#Boost this
yugiohdilf · 2 days
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sorry but ;; could anyone help me with getting groceries? i still need to cover debit since my parents borrowed money from me. i've been sitting broke for some time so yeah.. i need like 50/60$ to get everything i need? my paураl is [email protected] but please ask me about my comms! currently i can do chibis like this for 10$ ! example i just finished drawing today
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cordyceptic · 4 months
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PLEASE help. My mother called me in hysterics a few days ago because her cat wont eat or sleep. She was just barely able to afford to take him to the vet for antibiotics but she can't afford further tests or treatments for him. She has been sick and heartbroken for days and I am so badly worried for her. Please donate or boost this if you can, I am getting desperate here.
their gofundme is here
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reeseplayscc · 1 year
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Sophias Sleeve Tattoo
100% By Me
Custom Thumbnail
Disallowed For Random
10 swatches
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imqueerandadeer · 2 months
I already said this under a reblog but I wanna make my own post.
Kosa is the Kids online saftey act and would allow the government to monitor what kids would see online, to qoute "prevent and mitigate mental health disorders"
This bill would raise the legal age your allowed to be on any social site from 13 to 17 and would remove and hide content that exacerbates "self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, and substance use disorders." this would hide social media post educating teens and adults about these things, it would also make it almost impossible for adults and kids alike to acess health info on the internet.
The bill would also put in place a age verification system that would take peoples data to verify they're age and be stored in a huge database.Kosa allows congress to decide on whats appropriate for teens to see, meaning this will lead to mass censorship of any topic not deemed appropriate by our lovely senators!! /s
Lets be real here the first topic they'd want to ban is any and all LGBTQIA+ topics.
This is not about the kids and this has never been about the kids, this is just another thinly veiled excuse for the government to try and have complete control over the youth, and to silence LGBTQIA+ voices.
Although I belive the duty of care part of the bill has been amended so that the state attorney general can enforce the other parts of the bill but not the duty of care bit. (correct me If I'm wrong)
I like many other people would be run off this platform and every other platform for that matter for 4 years.
What we need to do right now is to lobby and we need to make our voices heard.
If any info here is wrong, please, please correct me, I will not take offense, I don't want to spread misinformation
IMPORTANT THING I FORGOT TO MENTION: Even if Kosa passes through the senate it still has to go through the house and I think it has more opposition there
Source one
Source two
Read the Kosa Bill Here
Helpful links:
Bad internet bills
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lesbiandardevil · 3 months
good morning can we get @siraj2024 's gfm at 1000$ today 😔🙏 it's currently at 968$ and still very far from his goal of 82,000$ please share and donate what you can ‼️
(this is a verified gfm!!!)
can we also try to get a matching train going?? reblog with a screenshot of your donation if/when you donate ‼️
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sailor-moon-rei · 1 year
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Hey!😉 thank you for supporting the cats and helping me!
posting some pics, look how cute they are! 😺
by the way, it's easier for me, but chronic back pain periodically bothers me
however, despite them, I still feed the cats
is it possible otherwise? thanks again everyone if you are able, you can help us here
or just share the post
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sweetbearbakery · 2 months
For my stoner!geto x Insecure reader post. I have created a Google form. The first poll is here if you want to decide the format.
The form is to contribute some ideas and help with the format and plot of the story. Go all out with your answers, I don't mind.
♡ Feel free to reblog/repost ♡
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shontaaaye · 1 year
PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO LISTEN AND SHARE THIS STORY 🙏🏾. This is the story of my mother Debrah Daniels who has been held in jail in riverside county since March 2023 for aiding and protecting her grandchild (which is my niece) from two girls that attacked her at her job and even sliced her arm with a pocket knife. Those two women have been walking around free with no repercussions for what they’ve done while my mother has been in jail for 4 months. They are trying to OVERCHARGE my mother with 1st degree attempted murder among other charges and stick her with a life sentence. My mother has been underrepresented by a public defender who did not fight for her during the pre trail and now that we were finally able to provide her with a lawyer her fate is in the hands of the jury now. She has not received ANY support from her family except for me and my older sister, our family has turned their backs on us and has not contributed anything to help, they don’t even ask how’s she’s doing. Our last hope is to rely on the kindness and support from strangers to help spread awareness of my mothers story and put pressure on the courts for their injustice. This is our last hope in bringing my mother home.
If you would like to support and share this story please check out the social media pages we have created and use the hashtag #justice4debrahdaniels. Please follow, like, comment, and share the videos detailing the case to help bring this story to light. Please help us bring my mom home.
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Twitter: @justice4debrah
Instagram: justice4debrahdaniels
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ro-hunt · 1 year
Been a minute since I posted on my tumblr but, this is a better time than ever; I have a few announcements.
First, I’ve just recently started my transition and am now, she/they. 🏳️‍⚧️✨
Second, Me and my partner started a gofundme in order help fund our escape from the south. We’re currently living in one of the more conservative and anti-bipoc/anti-trans part of the southern US and need assistance fleeing. Outside of how dangerous it is for us and the violence we’re facing, it’s also been very isolating living here as we have lost contact with our family..
We are moving to the PNW where we can have better gender affirming health care, more equitable healthcare in general and be in/find a new community. Hopefully one where a newly transitioned, black trans fem (myself) would be less likely to experience acts of violence and fatal hate crimes simply for existing.
We have to vacate where we currently live on Sept 28th so please help us crowdfund.
Every every donation and every bit of interaction to this posts counts!
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silly4goose20 · 17 days
Hey guys!! I prommy I'm working on Wilford [the drawing is done, but his lore is still cooking] but I have to raise awareness of something important to me.
One of my friends is in debt. 800 dollars to be exact and he and his mother need money desperately.
All I'm asking is to either donate to his cash app: $kazphobic , where if you donate any amount of money, he will draw something for you.
If you can't donate, please just b00st this post. Reblog, like it, share it. Please.
Any amount helps.
Love you guys 💘
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placentafluid · 1 year
I’ve been working away on a really cool animated project, SNOW DAY ( @snowdayshort on instagram)
(. https://igg.me/at/snowdaytheshort )
The main character is a Filipina-Jewish girl, freshly moved across the country. The theme trying to find familiarity in a foreign environment, while being told in a lighthearted way, is super important to me!
We’ve got some amazing voice actors, and artists, from all over the country, who you may Recognize:
-The Voice of Naruto, from the anime, Maile Flanagan
-The Voice of Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe, Jennifer Paz
-The Voice of Peridot from Steven Universe, Shelby Rabara
-The talent behind Jafar, from both the 1992 Aladdin film, and on Broadway, Jonathan Freeman
…And more!
You can check it out in the link above!!
There’s lots of PRIZES, my favorite is an animatic of our main characters favorite tv show SPIDERBURGER, made by yours truly, uhm. ME! There’s also handmade plushies and chances to be animated in snow day, posters and more! So when you support this project, (and my artistic career)  you get something out of it!
After backing, please share to 15 contacts, and on social media, be sure to tag us! https://instagram.com/snowdaytheshort
I ran the math, and if each of my mutuals, in addition to my artistic teams mutuals, get 15 new people to donate at least $10 each, we’ll hit our goal!
It will only take about 10 minutes out of your day, unless you have a difficult time deciding between all the awesome perks…
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reeseplayscc · 2 years
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Holiday Dragun Tattoo
100% By Me
Custom Thumbnail
Disallowed For Random
9 swatches
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mintedwitcher · 9 months
I've seen a lot of division and even some controversy surrounding the DW universe's extended media, so I thought I'd just ask this here.
I'm curious to see the fandom response here, so please boost this as far as possible for a bigger sample size.
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sleepysnk · 2 years
hi everyone, i’m very angry and annoyed as i’m typing this right now. it’s recently come to my attention from @zoro-kun that someone has stolen and copied one of my works WORD FOR WORD.
a user by the name of @avaricious-hoe has stolen my work and has posted it by using a different pairing. not only is it clearly mine, it is copied WORD FOR WORD. i gave them zero permission to copy it and i don’t even know who the hell they are. i’m asking all of you to please report this account as i’ve been informed this has not been the first time that they have stolen someone else’s content. please, be fucking creative and actually make your own content instead of STEALING from other people, thanks.
the stolen fic:
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screenshots from MY work which was originally a pain fic:
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also including a date in case:
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i am absolutely disgusted and irritated that this has happened to me. as you can see, it’s clearly copied. i also want to warn anyone who is a one piece writer that you should be wary of this person. PLEASE BLOCK AND REPORT THANK YOU!!
the fic has been taken down and deleted. thank you to everyone who helped out and boosted my post!
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kassa-stardust · 2 years
everyone please for the love of God spread the word about Andor. Like is is the best Star Wars show yet and no one is fucking talking about it. It grim, it’s dark and it demonstrates the fact that Star Wars is about war and in war there is loss and it’s just so realistic and such a work of art and I am in AGONY that people aren’t talking about it and aren’t watching it just because there are no force users in it. Spread the word, reblog a post, post about it TALK ABOUT IT
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beesneeds · 6 months
did I eat or did she?
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I love this woman
reposts are appreciated :3
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