happen. Also why did we move back in with Donna when we had to abruptly move to missouri per instructions from our GAL (mareks lawyer from the courts) because otherwise Ronee would get the visitation she wanted which was supervised (though she had no evidence to be granted that) for 4 hours a few times a month. Despite the fact that we lived 4 hours away. Anyways, where were we? Ahh yes. Donna welcomed us into her home because at the time we were her chance at seeing their son (her grandson). I got a semi sincere apology from her for punching me in the face that night and we moved on from it, becasue im a good person. Ronee still says his family hates him but lets do a headcount. Justin, his brother, his mother and his sister, also 2 cousins. WHo doesnt like Donna? Justin, his brother, and his 2 cousins because they all also know what their parents told them about their shitty aunt. Even Ronee herself said she was a shitty mother and that Diane was there for justin more than his mom. 
Now its time for court. Ronees lawyer approached us. We found out that had we not shown up the judge would have granted what Ronee wanted (the 4 hours supervised a few times a month) which is funny because when justin called Diane (Ronees mother) she boasted how she wouldn't let Ronee take Marek away if justin couldn't make it and wouldn't let Ronee do the supervised visits because she knew he was a good dad. BULLSHIT lol. He also specifically asked us to not talk to her about what we wanted in the visitation plan because when we did she would call him crying about how she didnt want Justin apart of anything…. HE TOLD US HE DIDNT WANT TO DEAL WITH HER BS TOO! Eventually we hired a cheap lawyer who we were told wasn't the best but at this point her lawyer won't communicate with Justin even though he was representing himself and we needed someone who could file these documents when we couldn't. We had to explain to the GAL that justin hadn't seen his son in over a year and we had to show him the texts we had from a prepaid phone to Ronee where she REFUSED to let Justin talk to his son for unknown reason (jk we all know why) and he ordered that we get him that day and would start an every other weekend schedule until things got worked out with the courts. She sent her mother to bring hsia son that day and this woman has the audacity to tell Justin that this all could have been avoided. 
But I think one of the most important pieces of information I can give you is that Justin has tried to pay her support for the last 9mo-12mo after he had to quite the job where his money was being garnished. We have the venmo receipts after it took her 5 months to finally agree to accept payment from, then he was laid off for 3 months per his work contract which we also have on file and he sent her about ⅓ of what he was ordered to pay (he had no job and he sent her most of the spending money he got that I budgeted for each of us from my paychecks) about half way through his lay off he asked her something about how he thought it would be a good idea if she reported the CS payments every 6 months to the CS office. It would have been free but she was the only one who could do it. It wasn't even a demand but a suggestion that could have been talked about, we legitimately thought we had finally rounded a curve and we all could start co parenting together, but apparently he wasn't aloud to give her suggestions because she blocked him on venmo, went off on him on talking parents (the app she forced him into using despite the fact that shes in contempt of court for doing that) and specifically told him she would never report the money. We also have snips of that convo if you guys want it. Justin hasnt talked to his son in about 6 months. The few times he “has” it doesnt sound like a 9 yo and its demeaning things that Ronee herself has said in the past. About a month ago he got a call from Marek and was actually getting somewhere after he started to explain things to him. He even told his son about how in June he was parked in front of his house to get him for his 2 week summer vacation and Ronee hadnt let him get him and his son told him in a very said voice that he never knew that. Then the line went dead. Ronee texted from his sons phone saying this isn't the time to talk about that and hes been blocked ever since. 
TLDR; Ronee Halsey (candle-jacked) is abusing her power as a co parent with my fiance and abusing their child through parental abuse. 
P.S. I know I will receive backlash from her closest friends who think they know the story and thats ok because I cant sit here for one more minute while she gets away with this(I will block you though). I would be more than happy to supply everyone with any and all evidence I have. 
P.P.S OMG I almost forgot the worst part. Ronee decided one day she was going to accuse Justin of abusing their son. I knew it was going to end up happening (i grew up with a dad who had a high conflict ex wife) so every single time we picked up and dropped off their son i would discretely ask him to pose for pictures either by himself or with me or his dad. Not even Justin knew I was doing this but thank the lord I did. Because Ronee Halsey crossed that line you should never cross and accused someone of actual physical child abuse. But because shes a mother in the state of MO nothing came of it. Despite the pictures I sent to her lawyer and the GAL he supposedly met with their son and he came to the conclusion that he did infact have a black eye and busted lip but he got it while wrestling his dad. DESPITE THE FACT THAT MY PICTURES OF HIM WITHIN MINUTES OF GETTING IN AND OUT OF M Y CAR FOR THAT WEEKEND SHOWED HE DIDNT HAVE A SINGLE MARK ON HIM. The saddest part is that when I recorded the conversation Justin had with Marek the next weekend he told Justin that he never saw or felt pain from them, he said his mother told him they weren't the kind he could see. I will gladly send snips from those emails to you guys. 
@chewybitart @notlemha @karygurl @sushichan24 @eagleoverlord @thementalwayfarer @angelsdoexist @saltwaterhermit @candle-jacked
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glamdamnit · 6 years
Today, my sister, my nephew, and myself, were rear ended so hard, by some meth-adled redneck (in a 25mph zone mind you), that the impact unhooked my bra. And this is not a cheap walmart bra. This is a 70$ industrial quality lane bryant fat girl lard harness set up. He hit us so hard that my seat reclined without me. He hit us so hard that the skin of my back rubbed off onto the passenger seat of the car. In a 25mph zone. TLDR: I am drunk and ready to fist fight someone in a parking lot. Someone fucking come at me. ps the kid is alright.
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kingslight-blog1 · 7 years
No Parallels
So I’m doing a multi chapter fill for a prompt on the ffxv kink meme and I was told I should put it up here too so. (I don’t have an a03 account yet but eventually I’m waiting for my invite.)
Clarus/Regis, Gay Married w/Kids Domestic AU ahoy. tldr; gimme all of the gay dad domestic fluff where nobody has crippling responsibilities and nobody dies.
                                             This is happiness, to be everything at once.                                   Be unblinded, be unlearned, be unbridled and unburned.
“So, what you are saying Mr. Matthews is that, from the top.”
Clarus cleared his throat, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger as his phone buzzed audibly in his pocket with the chime of his husband.
“Sorry-one moment.” 
Clarus reached into his coat pocket, quickly glancing at the message as the door behind them opened in a flurry. It had been Regis saying he was in the parking lot—but it appeared the message wasn't needed in the first place.
“S-Sorry, sorry I'm late.” Regis slumped against the door frame, face flushed, suit crumpled from the obvious rush he'd just given himself sprinting from the car park to the headmaster's office. The shadow of Noctis could be seen behind him, sitting on the chair closest to the door—he'd swapped with Iris—Clarus suspected they were trying to eavesdrop.
“The meeting ran over and I couldn't get out and-and..” Regis' gaze went between his husband and the man behind the desk several times and he straightened, cleared his throat and shut the door behind him. Suddenly he felt like he was a kid again and getting in trouble for fighting. 
“Ah, nice of you to join us Mr. Caelum-Amiticia, please if you will have a seat your husband and I were just about to go over what happened.”
Yeah, definitely felt like he was a kid again and in trouble.  Slumping down in the seat next to Clarus Regis idly rested his hand on his husband's knee and flashed a little smile when Clarus placed his hand atop his own.
“Now, fighting in class is something we as a school take very seriously. And we take it even more seriously when it begins to involve other students.” Mr. Matthews gestured towards the door with an arc of his arm. “You may have noticed several other students sat outside my office because of the chaos that your children caused and I expect this to be dealt with accordingly otherwise it will result in suspension.”
Clarus' grip tightened slightly, twitching against Regis' hand enough that it caused the other man to look over with a look of brief concern. He knew Clarus was angry, especially from the flurry of texts that he'd received this morning after his class had been disturbed by the school calling to say that not only Noctis but Gladiolus and Iris had been hauled into the office for fighting.
Regis hadn't gotten much of a look of their kids as he'd passed, but he'd spotted the first mottling of purple against Noctis' jawline and Gladio was still looking pretty pleased with himself and he'd yet to ascertain why.
Hand raised to interrupt the teacher before he could even begin to speak again “Can we back up a little please, why exactly were our kids fighting in the first place?”
Mr. Matthews shifted uncomfortable in his chair, fingers lacing together as he couldn't quite meet Regis' gaze.
“They were fighting because someone insulted us.” Clarus spoke up for the teacher, jaw clenching slightly and making that soft cracking noise it always did when it slipped from one side to the other. Clarus was often calm before the storm, definitely the stricter of the two but it came from many years of teaching martial arts.
“Us..?” Regis repeated, recognition flickering across his features after a few moments. “Ah. I see. Well, we will talk to our children, but you need to talk to either your staff or the other children that were involved.” Regis stood up, fingers pressing into the oak wood of the desk as he leaned over a little. Regis had been a businessman for many years, he knew how to play the intimidation game with someone trying to big themselves up. 
“Considering my husband and I have given funding to this establishment I would hate for something to happen to the next check that has my name on it.”
Mr. Matthews had turned a soft shade of pink, stuttering over his words even as Regis leaned back and gave him a firm little nod as Clarus rose beside him. How Regis had that ability to just walk into a meeting and shut someone down made a smile grace his features and Clarus brushed his arm against Regis' as they made to leave.
“Meeting adjourned.”
Regis was first to leave the room, glancing at the tangled mess of their children and friends as they had all tried to scramble away from the door as Regis had approached. As soon as Regis had turned his back to the teacher he couldn't quite hide the quirk of a smile on his face. Clarus was doing a better job looking annoyed, lips pulled downward into a scowl that only spoke of grounding but there was a glint in his eye that Regis could see was the swell of pride that he had for their family.
“Gladiolus, Noctis, Iris.” Clarus began, head dipped and shoulders heaved with a heavy sigh. “ We will discuss this when we get home. Ignis, Prompto.” A pause, a knowing look was shared between the two husbands.
“Would you like to come to dinner tonight?”
The car ride home was surprisingly silent at first—Clarus had walked to the school knowing that Regis would bring his car from the office and rather than split everyone up if they brought two cars it was easier just for them to bundle into the bigger of the two cars. He liked the walk regardless, even if the air was just starting to get crisp with the first notes of autumn.
The radio chimed along lightly, some pop tune that Regis was humming along to and drumming his thumbs against the wheel
Gladio currently had Noctis' jaw in his hand, prodding the bruise that had made a home there on his face. 
“Ow-Ow Gladio quit it.” Noctis batted his hand away, shrugging his shoulders and huffing as Gladio let out a chuckle and stretched out a little with a satisfying pop from his shoulder. 
“Man, he got you good, whatever happened to keeping your guard up? Are you even paying attention in dad's classes?” 
“Fuck off—”
“—Language.” Both the parents chided at the same time and Clarus looked around just as Noctis was fishing a couple of notes out to put in the swear jar when they got home and they were passed into Clarus' waiting hand.
“So.” Regis began as he hit a red light and glanced around at the three of them. 
“Are we going to talk about what happened? You know we are going to have to punish you right?”
“The kid was being an arse!” Noctis blurted out, already shoving another note into Clarus' palm. 
Iris made a noise of agreement, face screwing up as she blurted out after Noctis.
“He deserved it the teachers did nothing while they insulted you. It's not the first time either. How can we just sit there while he trash talks our family like that?”
Regis sighed softly and he side glanced Clarus when he heard him mutter something under his breath and add a few more notes to the swear jar pile.
“Alright, I understand that you are upset, but going in fists swinging is a way to get yourselves suspended, not just you but your friends.”
“It's not just yourselves your actions reflect upon.” Clarus concurred, nudging Regis to keep his eyes on the road instead of looking in the rear view at the kids.
“And thus, we have to make sure you understand that. You're all grounded for a week.”
The backseat suddenly broke out into a chorus of noise enough for Regis to slam his hand on the horn of the car for half a second to silence them and then awkwardly wave to the driver in front of him as if to say sorry about that that wasn't directed at you.
“Do not make us extend it to two. You can still have your friends over, but no going out to the arcade, no video games, no phones past 9pm and you need to do your list of assigned duties.” 
Discontent murmured from the three of them but there was some form of agreement—it was not the harshest punishment they could live with this for a week.
“But-” Regis began, getting a second nudge from his husband to keep his eyes on the road. “That can start tomorrow. Tonight, we're going to sit down and have a family evening. Noctis is going to get a bag of peas for that shiner on his face—”Noctis kicked the drivers seat “—Excuse me your highness but it's the truth, you don't want that bruise swelling anymore.”
“Yeah,” Chimed Gladio. “Wouldn't want to look a mess for your date.”
Luckily they had just pulled up to the house because their was a collective exclamation of date by Regis, Clarus and Iris—the latter suddenly couldn't wait to get out the car. Well actually all three of Iris, Noctis and Gladio couldn't wait to get out the car and soon as it was parked they were off, Gladio laughing loudly as Noctis chased him and threatened profanities that would end up in the swear jar later and Iris merely disappeared into the house.
Regis sighed, leaning against the drivers side door as he watched the chaos unfold before he moved over to his husband.
“Kids.” Regis chimed with a soft smile.
Clarus exhaled sharply, irritation still writ upon his features but it softened considerably as Regis leaned in to press their foreheads together.
“Courage, dear heart.” Regis murmured to his husband as fingers laced together and Clarus leaned to give Regis a slow kiss and the pair merely stood in the driveway for a few minutes indulging each other with little smooches and touches of affection.
“They may outnumber us but we're the lords of this castle.” 
Clarus finally cracked a little bit of a smile at Regis' words and he brushed his nose against Regis' own in a little we should go motion.
They walked hand in hand towards the house, making idle small talk.
“How was the meeting?”
“Abysmal..” Regis' shoulders rolled with a sigh and a little shake of his head. “But it is nothing that we cannot overcome. Just our rivals being a little pushy but it matters not.”
Noctis had left the door open as he'd rushed in, and Regis could hear his voice shouting for Gladio to open the damned door to the room they shared—rather than have separate bedrooms the pair had decided to sleep in the same room and turn what would've been Noctis' room into a games room instead.
They'd shared a room together when they were younger when Clarus and Regis had first got married, they'd bickered so much that the pair had thought maybe putting them in the same room for a while might solve it.
...For a while it didn't even do that.
But then there had been an incident with Noctis and Iris at school and suddenly the tensions in the house had dissipated and the pair had simply roomed together ever since.
Their house was modest enough despite their wealth Regis had wanted something a little more cozy compared to the mansions of his youth—he thought it was better to bring kids up in an environment where you wasn't several rooms away from your kids at all times.
Clarus had agreed, and they had picked out a nice little house with enough space for them all to grow as a family all those years ago.
The house was well lived in now, probably needed a bit of work done to it but the pair were often too busy to sit down and plan just what they wanted to do with it. 
Regis said he'd take a week out of his schedule next month for it—Clarus was looking forward to it.
Clarus made his way to the coffee machine after tossing the crumpled ball of notes in the mason jar labeled ' swear jar' and decorated by Iris. Regis dumped his car keys in the bowl on the table and lifted his hip to lean against the side of the island counter, watching Clarus as he pottered about making them a drink.
“So.” Regis began, wincing a little as he heard the thump of the door as Noctis slammed it. “Noctis on a date.”
“Well, if he lives to see it, the way Gladio and him are arguing I have my doubts.” Clarus retorted dryly as he handed Regis a coffee. They both sipped in silence for a moment, listening to see if world war three was going to break out above them. When there was sweet sweet silence they exhaled in tandem and Clarus moved across to the freezer, grabbing a bag of frozen peas and wrapping it in a tea towel.
“I'm going to take this up to Noct, check him over, check Gladio over.” He paused, head tilting towards the cupboard and the tub of hot chocolate mixture that Regis knew he was gesturing to.
“I'll go speak to Iris.” Regis affirmed.
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